;la4 'Etlegrao HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, 1564 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Advcr keine s, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, .Sc.,L to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must Invariably be accom ponied Wit h the CASII. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edit ion without extra charge. CITY ITEMS. llrLrTrA CLAmis bought or collected. Ap plication by mail attended to as if made in person. JOHN A. BIGLER, Attorney-at-Law, Harrisburg, Pa. 100 lilt I=l BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War-claims of all kinds col lected promptly, by A. C. Smith, Attorney at Law, Walnut street, next to the Prison. aplBtf INVALIDS, WIDOW'S AND VOTIMER'S PENSIONS collected by S. S. Child, Claim agent, Harris burg, Pennsylvania, at the price allowed :kgents by the Government, five dollars each. No charge for additional evidence." aplBdlw I=l=l MONEY due on PREMIUM CERTEPICATES Col lected by S. S. Child, Claim agent, Harris burg, Pa., at five per cent.; single certificates, one dollar. All orders by mail promptly at tended to. aplBdlw =MI= LOCAL 130UNTLES collected by S. S. Child, Claim agent, Harrisburg, Pa., at five per cent., when the amount exceeds one hundred-dol lars; all others five dollars. aplB-411:w TOWN AND COUNTRY. COMIT will commence on Monday next. The criminal list is unusually large. vb. I=l Ti' Union Committee of this county will meet nt Col. Allem:in.'s office, this evening, at seven o'clock ===l IF you want to be robust and hearty try Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. See adver tisement in other column. 2t Go to Bzumvart's Drug Store and secure your seats early for this evening's entertain ment by the Campbells, at the theatre. 1=0:EZI PETER Ktigs - Ey, tried in the Huntingdon court last week, for the murder of his Wife, was convicted of murder in the second (36- MI LAST night but one of the Campbell Min strels. WANTED TO KNOW—Whether the heavy marble steps in front of the Club house, on Walnut street, were broken by a "load" being conveyed into or out of that building? . THE Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania regiment (Col. Hambright) is now in Lancaster, await ing transportation to the Army of the Cum berland. This veteran regiment returns to the field with full ranks. COL. JORDAN'S command is composed of the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry and not the 7th, as stated iu yesterday's paper. The brave men composing the regiment will be heartily wel comed home by their numerous friends. THE old Campbell Minstrels, at Brant's to-uight. =I Ssow.—On Sam%lay night last, snow fell in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, to the depth of three inches, and in the eastern part of the county the ground was covered to the depth of six or seven inches. EscATEn rums JAIL —On Sunday last, two men named Eckenrode escaped from the Cala bria county prison, while the jailor and fetidly were at church. The runaways have not yet been heard from. SECOND night of the Shaking Quakers, at Brant's Hall. MAIL LLTTINGS.—The decision of the Post master General on the proposals received for conveying the mails for four years from July 1, MI& in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, will Le announced at the Post Office Department on Monday, the 25th of April, at 10 o'clock, A. M. No 3Ltaus WANTED.—Since our paper of yesterday was issued, Oapt. Barnitz, of the Second Ohio cavalry, has received orders pro hibiting the purchase of mares for the cavalry service. He will only buy good sound hones, not less 'than fourteen hands high, nor under five years of age. $ll5 per head will be paid for such as may be accepte7l. See advertii3e meut. Tan numerous attractions at Sauford's are nightly drawing large crowds to the Opera House. A desire to please the public, a splen did company of performers, and the best per formances in the line of minstrelsy, are enough to command large audiences, and may be con sidered the cause of the crowds rushing to Sanfard's nightly. The singing clog, the Bo•d -well family, Joe Childs, F. Diamond, and the Star minstrels, are all at the Opera House.— Go early. --e, JAMES T. Gnu - or, of Old Folks renown, will .sing at Brant's Hall, this evening. THE EXCELSIOR Cracus.—An admirably se- Toted Circus comparry, mostly from Balti more and Washing,t2n, will exhibit in lEcirris burg on Tuesday an Wednesday, the 3d and 4th of May, on the lot above the cotton fac tory, afternoon and evening. Among the lady performers are Mlle. Louise Tournaire, a gay, clashing, graceful equestrienne, and Mlle. Virginia, certainly one of the most beau tiful and accomplished artistes in this. Otsi cal profession. The company is composed of great performers, and Mr. King, who directs the institution, promises one of the most thrilling entertainments ever offered to the people of Harrisburg. The price of a.dmii sion we notice is twenty-five cents—the Old standard price. • Go and see lied Sexton in his Old Vivjnia eccentricities, with the Campbells, to-night. Ktxur.L's CELEBRATED BITTER WnSTE or T.EoN is the best and most efftetual remedy known for dyspepsia. We would advise you to try Arrssrrox is directed to the advertisement of Mr. L. H. Kinnard, who has just opened a splendid assortment of Hats and Caps of the latest styles. Give "Len" a call. He will sell at reasonable rates. Fmaac aux.—Will be sold at public sale, at the residence of Mrs. Eusan, on Broad street, above Third, her entire stock of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sale to commence at two o'clock to-morrow (Satur day) afternoon. DANIEL BARR, Auctioneer. ArrrwrxoN, FIREMEN !—The members of the different Fire companies of this city are re quested to assemble in mass meeting, at the Friendship Hose house, this (Friday) evening at 71 o'clock, for the purpose of taking proper steps for the organization of a Fireman's Insuranct company. The honorary and con tributing members are also invited to attend. Let there be a full turn out. WAITING FOR SPRING.—How happily the fol lowing indicates the weary, longing, waiting, yearning, of the sad, the sorrowful or the in valid, for the bursting forth of Spring: 0 heart! thy days are darksome; 0 heart! thy nights are drear; But soon shall beams of sunshine Proclaim the turning year. Soon shall the trees be leafy, Soon every bird shall sing; Like them, be silent, waiting, Waiting for the Spring. BEFORE THE Meson.—The following cases have been disposed of by the Mayor, since our last report : Martha Ellis, a nymph, was arrested for parading the streets in company with a party of soldiers. Discharged, with the promise of a month's imprisonment if again brought be fore His Honor. A man named Joseph Unison was arrested on suspicion of being a pick-pocket. He was ordered to leave the city, which he did. Michael Smith and George Crosby, arrested as suspicious characters, were committed to prison for a further hearing. Philip Ceefer, for disorderly conduct, was held for a further hearing. Moses Lane, Thomas Anderson and Frank Acre, soldiers, were arrested for disorderly conduct and were handed over to the Provost Marshal. BILM's IT ALT was crowded to excess last night, on the occasion of the first appearance of the Campbell Minstrels. The entertain ment gave entire satisfaction, everybody being delighted. The concerts of the troupe are full of fun, without vulgarity. To-night will be the last but one of the Campbells' enter tainments here. No doubt there will be a great rush to the hall on each evening. Mr. Rouse will doubtless find his engagement of the Minstrels very profitable. He has placed our amusement loving people under renewed obligations to him for his efforts to plea Se. Go early to-night. Secure your seats at Bann vart's. There is a change of programme nightly. Duarso the early career of Adam, it is said, The world was sad the garden was a wild, And man, the hermit, sighed till woman smiled." If woman,unaclorned4ossessed such charms, with what wondering eyes must Adam now look down and see thei vast improvement 5,000 years have made in woman, and then la ment that• when Eve was given to him a mil liner shop was not bestowed upon her as a dower. Ye men of the nineteenth century— how blest are you with bonny brides and skill ful milliners Yet while your bosom' heaves with pride to see your lasses trim and neat, in these hard times, your purses fall as your pas sion!Prise, and you cry with a voice of despair, where confine goods be had cheap? The world will call you a fool, but the wise will refer you to Mas. JANE A. I.lA.rnun, Second street, above Locuet, where bonnets of all styles and quali ties, trimmings and ribbons the best and most varied, and a general stock can be had at sat isfactory prices. 2t* BIOGRAPHICAL &Mere:El:ES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE PassKYLVAXEL LEGISIik - TMIE.--NOW In press, and to be issued on Thursday, April 21st, a 144 page pamphlet, containing full and reliable biographical sketches of tho Sen ators and Members of the House of Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania of the session of 1864. Members and others supplied at the rate of $3 for ten copies,. or twenty copies for $5, on application to L. C. Evans, box lA6, HarrisbUrg P. 0., or Oliver Yoder, House of Representatives. ap2o-3t* RAILROADS AND Looomorrus.—These mod ern improvements for spanning distance have received the approbation of all business men, but like all sublunary Things, will at times get out of order and cause delay. We make this explanation for not having received all of our new goods on Monday, but since that time they have come to hand, and we are now pre pared to show the largest and most varied assortment of -dry goods that can be found out of New York city. C. L. BOWMAN. SPECIAL NOTICES. Cloaks: Cloaks! Cloaks Large assortment of cloaks. Cloaks at all prices. Black silk sacks and cloaks. Cloth for cloaks, all colors. lloop skirts at 75 C. to Si. Spring shawls from auction. Splendid assortment of ginghams. Dress goods, a very large lot from auction. Stockings for ladies; all prices. Stockings at 25 eta per pair, from auction. Muslin bleached; the,best in town for 25 cents. Silks from auction at low prices. Black silks at all prices. Received from New York auction, very large assort ment of goods, which we will sell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. S. Coughs and Colds. The sudden changes of our climate are sources of PUL MONARY, BRONCIGAL and ASTSMATIO AFFECTIONS. Expe rience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the curly stages of the disease, re course should at once be had to " Brown': Bronchial Troches." or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more seriontr, attack may be effectually warded off. Ps raa Srsaxxits and SINGERS will End them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Soldiers should have them, as they can be carriod in the pocket and taken as occasion requires ruar29-dawim Bannvart% Trociieg:, For the cure of Hoarseness, Thro..t eases, &0., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannyart & Co. ' Harrisburg, Pa-, t- whom all orders should be addressed. Nold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HARRISBITEG, Feb. Bth, 1861. C. A. Ilkurrvanr—Tear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. 013-1 agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value; of BannTart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church Mununnumn, Jan., 1864. To C. A. BAn - ifv.laT—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily thachuskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing, the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &c., ' JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church To C. A. Honvvear—Dear Sir: Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to WI persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness' of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RA_KESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, EtARRISBIIRG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Berorvesi-Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations. GRANULAR DENTIFRICE! THESE elegant preparations combine the most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities. They render the Gums hard and healthy; neutralize the acid secretions of the mouth, (thereby removing the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive properties they preserve the. natural color of the Teeth, without in the least degree injuring the enamel, while they impart to the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— In fact they are THE BESTARTICLES in use for the pur poses named, as d fall trial will fully demonstrate, and as has been abundantly proved by their extensive sale in this community during the last 14 years; and which will be readily testified to by many - Who have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale and usefulness. They are warranted to be free from those destructive acids which so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut streets. JOHN P. KELLER, Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dtf AMERICAN TOOTH WASH.! Ladies' Cloaks, Mantifias, TEE LATEST STYLES, are to be found CHEAPER THAN EVER DIRS. M. MAYER' No. 13 Market street, poger's old Stand.) aprlB-dlw Glum DISOOVXRT Useful and Valuable piscareery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the pubnc. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Applicable to all us.e. Pal Arta - lAdhesive Preparations known. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT..3B a now thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on A now thing. Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will_ it be come corrupt or omit any offensive Its Combination BOOT ..4M>S'BOE. Manufacturers, using Machines, will. find It the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, Is not affected by any deluge of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man ufacturera JETC7ILERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for [their use, es has been proved. Jewelora It is Especially Adapted to Leather, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes. sufficiently strcint : without latitehing. • • • Famllles. LIQUID CEMA'NI Fortmit that is enure thing for mend- It ja a ' iignid ing Furniture, erockerz toys, Bone, Ivory, d articles or Household use llazon's Ins°inns Csareorr Is In a liquid form and as easily ap plied as paste. Hivrox's Insomniac Caw= Is insoluble In water or oil. liwrox's Insomons Ommarr. Adheres oily substances Remember. Supplied In Family or litanufac aurer's Packages from 2,olinces to 100 HILTON BROS. & CO, Proprietor% Providence, R. L Fi Ili! 1 LAING & MAGINNIA Agents In Philad JelB•dlP GREASON SEMENARY. A syrzlOT BOARDING SCHOOL, for pl.- plle crf both sexes, located Mx miles west of Car lisle, on the Comb. Valley R. R. Pupils admitted at any time, and charged only from date of 'entrance. For Circular call at W. Knoche's Music Boom, 93 Mar ket street, Harrisburg, or address K HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, spl44llm Plainfield, Comb. co., Pa. FOR TEE Sanitary Commission The Committee on " Latin, Iscosza Asti RtVENVE9, — invite co-operation with them in the particular work for which they have been appointed. As no portion of the people are more patriotic than the working men and wo men of the country, it is but just and proper that they should alike have an opportunity to contribute to the ob. jects of the Fair. The most equable plan for accomplish ing this, and, at the same time the easiest onei is to ask fur the contribution of a SISGLE DAT'S LABOR from all classes In the community. Many will contribute a day of their labor willingly, who would not subscribe their mo ney. To reach every department of industry and art will be a work of great labor, but, if attained, will be product ive of immense results. The success of the plan will depend upon the hearty co operation of every element of influence within our lim it; and we invite all the guardians of the industrial in terests, and all others, to take hold with us in furthering this great work of patriotism and humanity. The Committee is charged with the following duty, to FIRST—To obtain the contribution of "one day's labor," or earnings, from every artisan and laborer, foreman, ope rative and employee president, cashier, teller and clerk of every Incorporated and unincorporated company, rail road and express company, employing firm, bank, mane factory, iron works, oil works, mill, mine and public of fice; from every private banker and broker, importer, auctioneer and merchant; clerk, agent and salesman; de signer, finisher and artist; publisher, printer and mechanic; from every government officer, contractor dud employee; grocer, butcher, baker and dealer; farmer, horticulturist and producer; from every tnantua maker, milliner and female operative; every individual engaged in turning the soil, tending the loom, or in any way earning a livelihood, or building a fortune within the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey anti Delaware. Sccotte.—To obtain the contribution of one day's "Rev - cane," from all the great employing establishments, firms, corporations, companies, railroads and works. Tune—To obtain the contribution of one dare income from every retired person, person of fortune—male and female—living - upon their means, and from all clergymen, lawyers, physician; dentists, editors, authors and pro fessors; all other persons engaged in the learned or other professions. Much of this work must be performed by the personal infitleuce and efforts of ladies and gentlemen associated, or to be associated with the Committee in carrying out this The Committee feel the resmaslbliity of the work they have undertaken, which, to be successful, will require a very perfect ramification of their plan, and they therefore call upon all earnest people to assemble themselves to gether in every town,: township and county, and form or ganizations of ladies and gentlemen to co-operate with them to this great work and labor of love. • In the manu facturing counties, the coal and oil regions, and in the agri cultural districts—especially, let there be organizations in the large towns, so that the young people may have an opportunity thus to render assistance to their relatives and friends fighting the hatles . of their country in thear mies of the nation. The work of this Committee may be prosecuted where no other effort can be made for the Fair, as in the mines of the coal regions. A day's earnings of the miners, and a day's product of the mines, can be obtained where no portable article could be procured for transportation. In deed there is no part or section of these States where the day's labor may not be obtained, if organizations can be formed to reach them. The ComMittee cannot close without urging upon all proprietors of establishments the duty of taking prompt and energetic action to secure the benefit of the day of labor from all within their controL The Committee deem it unnecessary to do more, than thus to present the subject to the people of the three States named. In the coming campaigns of our armies, the labors of the "Sanitary Commission" will be greatly augmented. By the first of June 700,000 men—one of the largest armies of modern times—will be operating in the field. So large a force scattered over regions to which the men are nnacclimated, must necessarily carry along with it a large amount of sickness, suffering and death, to say nothing of the gathered horrors of the battle-field. These sufferings, it is our bounded duty, as men and Christians, to relieve. A great anVeldigbtened people, enjoying the blessings of a government of their own mak ing, cannot refuse assistance to men suffering to maintain its authority, and we will not believe that the "GREAT CENTRAL FAIR," drawing it products from the three States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey : and Delaware, so af fluent in all mineral, agricultural and industrial wealth, shall fall behind any similar effort which has yet been made for the relief of the Nation's children. AS it 'is desirable not to multiply circulars, no further authority than this circular will be necessary for any em ploying firm or company, or any respec!able committee of Ladies.and gentlemen, to proceed at once in the work of this committee; and it is hoped that Under it, organizations will spring up in all the towns and busy regions in the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Subscriptions will bo thankfully acknowledged in the newspapers of Philadelphia; and it is very desirable that they cprodnence soon, as each fresh acknowledgment will stimulate effort In other localities. AO subscriptions should he addressed to to JOHN W. 'CIAOHOHN, Treasurer, Mee of the "Committee on La bor, Incomes and Revenue," No. 118 South Seventh street, Philadelphia. Circulars, ,All needful helps in Circulars and Poiters will be forwarded to parties applying for them. Direct to the Chairman of the Committee as above. Plats, His Exeelleney, A G Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania. His Excellency, Joel Parke*, Governor of New Jersey His Excellency, Wm Cantion, t Governor of Delaware. Hon Alexander Henry, MayoF of Philadelphia. Hon Joseph R Ingersoll, Pennsylvania: Hon Judge Carpenter New Jersey. . Hon Judge Harrington, Delaware. Major-General George G Meade, Army of the Potomac. comerrtE. Right Rod Bishop Potter, Mrs Rev E W gutter, Most Rev Bishop Wood, Chairman. Rev Bishop Simpson, Mrs George 11 Rev Dr Brainard, Mrs John Sergeant, Rev W P Breed, Mrs John M Scott, Rev E W. Rutter, Mrs General Meade, Rev Isaac Lesser, Mrs J Edgar Thompson, Samuel EL Felton, Mrs Joseph Harrison, Jr, John Edgar Thompson, Mrs Robert W Learning, Commodore R F Stockton, Mrs L Montgomery Bond, Frederick Fraley, Mrs George I? Weaver, John Bingham, Mrs George W Harris, George Williams ' Mrs F A Drexel, Key W Suddars,D D, Mrs M N Prof Henry Coppee, Mrs John W Forney, Charles Pendleton Putt, MD, Mrs Samuel A Crozer, Dr Walter Williamson, Mrs Enoch Turley, Ron Oswald Thompson, Miss A Sager, Hon J R Ludlow, Miss Soma D'Noill, N B Browne, Mist Sallie Scott, Daniel Dougherty, Miss Louisa E Unborn, and 90 others. and. S 5 others april-d2awotAr4t Millinery Store, Steam .Weekly to Liverpool. TOUCIEING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor 4 The well known Steimers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: • ETNA, Saturday, April 23 and every succeeding Sat urday, at Noon, from Pier 14, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE IN GOLD, OR ITS EQUIVALENT DI GIMEENCY. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to London 34.00 do to Paris . 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, firemen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, kc., at equally low rates. ' Fares from ' Live of or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steera wo , $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at theft rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. T. or C. 0 ZIMMERLAN, Harrisburg. [P23-dly 65 Valuable Building Lots for Sale. mBUILDING LOTS are offered for sale CI near the Rofind House and Pennsylvania Rail road Shops. These lots are very desirable for building purposes, as they aro located on a good and dry spot. A good opportunity for persons wanting lots. For any information concerning the above lots in quire of JOHN MILLER, JA, at the Pennsylvania Agri cultural Works, corner of Spruce and North streets. aplB,3taw3wt„*„ It is the only FOR. RENT. AS the Person yvho leasqd my Warehouse and Grounds has failed in meeting his engagement, I now offer the same for rent, and possession givemfmme dlately. It is situated on State and Canal streets, and has a private siding for forwarding po_rpogen; Apply to aprl6-deodlw REMEMBER WILL SELL CHEAP, ANEW three-story DWELLING, with a store in it, doing a good business, and can be easily converted into a Public Houio, if desired. $6,009. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. ap9-d2weod* Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company. OFFICE, 227 S. FOURTH STRISST, PHILADELPEELA, April 4th, 1864. THE annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company and an election for President amd Six Manage will take place at the Office of the . Company on mondayvtikeu day.of May next, at 12 o'clock, 3/.. ap6-dtm2 W. H. WEB% Secretary. JAVA,Jamaica and Lagnyra Coffee, at SIIISLER & FRAZER con (successors to W. Dock. Jr., & Co.) SPERM. CANDLES, trust quality, all sizes 5ED2,1,,F.,11a ERAZER, eept24 Asucoessors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR Orrius Or THE CONIELTTEE OS LABOR, INTONES AND REvENCNS, No. 118 SOT= SETE:sin STREET, PRIELABELPRIA 7 Apra 4th, 18&4 L ISIONTGONZERY Born, Chairman. Sous W. CLAGLIORN Treasurer. Rev. E. W. RITTER, Corresponding Secretary. AVGREGOR J. Mrroumnr, Secretary. HONORARY MEMBERS, G. M. ANTES, Front and North streets AMUSEMENTS. BRitEN'S GREAT Sllo\ll AND TOM KING'S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS (From Baltimore and Washington) COII3INED - HARRISBURG TUESDAY IMO WEDNESDAY, MAY 3d AND 41111 7 - ON LOT ABOVE COTTON FACTORY. WM. MIDDLETON Treasurer THOMIS KING Equestrian Director A GRAND PROCESSION ! With a band of music, will be made at 10 o'clock, A, rd., on the day of opening, con sisting of the splendid Chariot "Sea Shell," drawn by twelve thoroughbred steeds of Arabia. The Troupe is composed of the following named skillful Artistes: Mad. LOUISA. TOURNAIRE The daring French Equestrienne and Bare back Rider, whose unrivalled perform ances have thrilled the world. Mile. VIRGINIA! • Graceful and charming, will appear in single or double acts of Equestrianism. Mlle. LAVINIA ! A Scenic Equestrienne and fascinating Dan- souse JAMES REYNOLDS! The People's Clown. JAMES WARD! The great Performing and Trick Clown, Mons. ROCHELLE! Unquestionably, as the most profound critics say, the best Gymnast in the world. WILLIAM NAYLOR ! The world-renowned pupil of Levi J. North LOUIS ZANFRETTA! A wonderful Acrobat and Gymnast: JOAN NAYLOR ! The great Tumbler and Leaper. Signor G. WAMBOLD ! As the Mau of many forms. WILLIAM H. GREEN! _ The great Horse Tamer, Modern Hercules, and Six Horse Rider. .WILLIAM RMITH! In his graceful divertisement, known in the French language as La Perche TOM KING Whose name is well known in the profession, will demonstrate his great Batonte Leaps. As a Vaulter and Single or Double Act Equestrian, he has no Peer. The Horses are all thoroughbred, wonder fully well trained. The beautiful Pony, SPI DER, the pet of the children, is the smallest equine animal in the world. The Trick Horse, GREY EAGLE, and that -beautifully spotted Charger, CHAMPION, and last, but not least, the comically educated Mules; TOM and JERRY, from Acapulco, Mexico; 'will - be exhibited, and made to demonstrate their wondrous powers during the exhibition. - Price of Admission—To Boxes" 25 cents NO HALF PRICE ! • H. L. STEBBINS, ap22-614. General. Business Agent. GARDNER Srd REMIIINGS' G-3ECIP.A_T AMERICAN CIRCUS! DAlt GARDITER This large and elegant Equestrian Company will exhibit in ; ; HARRISBURG,. AT AT l'ari FOOT OF MARKET "STREET, On Mondiy, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2d, ld and 4th; AFT.PRXOOX AXD EVEXING Each day. Doors open at 2 and 7 n.. 11. Per formance to commence half an hour later. Admission. 25 cents Reserved seats.. ... . . , cents Among the many attractions of this Mam moth Estabiichnient is a GROUPF OF REAL ARABS, Elva IN NUMBER, • TEEREE MATES AND TWO FEA,TALFS. headed by Zara, The Beautiful Arab -Girl, The only Female Contortionist - in America, Ea .A_LA 1-I.ASSA.N, The Wonderful Arabian Gymnast, , • In conjunction with the Arab Troupe, a large Troupe of I.PEAN AND AMERICAN ARTISTES, wil ppear in every variety of Equestrian and Gymnastic entertainment THE STUD OF HORSES AND PONIES are the best trained collection in the world. THE GRAND PROCESSION will enter the city about 9 o'clock on the day of exhibition, headed by the Magnificent Golden: Chariot, manufactured expressly for this season, at a cost of $6,000, by Fielding Brothers, New York. It will be drawn by a line of SPLENDED^CHARGEAS, CONTADERM FRIPZ HARTMAN'S PHILADELPHIA BRASS BAND, and followed by the entire Cortege. W. W. PAHDNER, Agent. DON'T IVRGET THE DAYS AND DATES. Will exhibit in Hanunelstown -Saturday. April 4 3o Carlisle ahnrsday, May 5 ap2o-tm4 BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S NAIL POSITIVELY THREE NIGHTS ONLY GROW STAR Combination DTamatic Company, Combination Dramatic . Company, Combination Dramatic Company. CROWDS TrRNED FROM . THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAM ADMISSION: The Manager has the pleasure to announce that he has AT A VERY GREAT EX PENSE effected an eniiigemen.t, FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY, Commencing Thursday Evening, April 21, With the Old, Original . and only CAMPBELL'S MINSTRELS, Now on their Twenty-second Annual Tour. Acknowledged to'be the. Oldest and most Original Minstrel Organization In existence. Composed of 1114:18;31,0*.A0011•1,336)%.;01D0z,inMit5tyri01t3,11040.:}1.:;11 Without their compeers in ORIGINALITY, VERSATILITY AND EX CELLENCE, The tout ensemble forming the Ne Plus Ultra of Minstrel Combinations. This superior organization of the LEADERS & CHAMPIONS OF MINSTRELSY! Is under the personal direction of • ' MR. M. C. CAMPBELL And will appear in a CHANGE OF PROGRAMME EVERY EVEN ING. For partienlare see small bills. -ap2l-d3t SAN_FORDN HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR OF HERB'S HOTEL. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 22. FUN FOR THE, MILLION! JOE. CHILDS, J. AL MORTIM:ER, F. DTA ATOND, Mr. J. FRASER, MR,"'-AND MRS, BORDWELL SINGING 3304 a DICK. To conclude with the PILLAGE COQUETTE, 'OR HOW TO AVOID THE DRAFT SANFORD AND TROUPE: Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at Beam vart's Drug Store. Doors open at 634. Commence 3S to 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents Privateyboxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, $1 each. jan21.4151. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. J. BUDD Sole Lease . OPEN EVltitY EVRVING, With a First-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, Iza., Iko. Admission. . ..... ............ 7.6 nerds. Seats in Boxes ............. 25 .. MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOMACKER & CO,'S :?IM4IS SOUR GRAPES.' - .- TOO Well known in this city to need. com mendation. In use by • PRESIDENT LINCOLN, GOVERNOR CURTIN, • JUDGE. PRAP . %SON, And many other distinguished citizens. The-undersigned offers these superb instruments at prices that cannot fall to command public patronage. '• N. OLD stock on hand. .! Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled z.• MANAGER. STEANW AY ALso, BRADBURt S S CELEBRATED PIANOS. Chickering's and several other of the eery makes. None but perfect instruments sold. Call and see largest stock out of great cities. naaattf S. WARD, Third street Ido_tc: Store. MILLINgity GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS, nAs ormmn • • NO. S DIARKET SQUARE, ,{Text door_ to Felix's Confectionery,). -VME SHE IS PREPARED to 'sell to adies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods; At cheaper prices than any house in the city.• Thequality of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING IN ME LATEST SXYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. apllbdtjyll 1,000 YARDS 8.11 RAMEERD MUSLIN, at 25 cents. 4.* yards BLNACHED MUSLIN, at 30 cents. 1,000 yards liMt,yaril wide, three yards for one dollar. 5,000 yards. UN BLEACHED for 25 cents up. 500 dozen beat 200-yard Spool; white and colored, at 5 cts. apleim. Dress goods, Alapacas, black and colored, Saxony woven goods; plain all-wool Delaines, Challies, Poplins, Calicos, Gingbam.s, Flannel; Hoop Skirts, Balmorals; Shawls, Cloaks ; Circu lars, Enthroideries, and many other goods at bye per cent, advance on jobbing prices. at BROWNOLD'S CHEAP CORNER, Second and Market streets, opposite the Jones House. aprl6-dlw THE DIRECTORS OF THE POOR of Dau phin county have TWM+II9( CHILDREN, from two to twelve years of age, which they are desirous of inden turing to proper parties. For further information apply to the [apl.s-tf] DIRECTORS OF THE Malt PLEASE call at the Subscriber's place of 'business and be measured for a Perfect fitting SHIRT. The subscriber also keeps on hand a large sup ply of ready made SHIRTS, and also fi" hirt Patterns, for sale. All kinds of stitching done to The shortoraer. J. IC RITIsI - F.R, apl9-eotllm* Walnut street, opposite the Exchange. LEA & PRIUNE'S WORCESTER-SAUCES, the most popular and the purest ever of to the public, just received and-for sale summit & FRAZEit, febl (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & 20 BOXES SPERM_ OAlsiplißci, of a very superior make, just received and for sale by SRISLER & FRAZER, febl (succeamrs to Wm. Dock, jr.., TUST received, ., this morning, a small but to choice lot of at apl9 2ci BOXES ORANGES, selectpi frpm l ate kJ importations, and the most superior ever brought to this market at this season, just received and for sale pi SWISLERAr FRMER„, febl fnecessors to Wm: Dobk,jr SvCa. INA ORANGES.—A small but 3S sa ;wrior invoice et IRiziiiaOrarigetijust received at mal e • BOYER & ROMPER. .A3IUS.FaI:RiabiTS. The Champion Cloggist The Lion Banjoist. The World Renowned Dancer mi,,Pleitsu T ßatailist. OLD GRIMES Pi4NO. TO TIME PUBLIC. GENTLEMEN, SWEET CIDER. PRIME SWEET CIDER, -4 sinsLER & FRAZER, (surceors to W. Dock, jr., & Co.)
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