DI_EDIC4L, CONSTITUTION LIFE syßur, OOXPOSED OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALUABLE DTEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS, PREPAILED BY WM. H. (*.HEIGH, M. D., Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., for mercy Assistant Physician SlackwelPs Island Hos pitals, late Medical Inclieetor New York. State Volunteer Depots, under Gov. Edward D. Morgan. CONSTITUTION LIFE ST'EUP A REVOLUTION . IN MEATIER. What may seem almost Incredible, Is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully Invite the investigations of the liberal minded and scien tific to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any disease is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful and pbsti nate di...cr . % those who have vainly sought relief from advertised Medicines, those who cannot be cured by other physicians— ARE INCITED TO USE CONTTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended with ob- stacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any Reformers. RAPIDITY OF CPR& Some say, "Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, and think that disease can Only be cured by the "slow recuperative process-of Nature." This is our reply: In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium. But when from any cause down pee one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, A pocitive and specific remedy for all diseases originating from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT TO CHILD. PARALYSIS. fiemiplegla. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agnew. It is so universally admitted thatConstltution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration In the .various forma of Paralysis, that we need 'not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. DYSPEPSIA Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. Flatulence. Bad Breath. SCROFULA Gliuldular swellings. MEM King's EviL Erysipelas. Salt Rheum This taint (HEREDITARY and ACQUIRED,) filling, life with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies incurable. REIBUMATISO. • (Arthritis] Neuralgia . '.4OUt. Lumbago. Sciatica- - , Tic Doulouraux. If there is auy disease in which the Constitution. Life lyrup is a sovereign, it is in Itheuniatista and its kindred affections The most intentia pains aro almost InStantly allevlated—enormous swellings are reduced: Cases, chronic or vicarious, of 20 or 30 years' "ruling, have been cured by us NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered NerTes. St. Vitus' Dance. Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footsteps to a Rope which fulfils more than it promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES. - Salivation. Rotting of Bones. Bad Complexion. Aches in. Bones. Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the system en- ttrely from all the evil effects of bfercury, removing the Bail Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. .dt hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the 'Teeth as firmly ILO aver. - CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, Root and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficul ties of this kind, which so mush disfigure the outward ap pearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS, • Either of the face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken us soon as the swelling is detected. thus preyenting their breaking, and producing the tronblesome Discharg. lag Sores, which disfigure so many of the younger por tion of the community, from six to twenty years of age. Youngehildren are very subject to Discharges from the Ears, which depends upon a scrofulous constitution.— These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup. • Allsernfnlnno frnm stnnaral Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen, and In the female, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb: gen erally_ accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Cqnstitution Life Syrup. The disease known as - Doitre 'or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is, - exceedingly chronio and Stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Turners of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body will ho completely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of any kind. Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of.the Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a grating or filing sound, Dropsy of the Heart Capp, and all the affections of this important organ, (persons suffering from any acute pain in the region of the heart,) will be greatly relieved by Constitution Life Syrup. BROKEN-DOWN DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS Suffering tom indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness of Vition., Dry, lint Skin and Ex tremities, - WanV of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Haggard Countenance and Lassitude of the Muscular System; all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, = Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its cloud. MOTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon. a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion, and remove the de posit which is directly under the skin. If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or all ulcerated or can cerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be relieved by the use cf CONSTITUTION'LIFE SYRUP. ARrAN A GENERAL BLOOD-PURIFYING ...lORNT, THR ISFR SYRUP STANDS UNRIVALLED RY ANY PREYARA TION IH THS WORLD. Diseases of the Spine, as usually developed in the youngl Hip Disease, Neuralgia, and. all Nervous Diseases, and: La dies who are suffering from Diseases for which they are at a loss what to do, we would advise the use of CONSTI TUTION LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid coun tenance, strengthen their weak back and side, give, them new energy, new Me and happiness. THE RICH AND POOR " Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and 'science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PUB& BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; and If the constitution Is neglected in youth, disease and early death Is the re sult.. Do not delay when the meansure so near at hand, anifwithin the reach of all. TO MOTHERS AED MARRIED LADIES. It Is the safest and most effectual medicine ever discov ered for purifying the system, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents pain and disease, and in creases and enriches the food—those who have used it think it Indispensable. It is 1410 useful both before and after confinement, as it prevents disease attendant upon childbirth. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND THE RICH MAN'S BLEaING! BUY IT, TAKE IT, AND BE CURED. IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECTS. WM. H. GREGG, M. D., BOLE PROPRIETOR, NEW TORT_ Laboratory, Broal" L. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE; SI% BOTTLES FOR $5 .Se-Sent by express to AR parts of the countril MORGAN & ALLEN, Wholegal° DrugGENTsgists, , 46 Cliff street, New York. jau2B•eodawam BOLD BY JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, psarADEranns, p.#4,71 ; KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg,,Pa. AND ALL DRUGGIST'S; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEGRAPH Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT; THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRLSBURG,PL AAVIN - G recently added to our Jobbing Department a large amount of new type, several new fast steam presses of the Most Improved machinery, and other material, we are now prepared to execute at short notice and in the most approved style, ALL K,DIiDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, LEITER SHEET RBADINOS, CIRCULARS, BILL READS BLIBISIES 'CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTE R% In one MAM or more colors, 'MOCtdria ' ' ' BILLS , OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES LEGAL BeaNK JOB WORK OP. 4.LL DESORIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly. marlo-dawtt , A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Maker, No. a Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES &3-m, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE, PLACED WARE, TEA SERVICES, • AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY Has constantly on hand a well selected , and elegantly assorted stock of FINE WATCHES • citA.rtzs, RINGS AND SETS. FINE SILVER WARM. AMERICAN; ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Conotipation Want of Appetite. Both in Gold and Silver Cases. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHE.S. Constantly on hand Ulceration. A LARGE VARERTY OF ci.cect4, Of all desoriptioni; all of which ; will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. for Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of ftne Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A. P. ZIMIERSIAN, mar2B] No. 52 Market street, adjoining Brant's Hall. MASTIC CEMENT MANUFACTURE* . TagerrS33-CTEruG-, TS PREPARED to furnish and'oOat the es terior Of Buildings with' the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This Material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per pro_portions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adbusiVeness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beau- SAS, fine water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among Others for whom I have applied the Mastic Co meat, I refer to the following gentlemen: T. 181ssoll, - residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. M'Cord, " J. H. Shoenberger residence , Lawrenceville. A. Hooveler, James M'Candless, " Allegheny oily. Calvin Adams," Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, • William Vohel, Girard House, tt Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. Jones, lt rime address T. 'WATSON, P. 0. Box 1306, Pittsburg, Pu., feblB-d6m or, Penna. House, Harrisporg, Pa. PHOTOGRAPH ALIIUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT - Plioto.gra,ph :A.l"bu.nxs. 1101POITND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, _ILA gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. 80 Picturos for • • . 1/3 00 40t:u a 360 . 400 together with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be mold cheap, Soldiar,s you cannot buy a prettier, More durable and cheaper album anywhere. • Call and ace at ' SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf 'Harrisburg, Ps. '"TILERE IS NO SUCH WORD A 9, FAIL." TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. This preparation la Particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on us, he best mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large class of diseases of both sexes; to which • they are, applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by its concentration, the dose is much reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP 'CUBEBS AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else,. as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under similar names, are in the market. Price $1 00. Sent by, express en receipt of price. Manufac tured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for stria Druggues generally. oct22-dly For sale by S. A. KUNKLE & 11110. and by Draggista generally. AN ASSORTMENT OF `OVER 10 0 STYLES OF POCKET BOOKS, PURSES kND PORTMO - NNA.IUS FOR LADIES - AND GENTLEMEN, AT • • KEL . I4: EPOS Drug . and F a ncy. Goods Store, :91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAYELINO. BATCH ELS, And a general - -variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on band at K_KI,LEIPS Drug Store, xnarlo-tf - No. 91 Market street. SILAS WARD, DEALER IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, VIOLINS; Flutes, Guitars; Banjos, Strings,- Drums, Fifes, and all kladfrof Musical Merehaurfira.. Picture Frames, Looking Glasses; Phifitogiaph Cards and Albums, Ambrotype Gems, Engravings, Pittures, &c. Remember the place No. 12 Third' street, the larger lifusio Store this side of tire.great cities. jan2Bdtf IMPORTANT TO ALL.-It will restore the sick to health; the inteinperate to temperance. The Rhubarb Wine 'will do it all. Don't think the reading of the advertisement will do,• we don't claim that. But if you will go to O. K. KELLER'S Drug Store and get some of the Wine and 'examine it for yourself, it will sot you right; I will warrant yon on that. Orders 'for. !wine and wine plants taken and filled by our authorized agent, C. KBLLER, No. 91Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. For full.particulars apply to or:address the above. • ...JAMES R. LAMENT, , Milford, Pike county, Pa, re•LarT2-dtf Wholesale Dealer In Wine Plants. Holasti oithastGEs, just received at no2o SHISLER & FRAZER & (sucaseors . to Wm,-Dack & .) CIROSSB 455 BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH vy FICKLER, a rare article for table use, just, received and for sale by • ' satsLER & FRAZEIC, febl (successors to Wm. Dockdr., & co.) . APPLES !" APPLES I 1-150 bbls. of Yoik State Apples of every. variety. Also, York 'State Butter, for =le at Ja29 . BOYER &:ROBRPER,,. aiAVA.NA:OII4SGES;just re n oiiivea at 6 no w a -- ' ' • BOYER & BOERPRA. WATSON, ALBUMS WITH RAILROADS, Pennsylvania 01,41 7-.& n WINTER. TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FAJR PROM PHILADEDELPHIA. MONDAY, Nor. 16th, 1883. THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive ai Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUGH IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. Y. and arrives at-West Philadelphia at 6.55 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg dally (except Monday) at 6.00 A. 14, and arrives at Weat Philadelphia at 10.10 A. Y. Passengers take breakfast at LallakSter, WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy leaves Harris burg at 7.20 A. N., and animas at West Philadelphia at 12.26 r. Y. _ _ Fan MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at - 1.00 r. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. IL EARRIssuRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.30 F. tr., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. M. WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.20 A. or.; Altoona, 8.00 A. a., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. or. PHILADE.L.PHIA.EIXpEESS THAW leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.20 JAL ; Altoona at 8.40 A. M., take breakfast, and arrival at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. at. MAIL TRAP? leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 P. M. ; Altoona at 7.55 P. at., sake supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 110 A. Y. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 4.15 P. N. ; Altoana at 9.10 P. or., takes supper, awl arrives at Pittsburg at 140 A. N. . RARRISMIRD , ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P. W. and arrives at Ranleberg at 8.10 MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Layeaster at 11.33 A. X. arrives at Harrisburg at 1.40 P. M. - SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Mop& Middle Div. Penn'a-R. R Harrisburg, Nov. 13, 1862.-dtf Northern Central ..Railway WINTER TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO Alai =OM BALTIMORE MEI WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern . New York. O N and attar MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 1963, tho Passenger Trains of tho Northern Cen tral Railway will arrive at and, depart . iron Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz; SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury' daily (eicept Sunddy)' 10.10 A. leaves Harrisburg - 1.20 r. arrives at Baltimore ' 5.10 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11.42 s. x leaves Harrisburg (except . Monday)' 2,51:ht. arrivea al, Baltimoro daily (oxcopt Monday) 7.00 A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION loaves Mar burg .. 7.00 A. N. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN loaves BalUioore daily (except _ Sunday) learnsisbarg " arrives at Sunbury • 4.30 r. Y. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily • 9.10 r. sr. arrives at' Harrisburg ..... .. 2.00 A. R. " loaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 3.25 A. M. " - arrivesat Sunbury 8.25 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION loaves Bal. Hamra daily (except Sun day) . 3.00 r. st. arrives id Harrisburg 7 be r. x. For Natter Information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Rallnaad Depot.. . . .7. - N. DuSARIty, Harrisburg, Nov. 16; 1863..dtf . .. ' Gen.. Supt NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. AND PHILADELPHIA. ON TD AFTER MONDAY, November 1883, tho Possengortrahu3 willleave the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad' Depot; 'at Itarrionrg, for Now York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.30 rivalS3f the Pennsylvania Railroad ExpiesS.Train eimm the West; arriving In New -York at 134.5 a. ar.- A aleeprng car Is atiachs to,the train through: frowt %Pittsburg without change;- • A :* •• MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. lay arriving In New York at 5.30 P. M., and Philadelphia at 1.60 p. nt. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. nr., arriving in New York at 10.25 P. and Pniladelphia at 7.005. M. WESTWARD. • FAST LINE leaves New York at 8.00 e. it., and Phila delphia at 8.15 a. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York- at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 r. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. K., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. M., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg, A sleeping car is Map attached to this • • Cohnections are made at HarrLsburg with. trains on the Pennhylvania, Northern Central and OuMberlihad- Valley radrciads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, .kc:- Baggage checked through.. Pare between New York and Hamisburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg tind'Philadel phia,!s3 '35 in No. Icars, and 43 Fot tickets or otheiinforthatlon apply VW J. .3 . : CLYDE, Cane* Agent, Harrisburg. nol4-4111 1864. mgreat line traverses the Northern arid Northwesecouittles of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie,ion Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PsysSTIVA3I.I. RAILROAD CON PAIC.Y; and under their auspices Is being rapidly opened throughouVits entire length. It if now, in use , for-Passenger and Freight, business fromMarrisburg to Emporium (195 'miles) on the Eastern Division, and Croix Sheffield 'to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division.. '''" TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Mail Train leaves North... .... ... . .. 45 • P. M. Exprpee Train leaves North 5.25 . A. I. Cats run through wrrnotrr CitAitGE hi:al:eV/aye on these train* between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven, Eldgant Sleeping cars on Express trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and WillPureqport and Philadelphia. For Information respecting Passenger business apply at the S E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And for Freight business of tho'Company's Ageft: S. B. Kingston, dr.. corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphiti J. W. Reynolds, Erie. _ -3. Drill, - Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore: • ' H. H. HOUSTON ,' General Freight Agent, Phira. LEWIS L HOIIPP, General Ticket Agent PUP a. JOS. D. POTTS, - • noif,-;11y] General Manager, wiatiamsport. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FORT FOLIOS! PORT FOLIOS! ' CHESSMEN! BACKGAMMON BOARDS *delved at - SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. ENGLISII DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CHEESE. At [no2o] -WIL DOCK, JR,,lz. CO. pit:MIMS! PIaRT.P.I! sy the tiarF!l,,AlLbar or or dam, at 'ol7o:Csomtrzit, A: FRESH supply of Ifichener's Celebtstbil , ;(12 . fngar - Eured Rams , and Dried Beaf t .at nonr. BOYER .EIrOERyER. , - MP Iv P" BEEF . • • , LOT A • • 2 '.-•vartvtOlS AE filels] • W.'DOpS, Jam,& 00. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FRA_NKIL I N RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOMIS.—On and after Mon k.)April 4th, 1884, Patuenger trains %ill randaily, daily, as follows, (Sundays exceptedi) FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG Leave Ragerestown...... " Greencastle Arrive at Chambersburg, Leave at Leave Shippensburg " Ness-ville . . AY. " Carlisle ' 555 10.10: , 332 " Mechanicsburg .., 6.25 10 42 /42 Arrive at Harr;/burg 0.55 11.15 8.40 FOR CHAHBERSEURG AND HAGERSTOWN: . 'A. X. P. Y. P.M. ' Leave Harrisburg . 805 1.32 420 ‘, Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 4.54 " Carlisle 9.27 2.56 5.29 " Newlin° .. 10.22 3.29 --- “ Shlppensburg 10.33 4.00 Chambersburg { Arrive at 11.00 4.30 , Leave at 11.10 4.40 Leave Greece:M.le 11.55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.25 8.10 ACS Making close connections at Harrisburg . With trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with I rains for all points West. . Aiy-The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20, e. ar., runs only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. • . R. R. Office, Chambirsburg, April 4,1884-1 y READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GRE A T TRUNK LINE FROM TEE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading; Pottiville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton,&e._,&o. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, _New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at LOU A. 7d. and 2.00 r. x. New York Express leaves Harrisburg 14 8.30 A, arriving at Now York at 1.46 the same day. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, $e 15; to Phila delphia $3 - 35 and $3 00. Baggage cheeked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. x. , 12 noon, and 7 r. as., (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia-at 3 15 A. ; and 3.30 P. x. Sleeping cars in the New York:Express Traps, through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. IC, and 2.15-P. M., for Phllalelphin, Now York, and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. sr., and 2.30 P. st.., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at B.OOA. x. and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. tar All the above trains ran daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leavessrPotteville ar7.30 A. M u and Phil adelphia at 3.15 P. le. Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and from allpOintii. November 14. 1863-41kwtf THE UNITEWSTATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D, 11. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. rillEaS well known Hotel in now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. - THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and la close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. alms now all the conveniences of A FIRST 01,4.88 ROTEL, and the Proprietor Is determined to spare neither ex- Venn, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully SOU cited. jedl-dtf 9.20 A. X. 1.45 r. M. STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF- TFIIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. Teundersigned having purchased this well wn Midst has enlarged and thoroughly renovated IL The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estallshmept elegantly-re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with everycon , venlence, it offers to the public all the comlorts and luxu ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in attendiuica A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached-to tho establishment. de2liLdly W. G. TIIOIIPSON, Proprietor. JONES HOUSE, Corner of Market street and Market Square, HARRISBURG .PENNA. CHAS. H. MANN,, Proprietor. no6•dtf SAFES. GRILLED AND WROUGHT IRON. 1 4 • • P9CI CZ CUT—Showing. the Net Work sf Wrought Iron Bars THE attention of business men generally is invited to the superior advantages of this Safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities. They are all secured by a Combination Lock, without key or keyhole, and the whole outside of the Safe is CHILLED IRON, (from 13.4 incheti to 2 inches thick,) and is proof against the punch or drill and the .use of powder, as fre quently employed by' bmglars In theft; operations. De scriptive circulars furnithed by ' • GEO. W. PARSONS. 110 Market street, llartisbarl a Agent for Central . Peoria 18:64 HONE'S STANDARD SCALES. Every description of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Hay, Coal and, Stock Scales, Raproad Depot and Truck Scales Furnace Charging Scales, Arniy Scales and CounterrSealea. . . These Seales have several III:POIiTANT LIIV.L.NTAGES. They receive the wear andlridiori always on chilled iron balls under thnplatform, instead of recelving_it . npula .the knife Wets and dulliSithem. No Jarring of the. Phi lona affects the working of the sale. Have no check rods to confine the platform. Will weigh when out of level. Large scales require no deep pit and cost less for foundation, &c., than any Other scales. Full information furnished by the subscriber, who Is agent for Central Pennsylvania, and sells at manufac. turer's prices GEO. W. PARSONS, feb9-d3m 110 Market street, Thirrisburg. NEW BAKERY , Broad Street, between Second and Third, .11,.4Rarainto. undersigned has opened new BA TIIICE ERY; in the Sixth ward, where he Is prepared to supply BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable rate. He warrants satisfaction to all whowill &whim a call. He will sell his bread at the rate of • - :FIVE CENTS PER r ozr ND and full weight guaranteed. Jolla AId3OHN. „tand.dtf Shade Trees. • • FINE assortment of .. „Li Silver Maple, Norway Maple, Taller Ash, Horse" Chestnut, • -European - Virden, Cal4apa,' .•- - -, Maggiolia.or CaoamberTree,&c.., - Sto. ••1 lii „. • ••::. H.LITSTIM NURSERY. Merrisburg, March Pi, 18134. kIIPE.RIOR WILTESi AND. BRANDIES ever. kffered in.,thiErmarket. 'bribbttlee and by the gal hakor 4ttart. , . :AMMER & FRAZ EI deal (auctesoors to Wnl. Dock, jr., & do ) RAILROADS. MEI A. IL P. M 7.00 2.45 7.37 835 3.17 4.20 8.30 1155 9.00 1.28 9.32 2.00 G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent HOTELS. MEDICAL. IZMIliiitE!1!!!!! °..41 MI c:. V:t = t• .^.• OCi ; .• . DR. JOHN L. LYONS FRENCII PERIODICAL DROPS, THE ORruaT FEMALE REGULATORi Arc the only known remedy that will suacmatuuy and invariably reatore aad rwiatetheferealenystem, remov ing ail irregularities, and producing health, vigor and strength. LYONS PERIODIOA_L DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered In this countit arid-sets directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at an direct and positive. Aro you suffering from a constant anxiety lbr the regu lar return of nature's prescribed laws 'ive yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, taken a day or two before the expected period, will post-i lively and invariably regulate its coming, as sure as effect follows cause, as certain as daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or unable to beer the labor and danger of Increase P LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, for Is not prevention better than regularlylf taken, it is a certain preventive, and will 5t0707011 much peril and many hours of sabring. Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incldentici the sex, that have baffled the skill of physi cian; and are hurrying you on to an early grerse LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are the mold reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those Irregularities that have defied the doctor's skill. Wtlt You waste away with suffering from Leucorrhce,a, 'Prolapsus, Dysmenorrhoea , and a thousand other dialcul all,sununed up under the name of imppressed.and °Winded nature, when an Investment of one dollar in LYON'S ERRIODICAL DROPS Will surely save' you. •••• Do. not use the drops when forbidden In the directions, for although a peAttive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so *martial and Anelfcalculated to adjust and govern the fanctionsOfthe - sexual organise, that, if taken at intproperpnes, they would produce results con trary to nature, against which all, particularly those who would reproduoe,'shoukt carefully guard. LYON'S PRRIODIOAL DROPS Cannot harm the most delicate cohatitutioa at any thaw yet the proprietors wish to &tad spine. InhlUne: henna; that a thousand bottles will be used tbr a good pur pose where one is used for in illetitiniate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, the never-falling Female Regulator, La for sale by every Druggist, in the city and country, and do not, If you value your health and wish fora: 'reliable medicine, buy any other. Take no other, but if the Druggist to whom yon apply has not got it, make him send and.get It for you. C. G CLARK & CO., Psopitremas, At Wholesale, - by JOHNSTON, HOLLOW-11S & COWDEN, 23 North Sixth Street-, Philadelphia, Pa 0 14 hi iP4 01 ti to. a :'V ' 0 DR. JOHNSON, IMI LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, speed y and effectual remedies in the World for E2I A Care warranted, Or No Charge, zit from One Weaknem of the Back. Affections of the KUlneys asS Bladder,-Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De. Why, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low si ssa , , Confusion of Ideas, Palphatimr of the Rem, Timkllty Trembling% Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of a t ; Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the us er Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disibiere arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those mere and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of 131yRes, btlghtis s th e! , most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering monistic . &c., impontSblo. YOUNG MRN Especially, who have become the victims of SaLtary that dreadful mad destructive habit which arunially sweets to an untimely grave thousands of Young yen o the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the ihun dens of eloquence or waked to ectasy the Using lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or Young Men contemplating narri a - 3. being aware of physical wealcoess, organic debility, dorm , mines, its., speedily cured He who places Ifunseif under the care of Dr. I. may re llgiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and cost dangly rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WRAENTEss mmediately cured, and fall vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers life and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too Big JO commit excesses !tom not being aware of the creediw consequences that may ensue. row, who that Lula, stands the subject will pretend to deny that the poser of procreation is lost soonor by those . Caning, Into improper habits than by the prudent. Bides being deprived Ina pleasures of healthy on:spring, the mast tenons and de. atructine symptoms to both body and an nd arm The a7stem becomes deranged, the physics( and mental functions weakened loin of procreative power, nerreuz- IrritahUit.y, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, Indigedion. constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, milgti, con: gumption, decay and death. IVO LADIES.—If you wish good Lette Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, or anything else in the seetionery line, you will do well by calling at SCREFFER , S BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg. FOLIS OYSTEILS—IteaI baits, 15inater Nthe Jones Howe. York River Oysters, a tine article, under the Jones House. .New Haven, Conn. Also, Terrapins, which will be served up in fine style at short notice under tne Jones House, by no BO JOSEPH SNIVELY. PICKLTIS! PICKLES! I—By the Barrel, Half Barrel, Jar or Dossrl, at no2o SWSLER .t FRAZER'S, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., .k t;0.) AFEW HUNDRED of the best PEJO TREES, of valuable leading varieties, ever offered forbids inHarrisbnig, are now on hand at the Keystone NurserY. JACOB NISH. OMER ! MEV, 11—Two _Barrels of sweet IL/ and pure CIDER just received at inartit ROYER & ROERPr VIFIMENEIVS excelsior hams, of tP AXE son's curing. Just receivoil and for & • eby (successors to Wm. s'RAZER, Co.) i tVCRET .1/00.1i6, - PORTEBONNAIES, sad GOODS,jUE& mem" .. at . general variety of LEA - _ _ _ _ /tEEBNIKR'S BOOK STORE. OMAN v R staST, in l 1816 . P9rle d w the Finest erryWinpln Fo Ihie SEISLER & FRAZER; Seb2 (successors to Wto. Rock. Jr, !`t Co.) TSITPS AND SAUCES, of the most. sn x,/ pacior and choice brands, just received and for ode SHISLER & FRAZ (raCcommts to Wm. Da*, jr.,& W.) WM MEDICAL. ALTIMORL DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN SEE TO TWELVE HOURS NO MERCURY OR NOMOUS DRUGS. to Two Days Orlon No. 7, Soma FILZDICRICS STRUT, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few de..re from the corner. Fail not to observe name and marker. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. DR JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, us& sate from. one of the most. eminent colleges in the Cuitet States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the 11130 an astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troublial with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds,' bashfulness, with rrequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. - - These are some of the sad and melancholy erects pro. duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, tom of muscular power, palpitation of the limits, dyspepsia, net Tons irritability, symptoms of consunrption,&c. kfitivraiir.—The fearful effects on the mind are muck to be cireaded—lie -of memory, confusion of ideas, de preesion of spirits, evil fonbodnat.m., aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timiaity, kc., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG W:N Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned Preen evil companions, or at School, the et: Wets of which are nightly Cult, men when asleep, and if nut cured renders marriage .ujossible, and destroys both mind and body,, should'. r,1.%.m mediately. Wham . r t hat ' s young man, the hopeof his country . the darling of his parents, should be snatched from ati prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence cc deviating from the path of nature and indulguq, - In a certain secret habit, Such persons muff, before ructem plating MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necasery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with out these, the journey through life becomes a weary pit. Orange • the prospect hourly darkens to the view ;the mind becomes shadowed with despair and Oiled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DIV. A SF. OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pandul too often happens that an ill u sed sense of shame or hie dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone betnend He falls 11110 the pants of iguonuat and designing pretend era, who, incapable of curing, [itch his pecuniary enti stance, keep him trilling month alter month, or es long in the smallest fee can be obtained, and m despair tea: a aim with reined health to sigh over hisgalliug dtsspoodatnent, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the minstitutionalsymmomsol thibtemeletliwt. ,, w-,suctssaflen- Lions of the Head; Throat, Nose, Skin, etc., prugreVltig with frightful rapidity till death rag a iltned to ba dreadful suilerinv by sending him to that uhclerorered country from whence no traveler returns. INDORSRATPIin OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year alter year, and the numerous important surgical speratlool performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Bun Clipper, and many otherpapers, notices of winch have appeared again and again before the public, beside!: his standing as a gentleman of character and respurei- Wily, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SIM' DISEASES SPEEDILY CURFT, Office No. 7 south Frederick Street, ap2B•dly ODWOU:liff.l4)3lNni ciLcol-kii.swonE * IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist or April. tioadi-d4 PORTFOLIOS ! POlitt;isLTOg - 1! cilEssm.EN end Backgammon Board; a fate Beam want, just received at SCHEFFEWS BOOKSTORE. SMOKED s FINE SMOKED SALMON, just received at S.EIBLER & FRAZER, feb3 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr, &Co.) nolg I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers