MS MEDICAL. !MEM 000 CONSTI1 , 111114:1* CONSTITUTION wATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION. WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITIITION.WA.TER. CONSTITUTION WATER GIMATi f ] COlkikit CON STIT ITICI-0. N t AND ME ONLY KNOWN REKltolt OR, ' DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. . CONSTITUTION ,WATER Has been pr . enounced. : hy the : Medical Faculty 'end! the public, to be theriaost wenderful remedy ' , Meth° perilit netat titre of all Tdoxises -of the STOMACH; ‘ - LIVER,' KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever been. offered. It' is ea alanTEßia WATER: It is fr . = 'eiperiene that CO/,%IMTLITXON WATER has emanated., and 'we'now say let/no man doubt, when a single bottle - hes been known to cursdiseasea which the best medical talent in this country I= failed to relieve. A remedy.' possessing the virtues of - ConstitutionWater cannot Ifs .classed under ; Nuack" preparations, as it is now used by the most scientific practitionem in this city- It is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure ;nand the'suckless of the, phy sician increases as his knowledge ordifferent ` ro mp ea enables tim to prodnee a cure,: while others fall itl the'at tempt Science is satisfied with the truth: , Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we 'nfean'you whO are under some rsacialistes care front Tear t4ear, and we particulatly allude to ladies who are' constantly' resorting to local treatment, and all sorts of locaVaOplkationa for with as much chance onsueeessus theie 'would be from local applications to the throat for diSthses of the . We have boon always careful to use language in our circular that could not shock She most delicate' organita don, but we receives!) many oommusleations from per sons for which Constitution Water. is adapted, 'and of whose diseases no mention has been mado,, 'that 'we have come to the conclusion that if the. reirtedy ' capable of, producing a cure, no matter what the - disease 'may be, .It, should bo made known. The medicine is put np fqr public, and there should be no .oteeptiondiJ • . Wo w,ould say, .Constitution .Water Is riot Ake a 064, pill, made to suit the eye--and - taste; it Is a every 'sense of the term; -placed in the hands of the peo ple for their relief, and :if taken according to the direc tions it will in every mee t - produce a radical cure. We would say tha.t the directions in - regard diet, eto., re late only to the disealle'under *lda they:odour. DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach" and" liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most' bstinate disease, except consumption, that 'affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, but will state that, the effect of the disease is the , txmvenalen oftho ststraii principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sufar,, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion Or. water. Many persons suffer Prole. this iliac:lse who gre ignorantpf it; that is, they pass largo quantities during the day,- and arc obliged to get up from' One to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is take/10f it. until their attention is called to the large Cliscbauge.of water, and , often when it is so far advanced as in In beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom-is the great thirst, which, when the disease is t'ully estab lished, is intolorablo—the patients constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the-mouth, cranking of the lips, a sweet breath, lin tho' niore itdvanned. case; said, finally less of appetite, emaciation, and t4d. 4 psicnat gqicttid ay. sinks from exhaustion. ' , ' ' only .. - ;,t .- • COMTPUTION WATER is, without dolibk, the y known remedy for Diabetes, andwe have as upaohconfidence that it is a specific as we havethat "ophira Win- lircOuP9,Bleff and truthfully say that ithas cured every otinln - whic STONE IN TO =ADE ER, -cALcurithl,;e44.44: BRICK DUST DEPOSIT; ETC., Bro .- Diseases artems from a faulty secretion—in tho ono case , being top little, and accempaniedby severe_Pain, and Mai other a too profuse secretion—which weilbe speedily cure:ff.' * * the ' ,1 CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER' , cobisraunoluw'Alkle_: CONSTITUTION lIPATRIt. CONSTITUTION WATEIt CONSTITUTION WATICP: CONSTITUTION: CONSTITUTION' WY il li:it CONSTITUTION - pTATER • CONSTITUTIOIfi WATER THE ONLY KNOV,;.N REKED , z - Fo n THE ONLY KN I SWN REMEDY. FOR THE ONLY E - NOWN REMEDY - Vat THE ONLY KNOWN .REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN 'REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN' REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR. . THE ONLY 'KNOWN RENEDYTOK THE ONLY KNOWIS REMEDY FOR, THE ONLY KNOWN REHEDY TOR DIABE TEA. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF ;TIE • BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE" .10.DNEY§; r • •,* . CATARRH OF THE • • . .- STRANGUARY AND SIIRNING , • OR. PAINFUL NATING. For these:diseases It Is truly a sovereign remedy, and' too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been, knomm - to relieve the most urgent oymploms. Are you troubled with that dlitreasing pain in the small;of the back and through the hips P , A teaspoonfuls day of the Constitution Water Rill relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS.. Have long since given up the use of, buchu.,,cubelas and. junlper,in.the treatment of that& diseaseig, 'end' only - Use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER.• has proved itself equal to the 'task that has deliolyed . upon it, DIURETICS . . irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant ups , soon. lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed dieaeee, We present the Constitution Water to the gun° With the conviction:that it has no equal in rolispring, the &pia; of diseases for which it has been found so. eruirtentlY i3U0..- cessfutfor curing f and we trust that :twat:tall be rewarded, for put. elltirts in placing so viduable..a..remedy in a form, to meet he requixements.of patlenj and ph:piloted. _READ ! ItEA.IS! !! _ . Deslams, Pa., Juno 2 4 1862.—Dr.' Wm. H. Greg g _ Dear Sir: in February:, 18641 was affected with ringer diabetes, and' for five months I palsed more thaz two gallons of Water in twenty-four hours.lwas.entiged to got up as often as ten or twelVe linosduring-,t'Ao night, and in five months I lost about, ,fifty pounds in weight. During the month of 18E4 I•Procpred two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two - days ifter l using it lex. perienced - relief, - and after taking two bot:iied , I ,was en artily cured, soon after regaining my uer.ial good health. Yours truly. 3. V. L. DE WITT Meares CORNERS, N. Y., Dec. 27, .861.—Writ: & Co.—Gents: I freely give you IPaerty to makenasal e following certificate of the value, of co m m o ti on _ t w a td r .; which I can recommend in the 'highest planner: 'my:wife was attacked with pain in the,, Shoulders , whole:length. of, the back; and in her limb",. with Palpillstion of the Heart. and irritation of the EtWer. ealled:a physician, who. attended her 'about thaw menthe, when.he left her worse than he had found ;tor. I then employed one Of the best' physicians I cons a find, wheaminded_her for about nine: months, and w..nlle she wag under lfis eareshodid not suf fer quite as "much pain: He finally gave her up, and said. "leer' case was incurable. For," said he,-'she has such Combination of com plaints ilia, medicine given fon one ope, rates against som e other,ofher. difficulties" About this time she commenced the use of Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first 00SO seemed to have the desired effect, and she• kept antlinbroviiig rapidly under its treatment, and - now `Superintends en tirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the Constitution Water for abotd four weeks, and wertreliappy• to say that it has produced a permanent cure.o , " • AL, VAIsTIIENSCHOTEN. WSTHERSPTEID, Conn., March .2, 1863.—;Dr. TV.` Gregg—Dear Sir.:—Having seea..your , advertirmnent;of 'Constitution Water," recommended for InfilumMtion, of the Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder, liming sUfkred for the past three : years, and tried the Will of a 'number bf physicians with only temporary relief, I WaSinducedinitay, 1 your medicine. I procured one bottle Of your • agents" Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson & Co., and when I had wed half of it, surprise I found a great change in. my health. thavtinsed two bottles of it, and am where 'I never expected to he in my life, well, and is good spirits: I cannot expressmy gratitude for it; I feel that it. is all and more than you recommend - 11 inbe. May the blessing of God aver attend you in ybui labors of love. - • Yount truly, - 'LEONARD DIGID,OW. - FOR SALE BY .ALL'DEUGGISTB: PRICE V.: WM. H. GREGGR' . oo.,'Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN General Agents, Jan 26•41awem-end •No.,46"Cliff-11, 1 5ew York- , • SOLD JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY& COWDIN, PHILADELP7M, PA, KUNKEL. & BRO . . Us Market street, Iltirrisburg, Pi A N 'DRUG-GISTS Mrn CAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE ! THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOE DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, CHEROR A F.4 INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM:MOOTS BARKS AND LEAVES. CIIBBOILEBB 'MEATY, the great Indian Diuretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, such as Inconti nence of the Urine, Ind* nation: of the Bladder, Inflam mation of Oto Sidneys;2i4ione in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glee, Gomwrhecti;lital is especially recommended ies those cases of Fluor 41#48 (or Whites in females) where att the oidnaussous medic — s hare faded. la- It is prepared in a :highly concentrated form, the dose only belnOrom one to two t/mipoonfals three times _ • • . . . It is diuretic mid alterative in its action; purifer‘g stiCclidttiiing r il4blobk : Ottushig, it , to ,flow in all of its original purity and vigor hills removing from the system an pernicious causes whieh have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with.that , medicine iq _ all cases of Gonorrhea; Meet, Fulor .etWous or • Whites. Its effects are healing, soothing and ileirtu c rentovMg . all,: scalding,. heat, chordeo 1, 0 * l /, in 4 64 Of, tfolburning and enduribleintin that is expetiehto.4lth nearly ,id!, the cheap 'qiecteklijedtiOns. . • the use, of the C/KERORRE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the' two snedicinesat the same time—all immhpof discharges are yomeved t and the weak ened organs are speedily 'restored. to full vigor and strength. .-For full particulars, get our , pamphlet from any: drug stom,inr - the country, or wilt . itti, and we will mail aliclress, a fall treatise. ' ha- Price, „CTECEIROKEE ItEhltl7", $2 per 'bottle, Or three bottles for $5, CHER WEE:INjECTION42 per bottle, or three bottles for n ),:f4r ; Co'aikiltratidret reenjpt „5er....5/d , DR:. W. R. DLEIRWIN 8.; CO., - Sole Propriotors, morlo.oodly.''. No. g4.l,ll)erty, street, New York. . , -' CHEROKEE •caJw,! TIM efßziT-: .W• COMPOUNDED PROD[ ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES dvs nraiting.cure for.. d'i , ei'!wstorrbect, S eminal Weak ness, Noctarnal'Entinfolls, and all 44xnes causahby self pollution; such as,Loss of hfemoryi, , Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Lianas of VisiOh, Premature Old Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, isembling, IVakeful . . . new EruptioThi on. .the Face,. • Pale.. Countenance Insanity; ,acimultlti:on, and all the•Difilubconsllaints caused by de- P a-ftin o..P .cm thi P 2tl .4 ii4110:e;;1.-,:;;;;, . . girlhig medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one on which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many yeas , i,..aUti thousands treated , it has not failed in a siiagle'liiitance‘ . its curative poweritavesbeen sufficient to pin victory over the most stubborn case. TO- ; tlMge*bici have.trilled !their constitution, think ihejektelves . beyondAlM Mach 'of Medical aid, MD WOUia say, Datpaieiiot t tIIi4EII.OILEE CURE will reStore you to health and vigpi,''ariiiitter all quack doe tors have iiirFor full particulars, got a Circular from any Drug &dein the cbantry; or wtito the Proprietor, who will a.ny 014.,dsaying the !isms_ a euu In piusitiblet-forM. ,a-Prices $2 per bottle, or 'thtee -betties Tor $5, and l'orwarded by express t'o . all pails or the world. soia by eir'Vespeetable druggists everywhere, ; • ' DR. W. R. IgRRWIST & CO., • ' • Psornurroas, marlo oodly alo. 59 Liberty street, New-York. 'NEW: AIDirkIerIgF.M.ENTS , ------- - - - - - - - - - _ _ PHO'iIOGRAP.OI. ALBUMS. ANOTHER URGE ASSORTMENT .Photographiill) s 130IIIstb FEL4tlibßOCCO—rianiilled, gllVaiadMounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for ~ $3 00 00 .40 tt 60 w • tc together 'with Wife - us other - styles of binding, _sizes Anil pima, which will be soldcham." Boldiers you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaperalbzaa anywhera Ca mm seal at BCHEFFER'S BOokstore, 'marl2-dtf . Harrisburg, ra. • ,1 0*. ;IQ suog..,,wpit - p. S EMI." TARRANT'S CONFOUND EXTRACT OF CITHERS rAlifte-COPAIIIAV This prepare-blearily:particularly, recommeuded'lto.the .131EDICAU FROFIRSHION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, RID ,NEYS, URINARY- 0, . N4.-ETP• It may be relleelb altillteikteroAtor theAdministra. *tick of these remedies in the large class of disoogosof both semi, to which :they ,are .applicablk It never- interferes with the digestion, and by its concentr ation , p the dose is much reduced. - " • N. B.—Purchasers are advised- to ask for TA.4RAIs'T'S ;COMPOUND EXTRACT,OF..CUBEBS AND CDPALBA, arta take nothing else, asimitations and worthless prepa- VatiOriE, -wider simikteniuries, tut in - tho' market. 'Price 01 00. Simt by ,express on receipt of -price. 'Haiiiificv tared only. Ary,e TAR RANT: CO., No: 278' Greenvifel street, comerofiWarrenstreet, Now York, and for sole' ' Druggista.mourraThy. - 0ct22411y For sale by S. A. 41.17NK1X &IMO/land by Dreggisto geberally. *holeiome and Convenient Sub" • • stitutO 'fat- Yeast. FEFAILVROBITTItEAStii POWDERV • They - servo to impregnate the denglior hatisin with" carbon% Lackli-WhiCh -br its expansion , feepakinglo6 l duceeltivitYi whiterieis and 'digestibility; Without , - Coil- Delimit single "attritive element, or adding—thereto any thing which. the ByStOM does not constantly. :require... 'hey enable a cook to make the, most lirsious bread, the sweetest and lightest cakes without a moment's delay: . Warranted to give satisfaction, or no sales 'Prepared-4nd hold, wholesale and retail, by. S. A. KUNKEL Druggists ; 118 Market street,'Marriabing. trla7 tt HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA. BALM,: OR beautifying the complexion, erarticat-.. ing freckle; eruption; sunburn and tan. Most extraordinary and delightful toilet article covered. It changes the sunimmt face mid ,:lmods,3o pearly like, satin texture and ravishing, beauth.fcaving the complexion fresh, transparent and •Sinecita:''Tt.' . moves pimples, tatter, tan and roughness. ,,- IVIS -What every lady should have, and none willAismsoeuith . when once used. Sole agents for this city. For sale, .by the bottle'or dozen. S. A. KIJNKEL ,E Apothecaries, Fla.blarleet street, Harrisbulf. • febll-11,tr!,„ . .'" L W D 11003 lIATES,-.; NELODEONSI KEEP 1 - 11111 SK NrIOLINS,Mutes, Guitar; BalajoS, , Strings, - ..prams,.Fifes, and all kinda of Mdsleal-Merchandise. - Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, Photograph cards and Albums, Ambrotype Gems, Engravings, Pictures, &0., & Remember the place, No. 12 'Third street, ,the. largos Music Store this side of the•grleat . iiittira ._;*l2p-cur- TATRIOTIc GIRT BQCIN." - 1;.. OUR CONSTITUTION2 1 4 t:FiO/ 0 "Our Government," an elpolitian of tlio Constitution, ie., for popular use. ' By M M'Eri.i . :We' 'Pace $1...F0r sale at del4 , :BERGNEWSROOIItTOTE. if,iTTED-0-crro-vm, , , • i -,131 OR TABLE USE, Just ril;t:Cl at` - ;'; ' 4l -•; SigLER & FRAZER'S, .(Successors toVm. Dock, Co.) M lICKWHEAT small _ lot bot,poperior, quality ;lit 'llt4: . ivlOil:ltteot: from TOwondi ikki.torsaltb,rttoyttiolcor quarc - at _ Pall • BOYER & KOERPER. :.~.~a~ RA_ILRCIADS. Pennsylvania. Rail Road I winviam, TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FO UR FROM 113ILADEDELPID.A. • Olf AIM AFTER MONDAY, Nov. 16th; 1863 MEE Passenger Trains of the Peaasylvania ± Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and l' fellows: EASTWARD. THROUGH HIEPHESS TRAIN leaves- Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. M. and arrives at West Philadelphia at G. 55 FAST LDNE leaves Ilarrisburg.dally (except - Monday) at 8.06 . at, and arrives at Wesablladelptila at 10.10 x. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy leaves Harris burg at 7.20 A. x. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. x. YAM'._KAU , • TRAIN loavie NE4113614 daily (excepl. Sunday) at 1.00 r. x., and arrives at West Philadelphia at PIAMP.IBBITRG ACCOMMODATION TRAM, via Colum bia, Jewett - Harrisburg at:5:80 it M. and attires at. West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. WES , TMARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.20 A. at ; Altoona, 8.00 A. at., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. st. - PHILADELPHIA REPRERS.TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 8.20 A.M.:; Altoona at 8.40 A. at., take breakfaSti and arrives at Pittsburg at LBO P. X. - • • ' , MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at. ]..40.r. ; Altoona at 4:55r. lalckiditlper;lad'atriVeg Lit Pittsburg at 1.10 FASTlXiltleatres Harrisburg at 4.15 x. ; Altoona at 9.10 r. x:,'takessupper, and arrives "at' Pittsburg at 1.40 A. M. . . H.A.RRLSBDR9 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia'at 20 r. Dr-, and arrives at. Harrisburg at 8.10 . - MOUNT J OY ACCOMMODATION leaies Lafficaster at 11284. at, arrives at Harrisburg at 1.40 P. Y. • • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle .1:47); Pam'a R. R. Harrisburg, Nov: 13, 1862.-dtf , .T193. 4 4wrp.,1 Central .Railway WINTER MIMS _TABLE. - THREE TRAtra''DAILY Dtattoii " BIA. "I` 1L)114' 0- R E W A S H I , N G'lriV{N 'C'l T Y Connections made witletraina on Pennsylvania Railnaad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. - TWO TRAINS DARGYIto 'and from the North. and West Branch Susquehanna, 'Elmira, And all of Northern New Yor N and altar XIONPAY, fqOYEMBEE, tab, O 1863; the Passenger . Trains of the Northern Cen tral Railway - A(111 atiatakdepazi rron garrisburg and Baltimore astellows, vii: • SOUTH - VA:IID. . . . MAIL TiOt./..casvu,nscia'.Byrbury daily (except io. : i 0 a. 3L " "leaves. Harrisburg .. . 1.20 r. arrives atßaltimore 5.40 r. 1. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbiiry daßy lexcept Sunday): 11.42 r. ai. "liana Harrisburg (except • ItoridaY) 3.50 A. at. arrives at -Baltimore daily (except Monday) . 7.00 a. m. HARRISKRGAGOOMMODATIQN leaved Hai NORTH-WARD =EI MAIL TRAIN, leaves Baltiutore- daily ,(except , . Sunday) - • 9.20 A. M. leaves Harrisburg L 45 P. M. " arrlveS,44l,oury , ,4.30 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaoM".altifnere daily. • 4 9.30 r. M. • • " • anlyesl4 Herrisburg ..... aoo A. at. . , leaves Hardsburg daily - (ex, • copt Monday),... • 3.25 A. M.' arriyOilatAUPthlny\ 6.24 HAiIIitRUNG ACCOMMODATION leaies ' " .• •. "- ;! . . t ... S4 . 11 :: " 3.00 P. M. " arrives at Harrisburg For further information apply at'the °Mee; In Feraulyl ntilla • , I=sd Depot J. IT . ..Di:BARRY, : • Nov. 16, 1863.:dtt Gen. SupL,. A F T 11- THREE TR:ATNffi DJail, TO NICW YORK , N'PrEELADELPHIA.: OAND 'ArrElt' MOVDAY; NbVdmber 18th, 1883, the, Pa.gsongel.YrainsAd leave the Phila delphia and..lteadinrEallroadrDepotrat Harrisburg ; for Ne° l l ,7o fkW P1#44e414404131f0110w5,, Viz . • t A. s • a D. EXpitE4.ll,,lNNleay,en - NarribMiltp%6o -;11.; on`r ar rival of tlievAlathsklittnierthilrotufrdp Train from the West, arriving in New York at 1.45 a. x. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change., , • MAIL leade r sHaritsburg a t 8.01 x. arriving In New. York at 5.30 1.. ts. an M d .Philadelphla 1.50 P. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 200 P. M., arriving In Now York at 10.25 P. M., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. M. t . WESTW D.' „ FAST LlNE , loivektiltear_ PYtiik at 6.001 A. and Phila delphia at 8.15' a.:11.1i . tiiiiifig at Hariiibitig at 1.15 P. x. IfAll.-"Mak.,IN leaves- Now York at. 12.90' noon, and Philadelphia tit 3.60 P: , x; arriving at Harrisburg at 0;20 EXPRESS:TRAIN leav,es birt Yorrat 37410 .ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train forPittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to thistratiL • Connections are made at,Harrlsburg with :Intim on the Pennsylvania; Northern Cantril and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading . , for "Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown,. Easton,- &d.• 'Baggage 19 „heSked, ...,tkraligit• battv4en Now York and Harrisbing,-SPIA ;aro - tWeerniarriebarg anti Philadol- Phla, $3 3ft DI no. a cars, and $3 in. No; 2. For tickets or other information apply to 11. CLYDE, nolA-dtf ' General Agent, Harrisburg. 1864. • •• 1864 44(..1 , ... • • rt !r, r••• f • MCM . j LI S \ blaaaliaftaaa - .4I: — .AL"-IL • • PliiladPipliiii TiEgreat lintilraverges the Northern and thwest •counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie ; onLake Erie: • • • • • It beehleesed by the Pmessrtvsara Amman Com mon; and under -their- auspices' is • being rapidly opened throughout its entlpallAnVt),,,l It 11i1105f. use i ,for -Pam-anger : fund ;Freight business froth- Ititiisburg 20 Einporiurn7(l.9s. miles) on the Eastena Division, and fretiv/Abellield,to. PAO (78 Miles)nn the Western Division. TIME OF rAssmER, MAERISBURG. - Mail Traie,l-uies:NOrth.... • .... 1.45 -1". Expreesi Trattileives North 8:23 11. Cam ruMthrough umrnotrk CHANGE both *rays on these trains between Philadelphia and Leek 7 Hiitta:nd green Baltimore and Leekllaite. - -•' ' Elegant Sleeping ears on:Eitpress -Andes both nap?, be tween Williamsport end Btdtimbre, and'WilliaMspert,and For inforanation•respmtindlPilmeriger business aPPlrat the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And for Freight buinnem of the Company's Agents: S. B.,.Kingsion,4r., °pram , I.3th and. ILarket streets, ' biladelphla. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. - . J. R. Drill, Agent. N. . 8., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, • General Freight Agent, • Phit'a. LEWIS L noun., • General Ticket Agent JOS. D. POTTS, RerontrvanageriTY.ficrnivot nol6-ayi A LL pOrtions having Grupe Vises of clime° 11 varieties, which they wish - to have pruned, can have it done in the best manner and free of - harge, by addres sing a Rote through the Post Office to JACOB KISH. N. B —The present season and weather are most favors; blo for the purpose. ' ' • ' febl6 ALMANACS!. ALMANACS ! B R - Arin.SVIA - 10CfA?.81-Srli-.01-1, 1 1/ 247 7 , - ,tt'W Just recolveitandlisile - • - • n ag .-; :-.49HEFFER'S BOOKSTORE: , AVAN-A:. - oßmspry,s, just recieved N - • 13CFFER &-KOEEPER. 1 i G1 444 4 4 4. 1 4T.,0441 7 41 Eno , 253 . 4 1 19. . 11 . 1: 4 3 isymE RK-STATE CHE_RS_,SI KOEIttER. RM:URO4.I)& 1863 WINTER 1864 ARRANGEMENT MDERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS: Clr-DTGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon day; November 17, 18133, Rts;3enger trains Will ran daily, as follows, (Suntbiks excepted:) ' ' FOR CHAMBERSIIFRa AND ITARRTOCRG:. A. X. P. X, - 2.46 3.86 - ..9,17 4.20 .. .8.30 12.55 - - Leaires Shimiensburg • 900 4.28 • tt :Newville • ..... 2.00 " Carlisle - 10.10 2.42 Mechanicsburg . ..: 10.42 2.12 Arrive at Harrisbmg 11.15 140 . FOB O.IIAIM4ERSBURGAIVD ArAGERSTOWN: ; . Leave Harrisburg . 8.06 - 1.25 hiechanichburg • 347 2.15 " Carlisle •• • 9.27 2.55 .10.02„ 3.29 iQ Shippensburg ,' • - .10.33 4.00 . Arrive at. Chanabersburg.:: ...1.00:.......4.30 .Leav,e Cbarnbersburg....,. • . ;1.10 4,40 " Greenosgo • .11.65 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown _12.35 6.10 w Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and "PittabUrg ; and with trains for all points West.o. N. LULL Aipt. R. Ompo, Chambeisburg, Nov. 17,1362.1 y , Leave Hagerstown Greencastle chamt9ro3,nra READING RAILROAD. • WINTER ARRANGEMENT. REAT..TRUNK LINE FROM TEE ‘..A-"ROKIII and Northwest for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, ARentotrn, Eastcayre., &c. 'Trains' leave Harrisburg for 'philadelphia, New 'York, Readihg, Paitsv.ille and all intermediate statiookat 8.00 New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 a. at, arriving at New,York ut 1.45 the Same day. . • . Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $3 35 and $3 00. -,Saggage checked through. Returning, leavo New Yorkat 64. ac ,12. noon, and 7 P. M., (Pittsburg Express.) leave PhiladelPhia at 815 A. IL, and 8.30 P. M. • Sleeping cam In the New York Expreseltainskthr - ough to and from Pittsburg withoatehange. • • - Passengers by, the Catawissa. Railroad leave Tana:qua at 8.50 A. sr., and 2.15 P. m., for Philadelphia , New York, and all Way points._ Trains leave Pottsville at 0.15 a.. at, and 2.80 r. x., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. , i . Accomniod alien Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 a. if., and Aturat,from Philadelphia at 3.00 it. • ror AR the aboib trains run daily, Sunday excepted.' A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 a. u., andPhil adolphia at 3.15 P. IL , Commutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. Novembei 44, 3:8637-damtf. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG PA. covr.nty & mrrainsorr; Propiietors. • mars well known Hotel is now in a condi lion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ampld conveniences alike for the transient guest and the,permanentimarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely .retit- . ted throughoid, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort.and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. - Its, location is the hest in the. State Capital, being in easy ticcc , as to all the railroad depots, and hi close proximity to all the public offices and bnshmsslo-, edifies of the city. It has now all the conveniences of 7.W .A. N. .FIRST CLA'S'S HOT EL ; and the Proprietors aro determined to spare neither ii perm, time or labor to ensure the comfort of. the ghosts. The patronage of the krevedingyntqc regiectfully,spit jellAftf . . STATE ; `'CAPITAL 'HOTEL; CORNER OF THIRD Alt.) wALNur STREETS, HA.B.4I4SOURIGivrEMPA.. THE havingpurchasedWS Well known house has. enlarged and thorouglily renovated it. Thep:louts haire bbe'n re=painted and paporedan&the entire estrdishtiaent elegantly re-furnished. Rein . * plea , ty san and eligibylocated, and - provided with every'Atin , venience it offers to the pubho.all the comforts and, lain, wies Sr altrat Mass hOtel. Trusty and obliging servantel alWays in attentlifide:' Ater well' stocked with dioioe. liquors .is attached to the establishment. de2tl-dly, ' W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Corner of. Market:ll4l.4U and Iftta'Rat Square, . 111' . 111 ' 113 UR 9,, fEkrN.I. - . 'Proprietor. LD.I4 - prs .SAFES. CHILLED AND - WROUGHT IRON A Z •••' PC, 1 1 - 3' CUT—Sho‘vin; Ole Net 11 %:411 • at Wrought Iron Bare attention of business men generally is invited to the supertor advantages of this - Safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities. They are all secured by a Combination Lock, without-key or keyhole, and the whole outside of the Safe is CHILLED IRON, (from 1.34 inches to 2 inches thick,) and is proof against the punch or drill anifihei use of powder, as fre-. (lucidly employed by burglars in their operationa . De scriptive circulars furnished by GEO. W. PARSONS ; 110 Marketstreet,'Harrisburi, - , • Agent for Central Penna. • - HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES. Every deseription of Dormant and Portable' Platform &Mos, Hay, Coal and Stock Scales, Railroad Depot : and' Track Scales, Furnace Charging Scales, Army Scales: and . Counter Scales. .. • . •. • These Scales have several IMPORTANT.ADVOTAGES. They receive the wear and friction allntys. on dated iron balls under the platform, instead of receiving it upon the knife pivots and dulling. them; No jarring; of 'the . plat form affects the working of the scale. Have no check rods to confine the platform. "Mill weigh when out of level. Large scales require no deep pit anl'cost• less for foundation ' Am., than any other wales. Full information furnish.* by the subscriber,- who is agent for Central Permsylvania,, and sells at man ifi c ., turer's prices. .- ' GRO. - W. PARSONS, feb9.43m 110 Market street, Harrlibmg.- • NEW _BAKERY, Broad Stieet; between Second and Thir R - AR.R.isitußG. • rrEcE, undersigned. has opened a new BA -11 in the Sixth wards where he is - prepared to supply BREAD AND CAKES at a. reasonable rate. .He warrants satisfaCtion to allwho will gicbllink a on.. He will sell his bread at the rate or, • • FIVR CENTS ND: and full weight guaranteed, JOHN ALCOBN. . „. VISITING, -WEDDING -'INVITATION, AND AT HOME CARDS.- , : By a;speefal arrangement with one of the besteugfai•erii in the country,, ; cards of any description will be executed in the :highest style of art, conformable yrith the latest- fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices tharfare charged by .the station-. ers in New . York or Philadelphia. For samples sod prices, ratli at HiKEIGNER'S BOOK STORE.: - mcbs-dif APPLES! 'APPLES! !-150 bbls. of Yoxk State Apples of evirt variety. Also, York State Bullet, for sale at ja., BOYER Pi KOERPER. . . INCE flesh. just,Teeeive4 IVA- and P 7 . , TPAn ;Ide4l MERPF.X. R9Ns Ant WlVron for sale at F JORN WItEI3, *tamle and mail. dtr . Arrive at 17. 4 eave. at G. A. NICOLLS, - General Superintendent. MOTELS.. MEDICAL. :ra Rf.' . .. .. o DR. JOHN I.i..±YoN'S .. FRINGII - 11111010 . 0.1% : :: DROPS, ;;; . . ' TEE GREAT FENALE , REGOLATOR, Are the only' known remedy dad' sticceutly and invariably restore and regulate tbdiemalesystem, remov: ing alt irregularities , and producing health, vigor and strength. • . , LTON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Ara a fluid prepandion, the only true oneof the kind ever discovered in this country, and actedirectly on the parts allbided, whilst pills and powders - can only' reach them as' they work through sympathy, but, not. at all direct and positive. Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the rega: larrenim.9f nature's proscribed laws? 'Give yourself no Uneasiness., for Lyon'S Periodical Drops, if-taken a daY.or two beforethe espected period, will post)* Lively and invariably, regulate Keratin, ea sue as spat., follows cause, as certain asdaylight folloWs darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or,raddeto hear the labor and danger of increase I' 1 . RI • 'LYONN ' PRRITIDIAL DROPS COMO to yOu es a,b1444, fpr is not pro veugon beger Wm, cure? If:regularly taken, it Is a certain prtnvetiVe,- and' Win , save gon much peril and many houm of staring. • . }Glyn y&r b een dieted for many years with coniplainte incident to the sea, Ullatltave tkilled• the of phyla cians, and are hurrying you on to, an only grain Lt9res PRitrolgoAL PROPS,-: MEI Are,the most reliable regulator ever ]mown ; and oure,,like magic, all those itvegularities that LitiVe defied the doctor's Will you waste away with innyering from Laucorrlicea, Prolaptms, liyindenOrthosi, anorethousand other ditlidul: ties, all summed up under the name of suppressedand. obstructed nature, when an , havestment of one dollar in El LYON'S PNEIMIOAI, bßors • • ' •;111 surely crave you. = . Do not use the dropa 'whei forbidden in the directiqns, :for although a poslihree cure; and harmlessit," all ,Otlier times, they are so powieffidand ihiely:c(dottlatedlo aoljriat aid govern the functions of the sexual organism,thax,cifi taken at imprope Diey would produce results . ceni Crary to nature, - *Wilk wlitch: all, particularly those 'Wlm would reproduce , -rdikaild eatefolly guard. • ' " =MEI LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS . • ._• • . ptumot harm the Most " delicate mitudittition at. any time yet the proiiiietoM wish to' . guard 'against its mfause' Milting that a thousand bottles Will be used tor a good pnr pose where one is used for an illegitimate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL 'DROPS, „Dni the 4 . 3 :pl . for by wary *oturer"ealth in Ll c Z r a . r f a 9r I:l,l=taililidnido not; if you tl value "Tale ne - Ottier„but if the Druggist to e 'whoin ; n on . got it, make him eind'ind get it'for' Yon. C. G >CLAItK-•& MEE At Wholesale, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & OOWDEN, 28 North StxU!Stfeet,, Mithidolptilat Pp : • . • . o •••••• , ' - f,„-.1 - i - , , ; • • r - P w.wl ) ... 4 c, lIE 1 EM )=. l _ "•+=. 1--t c.m E 5 EMIENIMITE lIMIN MEE =1 MIU =MEM sorsttTO , ire* 11.#yen, qi! ME F ._ ;:;sit ~_z MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED! AT BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store. Embracing every new arid Improved style of POCKET 1100E.S, MAGIC cußits - Ncy HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BumsEax PURSES, • PORTMONNAIKS, • at prices to suit all circumstancest . POCKET CUTLERY, Candstiii.g or a fine asaThrataii-Or'irtisienholm's Superior : . Pocket %atm!. GOLD PENS, 'From Iteatoa's celebrated manufactory Every Pet tr. . with a pomace. FORT FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS; , PaPETERIE9, ke Together with every article usually found in a ant Cla3 Book and Stationary establishment, at • Myl.2] . BERGNER'S, 51 Market street gEIPIIEWS DAILY UNE BET vs Js.EN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Harm, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Man or., Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, . Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun burry, Treverton,- Georgetown, Lykenstown; Millersburg, ~! , • Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rate et. pie Conductor goei through With each train to attend to the safe delivers. of all goods intrusted to the lino. Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD EcYREED, 811 Market tweet Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock P. IL, will be delivered in Ear risburg the next morning: , • Pseight. Always as Low as by Any Other . JOS.. MONTGOMErn & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrt.burg. 0ct2.1 tf BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND 517.411.1111F55, BURLAP AND GENNI" BAGS , FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., fetd6- Ho. 113, North Front .Philadelphia. d3m • FIIINTOCEI PECTORAL, RIRLP. TmsINVALUABLE brh.UP, which is en. tirely vegetable in its composition has been era ployed with wonderful secbessfor many rear= in thecae of diseases for the AIR PA ° , IGES and LUNGS, For any fbrm of' the disease, siteli as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT,SPEITTNG OF BLOODOMFFICULT BRECGMG, 110ARSENk*, LCk'' OF VOICE and HECTIC IL% Elk... its use will be attended with the happiest regoll. It la ate of the best and safest medicides for all forms EatuN CHITIS and CQNSUBIFTION. .IVo /a/ damns or prlors Kan 4f O ,p mosey shape inais syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER , BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Solo. DANIEL A. MAIENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line; rezpeetfully in forma the public that this Old Daily fransportatter Line (the only Wallower .Lina now is exL,tence city,) in successful. operation and prepared to carry freight irs low as any Other individual lite bvtwv,nlittla dolphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport. Jersey aore, Lock Haven and, all,other pals on the Northerneentrat, Philadelphlawnd m Erie and IVlNamsyori and Elmira Railroads. DAN - BM A. WM:CFI, Agent 11arriabura, Petua'a. Goods seat to the Warnonse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell & 808 and 810 Market atreM, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock will arrive at Ilarrh- Mut e :ready for delivery; neat morning lap3o-rd myl book.' Here SOLDIERS, 1011. WILL, DO WELL ET CALLINit SCOPVFER. 3 S - BOOKSTORE, OF THt "AMERICAN FLAG." And initliaseYonr NOTE'PAPERANO MNA - Eftins, PORTFM. BOOKS, - POCKETMiIiZTANDS, VAIMPT4 'INES, PHOTIVPH ALBUr. tiadoTofiho very liest.sinaleriill, and for sale at rglnto " emember Miklth BOOKSIORE L jan29 Sign of the American Fthg, Harmburg, B E 73 .tE D! - • . ..PAPERoioit.DERs - SCRAFFERVI.:I36oirsraus, Has to be removed on the first, of April next. His ,of Wall Paper must be iteludid, and will. therefore, 1,, sold at very low prices ; althahgll price of Wall rapers still going up, Persons desirous of Papering their Hecies, will 'do well - toertz:eine his assortment and prices. flecemljer4lB6l3. 111E0. F. SCliErft.R. Air-Plve cents cash pad for clear mixed Rags per portritf. Old -Hooke Waited foi—eash. (.le3 11111 f PBOTORAIS'arn to soothe a ,Ticirlizig in tiro .lirdit;„ to relieve Boarieneen Catarrh, Sore Throat,- & They cantata llorenoond, Inecacaanha; Senega and Squill, fiche noiwreliable expectorants: irnown,) are the chief ac- I Aire; ixinstatientri, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sc.gar, :that each' lozenge commas a mild and very pleaSant dote. Manufactured solely by .. S.._A. XU EL & BRO., Ijan27 Apothecaries, 118 Market. street, Harrisburg. rtant to - Truckers and Gardenesr. Q"OF.' nS by the BUSinlia or POUND, of an ),7 the leading and best early 'varieties Peas, Bears.. Radish, Cabbage, "WilminroAsittltit`Ca., Beet, Carrot Par. ship, Atootabaga, Che-loni . .ka t . The above seed offered for salerare raised in Neteror State, by one of the mo responsible seek giinverstrini 'the *country. I have pc chased from them for a number of years and shod . = found themtrue to name and mach earlier than seed lapsed farther Sorith. . ~ J. 3118 H, i., keystone Parm and Nunieiry, Harnaburg. P. 13.—Ordets wanting immediate attention drop in the Post Office. -No orders will be taken for any kinds of seed less than by the pound; - or one-fourth pound of four Wirie94s: ' [feb2ls] , ' J. NII-3a I. DR. IL 'BE GI:FADE/L .l BENT T, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, Teeth positively extracted withi:it pain , by the usa nitrous - • -•• • cietitif • JIINT OPENED, , • -Av AS.ktON'FILEINT OF R 0 SE.W Q 0 D../I'ND H 0 G witrivriv, DESKS, Of different stia; forsae at • nol9 . ••• A ECENFEIR'S BOOKSTORE. M . ORTOIVS-Wid) , PF.NS. AnoNiet bfm - ortomi LLED:GEOLD pEyS, Jnst received at Scheffer's Bookstore. All-pens warranted ito• one year. pQ .131, I- Cl WO kt 0 0 L 8 of dikerenl. sizes Willson's excellee! eeries of Ellialers Mid Readers, published by Harper # Bi:othersltogether with all other - SChool_Baoka a nd Wr ' '. hit Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at dee7 SCHIEFFFIt'S BOOKSTfiftE. MORT G'OLD PENS Another lot of Mor,ton's Unrivalled Gold Pens for SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. All pros warrante4 for otke 3 year. (dam ATORFOLIE - OYSTEIT-Real 'Salts, ender ,LA the Jowls House. York Moor, 9ysters, aline node, abider the Jones Him*. Also, ,TerMg l 36, MAich will be served up in See este at nbort notice under the Jones House r by no ea • Josspa siavas. 13OCKBT BOOKS, - BUCKSKIN PURSES POICEMONNAII23, and a general variety of LEA ' TREK OGE!'s jaecfeq ved, at .K MEW 'ER'S 800 1911: - ‘"Wirrrated the Finest Sherry Wine in 0' ngE.M O3 4ANO SHERRY, imported iu country Fer sale at SE:ESLER dc reb2 (enamors to Wm. Lloclr•F,IJEtIO