Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, March 22, 1864, Image 2

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    ti rtiquiplj
Liberty a Chimera
According to the Tory Organ and the Jour
nal of Commerce, the prinoit le of slavery, the
right to barter inhuman lips, is so strongly
engrafted in the Constitution, Unit it can never
be removed; and all efforts tending fo its re
mold must be accounted insane, irrever
ent and inconsiderate. 4iltheibishbets even
go further tktap. this Jmassuraingthat thezarei
suit, of litterty_is chime/ifai.—tkit. frr
itseifis- I iligtig. I A thlttile .- :1 , t'+;',...
b e m ? dUlien g t fi.iDlaiocr4a, Aitit ..' . -
ple, we are bound to accepktheiT-t!tte gas
in consonance_WitlanintmodtErdientecratic
principles. In, the . pur,suitlof
freedoni alivayS nientis'the 'elevation of infix;
i is improvement, education, and establishment
on a basis of respectability. Bysuch means it
was designed tostrengthen the nation, because
the more intelligent:the people are, so much
the more powerful in prof.Ortiiii, bOiniies thb .
Government. But; itcc,Coi4 fr.,o ;the.,tAtogiWir
of the ; Tory Orga _ `nl itischlur n - seek the
increase of the power ofAtheiGovernment, by
elevating the Tapp/9 7 -1v improving their con
dition. No compact muat , bechtinged,lshielC
will tend to weaken slavery ind iniiireVe:fieer'
dom—while compromiseiyind concession must
be ever made to flatter - Enid coneiliate,slavery.
These are the new ''dectrines of *the . bemo
°ratio party. Let it be remembered that such
doctrines are not preached merelyte increase ,
the bondage of the Afaiba*".lt, is.against
labor that the crusade
,is irkedfagainst the
elevation and the improvement of the laboring
masses—because wherever slavery exists,. it
tends to the degradation of labor among the
white as well , ea the black men. And strange
as,it may .ap pear,, this ehimera of freedona;lits
always been a practioallidert:with the Demo
erotic leaders. With the 'African oil firer, they
_ made slavery the rneans.of securing his degret
dation, and with : the Anglo American, they
hale made free trade, a competition With all
the pauper labor'of Europe; the"infidenee of
achieving the same end. In the'future when
it suits the purposes of these men, they will
denounce the pursuit and advecicy of ; all, re
ligion which does not approve and inphold
slavery, as another chimera. Indeed, the his
tory of - the World shows, that tlfe ruitiona
which deiqtethentiolVego the iefence of e
instittition.of slaveiy. weri qtrgt, th - e n ,:
op t
or atiettiatdeinecttnteibl alit ctil a tiite
del' In' SaAoleir 11 'r Y
_..._, pro ession. ,_,„
t is
there, then, to prevent the advocates and up
holden of American.ralaVery fienliaiii;ing at
the same woeful condition?
Mr. Bigham, Chairman of the Committee
of Ways and ,Means, .has elicited the approval .
of nearly the ~en • press. oftthd , Common=
wealth, 133, the preposition-to-repolt a bill iill
creasing, the salaries of tliejii`d;el n , the dif:
ferentjudicial diatricts of the State. Ne• State
in the Union can now boast at traoreqearned,..
more respectable or patriotic body of men;
than those composing our JudiCiary.
there are individual exceptions, whose politi
cal passions and prejudices in certain in
stances, impelled them to acts more disgrace
ful to themstalvesllidif - j s uitice, yet
as a body, the'Judiciant the Vide may be
relied on asdrt all respects the best that could
possibly -be had; and therefore it becomei
the proper authorities' to• see ilikt the judges
are liberaliy ) rernuneratedfor
~their labors.
The peculiarity of the position of a judge, de
bars him from entering the market, to • barter
or chaffer like other men, for the accumnia:
tion of wealth—the dignity
,to ,supported
before the world, preventais r andge from taking
part in most •Of itt3 Axuainesstilbrthas; by
these usages, the indiffdiiP 4vho occupy ju
dicial positions are left in' most cases, to live
entirelY-on their salaries. Let thoSe salaries
then be not only adevnite to
,sustain a proper
living, :but letthemadso434,-taised-tod
aid w*okivillsMablejudiehilailiein to
vide means for their familica l , !At, e r ase of death
or incapacity from business' by sickness.
Every principle of equity approves of such a
standard of judicial - Salaries—and we are
heartily glad to .spe. the proposition of:ltir.l
Bigharn tiri‘ the subject, thus almost unant.,
moritlydtpproved by the friends ,of- tire' Cern=
menwealth.• '• • • AND purarrEn -an article, it few
days since, on the subject of the intention of
the American people to rule Amerinar—hy.the
entire masses assuming and exercising: the
right to decide who shall be candidates , for
office, and how those candidates shall 'demean
themselves when in power. Our idea on .this
subject was realized, when we .. neticed tha
fact that a delegation of the Workingmen's.
Democratic Republican Association of New
York had presented an address to Abraham
Lincoln, asserting their preference for his re
election to the Pre,sideney. This is a move
ment from the right direction. . It shows that
the American people are awakening to a sense
of their power, and when -epee they._ cart real
ize how effeetual is the influence . they 'can
wield, we may expect not only to have peace,
but enduring prosperity.
PAYAZIX tsfGorax--Financiers de= .
clare that althongli tire immense importationii
have casseds surplus of pildin the Treasury,
it Will not remain there a great While, even if
none Of it is sold by SepretaryChise under the
provisions of the talked-of gold bill. The re-'
cent authorization of $200,000,000 more 81'4
per cent. stook will add $ 1 2,000,000 to the
amount of gold hi - be annually paid out for
interest, whickwill 'Qualm swollen to sod,-
000,000. The approPrlittona for the next fiscal
year will be at least $L000,000,1:109,. ioad if -it
is rase e by new issiztif sioSIE, the interest
will rise to $120,000,000 per annum, payable
is gold.
Retaliation as a Democratic Creed--A
Letter from Vallandigham.
The Peace Democracy, in utter violation of
their AVDwed,pr,#Loiple,s, a,r(),. advocating" the
doctrine aieffiliatiOrt by 'mob . law. - Peace
Democracy evidently means peace with the
traitors but internecine war at home. It is
in accordance with the ex-Presiderit Pierce
program p_ before the war, in which he laid
down • CourztsT4th. : strait:l,lga ~reil :. ..
with : ~ oilignEtisOof a ar with thirSoltlS . ).
Disc ;;.ine*lt a fo ' Wit all i thENWo
cripis .. titapi•,,,.f ---''' elt.iin . ' e
free S • • -the sette of strife, and ipaake
their prellietion good, the Pierce-Vallandigham
D.emocriferhaVelmiftantly - deterfaTzleartZi'bitit*
ate a civil war. This is tole inaugurated un
der the term retaliation. We have noticed
tlfelitiSSage of - ffigobitibilt - in . sundryDiriali- -
. .
men - • - .
°ratio conventions recommending the Democ
c - • .
upon therfnidaipafTlai*ln of ,the land in re
taliation for any ••ontbreak of indignant and
indiscreet soldierli. - .. Vitilariclighati has sounded
- this cry retaliation in a letter written to . l
the Dayt4tiEfilitir% e . : ,p'opi;iet, , 6-rs, ';sjibtie4b.ekt'
to the outrage perpetrated upon that office by
some returned veterans. 'That great unhung
has . , finally .takf i n leavfs.-of s his nautil- cliltil l
blooded dilgretiOn, and - cfpeili, agocates the
adoption of mob as follows: ...-.., . ,
. . . .
. . WINDSOR, C. W., March 7, 1864.
Messrs. Illabbarti d; Brothers, Dayton; Ohio:
• Gm :rumen : I read several days ago the
telegraphic announcement- of the "riddling"
of the Empire office by "furloughed soldiers."
' I offer you noTairainethYilfor - that rwitl avail
nothing now or. hereafter. _ I do express to
',you my pfbfornid -reiref'thitt youtwge not
;prepared to inflict on ,the .spot, and.. in tt.‘
midst of. the asatinW Ali f 'complete Prinis'
meat which the assailants deserved, but am
gratified to learn that some of them did .soon
after receive their deserts. But these cow
ardly acts cannot always , be guarded against
and they do not primarily come from the "sol
diers." -illitireis; therefore,• but,ona, Ff m e e . dwy.
for past and`Preventiie of future injuries, -and
that is, instant, summary, and, ample reprisals
upon the 'persons and' propertg of the men at
home who, by language and conduct, arc always
inciting to these outrages.
No legal or military punishment is'ever :in=
flicted upon the immediate instruments. Re
taliation,. therefore; is - -the only land rightful
remedy in times like these. I speak advised
ly, and recommend it in all :cases hereafter.
It is, of .no avail to announce the- falsehood
.that "both parties eoadeMie- it," after the de
straction has been . consummated.. Tini':timis
:has gone by for obedience.without protection.•
I speak decided language, but the continued
recurrence, of these ontragesfrequeritly at:.,
teriffell - Witlemuider, and always 'Without re
dress—demands it. They must be stopped,
let the consequenceis be what they may. Re
prisals in such cases aro now the only way
`left - for a return law and Odor. Very truly,
Liticky in America;:-What st.44;enchntan
. .
I ' thtnks g) . ' Pr esident . Lincoln. .
• M. Edward:Laboulaye, well known in this
country by hr writingS' on Americas: affairs,
'has recently been; delivering a series of leo
tures before the College of France.on the Con- , .
stitution of the United States, which have-es
cited the greatest interest in Paris, the lee
ture-roonkbeking crowded weekly to overflow
while hundreds have been unable to gain
admission._ The following - bran extract from
Vie of these lectures, in which this ardent ad
mirer of America 'aild` elear-sightea, lover,of
conititUtional liberty, directly contradicts the
statement,lyith Nr.,ich t. tlae government is 4?
often asiailSd b;1 1 .1 eneinie's in thil'countrY.
From it may,be•seen,the impression , left upon
the minds of intelligent men in.Eurbbeby the
persia tent - denunciation, of Coppeihead politi-,
cians and newspapers, as welLas the estima
tion in which President Lincqrnieheld_by mitt
of the scholars ,of the present time:
"America, despite the war, has preserved
liberty. , I know that the contrary is affirmed,
but if you.readthe .American: journals, if you
see the manner in which the President of the
United States, Abraham ,Lincoln, is treated,
you willsobnbeedified concerning This pre
tended repression of liberty in America. In a
line public assembly, held not long• since,
the celebrated ex-Mayor of. New 'York, Fer
nando Wood, accused the President, and [el
those who are opposing•slay'ery, of having dis
figured America; winch was now'a white hee.d
pn a yiegro body. Yet,l dd - .not see. .that an
restraint was put on his anger and •menace -;
America is strong metier not to be 'afraid - ,
"As to despotUnn, the American journals
have amused themselves with our European
terrors; it is, difficult for thena,te, take, irk' ear
nest, Abiuhana I. Emperor of the Americans.
Abraham Lincoln will.certainly,not be Empe-;
ror atAmerica. A name has beenlgiven him
which will be ratified by history Honest
Abraham `, :the Citizen 'tllatilid net desiaiiof his
country, the magistrate that energetically de
fended . the cause otliberty and the unity of
the iioriritrythis title will siifficehiki, , and,
to 011 ; the,triitb, ittis morsgOlorioris than that
of Caesar:" •.: • - • • ... - _
"Pilexi . ;*itungii4re",C(iiiporheitdism
The kind of Copperheadism.. which wail
squelched in:New'.ll.ainpilaire last Tuesday,
may ',be inferred from the - following speech;;
deliiered by one of the:leading "Democratfc"
politicians; J. 1 3 .. -s lifuiti/iy., 7 4t :Newington, N.
• . •
"The Demobrats'haVe Submitted to the des
,potiel`swair. of Abe Lideoln for three years;
thinking it better to endure wrong for a short
time;',o*.nn to risk all by a last appeal , to arms.:
But now; tie time is coming when we can
clquige:our rulers. .Rather than submit four
:years longer to Abe Lincoln, and be overrun
by tloitlketdes of his hireling soldierylet its.ring
out the cry of , old, ". ?o your tents, 0 Israel! "
Democrats shozed arm and organize into drill
• clubs, companies, battalions, regiments and brig
ades, for those blood-thirsty Abolitionists and
shoddyite thieyes.and traitors are a wind-bro
ken, spavined, dyspeptic race, and One reg
iment of Democrats could whip three of them.
Ipur armies. have accomplished nothing; the
Army of the Potomac is'a grand pic-run ex
carsion, eating up the subsfanc,e of the na
;don; and.eoming home to vote down the lib
erties or the people and render our elections
a farce and mockery to the world."
murrays.---silas Wright, who IVIIS- one of
the beFthild purest Democrats of, his time,
knee said: "If among us there be any who are
prepF#ll, for any earthly object s to disinem
'ber our Confederacy, and , destroy that Qop.
Atitutionwhicli binds us togeetner, ii3t . the ?ale
Of an Arnold be theirs, and let Alm detestation
and curses of ovary:American be oonitant coni
;Pinions, until, , like him, they shall aban dOn
country whose rich Idessingiii they are . 'no
longer worthy to enjoy." . '
.If. Silas Wright was
living to-day, such slfebterii the Tory Organ
would denounce -him as -an abolteldonist 'taw
i fanatic; s •r
.. _~
Pennsylvania Legislature. I
TUESDAY, March 2 . 1, 18614. :
The Senate assembled at 11 0'c10e4,;:.4,14: .
A number of petitions-of of a 10cii1.1,6641
were resented andirioperly referrecV
Mr FLEMlNG:: , reporteil, from- the: hint,
calmaitted, Senate'
tatit,Ved 4 supplement to an act relatiye t.1*71
-.,tattiof George Fry, ddceased.
ItEIZWAt. i34i act to, - ****t.ito 'l% l -
Freeport and Shenaugo Valley:041014.!:t:t0
coal company.
- Bridrp..OONNELL,•-air act to 'Atithtifize
Emma Y. Donelson to sell certain real estate;
also, afl act to incorporate the Wyoming iron ,
company also, an act to.incorgor4e a branch
Of - thii German — 5 - CIOa association of the
Verein. • 4y
-;: - •
By Mr:. HOUSEHOLDER. an act revisin
-titelehoter • ..;.
Top railroacl., 41;3
By 'Air. 11,1DGWAY, an•act relative to the
Atlantic and Great Western railway.
By Mr. HOGE, a supplement to an act
.th§bolmdary lines of the borough of
Jamestown, Crawford county.
By xicams,..l. 4 , act., relative to the
and support of eharitysciools.
By Mr. L ItZRTIVI an act to incorpo ;
rate the On:" • , 'Onina land 7dOmpany.'
By Mr..GFRAIHX/f 'an act to provide for
the registration of births, deaths and mar
riages in the pwins, Of- Allegheny; also, a
supplement to-an d ciirporations
for mechanical, nd other purnoses.
By Mr. ST.. CLAIR, au act to'Spit die real
estate of Wm. Gatl3s;'deC'd, in die borough of
Kitt' nn ng.
By Mr. M.'SHERRY;a 'Supplement to the
act incorporating the Littletown railroad
company; alsci;lin act to ineofpcirate the
Gettpfliturg,tind.Emmittsburg turnpike born-
PitnY;ltlso, an the Little
town.and.Stato Line railroad company-
By.M.r.IPLEMING; an iitit •to secure to the
public the right of free travel across the
Suattitele.nne river at Harrisbarg.
GEN 81147., ,B011„Nrt
House bill No. 185, an act relating to
bounties to volunteers,'came' up in order, in
commitce of the 'Whole, (11.-. Fri-sand iri the
chair,) and, was „considered at :length, Fault
passed finally. • •
The Senate then adjourned until 3 P. 31.
MONDAY, March 21, 1861.
The House mot at 7i o'clock, and - proceeded
to the consideration of bills 'indisposed of on
the private calendar of Tuesday last.
The two. following named bills were consid
ed and passed finally:
House bill N6.' '236, s further supplement
to the act te'inobriiorate the city of Philadel
phia : That it shall be lawful for a
guardian of the poort9 s hold, a . salaried' posi
tion under the councils of Philadelphia.
House bill No, 'BOO; an not , to enable' the
Third National Bank of Philadelphia to ac
quire andhold certain real-estate.
Various petitions were presented.
SeAveral local bountY bills, etc., passed.
Joint.resolution relative to the Camden and
:Atlantio and Raritan and Delaware Bay 'talk
road, was considered and negatived. -
House bill .110. 435, an aet relating to rail
roads and calla companies, was considered•
and ppee4fniallY; - 1 % . 41 1 1 1 1 7 , 10 '1
HOtrSE 4 / 1 /` hkEPtiEE4EkTA
TUESDAY, March, 22 .)
. 18.34 ;
Theilmlse rdet gtl.o o'd'lock, and spent the
- whole morning session-blihe first reading -of
bills on the private calendar. Adjourned ti,lls
ligktUren apo.
F O•Mr.; . .;C, A I R O.
. . .
Importnnst MOttari Movements
The 17th New York infantry, arriyed from
below to:day, en ropt9
Adjutant Genera' Thcithas is stationing
troopsi • (mostly, eolcited;) at,' the , priheipal
points along the lower river to protect plan
talon trade depots. •
The 35th New Jersey
.regimentis encamped
here It is understood that it will form a
part of Veatche's division, which, it is sup
posed, will have - something` to do with con
teniplated military movement from this
Netlii; g. dermiti3„- hoWever, is' known.
The remainder of Veatche's division will
reach here soon. • • -
Admiral roficr leg Vicksburg last Satur.
day with a lame number of gunboats boats and
Firing in, the _direction, of 94 Jlee - Fop
heard laStlibridaj Natchez':
Twenty Thonsand - Rebel4, Reported at
March' 21, diSnatAi to the
tommeecial, dated :Strawberry, Pqams ; states
thatthe rebels at BullaGrap are in large . force,
probaWnMnbering . qoo.
The report of I;o3;tgestreeeahavlng sent nifty
raost,Of his artillery and wagons by railroad;
andmounted all his men on all their draught
horses, is '6.onfirined.'" 'lt is the, general beißef
that the , iebelkivit make % a,. sudden move
ment into Kentucky.
[Boll's Gnpis ozi the art Teriiie`ss`ec and
Georgia raihoad, fifty-Kix miles northeast 'lit
Knorfillb, dna about fittY'rnilessoutheast-cif
Cumborbmgl.G&P.l. - -
. .
irritstt..erislocouiptiiv ic of ciastems.
WASHINGTON, March 22. •
The following letter-of instructions was to-y
'day Sent - to all COIIEiCtOIS of Customs and spe
cial agents of the Treasury Department:
..•• Tarasoar DEPARTMENT, March 21.
Sra :—The 424 trade regulation,: series- of
.September 11th; 1861 is hereby so far mod-
Vied that on and after, the Ist day of April
-next, the invoice' valuations, permit fee on
shipments to and fromlpsurrectionary ais
trice will' thiee per' eerit. - ,l.Ateed of Rile,
as thSrhiki,ii3SCi•ibecl.'
Secrete 4 of the Treasury
Destruction of a Blockade Runner.
Nr.w Yalta, Xareh 22.
The Herakrs.K.ey - Westletter, reports that
the English blueleade finning ateacner.liani
mon,' while''attegiliting' 'run, the' blockade
,of the Sawainese river, was run ashore,,and
pro tint - her falling into our hanchfiVaS
destroyed by the orew.
Cam, March 21
)3411 Gap.-
A litatti.e iu Atoxico.
Thiee B,ussian war steamers sailed from'
this port to-day. k -
Datiee have been ite,eeived„„ froln .the,:Saiiid-f
wieh,lalandi to Maieh 5: The news is ntitha-
• " 7, ' '7. "" .:
P (ttta ** " t 44 - t
..sp.. whalers were beginnirig to, arrive a
•110 - ~- 7 -' , - -,- -.. ' P - 'l
, Arfis,„ gat crop was very promising.
-- The - itesiner Orizaba has arrived from the
northern ports of Mexico with $200,000 in
treasure and three hundred packages of ore.
The mining speculations in Sonora and Si
nola are represented as in a promising coedit
tion. -
... .
The. Mazatlan Times of March sth says the
. ..French forces left Guadalajaria'on February
.24th t ardare ,t9vrards„Culotta, And. ere
Vattre mu.sChave heti& 'fOtiihr *al&
national forces. - ;
The same paper says that commerce at Ma
zatlan is uninterrupted. but seems the pir
pose of the Pronch is to effectually blockade
all the ports south of Mazatlan.
Army of the -Patoatia4%.
WASHEINGTON . , March 21 7 -
A letter front. the 4 Army -of-Adis -Totowa%
says that nothing of importance is occurring
there. Dr. Hatfield, of Brooklyn, preached in
the headquarter's chapel yeaterday to a large
audience. An order has beenissued from the
War Department that all men who..have bee ,
transferred from their old to others,
for the'purpose of serving out their time, on
account of not reiulisting; according to a
former order,-Shall-be immediately reappoint
ed is their original organization.
Lieut. General Grant is soon expected to
review the army. Great preparation§ are ac
Deserters - briars- eomeinto our lines at an average
of from six to eight a day. A number of the
sick will very soon be removed from the
army. . •
Fortress Monroe.
Fornms MONRoE, March 213
Five guerrillas were arrested on the East
ern shore of Virginia, yesterday, and brought
to this place. They are charged with havmg
cut the submarine telegraph cable near Cher
rystone recently.
Postmaster General Blair arrived at Fort
ress Monroe this morning, and visited , the
Rip Raps-and navy=hard at 'Norfolk to-day.
No vessels came into Hampton • Roads to
day for, refuge. . • •
From 'Washington.
WAsEaxceroN, Mirch 22
The Washingen city councils have ap
pointed a committee to protest against the
passage by Congress of a Senate bill, amenda
tory of the registering law, and provi.
that every man citizen, without rregard.
oolor, who shall have been resident ono year
before, an electidh, shall be allowed the ex
ercise of the elective franchise.
Gen. Grant in Philadelphia.
Pxmaroctx.nrii, March 22.
Gen. - Grant arrived this morning from the
West, and is now at the Continenta Hotel,
On tha 9th of February, 1864, by Roy. Dr. Hay Mr.
Joust M. Haw, of S(. Loafs, ,
and •Nian-Itioautst. is=
atm', of Harrisburg.
IMPORTANT TO A-LUAU -*'ii restore
sick to health; the intemperate. to , temperance. ‘Thl
Rhubarb Wine will do It aIL think the reading of
the adrertistment will • do; we - don't blebn that But if
you will go to e K_ BEI or:PR'S Diwg Store and getuorne
of the Wine and examine it for yuarself, it will set-you
right; will warrant yon on that, Orden . lbr - wine and
wine plants taken andlilled by our •authorized agent, O.
K. SELLER, No. 91 litarktit street; Harrisburg, Pa. For
full particulars apply to or addrmi the above.
Milford, Pike county; Pa.,
mart,24tf Wholesale Dealer_ in Wine Planta. ,
C OTY It 14, Co T..T s
Gottschalk's, Far ewell Concerts r
STRAXOSCH .respectfully informs
the citizens , of . H arrisburg and vicinity „tbid tiae
eminent Pilinist and • Composer,
Ir. ,
Li. Gottschalk, _
Will give in this city , , ,
4, • ••
01Tuesday and Wednifday, March 30 & 31.
When he will perform several of his latest compositions,
which have caused so great a sensation in .New York, 800.
ton Philadelphia, and all the Western cities . . Mr. GOTT
SCIIALK will have on the occasion the valuable assist.
"ace of
tinguished Prima Donna.
MR, Tnicopoitith RABEILMANN, the cmi
cent Tenor. .
the young..and,highly
talented Violinist 'Clirother cif Adelina and Carlotta Patti.)
BEHRENT,p, Musidatali*Otor and Conductor.
Admission (inert:Mg reserved seats) as follows: Inside
of the Bar, gl; to the floor, ii cents. The sale of seats
commencing on. Thurstlay morning, at W. Knoelte'slinsic
Store. Coors open litt Concert 'eorammice at '8
o'clock. mar22-dtd
pußLip SALE.
. .
Will be exposed at public sale, at flee pre ept residence
of the subecribery one , mile 'west of .11arrisburg, on Wedit
nesday, the .24th , day „of March, 18134, MI6 following ail
tides, viz: One first rate Horse for trucking purpose",
ono spring covered wagon as good as new, one two-horse
wagon, one cow, tWO - two-horse 'plows, one one-horse
plow, four cultivators,. one potato. plow, and te'varinty" of
farming utensils; a a lot of household and kitchen
Sale to commence at o r clock On said day, when terms
of sale will be made
SALE—The subscriber, residing sit miles above
Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna-river, offers at: private
sale the following desirable property all of which is coo'
Yenient to both the Canal and Railroad, and one of the
beat markets4tithe St*ttrt the city of Harrlsbnir
1. 4.T4ITRN'STAItD, with four acres of land,
snore or losa on which is - erected a substantial Stone and
'Plasterer!HOUSE - contalifing olermirObitit ;It large -Stone
`Stable, capable of :holding ' 20,,herses;• Carriage House,
Smoke House, and one orthebeht Springs in the country,
spring HQ and .. qiter t i n essimy uuttakildiims.•
N 042: TA4crdon nwl. 4 acMs,More orfellon
which Is crect.d'a fill, toreS HOuse, four Dwel hag
/Louses, with Ott-buildings,.. The Gristittill is in good run
ning order, with plenty of, custom, work,good water
power, and tithaeharbor ftrefiEnber.Z ;The and Rail
road pass through this property.
No. 3. A TRACT OF - LANDcontaining 110 'aeres,--more
less, Part tillaMe, .the balance timber, on, which.
erected two Pm:tiling B.O.VRRS, withlitables, thb frame of
a saw Mill, 4 bead sad fa of 21• - foot,Within 400 yards
of Canal and RailmiaL This is a splendid, location for a
forge, furnace, or. factory, • .
No. 1 , 4 TRA.CT.containing 10 aercs,oititif HOUSEand
Stable. (Pie Railroad and Canal pass througha on which is
a good Stone Quarfy, a large quantity orbrick clay, a good'
seat for ap anthracite Amato; or steam Saw Mill.
No. 6. A TRACT containing*); acres of Woodland, a
large quantity of which is chestnutrail tiritber, oak, hick.
ory, on which there is about four acressleared, with
- HOUSE and Stable thereon: The tract is 3C inileProna
Canal and Railroad. •
The above property will be sold on terms to gait pur
chasers. It can be seen by calling on the subscriber, on
ti l e property, or any information can .be given by ad.
Susquabanna, P. 0.,
inar2.l-tf .' Dauphin county, Penn's.
Millersburg Normal Institute and
Academy. '
11H- next dititzfee of tloWslxistlinte Will dativ
=Zee on Mon*, April 11, 1841
Special attention Is given '® lle‘Saiectiiiii,ortancheiti
The expenses ranger': 10_ sminroartemorieuven
For ftirthe? addrhss
Luar224s * .f stralerl4lsWASign County, Bil/4.
-1107011 CW IS HEREBY GIVTI; the - own
ers of the following named article.,
The Adams Express COMpanj 1
claiming to have a lieu thereoh for the costs and expenses
of transportation and storage thereof, will proceed Low"
the same to pay said costs and charges, at the expirsilion
Hof thirty days from this date, .
, . . .
, .0 ~, , Jfitrelk 224,138di. ustreksatleaer calleVor,
1 t frAnaiin, I box ~?- WA * itiridria, : lrge
, s
A. emi r 1 box , „: W ber, I. .-•
, NS% Aiiklini - 1 bbx '' ",:- ikin •Noh • 50.,
Win rAntiotoon, 1.1 •ikg,i I . d..5aW,,,1 hex.;_ .:.,.-'
LS - .l.*s Alturna„l boxr 1.1 Isifti•drth, lib& ".-•
Caprlizuckettritl i ge, 1 box F Lewis, 1 box
A LYlNChofer, 1 box W P Luray, 1 ],Orr .
AV Bordenhart, 1 box S Laughrey, 1 box
M. II Brown, / box .11 Liebtrue, 1 box •
Deng Bash. 1 box Jno Lehman, 1 p box
Wm A Barton, 2 troves A C Leidy, 1 b bat'
IV R Boyer, 1 box NV dlyers, 1 box
NV Borger, 1 box P Manres;e, 1 box
0 B Bayer, 1 box -. C Maurer; 1 box
J A Huntley - , 1 box ELMiller, 1 “
H Bennis, 2 trunks .. - 11,,S Miller; 1 box . •
I B. Brovrn, 1 box HJ Madill, 1 trunk
,A.lLBusearl , page it - a:wavi....veisestryillikiretildill-7
II Bartley, I " SE Mumma, 1 casting
D Bolton, 1 " , _ Al:Mistier; 1 b bag
Wm Boyles, 1 " Miss 11 Mills, 1 b bag -
D A Bartlett Ipekge ers„.l valise and i laille-_,
Dr 13.3mAltif ‘.i.: ~ a je
: 1 : , . aratui. i pckteF 's. il
L Berte s ;l 1r1w... . .._ •" 4 , . Ai. ", j l . ' l .-- 4
J Bretz, 1 .1 W Maishall, 1 pekge
D L Baumgardner, 1 pckge Lt 'l' A Martin. 1 ••
G W P Poetry, 1 pckge Fred Myer, 1
James Bird. 1 pckge A Miller, 1 bundle castings
Mr B Burgett, 1 pckge I. Miller. 1 pckge
Surgeon Cuyl 4 2 lames .••• ..14A C Merit s LA:WY "a'
James C ,d. 0.4 r keitit ...T. , LA
S Childs, 1 steam gdate Joe Maine, Ibe x
W E Conrad, 1 box H C Messer, 1 pckge
I A Conway, 1 box Jas Mitchell. 1 •
Mrs Jos Crisswell, 1 bundleJ ,
Millard, 1 piec., - .. iron
M Chlrk I bay ) . e C-R•IIIC urd, Lbox:
•', C G Cillhits, 1 i, _ i
..• ':: TV IfflEirath y atckOsie
C K Mterdel . 1 box * Prot SCCoy, 1 "
Jon Cadnell, f c bag Collin SCCurdy, 1 pckge
F Clay, 1 b beg H K IFClurea lot castings
Rev AA Castleman, 1 pkge A H Nelson, 1 box -
P Carpenter; 1 pckge._ „ „• G P Naugle, 1 box. ..
J C Cutter, 1 pckge Morgan Nash; 1 box
IV 3 Cart, 1 pckge Miss M . Some, 1 trunk
Daniel Cohen, 1 pckgo R G (Neon, 1 pckge
K A Compretos; 1 pckge Wm Page, 1 box -
Chas Conner, 1 box A B Picked, ••
P Cin, 1 p bra Gerry. W Phillips, 1 box
J II Dean. 1 box 11 It Parsons. 1 ra-ting
S R Davis, 1 box C Manch, 1 box
A C Ditswortb, 1 box James Powell, 1 peke , '
J IV Deal, 1 wheel Wm Pool ,1 page
di Dickson, 1 b bag ~ II Quite, 1
J S. Davie, 1 pckge J 11 Resler, 1 box
3. Dugan,l pckgo D Reyster, 1 box
obn 1., DZNV: 4 OII, 1 Sox Sorel, Rose. 1 "
J G Denker, 1 box Robert Renshaw, 1 bov
Jno Dean. 1 pekge H Kepley, 1 box
A C Dexter, 1 pckge II Reichard- 1 box
Mrs J Diffeabaugh, 1 pckge Capt J Rehror. 1 pckge
G B Heel:art, 1 pckge -,il K Riuehau. 1 box
C K Dounough. 1 bag. Thos Reechorf. 1 box
W Eamen, 1 b bag Capt D SE floss, 1 box
Thos Eaton. 1 p box Wm Report, 1 k sack
11 Elia, 1 - pokge . Reeve ar„ Co, 1 bindle
Ensign R D Enna, 1 pckge ha Robertson, 1 pokgo
R A POW, 1 b bag H P &dermal, 1 " •
Jno Flit; 1 b bag Fred Rate, 1 b bag
J M Foram, 1 keg • J Emery Roland, 1 page
G J Flick, 1 pckge J G Swank, 1 box
S E Fliteb, 1 pokge IV Smith, 1 box
Geo Funk, 1 pckgo - • T Swineford, 1 box -
J Freeman, 1 saddle M W Sherbondy, I box
Jacob Fleming, I.pcitgo J Sanneally 1 box '
II Faulk, 1 bile trees • Miss R Schockey, 1 trunk
M A Fielden, 2 pckges J II Strube, 1 box
H Guipe, 1 box Jno Sheets, 1 box
II Good, 1 bundle F E Steers, 1 box
O'W Griswold, 1 box Henry Shroyer, 1 box
4, S Grck=s, 1 bax Geo Smith, 1 box
111 Gutaworth, 1 box Capt Stillwell,l box
J Greeter , 1 k meek. . ~ M 2 Sturgeon, I h trunk
C Gregg, 1 pckge Peter Sharpe, 1 e bog
Lt W Garret, I pckge J Snyder, 1 pckge'
A Glbbony, r page . t' A
V Smith, 1 pckge
A Gibbon, IxUe . G Shays, 1 pokge
S Gorden, 1 pekge S &anal!, 1 pokge
Capt Gabon, 1 box R N Short, 1 pckge
Chas Hagan, 1 " Mrs .7 H Sall/can, I pckge
I Hoffer,' bzx Nich Schilling, 1 pckge
J Herr, 1 box Surgeon In Charge Hospital
J H Bock, 2 boxes 1 pckge
F . NV Haas, 1 bdle Henry Trger, 1 box
A Hester, ~1 casting • C D Tingley, 1
0.0 Hines, 1 kolle , Jas Taylor, 1 box
0 Haber, I. pckge R A Tallet, 1 e beg
J li Ille,k.„1„. " .l S Thomas, 1 pekge
J B Halm, 1" S Thomas, 1 page
H C Hickox, 1 pckge C P Thomas,. 1 page
Sam'l Haines, 1 ' IV H H Thomas, I pckge
Lizzie Hoelle, 1 pckge John Underwood, 1 pckge
All Hamilton, 1 " . Lt T M Utley, 1 sword
M C Hallowell, 1 " •.. - Capt VanSwatara, 1 box
0 Hanover, I `• G Valentine, 1 bog
Jas P Howe, 1 “ Col Jll Wells, 1 box
R 13 Hays; I " /no A Wimer, 1
Serg't R li' enat - 1 iftx,...„_:. Peter Wainer,' pckge
Jacob ,Thrrall 1 pelt& - 1 A Wendsvortb; 1 page
A M Halberstadt, 1 gun , .'= Mai Jas Wren, 1 box -
A /*Henderson, 1 package Hon David Wilma, 1 bOx
J dt - Serdon', - -1 packa ge OS Wheeler;l box
IV ,Clones, 1 " John Wallace,l box
J Jones, 1 pckge . Capt Watmongh, 1 stove
SergiA L Jones, 1 box BS' Work, 1 pckgo
WW Jackson , &box - White $ t Sutton, 1 pckge
Serg't T'V Johnson Jr, 11' H WING; 1 pckge
Wks* • 0 N" Warden, 1 pckge
Surgeon J King,l' box 'Chas Wallace , 1 c bag
D King, 2 pckge 'IV Witmer, 1 keg
Jas Knox, 1 box '• 'Lt EA Whifirm, 1 pie
Wm Keenest, 1 box Wm Welsh, 1 pcdtge
Abe Eisler, 1 box Louisa Young, 1 pckge ' -
Dr R R Seim, 1 pckge M B Zochmati,, I pcligo
Chas A Knox, I"box . ' nu? black bags, 1 carpet
A King, 1 bundle hoops bag, one box and several
:P Ku°, I. pckge plkkages without marks.
March 22. 1864.-42.ta4vr
ED immediately. Highest wages paid. Job steady.
Boarding low Apply to WU. 11. WHISLER.
mar22.43t* Methanicsbarg. Pa,
ONE Wardrobe; new; one. Cooking Stove
wah - appanttas;,Pointer Huntiag Dog; one Law Li
brary and Book Case, kd. Canfie Seel'. by ceiling on
mar2.s . JACOB SHELL
LocWEL IRON Ccimp.unir.
ASpecial- meeting of the Stockholders of
the Lodge! Iron Company swill be held on Friday,
March 25, at 7 o'clock, r. M., at the office of WILLIAM
COLDER. By order of President.
HARIUSIIVROi mat& 21, life{: mar2s4d
largest acid best selected Stock o f. fine
CLOAK... Vs and .
Also a splendid asSortment of Three Ply, Ingrain,
Brussels arid Rag
at the old stand of . M. WELER & CO..
• mar2l,4t No. 4 Market Square
C 7_..0 - EC S` . TO
0 - 110 $4".ATME . BLOar,
. Market Street, 1144] - riLliotur„
" or.PAsHriarAnta - •
Will open on the Ist of April.. . [niar2l-41
1864 RoAttiD&.. 1864
'As 4 912 9 altroaat es
V2B anti AGA OEM
Front/Kir haw come out;
And MICE and RATS,
In mite of CATS,
Gaily skip about.
ForEste, Nice, Itonettes, Antst, Edge,
Atosquitog, Moths In -Furs, Ws:soles/1, IOU;
Insects , on:Plantar, Powlit, Antis:talk etc:
"15 years established in. N. Y. City) )
"Only infallible remedifp knowa.'
"Free froni Poisons" ,
"Not dangerous to the 'Haman Family."
"Rats come' oat of their holes to die."
WSeld by ailltramildaevetywhere •.
Air! I I liew:Ors 1.1 L ntaltworthless indtationa
sir" Dein:d,,,-240.453 Broadway,- N. Y.
Atir Sold by . - DeoW.GROSS & CO.,
marl6-d&wem nf miasma and retail agests,
Harrisburg, Pa.
‘ PPLES,:--200 lianas of New -York. State
AApples, ofa choice variety, just received, and sold
low, in any quantities, to suit tlth ntrlN
Bracer of Neal. OYER diciCollftfn..,..
JA (T i ss) 7 1. a coffee.; at . - • -
r PCCIC W4tar'l
WANTED to hire, for a term
two acres of good ground well adaptcA
growing. for the perm:4, elf coltirating the Rt.', ---.
yhegt. - ; .IS - o otg , lion , to Punting a 03-pane tst
some ieliabie • p , fty owillint lan4il2 or near air : —
if preferred, the arn , -,nt b.-• tqeared in Sc-.;;
Address JAMES E. LAMENT. linford.„P -
ran servo in the cApnvity oc cETTER
MAY. Must be a first-class Crater.tom_, f
SAYFOR.II, No. 65 Market street. ,
"Proposals for 11: 31 - • 15
Assm.A.3.-r's . ,
FlAseassuwa, Pa., Mardi 21 1-€;
this. cake until 12 o'clock, m._
for furnishing this department with (2501
( 2,00 o) two thousand ponds per len, all to ir..rf I),n
merchantable quality, subject to such iwp - rtton
direct—(2oo) two hundred toast° ba dehvore at
meistown. Penna.. (on the lira of the I, , baun
railroad.) and (50) dtly Was at Harr. - Imre.
Proposals for any amount ay over (f,io •.
bay on this contract, alit bo iced .
Eath Party obtaining a catitra he re,, ~,; . .1
ter into burot.3 with approve for
The department reserves to itself the
or all bids, if not teemed .ati:ractory.
hope:ate will be addreesed to G-tptam E. C.
bath,. Amistant Quartermaster vols., Harrt-,,,2
and will be endorsed. “Pronasatto, to furnish H..-
By order of
(bra,. J. G.
Chief Q. X. Delft
P. C. Rstrmestuai, Capt. and..- - t Q. M.
in the CITY. Consult your own itnereg e l i d ,„
at the MUSIC - gad PIKE ART EMPORIUM No, 12 r,
Street. ..• , jrnhrl9-d.31.] n'AIN
the fait stated meeting of the Citizen Fir, FtrAIE
and Hose Complus) it, was ordered that the liou,
mittee be required to give notice by advert:-
daily papers, to all persons having property h r_
the Citizen Vire Company, to mural thr
Company s House within tea days front ,Lite
and that said Committee be required to pro tecn;
sons, whether etortibers or not, who shall not
(..t. tc . OS!.ER,
HMIs? Contrnitte..
Harrisburg, Ma-ch 19, 196.1
Moving: Drovin;t-,'
AS this is the time to rirepare
it would be well If all having to move
gather up their surplus Furniture and sent A to llor
Auction and Furniture Rooms. where the diehe:4
cash will be paid for sit kinds of rFecorni hand f -
or exchange for new.
NEW' FURNITURE of the wiatity
marl 9
OTICE.— Whereas, the partnership
tolbre existing between W. Dock, Jr, and
Shisler under the narno and style of IV.
Co., has been dissolved by the death of W. Fe rr. _cu
the store, as heretofore carried. on 14' the - Liz
been purchased by the undersigned, n , 3
given, that all the business, as heretofore ,
the late arm of W, Dock, Jr_ & Co • 4
the same place by the undersigned, under th, t tali
style of Shisler & Frazer, who wilt settle and tKii
debts and liabilities of the late firm of W. n,. C0., and and reeeire all accounts due the said firm.. 111:
Oil for past favors the new than will be grat.^!•;l
continuance of the .pnblic patronage.
To Railroad Contrnetiir,
PROPOSALS are invited for 'ay.
Masonry, Bridge Superstrartw...
Crosnlles and Track Liyint'of the Prrr.,:: .•.
Connellaville and Cumber-Inel,
Embracingn distance of about. EIGHTIf-SETT.s:
in sections of about one mile each. Specific:n:ol, - •
ready at the Consponststdfioe in Pittsburg, on
the .28th of MARCH current, and propomis will be r
ceived until the 10th of APRIL ensalog.
mar 134,1
°face P & C. R. R. Co.
Pittsburg, March 15, 1884.
Grand Vocal and Instrumental Comm
sill be riven at the
Benefit of the Y. N. C‘ Assocp_iwii
Mrs. SIEG and. Mi. BARNITZ... ... - ..........5,.p,,,,,.
C., 1".. ' SAXTON
Prof. A iva lOSE
, .. BA=in.
W. F. Eft I.:LA E.. AL
Mrs.' Hg MAN, Weis. BECK and HA AB
__ .. P ,L,:'T
. . , ... f.0,...1.,
' •• • • • .W. K s;oCHE
L Duett l two Pianos.' '"Ragic
3fessis. RAAS and
Tr 4
Rammm,, SA.XTO.N and A . .1.K.
3. Duett. Piano and Traviuta,
• - Mows. %WERKE and Et
Mrs. KEG :net Mt SAX: , IN
5. Solo. The Old Seaton
5. Chorus. leilutallia,• teet Gift of the
7. Solo. Gaily Through Life
8. Chontg: MrS. SIE
, PART 11 ,
9. Solo. "Piano. Ludo Lazuenuorr,
10. Duca. Jr di Felice Etera
4. Ductt.
11. Solo. alarionetie. Tartaric SING anti SAXTON
Alem s
Prot. aSCHF..
12. Solo. Star or Love,
13. Solo and Quo.vietc4 0, Golly Breathe..T. R ,
'it, Trio. Piano, Violin and Cello
• mossm. Ascar, WEBER and ESoi - SII
15. Dnett. Larboard Watch. tt"ilt e—
' Hems. 11113.91. ER and SAXTON
18. Cktorti - Jlkinit t ta3Bpruner Bain is Over...Don:l6u.
TluirAts • - eent.3.
Tobehad at the Book and 31u.sio Stores, and rt mem
bers Of the Y. M. C. A,
'The MO Pianos used are from the manufactory of 11,rs
Jilbrecht, Rieckes & Schmidt, and aro kindly loaned ai
W. Knoche, who Is sole agent for these unrivalled
manta •
Doors open at ,tc, of T.
3Tkoert. contmeace ac
marl 7
Soldiers! Portlrblios.
A LARGE ao4ortment at
martft Sold at Wholesale or retail at low pr.
Te Those Having Claims Axtectst UM Late Firm of
Ifettehisort, of the Mailed ,Slates Hotel.
THE survivitig'peainer of the late fra
°overly it Hutchigon, .11 EL Hutchison, bang
chased the entire interest of the late Wells Cove' •:-
Halted States Hotel, is now prepared to settle
against, and collect' all debts due the firm. r,::
baying claims will therefore present them for
and those in debt to the late firm, will please Sett
early as possible. D. H. HUTCHISoN
Proprietor U. S.
Harrisburg, March 17, 1864-dlw
--; . . . - MAYOR'S OFFICE,
autarserso, March 17, 140 _ ,
B Y authority ofe Common Cr Ji „ . l
the city Of Harrisburg, I hereby offer P ~, , ,,,,i r_
ONE HUNDRED. DOLLARS to any person , ' r
persoai .., ,
may give me such information as may
..d to the arr , "
tension and conviction of the indivitr ,.,. ,
jol , ~i •
- catmerned in setting fire to Property - i i i " t - i i , city ,
'night of the 20th of February Jay
anird of ou n th vi e cti "tb on or the ; o in C di aa vir
.. . 1 1 - leaain2-'aninlid thealso a i 7ao- n" r1 : 1 5 ' ;
be proved to have conslaret
~ to Wet fire t e , th e otoperY
this city, on the days ate'
'''maid. or of ao ,„ „ r „. et NE
sons who shall have it • °.
ofo „ . -en accessories before - e, Or after
ate" .fact
named reward the alses for --
any information which may he.'` . .,,
Asid; and I further offer the
....., :a‘r .e
lead to the aPPr ahensionami conviction of any Pity ,
parties who st... ou . n. _
ue gliel: Ily or indirectly - concerned r
setting lira fire '..0 property wit,liiii' the limits of this city.L
wu o fi rty "'" 'oe concerned in conspiracies to set dm to •'_°.:',
ilTar P ~s Proved tO cit ha y, 97.tbetess 13°' pard in anLeay,;.-17eloitfusiinoreetenrrder the
' 41 0.
i 32141 4 01, 01421001 Wori.