Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, April 06, 1864, Image 1

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vi I.Y TELEGRAPU i= SPrit' , l In Sl7l)Selitßff slu the
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Pennsylvania Legislature.
TUESDAY, April 4, 1864.
The Senate re-assembled at 3 o'clock, p.
:lir. Speaker PENNEY in the Chair.
]lr. RIDGWAY, (Railroads,) as committed,
House bill No. 593, an act relating to the
Central passenger railway company.
Mr. LOWRY, (same,) rurcormnitted, House
bill No. 590, an act to incorporate the Erie
City passenger railway company.
Also, (same,) as amended, House bill No.
264, an act to incorporate the Mercer and But
ler railroad company.
Mr. NICHOL S, (same,) as committed,
House bill No. 738, a supplement to an act to
incorporate the New Castle and Franklin rail
road company.
Mr. CONINELL called up Senate bill No.
501, a further supplement to an act to incor
porate the Powelton coal and iron company,
approved May 1, 1861.
in committee of the whole, (Mr. &Aim in
the chair,) the bill was read, slightly amend-,
ed. and passed finally.
Mr. M'SHERRY called up Houss,bill No.
728, an act to incorporate the Waynesboro, ,
Quincy, Funkstown and Fayetteville turnpike
company. Passed finally.
Mr. MONTGOMERY called up House bill
No. 536, a supplement to an act to incdrpo
rate the Danville railroad company. Passed
Mr: MVANDLESS called up House bill
No. 261, an act incorporating the Mercer and
Butler railroad company.
In committee of the whole, (Mr. Dui. in
the chair,) the bill-was read and considered;•
the committee, rising; reported progress and
asked leave to sit again. • -
The hour of 5 o'clock having arriVed; the
Senate adjourned.
TUESDAY, April 6, 1864
The House met at 3P. M. and :Spent the,
afternoon in the consideration and passage of
His on the private calendar.
tid - efefirapQ.
From Waslkintou?
• . ,
The following paragraph appears in` "a re
cent number of the London ,
We have reason. to beleave that on accept
ing the crown of M'exico, the Emperor Maxi
milian will address from Merrimon, a,
formal notification of his accession to the .
throne to all the Princes and powers with
which ho desires to establish diplomatic rela
tions. Among the number are the United
States of America. •
Mr. Dayton, the American minister in Paris,
having already intimated the readiness of. his
Government, to accredit a representative to
Mexico and to receive a minister from the
Emperor of Mexico, there is every reason to
believe that Mr. Dayton has given no intima
tion of the character thus referred to, and that
his Government has not authorized him to
give any such.
The Navajoe Indians of NewMexico . having
recently surrendered to United States forces,
the proper authorities have asked Congress
for an appropriation of one hundred thousand
dollars, with which to procure them agrienl
taral implements and subsistence until then
can support themselves on the reservation3r
set apart for their colonization.
Lieut. Gen. Grant left here to-day for the
Army of the Potomac. He was accompanied
by Maj. Gen. Sheridan, formerly a division
commander in the Army of the Cumberland,
but now ordered to tbe cavalry command in
The Army of the Potomac.
Union Triumphs in Obito.
CrNCTNNAI7, 'April 5
The election in this city has resulted in the
enure success, of the Union ticket. The vote
Was light and _there was little ::excitement.
The success of the Union tickets in Lancaster
and Dayton, and the homes of .Vallanighant
and Olds, sufficiently indicate What the ver
dict of the people will be wherever peace and
Submission candidates are put up.
The result in all the towns in Ohio, as far
as heard from, shows a total and complete
rout of the Verdigris democracy.
General Negley and staff are at the Burnet
House. There is no military news.,
'The 10.40 Loan:
NEw Yonir, April 5.
The subscriptions to the 10-40 loan to-day
at First National Bank, amounted to $409,000.
The receipts at the Custom House to-day were
$383,000, of which $256,000 was in gold cer
XXXVIIIth Conness---First Session.
Mr. Arnold (1.1 l.) from the Committee on
Post Roads and Canals, reported'a bill, which
he explained as amendatory of the Post Route
act of July, 1862, and providing for the con
struction of two bridges over the Ohio riverf
to enable the railroads of Indiana and Illinois
to meet those on the banks of the Ohio, in
Kentucky, and for the security of navigation
by directing the bridges to. be built from 260
to 300 feet in height, The railreads are
ready to construct the bridges without cost to
the Government.
Mr. Mallory, (Ky.,) in advocating:_he
said that if it had been passed two years ago,
the Government would have saved two mil
lions of dollars in the transportion of sup
Both the gentlemen spoke of the great
itary as well as commercial importance of se
curing the connection.
Mr. Moorhead (Pa.) unsuccesfully moved
to lay the bill on the table. Thenotion ?was
defeated by four votes.
Mr. Washburn (Ill) said the bill involvtmii
great constitutional principles, and therefinii
Le moved it be referred, for consideration, tei
the Committee 'of the Whole on the State.of
the 'Union. He was opposed to bridging
gable streams.
His own section of the country had
too much. from the bridge n . a tr t'ltock
The Inchon was disagreed to.
titilig,t)itlait•_ '-°__`'vrit;,l9- emilw • .
---it r
- 0:- "t-'
7 , 1 ,
_ .
$1 50
. 4 00
.10 00
On the Resolution relating to the Pay
ment of the interest on the kir f aAe Debt,
tielivered In the Sentite,.Apili 1, 1564.
Mr. CONNELL said: By reference to the act
of 1840, recited in the preamble of the bill now
under consideration, It will beacon that the
Legialature then plared.all the creditors of the
State upon the same footing. The holders of
our bonds, ay well as every other credi t ,
tor, no Matter what the character of his
were to-be treated alike,.to be said in specie;or
its Equivalent.
When this question was before tie Senate a
few days ago, tie Senator frdm Barks pronouns
ed the preposition to pay the interest on our
i'onded dt,bt in the legal tender notts of the
United States, an 'act of repudiation. Did it
not occur to.theßenator„that if this , ohaTge. he
well founded; then - so far as all our other lielite
are concerned, we have bren "upon the carer
f repudiation," as he terms it, for near twoi
years past? '1 he language of the act of 1840_
equallf Explicit% figara cred ineye
Under thezprnyifoi, at the k end of thereantioiri.
every_ Employee of the t-ttte, and every man
, ct whom we owe a dollar:may demand pay
(pent •in gold t.r. silver. Why, then, has , not
the Senator and those who agree in sentiment
wf h him, been equally" zealous to guard the •
reputation..of thp,State lather de.linge with , the'.
thouiiihillf 'Otir 'diva' citizen's who haie been
creditors of the Commonwealth - for ' the last
two years? Why not mete out to the officers
and soldiers to whom we are indebted some
half mil lion dollars . oriz;nore, the satin full mea
ore that they are so anxious to give to the
bond- holders ?
But,_sir, Idenythat the payment of any of oar
debte in the' lawfdi moiiey 'of the country is an
act - of repudiation. Wben those bond-holder.
bought the obligations , of the State, (aud the
Senator told tni,ttiat nine-tenths of the bonds
h4ve probatly.;changed hands since they wei e..
issued,) every-man of Ahern knew And Perm
sylvania•wasebut ei compeinelft:pitit of tho Fed-:
oral Union, and that the law of the Federal Gov
erument in every question of money was par
amount to that of .the State; that - 1W United
States Government, within the. circle
nt its
functions, was as fully sovereign is 'any other
surname power on the facirof the earth. These
puichasers , of Pennsylvania pond :o p, open
ei i es, took their chances fOr what might be the
money r,f the country. • Their bought •bonde
caThngoa their faCe simply for the payment of
so' man} "dollars." • •
And now the sovereign power of the coun
try, wiose sole right it is to declare vr,.at is and
shall be monisy---•-whati constitutes a dollar--
has enacted, that the Treasury not a of the
United States shall be lawful money and a
legal tender for all debts, and private,.
within the United States— The right of the
G•neral Government to declare what shall be
mone y I s so. , oridept that I shall not waste
words in enidettiojitig; to Sustain it. The sov
,ereign, is every where held, in every country
under hetiVeni civilised' or- birbatian, 'entitled
to declare what shall be money, and at what.
rate it shall pass from hand to hand. It is one
of the prer:gatives and attributes of Govern
ment, iu every, age indissolubly. associated
with the supreme powor. Gold and silver, the
precious metals, ai currency, have but
trary values, fixed by actof Congrcse, changed,
as we ailltnow,froni.time to time,• The day"
'has lorg since gone by when metallic currency
fm med the only circulating medium or moneyli
of the civitzed world, and the idea. -is
obsolete thit it cannot' exist in any form,
By far the greater part . of the' transkilorui for
which: money requitite, are carried on by
notes similar to those which now legally ..cori
stituto our money and principal circulatiao.
- medium. '--
"Money," said Mr. klidiSon, ‘,'does rot mean
merely gbld: and - silver ; . mariY other things.
have sei verrihe purpose with difTererit; degreei..
of utility.".. With . the- severe. Spartan, the,
currency was iron, and tobacco Served, as sines
sure`of value viith `the coloniSts Of I llaryland
and Virginia,
Since 1789, in ordinary times, gold and silver
`have been our national. currency, the only re
cognized measures of the country; but
in the midst of a giant. rebellion, a yirat of tinge
proportioni,in the, throes of a greatcaisis such
as, in the providence-of God, never-visited us
before, essential changes iu
,the ficiadclarpOliOy
of the Government were required 14 the emer
gencies of the times. For a great aud wise
purpose Congress stamped these notes-with a
national Character, add having thus given them
a' fixed value, they became the money tif the
country. 1 assert, therefore, Mr. Speaker,
that when, we - Peiohbylvanans pap eiUi debts iu
that money, rightlully and constittitibrially
.elated stich,,that. we cannot, with Itlith and.
`fairness, be.charged with having "iiierter ed•upon
a career of.repudiation."• It is a good, SUM
dent and legal payment, and will fbe'so re
garded as long as the act of Congress Shaft re
main in force. •• .
When-this sub ject was '.recently .before
the . St;nator_ from Wattame)
and the lSeriater. from Barks,. (Ur. ' Craraza,y
joining in, concert; ,undertook, to decry the
financial policy. of,the Administration; and
aoh fivoied ti wih uirCager effort lb khow.
"the gross, outiagepira,,gigatitic: mistake" of
the S.cretary of the ; ..'gressury in resorting - to
:ori-dit and an issuof. paper Money to sustain
he Governmtintgitt lhti day 'Of oar greatest
Ready, fluent aria eat - net:keit-Urea -Senators
al wayeare in the-Ohlivery 'of ,thhir ifithigh ts. , to
my ear j odgM'otal,;they neVer be tore treottd
-us ;to a perfermanaelio. inharmonioneand dis
cordant. Both ; catching:up the refridu of "the
gross, outrageonkgigantie miatake,'Land that
cb artniog„ chosue lately to. become Popular .in
-Democratic glee clubs,, , "o the beantiee:of. tax
ation !" and each imprpVising'eanorningliihis'
fancy, soon matlead,Woit of w
the ,duet: 'twigs
confusion worse conf ounded; each inconsistent
with the other, 'each inconsistent with himself.
The Etinator from Clearfteld, starting - off in'
the lachrymose mcod,lameutpdoverthe "gross,
outrageous, gigaritiC,isistalre," - io making our
selves zielt by the issue of paper, theieby-ei
`citingappoilation sad excessive ,importalinns,
'and stimulating the entopride and business of
the country, and warned us by his "sad and se
rious-uxperienue.7 that we , were, "I,hottrly tend
ing nearer, tithe precipice of financlatruin,.and
'.were pursuing the beaten: path that would
bring us to poverty, misery and debt."
And .Yet."; aftef-lidldieg up to our viston the
inviting : picture pr serif in. his plan -'of
as yOustr .. by immediately d o t;
tenting J.titi-WhOlelt4enites. of the war, five or
six.fifindied "year-he. -told us that,
course :wonTd have :produced •wit& a few-n 4
utee before , pCi_Mt . t . Ch 'dreaded,' "atirilithe
tion.".',-Klifailhaltili;'l4 our system of prase-
lice, is "a grws, outrageous, gigantic mistake;"
but stimulailn, produced under his method of
treatment, by sweating the life and strength
out of the nation. is saletiferously wholesome
for the body,politic.
The S stator from Berke gives ns, ae the re
sult of his observation, that Pennsylvania is
abundantly prosperous, the energi s of the
State are not "crippled, her mines are pouring
out their wealth as never before; her work
shops are not idle, nor her ind&try paralyzed;
but the nation; is rapidly sinkffig' to ruin. The
limb: the right arm of ttie confederacy, is
stronger and fuller of muscle ever; and
vet, singular indeed to telL'thelyhol3 body,
from bead to foot, is fearfully and' foully con
taminated by loathsome disease. , The huge
car, " Pennsylvania," according to the Sen
ator, loaded with her precious freight, and
carrying her three million "passengers at a s•ife
and moderate speed, without obstruction on
the tack, 13 making as good time and as se
cure a trip as ever before ; but when he comes
to speak of the great national train, of which
slae is a tart, eh ! that is rushing at, an unheard
of rate, with fearful velocity to a frightful
chasm, into which all will be tumbled is one
common ruin!
The Senator from Clearfield tells us that we
are becoming luxurious, indolent, positively
lazy; that• we are spendthrifts, rapidly ap
proaching poverty, misery, and bankruptcy.
The Senator from Barks triumphantly asks,
"Have we grosvn poorer I Are:we less able to
pay to-day than we were last year? Is famine,
necessity or want aLoara.doore, -Neither the
One or the other of them."
The Senator from Clearfield tells us that our
inflated curiency,will swell ,our .annual impor
tatio titer seven bends , d million dollars, some
four hundred million dollars in exam; of our
imports, and thus produCe our downfall. I
think his lade and his figuretrequally at fault;
the latter slightly, only a few hundred Indians!
Ninety five millions of miles, astronomers tell
us, is the distance from the earth to the sun.'
dirtitipiy that fourfold; strike out miles tied
insert dollars, as our clerk would say, and you
about crimprehend the Senator's mistake
Then the Senator from Barks responds, "What
was the othee.great miatake committed by the
FederalaGovernment Y Jostead, of attempting ,
at ;this time to increase the revenue derived
from impor s, they hermetically sealed up our
ports for the elmost exclusive benefit of our
"Seven' hundred millions of imports 1" is
the language of the' song' in the highest key,
on the ono side; "Our ports hermetically
sealed,' : ;' is the dolefel, respense the.other.,
.-Ac a mutual friend, I' would beg leave to sug•
g at. that when next the‘distingulshed Senators
open their mortar batteries' upon the Admiule
t salon, that they should cdmpare notes before
they begin the attack, and thus av,old, in the
emeke of battle, 11King,upen each other,. Mortar
Ataiteriee call their artillery.itmatibakteat
gnu; I believe, that so rarely hits. !deny s idlers
who were at the siege of Vicksburg, have told
me that their only use was to Illakeajolidnoqie
and thus distract the attention of the'enemy..
The Senators :o ,ly agree in this, that taxa
tion—immediate heavy taxation, sufficient for
all the exp_enses of the_ war, should have.been
adopted by the Government, and that--
" somebody has..b'undered." —Those who--list- ,
toned to them attentively °odd_ not Jail to
draw the couclujion that' they'llijmselves yens
the unlucky individuals. Beth earnestly con
demning the resort of the
the use of the credit of the nation' as thee
means of, _they tell us with solemn
'gravity, that-in our hour of distress,• "Pay as
you go," was the true policy; that taxation,
enormous, grinding,'heavy taxation Was the
remedy and the swot of emus, and that it
should have been adopted end continued
-The partizan necessitiess , which surround a
gentleman in _"the oppaiition" are provoking
1y embarrassing._ In the very nature of !hinge
he must•eenalare and °Mae; and denounce—
especially if he be a leader, - able and eloquent,
from whom much , is expected. 'Like the mur
inuring voyager, it has become a part of his
nature to grumble and be - ditadtilfied with
everything. Should the eaptairt and officers.
of the 'ship order her to "head east," he prod
flounces the'-weft the only -course the vessel
should run.' Do their cash'afiChor to wait for
favoring winds,_ he grows Indignant at . their,
useless' wearisome delay in the
prosecution:pf the mtge. De they crowd all
stall and spread every-yard of 'canvass it) the
breeze to speed her .over, the, tide, he makes
himself hoarse with the vy, ."Breakers !ahead
we - are roshing dealer; defamation and.
Had the National Administration adopted
the polley the;: Senators - :ndtte, ,rogommentr— s l
mean that .of raising all thaexpenies , oLthe war
as fast as they were incurred,-as eaoh cam
litaign• progrissed, year by'year, brirt,,herting the
people with an onerous ;load of Mites, Aire or
six hundred millions in .twelve; menths,,who
doubts that in•such case the vaulted-heavens
would . have rabg with the Withering '4Ennificia'
tions of • the same; eicgninii Senators Who are
now so deeply enamored with the -system of
"Pay as yott g 0.,,
And where is the man who could have an
swered them ? He is not born , and never will
If the policy the Senators as so
dei.irable hid been pursuett-ifthe Gove , nment
had confined itself to--their - pet system of
spending not a dollar until within its• grasp,
the dwarfed idea of mere theorists, the Imprac
tieable conceit of closet-politicial ecotiodifsts,
totally out of place in • such.a crisis as this;lhPn
this great;nstion would have; been the lapel-
Jug stock of ' the world, and' proatiated is 'we
would hiiie:been lung ago at the feet of the
wist r Jeff. Davis and -a.
,hanglity aristocracy;
we would have merited and received only the
contempt of.civil4 mankind. Such a p - Tcy
inightlaVe. done for the dark ages, for•tke
"eighth centur,,, or the wandering-tribes of in
terior Africa, ignorant' f ilatibiality, of public
credit and its magical power: • .
For weal or for woe, credit, in the shape : of
paper money, has become one of the powers-of
the world, its great ruling power. It marshals
armies,_ surpasSing, in numbers the fahulous'
forces of Xerxes; it feeds and clothei them not
for one brief campaign, but for years; it covers
the Bch with Iron-clads; it purchases all the
costly.apparatnecof modern warfare ;and'
into active`motianroll4he latviiti energies and
powers of a great.people like our own.
No long continued struggle could, at this
perim:Vbe'tierried Witt:Lone the aid • otihte
wonderful instrtitnent, which is-now rendering
ns; Under the guidhTg genius of Mr. Chase,
such Essenqalserylce. Ido not say, that others,
if placed in the position in *doh •h e has ex.,
hibited mit marked ability, might not :have
done as well; but certainly . none : could have
surpassed what he has acooratilislie&' pal=
icy has restored the orOikpf l the filoverum_Kit,
fall ten:, per cent. below-liar in a season of pro
braid peace, long betel* the drivelling 'l3n
obanan Administration. Expired.. It has re
stored prosperity
,througimnt the North ; and
graspingin his hinds:the resoitices,or postpcity,
he has enabled our generals to hurl upon ;the
foe, again and again, and again, ,ihrouglythree
campaigns, the thoueands who have rallled
around, the tme•honored,ll.ig.
The Senator from Clearfield, In
_hie, speech
011 yesterday, upon the.proposition of the Sena
tor from Washingtonto instruct our members
of Congress to providelor the payment. of our,
soldiers in gold, held up for our imitatiOn the
example of Napoleon. whiti was able to main
tain sp-cie payments dating-the Consulate and .
in his empire „.I,u)g. wars. '
:But he
quite fargot to teltusithali the' French Irrinlirs.
according to Nepoleton's• invariable rzle were.
subsisted chie fl y • and paiddiabe edih.exeracted
from the conquered nations adjacent to - the em
pire—ltaly, Holland, and ,the , Stat*:o -of Ger
many, the most densely settled "and - tlie.ll:o3t
opulent comninnities in the world. :for
long, year., ground under the exactions and.
forced contributions of their conqueror, until
at length the spirit of the people moved to the
highest pitch,,Overthreiti the coleesat tyranny
which had swayed froni the Tagus to the, via.
tula, and hurled hick upon France her beaten
no.We have n viiialtlif - neighbors, we
wish to burthen and eiltanse with the support
of our armies, ricralliesto plunder, and we than
not be crushed by any .such retrioutive jailor
as that, under which France sunk exhausted.
and powerless io 1815. The parallel doeli not
hold, for the conditions of the two countries are
totally dissimilar.. ' •
Simultaneous with the, restoration of the
credit of the Frenfah,eovernment in 1799, .the
submission, of the land-holderesto theeitormons
tax of twenty-five per cent:, arming taus - a'most
increditle, and which we would reject as intol
erable, shows the vast difference in - .the .necesei
ties of the two Governments, as vrullas the cost
of the courne'the'Senatorcommeritirto — outad--
mliation. Would the Seaver, luFhis love fel'
tintatidii; rhave zour:Goltunpient:li follows ire
French example anti }hose;`; ef
five per 'anti ton' the farniand
dwelling inlhe country? The policy of the
National Administration divides the burtherrof
this war, , sittli our potiterity`*tbo are to share:
; the benefits of the struggle. The Senator
would, load us down ivith E it to-day. -
Al 3 - but tbeEenatirt, horn, Berke says, "He *
chose to put out itrestiOnalble,'l hat almost
said irredeemable Treasurynotes. 'The coun
try waiflooded with them. 0 4
Money. was manufactured as rapidly as the
printing preset could strike off the bills, and
they,"were put in circulation.efore the ink upon
th., in was:-dry; -How could the Secretary 0.
th e Tr e asury_ have avoided tliler..odurae ?
,knOw thatlie could have avoided it by, tazatron.'!
Indeed 17 ,",.Irresponsible and:irredeemable
;treasury ;notral?.. for be "almost sakilt," he
Agile th 3: AELIW 'irteePeAstkael - _not lthe
,pite44, ifies_4ltutd, forL. their I.Sdemptionl
would any poittnerYT,,,moulitererchis own
dear Dem9cracy.,•drun to: attempt to veppdiate
them? ttoeithe Senator, eolorrified at what
he is pleased to term our Pennsylvania repu
diation, whielt ez - .-Iwytbent: in tlic4 `lawful
money of thestounirmdoee: this
language to threaten the repudiation of the na
tional debt ? , Why , sir , the wealthy men of his
own party,, and the Institutions controlled by
th , m, have itives.teil heavily in these airresPon
eible potent. - ,
Look at the repint of that intensely .Ihmo
envie iasiitution, the, bank of. Montgomery
_Bell hundred and twentyrtwo thou
sand dollaKa of flatted ;lnited.States securities, in pre
ference to - loaning this money to the needy.
Democrats of the county. More thin twice
. the whole capital of the bank invested in the
"irresponsible noted.! " There are thousands of
such cases all over the country. Kee* 'shdrp,
shrevAiclipitallsb3%;iho havelooked ink this mat
ter, men v, ho cannot sleep at night, such is their
: Iliassion. for Again, kir who,..wheii_ they do sleep,-
;.haveonly ,of Nealthr-.the men whose
engrossing idea and only study is how to ac
cumulate money , and fit keep .
everyihere:iiaveit hi •TJoifed Statet securities
Let us Fee, by a careful examination, whether
,there be any JounclationJor this suspiciop of
the ticiMitor thatltikindel3tedifirss of the Mit
ernment milt not be reileenied.
141". Q4B9ej 'WhO:let , O130112:" Of , 43)06Fiditares ,
heretofore hiVe lieeti — reinerkibly correct, ss
Burnes that if the war shotild lie o •Whirred on
the preeent gigantic! scale, until July Ist, 1866,
that the debt.will then he two thOusand two bun. ,
dred'and tbirti-one million dollars, the sorinal
interest on whieb,• at six par curt, alit be'one
hundred and .thirty-three dolls*
the present average • rate being lesii than four..
, Now,•sir,lmndertake to say that theconotrYi
will pay that sum with more easenoW than it did
the interest on the war debt of 1812-13 and 14,'
Yes, sir, I: will g 6 muchlariber ie my - raiser
Lions:. If the war - ellorild edntinue• threerieirs
longer than the peritd to which" liir(z'Obase's
financial calculations extend, viz: to July 18i , '8,
being four, yews from next July, and : the dbt,'
increase annually, in the. seine• proportion- as
during the present y thwcountry can. sue-'
tame is with ease,• •p•rl , .ther:intereat: promptly;
and the principal also,. tooner-thanthe 'herders:
of the - debt will• desire.' • • • , '•
The legacy left us , Iv the last war wi:h
Great Blitaio amounted, in 1816, to one hun
dred and. twenty-seiren ofdollans, and
yet,inconshierable as were our resources at-that
period 14,compared with' the hresetit, the whole'
I 'debt and interest was paid off within-tha tittntt
period :of twenty years,
So vast has been the increasaof our national
*wealth suttee thit phriod, it , is idiffEfult for the
mind to grasp the fulness of IN extent, or to ,
realiza the enormous stride:forward ithe country
has made in alittlemtire:than forty-years.
That I speak' in no exiggerata terms. .will
appear fronfa brief contrast of the tesonrc- s
and values of that year as exhibited in a few of
the principal itemaln-which-consist the wealth
of a natipnand itsoneans-efJeventie,
vutly enlarged picture which this day pre
, sents. '
Wt.) first. the exhibit of the hsnlis, as. given
by Mr. Gallatin, andcompare with their , pre
sent °Condition: „, .
raid capitaL Circulation Loon' and Specie.
and deposits. stacks.
1816.. 40,000,000 89,000,000 70,600,000 19,000,000
1863..418,000,000 633,000,000 829,000,000. 101,000,000
,Toe feriae amount. of . specie then in the
country was twenty.iizmillion five hundred
thousand dollars; now two hundred and 'seven
ty-fiire millions of dollars. -
The anntel_product 'of the mines of Califor4'
nia alone, for the lasCliz , years, has exceeded
fifty millions-of .dollars-per; year.
The ♦ aveyttge cpjpaiM.oftibeliint,from.lBl.6
to 18 2 4 was eight hcindrel and seven thou
sand dollars, while the average coinage for the
'nine yearfl'.following'lSA was, more thau sixty,
six-timesin'llurge; halt. Dyer fiftirthiAe:LiPi:
lloppe~Of 8q Iprs ea hye r` . L6 t the !?mg : TOPP/
nen; anditiore l irno•caniiik'eigencabk eofriln4
only in an abundance of tbe"ineedeiii' mantic
take couraze' If be a proper standard of
measurement, we are sixty-six hundred per
Cent,strongcr than forty yetis ago.
In that new source of Wealth, unknown to
the Men of fhe past era of'whiehT spe r ak; cur
ten . thousan miles.of iailreads• now (moil hi
the loyalState...ol scource of wealth not.only
tothose them,but to the inhabitants
of tile whole country they ramify and enrich.
what a vast addition have we to the aggregate
- of. OM. national resources, and what an im
mense field( of revenue ? , Then not one dpllar.
:hi Mama& —now Over a thousand milli;Ms of
actually invested in roads"finislied and
pinning. ind-rmarly as-Much-more contiacted,..
.tif be expended. in the numerous .roads And,
:branched which pirmeate the hind is all direc
Lions. •
Coal, its use unknown, its buried wraith
:not dreamtd of then; now, its annual product
twenty five millions of dollars. and rapidly in
creasing; 'new mines ever opOing and , the fields
inexhaustable; ' • • • . _
Petroleum, the list proof , the immense
value and variety Of the pos - esitions'nittore has
given us-- rilo can eiti mate itsuntorcl. Prod tac . - .
time or whai it wilt add to - our treasury ?"
Need .I refer to the immense .increase in:our
producti U n of lumber, now over a latuldreii
millions annually, or to the aihio.4 hquol,
great advance in the value of our manufacture
of Lon and machinery—at least twenty fo!d
over the limited productions of 1816 ?
Shall I cite commerce, now indeed tempo,
Tartly interrupted, but increased fiv.—fold, as
:appears by the registered tonnage of 1860?
From the impt-rfect plums of the products
of manufacturers by the United Bti . les marshals
and officers in the census of 1810, we can ap
proximate to tbeir vain() in 1816. From a
digfat of theft: details made by Tench Coxe, of
Philadelphia, who was appointed for the per
pose, they _are istimatecl at one hundred and
*seventY•twO million dollais in 1810. The in
..crease by 1816 would probably' he fifty per
*ht., say two hundred and fifty-eight nankin
"dollars; while from the cenrus report of 1860,
"'the same products, in the loyallStates Ritmo.
swell up to one thousand ` seven hundred and
eighty-seven million dollars, or about eight
times the value of 1816. • ' . '
Without further detail let - it suffice to sty,
that the whole value of the rota! and personal,
Property of the country Halide' to 'taxation in,
all the Stites in "1816, was' eighteen hun
dred million dollars, being an average - ef 013 P
hundred and'nineti ft!ie dollars to each persnn;
while to-dak the rear state and personal pro=
party of the loyal States alone is but a fraction
below eleven, thousand millions of
_Those of us : who : know the low rees at -which
:gsgitssments - of taxable , property are'made, may
well belitie - the real v - ilue—the sunk total of
the property'of. the country, to, ba fir greater
tau the reports of the C31:18115: express!' pet,'
taking the figures as they stand, they_shod
four' hr ndred' and eightkicur dollars tu'eicli'
one 05 - '}he'tiventy-twk 3 ,millions'of
thq IbYal , States- ' One' hundred actl nary
five dollars to each person iu 1816; fur but-
dual and'eightY-four dollars now.
( -- 1 Again, compare our condition 'for a' moment'
with that of Grelt'Britaire in 1816, at the' clost3'
of her long . wars with Napoleon. • '‘..!
With a debt'of four' thousand three' hundred
millions, her 'resources Were actually IeEIS' than
our own at thiti time; to-day the eatimited Value'
iat her real and personal property beitig but
ten thousand four hundradand fifty Tandems; a
fraction lees than the valuadioiss of the loyal
States tc-day. Should the wet' continue
Tilly, 1865, our debt *lll be but 'abet:it - hail
what hers was at that perieci. And yet'shei . ji*
gone ore carrying that, at - firek• - a, a r rest and
grievous but then, until it has hehdme light in,'
comparison. Hdrwealth was increased -- freim
ten thousand roil** in 1816,4 n
thousand millioris In 1861; •sd• that the amount
of Iher debt in proportiOn to her actual wealth
has deo eased from forty one per cent. to twelve
tier cent.
Thiuk, ye doubters, of that littleishind, a
mere speck. 'upon the map of '`the'whilil i . not
mach larger than our own State, and 'witteOnt
matefhl wealth; shouldering a debt - twice
asdargehs ours will 'be, Should the war be pro
looged until:July; 1865; think; I say, of her ex
ample and ht'a. success, end - nevermore talk of
Chttee's' , "irreeponsible and irredeernable
treasury notes." ' ' •
Speaking of great . Britain reminds nie hew
accurately the Genius of .History repeats her
self, hovi!laltbfulirand strikingly .she.ilasuer
reotynes the men and eventerbf one age'end
country in after times ,:and•fare ff lands._ Ti.
Careful .studett of -history may fled ilia chub
'terparts of the speeches of the Senators from
'Clearfield and-Balks-in:ln qirmt deba'es in tire
British Parliament, 'from 1809 'to 1812, whit;
he United Kingdom'was liattlinz In Spain'Aill:
her own kkatruereial supremacy and national_. -
existence. She was spending in the corik4it;
from tbreeto four hundred Million donation'
cushy, piling up a heflogsal debt; nisheard of
in her previous 11 , stOry,".t 1 The siirne dottbis—,
the'same deounciitions Adinirdiftitition,
.the same' fears for-filial suceafs, same ap
prehensions of individtuirnridliatiotiat b
-ruptcy; _the same want Of hOriceptiort ,ot'the
Character of the debt ind coniseqnlinees;
mark = the speeches of "the . gentlemen,liklbe
.opposition," then:and the!-e, as here and
Mader:day rtells• - nie - "At every stage cif'the
growth of that`debt - It-has , been; selionsli'as•f
erted: by .viise„Men that bankruptcy ~ atfil raid
were'at - still -the debt- went on
growing; and stilifbankruptcy and ruin 'Were
as remotaas ever. It was in truth a fatrnlon
debt; arid stra.ean hakdly weinderthat the cry :Of
despair should -have ! been" louder 4htin
Bur, again,' the cry -was found td - havebeetiNlS
unreasonable -as ever. -The bankrupt comma=
nity.not only proved able to:nreet its Obliges
dons, but.whilenteetingthen-grew richer and
richer so
fast that the growth'oehld almost ba
, by the eye.:"•. •
Exposing the mistakes of, tke",:grimibleni 'of
that era he says: "Thep thee:Money imagined
that there exaatoanalogy between the
case of an ,who, is in debt : to
- another, and the case Of society which is in
debt to apart of itself.''' Teey were 'under an
error, not base 'serious, touching the tesoinr es of 1
the cotlittrY, qheylmadta no allowance for. the
effect produced by the hare:sant progress
every experim - ental sience And by thiincestiiiit t
efforts of every man to get on in life. ' They -
saw that the debt grew, and they tirgot thiti
other things grew as *Alga the debt"-
. . . _ _
Why, Mr. Speaker, Ican select extracts witi l .l
out number from the fiery .. declamations or
members of the - British Ttiljamtnt from ,18Q'
to 181.2,- denouncing the extension of thidiaii
system and. : ,the exparksion .the papa l our- •
ren cy, and .preflictbzig, j,eueral brankßptcy:
and ruin; national and ipctotduak which ea-
tracts, if Mixed in ploinirenotudy - Withvarts of - ,
the speeches-of•the Senators-from: Ciearffeld-
And ricalm,,,would,Xfound tom en muck. of _the=
frarne texture, that I would defy their;
`Democratic brethren here, after reading them
. . .
The following rireAc:rates 54r. adyerthsing 4n.the 'Rif
f:RAM_ Those havingads-ertising to do will fled it CV . /
VeDiell tfor reference.
,1 -- :, - ,* roar lines or Ices constitute one-half square. Ugh.:
lines 11 more than four constitute a square. -
FUR A nAir sot - Asa FOR ONZ SQCARE.
One day $ 30 One day ^ ..L•:.i:....t 5 . :' ,O
Two day , 50 Two days 1'1.9
Three days 75 Three days 1 2 ,,
One week 125 One week... - . 2 2; . •
One month 300 -One month " :1 - .. 6 00
Two months 4 50 Two months 9 00
Three months 5 50 Three months.: ...: - - .11 -to •
Six months 8 00 Six months ' L'--
One year...... ...... 15 00i One year 25 CO
Administratip Notices. $2 25
Marriage Notices - ; ; -
Auditor's Notices . 1 50
Funeral Notices each Insertion - 5 O 5O
inellwainess notices inserted in the Local Odemey or
before Marriages and Deaths, - Omuta Clurre PER /AM for
each insertion. -
all, to tell which was Whitbread mai which
was Wallace, which •Ponsonby ard which
Having spoken of the actual available
Sources of the country, I have a few worda to
sly of their prospective increase. The incieasd
of wealth in the-Ireired States for - the last
forty years, as appears front the census reports,
lias•ben as follows:
Flom 1820 to 1830.....41 percent.
1830 to
")1"01) to 1850 64 "
1850 to 1860....126 " slaves excluded
We are still advancing with aceelerated pro
g7pes. Whatever may be the ratio of irecree.ser
heresfter, who her.greater or less than that of
-he last f-rt years, of this we may be assured,.
that the increased' amount of rue resources eat
be in much larger proportion than the set limp
lation.of the national .d bt. Vis wing the greet
struggle in which we are engaged it/ a finer clal
light, as a question to be di cided by our ahilily
•to raise _the necessary funds to carry on the
war, here is the leek upon which we rest, and
froin which we never can be driven. On what
side soever we turn our eyes, we behold all toll
of strength and vigor. There is not a quart. r
of all thisb•oad land in the loyal Sta-es where
the march of imprevenient re not Brevity fel
:ward. Our, own State teems , with, busy enter
prise ,• the mining regions, both oil and min
eral, the manufacturing interests of every sort,
'especially of' iron and woolens, were never
moreptorpercus. Emigration is pouring into
the watt .as largely as formerly. I have -at
hand a copy of the New York ilerald, contain
ing extracts from s-ven newspapers published
in .different pats of Ireland, all telling the
same story of the departure of thousands to
this country. and expressing apprebecsionsesf
the depopulation of entire regions of the Maud.
The channels of industry interrupted at the ,
braaking out of the war, are aain fully wet -
pied. The fact that our exports of ilomesti:
produce, in;: the third year of the war, were
seventy-three four hundred and sixteen
thousand dollars greater than thiie of the
second year, is strongly significant of our re
covery from its first pailstlyzing effect.
I asisume,•then, as an assnredlact, that we
can go on as we now are, progressing, if n ed
be, for long years to, come. As our debt in
creases, .our wealth increases in still larger
proportion: If we add tem hundred millions to
the &hit side , of the account' this year, we
'shall have some-twelve.or fifteen hundred mil-.
lions accumulate I profit to meet it ; and so of
`the next year, and the nest, indefinitely Bor
rrowing'brily from ourselves, the 'enormous an
'additions to the national wealth wilt en
able the peekle to advance the Government all
the necessary means, .until the last armed trai,
-tor, sliall'be tiriVen from the held; and'the rebel'
'flag Boit isis lOuger oversone foot of'soil within
the territory of ihe nation.- •.
Qars, Mr: Speaker, is a grand destiny, to•tte
irdop er,te „their fullest extent , the •imtn- namable
iesoetC'es,4f,a continent, the future home, I
trust, Of the'miglitiest aed freest nation of the
derth.•• Thai° fall and MisdoulnkirtOnfialinte
that : we accomplish that h'gtrand glorious
though _tire clink. weaned ottdisceent
' berm'ent has,sorrietinsen loomed up momentarily
ttefore ris. T have Set forth Such rr riaons,lnd
such an array of India tutable facti as .sbo•ild
estisly.thernere materialist that our succors is
certain and ineiitable.. But I have still higher
• teasen for in3r - bellef in'out ultimatetriumph—
a' firm faith in 'those imperishable principles,
revue A14.1:0 XXCIIIT AND' JUhTICE, and in that. D'-
vine Brovidenc-, so easily, recognized in every
chiPtelf of mur history, everywhere and in all
ages, edttcin'g from evillhe greatesfand grand
est results for our race, and guiding the elciw,
unchanging, onward course of civilization, lib
,erty and law.' .
Let no man, impressed with fearful forebod
ing of the future, sink daap,,ridezicy, appal
pensive that we may go back,ward, or that' we.
- shall-balt In our boundless career.`-it is not in
the nature of things, nor consistentawith what
we have seen and read.. No ! Foawasn Lis the
41 this 'starry arch
•'Nolight month or is still;
Bat all things -hold' their march,
As if by 030 gnat will.
Moves one, move . all—
Balk to the fobtfall!
On !ou &river !" • ,
The'benate then ••••
To Ra.ilnmd. Contractors.
PROPOSALS are invited for the, Gradua
tion, Masonry, Bridge Superstructure, Utast,
Cross-lies and Track Laying. of the PITTSBURG AND
Cannallsvillf and - . CumberLand,
• -
Embraeing7a,distame of about- BIGHTT-IzAg - . Ri
in sections of about one mile each, *Spedigimtions will be
ready-at the Company's I trice in Pittsburg, on and after
the Ist of APRIL current, and proposals will be re
ceived until the 28th of APRIL ensuing.
RE10":11. LATROBE, .
Office P ar C. R. R. Co..
Pittsburg, March lb, 1861.
. ' IMERSSURG, Pi, March 24, 1864.
• .
- No. 20.
* * * *
A UTHORM having been granted by the'
..El_ War Department, to the Commanding General of the
Department of the Susquehanna, the Ist Battalion, Three '
Years' Pennsylvania Volunteers, (formerly SCx Months'
:Vols,) consisting of Six Companies mustered into the.
United States Service for Three Years, or daring the War,
is authorized to recruit to Ten Companies of the maxi-
Mum strength.
This Battalion is on provost duty in this Department,
audit offers a good opportunity to those persons who
have been In the service, and have teen: honorably dis
charged, to re-enter, and to thosepf. good character who
have not been in the service to enter the same. Only
those known to the Recruiting' Om cars, and persons au
thorized to recruit, as being yeliable and trustworthy will
be received, as the stature of the 'duty this Battalion is
called upon to perform is such that itxequirea soldiers in
whom the contmanding officers auLplace confidence.
Persons taking advantage cir the benefits arising from
enlistments in this :Battalion
.will receive the bounties
.paid by the Goveratient as authorized in existing Orders
The °films must be mew who , have had some expo- '
l ' in ce in the military service, intelligent and of .good.
:character; "and only those bringing the requisite number"
of men and taictsessint Um above codifications
nommended to the Governor of the State for commie.
-sions. • • • f" ' • ' •
RetOruits and, persons having squads of reernijn-Fill._
report to Capt. Geo. W. Merrick, Ist Battalion, Three
- 'ears. N. Vols., and Recruiting °Med for Ate atutte; , :st
Larriabu . rg Pa. • • *, ;
* - s•
By command of 'Major General Cottarr:. '• •
SfaiLTZE, . •
Anatatit krjetant General.'
Tikh.v 7 t , tu. ll thr.. , -_117:: -;(,-
It/rOStS FLECK respectfully itivlopires 'lO
l_y_ll_ the Publiellott heis prepared to •dd all kinds'of
Jt W 4,yx . IL/m.INR at musslatdellxt, 3 . - Monet and Oats
"furitlidtedliy the single load., All orders left at the
Posion d ifard. - lionke, corner 4f. Waidada,ind - &taw,
streets, will be promptly attended to. mar2i-dim