MEDICAL ss• CON . TITUTAUN IVATleal CONSTTTUTIUN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER- CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION . WATER. CONSTITUTION . WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. cOssTTTUTION.WATER THE GREAT R_EITEDy • 7 , 1 7 coNsT U lON, AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEY'S and BLADDER.. CONSTITUTION WATER. Has been pronounced by the ,Medical Blunilty anti the public, to, be the most wonderful remedy foram peilma nen t cure of all diseases of the STOMAG:m o. ..uv ER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER thatluts 'ever heed Offekett It Is note MINERAL WATER:' %1t is fttlinVesiierTOO that CONSTITUTION WATER hafi:ematiated, iindmetno* say let no man doubt, when a - single bottlohas been known to cure diseases which the 'wen, lit this country has faded to relieve. A remedy possessing thevirtues 61" OonstitutlOh%Water. cannot be classed - under "quack" preptitatitei* as It is now used by the most scientific practitioners in this, city. It is only second Mass physicians that' cry dowh popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the phy sician increases as his knowledge of dlfferent remedies enables him to produce a cure, whileothere fail In the at tempt. Science is tatistied with the truth. Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under some specialists's care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladles Who are constantly m3.;:oh l k to local treatment, and all sorts of local. applicatlons:"fOr diseases, with as much chance of success, as"there .world be from local applications to the throat for diseases of,the brain. We have been always eanafal to "rim lanstiager;im-beti circular that could not shock the most delicate .nrganiztv. tion, but we receive so many communicatiota.frons;.per• sons for which COn.stitutien Water Is adeptgat find of whose diisceses no mention hes been Made, thin - Wotutve come to the conclusion that if the remedy. is , capable producing a cure, no matter what the disease. marbe, should be made known. The medicine is put up, for the public, and there should be no except:lotus. • - We would my, Censtitution Water is mot like 'a 'gilded' pill, made to suit the eye and taste; .it is a niodioine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands. Of the pee ple for their relief, and it' taken according to..the..direc lions it will, in every case,'produce' a radical Cure. We would say that the direetions in regard.:- - to - Wet; etc., re late only to the diemse under.which they occur.' ' DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver,..acting through tbe , kidney; and Is, wigiont doubt, the most obstinate diselae, except consumptioil, that affects the.' human con.stivaima. We have no space for discussing causes, .but stAtelbet - the abet of the disease is - the conversion:of the - starchy : principle (or vegetable portion of the food) hifo Sugar, which stimulates the kidney's Than eacesslve sairotlott of water. Many persons suffer from tblO'disease wtio are ignorant of it; that is, they: pass largo , enantitied the day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken of it Until their attention is called to the largo discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the disease is fully estab lished, is intolerable—the .patient'etrinlas constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cmckiag: of the bps, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient gradu aly sinks from exhaustion. CaNsrrrurrnyv Warsa is, without doubt, the only Intern remedy fo4DiPhetes, and wo have as ranch confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it ha's cured every case in which It, has boon used. STORE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, cizA n^.l„; BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC, ETC.,' Diseases arising from a faulty searetion—tin tho, one case. being too little, and accompanied by. severe pain. And the other a too profuse seeretiow—whieh Isilf be speedily cimed by the CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER ' CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATI CONSTITUTION WATZI: CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. THE ONLY KNOWN REMHDY' THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDV FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TM ONLY HNOWN. REMEDY!, FOR ONI 6 Y KNOWN ItEMEP)Y, FOR HE ONLY KNOWN REME*Dy FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REIR T ZDY' TOR TWA ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR I= ONLY KNOWM REMEDY FOR THE my KNOWN RELIEDY FOR DIABETES. ; • IRRITATION OF THE • NED.K. OF' int" BLADDER INFLAKRATION OF 'IHE')RIDNEVB, CATARRH OF . ..I:14 BLADDER... • 1- • STRANGUARY ANID BURNING, OR: "PAINFUL DRI NATING. • For those diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A aingle doso has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are yotrtroubled with that distressing pain in the small or the back and through the hips ? A' teaspoonful a day of the Conatitutioa Water will relieve you , liko . . . . . . . . PHYSICIANS ' • - • . . Have long since given up tile um 6.f.,bucbu i cubebs and ptieper in the treatment of thok dm - n6B, and. 'oilly use them for the want of abetter remedy. . ' CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal , to. the task s ,that. has devolved upon it. _ . . irritate and drench the kidneys; and'by Constant usd soon lead to chronio dogeneratipa,aini confirmed cilicase.-.• ~ w e present the Constitution Water :to the. public. with the conviction that 14,4,p no equal In, plleling the. class of diseases for which, tt has been Toinid so eminently mB l coastal for caring'- and we trust that - We shall be rewafted for our el f ortein placing so valuable a remedy iu a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. . READ Rfikrn itEADArI - 1 • Dexnus, June 2,1882.—Dr. Hoff ..$ Gregg_ Dear .2ir: In February, 1881, I was after.tod with sugar diabetes, and for 'flve months I - ::more than two gallons 'of water In - twenty-four beers: I was Obli . ged to* get up as oftervas ten or twelve plates during. , the night, and In live months : l lost abosi, fifty; 'polemist inmeiellil During the month of July, 1130., yirocured two bottles of Constitution Water, ana,,in - two - days'arter'nting it I ex perienced relief, and &De% taking two bottles I was en tirely cured, soon aftKrekeining my usual good health. Yours truly. J. V, L DE WITT Boma CosNy..F.s, lc Y., Dec. 27, 1861.—Wee H. Gregg Oa —Gents: I freely give you liberty to make use of the tbllowtng gig:detente of the value of Constitution Water, which kqclit,teberrwciend in the highest wahines: My weaattac with rutin in the shouldem.ishole length of the back, and hither limbs, with Talpiaat ion, of . hitsHaat and 11704#071 am Bladder. Faded: 11 - Phyakialli . .wW • attended her about three months, when hp left. her worse than he had tbund her. I then ezeliteYed ono of the best physicians I could find, who attended her Tor about nine months, and while she was under his care she did not suf fer quite as much pain. He fins. ly gave her up, and said "her ease was incurab/e. For,P said he, "she has such to combination of complaints that. medicine given for one ope rate.s against some other tivr dirficalties„" . About this time she commenced the wso of Constitution, )Yates, and to our utter astonishment, almost the' fiat' dose seemetr to have the desired efreql, and she kept' on ImProving• rapidly under lie treatment, and now -superintends en tirely her liomestic - allairs. She hag. no t.talY3P a9Y:,° l. Constitution Water for abont four weeke;44 WeareWßY to say that it has producred permanent' tore: " WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. • Witraxasyuran, Conn., March 2, 1863i—Dr., W. H.. Gregg-Dear Sir:—Having, seen your, advertisement oS , 00nstitution Water,'" recorruneedeefOrleilamination 'Or the Kidneys and Irritation of`the Bladder, hitt* suffered' for the past, three years, and tried the•pitill of alitunber of physicians with only temporary relief, I westernised . to . try your mediCine.. procured one bottle of „your agents - at. Hartford; lieMrl Lee,Sisson & Co, Mid wheeLhall'esed" found a great eh:Mae-tamp' half of to my trtirprise health. I have used two bottles of iq .and Lam where never expected to be In my , life, well, and is good spirits. - I =met express m y gratitude for it; I feel that. it is and more than you recommend it to be. Alay the blessing of God ever attend you in your labors of dove: Yours truly, LEONARD BIGELOW. FOR SALE BY .ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $L WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. MORGAN & A T.T.FI , T, General Agents, Jan 26-dsw6m sod No. 46 Cliff street, New York_ SOLD BY • JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, purrADELpink, PA., KUNKEL Sr, Elio • 118 Market. *Aye!, Haoiivarg, AND ALLD-RUGGISTV ' DLEDIC*.b. = GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE '• THE LONG.SOUGHT-FOR DISCONT,RE,D AT LAST, . uherokee Rentedy, C.BEERQM INJECTION! COMPOUNDED PROM ROOTS, BARKS AN: LEAVES. CHRBOICERE IiEhIEDY,. the great :Diuretic, cures ail ditars. Of the urinary arcane; as inoiniti nence cf the : Urine, AttanyauttioA . of, the Biaxlchp:, initamL .sis t ettices .of the AiridneyyStone in the Jitiadilery.SerSicture, ihuvei , ,,Orieti . /;.oeMisciehea; f*ecitiily' s:eceinut in those 'case; Crf 'l 4 lstiir ;Qua *fetlfedesV;:igfre all the old nauseous medicines hare failed. w . Ai , It LO - yreiared in a highly cotOelitTit " *%Orio, the dose only being from - m . 44 two. teisiyociiillilsi Ulnae. -.;65 - It is _diuretic and altenttive. in itsaction; purifying , ,and cleansing the blOod i causing it to flow , in all "of its riglnal.pnritynnd vigor;' thus removing froirrf thesynterri a4i pernicious causes whieh have Induced dim*. • ',,:CHEROKEE INr CTiOti Is interd4las an or assist ; ant to:the. CHEROKEE •REM'RDY and should be used in cenjunction;iiiirthat i Mifdlehni in all cases of Gonorrhea, Meet, Falor,..,dri4Ko;;' - fiiiitea.• Its effects are hosting, soothing ,174 4‘lllCeia ;„ „heat, cliordee and pain; instead of burning and almost un :endurable pain that is experienCod with nearly all the casaP quack itliectiefts• leargly use l of •thf! cgEßopim REMEDY and CIIERD/CEE hotpiri9k-Lttie two inetimictesat the same , ImproPer.disettmelnsie remoyed, and the Ni ; ealc.. enact ~ .organs are , 'speedily - restored to full vigor and For fyll partiOulars i 4,4_1* siainPhlet from any drug store intim cOuntly, ormaito . ttv.enti; we will mall free, to any addrem, a full treatise. 4RK: 011iEtt6.1FEE:RO:Yrfit $2 per bottle, or: three bottles for $5. . • • . bFsPrice,'tm.t..ROKEE INJECTION', $2 per bottle, or three'bottles for $5: • 40/s",Sect by. o.xProes So silly.. ad . dross, , , on receipt of price. " Sold by, all, druggists or9;ywhere. ; .DR. co. -••• • ..• ' Solo PrOjwietorp, mar*todly ".. l ,l&:tpg,LibtirikWr e .4, New York. CHEROKEE CURE, • , THE &EAT rigniAi4 • brEbICDTE, COMPCippMF FRO 11 :14 ROOTS, BARKS AND . LEAVES. An unfailing cure for S*Vniatorrhea, Seminal ness , Nocturnal Entissions, and all diseases caused by self :llo4W* such its 'Las's- of Memait, • Universal Lassitude, rains in the Bach, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old 4.9 e Difficulty ofßi•icithing;"Ttembling, 'hiss, Eruptions on the Face, Pale , Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de parting from the path of nature. , .ear This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one on !which alleturrely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, aud :with 4 thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instanoe:i Its curalve powers, have been sufficient togaln victory Over the most stubborn case: fpg-To those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think ihem.wilves beyond: the reach of medical rild, we would Sal, 'Despair nOlf the'CussexEs CURE will restore you to health ,ant vigor, nfid after all quack duel tors have failed - , , J a-For full particulars., get a Cirdultir from any Drug Storo in the country, or, write the Proprietor, who will mail free tostayono desiring the samo, a full troatise in pamphlet form. gir•Prices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwardedby,expross to all parts of the irdrld. Xfir Soldbiell-respeeilibie druggists everywhere,_ 3 -t - 3^ : DRJT RiglialW-Prt& 991:53 . . • • r !SOLI PRU ,pt rrl s , rdarifi:pdly s4e..qt;arl Now • NEW ADVERTIAEMkiNTS'i 1 1 1 9TOGRA , PH AI I BIJMS * ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT 1 Ito n *ims. B OUND • in FINE MOROCCO.—panelled gilt and inbturtea'vilth two heavy gilt Wave /.1,t1;6418 WITH, Pictums tor $3 . 00 Aogether with vrriousAither. styles ; of ,Diuding, T.Xceti, which will be sold cheap.; • Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, mom dur.algo cusit ieheaper album anytt:hore. can . ago „ece . at, : ScHEkTEIt'S Bookstero; • marl.2-dtf - "THERE IS yo s9x3o: WO.ilp , iks'..-FArri.4l rI H ARROI's IO6 ..* OVITAIrXtRACT OF ' lo3l El 3 s'Al l fD'VQ-PAAPA'• i ' r ratilniiiiirition la particularly "recbminetidifil tile MEDICAL PROFESSIONiind thePUBLIG_Ior thi_Prompt and certain cure of DISEASES,DF3IWDLADDER, KID NY;ys, DADTABY ODGANS, 'ETC: ".,, IC naaythrelied on' as the best moclii tor the initninlari4 ti on of r tlichli remedies in• the large eltiis of 'diseases of both sexeS,'hi which they are iippli&ible. It never interferes ' with the digestion, and, by its Contiontratunvilie . dose is N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT'S COIIPOUND EXTRACT iOE 01713KB.S'AND COPAIBA, and4ako.nothing else,: as *imitations and _worthless prepa rations; under similar. napes, are In the.,marlget.i. P ; riee 31 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Manufac.,: junk Only by Teititera & C0.,:279 Qteenwicli ; street, oornerof:Warren street, New Yoric,, i tw:/ brisggir fi*rru. oct22-dly For sale by S. A. KUNKLE. St.BßOii, and by,; Draggle - - ' •• ' Whelesonm'atittCcinvvpierrubuD . MIFFERVESCgNT YEABT 124 Thejtaerve to impregnate the n douglr j onhatteri w.fth carbonic acid, which by its. expiinslow cookingpro-: dines levity whiteness ,atut cligeotibtlity, without elmi rutting dTule nutritive element, or adding thereto any thihg which the 'system' does .not constantly, me_ uire. They enable a cook to make the ~ nsost Jucioas Preak %Ike swogtest and lightest cakes without-a moMenVp .4 1 3.43% WaTvanted to give satisfactioni.or no sales, Prenared..and sold, wholesale and retail by. A. KIINffED &r.littlj., Druggists, ' 118 mirket street; Harrisburg. lILAC I N.OLIA. BAIJf OR. beint* - 14 the ;00mVelion, 'etr43i - dat4 lag freckles, cruptions,:sunbum and tan, Atji.: 40, most eatraordinaiyand..delightful toilet article . egg dis, covered: It changes the eunbarpt. taco-and hands. to a pearly like, satin - texture-and-ravishing-beauty, leaving the complexion fresh, ..tiniivateliti-:and smooth. It re moves pimples, , tefter,: Aalz: and .rottgllaeas..i-i.lclis prhat every lady! should .bave f .ancl - noiie will ,!!..e.t.alenee,wit/i when once used .. sole agents for this city bottle or dozen. S. A. KUNKEL Ss — Apothecari , esi ns lliarketnizeeti -Havrista ' • siLAs , vo - Al/..'Day.l • • pall° FORTES, I.IIODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, A - Tioulfs, Tlutes, Guitars, Banjos, Strings; V Drures4ifes, and takinds of Musical IlerchandisN Picture 141uctee/Looking Glasses, Photograph Cards and Albunta, AlnbrOtypo Gehis,,Eng,utvings, Pictures, dco., d y o Remember the place, No. 12 Thiid street, the large Music Store this side of the great cities. jal-628-dtr.' .UO4VAPVt.. jnt received at •••• • SEMLER .t.PRAZER,. n 0 2 .0 • o.9Qu'essP,ro9 - Mrt 1 4 T Jr., A; 990 C ROSSE & BLAOFWEILUS ENGLISH PICKLES, a rare,RiiNe for•table bsoAust. received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, febl '(eacceLdoralci , WriE Dock, jr., & Co). supg.m cat, - -• .0 0s 2 L E K . Burrruß -c! FOR TABLE _ Just naceivo ,y 4%. RAZER7S;77: - PuocOestiro to Witts'ltitek,"Otti' , 4'(o , ),/ . _ • BIICKWVEE, AT 1 BIICKWHZAtiIit small DOE cif Bucaivheatv.direict• • trot TAIP4I:IS fteale by the , sackAmAilartitsitt,!:.l, .tits BOYER & ECOREMENi . .4 .“ NoTtivorn c54#11 , 4 githwiyt 744rE— A 71- AB THREE' Tsl Tife.l4ls :Pima ;. C ...1....7. 7 B IA E w-AsHTNO - rir CoUneetiordi teade'Arith'6lturtat Perarylvanlatallroall; to and froiellitstiurgituid the - TWO 7' DAILY-tctand.fgart.l464ip;n a 1 :04 XO4• Branch puriqueloug, *Mutt!, and - all ,q orgiir"New . York. . • ..Er' a 's 11 ON and after MONDAY, NOVEKBERI6th, 1863, the Passengett;Tyalurf of the Northern Cen tral Railway will arrive e,t'and deprTrba Harrisburg and BaRinoMI 4 P-PillPn I /1.: 61 H W,.A.R D. HAY; An 4-1 ditty loiaipai' ri.: , •.t. rr. leaves Hirrikrarg' '*- - 1.20 P. 316 4, . Arrives at 1 3 41titiper!! , I fo , • P A C! EXPRESS TRAIN leaiiis lexcep I; . ; • • • 1; 8 91 4 ,4P):..;: " leaves RariisitcurelbXeCid ' ' t* ' . 2.50 - A. $9 arrveS r iie f igitinere daily • UR larcepkte leaves a llf• • • • - ir i} 7 ,004/114 , HARRISB&AtCuIIXOD N n ~ , „ • ; . ..... 7.00. A. at. • NO.lrr H WAiltD..:•., 51.A11. 'MAIN leavearßaltiMore-dallY (except, • Sunday): . 0.20 A. n.. ",:, leaves 1.45 P. IL x. EXPRESSIRAIN leavealliltimorS difily t t^ 9.30 r. N.. ' , t". tatiiat; at' : 2.00 4 ‘ Haritabiniudaily (ex, • • '" . 25 ‘" • , cent Vondilyy:.;: , .-J4f..;.....! 3.35'a; di. ~ 1,," !IP' . arrives at SanbtizT..6.2s a. ELAR4fsliund ' 4 924 001KODATION,IsiVas . Viktor& daily "(except - • • • 604) , T. X. For _tartlur Information aperat the iTginnqvl littn vadiaroza Depot' 'J N.' , DoBABSYy ilarriefiXrC N0v.,16;-1863.:-ther NEW AIR .14,WE:,ROUTE. • , ' T 7 . EfT w. • - • •.' T.F4l.Prfil DAll,q, wo, ;triply PURE 'AND QN • ASTER. 4110NDAriri...'Noteniber, 1ethp1.463, Hie Passenger Trithismillleaste the Phila_ delphla and 'Reading Railroad ilepoli 44 Harrisburg, ibr. New York and Philadelphia, as follows, vit.: . , • - EASTWARD. -''' EXPRIIBB-LINE leaves-Harrisburg at. 8.30 A., ac, on ar rival of the PeppnylVanta Haittlolll44.lll4.TOtS Train-from the West., arriving in New York kV 145 A: x. A sleeping car is attar,hed train,thm.o r fr 01n. Tl4aburg without change. MAIL . TRAIN, IraltAtili p ltPtA" ,4" it, airt:ring in New York al's.9Yr.' and MiaMelplitant 1.1.0 r. M. FAST INE litherg4it.2.oo arriving. in New York at 10.25 P ie. -antl!Philadelphia at 1:00 P. .11:: FAST LINE leaves Ne**Yetig_at IL Ot) a. nr lonif Pligit delphia at 8.15 A_ m.,.arrivingat Harrisburg q¢ 1,15 P x MAIL TRAII4 leaves Now -Yotk ,4 at -1 00 nob; and ,Philadelphia at 8.30 P. re.,:artiVing at Harrisburg intvfL2a EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 , ,r. ac t ar riving at'llarrisbinvir2o(ra. -- m. amt ernmectngwithibe . Aie lP in A e n7 is also attachedtamtrain. Connections we ogiskle Litt , ..lso , wttlf Waits on the Pennsylvania, Northern t ent anCanberialid Valley railroads ; and At. Reading tor. _Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &a Baggage •the througHE Farb % betWbon New. York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ;.between tlarrisliprg. and Philadel phia, $3 85 In No: le an add $3 ; For tickets or other information apply to • ' ' J. J. CLYDE , ••• General Merit, Harrisburg. r_ " .1864 :"' - ' i 1864. .••110•3116.111 Philadelphiia % nemicaailiariar- - • .1; & anti Erie Rail-, 1,1 .Ig-ir ".4•LI irientlifte. , trairorßels NOrbliOrn end _L Northwest mantled of. PillinsAvtinli to the city of , I - hasAMigiir i tity, Par. isrL'r ~!IWyse.a.9 COX, PANT end nu of-t A.0,404,4f.',1?454 ,Opened throughept It ro'r 'Preighl" husinnte from Rintpibikrg to,Emporium (195 miles) on the Eastern , Riviston,.anit - tifiri_ Sheffield_ to Brie (78 coOhe" Wentlnn - ..1,./.1, • ; •, TIME OE:PASSEN . QER-TEA4a.if Mail • lAt t ir. Rnpwas . Train IegYVIP •- ••• .. . • •• • -am if.„* Gfus-run throughmiromr - ..kwnn rinikwg, on Alese, won _ban= 44INIMPliies:a0 ,AIRCAr, Have; and be tuned Bal.theeee ant foelc.BaSeEt, 2 . • Elegant Seca .9A ExPrAfilti*ns-bAt4 .9 14914; INfttql WWtallii l l4l ,iNgr a qes , W d lV*49,4l*Algii Philadelphia ..,, For inforre94l99799Priefienger beihalla itpiArat, the S. E.-Verner . and. rket streets. And, thr Freight littelPeee or, the Company's Agents: , S. B. Kingston, Jr..-corner - 13th land Market' istrbets, Philadelphia. b-i• a 1 .., L T BoYAnlds, Erie, 'Jt M. Drill; Agentlf.i O. R. ißqßaltimbre. • '• / •H. H.F HOUSTON v i : • Genexak reight Agent, Phil's. ILRWIS L HOUPT, General Ticket Agent f7a7'a. nol6-dly] • - --GeserotMaitapsr,"Miamsporr, A LL petsong:havittg Grape Vines of choice ri varietim_rhieb thay r wiqi to havu pruned, wal l a :To it done WitieSt:triainier andi ntifilthfirla,;by faddres' Sing a Rate through the Post_ Office to JACOB NISH. - N. B —TI.4 pivatUitaba"&i. most favors; ble for the purpose. _ febl6 ALMANAC I S Al4l.ekl tie I : 1 • • B AR 7 S 1,14% NOLesa R'd L Afrai if A C Just received and for sale . at.!.'=" ' - • • . . molt — -1113EFEF-- FERIS-BOOKSToRr. .~~i ,_ ~ ~ 411., ,_•; E justrecieve•`at just recieve. F 1 J.1102,5 1 t, 1! 4,4 ENGT , TRELDAMY aVrjeli "", 0 u>a NAWA O 4Ir: adk. 1 Atri, Dian ;::.1 BOYEIC/4 No w PiaLAbEEPHIA; lA. - 9a]R4;W.* : - CUMBERLAND VALLEY Al F N IC:I. I N R. I . 0 A D.-, S CHANCE OF H01111.5.-LOn and after Mon-, da:yf April 4th, 1864, 'Passenger trap -Vvin itui `laity, as nollawa,lBuaasya exceraelt*- . L . • FOB 014.,W0W8E 172 ZL4:IIRISBW2O:., . . A. X- P. "7.00 2.44. ,1.37 ,3-33- "fr.ll C2O - ' 8.50,12.66 + 9.00' • 1:29 9.32 - '2.00 Lieve'Hreger... . • Gmencaspe. ....... Arifre at . .. . dhamberabat, 1 . Leave at Leave Sliippeesberk :Nbtrville ' 77 - • " Carlisle 555 /0.10 3.12 ' 44 ..Nechapips . borg:,..÷: ...Ir., • • •-•-• 6.25 , 10 42 2.42- Arrive va: Harristiiii,y, ' ' •' • 655 ' 11.15 - 3:40 : , . . Foil tHiiilll6.l.li6llo Icifb HAW 22R.STOWN: 1 t:. ::) ••• •• Letivelluarislatux 405, /:32 4.20 .. „Canals 250:i, `, licwrivo 10.22 • ; 3,29., ;ge! . ... , • -tarrive, fat.. 4.30 Ohaino6AbUni '" 11.10 't•W' Ceske Gatocilika:.•;.ll.., • .1.1.65 t ArrlN -T,, R A ErAftlW.7, . Jar. gpking clire.c.oluiections atliarrisburg with traihs' tbr and Tiltalmrg and *kb . ?pins/ forall polrda - Wein.; • • , tad 117Ein 160114: liarri.4tmug - at 41241: 'N.,' Ydiia onlyssfiraistearitsle:- 1 . 4. Apii . l4, 1864.1y ,-,,. • •• • - READING RAILRQAD., .A.II.*AN:6•EAix TrINKICFNICoLIN;II: PROMa!ITE' GN:9,11171 and Northwest for Philadelpl4,Now,Yerk, - .Reading, Pottsville , Iktanoh, Allentown . , Ession;t,4oe. i • Trains: leavd. Efarrisburg.for Newofork, .B.ea¢ing, Pettsyille and all intermediate stations, at 8.00, sr!, and , 200 r. • • • New, York .Espresir loaves JEfarrisbucg.,at., arriving at "NeNd York at-1.45 the same day '- Fares from'Harrishargs To NOW York, $5 15; 30:B/0v - delphia s 3 tas.a4d, Baggage checked thrgagh. Retarding;Nati' York - ii m., li . ndolvendr r. (Mtabgig *Kfitesso Leave PhiMellakif! , ak 3 16'f M. and sleeping Cars the'New torkAxpress Ttedisithrough 1,0 ala4P4 ll POteberg without change. . Passel:igen; 11Y the Ciataviissas Rkitnael' lave Tamtaftaa at 8.50 al fati 215 P. Y; , for . Philadalphis s New Yen* and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.145 A. M., and 2.30.1 K .m. Thiladelphia plarrishurg and Nen York. An ActoraliiiMidlini - PassengerAtaln 'lea:Veil Reading: at• 400 a." 41., and rots rns from. Philadelphia a 15.00 P., If. Ayjr All the ahoy° trains run Bail Bdaday'excepted. A Sonday.train:leaves Pottsville; at 7.30 A. Ir., and,no- ; adelpkti nt3.13 A. sr. ComniatiViod;Mileage, Season ind'zielxision tictr:461.6.11 redaaisd ratenni and from:allpeinte.: : • G. A. mcons, Genehr.l4ltaperintendedt.! • , ;4•11 NforenilpriA4,:l663--rd - HOTELS: . EZ=ZA THE IIIiITED7STATES , HOTEL;-. • . iikittiKeult6 'PA c9v.E.RLy . & HUTCILT.SON, Fsviprilelors. rlll3lB . well knoWllinOtel itt:aoky in: a condi?: _L lion to acompraodate, the, .travelmg public .affording The most ample conveniences alike Cor the transient guest , and, the..portmment,boantep , 7113:E .STATES*I3OTEL - has' Wen entirely red tedlitrodghaut, and:now-lima: nccomnioilationa %Mal in extent, comfort andiuFury to any hot between Philadel phia andlittellotg.• • Ittlocatlim 3:vibe Welt in qbe 'Stale ColalaVbeinga in 4aL9 arPessAo a*tbe raint, tad depot/4,4nd. d •ia oge Proximity to all the public °aloes and'hesiness lo: until% hf itio'elty. What; now all The eonvealenetwor I. = .4 4 Z and the Proprietors are determined .tp,sEtare, npither,cg- 1 menae, time or labor to ensure the comfort of 'the )itaftk. .The..pationlirof the. AnaTenngMO fiasiintiebtOWY44o STATE CAPITAL HOME-L,. COME:R . OF THIRD ANErIitU2MT SIRE[ ; FrilundectsiigOTa having putcha§ed.l4ls well known house has enlarged and thoroughly repovitild ' The rooms havd Veen' re-painted and papered; and that entire estalishmout elegantly re,furnished. stintb , -aud aligiAty bleasod, and prov,ited .witheyery Fmk : venionce,it pliers , to the publlc an Jut Goad' ot . ts'ana luxu ries '6f a flint • Otis ehatel: Trusty - and obliging etvinti ' always in attendance. A bar well stocked urlth. choice liquors is attached..o:the establienmOotatiu: • J ; 0. • N E,:1; 't:S- - 11'0 S E T - . • Corner of , Market Street azta..llfinic/t Square, • H .1;514r.1111 N . ' • • "" LSALIVES,..![ . - ti; A Z 4 irs—'ollTL-ghovvri m -tii s , • .f wrought-wows...iv /TIM attention of business, men inyintsiolhe:ssperue. siisantsgalAnfAbbs:Sain over all otherkhr.Fire and Dorglar.Droof:gualdien Any; are all seenred , l33a a Combinationt:Lock, without igerq .keybols; andrthdattalnedtalde of. the 'late .01114140 , MON, (fr.outaX Inchon° g inches tbek;), against the pench,or drill's/ad , the, univf,post.o4...gukft,, quently =Played:by-. bdrglars An ..theli ispinstacals.-... De, seriptlve ellerillust:lttrnishedby .* L,;;J: - naiig i tlitree4 RartibUr7i, ,„ 1 . , • -., • gent for genital Penna. .• .12 low..n.s.:4TWAlvl : lJAßs,. • • • gvery desoritition 'of - Dorrnant • mod Portohle • ;Platform scares, say; cog and,stoti! scales, Raumild %Cepa toss. Track Scales ) :futintee Clattrght Scales, ' 'Army Seal*: and: 'Counter Se • . • These Scales have several 12MRTANTADVANTAGES., They recelie 116. Wear and frtotion'idways on dated. inns ZoltrundSr tAlildstrofeKlettead!Ol"recelving it hpon , the ' ...knife pivehl then:ill' No jarring 131 ., ` the form affects the working of the scale. Haveyitiv.thea rods to confine the platform:o4Will weigh -when out of level. Large 131 t and cost a less for foundation, &O.,.dian any othorjicalea.' Fnll infortuntißille . d. hy,p . :Ls ssitaFiher, who is agent for Cei4KAfillligAvPif,riltd-selta*.g*antifac tunes prig.* , feb9.43m., . , . 110 3farkht:sfreo;', • .144: NEW EAKEE:ir - Broad Steeli.. 4tyregn Second :and Third ;-_ WIFE . u.nilersigned - h'as opened 'a. ; new ; KERY, An the Sixth ward, where he is -Prehelitlii , supply BMA]) iNto CAKES at a reasonable rata. .He warrants satisfaction to all who will give him a call. He will sell his lireadialbe'rafentla.' -4,----- - --- F /alarm& AS xr IN 94 via and full weight gdsunntead.: 404; _4 ILON E-4 SE ED MELIA ;ST. .0RE ,.., : i Noia.IO;gIWIRET j i m sd ai ravt Si..l 4 Wet :I. tftl I UMW) It' FTLEHi-kIABLES.! tuLitWbbll3. - ::aestorlir StatelpPrest oravArVsalletle_lo24kto iNorlv. 1 I Butter, for wide at ja2a BOYNE & • '44 == MEI I . Filtikll: . :.'f#oll 4 Olit . 64-:,::. L iiiioo; MEI ir.: a . r.l : FIDLEkLE , REGUIAMOR ) Are thalihr IniowEC tedifairtruit willlinaciandugy. and lunar/41y rfadareazuloaralatathefenn4pyanna,,reniov -41 an Irreadlarldai, and 'Warm*" •vtaai and Ft: • - .0%, : . ' Litox's OEM Are i l linid preparation; tfigOirli brit one Aorta - kind Om tooTrerefilo this reanu7, =id acts d . 11 r 4 4(4W:4 0 ? , parts i • ,affeatod .. , whilst pill/ IMI powders can only' Tea= them ' _ they wort theodgli:irtmpathy; bat, flotilla • all sad . 4sssitico. ' ' -ii.i. the ''' = Are you Buffering from a coostaatmud4 ty. leve: rs; ilAurn of nature's preserite*latilq,, 114 ,t , ..._ _ eixojourself no uneasiness, for I.yon a miediail Log i ; if taken n day iit tini betas the eipected.fieried, will i sum tivetrianct hyailattly.reffi;late AP Ccing7+44 as effect f a iii - fiak - ffillorre cause, as certain as daylight lb obvis 6-a 'youllickfrennisnied,bridfsresei or uinieto.bear the ti'llAnk !ill'ff Pf...:q. i I AYON4i DROP& ENE .. .~. Vie: 1. Cam% to Y0%.4 - st **in& for 4 1,2 4 PreYeAtice botfq 1/Yur cAre It t;o4itadn itreventtreomd: vtllt 'FargeLypr"ligglMl23ltrl of y i t ri tr ig- i amiplahits bbiftrittd thelex; tumcbited ther.skill of phyla cilwAft.l4are,hurrYing,cl! On tnen early, grave =, * Are_ the most reliable regulator over p9vm,.4sci,ittre, like tragic; fill tho*irriinlithyteepkis Wave defidettle.dootoex 'yj— . • • ; vraste r away with inifferipg from Leacarthola, , ttolit 'tlett vuneitatoopressedauld, `-' 06 4r91# 3 4 414 1 *,.1Pi1en4 1 149/914f1e!*14 . 9ne d.q/604 UM , ',ll P 3 ICE +iT • I • Fr MN'S 1 PERIODICAL DBMS El E will stretygailpiii g oW:CIS ii , 1; • Do not nee the drops ulten-Spdikkten In the (Weeklong, forAhounti„a i;ndtive oursoind ltatrlesia as all other. • thnes;ihefare so powerfulendlnelrearedlat4 d tb adJu 11.1bnithisfunntionskdAbe Issnynkr enginnin4:thittilf? Jtik o rtat lropropetttm,e4ther WP produce Insults con nnituo,'APilfint iittWaltliarklablitilistbbee tirogiStlelll4l l l l3 o*44l l lPMlr 1iP414. 1 ., • - f• : •vie .(10:1 • 1 74 . -- PERIODIPAL . PROPS - ; y t sit . _}nY yet iidati I .14 , 1 goad* I;a 4 snisusoi 11(prt taat r , O hog =r1 8 6 1 1,0=, MF7 ' ono ite - ' or • XXON'S P ODICAZ DBc . the never-failing Female Regulator, Is for sale by every hketkeeltytesid goussr*imbl.dofnot , ; ifrnseahle, Ned . n erto frg reliable =edictal:lr,, bnY any other.- 1 41e ei big , lbTat- brat -iliellingost to whim you 1 41 ,1 71 not 1R*,41./Patk. 01 1 4P14 and/at4lor F!*Yt. . . •PLAIUL M, i ~aca ~, lij:f: - - ol e a 1 6.r .•.:,1; 44' W .. * . Lb ?"' *,•'.• • • a .70.1111.Sa"ON.v.HOLLOWAY fi.43O3YDEN;: MIN 00 zoti; eT:wuji .0r,f..i5 • 44d. itticar.Vi wiz St , c„ ac id 11,413 ' of EU 2.. Dili at) iiaifia hoqg ;,:saiTtliii LL , 44 4 c ; caib 7iawp En i 11464 '~`~i~DiCzil.. •a;1 yd -=4e. EM ~ . , A to! • . I Inin . = ?Zia INE ENE MEM ;,. NM= :•- /IF,° OE CZ) " , "CI goP , !OS THE GREAT ~.._ i. .•~F u lIMEREIMMI f , at .P...,,,J. .J.N? ME BIM LIMB PERIODICAL ; DROPS DIEM EMBERS . !.. 'PVINIXEMAI . 4 ;.! NEW Alf". Street v Philadelphia, Pa- maim MIE! _.... , r ; BEE WM NEW GOODS---jUST OPENED! AT Book — and, Stationery Stare Embracing every new and improved Sty eof POCKET 11001iS., MAGIC CORRENCY HOLDERS, CAL. SKIN POCKEDBOORS. RUCKSECLti PURSES, at prithitr to stilt- mstancds.P.°R7ll°NAlF-4 POCKET CITA' 9ons4lingpf a Ilne etwortmeAt or Westaaaholnl's Saps.r. r , Pocket MINIX From Newton's celebrated inermactory.. Ever!, f r , Arta a guarantee. PORT FOLD:I3, WRXT:Di"G CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, • . , PAPETEEIts, Together with every article madly found in a lust FfpoiCerua Stationery cettdAiduae.nt, at WERILINER'S, 51 Market :; . _ . R.V4AI-I.lEirk.l . .P Sl„._ 4.11:Y LINE Rol PHILADELPHIA , hoek.Haren, Jersey Show Williamsport, Nun : ey, Uniontown, IVatsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun lnuN Treverton, Georgetown, hytenstown, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRLSBITII G. Thia;Philadelphla Depot being centrally Totaled, drayage wlllboot the lowest rates. The Conductor gr,,ea through with each Lain to amend to the Eate deLvery ell mide Intrdated to the Una Goode delivered et the de pot of' fltEliD; - WAREY'fir FREED, CU Market street Magainithoor 5 o'clock r. will he delivered it Ear: Viten the hert4willThlt& Freight. Always as Low as by Arty Other 1 ,oct2l-tr AYES! BAGS! BAGS! 'NEW AND SECOND -HAM) •sp.Airrx,ss, BURLAP AND GUNNY • it Gr- S , "MLR AND . BALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, pßli - yryn TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., /Iro. 113, North Front St., Philadelph;.:. •ftb2643rik • • : 'ffi I tLINTOCIPS : PECTORAL SI 11LP _ . rpitrs INVALUABLE:SYRUP which et tirely vegetable in its composition boo t t-rt. ployed with wonderful success for nutny ;ear,. tt, t itro of diseases for, the,Allt PASSAGES and LUNAS. t ny form of the disease, such as couGx. t li- THROAT; WITTY:MAW BLOOD; DIFFICULT ititt BOARSLITESS,•.II.,CtS' OF VOICE and IlLeitt: VIA use will be attoxided wi tin the happiest rrau t Et o of the bestaAld saftst medicines for all ['um: , of and CONSUMPTION. 140 Laudanu6 t, lion of °plume in any'shape in this strap. PRICE4I.OO PER Hart/. .For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Rook ;:rcpt.. lEEE ME DANIEL..A. AIUENCH AGENT Olr the OM Wallower Lime, respectfully in• corras.the public that this Oldran>ig,r,:u Eon ,Line, (the only Wallower Line now in :a city, -is I n operation and prrp carry freight as low as any other individual OD, a. Sunbtiry,'LeWisburg, "Jersey:Shore,leele Haven and all other it ,nts on di ifforthern Central, Philadelphia, and Erie . . , :spur and Emhieltailibidil. Ilarrisbm • I*,• , ”"a. 1300dIeseni to the Wareliottso of llessr,o. Elittekstaii;NClEL 808 arta 810 Market street, above Eah, Philadelphia by 4 o'clock p ar„ will arrive al 'Wig, or deliVery,W4t !horning: fao3o-rtrawl • • 1., • •-•••. Look Ovre • itursis, YOU VILII DO WU CAILINC , . AT - SCP:EFFER -7 8 BOOKSTOR,E, -8164 OF:- THP'AMERICAN FLAG" And peircinies p' • NOTE PAPERAND KNVFpLOPES, - PORTFOLIOS, ,:POCK ;no ROOKS, POCKET INKSTAND', I .t - 'PHOTOGRAPH ..t1.111:31:-.. PSOTOGRAPHS, bade of the very best ncaterfel, arid-for stle et rrry unz terket. Remember the &ace, ~REFFER2s BooKsictu -7 Jun' Shtri °fee AuffirleturFlag, Earn;Tnrir, • 1 f r WALL PAPER - BORDERS. hcrimpteir*s.Booxpiata, !Has to be removed - tatViritor April oust. .of tnost t e e . . etrucedonut acid , there::.: t: ,sold at very low prices ; although price of Mali Pay, IF. stall going up Persons destrqus of Papering their 11,trif-5.. will do well to:entotOritii,. assortment and Prices '' Decenl66Fl,l96V, "TEM SCHLFFF2I. -Fives aotits ' clef* 'mixed Rags rer pound:. „Old lithotot arantedtorl—inishr-. r UM PEC I X)IIALs - azr6'uselni to bombe a _ In. the, Throat, to rehere Hoarsen Catarrh,. Sore Throat, &a, They wawa Caltafooti' Hoiiehotmd, Ipaeactiititra, 'Sone& and Squill, Was moat. reliable tt,i, wtontnts, known,) aru the awes ac tire - oottatititents,'so blended 'itch Gum Arabic and Sugar, that. each totenge commas a'ndld:astt very pleasitan doae. Yabufaotbrettaolely by Sy A. SITNK.EL &BRO., „tat& - - Ataitheetnies, TIS Market street, Hamsburg. MEE Truckers and Gardenes.r. t ED .s by the USHEL ,or POUND, of B U deluding. and Vest. earl.); CiAltlee.. Peas, Bean% liadittataito, u litinningstadtn. & Co., Beet, Carrot Per m aga, Onton, &c., &c. The above seed odered for sate are fated in New York State, by one of the rno reaPagghie at& growers in the country. 1 have pu - chased from them for a number of years and ah‘aye found them true to name and =mob earlier than seed Ml,O frailier South. • , J MISR, , 'Keystone' Farm end Bursciv, Etarrshure wont* immediate atten tion drop tri7the I • olo,opAccr. bit) orders will per taken for any Loads of .PO - fesa than by the pound, .In-one-fourth pound of four Tarierkm gcbPE /Hai .. • :-::::- IDE...114.111.t - G-11,411EA, DENTISTc:- -, N 6: 1:19• RIA.N.R.E.I I :STREET, Teeth positively extracted without pain by the use nitrous oxide. oct7-dlf • - J USP OPENED, BOSEW QC)( 0 .4.141)-, 0-G A N ,• WRITING DEWS • Of ditrWent saes; !kir sate as stolD . .. • ; SOBKIEFER% BOOKSTORE. 0140Draatilia. erl4iielibi r t6iiii zr v z ir t s ts i ttp ox, pExs, JastrecetAll per& Warr - anted fee yeer. 77 -'- • - F. 138 0 0 - 0. it 0 0 8 . HLATESof liiterent sizes, Willson's eu - series otBpentiktraind Reaff,ervi, published by Harper it Brothers,topthermith In other &hoot Books and Writ h4E - 11fatekbils vie 'of:Tired; wholetale n and retail, at decla . • - SCHETPER , s• EtOORSTORE MO:if-TOlsi'S GOLD PENS ~.~i Another hit of Morton s Ifnrivair Gold Pans fer sa-e• 'at ;.:• • • • SMEAR'S 804k,..-TORE. All.pens 7=0140 for one year. . • raL4 MORFOLIC OYSTERS-'.-11Etitl Salts, limier the Jones Rouse..., York River, Oysters , aline &mete, math- the Jones ' - Jae, Terrejtimit :w hich wig be ißerrett:tip itx One st y le at short notice ender the Jones House, by, MEI EEO °6ll.l"";.'teeKOLig- PURSES PORTRiONNA.II2,"oind -agerteral..teariety of LEA, ...MIR GADS. JRo.reFeived at. • • =RORER'S 'EOM STORE. ~ a ;U" r "l 2.t.l= Y,imP°rted / Mg; iWat erSha y Wine in thi: ' tr Elltkekttt &F.Rart 0)2 isacciisalM Wai:Dook, Jr.; & NESCELLANEo us. KM 'BERGNER'S! GOLD PENS, Line. JOS. MONTGOIMIZY S. Co., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Ilarnsburg. DANIEL A. MIEN. SIOVELY.