nailD Ettzgrapil (7) .'___ - - lIARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1861. ..... stYr ICE TO ADVERTISEILS.—A. II Adver t e !it s, Business Notices, Marriages, .&e., to secure insertion, in the T i;, I.E.' GRAPH, 11111 A invariably be EILCCOI3II - roed with the CASH. Advertisements ojdered in the regular Erening Edition are insetted in the Morn ing Edit ion without extra charge. CITY ITEDIS or...tss jars and bottles of different sizes, suit able for confectioners, and for putting up pre serves, for sale very low at C. A. Bannvart &- Co's drug store, where a fine assortment of 3leershaum pipes can be found. ap4-3t I=l flutmverr's Bronchial Troches for hoarse istso and throat diseases, for sale at Dr. Miles' thug store, corner Third and North streets,and Dr. Win. H. Egle's Drug store, Ridge Avenue. aO3O-dtf THE celebrated crystal spectacles properly adjusted to the eye ; microscopes from 100 to 700 diameter ;'tower telescopes, field glasses, defining au object from one to ten miles, and fill kinds of optical, mathematical and philo sophical instruments at Rosenclale's Optical Institute, 8 Market' Square, Artificial eyes inserted. Send for a circular ! janBdtf TOWN AND COUNTRY., IT is estimated that $1,500,000 worth•of to bacon was grown in Lancaster county last ez=zi LOCIMPL Rolling Mill Company will re ceive proposals for building fifty houses, until the 12.1 h inst., at the office of Wm. CoMei% CoNsnauss.--The State Senate has passed' bill making the terms of constables -five rears instead of one, as heretofore. SA3n - EL WRIGHT, Esq., late editor of the Columbia Spy, has beon appointed an assist.. nut adjutant general, with the rari,lr of captain. A SOLD - Pat named Ralston was released'of wallet containing $l3O in •greenbacks: last evening. Having imbibed rather freely of tanglefoot, he did not keep an eye on his greenbacks, and they disappeared. IT is said that A. J. Cdossbrenner, of:the Philadelphia Age, will be the copperhead candidate for Congress in the district coin: posed of York, Cumberland and Perry counties. =I SPOTTED FEynn.---This so-called , disease broke out in Herrick township, Susquehanna county, last week, and nineteen persons died within a few days. Six members of one fam ily, and four of another, were among the RECTCUTIS continue to arrive in large num-, hers, although the Governmentbounty is only $lOO. There appears to be a general desire on the part of the people of this State to Avoid a draft, and large local bounties are causing the quotas of the various localities to be filled. AN order has been issued authorizing offi cers and privates in the Invalid Corps, of suf ficient service and fit for active duty, to enter the Veteran Corps. The chance, will undoubt edly be jumped at by all who squirm under the popular misapprehension that the Invalid Corps is a body of pensioners. They will get hemities too. =DEO GONE TO Limmo.—Three young "nymphs,' named Lizzie Shindler, Annie Shimer and Anne Noaffer, were yesterday sent to jail for thirty days. They were drunk and disorderly, on the streets, when arrested. It is hoped that their stay at Fort Simmons may ha've a good result. There are a number of cyprians yet at large, who should be furnished with quarters at the county boarding house. A SUDDEN Dram—The Hon. John Bankait: of Reading, died very suddenly on Siindai morning last. The deceased had but recently attended the Supreme Court, in Fhiladelphiai , and was iu perfect health. On return; lie contracted a severe cold, but his symptoms were not considered dangerous until Friday, when his disease assumed an alarming aSpeot, which baffled all human skill, and which-re sulted in his death as stated. • . . 1=1:11= Two MEN KILLED. —Nathan Sugar • and, Thomas Bulloch, whilst sinking a Shaft at` Moselem Ore Mines of Messrs. Hunter & Peacock, near Leesport, in Berks county, were killed on Thursday night, 'at about 11 o'clock. It appears one of the buckets un hooked and fell down the shaft, drilling the two unfortunate then. Sugar was instantly killed. Bulloch lived about fifteen Minutes after being taken out. I=2=l liens ON A RAIL.—The Lehigh Register says: "A friend who visited Peamstown, Lan vaster county, a day or two ,ago, informs us that the notorious Philip Huber, of Golden. Circle renown, was treated to a ride on a rail by some veteran soldiers in that vicinity, on. Monday last. The affair happened at a ven- due, and occasioned considerable excitement. Except the indignity, and a little rough hand; ling, Huber, co far as we learn, was not in!• - jurecl. MartoNawr Bum/. —The Village .Reeoid gives an account of the family, of a Mr. Hill, who recently moved into West Chester and oa cupied a dwelling which had been shut up for nearly two years; On Monday night of . last week all went to bed apparently in usual health. On Tuesday, four YouP!, - daughters, aged eight, ten, twelve and fourtken ' y6ars, were taken sick; one died on Wed.n:e's day, another on Thursday; on Thursday they were buried in the same grave. By thisitime the mother and another boy were sidk,, 114 e, mother unconscious. On Sunday morning another of the children died. We understand i the other members of the family were on Sunday to another house, The cliseaSeis considered by physicians malignant typhoid ; lever, although it is reported by some spotte? fever, &a, L.kNC4STEIi city is paying $275 bounty to volunteers who enlist to the credit of that Q.= SHAD, On!—Fresh shad were selling in market, this morning, at from 75 cents to $1 a-piece. Rather salty for fresh fish! THE= was a somewhat slim attendance at market this morning. In butter there was slight decline—the prices ranging from 40 to 45 cents. 'Maroa's OFFICE.—The large front room on the lower floor of the Exchange building has been fitted up for and is now occupied by the Mayor. It is conveniently located, being ad jacent to the lock-up, froth ,which place pri soners can be brought , for a. hearing without reaching the street. CONTRACTS AWARDED.—Among the contracts for army clothing awarded,,,n day or two ago by the Government, we notice the following: 'J. P. Meyer & Co4-11arrisburg-500 pairs boots, is to 10s, $3 80. V. Meyer & Co., Harrisburg-500 pairs boots, 7s to 10s, $3 170. THE PITTSBURG AND CONSELSVILLE RAIL EGAD. -Benjamin H. Latrobe, president of this road, invites proposals for the gradation, masonry, bridge superstructure, ballast, cross-ties and track-laying of the Pittsburg and Connellesville Railroad, between Con nellsville and Cumberland, embracing a dis ttince of about eighty-seven miles, in sections' of about one mile each. Specifications .are now ready, and proposals will be received uu til the, 10t1 of this, month. See ad,vertise e. nienVtifiptOtiCAll4 4 3.t " e ; POLICE AYFADIA —Before the Mayor.—The - following cases were disposed of this morn ing: David Cashan and John Fvans, arrested for vagrancy, were discharged, with instructions to leave the pity. x i; : James Bighorn, drunk, was committed, in default of fine. Silas Ward, William Foustjelm E. Brown, James Eidgley an d , pipi , :p ? ti f lonwere up for drunkenness, disorderly conduct, Sze. A. portion of these men being soldiers, were handed over to the military authorities, and the balance were discharged. Amosrosimpia.—Two splendid dramas are on the bills for this evening, at the theatre, viz: Black Eyed Susan, and Toodies. The beauti fill tragedienne, Miss Nellie' Sprague, will ap pear as 'Bleek=eyed Susan;; while' the gifted ',comedienne and vocalist, Miss 'Fanny Den- ,hem will sustain` the character of Dolly May; eflOwer 'rind Mrs. Toodles. Messrs. Rouse, Jennings, and all . the • other fine actors of the company, • will also appear in these plays.-- Crowds are turned away from the hall nightly consequently, those desiring to be accommo- . dated, should secure their seats at Bannvart's drug store at the earliest possible moment. SANFORD .has prepared a capital bill for to night, consisting of - a number of beautiful ballads, choruses, &c., besides a solo by Mr. Rudolph on his favorite instrument, the Tron dnenmiphilipinotriu3iamomento ; and: he grand fairy spectacular pantomime, entitled Mother Goose. There -will be a grand matinee for ,and children, at the Opera touie, on teturday next at' 2 o'clock. MOTHER Goosz, one of the most brilliant pieces ever produced, will be withdrawn after this evening, and will only be performed again on Seturday.afternoort next, for the la dies and children. Mother Goose has now been performed eleven nights. This is the longest run of any piece ever given in this city. The houies on each 'occasion have been 'full. New Novelty is in perfection. Also, Neu Faces. - This Is a great season for. San- Ma. Hrrcitcocs. offers a choice programme :.for this evening, at the NatiOnal Hall, on Second street. This little palace is the scene :of some spleridid acting, by thia foie company • e;►gaged by the manager. "Variety is the :spice of life," and variety is the motto at the National. - =MI Loam 1 4 zolaw7ox.—Yesterday afternoon the Milne passed 'finally, "a further supple ment to an act to • incorporate the city of Har risburg, in the county of Dauphin,"°which is of interest to our citizens, and reads as fol lows: SECTION 1. , Be it _enacted, ite., That when any of the streets or alleys in the city of Har risburg shall have been directed to be opened, graded and curbed, and the damages assessed and paid as provided in the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth sections of, the act to which this is a supplement, the Common council May. provide from. time•to time for the.grading of the whole or any part of said streets or alleys, as the same may be rendered necessary by the progrisi of improvements alonethe route of said streets or alleys, or warranted by the condition of the finances of the city. SEC. 2. That Cotton" alley, •in" the - Fourth - ward of the citY!Of.; ; Harrisbitrg; and' Cu land street, 'between the ; Feruisylvimazrail.l road and Eighth street, in the Sixth ward of the city of Harrisburg, be and the same are ;hereby vacated; and. Yerbeke street, in the Sixth ward of the city of Harrisburg, be and the same is hereby extended from Front street to low water mark on the Susquehanna river; ,and said Yerbeke street, between Sixth and LSeventh streets, shall be of the width of sev enty feet instead of eighty feet, as at present laid out; and.the turnpike,. formerlypart .of Second street, `in the .Fifth'Waid, between North street and Herr . street, is hereby de ,clared a public:highway. SEC. 3. That each ward in the city of Har risburg shall hereafter separately elect and be - the The First and Second:wards shall be equally represented in the board of school directors 'of the first district. The second district shall he represented by two school directors from One from the Fifth ward,.and one from the Sixth ward. SPECIAL' • NEW ' . Mr. C. J. JESTER, who haibeei engaged at sign paint 'ing for the past three or four7eah7, in our midst, has as sdciated with him Mr. J. P. _Barringer and they are now prepared to do HOUSE AND` SIGN P.AINTING in all its branches, and have accordingly opened at the old stand, under the firm of Jester & !Wringer, Court House alley, 'lttpir Market street, where all orders will be promptly at: tehded to. ttpri-d/w (it ilk .1 BANNYART'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. 'Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, t. whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: lisanissono, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BAlrmvsirr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, cancheerfully commend your own as a most adorable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving ui time.of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Agfil - I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Bronchial Troches. W. C. CATTELII, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian 'Church. HABBISBURG, Jim., 1804. To C. A. IlarawAirr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentleexpecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them - very far superior to any Lozenges that I haie ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, iko. ' JNO. WALTIEB. JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. •To C. A. BannvAßT—Dear Sir: Having used , your 'Bronchial - Troches, I am free to say they = are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in. recommending them to all persons atllicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. YouTs, ero.., G. G. RAXESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. ~ r ' ::f: Mal DIST'S= ATTORNEY'S Orrroz, HA88113131714% Feb. 29, 1864. r To C. 4 BaNnverer—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the vice, and are certainly of great bene fit to , all public speakers. A. J. EMI The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Poi, mosenv, BROSOLUAL and ASSIIMATIO Americas. E4pe.- xience having proved that simple remedies .bilen sot speedily when taken in the early stages of the disease, re course should at onee be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches." or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so•slight,. as by this "precaution,. a more serious at ack may be effectually warded MC Pu tic SPEAKERS and Summits will , find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Soldiers should haie them; as they can be carried in the pocket and-taken as occasion•requires: t • • mar29=dawlin - • Military "Business Attended To. - Bounty, Pension„ .Back Pay, Subsistence and' Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans. acted by, mail, by addressing. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Lal. Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. • •• LEWISA • . PATENT' CALENDAR CLOCKS ! The MeaSuiement - of Time - and .the'ReeorG, o Dates Combined. THE GREAT IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGE! AF. ZIAINIERIMBNi No; 52 Markst. street, . Harrisburg, has 'received the agency of the Com bined Measurer of Time. and Recorder of Dates, , LEWIS' PATENT CALENDAR' CLOCKS to which wonderful piece of mechanism he respectfully invites the attention of the public. The great advantage of this clock is, that :the machinery of the calendar is entirely disconnected with the works of the clock; that it is simple in its construction, requiring none of the clean ing necessary to the works of an ordinary clock, and it can be transported without the least liability to damage. This Calendar is sett-setting; the .24. hour wheel of the clock moves the Calendar at midnight for the following day, and the mechanism of the Calendar is such that it sets itself for the long and short months, thus,: without any attention (except to keep the clock wound) it will not only point out the time of day but also the, day of the week, day of the - month and month of the year, giving 31 days to Jan., March, May, July, Aug„ Oct. and Dec.; 30 days to April, June, Sept. and Nov : and to February it will give 28 difys for three . successive years and on the "fourth year 29 days, thus - making all the changes, in. • eluding Bissextile or Leap Year. mar2B-d2w Coughs and Colds. del7-dly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY ! T . ORSYTH .VT • 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. (Adjoining the Post Ofßce,) _ Offer for sale the following magnificent list of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, &C., VALUED AT $300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND .NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU info* WHAT YOU ARE TO GET. 150 Gold and ,Silver Wateligs..sls 00 to .$lOO - 00 each 200 Ladies' Gold Watches • . 35 .00 each 500 Ladies' & Gents' Silver do ' •lb 00 each ; 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils...... 400 to .6 00 each 5,000 tiold-band Bracelets...... 300 to • 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings. 250 to 800 each 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet ••• Brooches. . .... 00 to 6 00 each 6,000 Coral and Florentine 'Ear drops 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins 15,000 Sleeve Buttons,amd Bosom 10,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry • • . 6.500 Lava and Florentine• Sets.. 10;000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted 5,000 Gold Pensorith-Silver, tension„Cases and Pen cils . 400 to 600 each The articlei in this stock or Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. COrfilleates of all toe va rious articles are pit in sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giving all a fair chance, and sent by mall, for 25 cents each; and on the receipt of the certificate, it Is, at your option to sendOan Dorman. and take the artlelo named it or not. Five certificates tat $1; eleven fcir $2; thirty for ss.;•sixty for $10.; one hun4red for $l5. Certificate `Money, to be enclosed with order. Correivondence Ipromptly answered. AGENTS WANTED in every town and regiment. bend for a circular. Address W. FQRSYTH & ca, 42 and 44 Nassau street, New York. rnar2s-dwas3maw3m , • REMOVED. SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE AND JOB-> PRINTING- OFFICE, To sOUT.H4Edikkiii STIfEET, Two Doors BeloW lielker's Hardware Store, OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. max3o-tr • AD' OHENEIrS excelsiox hams, of this 'B9a; eon's curing. Just rer:siieit and for tole by SHISLERA FRAZER, (successors to Win. 'Dow; jr., & Co.) decls PICKLES! PICKLES! I—By the Barrel, Half Barrel, Jar or Dozen, at no2o SHISIZR k FRAZER'S, (Successors - to Wm. Dock, Jr., tk EOl A PATRIOTIC GIFT 1300 K. OUR CONSTITUTION, GOVERNMENT AND UNIO N . "Our Government," an exposition of the. Constitution, he., for popular use. By M. DVExerrorr: Price $l. For silent c1e1.4 .BERGNRIVS, 1100ESTOW.... MOINE , . 1 / 1 1444., .• I* - X-4 &FRAZEi_ (au ,aWo Wok, Jr., co, KUNKEL'S-I3ITTER WINE OF IRON. ttPURE and powertil TONIC, Correotiva and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in abatises of e STO.V.AOIEL LIVER, and BOWELS. Cakes Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General • Debility, Nervousness," De- • pression Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity or the Stemach, Nausea, Hteirthurn, Magnet for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or the Pit of the .Stomach, Swimming of the Heed, Difficult Breathing, yellow floss of tae Skin and Hp:ticFever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the - Side, Bask, Chest and Limbs, Will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Dobility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising - from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old or Young. .. The most beneflcia ibeditine known; gives better satis faction 'and cures more diseases than any. other prepara tion offered to the Public. Prepared 'MeV by S. A. HUN HE[. & BRO., U 8 Market street, Harrisburg. - For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. 111- Counterfeits .Vatf As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the Only sure and &reptile' remedy in the irnowa world' for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia awl Debilit% and as there area number of imitatloneeffered to the public, we would caution the' comma to -purchase 'norie but the genuine article; inanufaemted - by S. A Irosiun.'St Bno., and Vas theft stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The . very fact that' others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. , The Bitter Wine of Iron Is jag up in 76 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by, all respectable druggists throughout the soluitry.. Be particular that every bottle bears the fa simile of the proprietor's Shiltstore• This Wine includes the moat agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we , possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect ill many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prestrution, of an efficient Salt of Iror4 combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, Is most happy. It augments the rippetite, raises the pulse, takes off musculor itabbinetari removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor-to the countenance. For sale, by all resPeotabla dealere throughoet the ountry. PIANOS. ALBRECHT, BIERS & SCIUBIDTIV: - . • EXCELSIOR P IANOS.."_ SOLE AGENCY AT W. : - -ENOVIIES;..::" 93'Market street, Harrisburg. . FOR REASONS, perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I haira taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. 'Pliepubile" is invited to come and ex, amine for themselves' A few Schomacker.& - Co's Pittllo3,oll hand,yet will ,be sold low. • • mar2s-0 • THE UNDERSIGNED respectfullyinforms the.public that he has purchased the HAT AND - CAP STORE Late tho property of T. J. BURNET, deceased, and that he will eentinue the business W. the old stand, where he will constantly keep on hand a general assortment of . 5 H - AT S, CAPS &e. OP THE LATEST' STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. mar2S-d2m ' • H. H. L01,.T0. JOHN A. B.IGLER St CO., ESEI.O3IIEIIiS, MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, Ow...rr To ADAMS zarzzas orricz,) HARRISBURG. Warrants, Claims, Government Securities, Checks Vouchers, ka., cashed: - mar2sd2ms MoVlitig t Moving As thiiis.tauvtime to.prepare for Moving, it would be well if all having to move would gather up - their surplus Furniture and send it to Bares, AuctiOn salr-Xismiture Rooms, where the bighest-mice it, cash frilT lie paid for all kinds of secondhand flirditurf." or exchange for new. NEW .213ANITURE of the finest , qualitf ittontriinn hand ! marl 9 . 4 00 to 600 each "2 50 to 800 each 250 to -• 600 each 5 00 to 'OO each 400 to.: 600 each "IMPORTANT TO ALL.—It will restore the 1_ aick tihi3alth; thelntempemte to temperance. The Rhubarb Wine will do it all.- "Don't think the reading of the advertisement will do; we don't claim that But if you will 4 , rito.C. K. KELISR'S Drug Stofe and get ataxic of the Wine and examine it for yourself, it will set you right; I will warrant you on that Orders for wine and wine plants taken and filled by our authorized , agent, t. K. KELLER, No. 91 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Yet full particulars apply to or address the above. JAMES,R LAMENT, Milford, Pike county, Pa., Wholesale Dealer in Wine Plants. 400 to ! 00 each mar22•dtt c - r_. o .A. K. sT.oR. `, IND. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCS, Market Street, Harrisbttrg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES rseammunal CLOAKS AND CIR CULAKI, FINE SPRING- SHAWIA. Will open on the Ist of April . rpm valgable prcoperty, .eorner of Second and Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hundred and aixty-eigtit feet on Pine street,, running bank' two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley," therelminwspace forfour full building lottcand amolt_dei sirableinte fora Goyernoes,litansion or public builstuager,.. For partionlare'etiquire of Mr& 'MURRAY, oorriercirSer- - cond and Finest rents: . .marl4f PLANTING OF TREES.—The suheeriber will plant Trees, Vines, Sbrubbery, &c., 'purchased from his Nursery, at reasonable prices. If desired, they will be warranted to grow, or replaced , in ease of failure, upon terms to be agreed upek accord ing to circumstances. Keystone Nursery, March 31,1884- • apIJACOB }MEL . , F "- BALL ' A very handsome, Two=horse PEDLER WAGON—cheap for cash. : INrect.' ' BOX No. 813, Narrisburg, Pa. . ' ' nit,in,g,..„ m elt OR SALE . T A Five - horse -p ower ,„ , JL: ENGINE. and MOILER, in geed order 40.- , ...._ .1. - i. 7 liathilat likeiti hehlWatitleti; feb2A4f MEDICAL *0 , n - BEWARE' OF GENERAL DEPOT, .118 MARKET STREET ILuntamn3ußct, PA. NO. 4 JONES' ROW. 'SEW -PHILADELPHIA FOR SALE, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE—The subscriber, residing six miles above harrisburg, on the Susquehanna river, offers at private sale the following desirable property, all of which is con venient to both the Canal and Railroad, and one of the best markets in the State, the city of Harrisburg: No. 1. A TAVERN STAND, with four acres of land, more or le on which is erected a substantial Stoke and Plastered HOUSE, containing eleven rooms; a large Stone Stable, capable of holding 20 horses; Carriage House, Smoke House, and one of the best Springs in the country, Spring House, and other necessary out buildings. No. 2. A TRACT containing 14 acres, more or less, on which is erected a Grist Mill, Store House, lour Dwelling Houses, with out-buildings. The Grist Mill is in good run ning order, with plenty of custom work, good water power, and a fine harbor for Limber. The Canal and Rail road pass through this property. No. 3. A TRACT OF LAND containing 150 acres, more or less, part tillable, the balance timber, on which is erected two Dwelling HOUSES, with Stables, the frame:of a Saw Mill, a head and fall of 21% feet, within 400 yards pf Canal and Railroad. This is a splendid location for a forge, furnace, or factory. No. 4. A TRACT andaintuglii acres, with ROUSE and Stable, (the Railroad and'emutl pass through,) on which is a good Stone Quarry, a large quantity of brickclay, agood seat fgr authracito fartiace, or steam Saw Mill. - To. 5. A TRACT containing 45% ages of Woodland, a large quantity of which is chestnut rail Limber, oak, hick ory, he., on which there is about four acres cleared, with HOUSE and Stable thereon. The-tract is g mile from .'Canal and Railroad. The above property Will be NM Ott tome to sett pur chasers. it caa be seen by calling on the subscriber, on the property, or any internists& can be given by ad dressing JOHN C. WALLISTER, Susquehanna, P. Q 2- Dauphin county, Guar DisoontitY Mar 22 tr - Useful and:' aluable Disco*ery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT wig more mew. hriketteal utility tlitict any 14_ now Were the üblie. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be 4UPARI,OII TO ANY AdhealveTrepaititiouikicuowti. Apsapttble .0 to 4 9,t1 Wleflll Haron'a Insoptuns Crxexe is a new thing, Ma- the-result of 'years of study; inspi4dAttallowt:la on Meng* ,Principies, And under no Circumstances or change of temperature, will It he come corrupt or omit any _ offensive A new thing. to Combination MI Hanufactosets, nstng Wobbles, will find it the best article known as Cementing for the Ctuuutebs, it works without delay, is not affected by any I change of tninperattun. . . IZEg JRWSLIIIM Will ttid it indiciently' adhesive tor their use, as has been proved. Jewlora It is illspecially Adapted he Lea User, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes sufficiently 'strong without Families. LIQUID CEMEN2 It is a liquid. e, t n t that is a sure thing for mend- ti dr°cke r y,i, o7l37 - Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use REMEMBER ' 'HUToa's• litstiranats Cizlrsx2. - Is In a liquid torn. and-as cosily op plied. as paste. • Hurrott'S4ustie 912Kinrr Islitso!Obis in water or tut 11wrea?s &amanita Comm. Adheres oily substances. Supplied .la Family or Marrefact tureen Packages from 2 ounces I°loo lbs. lingo* BROS. & CO., Proprietors, &member. Utl2 Ipkgs, : ;411-14q Agents In-Pbtled Steam- Weekly LlyerpooL TOUCHING at4CrEE.ll#ol9l+7, EW bor.) The well, known Steam of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia St metilp:Coinpany, wain tended to mil- _ CITY OF MANCHESTER, Saturday, April 9; CITY Olt LONDON, Saturday, AprlllB - , ETNA, S aturday, April 23, and every succeeding Saturday, &Moon; from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, Pareara IN GOLD,, OR MI suuiviumr IN cmumwev. ,FIRST CABIN $BO 00 1 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to L0nd0n:...... 34 00 do to Paris 95"00 do to ... ; . 40.00 . do to Hamburg.,..; 90 00 do to Itamtiurg....' 37 00 Passengers also forlard to Havre, Bremen,Retter dam, Antwerp, to., at equally low rates. Fares from 'Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin; $7O, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates.. , . For further information apply it the Company's OM & JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. , , 1 128-dly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albtuna. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. TuElargest and cheapest variety of PHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. Oporto Gmpe. W"WOE made from this GRAPE so arly resembles Port in flavor, body and color • that none but the best judges could distinguish it from genu ine imported Dart—as it used to be. The subscriber has been appointed 'agent for the sale of. V I N - . E..S of this grape by an extensive grower in Western New YOrk, and can furnish them in any quantity at moderate price. . . . . The wine is at present, selling at from $l. 50 to $4, ae ooiding to age, and the supply is unequal to the demand. i JACOB MISH. . Keystone Nursery, Feb 28, 1884, • , feb26 SCHOMACKER &.-CO.'S PIANOS! -SOUR - GR=APES: • woo well known in.this oily , tp - need. COM mendation. In use by PRESIDENT LINCOLN, - - ,GOVERNOR CURTIN . : 11.111..`n tafttGIePEARSON, And many other rusAinguisned.citizens. The undersigned Offers these superb instruments at'Prices that cannot fail to command public patronage.. N. R—No OLD stock on hand. • Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled STEINWAY PIANO. .4130, BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED- PIANOS. Chickering's and. several other of the very best makes. . None but perfect instruments sold. Call and seelargest stock out of pelt . ..cities. roar2B-tf S. WARD, Third street Reale Store. , _'FOR A lAIIGE and' sirdeindidlllbok Case, with -DI. Chili Sash above and pinebs below. Moulin at BARR & CO.'S Auction Store Find Nation& Bank. msr294ltt _ N A • T .V:E-W. I N. .• • FINF. BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY WIN.E. Warranted pure. For BRIO'S . • SHISLER & FRAZER, Jan% A-IsiciOssOrs to W. Dock, jr., & Co.) T.A.VA;Jamaica amiLagur&Colffte, at giusLER & FRAZEIk: (toicooosors to W. Dock_ jr.; &to.) i 1023 • , NEW 806.11 SHOULD STRAPS . DAYS OF SHODDY Juet received at EOM SCIF,FFER'S BOOKSTORE. . .... ' ,dr, PERINg'S W,ORCESTER SAUCES, L the moat popular and the purest ever-offered-to.tha public, just remitted, AAfortade by , - • Ii ', ~ •,.; 4" T . „ . BalB.ll IEirriAZER, febi 6 611 dcessPrs tO:Wm; Via, jr.,, . .1: Co ~ ) ' PEAR' TB S.,- Dwaxf bad Standm d.` :of the best leadiag .yarieties, and of superior gFQNY ale Caa befurnlshea at fair ptteetr atthilteystorteNurged J. .I.IOH merle Nabetter CUER,RY,!etkeig be • finua iiilVp cotiiitiyft*Ah stock now en tunntat tit& iteyotoii9 Parso7, The - collicticazintrakiN.: atailfoiti lit:ilia - fig' Aqui dies or . differinittottiorsandlrom . themariiest . to latarra ; , 491:1.. :124.1:011 JA04141. BOor ;ow aims It Is the only MEDICAL, DR. WISHARDS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS THE VITAL PREICIPLE of THE POE THEE, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highestmed ical properties are retained. nave you a Cougll. ? Have you Sore ThrSat? Have yon any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late; From this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. • Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water which in many cases had a good effect; but how' to combine the medical pro perties So as to heal the - lungs, has ever been• a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISHA_RT, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wis.hart's Pine Tree Tar. Cor dial." Many, not only of the people, but physi cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me,• "What is the principle or cause of your success in the treatment ''of .Pulmonary Consumpticm 7" Mr.answer, is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs - the strengthening of the debilitated system— the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the :system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by 'the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis, eased tart, relieving pain, subduing in n mina tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, it he 'has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: D Wisnairr—Dsor Sir:—l had a very dreadful wage •Aud aor throat for ous And Lay wnoie stsi.i was fast giving way, AMA I, was prostoited ou-My bed with but ikon aops at•recovermg • My disease baffled power of all Luedietnes, and in:a short time I must have gone to my grave, but think God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N : Second street, and related my case to you, purchaied one bottle of your : Pine Tree Tar Cordial and commenced .to use it, and in one week I. was much better,. and after using three bottles. I am perfectly well, and a wender to all •my friende, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if yon think proper. REBECCA. Pramir.TON, NO. 141 Wpue street, Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an infailiable cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore Throat and Breast, In lemma tion of the Lungs. Mr. Wisp says: Da. Wmajar—Sir:—l had Bronchitis, lit- Irunniatimi of` he Lungs, Shortness of Breath; and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst• forms; I had been treated by several of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired of ever being:re stored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended •to me by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second‘street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 A. ac. to 2 r. at., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. WORN WARD. Read the following from Utica: Da. Wtsnear—Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in informing you through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A:' Hall, df this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the best of inedical.aid with Out any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a sate and anreremedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Daguerrean. Artist. 126 Genessee street, Utica, N. Y. 4111 * :—I have used Dr. Wishfurt's Pixie Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. 6. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, Utica, New.:4lork." , , • The above_ die a few among the thonsands which this great remedy hag saved from an untimely grave. " • , We have thousand.s of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed mid sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave - such universal satisfactilon. , , The Tar Cordial, - when taken in connection ?with Dr. Wishart's Dywaie. pills, is au in fallible cure for'Dystuiplas.' The Bum Tara Tan CORMS, will cure - Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, ...Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. BEW,IRE.OF COIINTERIMITs: : The genuine has the name of - the proprietor and a ••like 'tree blcomi in the bottle. Ali others are 'Turkl- 1t..41b ti01:1F. • PRIM? FIFTY CHNTS and 4 31 i lialakg - per BOTS.F. bY [hr 1( • ' f • Dr. linshart, A A:tit-a 1:431?L:34 V4 t allslorthSecoryl ru4delphia, Sold' by Drastiiivii - ywh lesale by all_rhiJa "delpliitiktft ;York kutraly",