THE TELEGRAPH. IS ruatLISHED NORNINCi AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. onicE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at S cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those ersons who neglectto r ,y in advance will be charged $G p 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tint TELEGRAPLOS also published weekly, and is Burnished W subscribers at the following cash rates: Single copies, weekly.... ..........$1 50 Three copies to one Post Office._4 00 Ten copies to one Post Office MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Oran= AT WARD'S MEMO STORE, 12 N Third Street. Residence: Third street, above North. MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS, TAitNTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND Tim ONLY COLD 3IEDAL fever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & HAMT,II+I'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these W. instruments always on hand KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. MIMI HENRY C. OItTH, 'TEACHER OF THE PIANO, MELODEON 1 AND VlolllN.—Terms reaionnble 15 Third Street, between Market and Chestnut streets. jet43m PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS. TIE,. J. M. CREAMED. would respectfully inform the public in general and the diseased M particular, that he has opened an office in South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., where he will , treat all diseases entrusted to isle care,in accordance with the system discovered and taught by Prot 11 Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution ho has been con nected, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public fur information with respoOt to his success in con trolling disease. No drugging the system with unCertain medical agents.. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any un pleasant sensations. After an Electrical Diagnosis, a uar:4l)We will be given, if desired by the patient. For further information call and get a pamphlet which con = talus hundreds of certificates from medical men and oth ers proving the superiority of this system of .practice over all others. Consultation free. Office hours 9to 12 a. 5.,1 to 5 and to 9r. DR- J. MILTON CREAMER. feb3,l3taw2tn. DR. J. BITE'S YELLOW WATER POWDER FOR HORSES. TIERING a practice of :many years in this community, DR HITE has saiiined himself that this Powder is vastly superior to any citnelarticle in use FORTIER CURE OF YELLOW WAT*H.,; And is of great service to Horses that 'have °st their APPETITE ' • BIDEBOUND, FOUNDERED, DISTEMPERED:' Also, that it will prevent GLANDERS, COLIC AND THE HOTS, When faithfully used two or three times a week=ielvigo• rating and fattening. For improving the condition of a Horse, he asserlathere is no better medicine, as it will strengthen the, stomach and assist digestion, cleanse the intestines of , ofTensive matter, and regulate the bowels when costive, mirify the blood and promote digestion—thus the skin Is kept loose, the pores are opened and a lean, scabby Horse' he‘mmes rat and comely. The Powder can be usedtortattle, Sheep and. Hogs with good effect. Directions with package. • • - PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market street, Harrisburg. Jan 14 GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AB PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WROLE•SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS LET GROCERIE - S Queens and Glass Ware, AND ALL &MS 07 COUNTRY PRODUC-E, ITAVE just opened a large and well selected 11. stock of goods at their stand, No. 3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite. the Etttexition of the public generally. . nolo-dly FINE LI qUe?,RS. Shissler - . (Successors tirW re. Dock, Sr., & Co.) DEALERS ,FINF4 , FAMILY GROCE RIk3 opposite the Cdure House, have ore-halide fine selection of BRANDIES of different vintages. PINE AND COMMON WINES, Of EveryUkscription. WHISK - VS. • ' OLD BOURBON, NONONGAHELdr.i ii FINE AND SCOTCH Whiskys. The best ever brpught to this market. OLD WHEAT, F-AMILY-. NECTAR And the celebnded • GEGESTNTJT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SRLOSS JOHA..'siN4ppRG, SCOTCH AND TRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION, IVIOWA3I TONIC BITtERS. With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES' And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST RA7ES. JOHN; WISE, TEMID STREET,NEAR WA..T4NUT, 1-IARRISHURG, . • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C •- 2 ' Jnjube Paste,. . . . Boss Paste, Fig Paste, . Marsh litallow Gum Drops, Cream Chocelate Drops, Plain Candies, Ace.,..aio, Oranges and Lemons, Canned Fruits, " • Teas and Spices, all kinday Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea. son. 'Vegetables in season, Raisins, Currants, mll3 GRAPE VINES of all kindsLP,rjri°iPti l Concord, Delaware, Dtara, 1 ; 47 u 1524 Isa bolls • i . Catawba, Oporto, Clinton. creye.HlßK or B . n: Litt, ke. & C., at Keystone Nursery. . , 4 r :: marld VIDER! CIDER ! I—Two Bartela of sweet V and pure CIDER, received at, • ; z: , ma a n - 330Yr.R ItICIERPERI - A NoTHEB, lot of chola Catawba "" for Ja, for arilt at Emu% JOU Wll3B lb I . 1 . . . . . . 4 '* - S% A. I 1 .4 41.:. • _------ O;'-0,941e ) .b 1 _ _ . . . .. , _ . _._ - • . DR. JOHNSON, 128313 LOCK HOSPITAL, trAS discovered the. most certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for A Cure Warranted, ;or .No Marge, from One Weakness of the, Bank, ,Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency General De' bllity, Nervouinem, ,Dyspepola, Languor,. Low Spirits, Confusion of. Ideas, Palpitation of the Resit, Timidity, Trembling; Dimness of Sight_or Giddiness, 'Disease of the Head; Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach .or Bowelrr--those terrible disorders arising front the Solitnry, Debits of Youth—those .secret and solitary, practices more fital to their Octbits than the song of Byre= to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &a, impossible. Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Voting Men. of the most exalted talents and _brilliant. intellect,: who might otherwise have, entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to.eetaly. the - living lyre i may call with full confidence. - • Married persons, orYonng Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &a., sriCedily curee • He' who places himself 'Under the care of Dr. T. may re ligiously confide in his honak as a gentleman, and confi dently relruncirhis 'skill a a •a Physiciaii. • . , mtnediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection,-,which readers life miserable : and marriage Impirseible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being arum of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that tinder - - stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits•thim by the prudent, :Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy °Miming, the most serious and de: structivo - symptoms to both body and mind !arum. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of- procreative power,..nervous Irritability; dyspepsia, palpitation:of the heart, indigestion, constitutionaltiebility, a wasting of the frame, cough, Con sumption, decay and death. Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few; doom from the corner. Fall not , to observe name and number. Leiters must be paid and 'omit:id:it 'a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hie oface. Member oft.the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the,most eminent colleges in the blinked' States, and the greater part of, whose life has been; spent in the'hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia. and else where; has °Mimed some of the moat asuonishtngi cures that were ever known ' • many troubled with tinging 'lithe head and ears when asleep, great nervoaenees, ; being alaruied sudden som* bashfuhsess, with frequent blushing,-attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured' Immediately. ' " ' F r'tt-z , b r . • . These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits-of youth, via--: weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head ; direness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation - of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous initability L aymptOms of cObaumption, Btc. MENTALLY.—The fearful effootitonAhe mind are much to be dieadedlois'.Of Memorx, ..oehlitsidn ideps o de pression of sOrnte, evil forebif.diags, Aversion -Ad- secietp; self 'distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c. are some of the oils produced. VW+ have iojured themselves by a certidu practice in dulged in whestalone f a habit frequently.. learned from evil &a:epaulette, or ft' scheol; tho effects` or which are nightly felt, oven when. asleep, and if not cured renders marriage .a,iossible and destroys both mind and body, should.'A I snmediatOlt ' • -- , , Whati !. hat a youag ThaiillehopOof Ids country, the (tailing of Ida parents, shieuld'be snatched ;' from all prospeets and eujoyments•or life,hy the consequence of doviatipg from the path of nature and indulging in a certain 'secret habit. Such personi , • Kum- ( before (lantern- Platng • • '' • •-•-• . • . • CLARET ReDact that a Sound mind and body Most necessary requisifeli promote Connubial happintlss.hulloed , with out these, the journey throughmei a *easy the prespeovhdipiy,darkens '.to the *few; the mind becoMeasbadtiwed; with' dope* and filled With the melancholy : reflection that. the 'happiness of isiother be times hlighted with our own. ' Whist the misguided and imintdrat vo t ary _9f pleasure finds he haitimbitied the seeds of ' this ul'ilinease,i too often happens that en Mimed amok of shame orthe dread'of discovery deters hi:PC# . o* applying to those silo from education amireipodiddlity;cin alone befriend him. He fella lute thahands of igmarant and designing pretend ers, who , incapabbi .curing, Sick his ' peCautiaty sub stance, keep him trilling 'with - after Montker as long as the antallest fee can be Chained, and in denair leave him with ruined health to sigh over gallingdisappointment, or, bir Me - use use` the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten: the oonatitutionlal symptoms of this terrible diseaseAuchimaffeo• time of the Head, Thritat, Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with_frlghttui rapidity ~t/It death puts a period to his dreadful sulierilsrs bysending, him to that undiscovered country from whence no traveler Tatum& s'• Citron's, . ' Pigs, Dates, Prunes, Almon s, Walnuts, Filberts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, :Pecan Nutsc •CoCda Nuts, Cranberries, Hominy and Beans, Cakes and. Crackers, Sweet and Irian Potatoes, Green and Dried Fruits; 'And Country Produce .}.n season. .10.1 W W_JSX BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. BA_LTIMOILE DISEASES OF ESEPEITDENDE RELIEF Pr mt. twitvaajuits: NO MERCURY OR NOIIOIISI DRUGB. to Two Da ys YOUNG KEN I!LUEMNGE, ORGANJO WEAKNESS OVPIOB No. 7, Sou= Fiesanittok Smiler; DR. JOHNSON, TALE PARTICULAR NOTICE YOUNG MEN IItUM.kGE, DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. INDOR.Q.PMENT OF THE PRESS. Theimintthonsands cured, at thishastituticat year after year, and the ragworts important surgical :-,tsperationa , rw fo rtuk a i by, pc Johnson, witnessed by the of thy $011!; Oliver, and many otherlarters, notices of which h a ve appeared win and again before this &We, bandes his standing alp it: gentleman. of., character and bility„ia anifictengutuiuktoe to the afflicted. n""i f . ~, ~ L ~.. Eatili :DT= Agit4;:eirOttnir CiITRED, ERE CMGs No. V next& Irridivkli Resit. "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREYER."—Webster HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1864. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ABE CUBED BY HOGFLAND'S GERMAN BITTER% THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. MEESE Bitters have performecimore cures; 11 have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them Ulan any other article In the market. -Wedefy any one to contradict this assertion, and will Pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a, certificate pub-. lishedby tie that is not genuine. Holland's German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic, er.Nerveus Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a; dis ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organi: Con. stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood!,e head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hea rt burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight, in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at, the pit of the stomach, Swilarinng of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of.the skinAndayea r ridn in the side; back, chesyllinba, Arc, Sudden flushes of. heat, .Burning lathe flesh, Constant imaginations or evil,. and great de pression of spirits. . Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no rum or Whisky; and 'can't make drunkards, but is the beet Towle In the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beq, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist. Church, Philadelphia. * * * * * * * * * * * I have known Hootland's German Bitters favorably for a number of years. I have - used them in my own family and have been so pleased with their effects that I was in- duced to recommend them to many others, and knovi that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take, great pleasure in thus "ppbliely _proclaiming , . this fact, and calling the attention of three afflicted with the diseases for •which they are recornMerided -•• to these, 80. , tern, knowing from experience that my.recomattindation will be sustained. -I do this more cheerfully: as Hoof hind's Bitters is intended-to benefit the atilicted,. and "not a rain drink." :Yours truly: • LUX 41 BECK, From Rev. J. - Newton BroWri i B. D., Editor brthe En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent, Ifehicines in general, through'distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of nO.suitlblent. reasons _why: a man may, not testify to the henellta he believes Weise/rho have received from any simple' preparation, in the hippo that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily In regard:to ,Thioftand's Ger man, Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. Jackaon, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for' many years, under the impression that they, were chiefly an Alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my' friend, Robert' Shoema ker; Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental _vigor r which.X had not for six months beforo,'and had almost deipaired of regaining,. I therefore thenLGod and my friedd nor di recting meto the use of them. • : . J: NEWTON BROWN, • Plißade. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn.; , Dr. G. Jackson: , —Dear Sir:--Personal expuience enables me to say : that I regard the German' Bitters,, pro Inred by you, as a most excellent .medicine.„ In cases of seen cOlcl And, general debility I have been. greetly bone fitted bythe use of the Bitters. and doubt hot they will produce similar effects on others. Yours truly WARREN ItiNDOLPII I, Germantown, Pa. , Ficipi 'Rev. J. Turner, "Pastor of• Redding M. .12 : ahurch, PhiladelOhla. Di. C. /I. Jackson:—Dear Slr—Having used your Ger. map Bitters irony tinnily frequently I am prepared to say Olt it has been. of 'gri.kt service. I believe that in most cases of geheial debility of the sYstelh itis.the safest and most valuatde.remedy of which I have any knoWledge. yours,-respectfully *. J. H. THANKR, No. 726 N. Nineteenth street. From the Rev. J. M. - Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Milestown (E'a t ) Ilaptist Churches. New Scendirsar,' De C J ackson:—Dear feel it milli:Aura thus, of my own accord; to bear testimony to the eskiellence of the Gerstein 'Bitters. Some years since being leech of tided with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial results. I have often recommended them to persons en feebled by3.l4tormreding disease, and have heard from them the most flattering testimonials as to their great value.. In cases of general debility, I believe it to be a Wale that cannot bo surpassed. J. LYONS. Prom the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr. Jadrson:—Dear Sir:—l felt It dne to your or ' lent preparation, Hoofland German Bitters, to add my testimony tb tbe deserved repkitation it_itas obtained. have for years, at times; ban trOubled with great disorder in my head , and nervous tryatem. I, was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters•, did so, and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially benefitted. I confidently recelF l- . mend the article where I meet with cases similar to my , own, and have been assured by many of their: good ef fects Respectfully yours, , Roi T. WINTER, Itoxberough, Pa. From;'Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed Church,•Kutztewn; Berke county, .Pii. Dr. C. M... Jecirson:—.Reagiected have been . . troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty. years, and have never used any medicine that did me AS much , gOOd Hoottand'a Bitters. lam very ranch iMproved in heahn• after having taken Ave bottle& Torun with respect, J. a MIKAN. • Large Size (holding nearly double quanHtny,) $1 00 Per. bottle—half $5 00 Small Size-75 cents per bottle—half doz. 4 'OO BEWARE OE COUNTERFEITSI • See that the - rdimaiiire of "02: N. JACKSON" br on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not, be put off W tuirof the Intoximiting Oil:parade:us that may be eared in its place, but send to us, and We will hinted, IniCurelY Sacked, !.1 el - Mean' Principal : Office end Manufactory, NO. 551 ARCH STREET, - t : 'PHILADELPHIA. • ; JONES do EirANS, • • M; 4 5 81 P7S 10 Q3 L Jacluona Co. t .„ . For ode by Druggists end Da ti lai preuttown'in the Voifed PAM agrwolety P R I C.E NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. AHOUSE and LOT OF GROUND on North Second street Good fruit trees in lot. Will be sold cheap ..G ALSO, One LOt.oo feet-wide, situate oh Third street. ALSO, Ope LOT 20 feet wide,, situate on Third street. The above are; very' desirable properties, and will be sold at reasonable rates. Inquire of • S. B. BOYD, Second street, nerd door to Presbyterian Church. mar2s-dot Fcir Sale. PLOT of GROUND, with a "front; of 65 feet on Montgomery street and fronting 125 feet on Herr Street and OP feet on Plum alley, by GEO. 4HOOr . '„ . corner Second and Mulberry-atm:OA., m25-dlw .9VAR,EOII. SALE, Y the Barrel, Keg and Can, at the Ware house eof CIO Old -Wallower Line, Chestnut street Wharf. .(inar24.4llW] DAN'L MIIENCH, Ag't. FOR BALE. APLOT -, .ofGtoiiild,•*,n,ting on ghestaut struet.s2 feetl- inches; -running . along:Dewberry alley 210 feet to 'Cherry alley; , witfe.74 , fraineT liouselt En quire.or - - [mars4ltfj s WM p, nryAmew. FOR SALE. O NE Wardrobe, zip*; one Cooking Stove:' with dl apparatus* Pointer Hunting Dog; one Law Li bniry andook Oise: acc. elm be seen by imillrng on ' mar2s. , , JA.c.op Amu.. FOR, SALE The subscriber offens.for-sale the stock and fixtures of his well known. WHOLESALE LIQUOR „STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT; He will sell the whole or part,of the stock, and the - entire fixtures. The busi ness has' been carried on 'abed fifteen years,' and to well established. With the store is connected:l Good."C.OPPER STILL %situated on Canal street s between , Pennsyl vania railroad and canal, and has a private siding suitable for forwarding purposes. Possnssion given iinmediately, and lease even Tor from one to tan years. Terms to suit purchasers. For further information apply on the pre mises to . [mar2*- . GEO G. ELTNKEL. :?'iI , VIZE iDNCENTIWPIER COFFEE, Si AR MILK. PER§OISS, *teeing nil boxes to send to their *tends in be find this an elegant artiole; one box making forty cups of coffee, equal to any Java coffee, and with little labor. For sale at SHISLER k FEAZER, (sudeasiors to Wm. Dock, Jr., kto.) ' no Si H.HX l ift' HAULING 'ATOMS FLECK respectfully announces to .011, the Public that he is prepared to do all kinds of 11.44kViY HAULING aVreasonable rates. Horses and carts furnished hy the day or singli , load. All'orders left at the Second' Ward , Housei. cursor ' of Chestnut and Second streets, will be promptly attended to. npir24-Alm PAPER. I. WAREACIUSX. A.ltit* T., L.; IRVING it 00i' 510 STREET, • PEILADELPIELA, PA., i• MANUFACTURERS of imuivanz STRENGTH 3LE§TIMA . -WPM- OF ALL SIZES. Ens on hiuidormadelc; order. Hlghegt ietieSn large of small quaßti- Um; ' • iriari-dSm PROPOSALS • For the Erection of Fifty Dwelling Houses. _ . MARmsmrae, March 11, 1864 • • . POPOSA_LS are invited for the building . of five blocks of. tsp .- 110611es each, Of . ir'obd-or brick belotateit on. the gtoundi of :the Lochlel Iron Mill Mlans and, specifleatlonsmay be seen at the Office of William Colder. ' • '• • • • Proposals will be received foe vie or more blocks =All April 12th. Address proposals to WILLIAM COLDER, • marll-dtapl2 . , Chairman Building Committee. i ;HEADQUARTERS, 11*PART16ENT. OP TUE' SUBQUEHAI&A, CILS.)IB kI4IBURG, P.i. Iferch 24,1884: GENERA - L. ORDER.% - AIITHORITY haVing been granted by the WE& DepeaMent, to theCoinmanding Cenerala the Department, of the. Susquettarlpa, the Ilst Battalion, Three . Years' PernisYlvania Vblunieers, (tornierly Six' Months' Vole,) consisting of Six Companies mustered into the United States,Serviee for Three Years, or dining the War, is authorized to recruit to Ten Companiet of the maxi mum strength:' This Battalion Won provost duty in ;this Department, and ,it offers , a kOOO opportunity to ' th ose Persons who Piave been in the Bevies; 'and have been honorably, Obi: charged, to reonter, und in thOSe of good character who have not been in the service .to enter the same., Only those'known to the Recruiting Officers; and persons au thorized to recruit, as being reliable and trustwOrthy...will be received; as the DAMN of •thiN duty this Battalion is called uponAor perform is such that it requires, ,soldiers in whom' the comoninding officers can place confidence. l'ersonti tikina advantage Of the benefits arfallig from enlistmentilialbta 'Battalion will receive the bounties Told by the Government as anthciriiedin existing Orders , The officersrnuathomea Who have had - amp expo - deuce in the. military - service, Intelligent and . of good character; Mil only those„bringiug the requisite - number of men andisidessing theabOre qualifications Will be re cotimendertto the Governed:of the state :for commis . . _ Recruits and persons fitiing ectudds of recruits •.Irill report to•OiPt. 'Hee. W. Mem*, Ist. BattaliOn, Three YearS 7 -Pa. Vels.i•and Recruiting Officer for .tite s toune, at Harrisburg; Pa. • . ' - . • Applications to, enter this Ht , t e talion, must be made at once, that thq otonpanies May filled and 'organized be fore the lst-erApriiifeitj4d"Mr• Which date the addl tional Hoven:anent:bounties, paid, discon, Oat*. and only Atie.gue hundred Dolism imuntrviin Pe paid, as provided by the-act approved*July 22, 1861, By command of - Major' General Cauca : ' • •• .••••• JOHN S. SITULTZE,-; Mar25:44.0 x .. . Assistant. Adjutant General. -14print.Beds t t Comforts 130 - ALAI - LEAF HAtit TOP NIATTAASSES. Palin , Leat.datlon Top Mattrzumes. • -:Corti Busk Mattnualee.. • . Patent Splice, Slat Beds. - Feather Pillows:and Bolsters. Cotton Comfoita and Spread • •i Ladies' Willow. Work! Standa.?• •. • Carpetcaoip steels • ; poor Rap, .carpetcka. Iron BMa editeads; Incest ter; ao., N. P.:Sofas, Lonrigoia Catatonia) 431kaint d 4 blattrass repaired. Bair and Spring.Mattreases made to order. No 106 litarkekatreet, Jiarrlaburg, • Pa. max2.d3m . , . J. T. B.l.Tuarz. . • • Steam Saw Mill for . Sale otitent. . . rirmiu ,) ,.. i t o rt p zigg o o ffe ail, desirable , s ituated 'o nthi"Suiquebluwa river; at DulticanYs Island , fifteen miles west of Harris burg. This Tropertk has'.•ttiii advantage of a Timber Market, and is accessible by canal or railway ;:The mill is . geared le the most improved style, with a goodOtortis. C 0..) engine , hich:drives tWoVate Saws, one with forty and the other - With eighty feet Of carriage; also, th roe circular Siam for the manufacture of Shingles, Lath and Pickens. The above propertt for sale or rent on reasonable term& For particularsiddess!bY mall" or call in person; on t •s=•, .JOSEPH BYLlTHipancaTt's Island,. mars-dltn* . enveaue O. To B,rciad Contractors: PROPOSALS are invited for the Gradua tion, Masonry, Bridge SuOeratructure, Ballast, Cross-Iles and -Thick -Living of the PITTSBURG AND . CIONNELLSVILLB RAILROAD' between • • ibeinaiellstsrMiir Mid Cianiiberland; toihraellia ths iitioe slant EigIVIR-SEVEN See ions of about - ono mile: each.. Specifications Will be ready at the Cotiipany's °Ace inTittehury„, .and after ,the,pth MARCH current,. and proposale will he. re-_ ceivid until the 10th of APEtI. arisen*. • - ' BEAT: aintieiraptioATlL Co: • • 7C @Bt itteburg, Nana 1b,196 4 19 td PRICE' TWO CENTS. EV BING EDITION. t'ermi3rly,a'nla Legislatri_re. 4 . te . bLLEGRAPH SENATE. . AFTERNOON SESSION..:. I'atIRSDAY, Mare' h-36,-1864. The Senate re-assehibled'ail3 o'clock, 11", Mr. Speaker Pnrinir the Ohair• 8u.343 CONT MEWED Tar. STARE, called pp bill, [H. R. No. 402,] entitled, A supplerrient ,to. an act to incorporate the Washington coal compaiiy, and for other purposes, passed April 16th, 1838; passed Antliti• • . , Butituut celled up bill, [xt.' R. NO. 530,] entitled An act to incorporate the Pe tersburg and Reedsville turnpike road cora pan3r;passed-finally.- - Mr. MONTGOMERY called up bi7l, [H, R. 4913;] entitled it* act relating to the New York _grid Middle Cifddfield railroad and coal company. In committee of the whole, (Mr. Nmitors in the chair, ).said bill was read; amended, so reported, and passed finally. Mr. REILLY called up bill, [H. R. No. 405,] entitled An act . to authorize the owners of the, town plot of New Philadelphia, Schuyl kill county, to convey the same to trustees; passed finally. • Mr. RIDGWAY called up bill, [H. It: No. 534,] entitled An act to incorporate the Union passenger railway company of the city of Philadelphia. On the final passage of the bill, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. CLYEKIi, and Mr.WALLACE, and were as fel low, vii: YEas—Messrs.• Connell, Donovan, Dunlap, Fleming, Glatz, Graham, Hoge, Householder, Kinsey, Lamberton, Latta, 11:Candless, Nich ols, Reilly, Ridgway, Smith, Stark, Stein, St. Clair, Turrell, Wilson; Worthington and Pen ney, Speaker-23. ' - Ners -Messrs. Clymq, HOpkins and Wal- So the bill passeo. finally ; Adjotred ~: Ti. ti ...- . d •...., , as ,:'. ~,.., g, # 3 ;:i . 4 . •,. ' 5 , : , 330.•'...(td'eteijrap4., From our Morning Edition. LATER, NEWS FROMTORT ROYAL, iFLORTDA.,„, Effects of the Late Storm on the Coast Datnage to the COntinental and Daniel Viriebstere • Captilre 1)f a Bela gteamet Florida GEN. SEYMOUR UMBER _ . At GEN., HATCH . , , Nnw Yons, March 31. The steamship 'Pulton, from Port Royal on the afternoon of the 27th inst., has arrived. The steamer edition of the Palmtto Herald con tains the following: The steamer- - Continental, from Portland, with a portion of, the 2d Maine Cavalry Regi ment and horses, on board, put into Port Royal on the 26th, with the loss of 50 horses, and the remainder badly us_ed. The Con tinental .was obliged to -cut loose frowthe ship ,Frank Boult, also laden with ,men and horses, which vessel she was towing to New Orleans. The Continental is short of, coal.- Private Id. Stuart, of Ca A, 2d.hiaine:Cav alry, died on board, and ivailiuried. at sea on the 24th. The ship Prank Bonit .74,--aslcon sidered safe and able to care for herielf. • 3 Then; steamer; Daniel ,Websteri, with u poi :tick of tile Fourteenth'. Newillanipalirse regi ment, from New York to New Orleans, put into Port Royal on the 27th. Continental repoifs Passing' oft Eat terns large quantities of wrecked stuff; new chairs, furniture,' Sc., supposed from ,the wreck of some steamer. ThQ..stfaXiler" eogP l 9PoliPaN arrived at ton Head; con the. '27th from Florida, repinis that a naval expedition_ up the St. Johns river had .captuOd!' the rebel stearaei.Hattie Buck, with 100 bales of cotton, rice, tobacco, 4.4. It is stated that large amounts of these *it 6 lo4 are' i(ierPtea i:Lirthii* - 4"eki:!f Brig. ; Gen. Hatch_has gone to Jacksonville to relieve Gen. Seymour, who retu r ns to .• • ton Head. • '*.• The rebels repaileed to have withdrawn a portion of 'their fotcat from' before Jackson ville and • '-r • The court - martial of igen. Gordon Was pro gressing, _ steamier : Dudley - tuck, ' from New Or/eany for New York;= llas put-` into. Port Royal: - Several - British officers are on a visit to General Gillmore'S Department. J. H.McCrea has been. sentenced .to jail and fined $5OO, for selling liquor to soldiers. After the expiration of the sentence he is ex pelled, from the Department.' . Democratic Nominations in Rhode Island. PROVIDENCE, IL 1., March 31. The Democratic State Central- t.Gominittee have announced the following_annnittations for State officers: For Governor;:George IL Brown; Lieutenatit-Gotidrnor,. Henry Butler; Secretary of State, Elishall.x:Potter; ;Attor ney General, Walter S. Burgess;. General Treasurer; Henry H. Coke. _ The "dole—toes'ef Ve'ssels: Nut Yona,*ch 31., ' It is feared that the U. S. steamer Thomas A Scott, from , T . eNv:Orlean.s, 1ge,49 - mst lost off' Cape. Hatteras. She was toted:ll%ie by the steamer ArClellan, and,letto the 224: in a tel'.:C.Ontinental. Port Royal, reports that film fell"*,ofe.:_listterits, with large quantities of drift - ;toOd, including new furniture. Financial Affaiiiir.'"; .14Tw.:YoMOCEir"c)lit • Gold closed tills evening , •at 1.1361 , T The re ceipte for duties At the Gustaiii:ThiAct tikdaY amounted to 5186,000, including SPSQI:9 in gold and-iertifiCatea. at the doe watitiieit atiefitiVeiqs PiarrlNG ADMOrOSNO ItAZOS.,DAILT The toterrantia lire the rates-for ildveYtising in the To:E- C/Sam. 1700 5 1 0 1 0v7 1 4 artvertising to find n CM, venier. Ifor taferencm Four lines or less COD lines (f112431* than four cons .IPORAILIAF I . 3QMIlta. One day, S SO Two rAsys.,.. . 60 Three slays— . 75 One week 1 25 One month 8 00 Two Months. ' 450 Three months 6 50 Ms months; One year... .... .. IN Administration 'Notices. Marriage Notices.... ..... ... .... ..... -- - _ :Au . ditor's' Natices..... .. au Funeral. Notices each insertion— . - 50 Aar B u sin ets notices inserted in elin Local Mama or each befor insere Marri tion;ages and . Deaaii rani Care Pia Terrii for -litute one-half square. Mgt: , tute a square. - FOR 02M SQUARE. One day $ 89 Two days I CO Three dap .. 125 One Week 2 23 One month .. 6CO Two months 9 ha Three months. 11 CO Six months 15 0 Ode year .. 25 CO $2 25 XXXVIIIth Congress—First_ '-,session. SENATE. WASECMGTOI4, March 31 . _ . The bill to authorize the Postmaster Gen eral to-contract - for the carrying of the Over land Mail-from Atchison, lEnAis..3, to Folsom, California, was passed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTAITirE,S. Mr. Shannon, (Cal.,) fromithe Committee 'on Indian Affairs, reported a Senate bill pro viding for. ;the better organization of Indian affairs in California: He explained that it consolidated two Superintertdencies into one, provided for_ selling the present reservations and'locating the 'lndians on more appropriate reservations,. to each of which is to be as signcd an agent; . the General Superintendent to receive a salary of $3,000. He advocated the bill on the groaaad of economy to the GrovernMent and benefit to the Indions. The bill passed. The House then resumed the consideration of the bill declaring the Raritan and Delaware Bay raih•oad and boats to be post and military routes. Mr. Garfield (Ohio) resumed his remarks in favor of the bill, arguing that at present the means of New Jersey are insufficient for Gov ernment transportation purposes, and speak ing of the Camden and .Amboy railroad com pany as an, odious monopoly. The subject was passed over, and the House resumed the consideration of the National Bank bill. Yesterday the 30th section was amended so as to limit the rate of interests on loans or discounts, etc., to 6 per centum. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) to-day offered a substi tute for this section restoring the 7 per cent. rate as originally in the bill. He would re gard the vote on this as a test of the question on the bill itself. New Jersey Legislature. TBErnom, Milreh 31 Mr. DensOn, of Hudson, this morning, in troduceda bill into the Legislature to repeal the .charter of the Raritan and Delaware Bay railroad company. Prom Chattanooga. Cnicrarrem, March 31. A. special dispatch from Chattanooga to the Gazette, says that Generals Sherman, Granger, Id'Pherson, Sheridan and Barry, arrived at Chattanooga on the 28th, and were in council all day, at General Thomas' headquarters. ~.A.ll was quiet at Ringgold. Gens. granger and Sheridan went to Knoxville on the 29th. The Copperhead Outbreak in Illinois. SPRINGFIELD, March 30. Col.. Cakes, Assistant Provost Marshal, started for Charleston ' Coles county, last night and telegraphs to-day for the 41st regi ment which left this afternoon. Gen. Ileint zolman has also been senoltroops from Indiimapolis t This indicates that the troubles in that quarter are of a serious char acter. _NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N ° 0 E . . Whereas, letters testamentary to the estate of William Dock, Jr., late of. the city'of Harrisburg; deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all ..pepiets indebted to the said estate are.requested• to make. immedlMo payment, and those haring claims or demands against the, estate of the said decedent will make known the came without de lay to . liLißif HOCH; Efecutrix_ Harrisburg, March 7,1564. , nun94onw6w - - Shade Trees. gA FINE assortment of Silver Maple; Norway Maple, Taller Ash, Horse Chmtnal . European Linden, Ca ,pi T t ettEß Magnolia or Cucumber &c., ke. at KEYSTONE h s Harrisburg, March 16,166* QUPERIOR WINES AND BRAND — 1E S ever ollkswi, in this marikit. In bottles and by the gal lon or Ilion 41EISLER k FRAZER, deels (suevissors to' Win: book, Co ) PORTFOLIOS PORTFOLIOS I ! • CHLlBOMEN'and,Backgarnmon Bciards, a tine assort, orapkjapteiyd aL BCEIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE:. •• • -Reertnttn- ag ency. 0 ICE in thprear. HeresHote.l,7arris , but, , The LARGEST Walt BOUNTIES paid • COMIITITBES from districts and sub-dis triatein:the State will be proiiiitly - ftifeished with MEN to. IBIAIPTAB, py applying to , . D. J. BOWL It CO. Ofil ' , DOMES toRANGIN; selected fro.m later . iropirtattions, snit the most 'superior ever brought .W. this market. at; thin season, joss received and for ado SEMLER. & FRASER, feet -tinicbmizors to Win. Dock, }r, & Co.) APPLEs• We have just received a fine selection of APPLES, in priille; order. For sale by the barrel, bushel or small quandtpat ' SUIBLER & FRAZER, leb3 ; (successors to Wm. & Co.) VIINGES I. OR A NGES hog lot ,of O ,anpeller Oranges, and Sicily Tana, for sale in any quantity at ian29) . BOVER.«E ICOEMPER. DURHAM MUSTARD, the best imported, just receive&and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, febl ' - (successors tomut. Dock, jr., & Co.) n Ar rig fo o r r ua de o r ai 40: BO , 1047B ° . of G e/lOICE ttbs JOHIsT IV E Fruit. Store. . -CATS . . 1 . . .. AIND.SATTCES, of the most SO, perior and choice brands, just received and for sale SEIELSLEK At FRAZER, (succiuciors to unu Dock, ji. r y Co.) by ebl. - • CI,MOKFT) SALMON.-FINE. alutzß - r) 0 SALMON, just received at ". , . SHISLER & - FRAZER, 10? (successors to Wm. Dock, jr, & ro.) DIARIES DIARIES 11 NOTECER assortment of Pocket and Desk . btaries f0r:1864, just received'axid for sale cheap at feb2 SCIIKFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Ranh:burg. PPLES.-200 barrels of New York State Apples, of a.cholce variety, just AnigeiyA and sold low, in . any quantiOos, suApurchasers, at the new grollerrof (deli .BOVER KOERPER. rOo LADIES.—If you ' With • = giod Latta raPer Envelop Inky l'ellyuAnythipg eiEe in the stationery nne, you at 'S BOOKSTORE, Harrismoz. aol9 A LARGE, lot oS beat quality. of Mercer -c-x- Poukoesdust received guile ER t salebr roEspEß, No. 3 Martel. Square. decl24t/ iIIEERCELMBEATED VIRGINIA OIL OP sgaDay-A. Martin's London Illocking. ion re ceieeti-and'for - wit by 5111ELER ERAZER, fel , . s . (euocettrers to V.Vm., nobk - ; jr & t (O%SSPARKLING GRTATIN,..•..the best =m amma, just reed= sale by Sr FRAZER, • owicessois:to Watertodcat., & to.)— 00011138beitedni_DPIS124- cele :Geol4B brand, J. received , . ~.. - and for *0 sEasurs . , A. mum_ febl (mown to Wm. Dairy* ir;-6.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers