lIE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED 11 (fl NING AND E VEXING, 1" Gt:Oll6E BE It CLIN 'i'le.'ll 7 THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. !: S 01' St' BSCH Il' I lON Ricljtr Thnicii.itit is serco,l to so!..;crilieis in the ti cent; per week. Yearly sol;cribers will be i i.irgcd $3 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to l ac ir! advance will be charged VI 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TELEGRArn is also published weekly, and is furnished to FultFcribers at the following cash rates ifighT• copies, weekly „ „ Thrt, copies to one Post Office T et , c ophs to one Post Office MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR T H te. UNFORTUNATE! THE LONG•SOtGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! CONIPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES CIIEROSEEE REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, such as inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam. maim of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Gleet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor £bus (or Whites in females) where ail the old nauseous medicines have failed. y It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two tenaPoonfuls three times Par day. A,T,- ft is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow In all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from thesystem all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Fulor Albus or Whites. Its effects are healing, sontling and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, cborilce rind pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable lade that Is experienced with nearly all the Cheap quack Injections. az-By the use of the tiIitiROICEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medieinasat the same time—all improper discharges are removed, and the weak. coed organs are speedily restored to full vigor and •tr , ii.t it Par full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drag more in the country, or write us, and we . will mail far, to any address, a full treatise. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. tg-Plieo, CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, 'or hree holl,s for $5. ar Sent by express to any address on. receipt of roe, &3.. Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. 11ERWIN & CO:, ` • • Solo Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty street, New York. inallo c 0,113 CH }4ROK_EE CURE I VIE GREAT INDIAN -MEDICINE, COMPOUNDED PROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak. sea, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by. self pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, rains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Tremblina, 'Wakeful ness, Eroptimis on the Pace, Pale Countenctoce, insanity; Consumption, and all the Direful amtplaints, caused:by di- . porting front the path of nature. • . ffirTliis medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one on whirls all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not fallnd in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sulleient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. t;;To these who have trifled with their constitution, , until they think ihemselves beyond the reach of medical id, we would say, Despair not ! the CREAMS 11ECURX rnetoro you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe!, tors have failed I .BT-For full particulars, get a Circular from auy Drug, ttore in the'country, or write ttie Proprietor, who will moil free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pmphlet, form. • @4-Prices $2 per bottle, or throe bottles for $5, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. *.i i rSold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., SOLE PROPRIETOR; marlo eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pap and War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MICR OUT. pIIE undersigned, having , been in the ern " p:oyment of the United States d nringthe last eighteen !eoliths, as Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing (Mee Mies of Superintendent of Recruiting Service of vlalsylvania, respectfully informs the public that he has 'veiled an office in the DAILY TELEGRAPH Building for the of collecting Pensions, - Bounties, Back Pay - and if.. Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rffs and Recruiting Accounts. orders by mail. attended to promptly. uerl-dtf SULLIVAN S. CHILD.. VFADDEN'S MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH. STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. TIIE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg, leave to inform their friends °ld the public in general, that they are prepared • to-fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY .DESCRIPTION MOM Alouuments, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantles, And Muse Work in Marble and Brawn Stone Give as a call and we will guarantee witisfuettop. MTADDEN & CO. S. R.—Lettering neatly none in English' 'or German. mar'29.dly - 'VISITING, -WEDDING, nsTVITATIOINI, AND AT lIOSIE CARDS—By a special arrangement wlti one of the best engravers in the country, cards of .4 3 description will be executed in the highest style of an, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied l' 7 .aptiv, et lowei prices than are charged by the station w New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. r.,:bfl.iltf • • • A LARGE pl - VOICE OF NEW -Li, RAISINS, CITRON,: CITRE.ANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, &C., At SHISLER & FRAZER'S, (Successors to Wm. Dock, - Jr., .k Co.) Soldieira' Portf9lios. A. LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, twirlB Sold at 'Wholesale or retail at low pri6a4: 0, ' O 0 LBS. St. George - Codfish,' for sale at SEMLER & FRAZER'S, ;.. I 0 et ' pueuessors to 'Wm Dock Jr.. &.q 0 ...) /3 S. GODFISII, of tite—cele-. 000. 1 brated St. George breed, just received' iSiro, salt by . SRISLER & - FR, rata '. , .(successors to W— - - ' , - ZER ado :ni. Dock, jr., & du.) 'UIi EBT : CIDER.—A small but ve 13 0 1 Sweet Cider, just received at ry fine lot tuar2g - SEMLER & FRAZER, (Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co.) A_St i r/L*- 1 ' -- • .1 / ,- , - ~ . - f-/- ' . ) - 'll-:-.- - -: , 5, VitliasVitilalti r-L: - Aoi; - :? 6*-sii:*:c'; . . titi4. tallo ° 1 $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE' BERGNER. MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedies In the world for • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF Rl9lx TO TWELVE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR•NO%IOIJS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or Bo Charge, in from One • to Two Days Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys - and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility; Nervousness, 1 Dyspepsia, -languor, 'Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling; Dimness of Sight or-Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the _Liver,. Lungs, StOnmeh- or -.Bowels--those terrible -airkirdere arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrent to - the-Mariners of tilynew - Vblighting , their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, remiering marriage, imposalble. YOUNG MEN ,Sspecialli, Who have become the victims of Solitary Vice,_ that dreadful and destructive habit which annually:sweeps, to an untimely grave thousands of Young, ken of the. most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect; -who - might` otherwise-have entranced listening Sensitoswith the thun ders of eloquence or waited to eotazy the Jiving lyre, may oalt;with' full Ocinfitionce. ln3=iGE Married persons, or•Younglien oontomplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic, debility, defor mities, 416, speedily- cured. • •• - who places himself under the care or Di. J. mayire• ligiously confide in his honor Rag a genOmmui, and, confi dently rely upon his skill as aPhysician. ORGANIC NMiIIINESS minediately cured, end full vjgor restored. .This diatressineaffection—which. readers life mienrable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper Indulgence. Young persons are too apt •to oornanit excesses from not being aware of the dreadfal consequences that irtay„:: ensue. Now, • who -that Under stands the subject will deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into impreper, habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy_ offspring, the most serious' and de stftctiire symptoms, to...both ,body . , and {; mind arise. The SyStem - beesenes deranged., the physical and mental tuer.tions weakened, loss of procreative' power, nervous dyspepsia,.palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, 'constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, ceugh, bon- Enimptioni dicey and Meth: - OM= NO.. 7,.50111,1 FEEDBREEC STREET, Left hand side going from :Baltimore street., a few. doors from the cornet Fail not to:observe mune and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. - _ DR JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from ono of the most eminent'colleges in the united States, and the greater part of whose life' hiler'fiiien , spent in the hospitals of London,; Paris, Philadelphia and else• where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears 'when asleep,' great nervousness; tieing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, Attended smnethnes with derangement .of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. • These are-some of the sad-and- melancholy , effects pro duced-by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of Muscular power, palpitation of fhe heart, dyspepsia, ner vousitritabillty.sympterns of Consumption, . . ' MENTALLY. —The fearful effects on the mind are 'lunch to-be-dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideaB . de •pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to: society, self distrust, love of solitide,thiddity kc. are some of the evils produced.' YOUNG-KW, - Who have injured Ahemselfes by a certaiu practico in didged in when alone, a habit. frequently learned .from evil companions, - or at schoolitlie effects - etwhich are' nightly felt, even when asleeK and if not cu r ed:fenders marriage aipos and destroys bothmind and body,' should 1,1 nlyr ottnedistely. . . • Whati r riat a-youneman, the hope of- tits country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects:and enjoyments of life; by the corasequende , "of deviating, from-.the path of natureand : indulging in a certain secret habit Such personsruritri bafortahoutem-- plating . • N,EAV:U4GE , Reflect that a sound mindand body are tho most necessary reenikites torartrraote connubialhaPpiness. IndeetV; wiftt out.these, thejourney through life becomes a weary rail griMage ; the prospect hourly darkens _to.the view ; the :wind: becomes shadowed. with despair, and;fllled;With4he melancholy reflection that - the hippiness of another be 'cOmes'blighted with our own. DISEASE Otrl:l4lPßElbkNdt en the misguided, and 'Jmifriident pleasure Batik he has imbibed the seeds' of this painful disease, too, often happens that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery detershim'from applying ttithose Who . froMeducation and respectability, can alone"beffientihim. He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing .pretead era, who, incapable of curing„' I:ol3:,,pecuniniy.:i.o7. stance,_ keep him trifling month after ifritifitk.ot,asiongaa the, smallest fee can be obtained; Mid" lb de spair ktivehim with ruined health to sigh over'hiagallinedis" appointtriefic or, bttne use of the deadly poison, Mercury, lia.stei( the constitutional symptoms of this terrible diafrote,sach aaaffeo- Sons of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, etc., lirogrOfk4ng *ith frightful rapidity till death puts .a . ,period to his dreadtiil sufferings by sending him to that' undisoo*ere4 :country from whence no traveler returns, INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS., 5 The inany thousands cured at this institution year after year; aid the numerous important, surgical operations performed by Dr.•Johitson, witnessed by the reporters of .the Sun, Clipper, and many other papers, notices of-which havu.appeared , again ririd. again before the' public., besides htistanding as a _gentleman. of 'character and resporet. bitty -fa saffepagii4rantee anlyited. acco DISEASES trOlittit otn4a). .otlie.e No. riliftiatii Frederick Street. ap264iy "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1864 MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN ItEMEDIES," KNOWN AS 4 91 FA MAR D 9 1 S " GENUINE, PREPiItiTIONS, VIZ: ' HELMBOLD EXTBACr ."BUelIV;" !HELMBOLD EY:TRACT BASSAP4R,H,LA; MEDMMOLD IMPROVED. ROSE :WARM •ft.tit , lit 1i.,10 , 14 14:7 4 GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HI( LY CON.OENtIiaTED" COMPOUND P.I, UID,, EXTRACT BUCIRT, A POSITIT: E AND SPECIFIC REMEDY TOR INSEAMS OP WOE *BL/WDER,-KEDNEYS, GRAVEL LLINGS. AND - • • • 7:rik 'ea ES geation, an excites tlie - AIWRBENTS into healthy_ action, by which the WATERY or CALCEROUS deposi- - tions,: and rail UNNATURAL ENLARGEMEITIE are duced, _w an pain and intignmation; ' fob MEN; WONETror CHILDREN.' HEJAII3OLD'S,...v7,,TRAQT,.BUCIEITA _ . FOR .Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abtise, , . . . Pl,wvoßi.).o.ll7‘.l:; , 4: l, ..4[o o l, , VaUtiffAvklui.o) , ;(* IndiSPositiois to Exertion, tiryness of .the§kin,'.. Loss or Memory, ' "Loss of Poi;er, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, . ,Wakefulnew, Unlirersal LitsEHitnde of theraln in the. Back, Hot Muscular System, Flushing of the Body,' t Hands, ' , Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenack These symptoms, if .allowed to go on, which thia meth tine invariably removes, soon' fellow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, 0:7,V.,PT1C. FITS, • • In one or which the,Riitien!,..may ,expizei Who ciul_ z ni that ,4eiciire not' frenneirgy;folloWda those "di di reruj, , . INSANITY AND CONSIThIPTION. Maity4rO *mare .of the itauso" of their etifieringa but none *ill cOnfeas. The records of the limn° asylums and the melanehotytleatlis,by'continininton, bear. ..ample ness to the truth of-thnassertion; - - ' THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE. AFFECTED -WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requlscs the aid of medicine to stiengthen' find invigorate the syStcoa t which Helmbold's Extract Hoehn - invariably Mita: A trial will convince the most skeptical. . IEIdt&IiES—FEMATiES—FEMALES, 4:11; Olf, SII:IGLE,. HARMED, OR' CONTEk PLATING MARRIAGE . . In mapy Minctions peculiar to *males 'the Extract Ba chu is Unequalled by 'any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiftrulitess„ or suppression of .the customary Eiacuations; Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the -Uterus; Loucerrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com iiiitints'inoidento, to_ the sex, wkether arising from. Indiscre tion, Habits of Dissipation or in the iatapniTE - dit Cll:44Yag OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WrI'HOUT IT . Take'no:Balsam, ifercury, or Unpleata‘t Medicine for UrtplOsitruit and Dangerous Dimmer, • z. ,HELUBOLVS'EXTRAOT ,BUCHU, Cut El - Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; little or no cliange diet;_ no inconvenience and no expo sure. It eau* 'frequent deSire,' and, gives strength, to Urinate; •thereby .removing • &situations,— preventing aii curing Strictures of the:Urethra, allaying pain and intlim: =lion,. so freqiient in this clips of dislease, and expelling P 018012011% 'Disaged, aria Wornout '..Thousands upon thousandwilio'hare been the 'victims of quacks, and who haye paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have fourid.they were deceived; and that the :('Poison_" has by the use kerpowerful, Astringents," been dried up in, the •systerb,:to'break PUtin an aggravated - form, and perhaps after marriage - Use DELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHU for all Affections' and Diseases of the Uriruiry Organs, whether existing .• in 3:Caterer yenisle,,fromitatever,balla,c originating , and no matter of•hoW , lOng - standing, Miseases:"Pf these Organs ,requir.ert.he aid-or a Diuretic:- •LIEIAD3OLD'S•IXTRACT BUCHU'Ie the Great Diuretic, and. it is certain to have the desired:, effect in all Diseases for which it is reeom mended: . . . • Tltoodl—Blood=-111obif.: Hidinhold . . Coneontra dimpound FLUIDIMIttiCITSAR.SAPABILLAtYPITI -1.1.5.." an affections of-the Ellood,,and Attacks the Sexual Organs., .14ingi or thri Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind,-, pipe and other' litmus Serfaces, making its Miiiekrance.,in the forth of Ulcers. Ilelmbold'a Extrant SarsiMarilla Oa; „ridealhe 1414:94, and renvaveaali:Simiy. Eruptions of the! Slite,igivlng to the Omplexion a•Cleitr, and Healthy Color. 'ft !icing 'prepared - ppressly roFthie class of complaints, ifteed-Porifyinglproperties are preserved' to a greater *tent than any other preparationcif-Ursaparila.. imi MBOLD'S ROSE WASH. • An excellentPutimsfor d 3 P.' 4 1.1:4 Syphllitle Nature, and as an injection. In di ces Of. the VTR .barT • Organs, arising frodChhbits'of 'diasiPatien, used in eesneetion with the.Extracts , Buclui and: 'Saisaparilla, in such diseases recommended; ..:. Evidence of themest reapon.sible and' re liable diameter will accompany thenneclicines. - ; .OERTIFI - OF CURES from eight to twenty years stann' with names known, to Science' wall 'Fame. - Put ;Med di ical g, Properties ofßuchu,'. see Dispensary of thelJnited' States. See:-IWessor DEWEE'S valuable Worki on the. Practice of Physic•Settsemarka mode ;by. the late celebrated Dr. .p.DYSlCK.;'Philidelphla: See. r.eniarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM 410D0WELL,=a. celebrated Physician and mem . beiof the Royal College of Surgeons, and published in the Transactions of the Btag's and _Queen's ,Journal..... See Medi co-Chi ru Review,publislied bY BENJ: I TFIAVE RS, . FiltOirof the Roy.alCollege.iof. Surgeons... The • Meet or the late standard works on Medicine. _ Extract of Buchu, 41 pQ pei bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, Extract, of kirwsaParilla, $1 00 per' bottle, or _six for, $ 5 00. Im .proyed Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle,. or Aix for $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, If' directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address,' securely , packed from ob servation. -Mescals symptoms all- commnnications. Ore& grunitnteed, Advice , • - AFFIDAVIT . . Peisonalif aepeared' before me an Alderman of the; - city of 'Philadelphia, EL P...Hebisboldi who, being-duly sworn, doth say, his emanations contain no nnteotic, no mer cury, br other injurious drugs, and aresurely vegetable. • ir - r: .- HELMBOLD. .Sworn and subscribed before m , _e this • 28d :day of No. lember, _ 1864. P. HIBBARD, -Alderman, Ninth - street; ab. Race, Phila. Adarikletterii Thriniormation,in confidojnce,.. / I .l.o l 4 l 44[Bol.l4_oheaist. ' 'Depot 104 South 10th dieet, Wow Chestnut, MOUT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUI4T_TS .ROSENDALE., 29 N .EGS to inform the inhabitants of Harria 'burg and vicinity that he . has removed to , No. 23 North Second street; two doors from Walnut. Thlinkliil torah() confidence and patronege Evasion-ad on me daring miy; siay,pn Market Square, L. hope to merit a continuance of the same at ri-.V new stand. - PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to tho CELEBRATED TINTED PARA.BOLE SPEVPACLES for which I claim tbe - understiontioned advantages: 'RA. That from the peculiar construction of the glasses,' they assist and preserve the sighs, rendering -fret - MEd change (mite unneceiozo., - ' 2d. That theY confer a brilliancy and distinctness:of Ti-: sion, with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto en joyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material Mom which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optical purposes,- and. is Puss twin AND SPJLLLs icr, , and not liable to' hecome 'scratched. - . . . . 4th. That the frame:sin - set, whether in gold, ',silver or steel, are of the finest quality and finish, and (MARA:STEED PBEFECTM every respect. bth. That, from their peCuliar color they prevent a on -.pallidity of light affecting the' retina; and therefore strengtlibiing 'the optic nerve and rendering it less - liable to A maurosis. ~-71 Constantly on hand, a large assortment • Rl'. Achromatic ' 211aroscopes, Spy Masses, Opera, Kariba and Field plass e's"(Stereoscopes and Views, Magic.Lanterne, Barcitheters, Therinometers, Magnets, Atc.ote. . - Remember that Rosendalel t hasSitatn writ berperrcianent t at No: 29 North Secend-streit,Tilve doorsf . rotn. the Bueh iii• House. ' • apT-ilaillm ELECTRICITY. TIES. , W. -.than ancr CREAMER, Ectectio and. g.lcotropathic phyaloinne, 'respectfully.. offer tueirjirotiesiOnar services in,oll.the various branches -of the profeallint, for the treatitentbl all Saute and chronic ,forms of disease. ' . 7. The remedial. means they employ-in the treattrient - Of disease consist of 41,agytetism,. Gely4ctisin,, Electra-Magnet ism, the - Skedlsh method of Localized movement cure, a few,Eelectie medicines when deemed „necessary, and in fact all the natural curative-agents that may successinity be brought to bear upontho disease. . - They do net wish to be .understood as arrogating to. - thortiSelves tiny superiority of 'prefeasional skill, but they rielieve the remedies they employlu the treatment.of dis ease far saperior to those: eMerally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act in.Perfect,hardiony with the laws governing - raid - controlling the human -systern., To this, and'the fact that'they confine themselves to nis -par ticular *Why or system, they attribute their allocate in controlling disease. . = Thei,principtil meet they..employ in,the treatment 'of disease, haniely, Electricity, is an agent. wonderful. in its phencimenarind poWerfuliejts effects for good or. ill. It is an ever present; an-Pitrvrding Principle, whining all :things, from rolling-worfits down to die invisible particles of gasseoes matter. We see it i'n the lightning's flash and ,hear the manifestations - of its power. in the muttering 4k - under. . It is the cause of all deconapontion, recampo 'anion and transformation.. It excitosall motion. It IS the Ainettliti cause of life, growth, decay' and death:' It Caettea - accretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of"tlie crude food in the, stomach, converts it Info a state of flu idity, transmutes it - into arterial blood, and sends it on its Important olllce of supplying nutriment according to the' necessities of the body. _lt is the nerve: vital:, fluid, the , great agent through whfCli the mind acts upon the hady." It is the cause of all causes except_the first great cause, the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it into use. Theie may appear like mere , assertions, but they are facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to pe wondered at that an agent so wonderful in its phe norneria, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate ly cannened witVall'tlie eperations , of the human sys tern. should lie atthosSabsoline in its power of controlling .disease? Certainly hot. It is, a natural sequence- and follows as surely as day follows night. Among tho discescs which are foundsto yield readily to Electricity,l/1 e.Pnjiinction withTpx!oper adjunct.treatment, May no mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and other Convulsions; 'Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuetbatiem, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous syStern; sin cured in a few treatments; all disris , s Of the urinary and genital organs; Fomalo Diseases,.Asthma, Piles and: Prolapses 'Ani; Amaurosis and all kindred affections of the eye; Auretui, Strictures, all skin diseases,' Persons calling will be told whether they can be bene fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be af forded. ...Consultation free. Office,'-South Second - street, bc4ant Chestnut, Harr sbirrg, Pa 7 Office hours free) Sto 12 x., 134 to 5 and Ite 9 FAL apl3 FIRST IN FASMONS) CHEAPEST IN PRICES. fLIHE subscriber has the pleasure to inforni the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity that she is now opening at Xo. 13 Market , street, between Second and Fro:1:11,40 Boger's Old-Stand, ; ; - the meat complete and fashionable stook of FRENCII - 1111ERICAN . 11111LINERY • every exhibited in this eity:. been long connected Avith ead.coadncted one of the most extensive hous,es in ' this country, she flatters herself to enjoy advantages and 'facilities to 'carry On a llrst-class establishment not Maenad by many,. Having bought from manufacturers and im porters only, and intending to sell at - sinall 'profits, she is confident to, establish a reputation not only for, taste and fashion, but also that of.aelling the most reasonable prices. In addition to a complete stock of lifillMery, em bracing'Hafs, Bonnets, (made' up in great variety and made to order at shortestMotice ) SUSSi ELVETS, FLOWERS, - • . - FEATHERS, LACES• RVCRES, &C.; she otters everything pertaining to . • LADIES' FURNLSTETATer GOODS, - , • • -•-• such as Hoop L Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,. Gloves, Critters . , Cuffs, Belts,-&r. • • ; • - .gerA Magnificent stock of Hair-nets and Head-dresses, :from 25 cents to $5 00; ' ' "., I most respectfully . solicit a liberal patronage. , . • • IIRS;•11. MATER, • ap7-dly No. 13 Market street.• • ___ YARDSat "25BLEA CHED". 25. dets2l,lXyr M , at-30.cente. 1 ,001 . fl'yards - hest, yard . Al 0, y 5,000 yards 1:11.1- BE. I* C . ta . up. .500 dozen best .200.-Yard .lßvtasoAlectillliior2:o.aitiszdss:i.,7fonr -Sposls, - whlte and colored, at.s ots. apiece. Dress goods, lijapacai, black and colored, Saxony woven goads, plaiu_ Flannels /loop Skrrts,i - Baltnorkls, - .Stiatvls;:Cloakk, Circu lars, - ErabriatileyleS, - , and nanny .pther goods. at• dye per , cent: advande on jobbing pikes nt- - .B,ROWNOLD'S : CHEA P coRATE,4, Second and Market'streata, oppodita the Sienna BOUM.' MEI PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS. Photog - raph Albums. Photograph Alburtis. . . "Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. milE largest and cheapest variety - of PllO - v i ß a g i a ALBszsat,aseccitarip,ocialeadßte.l32. . • FOR sA.LE, THE viatiabie pxoperffr, corner of Second pad Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hundred and ststy-eight feet on Pine street, ru nning' back•typ bond/edam:l. ten feet to . Barbara alley, there being Spero for four fullimilti.Mg iots, and a most de siMble site fora Governors Mansion or Ikupings. 'For partioulirs enquire of 11..r5. MURRAY, corner of Se condilitd PioesSieets,, : • . . , thar94f EkGLLSEE: BREAKFAST TEA:— coived,-a ilnechest of English B - fast Tea ; of SIIISLER (Successorsc to Will. Dock, Jr.) . ItfESS BEES And WAS'iS,PQRW,--A" choice 31e .itreerand Fork at SHISLER & FRAZER ap9 (successors SO Wm. Dock s jr., & Co.) —.Webster 29 Alai: It. WYETII, M. D., DK. J. MILTON CREAMER. PRICE TWO CENTS EVENING EDITION. The Pennsylvania Militia. Improbability of their being Called into Service It is not - probable that there will be a call made on Gov. Chirtin for the militia of the State, at this'time. 'We understand, hOwever, that the militia of the Western States were tendered and accepted by the President, to protect Cincinnati, Cairo, Paducah: Columbus; and'exposed points on the Mississippi river. The militia of New York are to garrison the foi:tifications in New York harbor, and the NeW England militia are to perform the same Salida in Ithe fortifications of Boston harbor, and along the eastern- . Governor Curtin tendered. militia before the battle of Chancellorsville, to garrison the for tificktions around Washinebh city, and he has ever since been in readinesS: furni:sh, troops' when needed by the national authori r - ties. If the militia were taken frOm the State noweto be of service to the Government, i l t would be necessary for such forces to" go to Virginia; and the points there.are too import, ant and too much exposed rto •be garrisoned hy green troops ; and in case of invasion, the military foie r e' of the State:Would be thus:ex--- .haUSted, and , out border left at the , : mercy of the invader. -.We are• happy to have it in our power to announce that the most cordial and reciprocal feeling existi, between the national and ;state authorities, and that in any emer gbilly.which may occur, there is a perfect Understandink to control and give force to their combined action. • Pennsylva4ii LegWature! O:3AqO/tY.V.IPAOL4:4;7OOI , ,:IfVOOLE*) , M&4:IWfin.k.IO(O:,f.It):O SENATE. AFTERNOON SESSION WEromsims,, April 27, 1.864. The Senate met at 3P. ns. • . The' appropriation bill was' taken up and diseussect till 6r. at 7 Adjourned. EVENIEW SESSION The Senate considered the revenue bill until a very late hour, when it adjourned till 10.e.i at. _to-morrow. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AFTERNOON SESSIOW VIRDNEsn.i.s, 'April 27; 1864. The select •committee,tci"Whem wee - referred so much .of the Governorle message as relates to the hiatory of our State military organiza tions; and preparing an appropriate testimony of the services or Generate Meade and _ Rey nolds, report that the subject of the history .of 'the State military organizations is provided for in House bill lio.-2928; reported by' the . Committee on Military Affairs, arab now On' the tiles the House. Upowthe other subjeet, refeired to therwthe committee submit the accompanying paper, and recommend the adoption of the following resolution, viz: Resolved,' (if the Senate concnr,) That said, paper be signed by "the Spetikers Of, beth. houses of the Legislature.. -a testimony of the.graditude of this Commonwealth to MaL jor liOneral John- F. Reynolds and his' Sur viving commander, Major General. George G. Meade, and that the 'Gbvernor be requhsted to place the same amongst the State archives, and forward a copy thereof to. General Meade and the relatives of General Reynolds. j P. FRAZER SMITH, N. MA:YER; J. .W. HUSTON, SAMUEL JOSEPHS, IirIr , LTAM HORTON. • From the beginning of the , rebellion which has bought to destroy this ruitiefii; Pennsylva nia has fairly stood by the GrOveriimeiit of the . country. The first sound froth 'the assault of . traitors lett.lefsoni to defend the Republic on the soil of other States. Thousands of, them have given their lives in this holy duty M.ourking over them, she still feels that, their loss 'crag a sacrifice not 'too great for The Oc casion; the memory of their valor and devoted pistriotisni she claims as her OP4I. 0.99" .; Her oivn territory invaded by the `same traitors, her-eons met the mighty Shod at Gettys-, :burg, and alter three days of terrific carnage,= on the eve of the day which annually conl=', •meniOrates thee Declaration of-Indepciadence of the nation showed that there wa... no irreVer• ent preinuiption when their fathers announced their "firm reliance on the - protection of Divine Prcividerice" for:the esiirjoli .ment preservation of this Republic. " the army•of the 'Potomac - , whose disdi plink and enduring bitiferygaiiiedifievictorv.. Pennsylvania has incurred a detit.wlifely al- Ways solicitous to acknowledge, she cannot , - pay.. She feels a just pride , that one of her sons - commanded thafarmy at the battle of "Gettysburg, and in sorrow for the death of another, she indulges a sad joy in knowing. that in death,• as in hfe, honored him Self and shed glory on his native State and his country: ' - Entertaining these sentiments, we, the Rep iresentatives of the people of Pennsylvania; ; do resolve: That the gratitude of the people of Pennsylvania is eminently due to Major, G6neral George' O;' Meade, for his gallantry Cortimander of the Array of the Potomac, at "the battle of Gettysburg and for the consum mate military ability with which, it that hat:, Ile, he droVe the invaders from Pennsyliania,. We extend the thanks of the Commonwealth to him. That Major General:JohnF. Reynolds, who commanded the'First Army Corps, and on the first o'fthree•bloody days closed a life illus trated by pstriOtism, heroism and self-sacri fice,lives in the affections and memory of the people of his native State. They will ever bear in mind that his life was a great part of the weighty price by which the preservation bf a.natiort was se eared. We tender to his 'relatives and friends the condolence of the people 01 this State.. The report was then laid on the table. • BE-ORGANTZVELON Or THE .an , The forAhe re-organization of the militia force of this State was taken up WESTERN PESITTENTIARY. The bill, an act regulating the appointment STEAM OFFIC.E. ADVEMMORATICS—DAILY TELEeRMI',L The following are the rates for advertising In the Iris crt.trh. Thoile having advertising to do will flnd von venieu 'for referenee. - - Ll,- - Four lines.Or less constitute one-tizar square. ( !more than four constitu te a square. • 102. OlfE Sqruz.v.. One day ..$ re Two days ...... CO Three days 1 26 One week ' - - 2 26 One womb .. 6( 0 Two months 9 CO Three inontbs. n 'CO Mr...months 16"0 One year..... . . 25 CO $2 26 Iron a nA.1.2 St AIM One day $ 30 TWO pip.. ..... .. 50 Three slays 75 One Week 125 One month 3 00 Two 'months 4 60. Throb months 660 ' Six months 8 00 Otte year 16 00 Administration Notices.... Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices... Funeral Notices eactrinsertio la - Business notices before Marriages and Dea ~ eachDaserDon. 150 - 50 In the Local Cohams, or Ernst therm PER. Liars (C? or inspectors of the Western penitentiary, Pas4ed finally. CONIZELLSVELLE AND SOUTICEEN YENNSYLVADTTA BAILROAD Mr. BIGHAM read in place and presented to the chair bill, entitled An act relating to the bonnellsville and Southern Pennsylvania railroad company. The bill passed finally. The House adjourned at 5 o'clock till half past seven o'clock this evening. EVENING SESSION. The House met at 7i o'clock. lir. GLASS offered a resolution which was adopted, providing that the-House meet to mammy morning at 9 o'clock and adjourn at 11 A. K., till 9 o'clock onFriday morning. On motion of Mr. PERSHING , . the use of the HaIL to - morrow was tendered to the "Union State Conventicin. &nate bill, a suppleinent to an act relative to corporations for mechanical, manufactur ing,; mining and quarrying purposes, was taken up and passed finally. Mr. WATSON-moved that the Committee on the Judiciary (general) be discharged troui the further consideration of Senate bill No. 617, t an act repealing, portions of the act of 1863, in regard to public lands for educational purposes. After a long discussion, the motion was agreed to, and the bill was taken up. ALEXANDER, (Centre) opposed the 'bill in a speech, which was continued till the hout of adjournment. ZeienrapQ. From the West. CmuNN . A.rr, April 27 COL Conrad Baker has been nominated for Liatitenant Governor of Indiana, to till the vacancy caused by - the declination of Gen. Kimball. The' olunteering in Indiana in response to the call for twenty thousand . men for one hundred days' service, is progressing favora bly. ' News from the interior indicates that the Natidnal Guard will turn out in large forc'e. On Monday over two thousand bales of naval prize cotton was sold at Cairo at 71a734. XlXVllith Congress--First Session. )10USE OP REPRESENTATivES. _.. . WIKDNESDA.; April 27, 1864. • . . .The House went into eonktnittee of the whole on the internal tax bill. 1 " • Au amendment was adopted requiring the cominercial brokers to pay 25 dollars for local license, without regard to the amount of their tran4astions. .174. Morrill, (Vt.,) on behalf of -the Com -mittee on Ways and Means, moved an amend ment on brown and Muscovado. sugar, not above Na. 12, Dutch standard, in color, pro duced directly from the sugar cane, and not from sorghum or Imphee, other than those produced by the refiner, a duty of 2 cents per pound. Mx. Morrill eplained that the duty is now two cents per pound, and the Committee on Ways and Means, on re-consideration, came to the conclusion - that the rate should be pre servo% instead of placing it at one cent, as originally reported. M 4 Randall (Pa.) opposed the amendment. Rather than an increase, there should be a Yednotion in the rate of sugar. The amend-, ment was adopted—yeas 59, nays 47. The bill was further amended so as to pro vide a duty on all clarified or refilled sugars above No. -12,- produced directly from the . cane, of three cents, and refined or clarified , above No. 18 four cents. , Markets 'by Telegraph. - PELMADELPHIA, April:27. There is, an increased firmness in the flour market and.holders generally seeking advan ced prices, and four hunched bbls." Only, of extra family, ware taken for export at $8 25® The sales to lade range from $7(4)7 25 fOr superfule up to s9®lo for, fancy brands, Rye flour demand at $7. Nothing doing in corn meal Wheat—from 2,000 t0'.3,009 bus.. sold at $1 80®1 88, the latter for fair southern; white -scarce and ranges from $19502 05, Rye wanted at $145, NI:. we hear „of no sales. 'Coln 'steady at. $1 33; oats 88e. ..Nothing doing in seeds; about 200 bus. clover seed sold at $740; timothy andflax seed un changed. , Bark but little here and active at $4O per ton. Provisions firm; the views of holders being, about the same as buyers, there is but little doing. Whisky firmer; sales of 201)te 300 bbl. Perna. and Western at $1 30@ 13 2; drudge $1,30. Stocks . steady, Perna. ,513.-98 i; reading 691,; Morris Canal 81; - Long Island 48; Penna. Railroad 731; Gold 181. NEW "foils, April 27.-Cotton steady at 83. "Flour -sales 7,000 bbls. at unchanged •prices. Wheat dull and nomirally in favor of buyers. Corn excited and advanced 405 c.; sales 90,000 bus. at $1 27.0,1 39, Provisions steady ar4txtffichanged. Whisky unsettled and beg atsl 35; buyers offeill 32. Receipts flour 6,U bills.; wheat 550 bus.; corn 1625 bus. L - Stooks lower: Cumberland preferred 73i; Illinois Central scrip 138; Michigan Southern 100; New York Central 1358; Reading 138; Canton, Co., 47. i; Missouri 6's 71; Erie 1144; Treasuries. 111; Coupons 188)., •Teu7 iiessee 59 ; Quicksilver 731; Gold 14 - • . . zintlaummoarruncil r• IN D. W. GROSS' E W BLOM: , Alarket Street., Harrisburg. 1,000 DIEFERENT STYLES OP rAamoNeliza4 . C - LOAKS AHD Cut CIT-LARS, AND FINE SPRING SIIA.VMS. Wiil open on the Ist of April. onam-dly Q LAKES. If you wish gOd tette' I'apes Envelopes,. In k, , Pas, or anything - ale in B'4W:diary line, you will do well by calling at - • SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, lioti MaCtliT7ol,loB t .P0.11T.F01.10 a 5n 037 • ma); just irecivettinnat Backg ammon klESC FPO. 3 8 - BOOICSIVIM QMOICED Luxes, just received at ' MB- : (sucCiFiiia to Wm. Dock, jr, trxo. ; Msura maim: - OE MEAT . —A fresh lot just received CE As bolo by Nei] BOYER & KOIERPER.