TILE TELEGRAPH N PUBLISIELED voRNING AHD EVENING, BY 6-FORGE BERGNER. ,:oFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. '.ERNS OF SUBSCRieTION ;;LNGLE 0.11 is TELEGRAPH is served to sob3cribers itt the ..ty at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be wrged $5 00 in adrance. Those persons who neglectto iu adcaoce will be charged $6 00. WEEXLY 'TELEGRAPH. TRY: TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rates i,r,gte copies, Weekly_ „ „ Three i.opies to one Poiit 17111 , m Lai copies to one Post Office. MEDICAL. _ . GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKRE INJECTION! ks:IIMPOONDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. crIEROKEEE REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, such as Incenti mnce of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, In of Om Kidneys, Stone in. the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Cleat, Baarsorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor *bus (or Whites in females) where a u the old nauseous medicines have failed. IS is prepared ids highly concentrated form, the do: , e onlytseing from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. %Jr It is diurt.stic and alterative in its action; purifying' and cleansing the Wood, causing it to flow in idl of Its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all poruicious causes whieh have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Wed, Polar Albus or Whites. Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, Instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is esperienced with nearly all the cheap quack injections. k r By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same ticao--all improper discharges are removed, and the weak cued organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. For full particulate, get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write us, and .We will mall free, to any address, a full treatise. Any- Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. ,p( -Price, CHEROKEE. INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or hree bottles for $5. ur Sent by express to any address on receipt" price. „grer :Old by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, No. bB Liberty street, New York. marlo•eodly CHEROKEE CURE! TETE GREAT INDIAN KEDICME, COMPOMCDED VROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES An unfailing cure for Sperm'atorrhea, Seminal. .Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self pdiution,• such As Los; of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Rack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age freak Nerves, Difficulty of Breading, Trembling, Wakeful ness, Eruptions on the Pace, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de parting from the path of nature. ,This medicine is a simple vegetable eitraet, and one on which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not tailed in a single Instance. • Its curative powers have lean riotliclent to gain victory over the most stubborn case. .parTo those who have trifled with their constitution, retail they think themselves beyond the reach of medical 63, two would say, Despair not I the Casnoksu CURE will restore you to kealth and vigor, and after all 'quack del tots have failed I girFor full particulars, get a Circular from any,Drtig Store In the country, or write the Proprietor, who .wlll mail free to any one desiring the same, a Tull treaties in pamphlet form. sgi-Prioes $2 per bottle, or threo bottles for $5, sect' forwarded by express to all parts of the world. Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERVIN & CO., Sour. Psosarsvotts, marlo oodly No. 59 Liberty etrestaNew York. TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIER& rilollection of Pensions; Bounties, Back Tray and War Claims, . OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE OUT. T',VIHE undersigned, having been in the. em i p,:vment of the United States d uring the last eighteen m a nn a as Clark in the Mustering and Disbursing Office a nd wa ne of .Superinteadent of Recruiting. Service of p ennay l van i a, respectfully informs the public Olathe has nnano n an ° tu n a, in the D.iti.v Tst.sca4ro Building for the purpose or cotlecwing Pensions Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; also, staking out °facers' Pay Rolls, Siustor Rohs and Recruiting ..•oCounts, All orders by mail attended to promptly. novl-dtf . SULLIVAN S. CHILD. 14 , FADDEMS JVIARB.LE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened. a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public In general, that they are prepared to fur nish ,MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION lEE3EEI ~Olllllfto_lltS~ Tombs, Head Stbnes, Mantles,. House Work in Marlit," and Brown Stone awe ton call andwe will guaranies siliSfactton. DiIPODTAK & CO. neatly none in Engliali or Gefl n. mar 2- 417 Tr"SnTh WADDYNG, 1NN1T477.0 - V ,LVD AT H. r•gR C.CDS,,,-4iii; a special arrangement With one of the be...n engrai 'els iR I,t4e country, cards of any description will be exess.'ed totk.e l',4.ghest style of art, coftforrpable with 14e lat.'4 faicut, kIRA supplied promptly, at lower prices than ar.' charged 4.3 , rt 4, eta in New York or Philadelphia. V 4 T Mr and 1 311 Ms moll at BERG A . WA OIC STORE. mehtkilf ALARGE INVOICE OF NEW RAISINS, CITRON, GU:RANTS PIthNES PIGS, &C., • • SIDELER & FRAZER , S , iSurcessors to Wm:Dock, Jr., & CL '-) Al twaVl %old:Ilene Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE" IV Sold at 'Wholesale or retail at low wt. . 1,0 0 0 sale S at . St. s Ge 7S, &cgz—sEstht:s,f6r I, q - fTtl :-6.ei eOO6. braid, just iedloisale by RRIELER & FRAZER, feta - : ( successors to N m. )ock, it Co. SWEET CIDER—A small but very fine lot of Sweet Cider, just received at SHLSLER Fic FRAZEA m4l2BenW T. /Y. ..... . I / NI iii* efts./ • o , i Vvi et bi tali * ------- i p - , - 7 4. R .-- , ... vi it $1 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. THE GREAT `AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS 66 11ELMBOILID S'99 GENITDIE PREPARATIONS. VIZ HELMBOLD EXTBACT "BUCHV;" RELMBOLD RYTRACT SARSAPARILLA HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH: HELMBpLD , s GENUINE, PREPARATIONS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID;ENTRAterr A IIbSITIVE AND sPmptsie REMEDY FOR DISEASES OP THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL ANA PRO&ICAL ;SWELLING THIS Medieine'moreases the power of DE gestlon, and excites Use ABSORBENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATERY Or CALOEROUS deposi tions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS aro re duced, as well as Pain and Inflammation, .and Is goottelOr MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. HELiIiOLD'S 'EXTRACT ..VICHU, FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dig.slpation, Early Jla discretion or Abuse, YY K : ul ~i i~•.7 4u:iW : ► aP a(r ) ~ 41)9 ~ya ~SY~ dri i~h' 1: RJ Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, .= Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, • Week:Hervear —Hiltioultrof Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, 'Wakefulness, IJuiliemal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back M System , Flushing of the Body,' • Hot Hands, Emptions on the Face, i' Pallid Countenace, .. • . .. • . .. ... .. . These symptoms, it allowed to go on,-whtelt tins at. eine invariably romoeee,"soori talloW ' ' IMPOTENCY, FATI=, EPILEPTIC FITS; In one. of _which. the patient may expire: Who can aay that they , are not Frquently followed by those "direful INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many are &Wire of • the cause of their sufferings, but none.will confess. Tkd records of the insane asylums and the melancholy denthi by Consumption, bear ample' wit _ nese to the treth of the assertion.' THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the-aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES-FEMALES-FE4ALt'S, OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM PLATING. MARRIAGE In many affections pecuharto females the Extract Bu eau is unequalled by any Other remedy, as in Chlordsis or . Retention, Irregularity, Fainfuhtess, or suppression of the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrounstatb' of the Uterus, Lencorrhett or ites; Sterility, and for :dr-Com plaints incident to the sox, whether arising from Indiscre tion, Habits of Dissipation or in the ' DECLINE OR eIIANGR OF,LIFX. 0 FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Take no p , o.qm, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous,l4iseases. RELIEBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOECU, Cares Secret Disesaes in all their stages; at little ellipse; little or no change in diet; no inconvenience and no expo su're. It causes frequent desire, and gives ,strength to Urinate, therpy removing obstructions, 'preventing end curing Strictures of the Urethra; allaying pain and intlim mation, so frequentin this class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, :and : Wornout Matter. ,Thousaigts upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be - cured In a short time, have, found they were deceived, and that the "Poismt" . has by the use of "powerful Astnngents," been dried up in the system, to break , out in an; aggravated form, and perhaps • . after marriage. . ' Use HaiiAiBOLD'S EXTRACI BUCHU for an' Affections. and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Kale or Female, frotawhatever cause originating, and, no matter of how long standing.. Diseases of these ; Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. DPIvROLD'SEITRACf BUCHU is the Great Diureti4and it is certain to hale the; desired effect in 'all Diseases for which 'it ii4ecoutz mended. , Blood—Bloodßlood. Helmbold's Highly Conbentia ted Compound FLUID aTRACT SARSAFA_RILLADITHI US. This is an affection: of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, LOMiga.of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind: ;pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance 'in the form of Ulcers. Ifelinbold's Extract Sarsaparilla pu: rifles the Blood, and' :reiritivi all Scaly EruptiOns of the Skin, giving to thn complex - gala Clear andnealiey It being prepared' expresslyfok this class of complaints, its aluod-PuritylngProberties, are preserved te a greater Went than any other preparation of Sarsapdilla, • • BELMBOUY'S ROSE WASH . . An excellent Lotien fbr. diseases of a Syphilitic - Nature, . mid as an injection; in diseases : of the Urinary Organs, armigg from habits' of dissipation, used in connectionwith UM Extracts Buciiu 9.11 . 4 :Sark.apaiilla, in such diseases as recommended. 'Evidence'of the most responsible arit.re liable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CURES 6914 eight, to twenty years , standing; with names 'mownto Science and Fame:'4"Orllledical Properties of Buchu; see Dispensary of the 'United - States. See Professor DENVER'S valuable works on the Practiceof Y'llyAn. See remarks:made: by the late celebrated - Dr: PRMCIC P4pidelphia. See remarks made by Dr: EPHRAIM 5!0D0WEJ.4.,;: a celebrated Physician and mem ber of the Rokal 'College of Surgeons, and published likthe Transactions of the king's and Queen's JOninaL See IfetiMe-Chirurgicallteview,pnhAshed by DEM. MAYERS,. Fellow of tp,,e Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the late standard work.s on ISedicine. Extract, of Bodin, $3. PO per battle, or six bottles for $5 00. Extract •of Sarsaparilla, $1 9V PR' 4.4t4e, or six for ;Q . 90. Im7 .proved Rene Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for $2 50, or half a dozen &VII for 112 . Q 9, which will be sufficient to cure the most oirstimtte oases, It directions, apefed to. Delivered to any satdrogs, securely packed from ob servation. Describe symptoms ip all communications vas guaranteed. Adirine gratin AFF/DAVa • p ew lay Appeared , inifoie me an Aldermanntthe city IL T. Hehnbold, who, being dcd y worn, doth obi preparations . co ntain no ZIA/0011C.,.n0 . rater 'cozy, or 0ti1.4. drags, and are 3, R i v L a io °table. Sworn and stetiidribed basalme23,l ay or - 2 4 0 thlB vember,lBs 4... • • P. BIEDIARD ladarnottyaiinth street, ett.„Agee s —Address letters for information in confidence. , H. T. SELMI3OLD, chemist Depot 104 Booth Uttlt street, beipw sPChestn el 1mY234. "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREV'ER."—Webster. 1 - IARRISBITRG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRS. 11 1 341:T11: acid dREAMER Eclectic and Electropathlc physician; respectfully offer tneir professional services in all the various, branches •of the professkn;f o r the treatment of tilt acute and chronf forms of disease. The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism,-Galvanism, Electro-Magnet ism, the Swedish method of Localized movement cure, a few Eclectic medicinee when deemed necessary, and in fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They Rio, not. Wish . to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they, employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to trims generallyemployed byphysicians, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this and the fact that they confine themselves to no par ticular pathy or sietent, they attribute their -success In controlling disease. ' : The principal agent, they employ in the treatment of disease, - namely, Electricity, Is an agent wonderful in its phenomena and poWerflit inilns et ecttl for geed or ill. It is an ever present; alt-perviiiire principle, -governing all things, from rolling.worlds down to the invisible particles of gaseous matter. We see it in the lightning's - flash and hear the manifestations" of its power to the muttering thunder. It fettle causear. a l decompeeltion, recotoPo sitionuncl transformation., It excite - salt motion. It is the exciting cause of life, giciwth, decay and death. It ' anises secretion; excretion, digeStion. It lays hold of the crude feed in the stomach; converts it into a state of flu idity;,thinsmutes it intharterial blood, and sends it on its important eillee of supplying nutriment according to the necessities orthe body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the body. It lathe causabf all causesteseept'the. first great muse, the Infinite Mind which created it mid brought it into use. These' may. appear — like mere Cut/cf./ions, but they are facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, thin wonderedatthat en agent so wonderful in its The m: mew; so poWerful inns Manifestations and so intimate ly connected with' all the operations of the human sys• tem, should be Banost absulutein its power of controlling disease? Certainly net fit is a natural sequence: and talent as surely un deyirsilows night.. . Among the diseases which; pre found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may lie mentioned the - foil/owing; Incipient.Cousumption, Paralysis, Elpilipticic Hysteric and other Convulsions; lintralgia, Jails. orst fonis Ithuematisin,. intltunmatery ' aM chronic; all discs* of the nervelis system; Dyßep- sin curediu a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary aridgeriital organs; Perefile - Liseases, Asthma, Piles and , Prolapsus Ani; Amaurosis and all kindred affections Of the eye; Auretus, Strictures? all :skin diseases, &e. Persons calling 0111 be told whether they can be bone fitted and'no case 'taken whore some relief Panne% he af forded. Consultation free.- OM/a, South Second street, _ _ SUCI3:iT, betnw Chestnut, Harrlaburg,Ts, 'Office hours from Bto 12 A., at., tp 6 and 7to 9.. 441r._ _ _ aiil.3 - NO. 4 JONES' ROW, fUNDERSIGNE - D-respectfully informs the public that he has purchased the Late the property of T. J. HURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old stand, whore he 4111 constantly keep on hantl a general assortment of FATS,GAPS &-e, "- - OE — YHP 'LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reis - Onitlili!intes, A-liberal.shaiii or; pdtiOnliti i•ospactfully , solicited. • mar2841.2.ta . • H. H. LONG. Lykes Yajtley Coal Company. NrOTIC.E. The quintal -meeting of the ' Stockholders of the Lykatts ;Valley Coal Company will be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, on Monday, the 2d day of May next, at 12•b 4 cleselc, - for the, election of Seven Directors to serve , forithe,ensularyerW, s - 6EO. E. ROFFMAN, , r Prima L. V. C. Co, Lykesis Valley .11sallroatl" and. Coat genet, pant'. : • •• ' ' OTICE. —The - annual meeting of the . N Sto4kholdereicrltiblfelieTalley - Rallroatr - tiiid tivalCompany will be,keidlit• die ollice of Edward ; Gratz, Esq., No. 4 SotithEeverith street, Philadelphia, on Mon day, the 2d day of May neiti.„at n o'clock, for the elec tion of a President, nacre - Esp . , Treasniet and Seven Man eters, to serve for theensumg year. . GEO. E. HOFFMAN. apldint- PreS't L. V: TL R. & C. Co. Mattrasses Spiirig-Heds t' t Comfoita tt t ALM LEAF HAIR TOP MATTRASSES. P Palm Leaf Cotton Top Mattresses. tein Huaklitattrasses. Patent, Spring, Stat Beds. Feather Pillows and Holston: Cotton Coinforts and Spreads. Ladies' Willow Work Stands. . • •• Carpet Camp StoOls. • . „ -Door Rugs, CaxpetHaviaoks. • Iron Bedsteads, latest pattern, Ste., &a. N. 13.—Sofas, Lounges, Cushions. Chairs and Mattrase repaired. • flair and Spring Mattrassetfamule to order. Nol 109 Market street Harrisburg , Pa. . mart-dBM — J T. 'DARNEL'S. SILKS WARD DEAL= Di ' PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SWEET NUB% %MOMS, Flutes,. Oiits‘rs, Banjos, Strinks, Dinm4Fifes, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, , Photograph Cards and Albums, Ambrotype Gems, Engravings, Pictures, &c., Remember the tplace,'.No. 12 Third street, the larges Music Store GRA side of the great' jari2S-dtf PRIIIIIK - LARD. ' • VINE Kettle Rendered LARD,just received 'iv • = SHISLEIVA-FRAZER, mar3l (successors to Wm. Dock, jr, & co.) 1001 i, SALE. —A Five, -horiwpgwer STEAM J.: ENGINE and BOILER, In good order Apply to ... . 1 P. GEETY, retr.a-ti . .-: Walnut street, below Sixth. PORTFOLIOS ! - PORTFOLIOS ! ! . , CHESSMEN and Backgammon Boards, a rine assort moat, just received at' SCILEFFEWS BOOKSTORE. OLIO - KW) SALMOIV2-- FINE SMOKED ,Al ; a igN ius- S eiv - e l d rin — iti r t, t febS (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr, & co.) . A PA.TRIO'PIO GIFT BOOK. • OUR CONSTITUTION, GOVERNMENT AND UNION. "Our Government," an exposition of the Constitution, •Sm., Tor popular use. By M. MYKtrarxr: Price $l. For wile at del4 BERONKR 3 B BOOKSTORE. rfotimBRATED VIRGINIA OIL OF AIX, and Day & Martin's London Blackine, lost re* wired and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, tel : (successors to Wm.. Dock; jr & Ca) ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA.—Just re- coive4„a fie ?ltes!, 9bat t i t tlts=f• i i t tr z ieNat - .(Succeftors to Wni Dock, Jr.) AXESS BEEF and 114748-PORK. —A choice article of Mew Bir' and Pork at • . SEIDLER & FRAZER' ap9 . (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) BIJOSWHE AT— Just reeeiv.ecl. A very small lot. Fine choice BUCKWHEAT at SHISLEB. k MAZES, mar3l • (enconeom to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DMIIST.A_RD , the best imported, JLor Just received and for sole by SHISIXR l FRAZES febl (ttoMeetoto to Wm. Dock, Jr., & tko.) FQR SALF r —A very handsome ,Two-horse PEDLER WAGON—cheap for cash. Direct letter to BOX No. MS, Harrisb maril-tf O _ R/11%ES . 1 . ORANGES I—A large lot of superior Oranges, and Sicily Havana, for sale in any quantity at ' T OYER & BOERPER. . _ . A?Potatoes.LAß just E . . lot of "beat quality_ of kfercer received and for sale by = • BOYER arkOERPER, decL2dtf . No. 3 Market.Sqvare, Mla ME AT.—A fresh lot ust receive for sale by Ve &in BOYERWEEP= d ELECTRICITY. :ALEX. R. WYETH, .I,L. D., IIK. J. MILTON CREAMER, HAT AND,CAP STORE EVENING EDITION. . To the Farmers of Dauphin County. - We have been requested to give the sub joined letter an insertion in our columns, and to announce the accompanying names as the county committee: WEST PENN SQUANE, PHILADELPHIA, March 18th, 1864. To Hon. A. 0. _Mester, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. - DEAN b'nt:—Agreeably to the authority vest ed in me by the Executive Committee of the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR in aid of the Uni ted States Sanitary Commission, I have ap pointed'you Chairman of the Dauphin County Committee on Agriculture, of said Fair, which appointment I, am, happy to state, has been apprOved by the general Committee on Agri culture here. Upon this Committee has been devolved the duty of communicating with the Agriculturists of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, of systematising their effqits and soliciting their contributions in behalf of the Fair, and of facilitating the transporta tion of those contributions hither. The ob jects of the Sanitary Commission, and of the Fair, are set forth in the Circular of the Ex ecutive Committee, a' copy of - which is an nexed. These objects, I cannot doubt, meet with your entire approval, and will enlistyiur 'active and zealous go-operation. Permit me, therefore, respectfully' tb sug gest, that you cause:the fact of your appoint ment to be_ noticed •in one or more of your county newspapers, and a copy of a'paper Con taining 'the notice to be mailed to me—that you, at the earliest practicable moment, con stitute ten active and influential ladies and gentlemen of your, county—say five Of each— a Comity Committee, of which you will be the Chairman—that th's.Committee, in, turn, ap _p oint a responsible and energetic Committee in each township, to solicit therein contribu tions of the PHODUGTS OF THE PAHA!, AND or ran Fe.sarna's HOUSEHOLD, to be exhibited and disposed of at the Fair, which will be held inthis city early in June next. You will please to consider yourself empow ered to adopt such other measures within your county as may be well calculated to ad vance the cause in hand; reporting to me promptly, the names of the members of your county Committee, and from time to time, the progress you are making. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ' - ALFRED S. KENNEDY,Chairman of Committee on Agriculture. In forwarding contributions, 'please observe the 'following directions: Ist.--Let each_box, parcel, package or ani mal, have attached your 1/111:1113 and county, and be distinctly marked thus: • To A.Lnial? L. KENNEDY, M. D.; Chairman of Committed on Agriculture, Great Central 'air Warehouse, Plnlac~elpbia. 2d::— . Send by Express or railroad dompanY, or by private hand, but do not prepay charges. 3d.—Mail to, me the - bill of lading or re ceipt from the Exiness or Railroad Company, and also; a list of articles and of 'the donor's names, 4th. —Let each contribution be labeled or marked with its-reasonable value. - - sth. —Let every boT ' parcel .pr package, be wall and securely, pnt,-,b.p, and the. contents care ,iAtinarked.- : : tt :t I ,.oll.niiceiiit of eacbliox,-."parcel, package:Or animat4a proper. acknowledgment will be sent, duly attested. a: ' CO FOB DA.VPICIN COUNTY- . •Geerge Bilubaker, - Hon. Moses Young, Mrs. F. R. Gilbert, - Mrs. S. B. Cole, Lykenstown John Young, - George T. Hammel, Mrs. Philip Irvin, Mrs. Richard Pox, Middletown. Hummelstown Hon. Samuel Landis, • Mrs. Dr. J. O. Witman, Halifax. 0. RTPSTER, Chairman,- Dauphin .County, Committee, on Agriculture. • N, B.—lt is hoped the Farmers of Dauphin county, Will please forward contributions to Hon. -William Dock, Harrisburg, in order that they may have fuli-oredit for their donation— whether money or produce. Artroxo the extraordinarY advertisements in the London papers is the following: "This is leap yeax. nt wait no longer. So here I am, twenty-one years, healthy, prepos sessing, -medium size, full chest, prudent, sparkling eyes,long'flowing hair, and as-fill of fun as a chestnut is full of meat, born to make some man happy, and want a home. Does anybody want me ?" Markets by Telegraph. •• • 4 PHILADRLPHLL, April 2,2. Flour weak ; 800 bbls. extra family sold at sg .75®8, 25; superfine is nominal at s7® 7 25. Rye flour steady tat $6 50 and corn meal•. at $5 75. The demand for wheat is limited at" yesterday's quotations. Sales 6,000 bus. good and prime Penna. red at $1 77®1 .80 and 2,000 bus. Dela Ware at $185; white ranges from $1.90 to $2. Rye sells on arrival at $l5O. Corn active; sales 7,000 bus. yellow at $1 31 andwhite at $1 26: Oats sell at 80®90c. Cloverseed wanted at $7 25® 7 50. Flaxseed at $1 37k. In provisions less doing; 100,000 tea shoulders in salt a' 12c: Lard dull at 144. Butter declined to 25®30e..f0r roll and 26c. to 28c. for solid.— Whisky unsettled, advanced to' $1 35: Petro leum firmer; sales of crude at 34c ; refined, in bond, at's2®s3c. and free' at 60®,63c: By auction this morning 434 bbls. New Orleans molasses sold for 831®964c. and 69 fes. at 68470 c. cash. Stocks dull; Penna. fives .99i; Reading railroad 684, Morris canal 80; Long Island 48; Penna. railroad 734; gold $1 734; exchange on New York, discount. ' Naw You]; April 22. Stocks firmer; Cumberland preferred 71; Illinois Central scrip 1274; Michigan South ern 1884; New York Central 135; Hudson River 130; Canton Co. 50; Missouri Sixes 694; Erie 1134; Michigan Central 140;. Har lem 2Q5; Cleveland and Pittsburg 114; Trea sury 7 3-10 s 1114; Coupons, 1881, 1124; Cou pons 5-20 s 110; Registered 115. NEw Your., April 22: Flour excited and 26c higher. :Wheat 20 3c higher. Corn lc higher. Pro Visions firmer. Whisky ' excited; 'sales reported at $1 28. Petroleum dull; crude., 40; refmedin bond, 54; free, 64. - - Bermaroan, April 22. bloat' steady; Ohio extra $8:25. Wheat firm with a scarce supply. Corn advancing; sales at $l. 280'1 28. Wlns — kifiiiik and:ex cited, but the quotations are nominal at $125®1 26. PRICE T YPO CENTS. Pennsylvania Legislature. mt=2}zw. - BOUSE OF,REPRESENTAT-IVES h i ago 50 ablioxtl) DT...izi 00,1 FRID:eI, April 22, 18641 The SenatQaMend.ments to th,e r ,Lawrenpe transportation company were concurred in. Several bills from the were referred . , to their appropriate committees. The House resumed the 'consideration. of the bill, entitled Alurtherlsupplement to:the act relating to limited parinkshipm passed finally. . Mr. NEGLEY moved-that' the House pro ceed' to Consider bill, entitled An act direct ing the entry of liens fortheoprincipal arid:in terest due the Commonwealth for lands held hrvirthe of locations:or other office' itles. 'The motion WU agreed.to, and the bill Imaged finally: • On motion of •Mr:= 64111STED, the House took up House bill, a' further itipplement to an act to incorporate an aSsociation.for.tlie.es tabliShment of a Honse Of Refuge foiLwastern Pennsylvania. '4l'l 31; . The House, after some discussion) adopted a resoliition • providing for a 'session to-mor= row morning 1)19 o'clock, for the conaideration of private bills, no member to speak• more than five minutes; and'the House• to adjourn at 121 o'clock, till Monday afternoon at .3 o'clock. The Senate baving non-concurred in the House amendrUentlo the apportionment bill, M. OLMSTED moved that the House insist and appoint a committee of conference.— Agreed to. • Adjourned. EVENING SESSION The House re-assenibled at 7i o'clock P. xt On motion of.Mx BOWMAN (Cumberland) . Senate bill to incorporate the Smith Monn-. tain iron company was considered and passed , finally. On motion of Mr. ALLEMAN, Senate bill. supplementary to an act to incorporate the: city of Harrisburg was considered and paSsed finally. The bill is as follows: Sxorroit 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and; House , .rf - Representatives of the Commonwealth' of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the milyor and common coun-: cil of the city of liarrisbrirg be, and 'they l are hereby authCaiied , ,to borrow any sum of money not exceeding twenty - thousand dollars,' to meet an appropriation, for which this faith: of said city was pledged by a resolution •of said council, passed on the 16th day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. On motion of Mr. REX, Senate bill to in corporate the West Buck Mountain coal and iron company was• Considered. and passed: ; -On-motion of Mr. GUERNSEY, 'Senate bill, a supplement to an act , &incorporate the Fall Brook coal company, was considered aikd , 1 1 ed - • • ' • _ . _ On "motion of. Mr. -MEYERS, the EQII9O re-' sumed the consideration of House bill, enti-' tied An act relative •to-the Pittsburg and Con- . nelleville railroad company. ' Passed:finally.: On motion of Mr REED, Househill for the relief of Captains Morton Magiffin and • joint: H. Ewing, was considgred.and passed finally. On motion of Mr. SMITH; '(Philadelphia,) Senate bill, a supplement to an sato encour age' the manufacture of iron with coke or min eral coal,' &c., was • considered and passed On motion'of Mr. 13ITRGIVIN, Senate , bill,. .a supplement to the chaifer of the Cranberry coal company, was cionsidered and pissed finally. „ Mr. SHARPE read in.-place an act to in-cor porate-the Scotland and Momit; Alto railroad company. Considered and passed finally. Mr. HOPKINS repented, from-the Commit tee on Railroads, an act relative to the jtinc tion railroad company. Paiiied On motion of Mr. TrAIMS, Senate bill te, incorporate the Union coal &mistily was eon sidered and passed finally. On motion- of. Mr. M'MURTRIE, Senate bill. supplement to air act relating to brokers; and private bankers,'; was 'considered and passed finally. , • ."- On motion of Mr. KOONCE, Senate bill to ineorporate the Clarion land and improve; ment company, was considered and passed Mr. GLASS read in place aired in relation to the inspection of oil in Allegheny county.' Passed finally. - - On motion of Mr. JOSEPHS, the House took up Senate bill to incorporate the Oil City bank. The bill was opposed by-Messrs. Coca-. nix, (Erie,) Oracsriro, :Koesoz and Brum. The bill passed finally—yeas :41, nays 28. Several local bills were considered and passed. . On motion of Mr. KElf.,VfilY;'House bill to provide for the . payment of the . expenses of publication of a resolution - proposing antend i meats to the Constitution of the Corrimoiv wealth, was considered aniipassed-fufally.. On motion of YU. FOSTER, Senate bill, a supplement to the act fo - r"the registration of births, marriages and deaths, waR considered and passed finally. Adjourned. J 39 Eefenrapo. XXXVIIIth Congress -== First Session . . . SENATE. „ . . • Wasurgo , rotr, April 22. On motion of Mr. Howard.(Mich„) the bill to amend the Pacific_ railroad act was made the special order for Thursday next.:., . The House bill to establish a hurean ;of military justice was taken up. -It. authorize a bureau, consisting of a judge advocate and two assistant judge advocates, with clerlot !x i &a. The bill was so amended as to giie:th judge advocate. he rank of Brigadier Gene at a salary of $4,000 per annum. The assis ant judge advocates, Ihe rank of Colon:0;1d a pay of $3,000. per annten, and was=theil Passed. The army appropriation was then taken* and the amendments orthe Binarice Commit= teewere agreed to. • -...., 1.. .: . ; , cmT The resolution to print ki.o.ook, copies,-104, of ihe reports of Maj. Wse9latyl•sald Meade, were introduCedlcd! : ArithO:47,ll. referred to the - Printing Conixiiiteei - "--•-- An amendment, approprititing .1ive....{1611 {: sand dollars for copymg.thelo4cAreports,ot the army, for publication. was ,a4opted,, . was inserted in the Inuit' frp*priation — V An amendment of Mr. Wilson, provi that all milintmenta in the regalar army shall TRAIL fhiNTIOAFFNE Vl* Thelbllowineel b e the rates Zbr adrortisirg the Tetr. mum, Those baying Ibirrrtiaing to do wilt find it renien Iforlerefence. • • • lettl3 gnniit . tipth9 one-han'prvire. E•;•; , It linu Elmore than four cgts4tute u suave. FOR A HALF WAAL One day $ 30 Two days 50 Three days... , 75 One week 126 One month 3 00 Two months 4 5 t Three months - 5 50 Sit months - 860 One year , 15,00 Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices . - Funeral Noticeseach instatio ArirMasLuess notices , : before Marriages and Des , eachtnSertion. during the present war, be four years, was adopted. • The - amendnient of Mr. Hendricks was re jected. After some discussion and debate, the yeas and nays on. the-passage of the bill were called. and . it passed, Mr. Powell voting in the negative. • The Senate resolved to adjotirn until Mon day, when they went into executive session at 4.4,5 p. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ..Five thosand copies of the bankrupt bill re ported were ordered to be printed and bound in pamphlet form. - Mr. Voorhees (had.) asked that a telegram received by him to-day be read, bearing on personal explanation. He would not now in dulge in any remarks, because the_gentleman (Mr. Garfield) who recently read -letters pur porting to be written by Hon: J. S: .Davis and Judge Echels was notin hiS'Seat. Consent law ing been given the dispatch NSW read, as. fol lows: • Minx HsvxE, April 21. —To Hon. 11 W. Voorkees.—The letter purporting to be written by me to , John C..Breefinridge, used by Gen. Garfield,. is utterly false—a base forgery. I. ha ye ;written you to-day. (B.l6Tedi The letter alleged to have hien written by Mr. Davis, recommended a'young mare-form erly in the. Union army, to Breckinridge for a position in the rebel army. "7 On motion of Mr. Morrill,. (Maine,) the con sideration of thetas bill is to be cotinued throughout the" evening as well the morning session. The House then went into committee of the whole on the state of the Union, and resumed the consideration of the tax bill. `Mr. Morrill offered an amendment, which was adopted, that wholesale dealers in liquors whose =anal sales do not exceed $50,000 shall pay a license of $5O, and $lOO on every $l,OOO over $50,000. Every person who shall sell or offer for sale any distilled spirits or fermented liquors in quantities more than three gallons at a time, or whose annual sales amount to $25,000 per annum, shall be re garded as a wholesale dealer. Licenses of retail liquor- dealers was in creased to twenty-five dollars.. Mr. Morrill offered an amendment that commercial brokers, whose annual sales do not exceed twenty-five thOusand dollars shall pay a license of twenty dollars, and exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars one dollars for each additional thousand dollars. Fernando Wood t ail Y.leniimerated various classes of brokers in clothing, tobacco, coffee, &c., and moved that all other brokers in addi tion to commercial pay - the same license. The amendment,, thus modified, •vas-adopted. The bill was further modified so that all steamers and vessels upon the water of the U. S. on boaid of wbich passengers or travel ers are provided with food or, lodging shall pay 2b dollars license. Mr. Thayer (Pa.) offered an amendment re quiring hotel and tavern keepers; etc., fo take out a special license. at a charge of twenty .five dollars for selling liquor to be drank on the premises. The amendment was adopted —yeas 77, nays not counted. The license for bowling alleys ancl.billiard rooms was increased from five to test dollars, and the same amount for each additional al lay ortable. • Builders and contractors are to pay a license of $25 when the contract is over $25,000, and $1 additional on every $l,OOO. Thii committee thus far have a.eted.upon all the sections relating to the general provisions and licenses, seventy-nine in number, and have commenced 'upon those under the head of Manufactures, articles and products. r - An amendment was made by which stem med tobacco, with manufactured tobacco, snuff c r cigars may be transferred, without payment of duty, directly from the place of marinfacture to a bonded warehouse foreipor tation. TIM committee took a recess till seven. o'clock. EVENING SESSMNI- • The tax bill was-taken up and an amend ment mAde, so as to read on all mineral coals, except such as are lmown in the trade as pea coal and dust•coal, a. duty of. Eve cents per ton, provided •that in case , the contract for the lease of coal lands being male prior to the passage of this act, the lessee shall pay the tax, if not otherwise agreed upon; andl duties or taxes on coal mines delivered by coal operators or contracts heretofore made, shall be paid by the ; urchners thereof, if not otherwise agreed by the parties. From Washington. . • WASS:MOTO:a, April 22 The discussion last evening on the bill:to refund 700,000 dollars of war expenditures to Pennsylvania, took a much wider range upon a substitute, offered by Mr. Blaine of Maine, providing for the appointment of a commis sion to ascertain the war debt of all the loyal States, with a view to their ultimate assump tion and liquidation by the general Govern ment. Mr. Blaine supported his proposition in a speech which-received the full attention of the House. ; He argued the justice of such a policy, and cited precedents for it, and debated at some length the expediency of adopting his proposition. Thera was no final vote on- tfie amendment. For Sontkearolina Bos.ron,, April ; - Your companies of the fifth Massachusetts cavalry, leave to-morrow for Hilton Heito: INN rl_ PTrADELP.I3III COLLEGIATE TOTE FOR YOILING LADIES. No. 1530 'Arch street. Rev. CHABLES,A, SMITH, CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals . Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate.. Full college course in. Classical, .Mathe matiMl, higher 'English 'and Natnial Science' for 'those who graduate. Modem languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the beat matters. For •ciirculars apply, at the Institute, or address 80X , 2611. P. 0.-, Philadelphia, HEAVY-zuku.L.ING. It,l E 8 FLECK respectfully announces to J_7.l. the niblic that he is prepared to do all kinds of HEAVY 'HAULING at reasonable rates. Horses szazirts tarnished by the day or single load. Au orders left, at the Second Ward HMSO, corner of Chestnut 'and 'Fecond AlleetAs, Rippe promptly attended to. roar2ll.4lbn ,11DINE APPLE CITRESP----Nortenkkeisfik. prated, at• SM,SLER ac2o (=comers to Wm noel; cjr.; - & CO.) OTS for sale off the corner of thirtl. and jj Broad streets. C. IderitDDlEN. mart-dtr . - -IDgrAMS ICAMSII-11fichener'ii LExeelsier. Just cared. Received and for sale at masa & FRAZER, mar2B (Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co ) Wig : CL V E . EQIi4BII.. bne day $ Two days .... ILO .Three.dao 1 2Z, 'Onetreek • - 224 -One month 8 :0 Ilrei months.. . . .... 9 00 Threi month s'_ _ .. __. 11 00 Sit months 15 0 .One 25 GO $2 25 1,50 - 50 in the Local Cohons, or Mani Cm% nag LMni for JNO. G. DAVIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers