Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, April 29, 1864, Image 1

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113 rustasmcD
Tat DAILY Tra=aarn Is served to subscribers is the
city at 8 cents per we Yearl subscribers will be
charged t 5 00 in advance.elL y
Those persons who neglectto
pay in advance will be charged $0 00.
THE TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, and is furnished
to subscribers at the following cash rates
Single coplea, week1y.........
Three copies to one Post Office
Ten copies to one Post Office
Prepared 'from Pare Vegetable Extracts, contahaing
lag injurious to the most Delicate.
• Airtire Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern
discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely
new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all .the
old and worn-out systems. •. •
AsrThis medicine has been tested by the most eminent
medical men of theday, and by them pronounced to be
one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age
sre-One bottle will cure General Debility.
say-A. few doses cures Hysterics in females.
Ara••• One bottle cures.ralPitation of the Heart. •
say-A few doses restores the organs of generation.
say-From one to three bottles restores the manliness
and full vigor of youth.
sar A few doses restores the appetite.
.ria-Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency,
sar.A few doses cures tee low spirited.
.go-One bottle resters mental power.
sgr-A few doses bring the rose to the cheek.
,This medicine restores to manly vigor and, rebus
health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing.
devotee of sensual pleasure.
sgr The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man
of bustne, the victim of a nervous 'depression; the' in.
dividual suffering from general debillty,or trove weakness
of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent
relief by the use of this Elixir or , Essence of Life.
gar Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and
forwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad
Joy-Sold by all druggists everywhere. ;
8010 Proprietors,
No. '59 Liberty street, New York.,
AWFor the Romorat of Obstructions anti the insurance
of Regularity in the Recurrence of the
aronaiy Perioda. •
WThey cure or obviate those numerous diseases that
spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity
. .
,They cure:Suppressed, Excessive and Painfid igen
gerniey curs Green Sickness (Citloroils.)
;ear They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains; in
the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue
on slight exertion, Palpitation of ins Heart, Loinmis qf
Spirits, Hysteria,' Sick, Headache, Giddiness, &c., &c ,In
a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove
cause, and itith it aid, the effects that spring , from it
Kir Composed. of .simple vegetable extracts, tlr r ef- `stn.
[sin nothing deleterious to any - constitution,: notveter
delicate, thelitimetlon being 'to substitute strength for
'weakness, witch, when properly used, they - never ail, to
They may be safely used ut any age, and al, any
perloe, =our permit° via FIRST TARSZ 11042TE9 r MU - in
which the Unfailing nature of their action would '
PREVENT pregnancy.
letters seeking information or, advice will be
promptly, freely and discreetly answered.
,Full illrectieror accompany each tax. •
per box, or six boxes for $5„
• Aigr-Snt. by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price.
sa-Sold by all respectable druggists.
.. DR. W. R. iitEAWIN ic.CO., Sole Proprietors..
maril-eodly No. 55 Liberty street, NeW
Per sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & SRO., 118
Market street.
. , .
Collection of . Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay
and 'War
. . . . .
THE undersigned, having been in the em
ployment of the :United States during the list eightotin
months, as Clerk in the Mustering and. Disbursing Office
and Office of SaperintendeOti of"Recruiang, 4orVisti of
Pennsylvania; respectfully inforinS'the'pultlieahaihe has
Opened an Office in the DAILY TELRGRAPH Building for the
purpose of collecting Ptinsions, •BouldioS, and
War Claims ; also, making out Offficers' Pay Rids, Muster
Rolls and Recruiting AccountK •
AU orders by mail:attended to promptly. ,
novi-dtf . SULLIVAN S.- CHILD.
Harrisburg, Pa.
eirtUle undersigned having "opened. a Marble
± Yard inthis city, beg loaire to inform - it:wk. - Trion&
and'thitiCiblic in•general, that they are prepared to fur
ash ;i.
Head Stones,
And House Work inLiAle and Stpne
Give use call andwe will guaranter l i d Wls p tiflt% co .
N. - k_ neatly none in English or Orniiii..
v en. AT HOME CARDS—By a ROM arrangement
with ono of the best engraEers in the - conntrk cards. of
any•ddiTderpOiiniviti executed in Mie 7 bilifibiricyle Of,
azt, onnfon . nable• with the ...latest, fashion,' and-supplied
atlower tecca Wad are'chargedliy'the station
era in New Tin or Phibidelphia. — For sainples_And,priceA
_ _
mche dtt
PIGS, &C., •
(Successors to -Wm.. Dock, Jr., a Do.)
osEs FLECK respeCtftilli 3 Onnoun:Oos to
the Public that he Is prepared to do all kinds of
HEAVY HAULING at reasonablerates. Horses andcarts.
furnished by the daY or singleAdad. All ordern-left at the.
SeouVid. Ward House, corner - of Chestnut and .Second
itreets, Will he promptly attended to. mar24:ttbn •
Soldiers' Portfolios •
tARGS assortment at
Bold t. Wholesale or retail kilo* prices,
Oo o L B e Sat, St.
SIGITIM j3odfish, : &FßiiZEß
leb2 (Successors to Wrn. IfloclCJltqcSlL
-1:1:1,0tALBS: CODFISH ; '..of *; the cell!
N.IIJ brated St. George bralid, just
andfor sale by . . , SHISLER WT&
".reel; recelimt
(suocessors to Wm. Dock, N jr.:, 4,
QWEET ..OEDER.—A. small but very fine let
of Sweet Met, just received et.
: SHILER. &- nt.&214,
our= (Summon to W. Dock, Jr., & Coi)
. 5 al I 1 r t 4 -77: -- <, , :;":17.,'
la GO
4 00
10 00
- .
Hdiscovered • the:
in most certain, speedy
I and effectual remediese world, for
A Acre Mit-ranted, or 2to Charge, infrowrOme
Weakness of
.lhe Atfectieus of the Kiiineyeland
Bladder , Involuntary Discl?..sigef!„ Impotency, GeneraLDe-.
Witty, ,NerTeinanees, DYspepshs, "Leaguer, Leir . "%iirlis,
Confusiori of Ideas,Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity,
Treinblings„.. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the
Head,. Throat, .Nosy or .Skin,.. Affections n of .the
Lungs, • Stoisiaah. .or ~Bowels,those terrible disorders
arising from' 21M Solitary 'libits of Tonth.2.-those secret
and-solitary-practices more fatal theii.riothas Mari the.
.song of Syrens to the Mariners of Allysees,. blightlng,ltheir.
most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering *mini*,
gm: , Impossible
ispOchilly, %%rho haVe become' the victimronelitary Vice,
.thatsireadfal and dddractifo habit which annually sweeps
1..M;y 0
to an untimely, grave ' amide of Young : Wm %of i the
most Mialted talents and illantAntelloct, who might
otherwise have entranced nihigenatfie - with.the than
denier emplaned or ink re ectfid4ifiing:iktc; may
call .with fall confidence..:. * . . . .
. .
Married persona; orlronng Men contemplating marriage;
being aware of-Oysical wpsi men% 9Twwl9. defpr
filtie ;t 6 ,sifeellitt • - • • •
• 'He•li.l26 places bin:melt antler
confide lulus a- gentlesintb,nnd ,
&nig). rely fipouhisiskin as a Physielin. .
nune 4l L+ iandfull vigor resit:pd. .
This Mafreeislng altenlYpii 2 --itrok"renderi:ur4 icad4.44,
aua the' vie,"
anis:of Improper indtilgentia Young ' are too ape'
to Xrsna net kulaglltwarf
neneetmennetkutat- may ensue:: New', ,who , that, ander,-
eigid:elktlinultget ; WM:pretend ft, deny that the ;poorer
prnerention Is lost nooner by thaw .falling Into , itePioiter,
berkelium by-thir prudent.. Besideetbelrtg.:deprivet the
,p ores of healthy, offspring, the enoit,se e ique and de
: Fynwit:lm it', bah bodyend
Thel system - becomes deranged, 'Me! Wel* and' mental
'-ftsiteticnis weakened, less of procreative .ptiw4f,' , ltenvbua
dyspeplile, palpitaltion of hearti ite.lhgedeion,
constitutional debility a wasting of the fraine, , oeugh .con
tittidptioti; decay and death.
OFFICE'No. ; Sorra Faximucii Silts*
Loft hand aide soils from Baltimore odreet4.s.favvdoorst
from the corrupt
.1111 ofobserveNama mid siumher,
Loiters must be paid and paidaist a attuntt :Thu Dootor'S
Dlplomiip,Lany Ida eilloO. •
Merril= of the Royal College of Sumo*.Londtin, grad
uate from one of theimust eminent:colleges: Mthe - United
Suttots mid the greater past Of ; whose Ilre r has • been, geld
in She hospitals of Innden, Pariv,Ytiilade phia,and. else
where, had effected dome of the' most disbltdahkig enres
thatwele. ever known.; many trouhlea ) 1, 1 at ringlet hi the
head and eats ;whelk. aaleeP, 'VOA; ; nervOnstrelipe, being
alarmed at sudden sounds; oaannuness, with. t freibient
blushing, :attended aometltries with derfingt4nent, of hand
were - cured himediately: .'• ' -
These are some of the Bad . and melancholy :effectii Rrw
duce& by ,ftirly bstbitz or youth, lirlivvrialtnean of :theiback
and limbs,. pains in, - the , ,iteed,-dManiete u orftigh‘.l* of
muscular dower, palpitation of Ahat .hegt, dyepepiiii:a, nor
vous syMphiniii of minettinfitio n - &c.;
• idiorritMv.L—The Taira' etreCts on the — mind , are Mitch
to be. dreadedt-losii. of imemo4; ciontitsion.'d idead, !de
pression of.spinta,-evil foreboding'', aversion ft.°, ?moiety,
self distrust, love of solitude, timidity , &c , are some of
the evils produced.. . '
Who have ledured themselves hilt- certala-practidei in
dulged In when alone, a habit freonestly learmit
evil companions, or at school; tho effects of which are
nightly:felt, even when asleep, and If not cured 'renders
marriage. a,ms Bible; and' destroys both and'body,
ahouldi camediately. . . .
that a yontg; man, the hoped hlsconPirY
thidarling of his ; Parents, shoutd be snatched from 'all
prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of
deviating finni";the path of 'natUre.and Indulgnit lit a
_Certain! secret habit. Such persons: wow, before contem-
'Reflect tbnta sound mhtd and body are tlip meet necessary
reikeites to prinnOttiConmibial liaPpliteas::' Indeed , with
out these, the , Jettneyalaiuglif ilfebSconies .a'weary
1 1 10 .1 ,10 fliteOClageKlY.4 1 :feint view ; the
mind becomes shadowed: with despair filled with the
melancholy reflection that the happiness or another be
cornea blighted with our own.
When:the =bedded and . ...impiudent `.votiuy.of pleasure.
ilpds he has imbibed ; the; seeds of thispainful,dleasse,
too6fteii happens that rtii llltimed senile of. shame , or the
dread of discovery deters hfm' from applying Idtlicise who
from education and niepectability, can alone hlm.
lie falls Isle the klandspr Igneriint and dealtnhigiiretend
era, who, incapable of curing, ,11cti his pecuniary , sub
stance, keep him trifling month after month, ofila long as
die's:finance:fee can be obtainO, and In despair leave him
With milted health to sigh mver hlagallingdisappointment,
or, by the use of the deadly poison, ignmary i hasten the
Constitutionalaymptotosof thisterrihlediseaseomch aitsfrod
thins of the Head, Throat, Nose; Sidi: progress ingetu v n
with frightful limpidity till death puts od to his
dreadfld sufferings by sending to that undiscovered
country from whence no traveler returns.
rn9 2B 4r-ENT OF nit — PRESS.
..- • . •
many thonsande,cured, at thla Inanition year after
yeeiyand the lumen:4i important sargtoar ime . n iti ons
peribrimed by='Dr. Jobwbh,:wltn'eeaed•by'the reporter, of
thi,-s c p s , olopar4Andifiaaariether mini, Income of which
bairePaPPeareftsl4•ll/Air,Woje.l46 10411i.a;•bgekiice
13riiiriadarmi ski PE.Neh!M:.. 4 :r . G= 1 ' 1 =91 . . 1014 rldeork i d.
bnitY: infai4OvP4ar,ittetalb.P'afillPubt`
to Two Dhys
3 U II / ,
Ulsitl,oN—NOW AND FOREVER'- 2Webiter
Sanitary Commission
boomis /ado REvims j
. . . .
The Committee On "Lahoa, brownie. AND RAMMED,"
invite co-operation with them in tad, particular_work for
which they have been appointed, ; 'As no portion of the
people more patriotic than the working men and wo
men of the country, it is but just Bind proper that they
should aillar have an opportunity to conwibute to the ob
jects of tho Vail% The ottast equable plan for accomplish
big this; and, at the satrie,time the easiest. ose, is to ask
fOr the contribution of a snores nay's iascot froth all
classes in the community. Many will contribute a day of
their labor willinglyi.Who. would• not stlbscribe their mo
ney. To reach every department of, industry and art will
be, a work of great labor, but, if attained, will be product
ive of Immense results;- •
The success of the - plati will depend npon thehearty co
operation of -every .olenient of influence within, bur lim
its, and We invite all the guardians of, the indmictrial In
terests, and all others; to take hold:with 'us In furthering
this 'great work of patilotisin and humanity.
• The Committee Is charged with the following duty, to
. . .
Freer—To obtain the contribution of "one day's labor,"
or earnings, from'every artisan and laborer, foreman, °lie
fatiVe and emploYee,• president, Cashier, teller and clerk
of every incOrporated'and unmcorporated company, rail
road and;expreas coinpany, employing firm, bank, menu
factory, iron works, oil works, mill, mine and public of
fice; from every private balker and broker, importer,
auctioneer and merchant; clerk, agent and salesmaar de
;signor; finisher and artist ; publisher, printer and mechanic;
from every government officer, contractor and employeet
grocer, butcher, - baker' and - dealer; fernier, horticulturis;
and. producer; TOM every Mantua maker, milliner aim
female operative;; every, individual engaged'. in turning the
soil, tending the loom,or in any way earning a livelihood,
or building a fortune within - the States of Pennsylvania,
New Jorsey'and Delaware.' ' • • ,
- Sscosio,To obtain thecontribution'of one day's "Rev !
, enue,7.from all the great employing establishments, erMai
corporaticini, companies, :rallrbilds and - works.
Tru ct a—To 'obtain the contribution of one day's inboine•
from every retired iperson, person; of fortune—male;and,
fonialor--)lving upon their, mem*, andfroni all clergymen,
lawyers, physicians, dentists, editors, authors and 'pro
fessors; all other persons engaged in the learned or other
professions. '
Much of this work must be performed by the personal.
influence and of ladies and gentlemen associated,
or to be associated with the 6imtnittee in out this
The Committee feel the responsibility ot , tbe work'they
have undertaken; which, to be successful Will require a
:very perfect remit:legion of their plan, and they therefore
'call upon all (althea, 'peeple to assemble chemseh-es to
gether in-every toe-n, township and county, and ibrin or
ganizations; of hulies.and .gentlemen to co-operate, with
them in this, great work endiabor of 10ve... ,In the ElplU
facttiiitig countles,',Dia Coal an4,Oijiigiona, and in the agri
cultural diatrictii—teriecially; let !here be organizations in
the large- towns,'so that the Young people may have an
opportunity thus to render ,aasiataince,,to •their relatives
and friends fighting the baWsof, their country in the ar
mies of the nation. . . .
' The work of this' Committeolinay presecuted- where
no other elibrt can be made for the'.Fair, as in the :minas
1 03f: the, cal; regions. ; A daes earnings of the miners, and
a day's 'product of the mines, can be obtained whore gm
`minable article Could-be procured for transieortattbri
deed there is no 'part .or section hf Ithese Statialwheie the
:daybilaar, may not;,be obtained„lf. organization's': can be,
:The 'Coiniiiittkei ciiiniat close without':urging ! upon all
trosirietiars eciablishminti the' duty of 'taking 'prompt.
and energetic action, to mime: the benefit of the• day of
labm CrticliftiklEithi.atheire9ntrek - .! ,;. ; •
••- ./:49 Co deem it:4itte46,t?? domore, than'
Mrs lit*M"thtesUbjeet - ,to' tlisoplirt 'of the:three:
,StetelhamoV , lii the .ecnuitig grf our-armies,
I the:labork of .the - qauMMlTtiorkeniSsionin Will;be greatly
augmented. By the first of Juno 700;000 Inett—,ono if
dr,* largest armies.of, modern times—mill ; be operating
~t he'lliticL, ' ; IM•ge e'forCe; scattiritdoyetrokions to winch
thelnen. o , o , 4nm:chromed; mast-ndceesarily carry along,
with icadarge,smount of. sickness; duititting andrdeath, to.
say nothing tit the,gatinsied.horrers,of: the battle l held.
These sufferings, it
: is our Ovuitadd duty, al Men and
:Chriatianv enlightened
enjoying the nleasinge of.a:government, of their own mak
ing, cannot refuse aielatance to men suffer - Mgt° maintain
its anthority,anit'werivill 'nee believe that the "GREAT
CI i VTRAL FAiß,".diewing. its products from the three
Stan:sof Paraiityleania New:Jersey and Delaware; so ;af
fluent in all minerali,agricultural and industrial wealth, - ;
shall fall behind., any similar WWI. which bas yet.been
'made far thi relief bt therblatlon's chi' hirer!. - •
As it is desk:4ll244st to multiply circulars, riefurther
authority than eitkulat will, be urimotary.for2any em,
playing Jima or : company, or Fay respecta ble. . committee of ladies tukrgisitlemeni iiraxed - "aronce inn the work of this
committee; and it is hoped that under it, organizations will
spring up in all theloWita and busy regions:ltalie States
of Pennsylvaula,Xew Teraoy and,pelaware. , ,
Subscriptions Will ho thaiildidly ; acknowledirod in the
nowsperii and,lt Is ,verTdosliablo that'
they commence boon, Jig' each fresh acknowledgment will
stimulate effoiCin other
ALL subscriptions stionld be liddre
a sed to VSJOHN W.
CUGHORN; Trerisiirbt„ofitee:of Abe "Committee' on LEt
bor -IncOnsat and Reyeane,"No. lig South Severithstreet,
'air All needful helps in Circulars and Posters; will be
forwarded to parties, applying for them. Direct to the
Chalrinati or ttia.Ccirintllttee as above.
I,:•MosTotinintx BOYD ' Chairman:
him CLUGHOiN; Treasurer.''•
• Rev.•,E. NT:Mum - M r Corresponding Secretary.
• M'Outta4:iii J lErzmoracpriSecretary.
His Excellancy;•AG Curtin, Jovernor of Pennsylvania.
H':iExcellenc ,Joel PzirkCr , Governer.of New Jersey,
-• Cannon, =Goiernor of-Delaware.
..Hon M anderHenry, Mayor of Philadelphia:
Hon Joseph lingersoll, Pennsylvania.,
Hon Sudge;CarpentM,'New 'Jersey.
Hon Judge Harrington; Delaware.'
Major-General George G Meade,iArmy of the Potomac.
Right Rev Bishop Potter, Mrs Rev EW Hatter,
Most,-Rev Bishop Wood, ' , • Chairman.
Rev BiShOp Shimpoin . ' MrS.GOOrge M Dallas, '
Rev Dr Brainard, , Mrd John Sergeant, • .
Rev W. • . Mrd - Jehn M. Scott,
Rev B W.Hetteri,Mrs General Meade,
Rev Isene - Leespr . , ..' • HMI, Edgar.ThoMpSon,
Samuel Felten; , Joseph Harrison, Jr,
Jena:Edgar Thompsbn; • • Mri. - RobervW Learning,
Commodoretß E Stocktou; Xrd."l,, Montgomaty Bond, •
Frederick Fraley, , • Mrs George F Weaver,
John Bingghain t Mrsileorge:WHiirrig,
George Wlllienis, • s Mts. F. A rpretio, • ; ,
Rev W Suddails,DD,' ! .Mrs.M N Kelley, " - -
Prof Henr)!•CPllee_t! . • Mr‘fohn W Forney;
Charles Pendleton:tint MD D,Mrs Samuel A.Crozor,
Dr' Walter W,llllanison,•• • ' Mre,Enoch 'ferret;
Hon Oswaldlfliempson, 'Miss , A Sager; •
Hon J. R:Liidaii; • • : Miss Susan:OlNell4.
N B Browne,: • '
Miss•Sailio Scott,
Daniel BongheitY, - Hiss ECI horn, '
l end 90 others. • ' and R 5 'others!
- ' • • • aprll-aawatw4t....
Likens Valley Rajilrosd SLUM Coat Corn
Xrethet . ..:The ' ,of the`
Stock:holders of the - Lykens Talley Itailioad and
Coal' Company wilt tie hard at•the Oak* of^Edward Gratz,
Esq., NO. $t South Boyenth street,. Thiladelahia, on Mon•
day, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, for the elec
tion of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Seven Man•
Tigers, to servelor the ensuing year. • •
GEO. E. RoFFlLitit
apidim , , 1 'rrui't R. R &'C. Co.
CAN be,had at,
•; ' Third One% near Walnut.
./11.11g- tindertnitried = would Vldipeotfraly in
form hiscrietids and the pliblic generally, that he bas
associated, a Practical - Plumber, and is now
preparedro do PLUMBING in all its various brancheS,
such as klydranta, Rubs, Water Clcaeta, Stationary
Wash ./lealori; c batvaulrcd Iron, CopOer-Planislied;
Lead ad Iron Bath Tubs, Plain and Ran -Wash Basins;
Water closets, Traps, Brass and Plated Cocks, and all
, actiptleror Plumber's triderlata and Iva kept.
ciOnStiMtlY, on nand, . and furnished at the lowest city
pricem‘GEO.4. CURLS' BY,- 26' South Skond St.,
i Barris/lug, Pa.
reItANGES!` 911 , 0f4E51A‘ . 1444 for ,_i of
qvantityal 01629) BOUR & KOERPER.
pitthtl4l:iMo in
tah.- . .
.hjs seat as C , ltitzicisn of .the
trliton. Strtte ponventicin, held in this
oily _~e~tetHays'
•The President , 'elect; on taking•thq /chair,
amid considerable applause, said: Gentlemen
of the Convention, I reel deeply sensible of the
honor yeti Italie just conferred Urion That
honor is•!enhanced when T reflect that among
the persons - here to-day I ' recognize many Of
those With whom I• htive , : been assOciated
publie life for the last ' t ' 4ll:tir twelVe ; years.
That pleasure is also enhariced , when Lreflect
that,from , almost every distaiat in -`the Stat.o I
find hercles,ding 'men of this , greet Union or
ganilaticinv ready . to perform "thee dutiesi:de
volved tiptei them ea delegates ,It is, tfien, no
small honor, gentlemen;" to be selected - to pre
side over your deliberations. The duties Will
not be onerous, and I trust they will not be
tedious. I shall perform .theme with fidelity
and impartiality, and I shall attempt to per
form them to the satisfaction of the.conven
tion. , . ~• !
Gentlemen, we have met in a most import
ant crisis in the history of our country,t,and
this organization, which we represent here
day, is, perhaps, the strongest; :numerically
and , mentally,:Lthat :has. ever existed in this
country, whether you: consider: it as confined
to:Pennsylvania, or is embracing this whole;
country.. stiy that there, is. not to-day en
this bread earth a body ofnien so powerful
in numbers; and having so holy ail object in
view, as thitAlnion organization. [Applause.]
This organization is not confined to any,par
tioularliarty.:, I recogniie:fhere' to-day 'men
who havabelonged to all tile: political organi
zations of the:State; andif I.were in the'c,ap
ital of Ohio or of New York, or any of those
great States,- in .a convention of delegates
representing the views of the people, I would
tbad,o similar state of affairs: et , I would find
patriotic men from the oldtDemo.cratic.organ-'
nation. I would find men. whohad., been
known as Whigs in early-life; - .I wouldlfind
Republicans, I would find Americans, and all
classes of men, associated_ :together. And
for, what purpose, gentlemen,?, :'Fora the
holy purpgse oi trying.. to save, this.
In en t ,-;iwith all its holy mernoriee_of the past
alAwf,t l 44 l ,lllo hOpeti of,the future:to
qlliselYoli told to our ; elAtldreit• the_
- -hokiiirisMozuottkalltTeS Prga4isatione and I.
trust, that the very; name which ~we Rave.
tidoptedindieatesAhe, cardinahpritieipleAliat
govern us. We are forthe Orden!. „We's,re a.
PAOY-of Pea9oo . 4..A.APuld. bfk.4o;, alArty!of
;9054,, a Pg - tYi 44 1 ,Pp1/tsiskfq to law t .a party
i.f0.19r,; Pt' PROP4tfiti9NAli rigikt, buh we; •areiln
favoi-* a1k**111.,44d.4141.0:.411. gircutustestgs,
:of; saN#Lg„thi4ligicl4MAteleti o&thith has been.
handed down to us by our fathers, if 'it edits
Ingre,f49, l3 .ey and more. iblood,.: ...tdo not
Oda:lce-the sentiments of delegates here to
ddy, when -I say that .there is, not a man in the.
organization .whpis•not inlayer asestaining
the Adnainistration ot. the . l!Tational Govorn
cien, itt ita-attempts to put: down this rehel ,
ion.: [Applause.] : ,
Ido notonistak' Y our sentiment, gentle
men, when .1 assert =ether taiit,-that , there
not, to-glaY; . Vide extended
country, nor, even. across the water,.lLmatifin.
public, life whO l is : b_etter, 'Montifor hie integ
rity, his:uprightuess'andlionesty, than Aka,-
ham Lincoln. [Vociferous and..prolonged
cheering.] lum glad, gentlemen, to hear you
cheer, in that way, the patriotic.,Ohief Magis
trate of this nation. You kmow, as wellcas I
do, other:man,in.this land has , spent
so aimay sleepless nights and •anxious .days in`
orderto save. our Governmentand my Govt
ernment frore :being :overthrown; ,and - while
he has had to contend with the armies of the
enemy, in t,heifield, he has had ,a, still , More
subtle, and in, many respects, a more dan
gerous enemy at -home. He . Las, had them,.
gentlemen, in these halls, he het had
them all, over the .State of Pennsylvania;
for 'I recolleet, l tlett there are.: those who are
willing, at least, :to, stand: by and see,l this
Government, with An, precious recollec
tion% go down• in , a :night,of • darkness and
gloom. I regret to say it,: but:l stand here to
speak honestly.. • and candidly,--I hafei no
speech preparedfor yon—l express my strong-'
est convictions. when say that. I dmow that
„on. these green :hills: and• •nt thesem*3lva of
Pennsylvania,there are to-day men that Word&
rejoice at the sotui(lof victory on, the part of
thembels coming up from. the Itappahanficiek.
Ido not exaggerate them' When say. that *4
,are met under mostimportant.ciretimataneek
and :we, have a , (IntY.. to perform which we
ought to perform:with a single eye to: the in
terestOf our greatcounty... •
Gentlemen,r have neither time nor Strength ,
to all that is at stake obit this crisis.'
If I did I. would speaks for hours. You all
:know what is at stake, ,nut oulyas.•regards
this. country; 'but, as_ regards; the - ,;civilized
world: There is nets, :Union:man:here to-day
Who does not regret that'thereis any man in
all this land who would not be found, in the
hour of trial, on the side of his country; not
one. The President has laid aside all party
feeling.' ,Helatf called to his aid rceniof all
pelitical, -parties, and. they! sae in the •field
to-day laboring; :for you and for. me: They
etand between us =ffluirthir. pnbiny; :like a,: wall.
of fire, to protect. our property and our hies.
lMen of all :politicalibrganizations are •in the
held, ' the cabinet, and all,over the
country are sustaining , : him; and • yet
all of;s you know that no 7. mart- in' all.
this landhas been more. abused , and imore
slandered than President;l:incolni. I= have
heard him abused in' these halls. I have
heard General Butler and Governor Johnson,
among .others that. I "might name, who have
given their time and their talents to the'Coun
try, abused in the capitol! - of my own State.
until Ihave been ashamed, and 'coal& have
wept tears ofrbitterness. I littie - heaid Gen
eral Butler, beaus°. he was 'willing :to lay
aside party_ifeeling,and:giv'e his seeviCan to the!
country, publishedinmy count r y' and &tough
outthe State 'ad a, brute; a hireling; it thief
and a, robber. Lhave Seen, and you have
seen, fax more thauthis. say..then, gentle
men, thatif this. Governmentim saved it must
be,, as my friend, the tempoiarYpresident r has
said, by r the army in , the field, iand" by the
- Union ariny home. [Oheering.] • '
qtecollecti gentlemen, that'thiit band oilmen
that are to-day standing in sighvof Lee's army
on the Rappahannockend3l. trinitrAhatuthey
are numbered by not less than 125 or 150,000
—and thOtie that are in 'ain:wet every rebel
-State assisting in putthiediMillie
belong to thigt Unzu. orgauizatioue [Applanie.]
It is safe to say that out of every
hriticlnictinielii&tho-field are in favor of the
policy of the Union. party. It is safe to say,
that at least nineteen-twentieths of these men
are in,favcr ,of Your! pa,tx*ip President. ;Arid
when you clothe than with the right of suf
frage=when they are Vsited with the, same
ri lit ut the , polls / You! and JiposshisX-rny
word for it, there will be in November little,
doubt as to the result, in the army of the na
tion. - • • ' -
WhytelPM l cl4l9t..tAW raMbe *vested wlib
theright, ef isfiffragel. ; J4o yon not know that
; there have been mop in„thege halls, clothed
with power by the people' who have been Will
ing to preve.nt, ittbeY co uld , soldiers frbm
.ereoyAng th at right? :In, the contest, which
ended last October,- when we contended
against : George W. Woodward---him.self an
honorable man—we appealed to the people
from every hill-top in the land, telling them
that if GreorgeW:WciodWard should be elected
Governor' f Pennsylvania and Vallandiglumi
of Ohio, they, acting in concert with Seymour,
of New York, and-Parker, of New Jersey,
would endeaver. to - thwart the purposes _of the
National Government, that they wet:lll(l'as
sist,• 'So far as was in their • - power, in
giving aid and comfort, to the enemy, -both in
the field and at home. I. said thatanyself be
fore thousands and thousanda of'people,'and
I stand here to-day,:not only 'to , vindicate
myself, but every Mall' who f• spoke
with •me on • those en:mations. I. told
the people then, as we tell them now, that our
candidate was true to the National cause, and
had given his-time and talent' to: the country,
and ithat ho *as fried-and' proved faithfuL I
told them more. I fold them that if George
W. Woodward be elected,' he would use his
power againstttlie National Arlrethlistration:
Was l - not right? • After: thalelection, the very
first act that these :Men did on the - benoh—l
refer to Judge Woodward, Judge Lowry and
Judge Thompson--was to make a decision
which was calculated to strike• down the
power 'of the National Adininistration.. They
decided that the Conscription bill--the only
means left for filling up the shattered-ranks
of the army— r was unconstitutional .I have
this to say here, and I say it boldly--I care not'
who hears it--I slander nobody, but I believe
it as - firmly as that the "Sun shines,',: that if
'George W.'Woodward had elected-Gov,
ernor- of Perimifivardm •• this country Would
have been infinitely -worse worse off than it is to-.
day. It ;is bad enough, I_ mina; but it
would have been worse. .
,The people ,desire to do right,. and all that,
.yon. have to , do is to inform them onthiesub 7
pct. They, are thoroughly ,awake new. They
believe as yart believe; that there are at this
• time brittwe•grest , .. - eetMtrYT
that ft is now, as,inthe' days orour Saviour,'
that "he that gathereth not with * ;"4,6,atter
eth abroad- " There is no middle ground'to
atandOn. If a man is not for tlie9 . oniitr3r, he
is against it. If a man stops tfiArnbbleationt.
tlip,P9lleY of,taie 4 kcintiP4;.3'9 l /* 7 1": be
sure that he is noktnie on the ; n ational, clues:
tie; and that he is asii.,us like l y, ~to have his
sympathy on tlie* the .241)Pal
haintook ea , nthikaide, t
I saY; l theit, I hepq • that the, peeple,theM7
selves will bike this matter in haml- ri that. they
will stand by what We to here, We care little
in nominating a standard bearer,for the Man,
so that he represents the , loyal people of the
country. - If I may be Edlowecl to speik my
own sentlinents I,say that no man mate hind
is so well entitled to this nomination as the
President. No man in the land has.done s 6
much for us. You. may riot agree with him in
all the , measures of the A.dministrat.en,:but
you knowthat he single and djsMter
estedtpurpoie, tq . save 'the Govertunont to
ourselves and to our children. I say then that
although I do not think liepersenallic desires
a nomination, yet it would gratafaitO him,
as it will be to the loyal ; men in the field
and the leyallnenin this nation,,to-Iniow that
we in this convention are pilling to stand by
him through evil and thttigh goodreport; that
we will not join in the vituperation and, plan=
der to which he hai been subjected.--that
we will encourage our men in theleleCthat
we will feed . and clehlte them while the y are
fighting our battle. Now, gentlenien, I have
detained you longer than I intended.; :I hope
you all feel on thie ;subject tia I Mel. You
all know the iniporttuage of : the position you'
occupy. You know ,how your peoplafeel at
home- you know ,t h e, interest at stake. if
you k now;that, if you do! not do your-du ty in
this _Crisis, your children will rise up- and
curse you:, for intldng sold their birthright.
Let me appeal tearen, then, to let our actions
be as -harmonions as- possible. If our
horiast - and good men to theNatiOnal Conven
tion, we will then have a standard7hearer
worthy of this, great Union party. We will
go into tlie.centest, I care -not what the op- .
position maybe, berMerKStieari"eg
in the air, and en„them„shall,bel*itten
"Union and,Victory- D r ) [bond applause ,
From - WaAhlitigton.
WAsimitucoN; April 28
_morning -.Stanhope -Garrechie and
Mary Garrechie; refugees from. Augusta, GEL,
presented themselves at the Provost Marshal's'
-Office, and were :releasid .on takingtthe oath'
of fidelity. Garreehie stated that on the 15th
of .hwt. montli;the rebeh'ziutliorithis iished an
orderprohibitingcitizehs from riding: Oil. nil
roads froth Variothapoitttwin •the: South, lead
ing to Richmendp.inaorder to facilitate the
movements of tretops, Wire :being hur.
ried up to Riclunond in large nrunliera - , At
the time • Garrechiel left.'Augusta;'- Ga.-: which
was some two weeks high, there were notroops
=Stationed at that ,point:: • Those that had been
quartered there were withdrawn a few days
preNions, and sent to Riclnond. When Gar
rechie was at Riau:loud, he Wow large bodies
of troops On their-sway to reinforee lee, and
that the arrival of teieFy , train-'it tlukt4laoe
increased - their numbert '
Wassiserrox,. -=Sub_ - , Subseriptiofis to
'..the len:forty loan 'reported: tot- the Ali s tuu4:
to-day seven hundred and forti
• It is said -.lSy. membeis .'of the itii-ecutivn
mfoittee that”there - id no , -rpraability ,of
:postponing the tit:tie:for thiiiinfiretinitof `the
Baltimore Nationah Coniretitidru.:2 . :
Nopaideelaciviliaidisr4itenloait - diseveral
who started foittlmilrniy , atarpassdis
have been' senttack - • • Jr a • u
The)cane - of4thelliflesotirl otstit eleetion
caie;ltartle•ojesdan,' Ito be sleet' 12P
nest Tuesday. •
S T 11_ I 1 Fri (i
rot *fit 041 ° 11.
JeitOrtAllig e P „dP4.!#.- 16 r EulTfernift,hl44o , l43B-
;imam Thonsizaving advertising ;a:do dud. crn
renien ltbr reference.
0:3-Fiyar lines oriess_co ,
lines tr more than four cons
Pek s, lt-311,
One day - I 30
Two day 5,......... 50
Thee days
Oneweek - 120
One month - 3 Cdi
Two months 4 60
Three months 550
Six months 340.
One yeer 16 00
*urine Notities
Auditor's Notion..., • ":
Funeral Nopmeenchtneertto
One day.
.The days
Three days
One week.—
9CO • • 0
Tw0 049
.Three months.,—,.... 11 (.0
fteloiondis ; ! lo 0
One year..... . .. tO
1 50
Oirenshmies see
before Iferregves end ,
ci n ch 4iseTum
• hi the „awl Cbhm' so, or
- AM= Col! ;qui. Lteg f/a
MVIIIth Cnngiesi---First - Session
Wes ox, . April2B.
The House Went into committee of the
whole on the state of the Union, to consider
the internal ray.enne
. .
„Mr. liasson (Iowa) offered a ,Substitute for
the 151st section, Which was adopted, provid
ing that it 'Mall riot be lawful to record any
instrument, documifit or
,paper, -unless the*? 'sifted, Mid the record
on which the propel stamp is not fixed shell
be utterly void, and shall not be used as evi
dence. . •
The section strlciren out proposed a pen.
alty of fifty iiollars foi the fatltire to affix the
stamps. ' '
April 281
There was a marked inactivity in all the de
partments of . trade to-day, and operations
were of the most meagre character. For dour
there was but little demand, either for export
or city sales. The transactions reach but a
few hundred bbls. of extra family. at $8 25®8
50 to retailers. The, prices range at ,S7®7-25
tor.supeTfm,e, $7 50®7 55 for extra, sBaB 50
for extra flintily, and $8 7509 75 for fancy
brands; accercling - to quality."' Eye flour con
tinues -Scarce, and. °in demand at .$7 per bbl.
,Corn, meal is held with, increesed firmness.
.There is but little wheat here, and . it is taken
at 0781g - 1 85 for red, at which aborit, 5,060®
6,000 bush. were sold with ri higher - rate de
manded for strictly-prime lota;;White 'ranges
at .51.90® 3 2 05. Rye; .sales have,been made
at $1 45, audit is scarce. COlll is scarce, about
12,000 bush: Yellow sold at $1 35 afloat Oats
steady at 88®90. • Provisions are <held With
much firmness, with but little doing. • Seeds
are inactive at yesterday's quotations.. .Bark
arrives slowly. Quercitron in - demand at
. $4O per ton. Whiskyie from at $135 perbbl.,
but holders are-now asking an advance. ---,Pe
troleum inactive.: .Transactions...are of a
,intuited character.
%teaks Pennsylvania 5a 981; -- Reitcling,
`railroad; 68; Morris' Canal, 811 ; Long Lsland,
18; Pennsylvania. railroad, 734; Gold 177Ax
change on New York par.
Flour - firth; Howard street slipertao;doc.
Wheat 'firm and -unchanged. Corn Steady;
sales of - 10,000 bush. $1 35®1 36i Whisky
firm; Ohio held at $1 33.
New York Sick*. ;Mark.*
..=./Saw Yoas, Area 28.
I:Stooks lower-- °timberland , preferred= 72;
Midbigair boutteern; '9Bre 'Nev' rork‘tmtral,
135; Penna. Coid,-115;• Hudsim- &Wei 136;
•V(aatott Of; Virginia 619,2 49; Missouri
70 ; Erie 1131; Michigan Crntral, ;133/ 1 ;
Harlem 231, Quicksilver,
161 Tennessee,. 68; Gold; - 1771; Coupons,
.6:20s 211;:l:Ine =years" certificates, ; Cou
pons, 1881,114;. Registered -coupons,' 1/si.
01 ,
a• 3
• ot
APURE and, powerful TONIC Corrective
and. Alterinive, of wonderful efficacy in ,diseaies of
, .
Liver ComplAints
"Readstate,' - Gettend -
pressym of Spirits, Constipation
Intermittent :Fever Acidity of the— .
Stomach, liausea,-Heialburn Disgust for :
Food,, Ful4neiss" . br Weight In the Stom
Sinking or Flutteringai the Tia.Of theEBfoniaai,
Swimmingrof..the DifficultEfreathing„ Yellow
ness of th e Skin"and Eyeia,`Fwar and - Vail pains - in the
Head, Pain in the Side ) : Pialt, gust mid Linidea,
will cure every case of ,Chronic or Nerpons
Debility, 'Maenad+ • the Kidneys. jarii . f
Diseases arising from a • disorderod
'Stomach; Good for 'Mare
rxr.. Pimaleioll
?r ,Young. • , .
The most peneficial Medicine known; gives Pettai satis
faction-and mires - more "disisiseii than any-other Trepan,
tion offered, to the.Pablic. Prepared solely byS,4 , MUN
EEL & BRO., 11.8 Market street, Harrisburg. •
For saile:by Draggists and Dealers everywhere. .
, „ , • . 1,a.:
, As.KuhkePs Bitter, Wine of Iron is,tho. only, eme and
'etectsud remedy in the known:world (or tti perManent
am of. DlesPolos# OW mut lit Mertimber
or imitations offered to the public, we, would,pautipn the
community to purchase none bat, tineelfeldirinittiele,
manufactured .by. A• 4uNIPE I 4-ar• 8R,0,„,r fift,„balt their
stamp'on' the top of the emir of every noifte. fie very
fact that rakers are; attempting tek irnitabbadayraluabie
remedy, proves its worth and sppaks volumes lilts favor.
:::.: 1 7.3,111: 5,3
The - Bitter Mout Tiefitkv_ 14'11411V - it tiertLiiiitll 00
botasy, and sold 411 - r rtreggists throughout
thirouraitr*. bottle beam the
feeeiee7e , . ItINTP4O.II9IEgOre-
Thisiiiiii'nercides:iheinoit.' : a g reeable ana efficient
Son of bon we PollinititilannWor Magniiii. Osi com
bined, with , themostenergotirof vegeoLoNr nu l eil ' w
Pernvian tiit.-irek ifoet in twiny nines in de b! M' loin
or, appetito,,knit generni.pmstmuon, of or
Iron, combined" "ME o u r keilualde Norco_ tonic, * most.
(happy. It anemia the appetite, Iliiseg,_ _lino put oei; "koo
off macculor flabbiness , =Moves loPaulu?c,,o_f4u,bility,
and' given a Amid vigor to tlie nonmemmce. -.,
• A y " Tu ßctoit:l-la •
“.11 4.18 IMBELtSlibier
ter. , a~i _.
!"-iett - .L Elak
For ails by id riepedebbs deafen throughout the
• • one-halrsquare. Elf/b
cute a square ~ 4 _
sax ate SCWAYIE.
dl /0
1 2:L
2 55