giail ; EtltOtpt THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1864. Union State Central Committee. The members of the Union State Central Committee are requested to assemble at the Jones House, in the city of Harrisburg, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of April next, at 8 o'clock, P. s. Punctual attendance is re quested, WAYNE M'VEAGH, Chairman. GEO. W. HAIEEBBLE s I. secretaries. W. W. HAYS, March 31, 1864. Nailing the Traltora to the Tree. In the course of a debate which . took place in Congress some days since, a concerted at tack was made on Judge Kelley, by two of the pigmies in the House of Representatives who disgrace Pennsylvania by their represen- tation. The men who engaged in the attack were Messrs. Stiles and BandalL The object was to fa on Judge Kelley the sin of political tergiversation. In order to do this, they quoted from an article from the old Pennsy/- vanian some years ago, violently denunciatory of his course. The Judge replied that this was the most direct evidence he had yet seen of the co-operation of• the Copperheads and rebels. The article , to which reference had been made was written by Robert Tyler, Reg ister of the Confederate Treasury at Richmond, • and Colonel Forney never approved of it. This was but one of the many telling hits he made. The House became very deeply en listed in the discussion, which waxed' warm, and became decidedly personal. The obloquy arose out of a charge which Judge Kelley made' and fully sustained to the satisfaction of both sides of the House, that Judge Woodward, .the Copperhead candidate for Governor of Pennsyl- vania, had in his own court expressed the opin- ion that Pennsylvania ought to go out with the South ! If there be any lingering admirers of M'Clellan among the loyal men of the coun try, this may be a good thing for them to "put in their pipes and smoke"' it being borne in mind that Al'Clellan stated in his letter that on the great question of the day he had "compared views" with Judge Wood ward, and found that his own harmonized with the Judge's. Judge Kelley has inaugurated a new regime in the Republican party of the Keyttone, State. He is the champion of young Penn- , sylvania—of the Radical element that is asserting its supremacy in the loyal party of the State. His 'commanding talents have won a high position for him as an orator, but his bold and manly radicalism have wou a higher position for him in the opinions of Republicans. And, of course, as he rises in the good esteem, of the latter party, there gather round him the storms of Copperhead hatred. .... • An Old Deserildion 'Ara Copperhead In one of the speeches made during the last war With Great Britain, by Felix Grundy, ; of Tennessee, occurs the following descriptiOn of a thorough-going Copperhead, as seen at the present day: An individual goes over, joins the ranks of the enemy, and raises his arms against his country, he is clearly guilty of treason under the Constitution, the act being consummated. Suppose the same individual not to go over to the enemy, but to remain in his own neigh:. borhood, and, by means of his influence, to dissuade ten men • from enlisting; I ask in which case has he benefitted the enemy and injured the country most! Again, he says, hi answering the question Whom, then, do I accuse? I accuse him, sir, who professes to be the friend of his country, and =enjoys protec tion,'yet proves himself by his actions to be the riend of its enemy; I accuse him who sets himself to work systematically to weaken the arm of the GoVeniment by destroying its credit and dampening the ardor of its citi zens; I accuse him who has used his eter tions to defeat the loan and prevent the young men of the country from going forth to fight their country's battles; I accuse him who an nounces with joy the disasters of Our. arms, and sinks into melancholy when he'hears of our success. Such, men I cannot consider friends to this nation. Mr. Felix Grundy was a model Pernoorat in his day, we believe. Copperheadism dies not seem to have been " Demoraey " then. But "the fathers " were in darkness. The gospel of the . •New Church has mot opsned its 'light upon them. Olds and Vallandigham were not , , Personal,attd Political. The Secretary of the Treasury .has com tnunicated to the Ways and MeanSCOmmittee his sense of the necessity oft increased,' taxa tion.. This necessity presses more and more upon the minds of the most thoughtful and prudent men connected with the Goverrunent. The Treasury Measure of the need of money from the internal revenue alone was yester day 5250,000,000. A tax of $1.50 on whisky is now thought in the:Ways and Means room to be inevitable. The 'increase of the excise on the other leading 'Articles will lie corres pondingly great. Not for ten or twelve days will the Committee be able to repoit. Their labor of preparation is inunensely great. General Grant does not seem to /fancy the • luxurious style of living prevalent - in--the Army ...4..0f the i'otomac. He says he can maintain his physical integrity on pork and - beans, as oldiers do out West, and he believes it can be done by them here. Caterers to this .deli cate palates of our officers are in spasms at the report that the Lieutenant-General is about to banish their wares from `the lines, . The rumor that General Frank Blair in tends imme,diateltto resign his` seat in Con grass, to resume active` duties in the field, is incorrect. General-Blair desires to return to the field, belt will not resign, pending the ,con test relative to the seat hiNeimpies . in the, - 334usv• .; . PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE TELEGRAPH. SENATE. 414. FIVEDA.Y, April 1, 1884. The Senate met at 104 A. M. The vote on the Reading and Columbia railroad bill was reconsidered and poStponed for the present. Several petitions were presented affecting various local measures on the files. Mr. JOHNSON, (Judiciary,) reported, as committed, House bill No. 508, an act - to de tach Union and Snyder counties from the Northern district of the Supreme Court and annex them to the Middle district. Mr. REILLY, (Railroads,) as committed, an act to incorporate the Deleware River rail road company. Mr. • CONNELL, (Banks,) as committed, Senate bill; entitled A further the free banking laws Of this Commonwealth. Mr'. NICHOLS ±noved'tHatWheii the Senate adjourn at 1 o'clock, P. at, it be until Monday evening at 73 P. as. Agreed to. Mr. WILSON called up House bill No. 335, an act relating to the purchase of an Execu tive mansion for the Governor. This bill elicited a long discussion, and was favored by Messrs. FLEMING, WILSON, CONNELL, CHAMPNEYS, LOWRY, LAT TA, HOPKINS and CLYMER; and opposed by Messrs. M'CANDLESS and ST. CLAIR. The bill passed finally. Mr. CONNELL called up the bill to author ize the payment of the interest on the public debt in the legal-tender notes of the Govern ment, and it passed to second reading, and was postponed for the present. Mr. CONNELL favored the bill in a .engthy and characteristically able speech.. At 1 P. at. the Senate adjourned. = HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Parosr, April 1, 1864. The House met at the usual hOur, and af ter considerable discussion adopted a resolu tion for an adjournment from to-day •till Monday_ afternoon. The publie calendar was then taken up. House bill No. 10, an act relating to ground rents, was passed finally. House bill No. 154-joint resolution relating to the pay of privates and non-commissioned officers in the military service of the United States was discussed at length, and being amended, passed second reading in the fol lowing form: Szorrox 1. Resolved by the Se*ate and Rouse of Representatives in General Assembly met, That our Senators in Coagress are hereby, in structed, and our representatives requested to urge the immediate enactment of a law allowing to every private and non-commis sioned officer now in,or that may hereafter be called into the military service of the United. State, one hundred dollars per month, or such other sum as they may determine, during the present war and that the Governor forward to each of our Senators and representatives a copy of this resolution. Adjourned. 330 'O./weCenral:lQ. From . North Carolina THE WAGING OF UNION SOLDIERS CONFIRMED Blockade Running, &c. The Newbern Times, of the 23d, states, in reference to -the denial„ made ; ,by the rebel newspapers of the.recent hanging at Kingston: We have tin ,eye . eye witness who saw the hanging of tWentr-two soldiers of the. Second North Carolina Volunteers, and was within two hundred yards of the scaffold at the time of the murder. Two steamers, the Alice. and Hansa, run out of Wilmington, through New Inlet, dur ing the night of ,the 12th inst. Both were fully ; loaded with cotton—some 700 babe each. Commutation. of Sentence. WASKINGTON, April 1 The President has commuted the sentence of the two men, Hendrick and Pollard, who were eonderaed to be hungto-day,' to impris onment for life. Marshal Laraon ,pieviou.sly had'declined tie 4 hang them, assuming the ground that it was not his duty to do so, the recent act of Con gress having deprived him of the custody of the jail, and placed that institution under the charge ofa warden independent of: his con- DIVISION OF THE DISSISSIPP Longstreet's 'Whole Force Under Narching Orders MAST TENNESSEE Retreat of the Rebels From Bull's Gap A DISPATCH FROM PARSON BROWNLOW KNOXVILLF. 333roxvrmr., March 28.—About sixty rebel deserters came into • our lines during the past week, making a total of over, eleven hundred for the past threc, montlu3. They state that all of Gen. Longstreet'S bag,gage has been sent back towards Richmond, and that his. whole force is under marching orders. • Last night a party of forty guerrillasCaptur.-, ! ed Kr. H. Foster, of Blount county, and car ried him off in the direction of Marysville:' Col Wplford left - here on Saturday. He has been summarily dismissed from the ser vice by the President tor expressing disloyal sentiments. KNOXVILLE, March 31. The rebels, after de stroying the trestle work at Bull's Gap, fell back tieyond Greenville, and tore up .the' wagon and- railroad *bridge across Pick creek, and carried off a portion of the rails and tele graph wire. ~ Deserters continuo ,to come in, and, report that large numbers are trying to -make their way. into the Union linos. • I • i • Parson.Brownlow telegraphs from Kooxville as follows: . "General Sherman left this morning.for Chattanoogik after_returning from the front. All is quiet at Massey creek. Knoxville is so fortified that we can hold it against all Lee's army._ aiongstreet's forces are at Water Gap, more Ulm 100 miles east of here, • . . _ "A force of cavalry remarks fat Bull's Gap to protect the retreat. "I tun still of the opinion that" the rebels are intendiiig forthwith to make a raid into Kentnqky." • " OUR ARMY IN AIINANSAS - FOSITIO* O 1 /WE REBEL Ron Brunt, Arkanssis, March 30.—About ten thousand effective troops have gone South from this distriot. The whole number in the department, under Geineral Steele, now may ing southward, is from' thirty to thirty-five Amend, - sufficient to overpower 'any rebel for9fti opposed `to them ' • • A scout from General Price's rebel army reports that General Cabell's.xebel force is composed of seven or eight reigiinerits, and is fifteen miles this 'side .of Washington, Ws-, souri. The rebel troops were cbeing moved towards Camden. The rebel General dim° has some seven thousand Texans at Tenners port. -';Generals Marmaduke and Shelby are at Camden. The rebels are well supplied.: with clothing,. and an importation of horse* from England has just reached them at Cake , den. A large number of negioes Were being concentrated at Camden. Quantrell is south Red the ed river. - PROCLAMATION 07 GOV. EDWARDS TO TUE CROC- FORT Baum, Ark., March 30.—Gov. Ed wards, of the Choctaw Nation, has issued a proclamation urging the Indians of that tribe to return to their. allegiance to the Govern ment, and repossess themselves of *hat they have Lost 'during the past three yeaTsi by as sociating themselves with the most aeoursed foes that ever polluted their Country. CArao, March 30.—The' Steamer Vonphul, twenty-five hotirs from Memphis, has arrived, with 279 bales of catonlor St. Louis. The Memphis - cotton market has relapsed into in activity, with few offers and no inquiry; rates unchanged; receipts only by wagon, and lim ited. SUCCESSFUL EXPEDITION The U: S. steamer Commodore Barney, with fifty-six picked men from the Minnesota, all in charge of Capt.' J. M. Williams, left this port yesterday.afternoon and proceedbd up the.Chuckatuck creek, and with small boats landed at the head of the creek, taking a guide to the headquarters of Le Roy, where they arrived at the o'clock this morning. Immediately surrounding ths houses :they, ; captured two sergeants and, eight, privates with their small arms, without firing a shOt. Masters Pierson and Wilder had charg e of the Minnesota's boats. It was a great achievement, as the persons captured were signal officers; 'and no doubt rank higher than "abiive Stated, being intel ligent men. - The Confederate" Commissioners• for the exchange of prisoners, Robert Ould (ma Capt. Hutch, of Richmond, arrived this morning on the flag of truce boat A. Williams. NEW Yoicx, April 1 TROOPS IMM o=l IMPORTANT CAPTURES. FORTitESS XONROE, DEPARTMENT 'OF RE GULF DEFEAT OF THE'REBELS AT NATCHITOCBE a ture of FOir Guns and. Two Endre Prisqui. ST. Louis, Maicli.3l The New Orleana DiUa of the 23d sayt that . , official informatton was_ received, this morn ing that a reconnoissance was made under cleneral Mower to Natehitoches,„seventy-five miles above Aleximdria, on ther 21st. The enemy were met in some force, .:and a fight ensued, in which we turned the rebel's flea*, and captured four" pieces , of artilery, with their caissions and 200 prisoners. EVACUATION. qv . MCP NELSON Louise, March 31.—The Lexington Ob server says Carny'Raliion;' owing to a change of base for supplies, hactiesn evaottatbd, and the military stores xemoved to Nashville. Rumors prevailed at Lexington, on 'Tuesday, that many buildings -- at Camp - Nelson had been destrayectty' fire; but this assertion is discredited. Lotrtsvnxi. .Loinsvirrv - w,Aarch 31 The-military au thorities here State that of the rebelswho crossed at Eddyville recently several have been captured and since given themselves up under the amnesty proclamation. The re mainder are scattered. NO further apprehen sions are felt from the attack of Forrest's forces. - • _ _ _ Two or'three hundred mounted rebels have appeared in Kentucky this side of Pound Gap. It is sappcsed that they were covering the advance of Longstreet's forces. Our troops are ready for them in whate+e,r number they present themselVes., ' , ,t . XXXVIIIth :;Congress -First Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Holman (Ind t ) save notice that he would on,Monday introduce a 'resobition in structing the Oomthittee on Military Affairs to report a bin increasing the pay of ,privates of the army. . ' Mr. Wilson (Iowa) asked leave to, introduce a bill regulating commerce among the several States. It declares ,that each.and every rail road. company is authorized to, transport freight and passen,/ere from one State, to another,' anything in' the laws of any State to_ the contrary notwithstanding. 'Objection made to the introductcon of the bill. Mr. Blaine (Me.) introduced a bill to pro vide for refunding to loyal. States certain sums of money ,`expended by thein in raising, or ganizing and equipping .troope for the Union army. It provides for a board of three cora missioiiershold's!, session'in Washington, and report:to dongre4,the ascertained sums due to the • various States,. towns,. cities and counties. The. bill was referred; to - the Com raittne-on Ways and Means, Oregon and Idaho: - Sc-a 'E'Re.rialsocolifareh 30 The steamer qoldevi , gate _E,Lgived last night from .Panataa,: Oregon &spa:toles, re ceived to-day,-contain late news from Idaho TerrltorY, relating 'principally to the 'extra measures made for the suppression of orime. The grand jury of BOise.county had returned twelve indictments for 'murders, sixteen for assaults witliciiitertt'tO Idll, and one for Man slaughter. - ..A. — vigilinetS committee, number ing 1,000 men. was,. making a Clean sweep of the villains men;: -Beaver Head county. They hung eleven_ men at Virginia City, five, at Big Hole, one at-Deer Lodge, and seven at 13iiar'Itbot: The Indians on'Snalte river are ' committing great ravages.' They itte armed with rifles and, e rue of h emi grants from. regdnand California to; Idaho is immense. The Dutch ship oiled on the 28th for'' HOnt - Xong, with $36%000 in treasure.; The liite,rains have been; of incal culable benefit to the..agricultural and mining interests. the . Sitnaiivich Is lands. ±M. erflctiimscO, March Yesterday's. dispatches from. Oregon say that cold rains and snow pretailed'Oer most of that State during the past *re days. R ports fronitial UPperColnpnbia beYeTY en couragingSoriminorfik. Therpxil). be plenty of snow on .th? mountains to supply, water for spring ..mining .along.Ahe streams haying mountain Sources.' - . . Bandwich Islands dates" of #4O 12th of March, haye been received.' th -- 6 , contain. 'nothing important. Oir the 7thinst., saaset-• ing wasibeld at Honolulu of parties interest ed in the cultivation of sugar, cotton, rice, 'tobacco, &c., for the purpose of organizing a planter's society, TheF nceß igh on t a ziz t — P k id w li o rt e . ATROCITXES. 9F .A.TELY 1/4) KaIED-4E+6 S 122,Dnele0a.L.PXD. , ST, LC(UIt4. . Thursday, March 31. he sp‘-,- cial.,;:diliPateli'Vf Derno — craf, from Cairo, says: , atibel prisoners state that the main body of the force which was ordered from Jackson, Tennessee, to Paducah, had returned, Col. Hicks, the 'Dui* Commander, being strong enough to repulse any attack. During - the fight at Piano - eel, the rebels took. M. Hammond from the hospital and murdered her. MrS. Hainilton, Airs. Howard, Mrs. Eagan - and Mrs: - INChoigwere,also:ta#en , to the front, placed.between the two fires, and kept there an labur.' • Their dresses were per forated with bullets. While the rebel flag of truce was Moving forward, thC rebels disposed their forces for action. Oar men had cease& firing for fear that the women would be killed. A man has beert;arrested on the steamer Anderson, having in his possession the fresh ly-taken scalp of a white man, supposed to have helongedio,one of our. soldiers. Several persOns hate been striated as spies. Among them are two women. New Orleans papers of the 23d contain uo I news. • • t • ' * • The Illinois Rebels Dispersed MATTookr, March 21. Everyihii4Seerris4O'lltrve resumed its usual quiet, and the rebels are believed to have dis persed. The 47th Indiana regiment had left, and the 41st Illinois Volunteer regiment will remain until the return of Colonel Oakes from Charleston, Illinois. Z icortress - Hronro t e. FORTRESS MoNnoz, March 29. I '„gaßtidif:picer; of the, reventno4tfr hilip has 1n s3sy a stliicrifitionTor the relief of the crew of the schooner...Alabania. Ati eitabiilytraixistonin liOninterwed this af ternoon, with high wind. NEW..ADVERTISEDIENV. Lykens Valley Coal Company. • NO TICE.— The annual • meeting • of the Stockholders of the Dykens Valley Coal Comyony will be heldat.the odlee of Edward Gratz, 'Emil, -Na Sohth Setenib' street, s -Pailadelphis, 'hilindayi•the 2d day of lifay , fitat, at 12 o'clock, fer the election"of Seven Directors td*frVe for the ensuing , year. • • GEO. K HOFFMAN, West L. V. C. Co .1 am LirkensllOk Aal,lirint and Coal Con.- .. - Part 3• IVT - OTICE. —.The annual meeting of the .1,1 Stockholders of tho' Lykens Valley Railroad and Coal Company will be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., No; 4Routh , Soventh street,. Philadelphia, on Mon day, the 2d day of May next, at 12-o'clock, for. the ,elqr., Ron of a.PresidentSecretary, Treasurer and Seven Man agers, to serve for the ensuing year. • . . • : GEO. E. HOFFMAN: Pros% 11.. NAL & CO. apldlm IlsAbo.nAirsa - HARRISBURG ; March at, 1884. TEcfollciiiitig'irill'beobserved as Office Hours at these Headquarters, during which time all business with this Peak will be attended to: From 9.i. IL . . 2r. sr. to 534 P A . • P. 3r: to 8 tr x. By.order, C01..L V. Bcoutmap i , iurty, coal, .mending Post. apl:d2w .• Dr. A: MARTIN • • ESPECTFITLLY inferrai Ike -citizens of LL Harrisburg and vicinity that he.. has removed his otlico.froin the Union Buildings to his - residence in Third street, three doerehelow Pine, where he will be happy to, receive the calls of his old , patients and those of .the corn= Anunityvnib may desire his prefessional services. April Ist, 1864-d2w XTRA strong" APPLE TREES, of beet ALI standard varieties, foyr to six years old and den, to feit' high, for flakatßoystono ptursery,-wholesaliand ' PANI'ING OF TREES. —The subgcrizer win plant Week:V - Imeg Shrnbbety, &c : purchased from his NuMery; at reasonable pricas. If desired, they will ba wateadted to brow, or repiAcod in case, of failure, upon ' erms agreml, up on ,* ink to circuMitances. . Keyateir4Obluraaiy, March . 31.;104. apl Q better CHEERY TREES efiTt tie found N. tlie country than Atieetoclt, now on .hand at the Keystone t4ursery. '. , , The collection exabraeel Rhea Forty. of the hist vari eties of different eolois and from the earliest to West " ' , AFTE S HUNDRED. of best. PEAR :TREES; of valuable leadingvariethav ever offered forsale in Harrisburg, are now on hand at the ,Keystone Nursery: :'.:::.'t:: laid) JACOB:mai • . _ . FOUND -Oil Front: street, smallstinry of • MONEY. The owner can have it by calling at THIS OFFICE and PaYbig4arges, Ate.: mal3l-44 artiate: Just . ceiy,ed SALSLF-R & FR A ZER, mar3l (Wmessor4,to Wm. .i.:!cmk - r jr„ & 11 O.II.WHEAT Just received. A very B ilia lot. Fine choice BUCKWHEAT, at SHIBLER & FRAZER, (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) mar3l INE NO. 1 MACITF.TCRT,, in Kitts, metreF ceived at gHISLER. & PRAZER mar3l . ; (successors Liz Wm,. I;tock,.jr., .! Co.) PEP-MLA-UP , " FINE Kettle Rendered LARD, just received at' & FRAZER; mar3l (successors Ya Wrd.'Dook, Jr., & Co.) ACHILD'S NURSE WANTED.—AppIy to mar3l-d2l,* Mrs. T. J. JORDAN, Walnut street pcl O 1 Es Tto"Carts' Wa fl7.suftabi:tfpv lumbeF-either sigle or dou bla:piii „ai't teams Ti 301INILtgrt.Nri by , ma 130.0,7. , Broad Wed, IVitgarilsbuyg.' REMOVEII - • AND JOB PRIisiTING OFFICE, - ! SO FIT`S' SECOND STREET ; : TW9 POrtfilelOW StOei omETETRE• PEkESSTTERIAIT CIEFFIPH. •II 8 . 1.41 , C . S A Lll 7 : •'' Will be sold, at public sale , at the mid ' ',of, Mr. I .Henrk - Shanabroitih; on. the corner , of Brndy r titreet' and' Reileq'allfix c hisentire - itick of Househroht-initf Kitehin Furniture consisting of Bbi*Aeititiioitßirie4us,•Tableit; Chairs; Stored and "Plpe - and'if great' many other . articles too nultieiout to mention: "Silo to domirtencer fit•2'o , cl!;ick = to-niurrciii!,(Weilnesday) afternoon. mrir29 ' 'ENSMINGER lfrtigtiAlfs-Atin.iiondere • ALARGE and splendid Book Case; witlr Glass Sash above. and panels below. Ingulti'latz BARR & CO.'S'Auettori Store, First National Bank. - I T-Lm; inar2v 7 dif I>l . • NEW , TIIITI-4./fgairg4 C 4 1 1 Triy, , IN D. 3V. GRAS.I I -14 T 111.aiket..8tree LOOO. 2 DIFFE4ENT-STYLESk QT FASHI/WApirrZ • 0 11 0 ROULA I r; FINE SPRING SHAWLS.. iwaropeuon4theisvot-Aprµ:ll_ -,•rd :,fx• Ipar9l-dly 7 v 2 ~?if3 Asp E. L EAENEE;.Ist..I.t., , V. R. C., T,., Post Adjµtaut. ' JACO MISH. FOR SALE.,, WANTS. WANTED—For a few days, a young. Man to copy muster Rolls. To one who can Write a fair hand a liberal compensation will be made. : Enquireof A. D. LEE,.at the Jones House. . -apl-2t* Ur, ANTlittle--',A Woman to look, wash and iron. To one aukt. Evil suit, good wages will be Ooloredwoltnan trered . Apply to - Int :uoliN a• br Sag* aiid„Si . jilib Streets pai'ai=a3ts6 Wklit ED—A single MAN, whin under stands the Confectionery busineSs; 3 one who will work under instructions, ALSO, a Chambermaid. Apply to LJ. SHIM, mar3l-dlw* Second street, near Walnut. WANTED—A young MAN, as Bartender. Also, twoWhito Girl* for Housework, at.BUREE HOUSE, corner Third and Walnut streets. uoiSlt-dlt* . . . ' - WANTED, • r.('S IrfiRSE. ( White .}— Enquire at ..cL - S. "r: ETTER'S' Third, near Market street. ninr3l.ll.3t* ji/A_NTED with or without $410„ lkt" t ,M3 -first o April:U .. ow in th drairtirring and mercaltifilt Dual nese in Harrisburg, Pa. For making money the opportn aity is a rare one and safe. No competition. For infor mation enquire of S. L McCULLOCH, Exchange Broker, 128 Market street s Harrisburg, Pa. febl2-doarrf AGENtB`waiifed to'se the 'Standard. Nis tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circular& Address , JONES,. BROS. &CQ de 301 - rablisheto, Biatim9re,Ard. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LEwxscl PATENT CALENDAR CLOCKS! The Measurement ,ot .Time and, the Record of Dates Combined. TIII3 GRILIzT, lAPILOVIIMENT IDE AGE F. ZIMMERMAN, No. 52 'Market street A Harriaburg, has.recelyed the agency of the Coin timed Measurer of Time and Recorder of Dates, LEWIS' PATENT CALENDAR CLOCKS, to which wonderful piece of mechanism he respectfulh invites the attention of the public. The great advantage of this clock is, that the machinery of the calendar to entirely disconnected with the works of the clock; that it 1 Is simple in its construction, requiring none of the clean ing necessary to the works of an ordinary clock, and it can be transported without the least liability to damage. This Calendar is self-setting; the 24-hriur wheel of the cleat moves the Calendar at midnight for the Mowing day, and the mechanism of the Calendar is such that it seta itself. for the long and short months, thus, without any attention (except to keep the clock wound) it will not only - point out the time of day but also the day of the week, day . of the month and month of the year, giving 31 days to Jan., March, May, July, Aug., Oct. and Dec.; 30 'days to April, June, Sept. and Nov., and to Februa ry it will'give 28 days for three successive years and on the fourth year Zi days, than making all the chan in cluding Bissextile or Leap Year. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Honorable joiDi J. PAM sow, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial-District; consistint, of the counties of Lebadda and Dmophin, and the Honorable Hamm LANDIS amt Honorable Meals R Yocum, Associate Judges in Dan phin'countyybsiving issued their precept, bearing date the 234 day' of February; 1864, to me directed, fer bolding a 'Court of Oyer and Terminer and Genital:Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace 'of Harrisburg; for theconnty of Dauphin, and to commence oaras4m MONDAY OP APRIL - Ntre, being the 25th day of April, 1861, and to continue two weeks. - • Notice is therefore herebygiven to theCoroner,Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the saidcounty of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at, 10 o'clock in the forenoon Of wild day, with their .:records inquiSitione, muuninationS, and their own remembranceh, to ao those, things which to, their office appertains to be done,,und those who are bound in recog- Mammas to Iwo** apihrst the .prisonors that are or shall be in the Ja4 of Dauphin county be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be rust. Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 28th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1864, and in the eighty ninth year of:Abe lidependerice of the United States. W. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, March 28, 1861. • ' - .PLAIVOS. ALBEICIer, ILIEKES- As' SCHER'S EXCELSIOR PLV•TOS. -•-., - • SOLE! AGENCY AT TV. ~ ./LITOCiirES, Sittliaiket; Street, Thutitairg. OR .REASONS perfectly satisfactory to ,MtSELTI have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos., The publickle come and ex amine for themselves. ' • A few Schomncker & Co's Pianos on hand - yet will be NO. 4 JONES' ROW. rriraM 'UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs 1. the patina that he has Rurchased the HAT ANTI; CAP . STORE Late the property or T. J. BIJRNETT, deceased, and 'that he will continue the, business at the old stand, where he will constantly keerli on hand a general assortment of HATS CAP-S &c OF THE IiA,TEST STY'LES', W . BlehlAlibisaitiitkreaionableiatea 4.1 j. al share o[ patronage is reaffecially solicited. , H. H. LONG. • --- 4,QH.r4r4.,:' DI LER 14. C 0., • - B`R`O'SER.9,, BARRET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, (xoner, TO- ADAMS EXPRESS OFFICE, HARRISBURG. iVarrards, Claims, Goverssment Securities Check Vouchers, Sic., cashed.:'.,. :Moving.! NovAng the time AA) prepare . fdr Moving, .Li it would btivell: if . having to move would „ gather tip their surplus Furniture and send, it ,to Itair's AuCtion and Furniture Rooms; Where thehigliese price cash will be paid for ail kinds of second-hand" !tandem or exchange for,qew.. NEW FURNITURE. Of. the finest quality always on hand. DANIEL BARR; • ARcloioueer• •• • . • s s ... . . , A NY fier'són formahing information of the whpreaboutis.sf any deserter from the United Stnnis service will receive the above reward AR eon ,lgiffliCatif4ll{ ilkiCtlMlViroll4o4, .<4nd no names ever insus• domed. -,Address _ . .BOX 3, 1 - - Par 2 "-e r 10'4 Har r isburg, Pa. NOTlCE.—Whereas, the partnership here tofore existing between W. Dock, Jr., and Joseptins Shialer, under the name and style of W. Dock, Jr., & Co., bas been'ilissotviil by the death of W. Dock, Jr., and the store, as heretofore carried on by the said fin; has been purchased ,by the undersigned, notice is hereby_ jfiren, that the business, as heretofore carried on by ,t4eilate firm of W. Dock, Jr.. & co., will be,continued at the same placC- by the Undersigned, under the' name and hly.le of §hisler & Vizier; who will settle and pay all the `lebts and liabillties_of the late tlrniof W. pock, Jr., & Co., and receive all accounts due the said firth. Thank ful for past favors the new firm will he grateful for the continuance of the public patronage. ~n*is~a?9► .> TADFORTANT TO ALL.—It will restore the .1 s[ck ' to Health ; the - iritemperate'la temperance. The 'Rhubarb Wino will do it all: Don't , think` the reading of theltdiri4iinnnentW do; 'we " don't that. But if 1414t'S Drug ptore anct.get some of the W e and examine it for , 'yotrroglf, set you right ;' I 'wanant'i•on on that. Orders'fine wine and wine plants taken And filled, by our antlioriaetPagent, C. No."9l'nfailiet.%net, riiihiSthiCra. For fultil4iieulare ap p l y to iir : iiddiatis the attics 'Milford Pike'county,a. - whOlosate Dealer in Wine PLatita. "m ti 2Ldtf: •••• - , • ,- ' l • l liitbattOaS Seed: • ci I : 4ll 4 4 t6kliiii i ir , VitNiSitAVANIA. 1.„.„.1 TOBACCO SEED can be had, at 60 cents per ounce, a 4 , - , ,WYMOR.I", S SEGAR STORE, 'rnar2.9-dlit* A - - Market street. 111 Cr MAST -H MS!!;--Micheuer's Excelsior Jtist pufeiE . IReceivediesmi or - • '`icar2B' meteors to 3VI Doaki Jr.; & .) • lori or Bullet Grupe year o vmes, o crtiON'd; TY-- • • - e x cellent t•-s , (*ate) Grexet,,, either for the table or wine, at 50 eachlaker-dhaoh;rataajatolie mar 29 JACOB Min 0 alaistagasall aftagoll eon° ; ANT'S HALE,. BRANT'S HAIL SIXTY-SECOND 27GHT SIXTY-SECOND NICHT. Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, CROWDS 'TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE Ti GAIN ADMISSION. 13 . 1 B N . V. V I T ; And positively the last nicht but on, of ][IFS KATE DENIM MISS RATE DENIN KISS KATE DENIM, MISS KATE DEN s' mrss'irATE . DEND, MSS DExiN The Gifted and Popular Tragediene-, On which occasion she will appear in her ucsurpa., , representation of the Gentle and Loving 11,0 M E MISS NELLIE SPRAGUE, MISS NELLIE SPRAGUE MISS NELLIE spßxi The Beautiful and Talented Young MR. S. E. RYAN; MR. S. E. RYA.V. MRS E. RYAN; MR. S. E. RrAs MR. R. R. RYAN, MR. S. r. R I .0. - . The 'Celebrated Irish Comedian. The performance will commence with Shake 9., Tragedy, in Fire Acts, called ROMEO AND JULIET. ROMEO AND JULIET. ROMEO AND JULIET. ROMEO AND J CLIET. To conclude with the successful $250 Frize Dram), .7 j F Poole, Esq., entitled the MOUNTAIN OUTLAW. MOUNTAIN 01 - 11 MOUNTADI OUTLAW- mOrNIAix ur:Ltv. MOUNTAIN' OUTLAW. MOUNTAIN td - IL iv; The Stole company in the hilt Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small bills. SANFORD'S HALL. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1. And every Evening until Further N",.e. MOTHER GOOSE With entirely new scenery, tricks, magic transform and all the - CO It GIN AL AI. MUSI Mr. Sanford has spared neither pains nor exp , l,.. getting up this Pantomime in the utmost style dor.. Previous to the Pantomime THE OPERA D'AFRIQUE! as presented at this modelestablishment, is the theme of admiration. Musical %rides are in with the vocal powers of the singing port:,m of tlt:i GREAT STAR. TROUPE, Who-have drawn the LARGEST 1-10 U SEA SINCE THE OPENING. To conclude with MOTHER GOOSE! Arranged and ProdtKed by S. S. SANFolti) Old Mother Goose J. 11'.::.11:. ANNETTE, in love with Colin, (her first appearance in two years Miss .11:t.1.i I. SAND tt:r , Colin t' 111:0 - - Squire Bogle 5,,,::..7 Avero 5t ,r Beadle - hl,; GOOSE Lade W.:T. Other Characters by the l'ent;uny. SYNOPSES Opening chorus: arrest of Mother Goo aua Goosey Gander-,, take her to the Hacking r 3010 Squire Bogle; bi:itotother Goose the grasshopper L.E.r nips; Ciihn and Annette with the Golden Efra. GRARD CHANGE BY MOTHER GOOSE. malS9-41kwtd Colin to Squire Bugle to ' Annette to Co!ss...Li Avero to NOW FUN COMMENCES! MISS. -JULIA L. SANFOILD will dance TM ORIGINAL SPIDER DANCE. SCENE LAST. Grand Allegorical Display of Revolving Gehl; IN THE JEWELLED CAVE OF BEAUTY The whole, Stsge in revolving motion, surrouudcl Red, Green and Blue Fires. sa -This. scene Alone is produced at a 0,4 of . Hundred Dollars. The mechanical elrects were 1f...1: , the, Eagle . Works in this city, under the sapernm Of u Sanford. The same scene as produced 11 Seven - Sisters of , Laura Keene's Theatre, New SAVD"011:0 - A_All TITELODPE. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advabee at iy vart's inns Store. Doors open at 634'. Commence' ;;;;' to S. Police always irrattendanee to preserve or:.;. Admittance 25 cents: Orchestra Mahn, 50 cents. Private boxes. entire, $$ each; single seats. each . janZl-dab _ HITCHCOCK'S NEW NATIONAL HALL. (CORNER OF SECOND .eLVD 89unr STREETS The popular Negro Delineators, Meisrs.. COMBER and PETTIT Also, the Beautiful Danseuse, MISS FRANK cunismrE. AItHITCHCOCK respectfully a1111C.7.' o the public and citizens of Harrisburg C.. above new and elegant place of amusement is evening , baring been fitted up in the nmst with all the modern itnprevements. Also • NEW AND SPLENDID SEENERI. The entertainment will be first-cla, and 11.41.• l•••'• best performers will be engaged. - The performance:3 this evening will coinprig , GEMS OF NEGRO ILDISTRELSY, ELEGANT DANCING, COMIC SiNGIN4L - • - BURLESQUE AND P.P., • . , . ENTIRE NEW ACTS THIS EVENINP Second appearance, this evening, of Little JIM RE NOLDS, clown and Comic Jester of Nixot.'s ra Chl tei ltri o ; malimi ndiy' eve lmli ning neit ua.v flrs ocaus t apt,pealauu JOSEPHUS SEMLER, CIIRISITAN S. FR.4ZEIL AMUSEMENTS. Or THE GRAND STAR THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET. REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. FUN FOR THE 11HLLION! Second Night of the 131.4A_Cli CUTE• Also, the Laughable Afterpieee, of OLD CLOCK, • OH,- • HERE SHE GOES AND THERE SHE ii•JES. Characters by Company Mr.''BICIY HOLIES Admission. .... ... ..... ............... Orchestra .............. Private Boxes ...... • :F 5 Seats in • The performanee will commence at S t' mar2s CANTERBURY MUSIC HAIL• WALNUT ST., BELOW 11 110 ' - - OPEN EVERY With a First-class CompanY SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, admission........ ............... ........... .. Sandi/L . B=es ... . .. . ........---- • . . LIRA-Nan 'ORA N GES! !-20 prime order.'' Jost reoeived wholesale and. ' FRA.iI; feb2. (61MMEMors to Win: Dock, jr., _ - ------ 41- but m e s a inactrangesin.l,a , Jaw . 89YE80".v4"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers