1 E TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED ifORNING AND EVENTIS I G, .61" . GEORGE BERGNER. f TFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. 11.1 :Ys OF SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION. 11 D- LF.GRAIII is served to subscribers in the s alas per week, Yearly subscribers will be 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto, ..! ince will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. rdL TE,EGIWSI is also published weekly, and is punished . iul,cribers at the following cash rates `.11,21P 0.1110 , weekly.... copies to one Post Office , —.o:us to one Pest Office MUSICAL: A. P. TEUPSER, - - TEACHER OF M. S OFFICE IT 'WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 If 21611.4(.. E,,,,ieneo: Third street, akezriro2l:9oA. ifELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS.' .11 1 - TWENTY-SIX -FIRST PREMIVMS, IapALT4- AND Taff. osi.l - GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this bas been awarded to BOSON tt. TT A - MT TN'S INSTICIDINIT I NT A fallassortment of these iasdruments ealloys . W. :KtiPP)Ws, 5me.1 1 40 1 0,1 98 'Mirka Utreet:.,.l I ENRY ?ACKER OF 'lllll EthaW;NriaiODEM. AND riaLlN.—Terms reasonable Thirskstreet, b,iwas Market and 'Cbeetnntsr:reets. - • jaa4th-1. P[tOFESSIONAT..• ELECTRICITY / WOXPERFUL DISCOVERY ..4171) :WOZTDRILFUL., RESULTS. , T E R. J. M. CREAMER would ..respeotfilli: L inform the public' in general and .the Alarming/an,. ! „,,i s .shir, that he has opened an office in south - - Secoiadi beim , / Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., , whererhezwilf.. treat :all iiisrageS entrusted* tb his earei in accordancemith td.':r,,tien discovered and taught by. Plot IQ 11011011 y of I'in:a4ielploa, with whose institutiem,heathasa peen. .con ax.etti., end to whom he takes plenSgte an •-refeszing.the fi.r information with respect to'himsucceen lm eon— crv.,t,;:g .li:tease_ mg:ging the system withuntertain medical agentsit- All race percorniOd by Magnetism, Galvanism and- other of Electricity,. without- -shocks or aiy . -_nm • 1.1.:.,•.55i sensations. After an Electrical Dlagnogis , :, ;:itiritilMe will be given, if desired by the patient. fcrti:r•r info rmation call and gee a -Piattipblet ram, of certificates from rued, ipal men arid oth er: proving the superiority or this :systetri tirilirattlett . ail °Own's'. Consetltaticis free. - Office house 9-to 12. S. s., Ito 5 tend 7to9P. M. • • • ; MELTON CRR.53 . ii ,ere tuAll-sa 7' r DR. J. BITE'S YELLOW WATER POWDEoIts? FOR HORSES. .rIURING a practice of many yeais ii this` 4.1 community, DR RITE has satisfied himself thatthis - rim der is vastly superior to any other article. ill WA , FOR THE OGRE OF • YELLOW AVA.TE'a And is of great service to Horses that. have., ?e . their. • APPETITE • • • AND ARS • • HIDEBOUND, 'FpffIiDERBD; ' • • EtlSTFL.Bli!ktlit E • Also, that It will prevent .. a... 1 GLANDERS, COLIC AND THE BOYS, When faithfully used two or three times a wersitt-havigrti rating and fattening. For improving the condition of a Eleiso,,heAsertethare • is no better medicine, as It will eitrengtheirthe stomach mud assist digestion, cleanse the Intestines of offensive matter, and regulate the, bow* when costiveavpritrah,....e blood and promote digestliin-this the skin is the pores are opened stadia lope, scabby Hortaipeoontes fat and comely. The Powder can bo usedfor Cottle, pheepao.ilogs wAtb, good effect. Mrectious with pa - ekage... : YRSTATULD ONLY 4ND SOLD AT IKETIEWS' DRUG STORE,'." jan 13 No. 91 Market street, illiiriOhrt GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND UMW MAL BOYER .& ROMPER: ,1 j wHoLES.A.AN. N . D ; ,I3.y.JAIL GROC Eli, Queen 3 s , and 'Wags Waxe, AND. ALL KINDS. 1 . COUNTRY P R 0 , --D,ll 0 ITAVE just opened t large foid.well seleetect . ail I l i stock of goods at their stand, No. 8 IdarkeiSqiiiiie; l'a„ to which they hrit,littent4ohdyllit% FINK , generally! h 01641 . F N . . 1 IA u .430„ ft -.- . • Bitissler &;-i-Fr , a4o l r,. (Successors toWm. Doclr, Co:) IiEA_LERS IN FINE FAXECa. aEOCE;: opposite the Courtßonse. baverinthandatine . selection of • • • BRA uP diabrent , lintages. • FINE AND COMMON WINES; • ' ' • Of Every . l*3,.* . k.N oLDßoulinow; • MONONGAHELA, . FINE IRISH; AND, sq. qrcp Whiskys. The bestnceibtought to tlile - tenriet. , In.]) WHEAT, . : • • .FAM.hLY NV.C:TAiR{, And the celebrated. - , cIEuzENTr CHAMPAGNE WIATEB. , 7 till - LOSS JOHANNESBURG, • • %4AIH It= SCOTCHAHD • IRIAIJE ALBS: , - I.OI\TDOH W 11,1) - • PLANTATION With a complete stook' Of ' •. . - lea GLISII AND ABLED4cAIIIPATJA.Wri.:',' And Condiments of every desiniplkoniew: in the .Miirlieft twit at TEE LowEsT J On.N-wT S . E THIRD STREET, NEAR, WALNUT, trAxiii.isßun.6,44.q I ;": 2- r; . WHOLESALE AND RETAIELDFALV.Rir;, CON - FECTIONERY,. Jujube Paste, Citrons, Moss ' Figs, Dates , „ ' • I,lg Paste, . PrilmeS t. Marsh Mallow Gniiit i . l. 9o; • AIM6"-S;Walallts'.. Cream chocolate l'ilberts ;• ' Plain Quidies;b:O., Nits, Oranges and Lemons, Grodpid Nuts, Canned Fruits, . Jelltea, • Co:IPWIMAt.qt".` Teas and Spices, ail kinds,, Cranberries, Paper Rags, ' Hominy ark-Ring, aL I Cider Viaegar, - Cakes‘and Orattersc; Fresh and Rail Mall In sea: 'Swediiiid Irish Potatoes, son. Green and Dried Fruits;: Vegetables in season, And Country Produce in •i Raisins, Currants, octl3 G RAPE VINE'S of all kinds; principally) Concord, Delaware, Diana, litteCadir#l,l.OVet tua, Catawba, Oporto, Clinton, C rTipor—F/T3Mi, Ittt, &c.., &a', at Reyatoue NUrsery, 7- + traarie ,r4trilllWm 131. DER, 1 • CIDEIt 112—Two tiiirgli3 Vi and marlB pure CIDER Jut received at - :BOYER* gorapEß. A NOTHEIt lot of biiikioe Oatitrbi'le't for,s4s (wai t • jou , "‘--- • T 41144, • - . ,/ r . 4-! - •••,- . . . • • •• AD ' RATES—DADi -The fo the rates for 4±rel . -t •• 4si • . CllllllO, , ..• . ottani' " his lx• . • • - • • • ven- itr iwl". #ol;; sisir " cm ' "- A - 11 r ///' , - • . , _ • WC": ----- j‘ on lirt e e tti e d ir , t iwat wfr_..; . ±er - • ROY. • Tw° ................. „ zr. ,• ; tit , • • „ • • ".• - ,• Three &to OIIe fleet.' t •. monti, aOO One month, ±- -`c • - A . • • , . Aidelthe tod IrseW ~...la-te - . . tl Op i 10-00. GENNA PWINER. UUMi . a `' f DR. JOHN,SON, UM BALTERWIE - A LOCK: HOSPITAL; iAS'discoverei ' ` the mos certaui , speedy CirIVW rfinle sl, lloiiithf , " fi l s tAG: IIIipMEASES OF LISEP.RDRENOE. . • tit *tii-cOspk-To-rryn Itottlit IieIIigROWY,OAO44KP ARA* fef of.A.lSlO*ltYfrowglf. tfYqi 14) Wealthesivot.themllackmAffectionti ef the *Jitneys and Eladilibl . ,ll.nvoluntary Discharges, Impotancy r fieneral NH* Nervonsness,;•inyspepsia,l, Laurier chow .<Spirits, Cent:n(lo of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, • Trenitdings, Dimness of Sight eittliditieek Tiisetute of the Rein!, .Skin r , , iAffectiewr of the Liver, Lungs.. Stomach. "et - Sofels-41icite" . dLierllett: arititiiilfiroM the. 431itareThdajtalf•.Y.iititli4thesa secret Mid Nolitiry taileli . Nfttinur than this song of Syrana.tothe_Mariztera.of myanea, blighting_ their_ most brilliant hopes or &alpine/40ns,nen,.dc.rieg marriage, finflowdble 'e ;: c o ‘s. s • ' . • YQUNQ3II:EN • 1--r , •••••I 1 , :I :9 I gi ,4lly, who have become 7: or the victims Solitary, Vice, .thatAreiulful and destructive habit whichluonal4yaweeps hihiiidntimely grave thousands of Youn g Mete of the most tfaldttd. kalefitta„ and behind.' nekillect, who might =rha , „ . ..,hinpegi listening Senates with the then , :" . dititrof; 'Nuance or waked to paw the living full confidence ; HAPEtLIGE: 1 Maripd persons, or Young Mon contomplatinifintiriage, Ibelig ware of physical wealcoesevibrpoilo - debillty, dolor -1.414„._de.a, _ . 'SPlr44. Vuoit±, '4:41 w.o„Plaoekliself vAder tbe care of Dr. J. may re liabLogir LI- Is aa‘k : gentlenisiOnia sea ..Ontly rely upon his aldll:as' ... • . _ ..46A . 11: Jr.). mmediately cured, and Nil vigor restored. This distrait*. afteaai-.4rhich ..readers and marriage Impondble-arti l ponalty-pal&by the vic tims orlimproper "KgOngenrstazicaretoo apt -1 9 com*ltt4iPaitaV PP l 4.?lo,beinglaarf the areitand. •iconsequenceithitcauty. - enatie: - 14.vt; - . talib 'that 'under; stands Welk,* will'Oteref,to deliy,that the **et of procreatiniiii4 ofiiier by , tlideefedlint into iMprOper ha 6 is than itaddaNtiaCidegitived or ' tlity 'aild'de-• rive tgriffittnna". to,' both body said. ~mind arise.. IfteAaemlinconididtiringal,:the:pltystad 'dad' mental' of„prppreatAye poyer, Aerreng , dieyrdyna, paphation'ot tan helitgestion; 'cons II wasting traina, cough, con., sumption, decay ' • - ' • • • ; 01PIOB No. 7, SootsAmnia= arivart, Left ba& *de going ftern Baltimore 'e "a f ew doors from the corner.'' nat'W oWree'nenie and number.' ' I.:&era mica be paid and con netazep. The lkimor's Dligoniaa hang in Xi lace. DR. JOHNSON, ;ember of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad= -mtle from ono of the most eminent college:rib:the United -,Stat* and the greater part of whosklifttibell been spent In the hospitals of Loedon,l'paris, Philadelphia and else sillere4 has ern tednistuf of`the, utost„astonlshing cures, that were di' ;' manf tibribledwlth litiging In din head and ears , when, tsidesp, great nervousness,. being &termed at bashfhincilk itillezfrequent blushing, atteeiled — Orbetinelm with derampunent of mipd were dured ' ' - • ; t . 4 • TAxErPARTIMDAR-NOTIOE: tI . , : , . - .4': - •L Thee ' labdt are some of t h e lad an d'giebenchdif 'o i' pro. duce4by, : oarlopahatt,sf youth, yis : meatless of back 1 laW 'albs, - pains — hi th e wad, dieesess of 4ot, fair. of 1 rtilar power, palpitation of the hemliVs plitt, liq- Ass irritability symptomatof caurozepti , AM. - • " . J I 1 111 ST, _,4lfroX .• . --, 1 4 ftatifikeint Wonilie" - 4 lid are much :IA toe Ottadel,4l lit,smiur i nfosion of ideas, de „pressibii arsitliiis,iiiir fore . tOrtVori to - society; :self itistitisi,l6% of'sollttufe; . ty, ke.';'arit• ime ct ...thkeille produced. I .. .• -- ”. • .: :-:: Who have iejuretl 4 themselves , by certain practice in . reil • fie WhikttidonVontslidtifsequintily letirnet NOM. entimanitma; or at; school; thti.effitete , otlittilchArilt - huy a f e el , t i . lp e o v a t b whiLzi t ee es %an ya d i trt mind•- and body Stiniirds mmetstely.. 4 . 1 r Whets irtr t hatn - yoniagmanithe-hapeof hiscsamtryi the darling of his pallid' `italthishiMSDMlftblkiil.ffrOm all t ,egigrasents of i lifeby ths ‘ consectuence of ling s ffoniAße irtadi of- naMe and , IndulghiglmsS aeoret habit. -.Sueh,persons,Tsr t before cpatem - PA1.94 ; i J.af 111 ; Meat .thatit some thinth.ahO , ody: arephemost 'meets., ary clipmilites to promote conhubiallatiptness. kidded; with. out,these, the journey through life roecomes a weary Mb **age ; the prospect hasirj,tdatlfegeate,-thfiyiesf; the mind' becomessitadowed 44Allett with the melancholy reflection that the- hatigness of another be. gamek blighte.dVql - .244.1 0 r 4 • ..iIIitgP I OI"(IPAIEP:RMAIICE. _ Ass.„4 _ e ~*hen the misguided sum imprudeat, votary of nleasdre :Inds hehastliiibified the (iiiietle this:WaWol d&mm4l , 7t :too,oftetaiititienethav thavan Whaled. , Sense of •eltamoyorlhe dread alibi:ovary deters him Man Applying to those who , frera edaciltioitand rospaitabUity; tan'slorie befriend Ile falls iritiiikie bin& of ignorant and designing pretext& era, Who, tridigiable — ornuring,lflgh pecuniary' mb ance; ItemS ltiiiitillihsgAtituith after mbntk or tia the ..aliest. feeder herohudned,..anC fa elesPeir leai tens with ruined health to sigh over hiagalling disappoidtment,; or, by the meet 'the deadly. liabion, Mercury/ beaten -thet ormstitutiorialitaititointbftliliktiriblediamae,suchasaffeo, Ail4lll of the &Mad, Throat:Natio, Skin. etc, Progressing . With frightfulJaphitty till death puts' a period to his dreadfiil sufferings br. idhSiag him MUM tudhscovered ' hountrylfrom whence ;te travelerleturna ' • ilsghtElTT THE 'lac; 'tiv Ls The Many thealande .0316,14 tine inainutiori year iftei year and the. iininefo . ei - *Omani surgical 0j:411104MM panjav 4y i oLaiiinjLetg_eaged..hy _tom reponers of * argarstaila=freTeMa l = "4 . dell e e l standing as. a ,genyetnarCA*lddantai and . reaponat• :411ity, is a nalnelint gdaratitealn:the Meted. faCMIXIf3IMEN SPREDILT Mali • roir#tea . ,fillslHE s.: .E , :; - ,,;. - , - ::: - .:':• fl :.:'.14.,.,:'..,.,.. MOE .i .. ti) U }T * ORGANIC o , l dm„, "TII.E UNION-NOW AND :E:o Itt-y'g4;l!,!—Trebster . - ,HARRISBURG,.. TH . URAD44 . - -filtaf 31, 1864. AItEDICAL. •"• , . DY- .-•- S L •• D;ISEASES RESILL:G:P#.IM4_ . ' 4 P 15 9 1 MX r1110,31:1147-RA: AND DIGESTIVE -011efitN$,.. a o.r nit • *c HI) 4 1 1R.CA'NIVAS .16 :•11i trif . 6 ERTHEAN s ‘;:BIT I PERS4 t , l •=. tr ,. , ,• ; •" 1: • 1 ME GREAT STRENGTiIEiGNG.TONRI.;..-.,. SE 13itte'0 Ma u s pektbiTued'iriqii Cures; .._k ',have initio give ` better sarafitattin4- More :tar timony ; hate" ore -ri&peciAlei People to, vouch' for ahem 'Hum our other article in the gdirke4.*l if; 1- We defynny one to.contradlct thisrassertion, and Will pay $l,OOO to anyone prodnbe Vertilleate putil llshed by us that is not genuine. Holland% , Gerthan - - Bit tersfrill, cure every case of Chronic or Neivout Debility; lli of the Kidneys, and.diseases arising from a .dis :ordered stomach. the following symptoms, 're- Tuning froznittinikpiders at the dimative Miens:. ton: stipationl In - Ward:Piles; NUDE.% of Blood to the' head, ...acidity of the Stomach; Nausea, Heartburn,, Disgust: for. Food, Fullness or weight in the Stonnie;Sopr Eruct-at-tans, 6%04% or fluttering at litia pit of the Stoniaeh, - SWinituing of the head, Hurried and diilicult,hreattimg,.Pluttering at `Abe heart , Choking' or suffddittbig sensations when in a lying posturp,, phoness of,yisio.Dota or webs ..becona the, sight, Fever Eton dull pain in ilk, Deficiency of poll. piration, Yellowness otthe'slitst and eyes,:Pain in the side, back, elitist, &d., Stidderillushes:ofihelik'Thirnint in the flesh, Constant imaginations of evil, and groat de pression:of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is nut n 1 co o e y contains no rum or whisky, and..can't ainalFe,druakt,; but is the best Tonic in the World. • • • : • - -,1 • • READ WHO SAYS 90: 41.3inFthetRev.,,Levi.G. Beck, Pastor , of the , Baptist Church Pemberton, A. .fo_rorrly the : North Boptist Churchj plMadelibut: " • * * •:* :401f, * I have known ltoolland's °ermine Bitters Avinably for: nureber, ot.Years. ~Xtiovensedithem in rartattu family, and havte peewee, &lased Atli pelt...effects that )(Was in duced to ritelniiinend'ttikiia to,inanyOthers', and 141DIVhai. ' they have•operated betnittotaf Winner; I: take great?Pleasine..inatour 'fact, 'and ..:aiLlingitke attention of ; ,thoae • aleletod, 4ftlibe diseasea for which `:4o7iy are voceinnelidta tepteak i it to s, o wing fro& experience knit' my reicenireenda of will be ustaidal: I do this - : more ' -chterfully: as Hoof , laud's in , nindad, to benefit •the il ficktlyypil ft and t ig : "not a ruin diUk:,,!„. rebid, ' •,1 urritarßECOWl Rev, .1, Newton liroirn; A. D., Editorof leliSions,Hrifia,A,edge and Christian Chrotd!.. ale' Phllatieiphla. Although net disposist4o favor:or PStoit" 'Helicines in.generaliithibughtditartist of "thelringiedients: ,and e ff ects, I yet ,know, of; no, suilletel4,,MVaa- . r i g, ;a lienmity not testify the beliefittla believes himself to ' have received from any simple preparaticei; , fie ibb'"hofie' that he may thus contribute to•thesitalsefitauf , others.— - I do this the morereadliy,, in rogardto Hoopand's Her man Bitters, prepareithybr. o.4E because I was prejudiced against them for many years, the impression that they ware chigArap,4ohßlic inixture. krmy friencl,'Hobert - 4lioeantit," lier, Esq . for the removal ' of this' projiditis' byliroOefl testayand for eueousagfraeutto try - thene.When , •sullirring.. from, great and lcong l continued ,debilty isin Ze Tsai et' . t , i,erce - f.: bottles of these Bitters at the. , of, tt present year, was followed by evident' ref et Ind 'raid° - tion to:a degree.ifrbgbily and mentatVigor lerhich .1-thhad not for, six,months , before, aild.luul alMoat. despaired, c.f regaining I'Aisrpibii thank ,Hild`and nny frignif" fat ? di recting Meg the nee • dF. fin a Xel , " J: INEWTONIBBOItIiMiIiada. Froth ,Tiov• 2B4Ptisk, Church, Geimantown, Penn. f* c.t,m; exPelie.*.e enables Me ,to say itytt i rrekind.the - Gernian ultuirs,„pre • paled by yon,nejtengisefexceßelit'ilitedicitilm“lti•oriins of severe:cold audgeneriildtibility I have beimcgreatlyttione4 - : I act e d by the use oft4lteißitters.; csadAls!44:.*:l44lPsT.,W,Allf produce similar effects on other*, et Yours truly , • 'llltAitit'jell3lpt i.a. t 411 IM . , • -. ..Apf : Zm•Rev. , ..7... IL Aurae; 'Pastor. ot , lieddingilt?E b, Philadelphia. Dr. C..lf Jackson:—Refix 41r:--Having,Red year Oir man Bittatiiii to y thatifirtnnitently,T,aarwaparadlirstry that it hiuttiftt of airiatleviee. Mist , oases oft4tedorMdebility ofi.Me system itsis tlie,eafest aufl , =Ca rou 11 0 1 44 1 .,k 0e n.raedZclr;rhiF.4 tpavJ any i kuowledg DNEN e,, TLI • ~ .;" gibetuoitle sliest -From thg formerly_ Pastor di the .1),apd0371,...5Kik.) 131%444 _ . : Nsw.itdou . Trifr. C. If. - laelsdn9-atlear'Sfr:—.l.4eiaitlrpl thus,. of my own scoot*. Wheat. ftestiineriyito aim. excellence. or. the German Ditteiii. Some yearn since baing ; ,mtch r od. Bided with Dy4:9 3lB o.F.(gtAtte4l Y i t h, ll 6 ,l. results. have' orien - reconinthiided - thiemo - feehled - by thatakamikitlig — - dielkittVaihMerrig !Rai tliim the most flattering testate:m*la - thhirtgreat value. Wee 9f.SpiYirel debilitri,L.Palieve Lae- a tonic tunotbe 'Aqtr.trOA ~• • , • From the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Ttosborough 131(ptlat Church: ; ; . . Dr: Jackson: ear tt due to yous , excel lent preparittibU," Hookand Gettittua' Bitters; to add my M testimony tlie - deserved:repittitibn it has obtained: I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and ,oervotut. system. I .was , advised ,by a : Vend to tty.ti bOttleof Your German Bitterti,• did itOuld. ;hue experienced an' yo ur relief; - myihealiii has been 'very materiadyhehefitted.. I confidently , recom mend the article where I meet.withcases. similar inr own, and have been maimed by many of goodef fects. IndsPectfully yours, • • T. WINTER, Iteirliiiimgh," Pa: Prom Rev. ' S.. ILernianr•of the German; Reform ed, hutch, Kutztown,, Helps, calmly, Pa t ,. ' Mr. G. M. Jacksbif:—Lßetipßoted 'Site=l hive:been , trofibled'with Dyspepila 'nearly' twenty years, and bare never used any medicine that did me as much Pz grunl's Bitters. lam very much immoyed,irk health, . ft haying taken y.eb,mtAes. P Yontu'wtth resßeot, ;•r Ja4 r HEltkik ` \ Large Size(holdlngneaVy double quantity,) SI:00 per bottle—half dos' • $5 00 Sited Size--75 cents nerbottle--hairdos.:;::..,,,-4 4100 B&W -A.;s CX)UNTRS'EITSI See th at Ma signftit , of -fi e."ll. - .TACKSO3P , is on the "RAPT= °fetich bettle., . 1-IShouid. your.neerest druggist. not fIEVIi the article, ,do not be nut bff - brany of the intoxicatingprenarationithat may be offered thits phote tiut send td tfy Jaw- *re will' :Onward; sseuredy.psokod, J eons& t y • , PrincisedOthee:and , Manuthotory 4 ,i , N O: 631 ANON 'ST A, B ,PELIW74XIII.4P— • '" aitaxasiri coLa-M. gC,CIb..7 t IYor E 0146,114,13 011, oitorm il wa. PI, "f i r. • i ft) AND gEll BEI =SEIM 11121 E - . I ..is~ :;~ EMI ii U ", • • z„, ' 'XISJP O IIIW..N'II,S. . z,- CI e,t; ;".SlORthatailw:l VOUSELia 11 14 1. X) 451 41 / 1 331011ND 1- :on . k Nolksixioplatiedt. u 11- clizatkUMEMo2 , l44.alWilt be sold'obaap. , • - •ALE l o; , thielAYrelo 7 feetivide itioldisititividrd A7llO, One I.oor 4/91eatlaidikAitnate,takaNni *Pet. The ejtotra - lire very deatiable - Fro - p - erifes and *Or be reasontOrrateaa linvirebt Lt:;J: BOYD;L • 'SetiOntl *gr L ty net door,T to,casbytrienXtoteh. ai f; , A .A ;ttcyntrogisMY,- - -iiiittei‘'ficai !at 4141. „qu i t fak,l49atitataapzatreet, atakfrontiam tceet and , B 5 Plailit'alloy, by aotigatacandiaidadtilbeizir dtpastaz,itatai-diw,._ chnoix t vin tl i a pp lAr , BY tlie.l3ltrgel, Beg- aßAVan,,at 141 e Ware bowie of the Old Wallower I;in lit, wharf; Nina-111w) D A ANtI .'MIIENCHi At't. 7,^ >>a6R ; • .) PLOroicGroniidanmtillig on L.Ohestantl 4Hk 3 street 62 feet 6 inches, Twining along alley 210 feet to Cherry alley, with 4 frame housea • Eit-A .• • •• tiacolt , same: LI Wardrobe, slew; onesLetoOikn get Stove w apparatuo; Pointer Putting Dog; one Ltw d Book case ate. dithabeekVislfilig on - ?tibias 4400,.$ SHELL ... . ~,, . ; ~ r ,- , „ r , The sufecriheroffete forego the stock. and 413ctiirlai of hie well ; knovit t jr z o l liSlX, LIQUaIt s BTORE AIM .RECTIFYING) NV , Nlitir tearthiiiWOA . e , or piplp4 the stock, .o.4sl4.r.Ofredl44lreff-14.,A1ti nese fitiac been carried on about ~ lat _ 4,,_w 1 dOiabliktiedi&Mth ttiflostore la to a'WeAl la i'Z'iiiit sTILE-P. ` /. 4 issi#late9l 4 Coital I ftmt), 4147 % 1 r 42 .vaniaindredir andeinal;iiiiit has' a private sill * i n : L fonformardieg purposes. Possession gtven immediately,-; dad - leak+ given for from one to ton years. Terms to suit nor Chasers. For Mother trinirmationi :NW on go: pro,:. misoiTo „ E0pir 24 7,41.;,:,.: , . ,Glit% a. g-IPLICEL -, .. , - g , P II 44 O i , ,PONCAtirr,B I A-9111ep COPFEEi;-=SIITGAR, AND MILK. gß;SONSanitlebigiip boxes tcisend tolheir. P frieds In he army, will find this an elegant article one box snaking forty Cups of coffequal to any Java cope, andwithtlittlelab9r. •Fig 8a 1e. , 04.. 4 .- ,smsla , . t 024 ' to Viii-D0610;747:26.i 11 gA-1 7 7 ( !W r i`ail_.. • MOSES FLEClt t reslifscifully announces to h prepared to do all lauds of HtlettrinHAHLlNO at reasonable rates.. Homewood carts fendsholl by the day or single load. All orders left at - the . Seedfld Mud House, corner of -Cheat and , Second streets, will be praFiptly attended to. . mar24-dlm PAPER, VVAiktIIOI3,S,E.-; RA.IR R E 16 iRP N do CO. 4. l 4ll l.ifektaitifituTzt,: PEOIARIELPIEN sm'Aiisrmarrurß.tits • , DOUBLEI TRIIINOTIat ; •• • - T 2: :. ift4.llALA.' 1 1 2LPB11."-OF ..-- ..• . ROLL . , r7 . )7 • I cl.or a inadeicicorft • 1114.14qRri, pelt; rofe, ; b4 Lium or gnat trit . n4l- " ' ' "1'tt1C113161.415i11 Ybel e tifa tAri . lling ':•4 l, ' ) • • Zulus:tura°, March 33.1864. .74111411112,0RQ5A45, : ate inviteti s ,Sor, the buil, Ili)* ALL'ltif ilve.blociii of ten finales *mat, of wiled - ofbriek, ,to. o lais, located on the grounda Lochiel Dori Mill . • PlAns and eg9l,fiaitAonp nowt.° wen at the office of William Come - - - • • ApApridriodpirm.....;ro,73s43.bo rwecOlyel.7r.7l4,ordi ► nAli:441.0j°4):•:1:1 •• - •alainztan Butt • • ranu t inatf refa. ..` DERANINZNI 61, 8Y 13011191MWOrd, Caattnassarrart'PA; March 24,188 k GENERAL ORBERSALT• 1. , • , A 13THORITY hitiehitteeri-itraiiterk:tr the War DeptirtmenVlotheOrentningtng Genizifforille t Department ofAfe.Snitquakommothe Ist Baqiiioeipm f Years' PenlltY ) TainiatYokuntfors,Ai: 'P u t a:digging% Of tkiipa 'musterer ta#i e hhedStates Service for Threefrilitik:be ditridgtrad War r ' is authorized recnriardea Teat Companies of the !riaibti; .riiim strength. an ,:.Tbis BatMlion t is on provotduty., t $ ofthaW a)goddlpiptift tcP . 1)1*p7474 1 o fiat beetilintheltairvicivancr..letese , bosn eff, to re-ever, and to those of good character Who vharderiet howl in, th ...tlat i pce to enterfaleo wanly those laioiyn th;of ' tine Officers perSOns'art: tboritedqh Selitrielfifdigasitt tiustwolthi) be received, as the nature of the duty this Battalion le called tint% to:Ptivtimm4ivAigli Plat Atn!Pulifi" aoldiera in' .ehorri.the cominandiSi officers can piece cbruidieW. ketsons takirigAdvanieWrirthe /beileatip'iMpArf6TA; 'eulletmente Winne isolate astir 'receive. paltrbir the•fibletaMexit es itatimils*ta egfiOngi Prfitg, The officers meet lie men who have had Demo rience' in• the military pervlce„ ant' t a t e character;tnu - of Wren ihal. paseessinvitheabwralitattlicatiolaiiiilktresay temi n ts 4 44.7 - withtki9PveoPr •PTIIRLe §-901 1 45F1CP / PMf. Jig= . ..t • Reertiff.4 Verso'os lisiv : Wisrosidkgr snits^ will Alpert . to• 01.0. 1 Geo; iferiffigiriet - -Ekttellon„LThree. Years? Pa. Volmotedglaaritiiict ainMfozr4 l avt awe , rah Applicatiorerlo,eater "Zlita ctiviteust 6. truolik fit mu*, that the " may' be settise 'rore'the lat of April next—after which date: the add: tinsel Goverdmeist bountiee,.o4o.wriPei.4l:-Klffsaori-, thitied, ; =_tho 11:7 1 - Do, liars bourity pgd, r sOk - tub mat) yoravk 4, c , 'l,-JOHNIS.,SEOI4/214 : iiiittrasiiiii) siiiiiitii-itibititiz •toiroaraial tr -113A_Tat ' . , YobtX" lIALTTRAE*. , f .- ta xa( ,et„: •i" • ~:•1, - -; • '3_ Pillll - OSittieiTOOMlltkatifidi"" - '.' '-' • '''' • Corn Bask Katt:amen 51 . ~. Patent Sprint Alit. Beds„ 1 .• !,.', % I • - f , :. , 7 . 5.. . -, :.; L • i Feather Fillows,and Bolsters - .. . . . Gotton Comforts and *reads. Lathes' Willow Work Stands".----- ' . ' . Capetpanipßtooltk,. .. - ~.,.. .. ''.', ilsog t ,,. ,latep i gittern; &c., &a. ',..; N. 11.--gafas, to ~'T . ;;; ..' -.•••, and : Batts= repaired.. Bair and S ''' Made to order: 'Zio' 101KMaileestreeti; - - pi k .z. - ...;." - .:, 3m J. T. maim 1 Steam SaW. or _Sale .• or Rent: • , ‘rrEEßAndeitignedcolferill for .saleaa - .desirable: MILL PROPERTY, situated on the Susquebarina, river, at Dunean!s, Aileen :miles • west pr. Harri s lidvat ( iete: - 'it'Tintber and r irkWes:L- Wei* einialeoersalwaY.- . ThiYiiilliis :geared - tit the nioataminned;styleti Itatv good paws , . Bs_ ,Co.) ellEin%; Whteh, iTro Gate Ataya ne with „icirtY and the ()tiler with slow, pia, eir °maw; also;_taree - : circular laws' for tlisiabdskiairif i!itliseeis LW( aid rieketts. The above:proi "mit* Alrietlexor rent an reiasksbisOrm& F or Mambas mA,or aLplrsoa oa losorr wrA_liiiiiican Mind_ inars4l.lm* Reamenue P., 0., Pk To - rs , • 1.4 gCPOSALS are inviteel ifor 'the Grata tion, Masonry, Bridge Saperstracture vrigeMes and the •RIVSINAt i .A CaNNALLSITM,LE betiveen 9.59" 0 0fT 1 - ' 1 4 1 4.:. 1 440At e4,1kti, ; Vnibtuulug;gtolistanoiii . of aboAgra f tfte ; 14 sectiiinsbr fibont one Addle nadir: b e , r e IL: 4,2=iire bi wtittet di an rttaburg;- on an optlseie will d;xsstbere.r, oinked until the 10th of APRIL ensuing. • mace r Brig LAWBIL • nilttsburg, Match 10,144 • f„ s,; i`i, - ;(W " Lmit • Tat i . 5.1atT106.4. c•I rS of 44.• yOl/10:101 ki r -,•-', '.. i 5.,:;,, ..gf;,.f.i L.: 3, :i. 1, 1.,...,.„, .R044434V14 1 a Le&lsla Ri. • • ..........,_ ~,,, ~..1 ~.. It:;:11 ItiM ~:-,k, IASINNATA ....i.:7 ! ,:.,:wkotetiNoolvani MEE ' Wirbnikat'kifehiSl),' The' Senate re-assembled at 3 o'clock P. M., 3 4; SPOker /*MK #o l L±a , o44irgi _ _ . .. . ; y....i 44 mr, - vr l,---BirthiaNlTT l T . p,IIT cap:4 4 oow : A*, „ 01' , `entitled fettOier: eirpplenoin lathiP to the totasill o nwiiiia- agietove‘Tiiilj roadzocknottalje,lipirrTid "roomyinv- , 1056. 1 iPassod :fitially._• ' --i -:' • -,', •,.,, T , ~.,, ~.. :, .!,... lo . Mr.ASSEUgiffitealled di-hilt in. .11": go.' 495,] entitled kfit4ihtTOippleident3o file 'net ineo - fporati4, • the "Piettyalmng ittilfditd" edinJ.l , .. .1 •. .., ~ ,-1.:. is • paiik. i tPaited'filiidly„ , ~. , - Airz NlCll4slM'culled tiii 'UVll' t4eir. :"IsToi; 'slo,iptitted ifittat-tii-tepeal al:owl:fan ofthe kat' eotion of an act, entitled .li. sapplexoeht: toAheitiet centiatidating; 4itiiityfbt - ThihiM-: I AS. Passed 00i. " •-- • ~- . --f‘ ... , 0 :2•"‘ 7): 1 ~ AL TURBEW called 3* ,bini ttet'ltifii 355,3 eat4Xed re - det teiamie3t . _% l the' Spiiii^of J o h n Vep: ma Witten Pligrati 'Orlatailtric-' 41/Lti tile,ld'inl4llll) aflTeirtA•Al6"ll",,li o p T3oiir, Tor school r 't nrkooritr.''' Patio' ' IMZMIIM , Called iiii bill, rtilen. No. `• Mn. WALLACE- 1 .. 'll nt's tie, fir ::,I,entitkedAn'a""c " lin g, c - , sr: ": eoiii..tOil'OriPititi N . sse m . i - -Fmso ei t n -a-t g itau, Oen: NO. 1, etl 4An act 40 * 01 Prite e t • es en cene e Allen" henY s ritiliciad CCairieny• ,Pils -----... -- and, — - ' ff. sea 1 .1 7 , • ' - -.,,---- ins ; -96,:', ' Mi' STARK ailed up tigt, , r .i nti a , e z ail l th,i entitled' n : iet__tf a.h,emiAtilliPitai tot:04411; to ;Lehigh alid:§,zullaar,o„ i;, - ,44 l ,ifte; and 'for hold ; land in t'''' -- ' ' l, '. • 6tier PurPogiaPase4tent ME It• No. ~,.,,,mr . Frm ' cone ~ ttil:t.: pil l , ' go ats ••• .. 179,] eptitled An act deem= . go , runi 'ca°t A l:uli t itrgtl 6'r el : i : m ci , 11 7 2 11: W e rii S en en thsn 'ate insall9°. t::71.151 ; 17 7 1 , Dau phin . ,4:1.1-3, . • . FROM WASHINGTON:. 11 1 Virmanikeiroir,- Minch' 89:: The State Depertnuine'hai bcen: Officially: -notified that the port of Nenstadt;iti'Volstein;- is,xinNi blockaded by the Danish GOin - Aninent. , Ttte Piesidisit has signed the bill to *Orly Intikaffectihp `Convention Mentidot for the Mtn* ittliiafitrdent%bpcleitils."-t Rachaiid %rah; for' nit* yea t etieldeftf' the branch bank of; the tridled.Stateltiiitidir ciexorlideOlkiet the beig , l( or Atie, welt, WM Iffih year: heavy rain story i odettiripd sfividgiit, *4- ' lowed *hie morning by ri alight ' The Army of the Pbtoimae. itriEsiiii mar, lizomikainzanw •Fifth iiittArliffetiP Corps Major . comma iyaiv e v - Ja..)12:1:11:1 inenti of bn des• • niade" ebnissaiidi4: (Adel of' the ISl•llqiibler, ref , the , dtritsiiiroiquieti to bOnSolidate the ttnee ',brigades into two brigades, to -be degig nated as the:Vl - let and Second Division, Amt j Cor Alsodond , i ßivision, ,, • :"PoirmAtaf-s66iiieitiiibliiided to one 'brigade, designiited wee d Briigisie, andedby-Brigadiei•GbnetidaL4ll. „The, old Third Division, Fifth Corps, " - ffill'reLt main as thi *iv Ihvieiony Fifth* l the 'Di :yision,l' it,ros:l34l4ioOrTP,'"ihns.Tbtans ferred3tietliiilßecond?Diviaikiii;-'l6iittl Corps, and phis division will hereafter liev ,ignated as the. Second tkiiiislerfe, Yift..bs.Arbiy pOfpz. Aried:lohin'lliTrEA 'DOW' ihk*Pirs' Wid n ilife Y heitilfteit'he jesignatedriiie tlfd iaomrth Division; ,Mmy eTetTliircrMigide, , FirstlGivireolikiW porps; of the old Second. Dfiiiicrni% I .4ziny Corps; of the old Seettid`Biisade, See -1 fa Division, Fift` i3oftwell 4 niid 151 the MirdfDiYiSiopibitirst..litniY.o4o4M.,are:erder.! 0 ., T-tds *'-41Ple.# ju P?:Pae.SPIVARIFtirAO47- .!;:The followiii iii 'the 'lO - terierid • niticics to ooinnaridlni the consolidateii - 4tgaPPor , ilenetre4, 4 . , .WecleXorghil.V.l 3 .# Man 61 4+ 1 4g Fsp4th:Diy*Ryili, Brigadier 0. 0 . 1 107, S. c rim,* torrimandin't :11:441:01: lino; o:"'EnhilisitoW• epinmanding SeoOlidiDivisienp 4.:l igadisr general iplywig.gipri..l4, gtommanamg First r Dtvision; generWlT Ayres { commanding BisgtigTiriit - Divided - 1 l Ottakti enininandiit 'First , I3dgade; Anni ll7 s•Thrilkni4l;:-Briglidier ee , llwgang- Second rigade,"Second Division; S. ffrikaaiei Gene yd J. s J Bartlett, Coininaidiliti'' Second: Dri-1 - 9: 4 •Bfigadiet:-'oinietal :ernes liarne%!•corinanding: Ade' First, Division; 10. Brigadier General • Cr. Rice, commanding Second Br \ ige,de, Fourth The.ltollewing, is ve_Tortiont of the. Cerra; Staff: Lient t 091,11. D.:. Bankhead, Inspector dekinel F. A. Locke, Asia - tent Adjutant General; Ca:omin' D. L. Amithi:Aaling Chief Commissary of eripe.,.. Captain:W. OentrY, Cendniesary: of lansters. The ether sifrEpere et! the,Siaff have not yet assigned . • ,• •.• Seobiid. COT , S—Major GOieral Jrandbek, , comietf a r ai ng :., • . ; t. 11.whe original - regiments: the-Ssoond•Corter have .. . been consolidated, into, two .divisiops, with a new assipinent. of 'diviom and - ,p*, .gaae commanders. ;„ diviSionfortierlY known ad the Fitt vision of the Vidal:Corps, cenernhnded by - 5 4jorz gOnerel. Raney, J:de heed ,desirurteci. sa:the Third • PiVision of the.Boi 4l CbiPs.• . ithe division drmerly tucifiiv as the . Second' :Divided of the - Thild , -06Ypti, in-whic deer Genera Ciirr 'has been assigned corn- Inander,:WillficintitfUmbekqo thei,ropAlh , ViNiEdoll of the Beeorid Corps. Each of theK divisions has been reduced to two taighat — Thq organization of ' the Steff:ofillie,so6bol. 4 . Co.ps- has not yet heen conkpletedwi The following is the isienz asale# l )4• 6 f•c cl milltinliti:' Vi*:Tvisidthti% n iarek genetart ritst-Bligadef el N. Aankik-Shal , '6 PRleg TWO. CETS: : ELPRISSLY FOE THE THIJEGRAPIL' FJ.M, , 41-y iii monQa l- 8 54° 1W .',fie ... 00 Agingßuggar Lien iotiqes::,..., Kou liantigeti:ottees irottata., tadthaeltrw withierhisei WATelinrilageisio34:Deatin . . MBE Noilr- , Xo,rk; Secondrßrigg' 41e, Colonel T.:A.-- rill:F irka ist' DelawateVoLtuiteera;• Third Bei . P. Frank, 52d New York; Fourth 4 e Colonel J. R. 8r00ke,:. , 55th Tenn -34.ta , Senoiva Division--Brag Gen John Gibbon; iNipitArigade, BrigiGen A S Webb; Second Brigade: Gen J P Owen; Tifir&Brigade, Col "St Cartoll;18tkOhio“; sfq. ) • s Third! Division—Pdaj GetelD, zit Birney; Fhlatabfigg4r Brig. Gen 4-Ward,..Second l ir &2 B4 A3 } Ang c t @Rl A ".br Ei V al • Gen J - 13 ...err; First Itrikaa, Brit thitt•ErMdtt; Second Brigade, iCal 4 Wra It C ßrailater,:73doalibk New-Yurk;.Chief of "Aftillik7,-tall. • ' 18 ittilliC 01 VB-4i et!. Sedgwick. commanding. - - ,II I I IIEI idd, add Sixth Corps Is lirdll iirt; Mettle ' (Shaer's): going- to thtigalist ; - the.Second...tWheaton's - nDivision. . Tim tvs9fy Third Wii-tthafer icartiTqle siJorpth;'anceah - Prince is as fto the - tdiiunaridi:Ot , The three +-oLlFlkiaToitision are ,einumlidated in • an 4 Morria.' - • Gen. H. G. Wright.-- FirStßit*te, Brig, .(lea. A. T. A. TOrbere; 11Sedondt . Col. E. Upton, 121st New Met . Thirdillkigade, .Col. Itarnlmm, sth drib' V,•ntecra ;- BOSsan, Brig. 1 013/4-AL . • il'ilifeeplidritieLßrig. 'Gen. G. W Getty; riiiigat le l :Brig:Gen, P. Wheaton; elecond Thigh24, , Col:, L. A• ; Grant,: "Fremont" Bri galiell Third Brigada,,Brig. Gen. T. H. Neill; Fefitin Brigade, Brig. Gen. A. L. Eustis. •Thitatiitiston - Brig. Gen. 31 Prinde-- Tirstßrlgade;• tr . *. Gen. W. IL Morris; Se cdnd Brigade, Brig. Gen. D. A. Russell; Col. C. Tompkins„lst Rhode Island Artillery, commanding artillery. Sixth - `C orps Slat —Lieutenant Colonel P•MoMalton,•Ohief-ritStaff and Assistant Ad- Jai ! General; Lieutenant -Colonel J Ford Emig Assistant Adjutant'General; Lieutenant' ColonelU ,W Chief .Quartermaster; CaPtaiirl Schofield, , Acting Chid. Commis- Sari Subsistence; Major Charles A Whit -tier, -Aicle-de-Ciunp; • Captain Arthur McClel lan, Aide-de -Camp; Captain It F Halstead, Aide-do Camp; ''Oapt R Bealimont, Aid-de -01%4; -Lieutenant 'H -W Fewer, Additional , ArdildttOianp; Lieutenant, Colonel Byde, 7th Provost- Marshal; ,Surgeon S 3,ledical Director; Captain W S . Frank- tin, -12th United States 'lnfantry, CommissarY 'Of'•Musters- Citptain .1.-11 Platt, jr 4th Ver mont.,i Actin g Assistant Quartermaster; Cep tairtilE C Pierce, Officer; Captain B P. Bhk Ambnitispo Officei. SE front Fait:ope.. =I EIkILE 2kFRICA " , 4T: .I)Eir A ' ll- -11 4 7•4*-1 1 C. - :•• • : - li4rise •fite ' :War irgainst . Denmark. ...:_r. ~~~, __ i • March 30 from tit e of en the'l9th and 4neeristown on the I,2inkti tensed at:tlyis port . this morning' . .. - .Bei sdvioes artt,tin:eitdaYB Ut0r...1" , Th'er; steno* ipganunottia ..avieeti.. at ,Southampton on the sna'tpe, r tfilictactis fitiayerpooi 19th:-: • - - ,The bnilioniii the Bank'of_Xnglaiiii has in ihretteod4.63,otA -; • 1, iOn the London Exchange Erie Railroad 'stock was AUdtell. at 60 iirDennutrlc shoW . &areas -ad VitersGesinana aro ' , vigorously Pthasecilting4talseige of DtiPßel• •::AdVabinet Ctinutcil was eld at London on iiiia=lay afternoon • "iphisliateites front Berlin state that.the PacosSitulk Sri , ready to -open fire.; name.•the PT:oak; ixolv.lita ;r 3itoitCrake has been Theliaiiihlialaries aresrmed ivithlcench guns. - • w- ShiPJ:24rthVianti% :bound .to. Boston tuid. wal3l3,urned at, eakiltta- ,No data given. , • lionilon :Morning Herald snyt the elm fereactilhas served: the privoli6 of the:En,glish i13a140,-Partiaog i nt twin *panned without jex t i M isin ggArty:ctßinitlL,: UPre are therefore • thnul .wee - iin in Wench something may turri up. 2.lteqiial'Otthe PinnitereiseizurZ. uhrsycfgrted ~ .to, A ,lie4tBh- O tt l*t, *op; was won by,:#3 On.. 4_1 3 9.4 • • , • ' OvT-kTISEMENTS. . , EL. , - • . .. . ijoi ; _ ,l i i Wpluji rms,lettets.tout,ameotarmatit t e Asttu or William .136d ,__,k, , m . .o_cimpkty X gareslrm . deceased, have = 'lime, Pith to tit atg!eri . . ker1411;;Per°033°...,11404° to th e said._ are Ileptan to make MtMetunte payment, .efili - ' ' ' deldePViedit itErthottlurestato of AWL . 4Apid,ent„wiExualto. liwtopia.lberitUXlO without de, is yto ' '- ' - ' "maim pack; Executrix. , garrtittirg,..ifatidtl, 1864. . • • .rnar9-doswair . Shaite Trees. 12114E - ElkSartiaeittot I.liStrer ttapla , Homey Maple, 119 hr A. 44 Ifo t e id Cl e mel pa, ; I tkonelleo rEltit cunlas Treq k.c., k ; Que STO;.TE N.SERY. e. •4047,Aabeit: M 14„1438!.. - - - ... ! , Ite,extiff,p*. AgOky., DiTi°2it" th rear of Hem's Hotel, Harris= ;burg, Psi. The LARGEST LOCAL'BOVNTIREF paid to nicraita ICOMMTITEES from districts and sub-die. 'Magda ttie State viill-be promptly furnif4hed with MEN to fall Ward* by applying to • .11utr415,4n , - , , - Erf4l-511U, & CO. QIIREBEOR WINES AND BRANDERS ever I.)oftbred pla marital. In bottles and by -the ga l_ l ot ti ngr i- -•• - - — SNISLER & FRAZER, (successors to Wm_ Dock, , jc;& Co) oRTFOLIOS I POD OS ! G . XESSNEIN" BS Boatg r imiex i t A men; le n received _,E7l,l3 - x pp - rop4 ,—.211X1 , barrebtotNeir y oh k: state. APpies, of a C.WO, In 4s7.oTist Tec eivedi s° l4 low, in any quantitiO 1100 l* al th e new OuNrY itif ' . e.U4satir. ROE:REEK TOIADIES- - 4- - IL trim' 3eish ‘:gckid Lett Ellvelq the t a inki - 27gSSer anytAing else in ilnerg toe 410 mein* waling gc fi sols-.11,13.1300.1K5T085,:. „ , gafrisbm. ; e of beat T* 114 Of * er P e -F., - • Pattitiliiijiiti TeYdral ibrowe • • • ;IMRE 4 60 . 1 1 1 ;ai lowah.43l—„. " N0.,3 11.4r4t. -.• • . . vutGINLVOrti; OP 3- CELP2B-2 1.1. 1T- i-Leeskarifiasktag--iast ' re. AIK, and Dart 3c•FRAZ~,R, ) =Pad and far tevrii • jr ., ;.* ca. y.. 1.114 -AfriarS'ISPANG 7 the " best 0,1;A xmitlctimmUtutt. nx*Arlg r Wr v g 3us„,l 40/018- ertT lea r r alA nn ;Mits. d Nctiw varow ittare. . • 0.111 SQUASH ------ ••• • $ 6.3 1 06 Atk 6 C 0 bga6B3,-.. 900 Stit One . year; - ;.; - : - ....... 25 CO .. .. .150 " . : I; : ire= dr Maws Fpm /i -- ; .-.7 m Mai( - ; 7•3 MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers