;,11 ) aill) Etitgrapil II A 11 lIISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, 111AY 9, 1864. ~- - NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—A II Adver lisonents, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, SCe.., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom pan4ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are s inserted in the Morn fug Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. linrrksx RELIEF FITE - D.—The regular umuthly payment to families of volunteers, will be made at the Sheriff's office, on Friday a fternoon, sixth instant, between the hours of four and six. GEO. 13ERGNER, Prest. OLIVER Row Aims, Sec. TEE Flees of shad are , declining. This morning the species of fish named could be had at from 25 to 35 cents a piece. Lrriaaat DoxerroN. —The Pennsylvania Rail road Con;ipany has donated $50,000 to the State, for the orphan children of sailors and soldiers. PREPARATIONS are being made for the erec tion of the l'axion Fire Company's new engine house. The workmen commenced operations a day or two ago. Um. J. Bnooss, late Commissary of Sub -sistenae at this post, was in this city yesterday. It is a pity that he is not at present in the service, as he was an excellent officer, and may be justly regarded as one of the best men in the Commonwealth. Two important city ordinances will be found in to-day's paper. One of them increases the pay of the Chief of Police to $5O per month, and that of the cleric of council to $OOO per year. The other is the ordinance mailing ap propriations for the expenses of the city for the year ending March 31st, 1865. SID CATASTROPHE AT A FUNERAL. —At Port Allegheny, Pennsylvania, a few days ago, a funeral procession was passing over a bridge to bury a child of Mr. George Moore, when the bridge gave way, and precipitating the mourners into the water, another child be longing to Mr. Moore was drowned, together with three of his brother's children, and one or two other lives were lost. TO-NIGHT the two circuses will give their closing performance in this city. Since theft arrival here immense crowds have attended, and both pavilions will be jammed to-night. Gardner & Hemmings' circus exhibits at the foot of Market street ; that of Brien & King, near the Cotton Factory. The first named company will show in Carlisle to-morrow, and in Bloomfield on Friday. IN our notice of the dinner to be given in Washington township, on the 14th -inst., to Company B, 9th Pa. Cavalry, we should have stated that there will be a parade .and drill by the comPany,,sm the occasion. No doubt there will be a large attendance of the citizens of that portion of our county, to welcome the brave men in whose honor the dinner is being prepared I=lo A SPLENDID COLLECTION' OP. CMIOIIO-LITIIO - AND STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS. —We had the pleasure of examining a large collec tion of chrome-lithographs and steel plate engravings, this morning, at Knoche's Music Store. These prints comprise representations of American and English scenery, with copies of the productions of the best ancient and modern masters, and as a whole, constitute a variety of gems seldom collected in one lot of engravings. As ornaments for the parlor, the library and the public resort, nothing could be more appropriate than selections from this collection, and we advise the connoisseur to avail himself of the pleasure of passing an hour in examining the well filled and im mense portfolio at the store of Knoche. PASTOR Cerrxn.—At a meeting of the Old School Presbyterian congregation of this city, held last evening, a unanimous call was given to the Rev. S. S. Mitchell, of Princeton The ological Seminary, to become their pastor. The salary to be paid was fixed at $1,500. The pulpit of this chinch has been vacant since the beginning of December last, when the Rev. W. C. Clifton was elected President of Lafayette College: The pastor elect, who, it is expected will accept the call, has just grad uated at the Seminary, and this will be his first pastoral charge. He is highly spoken of by those who have known him in the Semi nary, and those who have heard him in the pulpit here, as a man of fine ability, a thorough scholar, an effective preacher, and an earnest Christian, giving promise of great usefulness in the church. The unanimity with which he has been called to his new sphere of labor is creditable alike to pastor and people. I=l POLICE AFFAERS—Before the ilayor.—Mrs. Kelly, a blind woman, was intoxicated and disorderly, for which she was arrested and furnished with lodging until this morning.— Airs. Kelly stated that she was the wife of a soldier, and was en route for Washington, to meet her husband. She was furnished with transportation to Baltimore, by the Northern Central railroad company, and proceeded on her journey to-day. A soldier,- of the Fourth Pennsylvania cav alry, while on a " spree, " yesterday, took charge of a horse and wagon belonging to -a countryman, and proceeded to take a ride around town. He was arrested and handed over to the Provost Marshal. John Christophel, a regular revolver, was arrested as a vagrant. He was escorted by one of the city " stars" to the city borders, and ordered to leave insfunier, which he did. Samuel Hall, an individual who had ~ bibed too freely, became so completely fud dled that he had to be hauled to the lock-tip, on a Wheelharrow. He was committed for forty-eight hours. WE have been informed, by persons who saw it, that snow fell to the depth of about three inches, at Altoona, yesterday. This will account for the cold state of the weather here. We have not had any snow, however. CHANGE IN THE SCHOOL Law.—Last winter a bill was passed by the Legislature appro_ priating the money applied to common schools in proportion to the number of scholars in attendance in each district. The bill has recently been repealed, and, therefore, the money will be appropriated as heretofore, in proportion to the number of the taxables in the several districts. I=== THE An HosPrraLs.—The number of pa tients admitted into the army hospitals of this Department during the past Week was 472; returned to duty, 131; died,'' 6; remaining, 3,220. The latter are distributed as follows: Pittsburg, 364; Harrisburg, 56; Filbert street, 276; Summit House, 124; Germantown, 278; Turner's Lane, 183; Satterlee, 575; Broad and Prime, 45; Islington Lane, 21; Chestnut Hill, 720; Fort Mifflin, 12; Chambersburg, 10; 31E- Clellan, 276; Christian street, 148; Cameo's Woods, 11; Sixty-fifth and Vine streets, 7; South street, 114. THE MALLET GAmE.—Hard times stimulat e the genius of rogues as well as honAt people, and as a consequence devices to trap the un wary are constantly making their appearance. The latest one is known as the "Atallet game." It has been successfully introduced at the West and may be practiced here. For the benefit of the public in general, and' the ver dant in particular, we propose to give warning of this mallet which hits hard. The game is conducted in the usual manner of confidence, the device' consisting of a finely made and highly ornamented caulker's mallet, the handle of which, upon being unsevered, permits of the escape of a five cent piece. Confidence man No. I—personating verdant innocence—steps on the coin as it falls out and tells No. 2 that there was five cents in the mallet. No. 2 admits that there "was," but believes that it still remains in, having framed an excuse for not noticing the dropping of the coin. A bet is proposed, whereupon the "spotted" verdant who is to be victimized is easily induced to bet that the five cents is not inside the mallet, he having been a curious observer of the little scene. The bet being made, a peculiar shake induces a second half dirde to make its appearance and. the betting gentleman from the country at length under stands the "mallet game." THE CIEBISTLLN COMMISSION afkll:l4F-. nmw —A meeting of the branch Chridtian Commission of this city, will be held in the Presbyterian (N. S.) church, on Friday even ing next. George H. Stewart, President of the Commission, will he present and address the assemblage. Since the beginning and during the pro, gress of the slaveholders' rebellion. the labors of 'the Christian Commission have been man ifold and highly important. To the efforts of the noble minded men who represent this organization, the civilized world has been impressed with a' spectacle of morality as presented by the armies of the republic, such as no nation.eyer before exhibited. The hos pital and the cfimp 7 the bivouac and the march—which heretofore were restricted in .their brutalities only by a discipline such as 'is resorted to to keep wild beasts in subjec tion—are now controlled by an influence, through the labors of the Christian Commis sion, which renders the different phases of a soldier's life, comparatively, as free from im morality, as are any of the higher walks of social life. The stern realities of bloody war •are soothed by the sublime teachings of a noble faith in justice—in salvation—in God! What nobler work could Christian men per form, while desirous of promoting the inter ests of their - Government in a struggle " such as ours is inVolVed, than that in which the representatives of the Christian Commission are now engaged. —We trust that the meeting on Friday even ing' will be one, both as to numbers and the amount of their contributions, commensurate with the importance of the objects sought to -be served. • Geo. H. Stuart, Esq. of Thiladelphia, and Rev. -Dr. Xirk, of lioston. - , will address the citizens of Harrisburg, in behalf of the United States Christian Commission, on:Friday- eve ning, of the' present week, in the Presbyte rian church on Market square. === A Pnmansmpure paper, riotirirg the pro ceedings of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in session in that city, gives the following in connection with the second day's report: Quite an exciting meeting was held in front of the church this morning, before the open ing session. According to the request of the body, yesterday, the Stars and _Stripes were flung out to the breeze amid the loud huzzas of a vast multitude of people, both Clergy and. Laity. The Battle Song of Freedom was sung, after which Rev. Colonel Moody, of Ohio, made a patriotic speech, in which he uttered sentiments that--stirred every loyal heart. His allusion to the old bell of Inde pendence, and its motto was truly. eloquent. Said the speaker, "If I am allowed to see that old bell, I shall put my hand upon it and swear fidelity to the Union.afresh." He contended that while the success of our e t la flag would secure the freedom from bond arre oenearly five millions of human beings, iewq,uld also bring deliverance and equality to six millions of "poor white trash" who are down-trodden in the South, and who, to a large extent, make up their army. The old battle cry was, "Carry the war into Africa." Now it is, "We'll carry Africa into the war." The President of the United States is as much the servant of God as is Bishop Morris! God rules the world by two arms—the right arni is the Church, the left is the civil govern ment Abraham Lincoln, as the servant of God, is a — terror to evil doers, but a praise to those who do well. Hence Vallandigharn went to Canada to find protection under the British Lion. A mean man in a mean place •; the right man in the right place. - The speaker closed by expressing the wish that for the next four years, at least, the na tion might fund peace and quietk esa Abra _ Kam's bosom. !The Star Spangled Banner was then sung with a will, and the audience adjourned into the ehuroh. SPECIAL NOTICEn. THREE hundred thousand dollars worth of watebe3 and jewelry. See W. Forsyth 4; Co.'s advertisement, in another column. ruar26-d3inv,s&ir • .11111.,..P. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! WE have now on hand a splendid assort ment of all kinds of spring and summer Cloaks. The very best quality of silk mantles. Cloaks for children. Splendid assortment of cloth for cloaks. The cheapest hoop skirts in the city. 20 spring hoop skirts, best quality, 75 cis. Beautiful skirts for one dollar. The largbst assortment of hoop skirts. 000 dozen ladies' stockings at all prices. A splendid assortment or cambric. Irish linen, a tine lot from auction. A lot of last summer's dry goods, 20 cents a yard. Dry goods at 20 cents, 30 cents, 30 cents and an prices. We will sell off a large lot of dry goods cheap which we have on hand yet from last season. S. LEWRY. COLGA.TE'S HONEY SOAP This celebrated Toilet Soap, In such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient inns nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the akin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jan2s-dawly itPHYSIOLOGICAL view of MARRIAGE, containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and a:agravings of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise an Self Abuse, - its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of aura, as shown by the re portbf cases treated. A truthful adviser to tho married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free 'of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cants, in stamps or postal cur. rency,liyaddressing Dr. LA CHOU, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y. marl-davitm Military ilueiness Attended To Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally; made ont and collected: Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mail, by addressing " EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law delT-dly Third street, Harrisburg,. Pa. Baunvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co. ' Harrisburg, Pa-, tn whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. - Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergy Men:. - Hessisstrsa, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. IIisNVABT—,-.Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. -ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Agt-I agree with Kr. Robinson as to the value of Banuvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. HASIVISBMG, Jan., 1864. To C. A. Baisa , ..vairr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &c., JNO. WALlcrat JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Ruolveirr--Dear Sir: Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, ttc., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNILY'S OFF/OE, HARR - Ism:ma, Feb. 29, 1864. I . To C. A. Ituirrvikar—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat.. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. j. HERB Mrs. Ball's Remedies I take this method of cheerfully thanking the public .for past favorkand still solicit their kind attention to .my medicines. To tell of all the wonderful cures I have been Able to perform would bp . Impossible. I would call the attention of the ladies particularly to this valuable medi cine. I think I can safely say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole, system; can ; be taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re gard to it. I have also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This has healed sores that have run 20 years. My Dysentery Drops, In fant cordial and Cough Drops have been well tried. I need say' nothing in their favor. I have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L BALL merle No. 27 South Pine strot, Harrisbuye. Pa. • Valuable Farm for Sale.. OFFERED for sale, at a bargain, a valuable : Farm . on Buflalo run, Centre c0. , - Pal aboni 7:miles from Bellefonte and 3 frotn the Farmers' High School, con taining about 310 acres, 230 of whbili aro cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are large and suitable farm buildings on the premises. The quality of the soil is of the very best limestone, with a good prospect of tile best Hematite ore, large quantities of which have been raised on an adjoining tract and worked at Centre Fur nace. The Miffiin and Centre county railroad, now in the course of construction, will pass within 2 miles. ' For in formation as to quality of soil and desirableness of loca tion apply to 31, T. Milliken, or H. N. M'Allister, Faq. Bellefonte Pa. For full description and terms, itc,,apply to , RALPH L. MACLAY, apl3.deod3w* Attorney - at-law, Harrisburg, Pa. 63 Valuable Building Lots for Sale. 65 BUILDING LOTS are offered for sale near the Round House and Pennsylvania Rail road Shops. These lots are very desirable for building purposes, as they are lccsted on a good and dry spot. A good opportunity for persons wanting lots. For any information concerning the above lots in- Antra of JOHN MILLER, JR. , at the 'Perwaylvania Agri cultural Works, corner of Spruce and North streets. aplS-3taw3w* GREASON SEMINARY ASELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, for pu pits of both sexes, located sir. miles west of Car lisle, on the Comb. Valley R. R. Pupils admitted at any time, and charged only from date of entrance. For circulai call at W. Knoche's Music Room, 93 Mar ket street, Harrisburg, or address E. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, apl4-dim Plainfield Dumb. co. Pa. pußLic SALE Will be sold, at Public Sale on WEDNESDAY, May 4th, 1884, at the residence of the subscriber, on Front street, in the Sixth ward of this city, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Bees and Bee Boxes, a lot of. Locust Posts, one Sail boat, &c., &a , &c, Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, e. 3t fap29-ts3 JOHN SHANNON. JOHN A. BIGLER & CO. ) _Et 13, 0 "F,IL S, MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, (NEXT TO ADAMS EXPRESS OITTOE,) lIARRISB,IIRG. Warrants, Claims, Goternment Securities, Checks Vouchers, &c., cashed. num2Bd2m* BURLINGTON HERRING. THE first of the season, fine largii Burling ton Herring, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, ape (successors to Wm. Hock, jr., it Co) LOTS for sale on the corner of Third and Broad streets -Enquire of. WX C. MorADDEN. mar-i-dtf FETE OILS.--:-.lPine salad oils juit receiVed at ' SEIISLEft & FDAZER, ap3o Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A JOINT RESOLUTION propoiing certain amendments to the Constitution. Bc it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly mot, That the following amendments be proposed' to the Constitution of 'the Commonwealth, in aceordzinee with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: Thera shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: "Sxtrriox 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in- any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election." CMOS 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution , . M tie designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: - • - -•- "Szcztox S. No bill shall lie plissed l sy the =Legislature, containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expremed in the title,- except appropriation bills." ":3xuriox 9. No bill shall be pissed by the Legislature granting any powers, or privilegek in any Mae, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House df Representatives. • JOHN P.PENNEY, "Speaker of -the &mate. OFFICE OP THY SECRETiiICY Ok.TIM CONDIONIMSLTA, Hattatssoact,Aprit 25, 1.1364.. J Penny/mini; ss: I do hereby certify that the foregoing- is a full, true and correct copy of the originalloint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to -the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this Mlles. Lx TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereunto set my [L, s.]" hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's of fice to be affixed, the day and year aboviawritten. ELI SLIMS, Secretary of the COM7WinirMalth. • The aboveresolution having been agreed to by a ma jority of the member , ' rf each House at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the peo ple, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with the tenth arti cle of the Constitution, and the apt, entitled "An Act pre scribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the pro prised amendments to the Constitution," approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousond eight hundred and sixty-f.ur. ELI KASSA, ap2i Secretary of the Conmunry'otal,M AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPAnTsourr CAVALRY BORZATO OFFIOB difizr QuAirraturAsTen, WASLIDIGTON, D. C., April 26, 1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be low, viz: Newport, Penn's, Thursday, May btb. Gettysburg, Penu'a, Monday, May 9th. Altoona, Pean'a, Thursday, May 126. Mifflin. Penn's, Thursday. May 19th. Reading, Penn'a, Thursday, May 26th: = Lebanon, renn'a., Thursday, June 2d. • Northumberland, Penn'a, Thursday, June 9th. Scranton, Penn's, Thursday, Juno 16th. Wiliiamsport, Penn's, Thursday, June 21d. One Hundred (1001 horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (250) at each of the otherplaces.. These Horses hive been condemned_ as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. • Horses will be sold singly.. Sales begin at 10 A at, and continue daily till all are sold. TESHS: CASH in United Stateg Treasury notes . only. IJAES A. ap2B4ltd Lt. Col. and C. lir H. Cavalry Bureau. MAGNOLIA BALM. THIS is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discovered. It changes the Sun burn and Faqg and Hands to a pearly, satin texture, of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and rough. ness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transpa rent arid smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re tail by S. A. MIN ELEL & BRO., spgp-dtf US Market street, Harrisburg, Thomas C. MacDowell, A.ttormey-at-La'w. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PIKE.. • HARRISBURG, PA A LL manner of. Military ,Claime. promptlymanner attended to, and 'claims collected against the General or State Governments, either in Congrea3, the Court .of Claims at Washington city, - -or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap29-dBm NEW PHILADELPHIA. CLOAK STORE. CLOAKS, - MA.NTIELAS, CIRCULARS: 1,000 CLOAKS from $.7 00 to $25 00, OT THE' NEW CLOAK STORE, MARKET STREET, D. W. GROSS ) NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG. apll Dr. J. P. KELLER'S •. Dental Preparation GRANULAR DENTIFRICE! AMERICAN TOOTH WASH I TiESE elegant prephrations combine the most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities. They render the Gums hard and healthy; neutralize the acid secretions 'of 'the mouth, (thereby removing the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive properties they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without In the least degree injuring the enamel, while they Impart to the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant. In fact they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the pur poses named, as a fair-trial will fully demonstrate, 'arid as has been abundanllrproved by their extensive this community during-the-last 14 years; and' itilich7l4l be readily-testifled to by many who have! repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale and usefulness. They are warranted to be free from 'those destructive acids which so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Seconti and Walnut streets. JOHN P. RRIX Eg r Surgeon Dentist. " For sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dtf NO. 4 JONES' ROW. • riIHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs _L the public that he has purchased the FIAT AND CAP. STORE Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old stand, where he will constantly keep on hand a general assortment of HATS, CAPS , &C ., OF THE LATEST STYLES, which will beifrold at reasonable rates. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited mar2B-d2m H. H. LONG'. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, In the Military Claim Agency Business, is dissolved by mutual consent, from and after this date. THOMAS C. MAcDOWELL. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE. Harrisburg, April 23,1864. • ap29-d2w on BOXES SPERM CANDLES, of a very Superior make, just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, febt (successors to Wm. Dock, & JAVA,J arosica and Laguyra Coffda, at SHISLER & FRAZER no2S (successors to W. Dock. 3r., & Co.) Tuiz CELEBRA'rED VIRUINJA ULL, OF AM, and Day tb Martin's London Blacking, Just re. wired and for sale by SEMLER & FRAZER, fel (Bocce mon • Wm. Dock, Jr ~.&-co.) FUR SALE—: Avery handsome XWO-horse PEDLEH WAGON—cheap for cash. Direct letter to 802 f. No. 813, Harrisburg, Pa. ntarll-tf FENCIFBEANS—A rare article, just re. ' calved at SEEISLRR & FRAZER, feta (successors to Wre. Dock, jr. k Vo. AMUSEMENTS. BRAINT'S lIA_LL. LOOK OUT FOR Harris & Clifton's NEW ORLEANS Burlesqe Opera Trpupe UZI BRASS BAND.- 18 STAR THURSDAY AND FURY, MAY sth AND 6th. TAN TROUPE is acknowledged, by the Press and public: where+ they have had =he honor of appearing, to lie Vie - greatest cora- bination or. Artistic excellence and the most original Ethiopian Delineating Troupe ever before consolidated under one management and MASTERS OF THEIR PROFESSION HARRIS & CLIFTON FRANK WINSLOW, Agent J. Nosaa,, Stagg Manner ap29 CANTERBURY MUSIC TIA LL. WALNUT ST., BELOW WORD. DON''srELL OPM7 EVERY EVENING, With a Ftrst-class 'Company of SIiNGEII.9, DANCERS, CONEDIANS,'"&c.„ kR ...... .................... • 15 cent& ,eats in Boxes MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT BARGAIN'S IN JEWELRY ! W FORSYTH & CO • 42 AND 44 NASSAU' STREET, NEW YORK. (Adjoining the Post 011 ice,) Offer for sale the following magnificent list of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, &4J., VALUED AT $300,000. &ACE( ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NOT TO BE PAID.POR UNTIL YOUIINO.t V .WHAT Y 0,14 ARE TO:G&T. . 150 Gold and Silver Watches..sls 00 to $lOO 00 each 200 Ladies' Gold Watches—- 35 00 each 500 Ladies' & Gents'. Silver dol6 00 oath 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils 400 to 600 each 5,000 (Gold-band Bracelets.-- 300 to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Itiala 260 to 600 each 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Brooches 6,000 Coral and Florentine Bar- '_drops::.:...... 10,000 Gents' Breast 'ins 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom Studs.. . . ... ..... 10,000 Sets Ladies' jewelry_ 6..000 Lava and Florentine Sets.. 10;000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted Holders 5,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex tension Cases and Pen cils... The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. Certificates of all tne va rious articles arc put in sealed envelopes, and mixed, thus giving all a fair chance, and sent.by mail, for. 25 cents each; and on the receipt of the certificate, it is at your option to send Ws Doman. and take the article named in it or not. Five certificates for ,$1;- eleven for $2; thirty for $5; sixty for $10; one hundred for ;15. Certificate money to be enclosed with order. Correspondence promptly answered, AGIDTS WesrED - In every townind regiment. Send or a circular. Address W. FORSYTH Et CO., 42-and 44., Nassau street, Henr York. max2s-dwas3mavain REA: Duioeirmq IJseful and Valuable „Piscore.ry. FHLTOINT''S lINSOLURLE . ,. tEmENT Is of more general practical utility than any invention now 'before the Pubic. It haa been thoroughly tested during the last two yam by practical men, zind'pronounced by to be ' UPB.RiO.T . TO' d N 7 : Applicable to all useful Arta. Alhkolvolteparations known. liturcesia Inemmacs CEMENT ts a new thing, and the insult of .years of study; its combination is on. A new thing. 4 1 ' Scientific" And under no circumstancea or change of temperature s will it be come corrupt or omit any bffensive it Combination BOOT AND . SHOE Manufacturers, using Macnines, will find it the best article known as Cementing for the * Obinnels, it work without delay, is nciralliacted by- any change of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man niacturers. Will find it sufficiently •a4hesive for their (1843 7 as tuutheen proved. " It is RapeciAliy Adekr.Of 'to Leather, And we claim as an especial men; that it sticks Patches to BcSite and Shoes sufficiently strong without tchlng. ;Uwetem.. Families. ILZ.QUID,CEMEIV h w a lignid 4xtant that is a sure thing tor mend tugs TOY% Bone, • —lvory, •d articles at Homehold use REMEMBER J:L=OlO3 INSOLUSIM Cigimrs Ia In a liquid :fivrin-f144. AS easily aP; plied as paste. .11Iwrenr's Lasomanza Cassime Is insolnoleCln water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CENENT Adheres oily substances. Remember Supplied in Family or Menem; tureen Packages from 2 minces to 100 HILTON BROS. & CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. I. Finis Agents in Matt. 7elB-div MAGinglB. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company. Oltrie.l4 ta S. /017RTH STREET, 1 . PELLADELPIC4i April 4th, 1884. THE annual meeting of the Stockholders this Company and an election - for President amid x Strangers will take place at the Office of the Company Sionday, the2d'day Of lday next, at 12 o'clock, ar. • apadtm2 • W. H. WEBB, SecretarY. pHILIA_DELPHIA COLLEGIATE TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch striet. Rev.CHARLLS A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., 'Principals Ninth Year. Thine departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. • Full college course in Classical, Mathe matical, higher 'English and Natural Science for those who graduate. - Modern Languages,. Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters. For - Mine:ars apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., Philadeiphhi. Pa! - ap2o•3m* Open Market for Cavalry Horses. Quanraavaarra's Orvies,l • Hannisacao, Penna., Aprilsth,lBs4., Trill' further orders,. HORSES, fit .for UN Cavalry Service, will be inirchased at' this place in . _ open market , :e None will be received under five, nor overnine years of age.. Must not be tinder 15 hands in height,. • = • For ParlialigaapPlY to cjerawammuf, aps-dtt • ,Capt. and Asa. Qiiartermancr, TAR GO R.DIA L - - Obtained by a pectdiarprocess in the al.:- tillation of the tar, byrwhibliifs highest med ical properties are retained. - - -• /lave you a Gough ? Have gem Sore Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be -warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, From . this Tact, - perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims.. PERFORMERS, Constimption has destroyed more of the human family than any-other disease, and the best physichms for many years have despaired of a cure,, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been- impressed that there was a mysterious power and ciency'in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lamp; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many , cases had a good effect; • lbut how to combine the medical pro perties:Wl? as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishaft's Pine Tree Tar Cot , : • diaL" Sole 'Proprietors Many, not only of the people, but physi c-hats of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause ot - . your success in the treatment of. Pulmonary Cons-umptian 7" My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive orgiirix - the strengthening of the debilitated system the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the systemthe corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is eliected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Gar- dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon.the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat,. penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduin,,oinliamma don, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let . this two-fold power, the he•ding and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction • with Nature's constant recuperative tendency; and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I= I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: DR. WiarrAnr—Dear Sir:—l had a vary dreadful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was•prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the .power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and ;elated my case to you, purchasZd one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced rao past cure. Publish my case if you think proper. • REBECCA HAMILTON. No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. 4 00 .h) 600 each 4 00 to 8 00 each 2 50.t0 8 00 each 2 60 to 600 each 500 to 10 00 each 4 00 to 6 00 each 4 00 to 5 00 each. 4 00 to 000 each Dr; Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Coraist is au , infolliable cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore Throat and Breast, Tnflami - tion of the Lungs: Tar. Wasp. says: Dn. Wismar—Sir:—l had Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; I had been treated by several of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, bat they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired of ; ever being re stored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me - by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after rising four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver - of Taxes, from• It A. is to 2 P. N., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Reid the following from Utica: JEWELERS Pa. Wistarm—Dear take pleasure in informing you through this source that yob' Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom- - mended for my daughter by Dr. J". Hall, of this city,. has cured her of a cough of 1110143 - - than five mond& standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best of medical. aid without any • benefit. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that Of my daughter that it has entirely cared of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Dagnerrean Artist. 126 Geuessee street, Utica, N. [t is the only Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and ca cordially recommend it as a valuable and hMe medicine-for colds, coughs . and to tbose,.pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. 9.. FOSTER,-160 Genessee street, The above are a few among the tho - asands Which this great remedy has saved from an. antimely grave. We have thousands of letters' from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction_ • 3 ;The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in- .. fallible cure for Dyspepsia. The Pnrs TREE Tau CORDIAL, will coIO Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the -kidneys and female complaints. The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a Imo tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious PRICE Frrrr Csrre end Orr .11oLLAB:pE7 Bum., Pr Wei only by the Proprietor, No. 10 North -octal Streak Phdadelptia, Pa. Stßd by Druggists ever3rwhere, at Whakaale by all 'W I / 4 d116 and New Tork.Wtiol-Dyog„giste. ma3lo-1ye•• MEDICAL. DR. WISHART 3 S PINE TREF_ IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PINE TP.EF, :—I have used. Dr. Wish art's BEWARE OF COVNTPRPEITS Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart, Utica, New :York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers