Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, April 28, 1864, Image 3
rtitgrapil _ t . a l ii'. I.IAERI'SBURG, PA TNERSDAY EVENING, APPA 2S, 1861 1 . 0 WiN; A D COUNT (..,OMMODORE, NUTT. --The SA NO Nutt, who 1-,1 exhibited in this city some tithe Lied in Buffalo, a day or two ago. A womkx named Margaret Devinney, of 'rauklin county, was found dead, a day or we ago, in a small stream of water in Hunt- ❑ glop county Tiff: rumor going the rounds of the press hat Lieut. Col. M'Farland has been appointed )eputy Superintendent of Common Schools, s without foundation—no such appointment laving been made. ME sprinkler appeared on our streets to far, to the gratification of those who ha - re td their "eyes shut up" by the dust. A few '.ys ago there was a • mammoth mortar bed ,a the streets—now there is an abundance -of hist. E==l ICE CREAM.—Mr. Joseph Hoffman announces he opening of his Ice Cream Saloon, corner )f Market street and Dewberry alley. The )eSt quality of cream will be served this even ng. Improper characters are not admitted c his saloon. THE Baltimore Annual Conference of the 1 E. church, -which met in Washington last ceek, made the following appointments for :'l3llllsylvania • LCNVIStONVII, G. E. Boyer; Hollidaysburg, N. Turpin; Chilmbersburg, J. B. Henry; Her isburg, Joseph Nelson. =MEM JOIN S. PONTIER, an employee on the Bill- Imre and Ohio railroad, was killed on Tues lay, at ilount Washington, on the Northern Jentral railroad, by the mail train which left sere in the afternoon. He was standing near he track, when the train, which was at full ;peed, struck him, and almost instantly killed Mu. I=ll ArrENITTED &maim —Mr. Augustus Sprig man, a printer, residing in River alley, has for number of years been subject to epilepsy. Last evening while laboring under an attack if the disease, he attempted to drown himself n the river, near State street. Fortunately, is daughter happened to be at baud, and by ;real exertions prevented Mr. S. from com mitting the rash act intended. ==l CARLISLE BAERICES TO BE RE-BllLLT.—Cap :tin Johnson, Quarter Master of the Depart sent of the Susquehanna, advertises for uoposals for furnishing the lumber and other materials necessary to re-build the Barracks, tt Carlisle. Proposals will be received at the Aka of the Quatrer Master in Chambersburg, until noon of Tuesday, May 10th. PRO:S Licoxviti.n. —This morning we re ceived a call from J. B. G- Kinsloe, Bsg., for- , tnerly publisher of the Knoxville, (Tenn.,) Whig, and recently of the Knoxville Daily Bulletin. His report of "matters and things" in Tennessee is similar to those that have appeared in the public prints. 'Dlr. K. in tends settling down in the North, where he will not be subjected to the troubles incident to rebel rule. PROPER 'ARREST. —A number of rebels, pro fessing to be deserters from Jeff. Davis' army, arrived in Huntingdon the other day, and were arrested on suspicion of being rebel spies, and . would be well to keep an eye on all stragglers now, as secession spies will doubt less appear in the North, to gather information concerning the movements of the Union for ces. It would not be out of place to arrest all such characters. If innocent they will lose nothing by a brief imprisonment—if guilty the country will be profited by their arrest., ATTOINTIEENT IN THE ASSISTANT PROVOST Gms-EaLL's Bomford, Assistant Provost Murshal General of Pennsyl, vania, has appointed B. F. McßeynoldS, of this city, to a clerkship in his office. Of course the appointment is made on account of Mc- Reynolds persistent abuse of the Government, his calls for "copperhead meetings," and his general opposition to loyal men. If Mee. ,was not appointed on this account, why,was he appointed? Echo answers, WHY! ' POLICE AFFAIRS—Before the _3fayor.---Janei Nichols, for drunkenness and disorderly con duct, sobered up in the lockup, and was fined.. Jane came to town to attend. Court as a wit ness, and became intoxicated. Her spree-,re suited as above stated. Edward Hammel', a bummer, was released from custody on payment of fine and costs. James Thomas, a colored boy, amnsed him self by throwing stones at the owner of an ark, at the river. For this offence he was taken before the Mayor, who sent him to jail . for twenty days. Three drunken soldiers were handed over, o the Provost Marshal. Salmon's OPERA. HOUSE. —Of the many times we have spoken of this institution, we cannot let this evening's attractions pass -with out our especial notice—the event of the Bord well's benefit. Observe, the regular Minstrel performance, in which Sanford's troupe is famous ; then, the Polyorama of the War— alone worth the price of admission ; then, the Sig. Blitz. performance; then, the singing dog and singing cats ; concluding with an opera, for the first time in • this city, of the Bohemian Girl. Now, if any other com pany can present a similar entertainment,. we would be glad to record it. If any of our readers fail to witness this grand attraction, it is because they do not know what is doing on at Sanford's. Only think of it ! We niay say four exhibitions all on the same -everting. The prices remain as usual, notwithstanding; and it behooves those who intend visiting the pioneer place of amusement to take tea early and start for Sanford's. : `CORPOFAL SCHNAPPS. " — The most amusing song of the season. Illustrating the sorrows of a lore sick “Dutchman." Hear him! —They gives me hart-pread tougher as a rock, It almost preaks mine sliaw; I schplitts him sometimes mit an iron wedge, And cuts him up mit a saw. (Illustrated on title page.) Price 30 cts. To be had only at WARD'S Music STORE, third Street. PIONEER LIFE IN THE `VEST.—TO-night an other new piece will be produced at the the atre, and one that must attract an immense crowd, inasmuch as it portrays most vividly the dangers which attend the pioneer settlers in the distant West, where the forests abound with red men. The shocking barbarities in flicted by the savages upon- the families of the pale-faced settlers, and the heroic conduct of the latter in defence ofeir homes, are depicted in a manner that compels the spec tator to consider himself a witness of those thrilling scenes where they are . n. reality. The play is entitled NICE. OF THE Woons. Mr. Jen nings will personate five distinct characters. The whole company will-appear in the piece. The entertainment will conclude with Mg Precious Betsy. COITRT PROCEEDINGS:TOOT/a/Med.—COM. vs. Adam Rhoads; keephig a disorderly house; D. Fishburu, prosecutor. Not a true bill. Prosecutor to pay costs. Cora. vs. William Hoyt, Isaac Haviland and Jesse Longley; larceny. This case was con tinued from the January term. On trial, de fendants were found guilty. Com. vs. Julius Roebeck; selling liquor to drunkards; Charles A. Davis, .prosecutor.; True bill. Tried. Not guilty. Com. vs. Augustus Reber; keeping a disor derly house; B. Campbell, prosecutor. ; True, bill. CriE r ielt,,tied ; not.gnilty. I Coin: '4. * NitthaniViloox au Mary Wilcox; keeping a disorderly and bawdy house; James liewis, prosecutor. True bill. -: Com. vs. Wm. Conjoin= and Emanuel Wickert. keeping a disorderlY house; Anna Ewing, prosecutrix. True bill as to Carrich ner, but not as to Wickert. Com. vs. Henry Hollingsworth, keeping a disorderly hbuse;:GeoreLEnidis, prosecutor. Not a true bill; prosecutor to pay the costs. Corn. vs. Samuel Haldeman, Reilly O'Don nell, John Creamer and Columbus Osier, con spiracy to libel, Lie. C. A. Bannvart, prose cutor. True bill • continued to Aug* term. Corn. vs. George Walters, publishing a li bel; William Smull, prosecutor. True bill. Com. vs. Rebecca Miler; assault and bat tery; Harriet -Uhler, prosecutrix. True bill. Co. 'vs. John Trump, George Trump and Frank Straw; brirglary;•Johnlnsainger,,proke entor. True bill as to the Trumps, but not as to Straw. Coin. vs. Cyrus Homer, Jacob Shilter and Frederick Rhode, riot; Jacob Homer, prosecu2- ton -Trnubill. • • • • .. • Corn. '*s. 'CharleB ;Cleckxier, and John R Miler; conspiracy, &c.; Ira'Sayres, prosecu tor. True ; . Pon]. vs. Patrick - brNiff ; 'kelling,:liquor on Sunda:y ; John Alcorn, prosecutor. True Com. vs..Edward.4l.allory; larceny; Henry necker, prosecutor.';Tried. Ver-. diet, guilty. Corn. vs. Christian Cramer; assault and bat tery; Amanda Myers, proseentrix. True bill. Com. vs. John Gouch and Barbara Gollob ; assault and bagery t ; Busan:Brown, proseou trim True bill. Cop. vs. Daniel Reigert; fornication and bastardy ; Nancy Hite, prosecutrix. True bill. Com. vs. John BateS; larceny;' John ters, proscutor. Ignored. . . • Com. ye. William Creeley, Hetty, .breeley, Mary Border arid4William McKeon; burglary; deorge Brooks,: - PrqSecutor. Ignored. Corn. vs. William Cairichner and ert; keeping a gambling house; Annie Ewing, prosecutrix. Ignored. Corn. vs. A. J. Warfield; selling liquor to drunkards. Ignored; county to pay cokts. Com. vs. Bridget:Boyle; out license. True hill. Coin. vs. Annie Foster; larceny; Margaret Wilson, prosecutrix. True bill. Com. vs. Hetty 'Antrim; larceny; Chester Benson, prosecutor. True bill. Corn. vs. `James Burns; malicious mischief; B. Campbell, prosecutor. True- bill. - Com. vs. Henry:Engle; felonious assault and battery; - Henry -Hadebaugli:' proseklitOr. True bill. Corn. vs. Warren Shaeffer, George.Poist and John Duncan; assault and battery; Anna Er ring, prosecutrix, True bill. , ~Continued. Com. vs. "Caroline Harris; assault aria bit 'Mu; Charlotte Johnson, prosecutrix. Ig nored. Prosecutrix to pay costs. Com. vs. Luther Bryant; assault and bat tery; Sol. Guggenheim, prosecutor,' Ignored., Prosecutor to pay costa. ; Com. vs. 'john . Till; assault and battery; Thomas . Loudragen,t.prosecutor. Ignored. Prosecutor to pay costs. Com. TS. A. J".* Wsitsl4; ,selling liquor to. minors. Ignored. - Com. vs. George W. Sanders; fornication and bastardy; Caroline Pople, prosecutrix. Ignored. County .to pay costs. ' Com. vs. Charles Cann, Jr. ;felonious break- dug, &c; James Martin, prosecutor. True Com. vs. Jonas Loudenslager, adultery;, Susanna Schaeffer, prosecutrix' rUe bill,-, Com.' vs. GeOrge'Daiis, assault battery; • Thomas Londragan, prosecutor.%- Ignored: Prosecutor to pay costs. Cbm. vs. Emma Wood, adultery; C. H.. Wood, prosecutor. Ignored. 'PrOsectittir to t 13,ay costs. Com. vs. Neal Glancy, assault andlattery; • Henry Frisch, _prosecutor. Ignored. Icbm. vs. Nancy J. -Lewis, assault and - bat tery': Henrietta Wilson, prosecutrix Ig nored. 'Com. vs. Samuel Guggenheimer, peddling; Jackson Wickert.; pribsedutbr. Ignored. gem. vs. B. Campbell; assault and battery; Lisa Moore, prosecutrix. Ignored. • Com. vs. Smith Jackson and James Jack sonassault and battery; ,Margaret Stewart, prosecutrix. Ignored. - Com. vs. L. B. Freese and Mary Freese; keeping a disorderly house; , prosecutor. Igndred: - ' Coln. vs. John Miller; assault And battery; Daniel Mitchell, prOseciitor; Ignored: Com. vs. John Martin, assault and battery; John Bower, prosecutor. Ignored. Com. vs. Wm. Hitchcock; assault and bat teiy; -Mary Morra, prosecutrix. Ignored. COM. vs. Andrew Frank; "assault and bat tery; Simon Wolf, prosecutor. Ignored. COM. vs. James Mallory;leloinious assault; Robert Frey, prosecutor. Trio bill. Con tinued to June term. Defendent's bail for feited. Com. vs. George Potter; lareeny; C. A. Perrington, prosecutor. True bill. Nancy Reed was found guilty of keeping a disorderly house. Jesse Windsor, tried for assault and battery on W. Barr, was found guilty. • Neal Glancy and Patrick McConnell charg ed 'With riot, on oath of B. Campbell, were found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of sloo ,: each, and undergo an, imprisonment of ten dale in the county Pennsylvania Le,gislature LEpOTRED EXPRESSLY FOR THE TELL.-;1.2,,i.._7 SENATE. TurnsiDAY, April 28, 1881 The Senate met at 9 o'clock, A. Ir. Several petitions and remonstrances of lo cal import, and a number of reports from committees were presented. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. REILLY, an art to incorporate the Locust Dale coal company: " - Mr. HOUSEHOLDER, an 'act to incorpo rate the Gettysburg Battle-field Monument association. The following resolution was twice leat and adopted: Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns, it will adjourn to meet to-morrow morning at ten o'eldek. On motion of Mr. KINSEY, the Senate pro ceeded to consider a bill, entitled An act to vacate Hamilton (late Pleasant} street in the city of Philidelphia. Passed finally.. ' The appropriation bill came before the Sen ate in order; : the queStion being on the title, which was agreed to. On the Anal , passa g e of the bill, the yeas were 22, nays S. So thebill passed: , Bill, entitled An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the purpose of banking. under the laws of the United States, came before the Senate. Mr. CHAMPNEYS offered an amendment relative to' the votes of stock-holders. The amendment was agreed_to. • The questiowthen being on the final pas sage of the bill, Mr. HOGE moved to adjourn. The motion was agreed to, and the Senate Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES .• The - - HonseMet at 9 A. Senate amendments to the: revenue bill and tie general appropriation bill were referred, motion of Mr. BIGHAM; to the Commit tee of Ways and Mearis, with the understand ing that the committee shall report both bills 6-morrow morning. • On motion of. Mr. QUIGLEY, the 'orders were suspended to allow the presentation of reports:of committee and bills in place. A large number of bills were reported and read in place, which will be noticed when consid ered by the House. Among the bills read in place were-several designeeto protect life and property from destruction by the explosion of steam boilers. The House adjourned at 111. 2.1., in order that the.,hallnaight be occupied by the Union State Convention, inpursuance ofthe previous resolution to that effect! • • TILE WISDOM or SOLOMON. —The: Biblical : history of,the wisdom of Solbmon 'has en gaged the, ttention and commanded the won der of mankind in all ages, as greatness will, no matter - what position - in - life you - rimy occupy. We do not pretend' to:_iny that we have lineal descendants in the SOLOMON'S of the present day; but :Nye ,do say, that SOLOMON lives, moves and has a lcical hab itation in our mity of Efaiiriabiirg. We are inclined think, however, that he, does not possess the wisdom of his ancient name-Sake, as-he cannot find out where we obtain or how,. it is that' C. L. Bowman:No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, can.sell Allen's two hun dred yard silk finished, spool - cotton. at five cents apiece, or 'fifty cents.E,t, dozen, Shaker bonnets at thirty cents a piece, and all other dry goods at corresponding prises. . SPECIAL DISPATCH 1 TO THE PUBLIC.-4"..O.:KIIEBALL, 35% Market Street, Harrisburg, Iles ;ziow on hand. 'n complete assortment or all kinds of Boots, Shok, Ttanki;' which are warranted to give GENERAL satisfaitiori as regards pric e and quality, All disposed to GRANT hira thp:favor of a call arc advised to come at nee, as prices are . ADVANCING very rapidly account of. the high'' price of leather and scarcity of work men, es'so Many are now with the army now en the way to RICHMOND, ap2B-d1 SPECIAL NOTICES. Coughs and Cads.- The sudden changes of our , climate are sources of PilL MOEARY BRONCHIAL and ASTIIMATIC AFFECTIONS. Expo xlence having 'proved 'that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the early stages of the disease, course should - It - irne,e be 'had to "Brown ' s BrOnChiciT :Troches." or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or -Irritation • or the Throat be ever so slight, as y this-Tpredautioal a more serious attack may be effectually warded oft: Pe LIC SPEAKERS and SINGERS, find them effectual, for, • . should' have and istrengthenint 'the voice. , Soldier& should' have tbeiri, as they can be =vied in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. . mar29-dawlm Bannvart's Troch - eg. For the cure of Hoarseness, 'Threat-Dis eases, &c., are specially recomniended. to Ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calf them to speak in public. Mantifactured only by C A. Bainavart & Co.; Eaffisbpg, Pa-; to idiom all Ordere should be addied. told by druggiSt.every where. Read the following testiinonials some of our eminent clergymen: ELktuussus,a, Feb. 8th,.186,1. C. A. lionnreirk—Dear Sir: I have-.nsed Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges. and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and incompariSon with them all, can - cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable speCiftc for public, speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, c;onghs , and colds. have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly; , T. B. ROBINSON, Pastor 0f,,N.,,5. PresSytti . rian Church. q agricil with „Mr. Robinson - a to tile value of Banuvaits i rrooleit.' • - ,••• W. C. CATTF.T.X, Lato Pastor ,of O. S. Presbyterian. Church. FrawmTBBMIG, Jan., 1864. To C. A. Bluorvesx--Dear Sir: In_the habit of speaking very frequently; and in places where the vocal are very much taxed, I have round the need of Some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. - I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing Speedily thit.haskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public. ad dresses. Yours, &c. WA_LILTER JAG SON. ' Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Ohurch. To C. A. BAN - 1, - vAux—Dear Having_used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best...l have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNBT'S OFFICE,. 1. Herallestraci, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. 7 Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable. in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat, .They impart cleaxness to the oice, and,arecortaMly of great bene At to puhlio speakem. AMUSEDIgisITS BRIEN'S GREAT SHOW `iANp : TOM KING'S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS (From Baltimore and COMBINED ! ' HARRISBURG TUESDAY DM 'WEDNESDAY; MAY 3d AND 4tia) LOT ABOVE COTTON FACTORY. Wlti. MIDDLETON; . ...Treasurer THOMAS KING Equestrians Director A GRAND PROCESSION! With a band, of , music, will be made at .10 (*lock, 1,, nr., on'the -day of :opening,. •eenl slating of the splendid Chariot "Sea Shell," drawn by twelve thoroughbred steeds of Arabia. The Troupe is composed of the following named skillful Artistes: Mad. LOUISA TOURNAIRE! The daring French Equestrienne and Bare • back Rider, whose unrivalled perform ances have thrilled the world. Mlle. VIRGINIA! ' Graceful and charming, will appear in single • or double acts of Equestrianism. Mile. LA.VINIA.! A Scenic Equestrienne and . fascinating Dan JAMES REYNOLDS! The People's Clown JAMES WARD ! The great Performing and Trick Clown, Mons. ROCHALI,E! Unquestionably, as the most profound critics say, the best Gymnast in the w0r14.,, WITILIAILNAYLOR; I • -• The world-renowned pupil of Levi J. North LOUIS ZANFRETTA! A wonderful Acrobat and Gymnast. JOHN NAYLOR!. . The great Tumbler and Leaper. Signor G. WAMBOLD • As the Man of many . forms. WILLIAM H. GREEN 'The great Horse Tamer, godorn.HoreTtles and Six Horse Rider. WILLIAM SMITH!' In his graceful divertisement, known in the - ' French larigtiage as La Perche. • TOM KING ! • • Whose name is well known inthe. profesiation, Will demonstrate his grearttittbute Leaps. As a t Youlter . wad Single or Double Act, Equestrian, he has %no Peer. • The. Homes. are all thoroughbred,. wonder-, fully Well trUined. The beautiful Pony, SPI DER, the pet of the 'children, is - the smallest eeiaine animal in the world. The Trick Horse, GREY EAGLE, and that beautifully spotted Charger,. cfr/yIKPION,i and,. , ,JaSt, but not least, the comically educated Mules, TOM and JERRY, from Acayulco, Mexico, will be exhibited, and? made to emonstrate wondrous powers during the Duce of Adinis'siOTO Beads 25 cents • NO HALFXRICE! H. L. STEBBINS, ap22-tm4 ' General Business Agent..' GARDNEIt 11E1141N1 Gr. - JR:EAT AMERICAN CIRCUS! DAN GARDNER •„1-. • , , ._ This large and elegant Equestrian Company will exhibit in . • • IiARRISBURG AT THE FOOT OF MARKET STREET, _ • On Nondiy; Tueiday and' Wednesday, May_ 2d, Sd and 4th, • 21..KERNQON AND EVENING, . • Each- day. Doors open , at 2 and 7P. M. Per formance to commence half an hour later. Admission ... .. . . . .... cents Reserved seats 50 cents BE Among the many attractions 'of this Mam moth Establishment is a GROUPE OF REAL ARABS , r•t9b IN NUSERFR, ' THREE 'VALES • AND TWO FERALtS heided by , : - Zara, The Beautiful Arab Girl, The only Female Contortionist in America, Ara' HASSAN, The Wonderful Arabian Gymnast,, lii; conjunction with the Arab Troupe, a large Troupe of PEiI AND 41}1FARICIN.ARMT,EIS, , wil ppear, in every variety of Equestrian and Gymnasticenf . e*innient. THE STUD .OF HORSES AND PONIES arn'the best trained collection in the world. THE GRAND PROCESSION witenter the city:about 9 o'clock on.the day •of exhibition, headed by the Magnificent Golden - Chariot; manufactured expressly for this se . asoia, at' a bost of $000; by Fielding Brothep, New York. It be drawn by a line of SPLENDID CHARGERS, Cd:NTALV/NG FRITZ HARTMAN'S -141ILAIt4PHIA BRd9S BAND, and followed by the entire Cortege. \ W. W. GARDNER, Agent. DON'T FORGET THE DAYS AND DATES.. Will exhibit in • ~....Saturday. uriottsdar -4 16y1' . AMUSEMENTS SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE! SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE! SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE! SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE! THIRD STREET, THURSDAY EVE., APRIL2B, 1864. THURSDAY EVE., APREI. 28, 1864 THURSDAY EVE., APRIL, 28,104. JOINT COMPLIKENTARY MISS ANNA & W. BORDWEIL For this occiiico only, will lie iirotinced -7E4NVAIID'g I 'YORAM' - OF THE VAR, POLYORAMA, OF THE.. VAR, POLIORAMA OF THE WAR; POLYORAMA OF THE WAR, POLYORAMA OF THE WAR,. POLYORAMA OF THE WAR, Giving life-like representations of all the principal Battles, from the bombardment of Port Sumter until the present time. Under the immediate supervision of Potter Ban vard, Eiq. -Together with the Burlesque Opera of the Bohemian Girl, Bohemian Girl, Bohemian Girl, Bohemian Bohemian Girl, BohciMian Being the first Opera_ Night of the Season. Miss ANNA BQRDWELL, as ARLINA. Also, for the first time, THE CATS CONCERTS! THE OATS CONCERTS! THE' CATS CONCERTS!! THE CATS CONCERTS! THE CATS CONCERTS! , . T CATS. CONCERTS! Mr. Bordwell will Introduce Ills Trained Cats. M. Bordwell will.lntrodnee His Trained Cats. Mr. Bordwell will latroducd This Trained Cats. Mr. Bordwell will Introduce Ilia Trained Cats. Mr. Bordwell will Introduce Ills Trained Cats. Bordwell will Introduce His Trained Cats Also, his Singing Dog Dick! Singing Dog Dickl Singing Dog Dick! Singing Dog Dick!' Singing Dog Dick, SANFORD'S TROUPE ! , 4SA.NFORD'S SANROIIIYS TROIIPE„ SANEuREeS TROUPE, • SANFORD'S TROUPE, •SA,NFOB.D'S TROUPE, Best Bills of the Season. ' Best Bills of the'Season. . Best Bills of the Season. Best Bills of the Season. Best Bills of the Season. i3est:Bills of tne Season Re3nember, Thursday Evening. Remeniber; Thiirsday Evening. _Remember, -.Thursday Evening Remember, Thursday Evening Remember, :Thursday EVening. Rethembei, Thursday Evening MANAGER Bohemian Gish - Bohemian Girl, Bohemian. ...)Girl, Tor'Una': ..: .. ...:.. f. AA3ord.well Lemuel ..... .... Bothwell' oici. Corn Cob .... ....S. S. Sanford Possum Devil's Hoof„. , ......... . _ Williams Gipsy Queen ...... :Mortimer Other characters by' the company Itkolleet the Opera mil be , performed in FOUR EXHIBITIONS Gedgerdematiti l Minstrels,: raitorania, . .. • 'Undoubtedly the best entertainment .in the United Stite4._ . _ Admission, 25 pmts. 3 . - ' ,;• . • Docrs open . _7 : •:}7.4l6llEtalice commence it .4 to a ap2B REAM OF HERR'S. HOTEL. BENEFIT Togethei with the Making one Of OA, The First Opera Night. The First Opera Night. The First Opera Night., The First Opera ,Night. The Firdt Opera Night. The First Opera Night. Thaßeautiful Opera of the With all its Music With all its Music With all its Musie TWO ACTS. TWO' ACTS. The entire Performance CONSISTS Or . and Opera. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S _HALL. YIGHTY•SZCOND mom , 07 TRH GRAND STAR Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company. CROWDS MANED FROM THE .DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. The Great Protean Actressand Centatrice MISS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM NIA OF THE WOODS. NICK `OF THE WOODS. NICK OF THE WOODS MY PRECIOUS BBTS.X. _ MY PRECIOUS BEEFY. MY PRECIOUS BETSY • The whole company in the bilL Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small bills SANFORD'S HALL. TSFRD.STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, HEAR OF ECERRE HOTEL. 4 tu:.4.ll7Are DriA:00:1e11.11:il VI I MIA FUN FOR THE MILLION: MR. AND MISS ANNA DORD-WEII, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK J. M. MORTIMER, F. DIAMOND, The World Renowned Dancer, Mr. J. FRASER, The Pleasing Balladist, OUPDON.Ie, oa, BURLESQUE SCENES IN MAGIC. ETHIOPIAN STATUARY. YANKEE DOODLE FAMILY • To conclude with the CCOMP-. ' 'A.lia SARRE:KW AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be prteured in advance at Bann vart's Drug Store. Doors open at 6%. Commence to & Pollee always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seat; $1 each. jan2l4lst .On Thursday evening the POLYORAMA: CANTERBURY *MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. DONNELL OM EVERY EVENING, With a Firat-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, 5t0., &o. ...... ........ ..... 15 cents. Seam In Roses-........... ............. 25 . " MISCELLANEOUS. VALUABLE Saw Nall Property =I THE subscriber offers at Private Sale, his Saw Mill Property, adjoining the Gas Works, be tween the Pennsybnunaitailroad and Canal. For terms apply on the premises or to JNO. B. COX, ap22-dlw Front street, above Pine. Just Received 9 Another lot of those CHEAP .1;11) GLOVES, only S 1 per pair. LOCHMAN, No. 15 Market Square, Opposite the Harris burg Bank. ap22-dlve . . SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 1 L. H. KINNARD, 111 MARKET STREET, 13111 - AS now in store a large and well selected a I stock of BATS AND CAPS, which he will offer at the FAIREST RATES to cash buyers. Call and see something new. ap2-dtf JOHN A. BIGLER & CO., - 13 Co MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, (NEXT TO ADAMS EXPIIvS4 OFFICE, HARRISBURG. Warrants, Claims, Government Securities, Checks Vouchers, &0., cashed. mar2Bd2m4- I=l - FOR Awnings or Wagon Covers, &0., of the best quality, at one-half the price it can be purchased anywhere. Samples can be seen at SESIBLE'S Philadel phia Shoe Store, opposite the Dauphin Deposite Bank. 40411 W ' • TO THE PUBLIC. T HE DD&CTORS OF THE POOR of Dau phin county have TWENTY CHILDREN, from two to twelve pairs of age, which they are desirous of inden turing to proper parties. For further Information apply to the [apls•tf] ' DIRECTORS OF THE POOR 65 Vet'maid& Building Lots for Sale. 65 BUILDING LOTS are offered for sale near the Round House and Pennsylvania Rail road Shops. These lots are very desirable for building purposes, as they are located on a good and dry spot. A. good opportunity for persons wanting lots. For any information concerning the above lots in quire of JOHN mauxa, Ja., at the Pennsylvania Agri cultural Works corner of Spruce and North streets. aplB3taw3w* GREASON SEMINARY ASELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, for pu pus of both sexes, located six miles west of Car lUSe, on the Cumb. Va lley IL R. Pupils admitted at any time, and charged only from date of entrance. For circular call at W. Mitoche's Music Boom, 93 Mar ket street, Harrisburg, or address E. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, Plaintield, Cumb. co., Pa. apl4-dlm MO THE PUBLIC.—SINGER'S Sewing ma_ Ulianines, Machine Silk, Linen Thread, Cotton,&e., Machine Needles, OIL, Union Galleons, B Long 'I tread, Eyelets, Shoe Lacers and Stationery. Chime, Front above Market street, Harrisburg. apll-03w G. B. WOODWARD, Agent. TRENCH BEANS--A rare article, just re . cawed at SHISLER & MEER, feb3 oacceseors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company. Drugs, 227 3. Forma Snow; FiIILADELPECIA, April 4th, 1864. MIME annual meeting of the Stockholders o 1. this-Company and an eleakm for President amd3i.. Managers will take place at the Office of the CompanyD Monday, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, M. tm2 N. H. WEBB, SecretarY. BtralaNceroze trEir.iuNG• HE first of the season, fine large Burling- Ttan Herring , jest received at _ &EISLER. & FRAZIER, aP9 (succeoors CO Wm. Du k, sr. , & e r - E s -- I '9ANGES! 1.-20 boxes in Jilt received wholesale and nsas. NJ Prime " der ' SEUBLFA4g /MAMA Win. Deck, Jr.,k. Co -!SUCC018018 1., TAVA,IT&MaiOrt An d Co flee, .ar • ^•MSLEIr& FILIZKR ao2B (rirausoroto W. Dock, Jr., & Co.) jen2s The Lion Banjoisk ..Sole Leese