THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED .HORNING AND EVENING, 131 GEORGE BERGNER. uITICE THIRD ST, NEAR WALNUT. rEIIAIS OF SUBSCIUPTION :-:LtiGLE 111E11.6.1LT TEi.eGRAI•LI t•' subscribers in the at S cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be I.wged $5 00 in advance. Tile9e persuus who negleetto advance will be charged $6 00. 'WEEKLY TELF.GFLATII. TI E TEI.E6RAPiI is also published weekly, and Is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates uele copies, weekly copies to one Post Office Tn•n copies to one Post Office.. NEW ADVERTITSEMENS. ELE Gr- lEr. AP II Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, TATRA STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. TTWING recently added to our Jobbing Ll_ Department a large amount of new type, several new fast steam presses of the most improved machinery, and other material, we are new prepared to execute at -tort notice, and in the most approved style, ALL RINDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SHEET HDADINGS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTEP.S in one or more colors, ritooRAMMES, BILLS OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANKS JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMtNTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly, marlo4l,mtf A. F. ZIMMER,M.A.N, Practical Watch MalEcr, No. 52 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN INF. WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. PECE SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, AND ALL RINDS OF JEWELRY. line constantly on hand a well selected and elegantly waortod stock of FISF WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, - AND SETS. FINE SILVER WARES. ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both In Gold and Silver Cases. also, a tine assortment of LADIES , WATCHES •I.IIERICAA. C , n7lantly on band I= ..G-AN CLOCKS, Of all descriptions; all of which Will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call and examine the goods. . Particular attention paid to repairing of fine yiratche.% such as Chronometers, Duplex and other Celebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry ineatly. repatied: None Inn the most competent worktnew employed, and the tchole =tier under my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIAIIIHRId.AN, mar.29l 1:o. 62 Market street, adjoining Brant's Hall. T. F. WATSON, ItL.tSTIC CEMENT, RAYUFACTURER, ParirrrSECITEIG - , I?!..xtv s TS PREPARED to furnish and 'coat the tenor of Buildings with the MASTIC 'CEMENT, on a new system. This material'is entirely different from all ether cements used heretofore, and is the only, reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it farms a Solid, ditta- Lie adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, fine water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce tient, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. M'Cord, " J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville. ti Haeveler, " James M'Candless, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, " Third street Pittsburg. .tames Wood, owner st. Charles Hotel, William Vohel, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, address • T. F. WATSON, . P. 0. Box 1,306, Pittsburg; Pa , or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa. IcIAS Mtn TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS Colirdiou of Pensions, Bounties, Baek Pay anti War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS' MADE OUT. • • • TUE undersigned, having .been ate ,am - ployment of the Baited States duiingthelast eighteen mouths, as Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing Office taw Uttice of Superintendent of Recruiting .Service• of P.‘a lisyl male ; respectfully informs the pnblic thathe has "lived an °Mersin the DAILY TELEGRAPH Building for the ierpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties; Sack Pay ,anti War Claims ; also, making out Officers , Pay Rolls; hfester Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. uovLdtf = staxavaN S. .• M'FADDEN'S MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF 'WALNUT ~IND FIFTH STREETS; Harrisburg, Pa. . THE undersigned having opened a Mail)ls Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends il i a the public in general, that t are. prepared . to fur hey.. nista MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUCH AS llomments, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantles,- . And House Work in Marble and-Brolim Stone: Give us a call andwe will guarantee satisfaction: & CO. N".. B.—Lettering neatly none in English .or Germiu.. mar29-dly . 46 THE iirORKIVG FAR7SITR," A STANDARD authority in Agriculture 1 and . Horticulture, says:. "hr. E. Ware Sylvester produces a tery superior Wine rrom his Oporto Grape We have sent out large numbers (f this vine as premiums, during the past year. Having been appointed agent by - Dr. S. I can furnish Nines or the Oporto at from 25 to 50 cts. each; $2.50 to iS per dozen •, SIS to $3O per 100. 011011. KETWONE NURSERY, March 18, 18114. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW • RAISINS cdRoN . CURRANTS, PRUNES PIGS, - ka, SHISLER FRAZER'S, •F,ors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & CO.) AL [LLo2O.I ME Soldiers' Portfolios. A. LARGE assortment at , BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE ; ... marls Sold at Wholesale or retail at low prim. • 0 00 sale St. SHISLiR ,kev1112111,44 f 0112 (SucrieSSOjS to Wm. Dock, Jr. & co:y _ Q I I.ItUtiBERY. --- White Prbige, Purple , lat .-] Fringe, Mabonia, Althea; fagnollas, Tree Box; Keyscorre Nursery , Amarle] J. MIS EL .LBS CODFISH, of thee:i e _ 1,000 ;. bra_ed St. George brand, just received suteate for em e by SHISLE.II & FRAZER, (isuccessom to Wm. Dock, jr., Co.) \ • \ di e Pt = ""al $1 50 400 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered' the most "certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE.. RELIEF IN SIN TO TWELVE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. Oure Warranted, or No Charge, in from ` Once to Two Days Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys. and . Bladder, InvOluntary Discharges, hnpoteneyGertmal Nervoutmess, Dyspepsia, :Laugaor,,Low Spirits,. Confusion'of Ideas, Pelpitsuida of ' the„lleart„ . Tindidity; Tremblings, Dimness of Sightvi Oldainetle,Thseas . e of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of - the. Liver; ' Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those Scant and solitary practices more fatal to thoit victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Hiram, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rondeting.marriage,. impossible. YOUNG KEN ispeci4y, who have become thewietingokSolitary Vies, that dreadful and destructive hqbiliwhickanimallyirweepa to an Untimely tirrayellquigildb loft, Nonni, litelv.oCtti e most exalted have aline brilliant idjolllict4 rrho; might otherwise havo entFarieeddintexithi Senatirwith tlie , t an dare of eloquence or waked to ectasy the hying lyre; may call with full conildence. ..- • -.. , :,.. Vlr'' ,'H-, ... 7 . , = • ' ''• •'- '., ,' ! , 'i , , MAIUII,grt,... - • Married per Sons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware or physical weakness, organic debility," defor mities, .&c., ewedily, cured., „ Ho•isho plame himselfkilider mho care of pe,t ; may ref ligiotislYconliae in ii's lionor is .a gentlenum and confi dently rely upon Weirip, 'fag OItGSMP n'EMMSf3: mmediately cured, and full vigor restore& This distressing affection—will& readers life miserable and marriage l i mpossible---Is the penalty: lf by,jlio thus ceirapiloper indillgianhi" Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the.ticiliject will pretend to deny thaethe. power of procreation' ts lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring,'ill most serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes derangOd, the physical and, mental functions weakened, loss' of procreative power, 'nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart; indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption, decay and death. Onus No. 7, Soars FRB/MUCK STREET, Left hand side going , from Baltimore street; it few Aeon from the corner. Fail not to .observe name and. number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctoes Diplomas hay In his aloe. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of :Surgeons, Louden, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greaterpart of whose life has been. spent in the hospitals of .I. l ondon, Paris, Philadelphia .snd ;dee" where, has effected some;of the most astonishing .caten that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great ' nervousness; being alarmed at sudden sounds, Wishfulness;• with frequent blushing, attandrid sometimes with derangement of mind , were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR ITOTICg These are some of the aid and melancholy . effects pro; ducal by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, ~loss •of jnuacillar power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepitt, ner, anus irritability, symptoms of consumption, &o. - MzszAmr.—The fearful effects on the are ; much Oho dreaded—loss of memory contusion of ideas, de , pression of spirits, evil , forebodings, StYOO4Ol/ AO ,society ,' self distrust, love of solitude, thicidity , Let are some Of • the evils produced. • • • • YOUNG KEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice In dulged, hi, when slope, a habit rrequently,iearneii :tip& evil compahhina, i or at school; the effects of whic,h'iiie nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage :upon siblo and destroys`both - mind and body, Simuld,i t ylyi l m mediate!". . , Whits , t t Wet a young man, the Of 111. country, the darling of his parents, snatched from all y prospects and enjoyments of life, by the. consequence of deviating from the:'path 'of nature and - indulging in a certain secret habit. , Suck : persona mosr, before coutem. Odin . ; ' • . • • .. . . 161tRIAGE' ' , _ , Reflect that's sound Mitidandbodyekethe ntektitecessary requisites to promote connubialbeppineine %indeed; with out these, the journey, ,tbrough.lifetecome4.-e'sceary pil grimage ; the prospect hourly•darkens to.,t4t! Ytelit,; the mind beconies slaidowed:Avith - deipair and - tilled Nith the melanoboly reflection-thet tho happhiess - of. another be. comes blighted with our aim , . DISRA RE OF ThI:PRODPICE. When the mistiadect and imprudent - Total' , - of ple:tisure finds helms imbibed the seeds- of Ulm pailful disetie,i too often happenobat gn illtihted *wise. of shame or the dread of discovery, deters.hier &am applying to dew WHO. from education'and respectability, nazi alonebehiendhlm He falls into the hands'of ignorant and designing Pretend ers, who, incapable of curing,' filch his . pecumary sub stance, keep him trifling mouth after month, or as Icing as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave him. with ruined health to sigh'over tasselling disappointment, - why the use of the deadly poison, Mercury; hasten , the oonstitut t onals y m ptotosoftlisterribledlseare,inchasaffee- Lions of the Head, Throat, mee k ski n, progmaing with frightful - rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him totted undisCovered country from whence no.traveler. returns • INIMISENEEIit OF `THE I' LESS The many th ousands cured a t this inst4illtion „yearaner year, and' the • tianaerone inincatent sargleid .eperiti ons performed by Di. , JohnStlA =wittletamd -by —the reporters of the Sue. o l7Opper, and:many otherzelpera, nothaia of have appeared spin .and,!tkaitt bogom the : WA; Nod es his sttuidlui as - e - g eriMlN% tre 'Charades and Trponsi„. pity, Wireencdentguexantee tithe afflicted:" SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUBED. 01Ha No, 7 South Frethrieli Street. "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1864 FOR SALE: FOR SA.LE. The subscriber offers: for salethe stock and fixtures of his 'Well known WHOLESALE . LIQVOR STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. He wJll sell the whole or part of the stock, and the entire fixtures, The busi ness has been carried ; on about fifteen years, and is: well establiatied. With thestore is connected a Good "COPPER STILL It issi mated on "Canal street, between Feniisyl yenta railroad and canal, and has a private Siding suitable for forwarding purpose. Possession givee immediately, and lease given for hnm one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers. For. further information apply on the pre -111i813/3 to 1ink .. 244n, ' GEO. G. KUNKEL. PRIVATE SALE. NE of • th e bait locations for IRON O; WORKSin the Stitte•for. sale ; ataxery'reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve , it, situated with in a Short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the ;PenirsylVania railroad and canal, alioutilve hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone - quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to •• • . DAVID IifUNMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street m , arl6-dtf ' Harrisburg Pa. [Philadelphia Press !Melt three times opt sortrbill to this dtflee.] ItRAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE . • • The several properties of .the Estate of WILLIAM AL LMON, deCiased, in the city of Harrisburg, consisting 01 Houses on Front street and•Ctiestnut street, at and near the corner of Front mid Chestnut streets, a vacant lot Oh Mulberry .street, meas. Third street ~:and acres of land at the easternterminus of Alarket..street, are of fered for sale. For terms Of sale sillily to the undersigned, Seventh andlibble streets, Philadelphia; , de2l-dtfj . THOMAS COCHRAN. GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER ,& ROERPEft, 1 4 1 SA LE. AND RETAIL GRO-C-ERIES, _ Queen's and Glass Ware . AND. ATAA HINDS ,OF C:O 1J N Itt.Y PROD Er. , C , RAVE jus't opened a litige and well selected 3-. stock orgoodshtlheirittand, No. .3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the'nttention of tbo public generally. . , "nolo-dly FINE Liquoits. Shissfei/Fr•tzer , (Successors , ta m. Dock, Jr. CO frk EA T , ERS• FAMILY GRQCE . - JIJ , .RLES opposite-the• Corirt'Eotiseflhave onlialida Effie' selectioil cf•.! • - r ' .. • . . . BII.ANI3.IES, of differentylp4ges.: . t• 172V8 : 46171 COMMON , W7,NNeg, '; • Of Eirmsv WHISKY6. • OLD BOURBON ), • • • 41v.7° ' 117:a FINI 4 ,IIiiSH SCOTCH The bed ever bMgu ht to this market. OLD WHEAT FAMILY NECTAR, And the dOebrate CHINIVUT GROVE 'MESHY. CHADIPAGNE WINES. SBIOSS JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. • WILD MERRY, '••• • • PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS. With' a' coroOep3 094 ; of . • . • • ENGLISH ANIS AMERICAN PICKLES And Comitnients of every description now in the market, and at • ThZ LOWNSTNATRS, JOHN WIS - E,. THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, • HAII.RIS,BURP., PA., V,7.1105ALE AND RETAIL DEALER:IN 'CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., Jujube Paste, Moss Paste, Fig Paste Marsh Mallow Gum Drops, Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain.,Candles, Ate., &C. Oranges and Lemons, Canned Fruits, Jollies, "; z Teas and Spieesi all kinds; Paper. Bass, i.. : Cider Vinegar, Freak; Lind 'Salt`Fish in Sea. • .Vegetables In season, Raisins;. turrant o , pctlB • ' To 11,aprimol gontractors. rtslitOPPSALg age .invited fO - x the:Ono:lm- i Ron, Afaioniy, 'Bridge • Sukrenstnicture,'Olallant, roi-Tiee 'track' Laying a r.he PITTSBURG AND ,OONNELLSVILLE RAU.RoeD;:between; •• . • ' ' :Catlikellity*74 Embracing a ;Britain* -of about EIGHTY...SEVEN MILE;,. readsticdons.of about:one mile each. 3 Soiinti,mtion.s - Will be theiCompawts.Oftice In Pittsburg, on and after the 1:W Or APRIL, cttrrent, and Nomads will Aro, re 'coived Until the'tStiVof APRIL ensuing. '33 BENJ. H. LATROBE; Offioe P ArO. R. R. 00. . ' President Pittsburg, 14140 15,.1864. oars . SPAE,IrLiNG- TIT A.TIN, the best mantifactiFed,i4tramived.o l d for Bale p . & FRAZZR Pal ' (saccegeors";o Wm. Pock, & Co-) taRAPE VINES of all kinds,' principally NA Concord, Delaware :Diana, Muscadine, Louisa, Isa. belle, Catawba, Oporto,. Clinton, Craveling Taylor or Bur &c. &cc., at Keystone Nursery, : . • mind N - -1 ...-T, ;,,;Y:,:,..:: FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY WDZK— Trfcrranted pure. For salii at - • SEMLER &FRAZER, (successorato W. Dock, Jr., & Co.) jtm.2s • • : Norway. maple. , .rpfr - rs tree readably; 'tlie Sugar Mapl6 very closely to forra and foliage, bat bears transplanting better anfkgrows more rapbßy. For mile at Keyspine Nur 'eery [feb24,tliwl JACOB. MISK A L E . We have just received a fine selection of APPLES,, In prime order. For sale by the barrel, 'bushel or small quantity at SHISLER & FRAZER, febS (succen* W. Hock, jr, & Co.) .BOXES OROTGES; in gpod ; !ano,:i.oo Beisels , 'of CHOICE APPLES for sale at .tebs CIATStrPg ANDSATJCES, of the . perior and choice brands, just recobied and for Bee by• • . • SEISLERW•F.R.AZER,“ f hi (succes 9 On 3 44: VAL Dock; jniia Go.); . ; :o - SA3loaferktlf;'iielWet:6.dtibia` Y importation; and the most superior ever brought to this market at this season, just received and for sale bY SHJSLER & FRAZER„ fabl timcoessors to Wm. Dock. Jr.. & Co.) Many arc aware of the cause of their sufferings, hut none will confess. The records of the insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample wit ness to the truth of the assertion. CLARET Citrotut, ' Figs, Dates, Prunes Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, • Cream Nuts, ' * Ground Nuts,. • Pecan Nuts, • Cocoa Nuts Cranberries, - :Hominy and - 13.eans,- Cakes and Crackers,- Sweetfand Trieh'Potatoes, 'Green and Dried Fruits; Arid :Country 'Produce in geaa,QX4 . .rogg wrsz xaarl9 td An excellent Lotion fordtheases.of a Syphilitic Nature and injection in dkpeaSes of • the Urinary - Organs, ari s ing from habits of diesipationomed in connection with the Extracts Radii' and Sarsaparilla, in, Such ,clkferes as, recommended. - Evidence of the most esnOballile and rOl liable