alaily r)eiegrafil ----- HARRISBURG, PA lONDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, 1564. NOTICE TO ADVEIITISERS. — A II Ad es, Business Notices, Marriages, Moths, ac., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accont. A pr ° f.d with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular oven ing Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. REv. D. GaNs preached his farewell Sermon in the German Reformed Church yesterday taming, from the text, "Fare ye well." THE Hope Fire Company is to receive the new steam engine about being purchased by the City Council. The "Rivers" will make g ood use of the-"masheen." ORDINANCE. —ln our advertising columns w-day, will be found an ordinance; passe& bY. the city council this morning, appropriating_ twenty thousand dollars towards the pur chase of a mansion for the Governor. • Booßs lizczivao.L-The Outcasts; or, The Band of &eftly, by Miss M. E. Braddon. Dick & Fitzgerald, N. Y., publishers. Price 75 cents; copies forwarded by mail. Parlor Theatricals; or, Winter Aniii.7l9'S'. En tertainment. Dick &Fitzgerald, N. Y., publiah ers: Price 25 cents. SPECIAL PRAYER MEETXNq.-A prayer meet ing, the special object of which is to invoke the blessings of heaven upon our army in view of the approaching contest, and upon our country, will be held in the First Presby- , terian church, Market Square, this evening at which time the public are invited to-attend: FASHIONABLE MiLLINEBX, of the first quality, iu general variety, may be found, at - Mrs. Thither's, Second street,. above Locust. : Mrs. 31. has given special attention to the selection of her present stock, with a view to meeting the wants of the ladies in this city opi:yicin ity. The ladies should go and examine the assortment, which is not surpassed. IN DlM—Sergeant James L. Forbes, a. clerk in Capt. Dodge's office, received official notice a day or two since, of the death : of his uncle in England, bequeathing him the small sum of twenty thousand pounds in gold.. ' It is unnecessary to remark that the Sergeant has vacated his post to enjoy his unexpected inheritance. =3ZEI Dranc.irrolt—The new house of Worship erected by the Wesleyan African congrega lima, and located at the corner of South street and Tanner's alley, was dedicated, with the usual ceremonies, yesterday. There was a large attendance, and we learn a handsome sum of money was collected, toward paying the debt remaining on the church. The' ex.,: ercises arc said to have been very interesting. A Taffi.n of the steam-fire engine was -lase. in Market Square, on Saturday evening, for, i the purpose of affording the public an 'Op portunity of witnessing the superiority of steam over the old-style hand engines. i , We. have, however, heard great complaint n re,_ Bard to the indiscriminate sprinkling :of.: the citizens who had assembled. There is cer tainly nothing to be gained by those engaged in turning the stream upon spectators, while. the latter suffer considerable damage. NEEDS REPAmmro. —That portiOn Of. Rash berry alley located between Marketstkeeltl the court house, is in damaged gonclitioia. Pools of water stand there, and will, if'ita re pairs are made, produce sickness. We are informed that that portibn of the alley is the property of the county, and that .the grind: jury is the proper party to see after it. If so, the present grand jury should give the Matter: their attention, and see that the proper re pairs are speedily made. . Oun citizens are referred to the directions given by the Post Office Deptirtnient, at the head of the list of letters, in to-di -2 4 ; i, in regard to the free delivery of mail matter,L te. All persons in the city may avail them selves of the privilege of having their letters delivered at their places of residence, by ob serving the rules set forth. Ikis g;p4 ac commodation to be thus served. by the carri ers. As the Government has endeavored to accommodate all citiztms, they should . secCoad:, the effort by complying with the request o the department, in order to insure the, due de-- livery of letters. OUR CITIZENS Will be gratified to learn Rouse's celebrated Star Combination Company, Will resume their series of entertainmenhi•this, evening, after an absence of three nights, dur-t big which time the manager supplied the place of his troupe by the Campbell Minstrels" An entire new bill is offered for to-night, when , will be presented Coleman's thrilling three-act I play, entitled THE IEoN ChssT, with a selec cast of characters. This is . a piece of intense interest, and should be witnessed by., : eTeiicr. body. The entertainment will conclude wit the farce of The Bobiails.and Wagtails. RAinBOAD Acommrr, 7 -A man who gaVe the name of J. W. Merrick, dressed in soldier's uniform, wa,s found last night, on the e'_ sylvania railroad track two miles west •riflifif- In, with one leg and one - arm cut off—having been run over by some train. Ife z was, taken to Mifflin station, where he died this morinug. He says he lived with a farmer by the name of Johnstonl two miles above Harrisbuii, *hera , he said he had a family.: The caroller took charge of the body. There were no paperS found on his person that gave any inforznatian or clue 'to where he belonged. If.thii.s49.lg4 meet the eye of any person who can give in formationto his family, it is hoped they7.abi do so at once, or communicate with the'itir dersigned. S. D. YOUNG, := Sup't M. Div. P. HABIWEIBIIRG, April 25, 1864. Goi:t r linTth left 3 - istirdaY in ii specialtrain for Washington. • ' COURT commenced to-day. No business of importance was transacted up to the time of our going to press. MEETENG OF THE CoId:MON COUNCIL.—The Common Council meets this morning, at nine o'clock, by order of the President. It is hoped every member will be present, as busi ness of the highest importance will be sub mitted to them. WANTED. —An active young man of experi ence as salesman in -te retail dry goods and grocery store. Must speak both German_ and English. Apply to J. &H. J. MEILY, ap23-dtf Middletown, Pa. GREAT inconvenieime is experienced by those of our citizens who depended upon the town clock as a time-piece, since that ancient institution has ceased to "tick." Immediate steps should be taken to replace it by a clock upon which dependence can be placed. I=El GOVERNOR'S Miaisioii. - -The committee ap pointed to purchase a mansion for the Gover nor,'have concluded an arrangement with Mrs. Coverly, for her elegant mansion on Front street. The State giv - es Mrs. Coverly the pre sent Executive mansion on Second street, and the city of Harrisburg pays her the sum of twenty thousand doll-a:1;4 POLICE AFFAIRS—Before the Mayor.—Yester day morning the following cases were dis posed of : :3. Green, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was arrested. .He paid costs; ands' 'Was discharged, haying no money to pa 33 flue. ,Taialgiare F 7 '77 disorderly' M; discitarged. Amos Wonderer, an insane individual be --longing to the - poor house, was found on the streets on Saturday Ovoid - AO= After a hearing he was returned to the above named institu tion.. This rqdttint 4116' f3ll6Mg , tritve allught from the lock-up, for a hearing : Horace Carey, a disorderly soldier, was sent to tlzA - Pr9vs*, Maphal; George • PrOt,••':drunic. and disori4erly, • was arrested on §iairdtii, and fined '' wluch',lm paid, together with costs. Yesterday he was again on the streets "boozy," and annoying ladies of color. He was again compelled to pay fine and costs. This "riled" George, and he, determln edto l&ive the'city.'' Margaret Diggs, arrested for larceny, was committed for trial. Ova readers will remeMber that a few.weeks woinau,gixistg the name Yv - q._Curtls, visited this city, and solicited contributions -for the "Home of the Orphan Daughters of: Volunteers". in teW;Xbik. Several`of our oite: . zees conbibuied. liberally:- ' By the following letter, received• fromAlke, Biesid.ent of. the nbove-named institution, it' will be seen that " Mrs. Curtis" was an imposter. Our citizens are requested to aid in securing her arrest: • A REQUEST.—Tothe _Editor of the Telegraph.— Azsv Yoax, April 23, 1864.—k.5ir :—There was A person ifillarriabiligisAFebrintry canvass ing for a "Home for the Orphan Daughters of Volunteers," located at 18 West Fifty-fourth 9treet. She has proved herself a notorious imposter, makings:no report to me , and. taking, no notice of repeated orders to return the, bookslind papers, which were obtained , underl ffalsepretenges, - she linvpgrepregefited'herself as a.icabdibet;cit PAgei was false, and shekwing:laters which must have been forgeries. If those of your city, that contributed to her, would still further the cause, by placing their names and the amounts given to a legal document, and have it for warded to,ine at,their earliest convenience, it will be a verrgreat;' fa:vor."Tliat - only way that I can secure her arrest, because the 'collections were made out of the city of New gork. She was only authorized to solicit for *cvo montlis,,but she kept her whereabouts _a. necret.and was absent nearlylour m.onths,.and has not paid_ over one dollar to the institu tioxi: =Moat ieveetfulir - • J(* . •13-,T7ZZE =MEM :.;.. PROCEEDUMS OF Corazor:L.—The Council met ,O • i t nine o'clock this morning. The President :presented apessag . .. from the,MayT: etating that several of the elected city officers had neglected to appear before him and be quali fied. The clerk was directed to notify the de flinquents, and request them to ,appearbefore. ',the Mayor. ~%, 0 -,' .. • -;'" • "'' '` i ''' Mr iThi . ,T,Joirered' a *reschitioii4iristructings the Oidin'auii - do . mmittee to draw up au.:orili nance providing 'for' tkft,:builtligk'of ' L 'lkresi-,, dente for the Governor, and appropriating twenty thousand dollars for the same. After conversation Mr. Ha4lNvithdrew,his resolution. Mr. ALLikcii, dui 'representative, was re quested to make a statement to the council on i'the subject of purchasing a residence for the Governor...: Mr. A. then gave a full :explana :tior':;l4.the,lo4o‘..l44oat ': ''': :: '..,:; i;. ' ' i Dr. EGLE offered-the followifig, viz: ""'" - 1. Resolved, That the Ordinance Committee be "instructed forthwith to repart, am. ordinance appropriating the - siffh of twenty thousand dol bars heretofore offered to the State Legislature for the purpose of :purchasing 'an Executive, pmaaisionfdr • the" Governor, of the "C6mraon _Wealth, ,and tliat.bond4 with coupons attached ba isitisci ...for ;:that• amount, ..payable Tinalen tears, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. , ,•I'p i , 1 , j - - The resolutiotrwitYagiitedle ' I -L- n accordance with the above resolution .-, , the Ordinance Cornmittet prepared an ordi nance appropriating •the same, which passed fuLl reading, by the following. vote, viz: i'mks—Messrs. Hail, Hooker, Myers, Ver beke, Bainlithq, , Edivards; Titilt,:Re666 . lHitia-' ilton, Egle and Hickok, President. !.. NErslione. ' • ''' ' ''' ''" . ' . , -Mr. Tzaauxu offered the following, viz: • , Resolved, That the Ordinance Committee be directed to embody the: different appropria tions for the Street CoMmittees in an ordin ince, to be presented 4 the next meeting of Council. ..._. Mr. WILT moved thatltlie" different reports T • of the Street Committee bii'reeommitted, in 'Order to ascertain exactly the amount neces , .ary to put the streets in proper repair. The i ,..; Otion was agreed to, ,by seven yeas to four noes. , -- A - Mr. WILT moved thil the different Street J3Mmittees be requested tcl=report at the next =meeting. Agreed to. z" .‘-• On motion, Council laijourned to meet on • 'next Saturday evening. ,`', ,e, i •:0 i PaIiSONAL. —The person who go cake dish from the ;store of the during the week the Jai; was held in the cow t house, will confer a favor by returning it at once, as it is greatly needed. apr23d2t* HENRY FELIX. ARRIVAL OF THE NINTH P. V. CAVALBY.-11l a telegraidi dispateh, tdeeliPed lust evening, we had the information that the Ninth-P. V. Cavalry, Colonel Jordan, would arrive in this city at three o'clock this morning. The Ninth returns as veterans, 600 strong, and will make their headquarters at Camp Curtin. RELIEVED FROM COMMAND OF CAMP CUT:- MC —We understand that Captain Sands, for some time in command of Camp Curtin, has been relieyed, and ordered to his 'regiment. We-part with Captain Sands with regret, as he was efficient and prompt while on service here. He will make himself once more useful in the field, :where he already distinguished himself: VOA& TilltiNG.