Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, March 23, 1864, Image 1
TIIE TELEGRAPH Prsusszi> MORNING AND EVENING, y GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SCRSCRTPTION TF,LECRAPR fie served to su b bscribers In the oy at 8 cents per week. yearly suscribers will be ;brged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto pily in advance will be charged $6 00. . WPSELY TELEGRAM . Tascutmen is also publisbed weekly,and is furnish& la subscribers at the following cash rates - ,Jogle copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSEP6 I TEACHER OF, NIITS-IC. Orrice, Ar..WARD'S hiIISIC.STORE, fit Third S'ireei. Re.idenee: Third street, above North. dl5-tf AfELODEONS AND CABINEWORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMICrIYIS, TWELVE BLUER MEI:MIS, AND THE (Va. GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to 'MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS.. A full assortment of those Instrumenta always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, tple Agent, OS Market street. MIMI ITE N R Ir. C 0 R riIEACHEE OF THE PIANO, MELODEON AND VIOLIN.—Terms reasonable lb Third street, betAreell Market and Cptstant streets_ ja4-3m PR.OFtSSIO.NAI. ELECTRICIti r . WONDERFUL , DISCOVERY AND WO4D.ORM RESULTS. lIE. J. M. CREAMER would respeptifUlly. inform the public in general and the diseased in particular, that be has opened an Mee 5u. , 502.0 7 813C0nd: street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Isz:Wherii hp drill treat all diseases entrusted talkie care, fila pO6V . daicettctith the system discovered and taught by Prot C. Holies; of Philadelphia, with whose inStitutlen hi has been nom meted, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public Srl information with respect to,hia Access 'hi con. trolling disease. No drugging the system withuncertaintnedical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Helvetian' and other !codifications of Electricity,. without shocks or any un pleasant sousations. After au ;Electrical. plitircesis, a guarantee will be given, if. desired by . the patient, For further information call and get a—pamphiet which con tains hundreds of certificates from medical men and oth— ers proving the superiority of this system of ,practice over all inhere: Consultation free. Mee hears 9to 19_ I to Sand 7 to 9 r. Si. DR. .3'..113740N CItEA) [EEC feb34l3law2m- tu-titsa . • • . . R. ALEX. E. WYETH, Surgeon, arlDr: J. MILTON CREAMER, Electrician, would announce to the public that they have this day entered into .co. pannembip In the practice of medicine, anti that they treat diseasp by the 'lmams of :Electropathy and the Swedish method. of Localized Movement Cure., (Mice, South Secondstreet, below Chestnut, ALEX. R..ArYFITM,..K. ,D Dr. J. M 11 4 .0,1 CREAM i t. .triarls:d."ol4l,b [!I=IEIM }UTE* DR. • YELLOW 4A.Tt,R PO,WDER ' FOR 'HORSES. iltattNCl a &adios of many years in , this 1.1 community, DR. SITE has satisfied himself that this Powder is vastly suparlor to any other article in use FOR THE •CURE' OF. YELLOW WATER, And is of great service A r r llo rr rf :that: htrire -oetlta i str RIDEBOUNA FOVNAERPD, ' OR DiSTEDIPEALE.D. Also, thai It Nci,ll:llr.vint . . OLANHHH.S, COLIC AND .: THE HOTS, When faithfully used two, or three times a woek-Linvito rating and fattening. For improving the condition of a Horse, be asserts there. is no better medicine, as It will strengthen the stomach and assist digestion, cleanse the intestines of offensive matter, and regulate the bowds • when contliteitpurifp:ttke' blood and promote digestion—thus the Skid is kept loose, the pores are opened and a leAn, scabby Borsebec°mes fat and comely. • 7 1 - The Powder can be used ibr Cattle, Sheep.tutd Hogs with good effect. Directions with package.' • • • YRNPAILICD ONLY AND BOLD AT SELLERS DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market street,ilEarristprg. jail 14 GROCERIES. HAY GROCERY AND PROVISION 'STORK BOY ER & KOERPE4, WHOLESALE AND 'BETA.IL DEALERS IN G it 0 C E S Queen% and'eltiss , Ware ) • AND ALL' KENDS OF :;s: .'^. COUNTRY Plt 0 D HAVE just opened a Loge and, ell selected stock of goods at their stand; No. 334arketSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to WbiCit they Incite the attention of the public generally. • • nolo-dly N E LIQUORS. Shigsler &/.14` , ra:zei, (successors toWm. Dock, .jr., Sr, Co.) Dwaits FINE FAIRLY GROCE atm opposite the Conk House, have on banda flue selection of BRANDIES, of different vintages. 17.2.17 4N7) COMMON WINES, . • ; • CeEvery Description. OLD BOURBON r m0_v0,va..422iL..14 . ' t • FINE Dusir 4.4 -- p SCOTT! Whisky& The best ever brought to this iciarket: : OLD WHEAT, NECTKR; And the celebrated • . el . h.snrafr. DROVE wErisri . . • - • . • CHAMOAGNE COHANNESTILIBB, • sC4SITCH AND IRLSH ALES. . LQEDON DROViTi STOUR • WILD CHERRY, • • ' PLANTATION ' WIRWA.M T6IIC BITTERS. With a complete stock of .E.N.exasu AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every goscription now in the mark 4 and at TSB LOWEST R.drlits. . JOHN WISE; THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, IL&RRISBITELCA, FL., • WHOLESALE AND IMUL DEALER IN CONFECT/ONE . r; , FRUITS, -&c., Ae Paste, - Moss Paste, . • • Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow Gum DrcipLri • Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain Wadies, &c., &c. oranges and Lemons, (Mahal Fruits, ' Teas and Spices, all kittds, Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea son. Vegetables ins aim; Raisins, .Carran%, Citrons Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds,'iiralnuts, =m ono, s Ground - Nuts, ; -Peaul-Nuts, 03boluNuts, , . Hominy. and BfitnS, OZtes and' Crael,fra, Sweet and liisitrotstiieei Green andlitibil And Country,, Progitiso t in ' seastsit •if JOHN WISE, . . •'\A I • - .. •• - ' . . '- . ., t . \ v 1 a A .. " • ^ti t .. • _ ____ _ .. .. •• tititsVlOn - W-- ----- i - -'-',.*" . -,,':: - ../. . 7;„ . b 1.4) . . • . $1 BO BY GEORGE ,BERMR.- . 4 00 ,1000 MEDICAL. DR • Jo . 11. I',l f fspii Weds ISA.LT - fi,l*(ngE LOCK .130$11M, HAS discovered - the: :4134 . ofA g 414• ,SeedY and effeotwd remedied th9wcl P DISEASES 91 7 DR-R;ITE*II9E. PMAP: T Y l it i ff! , ! l9l3-Ra NO ;Xptetßri - 010(0.1EIOLTS DRUG& A _Owe Wirtynated,.orClurs*, insfromd'l go• Moo 'DaO Weakness of the Back, Aifectioni of. the Kidney's and , Bladderlnvolimtary Dischargm.ltismotopm General De; :Why, Norronsness, Dyspepsia, .Languoty„. Confusion of Mead, Palpitation of • the ,Iteart; VOW:ding; Dimness of Sight. OrViddinees, , Disease oC the HIM, Throat, Nose :or:Bitino 'AilectiontwOf the .Liyer, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible ors arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those deCrei and solitary practicedßfdre retina their victims than the song of Svelte to thit-Maiiners of Ulm* blighting their most brilliant hopes orrinticipations, rendering montage, impossible. • . r _ ..._ . YO~I+FQr~`.. ~HDi -~-..~.~ :_::mow..:_,: EsPeciaVY, Rho have.bufaMe.the victims of Snlitary that dreadful and destructiv* habit which intnially swOeps toin.untimely,.gtexci thetiMidii. of Young 'Men bff the Minteialted • talents' 161'14111119A with- might otlierwilie have entrtuack(filitalliflii aentddieliith'ibt , thun ders of eloquence °quaked t9mtney the living lyre, may oau with full cord-dea& 7vFA p'RUGF , , Mauled Dersqus,;eijeung . ,llen contemplatiza Martiage , being aware phyal wea..esa y organic.4e defer 'ntities, apeedarcurea:' • 1 1 1` , He-cafolgiaite himeelturelerthe care of . Dr.,T. mfr re lAgicsOben(Cde in bialkenia , as a gegtleman, and oonfl ohniew roy upon hligalrill as a Physician. • . • _ ONG'AmittsrAkiraitsB • DIDIed/E=A and floll.vigor ^restored. ~ . • • 'Mb" g alnietion4=Mbicti readers difeJedearable and'itterrblehrtPooldbla+ln the penalty:paid hy the ^ cic- thusof IniprOper: iadulgenbe Yanag person. Are too apt to eemmit - exceseciffrOY not being aware of. Abe &matt consequences that may z. ensue. .=.lcow, who abet under stands the subject ma pretend,to.4 -wy that the power ' of procreation Is lostiuMberty^ thwe falai Into Improper habits theMbitbeigwitdeat. MetOdee being dent* the pleasuredef healthy ,cdilprlng; the meet retinue.; de, strootive symptom. to . both body . toter ',Mind yise. -Tbe , yetem becornox deranged, the, ph y sical and *end functionsweaken_ - 'MY of ptcloreativo:-Idgwer, .mental Irritability; d palpitation.. of the lawirt,ipdigestion, .conatitu debility !tonging of the frame, 0611 ibr con sninptton, decay and death. Otaras No. 7, Sacra FREDIMICIC STREET, . a Lett band side going tram , Dltimere. liareet, tt few doors from the corner. Fail not to ebsorire naafi, aig,Mitaber. Letters must be paid and coolant astatrip: Tite,Tiodoes• Diplomas lung intis Olga. DR J9KNi3ON, • • Meinher of the Royal College of Surgeons, Louden,: grad nem frpm oar of the most eminent collages In the United Stateeiiend-the'ender pert Of. wbOwillfelbal, been spent in the.hospitals,of London, Parts Philadelphia and else. whom has effected stuns elite liOst 'astonishing, Mares that were ever known ; Malty troubled witkiii 3 Ousli the head, end ears when asfeep,..orst 'nerrpnittnetta, slummed at sudden sounds, , bashfulness, ;"with : frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement - Of mind were cured immediately. RR PARTICULAR NOTICE these aro - sorsa of _the sad and melancholy effects pro: ducsd by early habits of youth,vla : irealimatiof the back and Malts, pahtern , the. head, dinuissi :of idEbt, loss •of muscular PutvergelPtlldas °Ohs heart, dyspepht ner vous, irritability,.symptoms otomMiumption, ka — iiilartlitt—The t*ibl'oagota - ori the =MO: ale much reb l ingsa to be dreadelciii 'of Memo c ontusion of Ideas,' de premion of spirits, sill to •, .seff °distrust, love , opolltmyttimi ty, &c pre some of the evils Produced. - • YOM( 'MEN . . _ Who have, injUred themselvrs by . a .cerhuu practice In 44;0 in #ten alone, a habit fretthentlyle)lrned from 1119/1 CoMrllllol23, Or at Elcboo4 the' itrects" Or Which are nightly;even Urban Aloe', and if not,cared. tenders marriage In pox anedestroys both mind • and body, abould,e.2piyi mmedlately. , . _ Wfikia t hat a young NUM ..., the hopetir Ma country, theAa, ram of his parents, should sinttche4 from all prospects Mid'anioyments of ur6 . , the consequence of deviating from the path of nature add '13414414 in'a certain apoet, habi t • Such Peithatt33rost;bodie eontem , , . MARRIA.GE, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the mostneocssary reqnis Res. to promote Cslnautilailiats.; • And eed With .out tbosei the joursasy.throug4llre•mes weary pll - ; the prespeckhOurly duke* to ,the.,fiew ;: the mind becomes shadowed with itespair indliled:With the melancholy reflectionibat: the -happiness of, another be. Domes blighted with our. owt, Djiiv.Aßß OF Dd:FRUIDEINCE . . • 'When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure lindilte has imbibed: the . seeds of this paWnl distutse„lli too often happens that as !Mimed sense Of -Shame or the dread of discoveridefershim from artplyingto those who from education and respectability, can alone &friend him. He fallafinto the hands cA L rant and designing pretend ers, who, Incapable • of gua Me pecuniary ~sub• stance, heap him trifling moo after month, or , as longas the smallest fee can be obtained, and TM despair leave him with ruined health to sigh AVM IHNlPPuilltmurds or, by the use of the deadly ..poison, Mercury, hasten the eonstitutionalsymptomsofthedleme,iinnhassffecf %ions of the Head.. Nose, Skin , etc.„ progressing with frightful rephli T ty lirt t death puts'alstriod:te his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered country from wheaten° traveler returns, - INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cared at iliayear . anet_ yea; sad; the numerous important aunical eperatiaila pe d onw il o y Dr, Joisreask witnessed by the sepertetsir the-Sma r Apper,mad many other= Ices orliello4" have apPege4. 11 4.,., Igwn before th e public, teiddell his ateeding as a g en tleman of character and reeponal bill4. guarantee to the guided/ N pTcr9I 4 I) I B'..grPERDILY Ctflolls. Oilleepto47iBeuth Frederlek Street.; "THE. UNION NOW AND..FO4EVER."—Webster Vi=R Hougyjw-,., yERNESDAT EVENING„ MARCH 4864. c: MEDICAL. GLAD - OM FOR 'Tilt: tftwotriTuNATp Ta t e LONG-9-0110HtFOR = • DISO4DViRED: AT:LAST. • L rol eee e 11 . di CEIT.ROW IttyVTION . ! COMYOUND,FD: -BROIL ROOTS, BitHEE AND LrufirEl f ' - C/TEROKKEE REMEDY, qiegrefzt Indian Diuretilk . ilia:ei All . Itie.#o 'e. the joinery 'Mims,. Mich as inointi ienct c, itiglM* . iiiffairtintaiiii . of tielikiddek; iiijkoit , Matirm Of l *:'./ qiiiips, Stone in ' the madder, strictitin Ath3, or4vel, Gieti,:: ' and it aiifeitAy/i-ecomprided il**ccolll L ! itriiii(fr IntiAit fii fentaiiij-(ickere cql,e 014 ,:rau*ui: iliii4es hank.stsffed r :' ; - c '' '''' ' ) 1 sor It M MealMee Mit litgliii'auAlitatad'fortiiii i dose enly being froinntei.tiktraniNds i tlanserthiik IberithkY: - ,:., , - - - .7 „ ...':' ~..., -- ler It is diuretic and adterallvoilzilts action, purifying and cleansing the Nook caushwit Aglow_ in all Of its Iff i Pftl il l*t ill i. 1 4;v113 1. 1112° _g_ vi i:tit 'II all ;emelt - Ms - cantos tflifell'havo indu CHEROKEE INJECTION-Is intended as an ally or assist- KtifoRMEROKEERENEDY airl.shoplitfbeurCill 1 conjunction with thA • niedi&is Mall &direr Om/Al* Gleet, Furor 40us or IT'ilies. Its effects are healing, 'iotitifeo'''Miii 16mukilitf riii~ iilrecilding; 'bilk chordee and pain, instead-of-thalurning and almost un cinshirahletnaln that is, experienge4 (irk nearly all tire ' cheap quack injections. - -;41001.V the ; u4 O ! ) f- tite. ; OO3l)KEE I,„pbrErq and CHEROKEE INJECTIO 4 S-the two iiii+Mciii - eiiii the time--011mprxier kiphariiiii are.removel, and the weak eta. 'OrgAtti.ll4ll.aedt6 o -443toreir tom" •fuil ''vigor' and strength. "Jaar , For full particulars,. let our pamphlet from any ding store in the.cOnntryr,orwrite,us, and we wilt: nail Trite, to any 'addiess, atoll tiesdlfjc.•.: , j Li Price, '!CIIERCINEE REIdRDI4 $2 • IDor 10 9-Ithyfor threeliotUeil far ( ss:'3l ' - ro Aip-Pricie;CHEOHEE INJECTION, $2 per. bottle, or tbiie bottles ter ••• 1 . • ' : • • sail Red - liy eipride to any addrefie on ;receipt,+ of price. at- Rold • , • ' 'DR. NV: N.litiOnNlz CO., - i'roprterots, marlo-erily • No. 52 Li street, New York. " .„ CZEROKEE . ' Tot • . INDIAN MEDICINE, - • .:Ikk(YTA A 84.411. E) AND -IOELVEE. , An Watling cursjin• 4Fon'unknrheet; Siatiaid" Wit& nest, Roder/Kt Batissioris; and ail disc= caused by setf_ . pollittUnilne%, eaten of kore vaimisai iLauittule, rains inthe Back Disown of Virton, Premature Old,dye i ffr es i D lfF tl i t er 8 r e 004 1 . ... 1 , Trmb li Nfr nese, .eruptions en thiPinx,` .ethe 4 Cntntennnee,,' Consumption, sad all fAe.rliW cesstplaints caused by de. ofmaliWA • Anyerlds medicine .Is.a.4tirnpin , vegetable extract, and one on,which all can rely, as it,ttas been : used in tag .. practice for many y years, and Wl' th — onsizi ids 'treated; It . has not failed in a single instance Its curativepowers have been :sufficient to gain victory over the most stubbom case. To those who have trilied;yrith, their Con4itution, until they think ihemsehree,beyand the, reaeh,of trkedi* aid; we Would say, Despair fiats_ the ihmoincir Cum will restore you to kcal& andlrigorintutafter . all quack doo tors ha4.e tailed f - - , , ge‘ii Circular .any _Drug Store In the country; or write tiie ftropriatiir, who will matl freeio any one desiring tin) flame, n full treatise In pamphlet form. .. • - , $2 per bottle, or tliree bottles for, 'ss, and' py:mcifyi!sto all gait 'pt the world. • „Groot by all respectable druggists oriiryWbere.' DR. W. It. accawnt Roux Paorareroas, marlo eotp.y 59 141)rty street, New York. . . AUCTION .=SALt (o:g;b't_- - k . w.t - ,15 - •":it(.o,ts':;Eg: WARDaft:alp:Yr 0.13 , 1147 Btrauir, Orme W4snowyroW, 1): 11;Fata 19; leoc WILL he so d at I ) ,4ihlie ,Ateitie# to the, highest bidder, at tittplaqw*fid (Ikea rilimod be-, low, viz: At Lebanon, Penna., 300 Biro* Friday 25th March, At Wilkeabarre, Penna., eep Ito*, Tuesday, 29th • Thiiee, Horses have been: cmate*l4 as for the Vey:dry:service of the tialtettatater, r . . -' For read dnd farni piniposed many- good bargains may Horses tenlibo'9ild'alngly.-;., Sala btigttrat•-10 ar...; a d toittiruie.4aity all are sold "• -f . . Terms Cash, in United States Treasnr4oteli MAY - • - JAMES A. EgIN, feb2o4tt4so: Nor Rtpuiemistericarphrßureau. fr T. F. WAT 4 04C0N,_ MASTIC CEMENT ti*F . ACT7h * d,R, „ PIV)C4I3V-11,G1-, PREPActED to tilifirtsh and cost the .eg teeter of Beltdintutwittatie MASTIC CEMENT, on a stew system.• This material is :entirely different from all other cements used heretitfOre,.and in the - only reliable, • iseperiabiblit Costing for'outside work. Mond with pro per proportions of pure Lluseed - 011 It forms a solid, dory-, We adhesiveness to - Brick-or Stone Walls, making a bO9l - fine woter proof atuilice and With ~.0 3,14 to *well' Stone or any color dumbed. •• Among others for *hoot nave aPpliett the Mastic Ca.• ment,,lrefer to the followintgentlemen: J. 341 Stmell e -4esidence, Penn street, Pittsburg.Pittsburg. m, 44 if . J. H,'Bticientarger reeldentie, towrencoville. A.' Homier; • . 4 , 44 James WCandlesa, ' 4 Allegheny city. Calvin Mani; " street., Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles HOW, " hun Vohel, Girard House," Barr di Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Ca; residence, Front street; Harrisburg, Pa. Phase addreal. T. F. WATSON, P. O. 8;5'1,306, Pittsburg, Fa , feblll-418m or,"Penok- Bousiohinisburg, Pa. PHOTOGRAIII PhotogtapAt Albums. 4 kgraPlL Albuirgu 4 • RAlo49ol4PUrns' ' •-•- Photograph Albums. numb:nest and cheapest viiietY of P i " - TSXtRAPII ALBUMS twth#eity aregxinstautlyiePt sit (marl.% BEltGalnrallarAP prECSTOR.Ei. auf Thoir -10)011,8, : fra: L . tot recelyed at, oortaiotii Of Toy Books, non SCHEMIni BOOK= EVENINOE-DITIOL. Prom wir'Albrising Yenn . sYli*da It.)ERD : .Arn• q.: .0440-15 _ HOUSE OP T RE.PRESENTAVIVES2: ipIiNSDAY, Mar& 2,i4 186-1:1 The IloloCiliet 'a't 34 -at. . ' # afternoon wes spent *4l4' OeConitte gnat paiatiageiff nu merona bi is On' .0 private When the eileridarquld been , condaded, Mr. PANOCIAtT, on- leave given, read in piece an act to incorporate the Union passen ger railway.coffipany,'df Philadelphia. On matiOn t bf-Nr, PANT:OAST, the' orders w.erd.seitpindedi and'the•• Efahee'proeeeded the consideration of 'the' bill; •v(hich,l after , nu animated "d*oitiiiiiinNag referred to the Ocuni- Otteci on pitfriititieri4efitailroadff. • • s Adjourned. • t b itioNtlig 4 4oAlo- I * . Y. 14 e0stat t • •,- , lWetonitaithd. to4/Vklbemhere-61.WetiT,,pgis 'Mee tile , ititiOla;•fifo*itho PhiladelphiaArn day #brniag 21rpe.9.upon;the' subject of. ' • We'_titaNderit*** l 9:. 9n.ti1194 1. G°l 4 P rats ' While the sentiment of the phblie and the press generally is decided as to the utility And convenience of -passenger railways, and their great advantages, - both •in economy of time, and the inhaldWits• of a widely ex tended city like Philadelphia, there are some two or three; of .44 joignals whoa are contiu ally. harping ,r t ganist the extension of their privileges, or an "increase in their num.-. ber by legislative' enactment; and heart-rend ing appeals aPpear,. in a certain daily evening Paper; the Legislature beet,- create any 'more. The 'only -reasen.v. hastier, .which are urged against their ' • increase, 'are 'thesethat•--: there •• are now sufficient', to meet the wrOits.V.- of the •community and 'that more would be an ineumbrance upon the streets where laid;and unprofitable. to thobe en gaged in them; the argument is ill-foun4ed— the latterireaSon affecting only the subscribers and• shareliolders, who seem - willing to-.take that risk, else they . would not become so; and the former reason -)STractically refuted by the fact' that the tide - of vehicular travel • sets al -most wholly in the directions where rails are• laid,- rather than -t0 the--tobble pavements, clrivera being suifteiblitly abqnsinitti with the laws of- ifittaritl'plillosopliy. to' knew - that , Alie rehisthiice of friction is luoritiilifir everbome by their' horses over a smooth' surface than a rough one. There are several bills now be fore We Legislature. of purl State, :which, if pasall; 'will give tie as many rblabs--and all of which we hope to see become laws, as sured as we are in - our own minds that it will belitenbilti to thereify:-iindf the community ' generally; and we have sufficient confidence in the desire of, our representatives, at.Earris ! burgito.further,the interests of PEillidelphi to feel that they will . ,eatisfy thennielves that ariph is the Case before "granting ;mph lagisla: tion. The fact that.the of the new roads,now conteinplated;is notopPesehY the roads in exiatenee 7 ---, all otwhicli prope rl y con ducted,.,-,are , 'Making - handsome profits for -their 'shareholders—shows that these inter ested believe there is for Others, and. for them to , continue , odo a large paYindi:li_nainess. 'Opposition • has been cal led , the life:. of trade ; its is certainly the life of paseengeFS . ,reiiWayifi-7tlie more facili ties and conveniences of the greater 'will' be .the• number -of passengers; and the less the distance td be walked before one is able to get a car, the: greater will be the temptation-to Ada Again ! , the necessity for exchange or .commutation tickets will bevadyel 41gateraise of „roAdwhich RI 4 Aand:Afec cheaper leol iarrr thilns? they. .so; this-will betiartioularly the case with the diagonal routs projected—as, for instance, if a ~persero can elide from the . Nagy Yard to Parini:4g, withoutr'change'df oars and for one fare. To-assert, as the papers we refer to dopthat those roads are theoffsprizof Mere speculator-A and in the same line to A' that they will not pay, and are not needed, is simply -ahsiardi for, tha.spepulatm, would.realize little from *theh'eftateOf that were the ease,: But this is only a repftition of the old out-cry, which has lost all ite - weight and effect. The public have,found the utility of this , system of travel, and will riatroniza it to almost any extent. Tlui Wei - price of grain, and prov-•• 'eider-foil:l:writes; is filth - icing •many persons who - formerly kept private conveyances to abandon them add use the cars instead; and - the greater' the ease and comfort with which they can ride,- &eater will lecthe inducement to do so. Skeet ar nthgeinent of the Arch street road,', by. - which' they qui - - double the Minkber of cars over a4mrtiCiftif their route, the receipts have almost doubled, and that without any gdditional expense to the cora . PigtY• . - We are in favor of every legifiiative facility being secoided to these improvements. " They -bring distant points close together, , and equal ize the +aim of property, as well as stimulate the erection of houses at place W-which would otherwise he almost inaccessible from the heart - of the - P - tity: - revenue to the city' treasury . azalea., ineressed. through his means, not only by the taxes paid by the • roads themselves, for the privilege of run ning their cars, but by the improvement of .real estate ; at the same time affording a safe and , renumerative methOd for the diSposition and investinent of capital which could' scarcely_ be employed but for this. Every Alia that is.built ankpnt into operation, does an Ml portant part in the'improvement of property along the • route; and "houses gent and sell more readily on the line. We commend these fads, which are indisputable, to the attention of the litislathre, and , trus t p tluiy will meet attention they deserve. 'We do not be.; have that Philadelphia was' ever represented at HaririSburg by gentlemen who had the, in terests and`welfare of the, city more at heart," and' in whose hands the rights of their con stituents were more safely_placed or sure to 'be regarded,. and who will protect us ageinst. any evilsegislatio which might occur in:passenger railway ln. Neat Dow at -119 me. Poulson) March 22.. ,. General Neal . Dow arrived M the nom train, aad Was received the 'city - autVorities and a i detachment:d tioppi from camp BeitY -- = au the 'Qhurch bells "arcepealisti, IrgeoMe for PRICE TITO TeregrapQ. Fl iom VEIv OR I:YjErrICT_TC"-1 1 .1 V .t; XIME. NO COAL TD BE SHIPPED TO CANADA; ID A MA•G iB ' • NEW. 71-cnar i Gold fell after the•second; board to Si. 631. , taw!, & 2 =PrenticesshodiloY factory, in:Pearl street: . destroyed bYlan to-day., Secretary of the Treaiaary has given Oiftlielirders'zkohiblting. the • shiproenpiof Amerie coal fa Canada'- - The full to-day gave , .averdict of $3OO darn- ages' again-it thcflApress` iewspaper for:libel. - - THE 'CAL FOR aomoo • =I Qtiotas of the 1? - arioxia r . - ' • • WumorevroN, Max& 22.. The following JIB the statement fi,ichv the quota of the se.yeral'Statpiffor the President's call '61,200,000 men of`March 14th, 1864, vith all credits "dedneted from or deficiency Added theretd, excepting veteran volunteemtn . filaFe.l4 Ist, , „ • Maine's quota under call for 200;000, Martii 14,11861, ; numbei 4 to - ber credited, :neat; deficience2 'to' be chiirgedu 1;920; balpaseelo 'furniAlcal„6;64l: r., : • New Hampshite's.quota, 2.588 ; 160; deficiency nom); balance, 2;428. • - Massachuset's quota, 10,639; credit-none; deilciency, 9,953; balance, 20,592. , , . Vermont's•quota, 2,300; credit, 2,X80,. defi ciency none; halan.., 170. • Rhode Islarid'e quota; 1.6f38; ercait, 525; deficiency none:; balarteb, 863; • . . Connectiont'S quota4,-168; •oredit s .591; de ficinney none; bala•nee, % 574 - • - New York's-, quota, 32,794 ;,.,credit; and de ficiency, none ; `'nete, n ot yet completed. Balance, 59,230. • • •; New Jersey's quota, 6 705 ; creak now deficiency, 7,520. • :Balance,. 14,224. Penntlyliania's qu0tai,26,342 ; credit and deficiency,., none : ; ; note, not yeti, cconglpted. Balance, 74,127. Delaware's quote ,' 955 Credit, - none' ciency, 691. 8a1an&i1,676: ; • Marybind'it 'gnaw 4;817,, credit none; defi cieney.l7,4ll, ,balanco 21,728. West Virginia's quota 2,051, credit none rde ficiency 1,139, ' balanbe 3,190. • • '- • • ' District of bolumbia's quota 1,702, credit 'none; deficiency 3,153, balance ' Ohio's qu0ta20;59.5, credit none; deficiency • • • - 18,628,,h4ence 39,223. Indiana's'quota 13;300, f- ciedit-9;9397'daBeinn;• cy none, balance 3,069. ' •. • . quOtaylB, 524, tcrefiit, 80,960. • Ifichiganaputoa, 7,821; ,credit, 634;- de ficieney, none; balance, 'Wisconsin's quota, 7;941; balance,' '540. Minnesota's .quota 2,180; babuice; 5;437'. • lowa's quota, 6,439; eredit;nqns;deficiency, 6,701; balance, 13,14 Q, Missouri'ffl qupta, 1,925; creiclit;' nonerde; ,ficiency, 4,962 i balance, 8,887.- - Kentucky's qfiota, 5,787; credit, ;none; de ficiency, 9,683; balance, 15;472., - inasso's qii9ta, 1,409; cr4dit nntr, de ficiency, 1,118,• balance The War an TeAtietessee. • Cuminnwn GAP; 'March Oa; Lieut. Col ; Davis, of the Tennessee cavalry, who leas womzied-and taken prisoner on the 22d of . .Eebniiir3r, has escaped reached our, lines in safety. He was treated very inhumanly while in the rebel lum&S. I Two companies of the 91st Indiana,' While scouting tip the Virginia road, carne upon the enemy's' pickets, killing one and Wa.tinding another. - They returned ; to camp last eVen ing with four homes, wagnns,,armiS and seven prisoners, including the notorious rebel guer-- rillas and bushwhackers Green and. Estler, whilianive long been :a terrorto Union citizens. March 22.—The Journal's Chat tsnooga .clispstch t#iis, on the authority ofi de iierter.4,that itorgan's command is :still oppo site Decatur and canniit be mounted owing to the scarcity - of horsfis.. Deserters from Long street's army 64, he a, doubtless moving to jail. Lee. . • • Movements Of Gen. Grant.; Procunnr.Prat, March General left foi WishirOon; at Teeter:lr, in a• special train. 1 - • XXXV:tlIth: Pongress-:—FiTst fission. . SEN.& • ArAszartyrox, March 22. . Mr. Clark ,(N. H.) called hp' the Senate bill amending the act relating to foreign coins and coinage of coin, which - was passed. • The bill provides that the weight of the cent shall be 48 grains, and composed 94 95 per -cent. of hopper, and fyielief cent. of ilium, Or tin. • It also provides for the 'coinage of two cent of the same tointosition. • Mi. Willey (West Vs.) addressed the, Senate at length on the bill to promote enlist: meats, by the freeing of the wives and chil dren of slaves: 'Arr. IrDougal submitted the following joint re g olut i on; Be it resolved, That the .occupation of Mexico, or ani,parkthereof, by the 'Emperor of France, why" the pethon indicated' by him as Emperorof Idesico„ta, an offence to the two ple of the' `Republic .of the United States of America. - • Resolved, That the movement, el: the Gov..' ernment of France, anitthe threatened move ment of an Emperor imprqiip by:the Em peror of .France,_ demand of this Republic, if masted upon ; war.: j - , Mr. Sumner reported from the Committee Slavery and Freedom - a . tii,prohibit= commerce in slaves among the,sapenl States, 'and the holding or transportation , human bpings as property in - any vessel,,lkin the jurisdiction of the GoverAtMi t i n, punishes the misdemeanor of•aiding nqh .. , *l • s * : y r th„,- -lion among the States, by lax4p of live thousand dollars ermt impp EßALme w, of five years, and ry r oe in• such.transpertation_by,sea,. _, - - The billto promotw ezdistanentqlgodled Up iltiMbri - theAtiglitiCo/ being 4 :0 1 .#0 substi- Thdibilowing are the rates advertising , to the T. da.ani Those ~ ..•. : ladTeritsing to do r nlitillid It we yeapat far gate Peer Dne . sWal - isas lints or ifloro than -- Sour CORSI FOR A nAIS avast One day -$ 30 Two ... .• . 60 Three days— . 75 Oneweek..i.. 124 One month 3 00 Two months .... . 4.50. Three months 5 60 Six months 8 00 One year 15 00 Administration NOth?C.-• Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices l'aueralliotioeseach insertion sirßasinesca notices insert berme Massisges and Deaths, ellOkinFißtiOn• tuts of Mr. Vfison to free wfie and ebildrene of free recruits. . • Mr. Willey said he was very destrouslo vote for the amendment o'f Mr. Wilson; - 'giiiiig -- freedoin to the wife and child of the colored.' recruit, brit fn the indefinite form in wl4ch, it was brought before the Senate,he was con .straitred to cisst his vote for its recommittal`'to the Judiciary Conunittee. His objection to the amendment was that it wBdld lead to endless and distressing, diffi culties. in :the States where those stares re .side.. He would like to see this constitutional pKovis' ion for compensation incorporated in the bill, though he would never rest content while the wives and children of those men fighting, Our 'country's battles were held in ey 'then spoke in oppOsition to the bad MeSnmnetrlo repeal the fisgltive•slave act. sllie Senite went.iiitoiesecutive•seinion . ROUSE ItAP.B.EMiT4tOO ' ;„ _ _ 7 RE The House, manned the consideration of of the Raritan and Delaware bay ,iiiiiread company's bill: • • ' ' " Messrs. Starr and - Rogers, of New Jersey, *posed it as an infringement of the rights of the State of New Jersey. Mr. Elliett, .(lYlass.,) from the Committee tif Commerce, reported a ' bill, whith -was passed, authorizing the Swetaryof the Trea sury to . stipulate,*ir: thedrelease from.attach ment, or ,other process, of property claimed by the - United States ; in other *olds ; to en able the Government to make arrangements to use the property it wants without:waiting for legal process. . - On motion of. Mr. Randall, (Pa.,) a resolu tion was passed authorizing the Secretary of Nair to institute inquiries as to the murder of Capt- !Theodore Beed.,. of Philadelphia; on leuagier Sound,- Chesapeake Bay, by pirates. The House passed the. Senate bill author izing the President to negotiate a treaty With certain It:Arians of Southern Oregon for the acquisition of laud. arid...appropriate twenty thousand dollars: u=;_l27` Mr. Washburnc, froin the Com mittee on Commerce, reported a bz7l, - which was passed,' requiring proof that fishermen have paid the duty on foreign salt before being paid the bounties provided for by law The object is to prevent frauds on the tren snr-Y—fishernien having procused salt for the army through the British Provinces, and the , i elaimed,the:bounties. The billpiussed. over with the expiration of thoinornMg hour. The Honed' next considered the bill reported Davis, from the • special committee to provide: civilgovernment to States usurped or .overthrown by the rebellion. Mr. Davis (Ma.) Made a speech in ftivor of giving the rebellions States a republican gov ernment without slavery, which was the cause of rebellion, Hq opposed the President's plan . of reconstruction as impracticable. re garding emancipation as not valid but to be detenmned as a judicial 'question. Mr. Bo.reman made a speech against sktrery, Mid advgeated the bill. -AdjoitrriPd. The Chesapeake. Po=Asn, Match 22. The steamer Chesapeake will be: delivered to her owners and will be disdained here. Flour dull; 1,500 Ws.- extra familyeold at $6 87W1 50 end some fancy at $B, receipts continue light; small sales rye flour at $6; cornmeal 4thet; wheat held with more &m -ud* sales- 4,000 bush. prime red at $1 60 and malliots of white at $l, 75®1 95; small sales .rye at Si 25; corn advanced lc. and 100014:Ish, yellow sold at S 1 13(x31 2b ; - pats .sell'lreely at 83084; cotton dull at' '740; clOver seed ranges 'from $6 7507'00; flax 'seed at $12501 30; provisions move slowly, Was 2;000 bbls. beef hams at $22; mess pork at $23 50; hams in salt at 13c and in pickle at 14C; lard if 16C; petroleum is in better re quest; sales of 1,000 bbls. crude at 30c;1,060 bbls. reined in bond at 48c and 600 bbls free at 574658 c; s`oo bbls. whisky sold at 93@,95. Clothing, Camp and Garrigon Egnippage. following list of Condemned Malting, .1 Camp and Garrison Emaippage will be sold Public Auctiory on Wednesday, March 30th, 1864, af . 7.0 O'clock. A. 3L, at the Depot of Clothing and "Egnippkge, at Camp near Harrisburg. Pa., viz: 227 Painted Ponchos. 84 Ti r ooien B/ankeis. 34 Camp'Bettles. SeOVils. 10 'Spades 213nglea. 261 ggspital Bunkiii(ooden.) 222 Common Tents. 35 Wall Tams. 23 Van tint Flak `1 Sibley Tani Payment mimired in U. $. Treasury Notes. HENRY C. ROGERS, Captain and A. Q. 41., Li- S. Vols Itarrbkburg, Pa., Idarch 18,1864. . 1:10RTFOLIOS ! PORTFOLIOS ! ! JL 'CIOSSIERN and Bacton Boards a fine assort reentOnst. received at; BOOKSTORE . 11.• T E W I N. E FINE BLACKBERRY:and ELDERBERRY WM& -- Wanantetpura For saint PRP W. DOCK, JIL, & CO. Dwelling For Sale." •A:TWO-STORYDWT,T.T.Trio, itt good repalr„.with two gquil building lots, situated on Second street., below iktulberry. - For -particulars at Ito. 3 Market Square. [rulitl.-BOYEF...b KOERPF.R. A LARGE INVOICE OP NEW 111.. RAISTA_' CITRON, - " • • CURRAN'rs, PRUNES. I STIXOR G 1 000 'S 11119E3 / 4 :• = s. ZCiar AC r FO4. :,,tstiock-44F4 11CORTHL18 I FICICTIVaI the Barrel, Bait ' Jar or Doren,. at . , - slustExik FIUZEIt S, .34 :48a*Mtios to Wm. Ala*, Jr., ac ITRINTINkIIFICF t -ADVERTiiVGPA' STit • . nt one-litirsvA • re. pght trite a squarci. . POE WE sQuakr.. One da - •-2 60 Two day y- s . ICO Three days .. 1 25 Oneweek., 2 25 thie month - 6 (0 Two months 9 00 .Three nentgis,;..... 11 00 Sin m0nthk....7..»..015 0 One year .. 25 CO ” r . t! 25 1 60 50 ..44 the'Lktit Ercla7 2o t4E B l. -4 1 9 1 r" Markets by Telegraph. Thiworiams,. Mona 22 iNfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE OF COITDELINED - - F IGS. F FRAZER'S, inoffl . (Successors to Wm. Doc*, Jr., & Co.) • - • HEWER , . FOR TABLE ESE, Aft rtiteived at sWSLER k FRAEER'R. , ors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & CO.)