- E MEDICAL. EZIZESI CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALIIABLE MED/CENAL ROOTS AND HERBS, =1 Witt. H. GREGG, H. D., Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., for merly Assistant. Physician Blackwell's IsktildHos pgals, late Medical Inspector New York State Volunteer Depots, under Gov. Edward D. Morgan. CONSTITUTION LaFE SYRUP ,pRoDircED RiVOLUTION DT MEDICINE What may seem almost incredible, is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the investigations of theliberal minded and scien tific to cures which - I:Lave no parallel at the present day. Ourjnedicine is peculiar ;by it the seat of any disease is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful and obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other physicians— ARE INVITED TO ITSE CONTTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended with ob stacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any Reformers. . . RAPIDITY OF 911 RE• Some say, "Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, and think that - disease can only be cured by the "slow recuperative priocess of Nature." This is our reply: . In health, the body, like a well—balanced scale, is in a statdor Equilibrium. But when from any cause down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the scale CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, A positive and specific remedy for all diseases originating from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT TO CHILD. PARALYSIS. Hemiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitans. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of seetoration in the carious tonne of Paralysis, that we•ncod not reiterate that it is emphatically the Groat Life Giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. ' Indigestion. _ Liver Complaint, Constipation Weight at Stomach. 'Billowiness. Want of Appetite. Platalenoe. Bad Breath. S'ORO'FULA Glandular swellings. SLrama. King's Evil. Erysipelas Salt Rheum This taint (zaRBDITART and ACQUIRED) filling life with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM. (Arthritis] Neuralgia. Gout. Lumbago. Sciatica. Tic Douloureux. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred affections ' The most intense - pains and 'almost instantly alleviated-enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chrorde or vicarious, of 20 or 30 years' standing, have been cured by as NERVOrrsNEss. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St. Vitus' Dance. Loss of Power. Confusion'of Thought-IT' Epilepsy. Thousands who have suffered for years ivilfbless the day en which they read those' lines. I!articularly to weak, suffixing woman will this medicine prove an inestimable bleating—directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfils more than it promises. .DIERCURIAL. DISEASES'. Rotting of Bones. Saltimtion Bad Complexion. Aches in Bones. Feeling of Weariness. DepressiOn of Spirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges' the system Wyly from all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the Rid Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of . Calomel IS sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gtims, and secures the Teeth as firmly CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, Root and 'Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Bletches, and all other didlcul ties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward ap pearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP OGRES ALL SWELLING OF TIM GLANDS Either of the face, Neck, or Female - Breast ; end should be taken as soon as the swelling . 19 deteCtgd:Aus preventing their breaking, and producing the troublesome Discharg ing Sores, which disfigure so of the, younger por tion of the community, from siato twenty years of age. Young children are very subject to Discharges from the Ears, which depends upon a scrofulous constitution.— Moe cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from general Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsyof the limbs, abdomen, and in the female, Drokey of the ovaries and womb, gen erally accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Oonstitution Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely.. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not' be removed without extra effort Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body will be completely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of any kind. .2plleptio Fits, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Heart, ae palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a grating or filing sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case, and all itteaTeetions of this important organ, "(persons suffering from any acute ;Win in the region of the heart,) will be greatly relieved by Constitution Life Syrup. BROHEN-DOWN :ft DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS Suffering from indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Ex tremities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. ?OR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead or Scalp, no remedy has over proved its equal. MOTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are Tory unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion, and remove the de posit which is directly under the skin. If Diseases of .the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or can cerous condition of thili organ, accompanied with_birning or otherunpleaaant symptoms, cill be relieved by the use of.CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. WAS A. GuItRAT. BLOOD-P*lll=G AGENT, THE Las STRUT STANDS "UNRIVALLED BY ANY PREELRA WON IN TEN 'WORLD. Diseases of the Spine, as usually developed in the young Rip Disease, Neuralgia, and all Nervouaariseases, and La dles who are suffering from Diseases for which they are at a lees what to do, we would advise the use of CONSTI TUTION, LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid coun tenance, strengthen their weak back and side, give them new energy, new life and happiness. THE NICE' AND MOB Are Liable to the same diseases. Nature and &deuce has made the ConstituUou Life Syrup for the benefit of *IL PUBS BLOOD Rnxtuces healthy men and women; and if the constitution to neglected in youth, disease and early death is the re mit. - Do not delay when the-means are so near at hand, and . wittan the roach of all. TO 1( - 02B2RS AND MAARTPD LADIES. It hi the safest and most effectual medicine over discov ered forintrifying the system, an relieving the suilbring attendant - upott childbirth. - It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents pain and disease, and in armies-kid eririches the food—those who have used it think It indispensable. It is highly useful both before and afterconfinement, as it prevents disease attendant upon -childbirth. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND THE RICH MAN'S. BLESSING ! BDY . IT, TAKE IT, AND BE CKRED. IT IS UNIVERSAL . IN ITS-Ey.rgtOTS. . WM.H. dREGG . , M. D., .150 u: PROPRIRTOR, nsw 'llll'lW* Laboratory, BrOoktya, L. L PRISJB iLpBB, BOTTLE; Bonus FOR $5 Affirsool. by earl* to all parts:of .the countryi MORGAN & AT.T • Wholesale Dragilst% - AVERTS "46 OW atreat, New Tait'. ,u35)6-ealtwem SOLD BY JOHNSTON, HO LJA WAT &CO W PIXILADNIAPISLI., ,-KNAIKPAL it — B110.) 118 Malta street s. Thiiiikurg,Yp. AND, A Xs 16:1 ELIXIR. DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pare Vegetable Extracts, containing Oath tag Injurious to the most Delicate. /or The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. ha-This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age WOne bottle will cure General Debility. ggrA few doses cures Hysterics in females. ,-One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. sli-A few doses restores the organs of generation. ArgirFrom one to three bottles restores the manliness and full Vigor of youth. /WA few doses restores the appetite. Air Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. WA few doses cures tee low spirited. fa-One bottle restore mental power. • WA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. ,rorThis medicine restores to manly vigor anti rebus health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. sir The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man of buslnets, thevictim of 'a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Jim-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by - express, on receipt of meney, to any ad dress. mar-Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprieters, maell-oodly N 6. 59 Liberty street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS. SUGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER. C E g T'A IN AND SA Jig-For the Remorka of Obstruction and the Insurance of R,eguiargy in Mc .13ecurrence of the 4994 Periods, .-They cure or obviate those:rininerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity itself. mcem itn. :Sr They .cure Suppressed r Eicre and Painful Men struatioa AWThey cure Green Sickness (Cklorosia.) ' Xi-They care Nervous and Spinal Affections, paini in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight eXeition, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, ,Oiddiness, Stn . , &c ln a word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove the citnee and with it .us, the affects that spring from it, • AparComposed of sintple ;vegetable extracts, they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however. delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never hll So do. ,They may he safely used at any- age, and at any. perioe, EXCEPT DURING TIER FIRST TRIMS aloa^rns,_during . which the unfailing nature of their action would infatilhly reurrarrr pregnancy. for All letters seeking information or advice wilt be* promptly, freely and discreetly answered. hay-Fall directions accompany, each box. 4iii-Price, $1 per box, or six tkixes - for 55. ifirSent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of price. xtiv-Sold by all respectable druggist% DR. W. R MERWIN & CO., Solo Proprietors. tnarll godly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street. - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT, of Photograph • DOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, 1,11 gilt and mounted, with two heavy gilt clasps. AtBIIMS WITH 30 Plotures for $3 00 40 14 It ......, . 3 50 50 " " .. . . 400 together with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be sold cheap. Boldler,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere... Call and see at SCHIFFER'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf . , Harrisburg, Ps- . "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRAQT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt . and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, BID : NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. It mat bo relied on as the best mode for the administra tion of theSereihodies in the large class of diseases of both sexes, to which they are applicable. It never interferes with the digestion; and by Its concentration, the dose is much reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are• advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBE.I3B AND COPAIBA, and take nettling else, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under similar names, are In the market. Price $1 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Manufac tured ealy by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for sale Druggitts generally. 00122- For sale by S. A. KUNKLEA BRO., and by Dmggists genendly. ;:.. • . AN ASSORTMENT OF 0 V TYLE S OF POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND PORTM.CONNA.-17E14 FOR LADIES AND . GENTLEMEN," AT KELLEIVS Drug, sisd Fsno,T Goods Store, 11'6. 914/Siketstreet. The .tiest )Morocco TRAVELING SATOH ELS, And a general variety. of f . P - ANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now ealtand at 'KELLER% Drug Store, merle-if No. 91 Market street. 110ORTANT TO ALL.-It. will restore: the sick to health,- the intemperate to temperance. The Rhubarbl'atie will do .Don't think thereading of the advertisement will do; we don't claim that. But if you will go to C. K. KELLER'S Drug Store , and get some of the Wine and examine it for yourself, it wlll set you right; I will warrant you on that. Orders for wine and wine plead taken' and filled tour authorized agent C. K. KELLER, No, 91 Market street s Harrisburg, Pa. For full particulars apply to or address the above. , JAMES It IiAMENT , Milford, Pike county, Pa., . mar22-dtf Wholesale Dealer in Wine Plants. ITAVANA ORANGES, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER,. no2o (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) etROSSE BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH No PICKLES, a rare article for table use, just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, febl (successors to Win. Dock, jr., & Co.) SITPERIOR GOSHEN FOR TABLE USE, Just received at SHISLER it FRAZER'S (Successors to Wm. Dock" Jr &Co ) ENGLISH DAIRY and . . . IgI39SOR)LOTATE OHEEZEI At [no2s] BOYF.R k IC-ORRPER. A PPLEstAPPLESII-150-bbla.. a York . .State Apples of every variety. Also, York Etaie Butter, for sale at jail BOYER & KOBRPEIL • BUMW - EI:EAT I BUCKWITE A T I-4. small lot but superior quality' orßucktllieitt; * direct fiuS3 Towanda, Pa., for sale by the sack or quart, at Jan 29 BOYEIb/b4HOIiRPEII.• AV.JMA ORANGrES, just reoieved at ' BOIMit*SOZRPEit. `MWDIcAZ; ELIXIR. Wlrl D. W. GROSS & CO. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, HASEISBtIRO, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, 'STORE- KEEPERS_ AND CONSUMERS We ar e dai l y to our assortment of goods all such , yan articles an are de si rable , and would respectfully call your attention` to the largest and hest selected stock In th* city, of: . DRUGS, CTIEMICALS AND PAINTS yarnishes and Glues; Dye-Stuffa Glass and Putty, Artisi's Coloys mid Tools, )3unting:Muld• Larai Sperm and Pine Oils, - .BottleaVlals.and Lamp Globes, Casgle Soap, Sponges and Corks, acc., &n. With a eaaeral variety of PRRPIIMERY AND TOILET ARTICTmq, ITTT'ATM9IMMWMM , MMMV!!' and .thik.connt.ry. Being very large dealra in PAINTS, 19717. TE LEAD, . .. . • , . . . ' LINSEED OIL, - tARNISIIES _-, . _ .., - _ - WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S . 00494MTAINT AND ARTIST'S BRuAtEs - - - :''' IN ALL ifIUIIRVAWNTIES, ..„ COLOILtAND, , BRONZES . We respectfully invite Snell, fooling contldent thit we can aupply the wants o in. on terms to their sattsfac- TEETH!TMETEn JONES' AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDItiNES, AND Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors SAPONIFIER " AND CONCENTRATED LYE. Wholdeate Agents for . asikonitler, which we sell as low as It can be purobased,ln tbe •TRATER-'S. MEDICAL -FLUID EXTRACTS. COAL OIL ! CARBON OIL I Being large purchasers in these Oils we mai-offer In ducements_teclose.buyers. Coal lamps of She. most improved patterns, - very cheap. Alt kinds of Lamps changed to burn Poal . ' EARNERS AND GRAZIERS Thostref you who have not Oven our HORSE AND CAT TLE POWDERS a dial: know nob their seperiority, and the adman() they itre In keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and In a good coiadltioiL Thousands can testify to_ the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders, by the indreased gun ty' and - quality of: mills, besides liFtproying the general keidih and appearinie of iiietifcattle: Oar long experience In the hotness gives as the advan tage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our _ar rangetuqitsid.the cities are such that we can, in a very short time . furnish anything appertaining to our business, ost tits ,best of term& Thankful for %Imo liberal .patronage bestowed on our bout we liope by, strict attoution to btaßineee, a careful selection of.- • • - • - Ult.' It ..1) R. G 8 . , atfalr. prices, avl4lte desire tolpleatu all, to 'merit a con tinuance, of t4e•favor of a paceiminiting patine. _ apl6-111.7 - - :A. 0. smug, Attorney - at-Law, Third - street; Harrisburg, Pa. All business entrusted to titm will'bd promptly. attended to. Bounties Pensions and Back Pay of officers collected. dealt A FINE ASSOIUNCENT OF_row FOLIOS I PORT FOLIOS! CHESSMEN I: -BACKGAMMON BOARDS_ Received at 1 SOHRFFER'S BCKMSTORE. ENGLISH DAIRY and NEW . YORKTE At DION t at, Pialcußg! PACKI2BII 'By the tiBrjel, /a) r . !lr.°Tell jar or dozen ni stA _ ", ; " BoArEn & Kozrerzit A 'FRESH-it:TN-tor MichiineeiV4iiiiitt•z!cl ,ci.. Sugar Mira Hams and Diied Beef; - . nett] . . .; .;:- 'i ~ : BOYER tr. ICOERrER . .... . • „timoNP.ll BEEF, • . . -il. ~ —: -:' ,' 1. cimckLOT , ' ..' •-.At: ; -- (del J:, ~ ..:- ,l v P 4o oc‘!” . q , ,5.; 41 T 10... YOl3, wish" a good , :Gold ;Fault LAr so;' ALP , aparl4 .l3 l.tio - kisconi, maiitita4 -ejnouozi CUMBERLAND VALLEYh FRANKE I N RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon day, April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted:) FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: II Leave Hagerestown 7.0 /L. IL P. 0 2.45 " Greencastle 7.37 3.35 (Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Chambersburg, Leave at Leave Shippensburg " Newville A. Y. " Carlisle 5.55 10.10 3.12 .. Mechanicsburg 025 10 42 2.42 Arrive at Harrisburg 6.55 1115 3.40 FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND RAGERSTO*FN: A. M. P. tr. P. Leave Harrisburg ... 805 L 32 420 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 454 4, Carlisle 9.27 2.55 5.29 Nevrville .. 1.0 22 8.29 ,j" Shippenshurg 10.33 400 Chambersburg, Arrive at 1100 430 { Leave at .ILIO 440 Leave_Greecastle .11.55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.35 6.10 sir Making close connections at. Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with trains for all points West —The Train leaving Harrisburg at 420, P. x., run* only as far as Carlisle. O. N. LOLL Supt.. R. R. Office, Chamberabnrg, April 4,1804-1 y WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton - , kc.,ltc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Beading, Pottsville and all intermediate atatlona, at 2.00 A. N., and 2.00 P. M. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. la, arriving at Now York at 1,46 tho same day. - Faros from Harrleburg: To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $8 85 and $3 00.. Baggage cheeked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 a.. a 4 , 12 norm, and p. X., (Pittsburg Expreas.) leave Philadelphia at 8 15. a. and 3.80 P. M. ' • Sleeping cars in the New York, Express Trains, througli to and from Pittsburg without change. • Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Mullahs* at 8.60 ra. ar., and 2.15 P. ar., for Philadelphia, New York, and all way points. Pure Oriiund Spices, 1; Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15.5. ac, and zao P. N., rot Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation , Paseenger train leaves Reading at 6.004. sr., and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. _ 111 "' Aar 0 above run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 a. x,, and Phil. adelpliki at 3,15 r. Commutation, Mileage, lesson arid Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and. Prom allpolnut. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. November.l.4, 1863—dkwt.c . . ,MBLS well known - HOtel is now m. ft, condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder..' THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has aocommodatlons equal In extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Ita location in the best In the State Capital,. being In easy access to all the railroad depots, and it close proximity to all the public Maces and business cantles or the city. - It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS sorzL, and, the. Proprietor Is &Mainlined to spare - .neither es pecial!, time or labor to ensure the comfort or the este. The-patronage of the traveling public is soh citect. . - -dtt OF ALL KINDS. • STATE - CAPITAL . HOTEL ) • . CORNER OF TiORD AND WALNUT STREETS, , . HA.R.B.ISBURG-, PENNIA: FIPEE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated it The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the 'entire estalishment elegantly re-furnished. tieing plea santly and : eligibly - located, and provided with every cm ienience, it offers to tho public ah..the comforts and luxe ries et a lirst class boteL Trusty and obliging 'servants alWaYs in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment. fle2B-dly. W. G. TROMPSON, Proprietor. JLUR ZUSTORATIVES, JONES HOUSE, Corner of Market *street and Market Square, 114,RarsBuiza.PENNA. CHAS. IL MANN Proprietor. nob-dtt LILLIE'S SAFES: CHILLED AND WROUGHT IRON 6 1:7 I =. pQ v. CUT—Showing the Net Work • of Wrought Iron Bars THE attention of business men generally is invited to the supertor advantages of this Safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities: They are all secured by a Combination Lock, without key: or keyhole, and the whole outside of the Safe hi CHILLED EON, (from 1.3 i inchesi to 2 inches thick,) and IS proof against the punch or drill and the use of powder, as fre quently employed by hurglars jn their operations. : scriptive circulars fondsbed by Every description of Dormant and Portable Platform scales; Hay, Coal and Stock Scales, Railroad Depot 'and Track Scales, Rtirnace:Clutigimr, Scales, limy Scales 'and Conateres. •• . . . . . 'these Sciaimi have several IMPORTANT ADVSNTAGEfi. They receive the wear and friction always on dated iron pair ender the platform, insteatof receiving it iffion the knife pivots and dulling them. No Jarring ,of the Plat-. form affects the working of - the scale. Revd no check rods to confine the platform. Will weigh when out of level. Large scalps requfre no deep pit and cost' lees ; for foundation, &c:, than any other scales. . • ' Full information furnished by the sabacribe r, who Is agent for - Cent* PeiniSyhrtuds, and sells at manatee, tureen prieea - . • • GEO. -14. PARSONS, ,feb94l.Bm . Market street,. Harrisburg. . , .NEW BAKERy, Broad street letwein Second and Third riIHE undersigned has' opened a new BA- R,ERY, in the Sixth ward, where he Is prePared to supply BREAD AND CARES at a reasonable rate He warrants satisfaction to all who•will give hint a ,eplL He wiR Sell his bread at the irats.or 'Pt YE , CENTS . PNR PO arr_ ,tt • ' and ftdl weight guaranteed. . JOHN ALCORN. jantl-dif • • . • Shade Trees. • • A FINE assorteient AO L. Silver Maple, Norway Maple, Taller 4.sh, Horse Chestnut, . European linden; Catalapa, • -Magnolia or Cucumber Tree, &a ; ho. at '. • • METSTOHE NVMEET. - .Harriabuni; March 18,1864., • • • - • • '•-•' 'I3I".E.IttOR WINES AND - BRAIM lEB' ever` 040911.. this, market. -Thibottlei: and by the' gal s )2 or quirt . SEMLER._ . I .¢ FRAZER, deal&' RAILROADS. ED READING RAILROAD. HOTELS. THE UNITED STATES. HOTEL, HARRISBIT'Ittr, PA. i); H..lLUTGuisoN,l.reprietor• GEO. W. PARSONS. 110 Market street, HantsbarT. Agent for Central Penna. ROWE'S STANDARD SCALES, S3O 12.56 9.00 L2B 9.32 2.00 DR. JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCH PIRIODIGAL DROPS FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy that will successtuny and invariably nature and regulatetheremalesystem, remov ing all irregfilaritios, and producing health, vigor and strength. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Area Auld preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affeeted, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive.. Are yon suffering from a constant anxiety fir the rega lar return of nature's prescribed laws t (Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, rtaken a day or two before the expected period, will peel tively and Invariably regulate its coming, as sure as sect follows cause, as certain as daylight follows darkmeas. Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or unable to bear the labor and danger of imam, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Oome to you as a blessing, for is not ptarention better than cure f If regularly taken, It Is a certain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of suffering. Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints Incident to the eex, that have baffled the skill of physi cians and are hurrying you on to an early grave t LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, mad cum, like s Magic, ail those irregularities that hare dated the doctor's kill. Will you waste away with suffering from Lencorrhcea, Prolapses, Dysmenorrhces, and a thousand other difcal tiee, all summed up under the name of suppreased and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar is LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS 1 will surely save you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other Mee; they aroso powerful and finely calculated to adjust and govern the functions of the sexual organism, that, if taken at improper times, they would produce result; soli tary to nature; sgeinst which all, particrthuly those who would reproduce, should carefully guard. LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time; yet the proprietors wish to guard against its misuse, hopMg that a thousand bottles wilfbe used ibr a good pur pose where one Lased for an illegitimate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, the never-falling Female Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist, In the clty and country, and do not, If you value your health and with for a reliable medicine, buy any other' ' Take no other, but If the Druggist to whom you apply has not Way make him send and get It for you. C. 4} CLARK, & CO" et Wholesale, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, 23 North kith Street Philadelphia, Pa MEDICAL. )-4 MI 0:=. ,= t i j = I% = 1 ... 1..1 t 4 Can Pi. Con • THE GREAT PaoM2iims, New Haven, Conn. 0 41 IX , t 4 lal 0 X ti A- 8 r. p. t 4 e A'U [ SCELLANEOUS . NEW GOODS-JUST OPENE D; AT BERGNER 3 8 Book and Stationery stoi, Embracing every new and improved stile POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOK 3 BUCASECDT P ORTMON - •;A:= 4 at prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, Congaing of a fine assortment of Pocket Knives GOLD DE.NR, From Newton's celebrated inanufacto-- tria a guarantee. . . . PORT POLICes WRITIN.V CASES, ROSEWOOD DEszE., riPraia:z Together with every article usual:3- fouraL Book and Stationery establishment, at myl.2) BERGNER'S. 51. PEIPHEIL" S DAILY xl , BETWEEN PILILADELPiIIi. Loek Haven, Jersey Shore, 411. ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, sea. bury, Treverlon, Georgetova, Lykenstown, 111illersbur.. Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISO LIZ G. The Philadelphia Depot being centra.,l7 drayage will be at the lowest rates. The r through with each train to attend to the Ea:, :, goods intrusted to the line. Goods' pot of FREED, WARD & FREED, fill Mal Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock e. s , will be del:vtrrd F. riebnrg the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Ott,, Line. JOS. M.ONTG031111:1 - t ca, Philadelphia and Foot of Market strePt.ll od3l 4( BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAD mudams, BURLAP AND cujcxy BAGS FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL PRINTED TO ORDER, i.Y JOHN T. BAILEY & CO.. No. 113, "Corth Front St., Pi.:i4 , l•• l t hto3-113m M'CLINTOCTS PECTORAL Sißti', THIS INVALUABLE 13.1.,111, tirely vegetable in its ceinies:t., n . : - yloyed with wonderful success for many 3.. A, . of diseases for the AIR PASH.LGES and ; *nu of the disease, such as 111. USG THROAT,SFITTLXG OF BLOOD,DiFFICUI. , HOARSKIEJIMS, LO"'"' OF VOICE and • use will be attended with the hapra-et of the best and safest medicines for all ;;; , ~; CEITLS and OUNSIMPTION. .Ao laudanum or rsr Lien of Opium is any shape in this syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book DANIEL A. MUENCH AGEMI OF the Old Wallower Line, reveetfnlly forms the public that this Old Daily • r Line, (the only Wallower Line now in Lc:stet city,) is in successful operation and I?rep,ree ti freight as low as any other individual lice delphla,.lLarrisburo. ' , Sunbury, Lewisburg, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and ail other pail.t.; t u :- Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williams:: and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. MC CH, Harrisburg, et, • Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Pen.. Hinchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, e. x., will arrir , ..t H.ttr. burg, ready for delivery, next morning. kJ'. r,!%IF-1 PAPER WAREHOUsE. FARRELL, IRVING s CO • 510 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPITT A, PA., IVIANCIFACTURERS of DOUBLE, STAEIGT ii MANILLA. PAPER OF ALL ROLL. WRAPPERS On hand or made to order. Highest price paid for rope in large et smal PURE CONeEICITRATED COFFEE, SUGAR AM lUILK. PERSONS plfafing up boxes to sendto their friends in he army, will tied this as rio,:.set one box making forty cups of Cotter, fy.:ai La auji , .l coffee, and with little labor. For fah. at iSUCCeSSOIS to Wei. , c C., DO 24 GAI PECTORALS are nsein l to i , ocAlie cough, allay Tickling in the 11,cat, to re: Hoarsenems, Catarrh, Sore Throat, kr. TacF L : Coltsfoot, Horehound, Ipocacuanha, Setic.2 aLd (the meet reliable expectorants known,) are the tL:.c live constituents, so blended with Gum Arat that etch lozenge contains a mild and very 1 , 1, Manufactured solely by S. A. KUNKEL L. r.f.o. jan27 Apothecaries, 118 Market street, Harr-L.t.rz • A. C. SMITII, A_rl"ll44ColEr.l'F:lr -_AT - LAAV , HAS removed his Office from Third to nut street, nest to the Prison. Ail [mated to him will receive prompt and carefu. -'- api JUST OPENED, AN ASSORTMENT OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOuAN I WRITING DESKS. Of different Blies, for sale at nol9 SCHEFFEICS BOtrliSTt ..... IVI . OII,TON'S GOLD I.llNs. Another lot of Horton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS Just received at Scheffer's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. UIS J.,10 S 11 lib oVHOOL SLAM of different sizes, W6113,r.':: serial of Spellers and Readers, published by 11.. , * 6 Brothers, together with all other Scheel leg Materials are offered, wholesale and reun,. dec7 . SCHEFFER'S MOIIMIWE Another lot or Morton'a Unrivalled G! - 4.1 ! SCHEFFER , S. Vu,.;;-1t All pens warranted for one year. NORFOLK OYSTERS—ReaI SIR u ri ;u:.`' . the Jones House, York River Oysters, under the Jones House. Also, Terrapins, winch will be served up in short notice under the Jones House, by no SO JOSEPH SN7-, P . • .ICRTMS L - F1 ! PICKS 1 !—By the 8 311.' Half Barrel, Jar or Doze; at no2O SHISLER (Successors to Wm Dock-,Jr.- AFEWHUNDRED of the be t TREES, of valuable leading varitAi r for sale in Harrisburg, are now on band - Nursery. [apl] J.AO CCIDERI CIDER ! !—Two Barrz-15 of 5 ,,, f and pure CIDER just received at marlB BOYER lt IVIICHENER,'S excelsior hams, of this se' son's curing. Jost received ane Sor sfa SHISLER (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., decls DOCKET BOOKS, BUCliSlirs: POSTEMONNAIES, and a general yr.:let; TRIER GOODS, just received at BERGYER'S BOOR 1.,101.11-r "VINE ROMANO WEN& Y, I mported _A: 18411. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wint' n emni l 7. For kale at SWSLER gF_ 1 - 2 ' , reb2t. -. Jr.. Ar ini, PLES .rust l recej AP v p ad j at .ES !!—A fine lot of Greo" =Mut FRAzEIt, mal2s piecemeal to W Dock, Jr.) . 7 . C 4)
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