aitg Et gra N THE PEOPLE'S Orr"--va, POE PRESIDENT, A. xs,AHAM LINCOLN. HARRISBURG, P A. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH A 1861. Union State Central Cominittee. The members of the Union State Central Committee are requested to assemble at the Jones House, in the city of - Thiniabtow on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of , April next, at 8 o'clock,'•r. M. Punctual attendance is re quested. WAYNE M'VEAGH, Chairman. , GEO. W. HAISEEESLT, W. HAT% Secretaries. March 31, 18641, The Attitude of the Copperheads in the • Legislature. " •••• •• • • The copperhead leaders irrthe Senate' made. a bold effort, yesterday, to escape the 'Oditim of their past action. The men compOsing the minority in the .Senate, are responsible. for the increase of the State debt by givingto for eign bond-holders gold in paying the interest on those bonds when the currency issued by the National Government should have been alone tendered. It was a grind plundering scheme arranged between the Copperhead leaders and our British creditors. ;; It was per sisted in, when the judgment of the Legisla ture and the wishes of the people of the Commonwealth were clearly against such a" payment. But the opportunity was teofavor able for dealing a fatal blow) at the. ;National currency. It was too grand a chance to im pair the national credit. Hence, our English creditors, instead of receiving the; six per, cent. interest due; were actually paid at..the rate of nine per cent. By this course the Te -• mocracy in , the Legislature, backed by a Democratic State Treasurer, increased the State debt a million of dollars. Now mark the dodge of the Democratic leaders to escape the odium of their action on the interest question. They now propose to, pay the Soldiers in the field in gold-or its equi valent in notes. This is a bait to the soldier. After having voted to disfranchise the soldiers —after having'gone all lengths to degrade and disgrace the soldiers, these same men begin to shift their positions, and now advocate a measure to impair the financial, operations, of the National Government, by proposing that the soldier's shall be paid in gold. A few weeks since" these men insisted that . we were morally bound to give the English gold or its equivalent in payment of the interest on- the bonds held against the State. Now the same men assert that the American holders of the five-twenty bonds have no more right to gold than the Soldier ; and - that .if the' `soldier .i¢ compelled to take greenbacks - at their full value, so'Slionld the holdereof the t5-20!s' be compelled also to take the-same paper in pay ' ment of theirixiterest. This is the logic of the Democratic leaders. It is a Rusillaninions at tempt to escape the odium ,which they earned i a overpaying our English 'Creditors : If .they clan delude the soldieliiith the iaca that they are his friends,their.first, object will be gained; and if they eau destroy thetnational honorby depreciiiting the national 'credit they will have accoMpliihed their full ptirpese:,:' . In forcing :this proposition, on, the :atten tion of the Legislature, the :Democratic' lead ers have no idea thifit They'do not make ,theoffer to ; pay tirseldiergald, good faith. ,They are not . interested in -the personal success of Our fighting Men .such a degree as to' seek . the increase o t f his 'pay: , What they, are after is to . play t uponhis_prejti-:' dices—to delude him. with the idea Jiiat, the, Democratic leaders are anxious for his wel fare, in order that the soldii3rs thus' deeeive,d, may be induced to support the Denmeratie candidate for the Presidency. Should the Welt succeed, and a 31'Clellan _WoodWard--bc made President the first effort of 'the 3)enio,a arctic party would be,to disgrace the He who-has but acifeeble,Aseernment, can easily diseover the bytirigy of thetMove-. ment It is a bold game, but it Won't 4.l l aY_br, two, ll we;ii, theprint 60044., on the HOpkine gold scheme. ;Its: perusal : will infcii_in: , the reader of . the hyPociisrof the. Democratic leatlers.*.the *gate, and exp,pse. the shifts to whicli;#Ley:rebortte. male capi Sal fox.traitorous clione's now leading in opposition to the . Grovel:zit ment - Appointment 'by GevOrnoiFlour , InspeetOr James P. Parrott was aPpointei:i spector at the port of philadelPhia this mom big' This appointment cannot fail to give general satisfaction, both .as regards the prac tical qualifications of Mr. P., and. the pakript,.., ism - with which he has conducted. himself during the fearful sianggle, of; the ebuntry with a wicked rebellion., Mr.. Parrott was Adjutant of the Corn Exchange Regiment, was wounded at Sheppardstown hi.a skirmish which took plaoe immediateli j aker the battle of Antietam. At .Antietaan,'Adjiitant Parrott behaved himself with great:courage. - He was taken prisoner at Sheppardstown, and suffered g - reatly in the prisOn dens at Richmond: Hence his appointment is - only: that - racogni-' tiou which Governor Curtin ei - ef eitends to, nd which the soldiers always deserve. The Ainiy Cif tliu Potontae.. Accounts from Washington itiate that "all intercourse with the Army of the Potomae _the part of civilians, correspOndents, tourists, hucksters, ike., ;has been restricted byLieut. Gen. Grant. No passes whatever are issued to citiiens. This is one of the most whole: some orders yet.issued in reference to this army. time that it was relieved of the embarras' sinent.s which have:Se leng hung over it like an incubus. iiiay soon, therefore, expect to hest good `news: from the gallant Armyof the Potomac. f*T_ A Mrs. Cornelia Hill, Who Alied r in Mahloe; Conneetieut v -last week, wael;boX•n;:inAkiie,4 and died on the .day of =the Month,'-and. the same mouth m, the year. A , remarkable coincidence. Removal of the State Capital. The efforts of the: moneyed men, specula tors, politicians„stock-jobbers, bummer and zdvanturera toiiffireveAlie:Capital of Pfn*ryl- - , vania from its,present loca . tiou 4. the city of .. Philadelphia, ire beigiUninsto attracithe tion of the people in other:Pqrtions iheltioin monwealth. It teas hoped:4lM the scheme of removal could be carried out before the whole matter was fairly brought before the people. With her money constantly to-back her in her projects, Philadelphia has been flattering her self.that it retinired - bnly a t?idiinheitifyi at onceAsecure thiS remoial. :But the project ikbeginning-tot.attanot thee-attention of -the people:in all -pests,:4 - 4 7 the n Stilte, and if we are not greatlyMiste ‘ kintingp+iii opix4o4 Oa* who have blien'secretly•atirbik ness will shortly raise a storm about their heads, which will ittleast• cool their ardorlor this removal. , - —The following article from the Pittsburg , Gazette puts this matter in a light which cannot fail to win the acquiescence of all who have the real, nterests of the Commonwealth at stake: r •-. • Thefirst thought that suggests itself to our mind : is that the removal, is not called for by the „people.„ With the sole exception of,these whoteside in PhiladelPhia, thelocation of the caPital isaccentable to the t peOPle of :the whole State. , Itis centrally located, arid,' whether correctly or incorrectly, they think - the 'loca tion, a good-one. Philadelphia only desires ihp removal, and we do not need' ne of their own lawyers to.tell us that their motives' for _desiring it are selfish. It is Philadelphia agehmtlhe rest of the State. What'the peo ple do riot ask for,' should not be done, at least , nothastily . . While we rejoide at every evidence of the . . prosperity of our sister city, we submit that it is not _generous in her to seek to degrade the remainder:. of the'State 'into a mere prii vincial appendage, - while she carries offall the honors: Philadelphia isalready a 'Mighty city, while the country,on the other hand, needs developing. Instead, therefore, of re moving the seat,of government and the pub lic buildings tOPhiladelphia, the citizens. of - that city should feel. proud to see every eounty in the State honored withthe location of some public institution—a college, or farm school, or military academy, or some beneVolent .in stitution. Such a policy would go far toward opening up the vast resources of the interior, and, would besides do much to break down the antagonism of feeling rhich now, exists between country and city. , 'Philadelphia can well afford to be generous and just., Indeed, if she were only , ,to consult her own interest, it is her true poliby to build' up the country, in every legitimate way. • It is not best to centralize power in a coun try like ours. The evil effects of the'central izing policy,are , seen everywhere throughout th - e whole world. Paris is France; Londonds England. ; . ."4The blessings of , grolernment, like the delkof hea,Ven,.shonld be distensed equally mpoir . :llite, , riehlandithe poor, tht, high. and the lew." Philadelphia already exercises . more influence upon our legislation than is right and proper:, This she does : through her heavy capitalists 7 —her money, Would she ex ercise less inflnence--would the, morals °tour, legislators be, improved:-it' the capital of the. State were legated, within her limits? Even rere it wise to remove the capital at that time Li. -surely not now, we are in the midst ota great,.national 'eon r . vulstion which is shaking the very fonds** of sociatyt . The public :mind alreadi sufficiently . excited,:, Mid, to suddenly nproot one of the landrearleiSOf the Stati., add to _the agitation. Changes 'like the one proposed-should beLynade, if made at when men could calmly consider ; the' reasons for and 'against. CleaTly, they coild not do so now. s.; rse.".9. iFor the honor of the • State and Philadel :phia, the capital, not be removed,* the strap judgment: manner that, is threatened:, If done now, every man, woman and 411ild,ln the land2vvoiddlnew that. Ring had &Me it,. The question shgnld first go to the, people in some shapejor,,their consideration and 1: Where islan item of expense ceiiiider ,edsq Our beautAful public haildnigeatqleiria 2 ' %burg post the. State not,lesS,. - ,we presinne, than ,'a• quarkg of a Aillion of, dollars. Who is pay for,the nap I hnildings?;(and ifs the State, .why him/4 , A e'VeilsewAs'a we, . 6 :44Y !riv!P;; foitY;BidlliCTO . ".1 • ; ; i• ;' Finally, all thearguniente erred in savor Of; the reraoyel.Pf the:capital to Philadelphia can be urged witli,,equal favotof its Nno* to Pittsburg. we it. Wil,are ~more Modest than the Qiialrer •City, and notnear so selfush. - We .haVe,treated , this, subject with some • • _Seriousness, although hasiily. , We have reason' L to believe thatTAiladelp)iio is in earnest with her.prOjeot,„und s ,,if the people,of, tie interior do •not,a4sh to waken up, some fine morning .andfind,Fhiladelphia marked , on their maps as the capital ef i 'PennsYlvania, they should `once' haup and,doing Personal, and -Political. Qhe pr6minencewith which recentpolitieal 'events' havoi' of Benjamin E:;.Bulta!x : h@f9Xe the country,is causing *Vita to bediscustedin political elicleshere . With unttual It is' worthy of note that the pc:Alt464 WeatheiCo4ira a e geiti4tOtPeak laia"name with Innimpaii•Fespect Of late, which is' , `a pretty. good evidence thathe is looming up very prominently a 'Candidate for the Preazaoncy. ' l'h6 conservative intriguers are just :djaicovfiring, Ara l he ikka very dangers dan=4thittlielnight Possiblyhe too arbitrary, &c. AU the stabi'alan4bia which the Copper` heads " have. beeneir`ctilating About Gen. Ent ler since he went , .MtO the : W m: , are, 4 6j,.V 43 jug retailed by-the' coritervatives . .who claim t d be Republicans. _9 The Cincinnati Gazette remarks that "the: prOiii•acted and heated`straggle in the (Ohio). State DemOcratic Corivehtion, seems to have been over a 'difference og - 9pWcizi,' ;whether Mr. liallandigham or tkeneral McClellanis, the best representative of the peace- and surren der Thimociaoy. We are a Olifige'd to declare' our iastonishinaht that, neariy. one-half Abe' Convention disputed Generid MeClellan's, pre-eminent k to, this character... . The Cincinnati Enquirer . lays.down. , the' “prilielPles"' of the 'Ohio "Democrady" ✓ in this ',here can be no war tinder the f Oonstitatio.n for.lthe cgerciorr:of a Sovereign. State. The bemocrapttetand.bk the Conati= tution,, and i . e!ii'qt that such a •War'cihnibt proseciAid for. ; any legitimatg or ; just pur ipose, or in:auyjust-mannee' rOn tins plat : form' the Ohio . 'S.ThiniocritcY" run GeOrde . .l3." McClellan. ' More then the number of votes hrilina . rib- polled in times of peace were cast insev-• er o al Counties in l'ennessee at the recent . taxi. reineretereii.'thiiik nruhtteraoktile..mlim„,ererOgignt A l rtheiretel may, it is clear that a very large proportion of the population takes an active interest the reconstrii4ion. A soldier lay...4rta lady's' hause, badly wound ed A - Wjor-General rode to the door. His oiderlf took his horse. Hsgot - off, went in, and sat downby the'dying inan!a•Side: Taking out a little beiok, hifire64 from it:—"Let.not your heart be troubled," &c. He then,knelt down and offered up a prayer to God forlhat' dying soldier: Arising' from his knees, he bent down and kissed him, and said: G—, ue shall meet in Heaven." He then fodeiliff.'-Tlint-EFeTie-tZiftklinjor-Gen eral Howard. ' ; 1 ' ; A 'TeateTS,Paerß9tx:cii-a.guri: o A.s.P9 o iineu of t,h.O.,handlieirk of: arSontheni..lp.dy—a pair o$ knit pautihoons, in crochet work. 'Thizi twitirliivas firmly and neatly /done,, and the maker was Mre zW.,H ,Mtkokie,, of Coltimhis, Arkansas. During the.hlookade•in that-region her husband neededn-pair„,of pantaloons, and as there was no cloth to be had; she toolvher crochet needle, and, with pientiof homespun yarn, got up an artidie ecjilal 'to anything a tailor cciuld turn - btit=liiiiidsome, , A -appear= -once, and good for "threti,yptiva pr, Ann ,war. 7 The Copperhead press is already at'lvotit predicting. , it• defeat of liientanarite Genorai Grant in his coming campaign iwitti,itheArmy .Of the Potomac; this, too witfiont the -sliglit-- . aist.evidence that sucks result is Co benppre hendedJ All beeause Gen.(3l.4it. would not accept the Copperhead , zioniintition for the . Presidency! - :• • 1 • The, Official returns oflthe election in New _Yolk on the question of e t nienilini e th e eon• stiettkion soldiers to vote , ate com. The'res4i For, the Amendinent Against the Ardendment.. Majority • 410 716 JudgePearson,Of'Noith paiOtia in a re cent Imbeds cepys cnse,cilepidePthat the re cent act of the.Ribel Congieeis, tel;conicript perserui who have furnished . s . nbetittdes for the war is unconstitutional. • • - The Atlantis IntelligAncer of the 9th inst. says: '‘{Mrs. White, of Selma, Alabama, sister of irs.; Lincoln, hitiarriVeilfrom Washington, having siriugg%d through, IV rebetumiptra, the bnttons •of which' were. , gold, and worth $1,000!" • .• • Paul liorphy, the . &ass player, has :return ed from Paris to Nev.iOiltitiaa. He went to Paris shout four years ago 'is a loyal man, beat all the European's ciiati, ind was flat tered and honored immensely t, He made his late visit as a'Rebeli got beaten at chess, and attracted no-attention.-whatever: request of, Ganeral , Grant, the dig inissarof Colani3l . ( tra 118.13' been. rei,okod Illeetipg of the State.99l.„Coshantttee By the call at the`headkof .;oux column? to day,. will be seen that the i raemlo ! ra,9l*e e . ICfniou State Central Committee. :are Aram . pi l qiieL to asaerable ilkN.o 3l .icitYloni,W9dP, 4 l34l% k unti, instaut. 7,9j_equasted to urge + every raemter of tlie l Cominittee, the neeekiity of a punctual atra , ce, nosast proaaang,impOrtarl.C43 will 'be broug• lefor them for consideration: . SLATURE: BEPOiTike k k OitTitii - SEUTE. THURSDAY, liar& 31, 18644, The S'enatb 'Met &t lOreircitik,'"A.. tr.; Mr. T'Pealier Peritwar , in the Altair. A..number , of pOitions wempesented i and; comragte - §if.X6TA `.! " r , , 06 following bills were read in,place:i, '11.14 KINSEY, an act increasing the mileage pitor,e6nstables ,i1013nolot• gompty. f ST.4:IIS, alantiplement,Multri iet,to in ' cariporate ibb Phcerox hotel of;Willtesbarre. Mr; 1:M4,440t foffliO,relief of Jarfais Mille , Of liincester.ccuAy. ' . 1,1 co r: NICHOLS, an Broad. street, Philadelphia, Nymocix;, .to', 140ortioratii:.the ColOersport andi timesidlle nalrOad: Coin p Mr; T , AIVIBERTONi art,itOtrfOr tlib u relief of E.. Carroll; ‘lfio*.iiioiiiii.O.'W.J•pfreftie.4l: . • Xi. STEIN, ate act Ito , ineetporate -the' Northland coal libtl:#ql l ' - .'atharkY• •- . ' ' ' 14.7151INSON;;Eumict , te' anie thejlitee . of lioldWelectionsin-thelOwnshipof Wirth, celn4e ' OPUB-ti r : . :... c.".j . “.' - ''.: '. ''''' ..'2 The.bin to regUliteiii4etiimis•by:SelPiiii iii the actual military.seriice wasttaken up and. considerolat length. , After' the rejection of numerous amendments offered 1:q•-the Dein- inipede the . piegieris. of the• till," it ,itie passed iinally , brthei following. vote: . 4- The yeas and nays were ~_reqinresl by , Mr. WALI / C.E, B,lyl,34 l ,Az . .4tpuigg; i ttyX Were as' follow, viz:* ..• .:„. .1 , ,, -, : - , ... , : . . .•. YiAs i —lidessrs. Clummneys,-Connell,• Sina i /LT, rienlll i fralucct>. ` l 4°K IfP* '9 l :dir , Johnson, Nieliols, Ridgway , St: Clair, Turrell , uson, Woithingtat:iml it.6oAoyi taker-48,- - .Noarapaxa,,Dear4l4ek^ilgq . 44 A ; Clymer, Gliatz„ Hopichis,.. faamPeiNkri,., Latta, Muut -6317,x0y; ift,sinSlt , * isthit 4 ark': Rleinhind Wall 'Rice-13. - So the bill e pessed finally:,.-. :4:0,, , 1. ' The Senate ttlierivro.' , - ' - ) , L I Adjourned. , t t 'HOUSE oraw4gßngirjr4g: • • r• • - • " - P 4" 71161 4, 1 ' , A „ hr ,glB4. TMe House 1'441 1 4'12X4Pg - 4A! he following Vvere pAssed g .T.. {II . act to legaizeKail.l4oilie r kr the fay rit Me of bonw Taliga c4ls i t trolihted.lo / vo tul"' leerl3 bYAbe , dountk conimiattionisrs.of_Venaugo 6b u i a ty...l . ; -.Au.adt,iiiithts i *lUg thy managers of' ph r i s t Chur4WEAsAtal Mr. ,, AVOlipresentedv the aetoort , of the coin-. in:tit - L(OV ivicOm was ' , ..referied: that vortiouLof. the Gi*FliOr's atnAat*gp4o:fgating to he Gettysburg cemetery. Five-Ithousand': copies •in English and two lhousanct . :70 , iire i 'ordered to- -be • 'bro • House . 54, aeurtplement to the iiet npvropriatiMethe:lidhtary iszcifthe seterat comities of the Commonwealth to the relief .frincl.afrthe.saidicomitics;. was discussed And Kr? SMITH (Chester) moved •to suspend . ' - thee to talnS, up the bill to enable banks of thilt cari.p 4 irg,tiii. i the'iisiness of -bs.n:lt ring under tha.laws of: t4 9. l gted St The motion, requiring. a two-third. vote, via. Tiot . , . r nimiglKf 'petitions- were ,presented i, resAM,place and report 4 , 11 . Atomized till to-morrow morning. • J3[) ,EciegrapQ. THE WAR IN cc E&YPT. The cepperhoWEtight-in Coles Courdy, 411 Troops Sent to the Infected District. CHICAGO, March 36. A sp dispatch to the Tribune, - dated Mattoon, last night, says: • Four hundred men of the Fifty-'fourth noisentleave Charleston to-tight-to ate tack the rebels, who are said to be three hun dred strong, under the command of Sheriff John S. O'Hair, intrenched . at Gilladay's Mills, ten miles north-east of Charleston: A portion of the Fifty-fourth Illinois is at Mattoon, that place also being threatened by rebels from Shelby and Moultria,connties. Two companies of the Invalid Corps, en -route for Springfield, have been stopped at 'Chfuleston foratfirriipon duty. . • _rickets are ont'On idlihe roads. In the fight on Monday, four of the Fifty fourth Illinois regiment, and one Union citi zen were 'Colonel MitchelipAve Privittes =air() Union citizens were id'itfidlid: TWO rebels were killed and several wounded. - From Washington. Wesalwarox March 30. OARTURE OF A. NOTORIOUS BUSECWILACICER. Gin. - Patrick, Provost-Marshal-General of the .A.rmy of the Potomac, sent, to this city yesterday, a notorfoni iebel citiienatict bnsh whacker, charged with the murder of a son ofkikator Brown, of Virginia. The proof against 014 tp,34, posttivs, as thei &aims intSeked by SeVeM of our`offilerir. Col. In o apitol•F grahaw. L oorprOted the.plisoieto.t.ll4) Old ilsn.ih'i : 6 i _258,795 48,079 Yesterday,,at the request of, X. L. de,Gepf rej,, Acting French, ltft'n'ater,', the four 'Men Who were committed to the Old OapitolPriion as deserters from the French merchant ser vice, were sent to New York and turned over to the French Consul-General. ' No authority has been given by the Trea sury Department to receive subscriptions for the Ten-Forty Bonds, except to certain As sistant Treasurers and designated National Banks. All representations to , the contrary are vithout,qny foiindation in truth. 3 Tam DANISH BLOCKA:DE. • • The State": Department has been officially advised that the port of .NiApOtadt, in Hole tein, is now blockaded by the Danish Govern 1.. the President hal signed the bill to carry into effect the convention with Ecuador, for the mutual adjustment of claims. The Senate Finance Committee have - re ported amendments to the House bill for pay- 1 mg the expenses.of the Legislative, Indicial and Executive Deinutments, among, them re, during the appropriations for the Agricultural Department from 10,000 to 109,000,, and in ofejtagtg ake appropriations for the Adlntiurt General, , . Quarter-master General and.:. Pay `Master Chbrierftl!s office - nearly $500:000, pi a& dition to.the amounts; already lir the;bill. The Nat , Department had: received , nifor ;nation that ma -.the,,l4th inst., Off Moiiariito Inlet, Florida, the United States schooner Beauregard, captured the schooner Linda, from Nassau to New Smyrna, Fla., with a 'corgo of salt, liquor, coffee, &e.l also; of the capture on the 'same day, by the same'tesset ilkepritish sloop Hannah, of ,Nassau, N. P. , The-vessel-had' on board a smalloquantity of Cotton, but the ClaptOn threwitoverbijardl)e -fgrp being ofipt4ied.. The War in , the Wesi. OS.PTUB.E OF garsAnntra; LA ' RETREAT REBELS SIBEVEPOIET-4COMENTID D-E -STINICFION OF ..FOIST DE BIISSEr---roaarireis' MOVEMENTS ra KENTOCEY--COETIWITED errEsuisT AT PADtralL ' ST. LOMB, WEDNESDAY,: March 30. 'rho steamer David Tatum, whidh_n,ached Cairo last night, 'reports' a.part,of'Foirdst!S forces crossing the. Cumberland River at Ed d Ville. A gunboat has bean. sent 'rip the river to look after the matter. The Ist Alabama ( CaValry,reported last night at Cairo; haVoo,riii!aniniousay, Werdiated. They are 700. strong, and all Alabamians.— They have , seen bard service. 'They are on the way to Decatur to recrtdt. ' '' It is reported that large 'numbers of tnion men in Northern Alabama are waiting to join the army. • Colonel Spencer has authority to raise a brigade there. He thinks it can. he: done in six weeks. Alexandria, was occupied by our troops on the.l§th. The enemy, tinder Gen. 'Taylor, crossed , the .xiver and retreated -to. i,ghreveport, by'laid. Several rebel manboats. which wera'there had gone ttp.the river. • The steamer New Falls City, laden with cot ton, it is reported, has been burned. The advance Of Gen. Besx's cavalry, under, Lax, arrived at Alexandria on the'l9th. The remainder of the 'aFray_was within two dug' „march. When it arrives thp.pozabined force will proceed wetitiiard'hyliuld. Supplies are 'going - by river. • - 7- The retiebi north andlibritliof'RedriVer ,concentrating at Slveveilirt,Ciccept Gen,Hen-• BISON'S cavalry at Colombia.. - . The gunbnats made a prize of affthe cotton. . Captured, amounting to 5,000 bales: Fort De Russey was accidentally blown up on the 17th, killing four and wounding six . Coo,Wednesday„ March . 30.ylieraphia papers of the :evening of t4:2#30, ectidain•nia The least information 'from Paducah re- Presents much'excitement aniinigtO'citiiinis, fearing another attack from_FOrrests • foices. The merchants and others are moying their goods and valuables to `a safer Place. Many exciting rumora are afloat respecting Forrest's movements.. Several planters from• the vicinity - of Skipwith's Landing have abaft= doned their 'plantations and °gine north, in consequence of the depra , dationa,corinnitted by the guerrillas. , • • - . • 'Loc - mriTT•v, Nyeclnesday, March 30:,--The business portion of New-Liberty, Owen coun: ty, was destroyed by fire, on Sunday. About 100 of Forrest's forces. crossed the Cumberland, at Eddyville, yesterday. Wisconsin .xrx ! Ltpu conventiqn. The Union Convention for choosing Ail egatesle, the - Baltimore Convention met at Madison at 12 97.45ick.% Gov. Solomo4 made President. Among the delegates = oho= sen are Ex-Gov; Solomon, ,Ex-Cietv. Baridall arid Hon. J. F: Potter. . ' Resolutions were adoptid etdokizing Pres ident Lincoln andkfavoring his renomination. T.b.e 13 01114 #0* 1 harmonipus ihrototikk...,llbilltogiata Igre'riitnAtous . Tor LintOE. .~.. THE FRENCH DESERTERS. ECUADOR GOVERNISE NT EXPE I: SES AFFAIRS IN sissy= , 30. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOOND—On Front street, a small smn4 'HWY. The owner can have it by calling at OFITC &pang Il t uie re ' j cetved ; rigotaZigar• „! A (sece!...orti4o Wm. R0e.2,,M) ipogualiSsacevt4lltist 'igathe& -Vveiy smalpOt.7ltrue choice BUCKWHEAT at SHISLER & FRAZER, (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) mar3l . in... - VINE No. 1 MACKEREL, Kitts, jnstre ii: F ce.iVeil at saisiZß. & FRAZER, • mita ' (auccessora to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) MIME Kettle Rentp44lgs, just received . _nuidli vs: lgaccdisaltiPEWP&• 1 .& rn-al Cca. ~ CHILD'S NURSE WANTED,--Apply to 11 marSl.d2t* Mrs. T. J. IClErmit Walirdt street Ha EK-T*d 1)1[. TWO HOR I S kliir#ll3k nib gons—suitable to haul lumber--either single or dou ble. Per Sons in want of teams will find a bargain by calling on JOHN ALCORN, mar3o-dlw Broad street, West Harrisburg. RErdefttll 1.1 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE AND 36 8 N'Aii rt -- 1-144p1OkiF 9PI _ . TO SOUTH SECOND STREET, Two Boors Below 1161ker'r Hardware -.Store, OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. mar3o-if /la r.P.! _ . • Valuable Farm at Private Sale. 111474,SUBSCRIBEA offer s the email RUM _ _ . on which ht. restdes, at private sale. It is situated three miles from the city.of Harrisburg ; 'swell Improved and in a good state or bdltnidloiteaM hes a Ifni-TOM* Orchard_ , a good running spring and would be well adapted [marg9.l3tl, .7.4' D. B. ELDEB.-r- p UttLIC SALE Will bq sold, at public sale, 14,,, the residence of Kr. Henry Shanabrough, on the corner of Brady street and Holley alley, his entire stock of Household and Kitchen ,Turn tore, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, -Chaim, Stoves and ripe and a great many other articles tab ndmerons to pendon; Sale tonorstnionce , a42 o'isloek to=morrow (iiredriesdaoMtecnoon. , - 'mar29 , - KIMIIINGER a ADAMS, Auctioneerm. won. SALE. 1 LARGE and agendid Book Casa - - with' Glass Sash above :ad WWI below. Zwittite at. BABB & CO.'S Auction StereFltat biratroaalltank. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, -'h , . . Pra,ctical. Watch Maker, N0..2 Market Streit, Harris]) , Pa. . DEALER IN S kitAvsft FINE WATCRE , . ..1. .. •. . , ' . 11 1,.', G k• ‘.;'' " .tirri of YENVEI.4O. . . FINE SILVERWARE, . .' . ' PLATED WARE, - ' , , .....,, , ~,,, . TEA SERVICES, AND ALL KENDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a well selectiid mid elegantly asmrted stock of FINE WATCHES CIiALNS . ''' • -... ' AND ' SEM_ _• FINE SILVER MARRS. .0 1. Ri? MO; XNG :rCS :AND ..'SligSS'Ir litiDlS, Both in Ooldand ItilveirCiMes.'.. , • ~ , - . Alio, ,a fine assortment of ' --'-' LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on band. ...„..i, 4, . • +: , • :.. ..t ; A LARGE YARD= OW .'. mr,.e„-.A.IN - z , ciAaciics, .. ' Of all:descriptions i allot. whtelt will be sold atttaii. ~ r ld a TET i S. TY CgOir, li g r c AT ' ' : 1 '" ' ' lair * Cal I 'aid esareinerthe &odic, . , : ‘"'' Particular' attention paid to' repairing; of"tneV l Z , such as ,Chronometers , IMplix and 'Other' MC ' Watches, itriA, all kinds or ' Jewelry neatly /t O ared. None but the:Most deMpetent workmen employ 'M the wholdrniaty:r undtu!' . 4'oiii`poisonal gdpeivlsiciv. . .• - __ IL l'. ZIMMERMAN, marZlii Ne.o. 52 "Mtulket:Street; adJelnlng'Brant'illall. AITADDEMS MARBLE YAM?. 'CORNER OF NV'ACNDT AND FIFREATRERM Harrisburg, Pa. . . TIME undersigned having opened a Marble . Yard_ inthis eAy; ISatjukvtt9 Wens. thei r &Jena and the genenil, map tut**, prepare d, to . fnz= MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, sucial As Monuments, Tombs• • " HeattAtitones, 4 kud 'louse Wo k ual l tAilzd dB Bfx• Lire tis a wilt guarantee sattsntetton. ' ' H. ..i.. - ettering neatly none In list' Gertiten. :.r29-dly SCHOMACKER-81.- G 0 'S PIANOS. .S.O2R, GRAPES. MO la well (mownilk this city to : need . 69m , ..A.:mendation.'"in use by, •• • • • PRESIDENT mii - couf - • • • 90VOAcc0 121.14' '' I 0” 150 , raltVit . , Anttmany other dietinguteltedsitheena. The undersigne d , offers : these sttperbtriald,a . Weep that 'o3tltot fag to command public pitifonage: - , N. it —No OLD stock on hand. Also, Sole Agent for the utud • STEINWAY lAN O. ALP° ' ' - B4AD,Diritlf - !S C E LEBRATED ?MAIM. Chielterines and several other of the very best makes. None but-perfect Instruments sold. . ... . . • Call and see largest, Block ont.ofireat • ,rmu2S-te S..WARp,. Third streetlinste Store: • NEW PitiIirADELRHIA., - -. ; • I O.A. 'o, • Ort"6.sw w Biocgr,. Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES Of FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRC ARS,' • FINE STRING SHAWLS.- . Will open on the Ist "of April.? Einarsa-ay 20 B.OpexEr,o,"PeEl;L"e',).T•dEfili_:!;ll3rY SHLSLER kFicsa.sac. febl gio it,ww4..8..0. Ok—On yeaterday.afteinooit, on Marketstreet, a roll, or:Bank Notesmnounlip&W. $lOO. all State notes exag4rsls of trailed Statecockg. Theabovednward• wall* paid by retandn . • h., 606 CANS Oki* Fresh. Tomatoes, 200 Cam Green Com 100 Cans Green Peatkput up by the most...celebrated fret growers, aruiervery our warnortedlo gbrequftrucekny sale at ur SHISLIKRAFRAZER, v ...• • feb2 •- 7 puteesswas to*Wm Dock, Jr.,lk :130.1* GnX4SI4Pe old vineerwOlll4ootect , for- side , at keystone Nursery, at 50 cants each; $l4 per dozen. Wor29 BEA Fiav' ' l4 ,..s rlir tnt e cg ß arti e ntlz t e, ins re, Teb3 (saccessAkikini.,jr.•, ‘ & Co.)- ONiT t ET.'b u very lot acsitiat.tiaii;'ilticraiiatthi t t at - k :- (Suctieiiiirilto W. Dock, Jr., k Co.) mar2B A PREYS,- ITTEPSIF4 - 4A &RI labfdar6e. c-1.4 baggy Just received at Ahura* touCateors ALataakiaanMr 3,-- ~. ANTED—A. Woman to cook, wash ;LL,I ; • iron. To one that will suit, good wagvii w,.. Co:ored woman preferred Apply to Ws. JOHN W. HALL %.,,,,,,,,,, . Meal-at* .... corner of Second and Sonti, „r:,.., AIPrANTED—A single 111 N, wh o under _ Y stands the - Confectionery busine, ,, ; Iviiiirprk under instructions. 'A3.80 a Chambermaid. Apply to L. J. sp* ,- Second street. bear r, WANTED—A young MAN, as Bartender. Aliso, two White Girls, for Housework, at E;I - Riz E HOUSE, cdrner Third and Walnuestreets. oti:a . WAN' ED, -A-0, OREM !S NURSE (White.)—Enqiiir B. F. liEerEß'S' Third, near Market st rf•t . ,mar3l-41.11#. I -NAMPA) with or ith Iv out ..7 a business man, by tit: , :L - _e o April, to use in the manufacturing and MeTrar.l.;, t„' . rikAs in Harrisburg, P. For making money the o",-,,. XlVrare one and safe. No :competition . For oao enquire of S. L McCrl.l.lola . Wagange BmkeriVallarket street, Ilantburg, pl. febl2-doatsf” ' - • .• - - - - A GENTS wanted to sell the Standard 1 - li:;- joi. tor* of the War. A rare chance to make raz,,-, Agents are daring from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200 . 6'.1 volumes already eold. Send for circulars Addr,a soNts BMA. & CAI.. Publishers, Baltimore, Ii&TM ": • Nroz - /kA.,4.4* - wAwrs. de SO EIV ADVERTIRptriENis. LEWIS) PATENT CALENDAR, CLOCKS Thiliteasurement of Time and the Record of Dates Comhined. THB cinT INPROYFAUP OF THE IGE 110113MIAN, No. 52 Market ,tre, t. A 211. • Hassiaborg, has received the . agency Eh Corr biped Reamer of Time and Recorder of Dates, LEWIS' PATENT CALENDAR CLOCKS, to which wonderful piece of mechanism; he respeculLy Invitee the attention of the public. ' The great wlvar,t,lat oC thl3 Clod* is, that the machinery of the cal,quin entirely disconnected with the works of the clock: it is simple in construction, requiring none of the ri,n ing nec=Asyut. themitorks of an ordinary cluck, and .t can be transported without the least liability to ti .mug This Calendar is self-setting; the 2.1-hour wheel of clock moves - the Calendar at midnight for the folletvini; day, and the - mechanism of. the Calendar is such that is aststiteelf for the long and short months, thus, without. Amur attention (except to keep the clock wound) it will not • only - pant out the time of day but also the day of the week, day of the month and month of the year, giving 31 days to Jan., March, May, July, Aug, Oct. and Dec.; Zo days to April, Jane, Sept, and Nov., and to February it will give 2B days for three successive years and uu te‘ fourth year 29 days, thus making all the changes. eluding Binsextile or Leap Year. inarfli-d2w PROCLAMATION. WIEERHAS, the Honorable JOHN J. PlLtr. - sox, President of the Court of Common the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting or the contnt,s Lebanon and Datiphba, and the Htmorable S•titi EL Limn, and Honorable Moess R. Yoaxa, Associate Juitge, in Lau phin county, having issued their precept, bearing dile !hi! 28d day of February, 1884, to me directed, ire tot! Wirt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De , icery •i : ii gnirrier Sessions or the Peace of Harritbunj, ter thee , twit of, Dauphin , and to commence Minted= 5143:c0.ts Art.ii tzar, being the 45th day of Apnl, 1884, and to e•ei•in • Arro weeks. ••• Neils° Is therefore hereby given to the Conner, of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the said many of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their imn er prisons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of silt i:ay, nit!, their records, inquisitions, examinations, awl thi•ir nun remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bo. . nnl in 1,1 , , nuances to prosecute against the •prisonect that a e or 'sladf . tie in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and ityri• tOjirriterecute against them as shall bojust. ' elven under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 2tillt day at In the year of our Lord, 1864, and in th ev,hir iditleyear of the independence of the Unite 1 Stale, • W. W Sennuar's Orme; Harrisburg, March 28, 1864. w. w: PIANOS. ALBUM, IIEIES kAclimprs EibELSTOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. KNOCHE'S, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. OR REASONS perfectly satisfactory I. F tame taken the agency of the above mo-t exaslatiat, Thoputilic isimlted to come aid eY amhte for Utemselvea . A few Sehoutacker dc Co% num! On hand yet tv:l g4I4.IfPW- rutir2:• IA!)N 1 now. UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs T. publiA Nit..he iuiCbas eS the -1111.T' ; A:4D CA.I I ST0111: tete the property of T. J. BIIREETT, decease.l, and 11.11.1,1il eenttpme t hee busineskek the sed stand, Wi.cro will - conaltinCy keel)! oniiiindiAlkenettd azsortment H A T..Sr,. Sz c . , OF THE LVTEST S-TYLES. which will be sold atiresionalde rates. I . fr`.9lFaAsharoec,patron,sge is respectfully Factwz H.: IL ION: JOPIXN`A.'.I3IGLER & CO., MARKET STREET; ABOVE FOURTH. (NEXT TO . .anar. AZUMBIIII.IS OFFICB, ..1;1 Aitsit-,I B Warrants, Claims, Government Securities, Checl.i. Vouchers, &c., gashed. mar2Sd2m- literalism T Moving i tS this is the tizne.,to prepare for. Moving. ft. wonid be well e all having to more weal. gather up their surplus Furniture and send it to Barr', Auction and Furniture Rooms, where the highest price iL Midi. will be paid for all kinds of second-band furratnn. "akehange for new. NSW FURNITURE of. - the Ablest quality always 1:2!I • I?`ESE R . TERs. $lO REWARD. A ITYpesson furnishing information of the Ala_ whereabouts of any deserter from the rimed States 118PriOe will receive the above reward. AU aim itsitications sfrfUron,fiderdial, and no names ever )11C71- BOX. 13, mar24-41awtf Harrisburg, Pa. "VOTlCE.Whereas, the partnership her& £ tofore existing between W. Dock, Jr., and Josepou Shinier, under the name and style of W. Dock, Jr., CO.; has been dissolved by the death' of W. Dock, Jr., iirt the store as heretofore carried on by the acid firm. h. , been purchased by the undersigned, notice Le here . given, that all the business, air heretofore carried r, the late arm of W. Dark, & Co., will be continued the same place by thikunderaigned, the name a..d stjle of Make& Frazer . , who will settle add pay all ti - e debts and liabilities of the late Arm of W. Dock, Jr.. s; Co:, and receive all accounts due the said firm. 1111 for past favors the new Arm will be- grateful for continuance of the public patronage. t JOSEPHIIS SRISLER. exusruiN S. FRAzEr.. IbarlENMr • raOETANT T0_•.414-i- - -It Will restore the to health, the intemperate to temperarre. Rhubarb Wine rdildif it aIL - 'Don't think theTeadiug the adv. stiaetnent;will, doi. we don't claim that But you will go- b C. K. KELLER'S Drug Store and get soul , of the Tule and examine it for yourself, it will ,et right; I will warrant yon on that. Orders for wine twine plants taken and tilled by our authorized agent. L. K. 'gnus W.R, No. 91 liarket street, Harrisburg, Pa, re fall particula rs apply to co' addresis the above. JAMES It. LAMEST, IMford, Pike county, Pa., Wholesale Dealer in Wine Plant'- mar22-dtf Matinee* Seed. r_ONNECTIOTIT and !, PENNSYLVANIA *„,, , 'TOBAI;XX) SEE can be had, at 60 cents per ounce. WYKOFFS SEGAR. SLOBS. _Market street . mitr2l:4-00. AABISTEAMS !!---Michener's Excelsior. Just, cured. Received and for sale at SUISLER & FRAZER, _ .Yuck, olia"4„ . „ , (sa seetsors to W.Jc, L Cot. Iyclgr, or Bullet Giape. . I TRONtI , y6ar old vines, of excellent mats fach;44.P.Ptc!!LlN a"Cer".n° Na j r l e art NEM (whherffrape, either for the table or urine, at av EffiXaltirsiasy Grape -3CP.A2000=8,, stp a ph, or $9 Pex -L "/ 01 4: 1 4 - 4- * " Nurdery— JACOB ZS& ME mar?i-Ja~ci.i BARB, Auctioneur