E Diutp I 1 Ii RISBURG, PA ONESDAY EVENING, DIARCII 23, 1864 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver ii:enients, Business Notices, Marriages, to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom panied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular P.:yelling Edition are inserted in the Morn ii4r, Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS. o t rEgy, —Will wonders never cease A'ar,—No, not while enterprise can con quer wonders. We were pleased to see that our enterprising, young friend, Mr. E. Haven, of Sanford's troupe, has opened a saloon cor ner of Second and Pine streets, naming it af ter his favorite instrument, the Banjo, where he be pleased at all times to meet his friends and the public, pledging himself to girt them as fine segars and as good•lagFr beer as can be found in any other saloon ilarrisburg. Drop in at the sign of the Banjo. mar22-3t TARE- NOTICE. —Committees and . persons who have in charge the filling of .quotas for sub-districts can obtain the most reliable as sistance, at moderate, rates, at the:lrcv office of EUGENE SNYDER, Near the Provost Marshal's Office, laarl7-2w Harrisburg, Pa. BANNVS-RT'S Bronchial Troches for hoarse ness and throat diseases, for sale at. Dr. 'Miles' Drag store, corner Third and North streets did Dr. Win. H. Egle'R Drug store, Ridge'Avenue. jan3o-dtf THE celebrated crystal spectacles properly: adjusted to the eye ; microscopes from 100 to 700 diameter ; tower telescopes, field glasses,. defining an object from ono to ten miles, and all kinds of optical, mathematical and philo sophical instruments at Rosendale's• Optical lnatiMte, 8 Market Square. Artificial ides inserted. Send for a circular ! janfidtft TOWN AND COUNTRY. WANTED 1141.11TEDIATELY.......FOur Good Compositors. The highest wages paid. TARE was a fair supply of marketing of fered this morning. Prices had slightly IRE SENTIMENT. --The traitors 'against owrppv ernmentr. If they want any more, conifilirefints from Union solcliers—nuty they be gfranteFk Goon NEWS.—Foreign advices mention a great fall in the price of silks. Some of our married men about town have great eatiti4 TO!. . . rejoicing LARGE quantities of ice have been floating down the river to-flay. This, together ;with. the declining state of the water, has aboutplit an end to the rafting business for the present. STOCK SALES.-A sale of three hundred con damned government horses will take plate at Lebanon on Friday, 25th inst: A similar number will be sold at'Wilkes-Barre, On Ti es dap next. Sv..nrkay Goons.—/mporlast. Notice. Co ntributions of goods for the great sanitary fair should be left at the fesidence of gr. Born baugh. on Walnut street, instead of judge Dock's, as announced yesterday. 1=2=1:1 APPOWTMENT. —We learn that Maj. John Power, late of the 177th Pennsylvania meat, has been appointed. au Assistant . Qua rtermaster in the raglan' army. This is an excellent, appointment—a .better , one s could not have been made. Maj. Power has the ability to make a first class officer, and-'will promptly discharge the duties of his new po _ sition. . . , YESTERDAY we contradicted . the - Organ's re port,that spotted fever had appeared at Camp Curtin and small pox is raging. Capt. Sands, commandant of the post, informs us that there has not been a single ease of the first named disease at the camp, and there are but three very mild cases of small pox — there. The camp was never in a better condition* . re gards the health of the soldiers., Ponca AFrmss—Before Alderman 'Mine.— W. Lang, a soldier, .arrested for fast:riding on Second street, had a hearing, and was, fined, after which he was.discharged.:• . ! A female soldier, belonging to, the' Third. Virginia cavalry, was arrested by officer Cline. She stated that she was on way-toterhei for mer home in Hagerstown, and that she had enlisted for the purpose of being in company with a brother, the only friend she . bk.S. Her name is Mary Elizabeth French. She was ac companied to the depot, by officer Cline, and sent on her way homeward. • • =I CONCERT IN Am OF THE You - Nollmz's CHRIS TIAN Assocwrios.—The concert in aid of the Young Men's Christian Association, allieCourt House last evening, was another grand; and we may even write, brilliant success„ both in the ability of those engaged as vocalists Mid Musi cians, and the respectability of those who composed the audience. When it bend that the ladies and gentlemen who en gage in these concerts, give • their - services gratuitously, solely for the benefit of the cause to which the Young Men's Christian Associa tion is devoted, they command end deserve our highest admiration. The programme for the occasion, was made up of selection's from some of the very best musical composers, and . distributed with a view to suit the ahilties of those engaged in the concert. We willnot dis criminate between the ability of the singers,but content ourselves with writing that all elicited that applause which only talent of a high or der could command from such an. audience. Indeed, the singing was more then gip effort Of mere amateurs. It partook of the perfection and elegance of the polished artists; while several of the solos aridduetts area =furore at once complimentary to the vocAdts and enthusiastic in the audience. _ —We trust that these Concertswr be re peated as often as possible. - *deipm the good derived from them in aid of ajorious cause, they supply a detraciencjiiithedeel en tertainment of the . people of the &lite raPitel• Is Town .—Majpr General Stable arrived in this city at noon to -day, frein the Cumberland tiegracA DEArit FROM LOCK-JAW. -Oil last Thursday, in Norristown, a lad named Weidner, aged about nine years, while playing, jumped off a shed and ran a nail into his knee, which caused lock-jaw and resulted in his death on Friday. JUDGE A. G. W. Car.xna a prominent poli tician of Cincinnati having sued the Commer cial Company for damages on account of publications in that paper while he was candidate for office, was awarded by the jury one cent damages. CHANGE OF DAT& —The concerts of L. M. Gottschalk and troupe advertised for next week, will take place on Afonday and Wednes day evenings, instead of Tiesday and Wednes day, as announced yesterday. The sale of tickets will commence on:Friday of this week, at Knoche's music store. 1:IcK-POCICETS kr Woitr.—A. number of "fancy gentlemen". supposed to be "profes sional" pick-pockets, arrived here a few days ago. We learn that since their arrival a num ber of persons (including one.or two members of the Legislature) were relieved of their pocket books and surplus change. Dean. STILE.—Our lady readers would un doubtedly like to know what the latest fashions are in Paris. Theladies wear the hair at the side of the face, which is frequently curled, so as to fall straight down the face in a thick mass, and to be frizzled so as to look like whiskers. What next ? - • s THE SPIRIT OF IMPROVEMENT. —A stroll tMonkth - the c l it3r <e# pretpy day, tl 7ill.,?o,n, oneihe •14 I. 7, 4Pitit of isipiheitiZeitt is at work in our midst. The sound of the carpenter's hammer will greet him on every hand, and all around he will find new ings springing up as if by magic. We ob serve quite a number of new houses going up in variotis parts of the city. PARSON BRowzciow, in his Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator, says of the Tennessee aristocracy: . • "Through - the ' Mercy of God; the firmness of Mr. Lincoln and the niadneSs of the South ern Confederacy, we are all abo - qt to fifaA a common level, where we can at least boast that the Lord is th 6 maker of us all. He has not hitherto been the maker of us all, but the times are changing! It willrequire lamps and' gtislightein theLdaytinle tOincl the axis tociacy of this town." AN ALLIGATOR EN I'at.SIISQUEHANNA. —A day or two ago a. darkey wl o; weigeniagee Shavelihg sand froin.theatVe'r; ted, 'succeeded in "capturing" a genuine alligator, about four feet in length. Atlfgat eight the gentleman of . ..4olor;wee'frightened, and ran away from, the anitnal,Lbut afterward returned, and dis covered that it was deadend "perfectly harm less," when he "surrounded" it and brought it to, the shore. It appears that the alligator had belonged to one of the showmen in town, who, at its death, had it thrown into the river. This is doibtless the first one ever seen in the Susquehanna. WE were mistaken yesterday, in reporting.. that the election in Middletown was not a contest between the two parties of the county. On the contrary, the contest was. warm and `Spirited, the'Union men having settled a ticket as did" -the copperheads. The Union.nien elected their chief burgess, high constable, and made a clean sweep of assessors, inspec tors, &c., in the North ward, and in the Mid . - dle ward,carried all but, one candidate. It is the first time that the Union men have had an assessor for many years. Altogether, the vic tory in Middletown is creditable to the Union cause. APPorxrars„‘OF Posrlaithrit Pmexsyn .v.v.sra.-HBenjamin Buckwalter, postmaster at Greenland, Lalcaster county, vice Michael MeGonigle, resigned. Hiram P. Kimball, postmaster at Potter ville, Bradford courß, vice,§arnuel Lyon, Jr., resigned. Alexander Dempster, postmaster at Port Perry, Allegheny county, vice George Fritz, resigned. Harley Sherman, postmaster atil,undy's Lane,..g.riti,stountli;vide Henry Irish, re signed.' :." , • James Warnock, postmaster at Chenan go, Lawrence county, vice W. C. liarbinson; resigned. DEPTHERLL —An English physician, who says he has cured one thousand cases of dip theria, recommends his treatment, which con:, sists in thoroughly sysabbing , the mouth and throat with a wash rilidithusi.'4able salt, two drachms ; black pepper; gOlden seal nitrate of potash, alum, one drachm each. Mix and pulverize, put-into a teacup, which half fill with boiling water, stir well, and then fill up frith good v - megar. Use every half hour; one, two. and four- hours, as recovery pro gresses. • ?The .patientswallow a little each time. Apply one ounce each of spirits of.tmpantintx sw s eet , oil and aqua ammonia, mixed, every four hours to the whole throat, and to-the breast-bone, keeping flannel to the part. SosoEss continuesto attend the efforts of ; Rouse's StarComtlination company, toa pleas* the public. No difference what drama is an nounded; Brant's Hall is crowded to over flowing, to witness the performance. The troupe has introduced a number of new and papular plays here, and in every instance un bounded satisfaction was expresssed by the auditors. Last night Our American COusin was introduced. is a grand play. The Star Troupe did it ,full justice, as each part was so well sustained that fault-finding was impossible. We have not time nor spact to notice the variona - characters separately. All were perfeet. Tonight the American Cousin will be repeatkd for the last time. We advise everybody to'Voltt' o Baroavart's and secnris' their seats early, as there will be an unusual rash to the hat. WE hear of a rooster which was found hang bAkiiimb of iciawat l s 4l Pir Albany, Ind., with' his last Otow hanging eleven inches out of his mouth and frozen stiff! Hr.Avir Snow STQabi.7-43now, fall iii:Thila delphia, last night and this morning, to- such a depth,, tlattlip s .railrord trains Nierp.detaiiird an Ipur- - -bruit-nntOle to gpt drifts. SuPEara3Rinszi.i. : ON' . PUBLIC G/1 - o,v The Conimittee on Bailie Buildings held a meeting last night and 'elected Zpilliam J, Stees, of this city,..Superintendent oT Pablio Grounds, vice John B.• Wealand, whose term of Office expired, and who positively declined being a candidate for re-election. We nnder stsind that Mr. Weeland is about to . move to Lfhanoncounty. Of one' thing he can rest assured, that he will carry with him, the re; arida and good wishes of the•entire commu nity, irrespective of party. Pf- MAGNZEICENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. --The two pianos used on the occasion of the grand concert, given last evening, .by the- Young Men's dhristian, Association, were , from the sales rooms of W. Knoche, Market street, and are of the manufactnre of Messrs. Albrecht, ..Efiekes Schmidt, reputed to be among the racist celebrated improvers of .musicalinitru merits in the world, We never remember to have witnessed-u7greater sensation "than that produced by these Pianos, When Under the control 'of Kiiriehe. :The audience for the moment seemed startled by the rich, full tones of the instruments, while those , ac d , qaintewith 'the merits of the different pianbs Sent to tbis market began at once• to, inquire whether the: instruments were not of a new importation: We have no hesitation in writ ing-that the effect produced: will be to give these pianos precedence iri this part of the country. Mr. Knoche will give the reader any further information desired ill reference to hese pianos • , Tzinrson is. in London e superintading the printing of his new poem,'but s hesitating about' its publication. The London. corres pondent of the Manchester Guardian says: "The poet-laureate's objection to publics tion is that 'the single poem will not make a sizeable volume—even to the dimensions to which poems have shrunk from the stately quartos of. Byronic per4pl3.this objection may yet,,be waved, and the new given us with'tlie - ißOadicia,' composed long singe.. 'The Grinadmother' (published in once a Wieii/c,) and a coniPaniOn poem nf the character„. 'The,Atlionue'..(from,the the Sea Story'(froni:-Macmithrn.-"Y tf7fi'4 Military 8111.41.110118 'Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, ,BubsißtanCO and Military and WarClaima generally, made,oniand collected. ; Per ions-residiturat a.distruicacanhave their thislnial trans acted by mail, by. addressing . 1/lIGWB Attorney-at-iaw. deli-111y . Third street, Harrisberg,ta. Sore Throm. t , , Cough, • - Crrld, • and similar tronbles, if suffered to progressi result: in se rione • Pulthonary', Bronahial and Asthmatic' atitctions i offeltilmes incurable. - • BROWNS BR9Nprizei, SRO TES . are etiteibimded Soils Co reach"directly Lilo Seat °mire = dis- OM and give almosbinstant relief. . feb224l,ktVlin THE CONFESSIONS :AND. AND. Published for .the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay. of Manhood, &c., supplying at theme time Tux, Maass or .Sms-Otots. By, one, who has cared himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By .inclogrig a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had or:the author. ' NATHANIEL I&ATFAIR, Eag. feli3-3md&w . Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y. , „ BANNVART'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, For • the . are of Hoadeneesi Throat Die easpici &oi . q . are , sox recommended to ministers; singers and persons whose vocation ealls them tofspeak in public. Manufactured 0n).5 by 2. A. Bannvart & Co. Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom u]l orders slietaf Sold by diiiggiat every wheye. Read the billowing testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: • • - • .11.1.asuounm, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Benwvzsz—.Dear ,Sr:i I have used BroWn's Bronchial Trashed, Wistar's tozenges and other preparations • for , hearseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully Commend your own' as a most admirable spool& fOr public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in tithilef:mitl, :moat etilictiudli. - P tame T.11.13 , 081N50N, Pastor of S. Presbyterian Church. pirl. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Bronchial Troches. •:•.- • NV: C. CATTELL, Late P'astor of O.'fialtr, ;sby,ier;ian Church. ./Lutia6triii, Jan., 1864. Tti C. A. Ruorawr—Datii;Ar: In the habit of speaking lierf7friquently, :and in places where the vcioak,oigansare.ty much taxecl , , I haye . fouintgLe heed - of seMegentle expecto rant;'axiirthrit want Eduilieen supplied in your excellent Troches. . • • I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent ust, and impairing the effectiveness of the _delivery of public ad dresses. Yours; U.., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. methodist church. To C. A. ManorAnx---Dear Sir: Raving used your Bronchial Troches, I am free to say they Afe the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons ,afflicted with sore throat or -huskiness of voice arisin&&q pubhc speat singing. Yours, &a., G. G. TITARBSTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue , Methodist Church. DATUM' AXTOANZI'S OFFICE, } TIinnTRBITBG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Bemmurr--Dear Sir : I have formd . your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening tlie muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all Public speakers. X. HERR This Abated Toilet : Soap, in sack uniyersal de. mend,. is - made from the choicest materials. Ls and emollient In its nature, fragrantly scented , and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For swishy all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Norway Maple. - .rrEas tied iesenltiedi ttole very Jabsely_in form and folmm_but boo* tains ) —l4 better and grows 1110re,rapidly„fflor gale at Xergone pair ;sey. Ereb24-dlwi ••••:, ;AMR SPECIAL NOTICES., JOLUATE'S HONEY SOAP• AMUSEMENTS. BRMS - MEM GRAND STAR Combination Dramatio Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN AD1118:3ION. LAST NIGH2' OF THE GREAT COMEDY. Our American Cousin. Our Ameircan Cousin. Our American Cousin.. Our American Cousin., Our American Cousin. Our American Cousin. MISSIONY .1111.53 FA NNY -UNITA 'MSS PANNT-DENTLIIk •z M.. - .DENIGIM. MI SS • in two favorite parts, with several songs. . . . The whole company in the bill Secure Seate had Conan '. -Foe,irt4culzu - . .# see iFnit,ll SAIITFO.IIIDIS. TE =O r t , B Lc ' v ß , ' A P[O E T T E7 T , OPEN - ,,,F4R . TRW, SEASON SANPORD Al) . • TROUPE. DRAWING ROOM CONCERT WEI>NtSDAY - EVEWTiiCi, 'MARCH 234 Romb•AND' RING • 331. C.' . • • sitrumoittriiii) TROUPE. Orchestra Seats am' be ' procured In advance at Bann. tiaiti Drug SUM Doors open at 6y(. Commence 5 to 8. Police Maitre% attendance to preserve order. Admittance 26 cents. Orchestra chairs, 60 cents. Prirate 4 boxts entire,As each; single seats, $1 each. jan2l4lst ••.• ••- • .OANTERB . AY- WSW RAI44. ST., BELOW THIRD':;; J. BUDD. EVERY EVEN7AN.I9, rst'-class Company of . NCF4t.9, COMEDIANS, &c., &c. .... .. C . :15,cents. urn With a F , • SWGlg it S,' D. miAstds Seim itilittaitttii`.•-. Useful and au:.: Dthoovi*d Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT fa of more general practical utility than any Invention now before the abbe. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and prOnouncod by all to be . SUPERIOR TO ANY AllhesimPrcparatlonlv known. Applicable to .all uaeful Aita FirLitislilaltimtrens Crarmrr is a now thi and the result of years of study; its combination i is on . . i„Vcierdiflo Principles, nd under ` no circumstances or change .of temperature, will it be ...me corrupt or, omit any offensive smelt A new thing. Its Combination. BOOT.AND SHOE Manufacturers, using Machines, will fend '11; the best' - article known as Cementing for the .Channels, it works without delay, is net effected, by any chiege of temperature. ; Boot and Shoe Man ufacturers. : .Jqwelers. ; ; • -- - • , :TkirrATERS" =thud . it 4 fiim'Mu'i.hntly adhesive for theSE Ahle, AB haBh9en proved. it is Zepiektly Adapted (4) Leather, And we claim as an .especial, m erit, that it sticks Ptak:hes to' Boots - and Shoes: suMelently tdrong, without Ra ' thilea LI• . QUID CEMEN Extant that tF,a sure thing for mend- It is a liquid. Fornitrize • drookeiy, • • Toys; Bone, Ivory, ..3nd artistes of Household use ) ' REMEMBER HILTON'S Issocustx Omen Is In a liquid form and aB.l*Y . ' • plied asleu3te. limunris Issounna Cssadir Is insoluble in , water or oiL InsOr t inuat thuasnr Adheres oily substances.l: Remember. Supplied in 'Family or Wanufac turer's Packugea from . ..., ounces to 100 lba - - tuvroN BROS. & co • Proprietors, Providence; it I Fiat& Aphis, „LAING ILAGDZNIS. Agelits in Phi J 48417 , ROACHES /to. , Ls * 411 9 Pkoi` . AN2,B and ROACHES Front their Mks come out; And. MICE. and Rers, In vitt - Of CATS, Gaily skip about. •' COSTAR'S EXTEBMI NATO BS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Biagi, Mosquitos, Moths is Ours, Woolens, etc:, Insects 'on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "16 yeiirs.established in N. Y. City." "Only iufaltiblo remedies known:" "Free frorn'Polsons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Bats come ont, them holes , to die. " larßold by all Drugiata ovarywhe,re. , Airl I I by I I I of all worthless imita tions. - .lfir'fbostar , a" Depot, No. 48S Broadway, N. Y. sar-Sold by . D. W. GROSS & CO., Wboleiale and ratan agent; Harrisburg, Pa. taad&davrem Steam Weekly to .LiverpOol. TOIICHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Hat bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as folfows: - EDINBORO, .Saturday, March 23; CITY OP -WASHI INGTON, Saturday, April 2; .CITY OF MANCHESTER, Saturday, ..April 9, and every aueceeding - Saturday, at. Noon, from. Pier 44 North River. RATES OF EASSEGE, PAYABLE IN GOLD.; OR 'RQurrumEr nv CURRENCY. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 I STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to London.:..:. 34 00 do to Paris 96 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Paneetigers also forwarded to Mat* Bremen , Antwerp &e.., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or_ Queenstown: Ist Cabin, 8 15 , $85,. $lO5. Steerage, $BO. Those who wish to send for thew friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 ZIMHERHAN, Harrisburg. VW -day Gliel_PE VINES of all kinds, principally Concord, Delaware, Mena, Muscadine, Lease, Isa belle, Casawbe,,Oportb, Clinton, Creceling Taylor or Bur nt% &c., at Keystone Nursery. merle CIDER! CIDER ! !—Two Barrels of sweet and pure CIDER just received at marlB BOYER & ICOERPER. SEGAR 31ARPIIS,VVANT il=ignViwed l A_ I[l6loo wajEs . paid. Job steady tasi'XlAst,* " itilincSpgit,ri • A NOTE= lot of choice CatawhiibraPeS 491. , ,for Pal 9 at • .4puir2] iyissfs. PUBLIC SALE OF A HAT STORE. Tinibscribet iralaill; at Fliblie Auction, to the highest bidder, the. stook, good gilt and 8s- Lures of the Hat and Cap Store of the late T. J. Burnett. de ceased, in Jones' Row, No. 4. Market street, liarrisbarg. with lease for one year from the tires of Aprll next. Safe to be on the premises on Saturday evening, March 20!h, at 7 o'clock. Possession siren Immediately. Terms made known at *a sale. ' SUSANNAH BURNETT, Harrisburg, Mara' 17, 1864-did 'Adtnlnistrafzix. THE valuable property, corner - - of Second and Pine streets" being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hundred and sixty:eight feet on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space for four full building lots, and a most de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings. For partiouLarS enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se cond and Pineal reels.. mat9-tf THAT VALUABLE P.ROERTY, No. 7, in this city, adjoining the .Joada-Ifou.se premises, fronting twanty-ftrn tern On; bfaitgt Sganere and extending back oho huzidrad and s idtkTaaven an a half feet to Basyberry alley.. Terms anconnnodathig.,:- Harriabing March 11, '. 1664 . ' R . /MN. -' ASEOOND-HAND PIANO, suitable for heginnem Also, a Large Three-Cornered Stiow Window and Handsome Flag Staff. All will be sold very low if called for betbfs. the:mit ,of: 4put Ruglike. at SCI EFFER'S Bookstore, Harrisburg, Penna..- marl() jan2s REAL ESTATE AT 111.1*.A.TE SALE. The several properties of the Estate 6fifuiledi AL LISON, deceased, in the city or Earristiipticorisist o g of Mouses on Front stroM and Chestnut 4treet t at and , near the corner of Nrent and Chestnuth streets a vacant lot on Mulberry street; ''near'_ - street, and 1934. acres of land at the eastern terminus of Market' street, are of. ,fored for sale. Ftirtorans of salcupplytothe undersigned, Seventh and Noble strects,Thilactelphia.-• • • ' • de2l..dtfl THOMAS MoCIIRAN. • L. FOR SA TAI,—A .xltuzatkikr of 10iS have been laid out on the Jonestown Road s about one mile east of: the city of Harrisburg, which Fare being satat IoW prices. To persons 'desiring to secure a home for themselves, and to be relieved from, the present exorbitant rents, thilt is a rate opportunity A number orbits have already been sold and but few re. main on hand. The ping of said lots can be seen at the Sheriff's °Main Harrisburg; where persons desiring to purchase are requested to call and see the - same. - J. SHE.LL. Herdehtdt AIL 15 1 186 C • ' ; TIOR SALE . what valuable liptulpluperty X known as the PARKE ,HOU . SE, skiltekengarket street, near Third. t • =. For. terms inquire JOHIJArD Harrieburg, • VOR SALE:- - 1 very handsbme Two-horse PEDLERWAGON---cheap for cash. Direct letter to BOX No. 313, Harrisburg, Pa. SALE.—A Five-horse-power STEAM A?: HNOINS and BOILER, in grad order. Apply to S :.;„. • F. GEEPT, feb23-tf Walnut street, below Sixth. RfieRITITING 01.1108, 11. S. ItittLlD COars, 1 HARBISEURGI, PA., March 1, 1864. HE attention of Soldiers who have been T Ronorably disckstrd the United States service, on account of disability contiactod while in the line of duty, and who may wish to enlist in the Invalid Co*, hi re :epectfully Galled to the following letter from the Provost Marshal Gencrar.s Office, froin Which it appears that they may receive the bounty offered by the ward, borodgh or town, to which they gmystiall. to be credited: (LETTER.I WAR DETARTTOMT, PROVOST MA nAT GSSZIUS2S OFFICE, BUREAU On INVALID Coars, Wessman:cc February 23, 1864, The Provost Marshal General directs me to say, that men enlisted for the First BattaliorEGompardes of the In valid Corps, in accordance. with the provision of General Orders, Noe 105 and 21Z4dJutant General's Office, 1883, and the instructions of the Pinvest Marshal General, (see Circulars Nrm. 14 andloo, of 1888, Provost Marshal Gen eral's °Bleed will be credited to the quota to be furnished under the draft, of tbewarkboreugh, town, or city and State from which they enlist. ,• AL N. WISEWELL, Colonel, and east/Ida* to the Provost Margie' General, in charge of Invalid Corps Bureau. For the particulars relative to enlistment in that Corps, apply at the Recruiting Office,..lnvaild Corps, in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg, l'a. marl7•tf ADMMSTRATION NOTICE Letters of Administration having been granted, to the undersigned, by the Register of Dauphin county; on the. estate of .Taceb Holtz, late of the city of Harrisburg, de ceased, all persona knowing themselves indebted to the said , estate are requested, to make immediate payment, and these having claims will please ,p.mient them fekr set tlement. • O. F. IIIIENCH, Administrator. It. is the only OFFICE in the rear of Herr's Hotekh-,_ ris berg, Ps., : r The LARGEST:LOCAL" paid to iverulits. COMITTIZES•from 'itind.:'aub-dis triets in the Statemiltbearmptily 2 ftdßialOd : wjib MEN to till QUOTAS, by applying to :;• . • .D. J. t . tratrite4,- 4 co. "TIM .11VOTt:WENG EAMEER," qathoritY in Agrittitilrei A. and Horticulture, says': ; - " E. Ware Bylvesior .produdes a very su,perior IVise from his Oporto Orape.. We have sent out large numbers of this vine aFpominzas, during tho'past year: Having peen' appointeit agent by. Dr. S. I can furnisti vines of the Oporto at fkrorrilfi to 50 eta each; $2 50 to ss=zen; $l5 to $3O pi? 100. • T. .MISH. NottaraY, March 16. 1864. .. Shade Trees. ''' A FlNVassortment: of • Silver Maple, .Narway Maple, • . Tenor - Ash, ,Home - Chestnut, - Etropean Linden, Catalpa, Magnolia or Cucumber Tree, kc., ha, at KEYSTONE NURSERY. Harrisburg, March 16,1.1361: , To Our Friends and 09 Public. Generally. TIOR reasons satisfactory to, ourselves, we 1: have removed the agency of our PIANOS to the MUSIC STORE of SILAS WARD, Third street, which will hereafter be our only agency for this city and vicinity. Orders for tuning our instruments will receive prompt at tention from Mr. Wean. SCROILAKER di CO., mar 9 Piano ltfannfacturent, Philadelphia. 804 Proposals for Cold. Pki'N. Y/ to BUTS. LDWATIO itORPITAT, - . March 7, 1864. f PROPOSALS will be received until 6 P. at. of Thursday, March 31, 1864, for supplying this Hospital with Sur HUN. MILT Toss of A No. 1. Broken Coal, of,the hest quality and free from slate ant" other impuri ties. • ... The coal to be delivered on the miluarksik x - tke Hospital' on the l'ennsylvania _ . •1,.A0 weight:. tipliep . termined . ty the weigh Ipck at Thirrisli? :Pni ' lie sent to ' k 'rrari-td -.. X.Jfanglni --'. dent. - -- . - -- PRIV-AWE. SALE. . 'ONE of '1)64 101latiollii 4 for IRON WORKS in4he% RAW for sale, at a very reasonable •pricts.tqany purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distancerof the city ofHarrisburg,,tietween the Pennsylvaniarailroad endeared, about five hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best Ma:test : dm quarries in the State and close to a good toritpilmi rodd; . also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land/ Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, marl6-dtf , Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press insert thrse times and send bill to this office.) PRIME CLOVER. SEED AT PARSONS' AGRICULTURAL ' STORE, No.. 110 . MARKET STREET. Irtar:-dkw3w APPLES. -200 -barrels of Nei , York State Apples, of a choice variety, just received, and sold low, in any quantities, to suit purchasers,• at the new grocery of [det) - BOYER. S KOERPER. mo LAD IDL .—.ll you wish good . Lotto Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, or anything elsein the stationery Bile,' you will do well by calling at SOBEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, note Harrisburg. r — DrarltrES FT • DIARIES nt - ci rocket and Desk LA_ X D CITEBB iaries for;M „ tt r Z 4 s 3 33 l oo cei s an ro d n, for sale rfainsb cheap ti at . fetal Setir'r Harrisburg. • J.,NISH. PEAR TREES--Dwarf and Standard, of the best leading:varieties, and of superior growth, out be furnished at fair prices atthe Keystone Nursery, marld LOTS feT Fale on, the corner of Third and .thvad e#e4io.* Engitire.os IicFADDMI. . TAVA,,Tamaiva (. . an(/ T ll/ . 3rra . a )freei at i,, a co el• tzte29F w FOR SALE. V'OR S&LE, FOR SALE: FOR SALE E. L. BIRNES, Ist. Lieut. 11. S. L C., R'cting Officer. RiCriditing /igettcy.. CARD. =Ell MEDICAL. WIWIART% PINE TREE ... j .., TAR '6O-11:DiAt IS THE MAI 12 1 111Mig OF;'aE. PF.I.MMREF, Obtained by a pecnliarprocess in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its higliest med ical properties are retained. Race you a Cough.? zDifaveyou Sore Throat? Have you any of the- gr,.qmonitory, symptoms of that most fatal disease, dOntaimption? Those who should be -.Wanked 13 f - these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, From thii, fact, perhaps more than any other,. arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least, "one4sixth" of death's victims. • - Consumption has destroyed more of the Mona= faMily than ahy other disease, and the best physicianifor many years have despaired of a cure; or a ramedjii that Would heal the lungs, bat for more than two hundred yews the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the•PineTree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect but how, to" combine the medical pro perties so as to hid the Image, has ever been a mystsfy until it was (recovered by. Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the ,proprietor - of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial.." Many, not only of the people, bat Physi cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success-in.-the treatment , of Pulmonary Consumption ?" My answer is this: The invigoration of the digestive organs— the strengthening of the debilitated system— the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds.. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing, from disease to health) ptoperties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat., peiietrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing 'nficimma tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and,the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved,' if, he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of Cure_ I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: 1/E- vasuAar—Dear had 'a Very dreadful cough and sore throat for one year. and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until` she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second - street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if you think proper. ItEI3F.CCA. AAMMT,TOI, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is au ivsoliable oure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Sore Throat andßreast, Ixdfuntaa tion of the Lungs. Mr. Mau says: .Da: Wisiumr--Bir:--I had Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, aid Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; I had been treated by several of the most eminent physicians in _Philadelphia; but they could not stop the rapid course. of my disease, and I had despaired of ever being re stored to health. Iwas truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one sine% bottles,-I was restored' to perfect health. Yotican .give re fereneirtomy house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my-office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 la.VtA 2r. 31. corner of Chestnut and. Sixth _streets.. JOHN WARD. Read the following from Utica: Dn. Wisaresr---Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in. informing you through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended formy daughter. by Dr. J. A. Hall, of this city, has curedler of a cough of more than five 'standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and hail emPloyed.the best Of medical aid without any benefit. I can 'cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for thoie similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. •PARTEER, Dagnerrean Artist_ 126 Gehessee street,tties, N. Y * • * :—I have used Dr. WlSbart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my, family, and can cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, The above are a few among the thousand.; which this great remedy has saved from au untimely grave.. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. The Tar COrdial, when taken in connection With Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia_ Pills, is - an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia. The Pnre TREE TAR CORDIAL, will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Lsthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is alio- an excellent remedy. for: diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. BEWARE OR CO'UNTERNEITS The genuine has the name of the proprietor ant a pine tree blown in Melville. 411 others are spurious nano - . Talcs PIPIT CRTs and On DOLLAR per Borrix. Pre pared only by the Proprietor, Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart, . Na 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere, at Wholesale by all Phila delphia and New.-York Wholesale Draimists,olariO-ly For sale by S. A. larliX.EL & MO.; Ilb:'1.18 Market street. la :IJ ,- - - tr,t4:_•• - - 7s ; Utica., New York
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