TUE TELEGRAPH VcrELISHXD ArOiaciNG AND EVENING, .131.- GEORGE 13ERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NRAR WALNUT. TErMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SUB CRIPTION .1 - ;4.: Dams TELEGRAPEi IS served to Subscribers in the e z v at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be c bnrged 85 00 in advance. Those persons who negleetto , advance will be charged SO 00. t.e.w.LY TELEGRAP/L Tr; ri.i•LGßAYSiSalSOptibliShedweekly,and Is ."vanished Fuly , cribers at therfollowing cash rates: , DO' topics, T'Lree copies to one Poet Office 7,2 n copies to one Post Off MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACIIER - .OF MUSIC. OFFicx eT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Third Street. P.e. , -idence: Third street,,aboce North. 1116-tf VrELODZONS AND CABINET ORGAN t S... lIVENTi-SIX. FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND MB ' • :". , :i,i - GOLD ACEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON . RANILIN'S INSTRUKEtTS. A Dill assortment of these Instruments always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sele Agent, 9/1 Market street. E= HENRY C. ORTH; iTIEA.GIEER OF THE PIANO, MELODEON AND VIOLIN.—Terms reasonable 15 Third street, iwtivren Market and Chestnut streete. . ja4-3m PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY. MIA - DER 1•17/. nrscoreßr AND WONDERFUL RESULT& n - R. J. M. CREAMER. would respectfully inform the public in general and the diseased In ;articular, that he has opened an office in South Second Aim. below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., where he will treat all diseases entrusted to his caro,iu accordancewith the system discovered and taught by Prof. C. 'Solid - , VI Pldhotelphia, with whose institution be has been con. p-coi, and to whom he takes pleasure-in referring the public fur information with respect to his success in con i::NlF Na drugging the system withuncortain medical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and other modifications of Electricity , without without shocks or any un ploasant sensations. After an Electrical Diagnosis, a_ v-,:arantee will be giver., if desired by the patient. For, further information call and get a pamphlet which con: humireds of certificates from medical men and oth s proving the superiority of this system of practice over nil others. Consultation free. Office houre:9 to 7.2 .k. tO and 7te r. at. DR. J. MILTON CREAMER. M - 43.(131aw2in- to-th-sa DR. J. BIITEIS YELLOW WATER POWDER FOR 1-IORSES DURING a practice of many years in thi4 11 community, DR, HITE has satisfied himself that thitt Powder is vastly superior to any other article In use FOR THE CURE OF YELLOW WATER., And or great service to nOTSEIS that have °et their APPETITE AND ARE lIIDEBOUND, FOUND RBD, OR DISTEMPERED. - - Also, that it will prevent GLANDERS, COLIC ANIPTHE BOTS, When faithfully used two or three times a week—invigo rating and fattening. For Improving the condition of a Horse,,he =twin th4e is no better medicine, as it will strengthen the stemanli, and +twist digestion, "eleank:Dises offenslYe matter, and regulate the boteels,laten costive,-Mtrlfy_the blood and promote digestion—thus the skin is kept - la:* the pores are opened and a lean, scabby Borne becomes fat and comely. . . The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and 13°0 icitb good effect. Directions with package. PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD AT IiELLEWS , DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market . stroet, Harrisburg. 3an 14 GROCERIES. NEW GROCBRY fitOMION STORE, - ..BOYER & ICOERP.IER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN''s; GROCERIES, Queens and Glass Ware, AND ALL HINDS OF COONTRY PRODUCE, AVE just opened a large and. well selected stock of goods at their stand, No. 3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally. nolo-of JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR - WALNUT, nannicsßuitG, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C- Citrons, Figs, Dates, Prunes, - Alnionds , Walnuts , Filberts Create Nuts, Ground Nuts, Pecan.NNts, Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries,, Hominy and Beans, Cakes and Crackers,. Sweet and Irisb Potatoes; Green and Dried Fruits, And Country . :Produce in season. Jujube Pasts, Moss Paste, Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow Gum Drops, Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain Candles, &0., &c. Oranges and Lemons, 4.l.tined Fruits, - Jellies, Peas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in ass son. Vegetables in season, Raisins, Currants, octl3 IMPORTERS WINES AND LIQUORS. LAITMAN, SALLADE & CO., NO. 1 SOUTH NINTH STRET, 4 1 A bra aITYO7 AND WALNUT, 111[LADn'tPEUX - A - A. 31. SALLADE, .T. P. BITING. a M. LAT.Th _nog-d3ml A - ' l l4 OF ISTFW LARGE DTVOik.. RAISINS M I AOW, CURRANTS PRUNES FIGS WM. noes, JR., .o& co. At [no2o] SUPERIOR COSHEN BUTTER Just received at Norway Maple; THIS tree resembles the Sugar Maple very closely in form and foliage, but• bears- transplanting better and grows more rapidly, For sale at Keystooe'Rer sery (feb24-diw] JACOB KISH. Toy BOOKS, G&MES, Lsrge as sortmeot of Toy Books, Games, Am., just received st nol9 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Rarrisburg, N" BOO.s.—TtLE SHOULDER 'STRAPS DAYS OF SHODDY SCHEFPERtS BOOKSTWW, Jest received at A - • . PPLF 4 S.--200 barrels of New York .State Andrus, of a choice variety, just received, and Bold low, in any quantities, to suit purchasers, at the new grocery of (del] BOYER k ROMPER. • T3ICIKLES ! PICKLES! ! —By. the. Barrel, Hid Barrel, Jar or 0..)z en, at na2o WM. DOCK, Ja., & • - -,,,,0-, \ . _ r‘,l):----:----, , bp. • ~...,„..,..,, ...... ~„:.... ~ .• $1 60 4 00 10 00 DR. JOIMSON, LOCK HOSPITAL, Tirchus discovered the moat certain, speedy -LA. and effectual rernedles In the world for Oure Wa.r7aMerl, or .No Charge; in from 'One to 'lwo Days Mfeakness' or Us Back, Affe&ions of the Kidneys and Gladder Involuntary Discharges; Impotency, General De bility, Nerrousams,. Dyspepsia, Languor, low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation -of Ithe , Heart,: 'Timidity, Tremblings, Dimnms of Sight orGiddiness, Disease, of the Head; Throat, Hose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels--tliotie terrible disorders arisiterom the Solitary - Habits of Youth—those secret, and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the ,song of Symms to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their Moat brilliant hopes or auticiptition; rendering marriage, dm, impossible. • • , • . , Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary vice, that &Muni and destructiVe habit Which annually aweeps to iMuntlinelY, grave thoesanda of Young- lien of the most exalted talents: and Milliantilntellect, 'who might inh.erwise - have entranced listening:Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may an with full emindence: Married persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, Acing aware of physical wcalcaCSFY.orgatic debility, defor mities, arc, speedily cured. • • He ,who places himaelf ender the care of Dr. J. may re ligiOuSly confide in his honOr is a gentleman, and cond. 4ently rely upbn his skill es a Physician. Immediately cured; and filiklAgorresfored. This distressing affectlon—which,renders life miserable and marriage'lmpoielble—is the penalty paid, by the vio• tiros of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may „ensue.. Arow, who that under- Aands the subject Wit' 10M.md:to dethat:the power of procreaden isicentoormerty those UlDng into improper habits than by the,Mildent. pesides` being ' deprived 'the pleasures of healthy- offinring;'the 'Mast , serious and de structiye symptoms to, both.' body and mind arise. The system becoMe.s deranged, the physical and mental fun - diem meatratied, lobs of 'procreative power, nervous irrhahllith dyspepsia, palgitatitarof the hearti,indigestion, constitutional, bility a wasting of the frame, ccugh, con stinatitfon",,decay and death. ' ' Left hand side going from Bsdtimoria street, a few doors Item the corner. F ail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his once. - .. .limber of the Berta. College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one nf the incist eminent colleges In the Unit& States, and the greater Pert of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, •ParVhiLadelphla ..and!else• where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were erer known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great norvOlisteso, - being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind , were cured immediately. Thew are some of the inul and melancholy effects pro, duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the beta' and limbs, pains in the heed, thinness of sight, loss of muscular' power, palpitation a the sleitit,_ dyspepsia, ner vous Irritability; symptoment.cosununption, -MS—The fearful, effects on. the mind rare . niudi to be treadedloss of memory, Confusion "Idati, pression of spirits,' evil foreboding; ` aversion society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, ha, are some of the evils produced. Who have injarod thentselvs by a certain practice in dulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from eell.comjutialons, or at school, the-.effects of which .are nightly felt, even when, anleep, and if not cured renders marriage Bible, and' destroys both mind and body', should m medlately. • - JOIN- WISE. r vhat - a-yoting mart;_the hope of tds country,. the darling of his pmentsi should.be mnatched from all prospects and enjoyments dr life, tip the consequence of deviating frota the path of nature and indulging In a ceilidh _secret habit - atmk persons num, before content, plalina. • . • Reflect that a sound mind and body are themost necessary requisites ti primate contiabiathappiniss. Indeed, linth. oat these, the journey througb . tife becomes a weary pil grimage ;:the prospect hottrir dticbeto to the' view ; the mind becomes shadowed.ti&slesPair - and 511 ed with the melancholy reflection tbat the. happiness of another be comes .blighted with oar ots . it. When the misguided and inipittdent votary of pleasure find, 'ire has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often haPPOlis that an illtimed . sense of 'l3lllllllO or the dread of di,, - ovely deters him - from. applying to those who from educatiortZ' ol re2PeetabilitY, can alone befriendhlm He tali Imo the heads of ignorant and-designing pretend ers whc , o,44bie, curies 'filch. his pecuniary. sub stanee3.eep hint- triflingtao. nth after month, or as long as the smalleSt.feiVcai be obtabiod 2 and 'in despair leave him with ruined heath to sigh over Ins galling disappointment, or, by the USE or the deadly poison, Mercury; hasten the constitutionalsymptemsofthis terribledisease,suchasaffec- Lions ot the Head, Throe; liose i Skin. etc,,, progressing ,tvith frightful rapidity till 'den —puts a period tolils dreadful sufferings by sending hint to that undiscoyeied Country from whence no traveler '' FOR TABLE USE, WM. DOCK, JR., & CO The many thousands cured at this institution year after year; and .the. numerous important surgical operations perforniea by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of he Snii,..-aoper, and.many other papers, notices of which have appeare d fig ai l n , and again before the public, besides .his standing as‘ , filgengealaP - P t 'c ha racter and Tesponsi- Nifty, is a setricieo guarantee s tcilWadlicted. BY GEORGE. BERGNER. MEDICAL. BAIE4TIMORE DISEASES OP EiII'KUDENOE RELIEF IN ELM TO. rvy ILQE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUG& YOUNG KEN MARRIAGE ORGANIC WEMINMSS Om= No: 7, SOUTH FREDERicic STREET, DR. JOHNSON, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. YOUNG KEN t DI FACE OF :IMPRUDENCE M)ORSVoYIiT OF Tub PRESS SKEtt .15jOhAS.STIAVOILY CURED _ - maim wo.silloutivrtellerlow. Street, ;THE UNION t.; 4 . - -) . 7 --- - 14 7 :# •,- HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, •I‘WtCH 15,:1864. MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS POE .TIIETTNFORTIJNATE! THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST _ . Cherokeellexhie(l) .- _, CMROKEE ATECTIOX I COMPOUNDED riOn.pf,s73 ; :240,41ipieUVE9 CEititOICIZBE REMEDIS: the ont.ut Ditirelic• cures rzUZ cliseaser of the . itti - it :Organs. sitch- Aconti vence of the Urine, inihrikiniiiient motion of tho Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Grand Oleet, Gonnorhea, and is eSpeibially reedarnien — deld 'in those cases of Plum. AtZus for Whites in females) where art the ohinateseons Medicines hare faited: *— `•- • sigr It Is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. dcg- It is diuretic andalterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the hloOd, causing it to flow in all of Its original purity and-vigor;_ thus. removing from the system all pernicious causes whieh haveledUced disease. CEISROitEE INJECTION is intended as an idly on assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and,shou* be used in conjunction with that:medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Meet, Ittlor Albus or Whites. Its effects are heinitog, soothing and , dentuicent ; removing alt Scalding, heat, chordee and pain, Instead of the burning and almost un endurrohypain that is expinienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injodions. skrßy the use of the CHEROKEE 'REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTIOh7I4he two medicinci at the same time—all improper dier r harges arc removedi and the weak rated prgans are 'speedily restored to fall vigor end - Strength. na-For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug stare in the country, or write us, and we will mail free, to any address, a full treatise. ,top Price, CHEROKEE 'REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottlos for $5. .I''Prioe, CHEROKEE INJECTION, ¢2 per bottle, or lute bottle!! for $5. • lir Sent, by express to any address on receOt of Sold by all druggists everywhere., .DR. W. R. MERRTN & CO., ' . . Solo .Proprietora, rnarlo:rodly No. 69 ddberty street, New York. CHEROKEE CURE! ME GREAT INDIAN ,MEDICINE, otiarrciaDim FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES , An unfailing cure for .4pernkatxrphiirA, Seminal Weak 21e4; Nootarnal Emissions, and, cdtdinasel eausaiki"Mit,l ly4toition; such as Loss fe,Nemory Ilnisersal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness Vora:ion, Premature Old Age teak Nene% Ell !mat reßreetking, Trembling, Wakefid mu, Eruptions on the Etsee;-.Fade qountenance, Insanity, Coneumption, and a-the:Eh* complaints: *ceased by de fiaß de q lets _ - • imdleinejs a simple vegetable estrobt r iandehte on which all can:rely, as it lila been used in oar 'practice for many years, and With thousands treated, it his not failed in a single instance . Its curative powers hav e e been. . sufficient to gain victory over the Mee ' t stabborn case. . . To those who have trifled with , their constitution until they_think ihemselvai beyond flin reach of medical aid, we would say, Despair not / the Cis - mous 'Chas will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed I ,e3-For full particulars, get a Cireehir from any Drug Store itrthit Country, or write the Proprietor, who will mail free to any one desiring the iame, a full treatise in` pamphlet form. AG/I'Fri= s2,per bottle, or Ogee *tiles for 15,- and forwarded by expresti to all "parts it*tei; world w3rSold by.alPreapectablddruglieta. : every4ere.: 112. W. R MERWIN & CO., Sozx PRoParrrons, marlo Godly No. S 9 Liberty street, New York AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. ' West Dspeßgicurr, CAVALRY BaaaA.l7,l. ' OFFICE or CIORIP Queeezetaeree,• WA4HINGTON, D. C., