Etitgrar HARRISBURG, PA 3IONDAY EVENING, MARCH /8, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII A.dver t6canents, Business Notices, ➢carriages, Deaths, to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be aceom parovd with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS. Tam NOTlCE.—Committees and persons who have in charge the filling of quotas for sub-districts can obtain•the most reliable as sistance, at moderate rates, at the law office of EUGENE SNYDER, Near the Provostatarshars Office, mar - 17-2w Harrisburg, Pa. BANSVAAT'S ,Bronchial Troches for hoarse ness and throat diseases, for sale at Dr. Miles' Drug store, corner Third and North streets, and Dr. Wm. H. Egle's Drag store, Ridge Avenue, jan3o- - dtf . TIIE celebrated crystal spectacles properly adjusted to the eye ; microscopes from, 100 to 700 diameter.; tower i.elescopes, field glasses, defining an object from one to ten miles, and all kinds of . optical, mathematical and philo sophical instruments at Ilnienclale's Optical Institute, 8 Market Square. Artificial eyes inserted. Semi for a circular janBdtf TOWN AND COUNTR.Y. To City,,Subscribers: City subscribers who intend to change thair place of residence this spring, are requested to leave notice of the same at this office, pre vious to moving, in order that their papers may be sent to their proper places. By giving this notice the proper attention, confusidn may be avoided. mar2El-lw WINTED. —A gentleman and wife desire boarding in a private family; where there are no other boarders. A house kept by a widow lady preferred. Apply at THIS OFFICE. mar24-cllw* ADJOURNED & &L .—Owing to the inclement weather on Saturday last, a large lot . of the household furniture; of R. M'Elwee, de ceased, were not disposed of. It will all be sold this (Monday) afternoon. Sale to com mence at two o'clock. A number of schOol desks, old matting and stoves will also be of fered for sale. COURT.—The next term-of Dauphin County Court will commence on Monday, April 25th, and continue two weeks. THE Second German Reformed Church of, this city, has applied to the • Common Pleas Court for An act of incorporation. Tu city Council has organized for the en suing year, by the re-election of Win. 0. Hickok as President, and David Harris as- Clerk. THE Ohio Legislature has passed an act prohibiting the sale of liquors in •the State, on election days. The P,ennsylvania, Legis lature would do immense service to "erring humanity," by pastlitig a similar law.- WE are informed, upon reliable authority, that Gwynne, the bonnty-borrower, did net, escape from Camp Curtin, as stated y in : tlie Organ of this morning. He escaped from the guards while being escorted . from .;this city to amp, and although several shots Were fired at him he managed to get off. Locs Lori COM:PAN - Y.—At a special meet ingaf*the stockholders held on Friday, March 25th, 1864, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Henry Thomas; Secretary aria, Treasurer, Jos. F. M'Clellan; Directors, Philip A. Small; William Hancock, William Colder, J. B. Eby, G. D. Coleman, Simon Cameron, James Young and Henry Gilbert. Ox Saturday Ave announced that a bogus lieutenant named Wood, had been relieved' of his shoulder-straps by Capt. Opdyke. That notice had scarcely appeared, until Wood en listed in Capt. Chritzman's company, of the First Provost Batallion, secured his bounty money, and skedaddled. Doubtless bounty jumping is his profession. HITOHCOON'S NATIONAL HALL (which, by the way, is a perfect little palace) will open this evening. A fine troupe has been engaged,. and the manager; intends to give the best en tertainments ever witnessed in this city. ilitohoock is a clever fellow, and desires to. maintain•a good reputation, by giving the. public the'worth of their money in the shape of respectable amusements. No doubt he will succeed. His hail is located on the cor ner of Second and South streets, in the build : , iag formerly known as Temperance Hall. A splendid pantomime will close each evening's Entertainment. I=l Dux citizens will be gratified to learn that the queen of tragedy, Miss Rate Denin, whose fine performances in all the principal theatres in the country has won for her a reputation rarely equalled, will appear in Harrisburg, this evening, in connection with Rouse's Star Combination Company. Mr. Sam. E. Ryan, the celebrated Irish Comedian, will also make his first appearance here this evening. 'Man ager Rouse has been at great expense to ef fect an engagement with these popular stars, and we know his efforts to please will be lib erally rewarded by the public. The perfor *mance, this evening, will commence with that beautiful five-act play, The lady of Lyons, in Which Miss Denin will appear as Pauline, and 11r. Jennings as Claude Melnotte. At the close of this play, Miss Fanny Denham Will sing the popular song entitled "The Fl ag of 01 41 - Union Forever." The= entertain ment will Conclude with the fine Xrish Drama, The Limerick Boy, with Mr. Sam._Ryan na Paddy Miles. Rouse's Star Trouie is one of the beat in - the•country. No better evidence_ of this can be offered than the fact that they, have attracted immense crowds on ,fifty-seven. consecutive nights. Go to night. Secure Yr* mite early, or you may not had ro om ' THE Eighth Anniversary of the Young Men's Christian Assodation of this city will be held in the Lutheran Church, to-morrow evening. Addresses will be delivered by Revs. W. C. Cattell and F. W. Conrad. To THE Orrionna OF THE 184TH REGIMENT P. V.—All officers belonging to the 184th Reg. P. V., are hereby ordered to report at the camp of the regiment with their men on e 2 before the Ist of April, 1864. By order of Tames is a great attraction atSanford's this week. The great fairy pantomime entitled Mother Goose will be performed every night, besides a great variety of ethiopian hits, songs, dances, short plays, etc. Do not fail to go. I=l CO. C, FOURTH 4.I2}IANSAS REGIBMIT. —Our readers will be pleased to learn.that this con]; pany is under the command of bapt. Simon Gratz, late of this city. This gentleman first served as First Lieutenant, and was after wards promoted to a captaincy. The com pany is stationed at Fort Steele, Little Rock, Arkansas. =COS= ANNIVERSARY Y. M. C. A.—The eight anni versary of the Young Men's Christian Asso. dation of this city, will be held to-morrow (Tuesday) evening, at 7.1 o'clock in the First English Lutheran Church, on Fourth street. An address will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Conrad, from Lancaster and by Rev. W. C. Cattell, the retiring President, who will also read the annual report, giving a statement of the workings of the Association during the , past year. HATS, CAPS AND Fcras. —4. H. Long has purchased the stook • and :good will of the Hat and Cap `store fornierly kept by the late T. J. Burnett, and advertises to-day that he will be pleased to accommodate the public and the old customers of the establishment with a superior supply of the goods peculiar to his business. Mr. Long was at one time a clerk in the , same •store;,andis thisrefora well known to its old customes. We can cheerfully re commend him as a young man of high bu siness qualifications and as one who cannot fail to succeed. POLICE AFFADIS—Before Alderman Kline.— The following persons were brought from the lock-up on Sunday morning, viz: Gwrge Fisher, G. W. Miller, R. W. Payne and G.. Bowler—drunks. ' - This morning John Beatty and John Love, (drunks) were brought forth and discharged. Charles Jones and James Robinson;. who registered their names at the Jones Honse,. were regarded as suspicious characters, and taken to the lock-up. . Samuel Palmer and Samuel 31'llenney, con sidered deserterse.Were arrested, and taken in charge bi.the m liEary authorities. Mary Sheely, arrested for vagrancy, was committed to prison for three dayi. THE celebrated Gottschalk, who is now making a farewell tour in this country, prior to his departure for Rapne, 'will . give a grand concert in the Court House, this (Monday) evening. Mr. G. will be accompanied by a number of musical stars of ;the first magni tude, who will take'part in the exercises. Mi. Gottschalk :wills: perform; as we learn. from a perusal of ,the' programme, sOmepi"..liis Choi cost compositioni; Mrs. Behrens will sing a charming bailed by Reichert, and an admired air from Dornzetti's "Betly;" Habelman's delightful voice will render Beethoven's "Ade lade," and that lovely balled of Abt's, "Sleep well, Sweet Angel f " =whilst Signor Patti is kind enough to promise us two violin solos. This ought to be enough to secure a crowded house. Lscruss ox ism Rterrza or Qr rr s —The following correspondence between GT It. Wexner and, citizens: of Harrisburg will explain itself • • WARTtywntraG, March 14., 1864. REV. Jxo. R. WARNER: Dear Sir:—The undersigned, believing that it will inspire patriotism, and desiring ever to hold in grateful memory the' heroeiof the immortal field of Gettysburg, respectfully re quest you to deliver in Harrisburg your lec ture upon that subject. John J. Pearson, John H. , , William Kerr,,.. John Ourwen,. J. Walker Jackson, .0. A. May, - Thos. EL Robinson, A. G. chitin, Eli Russel; A. I 2 James Worrell, A. 6` Hiester, H. C. Alleman, R. R. Reed, Geo. Bergner, David Fleming, and others. GETTYSBURG, March 19th, 1864. GENTLE=N:—I have the honor to acknowl edge your request, and will deliver my lecture - upon the incidents of the Three Days' Battle atonnd Gettysburg:, ,on Monday, March 4tit. . Y 01:1111, , J. R. WARNER. To His Excellency, Gov. Curtin, Hon. Eli Slifer, Gen. Russell, James Worrell, A. 0. Mester, and othelrs. go- From what we have heard of the lecture, we are led to anticipate a rich treat this evening. It Was. delivered to an immense au (Bence in the Ace*My of - Music, phia,and in the Maryland Institute, Balti more, where it woriutlie highestpraise from some of the most distinguished critics and soldiers in the country. The lecture will be ,repeated this evening in the House of Rep resentatives. The hall was kindly granted by the representives, because the lecture is to CoulrrEararra.—Betoarc of Counterfeits.—At Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of .Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations of fered to the public, we would caution the com munity to purchase none but the genuine ar ticle, manufactured by S. A. Kimkel,andhas his ,stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. 'The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. _The Brim Wpm OF I,aos -Is put up in 75 ~cfnt and $l,OO bottles, and sold by all re spectable Druggists thro:ughout the country. Be part:iota& that every bottle bears the fac simile of the proprietor's - signature. See another column. Geneisd Depot, No. us lisrket street, Harrisbriri, Pa. 12:a Col. J. H. STOVER List of Jurors, DRAWN FOR APRIL TERM, 1864, Commencing 3fondcty, April 25fh. GRiaiD JURORS Isaac Mumma, Lower Swatara; John Al corn, Harrisburg; George Bell, do.; Jonathan Bonawitz, Mifflin; John Buffington, Upper Paxton; Jeremiah Bressler, Millersburg; John Bribalter, Halifax; Henry Beader, Harris burg; J. C. parnitz, d 0..; George Dunn, do.; John Emrich, do.; Jeremiah Fraim, Dauphin; Jacob. Houser, Harrisburg; John Hummel, do.; James Holtzman, Upper Paxton; John Kieffer, East Hanover; Leonard Kinnard, Harrisburg; Jacob Moyer, Wiconiscoi Ja-ek son Rutherford, L. Swatara; John Beam, East Hanover; Reuben Reigel, tykens; Cornelius Shreiber, Harrisburg; Theophilus Sheaffer, do.; Samuel Wagner, East Hanover. 'TRAVERSE JtT2Ol9--PIRS - T WIMK. Isaac Ackerman, Middletown; Christian Al lenian, do.; Conrad - Allen:lan, Lower Swatara; William Bleistein, Wiconisco ; Theodore S. Bell, Irarrisburg• John R: -Brooks, ao. ;.Ben jamin Bordner, laifilin; Joseph Cassel Lower Paxton; Samuel Detweiler,Middletown; Louis De. Carleton, Harrisburg; Anthony Derr, do. ; John Etter, Halifax; Samuel. Eshleman, Der ry;. Henry Enders, Jackson; Jacob Fackler, S. Hanover; Jacob Gilbert; Nalifax; John W. Glover Harrisburg; Henry Hollingsworth, South ilanover ; Adam Hernperly,.Jr., Middle town; Peter Heckert, Lower Paxton; Alexan- KoSer, Harrisburg; Isaac . Kiriter, Middle Paxton; William Leaker, Upper Paxton; Abraham Landis,. Middletown; Henry Lehr, Gratz;-J. B. 'Markley, Halifax; Daniel Miller, Conaway; AlMer. Mash, Halifax; John Nace, Jack Son;. Aituon .oyster,': Harrisburg;• John Peck, Swatara; Leonard Poffenberger, Dau phin; Benjamin Reigal; ;. Jaeob Reiff, Londonderry; John Stroh, Middle Paxton; John Stahl, HarrisbUrg; Jonathan Spayd, Jef ferson ;"' Daniel Strelier, Gratz; George Shif tier, Derry; Frederick Schuaebly, aarrisburg; Jonathan Swab, Mifflin; William Trullinger, Susquehanna; Jonathan Tobias, Mifflin; Solo mon Umholtz, Lykens; Jacob Walters, Har risburg; William Sayford, do. ; A. W. Watson, do.; Thomas Worley, do.- =WORSE avaous—ancoND wEnx. Jacob Aispach, Lykens• ' Jacob praumsber ger. Lower Paxton; John B. Cox, Harrisburg; J. R. Croft, do.; Ephraim Cobach, Swatara; Simon Dash, Harrisburg; John Early, West Hanover; Samuel Fackler, Harrisburg; John Garrett, Londonderry; John Z. Grove, Derry; A. B. Hamilton, Harrisburg; Richard Hogan, Jr., do.; A. 0. Hiester Susquehanna; Levi Rocker, Swatara,; Jacob : Killinger, Halifax; Leonard Kunkel, Harrisburg; Jacob Kelm, East Hanover; William Lebo, Wiconisco; Jacob R. Lehman, Conewago; Isaac layer, Upper Paxton; John Nissley, Derry; Isaac Ober, • Lower Swatara; Abner Rutherford, Swatara.; Jacob Rodfong, .M.illersburg; Daniel Ricker, Swatara; John F. Rommel, Jefferson; John Rupp, Lower SWata.ra; Simon Shark, Lower Paxton; Jonathan Strohm, East Han over; Charles A:Snyder, Harrisburg;. George Schupp, Jefferson; Benjamin. Stroh, Harris burg; Joseph Strominger, do.; Henry Fecht moyer, Londonderry; , Michael Wolf, Jr., Ly kons ; Henry Zimmerman, Lower Swatara. C=l • Ws learh that Capt. H. Chritytnan, has been authorized (by an orderissue& from the . . headquarters of the Department of the Sus quehana,) to raise a company for , •the First Battalion, Penn. Vols. This Battalion is in tended to do, pro - vest duty in the department. The Battalion has been composed of six companies, but will now be increased to ten, or a full regiment. The term of service vvill be three years, or during , the war. Per-. sow desirous of joining this organization will receive all the Government Bounties offered. Application should, be,made to Capt. q: at the Provost Maishare office in thitaity. • Sranro.--:-The , Bpiing is fruit fill to-day with , proirdSe. The" innocent little songster, 'the blue bird, has 'come again to greSto. Robin red .breast, with filioheerftrl song, is sporting from tree to treeisnd vegeta" tion in a few dayE•will express 'gladness in' flowers and beauty. The cheap Dry Goods Store of C. L. Bowman ' No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, is also receiving daily new Spring goods. - - SPECIAL NOTICES. BANNVART'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, Por„ the , cru:e • otToarseness, Throat Dis eases, * le., are specially recommended to ministers, singers anclpersons whose irbeilliai calls them:td !flit:akin pine. lisaiiiia44ed only by o.'A. — Banrevart Hairiiburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed: SOld by drUggist every where. - • ' Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: - ILLummume, Feb. Bth, 1864. C: 'A. Bow' eirr:--Dear Sir:: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lbzenges and other, preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in Ijith them all, can cheerfully corn end your own as a most ; adroirable specific speakers , and singers, in cases of hostruness, coughs and _colds. I have found - themm - iierving in time of need, most effectually. - Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, _ Pastor. of N. S. Presbyterian Church. 0/1-I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Bronchial Troches. W. C.,CATTRT , T., Late Pastor of 0. S. .I'resbyte4an Church. Amami:Ow, Jan., 1888. To C. A. ilinnvimr-,-Dear ;Sir: In the - habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, 'I have found the need of some gentle expecto #nt, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider , them very far s uperior to any Lozenges that I. have ever used, in removing speedily East husliness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and' impairing the effectiveness, of the dtlivery of public ad &wises. Youl's, Ate., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C.. 4. 13Amrves4 , —_Dear Sir: Having used your Bronchial Troches, I am free to say they are the bastd , have ever tried and take great pleasure ;in recommending them to all persons afflicted, with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, ft.c., - G. G. 'RAEESTRAW, Paster of Ridge Avenue llethodist Qhurch. DISTRICT'ATTORNEY'S OF ICE, HARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864. 1 . To C. A. BAingrAirr---Dear I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness 'to the voice,. and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR Mrs: Ball's Remedies. I take this method'•of cheerfully thanking thti public for-poet favors, and Ball sellcit their kind attention to my medicines.... To tell of all the wonderful cured I have been able tOperformwould be .ImPowible. I would call the attention of the Wiles particularly to this valuable medi cine. I think I cart:safely say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole system; caiu be taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re gard to ' I have - also a valuable Salve to kill .proud flesh, and another -to draw and heal. This has healed sores thatliave run 20 years. My Dysentery Drops, In fant cordial and Cough Drops have been well tried. I need say nothing in • their favor. I have conStantly 'on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L: BALL, ma to No. 27 South Pine street, XarilriOttr,tr .--,•„. . . 11.06 p Skirts! -Hoop Skirts! The Cheapest Hoop Shirts is Harrisburg. A splendid skirt.for 75 eta - - A much better skirt for 11. Calicos; a fine assortment for spring. French ginghams, Ilanchester.gingharns. Bleached and unbleached muslin from New. York Auc tion. 1,000 yards plaid silks at. $l, worth $1 60. 200 yards plain brown silk at. $1 37, worth $1 75. 200 yards black silk at $l. Black silk at ap prince. A very large apartment of new dress goods. 800 dozen of Stockings and Socks, all prices. - The best stockings in the city at 25 cents. Cassimeres for men and boys' wear. Cloaks for spring. , Wishing to reduce our stock, which is very largem ow we will offer great Inducements to buyers. S. LEWY. AairgtntiNTs. BRANT'S:RAU,. BRANT'S if,ALL. GRARD Combination Dramatic -Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic, Company, CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION.- • The , manager takes great rileasura in announcing td his patrons and the publietenerally,.ttat: he haSetrecteil an engagement with the • • -- . • GIFTED AMERICAN TRAGEDrENNE 1,11:78 KATE DENIN ' MISS KATE DENIN MISS KATE DENIN MISSAATKDKNIN MIS KATE DVW 4f42,1 g.AN OENIN and the POPULAR - IRISH COMEDIAN MR. S. .E.'itYAN, MR. S. N. MR. S. E. RYAN; MR. S. B. itrelbr,. MR. S. E. Ryin . ,_ MR.-S. M RrAir, who witlappear this evening in the two popular pieces LADY OF LYONS, - - -.LADY OF LYONS, LADY OF LYONS, LADY OF. LYONS, LADY OF - LYONS,: - LAM OF TrYDNS, and. the favorite Farce, called the - " LIMERICK BOY: -LIMERIOIGBOM• ;: LIMERICK BOY LBIERICKit4Y2 : ; bniKRICK BOY The whole company in the bill. Secure Seats erid.`o3mti Batik. For particulars see small bills. jari2s HITCHCOCK'S N-E W. NA TI ONAL H A I L, SCORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STREETS.) Q E NING NIGHT', THIS .1110ND.&Y, MAACK. 28TH. • MR. HITCHCOCK respectfully announces to the. public. and citizens of Harrisburg that the above new and elegant place of amusement will operr,Ori Monday evening next, having been fitted up , in the 'most costly style, with all the modern improvements. Also NEW AND SPLENDID. SCENERY, painted expressly for this hall, by LW, Seavey, Scenic Artist of Rouse's Star Company, by the kind permission of W. Rouse, Esq. The entertainment Will be first-class, and none but the best performers will be engaged. The performances this evening will comprise GEMS OF NEGRO MINSTRELSY, ELEGHNT DANCING, COMIC SINGING, BURLESQUE AND FARCE, The whole to oniclude with the laughable Pantomime of . • YOL-AIT.VENT, THE JOLLY In width: W. mizortixteocic. Will appear In his celebrated character of the CLOWN, (.introducing new. and splendid scenery, new acts, ap pointments and costumes. • • - GRAND OPENING.NIGHTe THIS IIGNDAY,.*Iii.OH 28. wldmission. . ........ 25 cents LOrehestri Seats` - ` fie c , 7rivate Mutes ' ' Seats In " 1 00 The performance will commence 04 o'clockpre. SANFO.RI)7S•II . 4.IA( . : THIRD STRIOT PEW*: MARE stmErr; - .t. itEitnoP HOTEL. MONDAY, EVENING, IL4IIOI - 1 28, And ev , eq'Fvinnlig • until. .rnithtn. Noticy. FUN. FOR THE MILLIO.N First Night of the Magnificent Fairy Speetaele s .310THER - GOOSE': . With entirely new scenery tricks, itiagioqrantrormations ORIGIN Mr. &intend has ,spared neither pains nor expense in gettiti&up this Pantomime in the utmost style of PrevioUs to 'the Pantomime THE OPERA DIFRIQUEI. as presented at this"modelestablishment, is: the• general, theme of admiration: Ihisicej critic* are hi eestacies with the vocal powers of 'the singing - portion of this GREAT STAR TROUPE ' . • . First appearance . of Miss JULIA SANFORD.. Concluding s with MOTHER GOOSE Arranged and Produced. by S. S. SANFORD. Old Mother Goose J Williams ANNETTE, in love with Colin, (her first appearance in two years Miss jIILIA L SANFORD Colin C Villiers Squire 8ug1 . 0.. i . ... StaffPi* Avero 'i• .• • ' Myers Beadle ' . Hell GOOSE ~.ilattlerWillie . Other Characters by the'Comperiy, , •- SYNOPSIS s Opening-chorus: arrest of Mother Goose and her Goosoy Gander; take her to the Ducking Pond; Solo— Squire Bugle; Solo:4Mother Goose the grasshoprier chir rups; Colin and Annette with the Golden Egg. GRAND CHANGE BY MOTHER GOOSE. Cohn t 0... - . Harlequin Squire Bugle to Annette to Ave to to. NOW THE FUN COMO:SNOBS!' MISS. JULIA SAXFORD will dance THE ORIGINAL SPIDER. DANCE. SCENE LAST. Grand Allegorical Display of Revolving Gems IN TEE JEWELLED' GAVE OF BEAUTY. The whole Stage in revoleing motion, surrounded by Red Green and Rine Fires. ; • • aa-Thii scene alone is produced at a cost of Two Hundred Dollars. The mechanical effects were made at the Lagle Works in this city, under the superintendence of Hr. SanfOrdi. The same scene as produced in the Savoy: Sisters of Laura. R.twee's Theatre, New s Yerk. • SANFORD , AND TILOUrE. Orchestra Seats can; be procured in advance'at Bann ',iarva Drug Store. Doors open at 6%. Commence to B. . Police always in attendance to preserve order. - .Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 60 cents. • Private boxes, entire, $5 each; Single seats, $1 each. jan2l-dsl. CiNTEItBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD.. J. BUDD. OPEN EVERY TV'ENING, With a Firet-olais Company of ' RUTGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, O. ••••••• Admission. .16 miter •-••• Rests in Boxes .......... 26 a FRENCE BEANS --A rare-article, just re :: calved BI3ISLER & FRAZER, faba ' - (saccemom to Wm. Dock, Jr ag..C 1 .0 ) .0310TCE SALMON.— FINE SMOKED 0 smai.6, just received at . SKEStiR & Maiii: o ' foto ' (stOilikra to 'Wm. Dock, jr., it .) . . .. . KUNEEPSIIITTEIi WINE IRON. . . . PURE and poNierftil_,TONiC C ja. ve and- Alterative of wendelfel efficacyin diseases of the STOILACEi t - -LWM anditOVEla . . • •• . ' • Ctires' DYeDePeht, Liver Complaints r . Tr - t Headache, General , Debility, Nervolisness, De premien of Spittle; Constipation' , Intermittent lever , aridity of the Stomach' NineeeseEtsuirtbuna, Dimwit:lr Food, Fulleesa or Weight in the Stomach; Sinking or Puttering et the Pit of the 'Stomach , Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow: ores of the Skin and Eyea,p'ever and Dull pains in the Head, rain in. .the: Side, Hick, Chest and will .cure every ease .of Qhroitin , or :Nervous The most beneficial mullein° known.; gives, better, satia- Diction and cures more diseases than any other News lion offered to the Public.' Prepared solely - 1:13 , 5. A. R. KEL & BRO., 1/8 MarlW.strept, flarriabarg. For sale by lYrogitsfe and Dealers eyelimPuim. BEWARE: ..OF:; Counterfelits Warr DEWY/WI I Applicable to . alll oseral Arta. ha Combination. Boot and Shoe Kan nfacturera. Agents In Philad jelB,-dly AN ASSORTMENT OF ,OVER 100„ STYLE' S OF POCKET BOOKS, PURSES PO.RT.Mo,ZvNS FOR LADIES AND:GENTLEMEN, SELLER'S Drag and Farm; Goods. Sibre, No. 91 Market street. . . The best Noroeoe TRAVELING "SATC,N ELS', And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for iPreseine, now ouPstud at KELLER'SfDrua Store, onaio-tr. . No. 91 - Market street. PUBLIC SALE OF ciiMiAntrx*r• Cloth*, Camp, anit„l4arajgal liquippage; , rivimE ' , allowing list of o . oi4dekti.ecl Clothing, 1. Camp and Garrison Equippage be , sold Ot•Publio Auction, on Wednesday, March 30th, 1364, at. 10 O'clock, 1. 14, at the Depot of Clothing and . Eqiipilage, at Camp Curtin, near Harrisburg, Pa., viz: 227 Painted Ponchos . 84 Woolen Blankets. 34 Camp Kettles. - 22 Shovels. 10 Spadesi. 2_Bugles. . 281 Hospital Bunks:(wooden.) 222 CoMmon Tents. ... ' 36 .Wall Taws. - _ z 23 Wall Tent Flies. 1 Sibley Tent. Payment required in C. S. Treasury Notes. • .11ENItY C. ROGRIV, • • _Captain. and A . Q. Si Vols. Harrisburg, Pa., March 18, 1.864. .Clown cplumbine .Pantaloon . . GRE ATLY RTIDUCED. snbecriber can Punish plants or the LAWTON BLACK BERRY, huge, thrifty, bearing plants, at 75 cents per dozen; $5 per 100; . . CURELITIE, -White and : Ded, bearing plants,. at 20 eta beach; sl-75 per dozen. - HOUGHTON'S SEEDLING GOOSEBERRY, hearhl2 plants, 20 cents each; $1 75 per dozen. T. NISH Exrarona Nuaszarr le 1864.' . • ..... .sole Lgeee Evergreen Trees..' • RNO WAYFIR, SCOTCH ITS, Balsa= Fir, -- Sfiver Fir, • English Yew and Evergreen. Shntbs, Tree Box, . Mationts dqusfolia • Irish Yew' kc., ac. KEYSTONE MERRY. at March 18, 1864. solqiers? Portircpx* aniittaitept 10." .BERGNER'S.cgrAiiitiok*RE, _ ' - tapas . S 9 1d a!:'Wholtals - oVietialttilow prim. MEDICAL. • • Petitllty, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a - dilmidered Stomach,' Good for. Mile or Female, Old or Young. Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT lb' of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. •-It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be . 111TPERFOR TO A NY Adhesive Preparations known. Hammes frisounnat Cznawr Is a new thing, and the -result 9f, years of study; Its combhiation is on A new thing. Scientific Principles, And tinder no cimamstances or .• ' , go of; teximoratunii, will It be corrit.t or omit any ofibnsive BOOT Alm MOE, Manufacturers, using Machines, will I and it. *the best article known Cementing for the Chahnels, it works without delay, is not erected by any change of temperature. JEWRLER3 Will And it sufficiently adhesive for their nee, es has been proved. Jewelers. It it Especiany Adapted to Leather, Aldine claim as an especial .matit. that it sticks Patchett to Bolts and Shoes autticiently atro without Istitching. . • '• • ramillos. It is the only 10 (11.11- C CE N 2 Bilant that la asurethlag for mm 4; lag ruißkired rooi, 91 a liquid. j Pieu 144:articles of Household e,lV°rY' « • - . . . 11.8 vm57,49. ' paste: HILTOWS IssoLusts Omar& Is hosolnolelit unmet* 624 ' Ifitrod's Irecininusi CMICIINT _ AdltOtTo oily ofilm t 000 !o. • Viuttki or ifaimfac tutor's Pseliages from 2 ounces to 100 ef• ' • ": = • WEI ME ' BROM &CO ti 3 ' f groprietki* Providence, R L Pi . nis. ..... Pte ' • • • • LAING & MAGINNLS. NEW AI3InMTISE.MENTS. FOR' SALE. Emu :'and LOT OF - QIIOI7IOID - .. , NWtseconitstnnt. Good fruit lieektn: W e LOT laide, situate en*Bitil steat One LOT 20 feet wide, situate on Third street. The above are very desirable properties, and aiti i sold at reasonable rates. Inquire of J. B. BOYD, Second street, nazi door to Presbyterian Church . mar2.s-dBt . PIANOS. ALBRECHT, RlS ; _it ACHIM'S EXCEthNILIORPititOS. SOLE AG.MrCY' AT W. • jr.A 7 O effEST 93 Market street, Harrisburg. FMI REASONS perfectly satisfactory it Intasta• I have taken the agency of the above mos excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ,ex amine for themselves. • ••• 't;• A filVairiotnackerA Co's Pianos on hand yid: Wilf bt sold IffPnu • : • • mitr2s-tf lir-ApQrARTERs, DzEtitikll36l7 211.& SCEiWCTEE/Crikii. CitilE64Blp4l, PA.y /41Th 24 : 1564. GENERAL ORDERS,'" "'' No. 20. trTHORITY hdming been granted 'by tiv2 War DepartMent,-to tbe Commanding General of du Departmentsif the Susquehanna, the Ist Battalion, Three :Vane Pennsylvania Volunteers, (formerly Six Months' Dols,).consisting. of Six Companies: mustered - into the Mated States Service for Throe - fears; or during the War, lsinalmotzed to recruit to. Ten--Companies - of :the mami mtim strength, ' This Batadion is on provost duty is this Department and it offers a good opportunity to those persons whc have been in the service, and hare been honorably Ms charged, to re-enter, and to those of good character whc hare not been in, the service to t enter the same. Only those known to the, Recrarting.Ogicers, and persons an thorized to recrait,:as being reliable and trustworthy wits be-received, make nature of the duty this Battalion h rattled upon LC.Citert.olMl such that it requires soldiers in sthom the commanding ollicerscan place confidence. Persons taking gdvantaga of :the benefits arising from enlistments in, this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by thet k ovartunent as authorised in existing Orders The offlcerannustam men who. have had some, expe rience In inilitary service, - 'intelligent and. of good charactef;antordy those bringing the requisite number of,Men and *sousing the above modifications will te-ro 60mMended to the Governor of the State for commis- Recruits.nd parsons having squads of recruits wilt report to (:apt... Gee. W. Merrick, Ist Battalion, Three Years' Va. Vohs., and Recruiting Officer for the' same, at Harrisburg, Pa_ Applications to eater this Battalion must be made at once, that the companies.may be Wed and organized be Ilk° Ulu Istor Allattext—after which date the addi tional Governmentrbountles, as now 'paid, will be discon tinued, and only, the One Hundred Dollars bounty will be paid, as provided by the act approved My 22, 1861. By command of Major General Contm: JOHN S. SHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General. mar2s-talO PAPER wAgEtrousE. PARRE.LL, tt CO , . 510 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., itiffAITUFACTURERS of .LY.L DOUBLE STRENGTH MANILLA. PAPER, 4:::1F ALL SIZES. ROLL WRABPEES on hand or made to order. Ifighest price pail for rope in large or smelt (Plantl ties. • " riorl-413in Par Sale. A PLOT of GROUND, with a front - of 65 feet - on Montgomery Street and fronting 125 feet on Kerr 'street- and 85 feet on Plum alley, by OHO. SHOOP, corner Second and:Mulberry atreets. m25-dlw • . . MOSES FI,ECK respectfully announces to XI X the Public that be is prepared to do all kinds of HEAVY HAULING at reasonable rates. Horses and carts' furnished by the day or athgleload. All orders left at the Second Ward House, corner of Chestnut and Second streets, will be promptly attended to. mardi-dim FOR SALE The subscriber (Orem for sale.the stook and fixtures of his well known lynoumALE LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING E3TABLI‘GbrENT. .He will sell the whole or part of the stockiantithe •entire fixtures. The busi ness has been carriwKon aticiut.flfteep years, and is well established. With the store lircomitected a Good "COPPER STILL." It is situated on Canslstreet; between Pcnnsyl anis railroad and canal, and. - has a private siding suitable Ibr forwarding purposes Possesaiba given immediately, and lease given for from one to tertyiuns. Terms to suit purchasers. For Partlitir information apply on the pre mises to f0ir024;43. GEO.V..EUNKEL. seZV.: IWILL sell , itt•Private Sale,. my FARM, containing 73:Atios , all in complete order, 6 miles east of Harrisburg,' near the . Jonestown road. A large wisntity of Eaymid.Straw. will go along with the Farm. .Enquire on the prernlses. mar234llw* PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE, SUGAE AND MILK. PERSONS making up hOxes_to send to their friends in he army, will find this an elegant article; one pa*, making forty cups ,of cone, equal to any Java cod' eec and with little labor. For sale at SHISLER & FRAZER, . (successor Wm. Pock, Jr., & Co.). -no 24 TAR FOR - SALE; • "VLF! the Barrel, Keg. and . Qin, at the. Ware j." honthof the Old Wallower Line, Chestnut street wharf. [marli-dlw] DAN'L. A. MIIENCH, Ag't. PROPOSALS' Fore the Erection of Fifty Dwelling , "Houses. Hattarsacrao, Marc]; 11, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited for the building of Sire blocks of ten biases each, of wood or brick, to be located on the grounds of the Loelnel Iron Mill Co. Plans and specifications may be, seen at the office of ' illiani Colder. • froposids Rill bo received for one or more blocks until Address proveals COLDER, r... marll-drapl2 Chairman Building Committee Arattrasses spring-Beds CoinfortA I. • VALK VslAv HAIR TOP itIATTRASSES. Palm Leaf Cotton Top Mallatiast.s_ . Corn Beek Mattrasseit -* • Patent Spring, Slat Beds. Feather Pillotra and BolMera. Cotton Comforts and Spreads. - Ladies' , Willow Work Stands. Carpet Camp SWols. Door Rugs, Carpet Klimek& Iron Bedsteads, latest pattern, N. 8.--Sofas, Lounges, Ctishionse Chang and Mottos; Yepaired. Bair and Spring Mattrasses Made to order. No 109 Market street, - Harrisburg; Pa. mar243m Steam Saw MI for Sale or Rent. MEM undertigned offers for sale a desirable MILL IHOPERTY, situated on the Susquehanna "river, at Duncan's Island, fifteen miles West of Harris burg. This Ticiperty has the advantage of a Timber Market, and is aroaritile by caual or railway. The mill is geareddn the most improved style, with a good (Morris & Co.) engine, which drives two Cate Saws, one with forty -and the other with eighty feet of carriage; also, three 'circular saws for the manufacture Of Shingles, Lath and 'nuke= . The above property for sale or rent on reasonable terms. For particulars address by mail„3rl in person, on— ' JOSEPH SMlTH.firmean's Island, - nvenne P. 0. Pa. • F'~~9 To Railroad ContraOm's. 'PROPOSALS are invited for the Gradtuv,e , mon, Masonry, Bridge Sdperstnieture, /Mast, CreasTies and Track Laying of the PITTSBURG AND_ CONNBLLSVTUR RAILROAD, between ' . ConnearriUs and catiriberlaltd Embracing a distance of atioei EIGHTY-SEVEN buT,ER, in sections of - about one mile eiob. Bpecifkattionswig be • !ready at the Company's Office in Pittsburg, on and after the 28th of MARCIE current, and proposals will be re ceived until the.lOth of APRIL ensuing BENJ. IL LATILOBE, President Marla-td Office P & C. R.. 11. Pittsburg, Match 15,1884 - - FOR SALE. ..A PLOT of Ground, fronting on Chestnut JUL street 52 feet 6 inches, running along Dewberry allay 210 feet to. Cherry alley, with 4 frame hone& En- " quire 9f Enssufwitfi tval M'FADDEN. , b''Oß SALE. TINE Wardrobe, new; (Me_ Cooking Stove A../ with itpparatas; Penkter nrult4l4oog; one riieftl - and Book Case, &a. Can beoseenty caning' on mar 26 _ 7 ; JACOB curLL. e lot oi Green , jags,A PPLEjmi received at SI Ai'.PLEg A f a , =sage & mars. Mad B 3 3A.1CC9P40 61 3 1 3 V AelitJe,a di) CHRL4TIANI . 4I7NTZ J. T. BARIZITZ.