Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, April 25, 1864, Image 1
TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED „ ()RIVING AND E VENING, /3 Y EORGF. BERGNER. uFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. I EI:MS OF SUBSCRIYTION SINGLE SUB,-CRIPTioN LE' ILO lA' TELEGRAPH IS Served to subscribers in the -vol 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be 41..,rged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto VfiriCe will he clAraed $6 00. 1‘1,...n.KLY TELEGRAPH. ea i sr TELEGRAPH IS also published weekly, and is furnished t., subscribers at the Rd:owing cash rates .t.r.g;• copies, week1y......... Lrea 0111.22 to one Post Office ;'an copies to one Post Office MEDICAL. MEI ELI‘M DR. WRIGHT'S RED:WEN/TING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. l'Npared from Pure Vegetable FatraMs, containing noth- tog Injurious to the most Delicate. At-X - The Rejuvenating - Elixir is the result of modern di-uoveries in the vegetable. kingdom•„being an entirely acir and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. ~e.w.-This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the dity,:and by them pronounced to be sue of the greatest medical discoverieS of the - age gT-One bottle will biire'Veneral ' or A. few doses cures Hysterics in females. arOne bottle curesl'alpitall'onof the Heart. airA few doses restores the organs of generation. I,,From one to three -betties rector es” manliness and full vigor of yduth, ka - -, A few doses .restores the appetite.; to Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency:• „0, -- -A few doses cures tee - low spirited. irrOue bottle restors mental power. it -A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus bean the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairirig devotee, of sensual pleasure. ,e_The listless, enervated youth„ the over-tasked man of business, the victim of a nervous depremion, the. MT' dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and - permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. .11,7-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for . $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt Of money, to any ad- 7 dress. O 4-Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN Sole Proprietors,% uiartl eerily No. 59 Liberty street, New Mirk. CHEROKEE PILLS. • SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, _ T-TRAITH PRESERVER; CERTAIN AND SAl7l.':: ve., For the Removal of Obstructions and the -Insttranse, of Regularity in the Recurrence of Um Monthly Periods. . :s.l' :. , f,- . ,r -They cure or obviate those numerous disefiaes.thit ~. spring from irregularity, by removing the trreguiarity. itself. ~ , i,r•They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men MIMI arThey cure Green Sickness (Chlorosis.) r - • ..1z -They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body,-Heavinesa,-Fatigum ou slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart; Lowness::of spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Arc., a word, by removing the irregularity) they remove: the: cause, and with it am. the effects thatspring•frortfit, nirComposed of simple vegetable extracts,. , thinst 'Ott; lain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however, delicate, their function being to substitute. strength , forP weakneis, which, when properly used, they never fail 'M' do. .t.:i'ibcy may be safely used at t any age;: and anany. voice, EXCEPT Di:WEE{ TILE FIRST TEE= ritusrrei,llti.Thlig which the unfailing nature of their action would .1110)1gy PREVENT pregnancy. r All letters seeking information or advicO promptly, freely and discreetly answered. Wir Full directions accompany inch boa..' .4WPrice, $1 per box, or ,g Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of pigs. .ticirrSold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors.' marll-eodly o. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL BRO., US: Market street. TO OFFICERS JIM SOLDIERS. Collettion of Pensions, Bounties, Buck -try and War • clabits. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, - MUSTER DOLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE •OUT. T' undersigned, having 'been. ill the era." , ployment of the United States during the last eighteen mouths, as Clerk in the Mustering and • DlShursing ()Mee and (knee of Superintendent of Recruiting *Service - Its renusyleania, respectfully informs the public thatha opeued an office in the DAILY TELEaiLtYIt Building for the purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties, Back _Pay. ildd IVar Claims ; also, making out Office rs' Pay Bolls Muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly, • soy 1-d tf - • struivws: ciao). APPADDE.NOS MARBLE YARP:, CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, . . Harrisburg, Pa. •''. ' THE undersigned having opened- .N.lar A A. Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their i friends and the public In general, that they are •prepared Ito fur-. uish. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUCH AS Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, • : - • Mantles; And House Work in Marble and :Erb - nu Stone Cive us a call andwe will guaranteo satisfaetton. & CO . N. B.—Lettering neatly : none in English or fierinina. ruar29-illy VISITING, :WEDDING- . INVITATION, V Aisn - AT HOME CARDS.—By a - special arrangethent with one of the best engravers in the country, cards of any description will he executed in. the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station ers in New Yertor Philadeplitia.; -Tor samples and:prices call at BERGNEB'S BOOK STORE. i t LARGE INVOICE OF NEW • CURRANTS; • • PRIJNES SHISLER & FRAZER'S, (Successors to Wm. Dock, .Jr., x Co.) At l❑o2ol Sep Poygolicts. A LAR.GE I ti.sofft:erit - ,BERGnttS ' CHF-AI? BOOKSME,_ marlB 5 0 14 at Wholesale ar §t, lot! . . 00 0 4 sAlo 11119.. Greorge - Co_tirt„. ; At, at„- . PRIKAER, 4..YEA-74E. feb2• • - _ • 1, 00 el L eaL T D G F eo t irbran . triugt and for gale by • SHISLEtt !& , PIekZER,. feta • (successors to Wm! Driak,Ljr., &TA)••4••• , SWEET ••CIDER.—A small but very fine lot otSwsot Cider ; just received at SHISLER roar2S t (Sacceesors to IV: I:rock,TrAeCoo4 _ _ VINE Nav IVACINEEEL, in Rittsijiai,el zeived4tt -SEMLER it FUZZ tr : ' main ' • (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., :);•=, riAtSIIPS AND SAUCES ; .of: th e ruo a tt a t i,,, , vv periorikult , Cficitceliriutdri, jest received and risFausi Wm FRAZEX (successors to Wm. Dock, jr.,ag by febl . ---- -, - , ~: . • ••!1 , i • ~, , , ,;.•,„i: , ' 1 ' . : ' : . . ... . . •• .- '... ' ' , . • .. - . .. .--.' -' ~A L: . . ' , ,,. \ ".,. 4 .. t N ,‘ NIU/ 1 1 __;a 2-- _do -i,..... ' - - - • , . . . - • - . , li r . , . __.........,____.„ --- d 4 11) '=.—- - - ' - w -'-' -.' ' " - • , , , ~ 1 " "--11-::::-.:44;(-- CO I le • . . , BY GEORGE BERGNER: - . . HARRISBURG,.MONDkY EVENINO,•• ...,: _ ,APRIL:;,‘,_„ $1 50 4 00 10 00 IMM!! ELIXIR AMERICAN REIEDJES," ENO WN AS 44 11 E E 1$ 0 'l4 111 9 5 99 ' GENUINE PRE.1).411,4,7,1q4§,, HELMRQL7YR:rit.ACT "BUCErti" - ..421.R5APAR.T.a.A.,..,' HELMBOth IMPROVED ROSE WASH. lIELAIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY d-ONOF,NTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCIfC, A POSITIVE- J.:ND SPEeIFIC REMED.Ytix BLADDER, GRAVEL. 111 MS Medicine =mesas the power ; .: of Di gtion, arid excitaa:the.ABSORBENTS into healGiy action, by which the. WATERY, CALCEROGS.,deppsi, Lions, and all. UNNATURAL. ENLARGEMENTS are .re duced, as well as piiin.and inflammation, and ta.good for .31174, WOMEN.or.CHILDREN. HELNEBOUYS ,EXTRACT 'Arising from Excesses, lithM,OP Dissipation; -Early In discrepowei Abuse,. . ATTENDED, V14154:7NE FODLOVIND SE TOMS ~Indisposition to Exertion; - Dryness or the Nan, • Loss of Memory, • 'Loss of Power,:-: .Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Bziathing;.:. . Eoiror of DiseaW, - "v • TreMbling, 7: • .Dimness of Visits:4" 'Wakefulness, ••• Universal Lassitude7of thePaitilin the Back, - • Muscular System ' •• *" - Flushing of the Body, tr tHot Hands, - -Ereptlons on the .Face, Tallid2C6riritenace, These sytai4tng, ir,hhowed to go on, which - 401 :,tine invarighly removes , soon follow DIPOTENCY,:FATIRTY; EPIrEPTIO F.ITS, - : . one of crhietrtlei,patient way, expire. MO can 'say that they y 3 are net,:f#apWritly;:,l:6l4iiiweal by' tlip* - "p. 431 INSANITY;.OONSIIMPTION. Many are await 'of *4' cause of their artiffering4, but none will confeSs. , "The - Keiconis of the insane Imi . hints arid' the melancholy denthalif Oimstaiiptton, bear Anmple. ness to the truth of Menstertion. THE CONSTITUTION; ONCE ..A.EFECTED • WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS • • Requires the aid efrmedicine tastrengthen and invigorate the system, whiohaelmbidd'pEttract , Buehu invariably. does. A trial will coneineetthe moat skeptical, FEMALES:FFAffitiLES-FEMALES, OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR .00NTEML, PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections. Oar to n females the Extract Bn chit is unoqualleifby any,othe tan ite c m s zdy, as in ChloOsis or Retention, Irregularity ; or suppression of the customary , Evacuatlens,,lllceiated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leueorrhereor - Whites' Sterility, and for all. ;Com plaints incident to tras; . iihather arising from Itieleiniv ' • • tion, Habits of Mai aHon or In-the 410. NO FATIII,Y SHOULD BE WITHOUT . . Take no Mdsana; crew, or Unpleasant bfedleine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Disease. . EEILIMOLD'S EiITRACT Buoml, . Cures Secret Diseasee , 'ln all their stages; at little expense; little or no change iii - diet;- no inconvenience and: no expo sure. It causes frequent desire, and gives Mien ' •to 'Urinate, thereby removing ol . tstructions, proventin - and curing Strictures of the‘Drotimarldlaying pain and auk • mation7 so frequentin this class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, 4 and -Wen:tout Matter. -Thousands ' upon thousands who tato beOlibeVictims of quaoki; 'ea: who hate paid hesty-Tees tri be cured in a short: timei , hive fouhd they were deceived, Mid that the "Poison"- hasliy • the use of "powerful Aittimfgents," been dried up in , the system, to break out-Ilt an oggraveted form, and perhaps -after marriage. .' • - Use DELIABOLD'S EXTAIOTzBUCHU for all .Alfectioux and Diseases 4 the Urinary - Prgams, whether existing in • Male or Femala, frornwliateter cause originating ,, no -matter of how loug.standing. : Diseases of thette Organ's' require the aid of a Diuretic. 34FLAROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is the Great Diuretie,tind it is certain to hayetlie desired effect in all Diseases ' for which it is reCnut , mended. Blood—Blood—Blood. Fleintbold's Highly Concebtnit: tied Compound FLUB) NY4FBACT SABSAPARILLASEPBT LIS This is an affectioir-of:the Blood, and attaok's the' Wexual Organs, Linings' f the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wina -tape and other Mucus Sufftwes ;making its appestrandeAri the form of Ulcers. -Relmboldfs Extract Sarsaparilla IM- - rifles the Blood, and remixes - 4B Scaly Eruptions Of -the Skin, giving to the Comiilexithra Clear and Healthy Colbr.' It being prepared expresslrfor this class of complaints, its Bloed-PurifyingPropertieffare preserved to a greater extent than any other preparattottof Sarsaparila. • n - pyr MBOP'S:ILOSE WASH. An excellent Lotion ferrdiseases of a SyphUitio Nature, and as an injection in disetuses. , of the Urinary. Organs,' bitting from habits or.dissipation, used in connection with • fthe Extracts Buchu.and:Barstiparilla, in such diseases'as. ..recommended. Svidence of:the-most responsible and:re character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI OATES OF CITRES-from eight. to twenty Yeakootoodingf . with names known to Science and Fame. For Bedew Properties of Buchu„aee;Dispensaty of the United States., See Professor DE'S valuable works on the Eracttee,of ;Physic. See remarks ;made by: the late celebrated4tr. .FRYSICK, , Sett . -remarks made. by &EWAN RcDOWELL„Ia celebrated Physician and meta-- ber of the Royal College of.SUrrions, and published , . hi the, Transactions , of the. King's and Queen's JciurnaL See. litedico-Chirirsical Review,puhUshed by BENJ.:MANE/1k Bellow of the Royal College. or-Surgeons. The meat cif the standard works on Medicine. Extract of. Buchu, ,- $l. 00 per bottle, or six bottles , for $5 00. Extratt of :Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, ..or six for $5 00... proVed Rose Wash, 50 cents ner bottle, or six f0r...52.00,: lor half a dozen each for $1.2 00, which will be satticiept. ; to cure the most obstipate Glee ; if directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from els-: _servation. Describe symptorna In all communication& retires guaranteed. Advice vat* Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city' of rhilndelphia, ll.:TAlelrtibilid; who, being duly sword, A'doth say, his preparailima .."ctraitaln no narcotic, .no ma.. , or other Injurioni di:up:s*d are purely vegetatito. H. T. EF.L110301,1).. Sworn and subsoribel heforei*e,!his 28d'day of. Wo; .4:ernber, 1854. WM. P. BBBuitiv• Aldermantblinthl street, ab. Itede, letterer& inforanatibnlin confidence. s ..usI4,4).4I.EIALBOLD, Chemist OWL [ Diepot 104 South 10th street, below Chestnut, mraly. mEDIcA.p.- Effn=i2ZMl=MAM THE GREAT - Coirryia :70R OF THE AND :'DROPSICAL s'vrElir.tiNgs FOR WteM:CNESSES DECLINE OR (fkAi l / 2 701 . OF LIFE. .A FIDAVIT "THE UNION-NOW AND F.OREYRR." NEW -A.DVEETISEMENTS.- I= ELECTRICITY. iWIETH AniL. PREMIER Zqleptio and tiectropathid physicians,"fetpectfdity meir professional services in all, the various branches of the profession, for the treatifahlleali kute and Wont (cams of disease. •The remedial means they - employ - la the treatment of disease consist of ktagnetism, .4kalvanism, Electroadagnet ism, the, SWedish i niethoit'or Looelized movement cirri4 . _4' few - Eclectic medicines when: deemed ,neeessety,,,and fact all the natural agents thatmay kiicc&Ontilly be brought to bear upon the 'disease... They do not wish to he -undetsteed - as Mfogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, bat they 'believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis cane:far sufkiriorto those generally - employed byphysicians, .from tile that they fi.ct in perfect harmony ; ;with, tit 2, ,lady gevetillig miltthe'litinuin syetcni: Td araFtlieTactithat they confine - themselies to no 'Oar: .ticular pathy or system, they attribute their success controlling disease. The piincipal agent they - entidOY la the treatment' Of disease,:namely;:• Eleciridity; . ist - tul - agent rioinderfal in ilk phendmena and powerful :inns eliects ; fon goeik-zor .It is an everjansent, ell-peivrding principle,. governing , things, froth worlds' down to the in'visiblepartieles of gasseous matter. We see it in the lightning's hash and' hear theinanifestations .of ith Owe'. ill the. Muttering • thunder. It is the cause, of all decomposition, recompo ititidnandiranSfermation. exciteiftil 'nation. It is toe • exciting cause' •or , life; treewth, decay , and -death. It Genies secretion, excretion,- digestion. It lays hot& ef the crude, food in the stomach,:converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes it into blood, ead seat - it - onits important• office of sup Plying nutriment according to-the, necessities of the body: is the .ntirVe vital fluid,- the .great agent chfough .which the mind tong ; upon thetiody. It is the . Muse of ail causes *apt the first great cause,, the Infinite Mind whieh ereated it and'brought Mato - die.' These -may appear like 'mars assettforis,, init , thiff are facts admitting of strong.anddrreinstitile proof: Id theap to , be wondered at that an ngent so wonderful in he pima. nomems, so powerful in its manifestations and so *Opals: lytcennectect with - all the' operations of the .human aye-' tern, slionld.belabnost abitalutelin ittrpower- - of disease? Certainly not.. sequenceilihtli I'ollo9 as . OrelY as day _ %Among the dioceses whichareleund - toYield really to Electricity, in conjunction with propfitadjunet treatment, may be mentioned the follaving; Ancipient Consumption, Paralysis, ~ Elpiliptio, HyoCerio and other Conyulsions;,. Neuralgia,' in itsliprat:forins, Itheeniaparri, -and &mine; all diseases of the nervous systeth',• lifyspep sia cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital •argans ; Female Diseases,. Asthma, Pllee and -Prehipsus Anifilitinaurosis and.all Jundred: affections of: the eye; .Aurecas, stricturesoa4l skin diseasoc, &c. - •Persons calling will be told `whether they can be bona . fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be of.• for4ed. Consultation free. Ofhca, Soutft w. b e : o ch owm t ,.. th iri l t iburg,, 14 -•• ft l4 l ? - k- ••. TAT VR "1.4 - EirETH, , t - DK. J. MILTON CiteAMEIL =I CM ... 4 :1.1 O NO. 4vJONES 9 BROW - rPH-E UNDERSIGNED respaolially infortin the public that he,has purchased the. HAT--AND - -OAP- 'STORE late Elie nreperey of T. 4. BUIDIETP, donnas and-that `the, will - continue the lawiness at the old stan . d3' , ndiere 543. will c,onsialiki keep on hand it general assorticont. of • ' HAT C-A p s & - .-•:(-) (:31" - 11EL . EW.164/I:iSit;‘,STTLES, Which will be sold at ' — ft liberal share of patronagola#olo2343 n3ar2B-d2m _ • - • . I,ytkens Cjtaa , . 0331pwr. The Wulf m tate" of ~he StoCkholders,rof t i the Lyfit 'ValJey Coal Company .will be heltlkitlthatoffioe". of Ed ardifilidtk i c , 13t544 11 N0: '4 Sbuth Seventh' street; 'Pniladelphlii;ebn "Monday,. the 2d 'llo.y of way next, at 12 o'clock, for the election of Seven 'IDI 'rectors to. serve for the ensning year, . . fit ' - SEO: SPROFFIMANI 2 . 1 r".' T. Of voe I.4ikens Valley Railroad mildVaal loin• NoMOE . .= to annual meeting of tlie ' . Stockholders of the 'Lykens, Valleyatailroad, and; Coat Company will be held at tite.ollloo of Edward' ,- Gratz,. 4.Sonth Seyenth streetii.Philadelphla, .on Mon day, this,2ddak.9l at 91 for the, elect-. q_V6olo4Ttt secTeugY,l.Treamrer.and.,Sevenman.,, agars,, s..s 6 70)4cirgle onsliinga , simes - _ Prittitraases I. Spiring-Beds 1 I Comfort Fit I.!: AO ALM. 1 4 p4...F HAIR TOP • MATTRABSES. Cotton Palm " Top, itattnisacs. • Mattresses. Patent Spring, Slat Beds. • : Featheiriileiiii Mid itoliterit''' Cotton Comforts and Spreads. '— ' Sidles' Wear Mark Stands. Iron BOsteads,late,st pattern, &o..,ykc Lotinges4widifetige-Chairs and Mattrne "repaired. Bair and SPAng VAtthiskest made to order. .144 109 Market streetistitirg, Pa. trui.r2-41.3m ' T. I'. BARNITZ. 'S' A-ILD 1 . tIANO FORIAB, MELODEONS, I MUSIC, VIOLINS, gs, Drums,..Fifesobnicallkindworbruidgal Merchandise. "Picture 'Frames, , Looking - . 61 !crltatognirkCards and -11tiumi, AmbrotyraiGenia, gs , Pictures, &a., " , IRamm,oar:tWpiane,lia.. l l2'734nr.atitiq lax& *4sic_Sare thikaide of tnn great *ear. , jan29,4tt . FII~TE Kettle Rendered BARD; just received' SHISLER & .FRA.ZER, Nneceesorit to Wm: Dock,,jr.•& '‘V & hive -horse-power jJ -ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. apply to 4eb23:tr. . iVdni)street,, below Sixth 1019,0TFOLTOSTVORTFOIX05.1 . 1 , CHESSMEN 'squi,EarAgantraon.Bdircre, a fineiaffiioll meat, just re'detrecf SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. . MOKRO SALMON:- FINE SMOKED )43 SALMON, Just received'at • SEEMER & FRAZER, feb3 (successorvto Wm. Dock, Jr., &Co.) A PATRIOTIC GEET-130011. . . OUR COMM:Tr.. ON:OGOVERNMENT AND UNION. "Oar Gcrieninient; arreiposition of the Constftuiloo, :am, for popular use. By M. W.E.121a.64 :" price $L For : sale at BERONERIS BOOKSTORE. ; ggibET, ORATED VIRGINIA OIL 'OF T AIX, and Dik.&4lartin's London Blacking, .jtisCre .-Oeih-ed'and for sale by SEUSLER & PRAZER.,.. fel ..(suorragora to W0i,.,.E0pk,..jr Eo) . . • .. .. .. UNGLISH BREAS_FAST TEA.—JAst 19- .12,4 calved, a fine chest of gnglish,Breakfast Tea, at - ' . ', " - SHISLETt dii.FRAZEit'S, (SuCceaseisto Wm.-Dock, Jr.) rESS BEEF and KESBTORIC—A choice erticleof Mess Beel-ii3d7dilrat SEIBLER. & FRAZER. ap9 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) TO . UCK W H nit ( ' received. A very 21.) smathlot. -Fine ettaiee BUCKWHEAT. at, a k A, .;*.ei • SIIISLItr& VRAZE,' • mar3l (successors te:Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) EltritHAM 1 , jest received and for oilelkyn '1 7 , Isucoossors to'Wm. , Dock, Jr., dr 'f WOE. SALE—A very handsome Two-horse PEDLER WAGON--: -cheap tot' cash Direct letterto 80% No. 313, liariisbiurkpe ORANGES i:joiti:Ndh§ slipertorViariges; and SidilYlitivanarfor iside in 5317 Viintity at „;;;;„1 . *TER A LARGE dfb es quality df Merper JoiLiPotatoesllist.Riciaild iinkfor Tat by W '1307724.4 ZOKRPER, _ - —NO.,2l.4larkei Square: . . „ •, OE MEAT, —A fresh lot just received and for gale by Keg BOYER & KOEBPER. DIEDICiKL.I - ) 1 3 _ • .. 7 . +I,: ' - : -; . . ENE .. KUNKEI ! 'S 13jT* - WINE'O F jERON„' f PUEE and powerful TONIC;Caxx apiive and, Aherativo, .of wouderful efficacy dinaies of theATOMACII;'finS. o# id' . tair4L9. ' ' MEE Cures DyspepeisA • Liver Complaints • • HetiAache t , General • • Debility, Nervpwm De . .presslowotSzi Fetir, Aiblity , of lire. MEI , , Disitnit for Food, FIIIIOBI3EI or the Stomach,' Slnking,or•Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,„ hflthe Headf-thifeidt.Breatliiiki, !Tallow- • nese of the Skin and iffes, Fever and•Duippains the Head, Pain in the tide, Back', Cheat and Limbs, will cure every awe of - -Chronic or Nervous Debility,, Diseases of the Kidneys. and %igiabeemeiadni , front n A dhiorderiid Stomach, Good for Male --TheMoat latneacuil medlcine-khown; gives better satis -71149n 114.0VM1 1 4lore , W l .kiP? l .l.tkiTqauX ie th er no / M tion offered to the ,j'repareksplelypia - KEE, do BRO., 11S Maftetstteec4lttirbithittg. m For sale by'Druggists aud_Delders everywhere. .1011, 2" ,Lth 1 Counterfeits =IS " As Kunkel?* tteriWitte .Skfc **P (. 4 :tar: sure and 'effectual remedy in the known world f for tbs . permanent, lure of liipeyosta isterlor eridras UMW,' are a number , •of imitationaMferiktbisthipnblleq tie" mottia eattilen . l.the r Corbratgtritcf t ßure l limie -nono bat tbe,fmkulus tartiple,„ "pauttfactuledly g'lo9. AmiThas, their stampW thefoi - Ve the'atirk*Of every, hallo, The very act ;Attehipting.te.Mnifate.; this--valuable jilftnraYi4e9velate*Wolth 3#,ldeielteN9/Inuesl I n fever: t a; • , _‘ •,11 . I , the titter bottles, and adiditf! the country:. are partioularldeM.erery - bottle..bears the r simile of the promilmeasigesAtma.;, Thli7tee Incite* e most'agrees- hie' and - ale ent Salt of IrdktieOw: 1431tiate Of'Mk netie'ttlide:coM;; broad„mith• the moeitimereatib of veirotbble 40 , i4 Yellow ,Peruvian twit. ATimierthet ;BIM!. eamm i of ty,,kma of kipetlte' anCieneral7l7fiislMtion, ext:efableh. Salt . kig Won,- Combibeil L Nitta' our ranable' 'Nervb` tnest happy: ItueigmenUf the apotitqtaismrthetTulsivtaltes off muscukattlibbinees; removes 4be , •pallor ofidebility; :and gives ta &hid Tiger -the. mntenance, • • . ; • G40:444 , TiEOOT; "118!i40*..040. EME=I For sale 'en ieeiltectible dealers' county • - *tout the • New. and:. t ; opular BOolks.. TTPF.7T-Fg's t7TVAN,,bY.Ace. A.; iuttipVit `'‘l4otiee to gait! - Paper ' 50 eta TEE,WIFE'SISECREt•by MrsAteplums. . fa , 50. tOURTRiIiI Blf GR'APSS, by Sinlies; author of `Self .Relp2''' • • . • ' • sl'2s. • ..t ANNIS WARLEIGH'S FORTUNE, a novel. 50 eO3. IN WAR,TIKES, aild`otlilly Whittier. • 01340 , 144tie)nfo l itiopu r' llir bool ' i• tt r lnfr." , .:i ? $l. 50. LF 4. PISR4IIIEP,.II4.°VINSc!'q MA 1 1 0 9 . ti $1 50. TEN ACRES ENOUGH, showing how a vcry.largolann, ily may veiry' s a, 4 1,„'4 LIFE OF LINCOLN, containing l speechos, procla mations, ko., to date. Paper Cover. 50 cls. , . . ; LIFE GENERAL 11 , CrsuaN; . so cts: A BUTLER, • 25 . ME E AD„ , i" ; J ! ' For sale at BERGNER'S' eitEAtelilOOK-STORE. aprl6 s2FF4W. PECELADELPRIA. :ak.l.3K • Mt. , • IN D.-TY: eiROB,6" 14W BLOCK; MEolo4:Streq, 11 441 1813 Wrgr ' 4 000 b l :OA l q t4 T A, IIIIES COY IWSIMA4. 3 T 3 ; • 0 LOA, ES. it R D::0-1.410 II L A,Re, FINE SPRING SHANLS. WA °Pon on the .IPt or. Aril, imara7din: - • - • NEW PAIL =l[lX CLOAX. STORE • • MANtilalg.; .s 000 CLOAiliecnis7loo to $ 25 IA CLOAK'NEW sTogg, A R. ILIVT T W . '"GROG 141TEVir 'BI,PCK, .ECA sin JOHN A;BIGLER & C 4:). .R=-0 IC JO MARK:ET- STREET , ABOVE , 7CiIIRTIE, , NEXT r "AMS 8,13. 1 94112 °M9 9 t;s, tr Cathie Government'Chectra youckers, arg..., cashed. maksam.t . 11/` ~ LL. - 4633141: I, - UAL sain , ii vi l tuank6 teaviiiiitc,zAot, , troin Totvanda, Pa., for Ws by the sack or quart, a$ *AO BOM, 80.1112111. —Webster 4' . s E The subscriber offers for sale thestock , and fixtures of his knoWn WHOLESALE MOTOR' STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He wilteell the whole or part of the stock, and the _entire fixtures._The busi ,ness.has been carried onabout fifteeri-yeani, nd is well establigied. WittrthaistireircorMeenkalrGeedlTEß , STILL It issituated)onl3anal street, between, Pennsyl veldt' railroad Wiecguia4 Ind has 9.-Pilians siding suitable: for ibrvraiding purposes. Possession given Immediately, and lease given for from one to ten years. ,Terms to salt 'purchasers. 'Tor further information - ' apply on the • pre-: mises to thuirgol-tf] GEO:G. lIGNHEL. PRIVATE g4Lt • ONE of the best ..locutions for LRON woRKS in the Meta for sidic'et n.very reasonable irice, to any purchaser whO will improireit; situated with , in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between:the Pinnaylvania railroad and canal, about Ave; hundred feet 1144, ,and alongside ortie beery liniestene'onarries in the State arid close to a goad turnpike road; also; .iobrci for ' Wastcrolfidel foillfty years, without paying forthe land 'Appipto , , DAVID Attorney - -at-Law, lie. 24 North Sespnd street, entrllt-dtf' Harrisburg, Pd ladelphla Press insert three times and send bill to . BEAU ESTATE AT_ RIVATE SALE. 7The several properties of the Jlitiatil op 'WILLIAM AL 'MON,. deceased, in the city-of. :Harrisburg, consisting - of Moulton en, Front street and Chestnut street, at and near :tbs corner .of Front and Chestnut itinetai a vacant lot on -Mulberry street, near ''fbird street, and - 19.4 aims of, Lind at the eastern termini's of Market street, are -of fered for Sale. For terms of saleapply to the-undersigned, Seventh and lioble streets, Philadelpbia. ' TEOXAS COCHRAN. GROCERY ,SID PROVISION' STORE. BOYtW&KOERPER, *llO LE SALE '4.I3IY L EETAIL PW4Ps.L. G C:E , .11. S • Quieppos and Glass, Ware ) -,.; ALL Karns ,0 011 NT:I!,.Y - P - 110 DIT 'E , TONE just opened ii'laige - Siad We ll selected J 1.2. stock of . goodd'at their Eltind, 1 , 70'.1' Market Square , Hairisburg t Pa 4 to which - they invite thenttention of the putiliszenerally. , nolOdly J 4) W I S. ' TlErrp ,STREET,-NEAR, *a_iadsiiiMuit, V7IIOIII3IILE AND.RgrAIT , DEALER IN CONFECTIMRY, FRUITS, &a, Jujube thste, Mg PgiStei 7 .: "re m ' . -, Pagte; •:4 ;; irl 'ci '' i Marsh liale‘Onintrons; Cream Chocolate Drops, V, ' 'Fiiiiii Candies, 82c., .kc. Oriiiim aid lemons, oennecptrults, • • , 11 :Jellies,— • - g t and Spices, all kinds, mit t kiljnilar .. and Salt - Fish in sea don. ItenDdes iniseaseii, , '.. ins, Doirants, s Atli-: ' fli 5: 's i • • F I N E *. • . . Afiu,0 , .....R : S s le r & Fraz e,r (SueoessOrs to IV m. Doak, Jr., do Co.) RF. A LF:RR IN FINE FAAIELY GROCE . WES ..opiioaltia the;Cofixt awe, haire r maiiandatino selection of j BRANDIES ) of different vintages;- - ?Oa 4.11 7 D CaliMON : ': • A-Of Saari beect i ipeat. ,winsKys, - Q.O BOURBON ' • FINERIES !tinibiltyl4,,evor bronilitAopli*Mmtet,. 'OLD WSET,; - And the celebrated , ' • CHAMPAGNE ,WINES. . . . agues JoHimOssuitG, • . 11 , li.:fiG r eir_CH :AO 1:6.141 , t ALE& • ::•101.slOON BROynt STOUT. . WFTD CHERRY; ELA TATION- • ; ytidivAt- Tom BITr IRS a complete stock of . _ ENGLISH ANIVAIiEIt.ICAN PICKLES A.Mt Omidimente of prom , description-nowin • the market, lidat '2' , wz.sT JUTES.' . . . . . ,;~ _:. Er,.lln=llollG ; iPA. 4Co Railroad Contractors. 116ROPOSAlaitre hi*ited. for the Gradue Mummy, Bridge Superstructure, Ballast, Cross-Twa And , Trek La 'ng of thizi, PITTSBURG. AND CONBRF4vI, . OAD, between iConne lssilllui and Caimb - erlairdi; • - Embracing a distance of about EIGHTTSEVEN IMPS, in sections of about one mile garb. Specifications will be ready at . the'Comw.ny's Office in Pittsburg, on and after 'the 'lst of APRIL current, 'and - proposals will be re ceived nntil‘the g,Bth of APRIL . .• BENJ. IL I.ATIOBE, Preeldent merle-tit Offits P & C. R. it, Co. Pittsburg, March 15,1884. frifYVIS: , SF I ARKT*O GELATIN, the, best mjuitOcturetd, Jitat . .. received eyed for side by SHISLER Si FRAZiER rot • Ocicciearktri! fa Wm Dock, jr., A.,;T.T.TE WINE BEAO KBERRy.i n d iFfirEßftglillY ifiar4ite4'pure. !For sidalt 123325 15 I Q oei LBS.' HAMS. =Fifteen .t.luitt lj sand lba Mid:toner's ErtoeLsloiltaron _Oared expressly for family Use an for this market. Aide . SHISLER &FRAZER: feb2 (successors& CO.) L i t 'pPlLES.2oo'l.4l:rreleof New York State Apples,. of a ohottie variety; Just.. r,coxived, and sold low, to any , qnantities, auit puinehaseas, at the ne w .. of,' (dot) . • 1101fE.Waz XOERPER: .Qom, - ,barge. as- T.ll,sortmelat of Toy Book&S r acc,jast., recohied at. 11E119 ' SCHEFFEIVS 8430 Hirdsbufg: _ . . E W BOOK S.-THE SHOULDER I\, mum .• - ' DAYS OF SHODDY JOViiiSetired at [delay SCUEEZFVERIIf O pKSTME. , [I.IIIIMINfI !`/O~IZ MEAD -- ~ &► ~sr~F.R~ a ~ rte ` V airea ward -P P LEB We have just received a flue, select* it APP/S9, In prime order , ` For ; 111 € 1 by tlii,barre],_ L India or ~.small: ihlaaatityaL STALER & ii73.17j2t,- t ; y.• r o bs . (snecedsors to us . bock ; &Jut) TrAms t t —Michene . F.4 JUILI Just cared. RezeivedhisrfOr sided r eAMI*C. 40 BO BARGE'S, good cater ; SHISIZR & FRAZER, /A Barrels of CHOICE AP PI.X3 for ode at 'ms,2B Pacceeeors to W. Dock, Jr., &Co 210,6 • JOBB W/SS Fail. Store. Plaq TWO CENTS. FOR. SALE. GROCERIES: acian V s VesiligesZi. =sig. *,O .; Filberts, Cream Nato, Ground Nuts Cocoa Nctin . Nr ? • • Crtgiberrl4, • 7ay and and Beans t Sweet mln Crack4silrisb Pots , Groin - kid Dried Fruits ; ntrssirtoddffler-. aoason. to JPg*i SHEELER & FRAZER, (sociceosors to , W. Dock, jr., & Co.) - rs :1 1 • ax% kna for stdvibitshai 4n. • big tell° willirid iretsc- S T_l ,PI.IN TheyX* . '4 41 GRAM VlLit iiei venien tfor reference. ° one-half square. Flghi Rata a aqua re. I.olc.Cork thle 419 r ewe 1-c'9 Three dayn Oneweek.. :r.. .- 2,5 One gipagl.l..f : 6 . t G 'Tao months p ' ree m0nth5.,..... 11 4Y CO I 3'3162)110 ' l 46' Ona y . ear......—.... 25 GO --s2 25 75 .... 1 50 Kr Four noes Orion! lines amore than four consi Pon s athktittlAki One day- $, BO . Two days ' . 50 Three days 75 One week............ 1 25 One month 3'oo Two months 4 50 Three months 5.50, months 8.60 Ono year IS 00 Administration Notices, Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Nonceissech insertion. 2 _10r8115h143(9 notices Wanted in the Local •or before Marlines and Destbk Etorr bens main fcf . each insertion. EVENING EDITION, NEW YORE FAIR:'• : "The Sword Contet. Success General Grant. Special Disialch:lo the Telegraph.] • NEw - Yosn, April 24. The - contest - for the sword closed - last night Gen. Grant has 15,782 majority: ' LATER:. FROM STEW "'oßliEgs. THE LATE BATTLE NEAR' RED RIVER. ARRIVAL OF 'WOUNDED AT NEW ORLEANS. Partial List of Oar Losses of Officers. MS)=I • NEW Yous, April a 3. The New Orleans Picayune of the 16th, re ceived by the steamer Mississippi, says : • " Our forces on 'Sunday last (April 12th), Were encamped in and around Grand Ecore. The enemy were . quiet and shoWed no signs of battle. About 400 wounded oame to the city :yes terday. Among them were Brigadier-General Ransom, poi. Robinson, Ist La. Cavalry; CoL Carr and Col. Green. Among the killed were Col. Bonedict, 162 d New York; Col. 'Webb, 77th Illinois, in the " first day's fight. Also, Col. Nix, New York; Lieut. Col.. Newbold; .Lient. Logan, 14th lowa and Capt. Black, do.. , Captain Chapman, Judge Advocateon Gen.' Franklin staff; had both feet idiot off aVcrie the ankle, .and is believed to have been. left in the enemy's hands. Our loss in - artillery was 16 or 18 pieces; three are reported to have been retaken. Gen. Ransom when wounded was the directing fire of the Chicago Mercantile .battery, and had scarcely been wounded, when the rebels were in possession of the spot on which he, feX Markets by Telegratids. • PEELumparA, April 22,:1864. 4- More activity . in flow, anti. prices furrier;• Sales 6,000 bbls- at $7 for superfine, ! $7 50 for extra, and' sB@;B'so for extra family, and $8 80 and $9 for triney; receipts- and stocks are light; rye flour'firmat $6 75®,7, and,corn $5 . 75; . ,g00d demand for: wheat, and 5,000 bushels red 75, and white at. $1 91:1102; 'ilre Sells on demand at S. 40; corn in Vetter - demand,' and= 5;000 bindle's sold at $1 32:Tor 2 - yellow:and4l fin. white; clovesseed sells it. WrW-FS9T 11 7•77 0 : 01-12 .... _T4I a_ doing in provisions, but prices, well main- Wiled. Petroleum held firmly at 35cc - for crude, 62 and.s4o for refined in bond,ind26o.and 62e.= dor free.. , Vhisky, less active and lower; sales "g,ooohbls. at, V: 34®1 ,§toclis dull; Penn sylvania 5s 99; Reading'6o/; . Morris 6anal 81; tiong Wand - 48; Pennsylvania 'railroad 73; Gold: $1 781; Exchange on NewiTork discount. • Steam, "Weekly to LiyorpooL, TQUO 0:110 - 4441TEENSToVili, (Pork Hat bor., • The well `known Steamers br the Liverpool, NeW York- and Iliflanelphia Stealiship Company, are la tended to mil as follows: ETNA; Saturday', April' 23, and event' atteceeirmg Sat - *lay, at Noon,. from Pier 44, North River. . RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE 13 BOLD, OR ITS 8.41 . 11:8NT LI CURRENCY. WEST OnitiN • - SBO . OO)STEERAGE: .-......530 00 • ' do to L0nd0n...!... -85 00 I. .d.o.hodAsedow...... t 34.00 do 'to Paris 95 W e i do to Paris 40 00 do to -Ramberg: 90 00 - do to Ham burg-. 37 00 Passengers aim fornmil to Havre, Bremen, BMW dam, Antwerp kn., at equally lovVrates; Fares from `. verpool or .Queeristownitlii Oahtn,.;s7s; $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35.. Thom y 419,14211 to send, for their friend cur buy uckete here at titeseriron. For further information apply at-the Company's Olffees • JOAN G. BALA Agent, 3.5 Broadway, ILY. ore. 0 EL.RlLAN,Alarrisbare - - .4.1[f2114-0143r: VlRS'pAgrlo'lB§' • ;CHEAPEST IN PRICES. HE Sulisdriber has: the pleasure to inform 1. tio3 ladies of Harrisburgiuse *Laity that she is now opening at No.' 13 Market street, betiveen Secona and - Frmit, at Boger's Old Stttud, the most complete and fashionable stock of FRENCH AIVD AMERICAN --11HILINERY; , : every exhibited in this city... Having hisin long connected'" with and conducted one of, the most extensive housmi,in 'this country, Elie flatters' herself to enjoy advantages and - facilities to carryon a first-class establishmentnot shared; by many, Having bought from -manufacturers and int . porters only, and intending to sell at - small protttlr, she osonfident to establish a reputation not only for taste.an_d 'fashien, but - also that of selling at the most reasonable 'Prices. In 'addition to a complete stock 'of Hillinery,'exa- • ' bracing Hats, Bonnets,Amade up in ; great variety, and made 'to order at shortest'noticed - . , . • yELVETS, . FLOWERS LAGM • RUCHES, she offers everything pertaining to . : • LADTP,S' FURNISHING GOODS, • • . such as Hoop, Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,, • Gloves, Collars, etlfflii, Belts, &cc. kn. - magnificent stock a Hkr-nets and Head-drames, from 25 cents to $5 00. I most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage.' MRS. 3L MA.YEB, No.-13 Market street ap7-dly 11111 JULADELPIIIA. COLLEGIATE,: IIySTI 1....TU FOR YOUNG LADIES, No:, 1530. street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D., E. CLAREXCRi SMITH, A. H., Principals. . . Nidth Year. Three departments FriraarY, - Adidereib.; and Collegiate.. • Fug collegircoursir Claolgis4chlatbe magaiVhigher English. and - 'Nebula' - science for those who graduate. Modern Langusgen_Husic ) Ealiaipg.a/a), :Elocution by the hist masters: — Fet. 'cliketthirs apply'at the Institute, or address BOX '2611 4. Plilladeiphla, Fa. ''. • ,oPSOlim* , . Open Market for Cavaltr'Horiei; QiteriiiSrastatirnett:Oi4leg.T 1- litatutounto, Parma, April fgh, - 136L- TINTIL farther orders, 110R5RS, 'fit for L) EavidrY-Servictichased at. this place it - 4, Ilven.martet. - !.. • -17 bat , Nona will be.receivad ander five, nor over goo yaartF,pf,-,:. age.., *ad. not ba under bands In. height. Foitextisnlara apply to E. C. REIEHENBA.* : • al*-dtf ' e cot. and Asst. EtEAVY d'- MOSES -FLECK reepeetfullyttai dsnoo .46,•;,J •. the R , NW that he is prePt 1 4F4Itill 4 Graa 44 2 1 Ulan' HAULING at reasonable rates . gorses and 'air furnished by the daY Ali otters lerCet-the , :: :Second Ward House, cornhr of.heatnut and_ dd streets, rill be prOmptlyittended - -i n , .GLAxaomatua.