character wills aecinnriany the medicines. CERT.IFI - OF CURES.from eight to twenty years standing,. with manes known to „Science and,: f rame. .For Medical properties of Machu, see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DEWEE'S valuable Works' on the Practiced Physic.. See remarks made by thd late Celebrated Dr. PHYSICS, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr.. EPHRAIM. MoDOWELL, a celebrated Physician and mem- . ber of the Royal College of Sargeona, and published ln the Transaction's of the King's and Queen's Airnal. See Medico-Chirurgical Review, published by. BENS. TRAVERS,. Fellow. of the Royal College of, Surgeons. The moat of tiro late standard`works on Medicine. Extract of Ruchu, 00 per bottle, or 'six ' bottles ' for " ss' 00. Extract of sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six Tor $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate how',, if directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from eb servation. Describe symptoms •in all communications. CUES guamnteed.,-, Advice gratis. • . . • AFFIDANIT • J migg, W :4 • E PersOnaliy apPeansd before mean Aldeipuin of the city, , of Philadelphia., H ;T. Hohnbold; who, being, duly sworn; doth say, his preparations contain no nainotic; no mer. earn or other. injurious drugs ; mid are,ptead vegetable. ' ' , ,T„ OLD.- Swoinbn d istbeeribed before me; CAS - of 2i6- 2Y-emberiASPC -4 ,•:,; I Alderman, Ninth street, ab. Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Depot 104 South 10th Street, below Chestnut, Ptdladel this. lin3r2B/y. MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN"REMEDIES)'' KNOWN . ..18 44 H E .113 0 D SI I GENUINE, pittliktATlONS, VIZ: 1T57 : 7D30,L,D #,XTBACT "BUC.FITAr arvirßoLp ErTkact-sAnsApAßlifbA, HE'LMOLD lit - PROM ROSE WAR HELMBOLD''S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CON:aENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BITCHUI, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FOE DISEASES OP THE BLADDER, "KTTNEYS; GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLING& TTSiliteBibifteincroises the power • of Di-- gestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCEROUS deposi tions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS aro re duced, as well as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. ILELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In-, disOrelion or Abuse, I.4w4mZpOnDiwv. , o4.Ple3ro:.l7/B.3§Zi3":s o :ooV+l. Indisposition to Exert'On, Ditness of the Bkin, Eoss of Memory, Loss .of; Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Areithing; Horror of Disetuse, Trembling, Binaries& of Vision, . Wakefulness,. Unittrsair Lassitude 'of thePriin in the Back, MuscularSysteln, Flushing , of the Body, Hot Hands; , , Eruptions on the F4cq, • Pallid Countenace, ' . symptoms, iE allowed`to go on; which this._aziodi. Ono invnrisblp removes, soon follow ird:PO'IrF.,NUY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, . , In one of Which the patient may expire. Who can say that they, are not frequently 'followed. by "thors ' diseages," lakaArirry CONSUMPTION:. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC 'WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Extract Buehu Invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES-7-FEMAT;FS-FEMALES; OL. OR YOUNG, SIRGLR MARRIED, OR CORTEX ' PLATING MARRIAGE..., In many affections peculiar, to females the Extract .Be chu is any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity,,Painfulness, or suppression of the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or.Sohirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all coin. plaints incident to theses, whether arising from Intlikre tion, Habits of Dissipation or in the • • • DECLINE OR MANOR OP LIP& NO FAMILY. SHOULD BE WITHOUT .IT.• Take no Dafzun, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUORtr,, Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; little or no change In diet; no Ineonvemence and no expo sure. It causes frequent desire, endl giVel strength. to Urinate, thereby' removing, obstructions, preventing and curineStiictures of the Urethra; allkyitig ptiln and Ware. roationom frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling Poisenen; Diseased,: and. Wornout Matter. Thoustuids: upon thousands who have been the viettnls. of qVankVd who have paid belly* fees to:lie - cured in a short time, ve. found they were deceived; and that the "Poison" hai by the use Astringents," been dried up In the sYter stern/. to tzeO.outinlP l 4:MVO:Kt Orm, And .perhars • lIBeIIEmBOLD , O,EXTRACT VllCiefor all Affections and Diseases of. thecUrblarrOrgantriiihethbr existing in' Male or Female, froniwhatever eauseoriginating, audit* , matter of how long, standing._ Diseases or these Organs: require the aid of a Diuretic. muMSfii , s'EXTRACT. BUCLIII Is the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to have the desired elect' lit ill... Diseases -Ibr reccim-' , ; I elptpold'a ten Compound ELIIM ExTRAcr SAESaI'A.IIIO..A.SYPHaI US. This is an affection orthe Blood; and anigeke the Sexual Organs; Linings of. the Nosei Ears; Tlarott‘Whni , . pipe and other. Mucus Surfaces, maksiglita appearance In the form of peer's. HelmhOld , s Extract SersapariP44 - rifiei the Blood; and removes all ScalV, EruPtiOns, Of. the, Skin, giving to the Completions Clear and Healthy Color,' It being, prepared expressly for ibis class of complalnts; , its Blood-Purifyingprwrties are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparatiOn of Sarsaparila. : . . . • BEIM:BOLE'S - ROSE 'WASH. Webster NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRST FASIUONS, CHEAPEST. L: IN PRICES: • HE subscriber has the pleasure to info rm T the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity that no* opening at No. 13 Market street ? histween Secon4 . and Front, it gegget's Old St4nd, the most complete and taehlonable stock of FRENCH AND INEEICANAGELLEVERY,, , every exhilifted in this city: Having been long connected with and conducted' ho of thk!most extensive hougeef this country, she natters iHerself to enjoy adiantagisi and . facilities to rgtirvy , on &first-Mast establishment not:Marini by many, - Havitg bought frsoin manufacturers and ltd• porters only; eridintendlng to Bell at small 'ercifike i _iihe is confident to establiiiii a reptifation not only for ,taste' and faittion, but alao.that 'of selling. at the most reiwonablei prices. In addition to anomplete stock of Milling:it em hracing Hats; ;bonnets,. (made-up in great vruiety and made to order at 'shbil,aSt notice) SIL a. KS VELVETS,. • • FLOWERS • . . EATHER • - /AWES •.• • EIIoREES ao she offers everything perCsining to LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, • such as Hoop Skirts,' Corsets, Hosiery, ' . Handkerchief; Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Belts,' &c., &c.- • magnificent p stock . of Hair-ueta.aniX.Head-dresses, from 26 cents to $6 00. t " I most respectfully solicit a liberarpatromige.,. • mits m., .le.AYta, ap7-dly • .• tN0.,13 Market street.; Market Street .Piroperty , . .HARRISICErAG , 'GAS ":STOCK. . AT. PR IVATE, SALE. rrtpuE HOUSE and LOT, on Market street,. L between Fourth and Fifth streets, In, the city of . Harrisburg; I:iown as No. 90 . Maikbt 'street, and lately ix, cupled by Dr. Oeo. Bailey, is offered at private sate; until the Ist of May. ThcLot-is 29 feet on Idarkot :street, run. thug back 210 feet. to Strawberry alley. •The. House is a first-Alas° Mansion, with, all the modenalinprovementa - .aLdo Eight. shares o IlarrishOrg Chit Sock. For terms and information apply ler . , Mr:1110. B. SIMON, . • , .Harrjsburg; or to yAAPLA. 1101,10. AN, . ap7.42vr kitoinue, Blair ebonty, Penne 'l4.lKens Valley-. C0a1..-Company: : . N . OTICE,— The ann u al - meeting of the be Of the Lykes - Valley CoaL:Company. will be held at the ()Tee of Award Grata,: 4 South Seventh street,".Pfdladallildii, Kt.:Monday, the 2.d. day of May next, at 12 - O'ebiek, .fcir the eleOtion of Sdr4n: Directors to serve for the ensuing year.; • • -• • ,• 0E0:: HOFAIAIf; apl-film. : Profit L. V- C. Co f . .Lik„exte Ira4ey.,l4lllOsal rind= Corsi. Com.- NTOTIOE: The annual meeting of the stookhoklootig.ttie.:LAWai Valleys. Railroad and, . .Coal Coin:piny wig be held at.the °Bled of Edward Gratz, Esq., No . 4 Sorith'Shientft dice; Philadelphia, on Mon day, the 211,day of : May next, at 12`. o'clock, for :the :eke gen of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and SevenNan agars, to serve for the ensuing year. GEO. E. ROFFMAX. - apldlut Pres't R &C. Co. ' 'IIE.AbOARTra% , HARRISSI79.II,, March Zl, Sad& j followingobservedastl ice A. 'Roil% at thes e Headquirters, during which time all business connected with tbisßost will be attended to: From 9A. IL t.Ol P. n- . "' '2P. X. og 11. " 834 P. IL IA ; • By ordir,osl. J. P. Botteonio, ty, Com manding Post, • • ' • apl-d2w REMOVED,, SCHJEW i r,S Bocs.wroaz JOB PRINTING OFFICE, SOUTH SECOND STREET, Two Doors BeloW lielker's Hardware Store, OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. mar3o4l' PHOTOGRAPH • ALBUM S. photograph Albums. Photograph Albums: PhOtograPh-Albitins. • Photograph Albums. 'THE largest and, cheapest varietyof KIP TOGRAIS In the city are constantly kept [marl2l BERGNERTS CHEAP BOOKSTORE. OriciAo) -GFape.-- . ,rl-m nearly WlNE l. mide from 'this 4 . 31-RAP so y resembles Postdn. Savor , body and -color that 'none bur the best judger:kook distiwash it from gene iniported•Port--ae it-hited to he: The subscriber haa been appointed agent for the sale of ' S'' ' '' • " ,ot this grape by an ..eatmtaive;grower„ in Weetern.liew -York; and can tuknish them in any , quantity modea t r.c. , The wine la at present asking at 50 to .164;taa-; cording to age, and the supply is unequal to the demand. . ; • r •.,11.L1 O.B.krISFL Keystone Wintery, Feb. , feb26 cwir, e . - FONG, 1 year old excellent . . (irhtte) either for the 'haSla 'Or 60 ts:ehoh; SO per aim; at Keyatehe DForJy , mar 29 KIM . . YEAR okl viiies,te . side . at dl Keystone Kturseyy, at 49: cents each • Over dozen. mai29: JACOB MISR. NEW Bb lrkArs - iIAYS_OF SHODDY Just received at -618181 'I3CREMER,S'BOOKSTOR& Illiaxsitiawny Orape. YEAR old vines, at $1 each, or $9 per dozen„ akKeyptone Naiserry., • • - • ra a a 9 , • • JACOB ]MUSH. • . • FAA EFtINE'~,WOROESTER SAUCES, AL/ iidoi3l.ii and Oie purest ever offered to the public, just rebuived: and for sile by, • • .8111SIZR & FR febt (maccessorsio .5.) • Ql,lO PA) SAMION.— FINS SMOKED tz) SALllol3;jazt veceived at SHISLER & FRAME folk. • • .(saccassors to • !Arm Dock, jr., & A PVII3,IOTIO OITA cONSPITUTION.;GOVERNEXNZAND "Our Government," an exposition of the. Constitution; &c.,.for popular use. By N. Ja'Kuntsr.: Price $L rot. ; lode at 'deli BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. FOR • S.k.L.E.--A one. and ono,balf.story f r ame HOUSE, with gOddthingle roof, suitable for a back building, and a: lot, or second•band Brick' Ay"pip' to CI. BOSIGARDNEE;: Worth street;• five doore - baldw Third. • • ; • 1 ... ;ip&dlSF st LOTS .for sale' on . :the . " comer of ' Broad streets C. IRS • mar‘dtf • •.• , s 1 '"VrISRA 'l3trOlig *Vila TTIN. IO ‘ . 4,144 etaiieheid vaileta.kfalir aid eleht let high, for sale at Keystone Nursery, wholesale as retail. laplj JACOB MM. Pln APPLE CEEESE—Norton's cele brated, at MUSLIM &FRAZFA no2o wows to Wro. r. & co. PRIQE TWO GMS., E. L IURNEP. ist•Lklktuat. BUM STEAM II iNTlNiiittiCE, ADVERTISING 11A03.-DAILY TELIDGRAPH. The fallowing are t the.rates Air advertising in the TEL::- %UM. Those heftg tidlettlsini to do will find it eon- Tenien tfor reference. ,4 > -' Four litieseor less chfistftete one-hail square. Eight Lines ()more than four comtitztte a square. a FOR A RALF squawk One day $ i - o Two days ao Three days 775 One week ' 125 . One month 3 00 Two months 4.50 Three months ' - . 5'50 gix months 3 00 One year ' 15 00 Administration Notices.. Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices PUneral Notices each We'll° 4iir , finsimUts uMices Mae beibre Marriages mind Dent. each insertion. : . , • • V5O .n fled in the Local Cduma, Dr Mawr CLITH rse thr* fa EVENING EDITION. Front our Morning. Edition. Pennsylvania Legislature. IT, FOB wirz nazoispn. • - SENATE. . . • TUESDAY April 12, 1864. i The Senate Conv'eried at 3 r. AL The interest bill - was taken up and discussed .1)) , 31r. 3WCANDLESS. in favor of its passage, ntulbyllessra REA.B.DSLREand - WALLACE :against the bill. Without arriving at vote, at 5.20 r. the Senate Adjourned. EVENING SESSION. 7 The Senate re-assembled at 7i o'clock, and APPORTIONMENT BILL was taken up and considerable discussion ensiled, when the previous question Ncas tilled on the first section, and it was agreed The bill was advanced to third reading and 141 over. iThe Senati3 then I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES iThe consideration and pagsage of bills on the private calendar occupied the House .dur inz the entire afternoon , and evening sessions. • ' 1 - Markets by Telegraph. f - Pamumnnura, Aprill2. anactive movement in breadatuffs, -piirtly speculative, and its tendency is upward; Four has advanced 121. and 25c per bbf.; 4@, 5;000 bbls. extra' fancy at $7 50@$8; 500 br. extra .at $7 25, and 800 bbls. fancy at $ ®ss 50. ]lye flour sB@sB 50; in corn :meal' nothing is doing. There is a great de- Mara for wheat, and prices have advanced 2 cuts per pushel; sale of "50,000 bushels red a $1 7801 82, and 1,000 bushels white at $2. c R e ranges from $1 35 to $1 40. Corn is in good request at $1.27 for'yellow, and Sl 25 tar white. .oats.are 80020 e. Pro ' vipions continue to =love upward; sales of mess pork at $25025 50, and 300 , hams in pickle at Sc; lard is steady at 14c in bbls and ti rCes,' and 16ic in kegs. Petroleum has ad vanced; sales of ,2,000 bbls: crude- at 34035 c; 1,1200 bbls. refined at 52c, and 500 bbls. free at160062c. Whisky is.unsettled; holders ask $1 25 with $1;.17 bid. , ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOON A. BIGLER Sz, CO., Co N'ARICST * TR U RET, ABOVE FORTH, • , • . (NEXT TO ADAMS maxims °Elam, ) R BURG. Warratitt, 'Governrneht Securities 'V°IIc4ArN4:M. cashed . 7 ' : flia;.2B(l2cis gtestni . Weekhi to LivOrpool. ruGUOBING at QIIRUNSTOWN, (Cork Hitt -11 bor.) The well known Steamers of the , Liverpool, Netv York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: CITY OF BLANCHESTER, Saturday, AptLl 9; CITY OF LONDON, Saturday, April 16; ETNA, Saturday, April 2.3, and every suemeding Saturday; atliobn, from' liar 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE IN GOLD, OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN CURRENCY. 1 llosT CABIN' . , .$BO 00 STEERAGE :.$3O 00 dd to London ' 85 00 do to L0nd0n...... 34 or did to Pasis. .. . . ... 95 . 00 do to Paris ' , 40 00 dO to Hailburg... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 87 00 Passengers also f orward hi Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares front Liverpool or Queenstown: let. Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $B5. Those who wish to send fur their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. ' For flintier inforniation apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE,. Agent, la Itroadicay; N. T., or'C. U ZIAHAERMAN,, Harrisburg. . (123-dly SCHOMACKER & CO.'S PIANOS SOUR- GRAPES.' TOO well known in this city to need com mendation. In use by PRESIDENT LINCOLN GOVERNOR CUBTIN, JUDGE PEARSON . 'And many other distinguished citizens. The undersignea 'offers these superb instruments at prices that cannot tail to command public patronage. N. B.—No OLD stock on hatta - - -- • • . -Also Sole Agent for the mityalled ST*INNIT A. P1,A.,N0. ; CEI.:I3IIIILA.TED PIANOS. Ctickering's and several. other of the very best makes: :None bni perfect instruments, sold. - Ctiliramd asp largest stock out of great cities. - nisi2B-tf - S WARD;ThIrd street Music Store. A. C, ATTORNEY:- AT LAWS ITAB removed his Office from Third to' Wal= , Ai_ ; not street, next to the_Prison. All baldness in trusted to him will receive.prompt and careful attention. N o.r E . -Whereas, letters testatqentery to the estate or Wllllam -ITogk 3r., late of the enter Harrisburg; • deceased,' 'hire • the subscriber,' all persons indebted to she. sai4 estate ire' - requested to make immediate PaP6ept, and those having claims or demands against the estate o f the'sakillecedent will make known the same without dez, hi to - MAitY DOCK, tiecutnis: : - ... l 4arristeirg, March 7, 1864. mar9:deastlgs . T .A.ViV.Jamaica and Lagnyra Coffee, at SHISLDR k FRAzER (successors to W Dock. jr, & Co.) De 2 3 . , . . T ' HE'cBT,TP.BRATED VIRINIA. OIL OF ; lux, — and Day & Martin's London Blacking, ,n 2,4 oohed and for saki by... , • SHISLER & FRAZEIK... • ytt , (successors to Vai Dock, jr &Nod' ' ppGLISH BREAKFAST .TRL.,,j4t, le -wive, a fine chest of English BrEAffigt`Tia, SHISLER. fie FRAZER'S,.. (Successors Wn!. pock, 4r.) digNERM excelsior ,iiii?:a; e pf Ada sea- OIL son's - curing. Jut r eceived and Edr sale by • SffiStEß & 'FRAZER, (snouzsons. to Wm. pock, jr., & Co) BE PICKT,ES I ,PIOICTASII÷By the Baireli Dalfßarrel, jar or Dozen, at 6 P 29 • " * 1 ' • ,(Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., Co.) FEW HUNDRED of the best PEAR TREES, of valuable leading varieties, ever 9rered .forsale in'llarrisburg, are now on hand at the Keystein.e: )leLisery, [alai ' JACOB :; OlDErct orDER!!—Two Barrels dfamee'et and pure cinER. pst received at, r marlB BOYER k. iOERPER. lcik.of beat - quality of. ALlientatoelijwit, retOved Wink Etle by • • • ", & %DERMA No. 3 Marli., §qpia.9. :deel2-dtf • - ,CTORN m -FAT-4 .fine, Aust,.:rg— r Af,.( ceived - it• 'l4,lnsait & - marBl succestors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) O RANGES! ORANGES !—A large lot of superior Oranges, and Sicily Havana, for sale in any • unlit at •aa29 BOYER k. KOERPER. , FOR OQIWIOL .One day - $ 1 60 Two days .. 100 Three. .daYs• :1: 25 •Oneweek ' 225 One month .. 600 Two 9 00 Three M0nthi1..."... 11 00 Six months ' • 15 0 One year 25 00 $225 Adjourned
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers