TIIE TELEGRAPH 3toßy-Evrt AND EVENING, GEORGE BERGNER.' orrKE THIRD ST., HEAR WALNUT. Il:B s; OF SUBSCRIPTION. SING LE SLTSCRIP'TION. Tio.loiLy Tmcnitacii is served to subscribers in the ~ty at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be 55 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to' • advance will bacharged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. 1.0 TELEGRLPEI is also published weekly, axitl is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates :, • . • . Single copies, weekly;... • $1 tOt Three copies to one Post Office . 4 00 Ten copies to one Pnst Office. ... :.. • • 'l.O 00. MUSICAL: A. P. TEIIPSER I I' TEACHER OF M Opines sr WARD'S. teiSIO STORE, 12 IF Third - Street. ResideuCe: Third street, above Atoith. ELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS., TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, . . .1;1 TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, °NIX GOLD MED.alrjever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S - INSTRUILITaNT&' A full assortment of these instruments always'on,bakii: W. 81,10CH'8, Dale Agenc 93 , Markby eireoi", le4 2tawly] .. , .. . HENRY,;.- ( . .)141•11, .. . . TEACHER OF THE PIANO, MELODEON AND VIOLD.I.—Terms reasonaby :.: ~5 Third street,. iictweill Market and Chestnut zq.reiits.• •: . : ...ta4-Siii . . . . PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY., WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND T . vipAppwc.p. RESULTS . DR. J. M. CREAMIR . would respectfully inform the public in general and the..diseasedi particular, tha pe t he has oned an .olDcerin' South *mond. street, below Chestnut, Parrisbarg;..2o.,-where:lisiwill treat all diseases entrusted to his care,in accordance-with ;he system discovered and ..4.dght Prof. - -11..EcIles, of with whose histitittletiLh&his beeidcon. Dated, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the pl:blic for information with resPectlo 1 1 1 WButkeilif in ybn ;rolling disease. No drugging the system With uncertsiumedS6a . agents. cures performed, y Magnetism, Galvanism. and other modifications of Electricity, - without ilioeks or . 'Mcy 'un pleasant sensations. After an Electrical piagnosis,. a . guarantee will be given, if desired' . .bsithe patient.' For rurther information call ,and: gets; pamphlet which con tains hoer: reds of cerolleates Menfaiiii. oth ers pri,ring the superiority pf- this. system. of -practice over all ethers. COnSidtation fr& 'Clinee. htitirs'BiO‘l2 51., 7to 5 and 7t09 o. . . . DR J. MILTON CREAMbt. feb34l3taw2m- to.th-Sa - DR. J. IDETEOS, • YELLOW WATER POWDER FOR HORSES. . . TVIRWG a practice of many yeaxe,iii columuuity, DR HITE has saffeed laimbelLatit this Powder is vastly superior to any other article in use . . FOR THE CURE OF YELLOW WATER, Asa is of great service •to Horses that.. have ost their • APPETITE um .EE HIDEBOUND, VOHNDEBHD, DISTEitrPEILEU. Also,.that it will; preVent GLANDERS, COLIC AND 'PIE DOTSS,, When fdithfully used two or three .. times rating and fattening. For improving the condition of it' liorse;lioalrekintbere to no better medicine, as it: 4111. 4 etlitifitheiti thls; , stbßiaoh , and tirtilA digestion, cleAnse' the - intestines of offensive matter, and regulate the bowels when costive, purify the blood and promote digestion--thuslhe skin iskept loose, the pores are opened and alesid,Scabby Boise becomes Cu cud comely. The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hoglitivier good effect. DirectionS with package. • TREPAiED ONLT 'AND' W:d.l) AT • • TELLER'S DRUG; STORE,: ' No. 91 hiarketstreet, Harrisburg_.— ESE GROCEIi 4 I:k42': NEW GROCERY BD PROVISION STORE, BOYEIt & KOERPEAt; * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • DEALERS IN . GROCERIES r. Queens and Glass:Wate - ' AND ALL ICLNDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, .•, TT AXE just opened a - large and well-selected _Li. stook of goods at , their stand; N 0.3 lifarketßetutre,; Harrisburg, Pa., to whichlhey intoite.the.altantioti.of the public generally. nole•dly F-E-• :L. - • uso s Shissler r. r (Successors tolY m. Dock; COO TIEALERS IN FINE FAMUX GROOE- Al RIES opposite the. Court House have.on bandanna Eelection of BRANDIES,. • of dilltrent vintages. - PINE 4/173, • ; • • -"* *le4y ; be.fofWn. WIIISKYS OLD BOURBON MONONGAHELA • plivE Jai*: :41.1174 OcOt.th. Whisky& The best ever brought to this market. OLO IVH'EAT, * ' • And the .celePF l 494 • CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY. CHAIIIPA.GNE , • L: •Emoss ./1:03A.211M317A . • • SCOTCH AND wag- • , . LONDON mows wan WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION, • WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS. With a complete stock of t • • • ENGLISH AND AMERICAS 7el7ESi And Condiments of every description runic' in the market,, arid at • , • THE LOTITEST:JUTES. (jab JOHN W 1 • ._...: S THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUTp itAitaisßv.R6, WHOUSALE.AND RFTAih DEALKELIN. • • ...1,••• CONFECTIONERY, :FRUIT 1 Jujube Paste, .1 Moos Paste,. • Fig Paste, . Marsh Malloer Gain Drops, Cream Chocolate Dropp, • Plain Candies,AM, sr,p, Oranges and Lemons, ,- Canned Fruita, Jellies, Teas and SPines, all kinds, Paper Bags,Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea. son. Vegetables in season, Currants, cetlB Citrons, Dqui Prunes, Almonds ,Wninnts, FSlbert Crean:kJ - Ws . Crantorrles, Hominy and Cakes and Crackers, Sweetanddrisb Aotat9eq, Green and' , Dliall*ifir And :Country .Produce In season. ' • .r_ _ iItAPE VINES of all kinds,. principally Concord, Delaware, Diana, Muscadine, Loan, Isa 11 bells" Catawba, .oporl,o, Clinton, Creceling Tallororillir• ttc., ad..-ar/teittone Nursery. ; mane ammingleuu .CIDE&H,—TyO Barzels raf , e th aatlr ' ula CIDER. Just Mend at marla . BOYER : . A NOTHER lot of °holm •Critowlart Gra 403„, tor ago at (thong :O RR Win • • • . trvt,.--. , 4-r..4:1 i r : d . • . • , . . Iff.7 • , , - - . : ib tai . . • ~\\'" • . „ : • • • r/ .. t • • ...• BY GE9BO-::AgIGNEB. IyIE7)IGxL. - •:;.7 C 451 1411V.:: . :JOIDL7I.4kI d 1.5 te ICitatIMOR/T- - LOCK HOSPITAL, AS disocivaed, the moat certain, speedy LL and effectdieixemediatiiike world for • - DW 11 .0:4 1 -0 `", i ampOzig,scs. TO E *CUM HOURS.. : 7 ;:;;;:-• -• ••Ir . NO 11NROUR - rOli - NOMONS DRUGS: =1 ttNre i:i:A:.•~ ~,,!. :f:t>:!•:f7: .W riari—.lAws • • • .•:* *Wares of the -.li'' ... %= t i*s!'lilions of tinilldiSeirlisnd Bladder` Involuntary ` - - " Impotetioy,:thinered pe.'t bility, NervouesseiVFOr*:. '''-' 1,81 4.40r• La * VS ' Cron/1151On of Lir l y o ilpinstici;of the- el.ettit,Tinn ty•' i t TreMblingiOinia - far; iddirimt, 'nesse ot t he ' Head, Throat ;" iii ".t 4 i - ,• 4 odious' of the _4oer,-; Lungs, Stomaelf`r44'll" "'` ose terrippe-disOders ariSing forn.thit , tilito4, - "inffik r Youth-LAI*. • leder and solitary practlp:eit rtfoteleinF th their victim thin the:, song of SyrenslcrespliOnniii.:6o3lysses, blightlni . ;thoir most impossi brillian ble t hdiLls: - .eicarttiolii t tHrs, rendering n :nstitilelK , , . - • ; . i. ~.: eu:i .', ~ .: 0, ,•• :. ..tn.. --1: , 1 .. . e -... 1- "TOlVG•lifEli i '• ". . ' '---- -" "" EMI ;.1 • Relax ' who have heSeTatt.ae.Yiethae or PoPtarY.-, ,LeAt ; that dreadful and deet.incllye„j u ilgt which annually sweep! tden untimely gmedihounimaik of Young Mel; Pr 4 1 ' 8 . molt exalted talents' tatuf:briillitAt intellect, who ml otherwise have entrannekii*Wig Senates with 'dent of eloquence or w L o F .e9. : ; t4lsy the living hall with Lull walhtelaie-1. ; - . .., • Married persons,. oMiOungielltonlemPlati.4lna= behig aware of physicalimealmiesk organic deniiity,i - mattes, &c., speedUrcurml.-.. l'-if. He who places himsolflunderthe care of Dr. J. may ih; ligionsly confide in ma. ronor :asia gentleman, and MIL delay rely upon hliskill us sjihyslclan. r'. ' .'!.• :I.; °Rd-WO -:..,A?*`itiomss,,,: . af r .;• tll. mmediately cur'4 , Ofttll tifgaix restored. • This dlstressing'io i li-L ,, , readers life r i citserable• and marriage impossibl6-4 milty paid brtliliv,iriOi• thus of improper friailgibuoa.'Young persons are gto'ujit'•l 'to commit excesses from*it, being aware of ilk; drandful consequences that mat' easiie.°;•Now, who that uniler-° Stands the subject will preTendlV , deny that the -porieit,pr piocreation is-lost testhief•to eh' ta ll ier kite itnjiroper' habits than by the pi , n4ent. [llieddes being deprived -pis' plehsures of healthy -oftring;i.fte most serious' an,i,de stritctive simptotrilr•• titith-";tiodi and mind Urine; The system•bectiniebAhrtifigeWthe physical and mental ;• functions weakentidibiostWoreative pow Ore nervous irritability, dyspipstii,litalpiiiitiori of the heart, Indigent* constitutional debility, ewasting'of the frame . cengh, con sumptibn, decay and death: • . - • I" BM Om= Nci. I",:gOovit*Dsitzax Left hand side going, ore street, s few,. doors ' from the corner. ;Sail ; Wsthaerre name and ;minter., Letters must bepaid:and,Oontain a stamp. Thilypoctor's Diplomas hang in DMAceIgsTSON, , Mombor of the Royal.Wlemot Surgeons, Loath:o4 tradt iota from one of the Mo4,eminent_colleges Wale United: Sudo; and the greatee,Peirti, or whose lire has been , stpent. in the.hospitala st. ;Leaden, gads, Philadelphia and. else, where, baa effeoted_nome tot: l t i tut most astonisttlinpinurett that were ever.knewn ; : twiny troubled with ringing-inthe• head and ears when aisleepi.,, great necennanesail beirig: alarmed at sudden winds, .baithrulnese, with !frequent blushing, attended tannettinse with derangement ,or , mind: were cared Immettlaggy: TAKE POTIOpTAA_R NOTICE . . Those are some of, the.aadiand melancholy elfecte.prek duced by early habits youth;, viz : weakness of:thetatolct and limbs, pains iiii4the Atiedildimnese of sight; lour of.: muscular power, plipitatitaiTot the heart, dyspepsia; tiers irons Irritability aymptomtuaLeonsumption, Aro livavratty.—The feirtttlielferns on the nti•:arot.antialn to be dreaded—loss of an con fusion of ideas, preesion of spirits, evil tfq aversion to itociety, , (Self distrust , atc. are sOrnts the evils produced. ~, i . . • l• .. ...t.&o Imre injuredtfieMsitTireit,by a certain practleclt, qiulged In whoa alo44.,tl44 , frequently_learned4r&ir. '•birit companions, pr -- a±. c - chot s 4,:the elfechp, of .yrlilOtscrs,_ nightly Mt, evert when ,, itilecp, and if not cured, re marriage a,os siblic and rtreNdroys both mktd o kidl,kedy f should' I ilf • al 911:4116:14 ,;. „ ~. ~. ' What), i.- r c htitA t titurtg?*, the hope of 'hitigold.ry_ l e ttu , ipte darling of ,h 1,,,, tiftsi eh° Add be snatched Ifr,ect ell, „prospects and , iskent%cf,p4b, by the conliogratpcs :iit deviating from - "ti - Lp1it1i,..,., of: l itatare and indulglcgAttc, certain secret hi , ~.. Atuarijpertions amsr, before eenteettl. -plating ...., .... • thatilol/1 " " 14 1 %0 0411' Y are the most 41P*ArY, Reflect .happinegs. requielteelb premea . .930,,,ure bec omes a wearrO., out these, the J.V3 - Or darkens to the. view-; AO: grlmage; the Pro ff i so: F ßa i ,d., _ ana toracsoal Mind becomes gawaq., , or °twirl to, melancholy reit 't nttstt;the, chap ems comes blighted , _ ,„ DIRRARPTV DIRRIIDENP.E.: " • When the mina sad imprudent votary Of pletiaMa 'finds he has imbibed, thg,iieda of this Paiat4 disSalßApp too often happens,Wat o c ill4 w ed sense o4,4thamit . f,telti dread of discovery 4:hlym . him. from applying toithege - 509 from education and reepecfahility, can alone brAtltitdl4 l l4 . : He fa ll s into the hixOtsifjga c knuat and designing t pretear, ma, who, incapable': filch hispecunisny ; so-.... stance, keep him iritlingli*4 after month, or as ltmg_tct the smallest foe cip. L bei.obtayl i and in despair leltvethAn with ruined hetdtlitoidih.4vcor isgalling dialippginMent,_ or, by the use of tfits,iieadryAssison, Mercury, 4petenCt4. cornitutionalaprinforaeorAlsierribledieesseareo, bons of the Head, lannaj, - se Skin, etc., progremdßlV with frightful rapidity' 1111, death puts a pertodAPJAllr dreadful sufferings( by Betiding him to that undlemared country teem whence no traveler return& • orTitielutzA WISk The many tho ourdraVeletistftirtion year alter y . eax,d Aeon:maw" ImPocoutt. Airgical e lpercome„ pertd*ed by-Dr:lohnson, inifileasta by Varrepoi.teiii the, sph coimpr iij r.tgaqy . . otherppipenF, no ua% or !Allah two; appal* - &11 -7 aiff'ffigelit.iibre 4 tlic A. 1167 babas A.Jgentliihnixt theafflieted:l-- • 411 - A - 01 1 WitigreaRMIWZ OOZED: I: ; 1.; 1. -'" OiliiiiAriiiiVilliiWdalOkedsrleix rarest. (at Eli =MEM BEEN EIM T .:a~ YOTINGIISZN BUJUdiGE, .• fit iot,W , Np F ORk TIRO Waste), HARRIstuRo MONDAY ono Mkt k ife A L . :l.r DYSVEPSIA, , . . ' .., . . .. , '', i . bpl7 - 48k4 ItEgirriliThitt?Filolitc t Z4.61,2.. :DISORDERS OF. C 'NE -tYVER'- ~,,;.;!,• , 1 1 ) ;,, AND: . bLOBdTIi O IBj.;;. ;.,, AUE CrUIMD:BYuI..., ......‘; :. - .:.,:', 4!::Q .. ..9.1*4;',.A.tP,Fi::','. - '... i: •,` : ' oEitttjaht; 7 :l 7 litirkEitg; ! 7 : I: • HE GREAT: 41,RtNCTligNINt TONIci. CBE siltters have Iseribisnled ihoro cares; have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes- have y;•hayognorimitgagitabippeoplelto.v•onelpfor them pa any Miter e tn i tttixtu' i n k ittiMiehioii - Al{ ; 4 1% . t i sny anyone that - wilLproduOd.,a - pertgicate pub • edi*US• that Wink: giiinuluti.c.%lloffindrs- German Bit- ' lets, will cure every casemetffnimidior.Navoils,DebilltY, ""DlSenses of the KidrieysiiindsliseiMisiarfilng ifrbin stomach. Observe:4be fdlluwiog - Symptoms 're. v ial:Stills filen thli'dikiders of the digestive organs: Ctin .SOPtition, Inward Plies, Fullness of Blood to the head, :Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for • Food, Fullness or weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Silti ti ng or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming MA ' e oad, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the n teart, Choking or su ff ocating sensations when in a ly) posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever and duff .painp, t4o head, Delloisincx.of pers liTaßon, Yeliownesilie4Wigd,desbikibe side, li chest, limbs; dm. Sudden flusaee of heat, Burning tit the flesh, Constant Laginations of evil, and great de ingiokn of spirits. ember that this Bitters is net ht,4lo4%nelabis no Tara or whisky, "ad dt . le the In the world. -.,-, I . lir:W*lm skys'sO: '?' • ...,:t , ~ 'Fym the Rev. Levi G.. Back- I'autor g the Baptist .Butch, Pemberton,`. .7; *forinerik iirthe liikth Baptist tGli • , Philadelphia. oa! * L..h * * * * * * * * * 1 ve known Hoofiand's German Bitters favorably for - amilmber of years. I have used them in my own family and4have been so pleased with their effects that I tyttp.q., dficed-te-recommend-them-to many others f and-know-that •they haveAmerated.ht afe. ,tril:f4o " .1 edam, 4aki 'edivillimuie"iA"thter mien) .. 'B&W thi hflhf4 and calling-the attefattf l a . 93.2 e afflicted with the for which: othet.Wirecifficiinialkittbkhese Bit owing from experionee—that_my — recommendation i ,a*He,of-7 aitriiitMtindiMZZlirS.K.N V hdt P**Al4 o Pf,r,T ° m Ail . • ~,,,, Ftrom Rev. . ifitrralLl:troant, DID., Editor of the En -I...ty,4opediatif Iteßßicius - Knowledge tuid.Christian Chroni.. j Pliilahelphia. - though not disposed to:faver .reentrnertil 'Me eines in general, through-distrust of their ingredients and effects, yet: know: .0r..n0: :sufficient reasons. why a ninit may eatitestify.to thebenents habelieveslimself,to "hitve,r6seived.fromany simplepreparation; in the, hope. `that he may thua.contribute to the beneabot , others, 2 . '.t.dathistheinoreAvadity.inregarittoi Hooffand's rdsitißittate,: prep:god:by:DE .o:..thlaCkson,,of this: city. "bhcituselVicas pmiudiceiagainst .thent for_many • years,. , 'Wider the 'impression ,thatahey. were...ildeffy.sin: **turn amindebtedliomy 'friend, .Robert Shoema.! ICer, Bei, for the removal of this prejudice by .proper. 'tests,and for encouragement tetry them when: -suffering from great •'.ittid bang continued .tiebtLity. The : use , of.. Ahrhe bottles of these Bitters at the ,beginnings embe aisinitTear-,, weer followed - broyident-relief -and-Tesurra vlolo4 OftPoalli W.Fdai"-I' o! Idyl& nibirtbe - befdie, 4 alad' 'alteost 'ffeiPailik - of • regaining.. 3 I...thereforegianktlod_andAny friend for M- I citineme to thalune.pf thene - x.i. . - ;.- FrowaTfth ,. ...4oingolPh;,:ga4or.. ARPtiSf 1 ; . 0/0401 3 . . . . tin. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Personal experience .enables me to say that &monk tho German , Bitters,, pre. ;pitied by piii,l3ViholiVeltelletit. metileirW In cases of were chid andrieneralldebilitylthave'beenfgrieadyneneJ ttted'by the usenr the Bittersiiand doubt , nos , they 'will ,pr4cluee similar effects on others. • I'4We:truly • • ' WARlttriltaND . OLPH, Germantown, • ....._ X?roirifpti34 li. Turner, Pastor .of Redding. :ILI E .- ; ChurEW Phigadhlphia. 12. 111 Dr. •AitiVtiiP. 4 :4 I A4: — VDE in , .41 1 ;•I Bitthra m py famlfr to sayi .(hat It laitieed if igEektiaiiiinbt' _capes of genoral debility or theisystem it is the safest and moat valuable remedipf,..w,tde o h .I.,have,suiyAnowledge. Yours, reap:4MT.; • • -% 4:1E.-TURNER, . • • - - ..126 N. Nineteenth *met. • • " 1":1•111 from the Roy.. J. M. Lion; formerly Pastor ot edlumbus l ool..y.A.CMilelitoWOL-fraft • Wit?CliOrillentl MOP N. Y.. 'Dr. C. Jaclisqn:r,Dellir-gb....—1 feel It &pellagra thus t to my oiirn lehottlitiat biso seatiiiit4ll = l = ltsZiltal t a git 72h verylt It t aeutta , I , have ofleu. : Aunouguelidedtheni,t....pinsons en, fee6leit by that tbiritentt ~ ' , troth tl ' 13 4 .3 0• 4 4 4. 1 .,4 112 g.• Plfgß9 Oak/ , Ott "V!!k tie* "Valifel 141-**C4.14,1"1-1241**Yk 'be . a laid* . ilia datitnpf Ise. Fruui t i e Rei.:Actrais #3;tero „his* : !oraox,bcprOligil Baptist church. :Dr. Jackson:—Dear felt It due to your excel lantorearatiOn; ltooAandGerrnanil3itteM t 0•41941 lul itestlxidnY .te•Giellelser* Aliduarctsi , paagaa. :hive; for years; ihnecheen troehred - with greertushider hn myhead isinir'nervous•Systein. I %Wei advbnif , tiy , *• ifilend to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so, and :have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health las been very materially barman:a' I confidently recom :Mend the article where I- meat witheases 'similar :to my ' town and Bays been assured•by. many of ' , Glair good eV.. f9cts: Respectfully-yours,. • • • . WlNTER,:lOiboroukhi Irstan Rey. J. .S. -Herman, of the :German Reformed Church, Kutztown,: Berka , county. 'Par • • :,-. • _ :Dd .•C. M. Jackson;.-.Respected" :—I• have -been , *Called:with Dyspepsia nearly twenty. pare r ••suld: have' :Refer used any medicine shat•did : me as iimch good • AB Hoollalas Bitters. lam very much improved.hx-hea/ t.ty :after having taken-flve bottles . Yours.with respect, • • • • • .J. B. HEIGLIII. =I . . P R I C'E'S. rattle Sltailholdhig nearly donble"nnantltyo - $l. 00 fairlAiNs T ;ialf dos $5 00 SundlMze:L4s cents per bottle—half dog. 4 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFMTs See that the signature of "C. IsL.' JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER:of eaolt•bottlee • Slioilkt,your nearasidrugest not- 'dive Abe article; `Uu: notibelatiotr by , any , of the intaflaiding -pre iMtioEs hat y be:Offered •but-sigul to 132,40,1'4re ' , PSI' SorWaiiklectindy-picited, ''' Principal °Mee exiii . itsuxuractory, -HQ; 631 ARCH STREET, PIi7LADELPELL JONES & EVANS For saleA 6r •-• ' • on hand i or tirade to or4er. Hig**oo . 4i'fc;r roioeV i&ige 0f'.. 6 4 1 :4,;r0 2 ties. - 4 , „ 11.414:liktiellik ', ` . • ..•• . ' . DEPART/Mr. or moil' SOENVERAIVAI CIIAKEIERZEITRG, re.,AuAL 2 . 4 , /ga . • . . GETER.4.I,4;SI:IERS, 1 t n0..24. , 1 (EXTRACT) , • Al77lfOlWll aviving beettgftAttEcl. ' by the Likettr'Dbpitheeet: to thebmilitstrit(leg Gkipral of 1,1,M' Departneetitiof tlie'Stiswiettanici, the ret ) Battalltrn; Three iYearellennsylverda Arolunteeis • (ternzerly V,ols ,) consisting of Six Coreptintsbnikustered into ihe illinfed Patties Service for Three Y**sor Ohring the War, is arithOilted * to rekttit to'' Ten Cempso43 of the mum strength. ThittilitAtalion i ks rannroVestAttlY In iftes. Denertrnenh and it,eFere k9cat opßortunity, r p? thoselperAone w,ho lilvo Men in the service, elk have been libnoially ,barged, to re-enter, and to those of good character who' hive riot &wain laervicemoLitnteilthe• same.. Only' .these know! to, „the ,Reeirnitins;PlDeets. and.PeAnobe 11 U 4 thorized tiireerult, es being reliable and trustworthy' be receiced, pis the nature of ttie"atity, this 'Battalion' is eatteißcl to perform akin titrat4e'requireif soldiers ire wh m the coniotaikliefooMmileen phico.confidenoe.! Pereoiiia n itkingtadva t irtage of the,benetlts arising from; enlistments in 11,attalion." feeeivei - the houtates laid by the Gositiattient as ankliorfzed in Seating Orders s The officers must be mei% who have •'had. SOME, i eine ; hence in the ; military servlotth, intelligent and.. of . good'; character; end eniy.those bringing the te t quisito ,number or men and pbtOssing the abbire wrath tiotiS Will be re commended to the Governor of the State for commis. alone.; • Recruits anif'iicispms having nque4s of recruits ;open. to Capt. qeo. W. kept" lilt Battalion Three Xmas' Dols ; andlecittiting - Meer tor the . lone,‘ at at ilarrisbunw Pa: • I By comamnastrAtior fter4ll3o, a 110.0: . '[.• Asistainaint.lsljsd . . , J. • iJ I t - • r. • ' ' 7 • 1.;;; • - of Me , &WAR .of. , Fifty . - raims4gac.24.arc4 P I" • .116P "' 6SAL . S'as' in . viteirf k oi or - th w tb d u o u r ' .of five blocks of tfll homes ea F.'7_, • h • hti v mitt tie hicateit , elnAki6 gronnd4 •Offtbe. Lee te • fans specifications may be seen at the °Mee or Willpm polder. i. r!iißli proposals iiiitirrecelyNkrot otter, , or iioie ... Bli - 31c 'April 12th. ' Address proposals to- ir d:lL, .L. 1 411 CODER, marll-dta.l2 Malc Building Committee. Shq.dia." Tropp. A - P - Ott ii4goidree.t 9t r '''' girvir taapte;.. rwap • : 1:-Miner A. 4 4" 11 ° 124) .- q he ' 3l" 4, .Y.Aroimak 'ca • • oi t'uoinnb . Tiee _ . Ar ,"; af '" ' , — .K.STSTOS;E•XIIRSERY.' Trithiabtirk, , Mo t rob 46, 1864.. - • • SUYEIUD WINE BRANDLE3 . eirer It offered in - this market: , .. Wbottles and by the gal lon 0 T ‘ 13 •14 • §• TALER & FR4z Lit 0.348 1 11 . „ icyown onus - r - ' Old ' " CHESSBEEN and Backgammon Boards, a fine assort ment, Jam received* , BipliP"FEB'S goo! I,., ~fe ` iiiitingg • !: It - AgenCy. OFFICE in the rear.bliHeirr's Hotel, Harris burg, Pa. The LARGEST LOCAL BOUNTIES paid -to recruits. COILMITTERS - frehr — districra and Midis. tril I : t" mul n i Yi A u33l - 3k n d 's wi l b t O N . . to • alp Yrfidid • • ' • marl-dim - & CO. Dlattistiida~'t .Collaiorte s I DALM LEAF HAIRFOP—MATTRASSES. nj_ Palm Leaf Cotton Top Mattresses. Ctir p : 111.47Mattrasects. Patent:Spring, •' • reF th or PW 09 4 1 :0r,/ Cotton Canabits Hpreas. • " •, Willow Work' Stands. " ' Cankcaf a i r j • . J ,::*)i • Digor•Ruga, Caipet Hesiasks. • ; • _. . n ;r - , Iron HedstelulrOstest, pats., ern, kc.Ao., 14 - 13 .=;1014, LbliAgei, Cash - fosse Chahumaarm Hair lend &piingmaiiraisainade tovidui-146' 109 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. ; , Ste - Sale• or Rea. rrumtinderti gt:: : offers for. fiale a desirable yir,f,,Pßos TY;i . sittuirnd on the„ lipsqushapna river atA l ui ( caft'S — d, lateen .mdtw, west , of Harm-.burg.' Property : Vas the ` , vantage' by Timber lfartiekL and is.kincetelble - by canal 'or rnifwa3i, Thurat is geared:ln the, most hitproved style, with a good Morrie & 'CO engine,,which drives ; rpi (*to Saris, one mph - forty :and the other wig; ",oighty eet.of ; thrie &cedar wewit o - *Shingles, Lath - and The above prok,rty for sale or rent on reasonable tring. For paitlolitofs address by mla i call in person; on JOSEPH S Duitciin'a Wand, - envende P. 4 To Itititiiiiititontraetors. P ROPOSALS a;te invited for -the Gnaw.- . _ • - • tion, IlasOnry, B r idge SaieratruclurS_ Ba Cross-Ties and Traelr thitag of 'the PITTSB unG Ascu coniELESMLE RAILKOAD beksfeen • Constellsrvills and Csicusberltind, ~..• Erafiraelptii:distimee , or abott. EIGHT I I.BEyEN ..1011LE2,t in seaNDS 441p4An0 rmie eaoh. *44 49.- rity 4 aTtlieQiimPanY's ( ACe,in ; Fittsburg, ,on,,antVatter . the 28th' bridlitCH eareetic and tmotksals ; b i:To=. oeivettFunroll ithei•Othlofoiq'R.llrensaing. ••*) - • , - •.:f f! , 11E21J..111L .LATROBN,;;: , is 'Pm:3l4ml, PRICE - -, NEYCADVFATSENLY- ,1 75• ''''''''''''''''''''''''i`"• 7 ^^" ------- • - " ------------ , it Ai') Xlr. African, -Joh ~.P.i4nting 1.1 ; l ESTA.A.f,lBlflitrlif,T l L - n -- - 1 1 3- 74R4 4PSEET , 'IfFeAR.! :FAWN , :If- ...: ! ' r . II IMRE I4 4 3 SWhIW i ~. ' .." •J: 1 a ' ,‘ P. i AiVING :added to:Ant Jobbing: .41 Depsryinent,a axtrtißt,gi„,wir ;toe,. Agri* New test eteejtrio'of the mos t - hopret mitchinett, find other.roateria4 Twe ate .ttopr : .propuncl. - AC olKlato at short notice, and,in the tuo'st .ALL EINDB OF MILITAR't B , AZITER SEEEt itS) AR I P.N.'f •". ! !. • o•t . acurs' • • ..7 atuankos, i.•• - .BUSLNESS CARDS, • • ' ' • RAILItOAIi , . • 4.05M5; inane or more Army,: •'; ~; ; • 1100.4tillniES, i' LUILLSOFILAbIiifi : • z • ;1 - RELoxicsioxl N LEO ANBS, OTES, -•' ' ' PERM J 11 , lAr Olt o'r PLAIN''OR OP,NAIIIENTAII. Orden Prom a distanife attended t promptly. ith , r l 9:l l .tWa - :,.t I= F. WATSONk `NEASTIC.CEM=ENT • • JEANUFACTURER,' . 13PrkrrsircrEtG-, _ .T 8 PIitiPALTIED to ft:finish -end coat the•et— U twine on BuibilipgiNvith the ...MASTIC CEMENT, on a ;new system. This material is .entirely ditreient from all .c her cements ic3ed'heraofore,;tind ht -the only reliable, imperishable coaling for outside work. Mixed , with pro per proportions of pure Linseed 011 it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or BtoW-Widls, making a beau tiful, doe water proof surface-skid fink& equal fo Brown Stone or any color desired. Ailiong others for'Whonn have applied the Mastic Ce -100114 ;1 TONI" to ,tbe foitcpving gentlemen: ' J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, - Pittsbure J. H.,Blittenberger , yesidenee, LawrenceVills. ' • Tineveler; ' " L •• • " ' • ' - ' - James WCandlega, , Alleghepy city. . ,¢shin Adams,._ Third street, Pittsburg. JaMeiWiiod; owner St. Charles -Hobs% " Witham Voltel, Girard House, , ", , • - Bari'dir Moser, architects " • John B. Cox, resit/sue, Front street, Rtrtisbn*,'Pa•-•- A. J. Jones, . . , . Please address -= • " WATSON:3-* p9x:/, - Jokrittsh.grg,..rz), frit:o.B;4l6m or , Penns . House, Harrisburg, Fa.. • • PRIVATE SALE. riNE tot •the;Lbest jocations for. IRON, N,F 'WORKS in the Slate. for sale, at a very reasonable .1:Irk:a. to anY pitithasei mite will iinprov&it, situated -with in a Shore ihstance of .the cityiof Harrisburg .between the. 'Perinsylvaniarailrotid and canal, alkoit' 'hundred'.reit' . Wide; and alotelde of the'best Ihnestone 'quarries:in_ the Spasm:al close to a good turnpike road; also, room for 7aitiCindere for fifty yearst, uithoUt paying - for the - Taiidi Applikto ; DAVID MUMMA, J 4, • Attorney-at-Law, No. 24. North Second street, mafle-dtf . Hacriebtay,yt!. =BE [Philadelphia Press insert three Mose ext,e_e,w4h4l 4 l.9 th 4 office] . 4 . 6 T1-1131-IWORKIPiO RAz ltßrEltp - ••A:ZTAITE4IID.i • ri.b. -AisrietEittire -.-.andlksiguktl" says: . •: r . • lir. - :`Na SyTvestar prcidifces a eer'y ruie`ivirr . fionfhis. Oporto Grape. _We haverientout Imgenighberal of this vine as premiums, during the past ,year. , Having been appointed agent by Dr.•11"1-6ii" Tarnish . vitiertiMe'Oportcrat•fretra - 25 - tonso'ets. - ea - ch;•- $2 - 50 , tir $6 per dozen; $l5 to $3O per ND:. J. 11.1...v.aaiNsresstru h 1.6.1864 . ~ WV' OFFICIDICAND-801/Ekg.‘) Collection- of lollies, lack Pay . id& Airtirl 01ITICERS , PAY ROLLY — MTTSTER ROLLS AND .EttAws7lNG , AMIOUIVU'Dt.MADA puz , ; • pus undersigned, h . ..T4g_been in the em- A. Ineynientet the United states tturing the last eighteen months, as fleflf-liatibilbtiterldg andLtilabliddarMice And Office of Superintendent or Recruiting Service of Pennsylvania, respectfullys the public Olathe has openect an office .icr the DAILY: Twaiwp, )Initcting fer the , Tourfratii of eollettbig Pebsibas, Beinittbis", BadlE'Pay: and' War Claims ; also, mating wit Officers' Payltplls, Muster -Molls and RecruittAgArappatm All orders by matt offended to tirboOtitly: novl-dtt ..:SULLIVAN S. CHILD. r : 8 :4., .8".1611 , • ~••••-•• •. 1 48. as" soitfilent,"of Toy Books, diti:des, &C., Just received r it, hol9 SCIIEFTER , S BQOSSTORK, Harrisburg. MN'S treeirefserablea Ilia Sugar gapie . very TOM andltdinire,bus, bv.rentrAnglan4o.. better and grows more rapidly. For sole st.,eysr,o.no.KW eer9 • geb24-dlw _ ZACOS' MISEL, • LARGE wireagEr A.) , p NEW. • - -PAIDIEk _ At, . • - VMS; (flown . , . SIig.SIZRAs FlitA_ZEJtt accessors to Wai., DOck, Jr, ,14 ) .lere....rior trolioai ': • LA-SUZ atworlAtoutok ,r7TI l at *I IEWNWSPar_I II : I , 9I ° . So d 1 91 1 9 W N',1.4 at idw,Pri6ek Q Ll3B. St.. George ~Codfitib; 1,0 0 ick tele a640-4.tMRR ac FttetZEß'S, relA AS'ailetora 4.F,Sq-A QHRUBBERY. Fringe , Purple ),) Fringe, Bahonia, ABlTeas, Magnolias, Tree Box, &c. If43jTu. 10 • .-,; 1. bratedooo 0.4...qc0rRe Wood, Just received an for sale ; , MISLED & FRAZER, .reok ;• " (secceksorS to XIII, Dock, Jr., & CO.) . 4Q:BOXES 0/14iNGES, :gaol order ; : :11143, - Mi*r* tof CHOICLARP.LES fp! salo,at 1. • , ! , 10;41. Store.. rIA.TSUPS AND SAUCES, of the ,:mcist 48"— pOorouid choice brab.fLeijHlSLE4 .V . F.bstleceved febo,-;foreliFe . ST4ZER, : febl (sueoneeii to am. Dock; jr.,st co.) S MOKED ShtOHZD k•FRAnz' (66 6 insopito'WEnliodkOr, &co:) INEARLES:II:DIARLiESI , . A NOTHER aaaorbinintreLPocket and Desk Diaries f0r1864. justr_receivetaxui for sale cheap at feb2 , 89,HEFFERVIOOICATOHE, Harrisburg. A PPLS.=.2(X) - barrels , otlie4-Yo;: 44ate Apples, of a choke variety, just received, and sold low, in any; guantitieti;a - Sat purehasers, at the new grOcelictt, 1 Imo]. - BOAW itP3ERPFIL TIURHAM MUSTARD, the best imported, 4114rMivaCip0for1912,17tisi„,,,i,ii2k • febl (succesteorato Wm. Dock, jr., & Ca) rptii z TADT-ES:—IT • dit - A_ Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, or anything elsent the stationery line, you will do well bfoalling at SOHEFTKR'S BOOKSTORE, poii) • . , Harrisburg;, _ A;LARGE lot of. bestAuality potatbeejeat received and for pie by iwER & KOVOPF4 debn-dtf '''Na 8-Market ' Sgdnra. T — _ , THE CELEMATED - NDIQINI.i; L, _OE' and Day & Makin's London 131aOidni.:1;i4.-r1)- oeire4Land,for . SHIM= & FRASII " Atie:xvizepre to Dook; Jr , -& s.fittif - 4111ilififie4141416----. 4 Az '"zb. or axt in Itki nTSLT4 The fo wing a rm ~.. p t „ jg r , v 4 v ~,, .. ea-ti•e. •At 413 . 4* cog . wi • - I I venien t i; ilec4 li. / `--.3 ;.. i:. 'i. ~-; or..r Ibarl4o or trite oneth a yskigiisre. , r4gst lines (Inioreillinn fonethrstitute a square, `-:- 1 FOR e. HILT WARR— FOR ONR SQUAB& 'Oneday..... ..„..-$: 30 Qna.ar -. ..$ Oa' Two days t•-• • -' s '` l o§ - 'Mllitlt •-' ' r•-• - I C I O Three days._ ..,-....... 74.45 Three gov t .... e•• •• - /4 - 25 • I One week - ''- -,i r 25 Ode wiett..si .. A.4..-i . 2"2e. One month... .. 3 00 One month. ...... ..., _6 tic!. Two months - 450 Two months: ....-... - 9by' Three months ~,, 540 Ihree juohth6 ., 4 4E ti Six months 6 00 Six months - thee year 15 ,00,1 pne r - y - :064 - ...,- ..... ----. 25 - G O daministrinien Notices ' : di. -- ' .. SZ:rl5 Montage Notices Mtdlthr's Notices --- 160 Ftutenalicifinisedroptronts..3 tt/..• 1 .- ';illiia tegel irasiness notices. inserted in the tocerd 0-..-tn, or -00 f 0 Marriages saidl.Destbs,.fiiianii Cillerezeerlzestiotret -T,40-GENTS EVEIIII&''InITIOL', ittAIRS IN IIIt_MBAYEST:" ftiTION- OF JMINSOYSVRBEEL ARE-. to the Frott. , • . .Itn.t.opor..p, April 1. cavalry fore° of the enemy has been atighienting thel3iistlew &WS; and now amounts to libaut .5;000.-. They are encamped in ,4 valley at the, ,f . wt i of, a p roclry-faced ridge. fr Tamiell tO:ViriciSas Station and Red 'Cray, which they hold. There is 'also a: con tifderatile foie° at Nieltajaek Gap, sit miles' heloW here. t Their pteket line is generally within& I:010.ot ours, but there is no flispo . -.. .sitionshown by either parti to crowd. '"There is a vt , ty small rebel force - of:lnfantry north tirtilDalton, and no reason exists to be live thafgoluaston has been. largely reinforced either, f . from. ; Rant Tennessee on Alabama.. There are no indications that he intends to' 03imie the tiffenSive, ` notwithstanding • the contradictory retorts. • The' estimate that his army. , nambers 15.000 men is nearly conect.,. Over 900,deserters came into, Chattanooga in the month of March. litany thousand veterans 'are marching over- • land fiora.Nashville, the railroacibeing unable • to accemmodate them. .: . General Sherman having completed his tour of inspection refereed to the headgear ternat Nashville to-day. • Gen. McCalllougbis raportaden route north mdth 2,500 rebels to reinforce Forrest. lib is repotted „near Jackson; T.ennessee, to-day. Gen. "Gnerson has - Bill cavlry: :force out, watchingand harras:sing .Forrest; butobis di- : lion is much seduced, by bis veterans Re turning hOnie on hirbiugh. Had Gen. Grier: 2 . son his entire diviiion out at Memphis For rest *mild not have easily esc Td. e .• .11 - NSURANC.E. i - - - INSURANCECOMPANY:OFNORTH.AMERICA i roo 232 ., Wulntit Attplet,?Soitith SkileiNalat 4:4 • ' • • . Pitn.p)r.Lpata., January ,121.1 t, 1864, , X.T.ENTRic i I I f • ST lifOßtGOT's All pf which .inallrat Wirt: . dri coirsPr'optlty. ; ::E372;3oo 00 4 `• 117" LOAIrRON6EI' $100,000•Phila. City Loan, sic per, c0ntn.....5100,1140 01.1 100,000 - State Lban; tire 'pet' cents • 100,000 (KV , 0,000 " six per ct., not , ;204080 00 1 '60,000 U. S. Gov. Loan, 7 3-10,per cent:. : - yo,ooo loom: . 1 , " 6.20:.:J100,006 60 50,00.0 " . , ."G 1881., -50,000 . .00 50;000 - " • -- OnAt*islie sp. c.l 50,000 . 00 4,ooo,Lehigh '.2.4, 0 00 00 - 31,000 DeL and Raritan Canal co. and. and. - A. railrend and Ttanspoilatitnit.e.. 34000 - • 47,000 C 1 and pp Canal c0..14.um, • 1 ; *B2O 00 - 40,000,North Penna. Raiiresul ch. Baud:3,lSBFs ; .3,3)X) North Finn. Railrond2,or, .20 - 20,000 Penna. Railroad co's. Bonds,' Fi -- at • , . Mortgage'' 03,0 , • 26,000 00, 23,000 Cincinnati City Bonds- 21 , 850 00 20,008 Sehayikill 00's, Lean, 1882..... , 17 4 000 Od . 15,000,Del co'e Loan, 1878. .145.10,00 ; 10,000' Del: Rallinad' 6a's. 'ldortgaga - yoan, . .. . 10;006 06 5,000 Union Canal cois. Mort. Midi, 1883.. 1,220 Od STOCKS. 213:311,4U Wilmington and Bala more Bailroagl ceitipany 200' Shares Phila., Germantown and Nor , 1040701 Kaaren(' mitentutY...... 100 Shares Philadelphia Bank_ • 100 Shares Lehighl tind . Nae. co 63 Shams Lehigh !Coal and Naviption- , company.; (Conditional Scrim 3 . - ,024 00 - 63 Shares.-Ger..e.ad Rerkitknen Turnpike company ; ... . . . .. . . '1,575 00 35 Shares Chesafeakeund Del Can - id - co. ' 2,450 00 59§4PreeSchuy,110K,NaNtigsion corn.' ,ley, prefetTed, $.BBll. -1110 ~.tittres North Penn.-Railroad- co. Sundry pteam Noxistion and other, .StOcliN Borth " ' 1 , 725 00 ; - AnstmuasKotrs C 4061110 .. s. .... ... ... 86,287 10.- . - 246,171 31 Pelletal, the Premiums of whfc32'are eri4ehled, • and dehtetleef• (alk gvad). ..... .. • — 95 ,W* 69 - Real Estate,,Oftlee of the Company, 232 Wolnuvatreet . . . :22,0{0060' idl) • ••• L. $500 .. OM' e° , BATED CAPITA C TER PERPETUAL, _„ ran "Tn rid Transportation in Arthur G. Coffin, fW. Jane:3,, Uohn Brown, CharhisTa.ylar, Antares% RiclarlD:Woad;, William Welsh, William F .Bowen, Jaraba'N. Dickson; . Za.IMEGIL G. COFFIN, rresident, CHARLES PLATY, Secretary c cA tisir Agent . ,iror Peninsylvsiii4a. - •, • 7 • 0 Office .Walnut near Second larrabur , Pa 7 • .' tobl.B-110,8/13.. AN ASSORTMENT OF - • ' OVER 10 0 .S TYL ES' Or POCKET BOOKS, PURSES. • Po it - Fir !1 - 0 Vw.-s FOR LADIV9 AND GENTrra N- . Drag aria Fati4 Ocods Store, • No. 91 Market drat , • - ' . The best . il °mcc° TRA:VELING SATCH E'l t S And a'63rti thiiiity of :FANCY - G(Mr ' S, s t._ 611 fr now opt band at. .KELLETO_DaIgr9.W4, maklo-tr . No- 9/ Uttet. scree - C.' - - • ri . ; I . ..YEAR old vineS, $1 d ,en at .eyatOne Nurseiy., flaw. • iNOX'S SP.MCLINd -1 i niumfactiitekjutis reCeiiredimd , rorimkeliy= SELMER .F44,llilra EMOCCSEPTS to 11.4 boc44 From our. Morning ,V4ltioaC, --= j 7 3 . 1 1 ,:wAlc Pt , 74:17...891:1111FE5T• From Memphis.. •::. ' . mliwzra, Math): :Pi: order of the Bo A a.rA ctrit preadint • =4 ? tri'll.4 LE9iAA PL&TI *IP =MI ' - • f ipTO .t." • ' N. Mims" Wain, John Mason, George! L 4 .llarlisan, Francis R:ctipe,. • . rilwArd EL Trotter, : - Edward'ff. Crate, Cnaaminr;, El 10,9130 00 10,000 00 10„C030 00 6,000 00 1,770 00 2.00000 .556,60 60 MENEM