Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, March 28, 1864, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH rumaszEn moRNI2co AND EVENING, B 1 GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD Sr, NEAR WALNUT. Tf,r,ms OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. IytDAI LY TF:LEGRA PEI iS served to subscribers in the cay $ cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be cliarp'd $5 00 in advance, Those persons who neglectto P , } .;, advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH , TELEGRAnt is also published weekly, and Is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates: 31 saigle copies, week1y— ........ 'rive copies to one Post Office ice copies to one Post Office ...... . .. Q ...10 00 MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC. OFF= AT WARD'S ItIJSIC STORE, 12 If Third Mired. Residence: Third street, above North. it ELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FERST PREMIU MS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TIM ()SIN GOLD MEDAL (over won by instruments of this clam) has been awarded to DIASON 1E HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand at W.KNOCAE'S, Sole Ageot, Jet-glawly] 93 Market street. HENRY C. ORT.H 7 TEACHER OF THE PIANO,ATELODEON Alkm VIOLIN.—Terms reasonable 15 Third street," between Market and Chestnut streets. ja4-3m PROFESSIONAL. 11!=1 ELECTRICITY. IVONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS. TAR. J. M. MAXIM would respecdull3i inform the public in, general and.,the.diseased } articular, that he has opened an office in South Second street, below Chestniit, Harrisburg, ra., where he. will treat all diseases entrusted to his care, in accordancewith the system discovered and taught by Prof. C. Boling, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he has been. con nected, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public for information with respect to his success in con traihng disease. No drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and other modifications of. Electricity, without shocks or any un pleasant sensations. After an Electrical Diagnosis, a guarantee will be given; If desired, by the patient. For: further Information call arid get a pamphlet which con tains hundreds of certificates from medical men and oth ers proving the superiority of this system of practice over all others. Consultatirra free. Office hours .9 to 12 5,.31., I to 5 and 7 to 9 r. at. DR. J. HILTON CREAMER. , feb3-113tawfim- tu-th-sa DR. J. BITE'S YELLOW WATER POWDER FOR HORSES. TAURENG a practice of many years in this 11 community, DR. HITE has satisfied himself thatthis Powder Is vastly superior to any other article in use ' FOR THE CORE -OF YELLOW WATER, • find is of great service to Horses that have °at their APPETITE .1191) ARE HIDEBOUND, FOUNDERED, oR r DISTEMPERED. Aiao, that It will prevent. . GLANDERS; COLIC AND THE BOTS,,' • When faithfully used two or three - times st'weels,Liavigo, rating and fattening. For improving the condition of a Horse, ho assertsthere is no better medicine, as it will strengthen. the. stomach' and assist digestion, cleanse the imagines of offensive matter, and regulate the boviels when costive, porify,the blood and promote dlgestiOn—thus the skin is kept q loose, the pores are opened and a lean, scabby Eerie becoram fat and comely. • The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hogswith good effect, Directions with package. MIRPARED OI.Y AND BOLD AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market street, Harrisburg. Jan 14 GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY An PROVISION STORE. BOYER. 434 KOERPER, WHOLE SA LE AND RETAIL GROCERIES , Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUOE, frA.VE just opened a large and well. aeleeted 11 stock or goods at their stand, No:8 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally. nolo-dIY FINE. I/ I It 117 0..,R..5.. Shissler . (successors towns &Cm) DEALERS IN PINE FAMILY GROOE opposite the Court house, have on bandaftne selection or BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, Every D escription. WHISKY& . OLD BOURBON, • MONONGAHELA FINE iar,gfr 4ED SCOTCH Whiskys. The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, •" FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated, titinble. UT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. sHLOS3 JOHANNESBURG; CLARET SCOTCH AND /mar ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTF.RS. With a eomplete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description pow in the market, and at THE LOWEST RATES. [l4 . JOHN WISE, . THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA., WON X'S AIN AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., hnnhe Paste, Muss Paste, Pig Paste, Niarsh Mallow Gum Drops,' Cream Choeolkto Drops, Plain Candles, &c., &O. Oranges and Demons, " • (Muted Fruits, Jellies, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Cater Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea- Citrons, Figs, Dates, Prunes Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Cream. Nuts, Ground Nuts, Pecan Nuts, ' Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries, Hominy and Beans, Cakes and Crackers, ; Sweet Sweet and Irish Potatoes, ' Green and Dried Fruits, And Country Produco in season. son. Vegatablea In season, Raiatns, Currants, 0c..t13 ('!RAPE VINES of all kiln* PrinoiPalk Da Cataw Coac , ka, at ord,laWilba, Di ann, leiseadlne,_ Lotto, Isa ia, ba, IV eYstone Nurse r9.ortn Clinton, Crowding Taylor orßay , S marie CElt 1 CIDER! . !—Two Barrels offAireet and pure CIDER jest received at marlB BOYER & KOERPER.' A NOTHER lot of choice Catawba Grapes ta. for We at Imar 2 .l JOHN I%'ME'S - , 1 la, STEAM PRINTIN • . 4.IMERSIMEND ItATES-4=l VI - • Alk II Lie t,./NN.c-A.L---;,--• ' "1, • e llilliwi '-- . 4., ,- ... wiririt,, , , _________ . . • The following are the rates for ad Glum; Timm haelng advertteinitE vernal Ifor reference. 1 . : o linl it c zy E r!! l :Zhan e :::, lll 7 s 7 0 :0 0 titutu W e te : tun D .bai t i 1 __,....„,0: 7 ,,,t..„„t1,.,Le. ;...?) 01 'ltd. 4 Onweek ..f.f,__t0t:..4,,....4,.t.::._ , .. . 7,. Tw0 e dayc...:...i...4iii60,,,,u, Three ....,75Tniee, 1250,..... One month .:: .3,v.0.,... Two months 4 fob Wo 4 1 .. Three menthe SNO nave • • . A „,d,„,„„,„ 1 6,' Six months 860 .B'.inf -' -- ' • . . „ One . year 15 00 OiaciJ , f - Aiimintstratlen Nr ---- - ''' BY GEORGE BERGNER. DR. JOHNSON, dl5-tf BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISRASES OF DEPRITDENOE REUSE` IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Oure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One Weakness of the Zack, Affections of the. Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary'', Discharges, Impotency General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idees„ Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling., Direness of-Sight or Giddiness, Disease of. the Head, Throaty Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary Practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses-, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, he., impossible. Especially, who havetecoitui the victims of Solitary Vice,' that dreadful Mad deetiuctilietabit which annually sweeps to an untimely grays thoutaulds of Young Men of the most exalted talente and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have'entrantied listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may gall with full confidence. Married persabs, or Young . Men contemplating mairiage, being aware of phyatcal weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cured. ... He who places himself under the care of Dr, J. may re ligiously confide bills honor 413 a gattlemai3, and confi dently rely upon his skill= as a Physician. • . ORGANIO IM,ICNT,SS mmedlately cared, and fall vigor restored. This distressing affection--which readers life miserable and marriage impossible . —hrthe penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. ' Young persons are tee apt tO commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that-May .ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost smiler by .those falling Into :improper habits than by the pmdent.:+ Resides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious arid 'de. structive symptoms to . both body and mind raise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental filmdom weakened, lose. of procreative power, , 'nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion; constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, oon suroption, decay and death. 01 , Plei Mi. -7, SatTTII . FBICDRRICK STRUM, Left hand side going from iadtimore street, a . few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office.. Member of the Royal : Callege of Surgeons, London ~ g rad-, nate from one of the nisateminent colleges in the, United States, and the greater part"ef, whose life has been spent in the hospitals-of London', Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected Souls of the most astonishing cures that were ever known:; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when male° great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soundi; ess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured inunediately, • TAKE PARTICIMA.R, NOTICE These are some of the sadand melancholy. affects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head,dimneas of sight, leas .of muscular power, palnitation. of. the heart, dyspeprda,,ner vous inttability symptoms of consumption, Marrramv.—The Neil effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded—loss ofinemery., confusion of ideas,. de . premien of spints, evil - forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, ku, are some of the evils yeaduced. Who have injured themselves by a certaiu practice in dulged in when alone, a habit' frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which 'aro nightly felt, even when 'asleep, and If not cured rehders marriage ,npos Bible, and destroys both mind and_body, shouldt 121,1 al tnediately. Wbati r t hat.a young man, the hope of his oointry, the darling of Ms parents, should be snatched from'all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence Of deviating from the ,path of nature and Indulging' , In a certain secret habit: Such persons law, before contem plating Reflect that a sound inindand body are the most necessary. requisites to promote cOnnuldsilltappiness. Indeed, with out these, the journey' 'breath life becomes a weary pil grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection tbat.the happiness of another be comes blighted with our Din. DIST! ASR OF' IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleaspre 'hada he has imbibed the. seeds of this painful disease,l; too often happens that Al it sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters hill from applying to thosewho from education and respecjahllity, can alone befriend him. He falls into the hands orignorant and designing pretend ers, who, incapable of cluing, filch his pecuniary sub -,stance, keep him trifhnHt month after month, or as long as "the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leavehim With ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptoms °Nils terrible disease,such asaffeb tiona of the Head, Throat, Nosi, Skin, eto., Progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sandhi him to that undiscovered country front whence no traveler returns. . . nipopsaarmwr OF THE PRESS. JO:' WISE. . . The many triods owed at this Institution year after year, and them . Me_ June important =Wad operations pr n 4entison, - witeeseed by the reporters of 'the ant, atop!, andmany otherrepen, notices of which, ,have &we're/began and again before . the _ besides, tkija aru m ag "I gentleman of • character and reepongiT rbdity, Is a grufflcient guarantee to the afflicted. t J. MISS. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. OMeepro47lSoutJi Frederick, Strieet4 MEDICAL. tofTtoo .Days YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE DR. JOHNSON, YOUNG KEN MA MUGE, "THE UNION N-OW AND F=OREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 28 ; <1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 ROAt t hg, &c, 1864 As Spring a • ANTS PPr"el _and ROACHES , fl oa :s7 v f o t h aboute ° A lts ar s 7 , 247 l 4 ; ', In s:fife , - COST R% E-RITTNATOES. . For itsti, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mosquitos, Monist in Furs, Woolens, etc.,' lasetts on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N. City:" "Orly ihfallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons."' "Not dangerous to the Haman.ranii .. "Rats come out of theirholes todie." Xe-Sold by aU Druggists everywhollir • • Air! I I Bsweas !of 'all worthless imitations. Xig - " Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadwai., N. Y. ,Sold by , D. W. GROSS St CO., }Wholesale and retail agent . . marlB-dawBm ' ' Harrisburg,.4i'a. . „ Rsontrrimci OP** U. S. INVALEDVORPS, _ IiggUSSURO, PA., March 1,i1864.• THE attention of Soldiers who have Ueda Honorably discharged•the United States service, on ,account of disability contractedwhile in the line of duty, 'and who may.wish to enlist in the Invalid Oorps; is re• spectrally called to the following letter from the- Provost Matshal General's . Office, from which it appears that they May receive the bounty offered by the ward, borough or town, to which they may wish to be credited: - (LETTER) PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S GREW; ..Bplui . Au or INVALiD CORPS, 11 . . • WASHINGTON, February 23, 1864. The Provost Marshal General directs' me to say : that men enlisted for the'First Battalion Companies of the In valid Corps, in accordance with the provision of General Orders, Nos. 105 nod 212, Adjutant . Generars Office, 1803, and the Lustrimtiona'of the Provost Marshal General, (see Circulars Nos. 14 and 106, of 1863, Provost. Marshal Gen eral's Office,) will he credited to the quota to be furnished under the draft, of the ward, borotigh, town, or city and State from which they enlist. M. N. WISEWELL, Colonel, and Assistant to the Provost Marshal General, in charge` if Invalid Corps Bureau. For the particulars relative to enlistident in that Corps, apply at the Reeruiting.Cificei Invalid Corps,. in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg; Pa. E. . E. L. BARNW, Ist Lieut. 11. S. L C., .R'cting °Eileen. marl 7 tf AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. . ' WAR Derewramer, CAVALRY CORRAL', OFFICE OF OUDOTQUARTERMASTER, Webarsaios, D. C., Feb. 19, 1864. • NITILL be sold at . Patilio Auction, to-the 'lf highest bidder, at the places and dates named be- • low, viz: • At Wilkesbarre, Penna., 800 Horses, Taesday, 29th March. These Horses have been, condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. ' For road and faxnkxanyealangahrek be had: Horses will be sold singly. . • Sales begin at 10 e. ay, and continuo daily till rill ar , e sold. ' • • Terme Cash, In United States TreaeuryNoteS only. • 'JAMAS EON, feb2o.dtm2o • Chief Quartermaster, Cav,alry Bureau. T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CIE3IENT MAYITRACTURER, PITTSBURG, S I'ItgiPARED to furnish and coat the e tenor of. Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a 'new system. This material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, Imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per propor.tiOns of pure 'Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Steno Walls,' making a beau tiful, finewater proof surface and tirilsti epial to Brown Stone or any color desired.: - Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: . J. Bissell, residence, Penn street,'Pittsburg. J. D. M.Tord, " J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville.. •A, Hoeveler ; James M'Candless, " Allegheny city. 'Calvin Adams, • " Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Vohol, Girard House, f Barr & Moser, architecte Dispatch Bindings, " John B. CO; residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, Please address . . T. P. WATSON, . . P. 0. BowlBo6, Pittsburg, o4.Panna., 11!ouse, liarrisburg, Pa feblB d6m TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions Bounties Back Puy and War Claims, . OFFICERS' PAY - ROLLS, MUSTER' ROLLS AND ; • RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE, OUT,. rrtHE undersigned, having been in the em .L ployment of the 'United States during thelast eighteen Months, as Clerk in Ate Ife i storintand DisbUiaing Office and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting ',Service of kennsylvania, respectfully informs the Outdid thathe bai opened an office in the'DArcr Titithiern Buildlnefor the purpose of collecting Pensions ,• Bounties 03a4r,: - Pgty• end War Claims ; else, making out Officers' Iqty Tops , voider Rolls and Recruiting Attonnts. All orders by man attended to promptly'. novl-dtt" • ' • SWLTVAN S. CHILD. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Alhutps.' ' • Photograph Albums., ' - , Photograph .Albuittl. . - . - Photograph Albuirks• ri - IBE largest and cheapest yariety - of FHP.!' TOGRAPR ALBllMS'in.thi city are constantly kept - ) at [marl.2.] pERGREWS CREAPBOOKSTORE. JOSHUA AL WIESTLING, -4.T9C9WOME".t OFFICE.IN fPILNITT STREET, OPPOSITE THE STATE O►PITAL i[pSEL HABItLSBITRG, PA. A LL business pertaining to the profession ..c1 will receive his prompt and careful attention. -noarB-doatt2tawlm-dlme . fillOY BOOKS, GAMES,:..te.--A Laige sortment of Toy Books, Games, &e., Just received at aiOl9 SCHEFFBR'S BOOKSTORk Harrisburg. Norway Maple THIS tree resembles the,Sugar Maple very - closely iri roma and , follage, but beam transplanting "barter and vows more rapidly. For sale at. Keystone Nur nelY freb24-d.l.*) . . JACOB MISTS. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW ZS., RAISINS, CITRON, FRAMES - iTaS, iC, At • SEMLER & FRAZRRIS J ; - ( D O2Ol - (Successors to Tor. Dock, Jr., A Cal 00 1 0 sale St. s Gem Et aFF ?lifi tk or : 634 (SimccisMS tO . Wm. Doc*, Jr., & ICKLES I PICKLES! I —Britne • - JE-- • Half Bardet, Jai or Dozen,,_ at nor " EMI SLER & FRAZER'S, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Ca) HFCITBBFAY. White Fringe, purple Fringe, Mahonia, Althea; Magnolias, Tree Bo O, Xeystone Nursery. [wan] J. Wan. EVENING EDITION. General-llounty AN ACT telatint to the paiment of bounties to vAattteerg. SiorioN 1. Be it snadted,by. the Senate. Wad Haim cf Representatives of the-Corneneesuleal* Tenn.: sylsania Geneva ilesembly; 'met) and R. is - herd* enacted by ; .the autharey : of•• thi isornsi:.:That. all bond watrante, orliertaficates:Aif Indebtedness;t Issued by the commissioners * Dr. 'cominissioners and cou tt oiler, of : aoy. eounty,pr Ake corporate. anibotities,of. any city, Warder borough, orthe school direet.ors, or wad cOmmissioners, or 8141 pervisors ; ,of 'any tow.nship:/aLthis cornnion , wealth, f t urthe paymentait;bolintles to .persone volunteei ing to enter..themilitary oLnnitVal: service of:the ; United States,. nodes any,- re- Quist ion heretofore made hi the poreFidentof the United Statya r be. end the saina:are,- , galised, I:nada . ..valid and binding. upon/suck counties,: cities, : wade, boroughs,l and town,. ships, as if full er:4 legal authority. bad .existed for the issuing and melting of the same when they were issued And t made; arid thatAn..all cases Yams ,BilY:ellecial:coMtnittee,nconimier stoner, or an jedivid cull or bid I.vid !ef , Way county, city, towoship, or bozotigh-or.ward. shall have subscribed and,Paidi-or become per- Eonally liable for the payment,: of money, for the purpose of ,payingbounties- to . voulnteers, under the I etacal Is the presiden tof the United States, who ,have been inuetered, into the Unit , d StateSmilitary service, and credited to such county, city, townahip,..ward, or boiough, with the understanding, or agreement, that a law would be enacted tojevy and collect a tax upon such county. city, township, borough,. or ward for the paynied of such advanc-went and liabilities, all subscriptions, so paid, or mom y aferetadd, shell,be geodand., valid 'agellsti county; city , t6Viiittrii; tit); rough, or ward, as if the. same had been snb scribpd boriow,ett corpoao antbori-, ties of the same; under the provisions c.f this act; and it shall be the duty of the commis sioners, superyitors, codnells,ior, spitool,direc , tors, as the case may be, to proceed to levy and collect a tax upon stich'oeurvy, city, township, borough, or, ward, sufficient to pay:the princi pal cf all euch claims, with interest teereon actil tlie day of .P.ltYbkentvtollettlier the cost of collection-thereofi-f . Sse..2.lThat alI paymentof bounties to vol unteers; entering :Viet siervide. Of- the pnit'ed, Stateass aforesaid; by the' CotinaltistoneTs, or the ccominissioners and , cmatrolter, , of. any county, or the Corporate antborities of any city, ward, or borough, or b :-the school d!- r ta t u o a rs me.d liy ad . i u m t is h iii r o i n7 es, or any 'townslat t , or this cornmoriletilgr Sic. 3." That; ri : atithoritiee'afaresalti hereby ,aufirofized, and' recirilred, execute, and ecorojillAkt;', agreertierutr - I‘nd contracts, heretofore made , by the aforesaid:authorities of such counties, cities, Wards, boroughs, or town ships, for the payment of tiounties, afore said, or' for refunding advancements made ter thet,perpAse by any committee, special cora missionerindividnal, or individualS, On 'con dition (Etat they tliOuti be'refunded, aecording to the true intent and mtanieg of such agree meals and contreete; and ..for that purpose the said authorities. are ..herbby. authorized to her= row money,' add •iesue bends, warrants!, or car tificatte, in the Earner of such county, corpora tions, or toweshies, with or without interest coupons" attached, tpayable at, such time and place as maybe Agreed , upon, and to levy such taxes es maybe .neceseary to meet! the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, warrants and certificates ; as the same shall btome due; which'texes and levies shall be resealed, ;rind collected,: as other county, city,-ward, borough, enter rerun; taxes_ are ate: sensed, sewed, levied ; and,copecteid: Provided, That in• all election,or enrollment, districts, nothaiieg any cons it uted authorit,ipe, as contemplatid:hp this act, cow patent to levy: and collect saiditaxe the . board of .election officers " of - -suck idiatrict shall be euthorlied to levy, andi Proceed to, have said' tali - Collected in such riktricar Sec. 4 Thatallasseeements heretofore Medd of taxerrfor,thepurpoes of paying -bounties, as aforesaid,e bi and the same is: hereby legalized and,made valid: Provided, That the 'property o! non COMMiSE toned officers, and privates, in actual sereicee in the United• States army and navy, from this- CommOnwealth, or who died, • or were permanently. disabled, in such eervice, or havil g been iu such service for the space' of one year and six! , mcinths, Were - honorably din- 'charged therefrom, and the' property of -will' own, minor children, end widowed mothers note commissioned o ffi cers, .and privatee r who.. died la SUCh Berviße i . shall be:exempted from , taxation under ; hdProvisions of thia act* -Pro, videct ,That the:provisions of , the firstr saixind, third. and 'fourth sections of !this actshallte so understood, as to `have reference - 0124: SO such agreements and contracts aliPhav6 h.erveriEcrefir into by.the authoritiesadoresaid,..subsequarit to the seventeenth: day of ,OctOber,‘ One` t housend eight hundred and.sikty-three: e. • ;le Sec. s... That all the proviSions of• ilia four -teenth section of an act: to . create a'loan,' and provide for arming. the-State r -passed tie W teenth day, of ~Ideb,one ,thonsandr eight hire tired arid _lactat'anthorizud the asso ciate ledges - auti, 'comity commitsloaers of- the several counties 'of_ ` .-this, Commonwealth, constitute a board' irriellef for thei' of such volunte.ers as have hetn,„,of,ehtell be, .ene. culled iirlisVied'iitio - strviee from their :several counties, are hereby; ktended and ap plied to the fsmilies of men who have been, or may hereafter be 'drafted or .cortscriPbyl and mustered into the service of the United States, and credited to'the quota of said counties, re opectiveiy; 'ell arrangements made by the several counties of this Commonwealth, fur the support of the families - of_ yolurtteetc...tnititia,. drafted or cage - KR - admen , mustered into thu eervico,,aild ..bildtted poi :aforesaid are hereby legalized and confirmed; and full and, legal au .thority is hereby given said county cecr:mis stoners to borrow money for the payment of such expeneee,mnd for the extension of such relief to the &rallies of all private Eolitiery and non-comrnissioned officers who have :been mustered „in, or may hereafter nenaterpd into, the . servicrk - the Sfutes, and credittd as aforesaid; ipk pursuance of any requi sition made, or to be made, by.the President of .the United States, or by any law of the United States now made. or-hereafter to be made, orly the Governor of Pennsylvania, or any - lea , of s td Commonrockith now made, or'hereafter to be made. Sp. 6. That the commissioners of any and every county in this Commonwealth are hereby authorized to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be sufficient to pay to each and every non-Commissioned officer and priVate so'. Webster . , dier:who volunteered' •.from such county, and ente_ed the military: or_ naval service of the United Stat,-s, on or.after the .reventeentb den Or:Octobar, Anne afmini gone r thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and to each and every - tton43oni4islioned -officer and private sold ier mho -may,-bereafter ....volunteer and' , en : tat the. eervice ct; the Usated,Stitktecfrout such 'oeirrityr„, ind,he credited to the ; quota., thereof, In Pursotibbe 'of 'tiny 'reiittisttitin iof the Preeident tiff , the United Sratte, .or , by 'AY law' of the' ;United Sta'es now made, or hereafter td , bio ;made, a sum not exceeding three. hundred dal liars; Provided hinaever; That is that part of any uotifity where schoofitireetoru, or road commis-' -stoners, ::or, suriervisorn of: any township`,--of - where the. corporate Nathorities, of; ady:_eitY,. :ward or torough, or any , ; committee,., epeeist, ,ctimmissioners, individual or Indiiiduale,_have, radd, or have now- mimrciencedto retire, - fund ifor. ) the. purpcee °fraying such bounties; it'elhalt - be lawful for suchachool directors or road oom-.' trassibpers, cr supervisors of such township or townships, orthe . cturrate authorities of such city ; ward or borotigh; to borrOW"such Sum or Bunn of mon -y as_may•be required to pay to each, volunteer from such district, a . ; sum - not exC,bding three liricdred dollars; and it. - shall be lawful for arch antborities'of luttetorrh ships,. cities, wards or boroughs, forLsubb sum or, sums of money, and •in.snctiamotaits &slimy be necersary to pay the anthodaect bounty_ to each. wiluareer required to fill the quota Or quo tas of such township, city, ward'or hoiough: And provided further, That such townships, cities,' wards and boroughs as have filled their quota or_ quotas...wader any- call ....or requisi tion heretofore made ~ b y tho. President. of the, United. States; as,nftwesaid z - , witt tit:it@ &eta the"exenity; cl.fli or liMuiYi sha pkertv h emirt.froni tiny tax !Mod; lor'fil be le led; hir the said 'bounty, city or borough, forte pay twins. iS bounties, or for the payment of any, bonds issued byeaid , e4Ontyttriniphtsioneriti !city; or !Vorougli litthoritlei, forothei Ipayinene Of bollocks to volunteers to fill the quota afore said: Andronided further, That no oonnty,.city, ward; •townshiri, borough, or' Cother district, Which shall have agreed to cfler to pay as bounty taeacli volunteer 'credited tosnch coun ty,ci ty, ward,town ship,borough or other district, a larger sum than; three hundred_dollars, shall be sut-j-ct to the limitation as to amount pre scribed in this act; buy any payment made, or to be made; or obligation given, or to be given, or liability incurred, or to he incurred, • in pur suance of such offer or Eign3etzlent„li 'hereby ratified and declared - to be lawful and valid: And provided further, 'That in case the commis- droners of any dounty,'nitho'ctfrantissidners and; : controller of any county Ili th'ittCetnekenl4olth, - , shall neglect or refnre'to `taro the necessary tops te' , fidati;, , erocetnplein the reilln4,of 'herm it es; ItFettriivnettifff,'%rdt iind:b3rOJlght, not ' avinrraiiiiii,•Uckriniendegtolliite bounties ri t-ifilPtipati* , "the paeisao of this act, then,- : undottatliati-astaii, s lid to - mishit:4mo d or ! horOugh, by their authorities aforesaid„ shall heivetkower to proceed and raise -benntleis 'as follYitrid ari effectrially as if done by the county authorities: Sze. 7. That tife,daid. county commissioners, Or scboordirectori, road commissionem,or 611- pervieors, of, any township, or corporate au thorities of an city,, ward. .or borough,,ore hereby authorized, (for the porpOso of carryfog out tbe the previsions oil .this. actl):to "birrow, money, 'and issue bonds, 'jot, 'cen3tinOafes of in, debtcd4ess, - no hot d; jr „certificate, to be than the aura of twenty-faindollani,excePt when the bounty is lea than' twenty-Eve dollars, in tbe name of enobicOnnV, township' city. ward, or borbugh,: with or withorit,. interest coupons attached, payable at such. time, and : :ln track. manner, as may re agreed upon;. and to levy, and assess, on ail property,.-proftoiCia„,tralles• 'and occupations, subject to taxation, for • State and county purposes, aniiiCillect such taxes. as 'ma* be necessary tO,Mett the principal and in terest of said bonds and certituates„as - they, shall become dile slid paYable-,which ta,aa3. shall be collected as county, efty.-,ward And. bc.rougtr, taus are noit levied and i t,:ollected;' inctudicg poi artpfta tix of not-mori3 than . ono dollar on" all tax dde - melts .itibabitants: I Pbuicle4;; That only one par . tax shall be' levied' „in any ,one year: rfottidol, That •in all das'es *here any, person or. :PerSons, liable to• draft, have, for the purposte of raising the sum reluisite to pay a ; bounty to the volunteers required h:411 the quota otany county, city, ware, borough ' ,or township, stip ulatect in writing, a 'pim. , gtearer than r x. the amounof ta which. would - be. due upon .the as.easedyalriation the.r..real or •persocal,. ,property, it shall and may be, lawful for the wrporate authorities of such county, .city; We'd, boroush and .t3wnship, to ,collect the amount so subscribed: 'Provided, That-no bonds br c - ertifleateF, iSSllled, under any .of,the provi sions'of thia'adt, shill'bti 'for a. longer period than ten . years `Provided further, That.,in ,all oases where a bo.ough" and township haver sopa rate boart's of school - dircctors, and, are Aunt; 'braced in one. district, for the purposes i pf the! .. 'military draft,' the directors . , of sad • districts 'ire hereby iefjpintlyin.carrylug the prOvisiono of tois'aot. SEG. 8: That in 'ell can=s: iirbeie. the -county Commissioneri3 of any, cduntythe school direr "fors, road commissioners or supervisor's of any township, or tile' dui-Orate authorities< of any: city, ward or, borough, how levied a,mc capita tax upon persons subject, tO,;llgltt lxiilitary duty, the actiprf — of - safdiorpotate, iyathoritietr he and tber , sarife is berebi 11ei3144 "and'hiade valid. eo. 9. appease where apart of the houtity, authorized by this uct, has been paid by any ward, townthip, city or borough, and .satki ward,lownship,• city or borough author' _ ties As aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to pay, suit} part as remains unpaid by-The -twins of -their agreement to pay bountlte to volaitieers; then the difference' etween the sum - 'so' paid, :and the 6:111 amount of 'the bounty ,proinised; (not exceeding in the; whole; the snit of three hundred- dollars to eaCh:trolunteefir 'shall' 'tie paid said volunteers by tlieVounty autlierities; in which , said ward, townships, cities . or boroughs are located; and the county corninisi sioners, in which said , ward, townships; cities . or hMoughia are located, shall assesc levy. and I collect a tax on suth:4l2.faulting ward, :town' trips, eines %Or - boroughs ak other ward, town-' ship, city or borough taxes are levied and col lected. in , = . amounts as May be - rc!inlied Ito pay the balance due the volunteers, as afore ,said, from such. defaulting township, - , city`or borough. - = Sec. 10. That the.mooey so borrowed bx.t.iie: ..county commisdioners, shall be paid over ttithfi treasurer cf the proper county. who shall pal , to iath rion-ocitimissionedrofficer, or Ovate soldidrwirho..-..volunteered , fretai and has: in , e n -' .creciited to thix_quote of, such munty,,inilite . mustered into the service of the United -States, or has been honorably discharged there from, the sum of Ationey ~to which such person shall be entitled, under,'the provisions of this act, on the warrant iitorder of the compkesion era, drawn on him fottithat purpose Obit said TRICE TWO. CENTS. 01711X2RAPH. 4110V218 in the T. Ling it cot one a p o a q. n a s square. ElLbt as day ~4 9 .4 CO 4 ee days .. CO week 1. 25 2 25 . Alcultba . 6 66 11 00 1 - 5 0 °Aces_ f!' ar-- • • - .25 CO $2 as Mantua Notces - • 'Auditor's 'lto i tfeeS ' 1 GO Funeral Nottc.oSeachinsertion— -SO • EirlitOsiness notices inserte d th e . Loo;F: Or before Maniages and Deaths, Itioar Cris rise plan for Nee insertion. . . treapner,sall not receive more than mat half 8f Ode "g.r bent= on'any money' to paid Ora on: any • Sic. -11. That the 'money so borrciwed by the Sabato'directors,- orreed commissioners, or B,4OIVISOIS of any township, or the corporate authorities orany city, Wind; or borough, shall be paid over to the`treainarei of said city, ward, , borough of township, or when such officer does not exist, to a person duly appointed by said authorities ssid township, city,' ward Or bo rckigh, who, ,upon gly ng, futliclent bond, f.a of hie . dutki, shall , prtriceed to pay to-such 'r . Ferstios, in the manner o directedly the tenth section of this setg:and - 6 )lattbe allowed, the same per - cantage asjs alp losied to the county treasurer, bY- the tenth section' of this act:' Proviited; 'That the `the coraren sillori allowed to any Xolledtor of taxes, under thltf act,: sball:notr.exceed r . two per ceribmV - SSC. .12. That in cruse any . veteran:soldiers, , whti have re -enlisted, andhavo, not been cred ite.d to ant special localitY, shall heretifter credited on the present draft, tei file " calrty from which. they originally volunteered; Stich. veterans shall be paid by the local authorit es, whose duty' it is to pay beteaties, such bounty as Mader the provision's of this act, shall be paid to vdlenteers from said.locislity. •Sta. 13. That if-any, soldierg, or, noc-com mitnioned -officer or. *. prlyete, who would have been entitled to receive the slid bounty, shall hair° . died beecire receiving 'the money, the proper :finthoritlets shall• pay the same to such person or persons, as bythelaws of the United States would be entitled-to receive the bounty, of &ceased soldiers SEc. 14. That all ideourits of the receip`•s and exponditurea of the •bounty fund, 'arising from any , taxes that, have been assemed, or that may be sneered for.the purpose, a: .aforesaid, she l he audited in like manner an other couwy, hivniship, oity,"borottith, or scheol dis-trict, ac connte are audited. fisze i 5. All toads, .warrariAsi certificates of indebtednesi or loans issued, or to be harit.d, under the prorhions , of this act, - or of any special ahtheletofore pained ; or hereafter to be passed, authorizing--particular: cities, coun.lez, wards, horonahaor townships to borrow -moneys and pay bounlifis to Volniiieers, shall be exempt from all taxation. - -- HENitY JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of. Reoiteentatiroa. ,oa, P. PENNEY, peaker.of . • APPROVES = The twenly-flfth day of 111,11012; Anrio Domini one thousand eight hundred an sixty-four. •• (1- CUR FIN- ZeleorapQ. x0PI: atm Wonting Edition. LATER FROM LOUISIANA AND . 'TEXAS., aptnre ,of Alexandria' by Admiral' Porter. _..-~ ~.. 'thir Troops:l**g_ in 'W:e4-:.toilisiana. OCCUPATION OF NEW ILIERIA Two. Tho*sand Rebel Deserteis at Btownsville, Texas: NEw Yois. March 26 „ . The steamer Evening Star, from New Gr leant; with dates to the •lflth, and "Havaim to thei2lst, hat arrived. • She pasted the YaitO,'lllatanzas, Cahawba and. BriOSSOIL in the Mississippi river. On,thi.-wt of Admiral. Porter's fleet appeared Ale.xandria, Pa., "and demanded its surrender; which Was VoinpliedWith with out opposition. i• - The- prisoners !captured at Fait De Russey had' New Orleans. :General Banks , would leave for the field on klataidaY; - -the 19th oflittoriday- The gunboat Rink, 'had arrived from Balti more. The gunboat Octoraxap one of the partici pants in the attack onTort Powell, had arriv ed at New Orleans for repairs. • ' • The eapfure of Alexandria occurred, March 15th, the day after that of Fort De Russey. Gen. Lee's forces had a'fight at New Iberia, and pursued the enemy, across Vermillion Prairie to. Vermilion Bayou, a distance of 19 miles. No' psrtien7are have been receiVed. - The-army m 'Western Louisina is moving. • Gen. Lee's cavalry advanced and bad occu pied New Iberia. : ;. Two vf.our gunboats had crossedßerwick's and Grand Lake, and as- cended Grand River nearlyto Butte a to Rose, - which place' they reconoitered. - Before reach= ing•llluake laßose, they came upon a rebel camp and opened. fire. The rebels, ran,- and men were landed from, the gpnboats,, who burned the tents and 'camp equipage, and captiot the arms and" ammunition of the en tireforca.,. . • • .. . . -, The guerrillas have made their appearance in the ,Vicinity, of Baton Rouge and had sev- eral skirinishea with the 4th Wisconsin mount ed. infantry, resulting invariably in our. favor., SeveralppOners have been taken. . Advisee from Brownsville report no pros . pect ofligliting. New roads and fortifications . .. _ ..,. are being made. - ', •• - - . . A :cotton buyer named Charles Ziegkr; . With $lO,O in greenbacks, had. been ,Oken by zuernias near. Baton Roe. - Ire was Wren once before but escaß :12Y 'ah l ipti2l lii, t . guard. He will, now pro i a b ly be e murdered., Deserters and refugees are Constantly ar; 'riving at Brownsville. 2,000 live • - reached that place. • . . - - • A party of 150 deserted from a rebel regi ment, and three hundredlvere sent ; in, pur _suit. The`-latter overtook Vie: fernier and ioined, in their /light. A part' bf tl em Save -al ready got to Brownsville. .. • :_,- _. . Gold at New Orlpenswas : offered at 64} on the news of the *gage of the Gold bill, with-. tout sales. ... . - • OttOn is instead y. Sonie repacked sold at :Sales of Lurdinail at 640. (part utino.) .mAgar And molasses are, in light supply:and. • - Rahn has resied his:conneetioiiirit47 :the Trke"Deita to 1 g Fish; • The Free State Faectitivoi.ikeits:dftee - rof: r4isiana, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, • that the Free State Party is un comt,, opposed to assuming . .any debts contrae4d by the State of Louisiana while under, reb:el domination, for the purpose of carry ing on: the war against the United States.' G OFFICE,