E Pailg Etitgrafti THE PEOPLE'S OHO= FOR PEEELDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. HARRISBURG, PA MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 1864, Philadelphia's Charges Against and Co. guetings with the State Legislature. The Philadelphia Bulletin is again indulging in wholesale charges of corruption against the members of the Legislature; bejr ! ,l;,oring its own representatives, especially, her:Anse they happen to think and act with a vis 4, i.o pro mote the real interests of the people of the metropolis. The Bulletin professes to be in censed because a bill lies been ieported to the Legislature, chartering a mammoth street railroad company in that city. We have nothing to do with the project of building railroads in that or any other city; nor do we care 'whether the bill in- questiori becoMesr a law or not. But it does seem strange to us, that these charges of corruption should al ways be made; whenever the interests ofThil adelptda clime before the Legislature. - Other localities get legislation, and we have no intimation of bribery; but thiv moment- a Philadelphia project , comes up for considera tion in the Legislature, one or more of the journals in that city start the cry of fraud and corruption! From the passage of the'first street railroad, down to 'the intreduetion of the bill to incorporate the present COmpany, either the Bulletin or some •of its city cotem:- poraries, he been insulting its delega tion in. he Legislature with Charges of cor, ruption. the hue and cry is petsisted in, we shill soon believe•thatfraud and Philadel , phis are synonymous terms. Philadelphia owes much of her present presperity to her street railroads. Why, then, shorildthe Bul letin oppose the increase of the enterprise? Why, indeed, should the Legislature refuse to grant any responsible company a Charter, to builds railroad, wherever theta are people to be accommodated or resources to be devel oped? There is no reason to oppose such action on the part of the legislature, except what is offered in the jealousy of railroad companies already in existence, who fearthat competition Trill affect the monopolies which they now represent. While the Bulletin and other Philadelphia journals are wringing tliemselves 'and their readers with their spasmodic charges of 'cor ruption against their Legislators, they never even hint at the greatgrauds and stupendous corruptions which are yearly perpetrated in the councils of that city. Only recently the city councils of Philadelphia passed a bill appropriating 'a, million, of dollars as a bribe to the'Legislature to remove the capital of the State to a locality within the . corporabid limits of that city. The Bulletin liaS - nothing write or print in reference to this shapelesil attempt at corrupting a Legislature. t4o't fe word is said in defence of the - interests which a removal . would destroy-4he ruin which it would entail upon men of business and holders of Rreperty in this vicinity. ' The . people,.end the interests outside of 'Philadelphia are of no account With the 'capital of the State located in that city, millions of dollars would be squandered to erect defences ostensibly;to defend the capital, but,, really to protect the commercial interests, local trade .. and speculating fancies of Philadelphia. ready Philadelphia is largely indebted to State bounty for her prosperity;' Shis-hasnot a charitable institution in her midst, - that is not •fostered by State..:bountyparsEthe7.many arteries through which flow Aallibt :marts the wealth which is. fast. rendering her arro gant 'and imperious,', have their sources among a people in the interior-wheim 'She of fects to treat with contempt aridWhCse rep resentatives, she is oonstarit3.y chuiging with dishonesty.. A small share of prridence .aitd discretion on the part',of-our rneighbors would do them no harm. Hence let the,. Bulletin re-' serve its charges of corruption "for: Jliose .in its midst who offer to givenxillions'of money to place our Legislativeend ExecriqVehalls; where the members therfi*n be rtifilli4f 43 4. and used by the 'march** ‘epe.culato.rs and money changers of the metropolis. MAJ, • EN. Lsw., WALtA.C.I3, who. recently • took charge of the Department'V lgarylind, . • in his speech, to thoseWhO'Welconied him to his command, declared f`he a ' , rebel and a traitor had no politicarights." l , This • very emphatic language; and, Unless 'Gette - ral Wallace is only jes44 he hits placed ...him, self directly at issue with the Democratic leaders inthis country. Bier sinee the attack on Fort Sumter, the Dernocratic_lea'de . ii, and orators,. in the. freeStatee, have been .conVtd sively and persistently laboring ,to proteettthb constitutional rights of the shtve-holderein: rebellion. The 'Goviirnment has not single movement or the army ; fonght a,single battle, in which the great fear of the Demo= crazy has . not. been evinced for the imperilled pighticial - lights of the U r ea:pis. , fact, the course-of the * Democratic leaders of the free States, for' the last three 'Years; has been a laborious effort todefend the Wigail rights of the men' who are engaged in a 'etrifigle to destroy all the rights 'and 'franchises of the . American Government.„ Of course, the copperliead"press - .o6ll.berate General Wallace, for thus'denyineto traitor& and rebels any and every pOlitical right THE P.11001.611T10N. —the PrOWs*ation of the President which appears i,n Turs..Tzr.f zosesa to-day, is explanatory of the amnesty which, in one or two instances,- ha's been so foully abused. It will_prevent the repetition' of suct,fMonstrous decisions as thio o f jidge H o ff Man, of California, by whiclx a Final". sentenced to twenty years inaprisonment, was turned loote to perpetrate anew his ninnies against his country. That decision is a dis grace t o the_judielary, and itis incredible. that a patrioti&judge should have' made it. But the mischief is guardcd ag*lth..in future b 3; the clear and explicit iiiteip - retalion of the amnesty, [proclamation whitili we" publish , . , to-day. ME Death of Hon. Owen Lovejoy The telegraph, on Saturday, announc ed_ the - death. .of Lovejoy, Th"-:iiP reseniative in Congress from Illinois. He expired in Brooklyn, New York, on Friday last, in the fifty-fifth year of his age. We believe the deceased was a native of Maine, where l i fe was educated_ :for the ministry. Frugi,;kl,4' on, 34; rernoved to Princton, M.; :Where in 1638, ". he' took -Charge of the pulpit of the . Orthodoxtongregatiorl church. But the Agitation ai tronbles in;,qiisii part of the country at 4 that period, induced - Rev. Loyejoy to turn his attention to politics, as a ineanivirherebyhe might be enabled to do good to the oppressed; becoming a politician, because it would bring him closer to the . enemies of truth, freedom and religion, so close; indeed, that he eotddlght them face to face.--1n.185.1.‘ he was > elected -to-Vie:Legis lature of Illinois. In 1856 he was made a Representative in Congress ; since which time he has been regularly returned to that hody. We need not refer to the course of the deceased as a Congressman. Even his enemies award him a character for purity above re proach; while . his colleagues in Corigress al- Ways recognizdldrn as an able, eloquent.and indOmitallle opposer of wrong an advocate of .right. - - Mr Lovejoy's heilih had been preca.ribuS for a year or more. Onr.readers in this city, Willremember that the deceased.several times, within the last year or more, stopped for' rest and recreation, as he was en route to and from tll6'National, capital, with some of his friends . in3his vicinity, whervit was noticed . ' by many that the danntle,ss champion Of free.: dom was sufferering'form And.yet, none, of us, imagined that he was so near death: It was hoped by himself and friends . that lie might recover to see the Bind "of this war and the triumph of the principle, •in whose behalf he had made so many. •noble sacrifices:- But flier Great Ruler of eventirdeL creed otherwi*.' '7l,•Xly "Mai we write that in the death, of OWCii Lovejoy, liberty has lost one, of its bravest friends", and the nation one of its Most devoted defenders. TeCenraplj. MU IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. The President's Amnesty Pro'clamation BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WirFIRTI R, It has ' become necessary to .de fine the cases in which insurgent enemies are entitled to the benefits of the ,Proolamation of the President'of the United States, which was made on thel eighth day of December, 1863, and the manner in which they shill proceed to avail themselvis of those benefits; • And whereas, The objects of that Proclama tion were to suppress the insurrection and to • restore the authority of the United States; And vhereas, The amnesty therein provid ed by the President MIX offered with reference to - these objects, alone: Now,' therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Presi d.ent of the United States, do hereby proclaiiii and 'ddclare that' the said proclamation does not apply to the cases of persons who, at the time when they seek to obtain the benefits thereof by taking the oath thereby prescribed, are in military, nayval, or civil confinement, or custody, or ender bonds or on parole of the civil, military, or naval authorities, or agents of the United States as prisoners of war, or persons detained. fbr offences of any kind, either •• before or 'after .00nyiction; ',and that, .on , : the contrary, it 'does apply only' to persons who, being yet at large and free from any - arrest, confinement, or duress, shall vol .lmtarily come forward'and takd the said oath, with the purpose' of restoring peace andes: tablishing the national authority. Prisoners' excluded from the aninesty offered in the said proclamation may apply to the. President for ` clemency, like all other Offenders, ,and their. ;applications will receive due 'consideration. I do further' declare and 'proclaim, that the oath prescribed in the aforesaid proclamation of the eighth Of - December, 1.863, may be taken and'stibscitilied before any ecierhissioned 'of ficer, civil, military, or naval, in the service, of the United Staab, or any ciyil or military officer of a State Or Territory, riot in insurrec tion, who, by the law thereof, may be qualified for administering oaths. All officers who re ceive Such oaths are hereby'authorized to tiird certificates thereon to the persons respec-. tively by whom . they are made. And such officers are herebY 'required to transmit the original record's of 'each oaths at as early a day as may be convenient to the Department of State, where they will'he deposited and re main in the archives of the GoVernment. The -Secretary of State will keep a register, thereof, and will, on application in proper • cases, issue certificates of such records, in the customary form of such .certificates In testimony where:of, I 'have hereunto get . , my hand and caused the Seal of"the United, States to be affixed: Done in the City of Washington the twenty sixth day of March, in the year of [suer.] our. Lbrd one thOusand.' eight hun 7 dyed and sixty-four, and qf the rode pendence of the United States 'the eighty-eighth. ' ABRAHAM LINCOLN.' By the President: Wio. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. • . LATER NEWS FROM MEXICO The Prospect, of the Liberals Brightening The following advices, from Mexico are fur nished by the arriyal.of the steamer Evening Star, from New Orleans. A fleet of nine. Frenchliigates had appeared off the month of the Rio Grande, and an at tack' on Metal:nom was expected. Particu lars had been"received of ;the capture of Gua dalajara 'by the Liberal. Mexican forces under `Crap. .TWenty=four pieces of cannon and . 700 prisoners, comprised of French troops and renegade Mexicans, won" captured. The traitor Massie is at San Luis Potosi, with 3,000 men,. expecting 4m. attack. Paeblaja.said to be besieged by the Libe rals iuld'ipttit fall—the invaders haiing no rehtfordehients that can reach there in time to aid theifilTison• Viclatiri has positively declared for the Trench, and' Cortinas and Doblado with .a strong force, are.marching to attack him, the fromMatamoras and the latter from , Cortinas is very popular in Tamaulipas. Before leaving Matamoras, he consecrated his battle-flag, and tlie Liberal cause is bright- ME ME •! ha :s4lfpuri . 14,; ,:q.tri 00 4,, Defined. NzwloaK, March •26. INVASION OF KENTUCKY. Hitt TrAi 5 T - TRE OF PADUCAH. =o= Part of the Town R 4 4. -4 Attack on the Fort Repulsed OLD, LOSS 10 KILLED AND 40 lIVOUNDED label Loss .- from One Hundred and stay eta'_ Three Hundred Riled. GENERAL THOMPSON. REPORTED KILLED Reports were • circulated this morning, that the rebels, under Forrest, attacked Paducah, Kentucky, "fifty . r.teis - aboie hire, yesterday, an#:bunie47,petr.tif.,, tt'oWil;::but;*thl'felet voile com&liNcation.,•wast, cut piT, no ail theait olitained: The Stearner"Satan, froin-Nashville, passed Paducah at, fr o'clogirAigxnoming t and steam er Josepli . Pearce, which passed. two hours later, brings the 'following aocounts of the affair: .Forrest, with an,' estimated • force of 5,000_ men, captitted the a pis:cnt 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and hackedandfired the city. Col= Eficks, , 'Uommanding the - post, occupied ad fortbelow the bity with about 800 . men. • The rebels made fourassaulbron the fort, but were repulsed each time. Three of our gunboats opened On •the city during its occupation by the enemy„--and. ranch of it was burned, in= chiding the Marine 'railway and the steamer Arizona. • • The whartboat and about 3,000 in habitants of the city moved across the river upon.learning.the approach of the rebels. When the Pearee pained at 7 o'eli)ck this morning, the enemy had left and the people were returning:to the city. The ,fires were dying out. The amount of public and private property captared'is imknown.-at present, but is , supposed to be large. ' • Our loss waa twelve killed' and forty wound ed. From one' htm - dred- and•tflfty to ,three hundred rebels ate reported killed, and among them -G eneral Thompson. Twenty-five houses, around , the' fort, were destroyed by outtroopsf, they being lised as a screen for , the rebel sharpshooters. • - The headquarters said-Government store houses were•burned by the eftetay. • A reporter has gone to Paducah; and will furnish correct information-as soon as pos'n blel - • Ar I . THE REBELS MOVING TOWARD . CLINT° E'cirivest's Fore p. 4 Crippred. Large Numbers , of Rebel Wounded at Illayfiel =I Quito, March 27.--'4 dispatch from Colum bus, Ky., says that Forrest and Faulkner are between that place arid Mayfield. Their forced are in a crippled condition 'but their sttength is much greater than wan,at first estimated.: Mayfieldis Med.:with:rebel wounded froin Paducah. From 1,200 to: 1;500 ate said to have arrived there., One regiment lost 100, and one company had 50 killed. The rebels were marching. owards Clinton at the hist accounts. Should they.attack Co lumbus they will receive a still warmer recep iian than at Paducah. The steamer Perry-was...fired; into 'while gassing Hickman yesterday. A large number of rebels were in the town, and a great num ber of shots were fired, brit it0b . ,0,0 was hurt. The steamer 'Graham brought up 600 men from New Madrid, who' charged tErciugh the town; bid therehels had fled. They belongea to'Faulkner's command. 300 rebels were' killed at' Pad ifeah and over 1,000 were wounded. ' • SeVeral citizens of: the , Pace "wore, killed during. the fight, and 'the city _is' nearly in EITAIOB*D C . 1171131E 01? cot,. gnossiax A .dispatch from Paducah says the home guard had surprised•lnd. captutd&Col. Cross lan and seven , of his guerxillasamar 'Mayfield, Kentucky. t ' XXIVIllth •QongiessL-First Session ROUSE OFICEI l IIESENtAT.IVES. *AsmaraTorri-March.2B Mr. Norton (Ills, )-intrbduced tijoint resolu tion, proposing an amendment to the Consti tution, prohibiting the existence of slavery in the States and- Territories. Referred to the Committee on4the judiciary: - ' - On motion- of Mr. Garfield, (0.,) a' resolu-: tion was adopted; calling on the Secretary , of War to furnish the MUSS with tiny informs:- .tionin his possession: with to claims. for service rendered by State-troops at any time Aiming the present war; stating. the amount. of service 'and the amount of the. Stevens (Pa.) offered a..= resolution pro posing:a.nbw article to.the constitution which • when ratified by the- . requidite number of States, shall•be valid as a part of the constitu tion, viz: Slavery-and involuntary servitude, exeeptfor the 'punishment of crime whereof theloarty shall have.been duly convicted. Ashley (Ohio) .offered & resolution granting the use.of the hall of the :Rouse of `Representatives to -the Washington Lecture Association on the 6th of,April, for the deliv ery of a lecture brHon. George Thompson, late a : member of the. British Parliament,- the AsrocOds. after the payment of expenses to be distributed among the families of colored soldiers of the. District of :Columbia. Mr. Holman (Ind.) xnoved . to lay the reso= lntion on the table. , The resolution was adopted by a vote of Q 3, to 48.., . .IDaston. in on, 4nieksilver Case. WASthaToil,Marerh 28 No decision was announced to-day hy the Supreme Court of the Unit PtAtes, %lithe Quicksilver ,case.' pitp. On Sunda? afternoon Jaime; J., son of Geo. S, and .Margaret Brady; and 4 years, 2 months and 28 days. -.FuneracTuesday at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his father, corner of t'oarth and Market : streets.' The re latives and friends are invited without farther - notice. Lancaster papers paperaplease copy. _ NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. P lIBLI C SALE Pill be sold, by Public Sale, at the residence of NM. GEETY, in North street, his Ihniseliold dud Kitchen Fer niture, on Wednesday, the 30th' March, at 10 o'clock A. 3f. niar2&d2t* . :" JOHN t: 8. - xp s , — T. ER & co., 3f A R - KET S'i'l2•E'E I' 4 ABOVE FOURTH (NEXT 'l'o ADAMS WX.PiESS OFFICE, ) 'RASE'S 13 TJ . . . , . . . ' Warr : anis, Claims, Government Securities, Checks Vouchers, se., cashed. . trm2Bd2m* MEM Ate; !:, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A YOUNG SOLDIER in Col. - Wainright's Brigade, Ist Artillery, would like to correspondwith I 'pont° merry and intelligent young lady. Object; fun and Unprovement, and perhaps matrimony, "When this crnel • ,Wards over." Address J. N. QGLN 'Capt. Cooper's Battery, "B. - Ist Army Corps, Washinr ton, B. C. mar2B4ll*, MEM HARTER OF INCORPORATION. Notice is lakiebj , given thai an applitption for tlittincet ionition of he Sao:loud German Refoiineir .Ghttbtlk city or Harri t shitrg, has been filett In the Gann of mo& Fleas ofakaji bin county. and that a charter will be granted a t the neap regular ter m or the said Court, unless Calla , be shown to the contrary. J. C. YOUNG mar2B4l3t - Prothonotary.' THE UNDERSIGNED xespectfullyinforms the Public that he has purchased the :HAT AND CA-P sTwirtz- Caro,o, March 26 Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased_, and that he will continue the - business at- the:l4lCified; ercihe w ill ceastaattl , k:eep on a a general assortment of CAP - S';' , .OF LATEST STI wbiettitsiirciaield at reasonable rates. ."t. 1 - Alitiertifsbitre of patronage is, rciport~'ult~• s olicited , . inar2B-d2m • . :11. IL LONG SCHOMACKIII - & - :'OlY,-'8 PIANOS moo well known in this-'city-to need corn mendation. In use by , PgE q l P E tn: 1. • *•• VERNORCLB TIN J1.7 4 0G8 .IF,'EARSO.N, And .many other . distingulsbid-etiiienS."The U 1), ,darSigned Mfers,these superb , lustrunfents at ptlem: Oar; p i to command•publie patronage. .• • • ' Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled . STEINWAY 'PIANO. , AlSe h , BRADITIVALX 2 .4 CEIMBH:AI3kD , NOS. Chickerin - es and several other of tlia • very 1t makes. None but perfect instruments sold. Call and see la.* stack out of great. • mar2B-tf — S. 'MAID, Third street music Store.- RESRY BOIEVER, Ja.,) DAbIIM; Corsrr, sa. The COM monwealth of Pannier - to -the SUSANNAIrIiIIai:NER, J Sheriffof saidcoonty, greeting. THERBAS, -. Henry Bcshnei,. Jr., did, gn Ur the Ast day -of Septotriber; A. 11868, present hlh petition to our Court. of. Common ..PlOatt of the Comity of Dauphin, preying that;.. for causes therein set forth, lie might be Avrirced from the bonds of matrimony' entered nto with you, Susiumahl Bohner: We therefore tom mend you the mid .Susannah:Bo'hner, that,' setting • aside' all busine ss and excuses whatsoever you : lei and appear, in your proper,person, before. our Judges ; dtAfarrislrdrg, at a Court of Common • Pleas;-there to be held, for the County of Dauphin on,the fourth Monday of April next, to answer the petition or libel of your eaid husband, and to show caw, it' any you have, why Hie said Henry Boh ner, Jr., your husband, should not bp , divorced from the bonds of matrimony'entered 'into with you, the said - Su sumu& Bohner,= agreeehly to tho acts of Assembly in such cases Made and provided:" Witness the ELM. John Pearson, .. President of- et said Coart,' at 'Tcaryipliuig", 14is sth day of February, i D. iSfit - J. a,romo, Prothonotary. , WM. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff . [grutr9.B-dltwat. Sheriff's Mee, Hat burg, Feb, 5, . 1864. LORE! A. WEBSTER, ParrmrCorsrv,ss. The Com . - vs. ' 'monwhalth of Pean'a, to the SARAH H.- WEBSTER. ' Sberiffofsaid'emuity,groeting. 1 WHERELoren AS, A. did, on the •21th....day of October, 1863, prefer his petition to our Judges of our Courtof Common Pleas for, the county. of Dauphin, praying for the 'cartel* therein 'setforth that ho might be divorced from the bonds of Matrimony, en rered into with you, Sarah H. Wet star: Wo do, therefore, commia you, the Said Sandi AWeb ster; that, setting aside all' other' business mid excuses whatsoever, you be and appear in your proper person be fore our Judges atlfarrisbercitt . a Court' of Common Pleas there to be held forthe county of Dauphin, on the fourth Monday of:April next, 1864, to answer the petition or libel of the said Loren A. Webster and show amse,,if any you have, why the said Loren A:Webster shouldriot be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreoably l td the acts of General Assemb*- in such case made afid ,pro vided . Witness the Honorable John J. Pearson, Esq., Presidonl of our said. Court; at. Harrisburg, the 2d day of March, 18611 ; YOUNG, Prothonotary. . 1311.118A5, the Honorable Jo= J. PEAS-, soar, President of the Court of Common. Pleas .lu the TwelftlrJoditial *consisting of tho of Lebanon. and Dauphin. Land the Honorable Saxon, LANDIS -andHonomble Hogs K. YOUNG, Asseciato Judglails Dart phin county, haring-issued their precept; binning date the 3d day of I.ebruary,qB64, to,mn, dire.eted,..far holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer arid General Ja d Delivery and Quarter Sessions ofighiPtiaco:of Hargislitirgiforthe county , of Dauphin; anti to countrencilownizArkHoaday4AFßlL NEXT, being the 25th , :diaje 1864; and to continue two Weeks. rx- " - Notice is thereibrd Micky' given' to the Coroner,. Justices of -the Peace Aldetmen and notatableiseil the saidembity of D=l4 l lol/0 :thorbe theroanitatere ih - thille piGyer persons, at 1044)elock:in.the .rotenoon of•sald day;-with their records,tratUisitions, exanfinationa; and - their- own remembrances, to do. those:-things which to' their 'Offen appertains to be done ainda.hoseache are boand.ralledog nizanees ,prosecuaagainst: the .prisoners that•ar4 br shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county be then add there to prosecute agaihst them as shall. bojust: • MEE NO. 4 JONES) ROW. ADTICE. NOTICE- Whi. W. JENNNPS,CrIt'• Sheriff's Office • Hirrisburg lifnch.2,l /563, mar2S-ditku36 PROCLAMATION: Given under. my band, at. Harrisburg, the 28tlidayof Ifarch, in the year of. our Lord, 1864, and in the, eiglity ninth year of the independence of. the United States. JENNINHS, Stierit SII6RIrK3 OINFICk. . 'Harrisburg, March-28, 1864. LEWIS' PATENT CALENDAR- CLOCKS:! ,. " - The Measurehtent of Time and the • built' of Dates — Combirigil, - TILE GREAT INPROVEVENT OF TIER AGE ! AF. F. Zl - 14t1VrEtti.1.94, No. 52 Market street, Harrisburg, has reccivcdthe agency of the Com bined Measurer of Time and-ReiOrder of Dates, •- , • • - LEWIS' PATENT CALEND A R ` CLOCKS, s . to Nriticli*ndeyful piece of mechanlim 'he re4gictfelli invites the attention et, the public„ ". Tile gr eat advantage of this clock *Mutt the machinery of the calendar ,ts entirely diecontreeted with,t3c; works of the clock; that-it is simple in its conearuettok 'requiring-n(10 of the. clean ing neceisary to the workaottm .erilintuy. clock, and it can be transpoiteibwithout: the least liability to damage. This Calendar* is self-tetting;:tha 24-hour wheel of the .clock moves the Calendar , at midnight for :the ; following day, and the niodnumini Or the Calendar hi such that it sets itself for tinklong and short months, thus, without any attention lexcept,to keep the•clock. wound) lt will fCt only point out the of daY but also - the 'dity ef the :week, day of the month arattnapin.of the year,_giving3), days to Jan., March, may; Oct. - and Ree,..; 30 days to April, ..Tane:,Sept.sbtd Nov., and;to Vetituary it will give 28 days fdr three successive years and on the f o urth year 29- daYs,- thusiihaking . 'fill^ flit' changes, lain 'eluding sestilo or Leap, nia,23.42w •,. • . - ErADIS! HAMS!! - -:---Mi6l3.lmer's: Excelsior, Just'eurey Receited dno '- (SiNcey,pray• W. Docks 4r-, Aco 6 mae.:B Steam Weekly rIIOI:MICENU QtrEggSTOWN,ACOrk..llar ber.) _ The well - known' Steamers or_the', Licerikal t New York and Philadelphia . . StaamaktP,CoOlPanY, are in tended to eanzeelollorya!„: EDINBURG, Saturday, March 26; .CITY OF -WASin. INGTON, Saturday, April 2; CITY OF MANCHESTEK- Saturday, April 9, and every amending Sattlrday;,, at - , krooty from &In' 44 , North River . , ' ' i •. • • • ,i • , _ . BATES OF PASSAGE, ' ' ' .. • , ~,, ..- PAYABLE ter GoL.T.e; OR ITS SQUITALINT .11N 017RRESdk;- ` FIRST CABIN SSO 0 0ST ,STrifidiCe. " e $3O 00 do to London. .... 65 00 do to London.-- 34 09 d o to Paris . '-93' . 06' do to •Paris ' 40 00 do to Hamburg, „., -90 00 do to , Hearibum. , _,„ 3 7 00 Mangers. also , :forward ' to liatiit'llremer4` &tier &pa, Antwerp, &a:, at equally low rates. ' Fares trove Ilverpobil .or QuelasiLlst, Cabin, $75, so, $lO5. Steerage, so. T h ose WOO wish to send, for • their friends can buy tickets here at then rates.. ' -'' For further information apply at the Conariany'S Offices ' JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15.13rbadwaY, N. g'-or C. 0 ZIMISBRHAN, Harrisburg.- ...., - 023.07 DIARINS JeIiIA_RIES ANOTECERAmortnuiii4)Z.Pooket eapll)eek- Diaries for 18yi justroogivg - aod for sale tioapitt feb2 80W.Mtl:I.VOKSTORE04.0buria—, - DEAR TREE the6afailiEsikrictica,.Aurd,- of superior groaltb; can befuintatied at falr'piic4., itgiOnyitone Nursery. MVSI6 -2, - • • - - -J! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r-rrr n_ ERS. REMAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST OFFICE: MONDAi; : 4 1.4._actt 29th, i 5 ,54 4 '. . . OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE 4111 MR HAVING TILE C.,L E LARGEST SC ATI .... . . 1: 4 - - Male .l . :.1.114614-.srd al l i l e, .. It aril * M ilr'7 '" • Atarillirt,liMsi E ~, . tith I 'llankOr,"ilkii - - - t aN•3•* '' 5 a"P' 2s is e .. „4. -,-, .33indint, Miss Mary Ann Miller, itaniel,, Mrg Anna Miller, Jant.----.... Bsrnes, Miss Mary E Miller, Miss Sarah J Pt•^ l- itiv, Mrs Angeline ' • Msimen, Miss JAW E-, =- Beatty, Mrs Rebecca ' - Herres, Rebecca , Bear. Miss AIMS C Mayer. Miss Catherine Bender. Mies Caroline Milier; Mrs Ellen E Black, * Mrs Henryetta Macall, Mrs Lizzie_ __ _ . . -Blade Mrs Mary TS - - - Maier, litrOirillisni Bleyer, Miss Susie F.- t i - - • --Mies, Mrs - Lissem - 7- Bigler, Miss Gairritioi.i ti -** Citailtiri rilisir*Giaioline 4 ' i Bisand, Mrs Elizabeth Mo rle y, Mrs MahelaJ, --- - Biete,..Miss Anzilea - " - '22 7 ` - ' Boil, Miss Agnes _ 11 -* _ociarn,.. Henrietta Bonier, Miss Hattie . 4 ..i. :, Mord, NW Latina Bomgardner, Mrs B a il G . Morton Mrs Annie E 8=...11d" S --...- c,r-f:Mrs Anil . ~, p - Bach ;I 4 Binl. 'itot _,. A MIA Sarah •.:‘ Burrell, Mrs Mary E Nest y, Miss Mary • 43yerds, Miss Any .11 Patterson, Miss- Loiza Burgan, bliss Maria Pearman, Margaret Burns, Mrs Caharotte Phillips, Miss Attica Carter —Annie M Pancake , Mrs Elizabeth • Cole, Miss swam"; z - i.. *if rja i lava. Comfort, illeinliritrA, 44 e ,• rY Comfort, Miss Mary Polten, Mrs Amanda Carplin, Mrs Sallie It Reiss, Mrs Barbary Coyer, Miss Jane Riley, Alren Caterin, Miss Elizabeth Russe4 Mrs Annie „E ~ City', llis ~f kiii72t 'l' (lk fi Daridgegv- 3 -, Malialat li t , t ot .. i... 1 Ined, Mitts Ellett:win * .- Ree , Ira Samuel . Dirr, Miss Amanda Ream, Miss Sophia E Eshenower, Mrs Elisabeth Rigby, Mary J , I Eahenovrer, mimsElitaliatit, Ral3Pilig*• Maalfakett 1:. I : 1 &Mick Milli Hannah , . Slutendy,Alige Sarah..: 1- Fitten, Miss Amanda Shoiith, "Nisi Matilda 2 Feltabarger, Miss Elisabeth Shaffer, Miss Eliza A Finpoch, lirs Fil•tebeth Seibert, Miss Mary.A Fortna, .-.•••,l..oUiria - a, :, ' . ' Shefact,-...-.4...111chel I Forster,- Mrs Jtahua E 2 Sears, Mrs E L Fortes, Miss Vergina Sheasley, Mrs Elizabeth F abek, Miss Elizabeth Shultz, Mrs Mary _M Fileman, —Hannah : ' Sicily, Mrs Ciatharin ' Garman, Miss Rose Snyuer, Miss Susan Geety, Mrs Mary . ESmith, Mrs,Gatharine Gilbert, Mari lierinia i' ',...,..i '.„ • • Swartz, itra Mary A Garrettson, Mrs Julia Stouffer Miss Annio Gually, Miss Mary . Hwiutz, ' Mrs Elleabeth : ' a - i' Gutelius, Miss Sallie 2 Taylor, Miss Adeline Ginkinger, Kate 'Panty, Miss Mary Grove, Miss Mare A Taylurats John Grubb, Miss Lydia . - e... - i - . Turner'rlirs Ann Gray, Miss Ellen J 2 Turner, Miss Lucy Grove, Niim Cato Taylor, bliss Eliza J . Hameton, Miss Catharin 2 Topley, Bliss Sarah E Hand, Mrs Adam Tray, bliss Lillie Halk Mrs Sarah . •-• Yanasdall, Miss Cara;. Howe'difiss , Francis '. .. Watstull MeDatathene --. Hummel, Miss Mary A...• , Wehey'airs Marla ' • ; .. Hummel, MrSA E .: '. , WUtir,alfim - Mary A ' ..” lralng, Missakinde :. ' '`: 2 WilltaMS.,- MrkJethinut ' Kirk, Missblary K • - ': • Wild,. Mrs Mary S'' " 'a . Kible r NM Sarah, - , WORM,' Mrs Marital: , • ' Koine, Elizabeth • -"= .' wo lf , Mrs Hannah" - •-' - ' Lineks. Miss Mary . • ~ trydeniauf;:hliss Seralt'''' 1 Long, ars Flom' • •.:- ". • WY lult i'l ag 'm a t'q4 4 . - ;:a . • coE lit i; v. atia - ift* , '" tiAor_. *, '„, • Aker, W I. Leroy, S Adams, Theodore Lengel, B Atwater, Aenry . Lneas,7John H Allen, Hezekiab, ' Lenard, James Allen, J J Ismailia, Carrell Battle iti Augustus S ~ liter, Samu el Ball . „.- . ... &milkit 'xiiiitir :!- • : .arcraspin thew, -sr, ~, Bing; Leonard . . _, •WaraftiY, .14 1 1.1 X - - Bartell, Lanai MdGrjanaglui, Jas : , ~B elford, 1. br , .. - =1,./regee,,•Beit) . a . , .u•,3 , Bendet, Raphael ' licßeywilds,,Gorp•l" •'1 , 4 , Bigler, Wm McGee, lil iii Slyer, Henry H Mcllenemy, Chas toyer, Saml W McSen, John Boyle, Michael . ; ' _:. ldeßaynolds, Hugh F Boop, Jacob 3 ' McQuinston, A J Boyd, Win McNeal, David it B adley, Win Macidenemy, Chia _.Oreckinridge,,E . I:t • ' Martin i It J Brass, Luke L .- ,• ' - - • Madden, Robert Brooks, S B Mead, Ebenezer ' , . .. . , .... Brown/Min P' ' - "• :. ~ Metcalf, 'Wm , BroWn,ltieob ';--:-, •: 4 •''."? , . 'Met* litiodcire ' '-','' `...'" . Buchanan, James '."- - .l*3fnlleal, Abraham=' " Burbank, 'H A Miller, Harry N Barkley, Peter Mingle, D L - 'Canty, F W ....,-.,_ ~ I • ......,,minera ir,_Eau%C . • Campbell, Meer Cor '--- 1.- 'stiner, - Marria P ' Cain, Jacob ' Moore, Albert I. Carman, Cap G P Morris, Wellington • Charles, Simon '., , -, ,Morris, Jain ':. ',. '', char_ I %aktilit. ...ia'.. - al ,!•,.101011eNtMblhash. c. ; . a.. talmatier, pity. ,: In:- -. ..: •-•:',.... , Msliberry:Win• • a.- , .o.lark, ,Jqsepli-A, ,-, ; , 4 :,., N.:Musgrave, •Aaron T • •,,,•„. Clink W-F ,„: - , ~. .-, Musser,lGorp•Wm H •,•••• Coray,, K A . . 2' Musser, John H'' - 44, Cobaugh,..liavid W . - Nevin, Mat Jobn I --• ' Conner, James • Neiman; Et U • . Oonen, Robert ',.: ' -•,, - Ortb,.Chtutel :• Coere„ rtherlm..: .. . :.Or en , Jesse .; , Cramer, RD .. Oren, John ..: , Currie, Julia • •••• , , • ; Pang , It ; ,-..• Danney,..kmes ;.; -- ....• Page?Darilef , ' - -- 2 DaVia . 14.1.2, -.. .1 ‘....1: '-'. ,cPirtgae,.PlLt .., -.• Daieupprt, hint ;. ": .....• -.•: Patterson , Andrew Dee, Lewisi Peregoy Bdojz 1 .- 4 Derr, Wm 11 Peters , - Abraham Detwniler, Stu*. - • - .Petersefilope K ' ; ::: ',' - ` , -L'.l , ; ''Tfornaile, 'rhea - ' ' ''' "PCtriketi B , on - Dougherty, Rata Peck, Conrad bir, Cyrus • ' .. ' 'Ttonnti, Staten Doherty, Jbhit • ' '' Durling;•J A '.' ' ' " - RentObliti:- ' Duncan, J L Reed, John • Ettinger, John Ricker, Jobe Faucet, Daniel Rippman, CharlesFackler, Ben) F . „Rime,. Wrn;„* Focht, George Richards, Wm S Fox, John A . 2 Robinson, 11 .. FreeseFloseptt- 1 • •-- 'a Rudy,:john . . . Gerhart, John 't -•- : * ;,,, MANI Mut i Gallaher, John :' ' ` ‘ I ltA „:' ries ” - ~ , hiltenty. Enumbe- - '-' olli erger,'.lll --T , , , * l-4n Gimkirie, James B ' , r ' , o.frer; 3nngdk, Gilford;Ttlitifley. - „'•• ,-.- '• 'BiegYLTilter - _ ~'_ "' Gaughter, Simon : • , : . " 1 " ;',S*Rty, ELM?". ••-''. ' ,'.•° Golitery Marton .• '- -• 'Sfrope,t ltas,,f`' '-,'„.- Gtater; - Divid , '-f -- Shirk; Casper ' " '' Griffith, Joseph Shoff; Frederick Greenawalt, Aaron Seibert, Wm Graeff, Henry Shurlock, Surgeon W C Gutshall, William, , ..; . Slieaffer, John - gEt !.: Graham, John ' ' -- Shaffner, &MI P. - Hanultoz, Hugh Simpson, frank - Baas, Johnatharr. • * - --i Sturdy, *George - HAIVIVS, J P_• . --,-",--,, -.-,- Snyder, ED Haul, Amos A: a :,; ' . , x . Snyder, Cl* W' - Hazzard, Charles:H.. :• ~: : , :Smith, Aiens • Hawk, John -,?.. i•"•:!ilcii'' - :Smith J ohn ' --....... Maranon; Mr ' - a-i • vrll il- Snavely, - Win '' ` Hardt*, Geo Hl' g''-' 11,1 ;!-;''' , Srlifth di - Lentz Harrisi•Theman , ; .... -I 'vr- , v - -.`Sitiltiti,'ll. Heckert, - Peter.. 1.. • ',"-"' Spangles' A. ' Ilepford, David Spalsbaugh, Elijah Hers, Christian E Sponsler, David Hess, Christian • , :•,'Spangted, , ,John. Herr, John Sailers, Charles Heime, J _ . .. - Spanger,D D Hoffman, Josirph - " -• Spal4g,'Tliect'S ".• - Hobble, Hiram - . ' --: '' - Spotts, Frank li n - Howe. , -.1 - eihre- ....'" ' -,.' - ' Sohn, Calvin ~ '-, " Howe; .Lieht ;Tan ' 1 . ' ',Sgt .. ..A - o'6la .., .'',., Hoke, Peter"' '.. '' ' ' ' Saeger, Aides* ..- * Hecker, David _ . Stow_artrigent ' I I. , Howard; ~r, z.:. .:.'„ i. 0 ., 1,. ..- : w ok" Louis 4 ,........ , _ • ~- . _Hough,. W.T' ' flortimht 1 '- ' , '''.- - giyartz,O*6l , 4 HughsPJaiiii r eS:" I ''. ---'''-' - ' &ober, Sant ''' - . Hunt, .I 0 " '-- - '•' "- ---' 2 "StrouSe; - Jere * * '- - Hydler, Thomas Stunts John II Hughs, 0 C Thompson, John C 2 Irwin, Nathan L Taylor, Tom J twin, Geo H Tracy, 4 - ehn qacollt, Lewis Tally, Edward (ship) Jaekson Tomslan Truesdalc Sergi. II ,_ -Johnson, Harry . .... . Unger, John - J oice, John - '' - * Neocurrrio, C E , *:•;„, Johns3sb, 'Lords -s , - '-'• ,FEertst, John,. -.., , ..„ ['Keller, p:w• : , - f ••=1 -^ Wagner John 4 :,:;,... Kenny, Peter •--!-• - ,-- -, Watmer, Charles ...,..,' Kelly, Reynold L,- - - - ' '•Walston, Iluid:r.: - . •••• Kelly, It L 4 Watermy, - Welit " ' '.. Kerr, Benton Walter, John A :Herr, It H :. Whaley Thos J 'Kaiser, Frederick (ship) .---- ' - Weiss, Jato H-,.„ , , _;.,, ; i :Kn D II ";Kinzer, Lieut - - Mike, Hon/edge ,-Kieepler, Adam Wertz, John . 1 . Kennedy, S• 11 '.". a. , . ', -' =Wiseman; Androw,;, 'annoy, I. A - -- Withenr, .15• N i .;, Kimble, John Wr - . • ,•„ •• , Winand,Nny . „ . • - Boon, Byron. ,•:• .. ''."- • , wiibtio;ras - : Kurtz, David '....• -tit il• Williant.*:Matk l K - ''" ~E,pimer, John -- . ', ''•,, Wilsicittrßeultere. ''' ",':' Kramer, Rohr: - ' - g , i. -- -II- • Merri ll Win ' '' -Kunkel, Geo C . .• -,-• ', a W0M1,., Wt' P. laninon t :Onol3 %'',' :' ,-' , ' Wat/Inlais , .', - Jd ;*Ladd, Mark; •.- : •••:. , •c• • .:Wrighki.lameiLK,' I *lonictuin, _C. •.• •: ' - - • •-• - - Wtight;ch#leir, - , - „, - ,_ I 1ac0,. - Thdmag:' ,ll ••' - ' '- ' Vert ge r ; *64 l:ilti 4. ' --' F•La nths,oPeter • •,• • ,• ,- r•s• EMMA. adage ,' r ,' "',' Lea l t i ledinitpd' , - -,,, t , '-t' . l 'Tattni;, - qttaileiflt...,"' Lee, MI - Perseus enquiring:l;Yr latent* Plaae ru 'illyliii are advertised. Ono cent due on each letter. • - - s:;- I . .GEO:URIPtia4 i. , .) -- ir'- ',. ruar2B-clkwtil WEET CIDER —A small but very flue lot of Emeet qtiat,3astrxesettred at - - • , e =am &PRAlnt,e (Succeizeis*.w, motti4o.3l,r,kpe)', w,r. . (14 ..ij k 0 142. 4 *,14:90 - 1711 - iirTot Th ad,: =4 ;:• gikottre Of W7l: MoirADDS2I.:' tv.l7 ' r 7.1 lESIM Eio 1 ,- :!;; , ..i.!-: -,- iri _:,-,.-_:i,-.21:::.; • :..(1-- 7,..1 4144:M!iri , tIrA , iriA/ W, r 4INTS. NITANTEDr-A-,GEEW to do. gener a l 11 .0 . -1-z.., Y . watt it £ sprOuidlyi. Apply to us. Ir .-, •-- - - '-- - -, Adams Expre z z: i 6fr., mir•23 i2t .. ANTED--A WOiTI23I who is a good co o k . W•and am dO general housework, and wh o can ,_. (hide good reference& 4ly at ilr2, BEtENNf Pl :'-l' -1 , t ; " State street, a few doors below Fou r th . tnar 2 9-It.K . WAlinD to hire, for term of one two acres of good ground well adapted to growing, for the purpose of cultacating the Rhubarb Plant. No objections to forming a co - parummh, p tvlv, POMO reliable- party owhirtg land in or near ilarn,o-ftt%: itc preferred, hground can be cleared in November, 1:4-21 Address JAMES LAIIENT, .Illiford,&Pike County, Pr tnar2e-dlw A GENTS wanted to sell the Standar — d j li toffy - of theWnr. A: - rare chance to make tant ec. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 206. c.-, pplgspes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. tt Co_ Publishers, Baltimore, EMI Elv ADY . EIt:TIOE ME NTS moving Moving _ AS the time to prepare for Mich._ it would be well if sit having to movt, 811.41/C4UVIIICIT surplus Furniture and send it to Bari', Auction and Furniture Rooms, where the highe4 cash will be paid' for all iitut , F: of second-hand furD.:l;-• or exchange for new. . NEW . FERN'ITERE ,of the Guest. quality aiii l y s . , hand. NEW ' DASIEL . Auct,Air DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE:—That Stakiallieri residing FN noi. aNar. Itarrisbarg,„on ... tV qtt.tqueNutpe.,riter. otter. ftle'the following desualde..pruperty, all of , venient to, both the Canal, and Railroad, and ,a 1?. best markets in the State, the city of Harris! , .l% ; No. 1. A,TATER'II T3',ND, with fear -arres of 1 , r , , more or tees on 'Which - Is. 'erected iisubstantiali,, , ,,;-„: : Plastered ROUSR, pantalping eleven rooms ; a lar - e Sia, • Stablei capable of Wading 20 horses; Carriazc, 11:;:i- SM6ke house, And One of the best Springs in the alar Spring Roust., aud.cither necessary out hund im ,-, No. 2.f klumoic containing 14 acres, more orb, o, VfideltiS erecteda Grist Milt, Store:lionse, four riwtilia H.OnSes - , The Grist Mitt is in reed t, s ' Bldg order, with plenty_ cf custom work, good s ate power, and a fine harbor tintbar„ The Caaal sad Rad kelt Paw through this property; No. 3. A TRACT OE lel,lUl.containing 150 or lest, part tillable, the' baltrifere timber. on erected two Dwelling HOUSES with Stables. ttio frau a Saw Mill, a heat atottalCor2l34 within 4 14 i )ara .of Canal and Railroad. This is a splendid fe , r form. furnace, or factory. • - No. 4. A. TRACT containing 10 acres, with It , , t - sr ark! Stable, (the Railroad and Canal pass guatughA , •11 oarim a good-Stone Quarry, a large`quantity of brick clAy, 'Best for an anthracite furnace, or steam Saw Mill. No. 5. A TRACT' oiortaining 45 , 4 acres of Woodlltl. large quantity Of which is chestnut rail timber, oak, ory, km, on which there about four acres cleared, aa , i 110U311 and Stable thereon. The tract is mile fr. , ti Canal and Railroad. Thetaboce propertt gill be sold on terms to Out pu chasers. It can be pOlll by - ratting' on the subscriber- 2 : the property, or any inforniaton can be given b:, dreesing. - JOHN C. M'ALLISTER, Susquehanna, P. 0., Dauphin county, Pool mare -11 p ILBLIC SALE Will be sold; on TmentAT, the 9th day t,l 3r, rc h, on the prendses on which the sancriber newt Snsquehanna township, Dauphin county", Harrisburg, on the road, leatiME from Harrio , un , to ME' phinj. - 35,000 Feet - of Dry Llimher, comprising Hemlock; JeteVand 'Scantling, Pue. planed Flooring,.lloards,,Cedling Boards, Flack, uar den Pa 200 mortisert - Locrst and Chestnut. a lot of Beard-Fence Posr4:s;dozen bushel mud hale*, basketsi 100 bushels of sued. potutot, of racial.; Unit, and a variety of - garden. seeds and other articles over looked at previthli sale. Sale to t:ommeitcOait„Vo'likk, r. she:: t , rtni will be made talcum b} " 11 W. 11011 - 111. N. N. B.—A credit' of six. months will be gym on amounts above $lO. taar234llw be sold, at Public Sale, at the. resi deuce of Mr. Samuel Bohr, on Second Area, be low. Washington dynamo, _his entire stock of Household . and Kitchen Fertianttre;"emi sailing of Sofa, Lounge, Set tee, Marble Top Tabhki - Bode. and Bedsteads, BILIC2U.; Cherry Dining and Breakfast Tables, Chairs, Stores and Pipe, Carpeting,: &c mat many other artides too numerous uf mention An the above ankles are nearly new..-Sale to commence on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock_ raj . : r: V.4 9. I I ThgIER AD.P/S,..Aucuumers. 'Whereas, the Darlakership here tottific,existi*batgreep.- imd..tosepirn Shislen . tilider thtliuktne - and; orl4.Thaelt„ & libilkoeen - diiiiolired by the treath of W. Dock, Jr.; art 'the store, as heretofore carried on by ,the said lirei,la; beett purchased by the 'Undersigned', notice is hereby 'Wen, that all the business, as heretofore carried on by 'the late firm of W. Dock, Jr., & Co., will be continued at the same place by the undersigned, under the name "style of Shisler at Frazer,.whosettle and pay all the • debts awd liabdities of thelate • 'tisk of W. Dock. Jr., S: Co, sztli.imehre,air. , "^aurinidate. the said firm. Than: , -fat for past favors the new firm will be grateful rer tb, continuance of the public JOSRPIUS SHISLER, t't mar19 . 412w CALIDSTW,S. FRAZER. RE I=l • " 0117' - 0 S 1 . GottspjLidkVlraieivvell Concerti ' . y • - . MAX STBAXOSGH ypectfnllg inform, Um citizens of Einftionnig apt vicinity th2t thr Imitnfnt.d.,,tologpers:_tt MIMI Mr•,7 31 , will give in Chis city . . TWO OtrAN9COFicERTS, ihII da,..Wednesijay, Mardi 2S When pert - oda - Se - vend& his latest composaiew, *hiclf have:caused so great a sensation in :New York, 80-- ton, Pheadelplda, and all the Westent "cities. Mr. 001 T - SCIL4I.K *ill have on the occasion the valuable - awe of MIME. HENRIETTA If*IIItENS, the Singnished Prima Bonita - . t.s 1 1 , 6 4 . MR. THEOLNOILE MAIM NN, the ele 'nem Tenor. SIG- L'ATTI„ the - young: and high') talented Violinift (tirothet:of Ad@intt and Carlotta Patti.) MR. BEHRENS . ; NnsiCal-Director and Conductor . AdOssion (includincreserced teats) akfpllowsi. inside of tbee-Bak:sl-i td the , floor, The cents.,. The We of seats commencingron Fridttr mcinaltmg, - 'atir.liChoche'sKuss: Store. Doors open at Concert .commence at , 6 ceclock. ° • marl"-' -,dtd rORTANT TO ALL.—ltwill restore the s i il to health; the intempte to* Temperance. Tb , 'Rhubarb. Wine will do it all. Don't think the reading of the advertisement will de;, - Vl4 dor' :clafm that. But 11 yen will go to C. S.. KELLER'S Drug Store and get somi of the Wine and examine it ftrx ...yourself, it wM set yeti right; I will warrant you pri - ' - ithuht; Orders for wine ani wine planteniken and filled- tfrtAinir authorized agent. C. - KELLER, 44-,Shillitltet Stnilfarrisburg, Pa. For full particulars apply to or address the above. ISIEM mar22.-dtf ' • T NEW . ,I ) I44AFT.PIIIA. C s rik ci - IN P. W. GROSS' NEW -BLOCS Market Street} Haillstrarg. 1,000 DIFFMENT or FAstuowEE - • CLOAKS AND CIR CUL ARS . • - KELM& •wa Open on the Ist o April. fina-21-dly TMCET EIPATED 7 VIRGINIAaIL OF , and Dap& Idirtitt's L'Onda'n' Baiting. pat osered and for salt bp r . SHISLERA FRAZER, fel ; lga&eagola to W:m.,l*k, Jr , & Co.l ArIOX'S SPARKLI NG" TIN, the best . matrufactnrotjustreeived and 114 sale hg I - t SRLSLF,R & FRAZER, fel (kecoleftora to Wm, :nook, & co. , riATSDPS AND BAUM, of the most Sri -110 wrier and choicilirands;just received and for ata SHISLER FRAZEE, pecan* tR Wnd. neck, jr.,& Co.) br teb-i . O BOXES ORANGES, selected from late Importations, and the most, superior ever brought tit.thiS market at this season, jestracejced and for rala SHISLER & FRAZER, 2'ol . (ats;p3s3ors.to Wm. Dock, jr. k Co.) Ili ;A;`PPLES_ a. We hare „Ina. receiyed a .Dine: selection of. APPLES, In prime order. For sale by.. the : barrel, bushel or Eingl quantity at SEMLER & FRAZEE, febB ,(Succmcors to Win Dock. ) rbit4lidE§!o- 1 40113 - ES! !,.-20' . boxes in OUP oidPt Juancared.wholandeimd - .-75 a .-75a ret ,Eft Sr Flar .reb2 E; tc •re° 'ILFESSM A 'O4ASOFS---41. amall but Su- PetOr;PriOka of .11kstinetAbangerijust received at uterl3 :BOY= /111.01111415. u 's • 9f. , •••• - c-L ,) Q -)::.:`te.lt PUBLIC SALE t • :t JAMES R LAMENT. "Mllftird, Pike collate, r.t.. Wtroleside Dealer in Wine Plaiits
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers