iE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED ,1,f01?.1.L.VG AND EVENING, iri• GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE sumcrarnos. Tlie DAILY TELiGll i kell is served to subscribers "in the at S cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be Ord $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto advance Will be charged $6 00. WEFET Y TELEGRAPH. TRE TELEGRAPH is als o published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly— Three Copies to one Post Office Ten copies io one Post Office MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC OFFICK AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 Iv Third Street. Residence: Third street, above North. nELODEONS AND CABINET oRGAM: WENTY-SIX FIRST- PREIELTIMS,:- TWELVE SILVER 11:SEALS, AND TIER kPNLY. GOLD MEDAL (ever won by thstraments of this class) has been awarded Ito MASON & HAMMIN'S.INSTRENEENTS. A full assortment of these Instruments always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sete Agent, 93 Market street. at jc4-2lawly] HENRY C. ORTII 1G ER OF THE PIANO, MELODEON. AsD VIOLIN.—Terms reasonable 15 Third street, httweeu Market and Chestnut.streets. ja4-3fil PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY. ' WONDERFUL DLSCOVERY AND .WONDERFUL RESULTS. DR. J. M. CREAMER, would respectfully 1.../ inform the. public in general and the diseased in particular, that he has opened an office in South" Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., whore he will treat all diseases entrusted to his care, in accordaricevrith Cite system discovered and taught by l'roE C. Hellos, of i'hiladelphia, with whose institution he has been con nected, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the Itchlto for information with respect to his success in con tt-olime disease. . No drugging the system with uncertain medicalagerts. All citrus performed by Magnetism, GalvanisM.and other modifications of Electricity, wlthout shocks or any um.' pleasant sensations. after- an Electrical Diagnosis, •ai guarantou will be given, if ddired by the patient.. For furthur information call and get a panaplifet which mini: hundreds of certificates from medical men'tuttd oth er: pruelng the superiority of this system Of practice. (-der alt others. Consultation: free. Office hears 9to 12., to 5 and 7 to 9 P. • • Dtt, J. MILTON CREAMER.-; feb3ul3taw2n. to-tb-sa DR. J. ELITE'S YELLOW WATER:POWDhRI FOR. R.OtekES: j)UItING a practice of marry _years inthig _ll own munt ty, DR. RITE has satisfied himself thattbiS Powder is vastly superior to any other article in use FOR THE CURE OF YELLOW WATER, nod is of great service to Efories that 'have oSt their - . APPETITE - • • . HIDEBOUND, FOtM. DERBD, Dxspz.m.PERE.D, Also, that it will prevent GLANDERS, 'COLIC AND THE ROTS, •• likes faithfully used two or three tinuis a week--invi,go ratiug aud fattening. - . For Improving the condition of a Home, be assertathein is no bower medicine, as it will strengthen the stomach and digestion, cleanse the intestines dr.ocrensive matter, and regulate the bowels when , ccetive r iiurify the blood and promote digestion—thus the skin is kept loos; the pores are opened and a lean, scabby Hume "becemes fat and comely. . The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hoinwith good effect. Directions with package. PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market ktoiet, Iloa7lo`otg. ME GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, BOYER & ROERPER, TIOLESALE AND. RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, Queens and Glass Ware" AND ALL %MS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE just opened a large and wellselected stock of goods at their stand, N 0.3 lilarket3quare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attentiorf of the public generally. . uol9_,dly F N • E, ig u o S fliissler & -- Frazer, (Successors to Wm. pock, Jr., k Co.) - IREALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE -1.1 ItlIN opposite the Court House, have' on handa!lnis seloction of BRANDIES, ,r different vintages: FINE AND COMMON Tf 7 ' NE'S, OZ Every Description. WHISKYb. OLD I.Z.V . R -13 ":1, XvieVIVG.AHELA L FINEIRISH AND-SCOTCH Whisks& The be: 4 . fie' brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the Pgebinted ' • CIirSTNIIT GROV:t WHISKY_ effAMPAGNE . WINES. S'nOSS . JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH AND .IRISH ALES: LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD MERRY, PLANTATION, . WIGWAM ,TONIC; BITTERS. With a complete stook of '• • - ENGLISH AND AMECR,IPAN rlcrciaos And Condiments of every dawription'now in ttio =Ad, and at THE LOWEST RATES. JOHN WISE, TEO:RD STREET, NEAR WALNOT, HAPRISBIIRG, PA., 'wHoT va . at F AND RETAIL DEALER DI • . . , CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., Citrons, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, _2. - Pecan Nuts, _ Cocoa• Nuts, - Cranberries, • llaininynnd Beans, • Wien and Crackers, Sweet and Irish Potatoes; • Green and Dried" Fruits, And Country Produce In sewn. Ju,lube Pesti), -Moss Pastd, Rtz Paste, Iliirsb Mallow Gum DrOS, Cream Chocolate Drops Plain Candles, Sic., ,Sze. Oranges and Lemons, Canned Prints, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Tins, Chice Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea son. Vegetables in Beason, Rinsins, Currants, Oct 3 .. GRAPE VThTES of Conoard,.Delaware i Df bella, Catawba, Oporto, aim litt, at Keystone -N. • all ',a/IT.! Sana, Muscadine, • ton, Creveling flay orSir. unvry. CMER! CIDER! !Two Barrels of ieweef and pure CIDER just received at marlB BOYER & ROERPER. A NOTHER lot of choice Catawba Grapes for sale at [mars] JOHN WISEI. Vtimottil $,l 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. DR. JOHNSON, dl6-tf R.AIATIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF lIIPIttri:OEICE RELIEF DI SIX TO TWELVE HOURS, NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DPtifiGa., A Ogre Wairantd, corAct Charge,:in•from One [FM Weekneiat, of 'the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntaly, Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness,-Dytipepela, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation .of the Heart, Timidity, Trembihirs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of, the tical4 Throat,',NOse ,or Stein Affections , Affectionsof the • Lungs, Stomach ` or Bowels—those terrible dilordiet arising from the Solitary Habits 'of 'lrouth . —those seOet and solitary practices more fatal to their victims thaii , DA song of ,lyrens to the Mariners alglyseeitoblightlng .tbpir iniistrbrilliantAlopestesintioirdtkinvieitdeting &c., impossible. • -- Especially,.,who have become the victims of Solitary Vlce,, that dreadful and deatruCtlve habit which annually sweeps i to tiii'untirnely - g - nive thousands 'of Young Men , of , the most exalted-talents. and, brilliant intellect, who might; 04411 - WI,Be.P:S entrincedlistaiiiigtenates with the than-(( dera of waked to ectasy the living lyre, ma call with full confidence 1 " Moirie&personsi or Xeting,lifea contemplatingngei being aware of physical weakness r plianic &amity, u or, mules, &c., speedily cured. ; ; He who placeo himself under : themire of Dr. may re ; Ilgjauslywctildejip - his honor as a 'gentleman, and con* dentlrrelympon his skill as a Physician. mmediately mired, and fall 'vigor restored. I This , distressing'sdfictiati.- - ;Which rendent.lifuraisembie. and marriage impossible,rie the penalty paid by . the, via- Lima of improper indulgence. Young .persotia aru 1.00 apt to thmmit excesses fromnpt•beiriglaWare:orth e dreadful consequences that may ensue. -; N mid ew, who that - stands the-subJect-will pretend to deny that tliii_power of procreation is lost sooner by : those - falling into impro r habits than by the, pntdent. Besides being deprived., e pleasures tif,healthy °teeming, the most - serious and I d 4) ..• Structitre:' ' s ymptoms 'to' both body and .4mind 1.. The system' becomes deranged, the' physlind:!and.iMental functions weakened, toss 'of .procreative power; 'timings irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, - con sumption, decay and death. . • _ . • 7 Orpica:No. SOUTIFFRBDMICK STB,mcr, Left band side going from Baltimore street,-a' few -doors frOm the corner. Fail not to observe name and. niniber. Letters meet be paid al4corrtat.n a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas bang in his °Mort . . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent, colleges inthegnited States, and the greater part of. whose life;has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pane, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing--oures that were ever known ; many:troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep vest emus, L ining alarmed at sadden 'sounds; 'with Reiguent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of-mind were cured immediately. - TAKE PA.RTIGULAM, NOTICE. • These are some of the sad and melatialtoty effects pro: duced by early habits of youth, viz : weeds:is:of the back and litribmatins in:the 'head, dimness of sight, lob of muscibir potVer E ltaliittatkin'of the-heart,-"dyspepala, nerf yens Irritability, symptoms of , oantatmptlon, &c. •Mmirem.y.=The fearful effects on the mind are mush to be dreatted--loss of memory,. conflpsion: pp( 1 : de pression of spirts, ev il • forebodings,,averidim4b lety, self:distrust, Jove of. sailtudOmidt:WW. iato, eof the evils produiod. . . • - ~ . . ... , Who hive . injured , theninelves bra ' ceitelp.mictee In dulged in when alone, illiabit frequentlylWned trona 1 . ern companions, or at school, tho effects of whAphi are ilnikhtly thlt, even when asleep, and ittne i tot grillers 'tesitinge a pos sada, and destroya lagli• , body,S should ti AIL cumedlatel.x. -.. ... - . . i . What t i:r t hat.a you ng;mail, the hope of his country, the darling of..hie'3o - frents, should. be snatched froni all prospects and,onloyinenta of.lifS,'lky the consequende of deviating froin tho . pith of nature and indulging ,In a certain secret habit. ' Stic h p ersons nosy , before contem plating... .... _ CLARET Reflect thati sOundLidandlOdy : aritheitiostiteciessary krequisitea Coinubbilliappiness. • Indeed,with.; out these, the journey - through life becomes a weary pil grimage ; the prtspeet‘hourly - darkens to the view:; the mind becomes shadoweil'irlth despair and Oiled with the melancholy refloclion'thitt -the 'happiness of another be comes blighted witli'ottr, own. - • • • DISEASE in 31114101.114C1E. When the misguided and imprudent orotary,of pleasure finds he hai imbibed the seeds of this painful dissise,l too' ftin happens that an illtimed sense Of. shame Or the dread of discove& deters him.from applying to those who .froM aucation altd iespocialiility, an alone ilssfriend him. 'He, falls-into ' the air:want end ,designistglretend-, pretend ors, who; incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary ssb.. stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leaVehhu ' with ruined health to sigh over his galltutrilliont, or, by. tne use of the deadly imam, Xekstpy . hasten the , allstitutionalsymptoms of thisterrible disesseilstroft as affec tions of thS Head, Throat, Noes , Skin, eta, progressing pith frightful rapidity till death puts a :period to his dreadful aufferinv by sending him to that-undiscovered country frop whence no traveler returns, . ENIX)RMWENT OP l' ti -PRS. 'JODI - , • Kr, The, many thopenela razed at Mt tostitatlea jeer a ft er li e g r % and Villr i •=hr - Vte r reLd at at . e ePenit t 3 r the Sun, aiMer, 4 1 4.,lhehrVt 3) eriVoe,-I.idtl= s hielt. *PPeeteq.wits eha — egehi' beton' Pehha; 5t4n , 4 2 10. 0 17 41 Gge or character 9 ,1 mrPOl4ll - is a suMdestrguarantee l to the afflicteit J. MISH. RJAO,OOI , 4aROgWQM4O I 4'44_WOId Oißcelio47lSouth Frederick Street.: MEDICAL.' to Two Days YOUNG MEN ISTARICUGE. - ORGANIC IPRAENESS' I Ds. JOHNSON, YOUNG Mv-:N MAIUtIAGE, " 7 EIR; -ITN -1.1).,N,N O,W -9. N b 'l‘ Ai R:tir" - E - It :''''-;-44rehiter. HARRISBURG, . TITESbAY EVENING, MOOR 1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E R .A_ 1",..1E1 SteN*ll4 ESTA.l(tlglnatl' t, • THEW STREET; NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBI4IG, • A.VENG reeerttljr- added to our , 'Jobbing ■ Department a large amount of new type,: several mew fast steam pieSsei or: the most itußivvedßl4,chineri• !and other material, we are new prepared to exec* et, ;short not!..ce, and In the most approved style, • • " ALL RINDS OF MILIVAitY RLAN/re ; •-• • ' • . .LETTERsagwr iikkkniNas,.: • _ ; CIRCULARS - - • BILL HEADS . " • strsiiiEgs bAßte,' L• • .RAILROAD BLANKS; POSTERS in one oi 'moro . :colors, • PROGRA ILVES, BILLS .0 LAEING„ . . - 'PROMISSOittIfOTES, • • ... • • -LEGAISJBLAIMS J :: W , 0 R K Or -PLAIN: OR- ORN'AIVIEATTAJL. Clrtlexs' frozii a distance attended:to piomptly. - marlo-dkatf. , ; REOROITING OPINCE, U. S:'LITALID CORPS, 1LLER15131711.6,-PA., Marcb,l 1864.. /11HE attentionizof Soldiers who have been Hortitrably disgriwged,the United; Statcs,segvicpc.dit account : 4f.. disability gootracted while in Abe hue ; of dulk, and who may wish to...erdist'in the • Infalle Corps; is re sneathilly caltedle - therollowingletter Tiom the -Provost Marshal General's OffiCe, , frton which it sittcara•that they may receive the bounty offered by the war, borough or town, to which they may wish to, be crediledi . .... • • • ; (LETTER.) , _ • WAR "DEPAIfTICIMT, Pitorosi-lraltsttii. Gitiont'aVs OziFics, Bmtsau of Isrvain CORPS, Lth,;,W.mignlercpr, Fahroary,g,3, .1864.. ,;„ Tho.Trovost Idtdalsalr Oeneral '.directs. Ine . that men enlisted 'fbi thdThat Battalion Companies of the Iri,.; valid Corps,' in aeon:ranee' wittilhe;prOviaion of General: Orders, Nos: BIS -anct 21'24 dkdju wit :GeneraL's9 llloo , -1 11.93... and the , instructionspf,-the Prolioet4larstud GehetalAsee , Circulars, I{6a 14 artd.loB, of .1.863, Piovoet Itfaraidd Genj 'craft' Offide;)• will.bebredlted• t O' the quota to be tarnished under the•draft, of the Akird, horough, , town, or city and :State rrom which they-Rnliap. • SL, N. WISEWELLi, , Colonel, and Assistanyo the PiOvost 'Matilda. General,' in, charge, ordhvallir Got t a Buret& • .• • For the Taillediera;relit i fireto•enlistment in that Corps; apply at the Iteertilkingtillee, Gorria,. in .Heecind street, near Pine street; Harrisburg, Pa. • • •E..L BARNES, ' marl?.tf • ' let Lient. - B. T. a •IVotin'. Meer. ATJCTUM 0,0 NIJE:M.NED HOISESI „,. • . . r iTaa BEE4Tactir, CAAALI4 AintB4,F, 7 , , , .. ' OFFICE OF Luny Qu.kartrrun. •• - • ! ''''” • '-' • : , . -Wratitamicee, IL C. 4. Feb. 49, nfit. . WZA pe r .goia lit , Public' Auction, 'ti: AL l i lggir , ..tiis4o,`,.'4 4 tlie places and ileraifil . .441_lititikfiA60,4 LVinhic,!_' ** 3 1. 1 a 6 4 - '3/44•441riZr; 29.4 ' *be 'fliiiiFilaaiii { been 4ridnimed: as unfit for the I:X*11%0;410'0, tlie IWtfli"fitateriiimy. For Mint and fluiri purposes many good - bitygalne may be had.. . '. ' "- - ' Horses - will ba Old singly.` ~. " - .. . . . Sales begin at; 1:0°.t : .m, nd centime - daily till all are .- *ins'Ci4; hi United States :i'reatuOligtes only: ' .' ' '-' ~. ..' ' J'Augs-A.: ERIN; .: ' feb2o-dtm29 Chief _Quartermaster; Cavalry Bureau. . T. F. WATSON, MAST-EC .CEMEIT . ,NANOPACTURER t • r. PITTSBURG, Is PRKOELED to furnish and coat' the ex-_, tenor -of Buildings with.the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new eystem.., 'ltitmaterial is entirely diribrent,from all other comentsused heretofore, and is the. .;only reliable, imperishable "coating for adtside work'. MixeU with pro per prOportiOns of, pure Linseed Oil it fortes dura adhesiveaess to Brick or "Stone Wails, making • a beau tiful,,ilne any proof surface and finish . equal to. Brown Stone or ny color 'de:sired. • Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refef to the following gentlemen: . • J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg.„. J. D. M'Cord, " " J. M Sheenbafger . ritsitteifels, TAwireitoeville. . • A; Hoefeler,..z_ _ "•••_ James 111;latidless, ;Allegheny city. CalvirfaidaMb; 'Third-street, Pittsburg. e James Wood; owner St, Charles Hotel, William .Vohel, Girard House, Barr kiSoser, - arehitects Dispatch Buildings, • Johil.:B. Cd4vresidenee, Front street,'llarnsbarg, Pa. A,„hartee, `•`•• flJit " Plesatagldress • •.'WATSON, P. O. Box 1,30 a; Pittsburg, nib - I*MM • Penis ." House;' Harfieburg, Pa. TO -OFFICERS IND-SOLD RS. - COReetion of "en . sions f loOt, L ips; Book- - Pay . - and IC HMIs. • - • OFFrdER S' PAY RlPLik= .111#44711? AND -` - 7 ESORVITINIA ACCOUN29JEAMI - OUT. .:• - - • .1 1133 A1440,11341n.q4i: been i n the MR. Plop:omit of,tho United: but*, 40diiiethe 14i eighteen months aCqlerk: to' ttiellestering and Disliarslng °Mee' and Ofßeeifof - Superiiitetident Of '' , Reeraltingi Servide of Pennsylvania vr espelntfuliy zinfOrnA the•Pal:ol9•Ulat be ' Opened an office in the DAILT Tautuitarz Building for, the purpose of • Collee . iing Pensions, Boiint* Back Pay 'and War Claims ; sisu, making - tattOfficers' Pay Rolls, Raster Rollcand:ReernitingAmunts. • ' „ All orders by malt attended to *inaptly. - novl-dtf ' •• • - SULLIVAN S. CHILD: PHOTOGRAPH' ALBUMS. Photograph lbums .'r khotOgraph'Albams. Photograph -Photograph , Albunis. 'TEE largest arid- variety-ottiPHO -ToGRAPH- ArEnnlSlXtllit city' are constantly kept at [marl2] .-Bvecamns CHEAP BOOKSTORE. JOSHUA IS.. WIE:STUNG, , • . , ATrrov i rry.le - - Ark -DA. - vv - , OFFICR : 1N.W.4.1,1YT1T ST AB:Et . OPPOSITE THE STATE 01.PIT.4 „ I . H?TEL, HARRISBURG, PA. ALL business pertaining to the pre:fession will receive his prompt and careful attention. mar3dOilwltawlm-dlme 1110 Y ECOES, GAMES, 4t0.-4 Lnige 'as .nortment or Toy Books, games, ,kn j us t - ik e ived at non SCHEMA'S BOORSTO R k Harrisburg. - . , • NorvilLy Maple. MITTS tree resembles the Sugar Maple very .1 closely in foratitad roliaga,ibut iglus. transplanting better and groin more rmiiny: or sale at Keystone Nur sery geti•24:Alwi_ JACOB BIKE A LARGE INVOICE Ql7 NEW • - URRA I I Ims •, • . musttrk & Free,k% „ 020 _ „ s neceosors Wm .11..-- 8r Po. . •- 1 .. 000 1138. ' (1119 11 4 9° )Mt : Llor sale . .§IELS R 'ff, -- feb2 (Successors toWm c`kTJE Co.) • QHRUBBERY. - White Friec, Purple I,' Primp, Nehonta, Altheue, Mtwaollas, ee Box, Sco., itesl4oUo Nursery. Nuclei .1; NAIL ==a . . . t . . . - . . ... . I ~. - it- EVENING EDITION. Fiom our Xoraing Edition Pemisylvania Legislature: xtrisclatED raI:PRIL6SLY ;.FOB MEGBO7I. • - Moimsir,.-Mareh 28, 1864. The Senate met at 7 o'clock p..nt: . - ! 4 19.iiitiienally'large number- of :petitions 'ferii#Prirritittstires ot-local importance were. Presentediandreferred:- ; - .. . Several standing connnitteesureported and: the folloWing bills were read in Place: Mr. -STARK', a further supplement itt?,4 :the ' act to incorporate the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroad company;, also, Adurther supplement to the act-to authorize the Lehigh coal and navigation:4;oE444ly to> extend their Mr. NICIIQL4,,m pet to_ ,incorporate the Centre market conipaXii, Mr. MONTG6MEBT,..a*,,Ttittlier matt to an act"' to inciforporate - the L 'EriOnked Bun improveanouti,connaLly. , • • gi.'HOG?; 9414: , ,to,:,nic i Orporate th& City 'Bin*: • ' - Mr . corfritLu'ail act tB - ebilkitriajtidfOiiii proceedings in certain cases; ,also, an, act va= eating Wharf stireet,"S`ogendc'ward,','Philitdel phia; also, a further supplement 'hi - 'an act to incorporate the PoWelton . coal and iron company; also, 'an' rice :,relative to the sep-; - prp arateperty of . marrid- women.; Mi. - MATTA, an 'act,to incorporat'e the St. Clair cemetery associa ion =• : Mr..STEM: a further . inpplement lo'qbe ; act incorporating the 'SancOn iron company; • also, an act incorporating the, philedep hia 'and'Co oraao coal and iron company. Mr:LAN:MERTON; an net atithorizifts the commissioners of Olarion ckUnty lerra : tax; for 'the purpose of btiilding einirtAionee. • Mr. • M'SKERRY, an-act; , iticorporate!the Western and People's telegraph company. - Mr:, act' tp authoriz& the commissioners' of WaYrie.: detnty to 'refund certain moneys; also, an`'set Stippletne.iitarY to an act relative to the. Jefferson ihiAtoad coniflarVi._ els o, ; an act relative to attarehidentsi 14W.1:1450N; act authorize =the sae of..tha'Weiren 'Acedisniltinds, etc: TC . c*V" . St: avoXiom - obtlo'..ola#' of holdingt,grectiono.=,YoueY, township; + :Or-PAg:el") - t'dr: .1 1 0 Al itaik ment p of certain niilitary claims: also, fu>- dement to are act relative to liter r = The Senate resolved to meet he 6004 were d ;11- ith ;•! . 4 1 / 4L 4 . s 'k E og i atn TA , . • Mounev, March 28,. 1864. The House met at 7/ P. M. Varieus,peti tions Were • Preiented. ' - Mr. COLEMAN pled in place an act to cor rect ' error •in the-,o:it, entitled-A.supple merit to . act incorporating the Donaldson iniProvernenfandrailroad- mpani, 'Passed The 'House adjourned Without-further busi ness, in Order thatßev. Mr. Warner `(to whom the • 'ride of the hall liad.been granted) might deliter his - lecture on the Battle of Gettys burg. ' • ! PROM-A.NNA.POLIS. commTiox pbso=m— WRETCHED; STARVED AND EASED.. . 'ANYADOEIS MD March- 25. Correeppudenee of the BaZtiniare, American. The fiag-of-truCe - boat arrived here yester day with eight 'hundred and sixty paroled men and sixty-three officers. Every man, woman and Child:within the limits of the loyal States (Sece'sh included) - sho p l have bebn' here to witness the condition of the 'poor wretched,' starved and naked " men: *hen . 'was such a - sight Presented •i i this coun try to. the hinntm . eye ? Three dead bodies on the boat: seven or eight dying; and have already passed away to that bourne'from which no traveler returns; nearly four -hun dred.,adinitted to the hospital:m the Naval Academy building,s, - .ccie-fourth of whichwill never; leave there alive,:and 'the condition of the :balance is::aucli that . they will not be fit for the field for - ,inbicitha *come, if ever again. HaYalnitiaiiitY OidAiristiardty foreVer talon their'leave of thaSetithern heart? Could the NOrth ben:fade - to realize the conditiOn of the men arriving = here, they would to a Man deL teimine to'put - down'this rebellion, Cost ,whatit may „One poor, fellow lliedr With contnlsiOns, caused by the vermin that were eating him up, never haying:been allovted f a• change of clothing or; tn. opportunity to cleanse 'him self. In haSte; - yours, &c.; ' M.A.C. Trivial)les of an Artist; Why . `o9`esAcittsclialk aiway6 - .. play the same old pieces? Versattile, talented. nervous; child of genius that he . is, none 'believe' that to him belongs', the' blame:'lTer' is he, as we, Shall see, at the risk, of rending the veil which separates the artiste froin the man. little piece of that inner' Life of 'musical Bo hemia-of gossip behind - th stage, may prove amusing; to. thoae. Who - se vision never .extends' beyond - the 'glare or the footliglits. Sines the death of his brother, Gottschalk has not composed `mach, brit itlias been of a se rithis character. Bis milidhas wandered-from the flitting sliadOws ortlie dance to .the en.= daring.walks of that:Elatelpiall temple - over which the Saere&MILSEI presides. Masses and, oratories.aiiirdirtirdlavorite "themes. • In sit Wit; fhb" * coniposeii sacred music, and puts them .on the programme,•but Max &re-, koser, whose: inspirations, are not, drawn from the . hazy Atmosphere of drecordand; , who, drinks not.:at the classie brooks• from which artists draw their nectar ; but. whose "high art" consists in extracting. the . raw material for an abundant supply of ZYerTweities from' the pockets of, the," lowArl".Plitlign who only invest their postage curium fqr amusement, Max, we sixy—thel relentless, impressario, al ways scratches them out.and inserts the "Ban jo, ' the.i tUnion,'!, or some other of Gottschailnie many popular pieces of music. Upon aMe occasion,. in Boston, the distinguished pianist' -furnished as usual: the list of fot - -the evening ' s programme ;-. liana" it Was found to consist -'sacred' magic remorselessly ; etrtiolc out, - ana',le4 the c ;FicaitAlestiffill ao murmurs, - bielancTinaii 7. ritatses. The artist had expected this, and pounced upon the unlucky messenger who was eon- Yeying the programme to the printer. Full of PRICE TWO CENTS. WM= • - indignation he rettirnadto Max,. who Wes bud , ly engaged in attending to a dozen things at one time. The former was determinedithat a certain piece, "a' beautiful Reverie, which he had - composed-D:4 Mason and Hamlin's organ, should be played;:- ::1183XL"wPineicorable Gott schalk ..determi j ned. ;The manager was firm, the artist , as R siabstitate could, net he-gskii4‘,tt,:dolialki.illtheligh one mighk hei one ifiji.teas,g,.ttu3 tist at .length ; tnumphed. - That-,-night , md /?everie. Was lkaisa. • Itf4 l. i:'s -0 14 1 :1" '' l o ol , audience; indeed, there were some .. hated. .disapprobatien, and -PepPle . Said - that - Max was at the bottom etit, for he *Os s'etri: just a moment hefore COM dentialnnuuler with one Of., the L partied Who, appeared, ts, • be : the tender Cattle manifestation; 71 0 *:00 2 Al.clisPifissedat ilinattenipt ed.censureof,theirtAvorite, only applauded' the loud% The ttitist hada:gala' triumphed;' yet this rascallsr, Sint)insch still cuts and scratches.% . 44 1 ,SQath artist, liswevee, - satisfied _with his triumph' and thesilbstext: tialmarkd of. Strakosch's able, ardent) good-naturadlY and; thic - pUblier at li continue to have their- Banjos theit-:YankeS Doodles, and their /Eel*" Ainrp.lita.—Tlvikt-: delphia Payer. - • • 339 'Txfent*. From Chaitailoogh. pNmrlw.Axi, - March 28 . _ The Commercial's' dis v atth froth Chatta nooga sayS that the rebe ls 'artr:ltifry strop gin our front at Dalton, 'with 3,000 cavalry this! side. Deserters report that - Bilthop'Pellr. is re-' inforeing ,Jelbaston's army. - - ' tongstreet's Cavalry, under Gen. Martin,' had arrived at Marietta, Georgia.. , • Numerous deserters are still coming •-in.- The rebels. are reeving up their i'rem the rear. - - Poi army is in. Splendid'eteiditien. . Burning'of Vessels. 1, : . , Poarz,ams, We., March ' 28.: , i 1 , 5r_ 1 :144; 0 3 P l 9, ifimployed in CroSrertunint'-ves4 ROW. II IM,, geinizttt,W,,PrallAr Ray ItOm s- 41d 7 461.0 -TAMI thiictitY;frhq , Ztair t two 'vessels - on .11re.ketw4 3 3 4 :944:o 4l VveiileVoir tl'O'r ta9rili big: ~.10.4trviA4 . 09tatfaiti*- 11 0 - fr**4 1 flielig.kv netTli ))11trii0 ,Th I,:tb - e:w4Or'd '9 .and heading towards the _lsland. Tile 'O, r :.twee frOnC eight.Al ten milis &stint. '. It-TbfrtY , ai i ls ,:.. yoitx, k ard h.l2B ,..n. _, : r me - TrimstcrtEtisliln - e---T -- Ille segrtill" - ii institutions tp EL . cl tiii . ,,tid th,,..,a(X.,,a_i1if.;0n0...q1 -theßtofaaki_ g ii i. ,* „ rin ,_ F; , irimpip gu10c...-r -.9-----e to:41116* ill'' ' . 1. L9ans. - Slick:POPP brokers:- Err ,: • - 'on 'to 'auks and -- , Proni. : • • Crxenmerr, Mat& 28. • - • A dispatch from Port Smith:announces Sin Army of the Frontier in motion,' and. its ant posed de.stination is Northern - Texas. • t Fliim"Newbem. l'OrritEss Mormeut;'Mateli-28. . The steamer Daniel 'Webster arriired here to-day from Neurbern ? math 'alas- lo:the 26th. She brought thirty refugees 'and seventeen rebel deserters.. Her news is utdraportent. REBEL 'NEWS. INTERCEPTED Distor •GE MAGRUDER— AN Ki.T. - reNCE RdEXICO--GEN.. PattST6N /i.XD PamlcE POLIG.NAC WAskrscrrorr,- =March :'26.—The news has been received here this afternoon of the seizure of a bat& of letters found on the per shin of a rebel while he was attempting 'to cross the Rio Grande,-' between. Brownsville and Ma,tamoras. 7 Therie letter§ are said to contain various dispatches of the greatest in:: terest, addressed by General Magruder to Jeff - Davis. • ' One of the 'dispatches states that Gen - eral William PrestoM . formerly ambassador of the United States to Spain, had arrived at' Hous ton, on the 15th 'ot February, and that after a residence of ten days in thateity,4e left for Mexico, in company of Prince Poligime, who is now acting as his aide-de-camp and Set , The-San:Ledistch informs Jeff Davis that the best uttderstancling exists tietWeen:Gen. Ncidawrii, Governor of New Leon and Tinian lipas, and the , Texan rebels,-anel that an ex tensive continbandtradela carried on-between him and General Magruder.- - : Accoiding to the - contents; of these , dis patches, it is 'at the suggebtion of GOvernor Vidaurri that iTeff Davis decided to appoint, William Preston as special ambassador of the Confederacy to Meitem.J- The reasciii-adduce,d in justification of that imiJertant:inerieureAs said to be aletter 'of the Go*ernor to-General Magruder, in which the foriner einteSses belief in the. entire submission-of the Mex ican 'people:to-the -net* iviire,--and his confi dence in the'prompt' regeneration of: Mexico under the sway of Prince -Maximilian. Governor Vidaiirri conandes by stating that an alliance •between'the new• Empire and the new Republic of •Nbithl Ainerica would, in his opinion,. be beneficial to both, by secur ing mutually their integrity against any at tempt on the part of the North. - - Thej dispatches further state that the god - 'end' troops in Texas do not amount to ten thousand — men, including Mexicans-and ne groes: These troops are located at Indianola, Ductow's Point, Arkansas Point, and Browns ville. • OccasionallY the boats on the - T. Rio Grande shell the .rebel" posts' at Couny and Evalasco ' - no - damage has been , done - to them,as they pretend, save the.killing of one mule and, the wounding 'of three:' - • • IViarizets by Telegrapl,.. PiturAntr.Tirts, March 28. There is a . firm feeling in - .flour ; 'but less aoing; sales of 2,000 - bbls: at $5 75 for-extra, $7.00®7 50 for earafainily, - including 1,000 bbls. fandy iin.pri.vaterterms. - Rye - flour stea dy at .$6 00: In corn meal nothing doing. Wheat firm and '6,000 bush. sold at $1 65® 1.68 for red.:. end, $1 -8002• 00 for white. Rye commands $1 .27. Coru r fs scarce, and y e llow is wanted at $1.',26®1. - 22: Oats are firm et 74086 c. Petroleum- grdeVat 30®32. for - crude, 47048 - kir refined in mod, an d 56058 c for free. - Proiisiefineareateld-firtely; Sales mess poik at s‘2.3';!X*D2B ,- 501-'beif MAW in pickle at 13iellei!sides,it lOti at' 9.1010e 1 0 1 1. butte' 356021- L - 43krilw seed steady. ' Whisky nthettledififift 2 gencrOY held - at $1 . 061' .31 41.'JW , ..,1;C1 Stock firm; PennsyllikeiiMPOcirodgrinsylk Yards Railroad, 72,i; Long Island, 48; Pennsyl vania,7o; Gold, 1684; Exchange on New York, par. s tlii if I li 1 I._ Ilj i l . i -.c t oin, e - . - L: DAILY 1, . -,.. • . • i it Tie lb t woggsro the rates for advertisin to the Tmk- O.R.APEL- Tiroswhaving ailii'lls , Ud*"=to do - con__ -..- renion Itor.ratamPt -- , .„... ,- 1 - i e w , • - • ..." s of?. Four lines or leis comma One-half gnifire.` n'%Frit lines unioiO4 4rtirlxvitibifela Allard : .: i- , Fos A HALF KIWIS. IN:af Vild SOrAlik. ' -One day . $ 30 - One day - . :-; • $ 8 0 Two days..- .. .. ,50 Two dayg" ... ....... - 1 GO Three days". ..... .I'o - Thre.folnkipg - ....i,. i...::.1. 25 :One week 125 week 225 One month ••- - 3 a) ggemontti..4., t +i- -- 16 OO Iwo months - "4 50 "rdeij•tonials.:.-.....'.%4 A OD Three months 550 Thrett - Incuttbs. -- »;. - -; - 111 - 00: Six months...-. .. ..-. 8 00 Si.g .: lttpothe ., „-- 0. ,,,- _ 15.0 One year 7b 00 04 . 7§ar.: .:..."..::- 'OW' Administration Notices - • $2 25 Marriage. Notices . '' - 4.)--Lti:: , .5 0 Auditor's Notices... rdneral Notices each iniertion - . 4 ie... 2 ._ .- .: ' ':.. 401 • %gar Auda t eas notices inserted in the Loos/ . P-Illseasti or before Marriages and DeatlucTrottr. 0f374120rti tine Toe' -_- . - . ..PEnamkulau. :Camp MaArm.—Catile Market, firm and prices well maintained, 'With' sales of I;016, head 'at from 10015 c. pier'. lb. for common to` - extra;-sheep very firm , and . Prices advanced;-2,4ooEiteadt sold at SiO9k, per lb. gross; cows turitboat: change; 166 head Bold at from- $2O up to $55 per head, accord, ing to quality; hog _are 'in fair demand at former 'rates; 2;Boehead sold at from slo@,- :$l2 the 100-lbs. nett. i c.. ' BA.T.wona March 28. „Flour very dull; wfieat Quid; Kentucky white $1 135®51 88: Corn active - at 91.16® Whiskyfinn atsl 10 for Ohio- - Cot. feel- firniaad scone at 38®390. • . NAN. York StftgE-Dfx.brket- • - Nov, Yons,;Ma - . reit 28. Stocks better; Cuniberland prefeirM; 841: New York Central 1437 1 1 - Pennsylvania , Boa.: 171; Reading 146; Harlem River 156; Canto* . Company 71; _Missouri °,6.'s-; 7.41 1 ; E4e. 124; ; Michigan. Central 146; Harlem 708; ilve7tWai ties coupons 109;. treasury 7 3-10's 113; Gold 1681; Tennessee 6's 614:r • - • 11 , 1SUROE. INSURANCE COMPANY OFNORTH AMERICA, No 232 Wilma Street,"Soonth sl4e, Eae of Third Street. r , : Pgurnarruul, January 12th, 1801. STA.TEISIENT OF THE ASSETS. MORTGAGES. All of which are Ora Mort, on City Property.. $372,300 00 LOAN limps. 6/09,000 Phila. City Loan, eix per cent5...4100,000 90 100,030 State Loan, five pet cent 5:...:....: 100,006 00 . 20,000 11 six. per not tamable.. 20,000 Q 0 50,000 11. S. Gov. Loan, 7 3-10 per cent.... 50,000 00 100,000 " .4; 6 " 5-20... 10000E1:60 50,610 - 6.. " 1881.. 50,000 00 50,000 " - " on tiepc. - ite sp. c. - .. 50000'00 25,000 Lehigh C. and 7 N2C., Mort. loan, 1870 25,10X1 00 31,000 Del. and Raritan Canal co., and C. and a. railroad and Transportation co.. 31;000- 00 37,000 Cheisapeake and Del. Canal co. pat; _ • 1886. 35,000 00 40,000 North Peiana.Railroad co. Bonds, 1034-- -37,90600 - 3,390 North Penn. Ruilroal.zo, Scrip 2,083 20 20,000 Penner. Railroad 'co a *Bonds, First ' Nortgago,4BBo - 2 0 000 :0 0 23,000 Cincinnati City Bonds 21,850 06 20,000 Sehnylkill Nay. 'ND'S: Loan, 1882. ltdoo-oo -• 15,000 Del; Cruial.oo l ,e: L an, 1878..; .14,_550 .61 _ 10,000-Del. llailtoad„ co's._ Mprtgage 'f l oat . ; _ (gttaranteed,)L... - . .. - 111,11XMLOO : 5,0E10 171600 Canal 9500:416.11-,14404:1040 , 1,260,410 - I.lB ' Shares '-' l'hihi.;ll , llmhiglon and 'BARE , ' shake Railroad annParlY.;•,; • • ...AciRP O 200 Phila. .9ermantown and . . Shama - . 440 , 80 a1DG ristovin . company . moo 410 UM Shares Philadelphha Amt.. .... . . t. , , 00 100 Shares Lehigh Coal-and braii. &pc! ' • 63 Simile Lehigh: Coal and .Navigalion • company.. (Concitionm_Scrip). : „.. VP! 00 Perlikunon Turnpike company ..... .. . ),..636- 00 2 . 5 Shares Chesapeake and DeL Canal CO. 7.,45e 00 59Stuirese Schnylkall liaidvathne emu _ zany, PfcerrA 3 -" 2— ' V 'f-iUI 1770 00 loa' mires lion Piste Relroad' tbee 00 .7 7. sunaky,StanzplifairigatiOn ateeNtrigr ' - , r t —t oo StOC , IO3, WOTth 1 71 -- - .11:11:1;ANT,013S. Cash - • ' • - . 85 , 28 r 10 Noes Recsivable. • 141. 31 Policies, tile Premittms.of whip/Lam 5 , 3'.9•! - 'IW, and debts{ due, (aN good) " , F. 957 4 ,1 S{ Rest Estate, cogice,of the .Conpuiy,,.lco, WalnufistreOt • - *olio oo _ - By order of the Board, _' • iiitTEMR O. CORM Prident atiRLES PLAIT, Secretary. . MC,OBTORATETI 1.794. CAPITAL $500,000 CEALATER PERPETIM ; - Marine, Fire and %lei*. TiyuispgAr_tal?4lll.) I= DIRECTORS.'' Arthur G, Coidn, S. Morris Wain, Samuel W. 'Jones, John Mason, John A. Brown, Geinge L Harrison, Charles Taylor, Francis R. Cope, Ambrose White, Edward H. Trotter, Richard D. Wood, Edward S, Ctintiv, William Welsh, William Cummings, William E. Rouen, T.. Charlton Henry. James A. Dickson, AlaKilr. G. COFFIN, Piestdent CHARLES PLAIT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUFAILER Cop.tml,Agenot for PennOylvs4da, Office Wahint4eaT Sccon4, jlqiisbarg; Pa feblB-dow3m ' " FOR ISAT:t;. FOIL . SALE, TENr.altiable property, corner 'of Second s E .SI Pine stieet.s, being fifty-two and a half feet On Se cond and . oneltundned and sixty eight feet on Pipe street, running back two huudred and ten feet to' Barbara alley, there being spaceircu..fotirfullbullding lois,aniVa most de sirable site fora. °overuses Ittansiop. or public buildings. For piaticuLsteentlitife et hthr HURRAY ; coinerlif Se canclisinLPinestree4. . . inar9-tf FOR:SALLE. rpHArPVAITIABLE PROP.EILTY, 140,5, in this, city, adjoining t4e Jones House premises, fronting twenty-five feet on Maiket !Square and tztending.baekone htmdred. and fifty-screw - and a half feet to ftasyberry alley. terms accominetaNg. Harrisburg' .511(ml:i11, 1864. " - CHAS.. C. SAWN. .mar • .- FOR 6.41. F.. . ;„ :„ SECOND-HAND.I% A NO, suitable for begipeers. Also, a Tarte Three-Cothered"Show Wltideti and IlitntlitomaFleiggtaff.... All will .IWsoltl very tallett for before the lst of April. Enquire at SCHMEIVSBeokstore Fartisburg, Penna. - • marlo 1100trASTATZ AT EILCVA.TE SALE. The Berard properthas of the Estate -of WILI-lAM AL LISON, deCeased , the'city of 'Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street had Chestnut street, at-aid near the corner of Front and Chestnut streets, a vat tnE lot on Mulberry 'street, near Third street, 1934 acres og land o.c the east= terminus- of Market. .street, ar e e r. .red..for sale. For terms of saleappfy to theundersigned, Seventh arid-Noble streets, - - de2l-dtti - FTMOITAg L OTS FOB SALE.—A, - number: of lots b r p r e been Mid out on, the :-.Tenestown Road. about one mile - east or the of,l.Myridbing„...linich are being - BOld ' at low prices. To peisone-iieeirrewth , secure ~a bomeLlbr - .tv,be. , ielleveCtrom the present exorbitant _ rents • , this to a rare ; opportunity A number, of . tern hayealready been said aftif but- Tew re main on hand. The liTalkOf eardltitt eaii be Been at the Sheriff's office in ..peramiT desiring to purchase are requested and ape the same. janl6 HalTistittrk, 18139: TOR. SALA-a—That. v,aluable lUo7taproperty J known as the itiiltSE . HOWE, Situ - ate "on Market street, near Third. For lama inquire of JOE D 1 S. DETWEiLIaR. marl2-d2w Hainf: 4 PYr...Pp• • Foy SALE-4. very handsome 'rwe-horse PEDLER WAGON--cheap for cash. Dittagl - otter to hO&Na 3.13 Harrisburg Pa: OR SALE:LA F.ive-horse - PoW 4 4 EAM ENGIN& and BOILER, : in go:g1 ord4r. _Air ay to 5 :.; F. law: , feb2B-11 - . W ut. Mmet,.. hely • -firth. it i rtcHENElrgeiotilsi - of tams , jo'f , al3 12EL @ Wm:using— Iffe4reoetvidinde SHISWk PEA, (stiatTssvir&Virrii:-Doek,c7." • le te iciamer • I,;'Y e-1 ; Half Barrel, Jar or Dozen, at / no2o SHI T V (Successors to E==l $4 . 556,683 50 ME