pah i7eltgrapi3 HARRISBURG, l'A TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 12, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages,* Deaths, R:c., to secure insertion in the TELEGBAPII, ui ust invariably be accom panied with the CAFAL VertiSenlielltS ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS BANYVART'S BroncLial Troches for hoarse ness and throat diseases, for sale at Dr. Miles' Drug store, corner Third and North streets, and Dr. Wm. H. Egle's Drug store, Ridge Avenue. jan3o-dtf TOWN AND COUNTRY THE high water is gradually receding, and we may expect to see rafts passing in a day or two. Large snow banks can yet be seen on the mountains north of us. THE Governor has nominated for trustees of the Pennsylvania Lunatic Asylum, Miles Green, of Huntingdon, A. J. Jones and Dr. George Dock, of Harrisburg. WITH the, opening of spring, our streets and alleys should be thoroughly cleansed, and all the mud and filth removed. This is es sential to the health of our citize,us. COUNTERFEIT Norn.—A counterfeit ten dol lar note, on the Citizens' Bank of Massachu setts, was circulated in Philadelphia.otqOxit t urday. It is well executed, and calculated' to deceive almost any one. MERE was no truth in the report that a number of the N. C. R. R. bridges had been destroyed by the high water, a day or two ago. No damage was sustained by the roal, and trains are running as usual. ALL citizens who are opposed to the remov al of the capital to Philadelphia, should at tend the meeting to be held in the court . house, this evening. It is highly important that there should be a full attendance of our citizens. Dr reference to our advertisiug oolumns it will be seen that an open markethas been es tablished in this city for the purchase of cav alry horses. Persons having animals suitable for this branch of the service; to dispose, of, will do well to bring them to Captaindteich enbach, A. Q. M., :who has authority to pur chase. - ELECTIOX OF OfTICERS.—The T.iyhens Val, ley Coal Company, the Lykens Valley Rail road and Coal Company, and the Schuylkill; and Susquehanna Railroad Company, will; hold their annual elections for officers, on Monday, the 2d of May. Official notice of the elections will be found in our advertising columns. ; 1 - . NEW READING Rooms.—Y. M. regular monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will,. be held this (Tuesday) evening, in their new rooms, in Wyeth's building, Market Square, opposite the Jones House. As this will be the, 'first: meeting held in the new roorns,:it is desited , that every member of the association present, and a cordial invitation is extended unto all the young men connected therewith. =I A now occurred in Market street,' last night, , in which a citizen put half t dozen soldithig to flight. The difficulty was caused by one of the soldiers endeavoring to throw the citizen off his feet as he was passing by. 'When remonstra ted with, the soldier used insiiltiMA language, whereupon he was pitched into and knocked down. Several of his companions came to his assistance, but they, too, received worse treatment than they expected, and the citi zen came off the victor. . ..• CIZZI A - NEW Eran.—At a.late sitting of the Acad emy of Sciences of Turin, ProfeSsor Fillippi announced the first immigration in Italy of a bird called the Byrrhaptes 'parodoxus. This bird is a native of Tartary, where it , is grega rious ; but it is only of late that it' has pene trated•into Europe. In' 1859 a few solitS4 specimens were killed in Poland and in Nor folk ; in 1860 one was taken in Wales and two in Holland ; but last year they niade their ap pearance in lac•ge flocks in Anstria, Moravia, Pomerania, Jutland, Heligeland and France. ' BENEFIT OF ADVERTISING. -It pis often the case that men come into our office and inquire for the papers published in some particular place, saying they would like to find • some body's advertisement. They sit down and look the papers over, and it is oftbn the case that they are unable to find the 'desired infor mation. Not long since, says a Utica paper, a gentleman was looking for the name and address of an Albany firm to which he desir-, ed to make a consignment, but not finding it in the Albany papers, he made, the remark that he would ship to a firm that did adver tise, although not liking their reputation.— This is but one of many instances, and proves conclusively that all business men should ad vertise, if it is nothing more'tlima their sim ple business cards. =2:lllmi PRESENTATION OF A. CANE TO THE COMMAND ANT OF CAMP Cturnw.---During the 'day, at Camp Curtin, a highly gratifying incident took place in the presentation of a beautifully fin ished Palmetto cane, toCaptain W. A. Sands. The cane is adorned with . an elaborately finished silver head, leaTing:tliCfollowing in scription: Presorted to W. .71.• Sandi; Cairtgin lqrst Penn sylvania Cavalry, cononandiky-Lamp Curtin, by William A. .87.unaniug -The cane was furn4i - ed . -13i . Lee, No. 69 Market street, who is fully p;epared to manu facture canes for presentatroilifrina all de soription of material. Re has also on hand a large variety of silver and goldleaded canes, which were manufactured to supply the de mand for canes for presentatioiL. 'Give him a r.t.P. 'eating associations are being formed in various parts of the country. The present price adds a great many involuntary members to the associations. ON Saturday evening next, Rev. J. Walker Jackson Will deliver his great oration on An drew Jackson, in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, for the benefit of soldiers and their families. Gov. Curtin is announced to preside. A rich treat is in store for the Philadelphians. Ga.usin OPENING. —Mrs. M. Mayer informs the public, through our columns, that she will this week open out a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery goods of the very latest styles, for ladies, misses and chil dren. The special attention of our readers is invited to the new goods. HOPE FIRE COMPANY, Aerrnrrrion.—A. stated meeting of the Hope fire company will be held at their' house on Friday evening next, the 15th. .The active, contributing, and honorary members of the company are requested to be in attendance, as business of great importance wiil be transacted. Let there be a full turn out. aprll-dtd Hrrcucouir.'s National Hall, corner of Second and South streets, will be open this eVetking, on which occasion a grand bill will be pre sented, embracing a great variety of plays,. songs, dances, etc., which cannot fail- to please as well as amuse visitors. Go to'ithe "National" to-night. "Variety" is the motto there. Maron's COURT.-11nsinesi . 14 been dull. But two cases were before His 'Honer this morning, ni ,vj.F :„ pavid Le i r . itz 944 tTplin aroma, two i isioldfaiii,krli l o'6 ere ad.disorderly. erl After a hearing they were handed over to the Provost Marshal. Levi Craig was arrested ye,sterday,, for fast riding. On payment of the usual flue and costs, he was discharged. L irEvny,:ithe.; "jolty], young, oysterman," in Second street near Mulberry, has justreceived a splendid lot of bivalves, to which he rs quests the attention of the public. -Evey selects his'oysters - -onelthe wharves in 1341E more and PhilidelPhia, V aud knows that his stock is always of the best which the fisheries afford. Parties in want of a prime lot of oys ters had better call this evening. Titihrin4l...-11iirge/..aret respectable audi ence attended at Brant's Hall, last night, to witness the great drama, Tim CAspasTini of -.B,otnw, or, The Afirssgcre of,fit. Bartholomew. ' All. present Were lighly!.. , delighted. This evening wilLbe;Presetted -the -.beautiful play entitled Tan INTvE; A Tale, or Maniida, * in which all-the-_-members of the Star Combine-- tiert. porapany will ` ; appear.- continued efforts of the management to 'please our ,eiti :zen.s arer"..n4 Unreviarded, ite . hirge crowdsas semble niglitlYldWitrietsi - thecgrefid entertain ments given by Rouse's Star company. I=l NEW STARS AT THE OPERA. Hous2.---Tolnight two newperfornierswill appear at Sanford's.. Orke - Of theni; "J"Oe'CirilQ the champion 'clOg dancer of the world, has been engSged„ at great expense, •ifor a short season. He is, said, to /lave no equal as a dancer, _and has now a reputation , has never beertaftained•by' -any of his competitors.: F. biamond, the great Et&pian • ` . d:iifileclian,'l444'also been en gaged by Sanford,' and wi . ll 'appear nightly. in . connection with the Star minstrels: The sue : cess attending Senior. efforts to please the public warrants us in the assertion that he is the:prince of _negro_ delineators. li. • hiPIIDENT SWINDLE. —A swindle of ' 8, Some what impudent nature was perpetrated on •a' resident of Meadville, at Cincinnati, one daY last Week. - He was standing before the door, of one of the Cincinnati .bariks, just after it had clos4l for the day, 'when' two genteel looking individuals went to...the door, , and finding it locked, were loud in expressions of disappointment in not being-able to get their check -for a thousand. dollars cashed—in fact they were ruined unless they could get the money—and only two minutes too late; it was too bad. Our Crawford county friend pitied their condition, purchased. their check for 940, and lenrned-next, morning, on present ing it at the bank, that it was good for "nix." Rather had , - Burraa—Up ! Up ! ! Up !! ! --Who can afford to eat the greasy stuff much Ringer ? We used to think it. a tolerably • fine'palate tickler, biit we haise made up our mind that it don't amount to much, after all. It is now retailing in our market at from for# to fifty cents a pound, and the balloon inflated, there is no Jelling wli‘nfiria' ,where it will stop. There is no- good reasonfor this extraw agaut rise; there is at present plenty of butter: in the country, and t,he ',prospects for the future are, to say the least, fair. The price of no article Can be controlled for any g3M,t l length of;tiine, against 'reason, and we shall expeetto:seb'some of the cute operators . . get sorely bit before they get through with this attempt. Peopl, of ordinary means can not ifforalO use butter at present priceS,''and should'nt try , it. We go in for an Anti-butter. eating Society. - Who wild join us ? Roskszar.—On - Saturday evening last a rob.- bery f oecurred at,the residen9e of Mr. C.-F.. Snavely, baier, on Second street. It appeara that while =the family of Mr. S. Was in the dining-room, some person entered the second story of the house, by means of tie balcony in the rolr of the building, passed into a room directly over that in which the family was en gaged in conversation, broke open a secre tary, and abstracted therefrom about sixty dollars in money, of which ten dollars were silver. The thief was heard jumping' out of the room to the balcony, but the noise did not ,attractLspecial attention, as it was sup posed tc; - -hafe been caused by the fall of some thing On die balcony. The thief is yet at large, b 4, strongly suspected that 119 is an indizidtral recently employed iii lie bakery bf Mr. Snavely, as a stranger, aosilct not hail committed the deed. Efforts axe being ink' de to secure his arrest. ; HAVAtiI ClCARa!—Those in want Of • Havana cigars, of all qualities and sized, will find the best in the city at Kunkel's Drug & Fancy Store, No. 118 Market street. Try them. SOPER/Olt O. COGNAC BitANDT.—The best artiele in the city is for sale at the Drug & Perfumery Store of S. A Kunkel & Bro., No. 118 Market street. LEGAL TEND ER NOTES—An Important Deci sion.—ln the District Court, at Philadelphia, _ on Saturday, Jkidge Hare delivered the opinion of the majority of the Court, in a case involv ing the question of a tender or United States notes in payment of a ground rent, the cove nant of the deed being "lawful silver money of the United States, each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweights and six grains." When the half yearly ground rent became due the payment was tendered in United States notes. This was refused, and suit was brought against the party. The defendant pleaded this tender, to which the plaintiff replied that the deed re quired silver dollars. The defendants to this filed a special demurrer, setting up that - the notes tendered were lawful money of the United States, and a legal' tender in payment .of, all debts. The Court decides this to be a good. payment, and therefore entered judg naent• for the defendant. • "pcAn LEcusnialon.—YeSterday afternoon, Mr: Allenaan, of the House, read in place the f(lll9.lving `'act relating to the public grounds:'" Be it enacted, ite., That A. Boyd Hamilton, J B 1 Cog _and' B. F.-E tter; of Harrisburg, or a majority of them, are hereby appointed corn -raissioners to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and shall perforin its 'duties with= out compensation,'except for Axpenses neces sarily incurred under it for surveying, draft ing, advertising and stationery. They shall cause to be made a correct' plot or draft of High street, in the city of Harrisburg, show ing its . conneetionS with Walnut and FoUrth streets and.the - public grounds of the •State. They then proceed tei'value the damages incurred onthe advantages kg to the owners of property on . said streets in con tracting its, dimensions to, a width ' of sixteen feet, to be called'High :When such val uation is determined by said commissioners, whose report shall be 'final, report shall be made forthwith, with the'accompariying maps and Papers, to the Governor; - and the ground so valued, surveyed and condemned shall be come the property. of the Commonwealth upon the fulfillment ,',of the following terms and conditions: The State shall pay the as sessed damages, if any, to the persons enti tled to the same; also,ficerning p . osts and ex-. and further bind itself to cdistrnef an iron enclosUre along said High alley, of the same character, Ala thatalong, Third street to ga.tds the. interse:ctfori. ;Walnut street and Hi i gnalley and• Fourth street to High al ley, to graild the giound, - erect lights and con struct a pavement from -gate to wits, of the width of twelve feet or more, for the use of -the citizens of 'this 06mmonweelth. . SEC: 2. That the aCe:oUnt for eipenses in curred under tins act:shall be allowed and paid by the Auditor-deneral - and State Trea surer; upon the' certificate of the Governor. The Senate, yesterday, passed finally, "an act the proteption'of trout in ''the county of -Dauphin." Also, "an act relative to credit ori in the borough of `•Middletown_" Meeting of Conliell4 A special meeting was hehbron - SatUlday-1 evening leek at the request Of,tli Mayor, to ; i take `into` Consideiation the resblu.tion now . pending hefore :the . sislature for the re moval.of the deaf or Geverrunort. The fol owing was unanimously adopted : 1 Couricri, 011,11211E1t, seittnrsnußo, April 9, 1861. At a special meeting of the Common C 01132- Oil held this evening, it was Resolved, That the Common Council diately issue a call for a town meeting to_be. held at the Court House, on Tuesday even ing, the 12th instant, at half-Paste seven ci'clack to adopt'zhea'strea in relation to 'the' bEI now pending in the Legislabire for the renaqval s of the, seat of ,Government from this city to the city of Philadelphia, and' that the Council will attend .the meeting aforesaid in a body,. 'txtract from the minutes. , - - DAVID-HAERIS, Clerk.- In,--.pursuance .of, the above resolution, I hereby cordially'inidte all-good Citizens to, attend.the said meeting atthetimil and place ibove' stated, to adopt siieWineasure, as in their wisdom they may seo fit and proper. W.. O.HICKOK, President of the Common Council. 'Attest : DAvio - Hamm, Clerk. We hope that rall.9nrcitizens who have the beat , interest of the'leity at heart, Will attend andzsustain tliWoimeil in their praiseworthy effort 'to iliwaFt the design of mercenary / ) liiladelphians; to deStrOy the interest of our ..citizens and the country at large. - Form REASONS was TnitLzorsLaxuan Si:roma) NOT BE ItElid.ol7BD PROM H.A.ERIO 4 I3UHO.—^ - • First, The acceptance by the State of a cer tain tract of ' lontliclonated - tuidi - conveyed by Mr. Harris far a special purpose, in which is, implied a covenant, Second, The doubtful constitutionality of its removal,unless:by a direct vete of the peo ple. Third, The 'central and beautiful location. Fourth; The great advantage to Senators and. Members !arising from the privilege of purchasing from the large stock of dry goods' always to be found at the cheap store of C. L. )3owman, N0..1.; corner of ;Front and Market streek'Harrisburg, the . Weitt'obf Government. SPECIAL' NOTICES. •Mrs. Balls Remedies. I take this method of. cheerfully, thanking the public for past favors, andatill theirkitid attention to my medicinea. To tell of all the wonderful cures. I have been .able to perform. ould be impossible. . ; I would Call the attention of the ladles particularly to this Valuable medi cine. I think Inert mtfely say it is the very best offered to there. It will regulate the whole system; can be any time;.no fear need ,ne. apprehended in re gardtelt. . I have also a vahiable .Salve to kill proud flash; and another to draw and .heal. This has healed sores that have run 20 years. lily Dyseniery—Dropa - In fant cordial and Cough Drops have been well tried. I need say nothing in their favor. I have constantly on' hand those Medicines and' Selves. MRS. merle No. 27 South Hine street, Harrisburg, Pa. BLAIR. DYE I BLASEL DYE 1: Batelselor's celebrate/111-air Dye IS MB BEST IN TEX. WQRLD. Vie only Harmlfiss,.True arl - Beliatie irnewn• This splendid Hair Dye. is perfect-,-QUlnges Bed, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Blacker Naturpaßrown without Injuring thollalr °retaining the Skin, leaving the :sate soft and beautilbi ; imparts fresh vitelitYjrere0 ts .4,... restoring its pristine color, and rectiheS the 11l e •°` bad Dyes. The genuine is signed Vi'LLLiall A. BATCH. ELM. All othenhare mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Grwisterdrc Factory-41 ' FOR imassrack Tara irit'a je2B-Iy. Business Attended Boutity,Pe l oN9n, Back _Pay, Subsiiiittince , and Military and War Claims,. ' generally; made out!and collected. Per ac4ed by matt, atb; Zll i"add elsrE e o 4291 B14110 ;1111 1 71:-.9 .atn i.CTi Ll us ex i la 7 .7.w -,' ,.., a -- tc , fscao- , 11144 Loop Siroixts. Hoop Skirts! The' blienpesi Loop Skirts in ikarrislottrg A splendid skirt fdr . 7s eta. A much better skirt for 51. Calicos; a One assortment for spring. Frencliginghain% Winchester ginghams. Bleached and unbleaChed muslin from New York Aue tioa. 1,000 yards plaid silks at $l, worth $1 50. 200 yards plain brown silk at $1 37, worth $1 75. 200 yards black silk at $l. Black silk at all prices. A!very barge assortment of :nevi.dress goods. 600 dozen of stockings and socks all prices. The best stockings in the city at 25 cents. Cassimeres for men and boys' wear. • Cloaks for spring. Wishing to reduce our stock, which is very large now we 'killdeer : groat Intliteethents toMoyers.- S. LEWY. BANNYART'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES; For„ the cure, of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, ''are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them tl3 speak in yublic. Manufactured only byte. :A. t Bannavalt it Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen:. _ _ .Tlaniusanno, Feb. Bth, 1864. 0. A. BAN - milk—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. 11-I agree with Mr: Robinson as to the value of. Bannvart's Bronchial Troches. W. C. CATTET.L, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. • Renaisatrao, Jan.,1884. A. BAultvp.r--Dsar Bir: In he habit of speaking very NiqUently,"and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of sortie gentle expecto rant, and that want._has been supplied in your excellent Troeheh. I consider them very far superior to any LOzenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness ..of- the ,delivery of. public ad dresses. Yours, &c.,,J"No. 'ALKER JAMISON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To d A. Bonivenp—Dedi Sir: Having used your Bronchial Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in,recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huikiness of voice arising - from public speaking or singing. Yours, ac., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church.- bmcz, HAIIRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1804. To C. Ilorzbiverer—_Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and. in strengthening• the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public ?..roelalket:e. - A. J. HERR r.' 'MISCELLANEOUS. DEIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE—Thu subscriber, residing six miles above Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna river,, olfers at private sale the following desirable property; all of which is con venient to both the Canal and Railroad, and one of the hist Markets iti:the State , the city of Harrisburg: A TAVERN STAND, with four acres of land, 'snort, orle.Wan . wfitch is erected a substantial Stone and Plastered HOUSE, containing eleven rooms - a large Stone Sahle, capable of holding 20 horses; Carriagei House., Smoke House, and one of the best Springs in the country, Spring Muse 'nod other necessary out buildings. No. 2. Att d '.AOT containing 14 acres, more or less, on which is erec Grist Mill, Store- Tfouse four Dwelling Houses, with out-buildings, The Grist Mill is in goodiun ning order, with plenty of custom work, good water pewer, and, fine harberfor timber. The CanaLand toad posit thread' ifihi Privet-4n . _ _ Vii .t 1.. No. 3. A TRACT OF LAND containing 160 acres, more or less, part tillable, the balance timber, on which is oreAted two Dvrellipg HOUSES, with Stables, the frame of a SawSlilt;aheadnn&fall of 21% feet, within 400 yards of Camd.and Minted. This is a splendid location for a forge, fuittice, or factory. No,. 4. A TRACT containing 10 acres, with HOUSE aral; Stable, '(il h Railroad and Canal pass through,) on whiert a good 4tone Quarry, a largo quantity of brick clay, a good seat foeturanthracite furnaoc, or steam Saw 601 No. 5. A TRACT containing 45,1; acres of Woodland, a large quantity or which is chestnut rail timber, oak, hick ory; ke.,, on.which there is about four acres cleared, with HOUSE and Stable thereon. The tract is g mile from Canal and Railroad. Tho above property will be sold on terins to snit pur 'chaserk '.lt can be seen by catgut- on 'the subscriber; on the property, or any information can be given by - • JOHN C: WM:LISTER, marr tf GREAT Ditiooniker Applicable tq all useful Alta. A new thing. . r: Its =MB Boot and Sloe Man-. ufacturere. Jewelers. Families. CIE It Is a liquid; Reiiumber. MEIN Agents tn:Philad jelEAtilv . _ - .1,Z. • A. MAJA,T.I.N . : • 11Q ESP-gtiTFULLY iitfot#s the citizens- of - Iliiirriiliurg and vicinity that he tas removed his wilco from the Union Buildings to his residence to Tbird stredViliree doors below Tine; wkieM he will be happy to Teceivb the calls.of his old patients and of the com mirtits,•Naho may desire his professional service& April Ist, 1864412 q i• - ,I. A RGE! .of best quality of Algter. htatoevjusi retviiid and for sale by - jgorialtkoErtrElc, "al:Varje y., 1:1 [ P 8 *arket . §coMc Susquehanna, P. 0., Dauphin county, Penn's. Useful and Valuable Discovery. -HILTON'S • INSOLUBLE CEMENT la. of more general practical utility than any invention noiv before the public. It has been.thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical teem and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known RILTOZI'a Issounsfs Crarsti n now thing,. and the result of yenta of study , h a Combination is on Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances.. or change or temperature, will if be-. come corrupt or omit any . offensiya smell. ' BOOT AND - S . IIOB - Manufacturers, using Mani:due; wral . article loiloWn. as , Cementing for tho Channels, it works without.,delay, is-not affected by any change of temperature. Will find It sufficiently, adhesive for their use, aslait been proved. Rif Especigly daapted So Leafier, And we claim as an especial merit; that, it sticks. Patches to Boots and StiOes inilloientty strong without stitching. . . It is the only LIQUID CE.AIE.N7 Extant that is a sure thing for mend- Fundiure, Cruckoryt ,v, Bone, Ivory, Aud articles of Household use MEMBER • • Ilmos's Isrsomuns Cluairrr Is in a liquid: fonn art& as easily ap Ruses's Issomita CEMENT •IS insoluble in-water or oil ' ;HELTON'S Issoltunii CEMENT Adheres oily substances.. : • . Supplied in-Pamily or Hanufao turer's Packages from 2 oueces to IDDO BILTON BROS. Ai CO., - Proprietors, Providence, IL L phia, ; . LAEIG MAGTISN. - WERTISEMENTS. NEW Ai. Schuylkill and Snag._ " 4 1 gI'IVEICT, Company . BSC Orrics, 227 S For. ` 3l ', - ,., laitg CJf PULLADELPELLI, April 4 E annual meeting of the Stock. ‘ a gilt E " , ,, ka ry on T HE this Company and an election for Presider Managers will take place at the Office of the Com m Monday, the 2d day of May next, at,l2 o'clock, 31. ap6-dtm2 W. It•WEBS, Secretary. Open Market for Cavalry Horses. ASST. QUARTSILICLISTRA'S OFP7CE, lIARRISIITRG, Yarn:M., April 45th, 1864. T - NTIL further orders, HORSES, St for Cavalry Service, will be purchased at this place in open market. None will be received under five, uor over nine year, of age. Must not be under - 15 bands in height. For particulars apply to t. C. IiEICHINBACEL, ap-5-dtf Capt_ and Asst. Quartermaster. SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES AND MULES OFFICE ASSISTAST Qu'ARTE, HARRISBURG, Piesx'A,„ April 4, 1864 WILL BE SOLD, at Public Auction, at Government Corm!, near• Union Deposit, Daupbin county, Peun'a., cmThursday, April 14, 1864, 410 o'clock, 130 HORSES AND"-ONE'MULE. These animals have been condemned as being unfit for Government service; but forfarm and road purposes, good bargains can be had. ' Horses to he sold singly; sale to continue until all are sold. ONE ONE-HORSE 'WAGON. Terms cash, In Government rattan • E. C. REICHENBACH, apr4-td Capt. and Assistant Quartermaster REOROITLYG OPTICS; U. o. TRVALID CORPS, 1 atamsamua,:Pa., March 1, 1864. f MBE attention of Soldiers who have been Honorably discharged the United States service, on account of disability contracted while in the line of duty, and who may wish to enlist in the Invalid Corps, Is re spectfully called to the following letter from the Provost Marshal General's Office, from which it appears that they . may receive the bounty offered by the ward, borough or town, to which they may wish to be credited: (LETTER.) Wait Itaresmenorr, -PROVOST ILARSHAL GENERAL'S OPTIC; Boaster OF INVALID Com% WASREEGTON, February 23, 1864. The Provost Marshal General directs; me to say, that men enlisted for the First Battalion Companies of the In valid Corps, in accordance with the provision of General Orders, Nos 105 and 212. Adjutant Genera's Office, 1863, and the instructions of the Provost Marshal General, (see Circulars Nos. 14 and 106, of 1863, Provost Marshal Gen erul's Office,) will be credited to the quota to be furnished under the draft, of the ward, borough town, or city and State from which they enlist. 11. N. WISSWELL, Colonel, and Juisistalit to tho Provost Marshal General, In charge of Invalid Corps Bureau. For the particulars relative to enlistment in that Corps, apply at the Recruiting Office, Invalid Corps, in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. E. L BARNES, Ist Lieut. 11. S. 1. C., R'etmg (Meer. marl? tf omounuitvoartuall 0 A_ S- 0 It , IN D. W. GROSS' .NRW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF•FASHIONABLE CLciplkliS AND CIRCULARS, earn FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist of April. [mar2l-dly TMCPORTANT TO ALL: It will restore the sick to health; the Intemperate to temperance. The Rhubarb Wine will do it all. Don't think the reading of the advertisement will do; we don't claim that. But if you wilt go, to C. -KELLR'S Drug Store and get some of the Wine and examine it for yourself, it will set you right; I will warrant you on that. Orders for wine and wine plants taken and filled by our authorized agent, C. K. KELLER, No. 91 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. For full particulars apply to or address the above. JAMES R. LAMENT, Milford, Pike county, Pa., Wholesale Dealer in Wine Plants I=l To Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, or anything else in the stationery line, you will do well by calling at SCHEFFERM BOOKSTORE, nol9 Harrishum. MEDICAL. KUNK EL% BITTER NINE OF IRON. APURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy iu diseeveq of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. ' Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General • Debility, Nervousness, De pression of Spirits, .Constipation hitermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,. Swimming of the Head, Difficult. Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and ,Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back 7 Chest and Limbs, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility;:Diseases uf . the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good. for Hale or Fethale, Did or Young. The most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more diseases than any other prepara tion offered to the.Pnblie. Prepared solely by S. A. KUN KEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg - For sale by. Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE OF Counterfeits .ify As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only Sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community - to purchase none but the genuine article, Manufactured by S. A. KUNKEL & 800., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that, others are attempting to Imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volu;tnes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by, all respectable druggists throughout the country. Me particular that eyed , ' bottle bears the fac simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide:cam bined, with the mist energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. .The effect in many cases of debility, loss" of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, conabined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It auements the appetite, raises the pulse, takes elf muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GE [ER DEPOT, 118 muucro =Err ..• . _ g0rJ164.3 ,by;. T * reasectple deilerlt - Ahroughout the -",ohanna Railroad tills. ical p. nave Have ym. of that mt. Those wh symptoms ge. until it is too la more than any o, lence and, fatality o. the grave., at leas victims. Consumption has des. human family-than any ot. best physicians for many yc of a cure, or a remedy that lungs, but for more than two - - the whole medical world has b that there was a mysterious po ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to he therefore they have recommended Tar Water, which in many cases h effect; but how to combine the meo perties so as to heal the liings, has el a mystery until it was discovered by Q. C. WISHLRT, of Philadelphia, P. proprietor of "Wishart'S Pine Tree Tar dial." Many, not only of the people, but ph:, clans of every school and practice, are dm._ asking me, "What is the principle or cause ot your success in the treatment of Pubnoriary Consumption ?" My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs the strengtheming of the debilitated system the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system - the corruption which scrofula breeds. .While this is effected by the powerful alterative • (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its heeli g and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritate& surfaces ot the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflamma tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the hgaling and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and Women of unques tionable worth and reputation: Dn. Virrsiranr--Dear had a very dreadful cough and sore throat for' one year, and My whole system was fast giving way, and Was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease. baffled the power of all medicines, and in &short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased ono bottle of your Pine Tree TILT Cordial and I commenced to Ilse it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles am perfectly well, and a wonder to all' my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if you think Proper. REBECCA HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. , Dr. Vt ialco l t'S Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an infalliable cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore. Throat and Breast, Triframma tion of the. Lungs.. Mr. WAIID says: Dn. Wismar—Sir: had Bronchitis, In flaiiiination of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of .the Heart in their worst forms ;- I had been treated` by several of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could, not stop - the rapid course of my disease, and l.had despaired of ever being re stored to health: I was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to. me by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect heidthi You, can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 at. to 2 p. m., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. - JOHN WARD. Read the fa/kiwi/1g from Utica DR. WratiAsT—Dear take pleasure in informing you through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended forma. daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall; of this city, has" eured her of a cough of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best of medical aid - without any benefit. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a sat'e and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I lonsw of many other cases besides that of my daughtet that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfrdly, JOHN V. PARKER; Daguerrean Artist. 126 Genessee street,• Utica, N. Y. * * s * * have used. Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, Utica; New York. The above are a few among- the thousand s which this great remedy has saved from au untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that ' they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction: The Tar Cordial; when taken in connection with Dr—Vishart's . PYipepaia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia. . The Ittra Ts= Tea .CORDIIay will Cure COughs, Sore.Thioat and Breast, Bronchitis, ASthma, Virliiiikaing Cough, Diptheria, and is also an, excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints.; Thtriennine has the wine of the Prot:meter end a pine Wee blown in the Wald All others are spurious imita. • . . Peas Fiarr Curs stud ONE Douan,:per Borns. Pr pored only by MS Proprietor, Dr:11. Q. C. Wishart, , ILkauras Imo, PA. . No. 10Worth Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa Sold by Druggists everywhere, at Wholesale by all Phila. delOda and.liew WhoOssaltaragglata MEDICAL. .DR. - WISHART 3c' r eiNEEE TAR CORDIAL i Cpl. PMCIFLE OF THE PUCE TREE, Obtained by a flee' nliar process in the clis tion, o 'the tar, by which its highest med -roperties are retained. you a Gough, Ilave you Sore Thi oat. any of •the premonitory symptoms •st fatal disease, Consamption? 0 should. be warned by these nerally think lightly of them W 3, From this feet, perhaps 'her, arises the sad preva f disease which sweeps to "one-sisth" of death's BEAVARE OF COUNTERFEITS 11 1( Teo-re of tb, ‘ lO il it • ease, et it s e.s . e aep ttb voulu. 5•3.11 eon ivpres,.: vex an d e t helurt t h e nse fa g' 'joel I , et 1 Dr IRMO