,'4:aitil r,tegra,p4 HARRISBURG, PA 11011 , 11 - EVENING, APRIL :4, 1364. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.--AllAdver , A. Business Notices, Marriages, Maths, tize., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be ILCCOIOI - with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular gVellillg Edition arc inserted in the flora. Du; Edition without extra charge. CITY ITRAIS: FoR SALE —A pair of iron grey horses lour ,ears old this spring—will work .either single or double. Inquire.of Kunkel & Bro., 118 Mar get street, Harrisburg. mar 31-4t* PCCTOTIAL CORDIAL • for. Dry, Chronic and. C.,tarrhal Coughs. Ifsed.in various irritable. etions of the,Thrbat and Chest, very plea,- ~.rint to the taste and soothing in its 'effects prepared solely by., S.• A. Kunkel .&. Apothecaries, 118 Market 'street, Earrisbuii.A nlar3l-.4t.* lIANN - vAter'S Bronchial Troches for-hoarse ness and throat diseases, for sale'at Di /files' Drag store, corner Third'and North streets, and Dr. Wm. 13. Egle's Drug store, Ridge Avenue. jan3o-dtf TILE celebrated crystal spectacles properly A djusted to the eye ; microscopes from 100 to 700 diameter ; tower telesdopes, field glasses; (I,?fining an object from . one ; to ,ten niiles,;a id all kinds of optical, mathematical- and philo, sophical instruments at liosendale's'- Optical , Institute, 8 Market Square. - Artificial 'eyes inertctl. Send for a circular! janBdtf TOWN AND _COUNTRY Hanna DAVIS' Panorama is now on - eshilgii l ion at Mechanicsburg. -_ The people of the. town and vicinity should not fail to•aie it.. e I=El=ll lE.::TERDAY Rev. Laverty preached his iutroductoty sermon in the Fourth Street Bethel, iu presence of a large •and :attentive congregation. EITESSIVE SALE. —fWe invite attention to a. large sale of personal property to .take place at the residence of Mr. Munson, Ridge to-morrow, at 10 o'clock. . . , BOLING TO co BY ES:PREM.—On Saturday an. intoxicated woman called at the express office, and demanded to be sent East by the 'coin`- parry. It was with great difficulty that the clerks succeeded in convincing her thai they did not transport wanting whisky-veesels by express. I=l PARADE EY TRH ORDER OF ••AISSEEICAN ME-, ciwvcs.--We are informed that Fulton 00:1211.L. No. 35, 0. U. A. M., Will have a public parade in this city, on Tuesday, April 19t1i. Invitations have been extended to the coup- oils throughout the State to participate,:;and there will no doubt be an imposing diplay. WI: invite attention to the card and "spe cial notice of 'Messrs. Jester & Barringer' who announce that they will'attend propipt4 to houi . e, and sign painting. TheseAentle men are first-class painters, - -anci. wilPrender entire satisfaction to all who may need their services. HAirAromc SOO:WM—The Harmonic Society will meet for singing at 7 o'clock this ogigi day) evening in the Baptist church. The'uni nual election of officers will take place aid . fell attendenee of members is expected, Per sons having in their possession any books be longing to the 'society will please to bring them in without further notice. ArporsTmEnTs,—The City conneiton Battu :. day evening la* made the folloviing-apliciintt . meats for the ensuing year, viz: 11. Clerk of the Market—George W. Hoffman? City Regulator—Hother Hage. ' Assistant Regulators—AleXtinder Trsnilton J. K. Cowden. City Solicitor--John W. Brown, Esq. Collector of Water Tax—Baniiidßnytelini Engineer of Water House i —Johli.Pkik. Keeper of Lock-np--Daniel K. Callender.--::: DEATH OP TEE LIBEARIAII.OP TIM STATE ATE. —We regret to announce, this 'Afternoon; the death of Capt. William P. Brady, , for manY: years the Librarian of the State Senate. The: deceased had, a few days since, o irdtirect of his bands, which resulted in an attack of the erysipelas, terminating in his deatii.': announcement will create a wide spre4dll - as Capt. B. was largely acquainted with the'PolitiCians and legislators of, the Coiß monwealth, having been an officer of.the Son: , ate for many years. —We have no means of giving the age of the deceased. A soldier of the war ot 4812;. he had of course reached an. age. at which me* look for death ; and yet, had'the .old hero mot met with the, accident referred .to;:he might have lived for many years. He *as, we be lieve, iceitizen of 141"01tri county, to whichhis remains are to be removed. - VINDALISM. —One of the 'most_ beautifully arranged gardens in the city, is that:Which sur rounds the residence of Air. I). D,'p6 . 4, Front street above Locust: It has taken 'years of, patient labor and the expenditure of large sums of money to bring the _vines•andplititit, with which it is enriched and adorned, to fection; and while its appearance Was a source of admiration to the pnblic and of. de- light to the - proprietor thereof, - it was neyq_ dreamed that there was a wretch so base and cowardly as deliberately to despoil these grounds of either their beauty or their value. Yet such a wretch does live. Some time since, a magnificent vine, bearing.a beautiful wax berry, which was trailed along the front of the' house, was maliciously destroyed, by some person or persons unlatown. It required Years to bring this vine to perfectioii;- and :WaS highly valued by ldr.'l3oas. Last week, a'veri large and valuable grape vine, in the pMe yard, was separated and trailed 'so as to &fiord more room for the immense amoiiiitrOf-*it which it usually bears. On Sattirdiiiiigh some villain entered the yard, and severed tAis' uut at the root, thus comp/dely destroyi it.- This is an act of ,vandalism which exceied ng i, - Aft that we ever heard of;- and we sincerely latest that the perpetrator -may yet be brb4iglit 'to juotioi. A STAT . = meeting of the Good Will fire company will be held in their hall this (Mon daY) evening at seven o'clock. Every member is requested to be present, as business of importance will be transacted. Tam 107th Pennsylvania Regiment arrived here yesterday. These noble veterans have participated in many engagements, and al ways gave "a good account" of themselves. May their visit home be one of great enjoy ment. Mar KILLED. —On Mniday.nvening,, a young man named Jno. Shoemaker, was killed by another named Rouchelander, both of Ran dolph township, Crawford county, under the following circumstances: Rouchelander had been married on that day, and in the evening a number gathered around .kis house to en gage in a "serenade," as is:the custom in .some communities, corciposed:of all manner of 'hideous noises. In this amusement Shoe 'maker, as we understand, was not engaged, b t ut was inside of the house, being a particu lar friend of Rouchelander. About 11 o'clock lAveral of the serenaders entered the house, which so incensed Ronchelander that he seized a stick of fire-wood £6lil aimed a blow at one of them, which, being,_ evaded, struck the de ceased upon the h7ad, from ~ the effects of which he died the smile night. Rouchelander was committed to jail Tuesday. DEFEAT OF A GOOD DIAN AND A FAITH ., Pox OFFICER. —The removal of the old clerk of the market, Mr. F. P. Haehnlen, , •while none of the otter '-of6.ders .juSualir k `elected at this time of the year were changed, may be, regarded as i one, of the, most relent less tyr4;s4Vsivetratßil 'the Democratic leaders where they have -r -•power. No better officer ever ]ivied than Fred. Haeluden—nor a more faithful or honest ..„. man was ever charged 'with the performance 'of la public duty. And yet he was struck down i because he and his brothers would not wink at thif.ift-audi whose shameless conduct towards the soldiers has made for them a record of infamy which !mist endure forever. ~T- h epsJicy of the Popa ocrEOicleklaett:oi'fct: or corruption. ' 4511) : ,dares to opposethe fraudsor corruptiOn. ;et-. the least among the Democracy. To satisfy this_policy, the old clerk of the market was saCrificed. But we have a notion that he has friends who *II, not, rest stitisfied with his treatment. • • • A TaMPORLRY Ho= POE min Farzanwas NannEn.--in opporturdrY for doing g 90.- is offered in - ihe iinmediate neeessttrfor . aliallsf)' f9r friendless:families, who are sci' .. gonstintli a:diving.* Harrisbprg. . , there are at presenbilithe old school house. , in CinFry, alley, softie twerity.-Versons i l iefti r . gees from t e sit##, men; *omen and dren. There-are-no syistematieiarrtuAgementS it# comfortable sleeping, clelizilLesi = OP'oUrei' _Common requisites •to existence. Sickness prevails among them, and this compulsory mingling of the healthy with the sick, may produce an ,epiderAic. , Several have, died within a few days, and we care not to inquire how ranch the insatiate archer was helped in iS work by the absence of those attentions Which' the gimerous hearts• of the -people of Harrisburg are.ever t readyAo give. &few days, ago we sat Putt get*, iliirier r flinfily;.,, a widow The'cleauliness, of the party ihtdieniiirlcalAd;litind the presence' of a careful mother was apparent in their patched garments. These people will continue to come to our land of plenty, for the place Arom whichitheytoalnetis barren:: -Let tilrome ..tyi provided for them. A. house being taken for the purpose, it could have all its necessary nrniture put in it in a day from the surplus of our Otis*: 00 . 21Arnitieritteeds:thesp i peo plc at . other points, and donl:Aloes all rations_ ineededlO4a4i . 4V.inie the post--ctaarnissary tiereo,:oPxoperlyiYaii matized; nb'elintitrittruld-be *Anted.' ~` Meat and women are needed in the busy avenues of labor, and as soon as any could be helped to a ;way of maintaining themselves, let them be removed :to nuke rdOM-fdr' fitlifirs; the Christian Association, or the local branch of the Sanitary Commission, or our generous and active ladies, give one day to the organi zation of a temporary home for the friendless?, srsi7o, information lin , regard !-.Bpring , Millinery, • special informatien of our gady , lreadeffir•The :fashion has duly changed again. Last year 'the famous bonnet which some matter-of-fact individuals ipolitely.tinedilie aiksr:scra . per" became the "heart-shaped" bonnet—the 'top falling downward to complete the trans formation. Now the last-named iEylO and the,stilele4iidentlY;;apProaekng 4 that..ef :fd*- . 3r* . eafa'Aai,iye kbitOited only of a little cover worn on the back iart of thehead; forthe dimensions of the hat of this Spring And buninker are Materially changed. The principal variation in tyvtgeneral style of th‘f . )llVii.4o. 91:Ageti014444,16 is in its size. 1, -The-Oval fonatia preserved; -but the _bonnet is smaller and closer, though the top has saffeAd the Brea eft a;,i,i,iiation. • The materials used in making the bodies 'of the hats are principalli crape and lace; but there is very little silk: The prevailing colors are white, yellow or straw, pearl and cuir—a `deep but not briglit'shkde of yellow, in other wordereseinbling tharcitleatlier: .4Z/Id=ftisll - ionedpink, so, , kingout,ef . sight, is used to some extent: The trimming is scarcely so heavy as re cently, but is mostly.Nion the clown. The top of the bonnet is still slightly trimmed, .and the face trimming:remains, though there is less of it than last :Owner. The flowers used and the ornaments- are quite numerous. Jets and pearl buttons are also common; to gether with "artificials," ofmany descriptions, of the prevailing colois. The prices of bonnets have advanced nearly live per cent —and rake at the best establish ments from fifteen or twenty to one hundred dollars or higher. ": 1 • ; The importation appears to be less than in former years; bat the'style and finish of the ;cifferings are nevertheless better. Few good . 4r piddling quality can be di sposed ot A STATED xis:rind thb - I,'il.644ihip Fire Coinpany will beheld in their hall, on. Mon clay evening, at the usual hour. lIIICCEN Arrszrrros ! "Crruss."—The regrdarstated meeting 4;_the 4 ‘Cib . ..zen fire engine, iiiiS.OSP compete- will -be ing at 7 o'clock. N. B. Eyery,raember is required to be , present atthiSMeeting!: - Wes. J. LAWRENCE,. Sec'y. OFpro.E.us FOB COLiPIEp TaotSps..--During the past week, twenty -thee studentseof the' Free Military Seliool applicants fOr s -ebramand , . of 4olored troop's, established by the Super viegiyCOnnnittee, appeared before the Board of !Examiners at Washington, we4i passed. of those who are to•rankaa captain,. we notice the name of John W. Taylor. of Har risburg. T46Enx.---On• Saturday evenirig, about. . 0 . 1 1 7 0 3 4 ks c!t PuOtr. : - -2s2.K4Fatt29- one f ieptha.priyate boxes at the Continental Theatre, in ,:Pl4delphia. A young wi.:0014 na:ffied Mafgaitt: • Baer, (otherwise known as Afttggie Mitchell formerlY Pf..POttOillerl4., was shot WI iridiaantly killed . by a y,dung man ; twenty years of age, named , Howard *te4ell,i - j icto:,ay,s Oat he - was formerly apt ployed as:a, firemarvim . aelplxia, mil mington and naltira ore railroad!' Mitchell was drunk, and : had a quarrel with ...the :frail Maggie. .Thr4shcits were =fired at the un fortunat:'gk - AatirsisAgre.T.L.Althir_iliticitre, a - `grand bill omentid for evening", 7 ;'tin: of -the gkeatthrillint drama, Oititled The pittm- Ger 11)&1,4, in which Mr. W.‘ Jennings faPpear in four distinct characters; and bli.seNelly Sprague,. the fascinating young • tragedienne, will represent .Margaret, the Queen of _trance. The 'entertainipent3q'Con- . clud'eWitli the Stage bYrUck radon , with Miss Fanny Denham as.Saliy Scraggs, and Mr. W. • R. Rouse as Tom Tike., ...This is the silty-' fourth: night of the Stareombination Company: in our city. , • • . , , aracrosb's OPERA Moth* Goose and her Golden Egg :will be the attraction, for Vie • entire week: The past week, notwith :litanding the inclement weather, the 44-Rises have been full. The matinee, on Saturday, amidst, a snow-storm, drew together a very select end fashionable asitlitialgage,'Aridirtearly filled the HalL In-, consequence of many subscribers who, fearing there wOuld be no perforuiari*;ren:Cupiug ' away,' 4 - ;t: Aatford . announced a, repetition on Saturday : next, `When a programme ofunusual exeellerice will :be giveh flr family patronage: By all means :4oret fail to see the pantomirae. Miss Julia, - .the favorite, danseuse, appears nightly : lirrortoc•bx's NA:rimer,'Lir,t L .corttinues to : be crowded=nightly with •large.and select aril lieuces.: Mr. H. hAri engaged a nu.loer of new' artistes,, who will appear this evening. the timerick Boy is:an the list:cif playw for to-_ night. AWEfolin' es ; 'the 'comedian, ap- Peir .4fldY-Miles OE Milky Roles, vbo- appears 'l , nighbly, PhilidelPitia-paper says, in noticing his par-. formarliea*t a theatkein, tlusit, city : 4r.f Him Rol i:ies has so long, been acknowledged the greatest.poraic.-osinger on. the 'American Stage,. that I 'llll 'criticism is -idle and: out of place. The applause he receiveS is well be stowed, and at the conclusion of each song, 'round after round of applause testifies to the poPularity of, the man and the . expellence •of his singing +r Read the advertisements of -the above coin panies wider the head Of '"Amusements." • Hoor SraiTS.—While much hair been: said against hoop:or • extension skirts,,vte are now prepared to advocate the claim. upon „public favor for the * 'new style" of 'skirts lately intro anit under: the -exclusive :control of C. L. Bownlan,inthi's.city. Each skirt is marked with These skirts are made in . one lioop.with-slaral-steel wire,,and . cannot lit out of order. In. trade ,parlancethey are called ely, QnakeT _mod Qtiak& skirt can be examined at No. 1, corner of Front and MlP'ket: btre'ett4 ; I ; : SPECIAL NOTICES. -NEW FIRM. , * - .1,1r7d. J. JESTER; who has been engaged at sign paint tug for the past-tbyee or four yearw,tiztlont;mblat, has ta ,sociated with'hlut Mr. J. P. Barringer hulk:they are now prepal'oll to dolmusE ANQ SIGN PAINTING•in all its , branches, and have aonordingir:OpendOl 'wee Old stand, ender the firm of Jester & A:miner, Coirt 'Nouse alley, „pear Narket street y , where all orders will hoigmptly at :tendekto. ;.; MO4 , - Ball's - Rentedies;' I tale this method :of cheerfidly thanking the publie for pilt favors, and still solicit their kind:attention to my medicines. To tell of all the wonderful cures I have been able to perform would be impossible. ' I would call the attention of the ladies particularly to thla valuable medi cintS.,l:l- think! safelY say it is the very ".beat Were& to ilf&rt. - It 'will . ; regulate -the..whole system; can be. taktuilit anytime ; :notear need :be apprehended in re- , gird' to t 1 I have also a. valuable Salve -tcaill proud. - 1.18.411; and mother td dm* and heal- This has healed sores that have rupi2o!years. lify,Dysentery, ~Drops, fanvcordial and Boltgh- Drops have been. well , tried. I „need say nothing in - .their favor. I have' constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS, , L. BALL, . merit; 27.BouilliPine street, Harrisburg, Pa. toughs and Colds. The sudden; changes of .4)ll}' Amato are sources or Pal ,- 'IIOXASY, and'aartloOlat UPSOIIOIIB. 1,4 "lance hairitig frieVed thit Midge idinedibs — often Meedilyyrben taken in the early stages of, the , disease, roe 'course ahead utt ~onee be had to "Bream's', Brut/chug 'Trocherap,Ler-Loatinges, lot the 'Cidd, Cough' or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by thlit Tireciution a more serious attack may. beosMectually warded Edi, To tro Smairsaa and Stscustes will find therd effectual for clearing, and strength e ni ng: the voice:. 'Soldiers should havethelay, as they can be carried Itithe pocket and'tam'. as ocautimuelpfrea • • • Mar2p4‘ll2l. HAIR DYE t' HAM-DYE 1 t' tfittchelails - ,Celebrated Bair' 'Dye . zin „slat IN illflitz,Zl:: The ..`pray Hama* True and Adiable Dye Known. Thift sidendid Hair Dye in perfect -changes Rusty or Gray Heir instantly to a Messy Mask or NaturalDimon without injuring the Hair Or :dentin g the-Skirtjeaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and. rectifies the AU effects of .bad Hydr: The - genuine is signed INTILLAV . A. BATCH RIDS. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c.' - Factory—Sl SAP , . CLAY ST, N.-Y. . • 11420e8rAnithi NEW TOILIIr.-1713EAM708 iIitSINUSG 300-11 . . , IMllitstryßsulness AttendedlTo. , Pension, Back Pay, Sabsistende and Military and War Claims, generally, maile.out and collected. Per sons residing at a distant?: can have their business trans• acted by mail, by addraisilng EUGENE SNYDER; Attornepat-Law. dert-trty? Third street, Harrisburg, P,o. Hoptmor, SOAP. , This celebrated Tian Botagb, lit l i uc h. fad de mand, it made-from the choitest aPin mild and emollient in Its nature, fragran:ayseentMat ankesitentalylienadkutal in it5,t,1.11M4he1 8 4 114, , 1 ball Druggists and rawly ddcahspaajavv- Ja ba l, ..110i . TE _411%7. BANNVART'S ► INCRIA - TROCHES, For the'crui of Hoarseness, 'throat- Dis eases, &c„ are specially recommended to minister/s o li:ha - 10ms and persons whose.vocation calls thelzgo speak in priblic. Manufactdred only by d. A.- Benuvaxe -De., Haitisburfr Pa-, to whom.all orders'should. be addressed. riol , dby druagist, every where. . Reid the fallpyking-testiitionia . Is from some of our eminent clergymen ' ILtnaracrria, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BANN - yaw—Dear have used Bro Wit's Pronehial Troghes,:Wistar'sLosenges and - other • preplotrations for hclareeness and' throat troubles, and in comparison with theiii all, can cheerfulli 'cinmend far 'own as a mosrf:Ailinxble: speCAd fepublic speakers andJsingers, ceses, , oke,hearsenestw .ePtikhs. and cold:s. I litoiei . 4chind them serving in tune of need, most §itb'etitalt,_ Yonrs •T. 'Pliuslßut, • Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. e . agiee With Mr.' labitisoi. a fce value of &nuvarreßrettehitd fflrochegy `": ' so.< CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Chunk 88 ;Tait To a A. 8... o ?l'lv,i-iiir:Vair Sir: An..liWillif*t of . speaking vorT , freithoutlii '3 .isnalilkii ll 4o.9o 'whaffYletvocid organslaroweFyinuch. taxed, I hanfpnad, the neeorpf trobielfe;ithii)tpoptp. ispf, faa - 412.0 Witi4,bas , banaliikatealt qvir . „ „ , excellent Troches. I - Consider them. verylar..stiperior te any Loierigeti that I haire eitintie'driff removing `speedily that huskiness of , the , voise r arising ,froni its too frequent :use, .and , imitairiug',the affectiTeness ,of the ,debirei.y,, of public ad! dresses. Yours &'c.,, ~" 3146;VOireirit JAC KSON _Paste& of the Locust St. Methodist Church. .. _ • To 0. A. Bowsirr i - 7 -Dear Sir: Having•used your Bionchist Troches,l am free to say they are the best I hive ever tried and takextest., pletusc**recomnyinling-tionte all,,persollic alllicteci. with "sore thrdac, or_ IniskinbSEC4a 117 voice:ailiing from lili *' - it 'l'T: i iii* .-- itr'ig" -- Yours, .Stc., .„..G. p.,. NESX-WV, Pastor of Ai4gelienite r etliOdiat Chrtreh. DLSTRICMATTOBS OFFICE, • Ihnp,,tsusno, F„pb. 29, 1864 , T4:4 AABAiliverili--- - : hav e Found your Troches to be invaluable i re lieving ,hparseness and in' strengthening the inuadesafftl4 throat; t Th'ef impart4leatness to the:voice, ,anddare,certaknly of great bene fit to all public speaker*.. EEERit NEW ADVERT.' EMENTS iS , PATENT f „I,ALE 4-E6/11, nocKs C The Measurement of Timiand the• Record p Dates Combined, THE GREATARROVENENT OF THE AGE ! A ' ZEISPIERDIAN, NiSi's2 Market street, . _Harrisburg hai received the - agency of the Corn bined Measurer of Tanei angHembrd'' er of Dates, LEWIS' PATENT CALENDAR -CLOCKS to Which'ionderful piece of mechanism he respectfully invites the attention'. of.the Publib. • Ile-greet advantage of this clock is, that the.inachinery • of-the calendar is entirely disconnected with the,works of the clock; that it is simple itrits construction, requiring none of the clean- Mg necessary to the works of an. ordinary clock, and it can be transported without the least liability to damage. Trda.Calendar is self-setting; the 21-hour wheel of the clack moves the Calendar. at midnight -for the following day, and the mechanism of, the Calendar is such that it sets itself for the.long , and short . months, thus,. without any attention (except to keep - the clock woundyit will not only point out the time of day. but ,also ,the dui of the ivbeth of the, month and.mopth.of the year, giving 31 .;days March,. iday, July,- Aug.,,Cot. and Dec.; 80 'days to April, June, , Sopt. end NoV,,.and to February it will give,' .28. days.for three ralccessiveyeass and titt.the fourth year :29 ;days,- thus making •all the,,phangee, 'chiding Bissextile or Leap 'Year. inin2B.42w PIANOS. - RIEWSB' SCID 110 1 6 " ALBRECHT,. • • EXCELSIOR PIANOS. 't ' 'SOY AGENL AT 'ANOMIE'S, 93 , iftlexttet,:f troet Harrisburg , • •• ‘l6 - 101t.. REASONS ISerfectiy satisfactory to ~ .IITSELFI have-taken the agency of the above nelk -excellent Pianos— Thepablic Is invited•to come and, ex-, amine for themselves: ~ • ;• • ; A few Schomacker & Co's ?falloff on hand yet Will be sold low, " .„ niar2s-tf ' NO. 4,J,OrfES , ROW. lIIHE UNDERSIGNED reBpeotfallyitiforms the public that Ite.tute kurchaaed the • HAT AND: ,CAP :SORE ' . _ Late the property of T. J.•BLFARETT4IdeceaBect, rogrthat , he will - continueaho.busitesset the old• - ..stand, whore _he will constantly keep on hand a geferatessortment of HATS;&e:,. LAT.ES,T, STYLES; • whichswill beeold at- reasonable.rates. • A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. roar2B-d2w . •i ' R. R. LOW,. JO TIN , •A:: o.lx, -it 44 EtA , RICET STILE:E.T r ABOVE l'OtriiT-H, '(Niner oroa ADAMS, Exenr.ss OFFICE,)_• H A. R 11.14; B.IZT R: Cr.. _ Warrants, :Mims; Government securities Checks venni:TF* 3 ,444 Cask*. , xna42Bd2ras •r Moving ! Moving AS tlßS — iialthe time to prepare for ,11E01..-IL it would be well if all having to more ; Aeond gathermilheirinralea-Furniture and send - itAirillirios Aucttelftiik r aVilrelturelloterei, *ere' the htgliWlßl cash iiiikheligil'fimekticippoArs,eeoWurtsi- - or entiange - for-ne. ' NEW FURNITURE of . the finest quality always_on hand. ' ;DANIEL BARR, rgirt marl 9 L-Aue'lloneer. . . • 10.0,111JEWJLILILL,.% ANY person furnishing „illfpnatiektof the whereabouts: 4 oC any ...deserter , ; ,4otti: t•Jte" United States servlce*Alll receive the aboite tews t iik . , An 'Com- Int f ni ca tk ns ftridiyaVjgentia,l, king' .tuif "N ever MI, liana. XddraSS BOX 13, Ma r4 . ;o l.W . t r llarlisbiirt Pa. TEPORT4ITT TO M.f.L.- 7 -It will restore the i to health; CIO intemperate to temperanos. • The Ithubeib".Wlne will do it all. Don't think 'the reading of the advertisement will do; we don't 'claim that. Ralf you will to to C. K. KELLER'S Drug:Stens and get - some of the Wine and examine it. for yourself,: it will : set. you: :right; I will warrant you on ULM. Orders tor- wine and mine phuits taken and tilled by our atithorized agent, C. :K. KELLER, No: 91 ifirkatatreet, Harrisburg, -Pa.. leer fall particulars apply to or address the above. JAMES It: Lemparr; • ; Milton; Pike county, mar22-iltf" Aiiholeitida Dealerin Wine Plants. Tobacco Seed. C , . ONITECTICIIT. P.IIThINSYLVANIA. TOBACCO SEED can be.had.-at BO cents.per ounce, at •WYKOIV'S BEGAR nom, mar29-Aw* ::Market street. NEW PHILADELITIte 3E:: 0 T 0 itv. GROSS" - NEW BLOCS, . Market Street, Harrisblirg, 1,006 DIFFERENT EMUS OF FAsgioNSTruE CLOAKS AND:CIR OUVAR,S, PINE SPRING. SILAiWLS. Will open on the Ist of April. . Unar2l-11y . F INE NO. I^I.S.O3pREL . KittB, Stlf4re -, oebiod..* • • "SiIISLER* . FRA2E.R. meal ' fecooiSeiors to Wm. Dock, Jr, k SS I A ORAN cES. --A " * 0 ; " Mi l *vilice**eilidiai °rouges just received i Near. • BMX. =MYER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D I . ESERABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE t I SALE.---The subscriber, residing six miles above I li.irrisburg, on thii Susquehanna river, offers at private sale the following desirable property, all of which is con , venient to both the Canal and Railroad, and one of the markets--in the State the city of Harrisburg: I No. 1. A'TAVERN STAND, with four acres of land, more or lees, on which. is erected a substantial Stone and -Mastered HOME, continuing eleven rooms; a large Stlane 'Stable, capable of holding 20 horses; Carriage House, Smoke House, and one of the best Springs in the country, Spring House, and other necessary out buildings. No. 2. A TRACT containing 14 acres, 'horror less, on which is erected a Grist Mill, Store Howe,- four Dweilifig libuses, with out-buildings. The Gristlfill is in goad run- Aing ornee,• with plenty- of custent work, - -goodAisiter -power, and a flue harbor for timber. The Canal and Rail road pass through this property. Nu. a A TRACT OF LAND containingl.so acres, more or lessyiPart , "-tillable,i the. balance tinlber i - ein ,:s hick is. OrtetlAtWO:Dwel.ling ROLggS with Stabli--wthq frame of 'a Saw Mill, a head and tali 0f213i feet, *i*V 406 yards 'Cif , Canal and Railroad. 'Tina' is a splendid' location !brit forge, furnace, or factory- , . No. ..o..,TRAWrcontaining 10-acres, with HOII&E and -Stable, the Railroad and Canal Pass through,) on which is pod' tonii'Qulaty,' large quithatitY brielt clay, a good 'seat for an anthracite furnace, or steam Saw MM. No. 5. A Taker contaitling 453; acres of woodland, a . I:lige quantity of which is chestnut rail linaber, oak.,.hiCk "ory, &c., - on which there is about four acres cleared, with 'HOUSE and Stable. thereon.: The' tract is„ti mitelrOrn. Great and Railroad.. The above propert.s - will 'sold on. ,terina to, salt pir chasm It col bcPneierhy tailing on stibsonlier, era tho property, or -any informations:can.. he. Wren; .by adk . , JOHN, C. at'ALLIST . EIt, • ' Snag - iibtanna; P. 0., Dauphin county, Penn?a: . t 864. mai22 f^ .Churxr Insixrixer I .I.pplicable to uisetal Aitp_ A new thing. Int Combination Boot and Shoe Man nfaotanna. Jewelers. Familiar a liquid. Remember. UMZ2 Agents In Mind. 3elB-dly Steam Weekly to Liverpool. FrOttIagGACQUE.IINTSTOWN, (Cork Ear pgr.l The.vrell known Steamers of the LiverpOol, New York and Philadelphia 'StennishlPlCompany; emu , tended tir:All es follows: • - •, , • CITY OF MANOlikbri..R, Saturday, April 9; CITY OF LONDON, Drittirday, 'April ld &TN*, Saturday; Apritrllt, and every succeeding Sanirday, atNoon, from Pier' 44, River.. RATES OP Vialtt4E, PAYABLE IN GOLD, OR ITS NOVIVALENT IN CURRENCY. ,FIRST CA81N ....:. $ BO 00 S TEERAGE .. . . $3O 00. do . to C01id0n...... 'B6 - 00 - do , to London...:ll. - 84'00 •do to Parts:— .. .. .. 95 Ob. .do .to Paris - • , 40.00' ..' do to Bamburg.:. 90 00 do,to,ll49nrarg.. . 37 .00 Passengers also fOrward to, Havretgremen:Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c .at' &Partly low raten• Parestrom Live;pool• or Queenstown rlst Cabin, $76, sBs,', $lO5. Steerage, $B6. • Those who wish to send . for 'their friends can buy rackets here at these rates. For further information apply artlie - Companrs omces JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15; Broadway, 'N.Y., or E.. 0. ZIMNBRMAN, Ifarrisburp. ..; - ' • . . 'itszlni... . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albumg. Photograph Albums- PhotograPh Albums. !FM Vest and cheapest variety, of PRO j, TOG H ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept . at : , Sinai ] 'BERGNER'S CHEAP B00103TORE: Oporto Graiee. MEE WINE made from this GRAPE so , nearly resembles Port in, Saver, body and, color that none but the berstjadges could : distinguish. it from ieng; imported. Port..-as It uscal to be. The subscriber has been aprininteir agent for ihe 'sale , . a • • -.V.T.NiF.4.S of this grape by an 'eateasrve 'grower in Western New York; and can furnish them in any..guantity at moderate The wine is at present .selling of -train $1 60. to .$4, ea cording.to age, and the suplity is unequal to the demand. JACOB MISR, feb26 . leigskorte Nnisery, Feb 28, 1864. SCJJOCICKER__&.. CO-.!8. MOO'well 'known hi this xitSiltoLteed Ocaa 7 - mendation. In use by • PRESIDENT LINCOLN,- • . • : , GOVER . NOR CURTIN • • • - • • - ,••• -= .111 LON PEtlillSON, And many other distinguished citizens. The undersigned. offers theselmperblnstruments at prices that cannot fail to command public patronage, - • • N. B.—No OLD stock on hand:- . • „ Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled • STEINWAY P IANO,. • Amo, , „ BRA_Dittritir'S - CEVEZIR4TED PIANOS. Chlekering's and several'&her of The . very hest makes None but perfect instruments sold. Call and' see hugest Stock 'ante! great cities. • rnar2S 2f '• - S. WARD Third street Music. Stdro. SALE; A . LARGE and splendid Book Case,' with Glasa•Sash above and panels , Inquire. at BARR 4 . 1)0. 7 8 Auction Store, First' National Bank, NA TIVE WINE,.-. FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY. WDIR.— Warranted pure. For side at., MELEE & FRAZEE, . , „ Isui2s • • (snecessoretOEr. Dock, jr., & Co.) TAYA,Jtunaiati and Lagnyra Coffee, at ty SELLSLER & (saccessots to W. Cockle., & Co.) ftE3 NE W 800 K. 8. 7 -Jr/LE RHOULDBIt 11 STEM'S _ - DAYS OF SHODDY Just maimed at Rejig SCEEFFER'S BOOKSTORE.; - LA & RERINFS:WOB,CESTER SA.IICES, - the most poi:lasi' end the pm% ever offeredto the public, just received and for alaby • SMSLER fi FRAZER, DIU (succeasorsto Wm. I tnek, Jr k PEAR TREES—Dwarf and Stlilltta k ii the beet leading varieties, and of salierfor — grutettfr can be furnished at fair - prices atthe keystone Nursery. J. MISH. Nro better:CH:Ma TIM m S ai be fin ma IA in the eountty than the stock now on hand at the Keystone Nursery. . - • . - Tne.collection embtaces about h.ortX.,orituil eties of differenkoolpra and from tkadniiiieni to latest. aprzl..t,a ;i, ,•. • "JAWS 3114.12 c,. and V aludide I:llscorer#: HILTON'S IINSOLUBLE :CEMENT: --•-- - - - of more general practical utility than auy= inventicia now' before the public. It has bash .thoroughly tested during the last two yawn by practical men, and pronounced by all to be - SUP . ERIOR TO ANY calve Preparationa ilmro3o.B.litemumi Cznincr is a new thing; and' the result of years of study; its combination le on. Scientific Principles , And under no circumstances or change of temperature; wilt It be come ciirrdpt of omit any' offenalio smell BOOT AND SHOE hltinufacttuers, Wing Machines, will And it the best article known as Cementing for theChannela it, works witliont delay, Janet change of of temperatureby atly , . JEWELERS ‘', ill andit: l / 4 Futliciently adhesive for their use, as bas been proved. n 'is Bspeciay Adapted eso Leather, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches to Bodts and Shoes ;sufficiently strong without It is the only LIQUID OBMEN7 Batalit that is a sure thing for mend ing Furnitur, • ' Cr ockery, Tom Bone, . Ivory, And articles of Honsettqld use • • REMESIBEti EILTON'S INSOLUIttdi Is in a liquid form anti as ap plied as paste. Azirorr's Lisountrat Gamin Is Insoloole in water or oiL INSOLUBLB OEM= Adheres oily substarices. Supplied in .Familq or' Sfanufac tones Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lba HILTON BROS. k CO., Proprietors, Providerqk L k, IVlEtkir'A-t; • • ..t. ~..• ....„,„,......t : 6*WlS*4lr‘ A iTTREE TAR CO.R.:OIAL . . IS THE VITAL PRDICIPLEVF THERM TREE, Obtained by a peculiarl) rwAss in the dis tillation of the tar, by winch its highest med ical properties are retained. rinse you a tough ? Have you, eire Throat ? Have you any of the preraonitOry . symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? -.Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, Fronk - this fact;-per- more than any, other,_ arises_ the sad IFeva7 fence tfild'fataliticif disease winch ncireeps io• the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's Victims. Consumption has. destroyed more of the human-ffinnly than any , oil:CM:disease, and the best physicianS for many years have despaired -of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, liitfor more than two hundred years the whole medical world: has been impressed that there was a iny'sterions power and effi ciency in the Thia Tree Tar Wheal the lungs; there ere theiliave recommended.the use of Tar Water, which in many - eases had a - - good .effect; brithow to combine. the medical' pro perties so as to heal the lungs,. has ever been a mystery , until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISH/ART, of Philadelphia, Pa. ; the .proprietor ',lVislart's PiltdiTreeTar C`or- Many, not only of the people, but phYsi clans of every schocl.and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of _your success in the treatment of Pulmonary an4B;timPtian 7.".. My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs the strengthening of the debilitated SySte:ol— purification and ; enrichinent of the hlood, must expel from" the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (chaaging .froin disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle- is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflarnma tion, and restoring• a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the hooting and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's c.onstant recuperatiA tendency, and the patient is spired, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. fask all to read the following certificates. They are from men arid women of unques tionable worth and reputation: Dn . 1 4,..T.SZLi.IIT—Dear. x,Sie:—.l had a very dreadful cou . ge dna s..re throat for one and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated Cu my bed with but hope of recovering.. My disease. bellied the power of all medicines, and in a short. time must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest unfit she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased ohe bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and 'I commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three 'bottles I am perfectly well, and a, wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my ease if you think proper. ,REBECCA HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wyllestai..,' , .t, Philadelphia. Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar. Cordial is an infalliable cure for -Bronchitis, 'Bleeding of the Lungs, Smell:moat andßreast; ot tion of the Lungs. ' Mr. WARD says: • Da. Wrsnanor--t-Sir:—l had Bronchitis, In hlammation- of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst. forms; I riatl Vain treated by several of the Most emimmkphysiciatts in Philadelphia;` but -theid'ordd not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired of ever being re stored to health. I was - truly on the verge of grave. Your Pine Tree. Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a friend; 1 tried it, and am thaidcful to say that, after using four large, and one small, battles, I was restored to perfect health. lon can give re , ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, 'or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 ra. to 2 P. M. , corner of .Chestnut and Sixth streets. tIOBIsr WARD. Bead the following from Utica: Dn. Wrsatenx—Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in informing you. through'` this source that your Pine Tree Tar C9rdial,,, which was recom- mended formy daughter by Dr. d. A. Hall, of thilqity, has cured her ofs • cough of more thairfive months' Staitdirig. had thought her beyond cure, and had.empleind the best Of medical aid without-any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend ittyi the public as a gate and sureremedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter thatit has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. Etium - rt Daguerrean Artist. 126 Genessee street, Utica, N. Y. * * ' -:---I have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree o Tar Cordial in my family,, and can cordially recommend it as a valuable and sate medicine.for colds, coughs and to those pre dispoied to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTPX, 160 Genessee street, The above are a few among the thousands 'which this great remedy has. saved from en untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed : and sold the Tar ,Cordial, *bag, that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. .The Tar Cordial, when . taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia.:.. The The PINE 'Twit-A . /LB COIIDUL, will cure Coughs, Sore Throat mu 3, Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Oingh, .DiPtheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complainta • ' BENVA.B,E•OP COVI%T PErr, The genuine ha, s the name of the propriet. , tree Mewl, .n the hoti, 2,11 others are spurv.. l'lacr. Firn CEsTe and lan Dc444x. p er 's em i . rTe paret only by the Proprietor, - - Dr. L. Qv U. -W-ishart, No:lol4bitigeohiid itidet,Tbitillphia, Sold by toriftistis everywhere, at Wholesale by all Phiia. 4eI PY /41 ;9!4_ 6 ?.?_i k- r e Dr°9lB V s l- Bth e l l - - Utica, New York ME