4;‘ ) lalty EtitgraA' HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 11, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTlSERS.—AllAdver iiaments, Business Notices, Marriages, Maths, to secure insertion in the TELEGRA_PH, must invariably be aecom pit , ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular gvening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. i'OWN AND : COUNTRY GILDEA has removed his dental office Sie card Lisos quantities of fresh fish aro offered for sale by our dealers. Prices are compara tively reasonable. TILE German Reformed congregation of 3techanicsburg intend to erect a new house of warship the ensuing season. I=l Manx DAVIS' panorama is on exhibition in Lebanon. The people of that place will _miss a rich treat if they fail to r end. SEE advertisement oT - auction sale on Satn.rday next of horse, wtTl° l° ii bug!, -, y, harness, ENSMINGER & ADAMS, Auctioneers. DROWYED. —A little daughter of Michael Shirk, of Fayette townshni, Juniata ebunty, WaS drowned in Lost Creek, a few days ago. SOME eighteen rafts of lumber bruin - loose, near Clearfield, on Friday last,and went adrift upon the Susquehanna, causing quite a loss to the owners. JAMES Fouswoon hung himself in the Lait-1, raster jail, on Wednesday evening. He been convicted of larcenY, and 'belongedf-to Safe Harbor. . . SUDDEN DE.A.ru.On Tuesday, a Mr. Car- TOII, of Freidensburg, Berks county, was found dead, sitting at a table in the bar-room of the Seinnucker hotel, in Reading. GEOEGE Emu,, aged fifty yens, a resident of Lebanon, was found dead in one of the streets in that town, on Sunday morning last: His death is said to have been caused by suffo cation. • =3:321:1 Wn are requested to announce that there• will be no pttblic services in the LucustStirk Methodist Church, on Sunday next. The in terior of the building is undergoing a thorough renovation. ====i MESI3II3. HOLMIS AND num; are gettinglpi choice entertainments - at the National Halt , in Second street, embracing songs; dances,: plays, &e., besides rare feats in necromancy,; by Spill Himan, the wizard. PISSED T.IIIIOIIGIL --Gen_ Brooks (late. in command of the Department of the Alonon gabela)' and staff passed tbrOugh here early this morning, en route for FortreiS Monroe ; to report to Gen. Butler. . - COE ACCIDENT. —A son of Rev. P. Schettici, of Hanover, had one of his hands seriously in jured, by the accidental, discharge , of a gis t tol which he was carelessly handling, t i b.o other day. , , , . . - Y. M. C. A.—A speeial meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will be .held in their reading rooms, this evening, at.B All the young men connected with the assn-: elation are cordially invited and earnestly re quested to be punctual. • . OFF TIIE TlitleK. —The accorure.odation train' on the Pennsylvania railroad ; - due here at eight o'clock last evening, re,n off the track, near Middletown, owing to tile rnisplaeenient, of a switch. No person was injured. .Thee passengers and mails were broright hereby: the express train. • I=l SEE the " General emnounceMent " of 147", Mish, of the Keystone Nursery, in another column. The stook of trees, ;vines, &c., of fered for sale, cannot be surpassed inAlie State. The planting season is'now all who desire to ornament their prereiga should at once secure a supply of trees from Ur, Allah. Muzawkay.--Mrs. Jane Wagner, corner of Fourth and .Market. streets, has ireeeived and opened a splendid assortment of Spring,and Summer Millinery Goods:--such as Bonnets, - Ladies' and Misses' Hats, etc., all of the very latest styles. The attention of the ladieils invited to the establishment of Mrs. W., where, bargains may be had. 2t' SAD WAIINING. —We learn from the Karma . - burg Jonrnal, that a negro boy in that place, recently took a musket from the house for the purpose of shooting a load out of it, whick had been iu for some time. Re proCeededA the stable, and taking that object as a rnark i discharged the load. Tha .hall, -which - was. a common musket ono, passed throush,fboth : sides of the stable, a stall arid potation, (in about four inches of timber) then entering. a window lodged in the shoulder of Miss Mary - E. Cooper, a daughter of a widow lady, living in the rear of the stable, inflicting a very sat were and dangerous .wonnd. 1:=C:=1 TEE Passurrnav OF CARLISLE, with which the Old i.School Presbyterian church of this city is connected, met in 4agerstown, on Tuesday evening last,eml was , !yelled, with a sermon by the Rev. John C:. Bliss, of Carlisle. The usual amount of current - 6)mi ; ness was transacted, and the session 'Sr closed on Wednesday night about 11 - o'c:hitic. Rev. John R. Warner, of' Gettysburg, : dra- Rev. J. Smith Gordon, of FannettsbillVPq and Messrs. H.R. Graydon, of liarrighth, , John Bridges, of Shippensburg, Elders, were elected Commissioners to the General Asselif bly'which meets on the 19th of May next,Art4' the city of Newark, N. J. Presbytery hidds . its next adjourned meeting in the month if June, in Newville. • - HOPE FIRE COMPA.E4 ATTENTION. —A stated meeting of the Hope fire company will be held at their house on Friday evening next, the Kith. The active, contributing, and honorary members of the company are requested to be in attendance, as business of great importance wiil be transacted. Let there be a full turn out. aprli-dtd SANFORD has prepared a very attractive pro gramme for this evening, comprising a rich selection of comic and sentimental songs, and choruses, a variety of dances, and several very excellent play S--all of which can be seen for bne price of admission. Go to Sanford's to-night. The singing dog will shortly ap pear. THEATRE! —Seventy-fourth Night of he Great I Star Combination Company.--There is a fine bill for this evening, on which occasion Rouse's STAR TROUPE will play that beautiful and in strnotive piece, THE Corrot SPDTNER, or 2he Poor Girl's Diary, with Dtl s Fanny Denham in the character of Martha Gibbs, Mr. Rouse as Toby Twinkle, (take a card ?) and Mrs. Jennings as Stephen Plum. The laughable and musical farce, entitled JENNY Lran, or The Swedish Nightingale, will conclude the en tertainment. Large and appreciative audiences continue to throng Breast's Hall. The success of Rouse's Company has far exceeded the expectations of everybody—the manager included. This evening's entertainment will be the Seventy fourth since the arrival of the Company, on the 20th of January last. TUE PARDON or Mogur.--The. Cambria county A lleghenian says, in reference to the pardon of Moore: 1n conformi tH the 14presse4. desire; of- four out of eiiryifiirealttSpeople.ofzetiii bria county, Governor Curtin has seen fit to accord an unconditional pardon to Joseph Moore, convicted of the murder of Jordan Marbourg, at our late Court,: and sentenced to six years imprisonment in the Western Peni tentiary." A RAXGROAD Bus.—The- following, bill was read in place by Mr. Allemii , yeiterday, and on his motion passed the House finally, viz: AN ACT to incorporate the Middletown rail road company. SECTION I. , 23e it enacted, dlc., That George Sandler, Henry J. Meiley, John Monoghani John E. Carmany, John Meiley, Henry Rife, Philip Irvin, Lyman Nutting and James P. Witherow, and their associates, or any five of them, be and they are hereby appointed corn misioners to open books, receive subscriptions and organize 611113114 the 'name, style and title of "The Middletown Railroad Com pany," with all the powers, and subject to all the restrictions prescribed by an act, entitled `An act regulating railroad :cOmpanies," ap proved February 19, 1849... 'SEC. 2. That the capital stpck of said Coin pany shall consist of two thousand shares: of twenty-five dollars each: Proiiided, That said company may frexiitimeto time, by a vote' of, , the stocldiolders, at a meeting called for that: purpose, increase their capital , stock so much , opinichrniay be*,rieCessary to com plete"the.said. road,tindsto:oa4tY.out_the true : infant and meaning of this act. SEC. 3. That the said company shall have the right to build and construct a railroad for a point at or near the Middletown furnaces, in the borough of Middletown, Dauphin county, to a point on, the Pennsylvania , Central rail road at or near the 'depot thereof in the said borough, in as direct a line between the two said points as practicable. C. L: - BOWMAN, No. 1, cornet of Front and Market.streets, has the pleasure of announcing to the publie, -that he will open .on Friday and Saturday'ef this week, and on Monday of next week; a Tau large aid carefully selected stock of spring and summer diYgoOds; bought under the most favorable circumstances, in the city of New York; and in the opening of the spring trade, he returns his kind thanks for the very liberal patronage received, and assures'his;patrons that notwithstanding the ,very high price of goods, he will always make it an object to those who • purchase 'from him. Mill SPECIAL NOTICES. na.unvares Troches. 'For the Buie of Hoarseness, Threat 'eases, k,c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A.. .Bannyart 4t . ' Co. Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all'orders shimild be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: FIA - aarsinnto, Feb.Bth, 1864. .Q. RernivAar,,--.7.)ear. &r:iut46 Browies :Bronchia TroChes,-. Viistir's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and threat trimbles, and - in,comparison with'them all, can cheerfully, Conunend:iour own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need; most etreetTrAllY. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. • garl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the 'valtie of 13annvart'a Trophes. atatu.,,, .Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbytariant3hureb.' J1188L381 7 / 1 6 an .1884. To C. A. L'tuinvivr- , -Dear - Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very'much taxed, I have' found#9 - ne ed Of 'enninge.ntle expecto rant, and t want has,been !supplied in your 'excellent Troches; - . I consider them very far superior to any Lozenaes.that e I J e evern,sed, in removing speediry'tfiat hasTriitess of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of, the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &c.; •MO. ,WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Lmust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANNVART7 -.Deor Sir: -Having used your TroChes,' I am fiee 143 say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Aveime Methodist Church. - DISTRICT . ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, Haronsauso, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. B.truiviar---Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and arceertainly of great bene fit to all public spealOrs. A. 3. HERR • Military 8i1fi11.34,04a1 . ..Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back 4Pay,: . 4ubelstence and Military and War Claims, generally, nude out and collected. }W inos residing at a diatancotan hive their basica% trans, acted by mail, by addreasiag EXTGE.IYMER, Attorney -at-Law 3104 otree; Harrisburg,. pa, air-air Hoop 4 Skirts! „Hoop Ski 1 ! The Cheapest 'Hoop Skirts in Harris:Lars. A splendid skirt for 75 cts. A much better skirt for .$l. Calicos; a fine assortment for spring. French giughams, Manchester giughams. Bleached and unbleached muslin from New Cork, Auc tion. 1,000 yards plaid silks at $l, worth -$1 50. • • - 200 yards plain brown silk at $1 17, Worth 75. 200 yards blacksiik at $1: Black silk at all priees. - A very large assortment of new dress goods. 600 dozen of stockings and socks, all pricos. The best stockings in the city at 25 cents. Cassimeres for meu.-aud boys' wear. Cloaks for spring. Wishing to reduce our stock, which is very, -large now we will offer great Inducements to buyers. S. LEVY. APHYSIOLOGICAL view of MARRIAGE, containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Alguse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of sure, as shown by the re-. port af, cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married,. . and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postal cur rency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. T. marl-Aw3m, THE . CONFESSIONS ANI) EXPEILIENCE _ Published for' the OF benefi lN t, V and ALln. as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility, Premature. Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the same time Tau ME.1119 or Scup-Cyan. By one wbo has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By inclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq. Bedford, Kings Co : , N. Y. feb3-3mcMw Mrs. Ball's Remedies. I take this method of cheerfully thankinetifil pubho for pastlavera, and still solicit their kind attention to my medicines. TO tell of all the wonderful cures 1 have been able to perform would be impoasibln I would' Call the ' attention ef the ladies particularly to. this valuable medi cine. I think I canaafely say , it is'tlie very best. Offered to them. It will regulate -the whole system; can be taken tit'any time; ricijear, neeitibe. apprehended'in re; gard to it. - a have also valiable. Salle Co kill pl'oud flesh, and another to, drew and heal.. This. has,. heajel sores that have run 20 years. My Dysentery props, dug fent cordial and Cough Drops have been well tried; need say nettling in" their, 'feral': I have constantly on' hand those Medicines and 'Salves. MRS. le arnt '' ?to. 27 Pine street, Pa. NEW AnitTISENEE.NTS. GREAT CENTRAL FAM CM= Sanitari CoMmissiOn OFFICE OF THE COLIOTTRII ON LABOR, INCOMES AND RICVENDBB,. No. 118 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET, l'Eurianmaima, Aprifetti, 1881. The' Coinmittee on "Lebo; 'scums - Ain IlEtnixonS,". invite co-operation with them in the - particular work 'for which: they have been appointed.. As no portion of the people are more patriotic than the working mon and-wo men of the country, it is but - just and proper that' they should alike have au Opportunity to contribute to the ob jects of, the Fair. The most equable plan for aecomPlisff: ing this, and, at the "same time the easiest one, is to ask for the 'contributiOn or' a swum: DAY'S LABOR from all classes in the community._ Many will_contributen day of theirlaiiiir - not'stitiectiliti their -mo . ney. To reach every,deparifitient Of andustry and art wilt be a work of great labor,, but, if attained, will be product ive of immense, resul ; _ The - suceeSSof the tanivill.depend uponthe h-..artico operation of every 'ClementOf irilltionce within our lim its, and we invite all thy th e Industrial in terests, and all oilers, to take - held with 'LS in furthering this great...work of ; patriotism.and, hummaity. The Committee is charged :with the following duty, to Futex—To Obtain thecontriblitioa of n one day's filber t ?' or earnings, from every arrizan and laborer, fereman, one: thrive and employee; president, cashier, telle`f and ; clerk. of every incorporated and .unincorporated, company, .rail rood-and express company, employing firm, bank . ,,numu factOry, iron works, oil works, mill, mine and - publit tlcii; ;; :from everybroker, private banker and importer, auctioneer and merchant;' clerk, agent and salesman; do stgliertfinisher and artist; publisher, printer and mechanigi frOm every governirient offieer, contractor and employee:. grocer, butcher, baker and dealer; farmer, h-orticulturiat and produCer; froin every' mantua maker, milliner and femalenperative; every individual engaged , in turning the. .tending the loom, pr in any way earning, a livelihood, or. building a fortune within the States: of Pututsylvania; - . New Jersey and Delaware Szeoxo—To obtain the contribution of one day's "Rev , owle t ?' fromall ; the great employing establishment* firma corporatinns, CoMpaniescrailmads and works! ! - THIRD—To obtain the contribution of ODD day's income from every retired' persOn t 'person' of fortune—Male and female—living upon thbir means, - aridtrutn dll clergymen, lawyers, physicians; dentists„ editors, ednors, :authors mid 551tn'" fessors; all other persons engaged in the learned or otli, r profeasions. ; . . Much of this work must be performed by thepersentill influenee and efforts of ladies and gentlemen amended,. or to he associated with the Committee in carrying outthis plan. The Cemmittee feel the responsibility .:of the work they have undertaken, which, to he sucemisful, wilt require a very perfect ranuflcationßf their plan, and they therefore call upon all earnest -people to assemble themselves to gether in every town, township and county, !uid form or ganizations ...lit' iladies slid' gentletnetilte'co-Vperate with them in this great work and labor of 10ve.., the mane facturingreddeities, iher coal and oil regions; andlii cultural districts—especially, let there be organizations in the large towns; so that the pinny - people mitt have an opportunity thus to ;render assistance:to their relatives and friends fighting : the-gibes - Of:their country in the ar mies of the nation-, . . The'liork ial , thls‘Camraittee may be prosecuted where no other effort can be made for the Fair . , as in tticiAueik, or the - eta] re`gieti.t. ' A daY r .S - Ciffigh of tlfe - Mbers i and a day's product i of the -mines, can,be oktaingdilrher no portiffilmartiele could be",produred fOraransportatiom. In deed there is no part or sectio&of these States where the day's labor may not be obtaiffd, if organistdisms can be. to reich - theni: '.; i - •,- . : :; 't ' Tho Committee cannot close without urging upon all proprietors of establishments the duty of taking prompt and energetic action to secure the benefit of the day of labor from all within their control. The Committee deem it uhnemsary to, do 'more, titan thus to present the subject - lb-the„pLgiple -kg . the three States named. in -the coming eimPtdOsbr `bur armies, the - labors of the "Sanitary Commission" !ill be greatly augmented. By the .first Of Sane 7g9,411004 iriert —cone of the largest armies bf moderminnewill- b!Siveratiag in ' the field. So lirge a force; SeettemktPiter.,regihris to which the men are unacclitnatedi Mhitt liter-:” *I ;carry along with it a large amount of sickriess,Artifr ' and death, to my-nothing of thngathered horrora.cif Ilii. ' 10-field. These suffieringfi,-it is our bontted-'"diiity; its men, and eril i Chiletians, to relieve. A great,nffir:enliglittffied people, enjoying the blessings of a government of their own mak ing, cannot refuse assistance to Men suffering to maintain its authority, and we will not - believci that the " GREAT CENTRAL FAIR," drawing its produCts fr* the three States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Itelaware;Aa at-', Iluent in alt mineral, agriculthral and Industrial, wealtll, shall• fall behind any similar effort' - Which has yek,heClA. rondo for the'relief or the Nation'S children. • :. As it .is desirable if& to Multiply circulars , no.firthr .. , authority` than this cirealar will he necessary/arcs:lgen-2 cloying firm or company; er aq, , respectable coil:Milled of ladies and gentlemen, to priaceed at once in the :Mirk of this committee; and it is hoped that under it,orgunizalions will , . spring up in all the towns and busk regions In the States of PonnsYlvania, New JeMey and Delaware. SubscriptienS will be thankfully acknowledged in the newspapers' f Philadelphia; and it is very desirable that they commence pooh, as each fresh actmonlgrauent. will stitnuirdi.'eftertin-othei localities.. . i ~ .1:i P.l.i: All kitbaoriptioris shouTd-bh addrdessed (6 t Milli' W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer, office of the ' , Committee on La" tier , Incomes and Revenue, " No. US Sonth Seventh'street,. Philadelphia. ' `',• . • , ,r:: ta-All'imedfal helps in Circulars and Posters will forwarded to parties applying for theru. Direct to the . .Chairman of the Committee as above. • • ' . L. MONTGOKORY BOYD; Chairman. • , Join( W:CLAGIIODN, Treasurer. Rev. 'E. W. Ilerraa.,'orrespondirig:See,retary.— - 31'Ontoos. J.: Mrrcu,Ssov, Secrtiarr ' '"' " 110NOjtARY IfEIIBERS. His Excellency, .A GCurtin', Governor of Pennsylvania. Illa`ExeelleacY, JOQI Parker, Governor of New Jersey His Excellency, Wm Cannon,,Governor of Delaware. Hon Alexander Henry, Mayor of Philadelphia. Hon Joseph R Ingetsoll; Petuisylvania. Hon Judge Carpenter, New Jersey. Hon Judge Harrington , Delaware.: ^ _.." Major-General George G Meade, Army of the Potomac.. ' 11COMMPPPEE.: ; . • Right Rev Bishop Potter, Mrs W Huller, Most Rev Bishop Wood,' - Chairman. Rev Bishop . Simpson, Mrs George M . Dallas, : 4 RgY Dr Brainard, . .Mrs;JolniSergesnEf:. Rev W P Breed, . MmJoluLld Rev E W Rutter, - ,Mrs General Meade, • Rey. Isaac Leeser, Mrs J Edgar ThompSoly • Samuel M. .Felion,..Mrs Joseph Harrison,qr, John Edgar Thompson, - Nirs Robert W Commodore R F Stockton, Mrs L MoutgomerY Frederick Fraley, Mrs George F Weaver, John Bingham, :Mrs George W Harris, 'George Williams, Mrs F Drexel, . • • Rev W Suddars, DD, . MrsM N Kelley, Prof Henry CoPPee, Urs*John W Forney, Charles Pendleton 7114, VD,Mrs'SamuelA Crozet', Dr Walter Williamson, "Mrs EnactiVurley, Hon. Oswald Thompson, Wsd A Sager, Hon J R Ludlow; • '` Miss,Susan N B Browne, lifissZallie'Scott, 4 Daniel Deugherty, Miss Plphorn; r' • - /dui 91? tither% and_B6:dtllers EMI NEw - I.i — ro MEN Schuylkill - and Susquehanna Railroad Company. ~Q. s vpli„22_,kat FOUR= 4141ZET, , 41h14564. TILE anntral meeting of the Stockholders of this Company and an election for President amd Six Managers will take place at the Office of the Company on Monday, the 24 day of May nextt, at 12 o'clock, m. ap6.dtafa2 W. EL WEBB Secretary. ES Open Market for Cavalry itorses. ASV. QIWITREXASTER'S 017/CIC,} HARRISBURG, NIMBI., April bth, 18t 4. TlNTElrfulthe* orilexs, RORSESO At ittr Cav sef_ApeEingnOurpLane a t thislial* open market. Note will be received under five, nor over nine years of age. Must not be under 15 bands in height. For particulars applyu REicHENBAca, aps•dtf Capt. and .Asst. Quartermaster. R.SCRIIIT.E.IO OFFICE, 11. S. INVALID CORPS, • . REURG, March 1, 1864. THE httentiOnlof Soldiers- whci , iblive been 11 Honorably discharged the United States service, on ,account of disability contracted while in the line of duty, ,and who may wish to enlist in the Invalid Corps, Is re• spectrally called to the following letter from the Provost Marshal GeneraPi Offiee,:fronirwhich , it appears that they may receive the bounty otlbred by the ward, borough or town, to which they may wish to bo credited: (LETTER.) WAR DEPART3IVIT, . PROVOST /ILLRSTAL GENERAL'S OFFICE, BURSAR OF LYVALID CORPS, . WASHINGTON, February 23,1884. The Provost Marshal General directs me to say, that men.enlisted for the First Battalion Companies of the In -Valid-Corps, in accordance with this provision 'of General Orders, Nos. 105 and 212, Adjutant General's Office, 1863, and the instructions of the Provost Marshal General, (see Circulars Nos. 14 and 106, of 1863, Provost Marshal Gen eral's OfliceSwill be tredited4ci the eueta to be furnished under the draft, of the ward, borough, town, or city and Slate from which they enlist N. WISEWELL, Helene], and Assistant' to. he_Proyost 'Hershel Genital, in charge'Of Irividid'HOrpOureati: For the particulhis relatiVe hinnllstnient in that Corps apply at the Recruiting Office, Invalid Corps, in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. E. L. BARNES, Ist Lieut. 11. S. I. C., R'cting Officer. mad r -it NEW .tII:ILADELI 3 3IIA. • C L 0 - A. K STORE ' , IN D. W. GROSS' IVBW liLOCIt; Market ,Street,tHarrispurg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OP FASHIONABLE C.LOARIS'AND CIRCULARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on theist of April: [mar2l,-dfy JULIUS ROSENDALE, 29 • "OOP rr• CIA: N , lot EQS to inform the inhabitants of Harris- JI—P, burg and vicinity the he has removed to No. 29 Second Street, two doors front Walnut. Thankful . for the confidence and patronage bestowed on me during , my stay on Market 9qtaue,'l hope to' merit a continuance or the same at r... 7 new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which I claim the undermentioned advantages: Ist. That from4he peculiar cougar : to:den:of the Glasses, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent change quite, un n ecesse ry ., 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vi sion,- witikamemoupt. of, ease and comfort not hitherto en joyed by spectacle wearers.. Stl. That the material from which,theLenses are groped is manufactured specially for optical purpose; and is 'TRH, 31 . 111 .D{.14.1ANT,14T1d -, .1101' fig bi(U.O become scratebed. 4th. ,That,tlteltameelnmkticit they are set, whether in gold, Offal or sitiel, are of the finest quality and llnisb, agkuro.!•34,XltErki.gltlOßEOT in every respect. sth. That, Mom their peculiar color, they prevent a su pertluity.ep alfActing ..the . Ana therefore strengthniung the optic nerve andrenderlng it less liable 40 AllllitYrofidikt - • ' Constantly on band; a large assortment of Achromatic Microscopes, Spy Glag.F.s, Opera, Marine and Field Clam es; Stereoscopes and Views, Magic Lantern; Barometers Thermometer; iliagraft,llar t . ) atc.b, e • Remember the Resftalti's Institute Wilrbb permanent at No. 29 North Second street, live doors from the Bueh ler Rouse. apT.d.sw3in -- NEW - PHI 'AD k CLOAK STORE sApx. CLOAKS, • MANTILLAS, CHtCUL4RS. 1,000 CLOAKS from $7 00 to $25 00, NEW CL'OAR STORE, 41 T 11,,T , D. W. pcncty j d ' ilocx, If A A tt gs 4 IMM - . .. GRAND OPENING ! Ta i. u. dn ersigned tak.eS the pleasure to in-. Alie Ladies of this:city, and.vieinity that she n' will have, this week, her GRAND OPENING of the latest styles :Bonnets, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Bats, to which she respectfußy . lnyltes i one ; ne d . to come and examine heHentAfylett '' * ' - ° - . '""*. ' . apl2-dst Mts. M MAYER. 'UN PIIBIATI Trio TL PtrBLIC.--:SINGER'S Sewing Ma enauines, Linen Thread, • Ootton,-, 'Machine Needles, Oil, Union Galloons, B Long Thread, .Eyelets„ Shoe rs and Stationery . , °Rice, Front, ,abofe Maiketttr ' apll-113w G. B. WOODWARD, Agent. . . • REMOVAL ! • QTPAVAET'I; TIMBRE . , Reattlyin . til lers.and Dealers ip FOREIGN DOMESTIC WINES arid LIQUORS, have removed to POithri street;` between Market and Walnut. _apS:dlwatilw. ILLINERy GOODS. I , Arr_v,srite 1138 T , 'OPENED.- No:- 8 Ithrket Square, V next door to Felix?! Confectionary,. apitl-d3in , tt of= •:/ • - Mrs. JtotlfltißS: NOTICE. TO CO.NTRACTORS. OFFICE OF TIM • - ACcdannua-aan Elmer Dzeourrlt. It. Co:, '0 Cotuanna, Pa., April 6th, 1864. ;0, E A_LED PROPOSA_Lfi for the Gradation i s j and Masonry of that portion of the -100011 111.1 ROAD: between Columbia and the head of the Old Mary Lind Canal, a distance ,00(1 . 1 roll% Ongeotions of one mile,) will be received at.,the oftcee F:ront atreet, below Locusts until noon of the 25thlnat " - Plans and Profiles of' the work will thereixr..ekhibited for bne , weekiprevions to that date. C. S. EAUFFMAN, President, .-- - apBWita26- • 1111 M firstVl , the eeasoh i rfureelate ton Herrin, just rccovedid , •• " • • SECISLER'Sr - FItAZER, ap9 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., &TO.) TUE valtip,4le:,TroiArty,, ; .ockgnpi, ; of gecolid and ftintlike* , being•flfty , two midi/kW:feet on Se. 001 4 nnd,ogn,,kßudrodmixduizty-elght feet OnYille.street, running two liuudred and ten feet to Barbara alloy, there being space for four full bußdiug lot; and a trundd t aitnnbkalle for a Gl:moral:FM Or'public" For — partitelarirefiljuird!of Jinx ' MURRAY , corner orSd. bond hnd PineitWees. marg-tf _ , < HEAVYESAiLING'- N.O§.ES tinnotind4 tor - 11Ak-Publie inat. ei -prepared- to -de•- ir,indi RSA: ULlblOatbli) itgesi ; 7 41 - orsbaind eagis furnished by thedayor aingsk bud:brderelert at_the_ Seeendiliriird4 Oirner 04 - Chestnut and Second streets, will be promptly attended to. • vau444lm pio - D4Efit s,ift quality, all sizefi.- • sifisLEß do Exez&R, fflif 42 .k kr:l 01499 a it, . 4 IN) Vittr r. , 4lfralle ,11 , attai SairlCare.l4 .04 kr- IBM 29 I= IN M=l AIVIIISEAIENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. SEVENTY-FOURTII NIGHT OF THE GRAND STAR Combination Dramatic Compaq, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company. .CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. The Great Protean Actress and Cantatrice MISS FANNY DENHAM: MISS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM THE COTTON SPINNERS, THE COTTON SPINNERS, THE COTTON SPINNERS OR, THE POOR GIRL'S DIARY. To conclude with the popular Musical Farce, called JENNY LIND, JENNY LIND, JENNY LIND JENNY LIND, JENNY LIND; JENNY /../.RD OR, THE SWEDISH NIGHTINGALE. The whole company in the hill. Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small bills. B...A.NFORD'S HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, ItEAR, OF HERR'S HOTEL. FRIDAY EVENING, "APRIL 15. FUN FOR THE MILLION! VILLIKENS AND DINAR. TWO. 131 - 1,A.V.1 RIVALS THE STRINGER. To conclude with MEET lIIGII DADDY IN THE MORNING SA.NDORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be procared in advance at Bann vart's Drug Store. Doors open at OM. Commence .11 to 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 each;siiigle seats, $1 each. jan2l-dst National Bali, CORNER OP SECOND AND SOUTH STS., ROLME'S ...:..... . ..Proprietors NEW ' PACES, . NEW ACTS, and a NEW ENTERTAINMENTS. COMV. .A. 14113 SEE "U - S. ..tdmisaion, 25 cents. Private Boxes, $5 00. Single Scats is Boxes, $1 00. Doors open at 7. Commence at 8. apl4 CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. J,BiiDD .... . ........... ....... Sole Lame OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a First-olasa Company of SINGERS,' DANCERS, COMEDLANS, acc., &c. Admission • • • • ... • • • • ....... ...... 15 cent& Seats in Boxes ............. ......... • 25 " MISCELLANEOUS. DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE A I.FI —The subscriber, residing six ;idles. above Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna river, offers at private sale the following desirable property, all of which is con , venient to both .the Canal, and Railroad, and one of the best markets in the State, the city of Harrisburg: A No. 1: TAVERN STAND, with four acres of land, more Deism, on which is erected a substantial Stone and Plastered HOUSE, containing eleven rooms; a large Stone Stable ; capable of holding 20 horses; Carriage House, Smoke House, and one of the best Springs in the country, Spring Sousse, and other necessary out buildings. No. 2. A TRACT containing 14 acres, more or less, on which is erected a Grist Mill, Store. HouSe four Dwelling Housei,-with out-building,s. The GristAtill is in good run.. ning order, with plenty of custom work, good water power, and a fine harbor for timber. The Claud and Rail road pass:through this property. No. 3. A TRACT OF LAND. containing 150 acres, more or less, part . tillable, the balance timber, on which is erected twb Dwelling HOUSES, with Stables; the frame of a Saw Mill, a head and fall of 21% feet, within 400 yards of Canal and Railroad. ~This is a splendid location for a forge, furnace or factory. No. 4. A TRACT containing 10 acres, with HOUSE and Stable, (the Railroad and Canal pass through) on which Is &goo Stone Quarry, a large quantity of brick clay, a good seat for an anthracite furnace, or steam Sawidill No. 5. A TRACT containing 45% acres of Woodland, a large quantity of which is chestnut rail timber, oak, Mck- My, Ite.; on which there is about four acres cleared, with HOUSE and Stable thereon. The tract is % mile from Canal and Railroad. he above property will be sold on terms to suit pur chasers. It can be seen by calling on the subscriber, on the property, 'or any information can be given by ad dressing JOHN C. M'ALLIS'THR, Susquehanna, P. 0., Dauphin county. Penn's. • BEAT Dloootaltir marM t Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical' utility than any invention now before the ptiblic. It has been thorolighly tested during the last two years by practical meri, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY dpplic:able to Useful drtil. calve Preparations known. Hi - mores Isamu/me CZYRNT is a new thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on A new thing. .45cientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit may offensive smell. Its Combination BOOT .ND SNOB Manufacturers, using Machines, will llnd it the best article known as Cementing for, the Channels, it works withoutdelaY, is not allbcted, by any change ,of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man ufact=wa. - JEWELERS Will find it 'sufficiently adhesive for their nee, as has bees proved. Jewelers. It is Egtecially Adapted to And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes suillciently strong without Stitching. Families. LIQUID CEMENT It is a liquid. th tans that is a sure thing for mend ture, ing Crockery, oys, Bone, Ivory, d articles of Household use REMEMBER RILTON'B holiommut anamer in a liquid form and as easily ap plied as paste. HILTON'S lasacoma CEMENT Hs insoluble In water or oil. MIXON'S INSOLORLII Oman. Adheres oily substances. Remember. Supplied in Family or Ruda° turer's Packages from 2 ounces to 100 WS. - HILTON BRAS. & CO Proprietor; Providence, R. L Elia& Ageuxta JelB4ily lICKWILEAT —Just received. A very B small lot,. 'Fide choice BUCKWHEAT, at SEMLER & MAZER, feuccemai tv . in. Rock, Jr., k 00-) mar3l Jan2s Wisaszr—llear Sir:—l had a very dreadful cough and sore throat for one yea; and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my - grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased . one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial . and `I commenced to use it, and in one week I Was much better, and after using three bottles L am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past eura. Publish my case if you think proper. REBECCA Tr fT,TON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an infalliable cure Tor Bronellitis, Bleeding of the Lunge, Sore Throat andßreaat, Tnafin, m z tion of the Lunge. • Mr. WARD says: Da. Vireine.nr—Sir had Bronchitis, In. flammation of the Lnnos Shortness :of Brent h, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worit forms; 1 had been treated;by .several sot tine most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the - rapid course' 01 my disease, and I had despaired of ever being n}. stored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a friend; tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Tuxes, from 9 A. N. to 2P. u. , corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. . JOHN WAND. Read the following from Utica: Da. WISHILET—DCar Sir:—l take pleasure in informing you through this source • that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recoitv. mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall, of this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five months' standing. 1 had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best of medical aid without any benefit. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as J. know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Daguerrean Artist. 126 Genessee street, Utica, N.Y. * * * * have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, Title.; New York. The above are a few among the thorisimilS, which this great remedy has saved from': Kt untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. It is the only The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishaxt's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in. fallible care for Dyspepsm. The Pita Tana TAB Cowan, will cure Coughs, Sore. Throat and Brea.st, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the and female complaints. - The genuine has the name or the proprietor amt . a Eine tree- lown in the bottle. .All. (ahem are spurious imita tions . _ nude Pirrr Cwrrs and, ONE rtotran:per Borns. Pr pared only by the Proprietor, . • 11 ' ' ": - Dr. L. Q. C. WiSltart, LAING Cc !CAM-NIS. No; 10 North Second Street, PhilaMphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere, at Viltelesale by all Phila. dalldda and New Tor( "TiolViade Druggists. ma 1 , „it MEDICAL; DR. WISHARFS PINE. TREE TAR CORDIAL IS THE VITAL PRDICIPLE OF THE PM TREE, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dii tillation of the tar, by which its highest me .l " ical properties are retained. /lave you a Gough ? Have you Sore Tht oat ? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, Prom this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad prem.- knee and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave -at least "one-sixth" of death's_ victims. Consumptidit has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, bat for more than two hundred yea' the whole medical world has been impressed that thele was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; but how to combine the medical pro perties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor. dish" Many, not only of the people, but physi cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cane of your success in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption IP My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs the strengthening of the debilitated system -- the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the. Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflamnia tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, it he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of naiques tionablo worth and reputation: BEWABB OF couNTERFEwi rr_~,~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers