MEDICAL. I= 601 N STITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, ~ With the Compound Concentrated.Sluitt-Extreek air VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND KERBS; . PREPARED 1M WM. H. Gat.EGG, M. D. Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N.. for merly Assistant Physician Blackwell's Island Doe • pitals, late Medical Inspector New "Lark State Volunteer De=ader Gov. Edward D. . . . • • .I.P. 1 CONSTITUTION 10 . M117 f„, A ErvaturrorriN itipicrici. - • That may seem almost incredible, IN that., MS: eases hitherto conaidered' hopeletielf incurable are frt. quently cured in a few dart& andrwa , cheerfully , invite the investigations of the Itherel-mintied: and Oen tide to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the'seat of any discaeW is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful and obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other, physicians— ,- - ARE INVITED TO USE CONTETUTION LUZ: SYRUP. During the past dye years wefiave Contended stacles and overcome opposition ae herculean Oar' encountered by any Reformers.• •••• • . . RAPIDITY' Col i . • .• Some say, "Your cures are too quick," *bile others; doubt their permanence, and .think that , disease cea,only be cured by the "slow recuperative pr.opi, of *Kure . . p This is our reply: , In health, the body, like a well-tialLnted` bailer bilit 'ti . state of Equilibrium. But when froth.: attY , imuse r down. goes one side of the scale, we have ,thtimtfpctEt• _oft, Own. What is requisite is, to restore the r nonsod ;balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION EIF,E SYRUP, A positive and spedillosemedy forall from an IMPURE STATE OF ME .810,0 P,, Mad fey fill (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PAREST TO CHILD. PARALYSIS. Iremiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia, Paralysis Agitans. It is so universally admitted that Constitupon Life Syrup is the only effective! ,means of restoration in the ,various forms of Paralysis, that We heed not, reiteratelhat it ik vmphatically:tko Groat LifeGivitig - Poiver. •' ' , D--P'SPET,SIA , I ' •-• ,-!-- f.'' Liver Complaint , Weight at Stomach. Biliousness., liAntor-appetite. • " Flatulence. . Bad 'Breath. - SCROFULA. 'Strums. Glandular swellings. Ulceration. King's Evil Erysipelas. . SeltjUnium This taint (usashrraar anificemmtp,) tilling life, with, untold misery, is by`all usdaj.Melical remedies Incurable. (arthritis] Neuralgia: .. Gout: ••- : Lumbago. .. Sciatica.' Tic Donloprerti„ If there is any disease in which ,the Coiistitition tire Syrup is a sovereign; it to in Itheirnatlim tind'itOcindieff affections. The most intense' pains-are - steatite ininantly alleviated—enonxions are• tedaceff, - -ti &task chronic or vicarious, of 20 orl,lo. yeirs'• punting- lump. been cured by us NERVOUSNESS. • '' ' Nervous Debility. - - Shattered Nerves.- St.-Irlins' Dance:, Loss of Power. . Confusion of_Thoughts, Epilepsy; •• • Thousands who, have suffered foryearswill bless Die day on which they read these lines. PartiPlarly to Weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footsteps to a live which lane . more than it promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES: •• EoLLing of Bohm. Salivation Bad Complexion. Aches inßones. . Feeling of Weariness. Depreaainn of SpOf* CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRITI purges tile systeni - en tirely from all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains watch the,use of Calomel is sure to produce., It hardens Spongy uini, and secures the Teethinalltinly as over • • • • - . CONSTITUTION LIFE' skwzr,p :L . L Eradicates, Root, and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all othardilllcal-: ties of this kind, which so much deefigure•thWatiaward,v peanince of both males and females, often making them- a disgusting oltiect to tncmaelvasand their: friends ; . , - • CONSTTEDTIOX L SYRUP, t" • • . CUBES ALL :SWELLING ;OFTEE Gz;ifittp,,k Either of the giro: gear, or FOraige sfietild 130' taken as soon as the'swelling; their breaking, and ma:lowing the -tronblesoxiie ilischarg ing Sores, whicat.diellsore,P er "Sr lion of the community„from six„to igenty sears of Age, Young children' are.vbry added:id from - the Ears, which deparids upon: • ivecrofulifee cbr/atitittiCua These oases isoott recover by • 'taking? .ar, de* , ,,dcaee :Vie; Life Syrup• all scrofulous pe, Teens suBorliiefrorn4geriend " Do lllty; Emaciation,. DyspOsia Dtopsy theli*bs, abdomen, and in the remade, Dropsy of. the Ovaries aid [womb, gen erally accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. Tho disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life - 8574P Will remdve entirely. The4isnitity shoild be taken for some • tiine, as the cliaease.drwexceedingly, chronic and stubborn, and will not be rreirieved extra effort. Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the" Breast ; , ffi nnit swelling of other glands of the body will' be cortipetely' reduced without resorting :to thri knife or operattionelof any kind. • , , Epileptic. Fits; Sympaihotle sr ,o ' r Heart, as palpitation, Diseases or ituil t alvile, ikodueingii ; grating orating sound, Dropsy of •liie IfeertlOase,Aandlidl . the affections of this important , 'organ,Aperesne futiliAgin from any acute pain in the iregiOn Of; -will be greatly relieved by Onstitution Life Syretp; - BMA - EY-DOWN itr DREIOATM 00 - NSIT:E.I I O7ONS Suffering froni indi.spOsiDon to Eiertlon; Pain in the Bitbk, Loss of Mernbiy, - .Forelmidings, licinUridiCalainity, , Fear of Disease;' Dimness' of Vision, Dry, Hot •Skin.:adid. E,XI, tremities,,,Virant of Sleep, Hstiessnw.Pale,.Ha aiid. Countenance, and Lassitude Of the liulcular:qAtehl,lllif require the aid of the constguti#4.'zdife : oo4: " FOR ALL FORMS OF D:LOZRATIVR DISP4SES,. i s Either of-the Nose, Throat, -Tongue, Hpine,, Voreheao .or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal MOTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion,. and •rginTra the de posit which is directly under thii akin.' If DiSeasaa of the Liver,. giving tise • to :LangiterVDizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or ail:ulcerated i.or.can caress condition of that man, accompttnied wiih burning or other unpleastmcsynantoms, will be relieved !I'M@ Use of CONSTITUTION. LIFE SYRIM - • • • 1 . Ja-As A Gdaitit. )31.90n-Pcnizrilita AitENT, THE Eris SYRUP STANDS - UNSMILLED B 7 "ANit , IttarAt.4 Tiox is THE WORLD. , • .• . Diseases of the Spine, aiusually.developed in the young. Hip Disease, Neuralgikabd:o4Nefy AltTa dies who are suffering frem.Diseases.for,wh4 therareit a loss what to do, we would' the two. of . 00?.siSTIZ TUTION LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid `° doltu tonanoo,lstrengthen theieweak baok dad . aide; givb Ahem new energy, new life and tulPPinSa Are liable to the same diseases. %amp scisitsa has made the Constitution Life Syrilp for the lionefiVot all. PURE BLOOD Produces, healthy men and women.; and if the constitution is neglected in youth, disease and: early death , jn the re sult. Do not delay when thinidans:are ao'nearat Wand, and within the reach of all. h 4 TO MOTIT_ERS AND .v. 4 Rpfpn LAD ES: It is the safest] and most effectual medicine ever discov ered for pirifyifig the sygtem, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents pain and disease, and in creases and enriches the food—those who have used it think it indispensable. It is highly useful both before and after confinement, as it prevents disease attendant upon childbirth. CONSTITUTION:LIFE: AY TIP IS THE POOR ArA APSViIIetWA I IY,P , 7137 RICH MAN'S .SIESISINGT . . BUT IT, TAKE IT, - 111§D'E,E!CUEED. IT,IS ITNIVEBSAL ITS':ithM. WM. H. GREGG; NI:D.:; Laboratory, avoUyn, L. I. PRICE $l.. PER PtoMrt; ,gs. BOLTERS FOR $5. Air Sent by_ exptroag to, all party of the country MORGAN agiLLEN, Wholegale Druggists, AGENTS, ~ lock . SOLD JOHNSTON; 1-I.OLLOWAY CMDIN j; ' in2(i-eodaw6m PRILLDNLPHIA, PA., KINKED & ..iitTgarket, atnkoHiliitad#pgiulqi ANDi ALL DRUGGISTS. • ?glared. from Pure Vegotaide Extracts, containing:32Mb, Aar The Ite t taveniitok the result tit nmaidn. discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and aistria method 6f cure, 'irrespective of all the old a=rmout systems meat:llnel= beemtested by the most titediettl men of the day„ and htthem pronounced. .to int! one-ot ths."ginateet Medical ithicoveries of the age 'Mtge stife,ii4mtl - Debility. ArA:few dons corett_Himterlek.4],fentehm ***pie bottle cures Dalpitation of the Heart. ',WAfew doses restortsilr eigatutof generattpn— • , _ '.101"rom one'toihree.'-innUos restores ;the.: gusinlinOs and roll vigor of youth: ref Vii few doses resto _ appetite. -- • Three' ot iwi ttnesth Mat e asbOf not. tap-A.: few &gent curtsied tow slanted: _ . /Or On‘boitlit restanHitittaiud power. , Ifir - A; few #:tseOriziglie4rcee to the cheek. • ThisMedisine resonate manly vigor and tobist ioalth.,the poor, debilitated, worn-dikin and despairing dliy9Yiewr sensual pleakir6. ll, ; 'i I JorTie listless,,enervated youtbilhe.oxter,tasket ..9fittlitiele; the victim of a nerYgee PT5' l l4 , the‘ito: fromgerieraldehlWo . :91rt`rottese •Dt. aideedi:liripart,' will aII :fled thsimediato_dind permanent 'fietiettbk the use of this Elixir or Essence,of Life. .„, r'-, -'Price , per bottle, or three'thottlesikts $5,, end -40WItded.-bitias rem, omrecelpt,ot inenkf:lslPW!".iel*. 7. - - it - 140 ,1 4 dtly all drugg ts everywhere. * Bola raorartrois IBIE= ME )Ie h • EIIL WRIMIT'S BEJIIVENATiIif:k : ',EIgIEt, OR, ESSIINCE OF LIMB ing InJniidd9to the meet Delkite. ::03',!•fVff tar? . J • v wanutsviv acce. Soleropnetgrs t martl-eodly No, roil Liberty street, 14ow York a RER o E_EE oft • SUG.ZR-COATFD t .41:r .E• ettttv ,, - FERF- I FTLATPF! , ).. t 'EEEMMEE 'PRESERVER.. . E R TjA 1 A JS a • • :14-For, the Restotiatlqf. Opt/Jur:.r .four 7 nigt4pee ; qt: Regularriliiitreleeeffhteridefr Uri jg They ,tii ' Ai t4 . l 44 r cure or obviate those numerous dieet;sen. that • JI ti Aprtug from irregularity, by removing the--irregularity ,frhey cure Suppta4;Hx‘essit t o t and Painful Men ' 4 1i l tit i n • tt6 „.04rthey cum GreirafSfeicheiti ICiderollis.) ;4'2.'71 41 -,They' binta 'Affections, paftts the. in back and lower parlB Eof the hodi, Heaviness, - Filliguti on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, SickHeadat4e, fzu. In a_word, by removingthe irregularity; ` they - ieinclve ho _ cause, and with it ALL the effects ' that Spring from it WComposed of simple lv . eietlble extracts, :they con- Main nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delleat i ci, their.functiOn being le 'substitute strengtivfox, Weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. 1 " s; Agir j rhey may be safely used at 'any age, and at any perioe; axozrr outaidiirs knot iis , during which tho unfailing nature of their action wools infallibly. mta`Visr pregnancy. I JAll letters seeking information or advice will be Prireiptli, freely and discreetly answered. fitll directionsa*mpany each b?x. *Price, slpGr box, or six boxes for 4,5. '(fi r '' by mall; free.of postage, on receipt, of price, LAlltrlSold by all respectable druggists. _ t‘ h i t DR. IT. R. Immix & co., Solo Proprietors. i , ,, dfopill-eofilyitli No. 41..14:*3' stria; N.4116.if47 ";NEIV, AnvERT ED ITS'" 'IgiELOTOGRAXII -- ALBUMS. ‘,.. ANOTHEIVINRCE ASSORTMENT: . Photograph A: lb u. ruits , .4 OUND - inFINE - 201t0 - '9B3:te , -LEP gift hind;mbUnt.Ol ;dekko 1M3131.5 -- 1304 1 1(itures for. ' . ....... $3 00 - 40 " . . 350 4 ; 1 9 Wgother uith ous- rk.r..l, • • .6* othrt4or Si..! i• • %kr ..... • 444 vrrt es. of , biziamg, sizes and 'Pri o6 %7 llloll ku. - 401 1 1,3110AP, L. .1 =Sol ti erne you cannot, buy ~,prottiorf mo re duratuu. au a, :uheep4albtuu:aroywhoro. . . i =n ' iradzeo at • , S,Bookstoro, 9412-dtt: , -; . . likripburg, Pa. '1 • I WB Z 1 0° ' ,SUPW ' VP RD I 4,9 FAIL. ''. ' ' • 1 3c; raw MPOUND,EXMACT OF , ~,7± . ..U8E85,t'. : ' • ..;COPH4.I . BA. , ~..TP4,,prepakiaolos: lillaq - itcomigended to the XEDWAL pItogITSIO , and the lIBLIC`for theMeLttpt , , ' kiiiiroderain.cord of,DISWII"O,P,IpiI;WADDEB, 'win ' NITCURINARY'ORS 'ETa. ''' , A ' '_l f 453 pay be relied on as the best mode Ydr-alie administra tion of these remedies irrNe large class of diseases of both sal e to whighlheiar* Applica))l9. . It, never interferes -4rith ' 66 W: a P l l 6 ' P B' • blili'9 B 4T B g, ol +: ll 4. o -0 8 1 8 ! 48 much r 'i'd,' ' ''' ''' '1 - ~ ' N. r.,:"...,,TdrOrraSeijrareed*oo.:: tiy - riak, rot TA.Rki. COILFOUNIY EXPRA'Cr,Or.4O,II47IIS . ?'AIW COPAIBA, hind take nothing else;leitaltiltiOnshrie r iiiiithiess preps irations, under similar ruhin& are in the market. Price $1 .00., BenCliy esn*Co4.,ceigt cif Flee. . Mai:infer, 'hared only - by: TABBANTIr:".OO.O.7o. 278 Greenwich satinet, corner or trifietirAtaht, - Nei , Yririt,-"and for ialis ..t.Dxsaffists,mcritirly, . __,, ~ ~ ~ I oct,2st.dly For sarfhtp.'4„: T.. i ~ W:1.X. # 2:40j. , ;ant! by Draggista . IWhijo"leffirm — e — tind'ConvO#ent Sub i stituto t. Wl _FFERVESOENT !EAST POWDERS.— V.ll They servo to hnpregnatei the dough, or batter, with 4carbonic acid; Which' bb Mt- expansion 'm cooking pro. ,duce! levity, whiteness and digestibility, Without 004 a Singleinitiitive.elemont,4 or adding thbMth thing which the system": does not constantly require. Ailey enable a cook to make the mdeStAttaous bread, the sweetest and lightest cakes `withouta moment's delay. Warranted to give satistaition, or no sales. Prepared and sold ; wholesale runtretal, by. ' S A. KUNKEL k BRO. 'Druggists, 3.18 , -Harketstreet, Harrisburg. ma7-tf HAGAIIHS I,IIIKWOLIA BALM, WOE benUtlfri: the complexion, eradicat7 ; , int fr eckle% eruptionknimbum and ta n.: 'n lethe • .rdmit entraordlnaltkand idelightful toilet article ever dis covered. It Chaim - 002M Ennbnmt , face and hands to a pearly likeyisitilPlextitresindwrasiishing beauty, leaving the compkeiltin freShimtratispertmt.:iind smooth. It re moves pimplesy , tet6r tan rendjroughness. • It is what every lady should havejand none will dispense with when once need: Sole' me Danthis city. For sale by the bottle.ordotate.: - & BRO., Apothecaries,llB Market street, Harrisburg. .;?I.ILB K0T.1.18 . W A R D. MAIM IN PIANO .FORTES, MODEONS,-BRENT l llllft NTIQLINS, - Flates, - G : uitare, Banjos, Drums, gtfee;-end , all kinds of-MuOcal7kierchandise. , Picture Frumee, Looking Glasses, PhotOgraph Cards and /Thulusi.Prquuter 3 ,9PreerEugiel i iitA -rictures % &e, &c. Remember the place, Thirot'street,' the' largos Iftiato Ster,t 3 igo,eide. MApg - mat title& NaißEt-ittf -AVANA:tairkiGES,:jueitdztc. eivpd at • E SEISLER k FRAZER,. '(diAl*sstrrs ArAcral .' , D6ck, jr. , gr, poky L . no2o CIROSSE ' J3LLairivrs ENGTATSII, 11,J PIGICLFAARtre : FtWerfor hip u t se, Juitt. repOxed aad rortedebk - " `' 'S LEX dtsMAZER, febl (auccessom to Wm. Dock, jr:ratelf.l r4 TE , - iceopo.wzgows. OOR iney4o4;lol9l4s4l43rt'Pr=;lll , "Our OuvernmepV lul,egnatiou ig „! p r a m Tor ' - &a, for popes um. By *NlCitan ekde at - dela „..BWOGNErt'S BO° UPEBALOII' iBIETTTER z•• , , .4 - VORZTAStipUBAI t Sz '''' SBISLENIC I FRMMUS,'' 7- " ....( 4cossors to Wm. Dock , Jr & 00-4,s . IrftrelWt:24-11-2440411 , supenor q fy . oe hea • illeog h A 1 tong" Pa., for sale by the Neck or gnarl, et t, BOYER & EORRPER. = ELIXIR. Pemig WINTER TIM TABLE. FIVE F I RTI S P AjT EJTllie jk*Tl) 4'9 1111 THE ;" 8 Oth"D' AT M 'ItONDATAMII34i, 1863 i - :resienger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from' ai2d arrive at ?Jar risburg and PilHdelpLla Ps 7D B. v.. • • ..eiirt A 13:1 , -ITA.E. D,i • 'PHROUGITM:PRESS MALI: leaves Harris burg daily it m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. sr. PAST paw. leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00'1t• Y., and arrives at :West, 7n,;4ladelphia at 10.10 A. l'assengers take breaklastOdStal_ . • ,L WAY ACCOMMODATION! - KOWA JO', leaves Harms burgL at 7 005 - 4 - ,m.,4kid r .prrr :at West. , hilielelphia at 12.26 FAST M AIL TRADelestVas Irtirlabtug daily (except Sunday) t 1.00 - atsx'anea as utivep atlyer-Phtladelphia-at 6.20 P. HARHISHIIRO ACCOMMODAWN - MPH, Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 690 P. 31.., end" `eirtlygsr at West Philadelphia at. 06011 Kt a";:'"% , WE STWAII.D.'. - .`BAINIXORE,EXPIWAS TRAlN,leayes Harrisburg . daily '(eia2nday) at 2.20 A. Y. ; Altoona, 8:00 a. take break(' and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. Y. ' P ELYRIA EXPRESS TRAM leaves Harrisburg daily /#1 at p. 20 A.x.; Altoona at 8.40 A.f. ~ take , litedkfast, and arritos at Pittsburg at 1.80 r BL . 11AILITRAIN leavesglarrisbtirg at 1.40 P. M. Altoona at,Vinkeleupper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.10 A FAST,ILVE leaves Harrisburg at 4.15 Altoona at 9,10 P. t., - takes supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1:40 HAHHISHIJRO teixolikota:riox TRAIN leaves West indladerplsia at 2.45 P. a., and arrives at Harrisburg at 840 P. X. ; MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION. leaves I.andistei at 11.38 1.411 - ., arrlves : Pit:ilaxrisbul at t Ili 1. . YOUNG , supt..4t4dle Div . Penn'a B. H. Harriz .urg, N04.48,q8611-iitgl.?. .0? a .- . 2 Norilleb3l-IVtddbd MfAiWaYl' Mtn WINTER - TIME TABLE. ' 'THREE •TRAINS DAILY ,13;A.LTIMORE rt ;r,' t AND . I: 2ff WASHINGTON CITY. Conn coons made with trains oni'ennsylvaniaßailroad, to and om Pittsburg and the West. TWO RAINS DAILY to and from the North and West ranch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of No i rthe l m Now lAN! and after 1119FDAY,'NOVEDEBEWASSIgi • - —l4intiNtia;;• change. M4IL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. Y. arriving in New York at 6.30 P. M., and Philadelphia at L5O P. Y. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. at, arriving in New York at 10.25 P Y., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. N. WRSTWARD. so FAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00 A. as, and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. at, arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon arid Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 ..EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. at, ar ilvinif at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. Y. and connecting with the Pennsylvania 'Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is able attached to this train. Connections , asitpaade at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania n Nertheiii' Ciiiittal Carnberlarid , Alley =ttuit, a l oarAta , P ara l tOlrl: Baggage checked.lthrough:-..a York and Harrialnirg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Thiladel-phia, $3 35 in No. 1 carp, and' . $3 . No. 2.. For ttoltpts.or, other informarnripply td. • no.t4 r titt,. - ' General .Agent, Harrisburg; . , ... , _ ROMA:* T " * eta line I raverses the Northern-and s4littb*St - cotutties:of -Pennsylvania- to..the city - rif Erie, "taillakb Eerie. It has bee 4 Diitintby,att perentvrak4ttasznoes,- PANT and under their auspices is " opened thr 0 4444 ttit gilt& e 1 h. I i rr i 441 it is now in use ofbrigar ht' burin from Harrisburg tuiEmportsrik(lcifi mites),on the Eastern Division, and from §heirteld Elio (? 8 4 ixiDes) on the • , ~ .• , . zueg or. rAmlsTatri 7 ri4.m . ' 4 ,..:T 'HARRISBURG. ' Mall Ttainrarea Wirth '...:,,', . ;',. :-.: .. = .. , ....'..:;1: , ..:1451.: H. Expreki TrElinlonvosNottni'..l%. :1".'.....4... i'l...'i . 1 .4.25 ',VIC . gam rnn.4lirough if Inr..6in bOth 4 waya oethetb trains7liatitiO',o4 AAA' jOcl,::VocKTltyroti; - Enid - be; rk twconpaltnneirolinif 'flitv.en. ,-- -,. - t . -.. •, ~ , q.• Elefautmectaig. o oi.V.,... E XP.M a ' tialna.boUriiaii bo tweetormainspq reAnA li ne 46:141Ulainaport ant. Philadelphia For infornOon.U.Tig : Fintongtr busikof applyl'at. the S.:N. pirnor llth end Warketictree • . - - ... An& or Freigl4lnAtieas_Of the . eiimmirs Ata ti ti ll .. S. E. Kingston, Yr.: cornet' 13th and Market , atteatas Rhilaslelphia. . ' ..,. , , .i!: ..., ;. _ J. 'N. HO.nokla;Aria.; ' --,.. "J. X. WA AgentltjaLit. ...R. 3 7 . lffilpinore. - t -- •• , 4:.K;musT9-. h. .. 1 ? ' --' '*- ' . '''" ' '': ' • ' • " - , " Uettart4C.rreigN 40u, rho, L LEWIS - 4 - :.aollrr, - - ..- -.-.. - - - - ' - (*tufa Ticke t Agent-PA:Tic, -..• ~.' Jos..p. ron;. . . • al dit u risigy , l' Welidnisiort. A rnol6-dly]' f A; varieties, ruirteitiofts,ftavitgaraptaima;,of v,hs F9 avhich.they..wish tolavo pruned , ear.k it done in the best manner and free oneb.vge4 by. a diea: • sing a gote through the Post °Alecto •JAW MAE -;-The present seasmand weed:l4ore mostlairore: e foratriturPottua _i_ • AIMAITiCSr MitANAdS - r! B AR' t*lrdelt iN.AI .I , VM A AST A , Euiegavetand roi'svii 1019 s9HEFFigs Bp9KsTorm AVARKbRANGES, lIO2S.UPYrki.. - XOZFatt. :n1 . , IaSEPDAIIta an'd , - - , • NEW YOR K STATE Citillagi BOYER dr. 740ERMIC. At (novas] itAmittS , S.' - - _ 1‘ • t''‘'k 5.44(P Mr2l _ 77 TO AND FROM Vii 33 WINTER 186 4 .1 ABBANVEMENT 2 I ME RAILROADS. 'CUMBERLAND' VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CCHANGE)OF 11.01:1118.—On and a ft er 3.l9n day, November 17,1863, Passenger trains wit ran liatly, as follows, (Sundays excepted .POR CHAMBENSBB7IO AND ItARIONBURG: Leave Hagerstown • , . .T.OO go 7SI 3.35 • 4.203 Leave d IMIN • . Loaves Shippeir4B=B ' - ' 8" /4.56' • 9 .0 0, 128 14frovville. • 10.10 2.42 114411 410040111 I:..... ' .10.42 ; &12 .Arrive at Hartipbtag N11:14 &40 FOR dliAltittlisluxo AND lIAVERSTOWNi . . .. . - 1.A170 HexrisOurg ..)... ... . .... ....LOG., 1.36 " Mechanicsburg... " ' '647 — ' 2.15 , ' ~. Carlisle ' , .. - .' t =9.27 , /55 " NeWville - .10.02 &29 " ' Shippensburg • .10.33 4.00' Arrive at Qtambersburg... • 11.00 4.30 Leave Chamberstairg - - , -4.. 41.10,-„ 4.40 " Greencastle ~,....1.1.55 5.30 Arrive at HaiersUiwn ' • ~ ---' , i •71.2.26r - ':- 610 ~ .101 r Making clew txmneotioneat.Harrisburg with trams .Iqr...Pltiladelphia,New York and Pittsbtirg and with .trains for all pointetTest. - - . . 0. N.-LULL, gip& : R. R. pmpes Chambtosburg, Nov. 17, 1862-17 READING RAILROAD. .. • - WINTER ARRANOJEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TEE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pdttiville;•Lebsutott, Allentown, Easten.Am Trains leave Harrisburg for. Philadelphia, New Fork - Reading, Pottsville and` all biterunillate static:Ms; at &00 /ix., and 2.00 P. x• , New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. arriving at Ndw Yrirli at 1.45 the sameiday. • , • . Fares. from-Harrisburg: To New yor,k, $6 15 ; to.Phila delPhiasB 35 Mid . $ 3 , 00. Baal& checited through. Retaining, leave New York at 6 A. m.,32 noon, and, 2 P. N., (Pittsburg Egret . ..) . Ixave Philadelphia : at 8 16a. M. and 3.30 P. - • ••• Sleeplog.qars in.the N ew Yotiqppross Trains , through to and from Pittslinig "Withnafthange. ' • ' Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 s. at.'; and 216;r, Philadelphia - , New York, and all way pohatg.i ~1 - ..• • , . 1 Trains leave Pottsville At 9.15 A. M. and 2.30 F. foir Philadelphia, Harrisborg.and Weirr - Y&Tr.. — An AccOmmodation-Paasenger train -leaves Reading , at' 6.00. A. Jr. and returns from-Philadelphia:at 5,V0 P. , • LW" All.tbe ;OAT" Warts run daily, Sunday excePted.i' A Sunday (rain leaves Fotlayille at 7,30 . A. ar. i andPbll 4 adolphia at 3.16 r. *. • Commutation, Kileage, - Sesson and ExoursitaLticleets at; reduced nais to end Gm allpoints.; G. .:„ • , A.! GenbralSupediten NlCQUE, " ' dent. . 4i November 14,1383---d&wtr' - • • TIMAINtrEb',S . TAT - ES.IIOTM , , HARRISBURG, PA. covE.R.I4. 3c nurF9BEisoN,pro, tpEas well known. Hotel is 4oIV. in tt.' wa d i- lion to accomModito the traveling public, affording the most atimle'cenveniernies alike for thotraitiaht guest sod the permanenthearden - THE UNITED STATES ACITEL has been entirely.relit: xi throughout, and ri - owiterfommodattlend• &Mai in axtent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg; • Ita locatiOnAti thd beef.3n the.l3tato Capital, being eimecceas to all the-railroad depots and closo proximity to all the piabilialilant idd hnehM xalitles of tho city. It has now all the;;en of .4 FIRST CL - 4.88 .11017 Vic, and the Proprietor aro deternibuid to spare neither ex penso, timerorlabOr ewer. the comfort of Ihe , guenta• The patronage of the traveling public is rermectfully STATE CAPITAL ROTEL . CORNER OF TOM', vranatrf nTREgps, • HARRISBURG,,PRECIPA., ECE u.ndersigned ha - vingpurehawdridawell T known houSe has enlarged and thoroughlyrenovated• it, The rcuinitchavibeen repaintedund papered, and the entire estallshnthrti elegantly re-furnished .—Being plea tautly and eligibly located, and-nravided with every con tenience; iteffittS MA° public ell the cointorat and luxu ries of a dret..c/flpti.ktotcl. Trusty, and, obliging servitats always in Attendaucp.. bar stacked choice' liquors Is attaOluid to We establishment • de26-dly • ..,Yt t . G. THOl4o3ol4,.ProarletmL Jo"NES II*0 , 11:S E Corner of. Market street and Marketaquare, HA BR isp.trp , . P/111TN4 - H. MANN, LILLIE'S 'AxM47,. CHILLED A Zi -. t CUT—Showing the Net Work , •'? " W.PMltliirMir , l4!!••• -• . • • WEE attention of business men..lgtip.erany . .1. is invited to the,. superior advantegc, of this Safe over all other; la,Fire and Burglar Prod' qualities. They aro all scented by'a Combination' 'Leek, - without' key" or keyhole; funk - the linfaidePerihelSaftiltiV ;MILLED. IRON, (fromiKinehvat to SitiebssAhirir,). and is Proof 'against , t4,ptigeb or driliala the .use atifre• •Itraintly employkd cimati, aerlptlve oire9.lart! ftthlahed by • • • "t• ; . rattartirketagreek • ~.Hal#3, , agent for vent i rai rep*: ,'..„ - -llow.vs:g0:001 - ScAts's;' , „ . Every description of Dormant_ and Portable Platform &ales, Hay, Coal and Stock Scales, Railroad Depot and tTrack Scales, FtfrAto ll 4 l . ll il Scales, *rmy • SOalts"and .Counter Scatk - • •• • : 'These ScalealutiM.Maral..LHPOßTANT ADVANTAGES. They receive Wearjyy-friction always on_chpled iron b f air under the platform, instead of itibeivineit Opori” the giiire pivots and doling th em.' . No j ' gof the plat form atfootalh& wbricing , -tde'-:eCale. Have no check reds to Conlinerthelkdatform. -:weigh ;out of barge Tequirene.deep and l e mi for, `foundation, than any'-other scales. •-• Full informatkip'. Inriiiithed by the imbrairiber," who is 4ent for GentriPennoylvania, and sellEati.msuirdan- Aurees prices. •.'t • .1 GRO. W. PARSONS, Teb9-dBm ' 110 Market 'street; pi ,:frr*' nurg. A . • MEW 13 *ICERY lirottd. betwebn Staid' and- Thad; • , undersigned has operfeas;diciw KERVln'edirSittlOwark*theire h , prepared to ,supply AH.4E01011) CAJUN:at .a -- reanootible rate. He warrants sidisfanildnib all *lib will girt him a call. I • will sell his bread ,itirthe rate of: Ff S•ENTS FRB POUlfj_lr and fall weight gruuaugaga r , iA,LOO ire TrisciTING:.•,MEDDINO.- ; Am) .ROBROARDS::—.By.a weird, atyangenient With ono of SAC - .l" f iedOniaveris _the country 'Wads - of A ny desdription ne coated i . the highest style of art confonntible. isith! a :latest fashion, alet:nOPPlioill Promptly, at lower piicgs than are charged by the station ers in New York or Phlladelphix. For samples and nrioes 6111 at , BERGNER'S BOOE. STORE. mch6 , iatf • • _ . APIMS Al . t.'l4ES I !--4.59' bbl B.. of York State xotolee w every York Maui Buttei; foiseleof =a Ufa Bo .. SS dv WangtON MECL l E4Aitteiii. b . * illiMiPte .. ylaqg *OVA *MAR miteitailets andlAlMEFlfirtua F JOHN WM'S, wbolowtie and reWl. dit HOTELS. . IMUGgf: NEI MEDICAL.. - , , 04' wet ; OFs - • ' Vot-t 'l&Ck _firk CII Till. 'JOHN L. LYON'S FRET pt -•:,?Fmkp4A.!:,i:,..-D40.j.1i =llB FEMALE REGULATOR iit ere th'only ibiovuv tem edt" that lie iiiix4smilliifia briarkibly raki, and reigulsfethetiao aig Ing all irregularities, and- prodaakii,neidul, vver and atrength.. LYoitB-PEIBNIDIO/&.DROPS , =I dre ii fluid pieparstiou, theisiii hie omit thetkind over disoovered la shin afituita,..sseks9llldiredir old Alm PIM affected, whilst Dlll5Olll powders - can only reach 'them as Weir Wott-throoldivympethyebbt. ads _at. all :direst ;awl positive. , . „ Aro you•sufferiiig Dews iiiiiltaxiSiaride*lor the Vega.' tar return ofruisure'isproaoribal-kars f • a . • " • Givil yourself nounessinsa c hw LORI = 3l lriakeis s - dity dr twoiddre the aspectal.' pest in4 iitymbakkr.ievOte lig. co= Xl= is eib o4 follows &Use , as certain es diylligl it diadratar = yew eick,:imfbebkod' byslhoser, or Faatifataibaribe -1 lithos and &Row ef inertias t• LYON'S' IMUODI(3W9i/!KMS• 1110 cure f Carrie-to you as a bleestutlay, law* ,piwirktias bet *dun ~initinatly ruliiii;;lk fe A itekiiin preventive, siud. win you uutoh:pan'aid;rwurptiourir or. VG YTkiiintil alikaildifx•MN.. 7" 1 , trill" incide4to Age m&iiNktri eilensoOnni 114 oil on folieirizifyirtirki? , . • - - -, 1 - .1. r.. . rl•4. ..: , =EI ; - = LYON'ti'FiRitiODIOAL DIiOPS = MEI 'Are the most reliable regulator ever hoes* glad cure, like iifsßie, all those IrregularitiettbaChave dolled the doeter's "kw ; ; .L - W you wasie t iway Nita pinking fr 01161.611001410111, agranuturat u) 04er ;Me -VN. 9f_„.1 1 PM. 6 . 1 0.25.nd *O" . Ucted nature, When sur hweatmont ow? Oak.= • ... . t - 0 - 1 f. • ' iorr , I '4 1.-1 • 10. z 1 1.4 LYON'S J'NaMtl4o4 PF#M3 13 . r b b Pd C:) will surely, eave:yori. . ' • Do not UM the „ drons.,wjtn Xartaddra tkailireatlem toi although a 'PWUrec anre,-aultt ill orbit Uri* they so,poiserful and Olsadfoill i o adjust, and govern the &gallons of the sextud onpudsm, that; if tat en ailtdp tic* ;punkt* naeslti eon: PAU aPcktglerogs oB % = unskl4co3o4lYllll°lo who mould reproduce, &mit _ T guard: LYON% FERTODIQUI. DROPS gt - LCP: S`r:3E '? , et: s harer the . '"'wiliir &Mei . te ...k ereihtitWtlon try ti me pet the proprietors snail to sgalnat hoping that a thousendiriligr_2l'?.-irr, pose where one is twedi Th. LYON'S Prittopetrioßtbsi. • the never-failing ,rentalosteinlator„de for igtlit.,by Urea' Druggist, In the elti dif totlf Yoe. value' your health and wish for a reliailliP niedkintql bat, lOW other. TilkOlP! ANN, baylf•thilteogrket Itillabbm-jew •PP!Y has not golfik in* tlthlknetia-.69 11 11 1 ,Afer You. . , • .C. ( C AIEtK CO. At 151.4 .by • " ,TOBITSTON, /O:TAT-Affairs' 0451VDSW • 211North:iiith, EH= - r,•c•fri ' FS - : , ":370111.18C-Lj Ifid%l :r 21 - 14;:;; iefi"!'4 , Ifs Tc/il E MI El I==l9 - • 11:21 11112 1 .gD - 1-=s '• iffs ~'_: ' lA. IBS lOREAT .:;.. a V ; MEI EEO MO lEEE = =ME = REM ::!h....:2TewXatteni,Cciao.l. ~-..Si st"s;sn I ' ' t l ,-' 4 . ';' '.': I !At+ , A:1 114 _, .41- , F. , illo 1...: r. 3. fqr . 4 ' r tO ih4 ~-~ , i'r, •;1~ 111 Y..~ ~~ :.,~,. MEI MI MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED! BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store Embracing every new and improved style or POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENOY HOLDERS, CALF_ SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORPKONNAIES, rt. prices to suit all • POCKET coodamog or it seeortment of 'Westenhottes Superor - ' Pocket Snivel GOLD PENS, int= Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pen so wait a guarantee. MET FOLIOS, lriaMiG (USES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, P.IPETURIPS &.0 dier with every article usually found in a first. claw .400 k. and Stathatery estalkahreent, at m 712) • .BERC;NEWS, 511darket street PEIPITER'S DAILY JAYNE BETIATE.Faii, rnix.A.DELPina, 'Lark Haven, Jenek shore, Williamsport, Nun- Cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, LewisbOrg, Northumberland, Sun ' bury, Tievexton,,Georgetown, Ilkenstown Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, p..FIARRISIOTRG. indbekiliiW begot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest ralea. The Conductor goes iluteigh tb each tridnits attend to the safe delivery of , alVgadds to Alm . Goods delivered at the de poke!. FREDA WARD & FREED, 811 Market street, dalphia, by &o'clock p. r. , will be delivered in Har rlatinrg theneit , - Freight JilsifiVir ae Low as by Any Other Line. JAS: MONTGOMERY S CO., •4 and Reading Depot, .50.21-0 Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. •rim!. Diasl k)ow AND SECOND-HAND ti4am - I,v6s,' BURLAP AND GUNNY 13 A,_ GIS, FLOtrit.AND SALT HAGS, ALL SIZES, - PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & co., .N 0.1.13,, North I+ on S., Philadelphia. WRIBTKIV 'PECTORAL SYRUP TmsINVALUABLE SYRUP , which is en tirely vegetable in La composition bas been em 'ployisd with Wlanderfsi snore for many years iu the cure of diseases for the AIR Pet..SIAGES and LIJNGS. For arc lbim of tbsiiinesae,aseh as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT,SPITHNG OF BLOOD DIFFICULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, ME OF FOICE and HECTIC IIiVER. , , nil 4111 be attended with the happiest results. It is ioc of the beet and safest medicines for all forms of kkoN :COMB and CONSUMPTION. Pio landainna or prqeva 'oo OPilai iw uslY shape fathis Milt PRIOR $l.OO PER BOTTLE. ECK sallies BERG NEWS Cheap Book Store. D - kNIEL A. MIIENCH AGENT in .l' the 014 Wallower Lbw, respectfully in . 'ffbrmi the public that this Old Daily TrAnspurtation Line (the only Wallower Line now in existence In this elyj' i r in ancossafal operation and prepared to carry as tow= any other ludtvklual line between Phila.- Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey more; Lech Haven axid ,-- ill other points on the Opodirtg,lllllailnlphia and Erie and Williamsport C DT Railroads. DANIEL A. 1117EXCE, Agent - Thuristonrg, iMods rent toil a! Ware wase of Mig9nnit -- Ptatoctr.,74l Nee, ,119/1 and no Market street,.above Sth, adelphia by TA'eloek, tt , will arriveAt Harris twt, reedy , for delivtazt; next morning. [ap..lo-rtiaryl Look Iteie - BOLBIBIK- WILL BO WELL BY CALLLNG , SCILIWPFAR'S BOOKSTORE, 'SIGN , OF THE "AMERICAN FLAG ; " rirMtab ENVELOPES, - - Noo — "c 9r • PH r r ;,.: ]Edda ort a =ei l in i materiel, mid for eat eery 1":". WO EZTOR4 .; • Sigh of the e can Earn burg, }'a. 13s c s B' 0:L - D " WAlialr&PM ERS. ~ f lat to be removed on the fleet of aprit next. The st ,, k" 071 2 PM must be reduced, aid all!, therefore, be bold at very krw'Orieee ;- although price of Wall Papers is toing up,Tectione deeiroma.of Papering their Hous,,, will do well, to examine his ansortment and prices. menibetl4-1911L - THEO. E.SCHEFFER. : ,andt,paid- for clear mired Sags pc: •*. ; .jaITEUPECTORALS eke 'attain' to soothe a owiegh; , _ Oar Tickling . the Throat. ,to relieve Ceillerk, Sara Throat, &c. They contain `Monihound Senega and : She moel t rellahlkexpectominta knoern,) are the chief ac- Ave &mills:Lents, act blended withe ;Moil Arabic and Sugar, ithillt each-lozenge °ordains a mild and skiry; pleas:ult. dose . Abuinfactured solely by . S. A .B.l:ll;ff..EL & BRO., ':,litn2T Apothem/its, US Market street, Harrlsbutg. Iniportant to Trackers . and. Galdenesr. O n EEDS by the BUSHEL or POUND, of all kY the leading and last early. imrieties. Peas, Bests. 9 1 kbfge, "Whannstadt!' - & Co:, Beet, Carrot tamp, Nootabam-Otilon, kn.; Thiabove seed offered for sale are,raiset:ln New York. State, hy one of the mo realmisitle Seed growera in *the canary: I hare pu - 'Chased from then for a member of years and always ',nand them one to name and much earlier than seed raleed . farther Setitti. -. - • J. NISH, • Keystone Farm and Nursery, Harrisburg. S.—.Oideri wanting iminedtate attention drop in the :Pat. Ottitia. - - Novordera will be! taken for any kinds of 'need le than by the pound, or one-fourth pound of four varieties Veto J. MISR. . . . . ..31; IYE 14 - 7 S 'l'; NO. 119 ..INICNN NT STRP 4 ET, Teeth positively, extreanel Without pain , by the use of nitrous oxide. - " ' eetl-dtt • ..117gT'CiPENED, AN AS'S'ORTMENT OF BO StWOMIT4ND "MA11:0 GANY WRITING. DESKS, Of different iptiolk For millp at noi9 ' SCREFFEWS BOOKSTORE._ mOB,TO - pora) YENS. , - • Anothork4 elk:eon's , a'Nß7ratEL RD B OLD PENS, Jost received at *twines Bookstore. All pnunmarranted for one year. ÜBLI CI - If k.O ULS iIICSOOL SLATES of different sizes, Willson's excellent aariea 44 filpoliere :and litadensi.intblished by Harper Brothem.ttWether with all the School Books and Writ ingliateriabi inSoffered; wholesale and retail, at gaffSCHEFFIFit'S BooKsToRE. NORT.ON'S GOLD PENS. Anditier krt. oelarton's Unrivaled Gold Peas for Ba le BOO:ha - TOE ides Alipests , NORFOLL DYTERS-1144. Salts, nn-Yr thee Jeinsis Mate& York Rtver Oisters, a Rite article, under the Jonemsgouse: • ~ Ass,..:DiirNdrrs„which will be served up . its flue style at abort nide, ' Imes Homer, by N 00KET--BOOKS,-BIIOasKIN YUESES .11011CriMKNAJIBS, mad itgenaral variety of LEA +' lops, jaat faceived at • -• 132.RGNER.S ROOK STORE. CM Ii itOlittitrTHEßßY, imported in .a: AalLi=-11111triallaVtlia .Irmaat , Sherry Wine in this country,.. . ler sale at &EISLER. & FRAZER. onaccooka te Wra, Dealrats, CeJJ for one year. rip