pa 4 CtiegraA HARRISBURG, PA SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1861. NOTICE. TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Dlarriages Deaths, to secure insertion in the RELEGRAPH, must invariably be accont pa&ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular E-vening Edition are inserted in the Morn lug Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS. SENTENCE OF A TRADE-MARK COUNTERFEITER. William Leith, a Ding Broker of New York, was convicted in the Court of General Sessions Judge Hoffman) in that city for having coun terfeited and imitated the Trade-mark, label, wrapper, box, &c., of 'Brown's Broneial Troches," prepared by John L Brown' & Son, Boston,jand was sentenced to nine months, n the Penitentiary. He was arrested in De iember last, and being indicted by the Grand Fury, under the statute of 1862, for .the pro ection of Trade-marks, has been confined in he Toombs since that time. THREE hundred thousand dollars worth of :catches and jewelry. See W. Forsyth & :o.'s advertisement, in another column. mar2G-d3mwks&w BANSVAIIT ' S Bronchial Troches for, hoarse less and throat diseases, for sale at Dr. Miles' Drug store, corner Third and North , streets, and Dr. Win. H. Egle's Drug store, 'Ridge Avenue. jan3o-dtf DOWN AND COUNTRY. Tins is TILE Firm Saturday in succession hnt ha t s been cloudy and. gloomy. THERE WAS NO QUORUM in either branch of he Legislature this morning, ,and' in 'corise tuenee business was deferred until Monday. THE Presbytery of Harrisburg holds its emi-aunual "meeting in the borough of Car isle, on Tuesday next. It is expected that rosiness of great importance will come up at his session of the Presbytery. I=l SECOND LUTE AN CHTTRCIi will hold divine ervico in the Orphans' Court room, injhe .ourt House, to-morrow morning at ten iclock. Sabbath school in the same place the afternoon, at half-past one o'clock: BAPTIST CaußCll.—There will je service in he Baptist Church, corner of Second and 'ine street, to-morrow morning at 101 O'clock nd at 7 o'clock in the evening. The public re invited to attend. The pulpit , will be oc upid by Rev. .Geo. R. Bliss, of Lewishing Jniverity. THE DOMESTIC MARKET this morning was Inc of the fullest, as to supply, and largest in attendance as to customers, We have witnessed kn.' many weeks. Prices remained =changed, holders were firm and buyers fierce, hilt - then, people must eat and drink, be the prices what they may. Artarvan or REsuonas.--During last night, scanty-three refugees from the horrors of •ebellion, comprising twelve men and women; Lud the remainder helpless children, arrived in his city. They were kindly received and rested at the Soldiers' Retreat,- and removed his morning to the refuge, provided by tbe )ounty of the State for such unfortunatesl. , TiIIIPHIN COUNTY AGAINST TEE WORLD FOR ILLTES. —Other localities can boast of their success in producing prodigious biped - calves, but Dauphin county can beat the world in the quadruped of that description. As an in stance of this fact, Jacob Wolfersberger, of Derry township, informed us of a calf which first saw the light of day in his Vern, 'that weighed, when 3i days old, ninety-sti potmds. A tender loin from such an animal might truly be termed juvenile beef. SAD Aectoarr.—A heart-rending accident - which resulted in the death of Martha E. Sellers, daughter of Mr. Samuel Sellers, a farmer residing in Penn township, Cumber land county, occurred on last Thursday'Week. The little girl, in company with several other children, had been spending the day ,at . a neighbor's hours ; on their return in the r,g ternoon, the children stopped at a hay stacl. to play. Martha was jostled off the top of this stack by one of her companions. Her spine was injured by the fall so severelY that she died on the following Monday. THE ACTION OF THE CITY ATEMORITTES IN REFERENCE TO THE REMOVAL OF THE 04ITTAL. —Mayor Boumfort has called a, special meet ing of the city council; this evening, to con sider the question growing . out of the propo sition to remove the capital of Pennsylvania from Harrisburg to Philadelphia. In conse quence of this call, the meeting in the Court. Rouse advertised for this evening, has been postponed, in order to await the. action of council. Mayor Roumfort is acting with characteristic promptness and vigor in this matter, and we trust that he will be sustained by the people who are largest interested. iln the change which a removal would prodnee on the business and progress of the Harrisburg. -. ft.----.. WALcoms. BACK. —We are specially pleased to welcome, Capt. Robinson, former A. Q. M. at this post, back to his duties at his old headquarters in this city. For a time he was detailed for service in •Chambersburg, where he was greatly needed ; but the immense im portance of his presence at this post, induced the Governfinent to send him back, as, really essential for the success of the service with which he is charged. Capt. Robinson is cer tainly one of the most faithful mon in 'the Quartermaster's Department, alike strict in. his regard for the interests of the Gevernment and the welfare and comfort of the; soldier. The fact of his retian to Harrisburg has .al ready given great satisfaction to the tho, l * sands of volunteers now quartered here,_ Capt. Robinson has been particularly careful in supplying the wants of these men, whOL they were actually neglected by officers charged. with their care. REV. B. L. AGNEW, of Johnstown, Pa., will preach in the Old School Presbyterian church to-morrow morning and evening. I=l POLICE AFTAnts—Before the Mayon—There were only two occupants in the lock-up last night. Jas. Mansfield, (soldier,) arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was dis charged by the Mayor, and handed over to the military authorities. Richard Panting, arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was committed to fort Simmons for forty-eight hours. PERSONAL. Col. Montgomery, whom our readers will remember as the eloquent south erner who so ably defended the cause of the Union on the stump, in this State, during the last political campaign, arrived in this city last night. He is now making his final ar rangements to go to Vicksburg to engage in the publication of his paper, the Vicksburg Whig, which he intends to make an organ of loyalty and a terror to traitors. He has our best wishes for success. Colonel H. S. Huidekoper, of the 150th P. V. regiment, has, on account of ill health, been obliged to tender his resignation. SANFRILD'S Hem, continues to be the centre of an attraction of the most popular order; and Mother Goose, as arranged and put upon the stage by Sanford, is drawing large audi ences nightly. Sanford is the first man who succeeded, both in the new and the old world, in giving to Ethiopian minstrelsy that purity and polish which now rank it with the higher order of operatic and dramatic per formances. He does not aim merely at re .llll4:4;lucing stale ,and ; vulgar jests-,in carica- taiiiiglthe beautiful orliidiculing the -good— but he flings his sarcasms at the evils of the, times, ridicules what is absblutely injurious in society, pays his just tributes to what is good and true, and thus, in his own original way, doing a sight of good, not merely in moving people to a hearty laugh, but in shairling many a - man' frorn his errors as he sees them reflected in the mirror held up by Sanford. The bill at .. Sanford's, for this evening, embraces Mother Goose. :Let all who love genuine fun, go, hear, see and laugh. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO Miss DENHAM. —The patrons of the drama will be pleased to learn that ithas been-arranged to give Miss Fanny Denham, the leading comedienne of Rouse's dramatic troupe, a compinientary benefit this evening. For, many weeks Miss Denham has been • winning golden opin ions from the most fashionable audiences ever assembled in the State Capital, as well for the marked ability with which:she sustained her large and difficult rote, Us 'for the knowledge of her personal accomplishments as a lady, .which; have made for her friends in the most respectable circles of genteel sciciety in the State Capital. On the stage she is as inimitable as she is irreproachable in private life. Her vivacity and genial humor in action are as natural as her beauty, and if we are, not, mistaken the attraction of all these combined, will fill Brant's Hall to overflowing this evening. We see it stated in the bills of the day, that Mr. S. L. Ryan, the popular Irish Comedian who played a short this eity a few weeks 'since, has 'volunteered to appear only on this occasion. The 'performance for the evening embraces Vicior Hugo's thrilling play of the Queen and the Adventurer, wish Irish Assurance and Yankee Modesty. A Riau jolcs °Tenn, FIRST OF APRIL. We have just heard of a rich joke passed off by a party of our fast fashionable young ladies, on the first of April last. Selecting a spinster who is known for her high regard for young men, because "it is so agreeable for a young 'lady to possess the friendship of a large circle of young men," these wild girls wrote to at least twenty young men, in the name of the spinster, requesting their presence at her "papa's residence" on the plea of business connected` with the Young Men's Christian Association. Being men of courtesy as well as anxious to promote the interest of so gokl an association, all who, were written to, un susPeCtinglyc.oinplied with the request by re pairing to '‘papa's residence." The presence of such a' crowd in the parlor was of cousse unusual; the lady was, at first, delighted with the calls of her friends, but exceedingly puz zled to account for their numbers—while the secret of the joke only began to be seen as the parlor failed of room, to accommodate its guests on this occasion. And as the gallants emerged from "papa's residence," -a party of young ladies might have been seen at a near corner, enjoying the scene, as "Their mirth and fun ran fast and furious." —We are almost sorry that we are pledged to secrecy-as to the names of the parties to this fun. The perpetrators, at least, should have notoriety for their smartness. • But we must be mum. Al - 134TTOMPlairENT TO A RiST MAN. 113- ferring to the author of the resolutions adopt ed by. the Methoclistßpiscopal Conference at Wilmington, Delaware, the editor 31' Hean Iferald thus speaks of Rev. J. Walker Jack son: A few Sabbaths since, it was our good for tune to listen to him upon the occasion of his return to his charge in the city of Harrisburg, where-he has been stationed for the past year. The subject of his discourse was the Chris tian Minister—his mission, his duties, his ex ample, conduct and bearing before men. His calling was higher than that of other men. His commission was not from any, earthly . power, but from God. His mission was to combat sin, in whatever form it presented it self, and if for fear of causing the displeasure of some he jailed to discharge his duty in that respect, he would have a fearful account to render in the day of final reckoning. Mr. Jackson denounced particularly that minister who seemed to be afraid to do his duty, and who never walked erect and looked Ms fellow man square in the face for fear he had . said something offensive-in ,the pulpit Such a man, holding as he did ,a commission which no earthly power could .grant, a representa tive of Christ., the'Satior of the world, was a disgrace to his calling; Mr. Jackson treat ed the subject in a masterly manner, and we only regret that every:adult in the land could not have the benefit 'of such teaehings in thee SPECIAL NOTICE S . Coughs and Colds. The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Part- MONARY, BRONCHIAL and ASTHMATIC AFFacrantrs. Expe rience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the early stages of the disease, re course should at once be had to "llivson's Bronchial Troches." or Lozenges, let the Cold, t'ough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be effectually warded oft Pu LIC SPEAKERS and SINGERS with find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. mar29-dawlin BANNVART'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c.; are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Bead the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: • Haunsinnto, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Hirniveirr—Dear Sir:. I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for • public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor ,of N. N.S. Presbyterian Church. j ogit-I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Bronchial. Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. EilitaM3l33o, iJqax., 180. To O. A. Beinivemr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very -frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that ,I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &v. JNO. VALREII .TAOICSON. Pastor of the Locust St.. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANNvervr---Dear Sir: Having used. your Bronchial Troches, .1 snares to say they are the beat Ihave ever tried and take grest pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking - or singing. Yours, &c.,RARESMAW; Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church . DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S Ossior.O_ Hennuininio, Yeb l 29 - `,lB - 64: To C. A. 13.uffiveirrear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarsenesi and. in sti - engtheiting the miscles of the throat. Theylinpart clearness to the voice, and ate'certainly' of great bene fit to all public speakers. •A. J. HERR COIoGATE 9 SI HONEY This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest material, is. mild and emoUlent in its nature, fragrantly satiated, and extremely. beneficial in itet 'Whole upon the skin. For sale, by all Druggists and Fahey Gach.Dealets jan2s-dawly • Military Thaninessi Attended To. Bounty, Pennon, .Back Pay, Bilbsistenairland Military and War Claims, generally, _mule mit and collected. =Tel , aorta residing at a distanceluttilutie then business trims acted by mail, by addressing- . EUGENE BINYDER, Attorney-at-Law • - del7-dly Third areet,-Harrisburg,;Paill Mrs. Ball's Remeill'iSs: I take this method If cheerfully thanking the public for past kind-attention to my medkines. To tell of all the Wendel - fa cures I have been able to perform would be impOSSible. I would call the attention of the ladies particularly to this valuable medi cine. I think I can safely say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole system; can be taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re gard to it. I have . also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This has healed sores that have run 20 years. My *wintery Drops, In fant cordial and Cough Drops have - been well tried. I need say nothing in their favor. I have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L BALL, marl 6 ' No. 27 South Pine Street., 'Harrisburg, Pa. BLIR DYE 'MIR' DYE I ! Bateikeior's Celebrated Hair Dye 18 THE BEST LIV THE WORLD. The only Harmless, True and Re habit Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Mossy Black or Naturalßrown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and...rectifies the - 111 effects of bad Dyes. The genuine sigifedAiTLELLid -A. BATCH ELOR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold byall Druggists, &c. Factory - 81 BAR CLAY ST, N. Y. ILISCRILLOWEI NEW TOIL= CRAM FOR DRESSING TEE HAIR A PHYSIOLOGICAL view of MARRIAGE, containing nearly 300 and: neges p 30`fine plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of t heSimnel Organs in a state of Health and Disease, wittc.V Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence "align ,the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of eureoialitiown by the re port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriege, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free'ef *stage to any address, on receipt of 28 cents, in stamps or postal cur- rency, by addressing Dr. LA OWL; No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. - marl-dawam THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit, and. as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer :from Nervous :De bility, Premature Decay . of Manhood, ,ha, supplying at the same time Tun MUSS Or SILT-CITILX. By . one who has cured himself after . undergoing coniiderable quackery. By inclosing a post paid ad44egual envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL IfATFALE,HseI• feb3.3mdiew Bedford, Slnips.Co., N. Y. Hoop Sk.iits: Hoop Skirts The Cheapest Hoop Skirts int Harrisburg. A splendid skirt for 76 015. A much better skirt for $l. Calicos; a tine assortment for spring. French gingluurts, Manchester gingham Bleached and unbleached muslin from New York Auc tion. _ 1,000 yards plaid silks at $l, worth $1 60. 200 yards plain brown silk at 41 37, worth .$1,76. 200 yards black ailk at $l.. Black silk at all prices.- A very large assortment of new dress. goods. 600 dozen of stockings and socks, all prioes. The best stockings in the city at 25. cents. Cassimeres for men and boys' wear. Cloaks for spring. Wishing to reduce our stock, which is v.ery now we will offer great inducements to bu,yent. S. LEW.Y• ORANGES! ORANGES! !-20 boxes in prime order. Just received wholesale and retail. SHISLER & FRAZER, feb2 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., 8 Co.), HAMS ! .111.11 S !!—MiChener'i Excelsior. Just cured. Received and for sale at SEMLER & FRAZE 4 mar2B • (Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Um) NA T I V E WINE.' , , FINE BLAppERRY and ELDSREEDRY 'RUM— Warranted pure. For sale at • SEMLER & FEWER, jan26 Eruccessors to W, Dock, Jr., & Ca ) TO LADIES.—If You wish good , Lode. reper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, Or anything 'else In t h e sta t ionery line, you will do well by 8011BPPER BOOKSTORE, nol9 Banisburg. k LARGE lot of best quality of Mercer Potatoes just received and for ode s -- BOYFAtt QEMM, decLlAltf No. 8 - • pENE. , APPLE-- CHEESE--Norton'al , aele ,, butted; . SHISLZR ic FRAZEII4 no2o (=Lamson' to Wm. Dock, Jr., & eo.) M=Ml!=;2=El NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DESIRABLE PROPERTY.-AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber, residing six: miles above Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna river °IRAs at: private sale the following desirable property ,- alt of Which is con venient to both the Canal and- Railrbad,'initt One of the best markets in the State the city of Harrisburg: No. 1. A TAVERN STAND, with four acres of land, more or 1 on which is erecteditsubStainialttone and Plastered HOUSE, containing eleyen rooms; a large Stone Stable, capable of bolding 20 horses; Carriage House, Smoke House, and one of the beat Springs in the country, Spring House, and other necessary out buildings. No. 2. A TRACT containing 14 acres, more or less ,on which is erected a Grist Mill, Store Hcruse,'fotirl/4elling Houses, with out-buildings. The Gristiiill to in goad run ning order, with plenty of custom work, good water power, and a tine harbor for timber. The Canal and Rail road pass through this property. No. S. A TRACT OF LAND containing 150 acres, more or less, part tillable, the balaime timber, on which is erected two 'Dwelling HOUSES,-with Stable; the . frame of a Saw Hill, a head and fail of 21X, °feet, Within4oo yards of Canal and Railroad. This is a splendid ..location for a forge, furnace, or factory. mi k ,4 A TRACT containing 10 acres, with HOUSE and Stabil), (the Railroad and. Canal pass through,) on which is a good. Stone Quarry, a large quantity of brick clay, a good seat ter au anthracite furnace, or steam Saw Mill. No. 5. A TRACT, containing 4.5 g acres of Woodland, a large quantity of which is Shestuut rail Umber, oak, hick ory &c., on which there is about four acres cleared, with HOUSE and Stable thereon. The tract is mile from Canal and Railroad. 1 e above property will be sold on terms to suit pur chaser& It can be seen by calling on the subscriber, on the property, or any information can be given by ad dressing. JOHN C. N'.ALLISTER, Susquehanna, P. 0., Dauphin county, Penn'a e WALT DISOOTARY I mar22•tf Use , and. Valuable Diseorery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. lOUs beelitheroughly tested during the last two years by practical en., and pronounced by all to be SVPZRIOR TO ANY Appliasbla all useful Arta I:Wheelie. Preparations knoWn. HILTONW/NOOLVALI CJOirttr is a new thing, and the result of years of study; its combination , Bei -P_Olcfpa And 'under tairis or Shange 'Ol%-teurgaidaturA'wlll^-1t be anie Corrupt 'dr omit anf abusive A Dew 'thing. Ita Combinitio# `BOOT 4 . 111) 8110 E Manufacture's, using Machines, will grid it the best sulicie known as cementinglor the„Channels,,,it,works thottt dela*, is not la any change of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man. nfacturera. . a. , I , JRWELEN.3 Ifil find it, aunteieetly adhesive for their.use as hes been proved.. Jeweler& /kir I:spce/4 ~.idagneti, , to Leather, And we claim as an especal merit, that it etas Patches to Boots an Shoes. terfliciently strong without Famillea LIQUID' 3EMEN7 • t that la a sure thing for maridl.. kaimitur& ck ' Bone, Ivory, And artistes of 'Household use klaiMOW .iiitson's boomers CEMZNT Win a liquid form and 8.6 easily ap plied as paste: HELTON'S INBOLUBLB CBJBNT 12 'amiable in water or oil. BxuroN'a Imaounni Caw= Adherea oily atibetanore. Remember Supplied, in Family or Manufao tunes Packages from 2 ounces to 100 13:1:L'pONBROB. & CO., • • Ptoprietorn, Providence, R. L Finis, WWI& MAPERTM. 'WM 8-dir e MEDICAL. • • . . 01 4. -1 • t i g 0 1 ' Ct. El KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective 11 and 'Alterative, of Wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACILE, LITER and BOWELS. • Cures• Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility, Nerveasness, , • De pression of Spirits, Constipation , Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the ' Stomach, Nausea,'Heartburn, Ijisguai jam.. -Food, Fullness .or. Weight in the stomacly ' : ..Hinking or Fluttering at the Pit of.the ,. Ettornack, . Swimming of the Head;Difticult Breethincarellew nil* of _the. Skin :.ind.....Eyea,- 4 Friver Mid Dell , paini-la the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, . will 'cure every ease of Chronic :or Nervous Debility, Disefineirf of the'' Kidneys and - Diseases arialpg front a disordered stomach; Good , for . Hale • I or Female, Old' -or -eV TOW*. ' - The most beneficial medicine known; gives WHO' sills faction aid cares More dLsesses than any other 'prepare •elon oared to the Public. Prepared solely bya d SUN NIL Ar BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE OF Counttrfeits Kunkers Bitter Wine of Iron. is the °Mg sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the. permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as theretun a number of Imitations offered to , the public, we would caution the community to Purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. Ramon. & Biro., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle..l.The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this - valuable remedy, Proves its worth and speaks witting' in its favor. The Bitter Wine of trouts putup in 75 bent and $1 00' bottles, and sold by all respectable druggtsta throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the /aerial& of the proprietor's signature. This Wine i Wades the most agocable and - Adept Salt of Iron we posses; :Zitrate or Magnetic ORA& Can blued, with the most energetic of vegetable tonlerkTeffloy Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, toes of appetite s and general "piestration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, Combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is mast happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes Gm muscular flabbineas, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the.countenance. GEN . E4AX% DEX9T, FM us )Lißiwr mu= 7t, PA. 71: 1 ' Fakialeriii ° f ailAtiatt , do/aerie itte ountry. ,'.~, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LEWIS' PATENT CALE-NDAR-CLOCKS 1 The Measurement of - Time - and the Record o Dates Combined. THE GREAT DIPROVEMINT OF THE AGE ! A F. ZIMMERMAN, No. 52 Market street, A Harrisburg, has received the agency of the Com bined Measurer of Time and Recorder of Dates, LEWIS' PATENT CALENDAR- CLOCKS , to which wonderful piece of mechanism- he respectfully invites the attention of the public. The great advantage of this clock is, that the machinery of the calendar is entirely disconnected with the Works of the clock; that it is simple in its construction, requiring none of the- clean: ing necessary to the works of an ordinary clock, and it can be transported without the least liability to damage. This Calendar is self-setting; the 24-hour wheel of the clack moves the Calendar at midnight for the following day, and the mechanism of the Calendar is sunlit: that it sets itself for the long and short montbs„thus, without. any attention (except to keep the clock wound) it will not only point out thetime of day -but also the day of the week, day of the month and month of the year, giving 31 days to Jan., March, May, July; Aug., Oct. and Dec. - 30 days to April, June, Sept. and Nov., and to February it will give 28 days for three kincaessive years and on the fourth year 29 days, thus making all the , changes, -in cluding Bissextile or Leap Year. _ mar2B-d2w SchoylkM and Soignehanna Railroad Company. Omme, 227 S. FOURTH STIUMM Pxuainassas, April 41h, 1864. I rrinE annual meeting of the. Stookholdere of this Company and an election for reeddent amd Six Managers will take place at the Office of the Company on Monday, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, x ap6.4ltm2 W. IL WEBB, Secretary. Notice to Magistrate), Prosecutors, Witnesses and Jurors. NOTICE is hereby given that hereafter all partite or witnesses bound by recognizance to appear in any . criminal prosecution in this county, will be called on Monday afternoon, at the meeting of the Colift, and if -not then in attendance,- their recognizances will be for feited, unless before that time a sufficient excuse for non-. attendance be sent to the District Attorney. And such parties and witnesses, under like penalty of forfeiture, must remain in court during the session thereof, and answer when required, and that no forfeiture of a recognizance will .be taken oil' by the Court, ex cept on clear proof of the inability of the recognizer to attend at-the time. And the Magistrates throughout the county are respecthilly urged to require: sufficient surety from all-persona charged with crime, and to bind over all prosecutors and witnesses brought before them; and that fines will be imposed on all Jurors failing to attend, except when they have sufficient legal excuses for non-attend ance. By order of the Court, sipB-dawte J. C. YOUNG,-Clerk. MEI Open Market for Cavalry Horses. Asst. QUARTKR.BUSrItIt'S 01714111, Hamussoact,./trinit„ April 6th, f TTNTIL further orders, HORSES, fit for 11,..) Cavalry Service, will be purchased at. this place in open market. None will be received under Ave, nor over nine years of age. Must not be under 15 bands in height. For particulars apply to E. C. REICRENBACH, aps-dtf Capt. and Asst.. Quartermaster. It is the only` TO BLACKSMITHS. i t GOOD BLACKSMITH is wanted by the .1011.. undersigned. PennerTent employment and good wages- 44w given. Apply to E. T. KOUCK, Bridgeport. FOR• SALE—A HOUSE, corner Short street and Young's alley - . Price ;850 cash. • Also, TWO ROUSES on Young's alley, back of Short street. Price $625 each, cash. Apply to apr44lw W. K. VERBEKE. SALE OF-CONDEMNED HORSES ANDMULES OFFICS ASSISTANT Quswrsesusrss, HARRISBURG, Ps 'e., April 4, 1864 WILL BE SOLD, , at Public Auction, at. y V Government Corral, near Union Deposit, Dauphin county, Penn'a., on Thursday, April 14,1894, atle o'clock, A. M., 130 .4ARSES AND ONR' MULE. Thesatitifirials have been . condemned as being unlit for Government service; but.forfannand road purposes, .bargainscan be lied.- acs - Horses to he sold singly; sale to continue until all are TuililVoitieh, , WGitvitametif funds: ' E. C. REICHENBACH, apr4-td Capt. and :Assistant Quartermaster. TIIE NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORE, ON. . . MARKET - STREET, (D 7 D. W. GROSS" NEW BLOCK) .• • • Itarrisburg, Pa., , HAS now on exhibition' a magnificent STOCK Or. • Ladies' and Childrens' , CLOAKS - AND. MANTILLAS. The styles will be found entirely new, and material un surpassed-in quality: ..The particular attention of ladies is invited to this es tablisbment to examine this stock. In addition IA the above, we always will keep a complete stock of SHAWLS, BALMORALS AND HOOP SKIRTS. Being in immediate connection with a large wholesale - house inniiiiideinhin, we are enabled to sell at very low 'prices. ~a . G;a#Y MEE GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRYI W . _ FORSYTH dr'.CO., V V • 42 AND 44 NASSAU' STREET, NEW YORK_ (Adjoining the Post Office,) Offer for sale the following magnificent Est of - . EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NOT TO BE PAID Iva UNTIL AUSZITOW WHAT YOU ARE TO GET. 150 Gold and Silver Watches.. $l5 00 to $lOO 00 each -200 Ladies' Gold Watches.. .. . - 1115 00 each - 500 Ladies' & GenteSilierdo ' 15 . 00 each 5,000 Ladies" Gold. Pencils 4.00 to : 800 each 5,000 Gold-band Braceleta...... - 2 00' to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings. 250 to 600 each 6,000 Cameo, Mantic and Jet Brooch*: . . . 4 00, to 600 each 6,000 Coral anorPlorentine — Kar.: droris • . - 400 to 800 each 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins . 2 - 50 to 800 each 15,000 Sleeve Butt Ons, and Bosom Studs...-. ... . 250 m 600 each 10,000 Seta Ladies"jewelry......s 00 to 10 00 each 6.000 Lava and Florentine Sets.. 400 to 600 each 10;000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted Holders - 400 to 500 each 5,000 Gold Pens; with Silber Es- 'tension' Cases and Pen. ails . 4 00,rtn; 600 each Tile articles In this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and' most fashionable styles. Certificates of all the va rious articles are put in waled envslopesand ,ntxed, thus fair chancey and 'sent by mall; YOr . 25- Cents each and on the receipt of the certificate; it is '-at your option to send ONE tiom.arcand take the article named in it or not. Five certificates for:$1; eleven for $2; thirty for $5; sixty for $10; one hundred - for $l5. 'Certificate money to be enclosed with - order. Correspondence promptly answered. . Ausars WANTED in every town and regiment .. .Send for a circular. Addreee IV—FORSYTH 42 and-44 Nassau street, New York. izulart-dwiaint.OM STEEL .-ENGRAVILIVO— OF The Most Rev. J. HUGIEERS ) FIRST ARCEEBIE(HOF OF NEW YORK. ITIHIS most excellent engraving is now of fared for sale at W. KNOCHE'S, ap2-1m 93 Market street, Sole Agent. 110 ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of _l_ll.lfarrh3burg'and vicinity that he has removed`. his office from the Union Buildings to his resides= in !Third street, three doers:below Pine; where he wilt be hap& to receive the calls of his old patients and those qt,lthe com munity who may desire his prefiiiiiii#idatevicei :- • April. Is; 18t64-d2w A-- PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOR. 0 0 ,, 14, straibitir AND temm. "Oui-Okerniiienyimui mpOd of the. Goastttation, he:, for By 11. IK'Kay•Price $l. Per sale at - dela RICRONEIVK BOOKSTORE. WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, &C., VALUED AT $86,000. Dr. R. A. MARTIN -Ai~tT6:: A srruinix As Clerk in a "store Best 11 references-if required.- Address W. W.DAVIMON, Wieoto44llolo4 county, Pa. apEt-dats Wiumnum, AGIRL to do general Homework. ALSO, a good COOL Apply at the NATIONAI HOTEL, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets Good wages paid. ap7-d3t* AGENTS wanted to sell then-Standen:l -His tory of the War. A rare chap - 4'lo !Mike money. Agents are cleating from $lOO to $2OO Oernaoata.... 200,00 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS.& CO., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. de 30 AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S NAIL BRANT'S HALL .81-77Y-NINTEI :217GH2' SIXTF-117X171 T OF THE GRANTD STAR Combination Dramatic Company, • Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company. oatipz riv..sl3)Dij GAIN ADMISSION COMPLEMENTARY. $ E FIT The Popular and Gifted ProtealpLar z eajr; , MISS FANNY DENHAM. NESS FANNY DENIM MISS PAPINY - 1 MR. S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. RYAN. KR. S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. RYAN, MR S. E. RYAN, MR S. E. RYAN, The Great Irish Comedian and Dialectician. First week of the Engagement of the ittlOnted Actre, HMS NELLIE SPRAGUE. • MISS NELLIE SPRAGUE. MISS NELLIE SPRAGUE. The performance will commence with the thrilling his torical Play, in three acts, entitled the Queen and the Adventurer,, Queen and the Adventurer, - I,neen and the Adventurer,. Queen and the . Adventarer THE HORRORS OF LA TOUR DE =SLR . To conclude with the very laughable Irish Comedy, called IRISH ASSURANCE AND YANICEF. MODESTY: IRISH ASSURANCE AND YANKEE MODESTY_ IRISH ASSURANCE AND YANKEE MODESTY The whole company in the bill. Secure Seatirand. Come Early. For particulars see small bills. SAINTORIPS ' HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL - 9. FUN FOR THE MILLIOI'P • TWO PERFORMANCES: Ladies' and Children's Matinee at 't O'Cloct noTEEER _GOOSE:: HANDY •IN - :Et r HOW ARE YOU, GREENBACKS? To conclude with TILE GHOST . . . , in a blaze of Greek Fire- -•, ,t‘ sAwlebmi AND TitOtTPit:' • Orchestra-Seats mu be procurbd in adv a nce tiVlNtim vart'a Drug Story ' .. - Doors open at Commence l to S. Police always in attendance to preserve order..' Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra clubs ; 50 cents. Private boxes. entire, $5 each; angle seals, 3sl. k each. jan2l4st. NEW, NATIONAL; HA:I;t : , (LATE TEMPERANCE RALE. ) 0,6 CORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STREETS. A COMBINATION OF STARS. IP-VeNsoo:4(iNziNst.iwitilzfAlms The popular Comedian and Vocalist Mr. BILLY HOLMES. Mr. BILLY HOLME.S First appearance, this evening, of Mr; NED HAVEN, - . The Popular Negro Delineator. EVERY EVENING. PLANTATION MINSTRELS, SINGING, DANCING, and BURLESQUE. Second week of the Beautiful and Elegant, Aiupe4e. MISS FRANK CIFRISTIE. . MISS. FRANK CEIIIIOIE. CANTERBURY MUSIC FIA L. WALNUT ST., BELOW IBIRD. J. BUDD ... ... .. Sole Lame. r. ----- OPEN .EVERY MEM, With a First-class Comiiiny of =• : SINGERS, DANCERS„ COKEDUNS, &c., &a: — l7. Admission. Seats In Boxes. ...... . . ... ' PIANOS. LORENZ REISS & sellailms -EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT FF. _KNOCHE'S, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. - - L1 OR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to .A 2 wrqttur I have taken the agency: of the abbve most excellent flaws. The public is invited to come -suot,ex amine for themselves. A few Schemacker & Co's Pianos on hand: yet :UHL he sold low. mai1.5.11 NO. 4 JONES'. ROW:- WUNDHSIGNED respecttitiliiitflehint e R public that he has pinehased the.: • HAT AND CAPSTDRF. ' • • Late the property of I'. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old standkew t hiererte will constantly keep on hand ngetientjassortin ent of HATS, CAPS &c , 5 • 5 OR- THE LA-TESS , ST i lt4S, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal stare of . patronage brrearOpillyappeited mann-412m R. H. LONG A. ,C.!.•iggirrif, AnCTORDTEN" - AT- - HAS removed his Office from Third to Wal nut street, next to the Prison. Alt business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. alt 4 ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEL re ceived, a fine chest of English BreakfBl&Dia l .4 SEISLF-R & FRAMES Success Successors to Wm. Dock, it) C)(1 BOXES SPERM CANDLE,s; of superior make, jug. received aed'for aIIIBLER & FRAZEit, febl (mimic:Ars to Wm. Dock, jr -‘dp F Keos — P L UALia l id ere d r " kab LAßD . ' ust reeTived ju at FIitAZER, mar-1 (snoceseors to Wm. Dock, jr., & co ANEREQO I 4- ..01141W-7WWBollairiCrit am& parlor invoice of Messina Oranges just received at BOYER KOERPER. Efl3