Etitgrapt Ii HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAT EVENING, APRIL 29, }SR NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &e., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom panied with the CASH.. Advertisements ordered in the regular E,vening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. ANOTHER SALE OF A FRESH LOT OE TREES.— LOSMillger & Adams will sell to-morrow (Sat urday) morning, at auction, at their market stand, some five hundred apply trees of the choicest varieties; five hundred peach trees of the best varieties; also, a lot of dwarf and standard fruit trees, shrubbery, &c. All these trees are from the Columbia nursery, and everything is guaranteed to be true to label. Sale to commence at 5i ccleck, on said morning. S. H.•PURPLE . ENsanNGxn & ADAM, Auctioneers.' A SPLENDID bill at the theatre to-night THE owner of the lost drab shawl, adver tised yesterday, can hear of its whereabouts by calling at this office. I=l EVERYBODY is going to Mr. Rouse's benefit to-night. =0221 IF you are troubled with nervousness land indigestion, take Kunk - el's Bitter Wine of Iron. Advertisement in another column. 2t I=l AN old lady from the country had her pocket picked of about twenty dollars, yesterday, somewhere in Market street. Even the ladies are not free from the pocket-picking fra ternity. A Nuamna of large and handsome houses are to be erected here this season. Already are workmen engaged in demolishing old structures and removing their remains from the sites of the new buildings. Wno will miss the splendid treat offered at the theatre to-night? Not one who can Possi bly be there. Do not fail to visit Sanford's Opera House to-night. A very laughable entertainment may be expected, including a number of new plays, which will be rendered in the most mirth-provoking manner. Mssmnas of the Legislature, State officials, and numerous prominent citizens have 'united in tendering Mr. Rouse a complimentary hen eflt. Mr. R. is in every respect worthy of this token of respect. Let evelybOdy attend to-night. . === Rain the list of names of those who ten dered the complimentary benefit to Mr. Rouse BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS.—As SOrtle= Un principled persons are offering - to - the public base imitations of Kunkel's titter Wine of Iron, purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured solely by S. A. Kunkel & 13r0., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. 2t* Do not forget the complimentary benefit to Mr. Rouse, at Brant's Rail, this evening. Go and see the Roneytmon and the Bonnie Fish- Wife. So mm of the farmers in certain sections are already circulating a rumor that the fruit buds have been destroyed by the unseason able weather of this month. There may be truth in the report—but we would adi%iSe the public not to give it too much credit, likspre— sent. Ctncus.—The lovers of fun will have an op portnnity of visiting Gardner & liereMings' Great American Circus, at.this place, on,Dion day, Tuesday and Wednesday, of next week, afternoon and evening. Our citizens who witnessed the performance of this troupe last season spoke in terms of praise of it•; and we are assured that the company has been in creased and improved since` their - last ,visit. See advertisement. Loot out for a great jam, io-night, at the theatre ACCIDENT. —A. painful accident occurred at Marietta on Sunday week, - which resulted in a raftman, named Abraham Dehaven, from Clearfield county, losing a leg. He ..was in the act of "snubbing" a raft, when he became entangled in the rope, and his foot was ahnost pulled off at the ankle joint. Amputqion of the injured limb was successfully perfprmed: The lunibermen contributed one. htinclred and fifty dollars for the benefit of Dehaven, who is a worthy and industrious man. Do not fail to see the Honeymoon, at Brant's Hall, to-night. !—Brien's great show and Tom King's Excelsior Circus will visit our town on Tues day and Wednesday next, and exhibit. in the afternoon and evening. Aniong the peiform ars are some of the best male and female equestrians, acrobats and gymnasts in' 'the country. All the little folks, far and near, and a very large sprinkling of - the big 'ones, will be present at the exhibition to witness ihe fearless riding, and to hear the jokes of the clown. =I FIRE. —The substantial brick dwelling of Mr. Rudolph. Martin, one mile north of New Cumberland, was totally destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The citizens of the above named -village promptly rePailed to the scene, and rescued much of the fnirtiture from the jaws of the devouring element,- and saved a number of out-buildings frone•de:Struc tion. The fire is supposed to have originated from the sparks or rockets thrown on the roof by one of the engines attached to a thiough freight train going north over the No r kwrn Central railroad, between four and &45 &eldek. The conflagration was witnessed by a number of citizens o Front street. ' 3 Tar: Bonny Fish Wife will appear at Brant's Hall, to-night. I=l Local. mutters are uncommonly dull. Per haps the "Spring fever" has rendered our citizens incapable of committing any deeds worthy of a notice. =El= NOTICE TO THE PCBLIC.—The Market street canal bridge will be re-plauked on Monday next. The public are therefore notified, that afaresaid bridge cannot be used on that day. PERSONS writing to the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry should direct their letters to Columbia, Tennessee, marked "Follow Regiment." The regiment left that place for the front, a few days ago. SALES of condemned government horses will be held at various points in this State, com mencing with Newport, Thursday, May sth. Full particulars can be had by reference to our advertising columns. ATTENTION, Crrunu!—A special meeting of the Citizen Engine and Hose Company will be held this (Friday) evening, at 7,1 o'clock. Every member is requested to be present, as very important business will be acted on. By order of the President. WM. J. LAWRENCE, Sec'y. I=l Om How CoLn ! —Mr. George Dress will open his Ice Cream Saloon to-morrow eveniiig. Persons desiring to indulge in a dish of first rate cream, will do well to give Mr. Dress a call. He wishes it to be understood that he will positively refuse admission to all impro per characters. None but respectable persons need apply. imp. SAUNDERS, of Greason Seminary, will bei'.•AiiS4. Faioahe's:Music store:, in .this city, to-mmow (Saturday) afternoon, between the hours of two and four o'clock, where parties, desiring to send children to the Seminary, can see him. There are a few vacancies in both departments of the institution, which is said to possess superior advantages as a_ place of I=l ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.-- The large flouring mill, saw-mill, still-house and hog pens, belonging to Mr. Zechariah Loucks, sit uated abont one mile north of York, Pennsyl vania, near the line of the Northern Central Railway, were destroyed by fire between two and three o'clock this morning. A.large . tity of flour, grain, J., was destroyed. The firemen of York turn - out en masse, and by their prompt and tiro.* assistance the house and extensive barn of Mr. Loucks were saved from destruction. COURT PROCEEDMOS. —The Grand Jury. con cluded their labors, and were discharged yes terday. A number of, persons against whom true bills had been found, were tried. John Trump, charge 4 with burglary, was ound guilty. • Patrick M'Xift; charged with selling liquor on Sunday, was tried. Verdict, not guilty. Annie Foster was found guilty of larceny. Henry Engle plead guilty to the charge of felonioue_assault and battery. George Potter, charged with larceny, plead guilty. Daniel Reigert was tried on two charges of assault and 'battery. Verdict, - not - guilty, both-eases:- - adoc, M. Moi•gan plead guilty of the charge of bigamy, and submitted. COMMEND ART s.—Mayor Roumfor t, we under stand, has addressed a note to the proprietors of the various places of amusement in the city, requesting them not to sell tickets of ad mission, nor to admit free, children under twelve years of age, to witness their perform ances, unless accompanied by their parents. This request we deem of sufficient import ance to meet with a ready acquiescence on the part of the managers, as such license is fre quently made the excuse to parents by their children for late hours, and enables them un der shadovr of it, to wander through the streets and associate with all sorts of company, to the destruction of their morals individually, and detrimental to the public generally. I=== Go to Bannvart's and secure your tickets for Rouse's benefit, early, or you will not ob- am a seat. POLICE A-Before.—itefore. the Mayor. 7 There was but little doing at the Mayor's office dur ing the past twenty-four hours. In fact mat ters were very dull there. The following are the only cases we have to report: Miles Carter, (colored,) cavalryman, a sup posed deserter, was handed over to the mili tary authorities. - Joseph Neetrieh —upon the stone charge— as carter, expressed his determination to re sign—was disposed the same way. N. W. Ash and F. Kenecht, soldiers, the former was drunk and disorderly, the latter supposed to be absent without leave, were handed over to the Provost Marshal. • Heinrich. Schmidt, vagrant, upon a hearing n as dischaiged, with orders to `leave the city MR. ROUSE - will appear 118 Jacques, the Mock Duke, this evening. Surocunco DmixEr.— A German, named Tony Zerlaut, was , found; yesterday A. It., terribly mangled at . Summit No. 1,, near Freeland's Station, on the N. C. R. R. It is supposed he fell from a freighttrain, while asleep, n o one connected with the train knowing of his presence on the bumper, as he was evidently making his way home from Baltimore gratis. He belonged to Glatfelter's Station, and formerly worked on the road as a track hand. The unfortunate man was literally cut in two, his ribs, bones and heart protruding, one arm cut off, and the hand of the other I I arm severed at the wrist. He leaves a wife and three or four children. Zerlaut's remains were taken to York, yester day, aninquest.held, and this morning sent home to his familyin a neat coffin, furnished at the expense of the N. C. R. R. company, He had only one penny in money on his person. ;., Ma. RousE's benefit takes place this c7en ing. Secure your seats early. GLAND CompzimErrAnv BENEFIT.--A large number of. our most premindnt citizens, and numerous sojourners, including members of the Legislature and others, as an evidence of their high appreciation and personal regard for W. A. Rouse, Esq., of the Star Combina tion Company, have tendered that gentleman a complimentary benefit. This evening has been set apart for that purpose, and a grand b. ill has been set apart for the occasion, con sisting of Tobin's great play entitled THE HONEYMOON, and the capital farce, The Bonnie Fishwife, in each of which Mr. Rouse will sustain a prominent character. This enefit is doubly merited by Mr. Rouse, inasmuch as he has proven himself to be a gentleman in every sense of the word, and sustains a private character beyond reproach, and because he has fur nished a series of entertainments that have never been equalled here. Mr. Rouse is an excellent comedian, with few superiors, and has a large and efficient company, composed of. ladies and gentlemen who have nobly sus tained the various characters assigned them. We trust our citizens will turn out en masse this evening and witness the entertainment. Go and patronize a company that is worthy of your encouragement. Let every nook and corner of the room be filled. GRAND complimentary benefit to Mr. Rouse, the gentlemanly manager of the theatre, to- night Complimentary Benefit to W. A. Rouse, Esq. . HAItIIISBURG, April 28th, 1864. W. A. Rones, Esq. : Dear Sir : Having had many opportunities to become acquainted with the enterprise and liberality with which you conduct your pro fessional business, and. also having witnessed the ability with which you sustain yourself as an actor, we beg to be permitted to show you our high appreciation of yourself personally and professionally, by extending to you the compliments of a benefit. You Will please designate the time at which a committee of your friends can secure the benefit they think you so richly deserve. Your early reply to this is respectfully re quested. John H Brant, S H Sieg, R J Haldeman, A M Penton, Wm V McGrath, D B Montgoinery,- DZ S Quay, W H H Sieg, W H Armstrong, J D Baker, •A. 0: Mullin, Thos A M'Guire, John F Spangler, P J Nichols, A. Patton, W S Phillips, G W .Wimley, S S Child, Samuel Josephs, E G Herr, R H Kerr,'3D S Burns, A Hiestand Glatz, H L Lamberton, J G Herr, B Reilly S Coyle, G W Stein, Josephus Shisler, John B Beck, Christian S Frazer, Nelson Weiser, Geo W Wayman, Thos J Barger, W W Gibson,. F M Hutchinson, Robert L linen* J D Strawbridge, C 0 Zimmerman, Wm G Thompson, A F Klapp, C A Bannvart, R J Fosdick, Chandler, Geo Nt llun;er, Hiram Fertig, W Cliaiiman, Jr, P H Schreyer, - 0-S Woodruff, - J B Masser, H F M'Reynolds,- Geo L Schuler, T G Vogle, Jno 11,0pdyke, Oliver Edwards, W H Brown, D F Blessing, J L Hammer, Geo W Crabb, S T Kennedy, P-K Boyd, A F M'Crone, Thas S M2Gowaxi, Louis 'Brinninger. Bernard Campbell, F B Stolzenbach, Samuel Maslen Harms - num April 28, 1864. To Hon. Was V. M'Gitxra, Hon. M. S. QUAY, Hon. A. HIESTAND GLATZ, Hon. C. L. LAX BERTON and others. Gyms-arm I have the honor to acknowl edge the receipt of your favor, dated this a. M., tendering me a complimentary benefit and.requesting me to designate the evening. It is, gentlemen, with genuine feelings of gratitude for this unsolicited consideration that I accept your kindness, and would sug gest that it take place on Friday evening, April 29th. With the most grateful remembrance of your encouragement, and the kindly , feelings ex tended 'tome by so ,many iivho were but a short time since, strangers, I remain your obedient servant, W. A. ROUSE. Pennsylvania Legislature. REPOTHED EXPRESSLY FOR TES TELEGRAPH SENATE. Fames, April 29, 1864 The Senate met at 10 o'clock. Mr. GLITZ (Corporations) reported, as committed. House bill No. 1001 an act to in corporate the Yellow Stone gold mining com pany of Montana Territory. The .resolution from the House, thanking, in the name of the State, Generals. Reynolds and Meade, was concurred in by the Senate, by a unanimous vote. • • - Mr. CONNELL read in place an'ilet relating to Hamilton and Thirty-first streets, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadel phia. Also, a further Supplement to an act to es tablish a Health office, tie , in Philadelphia. The Clerk of the ouse inforMed the Sen ate that the House of Representatives had non-concurred in the Senate amendments to the appropriation bill, and had appointed a committee of conference. On motion of Mr. CONNELL, the Senate insisted on its amendments. . _ Senate bill No. 664, to enable State banks to become National banks, passed finally -20 yeas to 12 nays. The amendments of the House to the amendments of the Senate to the Revenue bill were considered and, on motion of Mr• CONNELL, concurred. in. House bill No. 1010, a supplement to an ac to thcilitate the passage of coal and coke boats in the Monongahela navigation, came up and passed finally. The bill relative to liens of the Common wealth on lands from which purchase money is due the Commonwealth, came up and was re-committed to the Judiciary Committee, to report (this afternoon) a bill granting clear titles to such lands in payment of the princi pal, less the interest. Mr. LOWRY, chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, reported the bill to:re-or ganize-and diScipline the militia, and' n his motion said bill was considered and laid over. At Ip. 35. Adjourned • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY; April 29, 1864 • The House met at 9 o'clock. Mr. •BIGHAM, from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported the general appropriation bill. 'with a recommendation that the House non-concur in the Senate amendments, and appOint a committee of conference; 'and ac `cordingly ' the House non-concurred, ' and Messra:- Bronahr, SraTzr.- (Philadelphig-tind BAMGER were appointed the committee of con ference. Mr. BIGHAM, from the same committee, reporied the revenue bill; and in accordance with the recommendation of the committee, the House concurred in the Senate amend ments with certain amendments. The House amendments were subsequently concurred in by the Senate. On motion of Mr. GLASS, the House took up House bill, entitled A supplement to the act to create a loan and provide for arming the State. The bill provides for the establish ment of an agency in the Southwest, to. take care of sick and wounded Pennsylvaniai. vol unteers, and to send home the bodies of those who may die in the service. It also provides for the appointment of two additional clerks for the agency at Washington, so that claims of soldiers, their widows or children, may be prosecuted without charge. It also provides for the preparation of a military history of the different organizations of Pennsylvania volunteers. The bill passed finally. House bill, to provide for the instruction and training of destitute orphan children of soldiers, was, on motion of Mr. MCLELLAN, made the special Order for this evening. The House then proceeded to the consid eration of a special private calendar, and the remainder of the morning session was spent in the first reading of private bills. 330 T.,ereorapt). From Red River. REBELS MARCHING. ON GRAND SCORE, UR TROOPS MOVING TO MEET TEEM. Union Loss in the Late Battle. 1=2:11 The Demand has received a special dispatch from its correspondent at Vicksburg, dated the 22d inst., which says: The steamer Lucy has arrived here with news from the Red river. No more fighting had occurred up to the 20th, but the rebels were reported to be march ing on Grand Ecore. Our troops were going out to meet them. Ourtotal loss in the late battles foots up 4,000. Our army is believed to be securely en trenched at Grand Ecore, on both sides of the river. From Memphis. MURDER OF AN OFFICER. nrestigatiou of the Port Pillow Massacre Memphis papers of the 28th contain noth ing special. Cotton has advanced lc. and there is but little doing; holders are waiting for better prices. A reception was given to the veterans at Carbondalq, yesterday, preparatory to their return to the field. It was followed by a ball and dinner. During the afternoon some sol diers who had au old grudge against Col. Os borne entered a store Where the colonel was sitting and struck him on the head with a weight, breaking his skull and inflicting a mortal wound. The murderers were not ar .rested at last accounts. Messrs. Wade and Gooch leave for the eas , to-morrow morning. The steamer Forsyth brought up four hun dred bales of cotton. MEBIPE:LS, - April 26.--The committee on the conduct of the war are here investigating the Fort Pillow massacre. It is thought they will exonerate General Hurlbut, as it is generally conceded the force at his command was inad equate to deal vigorously with Forrest. THE WI IN THE SOUTH-MST A FIGHT NEARNCHATTANOOGA. Butchery of the Wougded A NOTED GUERRILLA. KILLED REBEL SDIJOGIER Tll BE EXECUTED Major General Washburne at Memphis I=l Reported Capture of Shreveport by General Steele. I=l CHATTANOOGA, April 26.—0 n the morning of the 23d of April the . rebels made an attack upon our pickets on Nickajack Trace, near Leet's farm," - with both infantry and cavalry. The infantry came over Taylor's ridge.— The cavalry came from South valley, and at tacked simultaneously seven points picketed by the Fifty-second Illinois. Our men at tempted to fall back, and failed. The infantry barred the way. The men tried to cut their - way out, but of sixty-four men, thirty-four, fighting bravely, escaped. Five of our men were killed, four mortally Wounded, three severely, and nineteen miss ing. Lieutenant Scoulles was wounded and taken prisoner. The rebel loss is as severe as ours, if not greater. Several of our men were killed by the ene my after surrendering. Several of the wound ed were butchered as they lay on the field.— The rebels in the whole affair were guilty of shocking barbarity. c.uito MW M.F.AIPHIS ST. Lours, April 28.—Cairo dates of the 26th, received by mail, say that the steamers Liberty and Belle of Memphis had arrived, the former with 128 bales of cotton for Evans ville, and the latter with a number of river horses, mules, and wagons, belonging to the 16th Army Corps, for Cairo, and 270 bales of cotton for. St. Louis. Memphis dates of the 25th state that the steamer "Curlew; from the — Arkansirs river, while, aground at Johnson's Island, was at taoked by guerrillas, but the. soldiers on board drove them off, killing the leader, Tom Hen sion, a notorious/guerrilla and boat-burner, better known as the Wild Irishman. Three steamers are reported lying at the junction of the White and Arkansas rivers, from which the guerrillas were receiving large supplies of clothing. Martin Smith, formerly a conductor on the Mississippi Central Railroad, was to lie exe cuted at Memphis on the 29th. He was taken some time since in the act of smuggling five hundred thousand percussion caps and sev eral hundred pounds of powder to the enemy, having previously taken the est}r•of alle giance. Major General Washburne had arrived at Iviemphis, and assumed command ot:the Dis trict of West Tennessee. • The, hospital steamer N., W. Thomas, from New Orleans, with dates to the 18th, has . . , arrived with 166 wounded soldiers, one-third of whom are from. the late Red river battles. They are all on furlough, and on their way home. Rebel prist)ners 4al;en• cat Pleasant Hill eon-- fr.rm the former report; that Gen. Steele has taken Shreveport. MO THE PUBLTC.—.J. C. IiIIIBALL, No. 33,t4 Mari: et. stre-t, Ilanisburg, has now eu hand a complete assoriment of all kinds of Boots Shoes Trunks, &e.., t whinh are warranted to give sa!isfactio❑ as regards price and quality. All disposed to him the favor of a call aro advised to come at once, as prices are . ADVANCING ON very rapidly account of the high price of leather and scarcity of work men, as so many are now with the army now en the way to ATOTICE is hereby given that the petition LI of,.l,ehn;Miller, of, Millersburg., for Tavern License, has been Died in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dau phin county, and will ba presented to the said Court on the 11th day of May, 1.864., as required by last'. aP29-d2twit J . G. YOUNG, Clerk. NOTICE is hereby given that the petition of Mrs. Ellen Lackey, of Susquehanna township, iris been filed in the Court of Quarter sessions of Dauphin county, for Tavern License, and that the same will be presented to the said Court on the 11th day of May, 1554, as required by law. J. C. YOUNG, ap29 d2teod&wlt Clerk. PUBLIC SALE Will be sold, at Public Sale, on WEDNESDAY; May 4th, 186.1, at the residence of the subscriber, on Front street, in the Sixth ward of this city, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Bees and Vel3 Boles, a lot of Locust Posts, one Sail boat, itc., &c , kc. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. 31. [ap29-tt] JOHN SHANNON. ST. Louis, April 29 TR"is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discovered. It changes, the sun burn and Face and Hands to a pearly, satin exture, of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in the city Licht; or failliOn. it removes tan, freckles, pimples, and rough ness of thc skin, leaving the cotnpmxion fresh, transpa rent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera ampers. It is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re tail by S. A. RUN HEI, & BRO., ap2B-cltf 118 Market street, Harrisburg. CAIRO, April 28 SPECIAL DISPATCH! ! GENERAL GRANT RICHMOND, ap2S.dlt NEW Al) V ERTIS fii ENTS. TAVERN LICENSE. TAVERN - LICENSE MAGNOLLI BALM. BR4NT 9 S HALL. LOOK OUT FOR Harris & Clifton's NEW ORLEANS Burlesqe Opera Troupe IME3 BRASS BAND. 18 STAR TRUP.SDAY AND, FRIDAY, MAY 50 ;AND 6th THIS TROUPE is ackmowledged; by the Press and inablic, where they hve had the hmior of appearing, to be :the gYeateSt com bination or Artistic excellence and the most original Dab:mating Troupe ever before consolidated uncles one . management and MASTERS OF THEIR PROFESSION HARRIS & CLIFTON Sole Proprietors F.RANK WINSLOW, Agent J. Norms, Stage Manager ap29 FOR SA.LE—Two . small Lots of ground on Penn street, near 13road; 1 Walnut Show Case; 1 Wagon Tongue; 2 Windows and Frames. A small- Mort Uoom for rent. Invite of MILTON POTTS, Mira street, above North, . ap2B-d2t* AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES WAR DEPART RENT, CAVALRY BUREAR,I OFFICE OF OM* QtrAxxxxxAsT6x, Wesu.eroic..; 1). C Apkil 25 1864. NXTILL be sold at public auction, to the V V highest bidder ; at the times and places named be- low, viz: Newport, Penn's, Thursday, May sth. Gettysburg, Penu'a, Monday, May 9th. Altoona, Poun'a, Thursday, May 12th. Penn'a, Thursday May 19,b. Reading, Penn'a, Thursday, May 28th. Lebanon, Peon a, Thursday, June 2d. Northomberland,Renn'a, Thursday, June 9th.' Scranton: -Peun'a, Thursday, June 18th. Williamsport, Penn's, Thursday, June Hid. One Hundred (1001 homes at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred. and Filty (25u), at'each of the otherplaces. These Horses have 'been - condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold Sales begin it 10A ta., and continue daily till all are sold. TESMS: CASH in - United States Treasury notes only. .TAMES A. Lt. Cat arid C. Q. H. Cavalry Bureau. al 28 dtd PROPOSALS. OFFICE CitrEF COMNIM.tAY of ScasisrEkcs, DEPARTMENT OF . THE SUSQUEHANNA HARRISBURG, Penna., April 23d, 1844. . SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, are respectfully invited by the undersigned. until 3 P. Monday, May 2d, 1864, for ?urinating the United State` Subsistence Department, delivered In Harrisburg, Pa, with "Fresh Reef," of a good and marketable quality, in proportions of Fore and Hind Qdarters Meat, (Neck, Shanks and Kidney Tallow to be excluded,) in such nu= titles as may be requirjl, and on such days as shall be, designated at this office', commencing May sth, 1864_ The ability of the bidder to fulfill the agreement must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee. In case of fail• ure, the United States reserves the right of purchase else- Where, to make up the !ieticiency, charging the advance paid over the' contract price to the party failing to de liver. Bids must be legible, the numbers written, as well as expressed by figures; and no member of Congress, ofd eer or agent of the Government service, shall be admitted to any share therein or to any benefit which may arise therefrom. The proposals wilt, be opened at three r. 3t., Monday', May 2d, 1861, and bidders are invited - to attend. BROWNELL GRANGER, Capt.. and C. S. U. S. V.,,Chief C. S. Dora.. Susquehanna. ap23-dtd - . OST—On Sunday afternoon, ingoing from .1,4 Pine street to, or returning from tile Lutheran Church, n liourth street, a ' GOLD CHAIN, for which a liberal re. ward will be paid by W. T. ELM RP, Att'y at Ems'. Monday, April 25j 1864 —d4t [Patriot and . Ornioia copy] - - - . N IFIXTREIAM MUSTARD, the best bnimixted, 1,, Just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, f e ta (successors to Wm Dock_ ii., k Co.) A LARGE lot .of-be`- quality .of` fiercer A Potatoes just received aiutfor she by BOYER & KOERPER, / 4 0, 8 ,1tarket '?/1141e• deaU•dtf . . BRANT'S MALL.' BRANT'S HAT:?.. Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company. CROWDS TURNED FROST THE DOORS UNABLE To GRAND COHPLIILF.NTARY BESEFTT Mr. W. A. Rouse, . Mr. W. A. Rouse, Mr. W. A. Rouse, Mr. W. A. Rouse, By Citizens of Harrisburg and offer. The Great Proteau Aches and Cantatriee SS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENITAM. MSS FANNY DENILIM HONEY MOON HONEY MOON HONEYMOON BONNIE FISH WIFE. BONNIE FISH WIFE . BOILNIE FISII WI I' The whole company in the bill Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small hills. SANFORD'S HALE, • THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR OF HERE,'S HOTEL. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 29 FUN FOR THE MILLION! MR, AND MISS ANNA BORDER, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. J. M. MORTIMER, F. DIAMOND,. The World Renowned Dancer Mr. J. FRASER, The Pleasing Ballaaist. 1-IIE - RMA_N OUTDONE, VILLAGE COQUETTE To conclude with the IS 0 1-130, MC I A_ Gr I kt, L . SANFORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be procured in nth-epee at Fat. vart's Drug Store. Doom open at 634. Commence NI to 5. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance t 5 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 eaeh single scats : $1 eget.. jan2l-dst CANTERBURY AVISIC 111.1,1, WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. OPEN EVERY EVENINd, • With a First-class Company' - SINGERS, DANCERS, C MEDIANS, ite., Zt6. Admi33l an ...... .....'.......... . .... ............ 3eata Bnxes .25 PERFORMERS 07/EAT DIIIOO VIET I= Applicable • to all naafal Arta ' Aze*r thitg. Its Combination Soot and Shoe Man ofarAarem Jewelers. Fa=llea. It is kliquid. Remember. Agents In Philad tenEwily Open Market for Cavalry Horses. QUASTELMASTfiIeS Cfr:efee., HiRRISBCRGt Penna., April - sth , 18134. I UIITEL further orders, HORSES, 'fit for avalry Service, will be purchased at this place in open market None will be received under five, nor over iiiielccar.:o age. Must not be under 15 bands in height; For particulars apply to E. C. REICHENhACH, aps-dtf • Capt. and Asst., Quenon:4u4er. Sewitig chanines, Machine Silk, Linen Thread, Cotton, 6,, Machine Needles, Oil, Union Galloons, B Long Thread Eyelets, Shoe Lacers and Stationery: Odle; Fro:. above Market street, Harrisburg.. aP II -d3w B. B. NroonWARD, Agent. V.BENCII BEANS—A rare Article, Juat re ceived at SHISLER & FRAZER, feb3 (atiecemara to Wm. Pock,jr., & Settnylkill "aitid_Sugonehttniafi' -Re COMPanY• OFFIva., Z...• • S. FOURTH STiIkET, PolLannsnin.a., April 4th, 1864. TEE annual meeting of th - e StockholJers th i,, c om p a ny 2nd an election for Pre-id and Managers Will take place at. the 031ce of the C-inpany Monday, the.tld day of 34i3 - next. at I'l o'clock,ja - , - $ W 17 3- 13; S* ~.`ettrt_- _ T HE filo, oT'tlie,.uelloba, fine large Burling kinillerrinirjust, Tr:calved_ at ~,,^ . , SELMER & FRAZER, ep9 tenoTmors to Win. Doel jr s. C 0..) .: 1 , 0) :.4 ;., ..1 J L uV. , AMU SEME4T4? - • EIgIer.r.THIRD origrat 'diktat!) STAR GALN AIINNSION HONEY MOON. HONEYMOON HONEY MOON The Lion 13!:tujoit BURLESQUE SCENES IN MAGIC. CURING A MUTE MISC ELLANEOUS. Useful and -V aim . % b Discovery. HYLTON'S INSOLUBLE-- CEMENT is of more general practical tit!!:t.J. ititan any invention now before 'public. "It. has °eon Shorotactily teezicti :during the last two years by praeLca: 'mien, and pronounced by all to b.: SUPERIOR TO d N Adhesive Preparations known. !thing; ISSOLUBLIe GEMENT iS a ilex !W& in and 'the reigott of years of stud! ;its is on . . . . deientifio Principles, And under no' circumstances or ,change of temperakure, will it be ',come corrupt or omit aty „ smell BOOT .ND BOBET ;Manufacturers, .using 114. chines, w.;i :and it the ben 'article - known 4. Cementing . for the Chanties it work-, (without detny, is not atf:- . I)st nay change Or temperature ' JEWELERS IWill fad it: sufficiently' adhesive ter their use, as has been prove& ' It 4 Borially Adapted k Leath...,. And.we claim its an especial Iner.t, that it sticks Patches to Boots Shoes sufficiently strong , without stitching. it is the onjy LIQUID C 2MEIN Extant that is a sure Ming .for men i Furniture, Crockery, Toys, - Bone, 'Reify And articles or House—hold cse REMEMBgR HILTON'S INSOLUBLY CE.ItRNT In a liquid form and as easily ep plied as paste, HILTON'S LTSOLUHLE CEiNITT Is insoinule in water or oil lituros'a INSOLUBLE CEMENT Adheres uny subsninoc:e. Supplied in Family or "Annul,. turer's Packages from 2 o•.nces :019 lbs. HILTON BROS. & CO., Proprietors, Peavidepoe,; R. 1 Fiats = LAING A: MAGINNIS strzlialzigroza ECM