MEDICA3r. CONSTITUTION SYB,VP, 410DLPOSED OF X0:1)ME I.IOTASSIITIVII With the Coutpouniri-C4Gentraled Fluid Enratit of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS,-_.• `7REPAR X . D I!.Y. ANTAL u. GREG q A. D., Gradu&te Cottege of Physiolaassrad &moons, \ Y.; for =bit), Assistant. ,Pbysioiait:P4lprell'x • Orals, late Medictill.olp6ttor Stalls Debb*-*Eidef_. • • • . _GOVgdwardik biome= -. • , PONStroitiogiITESTRITP • . , • A - REY.O.r.atnairriv4ll)))*Th - E. -- •. • What may seem almost incredible, is, that many dig eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully Invite the inyestigstions.of the liberal minded and scien tific to cures which have no _parallel atAkoipresetA, day, ~ itliieseat or any dismiss ' 2 di ct l y.Fescue4,:.apdthe_egttifibrfwnrestored„.. , 3"; Those who have suffered long, frees . pahird.and Medi: 'nate diSeites, those who haveveinly sopght relief, from adSertised medicineS; thostiiho catinOt,be' cured other physiciant • ,•• ~ • -.-• , liftE LNYTTED TO 11.1F, , ,OONTIT11A1IOX LIFE. SYRUP, - boring the past five years we have contended with ob stacles' and overcome - oppoSition as herculean as were ever encountered by any Refdrineis.- "-" ket•PIDIZIY:O2* CURE - • _ ' r ': , I Some say, "Your cures - aro:too :eurck," While Otheri doubttheir permanence, and ,fhizik - that ".disease can:max be curedhy,the,'WoWreceperativo procctse of ffaturo.-" This is our reply:„ In health, the tidy; like a well-balineed'scale, is in 'a state oraquitibrium. ...But when from' any cause-deft - a goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease: What larequisite is, to restore the normal ,balance,of,,the coNstrrurrog LIFEErIiTUP A positive and specitio.remedytor alhdiseasea originating 'prom an IMPURLSTATS OF ,THE q3400p, (hereditary) DISEASES koirianaitied from PARE . .TO CHILD. • - PARALYSIS. ilemiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitans. It is 20 universally admittedthat ConstltutionLife Syrup i 3 the only effective means of restoration in Bic- .varions corms of Paralysis, that we neeitnot reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life Giving Power.. •-'• • DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion. : Liver CoMplaint. COMitipation - •:• Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. - Want-of Appetite); Flatulence..., . Bail Breath: • . : - - ' SCROFULA. " . Siruma. Glandular swellingstliceratidn. King's EviL ...:Erysipelas. • Salt Rheurti This taint (11191ED/TARY and .scianutso,) tilling life .with nAtold miSery, is by all usual medical•reme'dies. incurable. • R'lf - KU.K A (Arthritis):' . ;.. Neuralgia. Lumbago. Sciatica:' Tie Douloureux.' If there is any disease in Rhteh the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it'll iitknltialiSill - andltg " kinAreil affeCtiops....The Meet intense - almett - hiStantly allevav Ed—enormous swellings are reduced: - .'CaSes, chronic or vicarious, of or 3O . standing, have been cured tiy us. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. SL. Vitus' Vance. Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have sud'ered for years will Mess the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—;-directing their footsteps to a Hulks:Which; ttilMs more than It promises. MERCURIAL DISE.44ES. - ..1 alitratititt. • • • ' Rotting of Bon& • • " 1 Bad Complexion. Aches in lipAes. Feeling of }Pea foes,. • Dopresslon.of Spirits.. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges - the system tirelrfrotMall the evil effects ctrltercuryr'remoiing :11t4 , 1 Bad Breath, and outing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic ' Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It : 1 hardene Spongy Gums, and endures the Teeth as firmly' as ever, CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP - - - _ Fradieates, Root and.,BranCh, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin,,like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficul, lies of this kind, which to miich diSflgunithe Outward _up=' pearanee of bothMalesluid femalle, often makirq thim a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTriCTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING or THE GLANDS, Either of the face Neck, or Female breast, and should be taken as scion as the swelling Is detected. thus preventing their breaking, and producing the troublesome Discharg ing Sores, which disfigure so many of the younger por- tion of the community, from six to twenty years of age. Youngeblidnur are very subject to Discharges . from the Ears, which dependi upon• a scrofulous constitution,::-: These cases soon recoyerhy, taking; n few : doses _of _the. ' All scroftdous persons suffering from general - Hability, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of tholinti* abdomen, and in. the female, Dropsy of the aviaries and womb,.gen erully accompanied with Inflammation and:Ulceration of, the - Merit are permanentlycrired Cdiatiltition' Life' Syrup. The disease known as Goitre- or'Swatted' Neck; the Life Syrup will remove entirely.- Tito remedy should be taken for some . time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will • not -bb removed. without extra effort. Tumors . of the 'Ovaries, --Tumorri of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body will be. completely. roduceirwithoutrasorting to the knife or oporathria , any kind. . r .. r Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic er Organic Diseases bf;the • Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves; prodtioing.a. grating or tiling sound, Dropsy of the Huart.Osseijand. all she affections of .this important : organ, (rfersons suffering from any acute pain in the , region of the homt;) will be greatly relieved by Constitution - Life Syrup , BROKEN-DOTY d DELICATE coNsurtrioNs Suffering from indisposition to Exertion, Fain in the Back, Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness of Vision Dry, Hot Skin and Ex tremities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES • . . Either of the Now,Thiolit, Tongue,, Spine, rorolizad . 'cit Scalp, no remedy has ever proved lieequal: • • • ' MOT, H .IWffitLES.upon the denude fanoolepentditigitOm a dimiased:action of the Liver; are-very;unpleasmwte the young.wifdand Mothiir; AT few bottles of eimmttitutiii , Life correct the secretion, and remove the , posit whieh is direotlyouider:the-iikin; If Diseases of the Liver, givingrise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach; or an ulcerated or can i:erous condition of that organ, Accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symtiioms, Will be' telkved by the use of COSSITUTION•LIRE:SYRUP. • . • _ :rens kOssirt. A'erst, rim LISS • Ssuee_Aralms..l.isarvar,ice_nro-tr , l'Enrira;_ . W l. •.T• r e ) , Diseases or. the %Apo,. as usually, deveioputkitttlteyotuagi, Rip Disease, Neuralgia, and all Ngiruusl#aiatires, and Lae dies who are - suiferlitgliiirirfoi'whlch they:lS - at' a loss what to do,•we would advise the use or CONSTI TUTION LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid coun tenance, strengthen their weak back and i s.iths,.. give them , new ene*x new lite and happiness. TRW RICH 41W ?0AT Are liable tiithe same diseases. — }.Tatars alit science has made tha constitution Life Syrup fq;.t.lie - btatellt dente= ' 1 . 41 §7 ' ETRE BLOW,' Produces healthy mea and women; and if the constitution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the re sult. Do not delay when the means are so near at hand, and within the reach of all, TO AfO7IIERS It is the safest antfinesi • Vidanal medlci u "cior discov ered for purifyibg the ayttehi; and .relieving the suffering attendant upon childbittir, • - It. Stfongthens both the mother and the child, provents and diseast. ;pa. In. creases and enriches the focidt - hose Who 'have. used:it think it indispensable. use' iii both - bereixii and after,eondnement, it,.-Rrecouts iattnta/it upon childbirth. CONSTITUTIONAtEr.MWR. THE POOR MAN'S DRIEND AND THE RICH MAN'S DLES'SING BUY IT , TAK.E.yr f -AND RV : CFRFA.: IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECTS WM:'ll. 'GREGG, M. D., FOTis XlierB.lloEOß, NET- YORK. Laboratoilf, Broiiir, L. I. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE; SIX l i IQTTLES FO.R" $5 Sent by express to all parts of the country MORGAN & ALLEN, 46 Mit Streef,iNeW Varts;-- . . jan2E4l:l4ll SOLD BY JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, AND ALL 211:7)31A, PA., RIIG4ISTs. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road 1 . I FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND - FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Nov. 16th,1863. • Passenger Trains of the Peniasylvania P .l l rallroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har 7 rialyarg and Philadelphia as follows: THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. K. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. ac FAST LUTE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 A. K., and arrives at West Philadelphia atP/0.1.0 e. Sc. Passengers take breakfast at 'Lancaster. - • WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, leaves Harris burg at 7.20 A. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. ar FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.00 P. ar., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.2 D . . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, loam. Harrisburg at 5.80 r. sr., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.30 P. N. WESTWARD. _ . BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.20 A. N. ; Altoona, 8.00 A. x., take breakfast., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. N. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.20 A.M.; Altoona at 8.40 A. M., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. N. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 P. M.; Altoona at 7.55 r. it., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.10 A. W. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 4.15 P. M. ; Altoona at 9.10 P. M., takes supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at L4O d. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia, at 2.46 P. at., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P.M. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 11.38 A. sr., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.40 r. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Dir. Penn'a.R. R. Harrisburg, Nov. 13, 1862.-iltf Northern Central Railway A m ir.ll - 7: • - '!Ak L AIL A IL-JL-.112"1."-Ii:A-AMEN16717 Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, •to and from Pittsburg and the West. TWO TRAINS DAILX to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New Mork. r i N and after - MONDAY, NOV.EMBER 16th, our 1863, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Cen tral Railway will arrive at and depart iron Harrisburg and :Baltimore as follows, viz: • SOUTHWARD. MAIL ...TRA.llti. leaves, Sunbury d a ily. (except. : . . Sunday) —lO.lO A. M. It •leavea .Harrisburg... 1.20 r. arrives at Baltimore' - 'EXPRESS TRAIN leavesSunbury daily (except Sunday), 1142 $1 leaves Harrisburg (except • • Monday) 2.50 A. at. arrives at Baltimore daily . • ; • (except Monday) . 7.00 A. at, HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har . burg ••' . . ... .... 7,9 0 Ai 4.. NORTHWARD. MAILTSAIN ,loaves; Baltimore daily (except- - Sunday) ' t 0.20 "L'at. • " leaves Harrisburg . 4 .. 1.46 r. x.. • .. arrives at Sunbury.. 4.00 r. .EXIIiESSIRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 0.30 r. x. "- arrives at Harrisburg....., z 2.00 A X. leaves Harrisburg daily (es - .cept Monday) • • • ; 3.2k -,A, at, airivesatthinbury 6.26 A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves BM: timore daily (except Sun- . Sun 'day) • . 3.00 s. FAST LINN leive.s Now YorWat 3..00 m., and, Phila., 'delphia at' 8.15 1: IL.; . arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. N. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 830 P. 11., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 • EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 1.00 r. eO. , ar .rivilig, at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. 51.., and connecting with. the ..; .gpuzutylvtafia Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleepingear If alino attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg , vital' &dine oii Die Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at. Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, an. -Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Philadel phia, $3 85 in No. 1 cars, and $3 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to . . MEI :Elegant Sleeping ears on Express trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Thiladelphia. ; For information respecting Passenger business apply:at 'Ow S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents : S. B. Kingston, Jr.. corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. It., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON; • General Freight Matt, Phil's, LEWIS L HOUPT, General Ticket Agent PAG'a. JOS. D. POTTS, n0 . 16-dly] General Manager, Williamsport, WINTER TIME: TABLE. EASTWARD 111 N E THREE TRAINS DAILY TO 'AIM FROM B 'ALTIMORE AND W ASH INGT•ON- CITY.. arrives at Harrisburg. . . ... ..7.50 P. al. Fercurther information , apply at 00, Oelce, in POni!syl- vanlik RallriikElMOot. •• - J. N. HOBA:ARY, -- Harrisburg,,Nov4o, 1863.4tf Gen. Sept • 1 - : x7; - . A Al " JiL 'AI" .L " JaFir -- ABM • x armis. THREE, TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA: ON AND AFTE'R MONDAY, November siemo.ap, the Passenger Traits will leave thelhilat. delphia and Reading Railroad Repot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia,- as - renews, via EAST.WARD. EXPRESS LINE leavrat. Harrisburg at. 8.30 A. Id., on ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 1.45 a. lc A sleeping car is attached . to the. train through from Pittsburg without Id "TRAIN' (eaves liarrisburg at 8.00 a. ar. , arriving in ,New York at 5.80 p. and. Phitadelpalant 1.50 r. tr. t.,p,o.TIANE leaves Harnsburgat 2.00 2.. -tr., arriving in NeWork at 10.28. P. x ~ and Philadelphia at 7.0 Q P. m. WESTWARD.- J. J. CLYDE, General Agent s Harrisburg. nol4-clif 1863. Philadelphia and Erie Rail- Road. great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA Ilummen Cos wary, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Emporium (195 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Hail Train leaves North 145 r. N. Express Train leaves North as a. N. Vora run through wrruour muscs both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock - Haven, and be- tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING CO., 510 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPMA, PA., MANUFACTURES of RULL WRAPPERii, DOUBLE AND SINGLE MEDIUM, CAP AND CROWN MANILLA, do hand or made to order. jughost price paid for rope in large or Fella quanti ties. marl-d3m APPLES! APPLES! 1-150 bbls. of York State Apples of every- variety. Mao, York State Butter, for sale al Ja 2 D BOtEB & BOEHM. NEW. ADVir.RTISEMENTS. PHOTOGRAPH A.L.Binsm . • ANOTHER .LARGE ASSORTMEN A.lbumy.; BOUND niattio6,6 7 - - gilt JO mounted with two heavy gnat 'claspi. . ALBUMS. 'WITH • ... .... ..• . • ••. ••• •••• • 80'PitturesTiii 00 40 • " " • -- ' ; 3 5.0 tegethor with vrrione other Atylee oT hinding, alms .and Will be sold cheap. SOldieroa r ott cannot bity a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anrithere. ;; '- Call and see at SCHEFFER'S.Bookstore i mat Mitt _ • ; - ; - Aanitlituttg, Pa .._ . . ; 'THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.' TA' TT'S COXPOUNII , ..EXIrIiA.GT -OF CUBEBS AND - C.OPMEA. This preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEABES'OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, utereFARY:ORGANE;ICTO.' • It may be relied on es•thobest mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large class of diseases otboth Z i trih% ' :f l Asi l io t tt e L f i l i r tY7t P s ii9°l itim " t i l l o P riNe nt .retra N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask" for I TARBAN I t'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CURERS. AND COPAIBA, And take nothing else, as ithitatiog and willies& prepa. 'rations, antler similar!. atom the Market:Price $1 00. Sent by express on receipt of price: „Manure°. tumid only .by • TAItRAIcT :CO., No: 218 • Greenwich street, corner of Waitert street, New York, audits* sale bruggists generally. "' ' 0et.22-dly For sale by S. A. KUNKLE 4-'BRO., and by Draggists generally. : ' ! nuti3uurs' 'BALM, FOR beautifying the oomplexion, eradicat ing heckles, eruptions, sunburn and tan. It is the most eatraerilitite7 89A delightful toilet article ever. -die : covered It changes the.sunburnt.. face and. hands , to a pearly. like; satin 'texture and' betitay, lorring the cote - platter frataktitriiiit - and smooth. It re- Moves pimples, tetter, tan and Toughness. It Is what laity , 0 0 u4 1 .: hav e ,Lind: Artna disPeriSo• with when once used. : Sole agents for this city. For sale by the bottle or'&tier!. - S. A. KUNKEL Sr. BRO., Apothecaries, 118 Market. street, Ilurrisbuig. febll.dtf* S ILi A": D, EIANO. FORTE_ . fiIAODSONS, SIIEET 11041 r,OLitiS,, Flutes, Dnitars,- Banjos, Strings,: Drums, Fifes, and all;kinds of Muslim; leitirchaudiee.- , Picture rrames,,Looking Photograph' Cards - ,titid, ' Albums, -Arehretype Gems; Ehr„ravings,•Pictures, ROrtunalicr the place, No. 12 :Third street, the' larger Music Store this side of the greatTities. jan2B-dtf Important to Truckers and Gardenesr, SEEDS-by the BUSES:EL or POUND, of ell: :: the Leading and beat. early. N 7 ariOtleff. - Poua Beane; Ram—'4l, Cabbage, "Winningstadcl & Cu., Beet ) Currut Par., snip, Rootabaga, Onion; AM: The above veed of fur :ale are raised in New York State, by one of the Inn t responsible seed grquers iu the country. I have :p¢ . - chased, from them_ for—a mumber of yearn and always• found them true to llab*:irtarlfixidb, *earlier than seed raised farther South.: - • • -J. MISIi • • - _ Keystono-larin-and. Nurseryi. Harrisburg. • - P. S.—Orders. wanting immediate attention drop in the Post Okla°. No -orders - will be taken for any kinds' of seed less than by the pound, or one-fourth pound of four varieties. [feb2.s ; ] DENTIS N 0.119 MAILKET .5 w.j.4, , Teeth psitively extracted witttettt, pip by .tile use of nitmUsokide._ - • 1 - ••-- • • octl-dtt JUST OPENED, AN ASSORT,XENT OF AosEw P',44 1.4940-N Y WRIT! Cili• DESKS, -4 Pitif aravrent sizooV.,sate Rt driol9' ' !..6011EVVER'S BOOKSTORE. Wholesome bind Colienieut Sub- stitute ; WIFFERVESCEITTr ri a RONSO,YiIg• .124 They serve to)deOgastellte'dougb; or fihtter, with carbonic acid, which by its. eitjinilon .in cooking pro duces levity, whiteness and- digestibility, without elmi ruitirigh,single nuttititd'element, or adding thereto any thing which the system! does • not:, constantly require. They enable a cook to mike ;lie most 'oolong bre,ad, the sweetest and lightest caked . wit um to give satisfaction, or no--Sales sold; Wholesale and retail by. • /31* - 44:49, mai-tf • - ' 118 DiarlokstrtoVgarrlstoirg. _ _ NOIMtIC OVSTERS--Real Sidte i 'Hiaier the Jones House. York - River Oysters, a fine article, andarthe Jones House. Also, Terrapins, which wiifiga BeiTod upin fine style at short notice under the•JelieS_H . ouse,'by • - • no 30 JeSEPEL SNIVELY. ORANGES! ORANGES! !-20 boxes in - Prime order." Just received wholesale ittuVreliul;: I'o2_ . - -WIL.DOCK, Js, &:co:7' • VAENPH, TIB4LS--.43arg:artiele, just re l.::.[febB]. . W. DOCK, Js. & CO. VINE ROMANO MURRY,: imported in 1848. Wanunted the Finest Sherry Wine in this country.: ForWo at Tif.. DOCK, Js., & CO. tob2 . . . IrtiMiZELF.I3.FATIID VIRGINIA , . OIL OF ..A L Aix, and Day & Martin's London Blacking, just re ceiredrand tof 'WO" by; - PIT"W MOCK. Ja., & ClBOVER.:SEER‘zop:ilaindred and Fifty lJ Bushels prime Ohio Clever Seed for sale by febt29-Iw* FAY & KUNKLE. C°X'.° - SP.A_PaLLING: GZLA.T.IN, the best iirsithurodjust received and tat Bale b fIAT.SDPS AND SAIJ•ES of tlap,dioost_ sup jtfik iiinahred and for stile by • [ feta] W 14.,. DOCK, & Co. BOXES selected from late importations, and tbomost, sdpgrior over brought tot e is market at this seaaeritjime•fieettmd. and for sate b y - - Lf.e l 4l : ' • :DOCK, Ja A P P'll - E - S% -. 7 1863. We have just,repeived a. tine selection of APPLES, in prime order. rm.' kalif Sy' the barrol t :bushel or small quantity at. DOCK, JR,, CO, QMOKED SASMON.—.III37, SMOKED gnmeis P.Lifyeccifyoc 'feta A - PATRIOTIO • OUR CONSTIngIO2I,,BVERNMENT AND UNION. "Our Govemmtntin'Aft exposition of the Constitution, for popular use, , By X. WK.ornrx„:. Price $L For sale at dela ' DEMMER'S BOOKSTORE. TOBACCO t AND CIGARS: 100 BOXES CONGRESS AND NAVY' TOBACCO. 400,000 FINE CIGARS. • 100,000 COMMON For sale by -tffeli2o:l*l EBY & KUNKLE ALL persons having Grape Vines of choice varletret, , which' thV wish' ttPhaire pruned, can have it done in the boat Insaner and free of charge, by addres Bing a Rote through th.o.Piiiit Office to 'JACOB MISR N. B —Thuprecca tgifakmi,dati n lath er are most !avant: hie for . r. :2: - :' . febl6 LEA & P O R EMS WA:WESTER SAUCES, the most populatandilie"putiast ever offered to the public, just ref4l - 14 imstfol• sale by &LI WM. DOCK, JR.,& CO. Qty RIITOB,eiVINES:AIIO.43RANDIES ever 0 offered in this market. In bottles and by the gal. ozi or quart, x, Pedal. • cWII. DOCK, &CO ALARGE" lot of best quality of Mercer Potatoes just roceived and for solo by BOYF,RA:WitPSR, 'deel24cf No. 3 Market Square. 40 - Tox 2;!47fGetEaffigftior r!leerai !tb s JOBWIPTISBIFruticS kit*: DURHAM MUSIOX' thlo)4l,m1 7 " . ported, tiliser*: 4 l :. e.4:o44o•l34rl. febi : A. 41.• POPEL AA; Ala _ , . ORANGE&I. ORANGES large iattpertortSioliy./143 , tint44.1r1, • ..; quantity at 'mal t • 1. BOXER & HOEFLPER IitirIOHE.NEE'S ezoelsior haws, of Wit' •'..‘ ai l . lion% (luring. • Just recetria and-fok dec.l6 W. WOK, 4a., PINE APPLE CHEESE—Norton s brated, at [no2o] WK. DOCK, Ja., gig €O. UNE ORANGES and LEMONS for sale at JDUN alaira, wholesale 8,14 MAIL dtr 'RAILROADS. 1863 WINT.Mt 1864 AIEtRANGEMENT--,1 BAIL R-0 A D S. CS/ELAN - GE OR HOURS:L-0n and after Mon twzll nPaer trains win rn roiza;,eepz FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRIIBURO. LOMB //Mimi .crwil " Glienw..stle ... i. .- .'..Z..:.2......). -: : 1 • ___ . .l .• -- E• -f irliv!9t." 4 . ' 817 - -4:40 O 9 ul**37 ' l) n *: ' . -; ''• •Iliiie'lit?.'.. ... rB. - in :- 17 .- 58" 'Leaves Shippensburg 9.00 1.28 .NeWidlle io;t ... .... 4...i..i.4 ,ti .....4..9.82 3.00 " Carlisle 10.10 2.42 " Ihellatilnal?pg.., ; ' .10.42 3.12 Arrive at Harrislitirg - • •--•• : . - • - 11.13 3.40 FOR CHAMBER4MpIiG AND HA 47.1*TD1172!: Lefive Mechanicsburg " Carlisle '" ' Shippensburg ;Arrive at Cbarabersburg..... Leave Charnbersburg " Greencastle 1L55 5.30 Apple at Hagerstown . ' • ' .12.35 ' '6:10 Makitireiose connections at Harrisburg with trains for:, Philadelphia, ,New York and. Pittsburg ; and with trains for all points West. 0. N. LULL,. Alspl. B. 4: Office; cktrikboiiblirg; Nov, 1882.1 y READING RAILROAD. WINTRWARRANGEMENT. T TRUNK LINE FROM THE G .tiORTH amd, Northwest for. Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lobation, Allentown, Easton, are. , Trahrs leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New Yoik, Rigtding',Pettsville and all :intermediate stations, at 1.00 A. M., and. 2.00 P. st.. • • Now York Express . leaves, Harrisburg at, 6.80' arriving at IfeW Ydrit'at 1:45 the same day. Fares from Harrisburg; To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $3 85 and ,$3 00. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New :York at' 6 A. x. ,12 noon, and 7 5.10., (Pittsburg Express.) I.AntvesPhiladelphia at 8-15 e. an 3.80 r. st. Sleeping:oars in the New York Express Trains;thrinigh: • Co and from PittabUrg without obinge. Passengers by the Catawlssa: Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. x., and 2.15 r. 0., for plitladelphin, New York, and all way paint.S. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. IL and 2.30: r. x., pi Philaaelphiai Harrisburg and New York.• • ni3;Acootuniodakton paesengar.train leaves .Reading 6.00 A. x. andunturns from ..Ehilad.olpjaia a 4 PAIO.IP, ggirAli the &dye' traitts - rini (War, Sunday excepted. A Sunday tralirleaies Pottsville at 7,80 e. x., andThil.: adelphia lit 3.15 R. : : • • Commutation, lineage, Seaspu and .Sxoursiptitigkets at roduded rates - to find - from all points. G. NICOLLS, ' - - GeneralSuperintendent,-- Novembur 14, 1863-41k.w11 HOTELS. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL,, HARRIWITIteC-P.N-' • . • COVEJELLY AUDTCHISISN Proprietors. ITIMS well known. Hotel. iiow in a jOndi , tioirtiiteemmxtbdabli the - tativeling public, affording 'the moat ample cenieideiidetraliko for•the transient guest and the permanent boarder. • DIE UNITED STATES HOTEL bas,been entirely rent tdd throughent, and now' -hag 'accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsbum , Itslctiatioteis thelkbest ;in the State tempi being in easy acees3to all the railroad depots, and close proximity to all.the putdic.offices and business 10. cantles of the city. It has mitt - all the conveniences of . A 1 4. 1. , 88.2 . q 44 and the Prtiirtitoriara detennlned to osparo neither tor, penoN.' time or-laboir to emote _ fie gi to tosellog joiblto-bfvespectfally Pited!' .:: : - ApltAitt_i STATE -, OALPrrAT,. -- .11 - OT.EL; -ccittiaavoiTtaitvop'wAuttrr srIZ FL rs, • • • ••• • •11Alitift117.11.#, WI 11 has enlargeleandilickeiglilYieleitiied' It. -:Thetoorristayq beep:re-painted and papeted.,inittbik• efitiraoloallslimeut Oqaiatly santly and eligibly lcierite4,"#iid:yeq4l , lo withoveryeon yentencei It &cis to the publkalltie comforts and Inati ribs of drat, class hoteL Trusty anil obliging Vervante: always iti..ettendance. 4-bur. vrell, stacked ,wjahlehalce-. liquors 184404044 , doge:44lY • • • • Tllo.l4PSOY,,Peellee_l44,- •J 6 :go sE . int RaisuLuß G.; , 'PR.Prif-A:: •• - . Vitt i. l ff;iAtlNNi, ' Proprietor. NEIiI7'I3A.KERAr Broad, Street, between Second and Third, _`RAE!'SBUA r i gIE L" I3I 4 44, . 8 .11 1 04 :3))44 4 c , 9 Pelted a new BA : air,'ln:taz ixtliward, where he is..prerstred to eupply BREAD AND CASKS ohtilg .g . date. He warrants satisftiotffind - all'who'Will give him a calL He will sell his bread at the rate of PI VIE. E 141 . :P -P •P 0 N and fall weight getitOulUti:4 -JOHN TALOIOItW. Jane-dtf ELIALEf.s sApEs. Gaup •W ' 6 'r O Wo • rion_ s. I HE attention. o£ business men generallyl is invited to the supertor advantages of this Safe over ail-OtherkiFFireind Burger Pratt ifuldltfei: - • TYCO are all secured by. a Gombtnation without :key or keyhole, and the whole entaiddof the-SafeJis CHILLED IRON, (from 1X inches,ttr2 inches-'thick,) and is proof against. the punt} and the miereef-perWctey, - fierfre. qu a l ity employed by burglars• in-their "operations. 'De scriptive olrOttlare.fUrniebedlby , ,! • -GE& W. PIRSONS.• . 110 Market street, Harrishun d ', - "Agent for Central Penna. nONETITANIAVY:KIEELC: ;Every description' of Dormant amt Portable "Platform' styes, Ray, Coal and Stock Scales,. Ballread :Depot - turd Track Scales, Furnace gunit g*-9 adesp Amity :Wales:ma Counter Scales. •:;•••= • These Scaled hull seyeraIiDdEPOIVEANTADVAGER- They receive the wear and friction always on chilled iron bails under the pkttfconr irtsteadofAaddiviogit tin the knife pivots and dulling them.. No Jarring of the , rdst:- c r not affects the working of the scale. Haveierie , chedk rope to confine the platform. Will weigh whercixt: leial. Largo scales requhoinhdeep.pitentorart, fotindation, &n, than any . othetacalea Full lafortnationaginiaho sabsmitter, ,. who agent for Central Pengsyl{p nje eft turer's Prises. GEO. W...PAR50.,. , : rely-dam : ; :ilo..lgarket street, Ilanrhkah.,,tt IpSrrING, WEDDING, INVITATION, .. • :.azoo:o.llC9inkcAßDS--BYio, aVolol , eXPLtigetta% with ine•efait bed engmYene.iii the- country, cards of inty description will be exec:Me/Lin ,tko MOW stwie:;of , :is, conformable with tho . Vftrr4ton ldi su i aio nisfigit iromigiy, et lower prle,e3:o44Sic - n -e,n„ i n New 174: or_jlitAel_pb,m; , refAmptes d prices 1 4 4 ' - , - .7 , 'W"TaWRPDV , VfigtE. mcbtl,dtf ' , - MMMI I . " Ali • v itig h4l , ,1 2 ;c14a..1n eD ,41416: AMGE MEAT .— A fresh lot just received for sale by NA BOYER & ROMPER. HAVANA ORANGES, jastreceived at ado WuDIMIK, Ja i 00 !=== ...7.00 2.i. . . ... 8:05 1 - .85 8.47 2.15 2.55 8.29 • ..3.0.83 coo. • 11.00 - L3O 4.50 DR. JOHN.L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS , Are the only known remedy that will sneoesemliy and invariably restore and.reelatetheVamelosystere remov ing all Irregularities, and prUnang _health, Vigor and .elrength, "" Arc a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affeciedoiltilst pills and powders Ant only. reach,them, they work ffirouglitsyßixtthyaut not. at all direct and 'Are Yon sniffF4ng ARR ccePstart anxiety frtr.t.iszt. hir return of nature'rpresctibed liars P.. Give yourself no uneasiness, forMoiegPerindleilDroptip if taken a day or two before the expected period, will posi tively and invariably regulate its coming, as aura as effect follows cause, as certain as daylight. follows daiimesa Are yon sick, stifeehyrd by disease r nrAnsithato bear the labor and danger of increase Came to es a hhising, fel: is not ire" ventlou hetkeitikau • If..rogshirly taken, It cartsin,-preyentive, iaveltursiur,h and'illatly Wags ofluilbrht,g. y.deibeen afflicted- formaiwyears wittioonsplainti! incident to the sex, that have battled the skill of cline, andare hurrying you on to'an early grave? v't Are the mosi raliavfe titalataieVir hiatwit;tind - tuie, ski maileodratetutarfegerarithaLthakbitreileited the &aorta Witt Atewasie awiir wittr-e6terh4 trete Leliatailara, — Prolapatu rtyeramarthes, attka thousand otymdittlea:-. WA; Itft sumbikt dp_tuider the name of, aMpre.seed and obetriclett nuttte*,-When ittlitteatment or cate deller ri • ' • ;.. r • - ...: . 1 win - .PIMP• - , - Do-Lot nietlie drops wieti-lididddrninithe erections, ior altholgh g posittve-ouna . .ana hairdos at :all .othen Unit* they are so powerful and finely calculated to odium, and govern the functions of the sexual organism, thati - if taken at improper...slums, they:wonitV•Pwiliace-ORWILte.n. Crary to nature;agailiat trlde t h -- sW.partleialerlyWltfo • would reproduce, should carefUlly guard. I Cannot ham:CUM' most deli=te constitution M any, time yet the proprietom , wish Act:: gaani..againatiiti. hoping that a thousand bottles will tifiossaiiigj,geagFpapt pose where one is russt for. a 1 1, 01 0110 4 1140, ' --- the never-falling Female Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist, In the city fad gauntry, and do not, if you value your health and•iiish for' a 'reliable medicine, buy any other. Take no 'other, but if the Druggist, to whom you apply has not got itt matEd hiria Send:Mid get it rot;:you,-,7, JOHN4TON,:aaLLOW . -AY A-90W.DER MEDICAL. CM El ma • I= 1 4 a==.l • • 7 7. - •_^. ...- ~- ~~ EIMEIERMI 124 THE GREAT FEIITALE: REGULATOR, ::,. _ INON'S:PIIIIIODia&L.,,DROPS BM! • - r• LYON'S PERIODIOAL. LYON'S PRIODIOAL DROPS LYON'S pußronie.-lißcirs. M!EMlEllffi LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, "c. 6 CLAIM & PR6PBIE7'OBE4~, Neu! Haven, Conn. Nort/Alath Street; Pralidelpibi,7 _._ ~E._. ,~ _ 0 11Y...'.4 -.IIE - ": 2 . - . 2 • c 42 . 1 ••••• 11 1 1611 t :41?kOt ili Ig , IODS---JUST OPENED! AT - iturNEß's e d Stationery Store. , every new and improved style of OCKET BOOKS, r HOLDERS, CES 22, 1, B og , Dl m A-tio / 1.7 MAGIC CI, WIN .POCIEW BOOKS, BUOKBKRI PURSES ; • POZINONNAris t &a. at prices to snit ail • POCKET CUTLERY, Coosluting ore fine ex*linilitt or WOZOlholten Superior Pocket ffaitec. Erma Newton's eetebncted manufactory. 'Every Ringo with a guarantee. PORT IVLIOB, WRITING • . ROSEWOOD MSS, PAPlfflgiftiolhe Topther with o:very supSe msaally: found in a tins d m EPok:and.Srationar astabliatuvent, at • myl2] BEIRGNEIVS, 51 Ifiritet lend PEIPIMVS - DAILY LtICE • BIGTIATMEN puThADEr.p.mis, Lock Raven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mau ry,. Uniontown ; : ; Watsontown,. Milton, Lewisburg, N orthumberland, Sun bury Treverton, Georgetown, - *.:zilykenstown • Millersburg, • " - Dauphin, AND lIAERISBITELG. _ss,Fhilaitelphin Depot being oentralb- lowled t the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with ea& train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD 4-FREEIVBII Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock P. x, will be delivered in Har risburg the nest morning. - Freight Always as .Low as by Any Other JOS: MONTGOMERY 1 - 100. Philadelphia• and Reading FoottdMarket strect,-Earrisbury„ w421-tf BAGS! BAGSFRAGS! - - NEW AND SECOND - -HAND SEAMLESS, BU.RLAP AND GUNNY . 13 A. G.- S . FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES . • PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JII3HINT T. BAILEY Si. CO., 0/6. 113, NirOte Raid St., Philadelphia. COFFEE, SUGAR AND MILK. PERSONS making up bones to send to their friends litt he army, will find this an elegant article; one box making, forty cups of coffee-,.egnal to any JILTS Cone, and with little indoor. For side at no 24 WM DOCK, JA , & CO. EIMIE - SUCIINTORIPS" PBCTOSALr SYRUP. MRIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en j_ tirely vegetable in: its composition, has been em ployed with wonderfulsnocess for many years in theanre of diseases for the AIRTAMAGM and LUNGS For nay form of the disease, sear as COWIE, TICKLING of the MO_ SITITINGitF BLOOD,.DIFFICILIKEBREATIMG, :121.0". — .MMI3-11111:;LOSSOF VOICg and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attendediritirthe litippiiit result?. It is one ad the,best amheafest,medicines for all fortes of BRON iCRERS and CORRUPTION. Ap r lauthartune or epare koia 6 1xittn in egos thwe is air IbtrW , •• i • •- , PRICE $l.OO PEW - BOTTLE. _For sale at MAGNER'S ctiespitoc*Stalre._ DA - NUEL A. MIiENCN GEIII Othe orci Wallower Lice, reetfr monatke dly forms the public that this Old Thiilf ; Line the only Wallower now in existence in this ' , amyl: in successful operation and prepared to carry :fieig as law as any 'other Individual line betweinabila 'delphia, Harrlsbarg r Eemboxy, Lewisburg, Willhunsport, :Jersey Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and ErilaishWillianisport ;and Elmira Railroads.... . ' linTEMiEf, Agent. pirrtsbft: Penn'a. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Mears. Peacock, Self .& Thrchmin, NOS. $OB and 81 . 0 'Market street, above Bth, ,Thilaciellobla,by 4 o'flcock,E.*., will at Harris - ,buirg,ti!lidY Rti delivery, next morning. fap3o,rdmyl Look Here SOLDIERS, YOU :WILL BO WELL BY: CALLING . .. AT .. . 815 4000 1 -?;$ - 1 140KSTQUE9 „ . SIGN OF THE.!%MERICAN FLAG," And-Firth:um your • - • - 1 74. 7 21i • 1 AIN I •V CIUM HMSTAHDR, : • . ALKMNi nbIipPHOTOG H ALBUMS, . . PHOTOGRAPHS, Made of the very best roatertia - and - for ado at very 1,7.0. Prfcel. R e member the PISMITift4iIOOkSIOSEL_ jan29 Sige_ortheaviverkan Flat libtrriebow.-.. MUST BE SOLD! WALL .PAPE.III I :BORDERS. - Afazwrians'2o9.lo7r. Bee to he rernoied on the first of'Apra lroa. Stock of Wall Paper must be reduced; and will thotielbrp, be Sold at very low pricmi desirous of Papering their will do well to examine-his assortment and prices:— Deoqnlber MX' -r.- TfLEW:F NEEDIER. 43/rFive cents cash paid for clear mixedßaT eg g e r Pound. .Old.Booka . wanted for ash: - (MIRK PECltiltALSare tulefol to soothe a conk allay Tickling in_ the Tbnoid, to relieve Ectizseness, Catarrh, Sore. Throat,- &C. They contain Cohatedt,=Horehounds listeicatadity Sett* - and Wy, (tbs mist reliable:expectorants .known,) are the ehierAe r live constituents, so bletuteirwith Gtop_Antlic and Sugar, 44 each lozenge contaids a *Malted 'pleasant dose. Manufactured M solely by S. li A- k. jtin27, Apothearies, 11,8 rker 3l.l3l streellarriebaig• MORTONIYGOLD PENS =I Another lot of llorton's UNRIVA.G.G.C.D.,.GRApe I Fej#NB, !Ault ineeived at Schelfees Boil:stare • ;Airptins inunnyita for one yam. _ 1 ALPHMACLA.Y, • A P - 2'11)21V - 1 tr-A T -I. f d W. Office with D. Fleming, Esc, Second Eamat, Durtainur Strict attention paid to all lend bilaitt* collection; tary claims, penskina, &c. - Exempt outtromdrafti mpared and adiricegiten.. • datkilexttn* ÜBLIO HO QVa,:- - • irELOOL SLaffiSerdiffekentrfeari,WMlsbilli 'element aeries of Spellers anelktlMidersigarbilstred r itp, Harper & Brothers, together with all other &A:tool Books and Writ ing Materials are offered, wholesale and•retall, at c. ,-.SCHBFFBEIBBOOKgroItE. MORTON'S GOLD:P-IEIU. Another lot'of Airton's nPanea c ia '' rPens fbr BOOKSTORE [deb All pens warranted for one, year. I t RI; : I . I: ' and _ na-w YoluKferATF-caN/spi BOYER & 'WEEPER. AV [no2s] i r : T r l H 3 E P B_ C GO U O , D r EV B .Ja OO k f e K edS— .:lct, U Tar q o P U • B SE rßTKKoNNAlES,an_tnsta_yof -3pRONEWS grORF' 4LlefiNAol3l. ALMANACS! LANEF-A.STOR ALMANdes Jost ►keeeised and for ale - '- - - - nol9 plEtEpimii , atooks* tE. ICrAVANA ORANGES, just recieved at n 025 --11031&-ViERPSE. 000 U : 8 49d C° . st.. D Gt E r ri °f. tast the= - - LRAM 4 .vat DOCK, JR., 4.0 sale by Plic rie iss4-4 a .ft uar tP" 4441" a snmc boa, just, received d fbr cede by wx Doa, Ca BUCKWHEAT! BUCKWHEAT !—A tonsil - 2 - 0 lot but superior quality of Buckwheat, direct thou Town* sack Pa., for sale by the OF part, as jes2ll ROM k KOKBPAR CELLANEOUS. GOLD zwsrs, PIIILE .CONCENTRATED CENCI [febl)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers