F,l - ,111)) Edtgrap iIARRISB I7II IigSDAY METING, MAP,CII 24, 1864 • - •,'OTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver- Wlllelliti, 'Business Notices, Marriages, etiOis, Sim., to sccare insertion in the F,1.V.,G11..A.PH, isuii in•voriftbly be tieetnn ;mied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular rening Edition are inserted in the Horn ig -Edition without extrp. charge. CITY ITEMS QtERL __ Wiil wonders never cease ! NSWER. No, not while enterprise can con ger wonders. We were pleased to see that e nterprising young friend, Mr. E. Haven, S a nford's troupe, has opened a saloon cor , r of Second and Pine streets, naming it af ,v hi:: favorite instrument, the Banjo, where will be pleased at all times to meet his rieuds and the public, pledging himself to iv them as fine segars and as good lager ,eer :Is can be found in any other saloon in larrisbarg. Drop in at the sign of the Banjo. inar22-St • T.tur NOTICE. —Committees and persons have in charge the tilling of quotas for 44b-districts can obtain the most reliable as ;i.itilnre, at moderate rates, at the law office EUGENE SNYDER, Near the Provost Marshal's Office, rani 7-2 iv Harrisbur:, Pa. TOWN AND COUNTRY. WANTED lIIIIVIEDIATELY—Fout . Good Compositors. The highest wages paid, • LOST. - Between Banuvart's Drug store and the Buehler House and State Capital Ho tel, a pocket book, containing a sum of money, for which the finder will receive five delhas reward by leaving it at Brant's Hall this evening. . WANTED.-A gentleman and wife deSire boarding in a private family, where there are no other boarders. A house kept by a widow lady preferred. Apply at THIS OFFICE. infir24.-dltr * • BOTH branches of the Legislature, have - ad journid over, until Monday evening next. WE are again in the enjoyment of cleff, cold, bracing weather. "Spring is coming, but yet appears to be in the distance. Ous city is comparatively quiet agaiu. Most of the regiments that were here lia*e iteparte4, and but few soldiers are seen on our streets;: except the new recruits, numbers of whom ar rive by almost every train. DESERTER kar.nriso.7--John Dougherty, a printer, who hails from New York, was last night arrested by the military authorities here, on a charge of desertion from a New York regiment. He was furnished with quar ters for a further hearing, I=l Ova country friends are already engaged in moving. Quite a number of "Ilittings" pal.s through this city daily. In a few days our city-zeus will change their quarters, when we expect to see the streets thronged with Vehi cles, laden with "household and kitchen fur niture." CCM= ST. STEPREN'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL EXCECH will be open for .divine service this evening at 7i o'clock, at which time the 'Holy Communion will be 'administered.- To-m&row, being Good Friday,, the church will be open at 101 o'clock in the morning: I=l NEW COUNTERFEITS. —New counterfeits on the following Philadelphia Banks, haVe ;Made their appearance within the past few days: Bank of Commerce, Bank of North America, and the Union Bank. As these notes circu late pretty extensively in this section, the public should be on their guard and examine them closely. Fnm.—Tlic sumac and bark factory of Wil son McAfee, in Spring toltanship, PeTry county, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning Inst. About t*enty tons of minute and bark were in the building and consumed. Mr. McAfee had an insurance in the Perry County company of $BOO on the building and $4OO on the contents. Mr. McAfee's loss will be about $l,OOO over and above his insurance. WILL not the people of Danphin county, the farmers, manufacturers and merchan ts, who art reaping large profits from the enterprise of the war, second the noble efforts of the true women in our midst who are laboring to aid the great ciuse of the country by contributing to the comfort of ifis wounded defenders? This is a question which the members of the weniai'A Branch U. S. Sanitary Commission for Dau phin county would be pleased to have practi cally answered. Womax--11ra _Tara SPFIERE. 7 ---Among Heaven-inspired movements of the day, none are more meritorious than the .hearty 'and earnest crusade in behalf of the "working woman." An d it is none the less deserVing or likely to succeed because inaugurated and strengthened by the hands and prayers of women. The women of our land are con stantly finding and taking possession of their real sphere of duty; and while discarding the vain and unprofitable theories of political co operation, which only served to amuse the stronger sex, they are really contributhag an equal share of benefits to our country. juxd will obtain an eaual reward. POUND DEAD. —A man named John Winters was found lying , between the railroad tracks in front of Wehrly's saloon, in Huntingdon, on Wednesday morning last—dead. He had lleen about town for several days, drinking, - and when last seen at a late hour on Tneiday night, he was very much intoxicated. t,is supposed he fell where he was found, andhais not able to get up, and as the nightNylvarY cold, he froze to death. After an haque's =Was held, the body was placed in a bor andlxittr . red on the bill. We have been infprnied Piet deceased was formerly a citizen of DauPhin county, and has children at saheb), iii Hafritis burg. SET: advertisement.of Ensminger Aditm4' large furniture sales 'Oa to-morrow and Satur day. THE Copperhead State Convention met in Philadelphia to-day, to form an ele .to - ral ticket, and elect delegates to their " National' Convention. A. SPECIAL Z.IEETING of the Paxton fire com pany will be held at their hall this evening, March 24, at i t t o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested of every member, at business of importance will be transacted. By order. ATTENTION, MOUNT VESNON! —A special meet ing of the Mount , "Vernon Hook and Ladder company will be held at the Exchange, second story, this evening at 8 o'clock. Every mem ber is requested to be present, as business of great importance to, the members will be transancted. By order. PICIIIPOCKETS AT Viroas.. —A lady was relieved of a pocket-book at the depot, yesterday. It contained about eighty dollars. Mr: J. C. Kimbell, prOprietor of a shoe store, on!Afarket street, was robbed of a thousand dollars, yesterday, either at the depot, here, or on the train between this city and Lancas ter. RENTEW OF THE AWNIT OF THE POTOMAC.- To-day, Thursday, Lieut. Gem Grant takes formal command of the Army of the Potomac, and will review the veterans who have fought so many hard battles; ending by crowning themselves with glory at Gettysburg. The President, Secretary of War, with many mili tary and civil officers of distinction, will be present. • EASTER. —This annual religious festival will Occur q.pryear on l SnndaT tiext, the 27th inst., Eastet vreS celebrated:b'PoWpligan ancestors` in April, as a festival in honor of Eostre, the Saxon Goddess of Love, or the Venus of the North. Easter is one of the moveable festi vals, and is observed with much solemnity by the Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran churches, in comneraor i ation of, our Savior's resurrection, and' correspendd With L thj Pass over of the Jews. ==1::::1 HORSE S`Bn➢MEnGED.—The.Laneaster Express saxs that Christian ZiMmerman, residing near Fairville, East Earl township, lost a valuable horse in a singular manner, on Tuesday of last week. He was ploughing with three horses in a field when the whole team sud denly went down into a "sipk. hole" to the depth of nine feet. With the assistance of the heighbors two of•the horses were taken out of the miry tomb, but the third sank out of sight in - the abyss and could not be recov ered. No similar occuttence ever took place in that section. POLICE AFFAIES—Before Alderman Kline. — The lack-up was filled last night.- The follow ing persons, suspected of being pick-pockets, were arrested in one of our , .city restaurants, by Officer Campbell and others: Henryßich mond, James Brooks, Daniel Magraw, John Cassiday, John Wilson, Michael Smith, Ed ward Maloy, John Kelly, John M'Laughiin, Wm. Moran, .Tno. Valle.% Charles -M'Laugh -lin, and Seele P. Wood. This morning they had a hearing. A. number of the party proved to be members of the 184th Pennsylvania re giment, having -enlisted yesterday. These were handed-over cto the militaly. authorities. Edwax . 4,*lpy was . comraitted to prison, as it was 'alleged that he dropped a - stolen pocket book when arrested. He is probably a "pro fessional," who• was looking after the bounty money of the recruits. It is to be hoped that he may have fall justice done him if found guilty. • • 7- The following persons also spent the night in the lock-up—having been drunk, disorderly, ac., viz: James Patterson, John : Collins, Mary Rogers, Adolphus pougheity, Isaac Keuzon, John O'Connell, Oliver Stephens, John Smith, Jelin Billing's'. and." . :William M'Graw. They were discharged: - , RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN LOCA.!, BOUNTY. —Capt. Rkeph S. York, of the Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, has obtained special authority, by which he is enabled to credit recruits enlist ing in his regiment, to any ward, borough, township, city or county, in Pennsylvania, to which they may desire to be credited., , This will prove a great convenience to persons en tering the, service ; as heretofore considerable difficulty was experienced in obtaining the credit desired; and the highest local bounty can be obtained by any one holding Capt. York's certificate=ef credit to any particular locality. There are many advantages to be gained by entering the regular service, besides an in creased Groverninent bounty to new recruits. The Fiftee,nthinfantry is commanded by ex cellent officers, who monstantly, look after the interests of those placed under them; and a better organization cannot be found in the army of "Uncle Sam." We would advise all who desire to serve their country, to call upon Capt. York, at his office, in the Buehler House, in, this city, where all information de sired will be cheerfully given by the Captain, who is a gentleman as well as a gallant sol dier. SELF-RESPEOT. —The above text offers a fruitful field to sowtoad garner a large harvese in the economy of man's happiness and well being. Its force and influence is as patent, and will apply as well in the most humble walks of life as in the courtly halls of entailed greatness, through ,doubtful transmission of loyalblood froni tht: 'histbry of ancestry, and whose chivalry in point of merit would vie with the adventures of Don Quixote or Sancho Panza. Man cannot live upon the reputation of those who have acted their part in life be fore he was in the flesh, in our simple Repub lican Government. -- We hold as self-evident that the producing power is the fundamental principle, and in proportion as the producing classes gain a proper etmeeption of their im portance, and maintain the dignity and just consideration of themielves, just in the same proportion will republics prosper, and the well being of mankind be sustained. We want no sickly aristoescey in this country to sap the natural eiiergy of freedom, such as blighted the fair 4 . tunerof the elder Rome, a healthy competition throughout all of the avenues of life will Met like a charm, and where merit exists,., receive reward, as is illustrated at the elteaP - dry goods store of C. L. Bowman, No_. , of Front and Mar ket streets. eafaVAiiiii-iv*stiuf-last. night, in presence of a large, respectable and ashionable audience. Pull satisfaction was • renclared, and all speak in the highest terms of praise of the various characters. :To -bight Miss Matilda Heron's great faViirite 'play, en titled COCTT,TIT, or, The Fate of a Coquette,;,' be repeated for the last time. Mii;sJose' Tyson will appear .as Camille. In this Char-. acter she is said to excel the Temouse Western. The other characters will be sus tained as follows : Armand.Duval, Mr. J.. W Jennings; Mons. Duval; (his father,) Mr.' J 1 4.1111; Count De Varville, Mr. J. F. Crossen; Gaston, Mr. F. L. Kent; Gustave, Mr. C. -P.' Hall; Messenger, Mr. W. H. Hardie; Madame Prudence, Miss Fanny Denham; Olympe, Dirs. Dunn; Nannine, Miss Wilford; Nichette, Mrs. Jennings. The evening's entertainment will conclude with the very laughable farce, called The Zouthjitho Hever Sato a Woman, in which Miss Fanny Denham will appear as Collin. This evening's bill is one of rare attraction, and will draw a crowded house. Do not fail to go, as this is the last opportunity you will have of seeing Camille. =I GoOn FRIDAY. —A. large number of the most eminent clergymen of New York, embracing not - only Episcopalians, but Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Dutch .Reforined, Lu theran and other sects, have joined iu a propo sition to observe Good. Friday, of this year, as "a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, in view of our National troubles," impelled thereto by "our sins as individnalq and as a people; the intense worldliness among us, the rapid and appalling.-growth of lurnry and extravagance, ;With" all their attendant evils, :and these in the midst of the direst calamities 'and chastisements that can befall a people." Good Friday falls to-morrow, and while there is scarcely time to organize a general movement with ;the same object here, the great fast day of the Christian world will no dolibt be observed more generally than ever before. We hail this movement among the churches as an evidence of the present ten dency toward a closer union among Protestant Christians. _..+.___ Wraim act of men who once knew fame nos blasted their once honored name, And covered theist With lasting shame? Secession. What Vessed boon do we enjoy, .. Thal every nation should employ, Unstinted and without; alloy? • Liberty.' Of what wouldlraitors foul contrive All loyal good.men to deprive, But what will stand for aye, and thrive ? ' The Union. What's that gives color to the cheek, For which so many daily seek, That's in its cure so quick and meek? Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. General depot 118 Market stseet Maria burg, Pa. ' * SPECIAL NOTICES. RwiSIOLOGICA.L.IifYw MARRIAO , • containing nearlylloopasei t and 130 tine plates and •Engradmgs of the Anatomy, of the Sexual Orgalls ill state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Coniestience upon. the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan - of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the rib !port of cases treated. A truthful advisor to the ruffled, land those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 26 cents, in stamps or postal cur rency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Line, Albany, N. Y. marl-daw3m Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts! The Cheapest Hoop Shirts in Harrisburg. A splendid skirt forl6 cts. A much better skirt for $l. • Calicos; a tine assortment for spring. French gingtimns,•llanchester gingham. Bleached and unbleached muslin fromliew York Auc tion. • t . I,oolGyards plaid silks at $l, worth $1 60. 200 yards plain brown silk at_ $1 37, worth $1 200 yards black silk at $l. Black silk at all, prices. A very largeaSsOftMont of new dress goods. 600 dozen of stotklugs and Socks, all prices. : The best stockings in the city at 25 cents. Cassimeres for men and boys ...wear. Cloaks for spring. Wishing to reduce our stock, which is very—large now we will offer groat inducements to buyers. Si LEWY.- BANNVART'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES ! For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat. Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to mi*tkri,sipgiars-end . perscuisythoit'3 . vocation calls them to speak in public. lifinulactured onlyliy C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen ~ . Feb' Bth, 1864. C. A. Runivkar—.7jear Shwa , have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Lozenges and other preparations - for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in compansnn: iN(rith them all, can cheerfully commend your,;own as most adininible specific for publie speakers and singers, in oases hoarociness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. 11. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Bronchial Troches. _ W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church HASIBISBUBG, JIM , 1864. To C. A. BAHnveirr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I havefound the need of some gentle expecto rant; ana that want:has been supplied in l Your excellent Troches. I consider thein very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever us 4 in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, &c., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church To C. A. BANlffamr—Dear Sir: Having used your Bronchial troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from publicspeaVang or fripgliag• Yours, t 0.,:, G. ItA_RESTBAW, Pastor 'of Ridge Avenue Methodist•Chureh. Diszitior lerrosszes °Frier., 1 HARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A.: liansvenr—Dear Sir r_— rTbYve forui4l nur Trockas to be invaluale in re lieving libarseness and in strengthening the musolea ofthe:tbroat, They,irspart alearAess tO the:voice, andt are sertaildrof,greatibnne fit to ail kablio opealicus, ,47. , JJJAM: I _ AMUSEMENTS BRANT'S HILL. BRANT'S HALL. GRAND STAR Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. The Great Sensation Play Translated Front the French of Mrs. Matilda Herron Translated Front the French of Hrs. Matilda Herron Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille, Camille' Camille. OR, THE FATE OF A COQUETTE. And the very laughable Farce, called the YOUTH WHO NEVER SAW A WOMAN, YOUTH WHO NEVER SAW . A WOMAN, YOUTH WHO NEVER SAWA WOMAN, YOUTH WHO NEVER SAW A WOMAN MISS FANNY DENHAM, MISS FANNY DENHAM, MISS FANNY DENHAM, MSS FANNY DENHAM. in two fivorite parts, with sevoral songs. The whole company in the bill Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see small bills. SANFORD'S HALL. TRIM) STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR, Op pi:KRIM HOTEL , : OPEN FOR THE SEASON WrrH SA.NFORD .AND TROUPE. DRAWING ROOM CONCERT THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 24. THE CONTRABAND. To conclude with HAND DOWN DE TRUMPET, introducing the BROST OF THE DISMAL SWAMP In a blaze of Greek Fire. SAN] ORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at Bann vart's Drug Store. • Doors open at 0)(. Commence to 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 60 cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, $1 each. jan21.415t CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. J. BUDD.... OPEN EVERY EVhWING, With a First-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, COIIEDLANS, kc., Ste. Admission.— ..... . .............., 15 cents. 6041011 Boxes,.. Giumr buicoymor I Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more'general practical utility than any invention now before the bile, It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be ..S.I7PBBIOR TO A NY Applicable to all' useful Arts. kidhikalve Prepazations known. HILTON'S. LISOLUSLS Oisicsier is a lien" thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on Scientific. Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive smell. A new thing. Its Combination. Manufacturers, using Machine; will Ilnd It the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. Boot and Stift Han ufacturins. ' JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use as has been proved. : • Jewelers. It is Especially adapted to Leathe r, . And we claim as an especial mend, that it sticks Patches to Boots, and Shoes sufficieitly strong without stitching. Families. LIQUID CEMENT Extant that is a sure thing For mend- It is a liquid. Furniture, Crockery, Toys, Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use REMEMBER HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEBILK.NT Is in a liquid form and as easily ap plied as paste. • Hwrorrs INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is insoluble in water or oil. Rumon's INSOLUBLE CEMENT Adheres oily substances. • Remember Supplied in Family or Manufac turor's Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. FZEI Agents In Philadelphia, jelB4ly. . LAING & 1864 R A TSES, ROAC H &A As Spring aracha ANTS and °ACRES ;Yentas& Ada corm out; And MICE and RATS, In spite of CATS, Gaily skip about. COSTAR'S EXTERM NATORS. Forßats, Nice, Roaches, Attila, Bed Bags, ./dosquitos, Moths in Pars ' Woolens, etc., Insecta on Plants, Fowls , , Animals; etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Nov dangerous to the Human Tamily.' "Rats come out of their holes to die." Xie - Sold by all Druggists everywhere Nam I I BEWARE! I I of all worthless Imitallons. Agli'" Costar's" 'Depot, No. 483 Broadway, N. Y. .Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agents, , Harrisburg, Tarl6-daw6m Steam Weekly to Liverpool. 111101ICEEINGat QT.ThEITSTOWN, (Cork i., Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: EDINBURG, 'Saturday; 'Maid! .26 CITY OF WASIII INGTON, Saturday, April 2; CITY OF DIANCFIESTER, Saturday, April 9, and every succeeding Saturday, at Ninny from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, : PAYABLE IN GOLD, on ITS EQUTTALUST IN cußanzlCY. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 arta London 85 00 do to London 34 .00 do to Paris 96 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 dt to Hamburg... 87 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen:Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates Fares from Liverpool or Queenstovrh: Ist Cabin, $75, $ l O6. Steerage, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information ripply at . the Company's =Gee JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, 2j. Y, 'ofat 0 ELKEZEILAN, Harrisburg. . (11884.1 k PUBLIC SALE OF A MAT STORE. THE subscriber will sell, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, the stock, good will and fix tuse- s of the Rat and Cap Store of the late T. J. Burnett, de ceased, In Jones' Row, So. 4, Market Street, Harrisburg, , with lease for one year from tie first of April next. Sara I to be on the premises on Saturday evening, - March at 7 o'clock. Possession given immedirddly. Terms I made known at the sate. SUSANNAH BHRIiETT, THE valuable property, corner of Second and Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hiindn:d and sixty-eight feet on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space for four full building lots, and a most de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se. cond and Pinext reets. mar9-lf fTIRA.T VALUABLE PROPERTY, No. 7, in this city, adjoining the Jones Rowe premises, fronting twenty-five feet six inches on Market Square and extending back one hundred and fifty-seven and a half feet to Rasyberry alley. Terms accommodating. Harrisburg, March 11, 1564. CHAS. C. RA.WN. marl2-d2w ASECOND-HAND . PIANO, suitable for beginners Also, a Largo Three. Cornered Show Window and Handsome Flag Staff. All will be sold very low, if called for before the Ist of April. Enquire at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, Harrisburg, Penna. marlo REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The several properties of the Estate of WILLIAM AL. LIN)Y, deceased, in the city of Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Chestnut street, at and near the corner of Front and Chestnut streets, a vacant lot on Mulberry street, near Third street, and 193 acres of land at the eastern terminus of Market street, are of- fered for sale. For termsof saleapplyto theunderaigued, Seventh and Noble streets, Philadelphia,. de2l-dtfi THOMAS COCHRAN. Jan2s LOTS FOE.. SALE. —A number of lots have been laid out on the Jonestown Road, about one mile east of the city of Harrisburg, which are being sold at low prices, To persona desiring to secure a home for themselves, and to be relieved from the present exorbitant rents, this is a rare opportunity A number of lots have already, been sold and but few re main on hand. The plan of said lots can Ixt seen at the Sheriff's office In Harrisburg, where persons desiring to purchase are requeited to call sad see the semi,. ' J. SHELL Harrisburg, Jan. 15,1864 . FOR BALE. --:-That valuable lEfotap known as the PARKE HOUSE, situate crirAfftet, _ street, near Third. For terms inquire of JOHN S. DRIVELLER. Harrisburg, Pa. tnarl2-42w Sole los3e BOOT AND SHOE It is the only HILTON BROS. & CO_, Proprietors, Providence, R. L 1864 Harrisburg, March 17, ISB4-did FOR SALE, FOR SALE FOR SALR FOR SALE—A very handsome Two-horse PEDLER WAGON—cheap for cask Direct letter to BOX No. 31a, Harrisburg, Pa. - SAIR —A Five-horse-power STEA ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. Apply to, F. GRETY feb234l" Walnut street, below Sixth. RECRUITING OPTIC; U. S. LNPALIO COMPS, HARRISBURG, Pe., March 1, 1864 THE attention of Soldiers who have been Honorably discharged the United States service, on account of disability contracted While in the line of duty, and who may wish to enlist in the Invalid Corps, is re spectfully called to the following letter from the Provost Marshal General's Oflice, from which it appears that they may receive the bounty offered by the ward, borough or town, to whirls they may wish to he credited.: (LETTER.) WAR DEPARTALRET, pßovosT M.sso lL GENERAL'S OFFICE,' BUREAU. OF INVALID CORTE, I . WASIIINGTON, February 23, 1964. The Provost Marshal General directs me to say, that men enlisted for the First Battalion Companies of the In valid Corps r in accordance with the provision of General Orders, Nos. 105 and 212, Adjutant General's Office, 1863, and the instructions of the Provost Marshal General, (see Circulars Nos. 14 and 106, of 1863, Provost Marshal Gen eral's Office,) will be credited to the quota to be furnished under the draft, of the ward, borough - , town, or city and State from which they enlist. IL N. WISEWELL, Colonel, and Assistant to the Provost-Marshal General, in charge of Invalid Corps Bureau. For the particulars relative to enlistment in that Corps, apply at the Recruiting Office:, Invalid Corps, in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg, Fn. F, L. BARNES, Ist Lieut. 11. S. L C.. R'cting Officer. marri tf Recruiting Agency. OFFICE in the rear of Herr's Hotel, Harris bum, Pe. The LARGEST LOCAL BOUNTIES paid to recruits. COMMITTRES rrom districts and anb-dis tricts In the State will be promptly furnished with MI to. Sit QUOTAS, by applying to mar4-dlm "THE WORMING FARAEit," A STANDARD authority in Agriculture and HortiCaltnre, says: "Or. R Ware Sylvester produces a very: suyeldert..Wine from his Oporto Grape.. We have sent outhulgeeziniedgers of this vine as premiums, &fling the past — Yeal.." . Having been appointed agent by can furnish vines of the Oporto at front 25 to 50 cti each; $2 50' to $5 per dozen; $l5 tt $3O perloo. J. MISH. Kavvross NrRSERY, March 16.1864. • Shade Zrecs. A FINE assortment. of Silver Maple, Norway Maple, Taller Ash, Horse 'Chwtnuty European Linden, Calalapa,• . Magnolia or Cucumber Tree, &v.., &c, KEYSTONE NURSERY. at Harriabarg, March 16, 1864. CARD To Our Friends. and the Publie kierally. FOR reasons satisfactory • to ourselves, we. have removed the agency of our PIANOS to the MUSIC STORE of SILAS WARD, Third street, which will hereafter be our only agency for this eityandviainity. Orders for tuning our instruments will redeive prompt at tention from Mr. :WARD. SCROMAZER do CO., mar 9 Piano Manufacturers, Philadelphia. • . Proposals for Coal. • PENNSTLVAICLL STATE LUNATIC HOEXITALI March 7,1884. PROPOSALS will be received until 6 P. as of Thursday, March 31, 1864, for supplying this Hospital with Six RIMMED Toss Of A NO. 1 Broken Coal, of the best quality and free from slate and other impuri ties! The coal to be delivered on the wharf of the Hotipital on the Pennsylvania canal, the weight to be determined by the weigh lock at Rurrisburer. Proposals to be sent to marl-td JOIELN CIIRWEN, Superintendent. PRIVATE SALE. OIsTE• of the best locations fox . . IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it th ina Short distance of the city of Harrisbare.o the Penn lvaniarailroad and canal, About five f eet wide;-and alongside of .the beat Itate.4o.4 . tate.WeEellethe State and close to a good turnpike mad, also, room for weal.° cinders for fltty yeara, withript paying for the land; Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Attorney-at-Law, No. ?A North Second street, marl6-dtt . Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press insert three times and"sendbilli to this °Mee.] PRIME CLOVE R -SEIED AT PARSONS' AGRICULTURAL- STORE, No. 110 MARKET STREET. marB-claw3w PORTFOLIOS! PORTFOLIOS ! ! CHESSMEN and Backgammon Boards, a fins assort meat, just received at SCHEFFEWS BOOKSTORE. NATIVE FINE BLACKFirRRYand ELDERBERRY WINE. Warranted pure. or Fate at, 1an2.5 W. DOCK, Ja , & CO. APPLES. -200 barrels of New yok State Apples, of a choice variety, just received, and sold low, in any quantities, to suit purchasers, at the new grocery of [tle4] BOYER & K.OERPER. TLAD I .—lf you. wish good Letto Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, or anything else in the stationeryline,. you will do well by culling at SCREFFEESI3OO • ifri.e.7 - • liktrristnirg. nag DIARIES DIARIES ANOTHER assortment of Pocket and Desk Diaries for 11364, just received and for sale cfiea.p at feb2 ER'S BWICSTORE, Harrisburg. P EAR TRUES—Dwarf and Stan •!4,rii, of the best lending varletle , s r and stiterior can be farms' hed at hit* prices tttthe:Keys!tdne Nursfiry: marl 6 - J. MIEN. OTS for sale on the . m coer of Third and L Broad streets. Eitqtiire of WM.- C. hicrADDEN. mart-dtf TAVL,Jamai9a and La r .onyra Cone, at 11 [non] ' • 1 - .D.w.lixxxls.; &op DR, WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Administratrix _ IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PINE TREE, Obtained by a pec.nliiir process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained . - Have you a Cough? .Hatie you Sore Throat! Have yon any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease; Consumption? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, From- this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of isease which sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disou -e, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of -a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tax to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; biihow to combine the medical pro perties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WLSHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial." • Many, not only of the people, but. physi cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success in the treats rent of Pulmonary Consumptian ?" My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs— the strengthening of the debilitated system= the purification, and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the 'Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of tile lungs and taroat, penetrating to each (3.- eased part, reile.viag pain, subduingintlamma tion, and restoring a, healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I ask all to read the following certificates They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: marll-tf DR. "Wisnaax—Lear had a very dreadful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God,. my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced mepast cure. Publish my case if you think proper. REBECOM. HAMILTON, Dr. Wisbart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is tux infalliable cure for Brollehitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore Throat and Breast, Inflainnia • Lion of the Lungs. • Mr. Wenn says: D: J. HTJMMEL & CO. DIL Wxsaamr—Sir:--I had Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs, Shortn.ess of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; I had been treated by several. of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia,. but they could not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired of ever being re stored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a Mend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using fourlarge, and one small; bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can give fel` ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 A. M. to .2 P. 3i., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Read the following from:Utica: • Die. Wrsnervr---Dear take pleasure in informing you: through, this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was, recom mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall, of this city, has cared her of a cough of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the,,liest of medical aid without any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it'has entirely cured of tong standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. ,PARICER, Dagnerrean Artist. 126 Gel:Lessee street, 'Utica, N. Y. * * have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine fok colds; coughs, and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia. The PLYE TREE Tan Corsnat.,, will cure Coughs, Sure Throat and Briseb,Prluichitis, Asthma, - Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases pf the kidneys and fei:nale cemplaintit.. 2 The genuine han the name of tile propnetor dt, a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious imita tions. • PRICE Fa A t : o&"ers and Clem DOLLAR - per 80rri....t Pre pared only by the Proprietor, No. 10 North Seeend Street, Philadelphia,. Pe_ Sold by DruggLats everywhere, at Who!male by all Phila delphia and New Yoilt.Vloßesale Drags,- rearlo-1y • Foy la by 8J dt NuNips.,4 ftßO. t , prt.llB,-tyark.et. No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia 'Mica, New York. BEWARE OF , COUNTERFEITS, Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart,--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers