Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, April 22, 1864, Image 1
T IIE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLISIIED 310.RNINO AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. O E - HcE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIVTION Tile '.ruts TELFA;RII9t is served to siibscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. These persons who ueglect to pay in advance will be charged S 6 00. WEEKLY TI:LEGEAPFL Tue TELEIJRAPII is also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.— „ .... Three collies to one Post Office T...n copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 9L' 'JP Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. lIANING recently added to our Jobbing Department a large amount of new type, several new fast steam presses of the most improved machinery, and other material, we are now prepared to execute at notice, and in the most approved style, ALL KINDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SHEET HDADINGS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTERS, in one or more colors, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL 'BLANK . AND JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, . PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly. marlo-dkwtf • A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch. Maker, No, id IlTurket Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE ' PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, AND ALL IfINDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a well selected and elegantly assorted stuck of FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, AND SETS. FINE SILVER WARES. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both In Gold and Silver Cases. Alm, a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on hand 4. 'LARGE VARIETY OF ELEGANT CLDCIKS, Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. „ta.. Call and examine the goods.. Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, mar2Bl No. 62 Market street, adjoining Biant's HalL T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT ItANUFACTURER, PITTS - 13TJICGr, TS PREPARED to tarnish and coat the ex terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a be:na tal:l, fine water proof surface and finish equal' to 'Brown Stone or any color desired. • Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce• ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. IPCord, " " J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. A. Hoeveler, James M'Candless, " Allegheny city. • Calvin Adam; " Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Voheli Girard House, Barr /11: Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones,Cc 4C Please address T. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box 1,308, Pittsburg, Pa., or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa. lIMIMII TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims. • OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE OUT. rpu.E undersigned, having been in the ein ployment of the United States during the last eighteen mouths, as Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing Office and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylvania, respectfully informs the public thathe has opened an office in the DAILY TELEGRAPH Building for the purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. . novl-dtf SULLIVAN S. CHILD. PiPFADDEN S S MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNITI' AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Alonwuents, Tombs, EL - eacl Stones, Mantles, . . And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfacttop. M'FADDEN & CO. E. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German. tnar29-dly VISITING, WEDDING-, INYITATION, ASD AT HOME CARDS.—By a special arrangement with one of the best engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed In the- highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied Promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station ers In New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices call at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. mch6-dtf A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW RiasiNs, CURRANTS, - PRUNES, FIGS, &C., At SHISLER & FRAZER'S, (no2ol (Successors to Win. Dock, Jr., Jr- Co.) Soldiers' roar°lios. ALARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, Sold at Wholesale or retail at low prices. ma 18 fj LBS. St. George Codfish, for 1,0 0 N.—, sale at SRISLER & FRAZER'S, 's . to . _ I,oooLBbrSat.ed es(t)Dureoi.Sl.l,branodf atm for sale by justerecteivl: STALER & FRAZEt, feel (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., Oa.). Q MEET CIDER.—A small but very fate hit kJ of Sweet Cider, just. received at SHISLER & FRAZER, (Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co.) marts / . \ I NA/I,* emir/ b it • ;,-,:)., . - "'GA ti .r: : ,,_•,,,,,x.",,,,_, __71 ,:7 7 - _ EI D t , 1 $1 50 400 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KrOWN AS "11ELABOLD 9 S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD EXTRACT "BUCHU," HELYBOLD EYTRACT SA:RSAPARILT,4, HELMBOLD IMPROTBD Ma& WASH. HELMBO:LD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSIITVE AND SPECIFIC EntEr& FOR DIREAORE OF THE BLADDER, .KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL S)VELLINGS: TPITS Medicine increases the power of Di gestion, and excites, the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCEROUS deposi tions and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re , duced, as well as pain and insatamiton, and is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. ' 1, HELMBOLD'S• EXTRACT RUCH% FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse, , ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOM Indisposition to Exertion, - Dryness of the Skin, Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, - - Dimness of Vision, . . . ,Wakefitlness, Universal Lassitue of' therein iniitlf-Birk, Muscular System,, Flushing of the Body, Hot Hands, 'Eruptions on the Face, Pallid COuntenace, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this %nas4l - invariably removes, soon follow 131:POTEN2Y,FATui.Tx EPMEITICFITS,. In one of whieh the patient .inay expire.. Who can say that they ttre not frequently followed 'by 'these ' "direful diseasee," . • • • - INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many are aware of the cause, of their sufferings, but none will confess. The records of the insane asylums mid the' melancholy deaths by ConsUmption, bear ample - wit , ness to the truth of the assertion. • THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthemand snyigontto the system, which Helmbold's Extract Baetiu;lnvarlably does. , A trial will convince the most !skeptical FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES, OL OR YOUNG, gmax, MARRIED, OR COIVTEM.- PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bn chu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or• Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or suppression of the , customary Evacuations , Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the • Uterus, Lencorrhea or - Whites, Sterility, and for all corn-• plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from 'Ludiscre-- Habits-of Dissipation or in the • • • DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. NO FAVELY SHOULD BE 'WITHOUT I,T. . . Take uo Balsam , Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine Par Unpleasant arid Dangerous Diseasea 1177 4 1 GOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHII, Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little eipeltlel little or no change in diet; no inconvenience , and neespe sure. It causos.:frequent desire, and gives Strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing, and curing Strictures of the Urdthra, .allaying path and . inflam mation, so frequent in this class of diseases; and etPelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornout Matter. ,Thimisands upon thousands who have been the. ictimi of.packo,.and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived; find that the "Pillion" - has 'by .the use of "powerful .Astringents," been - dried-up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and .perluips. after marriage. Use HELMBOLD'S =TRACT BUCHU'for all Affections . and Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, 'Whether 'existing in Male or Female, fromwhatever cause originating; and no matter of how long standing. .Diseases. of these Drgane require the aid of a Diuretic.' HELMI3OLD'S ! EMICT the Great Diuretic, audit is certain to hashi. tile desired street in all Diseases for which •it is reConi mended. Blood—Blood—Blood. Helmhold's Highly Concentra tad.' Conipound FLUB - 3=I.4LT SARSAPARILLA SYPHI LIS. This is an affection of The Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helnbold's Extract:Sarsaparilla pu rifies the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion& Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for,this class of complaints, Its Btood-PurifyingProperties are, preserved to, a greater extent than any other preparation of Saratiparikt. ITF.T.mBoLD'S ROSE WASH. An excellent Lotion for diseases ;of and as an injection in diseases of the' Urinary - Organk, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseasee-as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible mace- 1 liable character will accompanytliemedicines.' ' CERE6FI - OF CURES from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Seidl:lee and Fame. For Medical Properties of Buchu, see Dispensary of the Milted States. See Professor DEWEE'S valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks - made`by the late celebauted Tor. PHYSICS., Philadelphia. See remarks made -by Dr. EPHRAIM MoDOWELL; a:celebrated Physltilanandmenit- ' ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, and published in the Transactions of the King's ' , and Queen's JournaL See Medico - Chirurgicalßeview4idffisbedb,yßEML TRAVERS', Fellow of the Royal Weeft:of Surgeons. The most of the late standard wool[ son Medicine. Extract of Buchu„ $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles far $5 00. Extract of Sarsaparilla; $1 00 per bottle, or slit: for, $5 20. ; Im proved Rose Wash, 60 cents per bottle, or six for $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate oases, if directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from ob servation.: Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of tlaa'sity of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, who, being duly mein, doth say, his "preparationa contain no narcotic, no mer cury, or other, Injurious drugs, and are purely vegetable. H. T. HELMSOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No- Member, 186£ . W. P. - HIBBARD, , Alderman, .Ninth street, ab. Racp, Arbyeta letters for inforinitionln oolitidentxt. - • a.- 4 Viemtmeora3; Chemist.' Depot 104 South 10th street, below Chestnut, Philadtel. phle . [my2aly. COMPOUND "THE UNION-NOW AND FOR.WVER." HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVE NING, 22, 1864. NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTRICITY:" ' DES. WYETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic physicians, respectfully offer tneir professional services in all the various branches of the profession, for the treatment of all acute and chroni forms of- disease. ' The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism, Electro-Magnet ism, the Swedish method of ocalized movement cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, and in fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully tie brought to bear upon the disease. They do not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ In the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that thpy act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no 'par ticular- patlry or ode* they attribute their success in controlling disease: The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease;namely, Electricity, Is-an agent wonderful in Its phenomena and powerful in its effects for goad or ill. It is an ever present, all-pervrding. principle, governing all things; from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseous matter. We see It in the lightning's hash and hear the manifestations of its power in the. muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, rceetapo salon and transformation: It excites all motion. It is the exciting cause of . life, growth, decay and death. It . causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts it into a state Of flu idity, transmutes it into arteriaibloOd, and Send it on Its important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of thebody. -It is the nerve vital. fluid, the great agent through wnich the mind acts upon the body. It is the cause of all causes aopiept the first great cause, the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it into use. These may appear like mere assertions, 'but:they are facts admitting of strong and, irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an-agentao wonderful in its phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate. ly connected with all the Operations of the human sys tenii shonbtbe almost at!solutetin its.power of controlling 'iliSease? Certainly not It is 'it natural sequence and follows as surely.aa dary:followstnigletl. , ' - Among the diseeses which aro found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, May. be mentiopedNie following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forma, Rhuematism, inflammatory ; and fahlanic; albdiseases of-the nervous system; Dyspep sia Mired in-a feW treatments; all lliqvc's Of. the. urinary And genital organs; Female Diseases, Astlims, Piles and pyolapsus Ani; Ama,urosirand all kindred affections of the eye;Auretns,.Striotures, all skin disetaoaS„&c: . peysons calling will Jae told whether they, can be bone fitted ortd no ease takdn Where some relief cannot be af forded. Consultation -free, Office, South Second street, Chastnuty Harrisburg,,Fa ; hours fr,:an 8 to 1 12 1 g 10.5 arid : ? PalL• , ALEX. R. WYETH, IL D., apl3 - 4 1:11-t. J. MILTON tatEAMEIt, J NO. 4 JONES' ROW. frEBE-,IINDERSIGNED respectfully informs AL the public that he toe purchased the RAT 'AND CAP STORE • Late the propertiT. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue. the business. at the old stand, where he will eonstantly keep on hand a generid.aseortment of . . & OF . THE LATEST ST*LES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A litoeral share of patronage is respectfully solicited mar23-d2m • - IL IL LONG. 1 41 7 ke.lis L.,9.ll l Weinia XTOTICE.— The annual 'meeting of, the .1.2% •Gteokh.plders of the Lykerus :Valley,Coal Company will be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq.; No. 4 South Sat - en:Lb ktreet Monday, the 2d day of May neat, at 12 o'clock, for the election' of Seven Directors to servo for the ensuing year. . • • . a DEG. E. HOFAIAN;- ' Prost E. V. C;Ce. Lens Valley 3114eilriaul and Goal Coal- NOTICE. -- The annual meeting of the • Stockholders •of the Lykons Valley Railroad and Goal Compaily will be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South Seventh stiect, Philadelphia, on Mon day, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, for the elec tion of azprcpident, , Secretary, Treasurer' and Seven Man agers, to serve for .the onsuing.year. • : • . GEO. E. E HOFFMAN. apldlm Pres't L V. R., R. & C. Co. Illattra,sses Sprit i"g=lieds Comforts !! ALM. LEAF HAIR TOP MA.TTRASSES. P Leaf-Cotton Top Mattrasses. -_Corn Husk Mattrasses. , 'Patent Spring, Slat Beds. - Feather Pillows and Bolsters. 'Cotton Comterts and SPreads. Ladies , Willow Work Stands.- - • Carpet Camp Stoolk Door Bugs, Carpet Ha.ssacks. Iron Bedsteads, latest pattern, Ste., die. N. R—Sofak Lounges, Cushtonso Chairs and Mattrass repaired. Bair and Spring Mattrasses made to order. MG .109 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , ,mai243in SILAS WARD, PIAO.IORTES MELODEONS, : SHEET. MUSIC .. ATIOLIKS, Flutes, anitars, Banjos , Strings, V Drums, Fifes, and all kinds of -Musical Merelnindise. pi t lure Frames, Looking Glasses, Photograph Cards and jub, anis, AMbietn*Gema, Erigravingii; Pictures,- atc.', Sze. R t member the place, No. 12 Third street, the. Urges Siore,t4is side of the great cities. Jan2B-dtf PRIME LARD. • Wrbj. l 3 Kettle Rendered LARD, just received -U at' " SHISLER , k FRAZER, mural (successors, to Wm, Dock, & Co.) F " ALE.—A Five-horse-power STEAM. .ENG3.I TE and BOILER, In good order. Apply to F. GEETY, rebm-tr wainut street, below Sixth. II • JOSI PORTFOLIOS! cuEssmEi 1 and Baal:gal:anion Boards, a fine assort manta Jest received at SOREFFER , S BOOKSTORE. Q . 3I43KED KALIvION.-FINg SMOKED kJ SALMON, just received at - • ' SEMLER . & FRAZER,.. ttitt3 (saccessorsto Wm. Dock jr & Co.) A PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOK. • OUR COMM: TRIM, GOVERNMENT AND UNION. "Our Government,' =exposition of the Constitution, &c., for popular use. By M. aPiCimity: Price $l. For sale at del4. BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. BE CEJ.F.BRATED . VIRGINIA. On OF J. AIS, and Day it Martin's Lon Blacking, just' re ceived and for sale' by - BRIGLER & FRAZER,' fel (suctedaors to Wm. Dock, jr , & . NGLISH 814. F A KFAST TEA. .=Just re -IcofTed a fine . ,...teat of ‘Englis 11 Breakfast Tea; at • SHISLER & FRAZER'S; • (SucceSsers to Wm. Dock,.Jr.) MESS BEEF and - JOSS PORK.—A choice article of Mess Beef mid Pork at • SHISLER & FRAZER apt) (successors to Wm. Dock, & Co.) • BIJbk.W•tiCEAT Just ideeived. A :very s m all lot. Fine cheice BUCKWHEAT, at SHIBLER & FRAZER, mar3l ' (successors to Wm. Hock, Jr., & Co.) Ujß'. ... • . HADI MUSTARD; the best imported, D ust, received and for sale by - •• - • • . - SIIISLER & FRAZER, fe . bl • (sueosseors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) VOll, A. SALE very handsome Two-horse PEDLER WAGON --cheap for cub. li:fliect edletter to BOX Va. 313, muTisporg, Pa. taarila 02" ORANGES I—A laxge lot of • GES I linisetior Oranges, Mil 'Sicily Havana, for sale In any quantity a t Imo .. :. BOYER *• KOERPER . LARGE lot of best quality of Mercer A Ztelatoesjust ! received and for i t a atiebi o.zrtpEr.„. . dealt-del No. 3 Market Sillies* anCF. MEAT. —A _fresh lot just received d far sole by [don BOXER & SoERPER. FOlt SAME. FO Ii S A t L E.. The subscriber offers for sale the stock and fixtures of his well known WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He will sell the whole Or part of the stock, and the entire fixtures.. The busi ness bus been carried on about fifteen years, and is well established. With the store is connecteda Good “COPP.U. STILL .It Is situated on Canal street, between Pennsyl vania railroad and canal, and has a private siding suitable for forwarding purposes. Possession given immediately, and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers. For further information apply on the pre mises to [mar2.4-tf]. ' GEO. G. KUNKEL. PRIVATE SALE.. NE of the best locations for IRON O WORKS in the State - for Rale, at a very reasonable price, to'any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city:of Harrisburg, between. the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about live hundred feet wide, and elongside'or the best 'Milestone quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the. land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, roarl6-dlf Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia PrBes insert three timee and send bill to this office.] RAT, ESTATE AT ,liIEIVATE SALE The several properties of the Estate of WILLIAM AL LISON, deceased., in the city of Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and, Chestnut street, at and near the corner of Frent and chestnut streets, a vacant lot' on Mulberry street,' near Third street; and 1.93 a acres of hind at the eastern terminus of .Market street, are of fered for. sale. For, terms of sale npply to the Madersigned, Seventh and Noble streets, PhlladelphDL 'THOMAS capgßAN:'' GROCERIES. NEW 'GROCERY AND -PROVISION STORE. ' BOY - F i g KoEnpgß; WHO L E SA-LE ANkr IZETAiL . DEALERS' i.e. . 04 - CERI. ES Queens. and Glass Warei AND ALL KINDS OF 0 V.N 11 Y PROD O,E .1311 - AVE just opened'a large Eaulyipll selept,e4 stock of goods at their stand No. 3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which thdy invite the Attention. of.the public generally:* ' ii010.41.Y J 0 13:1V WI SE 5 THIRD STREET, NE Jai HARRISBURG, PA" ' ' • WBOLiGiIIikAI!TD)itETAIL DEALER. IN. CONFECTIONERY • 'FRUITS &C • jujube ' 410iE13 Paste, ' Fig Pasta, Marshtraalow Gum Drops, Cream Chooolate Drops, • Plain.. Candies, An. , &c. • Oranges t ,ani Lemons, Canned Faite, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Bider, Vinegar, , Fiesh and Salt Fish in sea -son Citrons, Figs, Dates Prunes, Abionds,Walnuts, ' Filberts, N ni Creauts, Ground Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries, ' 'Hominy and . Beans, Cakes and Crackers, Sweet and Irlah Potatoes' Greeri'and Dried Fruits, .o)untrY-fralittoe, Rails Carnmts,, octl3' • FINE LAI quo RS. Shissl.,er & Frazer, (Sucessori .to W m. Dock, & Co.) DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE : :Buis opposite the Court Efouie, hire on hands fins selection of . BRANDIES of ditforentjintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, Of Every Description. WHISKYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA ' • • FINS IRISH AND SCOTCH Whisky The best ever brought to thismezket, OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE. WINES. SHLOSS JOHANNESBURG, . SCOTCH AND .IRISH ALES - • : LONDON, BROWN STOUT; WILD CHERRY, prA,.NrraTio24:, wiGW/lif TONIC BITTERS With a complete stook of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN . PICKLES And Condiments of every description now in the market, VIE LOWEST'RATER. To Raihowl Contractors. POPOSALS Bro.-limited for the Gradtta ton, Masonry, Bridge Superstructure . Ballast, Oross,Ties and Track Laying of the, PITTSBURG AND CONNELLSVILLV RAILROAD, between Connellsvills and Cumberland, Embracing a distance of about EIGHTY-SEVEN MILES, in sections of about one mile each. Specifications will be ready at the Company's OlRce in Pittsburg, on and after the Ist of 7 ApAIL current, and proposals ' be re• calved until the 28th of APRIL ensuing. BENJ. H. Berßoßs, President marl9-td Office P dt C. R. R. Co. Pittsburg, lamb 15,1864. COB'S SPARKLING GELATIN, the beet manufactured, just received and for vale by- • Si:ESLER & FRAZER . fel : (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) NA TIVE WINE • • ' FINE BIACKEERRY, and 'ELDERBERRY WINE. Warranted pule.- For salo at • SHISLEIII & FRA.ZER, (successors to W. Dock, jr., & Co.) jan2s .15,000 san Lß &lbs. H AMS . te r's • Etc . celesin th ou or Hams cured !expressly for family use and for:. Chia market. ode at SHLSLER & FRAZER, feb2 . (succeasote to WID. Dock, jr., St.Ce)L APPLES. -200 barrels of New York: State Apples, ora cholce,vatiety, just received, and sold Low,. in any quantities, to suit purchasers, _at the new grocery at - [de4] ' BOYER SvICOERPER. TY BOOKS, GAMES, Ate.—A Large as sortmerit ot. Toy' Books, Games,_ ko just received at nol9 SCI3F,FTER'S BOOKSTORE, • Harrisburg. . „ I\ - 1 E W 0 R. SHOULDER IA STRAPS - • DAYS OF' SHODDY Just received at IdelSl SCHBFFERB BOOKSTORE. ORN MEAL— fine article. Just re C •ceived at ' SEMLER & FRAZER, mar3l mime:awn to win. I • jr., 'Co. • ... . .... . . . A 2 2 'I 2-4 .--- ' . • __ . We have. just received a fine selection of APPLES, in prime order, For Sale-by , the barrel, bushel or small quantity. at ' . . .... SHISLEE & FRAZER, • , feb 3 ~ L,' - (?ue9essolli to Wm; Doe 1;, jr., 4 co-) 4A BOXES OlterGES; =good ; Ur also 100 Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for sale at fbbb 'JOHN WISE Fruit Store. Webster KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE-OF IRON. APURE and powerful TONIC ; Corrective and Alterative, of wonderfolefiloac7 diimmas of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. Cures DYsPelbsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General ' Debility Nervousness, De- ; premien atl Spirits, Constipation- Ditermittent 'Fever, Acidity 'of wo Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight the" Sumach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Diffi.oult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and -Byes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limb; will cure every case of Chronie or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and -Diseases arising fiom a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old or Young. The most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more diseases than any other prepara tion offered to the Public. .Prepared solely by S. A. R.I7N. & BRO., 118 Marketstreeg Harrisburg., . For sale by Druggists and..Detlein everywhere. _ BEWARE Is.. Counterfeits As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, ive would caution the_ 'community to purchase none bat the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. KgmEst. Bao., .and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, Rrovesits worth and speakaVolurnes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron ia•put up in 76 cent ana:4l. 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable drugglate Alirougliont Alsetountish. Alleva#lol2ll - lXitlle ,beartiP :the' fac thnile of the prolirietor's signiture, JOHN WISE. This Wine ncludes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide, com bined, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow. Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite,. and general prostration, of an efficient' Salt of Iron, combined with 'our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy; It augments - the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off musealor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL. impoT, 118 iIAIUEET STREET For sale by t 1 respectable dealers througholit the Country.. New and . Ptopu 134t)Oks: . /TIRE VVLE'E'S EVIDESICE,' a novel, by the author of "Notice to Quit." Paper 50 eta. THE. WIFE'S SECRET, by Mrs. Stephens: $1 56. INDUSTRIAL. BIOGRAPHY; hkSmiles, author of 'Self Help." 25. CL4REr ANNIS WARLEIGH'S FORTUNE, a novel. 50 cts. IN WAR TIMES, and Other Poem; by Whittier. $1 00. CUDJO'S CAVE, the most popular book of the day. $l. 50. LES HISERAHLES, Victor Hugo's great book. $1 so TEN ACRES ENOUGH, showing how a very large fain tly may live on a very strudl Cana LIFE OF LINCOLN,- containing all speeches, procla matiohs, &c., to date. Paper Cover. 50 cts. Also, uniform with the above, LIFE OF GENERAL WCLELLAN, 50 cts. " " BUTLER 25 " MEADE • 25 " • GRANT ' , 2' a For salo at ' • ; • BERGNER'S IC - UMW BOOK-stOrt.i. aprlB• ; • C 0 A. EC •ig; TORE, IN D. W. GROSS" NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. . 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHION:LIMB CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND' • TINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the 'lst of Aptil. [mar2l-dly PROCLAMATION. "EITHEREAS, the Horforable,,TOMl J. PEAR V V sort, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of the couaties of Lebanon and Dauphin, tad the Honorable SAMITELXWIDIS and Honorable Mosta Yonne, Associate Judges in Dau phin county, having issued their.vecept, bearing dstethe 23d day of February, 1864, to me directed, fer holdiag a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and. Quarter Sessions of the Peace of HaPrisburg, for the county Of Dauphin, and to commence osrandra Mosnaf or Assn rurrr, being the 25th day of April,' 1864; and to continue Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which, to their office' appertains to be-done, and those who are hound inxecog nizances to prosecute against the prisoners dad are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shad balust.• • Given under my band, atHarrishurg, the 28M . day of Marsh, in the year of our .1.0p1,1.804,.and in the .eighty. ninth year of the independence"of the United. States." • W. W. JENNINGS, StLeriiX Seism's Orric e, . . Harrisburg, March 2S, 186 i. J .. • . slarauiwtd. . -1 - ,IINE NO. 1 MAOKEREti . Kitti; wtre ceiVed at SHISLER & FRAZER, warn . (successors to .Wra:Dock, Jr., & Co.) riATSITES ANIVSAUCES7 e - ,of thc- 1W - Ba k) ..periar and neaten brandiAtiatieceived' and lb Bale by SEMLER nuazzs . (tatacessma to Wm. Dock, A& Co.) PRICE TWO CENTS. MEDICAL. 110 - • Hataintrao, PL NEW PHILADELPHIA STE AI PRINTING. OFFICL ADymEtWG RATES—D.AILY 781SOBA.SEL. The follanhig.ere the rates ibr advertising it the Tare. nears. Those having advertising to de wilt find it ec: - centen tfor reference. .i,.- Four lines or less constitute one-half square. ',IV:P. !tees amore thanfour:constitute a square. . . FOR A RAMP SQUARE. 102 OCR SQUARE. - One dairs 80 :One day. ... ........$ 6. Two days... .. .. . '6O Two days .. ' 100 Three days 75 Three days .. 126 One week.... ..... ... 1 25 One week 225 One month 800 One nionth .. 6CO Two months 4 50 Two months 9 00 Three months 560 Three m0nthe.....:..., 11 00 Six months 8 00 St months 15 0 One year 15 00 One year 25 00 Administration NoticesS2 26 Marriage Notices - . . , . -- Auditor's Notices Funeral Noticestrach 'lnertia sir Business troth:et before Marriages and. each insertion.' " • ' 250 50 In the &Cal Cokiimt;ot EIGHT thane nat Lass f& EVENIfiG EDITION. From Washington. WASHINGTON, April 21. General Grant left for the front this morn ing, attended by a large party of officers. It is understood that the campaign is now to be commenced. We have indications that the rebels are massing a large force in Vir ginia, and that the diversions in Kentucky and elsewhere are only intended to cover the concentration of rebel forces against General Grant. An unsuccessful attempt was made last evening by the fdendi of the Raritan Route bill to take advantage of a thin house and pass their measure. The Army of the Cumberland. itramoorm, GA., April 20. The enemy are quiet. There is a tacit un dersianding between the pickets on both sides to keep quiet. The pickets of Patterson's brigade, in front of this place, got drank at Tunnell Hill a few days since, and were placed under . arrest. , Miss Mary T. Walker, Acting Assistant Surgeon in Gen. Daniel M. Clark's brigade, was captured by the enemy a day or two since while vutiting patients outside of our lines, XXVlllth Congress---First Session. SENATE. WASECIakIGTON, April 21 Mr. Van Winkle addressed the Senate at length on the bill repealing the fugitive slave law. His•argument was mostly confined to the point that West Virginia is a legally con• ktituted State in the Union. Mr. %sill:mile (III) offered an amendment providing that the stock of liquore on hand be taxed - fifty cents per gallon. He said he did not propose to discuss at length his pro prosition, because it had been freely debated when the subject was before the committee Of the House. It was merely carrying out the principles heretofore adopted by Con gress. Under the law passed sometime ago foreign liquors were taxed and were now pay ing duty of forty cents per. gallon. Mr. Law (Ind.) offered an amendment re clueing the duty -on all beer, lager beer, ale, porter, and all other similar ferme - ntedliqncirs from one dollar to fifty cents per barrel: The tax proposed was too high, and he debated the question as one of morals, as well as rev enue, for the use of such fermented liquors' disseminated the use of spiritual liquors. The amendment was rejected by a vote of .12 yeas against 74 nays. Mr. Jas. C. Allen moved to reduce the tax -t sixty nents, contending that this would yield larger revenue than at one dollar. Mr. Pike moved to make - the _tax two dol lars per barrel. His. amendment, together with Mr. Anen t 's, was rejected. The committee have, thus far, acted on seventy-five of the one hundred and seventy three sections.• • . _ . The House, at 4.30, took a recess .toitil 6 o'clock. • . . . . New YOrk Stock Markets NEW RISE, April 21 Gold closed this afternoon at 64.4@e4„-- The failure of a great bear in the Erie rail road was announced. Stocks better ;at the last board. Ctunberland 70 ; Illinois Central 128 , Mich. Southern 881 ; Reading 1384 ; Hudson, 1 301-; Canton, 684; Erie, 1 12; Ga lena and Chicago, 1 24i; Cleveland, Colum bus and Chicago, 46; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 1 121; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 1 131; Chicago and North Western, 544. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to MagistratetTroseentors, Witnesses and Jurors. • NOTICE is hereby given that hereafter all parties or witnessesboniid by iecognivenceto appear in any criminal prosecution in this county, will be called on Monday afternoon, at the meeting of the Court, and if not then in attendance, 'their recognizance will be for feited, unless before.that time a sufficient excuse for non attendance be sent to the District Attorney. Aid such parties and witnesses, under like penalty of forfeiture, must remain in court during the session thereof, and answer when required, ' and that no forfeiture of a recognizance will be taken off by the Court, ex cept on clear proof of the inability of the recognize to attendat the time. And the Magistrates throughout the county are respectfully.urged to require sufficient surety from all persons chargedwith erime, and to bind over all prosecutors and witnesses brought before them; and that Hhes will be imposed on all jurors failing to attend, except when ihey have sufficient legal excuses for non-attend ance. By order of the Court, apildewto Open, Market for Cavalry Horses. Assr. QtTARTERKASTER'S OFFICE, 1 HARRISBURG, Penna., April sth, 1864. j TTNT.II. further orders, HORSES, fit for U . Cavalry Service, will be purchased at this place in open market None will be received under five, nor over nine years of age. Moat not be under 15 bands in height. For particulars apply to E. C. REICHENBACH, aps-dtf Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster. REMOVED. SOHEFFER I S BOOKSTORE • AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, TO SOUTH SECOND STREET, Two Doors Below lielker's Hardware Store, OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN RIELORM. DR. B. M. GILDEA, DENTIST RESPECTDILLY informs the citizens of Banishing and Viimity that he has removed his of fice from Market street te Third street, next door to the Patriot and Union oflice,where be is prepared to accom modate all who may desire his professional service& aprl4 , Thrt46 Brick Houiei for Sale, VIRONTING on the Reservoir. The houses JL: are nearly new, built with the best material, are two and a half stories high, attic finished, and a good base ment kitchen, above ground:" Them are desirable private :residences, and„ . will be sold at a bargain, For further particulars apply at THIS ciFFIGE. aprill•dtf . son REWf. • • - . . gBRICK HOUSE on Seinnth street, abOve the Round Rouse. Rent s .$9 per-J..l=lEln.. ftaitdro . ADAM REEL, 'Statestreet, above Filbert. apll•d2c AMS? +VMSI I .--Tholiener s Fapelstpr. H Just oared. Received and for sale at 4 47,--. SEMLER. & FRAZER, (Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & co ) FM J. C. YOUNG, Cler