paily Etitgtapil lIARRI6BURG, •P A SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, Mt NOT iCE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, BUSIUCSS Notices, Marriages, Deaths, .BLe., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom paroed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition 'without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. THE General Synod of the Lutheran church Fill meet in York, on Thursday next, May sth. =MIMI TEE antediluvian frog recently found in the centre of a rock, at Johnstown, died a few days ago REV. I. K. Hays, of Middle Spring, will preach in the Old School Presbyterian Church, to-morrow morning and evening. Loon out for pick-pockets next week, when the circuses are in town. The long fingered gentlemen are always about on " show " days. A BOY named James Patterson, of Fairview, Cumberland county, was drowned at Wrights ville, on Thursday, by being thrown from a boat. His age was about 18 years. Go to Sanford's opera house this evening and See the wonderful performanees of the stars that nightly appear there. Do riot fail to go early. . . FINLEY JOHNSON, the well-known poet and sketch writer, died in Washington, Ori Fe* nesday, after an illness of but two days. kr. Johnson. was , from Baltimore. EIGHT newspaperis are now published in Cumberland county. The word "Valley" ap pears in three of them. Publisheri must do a stirring business in Old Mother Cumberland. TO-DAY the fines collected at Mayor's Office within the last four weeks, were paid over, as follows: • ~ To the county treasury To the city treasury.... YANKEES Anonr.—A large inunbc‘i'of rafts men can be seen passing .through•here daily, on their return from the lumber market. Many of them stop from one train to another, and make large purchases of. goodsi'as they can be obtained at lower prices than: are de . manded for them "away up north. 7 i- • OE, How Coro I .—Mr. George Dress . will open his Ice Ofeam Saloon this evening. Persons desiring to indulge in a dish , of first rate cream, will do well to give Mr. press . :a call. He wishes it to be understood that he. will positively refuse admission to all imprci:' per characters. None but respectable persons need apply. • BA.PTIST Cnunon.—There well be service in the Baptist church, corner of Second and Pine streets, on to-morrow morning at 10i o'clock, and in the evening at 7k o'clock. The pulpit will be occupied in the morning by the Rev. Mr. Stile, and in the evening by Bev. Mr. Robinson, Of the Presbyterian church. • The public are invited to attend. Maim= —There was a large supply.Of Pro< duce and a large attendance , of putchasers, this. morning. I countryman with gumelastie conscience had soaked a lot of dried cherries, which were swollen to their original size, and offered them for sale. The Market master happening to see the cherries, confiscated thein. A party whose name we have not learned lost a basket of butter on account• of light weight. We would call the attention of the authOritie3 to the fact that a number of persons continue to use the spring balances in market. It is the earnest wish of our citizens that th . e nui sance may be abolished, as purchaiep have been swindled sufficiently by the use of these illegal instruments. • PRIV.O.TE SALES OF REAL EST.ITE.--Rudolph F. Felker sold to Colonel John - Roberts a farm, situate in Susquehanna toNinship,lDau phin county, containing 212 acres, thereon erected a two-story stone dwelling house, stone barn, &c., for the sum of $15,000, 'cash. Jacob Shell sold to Daniel E. Reichlet two lots of ground on the Jonestown'road, about three miles from this city,• situate on Butler street, being lots No. 50 and 51, in a plan of lots laid out by Jacob Shell, for the sum of $4OO. Valentine Hummel sold to William Metzgar a tract of land in Swatara township, Dauphin county, containing four acres 'Mid ontglluarter and twenty-five perches, for 'the sum of $5,000. PUBLIC -SALES.. Sheriff Jennings sold the• follo'ing on , Thursday last:" A certain lot of ground, situated inithe city of Harrisburg, fronting- 021 'thecßidgre. Road 29A feet, and extending back along Climber land street 100 feet, more or less, to an alley, thereon erected a two-story brick "and frame tavern house, and frame kitchen" and small frame bar-room, a good well of water`-and hy drant, &c as the property of J. Martin Wea ver, to John J. Crum, for $5O. .. 1 _ All that two-story frame house, l' 22 feet, situate in Lykenstown, Wiconisco town ship, together with the lot of ground whereon the said building situate,.fronting on North Third street, and one hundred and My feet in length or depth, to an alley, as the property of Ignik Szymanski, to J. Martin Blu l M, for $2OO. . . All the right, title and interest , of giristian S. Funk in a certain tract of land, gitiraled in Halifax township, containing one huncii:ed and twenty-six acres, more or less, thereciriirected two two-story frame houses; also, .one • other frame house, two barns, also, , a grist mill, with good water power, apple orchard,,*itii good fruit, &c., as the property of Obrieran S. Funk, to John P. Leebriek's executor fo - r $750. Serstrumsx—Mrs. A. Wilhelm, of Phil- i u.Ant. DTET adelphia, will iecttire in Exchange Hall, Sun day, - May Ist, at 71 IF you are troubled with nervousness and indigestion, take Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. Advertisement in another column. 2t A STATED MEETING of the Good Will Fire Company will be held in their hall this (Mon day) evening, at 7i o'clock. Every member is expected to be present, as the election of officers will take place. BEWJOIX oa CousrEnFErrs.—As some un principled persons are offering to the public base imitations of Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured solely by S. A. Kunkel do Bro., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. 2t* VIOLATION OF CITY ORDENANCE.-401311. Bau lus was arrested for leaving his horse untied in the square, and fined $3 and costs_ This is right. Such violations of the ordinances should be punished in every instance; as life is endangered by the carelessness of persons who leave their horses unhitched in the streets. A LARGE and appreciative audience attended the "benefit" entertainment last night. The' honeymoon, and The Bonnie Fishwife were the p]ays for the occasion. Mr. Rouse appeared in two characters, and convinced all present that he is a comedian of superior merit, and one who has but few equals. To-night the great thrilling life-picture of pioneer life in the West, entitled NICK OF. THE WOODS, will be presented, with all'the accompanying Acenery, anitaßrie least otehdr actors. This is a grand play, lira orie of intense interest. It requires a very large and efficient irender kit; prioVrly; atl whii4ribleidea l ii it few ei4nbk6 ago, 'will readily assert that full justice was done it. lify Neighbor's Wife will conclude the, enter tainment. We would advise everybody to .go to-night, as the Cdnibination Troupe will be absent next week. D,s.k•ru of Mn. Hormnpos„. 7 -4ames Holbrook, special agent of he Post' Office Department, died on Thursday afternoon, at his residence in Brooklyn, Connecticut. Mr. Holbrook received his appointment in 1845, for Ilmifiistrict of New York and New England.; afterwards he was made " special agent at large, " and continued' to hold his position under all the administrations which succeeded that of Mr. Polk. Mr. Holbrook, who was a self made man, edited the Norwich Aurora before he entered the office. In 1855 ,he published a, sketch book entitled . " Ten Years A_mong,the' Bags , - " and for four years past has edited and published.the United States Mail, ajournal established by him 'and devoted to postal matters. • His official services', were highly useful, and were apprecititabY the department. In the performance of, 'his duty, which included general supervision. over the postal service; "and a protection of the mails, his. health was several months,ago so much injured„ that the • active work• - . lie department necessarily ,& m volved no. Mr. ,Tarnes Gaylor, his assisn• tint, who ,]ano`w :charge. .. • Mr. Holbrook Was very successful in the dO• tection of mail depredators. The case of Tuckerman, a shrewd and bold operator, who traveled about five years ago on the cars tween this city and Boston, stealing whole mails, is one of. the notable, instances of .Mr. Halbrook's skill.--:. , -It 2 ittay be-remembered that. Tuckerman carried an empty trunk, into which, when the attention of the agent in charge was directed elsewhere, he threw the mails, and subsequently, .escaped without sus picion and that he was detected and finally sent to the State prison for twenty-line years. SPrCIL ;110Tic;Es. Business Attended To 4 Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and ifilitiult and War Claims, generally, made out and collected, Pet ions residing at a distance can have their business mini acted by mall, by addressing BIIGNNE SN'TDE.R, Attorney-at;Law ` , del7-dly - -Third street; Harrisburg„Pa, Coughs and Colds. The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pot.- SCHARF, BRONCHIAL MIR ASTIEHAFIC AFFECTIONS. : Expo• rience, h aving proVed that simple remedies • often act speedily when taken inthe earlystagei cif the disease, re course should at once be had to " Broares Bronchial Froches dr-Lozenges, let the Cold, Carib or Irritation of the !Throat he ever so silght, as by •this precaution a more serious 'attack may beell - actually • warded off. Pa LW SPEAKERS and .Srsoses •will Lind , , thirif effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in :he pocket and taken as occasion requires. mar2B-dawfm Bannvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, are specially recommended .to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in.public. Dianufactm'ed only by C. A. Bannvart & Co. Harrisburg, t_ whom all Orders sliojild ! be addressed: cold by. druggist every where. : :.. followingtestimonials from some of our eminent' blergyment HA Tort:l . B33mm, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. lic.-niveirr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Trochea,.Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own. as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of. hoarseness; coughs and colds. I have found them serving in .time of neelirmost effectually. - ' • Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church , - agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. • = W. Q. CATTELt, Late'lsaStor Presbyterian :Church. Ilmnasstrziet; &in., 1864. To C. A. Bitervear—Dear Sir: In the habit of spealrinfk, very freqtrntly, and in places' where thevoCal organs are very much MXO, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied inyour excellent Troches. I-consider them very. far superior to any Lozenges that I have, ever used, in removing speedily that htiskliCesi of the voice arising from' its too frequentutte,;araPiniPairing the effectiveness •of the delivery of public ad -dresses . Yours, ..k.04 :: : - JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Bitnivairr—Dear Sir: Having used your Troches, am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with :sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., - Q. 0. RARFSTRAW,' Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Duna= ATTOENZY'S OFFICE, 1 . Hauma'uact, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Betuvilarr—Dear Sir : I have found your Trocheli• to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness:And in strengthening :the muscles of the thrOit. They impart clearness to the voice,. and are certainly of great berio-, At to all publiomeakera. A. d. HERB' Bateikelwr's Celebrated Hair. Dye , _ - Is. rllE BEST IN tErz -WORLD. The only Hamlett, Drtopand-Reliabie /lye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect.-changes Bed, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a OLossy Black or Natural Bruem, without injuring the Hair or staining the :kin , testing the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently ratoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill elects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed 1911,1101 A. BATCH ELOR. All others 'are mere - Imitations, and should be avoided. Sold bf all Druggists, -4,6 Factory-81 BAR CLAY ST, N. Y. - BATCLIRLORN NEW Tortxr OREAM 1 , 014. DIGZISINU TII ." je2: 4 - 1 y APHYSIOLOGICAL view of WIA_RRIAGE,, containing nearly . 3oo pages, and 120 'One plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and -Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence, upon the Mind stud- Body, with the Author's Plan — of TreatMent--the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re port of cases treated. A truthful adviser tollie married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt or 25 cents, in stamps , or postal cur rency, by addressing Dr. LA CROLY, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y. . - • • marl-da.w3tri Tavern Licenses. NTOTICE is hereby given that the follow 'tug persons have riled petitions to the Court of Quarter liessions of Dauphin county for Tavern Licenses; and that the same will be pieilented to the said Court on the 11th day of May. 18114, as required by law: Richard Hogan, First ward, Harrisburg. Jacob Brenneman,. " 44 . David Smith, " - ie • Christian E. Jauss, " . Ann M. Erb,. Louis Koenig, ~ 44 John Heller, 46 . . It W. G. Thompson, Second Ward, • . ' Thomas. NicaoLsou, • " - " B. G. Peters, . Benjamin Buck, i' ": . • J. G. Herr, • James Raymond, " l' •• : Daniel Wagner, .John.M"Grannagen, 44 ." • " F. C. A. Schiller, it ..t . L. P. Yerkinson Chirlds H. Mahn, tt . • , John ll..Brant,Third ward, " •-.-:•,..• Gerirgel. Bolton, ' " ' : Robert, Vaughn " , ". . _ . .. • W . .. 0. Thompson ) , " •" • • " •••• -• " - ..• ; David. EL Hutchison, " . Joseph W. Stone; '<' . 4 Willlan.e.RßUCh, . ' t., • ' u ;: • , Gotlieb•Swilkey, . • " ' " . Samuel IL Dunlap, " "- - • ' • • John P. Deiker, " • " Etleran;Mager,. . ,Helltel .k.t,mith, - " ••• " - • :Ebenezer Lundy ; . a ••• ; James Davis. " • " .. •• • James W. Morgin, Fourth ward, " Lazarus Bernhard, Wm. P. Hughes; Wm. thaberger, " " '' ' ' . Owen M'Cabe, - . " " ' M. F. Brenner, - " " Michael Hair, " : 64 Peter Germ, < ' 44 . Jobs Brady, . ;•, .- Timothy at'Coy, Fifth ward, " •;• John Shultz,. " . Patrick Malony, " John A. Graltllll, " " J. L. Dick, Sixth ward, " • Philip Crouse; •.- • " " ' • • Robert Elliott, " " ." • ' John Stemler, • " 44 Alexander 61.4.11intock, " . " . . William Ifotherman, " - . " ',, •,...„,..„.„ . ..,, - .j . : • Vincent OrsitlgEr.,' 44 . - - 4 Weston Bailey, ; ' ; .• '''' 7 " Weaver, J. hi, ' " , " • Henry Bostegan, it Sarah Blatik, ; " . ' " - Patrick Al'Ellf, . " Jacob Pentz;,_." ' ... - Williamli. BOill t . ~ • " - Valeuune Dolson, Northward, Middletown. Frederick Kotrpor, " Samuel Detwiler, .." - " ' '•• Raymond & Kendig, Middle. ward, ‘ 5 . • • ' Christian Neff, Pjtvid °Samna, South *aid, ': ". James Hipple„ . • • • "•• - . Elijah S. Embich, " ' ' . .44 Charles Steiner, . Adam Earnest, Gebrge Yeager Millersthirg,. .. ...;• .:'" ' '.' Benjamin Bordner, lierrysburg. u 1• •;• F. . F. A. Showers Atljo:, Smaquidurntuyttiiiiptitg„ • MG. Shreiner' -- - - t.. 4 'Jacob Halbach,' ;7. a •‘. ti ' • .Ja ob Llyingston, .. - - . . C.' - 4 .. c - -Charkitie.Wolf,./lighsplre. • • - ; •'.. ;••••• • ~_. , Susan Lehman, .. ' • -.Andrew-T. Green, - " -'" • _ . Samuel Neibling, " • • , t pt . • John Eby, Swatara township. , Samuel Whitmoyer, Swaiant township. • ' Elijan Balsbach, Lower Srvatara " Jidin.Snyder, Conewegii towaship. -; , ~ „ Join:J:l.'3nel', Hunimelstown. - •'' - ' i -David H.- " liaum, - " • Peter Syrtuager, Lorry township.* ••• ' ''' ~.' Martin Hooter, " , Henry Gross, ondonderry township • i . Isaac W. Kelchner; " ; ' " ' • -•• J'hn S. Stoner, East Hanover" - • ' ! • • Adam Gerberich, " 44 44 , '.. - ' • John Buck. West Hanover " . • ..-• • George Hockey, Uulou Deposit. ' • ' Samuel Speese, Dauphin. Catharine IL Steese, ' - - C. IL Rhoads, ' " . Jacob, " . ...., .;': John• Marsh, Hali fax. John Byrode, ",. . ,• • ' ;- Louisa Wright, " William Warner, Reed township. . ' Samuel Buck; UpPer Paxton township. ,-•,-Samuel Bower, Middle Paxton township.. • . ' r 'Jobb Umberger," " • .. . ; ,Charles.,E " reeland, A. ,‘ „<, . ........, ....... . - Benjamin Geesey; Lower Paxton township:. 'Elijah W. Alnrno.; - . '''''; '