--Tho Ohio Faffner says that-, been found, by accident, to be a most effective means of .protecting fruit trees against.rivitges of the curculio, by. placing saw-dust, saturated with the oil,- at the foot 'THE pleasant spring-like weatherof the past few days has had, the eiletAf drfing . ,,nithe mud ; on the streets and the .public`-roads, to a considerable extent. tanners .are Inaily . „ gaged in sowing oats andlireparirig • their corn-grikind. , - , Tzs steamer, that passed down the river tile other day was. the "Susquehanna," former r ly used as a ferry and towboat at sunbury. She was purchased by the bridge company at Co lumbia', to which place she was talien, for the riburixi e of being used as h ferry-boatbetween 'Columbia and Wrightsville. THE Hollidaysburg Standard has the follow ing• "DEE LATEST jOILE oia TIM SEASON—ROHLPV,- ingthe State capital from Harrisburg to•Thill adeiphia _on account Of the corruption that kettall's' in theloimer city":"; Mugging thinks it would be jUmping out of ttikgfrying-pfin Two 'Hosonim. —TWo hundred L ypilts'sbeins: a long tin* ',Bow misiy change Sin the World:A.,' history have been-recorded of oppressiOn'anb. 'tyranny, with here and there , a bright spot upon thC page of Chris ian pro gess; tering the condition of the "hiitiniif family. Amidst the striking evidence of ingratitude in min in his efforts to overthrow the of our glorious country, through his industry and - genius, providing for the public advantage his superior silk fin ished .ttv‘Olhrifidre&Yarda.spciOViiotton, the low price of five cents, This, together, with a large stock =of New - Spring and•Stimnier dry 'goods at, correspondirig priceg,, can be ob 'Mined at the cheap Store of C. L. Bowman, 1, corner:bfgErorit[and Market streets, 't SPECIAL NOTICES. • •-• • Closeks 1-- , Cloaks l Cloaks T .• '-- •'• I. 4 arge,aMortnieint Of cloaks. Cloaks tit:;all prides. ' ' Riiitk silk mciM'and Cloth for, cloaks,' all cOlori.':' IHooP'slarts at 75'c. to $1:: 'Spring Spring shicreisfrdin suction. , ' 'i. Splendid assortment of gingbamai. . Dresszslods, a very:large lot fromauction: Stockiogs.for ladies; pliiprices.:. •.. . . Stockings at 25 cm. per pair ' from auction. Muslins-bleached; the best imtown for 25 cents. • Silluffrommuction at kwoprlcen • • . • Black- slam - 4 - - • Received from New, a very barge ,assort ment of godds,` which we will 'soh at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction: -L.': • :'•• • SALNWY. Bann - trait% Trodies: For'Abe cure of Hoarseness, Throat 'Ms ... • , eases, : are , specially recommended: ~to;: ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to:speak in pt olio. 'Mannlitctur,e'd• only by C. A. Bain.o* It - Co., Harrisburi„. Pa-, to whom all orders should be addreased. cola by druggist eiver l y ;where.. : • Read the following . temonlais from some of our,eininentalbrgymenn: 1,, , • ~lA&Egisßuso, Feb. fith,lo64. O. A. BANNVAna—Dear Fare used Brown's akonchial Tronlek Wififinls Lozenges and other, prep,arations for hoarseness and throat tronbles and id comparison with them all,- can cheerfCfily• commend.your e own Most ado:arable specific for public- spe l aksfs and siniiksiLiiii•casfe of -lioarsimess,,tcoughs and colds. I have found them serving in ti.m`of 'need inieft Mrecthally. ' 7 . Youri truly; T. H. ROBINSM, • Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church.., A qb n. I agree with Mr....E.Obinsolt ascto the Taluc! of Bamirait's Trocifea Late - Pastor of a S. Presbytetia*,rch. Rtaxiisurt4,4, - To. C. A. BANNVAI habit ,of speaking. very ftizsitiently,2.ara 4 #4places •where - the viicaVorgaris are very rau#4taxel I have foundike'neid of somagentleixpecto 4 rant, and that want has been supplied in your. excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever , used, in!uramolfing! speedily that huskiness of the voice arising . from`its too frequent use; and impsirink the effectiveness of the, delivery., pubhc dresses. Yours, ko., ,s JNO. WAIIILEIt JACKSON. , ‘Pastbr of the Locint . St. Methodist Chtfith, ,To C: ^A. Bassvor—Dear Sir: Having used sour Tr&hat, lam free to say they are the best, ,have ever, tried. and take grei4 pleasurecti jrioesAmeriding . them erto allppris id:dieted with abre'llioat finskiifie'ss -of :voice arising from public speaking or singing. ItAICESTRAW, Paiitor of Ridge Avenue lefethodist Ohureh. DISTRICT' A'FrOliarEY'S ()mop, livrorraiitrao, Feb. 29,180.' I • Tc;:d. A. ..iterniireaT—Dear Si* I hags found your Troches to be invaluable in .143- Having hoarseness' and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. Therlinpart4e.arnam to the voice,.ind are certainly of great . bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR Cotithsliiid The sudden elianges of our climate are sources of Put, MONANT,. and.anzanszni -.AFFECTION'S: ralie4 rience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the earl 4 stages of the disease, m amme should at once be had to Brown's :Bronchial Trochei n orLozenges, let the Cold, Cough oilifitatichi of the Throat be ever so as b this Vrecatition_ more serious attack may be effectually 'warded o ,P.l , mo:Siikiiits and SINGERS will find them .effeCtimflor clearing and strengthening the voice. ,Soldiers should have them, as they can bacanied in the pockerand,taken , as occasion ingaires. miti29-dawlaa - IIIHE CONFESSIONS AND "EI:PERI:ENOS Or Alt ATALIn. Bublished for the banetlt, and as 'a CAUTION TO' btlity,YOUNG KEN and ptliqil t ffer fkprsi'Neitous De ./Texnature Balmy :of Manhood,__ ,'&o. supplying at the sante lizaugris` /Wm. oF Bscr-owas: By one who bee mod' binleeltafter undergoing coneidgoiequaelwy. inolosing a post paid addressed' eitvgope, single oo pi ef 233,g9 , auiZ om •; 11 144 Fi r 43 1 ). edit, "tingle CC - 40W ;. A'El containing nearly,3ollmmand 130.tMe plates and LiagravingS of the Anitioncf-nethVSexiiir Orgins in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and accesaful as . lhownWpe port of owes lreat.eii. A truthltil inFrisef to thcstaarried,' owes and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postal cur. rency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y. marl-davam 15=2:1 7/ sa.. -3...~ Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence nod gilitary and War Claims, generally, made out and coliemed, Per- eons residing at a distance can have their haziness (rani acted h 3" addne'lLg Gpr, 40.1at=Li(1 !! 1 sNg• rn ' streetrilarrt. urt.. . del"; dli Mrs. Bali's Remedies. I take this method of pheerfulA thanking the public for past favors, and still scilich thdeldnd attention to my medicines. To tell of all the wonderful cures 1 have been able to perform would be impossible. I would call the attention of the ladies particularly to this valuable medi cine. I think ItanktiNy is the,: v ryilte st:.otinred to them. It will regulate the *bidesyst6m; cat be taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re gaid to it. I have also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This has healed sores that have run 2p ears„ My ; pykentetry, Drops, In fant cordial and Cobgh Drops' have been Well tried. I acted say nothirig in their favor. I have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L BALL, inarle No. 27 South Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. HAIR DYES HAIR DYES I Batehelees Celebrated Hair Dye I$ THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Harm4ele;.-4014 - 4014A4bie Dye liewn. eapti;s4 , ' I , This splendid Hair Dye is pertect—changes R or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natura Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and. beautiful, ; ,itnparts gush yitalkty, frequently 'restoringpilitine. , toter; andarectilles the HI effects of bad Dyes' The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH- Alhothqrs, are.mereJmitationspand , sbo.uld bar 'avoided. bold- , :bpallpruggiata, :FaatOrY --4 - 3/-BAB , C.TAY ? , 11,Y.:4 - . • MCIDILOWA NEW TOILET DREAM FOR DRIMSING THE RAM. je23-1 y ' COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in seen universal de. *llan,ti; 4 t 444 itoOtirldelittiCo4 - 1 6 4 . . add emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in Its action , upon the , For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. .jan2s-dtwly . Dr. J. P.,KIELLER,S • Dental Preparations. ,GRANULAR DENTIFRICE I AIIERI9AN TOOTH, WASH! THESE elegant preparations combine the 1 most desirable cleansing,and= astrinicequalities. ;they render the Gums herd Weitthy; neutralize the !neld secretions of the mouth, (thereby removing the prime cause of-decay,4o By. thetr.deteisive=preporties they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without iu the least Aegreeinjuriag .the,,enatusl, while they impart to ;the breath a f agrande peetilfaity &rbmatic and pleasant.— In fact, they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the pur posed named as a fair trial twill fully demonstrate, and es has been abundantly proved by their extensive sale in this community doting the:last 14years'l.lind which will be readily testified to by many rifle ' have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale and us'efulness. They are warranted to be free from those ddstructive acidsvdtlehisuaequently contfartite many, 'of the pferdnitirais or the prenentnay. Prepareand at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut streets. JOHN P. KELLER „ • , „ Surgeon Dentist.. For sale also by Die principal Druggists of the city. ap2l dcf REMO - IT'D, SCHEFRER'S BOOKSTOR E AND 408 P RINT-ING 413-FFICE, SRU.TH SECOND STREET, Two — Doors 'Belolf Ibiker's Hardware Store, OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN:OHURCH. Inar3o-tf . , . . • . , D.. 1. B. M. GILDEA, E INT T I S T ~.. , EStEu . _ ..)TpuL informs -._ LY the citizens of 1:1 dianisburgitudLnernity that he.hawretooved Ida of from Market street to Third street, next door to the Patriot 144 Uttion otriceolathere hejs prepared.sotaocom, "..lialate all who may desire his professional services. ' aprt4 Three 41.0eAtiliou§vs f9jr..3.Sfele, FRONTINti on thcßeservOit. The houses are nearly new, built with the best material, are two anti a ligr series high, attic fknishecl, apd gml *tent kitchen; atio#e'grointf:- These are`desiraMe`pricate residences, and will be sold : eta. bargain, For further particulars 01115 , THIS OFFICE. I,lBqpil. and y_alo . able Discovery. 1-Ma.O:IVS ORRAT DIROOVISKY I 'INSOLUBLE CEMENT of more general practical utility, Warrany'iriviritiort nhwjbefore'the public. It has been thoroughly tested during tlie'latitwo years tiy:prectieal men, and pronounced by all to bo SUPERIOR TO ANY A4I I OX O ,PMFAMOS , §k IIO I4 I . 1 1 3 Hrororr's Irlsocurma CEMENT is a new thing, and the result of years of seitlytUtiehorubinailon Lion Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change . temperature, , will, it be come corrupt 'or omit any offenifive Applicable to all ' tiaeful Arts. OMB A new thing. Eta Combination 4300 T SHO.E _ Manufacturer , * nwhg - Machines, will find it the best, : artitd,e known as Cementing for th Channels, it works without delay, is not alli3cted by any change of temperature. TETVELERS Boot and Shoe Man ufacturers. Will find it queutly. adhesive. for, S di ffiffi iuse; ASlMAident,f6Ved. 7i il -EipecfallyAklrapted loßthith And we claim as an especial merit, tholat.Ottfko. PatOhes :Mt •Potitiartand Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. ' s 'Atirelers. sYk IZEVM2 Faxollea LIQUID CEMEN Ifs a liquid. astunt that is a sure thing for mend ,.= I V IV bah ::~ ~__ Furniture, Toys, ;.; •.; ; And arpnles of Household use =OE lEEE! REIIENBER Hu/roses lasomnu.s.Csarmrr Is In a liquid form and as easily ap Bead 's Sotonta Carom Is insoluble in water or oil. . HILTON'S INSOLOBLS Adheres oily substances. ..:FlupplieChauFamily - or ••Bfanufaa turer's Packages from 2 'ounces tol.oo lbs. Remenibgr. ,, HILtOgaROS..& CO., ...Pxoprielculyis PTovidencp, R L • Finis Agentortn , Phtllid: jelB-dly , T:t i A...14GW4111 :1111` : • ' PHOVO - 6-11,AP14 ALBU iPhoiokra.p - tr Albuins. Photograph Albums. RR Ph°tkgr4Plll4lllms,,- - brim:WOW* 113 H 14 largest exuLeheapestiruietytiatiliffo TOGRAPH.: ALBUMS Bittlie.cirly are constantly.kep at (marl 2) . BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. ' . :tilltE, L ifst o the geitabri, 'Mae largq , Burling-i k 11. ton Herrlik received- at - • • -SELMER & F.R4KI4i (succe ` 4l3 o.l . 9.W. a7 ).* k sJ r 4 , A C O -). • IL DEMI:E 44. ' Nopt — irb - aksr:o3 , l - N, Dif#091511 164 , Juiritaveettnic for dale "eiietr feb2 . . nc=ERI-BooKsTqllFe§l3)lrg;-:4-, I RANGES ! ORAN • ofeiris 7 qr prAske ortez , r ufic AgeNiir*Weitessie and retail. ' SEMLER Sr:PRAT—Pt, „ . 111,4 lOodeiedle tbilrlb. Deck; jr.., ett.el AL-1-i. +Ai wee Eli EIMNTS BRIEN'S GREAT SHAW AND - ` =A TOM KING'S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS (From Bi4hirkton.) ,CcoAx I3 *N:EY: ITAIMISBERG TIJESpAy - • AND' WEDNESDAY, MAYT3di AND 4tn ' . LOT ABOVE COTTON -FACTORY. "WM: . tifjCibLETON THOMAS KING.... A 'GRAND' PROCESSION! With'a band of music, =will be made at 10 o'clock, A, hr., on the day of opening, con sisting of the splendid Chariot ,"Sen. Shell," drawn by twelve thoroughbred steeds of Arabia. - Th,Troupe is composed of the following namediillful Artistes: - - • ' Mad. LOUISA TOTTR,NATRE! The daring, French Equestrienne and Bare back. Rider,' those dnrivalled perform ances have thrilled the world. - Mlle. VIRGINIA! - .GracefuLand,oliarreing, wilLapriear in. singlet or double acts of Equestrianism. LA.VINIA A Scenic Equestriehne and fascinating Dan- serum • JIAES REYI I / 4 TOLDS! The People's - JAMES WARD! Tho gTent , ,Perfdrining and Trick Clown, , ILOCFEFLLE I Unquestionably, as the most profound critics say, the besWynnnis . t in the world. rct SAILOR TheliNvdild•-fenaCA , a- pupil of Levi JrNcirthP LOUIS' VSFRETTAI A wonderful AerobatairallGyransAti • , JOHN NAYLOR! . If, • The great Tumbler and Leaper: Signor G. WAMBOLD! As tho r lian of many forms. WILLTAV EL GREEN! Mhe= great. Horse 'Tamer, Modem Herenies, ,•- ' - and Sir Horse Rider. . WILLIAM SMITH! f. , . . • . • In his gracefuldivertisewent,' known, in the French language as La Perches TOM KING I Whose name is well'known in the profession, ' will demonstrate his great Batoute Leaps. rVaulter and Single or Double', Act Equestrian; he has The - Horses are all thoroughbred, wonder fully well trained. TIM beautiful Pony, SPI- DER, the'ispet of: the ; ohildren, , is the smallest equine animal in the The Trick Horse , 411EY, EAGLE,:and that beautifully spotte'dhelatertbr, CHAVPION,I ands" "kit, but not least, the c.on4cally educated Mules TOM and, Mexico, -will be exhibited, and made to demonstrate their wondrous powers iduring.the exhibition. Price cif Admission-- k To Boxes .25 cent NO 114.1iF PRICE! „ STEBBINS, ae'ister4 . l3usiness Agent- ap22-hn4 GARDNER & HEMMINGS' AMERICAN CIRCUS! P"fi..4 l )NEat;;.: . Thialate and elegant Ecinestrian Company will eyliibit in - HARRISBURG, AT THE FOOT OF v, IsIARF I .ET STREET, On Monk, Tuesday and tedliesday, Nay ad and 4th, t AFTERNOOII - AND EVEXISQ, Each day. 'booth open•at 2 mid 7P. in. Per formance to commence half an hour later. • • .1.. ‹. y . .25 cents ,Reserved seats. .. • . cents Among - tile inany'attraciions of this Maui 'moth Estabiishmeut is a • ROtJPE A BS , Layt, DT "'TIMMER, THREE MALES AND . TWO FEMALES - . heided by Zara, The Beautiful Arab Girl, The only.Fraale Contnitionist in America, MEI . :AJEAI lIASSAN, "The Wonderful Arabian Gymnast, In conjunetion with the Arab Troupe, a large Troupe of - -" FEIN AND iIIiERICAM ETISTES, . • wil ppear in every -variety- of Equestrian and Gymnastic entertainment. 'THE STUD-OFHORSES AND PONIES are the best trained 'collection in the world.- 7.1411GE0D PROCESSION will enter the city ai3iiiit 9 o'clock on the day . of exppition n headed by the ftaliiiifiant tottieli Ch.iriot manufaCtured expressly for this season, St a i - cost d 46,000, y - Fielding Brothers, New 1 fork. It will be drawn by a line of '. • 4 i 1. , I - SPLENDID CHARGERS;' , ocarr 4 mcva the BRASS BAND, *and followed by the entire W Y - • GALED - ITgR; X6rtt: D'ON'T•FOR , d•ET WEE D&YS AND DATES. Will•exbibitein , ; 1. 1 ' • ;...Sagu'day;A.pril.B° • • .... ThursclaY, May 5 1 .- ar ,2o..tagt ; J"; ' • ; 1.,* • SEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. CROWPS TURNED FROM THE DOORS 'UNABLE ri# CALK ADMISSION. The Great Protean Artre--mael Gentatrice MISS FANNY DEYIIAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM. IRON CHEST IRON CHEST. IRON CHEST. BGBTAIL AND WAGTAIL. • BOBTAIL AND WAGTAIL. • • -; BOBTAIL AND WAGTAIL The whole company in the bilL Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small bills. SJUITF9IID 9 S PUN FOIE THE I'IHLLION AND MISS ANNA BORDWELL, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, J. M. M.ORTIMER, _ . Treasurer Equestrian Director F. DIAMOND, Dir. J. FRASER, To conclude with the ANC - SHE - COME ? 'VAIL SANFORD AND. TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be proceed in advance at Bann cart's Drug Store. floors open at 6X. Commence kr to 8. • Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents Orchestm chairs, 60 cents. • , Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, $1 each. On Thursday evening the • , P 0 1r Alt 4 A! • - CANTERBURY MUSIC HAIL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. J. BUDD. • • °PENT EVERY EVEYLVG, • With a First-olass Company of SLNGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, Seats in Boxes. ...... ... ............ 2 5 TEE subscriber offers at Private Sale, his Saw Mill Property, adjoining the Gas Works, be tween the Pennsylvania Piailroad and CanaL For terms apply on the premises or to JNO. B. COX, ap22-dlw ,Front street, above Pine. Just Received, Another lot of t.13.0e , . CHEAP KM GLOVES, only Si per pair. . A. LOCHATAX, lyo. 15 Market Square, opposite the Harris burg Bank.. ' a .22-dle HAULING ! glilGl I filliE subscriber • inf ; ' ° ' . P lete be citizens of Harthburg that he is;t, ( made , u, :do HAULING - of all kinds of Goods FornitZtr A 'N - r any part. of the city, on the shorteA:noticc4 , :ll,,,* - .;enconahie , .te'.rins. My team can as found in fi" l 2 - ,-4 , 4,. a Court House be tween the hours of, 7 and 12 62 4 , 41 4- the forenoon, and between 1 and 6 in the afternoo - nr, apte2-d2w. WEziON BAILEY. t,4A-N4QwR! SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES L. i 3. KINNARD, 111 icEARKET STREET, 7 11 - AS now in store a large and Well selected II 1 stock of HATS AND CAPS; which he will offer at the to cash buyers. Call and see something new. ap22-dtr FOR Awnings or Wagon Covers, &c., of the , , best quality, at, one-half the price it can be vorchated anywhere. Samples can be seen at 11..EMBLE'S Pasaat phia Shoe Store, opposite the Dauphin Deposite Bank. ap22.dlw• . SEALED PROPOSALS' for boarding the permanent recruiting patty and recruits of the 12th U. S. Infantry, will be received at the rendezvous, No. 14 Market street, Harrisburg, until the 27th inst., when the_ bids will be opened. The board must consist of three wholesome, substantial meals a day. • WM. SERGEANT, ap23-dtd Capt 12th flirty, Recruiting Officer. RESPECTFIJLLY announces to the Ladies and the public generally that she will open, on TUESDAY, April 26th, a large and beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery, of the latest New York and Philadelphia styles. Store on Marketztreet, one door from Front street. ap22-3t* Sale of Fruit. Trees at Auction. AA7IIIELL be sold, at Auction, on Wednesday: Y next, April 26th, 1864, at the Narket. in this city, a large lot of Fruit Trees, consisting of 500 large size Apple Trees, of the choicest varieties: 500 fine Peach Trees, best verities; Dwarf and Standard rear, Cherries,' dm. ; also, the finest collection of small fruits. All these Trees are from the Columbia Nursery. Sale to commence at 5% o'clock, A. at., and continue until all are sold. S. 11. Puger.t.' -- ' ESSmiNGKEr. & ADAISS, Auctioneers. 65 Valuable Building Lots for Sale; -65 BUILDING thDeINRDGund LOTS I L us are e and o r fferel iv fo r. s ß te l_ , , road Shops. These lots are very de.Mnble for.;building purposes, as they are located on a good and dry spot. A. good opportunity for persons iranting lots. For , any information concerning the- above lots in quire of JOILN MILLER, JR., at dist Pennsylvania--Agri cultural Works, corner of Spruceandliortkstreets. aplB3taw3w* GRIEA..4ON SEMINAR*. - A SELECT BOARDING BOHOOL for pn pits of both setes, located sit. titles west of Can lisle, on the Curnb. Valley R. R. Pupils 4dmined at any .- time* and'eharged only from date of entrance. For circular call at W.''Rnoche's MtlEiC Room, 93 Kan- Itetareet, Elarriskurg, or address • - E. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS; • - •ftl)-"4"'ln Plainfield. Cumb. co.,Pa.:-''- Schuylkill and SllBquebraiina • Rallrotilid 4 ' Comp.%TAY. OFFICE, 227 ForRT.It Sra.m7,l, - • • Pirmapsissuk; :April 4th, 1861.- :•••••., a' RE annual meeting of the-Stockholders Company and an election fell'resideutoW3t4 . Managers will take place at the Hit &•tif.the Company) Holiday, the 2d day of slay nest,.l4-12 , 0!eleek, apo-dtm2 • -1V . ,• H. WHEW ) Secretary. **lffir".l7.l.l"7l NIGHT GRAND STAR Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic , COmpany, THIRD STREET, - BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR OP BEEItn,'S HOTEL. MONDAY EVENING. APRIL '!2 . 5 The Lion Banjoist The World. Renowned Dancer The Pleasing BallailisL BURLESQUE SCENES IN RABIC ETHIOPIAN STATUARY- YANKF.F. DOODLE FAKELY MISCELLANEOUS. VALUABLE Saw Mill Property I=l FAIREST RATES CAN'IrA.S MISS B. ILAIIFFDIAN A 110T.liEli loiof:ehOica Citaw'ba Grp for ogo at ,Emar2]IVISE, : t tt =~Fw _;-.-." IRON CHEST. IRON CHEST., IRON CHEST. 3=25 Sole Issse
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers