, Tillilll ititegrapil ~.„ ~•• , ~,. itARLIaBUIt O, TIIITSDAY EVENING, APRIL 11, IS6I, NOTICE. ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver ti.rmentA, MIA I'SA Phit ifeS, Marriagea, Ora tbs. Re., io SCell re insert ion •in the TELEGRAPH, mend invariably be arrow no r ell with the CASH. Adverl isernents ordered in the regular Evening Edit ion are Inserted in the Horn ing Edition without extra charge. N AND COUNTRY. ATTENTION, STRKI , TIGHTS.—You are requested to at tend a meeting of Parke Commauclery on Friday, at 7P. M. By order of E. C. ME Department of the Monongahela has loon abolished by the War Department; and Gen. Brooks has been assigned to Con. Butler for duty. =l= HARRISBURG PRESBYTERY (New School) met in semi-animal session, in Carlisle, on Tuesday evening last. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. Thomas. H. Robinson, of this city. ACCIDENT. —On Friday last, as Rufus E. Shapley, Esq., of Carlisle, was examining a loaded pistol, it was accidentally discharged, and his left hand considerably shattered. The injury will not be permanent. - ' , 11.1:SSES. LTEDTRUE AND KEIIrEREE, whose ar;- rest to answer a charge of perjury in Perry county wo noticed yesterday, have paid over the required bail money for their appearance, and arc again at large. . . I=3= MAP DOOS are quite -numerous in Cuml4 land county, No less than six were Seen in the vicinity of Stoughstown, last week,' and one vas killed at the NeWville depot. At the latter place a horse was bitten and had to be =I Da. EGLE has returned to the Mayor four eases of small pot among our colored popu lation. Two of them were in Sayford' sud two in Marion street. These are the only, cases known to have existed in our city this season. BURNS, or GETTYSIPURG,VOTES POP. GnANT. At the New York Sanitary Fair, on Friday evening, Burns, the Gettysburg farmer, stepped np.to thesbook in which the votes foT,, the army sword to be presented,to one of our generals are registered, and entered his vote for Lieutenant General Grant. I=l A DEN of iniquity located somewhemin,the ; suburbs of the city,. narrowly escaped a dean-= hag out, by a party of drunken soldiers, last eight. The door of the house Wak badly Shat tered, after which a "compromise" of some sort was effected, and further destruction' of property avoided.. UNFORTUNATE. —Mr. BOWE:tall, of. Perry county, who was recently robbed' in this city, (a notice of which . -appeared - in our columns,) appeartO:be unfortunate, he hav ing had ono of his legs badly smashed and: broken a day or two ago, by a wagon, loaded with lumber, passing over it: IN THEIR GLORY. —The warm rains and sari-' shine have set the slicker's to running, -and , the lip-net and set•net fishers are in-their glory. Judging from present appearances, it will be ;fame time yet before the disciples of ‘old Isaac" will have the pleasureof dropping a Rue to 'the trout. losErn MoonE, `rho Wit.Fi recently convietid , by the (lanitria county court, of murder in. die second degree, for shooting Jordan,M4-, bonrg, the destroyer of his domestic peace and happiness, has been pardoned. It is said that the jury that convicted Mom* favored:Ws' pardon. PERSON-M.—Walter H. Graham, one of the oldest mail contractors and stage proprietors: in the State, was in the State capital, 'a gueit• at the Brady House, yesterday.---Capt. M. 11. Runkle, of the 84th Reg. passed through the city, last night, en route to . join his command in the army of the Potomac. Bucher Swope, Esq., of Cl,earfield county, is at the United States Hotel. TILE attention of the afflicted is invited to the medical advertisement 'of Drs. Wyeth Creamer, Eclectic and Electropathic physi cians. By a perusal of the advertisement the . reader will gain some very important illation concerning their mode:of treating:the diseased. =CI= IT may be important to know, in thesei garden-making times, that the postage one seeds, cuttings, buds, roots and scions, in one Package, not over 32 ounces in weight,- (pre paid,) is at the rate of two cents for each four ounces or fraction thereof. No writing mug; accompany the package, or the whole will_ subjected to letter postage. Tun ladies of Harrisburg are res ' pectfully, invited to meet Mrs. A. M. Holstein, in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church, Market Square, on Friday morning,- April 15th, at 10 o'clock, to hear her experience in the field hospitals of the Army of the Poto'= mac, and to take into consideration the best mocks of hospital duty for the coming sum mer. CROIRING. —The croakers are at work again. _kocording to their statements, the fruit crop of this year will be a failure 4; . the wheat and : rye have been "frozen out" during the winter; the spring rains will prevent the tistial amormiti of oats and corn being planted; in short; there will be a failure in everything in which farmers are interested. These statements-are. all "gammon," and have been gotten . up for the purpose of inflating the prices of pro duce. Croaking has become an annual dis ease, and always appears about this season of the year, no matter how flatteriug the pros- Nets of good crops may be; It is a singular fact, too, that none but farmers and specula tors are rittike4ed'by the disease. GOLD is "going up." Yesterday it sold at 71 per cent. premium in :Ncw York. I=l WILLIAM S. SiIEAriT.P. has been appointed postmaster at Sterrett's Gap, Perry county, vice S. S. Middlecauff, resigned. Courr.—The next term of Dauphin county court will commence one week from next Mon day. Ma. JOHN KENGY, an aged citizen of Chain bprsburg, died of apoplexy, a few clays ago. lie was a g . ood citizen. - EDUCATIONAL. —The attention of our readers is invited to the advertisement of the Greason Seminary, a very excellent institution of learning =121:=11 LET TEE PEOPLE BE 147 —Numerous memorials were presented this morning, in both houses, from the counties of Cumber land, Perry, Clearfield, Mifflin and other places, against the proposed removal of the State capital. ATTENTION, CnazEN.—A special meeting of the Citizen Engine and Rose Company will be held this evening (Thursday) at . 7i- o'clock. Every member is requested to be present, as business of importance will be presented. By order of the President. W. J. LAWRENCE, Secretary I=l CHANGE OF OPERATORS.—Mr. Jall3 S M. Fisher, late of Pittsburg, is about to take charge of the A. & 0. telegraph office in this city. Mr. F. has long been' connected with the Pittsburg office, and is one of the best operators on the lint. We are pleased to no- tice hippoiritineilt to•theijilace. hrponrAyr DECISION. —The Mayor has de cided that the spring balances in use in our . market, by butchers and others, are illegal, and the use of them must be discontinued at once. This is a very important decision. Our citizens have long been. imposethupon by their use, as in numerous cases the articles purchased fell considerably short of the weight paid for. In this decision the Mayor will be sustained by 'all who are in the habit of pur chasing their provisions at mark6t. =I ARRIVAL ,CIF Rxruonxs.--During last night, twenty-three refugees from the honors of re bellion, comprising twelve men and women, and the remainder helpless children, arrived in Harrisburg. They were kindly received and treated at We Soldiers' Retreat, and re moved this morning to the refuge provided by the bounty of the State for such unfortn nates.—Pittsbary Gazette- • Il A se are the .refu.gees 'that were subsist ed and lodged by our tit - liens - for the past two months... They were 'forwarded to the west by the libefality. of Thomas A. Scott, Esq., Vice President of the Pennsylvania rail road,.who• extended to them a free passage over that iota. • Tux East Pennsylvania Conference of the United Brethren in Christ recently held their session in Schuylkill Haven. Two of their number-were. ;disposed - of in the following straightforward manner: WHEREAS, Their disloyalty to our church and their country will fit them best to be , among the friends of the Southern rebellion, and the sympathizers with Davis & Co.; there ,fore - • -4e ,30 ./*d., That I.har names from *O onr",qiinference'.jottrmil, -and th 'the presiding elder of the Harrisburg district demand their license, and that they be considered no mem bers of our church. 1:=0221 A REBEL SWORD IN Lovil,laztos. 7 -In these ,days of , general ;prOarity,' *lien' money, milk and honey flow in abundance through the land, there is nothing so easily accom plished as the purchase of a sword for pre sentation to Seine one of the • gallant men whose deeds of valor and sacrifices have made the name of America immortal ,But the mere purchase of a sword for presentation is easily accomplished. Almost any man,. or at least any dozen men, can afford to pay for a sword—but it is not any man, or every dozen men,-who have the enterprise and the abil ity to capture such an article for presentation. We were led to these remarks by having seen a beautiful sword just presented by Capt. W: P. Tomlinson to Cot Jolm H. Stover. The weapon was captured at the time lf.'Clellan lay before Richmond, when a blow from him might have resulted in the capture of that city, if not in the overthrow of the rebel lion. Captain Tomlinson was in the advance, and in one of the skirmishes with the rebel pickets, had the Good fortnne to reduce Lee's army at least one man, and to bear away as a trophy the weapon with which the traitor waged war- on his country. It was undoubt edly at one time the property ,of the • United States, but had been adorned by a fine gilt scabbard, and otherwise embellished to please the fancy of, the reb. who wielded it. •On the scabbard is the following inscription: Captured near Richmond, Va., on the 15th of June, 1862, by Captain IL P: Tomlinson, and presented by him to Col. John S. Stover, 184th Regt. P. V.1..864 0=3::=1 "POLICE A_..vFAJ;ItS- - 7:-tßeforP the ilayor.—J. H Brooks and Washington .Keesey (the same in dividuals' who were arrested on a charge of .riot the other night) have been before the Mayor for having violently assaulted the pre mises of Martin Erb, in Meadow lane. A num laer. of large brick-bats were thrown through a window, into a room in which a woman and child were sleeping, greatly dangering their lives. Brooks and Keesey are soldiers. In consequence of their violent conduct, they were furnished quarters in the county prison. ' Isaac Reynolds, Robert Strine and Joseph Myers, soldiers, were arrested for drunken ness and disorderly conduct, and handed "tker to the Provost Marshal. Louisa Cook, a drunken female, who had !: been engaged in a fight, had her face consid 'ierably battered, was permitted to go home, after a hearing. Aaron Greeny, drunk, paid fine and costs, -and was discharged. William Given hadn hearing on a charge of using illegal balances in market. He was Lfihed two dollars ancloyosts, and was directed to discontinue the - aselVf spring balances. NATIONAL IT T T., -W. Hitchcock respect fully announces to his friends and the citi zens of Harrisburg, that he has temporarily leased. his Hall, for two weeks, to Mr. W. Holmes, and will shortly re-open with an en tire new company. Horn Frar. COMPANY, ATrtrrriox.—A stated meeting of the Hope fire company will be held at their house on Friday evening nest, the 15th. The active, contributing, and honorary members of the company are requested to be in attendance, as business of great importance wiil be transacted. Let there be a full turn out. aprri-dtd THE members of the Hope Fire company are requested to give special attention to the call for a meeting to be held to-morrow (Fri day) evening. Every "River" is expected to be present, as the business to be transacted will be of extraordinary importance. We are informed that the continuance of the present relation of the company to the fire depart ment of the city will be discussed and acted Piz&Ruo! Pizarro! I—The Death .of Voila! --At the theatre, to-night, will be presented Sheridan's thrilling and romantic play, enti tled P.tzkuno, or, The Death of _Rolla, with all the beautiful scenery, incidents, etc., calcu lated to render it interesting.:. Mr: Jennings will appear as Rolla,, the Peruvian leader, and Mr.. Byrne as Rolla, the invader. No ..doubt a very bilge audience will be, present to wit ness this -roniantic drama. -The entertain ment will c9nclude 'with the musical farce, entitled The Loan of a Lover, with Mr. li - Orto as Peter Spyk.. Accoanm3 to the report of the Chief of Transportation the cost of the Department to the State during the year may be summed up as follows: Accounts paid for trans portation ..............86,937 43 For telegraphing ... . . 2,031 16 Disbursements by Chief of Department 4,689 28 • ---13,00 o 7 Accounts unpaid, and which await the action of the Legislature: For transportation 12,430:14 For telegraphing 3,334 15 ----15, 764 29 Add estimate of liabilities outstand ing 5,000 00 Total • 34,423 16 Besides the above accounts for transporta tion of draftod men and militia, ermined and found correct,.to thp amount. of $83,313 have been sent to Washington from the De partmcnt and paid, and Similar 'accounts, to the: amount of $75,490, - yet remain in the of- Ice unsettled. . ' =EMI a. L. Borax, No. 1; corner of Front and Market streets, - has the pleasure of announcing to the public that he will open on Friday and Saturday of this week, and on Monday of next week, a .very large and carefully •selected stock of spring and summer drygoods, bought under the most favorable circumstances, in the city of New York; and in the opening of the spring trade, he returns , thanks far the very liberal patronage received, ".and assures his patrons that notwithstanding the very high price of :'gootlo - , he iiill% always make it nn object to those who purchase . • from him. SPECIAL .NOTI4CES. Mrs. Ball% Remedies. I take this method of cheerfully thanking, the public for past favors, and still solicit their kind attention to my medicines. To tell or all the wonderful,eares I have been able to perform would be impossible. I •would call the attention of the ladies.particularly to this valuable•medi cine. I think I can safely say it is the very best offered to 'them. It will regulate the whole. ti.yetem; can be taken at any, tiMe; no fear need be apprehended in re gard to it. I have also a valuable Salve to kill proud 41.(Wi, and another to. draw and heal.- This has healed sores that have run 20 years. My Dysentery Drops, In fant cordial and — Cough Props 'have been well tried. I need say nothing in, their ; favor.. I have constantly on hand these Medicines and-Salves: ' MRS. L. BALL, marl 6 No. 27 South Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. Hoop Skirts I --Hoop._Skirtst-l-- The Cheapest... Hoop 51chtp iii llarrisbuirg A splendid :skirt for 70 cte.-", A much better skirt for $l. Calicos; a fine assortment for spring. , .French gingham's, Manchester ginghams. BbMci ed. and unbleaclied muslin from New - V:orti. Aue lion. 1,000 yards plaid silks at $l, worth $1 50. 200 yards plain brown silk at sl'37, worth $1 75. 200 yards black silkat $l. Black silk stall prices. ' A - very large assortment of new dressioods, 600 dozen of stockings and socks, all ' The best stockings in the city at 25 cehts. Cassimeres for men and boys' wear. Cloaks for spring. . ' • Wishing to reduce our stock; which is yOry:large now wo will purer great inducements to-buyeis. • LEWY. APHYSIOLOGICAL view cif NEARRL4GE, containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind iind- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only. rational and successful moue' of cure, as shown' by the re port of cases treated. Atruthful adviser totthe married, and those contemplating-marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. 'Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 26 cents, in stamps or postal .Cur , rency, by addressing. Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y. marl-daw3m Coughs and Colds. The sudden changes of our climate are sources of PUL MONARY, BRONCHIAL and ASTHMATIC AFFECTIONS. Expe rience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the early stages of the disease,' re course, sliould at once be had to " Brothres Briqta?lial Troches." or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be effectually warded off.. PC Ltc S'EIi.SERS and SINGERS will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. mar29-dswlm COLGA.TE'S RONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest , materials, ie mild and emollient In its nature, frisgrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all - Druggista and Fancy Goods Dealers: jan2s-dawly T HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN Published for the benefit, and as" a CAUTION TO. YOUNG DRS and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay of Manhood, ,Sc., supplying at the same time THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. By one. rho, has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery , , , ' By inclosing a post paid addressed envelope, - single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq. feb3-3md&w Bedford, Bingo CO,, N. Y. HAIR. DYE! HAIR DYE Da.tehelor's Celebrated Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. • The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Bair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown without injuring tile flair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill elfecm ol bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH , ELOR. - all others are mere imitations, and should- be avoided. Sold by all Druggists,- kc Factory- 8i BAR; BATCHEDOIO34rfr Toni? Omni FOB MIMING SOF *US • - 3e23 4.y ." Ba,nniart 9 g Triiches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases„ kc., 4,rg specially ~.recommended, to miniaersysingers inilrierSonswhns'e wication calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, t 3 whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist every where. ReadthelollOwing testimonials , froni some of our eminent clergymen: laumsurrao, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BANNTABT—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troche*, Wistar'slioenges and other pretaratOusi. for hOargeitesB throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in .oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in timo of need, most effectually. Yours T. H. ROBESSQN, • Pistol. of N. , S. PrabyieititiChnrch. asl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Banuvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0: S. Presbyterian Church HAanisntrao, Jan., 1864 To C. A. BANNV.Airr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expeato rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges: that I have ever used, in tremoving speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the :delivery of , public ad dresses. Tours, tte., ' JNO. IVALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. . To A A. Pkioivaiy.x- r -.T/Mar Sir: Having used your 'Troclieti; il , lnia," fide do L say tliey'Are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending- them to. all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public' speaking or singing. Yours, &.c., G. G. RAKESTBAW, Pastor of .Itidge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, I . HARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. BANNvAivr—Dedr Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and' -streng,thening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and'aro certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR JtJ LIUS ROSENDALE, EMI OP TICIAN, IiPpCGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that he has removed to .No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronege bestowed on mo during my stay on Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at my new stand. • • PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which I claim the undermentioned,advantages: let. That from the peculiar construction of the" Glaceoe they assist au& preserve the sight, .rendering frequent change quite unnecesmy. 24 That they confer a btilliancy and distinctness of vi sion, with an amount of e&e'rincl comfort nothitherto en joyed.by spectacle we treys. Sd. That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactared specially for optical purposes, and is PURR, - HARD 'AND nitnALLst, and` not - linble to. become scratched. 4th. That the *tares in'whlch therrire 'Setovliothei - in gold, silver or steel, are of the finest quality and finish, and GUARANTERD PERVECTIII ever! respect, _ . sth That, from their peculiar color, they prevent a sn pertlnity of hail directing the Aiitinii;:nriti therefore streugthining the optic norve and rendering it less liable to Ainaurosis. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Achromatic Microgcdpes, Spy Glas3es, - Opers,lfaribe and Field Glass es; Stereoscopes and Viows, Magic Lanterns, Barometers Thermonieters, lfaknets,'Szo, &c:" Remember thataosendalc's institute will be permanent at No. - 29 NortlißErciirieslreet, live doors from the Buell- BE= NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORE CLOAKS, . CIRCULARS. I.AOO CLOAKS froth $7 'OO to $25 00,- AT TIIE NEW CLOAK , ' STORE, 31-4 R KET STREET, D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, lI.ARRLSBUI G apll GRAND OPENING ! T" undersigned tekesplev,ttr.o to in formlbelAdies 44f tills city and vicinity' that she will have, this week, her GRAND OPENING of the latest Bonnets Ladies' Misses' and:.Children's , llats t to which she respectfully invites one and all to come and examine her neet.styles.• " ' apl2-dst Mrs. M MAYER. mo THE PUBLIC. -SENGEtt'S 1.. chanines, Machine Silk, Linen Thread, Cotton, &e., Machine Needled, Oil;' Union Galloons, B Long' Thread, Eyelets, Shoe Lacers and Stationery. Office, Front above Market' street, HarTisburg. -. apll-d3w S. B. WOODWARD, Agent. REMOVAL ! QTEIVA_RT & M'AREE, Redtifying lers and Dealers in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC WINES and LIQUORS, have removed to Fourth street, between Market and Walnut. ap9-dlw.kw2w MI'LLIN'EIkY GOODS. LATEST ST"ITAFAS.'"' JUST OPENED, No. 8 Market Square, next door to Felix's COnfectionary. apli-d3m Mrs. J. HIBBS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OFFICE OF TUB COLUXBIA.A...siD PORT DEPOSIT K R. C0.,1 COLUMBIA, Pa, April 6th, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS for the Gradation and Masonry of. that portion of the COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT RAILROAD between Columbitt , and. the .head...of... the -Old -.Matyland- Canal, a distance of 29 miles, Os sections of one mile,) will be received at the office in Front street,' beloarlocu.M,, until noon of the 26th inst Plans and — Profiles of the work will there be exhibited for one week previous to that date. C. S. KAUFMAN, President J. A. SBEAFF, Chief Engineer. apg•dte26 BURLINGTON HERRING.. THE first of the : season, fine large Burling ton Herying,..inst'recpived at SHISLER & FRAZER, aP 9 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) FOR SALE, THE valuable property, corner of Second; and , Pino streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and.one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine : street ; ; running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley,, there being space for four full building lots, and aniost de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public building& For particulais.enquire Mn& -MURRAY, corner of Set Gond and me indr9-tf ? HEAVY •HAULING. HOSES FLECK respectfullY:tithicitineeit4 the Public that he is tire 'pa - red to do all kinds of NAVY , HAULING at reasonable rates. liaises and carts . Y furnioetitby,tho,day pr,sipsigi9ad. ..411. orders left acthe Seccpid "Ward'OcNso,laDriaer .or,chotiiit, ank. Awsv streetiortiAkivrbrivprie.eViditi." - .. inTirmani BRANT'S HALL. BR ANT'S HALL Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company. CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO The Great Protean Aetresaaref enitatriee MISS'PA-NNY DENHAM. MISS ELNNY'DENIIAM. MISS FANNY' DENILAM PIZARRO; PIZARRO, PIZARRO, PIZARRO, PIZARRO, PIZARRO, - PIZARRO, • PIZARRO, c•PIZARRO, PIZA—RROi To conCldde with the popular Musical Faree called the LoA:N of A LoTtn.. , . The whole company in - the bill. Soc.ure.Seata and Come Early. For particulars see small bills. SA.NFORD 9 S HAS THIRD STREET, BELOW 'MARKET STREET, REAR OP HERR'S HOTEL THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14. FUN FOR THE MILLION ADIATEUR IN A F IX. THE HIGHWAYMEN. 0 la JP. aostr • SANFORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at -Bann van's Drug Store. Door's open'at ex. Commence )4 to 8 . Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs., 50 cents. Private boxes. entire, $5 each; single seats, $1 each. National: Hall , CORNER OF SECOND AND' SOUTII STS., HOLMES & HIMANS Proprietors NEW PACES, NEW ACTS, and a NEW ENTERTAINMENTS. COMJ AND SEE US. Admisision, 25 cents. Private Boxes, $5 00. Single Seats in Boxes, $1.00..• Doors open at 7. Commence at 8. apl4 29 CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. J. .BUDD. OPEN EVERY EVENS G, ' With a First-class Cotapany of SINGERS,. DAiIiCERS, MiSIEDIANS, &e., 802. Admission.— .......... . ..ib cents. DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE,—The subscriber, residing six miles above Rarrisbdrg, tho Susquehanna river, oars at private sale the Tollowing desirable property, all of which is con yenient to both the Canal. and Railroad, and one of the best markets in the State, the city of Harrisburg: No. A TAVERN STAND, with four acres of land, ' , Snore or less, on Which erected a substantial Stone and Flustered ROUSE, containing.eleyen tomes; a large Stone Stable, capakde of holding 20 horses; Carriage House, Smoke House, and onte of the hest Springs in the country, Spring Muse; rind Other neeinastry' out buildings. No. 2. . A TRACT containing 14 acres, more or less, on which is, erected a Grist Mill, Store House, Mar . Dwelling Housui, 'with oat-buildings. The Grist, Mill is in good run ning, 'order," xllttr - plenty - of'. etistrim' weirk, - good 'Water power,. end. a Grp barber . for„timper. The Canal and-Rail road'passihmugh thin property. • Nu. S. A TRACT OF LAND containing 150 acres, more or less, part. :tillable, the- :balance timber, on whjel; is ere - et& two Dtvelling HOUSES,' with Stables, the frame or a Saw 31111, a head and fall of 21,,g feet, within 400 yards of Canatairil Railroad.' , ThblOsp. splendid loeritrou for a forge, Iltiiiirce br`frietory: No. 4. A TRACT containing 10 acres, with HOUSE and Stable, {the Railroad and Canal pass through&on.which is a good Stone Quarry, a large quantity ; of brick clay, aped seat for ruairintliracite furnate, or'stedna Saw Mill. . , No. 5.. A TRACT containing-45y" /WM Woodland, a large quantity of which fts cheaply rai t -timber, oak, hick ory, &c., on which there is about four `acres cleared, with ,HoUSE and Stable thereon. The tract is % mile from, Canal and Railroad. " • ap77da,w3m The above property will he sold on • terms to salt par-. chasers It can be seen by calling on the subscriber, on the property, or any Information can be given by ad dressing ' JOHN' C. M'ALLISTER, , • Susquehanna, P. 0. mar22-tt • . GIWT DIAMIVBfOr Applicable to all • ..,useful Arta Its Combination Boot and Shoe Man nfacturers. 44,1301e5. EDESPPIIifjaIY informs the citizens Of IN Hard:sr. nrg and - vicinity that he hits -reninired his o nice from the Union Buildings to his residence in Third tieet, three doors below Pine, Where he Will' lie happtto r eceive the calls of, his old patients and those - of the cons , it acuity who may desire tits prefessional services. Apiil Ist, 1 8 e 4 -d24e ' , kliOTTEEßlgtArcifiddie iett ra foi ( side ' thiarA JOHN WM / AMUSEMENTS SEVENTY-TIMID NIGHT or THE GRAIiD STAR GAIN ADMISSION THE DEA.TH OE ROLL,A LOIN OF A LOVER. LOAN OF A LOVER MISCELLANEOUS. - - Dauphin county, Ponn'a UsetUl and. Valuable DiscoTery. INSOLUBLE:. GEMENT Is of more general practical utility thartany invention twit before Ole public. It has been:thoroughly tested during the- lam two years by practical men, and pronounced by alt to be SUPIBBIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparations known. Ibiroros's Isam.unta Chantrr is a new thing, and the result of years of study; .its combinardon is on Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of tetopenitufe; will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive .t_new thing. BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturers, using hlachiries; will lind it the hest artiolo known as Cemehting for the Chanel it sior*s without delay, is not affected by any change tt,t' ; temperatures; JEWELE.E.S Will find It sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved: . Jewelers. ft is Especially Adapted to Leather, And we claim as_ an especial merit, that it sticks Pitches to, Boots and [ Shoes sufficiently strong without It is the only .2 UI:D ME N 1 Extant that is a sure thing for mend- It is a liquid. Furniture, Crockery Bone, lvory • And articles of Household use REKEKBER Hlllro ' 8 DtBOLITRIZ Cffi T. in a liquid form and as easily ap plied as paste. gimon's /MOLL/BLS CBOT insoluole in water or oiL - MILTON'S Issomrstai Cmourr Adheres oily substances. Remember. Supplied in Family or Mannfac tureen Packages from 2 minces to 100 lbs. HILTON BROS. & CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. L LATNG & AGLii'IlS -; Agents In P jelA-dly Dr. R. A. MARTINI DR. WItHARI 4 e - FINE : tREE TAR CORDIAL' IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PINE TREE Obtained by a peculiar process in the dig tillatiou of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained. nave you a Lough ? Have you Sore 770 oat Rave you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, From this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the satF preva lence and fatality of disease which surreeps'to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than anyother disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impress,•d that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; but how to combine the medical pro perties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial" iicirM Many, not only of the people, but physi cians of every school and practice, are tinily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success in the treatment of Pultnonalw Consumption ?" My answer is this: 'The invigoration of the digestive organs -- the strengthening of the debilitated system— the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces 01 the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduinginflamma tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I a& all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: . , • Da. Wisniarr—Dear Sir:—l had a very dreadful cough and sore throat-for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time 4 must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, Ito. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and 4 commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to- all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure: Publish my case if you think proper. REBECCA HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wylle street, Philadelphia. Sole leenct Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar' Cordial is an infalbable care for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, sore Throat andßreitat, T? - diinniutt don of tie Lungs. Mr. WARD says: DS Wisiitar—Sir:---I,lnid ,litonchitiß, In flammation of the Lungsjitiortneas 4.l6freatll, and Palpitation of the lfAirtAn their worst forms; I had been Vreatell by several of We most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, lad they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired, of ever being stored to health., I was truly on the verge at the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial highly recommended to me by a friend; I triedit, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. Yon can give re ference to my houae,.No. - .268.N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 L. fa- to 2 P. at., corner of Chestnut anciSixth. streets. JOHN WARD. Read the following from Utica: Da. WisrunT—Dear take pleasure in informing you through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recont. mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall, of this city, has cured here of a cough of mare than five months'. standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best. of medical aid without any benefit:- I can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly 'afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Daguerrean Artist,. 126 Genessee street, Utica, N. Y * * * * :—I have used Dr. Wishart's. FiMe Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recommend it - as a valuable and f,afe : medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, Utica, New York. The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved: from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction: The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishatts Dyspepaii Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia: . The •Prim TREE Tea ComnAL, will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS The !genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious p lu m Frarr CxcrS and Ora Ilcamaatxtr Boras. , Fr pared only by the Proplieter, Pr, 1., Q.G. Wis.bart, 1013orth &mid Street Philadelphia, Pz lioldkbeeveryWhere, at Whohmale by atl Pao; 441daaritlidw York Wtic'dente Draggige: nairlepay MEDICAL
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