PM r• MEDICAL. • 0 CONSTITUTION WATER. consrauTioN WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN BEATPDY • FOR DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the perma nent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and DLADDER that has ever been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It is from experienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no man doubt, when -a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this country has failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it is now used by the most scientific practitioners in this city. It is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies while the better skilled make, use of every . means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the, phy sician increases as his knowledge of different remedies enables him to produce a cure, while othere fail in the at tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under some spe,cialiits's care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all sorts of local applications for diseases, with as much chance of success as there would be from local applications to the throat for diseases of the brain. We have been always careful to use language in our circular that could not shock the most delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many communications from per sons for which Constitution Water is adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that We have come to the conclusion that if. the remedy is capable* of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may. be,: It should be made known. The medicine is put up for the public, and there should be no exaeptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands of, the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the direc tions it will, in every case, produce a radical cure. We would say that the directions in riga% to diet, eta, re late only to the disease under which they occur.. DIABETES. Is a disease of the stomach and list); acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate diwvisa, except consumption, that affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, bat will state that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Many persons suffer from this disease who are ignorant of it; that is, they pass large quantities during the day, - end are obliged to get up from one to bite= or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the disease :is fully estab lished, is intolerablethe patiencdrinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the month, cranking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient gmdu aly sinks from exhaustion. Coserrrurtos WATER, is, without doubt, the only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as much confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truth.fu,Dy say that it has cured every case in which it hie be4a use& 8704Y7i IN TLIE BLADDER, CALCULUS, (TRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC., Diseases arising from a faulty ••secretion—in the one case being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too•profuse secretion—which will be speedily cured by the CONSTITUTION. WATER . . CONSTITUTION WATER - CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WAXER: CONSTITUTION WAXER CONSTITHITON WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Tag KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR • ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR 'IIIE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWM REMEDY Wok THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY We; I) IA RE Irrt OF IRRITATION OF THE N - 2,O%TgE BLADDER INFLAMMATION ON . TMEYS, OATAARR, Ot t : BLADDE BTRANGUARX 444p,.. • 8UitN1N. la, OR PAINFUL MI NA.TING. For Ogee .44Wmga. truly a sovereign remedy, and vo flagon: iiiinnot, be said in its praise. A single dose has keen lirioWn to relieve the most urgent symptoms giViTatrinlittorigt t t r e t i ll i istnuisi ps ? pain pw in n t i lg a sr3all of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. ay' PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of buohu, er; De b e en d jeuiper in tbe treatment of those diseases, arA eek ly use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION W , ,; . TER has proved itself equal to the that has devolved upon IL DrlTßF 4 ficis irritate and drench the kid ... 40 , z and . constant use won lead to chronic degeners' . ' ion conf iii ned d i sease. We present the Cor ..Aitottoo Wat e r to the phblic with the conviction than, it has se equal in relieving the class diseasesof for z, etch it has been found so eminently sue- Ceaaful for cr-tin i ze trust that we shall be rewarded for our effl atte j oral _ pia ci so valuable a remedy in a form to mer, the requirements of patient and physician. BEAD ! READ ! I READ ! ! ! DANVILLE, Pa., June 2,1862.—Dr. Win. H. Gregg— Hear Sir: In February, 1861, I was affected with sugar diabetes, and for dye months I passed more than, two gallons of water in twenty-four hmirs. was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in dye months I last about fifty pounds 'in weight. During the month of July, 1861, I procured , two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after, using it Ica, perleaced roller, and after taking two bottles I was en tirely cured soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours.truly. J. V. L DE WITT Harrow COR:IIKRS, N. Y., Dec. 27,1861.—Wm. H. Gregg Co.--Gentr: I freely give you liberty to make use of the following certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can recommend in the highest manner: My wifo was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the Heart and Irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who attended her - about three months, when ho left her worse than he had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, who attended heefor about nine months, and while she was under hit care she did not-suf fer quite as much pain. He finally gave her up, and said 'ler case was incurable. For , ,, said he, "she has such a combination of complaints that medicine given for one ope rator against some other of her di f ficulties." About this time she commenced the use of Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends en tirely her domestic affairs. She 'has not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four weeks,and we arohappy to say that it has produced a permanent cure. VAN BENSCHOTEN Wanrnn, Conn., March 2, 1263.—Dr. Gregg—Dear Sir:—llaving seen your advertisement of 'Constitution Water," recommended for Inflammation of the gidnsys and Irrtation of the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of phy s icians with only temporary relief, I was induced to try your medicine. I procured one bottle of your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson & Co., and when I had used h a ir of iy to my &Wise I found a great change in my health. I have used two bottles of it, and am where I never expected mm to m be y gmt in tYnde life, wall, and is good ,spirits I cannot asp for it; I feel that it is all and more than you recommend hto be.' May the blessing of God ever attend you in your labors of lovp. Yours truly, _IXONARDMIOEIOW. FOB SALE BY ALL DR U GGISTS. PRIOR $l. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietor& MORGAN Ac ALLEN, General Agents, Jan 34-dawam-cod No . - 46 Cliff atreet, New York. SOLD BY JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, PlirrADELpzErA, PA., KUNKEL & BRA, 118 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. AND ALL DRUGGISTS MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE I THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy, MID CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEE& REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic, cures an diseases of the urinary organs, such as Inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder., inflam mation of Ms Sidney:, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glest, Gonnorhea, and it especially. recommended in those cases of Pao? .allpus (or Whites in females) where all the old nauseous medicina have fasted. Sir It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. 7 , . . tar It is diuretic and alterative in its action;. purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to How in all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes whieh have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an'ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in . conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Meet, Euler dans or Whiter. • Its erects are healing, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead-of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Ittections. ,)y3-By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time—all improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs are speedily restored to fall vigor and strength. For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store-in the country, or write us, and we will mail free, to any address, a full treatise. ,sw- Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6. ,Price, CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. ggi- Sent by express to any address on receipt of price. Mr Sold by all druggists everywhere. • DR W. R. htERWIN & C 0.,,.. Bole Proprietors, merle-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CHEROKEE CURE! THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, COMPOUNDED PROM ROOTS, BABES AND LEAVES An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Bentinal Weak ness' , Noe/us:nal 'Emissions, and alb diseases caused by self - pollution; such as Lou of Memory, Universal. Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakeful.' RCS; Eruptions on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Crnsumpf and all the Dire Z comp laints caused by de u pakirwfront fhepath qf nature. . Atir This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one on-which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the moat stubborn case tarTo those who have trifled with their constitution, until they-think ihemsolves-beyond the - reach-of medical aid, we would say,' Despair not /;the flagitcazire CORN will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doci tors have failed I - - For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store in the country, or write the Proprietor, who will mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. uer Prime $ per bottle, or three botties for $6, and forwarded by express to BB parts of the world. wa-Sold by all respectable draggiats everywhere. - DR. W. IL MERWIN & CO., Soul PROPRIETOR.* • marlo eodly , *. No. 68 Liberty street, Ne* York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT •- • . OF.. Pho to graph Albums'. - POUND in PINE MOROCCOL--panelled, LS gilt sod mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH . 30 Picturni fee— . $3 00 40 ' - 50 go a IL 400 togethev with wrlouts other styles of binding; sizes and prices k sslaich wM be sold cheep. - Sobiler,s you cannot buy a prattler; more durable and cheaper album anywhere. ealL and nee at SCHEFFEIVS, marl2-dtf Ilarrisbing, "Pa. "THERE IS NO • SDCH WORD AS FAIL." TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CITEBBS AND COPAIBA. This preparation is particularly racconmended to. the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure.of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, MD NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on as the beat mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large claim of diseases of both sexes, to which they are applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by its concentration, the dose is much reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for. TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBB AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, underfinnilar names, are,in the market. Price $1 00. Beni by express on receipt of price. Manufac tured. only . by TARRANT4 CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New-York, and for sale Druggists generally. oct22-dly • For sale by §. A..KUNICLE & BRO., and by Draggists generally. , AN ASSORTMENT ' OF OVER 100- STYLES OF • • PODLET. BOOKS, PURSES Al P o FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT . - KELLER'S Drug and Farley Goi:As Store, No. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELING SATCH ELS, And a . general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marlo-tf No. 91 Market street. H AVANA ORANGES, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, no2o (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) ORCI'SSE & .BLA.CKWRT4L'S ENGLISH PICSLF-S, a rare article for. table use, just received and for sale by . • SHISLER k FRAZE. febl -(successors to Wm. Dock, jr., b Co.) SUPERIOR GOSHEN .._. . • BUTTER FOR TABLE ESE, Just received at SHISLER &FRAZER'S, (Successors to Win. Dock, Jr., & Co.) ENGLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE OBEE.SEI At [ 112 5) BOYER & MERITS. APPLES! APPLES 11-150 -bbla. of York State Apples of every variety. Also, York State Butter, for sale at ja29 BOYER & ..XOE/1PE8.. , 4 • • lICKWHEAT BUCKWHEAT 1-4. small B loVbat aciperior quit/ity of Buckwheat, direct fnain Towanda; Pa., for We by the Sack or quart, at jau29 BO' 1t Kozirmin. W 4 YPT4ouwey , f4 just-recievAd-at Ste; . ,Bbnit & xorlbfa! • di D. W. GROSS & CO. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, MASRISBURtif, PA DRUGGISTS, .PHYSICIArS, STORE- BEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would nwpectfully call your * attention to the hugest and beat selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, 01h; "gnashes and Glues, Dye-Staihs, Glass and Putty, ArthWs Colors and Tools, Bunking Fluid and Alcool, Lard; Sperm and Pine Otis, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile.Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a, &a, "&a, Sta With a ieuiraf variety of • PRREUXEDIE , TOILET ARTICLES, MlIRMMV''R!!Mirffl , lMgrMll Europe and this country. Beinge:eiy lark° dealers In PAINTS, WRITE LEAD LIMES') OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, Ainusrs ARTIST'S BRUMES IN ALL THEIR 'rummy, 00L012.8 AND BRONZES We reer;ectfully invite a feeling e*ldent that we oan aupplythe wants of all on terms to their aatlafac- TEETH TEETH! JONES' Alp,g PORCELAIN TEETE; PATENT MEDICINER, AND Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors auonneit AND CONCENTRATED Wholesale Agents for gaponlflorcitlob we sal as; low as It can be praline& in ttnacities THAYER'3 FLUID EXTRACTS. GOAL 01111 CARBON OIL! Being large purchasers In, these Oils', we can offer In ducopenta4o closolmsra. Coal 0114-amps or the ups improved patterns', very cheap. All kinds of Lamps clanged to burn Coal Oil FARMERS AND GRAZIERS Thase s or you who have not given our HORSE AND 6AT TIM rOWDERS , a tital kii9vr notihalr impericaity, and the advantage they are In keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in a good condition. Thousands out testify to the, prpflt they have delved from the use of our Cettlikewders, by the 11/dreamt quan ty and quality of milk; , besides improving the general health and appearance of their cattle. • Oar.long experience In the toasiness gives us the Wan tag. of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our ar iangem!sts in the clthq are such that we can, in a very uhorttiout furnlsh's*thiritakpertidning Co our basineak on the boot of terms Thankful for the liberal , patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to nuntnee N a care f u l selection 'of ' • P ll LE 1) , R :tr at fair Prices, and the &eke to please all, to merit a con tinnance of the flivor of:a discrlminatingprOlic.• C. fillttlTlC, Attorney-at-Law, Third • . street,. Harrisburi, Pa. All boldness entrusted to bini will be . Bounties, Pensions and Back Pity of °Seers collected. de.410. A FINE Ass.cartimrr of PORT FOLIOS] PORT FOLIOSi CHESSMICN I BACKGAMMON BOARDS Received at SOREFFER'S }MOLITOR& ENGLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CERESK At [no?o] WM. DOM, JR., •& CO. ICKLES!• PICKLES 1b . ' • .the. barrel, hidf barrel , jar or dozen, at IKIVERWKOERPER. A , FRESII sopply of Michener's CelebratedA Sugar Cured HAM and Dried Beef, at no2s] BOYER at ROERPER QMQ.K.AI) BEEP. )0 A 4=11116 LOT _ At _ [del6] W. DOCK., & 00. ?NO You idol a . kixid Gold Pen? 0,0, fu It PoP ,3I WPAG*Fik I..llxim, ..0!‘ C6l - 13EMLAND VALLEY eiIIANGE OF HOURS. —On and after Mon k-1 day April 4th, 1801, Passenger trains will run dairy, as follows,o (Sundays excepted :) Leave Hagerestuwu Greencastle / Arrive at Chambersburg, Lesiva at Leave Shippensburg " Newville " Carlisle Meobanicsburg Arrive at. Harrisburg.. A. M. P.M. P.M. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.32 420 Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.1.5 4.54 " Carlisle 9.27 2.55 5.29 Newville 10.22 3.29 - +V" Shippensburg 10.33 4.00 . 1 Arrive at 11.00 4.30 Chambersburg , Leave at • .11.10 4.40 Leave Greecastle 11.55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.35_ o.lor sar Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg; and with trains for all points West. la-The Train leaving Harrisburg at 420, P. IL, runs only as far as Carlisle: •0. N. LULL, Supt. R. R. Office, Cluunbersburg, Apiit 4, 1864-ly WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville; Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, &c. ,&c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all_intermediate stations, at 8:00 A. X., and 2.00 P. N. New ?ork Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. x., arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. Fares from Harrisburg; To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $8 85 and $3 00. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. si ,12 noon r and 7 P. m., (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 15A. t., and 3.30 P. AL Sleepingears in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by tile Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. 31., and 2.15 P. Y., for Philadelphia, New York' and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. If., and 2.30 P. st., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. N. and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. 11. r All the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.80 A. N. and Phil adelphia at 3:15 P. N. Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets at 'reduced rates to and from alipoints. . Pure Ground Spleee, HIS well known Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit- Aed throughout, and now 'has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and (Usury to any, boteLbetweenPhiladel phis and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and is close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A F 114.4 T. C,L . 4SS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to- spare neither ex pense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guilds. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. ' jell-dtf COLORS, PArN2 AND OF ALL ICIIVIAS. STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER. OF THIRD AND WALNDT 'STREETS, . „. ..14581111,p, PENN'A., THEindgaitignieli hiving purchased this well known hirind has enlarged and thoroughly renovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire.estalishment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly lodated, and ykovided with everycon venience, it offers to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servant always in attendance. A'har well stocked with choice liquors is attached to'the establishment • de26-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. ILMC YOSTWUTITES, JONES HOUS, Corner of Market street and Market Square, -Hdlißlßß,tl4o CIIAS.-11. MANN, Proprietor. no6•dtP LILLIE'S SAFES. CHILLED AND WROUGHT IRON. 111 • '?C$ pC*4 117' CUT—Showing the Net Wori ' • if Wrought Iron Bari. rIIHE attention of business men genekally A. is invited to the supertor advantages of this. Safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities. They are all secured by a Combination Lock, without key or keyhole, and the whole outside of the Safe is CHILLED IRON, (from Inches to 2 inches thick,) and is prhof against the punch or drill and the use of powder, as fro ; quently employed by burglars in their operations. De scriptive circulars furnished by GEO. W. PARSONS _ 110 Market street, Harrison;, • Agent for Central Penna. Every description of Dormant and Portable Platform suites, Hay, Coal and Stock Scales, Railroad Depot and Track Scales Pinnace Charging Scales, Army Scales and Counter Scales. These Scales have several IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES. They receive-the wear and friction always on chilled iron bails under the platform, instead-of receiving it upon the knife pivots and dullin&them. No jarring of the plat form af fects the working of the scale. Have no check rods to confine the plittforin. Will weigh when out of level. Large-scales require no deep pit and cost less for foundation,. &c.., than any.other scales. Full information furnished by the subscriber, who is agent for Central Pennsylvania; and sells at manufac turer's prices. • GEO. W. PARSONS, - - -feb9-dgra 110 Market street, Harrisburg. NEW BAKERY • Broad Street, between Second and Third, TIARRISBURG. undersigned has opened a new BA KERY, in the Sixth ward, where he is prepared to supply BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable rate. He warrants satisfaction to all who will give him a eta He wig sell his bread at the rate of FIVE CENTS PER POUND and full weight guaranteed . JOHN AL d ORN. jan6-taf Shalle Trees. A FINE assortment Of Silver Maple, Norway Maple, Taller Ash, Horse Chestnut, • yuropean Linden, Cat4apa, Magnolia or Cucumber Tree &c Are. at KEYSTONE NIASHIY. Harrisburg, March 16,1884 QIIPERIOR WINES AND BRANDIES ever offered in this market. In bottles and by the gal lon or (mart .SEIBIZEtIe 445 Ammon to Wm. Dook, sr., es Co ) RAILROADS. IMEI FRANKE I N RAIL ROADS. FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG A. M. ...... ... .5.55 10.10 3.12 625 10 42 2.42 . 6.55 11.15 3.40 FOR OHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN. READING RAILROAD. G. A. I , TICOLLS, General Superintendent November 14, 1863—d8rwtf HOTELS. TILE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARICISBUBG . , PA. D, H. H V TCHISON, Proprietor. HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES. 7.00 2.45 7.37 3.35 8.17 4.20 8.30 12.35 9.00 1.28 9.32 2.00 DIL JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy that will suecessmuy and invariably restore and regulatethefemtdesystem remov ing all irregularities, and producing health, vigor and strength. LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered In this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive. Aro you sabring from a constant anxiety for the regu lar return of nature's prescribed laws Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon'a Periodical Drops, V taken a day or two before the expected period, will pod- Lively and invariably regulate its coming, as sure as effect follows cause, as certain as daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or unable to bear the labor and danger or increase I' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, for is not prevention better than cure ? If malady taken, It is a certain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of suffering. Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident to the sex, that have :baffled the drill of physi cians, and are hurrying you onto an early grave / LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that haiededed the doctor's skill. Will you waste away with Buffering from Lenporrhosa, Prolapses, Dysmenorrhoea, and a thousand other &Enmi ties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar In LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so powerful and finely' calculated to adjust: and govern the functions of the sexual °milldam, that, if taken at improper times, they would produce results con trary to nature, against which all, particularly those who would reproduce, shoidd carefully guard. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time; yet the proprietors wish to guard against Its MIMS: hoping that a thousand bottles will be used for a goodpim pose where one is used for an illegitimate one.. LYON'S PRRIODICA.L DROPS, the never-hang Female Regulator, la for sale by wary Druggist, in the city and country, and do not, If you value your health and wish for a reliable medicine, buy any other; Take no other, but if the Druggist to whom , you apply has not got it, make him send and get it for you. C. G CLARK & "00.1 JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, - MEDICAL. , -4 c , ix, =;) e;:g ~ ~' ~ ~ WI IM:!3 THE.GREAT Pitopmwroas, New Haven, Conn. At. Wholesale, by 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa o - it PI tii t 4 0 ig tj P.• I ,E; ti ;.. hl r, El MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS-JUST OPMn! AT a BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store. Embracing every new and improved ayle of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONNAIEB, Sc at prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CTTPLERY, Consisting of a fine assortment of Westenbconis Supari or Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrated manufact tee.ory. Eter, , pen ts with a guaran PORT FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETERIE3., Sa Together with every article usually found in a first Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2l BERGNER'S, 511i:irk:I s tre et PE IPHER'S DAILY LI IN BETWEEN PMLA_DELPIi IA, Lock. Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mon ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Nihon, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Illillersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND LEARRISBUIic. The Philadelphia Depot- being centrally located, tit drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Cunducior goei through with each train to attend to the sate delivery o: all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of FRED, WARD & FREED," 811 Ilartet street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock r. ar., will be delivered in Her . rieburg the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrii-burg. IMEEI BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! nW AND SECOND-HAM sp.firrmss, BURLAP AND GUNINIT BAGS FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY Si. CO., No. 113, North Front St., PhiladelpLa. MR:643m OPCLEITOCES PECTORAL SIREP. reINVALCABEESTRUP, Which is et ely vegetable in its composition has been en ployed with wonderful seems for many tienrs iu theeni of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and 1.1. - NbS. For an form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLING of tl THROAT ,SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATH'S' HOARSENhbb, IftP OF VOICE and HECTIC FEY FRS. t use will be attended wi th the happiest result,. It 13 01 of the best and safest medicines for all foetus of BRIJ: aims and CONSUMPTION. Zito &Wan= or prepar ties of Olituas in any Ave in this syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. DANIEL A. MUENCH AGEN OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully i forms t he public that this Old aily Transportati Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in tl city,) is in successful operation and prepared to car Wght as low as any other individual line between Phi delphla, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamspo Jersey Shore, Look Haven and all other points on t Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamspo and Illmira Railroads. DANIEL, A. IMENCH, Agent Harrisburg, Penn's Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, & Hlnchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above St Philadelphia, by 4 &slack, v. u , will arrive at Harr burg, ready for delivery, next morning. tapaCtrdmyl PAPER WAREHOUSE. FA RRE L L - , IRVING Sc CO 510 MINOR STREET, PEOILADELPRIA, PA., IVIANCIFACTURERS of DOUBLE STRENGTH _ MANILLA PAPER OF ALL SIZES. ROLL WRAPPERS on band or made to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or men guard Lies marl-d3m PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE, SUGAR AND MILE PERSONS making up boxes to send to the friends in be army, win find this an elegant atticl one box making forty curs of coffee, equal to any Jar coffee, and with little labor. For agile at CMSLER & FRAZER, (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co ) no 24 C. 1711 PECTORALS are useful to soothe cough, allay Tickling in the Throat, to retie BOarSelliata, Catarrh, Sore Throat, kn. They emu Colt:Moot, Horehound, Ipeeseuanha, Senoga and Sao (the more reliable expectorants known,) are the chief I live constituents, so blended with Gum Amble and Sug that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant du Manufactured solely by S. d KUNKEL & BRO., jan27 Apothecaries; 11S Market street, Harrisburg A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LASS TEAS removed his Office from Third to WI nut street, next to the Prison. All busiaces trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attemi. 814 JUST OPENED, AN ASSORTMENT OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGAN WRITING DESKS, Of different WSW ; for side at nob) SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Another lot of Morton's DrNBIT4LLED GOLD PENS, Just received at Schemer's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. p lIBLIO ;SCHOOLS SCifOOL MAIMS of different sizes, Willson's emcc[ie: series of Spellers and Readers, published by liarlET Brothers, together with all other School Books and %%ri in Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at deer • SVICKFTEIt'S BOOKSTORE M ORTON'S tiOLD PENS Another lot of Morton's Unrivalled Gold Pens ftx sa . . BOOKSTORE. All pens warranted for one year. rdea MORFOLX OYSTERS--Real Salts, _LA the Jones House, York River Oysters, a Its - e arid' wider the Jones House. - - Aka, Terrapina, which will be served up in fine style abort notice under the Jones Holm, by no 30 JOSEPH SNIVELY. PIORT;FIS PICKLES! !—Bf the Barn , Half Barrel, Jar or Dozen, at no2o SHISLER k FRAZER'S , (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., b Co.i AA ] FEW HUNDRED of the best PE TREES, of valuable leading varieties, ever ono, for sale in Harrisburg, are DOW on hand at the NeY:l4OO Nursery. [apl] JACOB SOSH. CrER! CIDER !!—Two Barrels of swec a D nd pure CIDER just received at marlB ' BOYER & SOERFER WEE:NEWS excelsior hares, of this sea son's curing. Juffi received and for 65_ , 1e by SHISLER & FruzEn, decls t (eaccessors to Wro. Dock, jr., & DOCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSE' PORMIONSABZS, and a general variety of LEA MB GOODS, just received at BEBGNF.R'S BOOK STORK VINE ROMANO SHERRY, imported Uhl& Wamutted the Finest. Sherry Wine in thi coulltrF. For sale at stusLEß & FRAZE, eb2 .1 1.6.: W 1.0 h. I Co. PPLEsi APFT.Rs!t —A fine lot of Green ,4,11i5iPP,41.0 received at SHIN= FUZES - mad* Pilliostrna to W Doak, Jr, & lA/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers