Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, March 23, 1864, Image 4
MEDICAL. CONSTITUTION LIVE SYRUP, COMPOSED OP lODIDE POTASSIUM, • Wtth the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALUABLE 3FEDICINAL ROOFS AND HERE.% Ilaressa BY Will. H. GREGIgro H. D., - Graduate College of PrislMana and Surgeons, N. Y., for merly Assistant PbysiclanilliNEWelra Island MX , pits's, late Medical Inspector New Tot*. State Volunteer Depots, under Gov. Edward 21. liforgim CONSM uTION LIFE 9YR171 2 s~s:sanvcm A REVOLUTION INN.Pablayz. Vast may seem almost incredible, is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the investigations of the liberal minded and scion tide to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ;by it the - seat of an) dAeao Is direct-1Y reached, and the equilibrium restored. - Those *lto have suffered king from painful and obsti= nate diseasea, those who have vainly sought relief,from advertised medicines, those who cannothe cured by - other physicians— ARE INVITED TO USE covrrrronys LIFE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended with ob stacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any. Reformers. RAPIDITY °POORE' Sotne say, “Your oureSare tooquick other ," while othe doubt their permanence, and think that can- only be cured by the "slow recuperative process of Nature." This is.our reply: . lahealth, the body, like a well-balanced =tie, is in a state of Equilibrium_ But when (torn any cause, down goes ono side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, , A po.tivo and specie° remedy for all Alli , ; ,, qoa originating from an IMPURE STATE .OF 'THE 'BLOOD, and for all (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT. TO CHILD. PARALYSIS. Efemildeal& Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitans.. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life-Syrup is the only effective means of restoration. in the various Carets of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it tar emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. D Indlgeation. Liver Coniplaird. Constipation Weight at Stomach. Bilimsness. Want of Appetite. Flatulence. Bad Breath. SCROFULA. , Strums. ' Glandular sidings. lllceratioi. King's Evil. - Eryaipelas. Silt Rheum. This taint (usrmorraav and ACQUIRED;) filling life with untold misery, is by all usnal Medical remedies bramble. REfB U:/14:d. T./SM. [Arthritis' Neuralgia. Gent LUmbitgo. Sciatica. Tic Douloureux. If there is any : disease brwhich the • Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is : lnAthenmatism and i tskindred affectiws. . The motit,,iMens'd pains are almost instantly allevehormons' swellings are rdbidyt. chronfe or vicarious, of 20 :or 30 years' diming, have been diced by us. .IVERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves: St. Vitus'. Dance. Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy: Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footstePs to a Hepe which fulfils more than it promises. . MERCURIAL DISEASES, Salivation. Rotting of Bones. Bad Complexion. Aches inTones.. . • Feeling of Weariness- • Depression of Spirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the system en tirely from all the evil effects cif Mercury, remoVing the Bad Breath, and outing the Weak-Joints and Athenmatte Pains which the use 'of Calomolis . sure to produpe.. It hardens Spongy Gulps, and secures the Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SIRUP Eradicates, Root and Breech, all Ereptive Diseases of the Skin, like Claws, Pimples, Blotches,. and all other difficul ties of this kind, which so Much disfigure the outward ap pearance of both males and formic% often staking them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTFITITION LIFE SYRUP' CURES ALL SWELLING OF TRW GLANDS Either of the face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected. thus preventing their breaking, and producing the troublesome Discharg ing Sores, which disfigure so many of the younger par; lion of the community; from six to twenty years of age. - Young children are very subject to Dlsclutrges,lrom the Far, which derails upon a scrofulous constitution,- Tam cases soon recover by taking a• - few doses of the Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from general , Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy Of the lira* abdomen, and in the. tamale,' Dropey of the-efaiiis Mad - wordily gen erally accompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by- Constitution _Life Syrup, The disease known as Goitre or Swelled - Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedY.should be taken for genie Hme, as , the disease is exceedingly chronic and Stubborn, and will not. be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling or other rinds of the body will "be • completely reduced without resorting to the-knife or .operations of any kind. Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves; *educing a grating or filing sound, Dropsy of the Heart. Case, and all the affections of this important organ, (persons sufferifill from any acutcpain in the region of the Amor%) will be greatly relieved by Constitution Life Stivp. ESOKEN- DOWN ce DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS . , -Suffering from indisposition to Exertion, Pain In the Bank, Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Dlseasse, Dimness of 'Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Ex tremities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF UWERITITE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongues Spine, Forehead or Scalp, no remedy has over, proved its equal: ' 310TH' PATCHES upon the female face; depending upon a diseased action of the Lier, are very untileasant to the young wife and mother. few bottles of Constltutiort Life Syrup will correct the seeretion,, and remove the de posit which. Is directly Undin'the skin. - If Diseaies of the Liver; giving rise th Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or-an:ulcerated or can cerous condition of that organ, accompanied s with burning or other.unpleastint.symptoms,.will be relieved by the use of CONSTMITION LIFICBTEVP..' OlarAS A GENERAL BLOOD-PORIDTGIG AGENT THE Lrrs STROP STANDS INGLIVALLSD . ST ANY TREPARA. MON EP TEE WORLD.: . Diseases of the Spine, as asually.developed in the young Hip Disease, Neuralgia, and all.hervous Diseases, and La, dies who are.suifering from Diseases for which they are at a loss what to do, we would advise the use of CONSTI. TtITION LIFE S YRUP. It Will restore their pallid cormi tontines, strengthen their weak back and side, give them new energy, new life and happiness. ~ THE RICE ..441r1) POOR are liable to the same diseases. ,Nature has made the Constitution Life Syrup,for the benefit of aIL PURE "MOOD Produces healthy men and women; and tf the constitution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the ttiti. suit.- Do not delay when the means are so near at harid, and within the reach of aIL - . TO MO7HERS AND HARRIED LADIES- It Is the.safest and most sidectual medicine over discov ered for Purifying the system, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. -It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents rsdn and disease, and in creases and enriches the food-,-thase ,who have used ft think It Indispensable. It is highly useful both before and alter confinement, as it prevents disrase attendant upon childbirth. " - CONSTITUTION ,LIFE :',SYRUP IS THE P 00. R MAN'S FRIEND AND ME RICH MAN'S BLESSING! BUY IT, TAKE IT, AND.BE COED. IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECTS. WM. H. GREGG, M. D., Laboratory, Brooklyn, L. I PRICE $1 PER BOITL ; BOTTLES FOR S 5 sarfke. ut by express to all parts of the country ILDRGAN 41: ALLEN, Wholople DruniAN AGM'S, liTa• York'. iilAl-4NY#Vi?ii SOLD BY JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COW DIN, AND ALL DRUGGISTS• Pennsylvania Rail Road ! leivE TRAft.IS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPBIL ON AND AMEN . MONDA.Y, Nov. 16th, 1863. TuEPenger Trains of the Pennsylvania . Railroad Company.yrill depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as foilowa: A. - 5.1 1 19 A.ii, D . ' • • ,'firionc#Nitteng.A'r)Xancyciiiiiitiriisburg. daily at 2.45 a. end 'arrives at'Wel3t'Philadelphla att PAST LDTBliave6 dell 6ittoept Monditylat 6.0 Q 4. it,' =dirties at West tOptilit at 1040 A. X. Paisengers takehrarikfast attaibmiter: - • - - WAY ACCOMIQDATION, viallountroy;teaves Harris burg at 7.20 A. Y., and .arrives- at, West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. x. PAST MAIL-TRAIN leaves-Harrisburg tally .;(exoept Sunday) at LOO and arrives at West Philadelphia at HARRISBURG ACOQMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bikleaves Harrisburg at 6,80 pi at; and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 BALTIMORE:EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dilly (except Monday) at 2.20 A.. tr.; Altoona, 8.00 A. x., take breekfast,and arrives at Pittsburg at 1:00,P. • PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS .W.A.Mq leaves lilarrlsbing daily at 3.20 A.m. Altoona at 8.40 - A. 11, take breakfast, . and Wives at Pittsburg at 1.30'P. X. .MTltalli,leavea Harrisburg at .1.48 ; Altoona at v. 85 P. N., like suPper, and artiVes at Pittsburg at TAO . FAST LLNE leavesHarrlsburg- at 4.15 P. x. ' • Altoona at if.lOP. K., takes slipper; and.errives at. Pittsburg 1.40 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia a1.2.45.p.:x., and arrives at Harrisburg at. 8.10 • MOUNT JOY- ACCOMMODATION leaves ISneaster at 11.38 a. x., arrives at Harrisburtat 140 r, i._ • - • • SAMUEL YOUNG, , . Middle Mv. reareaß:ll.- - Harrisburg, " Nov. 13, 1882. -dtf r. . Centuil Railway .•¢olklll llll rairamworkriwun SOLE PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK. RAILROADS. WINTER TULE TABLE. MawrEa, TEKE E TA, ,LE. THREE TRAINS DAILY .TO, kap FROM ILA I. 'TX'S_ "0 It ig WASTIIA. N GT 0.14 .- i CITY .. . , Connectlons made with trains: on Pennsy Ivania to and frOm Pittsburg and the West." • • ' ;Twp TRAINS DAILY to and froin the North and West Branch Busiitiehanna,' Blinlra, and' all of Northern New York. • ' ON ar.ittkter MONDAY; .NOVEMBER 16th, 1863, the Passongef Tin* of the:'Noitheti 'Cen tral Rallwtowilkerrive at and. degarefron Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, .viz: . ' S-OUT.HWAR,D. HAIL TRAIN loaves Sunbury .daily lexcept • .Sunday)..—, ..........10.10 b sr. •-•., leaves 'Harrisburg.... ....... 1.20 F. n. " • • arrives at... Baltimore 540 r. aL EIC?RESS •TRAlN.loaves Sunbury. daily (except it •.' 41e,a1705 L: Harrisburg ~(exmit • arrives at4aitimore (except .. ... 7.00 A. lc HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves la . NORTHWA-RD. MAIL TRAIN leaves' Baltimore dally -(except " Sunday) '•'• • • 9.20 A. 1, leaves Harrisburg • • L46 EY. " arrives at••Sunbury ' "- 4.30 v. /a. BI PRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y....... 9.50 v. 31, et arrives at Harrishurg ..... 2.00 A. B; " leaves Harrialfeirg daily (ea emit Monday) • &26,A. Y. " arrives at Sunbury 6.25 A. Y. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves•Bal- . • - - 'timore daily (eatept Sun- ' * •day) .. . . ... . 3.00 P. Y. " arrives atNarrittpurv.. ..". . ..T.50 For fuither information applY at the °ilea, in •Pennsyl- RikondDepot. - J. N. DuBARRY, Iliririshurg Nov. 16, 1863. -dtf Gen. Supt. NEW. AM LINE ,ROITTE.. Air 7 .! haarataa.ssula...l4 THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW , YORK exn PECLLADEtTnIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY; November 1.863, the PateengorTritinsWill leave the and Reading - Railroad- Depot; at 'Harrisburg, for New York and . Philadelphia, as 'follows, viz : •.. • ' • EXPRESS LINE leaves :Harrisburg at 6.30 e. x., on ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New :York at 144£ Z. A-sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. HAIL TRAIN leaves lispisburg at 8;00 A. X., arriving in New York at 5.30 I:A r ai:id Philadelphia at 100 P. at. FAST Uffrulftiatea./414716blit.sit 2.00 . r. sr., arriving in New York at 1028 r • X,;'aitdTtilliOelphia at 7.00 P. M. • WES T: W A - It D. , . ' FAST LINE lefties New York at 8.00 A. x., and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. Ar., arriving'et • r. x. MAIL TRAIN loaves New York at 12.00 noon, and. Philadelphia at 8.801..='x., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 Ydri'at 7.06 ax rtri4 at Harrisburg at-2.00 A. x., : and onneeting4th the' • P43llllSPVitlila Express Vrain. for : Pittsburg sleeping ear is also attached to this train. • Connotrtions are made at Harrirdiurg with, trains on the' 'Pennsylvania, Northern. Central and Ournberbmd Valley railroads, and at Reading .for Wilkellitire, Allentown,. Easton, arc. Baggage ---- checked through: Fare between New York and Harriaiurg, $545 ;.between Harrisburg and Philadel phia, $8 35 tit N o. 1 Cllll, ina=s3*.lro. 2. For tickets or other inforroattorkipply to J. J. Oby:D.F s Getiertil Aieiii;lEanishurg. • . 183.. • • 1863 - • 61.4-dlf and' Erie AAR Rea& . . • . • 'MKS great line traverses theliorthern and Ireninrest counties of Peninrylvania• to'lhe city of Ede, on , Lake Erie. : has been leased by the l'innesnvitus RAILROAD CON and under their 'auspices is being rapidly opened througlyiniffis entire length. • . It !anew. in use' for Passenger and Freight business item HirriabUrg to Emporiumll9s Miles) on the Eastern 'Division, and , from Sheffield to Erie (78 'miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Mall Train leaves North 1 45 P. IL Express Train leaves North ' 325 4.x. throughmmotr OaMess , both 'lays on these trains - between Philidelpbla add Look" Hirven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping cars _ on trains both ways be .tweed.Willbensportiond , ReltimortsiSWlVllliii.msport and Philadelphia.- - Forinfonnation moecting• PeSiengerhusiness applrat the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And.for Freight business of the Compariyis Agents: • & •B. Kingston, Jr.. corner,l3th 'and 'Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynold* Erie. - J. X Drill,:ilgent N. C. R. It, Baltimore., A H. HOUSTON, Generted~ LEWIS L: HOUPT, Gourd ' Ticket Agent PtuTa. 705 D . General Manager, TPiliternteport. nolO-dly) - - PAPER WAREHOUSE. ' FARRELL, 'EYING & "CO., 510 MINOR MEET, .FEOLADELTEIA, PA., MANTFACI'ITRERS of - ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE MEDIEM, CAP AND ORONGYMANILLA; qn hanfl.or made , to order. , • temst , priee'paid for rope in Targe= oc ~ al* questiV ties. 'marl-,dBm APETALS; APPLES! !-150 bbLs. of York State Apples of every variety. Alm, York State Butter, fOT sale at ja29 BOYER & Kona& NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OP_ . Phoiogrup Ai h ms. B . OUND in FINE' MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH . 80 Pictures for _ °43 ' 40 " " ......... . ....... 60 together with crrioith other styles or. binding; size 9 an 4 - prices, Which will tio.soldcheap, , , Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, . more durable and cheaper album anywhere. ' tall and see at - SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, tnarl2.dtf • Harrisburg, Pa. "THERE IS NO SUCEETOIIIi AS` Fik/E4'' MARRANT'S coßittifirip—.latiiiicr OF CURERS AND COPAIBA. This preparation is rerttcularly recommehded, to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER; RID KEYS, URINARY ORGANS, no. ' • • - It may be relied on aa thelmt_ mode for The administra tion of thee remedies in thebtrimulastof disespcboth. sexes, to which they apgdlcablix Ark igterfires with the digestion, and bgits,concentratlon, the dose is much reduced. . •.. - N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for,'AIHLANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT' OF - CURERS AND" COPAIBA, end take nothing elm, as imitettori.a. and wewkices prepe- Whams, - ufidertsitnibu- names, ih6 mOkei -Price $l. 00. Sent by express 'on receipt. of price . . Manufac *Mod milt. by 'TARRANT & CO., 410. 275-Dreeirich street, corner of Warren' Street, New York, 'andlfin• ahler Zipmgpals pawed* 0ct22417 - For sale by S. A. RUNKLE &BRO.; ilia by Dolitikts generally. - - HAGrAN'S .7114CAN0.,1.1.9t FOIL bealitifying the,. 004ex:ion; `ertaicat-r ing freckles, erttirticlim-entchrirw and tan . It is the most extraordinary and delightful toilet article over dis. covered. lltstuanges.itherittanbnrut - face and - hands to a pearly like, satin texture.antrrivisllng laduty, leitving the complexlon fresh, tnuatparent And ,smooth. It re. moves o pimples,,:tetter,,...tiri.,and idulthriess: ' It is what every lady should him, and 'none" will.:;dtspencaltli when once used: Sole agents for, this city For' &Why the bottle er-dozek. * . S. A.M.8.8181r & 8R0.,' Apothecaries, 118 Madret.'s treet, Ilarriaburg. febll-dtf* SILAS' psersa 3 1r - . . PANO-FORTIK PrBLODBONCS Mgt . ..1111%1C, - vrioriets, Guitats,'Siiijoii, Strings; V Drums, Fifes, and alLkinds of Itusical Merchandise. Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, , Photograph Garde and Albums, Ambrotypo GOlllB, Engravings, Pictures, &c., &c. Remember the place, No. 'l2 . Third. street, the largos Music Store this elde of the great cities. . jan2S-dtf • Important to Trndkers and Gardenesr. tEDS.l3y.theiwrgw , or - POUND; of an the jeading ~and belt early varleliesFartratlns, Radish: Ciabbago,WlVnaingstadir & trellleet, Carrot• Par• snip, Itootabaga, , ,Onioni &c., &c. The above seed ogbred for sale are raised in Now York State, by one of the mo t responsible seed growers in the country. I have pu - chased from thorn 'for a number of years and always 'found them true to riame and much earlier than seed , raised farther South. - ' J. MISH, • Hoyt:One' Farm and -Nursery, Harrisburg. P. B.—Orders wanting immediate attentibn drop in Lite Pont Office. No , orderri will be taken for any kinds of seed less than by thripound, oriohelourth pound of four varieties. -' • jfeb2fil • J. MISR. 'DR. 'B M GILDEA, kENTIST ? . - NO. 1.1.9-MAALICET STREET 2:60 A. K. Tooth:pusltively eitrantid without pain by the use of nitrous oxide. octl-dtt - . 7.00 A. N. JITIFP OPEttitED, AN ASSORTVENT OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY WRITING 'DESKS ) Of diffiresi sizeS; foi sale it ' " ' • SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE. WholesoMoand Convenient Sub. ilititinite for Yeast. VITERVESOENT YEAST POWDERS.— They setve 10 impregnate the dough, in batter, with 'carbonic acid, which 'by. its , eipansion in cooking pro -Whiteriess and' digestibility, yrlttiont elmt eating a Single nutritive elenient, or adding”theinto thing which the' system iio49,:laot constantly require. They enable a. cook to make the Most luclous bread, the - , sweetest and lightest cakes without a moment's delay: Warranted to give satisfaction, or no sales. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by. - • S. A. saNgEri 81 BRO., Druggists, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. mai-tf .. ,„ . • XTORYOLY. OYSTERS-Real Salts, uniter . 11l the Jones House. York:River Oysters, a fine article, under the Jones. House.. Also, Terrapins, which will be served up in tine style at short notice under the Jones House by no 30 'JOSEPH' SNTVELY. -.:. ORANGES! ORANciust !-20 boxes in prime order. Just received wholesaleand retail' feb2 WM. DOCK, Js., & CO VBENtril BRANS-4 rare article, just re JL: calied at, [DANaI W. DOCK, JP-, & CO.. . . . FATE gomAING s SQMANO 4.I KERRY, imported- in • 1.84 K ,WEerigit t h e Finest Sherry Wine In this country. Foinale at WM. DOCK, JR., 'at CO. .rfeb2: ;,. RATED; D VIRGINIA OIL OF, T: sale by Eell wiTed , an d for (f el] 14 . 01 . E .tu'll'Lo vo n lc don DocK, Blacki z n i t , i & ust co ,r9: • :. riLONFaI SEA.—Onetundred and Fifty, Bushels prime Ohio Clover Seed for sale by , feberi-Iw* EBY & }MIME' - GOX'S' SPARKLING GELATIN, the .best IsVintectured, Just received and for sale Pi z tre,r WM.,DOCIV . OW • * CO CIATSUPSIasTAP,Vgir.S_ of the facia. BUT V parlor and:choice brand;Aatiiecelved and for sale by Efeblj . WM. DOCK, Ja , & 20 BOXES selected from late importations, and the MOst . ,Uuperior ever brought; to this market at this season, juat received and for sale by . ifebll WM. „DOM, Ja, $ CO. A P P E S We have Just reeelveliA hap : Weetion: prime order. For eideby the et prNMI, quantity at [renal lii B; .1E; & GO. S""nB4I4MON; a-TINE SMOKED 3/IL - KW,wst'ieceiyed at. feb3, A PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOK. 4314)17.112411131Vr iti btf , tti ' r*Co ' nst Ulli tt ° utio . "Our O9v9rukii. i„..6l%"*.giurVii,xl;!an.:,-pece,sa. For OUR CONSTITUr O r, L e e at BERaNga'S BOOKSTORK rI3OBACCO AND CIGARS. log BOXES CONGRESS AND NAVY TOBACCO. • 1110,000 FINE CIGARS; • `=, ; - • • 100,000 com9lorrAka. 4 l4s. For sale by ITeb29-1*(. 4 1 . S.SIP-MLE. A LL petscins i having-Aarae VIII' es Qf gho - {e' e varleties,-which they wlala to - bare pruned, can hire it done In the, best' manner and free of chafe°, by eddies Sing a 'note throughtheltet Office to JACOB MESH. I , t. B —The present season snit weather are mostTavonL ble for the purpose' ' 'few LRA. Sr, PERM'S 'WORCESTER SA.IICESI the two melba and the purest per I:inbred to the public, just received and foi,ititle by - . • rub' , WIC DOCjr, Jji. & CO. • , , UPERTDR WINES AND BRANDIES ever S °Tared in this market." In botposand by the gal on or quart [doak] WK DOclK,ag, & co LARQE lot of irdst` quality "of Mercer Potatoosinst'rocelVed Old for ada_b.* BOXER & Jr.pERrER, .140..3_Xarket Square.' decl2-dif AA BOXES ORANGE} a 4 +.1_1 alio,' 100 Bi OfT3HOICE - A4 3- I : fr r ste r ai - - - .14414( WISEIndt Store. L 1 R. 11431 111.7STAI), the best.iipportiid jDest recelye4 and for sale by . • febl WM Dothi; 7s 'A co. RANGES I- - ORANGES e . lot of J aup e rp:pi• Otanges t ,_al4. 4-txygna; forVn.ll/Iy. quantity at ' • ispagi .powar & . 11.0 ER. „ . . , .- . VC.IiENER 'S exT.eltior of ; bansz;! this sea . . eon's curing... Just reCeived anic-foriere:by ..... , de1316:.: : . ~..- " i :.. 2. 1 if,11K)C1c4 , 4 .• & iXt" .. _ iNE, APPIg ce.e j_ brated, at 41420] WM. DOCK, JR., dc CO. FINE 0141. MPS itrkd LEMONS for sale at JOHN WISES, wholes:le arid retail. dtP 1863 WINTER 1864 _ ARRANGEMENT MBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLI ROADS: CCOELANGE OF 111.015118.—0n_ and after Mon-, November 17,1863, Passerier trains WM ran' dallnlas follewa, (Sundays excel:4oo4 ' t . - POE 'CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG; - ' — . A qi i io P it I I I ... .. • . ..7;87346 817 • 4.5 i i,.. r• - i d l - 20 / .....: i 2 : thirlialto...... - ..: l O .lO / 42 , . Tefr l S i b e t= b , ; e 7 —",: . . .. -.: ;it 1:00- If hie=ramrg 10.42 12.1 Arrive at arg . • ~..:..:. - '• 11.15 - 3.40. FOR CELAMBEBSBURG iND HAGERSTOWN: ... 8.05 . 1.85 r lireaeurS4 .' " ' ' . 8.47 2.15 : .. ~ ' Valiighl - . '' i .. a ........ ... .... 9.27 .i' . Nett - rine ' . .10-02 1 29 ''" '' Slitppensbiu*: .. -. .... .. . •........:.. , ....10.33. . 4.00, 7 Arrive at-Phatillivaliling ' 11.00 4.30 Leave Chambersbing... ' ' —ll.lO 4.40 Gieenealtle' • ' .' • - ..11.60 - -6.30, Arrive at Hagerstown... —... ....... .....12.35 0.10 . gir;llliklag aim aormiktions at Harrisburg with tram ter!inillithilphiacalew York. awl . Pittsburg it mad with 0. x..rxtr.„ Sh pt. '- it."l. ° o; l ll l l,ir=7.ierablirg, Nov. 17, 18f4-Iy.. ;.: ' ' '..1. Leave Sageltio_. wr" "• -Vreeneastlec beieburg..:. tt ADING RAITALOAD. WINTER- ARRANGEMENT. CLREAT TR, OM -THE trtlr 'LIKE "Flt NOtPHlind•Northwest:forPhltadelphla,New York, - Read ing ,Fottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Paton , ke., &a. Trains lease Tfarifsburefdi'Pldladelehid, NeW York, .Resididg, Pottsville and an. InternMdiats Vous, iktjt : oo A. x., and 2 N OO r. x. . , New 'Stark 'Express Waits Ilatriebbrg • at .6.80 . a;'w., ' arriving at h • York at 1.46 the same day. Fares fromgarrisbure: To New York, $615; to Phila delphia $8 ABWanil 0100. Baggage checked through.... :,Returning, leave New York at 6 A. AL ,12 noon, and 7 r, rt. r (Pite3burg PS:limas.) Leavolliiladelphla o.'B 15a. meand4l:Bo Sleeping ears In the New York - Express Trains, through " to and fibmtittatinPgiailthout changa ,• - Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave TOarilmna at 8.50 1. x., and 2.15 r. x., for Philadelphia; 7.4eiv.York; and alLway t pointS. • Traltielearve lrottsVillO at 9.1.5 A. x., and 2.30" for Pldltidelptdav Harrisburg and New York An AccomMeaation Passenger train leaves Reading at aoo~se,-sind returns from Philadelphia at 6.00 r,st. WAll the above trains, ran daily, Sunday excepted. A gelidity train leaves Pottsville at r.BO el sf. , , and adolphisat 3.13 P.- - ,Cominutatkm, Mlleige, Season and' Picursion tickets at rediicd",raia to and nom all pants. • G. A. NICOLLS,. General Suporintfade!it. tlioymikber 1 i 3.86.3 7 41.4 wi t ~. • , . F THE lINITER.STATES HOTEL,. COVIORLY'W'' ITIECES vvelT owu Mitel isteri in a condi ti:* to accommodate the traveling public, affording ; thorn arapici istiVeniertces alike for thetnmsient guest And the permitnerithoirder. . • - _ THE UNITED STATESMOBLIas been entirely rat ted throughouc•aid nowhan - actiommodations . equal in extent, comfort and luxury tonnYhotel between • Phlladel- NiiieandPittaburg: , "ltilocattri bi , the beat in the State 'Grapnel being In easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to aiLAA.Rublto offices and business lo calities of the city. It ha' now fin the conveniences of A PIRST 67.f f ieeS .- .3? ' it o-r and the Propriedoni are "deterioined to spare neither ext nw, time:or labor to, ensure, the comfort of the guests. .The cpetronage l ot the .traveffng Public is ryipeciftrilfsoli cited. STATE' eAlit - TAL itOTEL . .- • - '. - ZORNEfft OF WORD' ARV 'WALNUT STREETS, 11 . • All4l, , ESN'A . nnd6riti~nFidtravlligpuichattedtLi well -1 13fil efitt - P ENN' A . MBE known house bas.enlarged.and thoroughlyrenitratal it: ' The rooms hail) boon. re-painted and inmeredfandtbe entire eitallahment 'elegantly re.furntslied: .iteturplea, minty and eligibly locatedv and•provided,wlth ognrycon ' feidenge, it ofrenrtatheimblic the:comlortsand lump. rtes et' a flrat clftes'botel Trusty and , obliging. servants. • alwaya , tn attendance. A bar: Well stocked With; choice , liquors is attached . to , the establishmatt • ; 41628411 y ' G: THOMPSON, Proprietor, J H II SE , * . r 4 ifif*li!*' o 44f4 l6 tlatia . "'t • H , s . Broad Street, WO,. Second :and Tyird , AY` miszazorma. . TRY'. undersigned - Ana opened a new BA iiithoStithr*ikrii, where he is prepaie4 to supply . BREAD AND OASES: atr_tle , reasonable Tate. Be wanantssatipetion to all TN will give , him a call. He will sell his hiead at thereto of FIVE PER polsrlyzq. and full weight guataateetl. JOHN 'WORN. LII4.IE:EIS SAFES CHILLED' ANIFTVROUGHT IRON -3v.. *Or., JR., & CO. CUT Showing, the Net Work • " of Wroailg Iron Bars. - . •• it_ frerg nttOnttosi bf l ~ tistness men •generally; is invited to tor advanteges -oUthis over all others, in Fire as Buitgler/Itoot.quiditlet• They Are all BebttriA P.TATkilatinatiqt.l,Lock, without , heY • or keyhole, and the whole outside o f the. Sa fe is crwL.rat• IBM, (from lyt Inches to 21nchee thick,)-' and" le whet, against the punch or drill and the use of powder, es,fre• ONOI,4OIFOPFUT O4 ,4 bringglps in their operations ., "De samtl‘recircu4ni thrpßell by • • - • ' • • ail: W. • PA.R.0112•13. •• ' ' 110 Itlarketistree4 - • , Agent for ,Central Penna. 111)110 STANDAR - . SCALES, Every delkititlbn of Doimant and Portable Flattens' g o atee, Hay, and Stock:Bolles, , Itaihead Depot and Track Scales, Furnace Charging Scales, Army Scales and Counter Scales.. , 'these Scales have several IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE:IL , They receive thit *sir and friction always on cM&d *on halls under the platform; instead of receiving It upon The knifeplyets and dulling them. to liming 4r. the plat form affects the working of the scale. Rain 'no check rods Co continnthe `platform. Will weigh, when out of level. =Large scales reqadre no deep pit and cost, Jess for foundation, ac.., than any other scales. .. Full:information furnished by the subscriber,` who is 4.e fo p r s Centrat Pennsylvania ,' W. h itsoss, 11at inanufac - ture it r"a rice . 13 : 0 Market •t, Harrisburg— NJ:DATION, V Asp AT HONROARDS..—By, a special arrangement with 049 Air the heat angraverain ,the couutur, ; was or any dosed Lip Will ile,llastited the Mglieat "style 'or art, confluVaehr. with the latest - fashion,- awl supplied p r amptly i lower than are charged by. the station ers in Now York or Philadelphia For samples:end prices Call ch at dif „ jg,R(ROWS BOOkSTORE. ms- WZIPI-m.lMkk l #UM - and for sale by ' " swims & Ki3OWER. HATANA-OBANGES, just received at, aa94 - 1 1 / 4 „10001E, Ja i 41i 00 RAILROADS. rally() at., knave at.. .HOTELS., 11'.1il?ItO ) PA. i-Proprioors. MEDICAL. Embracing every new and improved stela or POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CUBBENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOO'liS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONN s, opines to snit all circumstancea IE2I I-4 iszt ..~:~, 0,. - . „ 9 ~. ,~. ~~ .~~ . tal coa FINIMIIIa DR. JOHN L. LYON'S Me - PERIODICAL ',DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE RECtuLAToR, Are the only 'mown remedy that will anecesataity and invariably reatore and regulate thotemaletiyytem, remov big ell Irregularities, arid producing health, Vigor and LYRA'S PERIODICAL DROPS . . Area fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discOriked' Intent country and acts directly,„ on. aue parts affected,,hilqpihs end powders can ozdy reach them as they Work through sympathy, but' dot at eh ilihrect poslHve .Are you suffering from a constant umiak for the 'legit ., 'lir Watt oftature's preecaibed laws I , '' Give yourseltnonnassinees, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, If taken a day or two befilare the 'expected period; WM poet tively and intwiatdy replete its coming,sa ante as effect follows cause, as certain as daylight follows darkness. Are Yon efek,-entbabled44 ease; or Sublet to bear the liboratid dsoser or litinsessf • • • • LXON'S PER/ODIOA DROPS Come to you as n fchr is tiotikevention bettor Mau . If regularly taken, it la a certain preirentive, mid will NM you much perirand many haus &suffering. • Havolou bap" silliated for many yaws with complaints ineldint tri Otellix; Wulf. torso tallied the sklii of idiyal •ehtus, and are itiarrying.yow on tc! an early ; VW? *: LYON'S' PMIODIOAL" DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and care, like zto, all those Irregulasitlewthat have defied the doctor's 'WIII yon waste silky With aufflibtefrent LelleorflioPli /WOMB, 101gaNter.rhauN.9 1 4. 1 04T 3414 9th e r tiep f all summed up tinder the name of ImPtitveitid and oructettnatirtei•when an inveraenent of oils dollar In BM LYON'S PERIOISICA DAOPS will surely save you. Do not use the dropo when forbidden in the directions, forilthongh J . s positive cure.,And harmless at all other timiuy they sre soixrwerful and Wulf celonliteeto,adjust siidiovern di& Dinette= of iIiST sexual- ftiudstn e that, if taken at Improper times, they would produce results con trary to nature, aupthuit which atl,.porticillarly these who would reined' uoe, 'should carefully guava. r• - • '• • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannokbamtte,most delleata eentalpstion at any time; Yet theßrOPriatiril wish t guard itd mimes nopharnat alhinmendliotUen sill be tised for a rood pm ;Pm , 'More a RAod for op lUogithrudo LYON I : !8 PE..BEIQDICAL, -therutver-Dtiliiig. Ferule Regulator, is for, sale by every . Drpgglat tin the city and country, end do not,lf you vitae yritir th and wish far it .relistile. medicine, buy any . other ,Toke noMtber„but if the. Druggist to Whom you applyband[gdt It; make him gelid and get it for you. C.. G CLARK - Si; CO., ._AS.Wholesals, by JOSNSTW)N; . HO4OI9AY & COWDEN, 28 Norllk Sixth sweet; act 0 - 2 0 IV CO w hi a l!C , fo s „, ":; : •4 2 t , rn to 4, MEI Book and Stationery Store Cone Sating of a fine assortment of Westenti..,a:z -Pocket Kotres. Yam Newton's celebrated manufactory. Ez.,.'y with a saiarantee. YOB? FOLIOS, Iiq.ITD:G CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETE3IV.:3, Sc Together with every article usually round lu a erst Book and Stationery establishment, at 1t13a21 BERGNER'S, 51 Ilarhet PEIPEERIS DAILY MINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Hawn, Jersey. Shore, Williamsport, Mop Cr, Uniontown, Watsontown. Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Trevetton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. x~'' _ Tbe.Phyndelphis Depot being centrally locate:l, drayage Will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor throngh with' ech train to attend- to the Bare delivery of 'goods intrusted tow the line. Goods delivered at the de pot or FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 Market greet, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock n sr., will be delivered in Ear rleborg the next morning. "Freight Always as Low as by Any Othez Line. JOS. DIONTGO.II:EBY & cc., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct2l4f Foot of Market street, Harrislew BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND, SEAM:LESS, BURLAP AND GUNNY 33 .A. Gr S FLOOR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES. . ••• PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & Co., No. 113, North Front St., Philadelphic , . fe11264,8in ~j New Haven, Conn. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED ! BERGNER'S POCKET CUTLERY, GOLD PENS, PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE SUGA_Ii. AND MILK. KRSONS making up boxes to send to their P Mende in tie army,. will find MIS an elegant article; one box making forty cups of coffee, equal to any J 9.74 coffee, and with little labor. For sale at no 24 WM. DOCK, Js., & CO raaNTocrs PECTORAL SYRUP .91HIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is er, 11 &eV- vegetable in its composition has been em ployed with wonderful success for many years in tne cur er diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For sty amp of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLING or tt, THEO.3.T,SPITTLNG - OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATHO:I; -- • ARSKIEM, LOS'S OF VOICE and. HECTIC FEVERS, tG .use will be attended with the happiest results. It :s oua of the best and safest medicines for alt forms of BINS f amiCONSUILPTION. houlamon or r...par7. Sian of Opitsi• a in any shape in this syrup. • PRICE SLOO PER BOTTLE, For sale at BIiIiGNIZR'S Cheap Book Stare, VANIEL A.- - MUEN•CH AGENT • :OF the Old Wallower Lime, respectfully kyin forms the public that this Old Deily Trensportatlm Line (the only Wallower Line now in existence in ttai aty,lia In successful operation and prepared to carry Xreig as low as any mher individual line betWeenl'hti, delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport. Jersey, Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on rlir. ,Northern Calera", Philadelphia and Mieund Williamsport 'and Elmira Railroads. .; DANIEL A. IIL'ECCII, Agart. Harrisburg, Yent'a, Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Pchatat, &Buchman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market s treet, atame Stit Philadelptila;by 4 o'clOck, P.M., will arriv.:,. at Harria burg, ready for delivery, next,rnorning. [ap3o-ranyl Look Here SOLD= YOU: WILL DO WELL .BY SCHEFFER'S -BOOKSTORE, SIGN OF 'THE "AMERICAN FLAG" And guano your NOTE 11ND ENVELOPE% BOOK& Poorer EckSTAND% VA_LENTINE% PHOTOGRAPH AL.T.Y PHONIGR.triLS.. Wag or the very beet material, and for sale at rent Etter:, Remember the place, •• " • -: SOMI BOOKSTORE. jan29 Sign of the American Flag, Harri3burg, 'UST 13.8 SOLD! WALL PAPER, BORDERS SOIEKETER'S BOOKSTORE; Hint removed on the first of April next. His st,,:s. of Wall Paper must be reduced, and will, therefore, I,r sold at very-low prioss ; although price of . Wall Papers 7 still going up, Persons desirous of Tapering their Hou, ,, will do well to examine hia assortment and pi-ices. December 1,1883, . "•-• THEO. F. SCIEETFEK. rive cents Each paid for clear mixed pound. B ags n Old Books wanted for •-• , casb. etle3_ Cl.llll PECTORALS are useful to soothe r. NA' cone', allay Tickling in the Throat, to relß.re Ihiarsenem, Catarrh, .Sore Throat, /he. They coutalc Oolteroot, Horehound, Ipeatcuardia, Senega and Squii, (the met reliable erlectoonds-known,) are the chief a, Uwe constituents, so blended with Gam Arabic and Sugar Matt a& lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant 11C, Mzundsecturedsolely by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., Jan= apotheanies, US Market street, Harti3burg. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Another lot of Morton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS , Jast•nceitied at Schefer's Bookstore. peas warranted for one year. RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with D. Flemhig, Esq., Second street, Harrtibuir Strict attention paid to all legal business, collections, tarp claims; pensions, &c. Exemptions from draft, cl prepared and advice given. delB-deaMl* pußLia soH9 GL S. 'SCHOOL MATES of different shot, irdlson's series or Spellers and Readers, published by s Brothers, together with all ether School Books and %fr . ' lug Materials are - offered, wholesale and retail, at dee7 _ SCHEFFEVS BOOKSTORE__ AfOß, l l'o*!l3 qQLD PENS Another lot ontoftfeenU scaulma nrtrailed Go 2s ld ßoo Pe a V o or aa s.. , Alt pens warranted for one year. fdes V : I!(GLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CHEESE BOYER a: KOEP.IER. - DW 2S I 'DOCKET BOOBS, BIJONSKIN PURSES POWEEMONNATEN, and a general variety of LEA THEE GOODS, just receired at 4 - BKFtGNKR'S BOOK STORE.. ALMANACS? AT MANACS ! ! 211.1.11'81.A.N043t.EE ALMA-VA .5 JusCrecetved and for sale at non - " AVANA ORANGES, just recieved at a 026. BOYER it EDERPEEt 20001 Ta CODFISH, a the c c e e , c le e :i roc side by Feu] G eorge brand, Just re WIL DOCK, Js , OROSSE & Iiii&CKWELL' S EN G11; 1. ki- PICKLM S a "smartie's for table usP, jlat receice -_,,a4,1131* sale by. ,, ;. - Ifebl] - WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. FECatHEA24. BU CKWHEAT !—A small ~—, . . . . ~. lot bat soperikviiality of . Buckwheat, direct from Towanda, Pa., for sale by the Saar or qu, at NM B O art & Mang 7 ,S BOOKSTORE