Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, March 22, 1864, Image 1
tHE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, •": 13 GEORGE BERGNE It. OFFICE TUIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. -.- • TER. - MS.OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SURS-CRIPTION. Tanta= TSISICIPAIS is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly snbscribers will be cbarged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to ray in advance will be cbarged $6 - 00.• • WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Txt TEL'EGRAPII is also pubithedWeeitly „and is furnished to subscribers at the foll Owing cash rates; Single copies, week1y.....,,, , t 4 Tints copies to one Post Office., . 4 i j o Ten copies to one Post Office • MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC Ornate sr WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N rAird Street Residence: Third street, above I.,Torth. MELODEONS AND CAlisrET. ,QIILGA4S TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, - -TWELVE SILVER MEDALS • Asp TECP: ONLY GOLD IifP,DAL (eeer;won instruments of this class) 'has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. &run assortment of these instruments always on hand W. : KNOCHE'S- Selo Agent, • a jo-2tawly] ' . 93 Makket street. :. HENRY C. - -ORTII rfiEACilTa OF 11:11.1 PIANO, MELODEON AND vrouN.Terms reasonable lb Third streets between Market and Chestneastreets. }l4 S m ,_ PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY • • WONDERFUL DISCOVERLTY S. AND' WOND.EILFUt RESU DR. J. M. GAMER would respectfully inform the public in general .and the diseased in particular, that he has opened iiii tiffles - Botirtr'* - teend street, below Chestnut, Efttrrieburg,• Pa., wilco he will treat all diseases entrusted to hie cart - hitt ttec&Bance with the system discovered and taught by Prof. Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he.has been con nected. and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public for information with redpect to his Sucdas s in con trolling disease, . • ;. .. 55. No 6 ragging the system with nnoertalii med ical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and defier modtiteatione of Electridity, without shticks or any un pleasant sensations. After an Electrical Diagnosis, .a guarantee will be given, if desired by the patient. further information call and get a. pamphiet•which.:ema.,. tains hundreds of certhicates frOm medical men anti oth' ers proving the superiority ot. this system or. practice over all others, Gortaultu&n free. Mice yat,-Ato6ind7to9r.x. MILTON CRE.Amile febil-Olaw9m- tti.-th-Sa :.; Dg - ')C. R. SargeolY Ana Di: J. MItzO).I.CPEAILErt, Eleetrinituti would announce. In the public dist ithey. have. this, aa.y .optered:l4o. ;Le:: partnership irt the prsegee. or modieinei.iind. that .they treat disease by, tho, syetvits of Eleetropathy aria -the, . Swidish method of Localizedliievornent.enre, Office-, south Second etreet, below Che4nut, Pa. .- • . ALEX. R. WYETEF,.II. 1);" Dr. J. MILTON -OREA.M.E'R - marl.s42t4ctustit March 14th 1864 DR. J. KITE'S YELLOW WATER POWD`E R - PPD. HORSES. . ..: . • .. 1 -) MING a practice of-many 'Yeills'in 'this COmtlaillliti, Wt. gr/W Los AggsLied, himself. WM this Girder: is oer u vottly spior t any other Article in use • . . • ' in* Tnr. CURD oir YELLOW Aad is of great service tO 'Norsk! 'tDat APPETITE . ..... HIDEBOUND, FOUNDERBA, • - OR • DIS•TIVREPERVD. . . Also, that It will. prevent OLAIIIDNRS, COLIC AND THE DOTS, When faithfully need two or three Ones a week..4:-Invig9- rating and fattening. For improving the condittop of a Rome, assertsthere is no better medicinejaP i 4 will strengthearthe .stomach and assist din, cleanse the Intestines of offensive matter, and regedge the bowels when costive, purify, the blood and mtomete 4Moo4pp—thus the skin ie kept loose; the pores are Opened - and g ',VP, scabby Horse becomes fat and comely. The-Powder can he tmecifeitiattle,oo, and Hogs - Wlth good effect._ • - • Directions ivifh:package. • PREP/LAND ONLY AND SOLD AS leglittlVN Didlo STORE,..I No. 91 Market Atnzet,.Harrisborg. 1114 R 0 cg BrE s. NEW GROCERY • AND PROVIROX STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, • WROLESAT.,E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIESi" - .. Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KENDS •OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, N AB just opened a large and well adopted. stock or finod,a ILL their stand, No. 311arketSquarli, Harrisburg, Pa r , so whigh bey invite the attention or the public getieraiiy: . ' nolo-dly - N E . S 11.'s s - e r Praz e r, • . -to W;n. Dock, Jr., & Co.) FINE - FAMILY GROUP; D te the Court House : have otthandafige:, i A"Bsßnm opposite selection of BRANDIESf. at different T4ntageti. • - .FINE AND COMMON 16.4*, of Every Descrfifacm, WHISKYS: OLJ 43(56213 716N0NGAZ1EL A • • FINE IRISH A2)7:+ SCOTCH .The ever L D —• . • • • •F.A, NECT And the celebrated criEsnarr GROVE liittlq4.. _ C.l l / 1 411MiGNE..NV7MS. 4HLOSS JOIiAIiNIEBURG; CLARET . BCo • Tp.4 - AND , „TRISHALEg LONDON BROWN ROM. , WILD caggllß . r,••• . • • WIOWAM TOXIC BriTEBs.. with a complete stock of •-- • - 1 ENGLISH ABM ; 414W,FAXELUAll PICKLES and Condiments of every description now in the market, and at" - 44.7fiva, . Lim J - Crli . .ltl w' s'Z'; macEET„FF4II, WALREFT7 wimaginr,ll,4l6,l l # l ,', 3isrucazserz AND Ruin, bp CONFRCTIONERY - .FRUITS,- &C.i Jikluha Pasloil, iltrbW9; - Ross PasrAiL . Figs, Dates;.. R ush Ftg Pasta. -... Prunes - \ Rush *Wm Gum Drops., Al moic, -- 614105, - Creatri-GbaOateaDrPs, ' Filberts, - fl . - Plain Candies, arn., ko.. Cream 'guts, - I. Oranges And Unions; -- Ground rrol t .: . ;'' Gansa,hmits, . - - Pecan Nuts,. . : 3.. Jellietrp., .. . ..- ~.'• Ccama Date, : Teas and Raieesoil kinds, • 'Cranberries;` - ~ Paper Bogey•• '' _: :- Hominy and ... -- - elder Cakes ark CrElle , - -' 4 Fresh l l' i l elt Fish in sea- Street and Irish Potatoes, son. Green and Dried Fruits, Vegetables in season, And Country Produce in Raisinss season. Currant Octlß 1111,11 • V a . . t - :17‘T-'9 .• ' ‘l, - - • BY GEORGE BERGNER. DR. JOHNSON, dl5-tf LOCK hOSPITAL, HAS diseoTered the most. certain ; speedy and effecturl remedies in the world. for • DISEASES 01 WPM:MENGE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE ROUES. NO MERdt**ifONl OUTS DRI74. A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One Weakneas,of., the: -Back,z4l.l7ections of theigllneys and Bladder, Involuntary - Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Mess, Palpitation of the Heart; Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Tlstati ;! lose „or ; Skin; :-.A.lrectiolps... oil the -. Liver, Lungs, • Stomaclt ion,;Bowels-,those terrible, 'disorders arising from tho,,SolitairAiribits of Youth:4hosei.secret and solitary practices more.fatal to their victims* than'the song of Syrens to tha,Mariffers of Ulyseta,:blighting their most brilliant hopes or.anticipations, rendering. marriage, 4., impossible. , r " • EsTecinliy, wlra have,iecome the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreatifut awl *tractive halt which.amivallY sweoba to an untimely grave thouimads of Young: lien of the Most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, whq. alight Otherwise have entraticsd list:ping Senateo.iciA 17.43..t1)4Ve dem of eloquence or ip4d3ititeteotasy the livlsig ire:ninny 'll with full Crailidon*,..., Harried pdisoni, terlithglitn eortiessp4tingharrup, being as orphysicat weakoi , organic deNlity -4.13 jp--; ndMies 3c., speedily dared •- - ' He who places himself undet the care of Dr. J. marrer., ligiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con& dsntly rely upon his skill as a Pityslchur. Immediately cured, an full vigor reatospd. • • . This distressing aftchon—which readers life miserable and marriage imposaible—is the penalty pald by tha, Lima o _ l . l saProPCl . 11 4/494 1 .14 , :. Yeast personsare,totiarit to commit exceesiniTrdernorbeing'aware 'or liii - dOdidPal• consequences that may- atiaNe, Now, who . that. milder. stands the add*'Whllirettts.4l o deny that th9-tiiirg-:er• procreation LolosOlOrilitly;those falling: bitcomproper, halms than h'ithe prndeilf,.::Absides 'heir% deprived ; the pteasureii orkstriY moal".gerklis sad lei stmetive spark/W - o'l)6th body and muni arise The system hooormes 44F46.41'.., the physical and mental' rfunctions 'ward/coed, T.C.arrof :Proaraatism pup', nervous Irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a waiting of the frame, cough, con. gumption, decay and death. °Piles f, EDERTZ.E.britEET, _ uacat BP* ~ram litaltimore street, a few doors fromthe comer. ,eveti stet t o o9ltsarvetsime and number. Letters must be paid aad gtq3 44p ecitlp p: Th e Doctor :6! Diplomas Itapg hia.efflee• • , - • • , 7--- _•; • • • : Member of the Royal College -of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the meat eminent colleges -in the United States, and the greater part' of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pari}N . Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known •, many,troubled.withlitiging in the twol ealsrichin" . asleep groat greTininervoaseetra, being alarmed at auddpu sounds, bashfulness,' with .frequent blushing, attended somekinius eiewoment orniind were cured immediately. AiEPARTICIL::JIOTIQE " These am onitiFeCtheAritut mets. 61r ends' -Pro duced by early:J*loof Putt,, of and Ifitibsrpainslik r the 'heed; dirieneeCtif slett,:-.lossof muscular power, palpitation. or the dyspepsia, ner- Irritability,symptoms of consumption, am. /lcir.tur.—The fearthl effects on pie Mnd are much to be arse.4ed—loss of memory confusion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil foretedi avetaion. to. society, - self distrust, love OF Solitildi,Ansin ftyilk`e.outi some of the evils produced. -Who have Injared7th - arritefres .liir a certain practice in dulged in when alone, .a habit-frequently learned from • itAkcompanions, or at Sintog‘Pe naCctit'of Wadi pre 'nightlyfelt, even wlrs:n Weep; ind'frllorClired — ienders marriage moos Bible, and destroys bath mind and body, shOuldsxdp mmedlately.. _ Whets r rtefiefonngivali; tha,htiaref hiSimuntry, rbs darling of snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of %dettating from the path of nature and indulging in a Certain: secret ,habit. Vs* peraonalrota„,before.conteliv IViefleet that lesenzid rabid and Ixtatirre the most nectutsark tretfutiltes to froinotecoonubialhappinees. Indeed ,With -nut these, the journey through lifehecomee a weary pit _giimage ; the prospect, hourirdalifonst to the view ; the : , ntind becomes shadowed _ with deapeir and filled with the :nielancholy reflection Ok 4;o:happiness of another be. vetoes blighted with our own. , - DISFASE. 1111,10:5.DENOK: When the misguided end imprudent , votary of pleasure finds he has initiated the geode Or. this WAIN' dimu ,4 o 4 too often happens that an illtimed sense.of shame.or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who education and respectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the bands of ignorant, and designing pretend :era; who, Incapable of curing, filch his "pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the:smallest fee can be obtain despair leave him stth ruined health to sigh over hie grating disappointment, or, .Iky the use of the deadly poison, Mercury,, beaten . ,the tionstitationalsymptoms of this tertibledbaessevowanno thins of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, etc., progressing w ith frightfhl rapidity till digit puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sandiat him to that undicoovered - monntry horn whence no traveler rouse& Einilli INDogigiIkTPINT OITEtO., P 4F3 . I i rThe - many Menem& Cured at this institution year atter 1 yitat and• the nurneroci important _magical eperark.i. !pcirforined by pr...Tehr*on t witncgdod, .by. the reporters of • he appear and rnany_ottierpapess, notices awl:doh . • , irst4tagateantettgain before the publi; besides his ea a ingorman of character and ream*. bitty, ii ii clout 1P 3 4 1 7 , 0 3, te OP Piloted. SKIN DISEASES SrEEDIUY MTIAD. Odktelltarillouth Frederick Eitmt.4 JOHN WISE MEDICAL. BALTIMORE to A*-Days YOUNG MEN iita.VaGE QACk..fMO 1?±, JoHN-soig, YOUNG MEN 2LARRIti.GE, "THE 'UNION NOW AND F.OREVER."—Webster 11AltitISBURP, TUESDAY EVENING; 1t304, GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE Tag LoNct-souoErp-ivw .DISCPVERED AT LAST. ChOokee Remedy, GIIEBOREE INJECTION COMPOUNDED . F'FSBICROCYR3. ; -BARKS AND LRAyEg CITOOKBEr „MIAS:DT their - eat Diuretic, ewes diseases ~,of the uri744 *gaits, sue?, as Inconti nence elf the Thine , intilsorksitian7qf the Blander, Ir~Jlasn ?PTI, of #l, Kidney; ;Stasis it , The arise; Meet., GrOsilarissa, and : eirmxiks4 , rsotgnmeraZat fathom eases of Fluor 41,RnssiasTF7ritesfn,,repuges) , sobits alt '`•P ;4 4 : 404 1.fe9:us•makcina.igage . ' . Stir It in prepared in a 'highly concentrated fen; the dose only being from one to two. teaspoonfals three times It is diuietic and alterative In its action; Purifying end cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all. of IM original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious muses which have induced disease. OHERON.BE IIkI.IFCTIOI3 . is intended a 8 an ally or assist ant to the cHER.QIKR4 ,REHEIDT tqui, obbVil by , b!0$ 1, in iminiiition with that medicine In all cases 1:11t -,arOtH188•8/186, Oeet, Euler Albs ; or Wailes ! Its .'effects are IterzYng,. *thing and demufeent ; removing all scalding,- heat; chordee and pain, instead of the burning: and almost un endurable pain thak is, experienced , with neatly the Oast) otack friedions. ' ,rai-By. the use •of , the CIIEROSER REMEDY tend CHEROKEE INJECTlONitheiwii medleinee rit. the ;Rani° I,lme,al. 1 Improper discharges are removed, and the weak. ened organs are speedily - restored to - full vigor and 4trengtb. 2 T.t Agi'For full particulars,aget .Our pamphlet from any drug store in . thetuouxitry, or write 1.4 fund we will mall free, to Riy 'address, .01111 treatise .% i !:. is i Sit- Price, "ClitnOgik Rif.4l:EDY,$2 . Per, bottle, or three bottles for sf, arrricej, CHEROK*E.III.IEMION, p,er , 00r three,bottles ter .$6. • • . _ Seut " , to any . - tulirrega •On" . • r eceipt = or price.!rf • joy- Sold by all draggiste . etitiwbere: • • •••:- OW *le kErititiN &to., 7: Sole Proprietors, esii4•l9.etodly: sCiLlbeitT street.; lieni ?ark: El CHEESOREE• -41VRE `Trit: EIREAT ::mtbW;;:k.iaikiiii,:',.;:,.. • "'l' ' • An un.faaittP curefol!-.4petr ett.SeitskrtE Weak miiii2e4rl44Jet P1..Y!e14414.910".040 by 4. 4 4; pogyfifuti '4 , 144 - alciiii of:Mown, Universal id= zrxint:insqpgekviiiitoperier,:*ajuittoi 04!,14 - gg. we4:__ .irett*:4454f1 1 70.* 02 f4" : " .... Illrikft4;* neat, isotitiesePt.:fha‘Face, , orumenalife,: insonity,' ,Consitinptipn, zoo . Wirii?Diira: Ore ikfOs. 01.144'0,y de parting from Uie Aar-This medicine in a simple Vegetable extract, and one en which'all can rely, asst hiasheen used_in _our .prateiCo . for many years, and; with thousands treated, : lt has not failed in a single instance, jtacurailve - Paweri hive been sofficTent to gain ylotorytiyer the Vest stubborn VW& wen those who hiVd trifled ivtt,4constitution, mall they- thtnic-thatilVesteioliti dief reach of Medical aid, we would say, „Despairviot I the CHEROKEE Cats will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack „doe . . forPor full partieitlars, get a Ciraularia" r any Drug BlRrelli the co#lrii, or write the Profirlelor, who will MIL TAM , to any in3e 441106,41pii5M0, if: full treatise in' pamphlet. form • - # l 7,Trices .. $2 per bottle s or. throe *Atlas for , s o, and tortaiN4 expo9:ll4figliaTii of the.ivotlrl . Afar Sold by all respeotable druggists overytvbere t • = ifiCittll* CO.; 2 , 2 2 „SOLE tiniaiTiolii;.. marlo eodly Liberty street, New York. • AT TIO I ~T C. 0 N:1): RALN. HO,RS=E S • WaR DRFARtuRN-T, cAiAi.R s ByRRAE, OFFICE OP CHIMP 41.11ITERMASTER, Feb. T. tuttveri: the; I' • liighestaOtliteAtttlielpleb2Riuttiktiiinanted be -7,7;;;;;,.1 Al Lebanon 1 114;A: 1 1**Tlla lt -97 4.1 1 410. At Wlltesbariteune., r.BOll, These Horses hen !yetultunteld. kr t .,....kaptli v _kir ns, Ca niry service of,Ae United Stiles Anur, -, ` ' se For mad and farm purposes tuluty, good,.bargairi&may bektul. -` - Horses Will be sold. ' . . 4 Balee begin at 10 A. x., and , euntiitiC cia.6 till till are Teruis-Caeb; Sn United '40:144 I:el? Cavalry Bureau.. - - T.-F. WATSON.' t MASTIC :4Alittlif „..,,.. : :,,;„,....,,i,„: ,“1.: • 4e. •. . . • ; MAIVWFACIVIZER, . Is "PREPARED to furnish a nd coat the es tenor ot' Buildings with the MASTIC, CEMEN T, on, a new system:: •This material l y Ontf r elediftbreht' front all olher_cements need; lthretaferkt and Is the Miablle imperishable coating for ouotdo work. Mixed With' tdo prr proportions of pure Linseed Oil it , ferript a'solid; &fa ble adhconyeneer to Brick or Stone Valk making bean; tent, thieNeter mei' surface and - thaih 'tieual to Itrown Stone or any oolordeSired:—. • • ' Among othere•forwhonithave applied the Mastic Pe' xrientd;ew l to- , she following gentlemen: - • • • J. -resideuees - Pi3'nn.street7Phitsbarg. J. S. Bliolmbergee qvsideqp, I.4wrezipeirip.e.' A. Hoeveler • Amps wod u ll ess , . •u .Allegheny city. • : CaWn MUCUS " • Third:street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles r atel, wham Yokel; Hitardillouse;: - • Barr & Mooer r arehitects:Dispateh Buildings, John H. cot, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. Jones, 4 , Ploa,to oilcirop IT_ F. WATSON, " " • ' - P. u. parjhaue, Plusbid-g, feblll.4l6m , or, Nano. upora,-Hardskorg, Pa. P P h li ot ° f~ . 7l A 4 llitli g ß: 4ll4 : 11 , 1) : 14 . 1 1 ogrprob7Aliiimo. 4 ,..,-;; ; Vae.togialit: 411 tams. , -- ‘. 4;42 " ) ' 4l4llr O t tkigritill Alban 'WEE largest and dumped variety of PHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly kept at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP noogaroaz. n GAMES, 4 - 4. 41 % 13 ,7 3 4 " 'M BoOke;11/MaltrIfitiurg. moment. o f Toy 800 19 MEDICAL. NEW ADVERTISEMENVS. A 11N ASS9TAIZEITV OF• • •:. OVER 0) 1 6 T-T4ls POOVi 1 AtioitB;:; ititi§'_ : JP 0 rt, W. 4.X .4 .P 0 .' A _X. • FOR: LADIESS AND GFZETLENEEN,- • AELLER 9 S • Drue*.A.411970.P04 Store • :Ye; 91 Market street. • ,40, 2 t 4 ~....„ .- L . : ....... . - R.,,,,,-,,..L I, N : G - 13 . 41,1 C,B1: . Sl , l,- S :„- general .rtuiety or : - FAINTCY:GOODS,, snitablelrtr ne, now ort.hand at : SELLER'S Drug Store, -.. niarlo3f - ' " ' -i - NU. 91Mirret strwit: ' ' . . . .TO OFFICERS AISID' , SOLDEERS..';. • - Collection of Pensianaillounties, Back Pay and War': Claims: ornelfrifir ggt MiThrhal:-,104148::44.ND rroct AccomArimp.F .OUT undersigned, having been' in the em , ployment of the United States during thelistilighteen months, as clerk in : Am idustering.and. Disbursing Woe and Oftlee of Superintendent bf Recruiting Service of Pdnnsylvania, ropectfuliy informs .the public thathe has opened - an office in the tiaxiii TS.IXGRAPII Building for the purpose of coll&ting Pensions, Bounties; Back Pay and War Claims; iiitsO, making out °Meths , Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls and Rcwruiling Account*. . All orders by mall attended to promptly. • . noel-dtf ' „ : SULLIVAN S CHILD ii_GENTS wonted to sell the: Standard` Hirt. tory of the War. A rare chande to make money. Agents are clearing from $2OO wrnontb..2oo,ooo volumes already WI& Send kir 'eirdfilam Addiesa . J01.710'14114 &Vb., de 80 rublieheia..ltaltlmore, pßoposmhs For the Erection 0.. Fifty-..Ewelhag Houses, • March it, /Bet Pllll ROPOSAIA:Are' iicpited the;buildittg of flee blocks of ten homes:oBo r of w 0 0 4 .0114 01 to be located on thetrotinde of the Lochiel Iron Plans mail apeciticailontmay be Seep tt . t, ihe office of William Colder.. . . ' • , Proposals received for one or more, blocks until April 12th, ' . • - - Address proposals to ' WILLIAM COL.Pn, marll-dtapl2. ,Chalrmitilkilldbiteommittee.. YA,LUA.BLE PRA:il l ( RTY - -• • ;CT 13 -Igo 4 —X , AA. ON SATURDAY, M.4.110H.1.9, 1864._ at. the COUit,T - MOUSE :in -Wit city, at, 4.1 o clock , K. the 4. , A -- - STEAM MILL PEOR.LERTV47 , Located on Mist 4tabaatree4 This is the mostraluble . - 'loropertyle thecltr, eftlior fora hotel or manfactiuing purposes. lt - is loca ted In the vicinity of {the. lot onwhich the PennifylvaniAtailroiiittompany GRIMM, • plate eventually to erects new pusenger depot, and within one-half .square or the canal and railroad. The lot is - feet; inches; Op „Shalt: street 1 80 0110 Plar . Lard, and 90 feet on North alley. The foundation of the Mill, which was burned in 1860, is still standing, which contains nearly MO perch of.good building stone, _There has brick-store - house on the propirtyrffilhy . 43 reet;thase stories high, in which them it:atgigt 76,900hripk. On the back part of the Propirly.ttre tiro fraine, dwelling „Itomies and a frame bent.. This property:wall* sold in one Meek, or in lots to Snit pUrclieserii ' A buffo 'IV the i trofferty can be seen at the Exchange Office of-S. L. -- 11 , Cu och, No. 128 Market strept,.Harrishurg,,PlL For further particulars inquire of ' • ' S. L. M'CULLOON, Marchlf, 1864.-41 , 47 A.".T. JONES: • DESIRABLE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE FOR SALE. - HE undersigned_ offera, at priiikte sale; lat a great, • • THREE ApRES O,,LAND t situate on the lifuntmelstOwn tarnpiite, Within .the,..eity limits, whereon is erected a TWO-STORY ERAULDWELLENIIIIOI3M, Barn, an 4 opt4tdrulpp. riarFor further particulars enquire.of ' . JAMES B. iltoltesoN, marlf.dtf Ftfth Street, between•Wallist slid Ilarliet. . _ • JOSHUA M. WIESTLING, ArrojEtav*??.•:stzir - OFFICYZ IN WALNUT STREET', OPPOB.I.TR TIER STATE ; CA.PIT4-X. 402• EL, ' • A LL business pertaining to the profession will receive his prouipt and carets* attention. • marB-doaw2thwini-dim* '•'' '" • " ' Steam Saw Mill' fOr Sale or Rent. MEM andersioffers for sa le a desirable MILL.MILL.P=Pg xli , sp.' river, at Daliciatta Wird, 'fifteen - miles wait of busy,. This Property has 'the' advantage of a *Met, and Is acCesple by canal or railway. .The mill is geared in the most improved stylci with a good (Morris : & CO mete, Which drives tWctQftte &Ma; una .with; krty and the other with eighty feet'of 'carriage; alae, :Oren circular saws for the manufacture of Shingles, Lath and Plcketts. The abek property for sale or rent on reasonable terina' ye t . particulars address by naugc t d e l *person, on.. - • JOSEPH'S Ousican , i 'shunt, mars-dline nvenite P. Ct. Pa. (iIHE First ~lhtio Batik :I;447istknygt. Caplltillltie,oOff,lidtkillie priivilege .of trump". log it to $300,000. • The State Capital Bank having organized under the act to provide a National currency;-under.the above title, .iospectfully offers its services for the coil!ted9l l- or / 4 91 Drafts, Bills of EnOhange, recall/it iiiediey 'ileitosll.; buy and sell exchange en all - parts of the country. .. Tile busineas will be gonducted 14 UM CctilleroT'aeC° l4 and Ereinut streets, by tlyt follaPing named dtrectorii;pil officers: • DIRECTORS: - • • -- Joroi B. niacin%. 3. B. EBY, Salmi CAluiao; . Luau vrnxi:orveranto, . ' ' ' Geo. I% Elazuzza ) .. J D OdISEROrr • .ICatlt ff. smogs . ,_presit. Jan 29-4 2 41 - GEO. IL SMALL,. Oliardsa.' • • . . .. ... _ Springtatetila.l.l comfort!' I HALM 11E11 4 HUE TOP lIA.TTRASSES. Palm Leaf Cotton Top Mattrasees. " 'Omit Buslntintnytass. patent Spring,''Ellat Beds. Feattterlo and Bolsters. Cotton Comforts and ipmdg. Wort Stunts - Carpet Camp Stools. • _ . Angtr,Parpet - • Iron ft,ftda, latest pattern, &e.,ALI, •'N. 11.—Bofas i :Lounge; 0/shim= Chairs And .ga ll's"! mitred. - Sa t and Spring Mattiassee-Madiitib order: - No; .100 Marketstreet, Baustaburg; Pa: • • • = Itutr 24l ;lu'i • • •r J T. BABIBTI: • _ . • Evergreen Trees. NORWAY FIR, SCOTCH FIE, Balsam Fir, Silver Fir, English Yew and Evergreen Shrubs, Tree Sus i , Huhn*" 4;4104 Irish Yew' &a. &a. Rt. KEYSTONE NIIRSSaY. Mak 16, 1934. il i ., ' , tRIOE • TWO . CENTS. 111EDIOAI.. THE GREAT _‘.!‘44 : 11.1j . 6 , .A , N.i. : 11: . *11 , k , ki1i5: i . ,,,!! : _ 4 'll E 11 - - OAP ' - S" • _ _ GENUINE prt ,'VIZ HNLNBOLII ZATRAOT 'WON'T," 'IX:LK/30.D ETTRACT ZIRO.LPARZL,L4, 0002,4* - 40toticlichtii FiV. I; Ma - O..L.D' S. . MOTE PRiPARATIONS: HIGH Di t--0 0 R.. 0 4-NT .a. :700.4poreNti.:. FLUID EXTItAer . 81101111 . , . POSITIVE SPECIFIC REMEDY BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL -AilLol3o . lt - OPS - 10 - AL - • SWELU;GrB rIPMS Medioineiri6reases thtt iffet liesticin, and excited tbeABEHRE • - horny action, by which the WATERY or CWEROIIS &pod- Um.% and 'all illiftalVYAL IttnAIiGEMENTS are .re 'dndokrun well 25 pain and inthulimatien, and le good for 'MEN, WONEN9r CHILDREN. - • I;CELMBOLD'S INVIAXNEAMEI • . Arising from, Exams*, Esbitt of Dias kirly -In ' • . dissreti9;i fir Abuses . 4TTMTI , Io IMiine,'_V:U=nViNfi SYMPTOMS. . . . . Indisposition to 'Exertion, Myriad - of therSki*, loes_of Memory, Uwe of:Power; Weak Nerves, Ditthailty of Direatbing, Horror of Disease, " Trembling; Dimness of Vision, Uniireisal I,asaiiide of - therain lathe'Baelr,„ Muscular Soteke, IRWIN:11e of the Body, Hot Mantis,. - - *options on the rook . , . _ . Coontenwe„ symptini . , .oceopoil to ®o on ; which this medi gine 7M?res, 500 w Phew • rru , I MPOTENCY, FATtIYI4 . one of which the patient ma}, expire.. Who can eay that theyare net frequently followed by those 'inning Xlimainmi" • . , :•• '' • . 4 INSOTITY taStniiiiildik:' 41181-ECIMMOLSOIbs4 InserAt. their litifpriuggi, MI n9aomiponrass, - -TiIe.refoItkgPLOPPINPIIViaVAISIA the milsiashiAt &aft by C44 l nPlitt94,.!lE,Ariiiir newts -the Truth attre'Metttbm."— - =l - OONS'rITIITION, -01i6E WITH ORMOTIOVEAHNESS, Requires:Atm aid of medicine to strentloultutt invisitrate' the tWehge,lekitittite;lo44 l 4l4 - 4401 Anoka: torartalay 4coes , 4 Mal MP %WAS= ikf.mastAkeptica4 - z - : •:: OLD,,Q_I3 YOUNG, SINGLE,;II4=I.2I), • -Olt .4XkIITEM- PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections peculku"to legtelectite. Xxtrata BR • Oho ieMeT44llO. 4t4or tionelinoa chkrcuthl. or zia t iation s Impunity; ?ainftilnwor scoria:lon & the onstomary Wacuationa, , lAcerated orSchirrotie state of the :_ttterwi, Inacorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all-eont , plaints the sex, whet,beK front Indincre, tkoo,'Habitt of Disefiatibn or in thi MOLINE OR mum OF ',pm NO BHPW ) 7 3 E, Yi r M;(ol:r.r ';1!; Tekvaoßalsam, Mmwiox-Ukdiwr44( Medicine -for Unplmftt wiikoogerooLDlooaseo: 11MI:13QUYS BXTRAOT BUOHU, Awes &diet tiimaseriln all their stages At jittle expense; -little or no change io:diet; po,lppoovenlenpptind ; ao. • :luta,. It cantles frequent d esire, glima atro+igth to Urinate, thereby removing; 'Medi:stems, preventing' and , outing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and-Ingani- , matlOU, sp , spat in this clase,ofdiseases, and expelling Pelionoua, bI weed, and Wornout Matter. !Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims or and . ,who have paid heavy fees to be cured in &short. UM; Ml**. found they were deceived, and thatAtie bac by, the use of? - dried - lar 'isythetn, to.breal 4 Mit aßllffrOM SolrhArolloAtuipi iiftbr 'f ' Use I . 1 : Bfmt[ l 7 for all AtreetlODS and Diseases_ f uriaaryPneas L artugarsisting.3ll- Maleiir Fannie, ironitthetevercause g, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these require the aid of a Diuretic.- BIIMBOLIPB BMW. Is the Graft i eertahr to 'hintitie .datired 'Sect in all Messes kir whirl Teuton mended - • - • Blood4lood-iXesSit ~e7tn4gldl men., tear Compound n i g SWUM Sellairajut,ASM; Is an ria t — :.of the Blood, stela attacks" the Sexual ,lirdiagnef:the4Hose„ Ears,:rhiostizlirindl 4 Pipe =Luther Mucus Surfaces v inaXinglis appearance in: • the form of L'lcerd . l ifeltatieldli ZioreaciSarsaparlils pu, rifles Ihe Blood, and removes all. Scaly_ Eruptious the Sidn, giving to the Ceinplawlon w (leer and Healthy Color, It being prepared expressly for this clais - of ientipleinfiti Its Blood-PMr,PRP 1t1e5,1119./IrmerVtd tot.S greater Went thaQ any met prenerationof gt,14110..4114, imumurs Mgt -*.t‘stEt. An excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nat and as itr II action W''lFtsW of thO UritiOrt arising CDO hsibitil of diasiMtiell,Mied baopnectirittWith , the gaWeete Hoehn and jSarsaßarillkik smolt disesuwataii recommended:'Evideneelif the me, resporisibte : 746character will accompany the medicines. O OP. CURES from eight to twenty ' Years with names known to Zeienee and Fame. Faxed! Properties of Ihichtt, see Diwpanamy of th e WWI States. Sea Professor DEWEE'S" . M 7 WI6I , Oiti on the Pradiceof . .Phytdc. See remarks made' by :the fate"celetiiited Dr. MEWS, Philadelphia. See remarks.tnado Dr. ItPMAIR MaDOWELL, a celebratedll4 l 6lelanalialein. Der, of the Royal College of Simeon; anitpublished in the Transactions of the Sings and Atneen'a ...Tama - -See- Medico Refiew,publiatted by BENI MAMA Fellow of theAorst.Oglexe_ of , Sergelona. The tinosa - of the late standard Works on Medicine. Extract og pooh% $1 00 per bat* Oa: sit.tottles:foi. .$5 00. t ExtraerV Sarsaparilla,. $1 00 Pei tOtiPs. Pr Pkx-..tar 00. wire& Rose iEless..q'tiettle, or six for $2 60, or bairn dcweat etWat t0r , 54.7-we Which - IFM be aliffialent to the avast obstinate a 4 141 3, ii4rePtirina adhered o. - twa t to any "Ores; secureli puked' frOnCi& Dosarlbo 0 7r 0 P 4 E 0 ‘ PM . 0030 / o ffiketignik Cured gnaiinteed. Adyiee pals. AAYF .ecsonall' ypoinitilithlOWlte an ihitamtunoLtheLci* R; T. Helmbold, who, being duly saw s , o g sb hi s preparations =than no normal°, not•mary Gary, or other ligurious thug; and are wrgy yegetabla N. T vember, Sworn and subscribed before me, Has gap at No 18fri. HH. P. Memo; Ninth street, ob. Bane, PhUs. Addams letters for Information in confident*. H. T. HCLIEHOLD, Chemlst. Depot DX South 10th Wed, below Chestnut, phis. NOM ke nrgt 6 L - the - rate . ); lb; advertising the al l GiSPH. Those having advertisinttcr do will find It cot rentent for reference. . "'IPOTIr lines or Iris con/MOW one-helfeqaare. Eigiat . _ iinlT or more than four constitute a square. FOR A HALE SQUAW.. -, ,' . "OR ONS 19157.1718. One day $ 00 One day.. ..... .....$ 60 Two .. ... ;.. .. 7-50 :Two tiols: - .z. . ....... 1 CO Three days . 76. ,Threo;staYl -- . —/ 26 One week I 96 One_ .11Theic: -.:....... 2 S One month... ....... BAN i Jllaiimonlit .; "":,:;',... 0-00 t : Two months. .... ~.. 60 -Two m0nt.00.7 400 Three months Three monk II 00 Biz months Six months • . 1/6_o: ...._. .. .year. . . ... . cone year. .... 25 05 aummistratimi year........ .. . - • ' WOO Marriage Notices. .......... .... .. - ..... ...... lO Attditoes Notices ' ' '.“ _ 150 Funeml-NoticeseadafuserShau. - • '''''. ...:-: 5.11- : rrir Business notsoco irsertaiti . ii7e7E,, x t, or beforelfitnisgorsns , De m% Moser Worth lir BUNN EDITIM Fropa our Morning Edition. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE to* 'raw, micuithr. SENATE. • . meT'ainate me t . at 7it o'clock, P. 31.. Mr. Speaker ,N*lEthi the ohely, A itnialier polltioits of a private eltari:d ter ware presentedvidapptitzererted. • P/P9225 (IN::1' I " EMI Mr. -RIDGWAY, - fiord the Ccemzdtten Corporations, reported, as committed, House bill No. 295, an act to. ixp.ei;vaate. the Union League of PMladelPfda. BEMS U PLicE. ... . . Mr. WILSON readin place, an act proinding for the asstunritionhYtie - Conunonwealth, of debts contracted by isnrds, - -borouglis, town ships, &0., by the expenditure of moneys as bounties . to. volunteers..-: Referred'to the etiminitte. on Finance. . Mr. JOHNSON: - an act 16' authorise the Goveraorto}iaybonnties tdmeiutiteers, during the present rebellion, .and , providing for:is sinking fund therefor by taxation of railroad and canal, - and other Companies * . . Referred to th6COmmittee on Thiene.. Alpo, sit erect 3ncHtiat-diatriet out of Lycomin' g andUinton counties.. Referred to the . Couunittee on th e Judiei . ' . jOintrescdni i on relitive to therotootion ot tletternion iji the waters of the Cheatentko and . Delaware bay:: geferred to the - Conunitioe on Agrionitnre.. BILLS CoNNIDIMED, A number of Pilate bills were considered and passed; among them, the bilLgrinp pipp rate the Soldiers' 'Bothnia' cemetery: A supplement to the Fall' Brook nib:read companfs charter. The Senate teregrapq. From. West Nim!;ht)ut. ICEMBras or roar .imoirr,=gnw CAPTIMED Br THE BEBELS—at- roads.' SENT nt TVE- 134:e .Toan'tittog,-Wser Va., , BlarchilS; P. IL • The retells have made - a raid into Batlvand captured, Senator Brehtekand Delegate_Wheat of the Slate Legislature. - • Gen. Sigel has sent Ovary - in Farina,' and it is reported they 'overtook the„rebels and caPtand seMepninmers. • • . Gen. Averill is-recovering from, a dangerous attack of illness. . . Gert..Sigeniteoijazilzini the troops of the Gen. Butterfield passed Grafton on •sattir day, bound eastward. Prow, _ WAIMINGTON, March 21, The advertisement • for the Overland . Service, was withdrawn „on. February -1414-4 1864; et the request of, the Senate Committee 4 - 3 n Post Roadaand:PostOtnees: Conieguenfly contract: has yet 'been - aWarded • for the- _ . AdmiralDahlgrenlefttTis At, for Rortjess Monroe, and it - is expected, that the body of .his son mill arrive there irrtitiee-Orlonr-days:: itesignatiot ortkeProsgselia:Mtabrery of MONTREAL, Maiel4.2i. _ -=_:;, The Canadian M inistry: resign*li rerjuraon Blair, provineild secretary, tailed n the Governor to fonhitnevelffidia*: tarOAVAKIII PI/ rz) 80 I aWd 101 ptritra - 0 - g.iqp - POMMNED_L. Clothiug, , te mp. mid •116rNiiii 111(40iii; rpflalollowing -Uzi of:Coidoizizzed,Olgeibie, 1 Came and Garrison Equippags will be sold at Public Auction, on Wednesday, Iburti„ltals,lB64, at 10 o'clock, . 11 9 A the P .ellot COAITYLAA - _ , XO II /PlegA!"'Atl3WAII Gamin, near 1 qt ••:: •Thifilsbuzg,Ts., Paula Ainetrzk- " •,144 wes s veizitantets.L- , CaMp ;caries. SlO hore's, Spades, • ••; • 2 Berea. 261 Hospital Bazikelwoodec.) '" - 1222 Coaupoi ' 'as, P a ll Tem • -• . _ . 413 Wall Tpritpiles. 1 paymeni required" sArieliiuri Notes. -: HEIVBT C. Boons, • o wta i n a nd A. Q. M., U. S. YOU. Ifarrisburg, Pa., March 113,1864 - - bORTFOLIOSI POlMtii,i , !) sti -' ''tzt l ut,T Ml2lsMlN ust received B''N"''.4NOs&eUICIVIM“.'.:..;%.., ;ME BLACKBERRYanifE?;1 7 1E11;01g4erwitni__ Wairanted pare.- . DriFsalent• 4 37* . g'Veir .. 1 * .4 4 TWO-STORZAWONVZOVEMEFIGV.iIF kwol repair, withlwe good building fOtkitintod on see area, below Mulberry. For ictibliu inquire No. s MaAtet . .KOREPEK. SSINA GRANGES,--A anus* but ein .ll.l.„,pezior invoice of Meseina Oranges just received sr multi BOYER 0.1C048P4M- QHRUBBEIiY: White Fringe, Nahoiits:;:iitheasOras. Tee BPA afrAftlitone - • •r • Jai • s IKTEw I to g_ —. 7 IME •SHOWD.Werr. arßos 4 " AND • - - DAYS OF SDODATvg _Aug rece Wed lit [de* SMISMCWB Booggrogs. FOR SALE. . ALACT of Ground, fronting on Chestnut street 62 feet 8 inches, running along Denbenry alley 210 feet to Cherry env, with 4 frame honsea En quire of [marfmitS] Wit C. WFADDKN. NOTHER lot of choice Catawba Grapes a. for Ws at Dawn JOU Adjourned. BEM MEM ME -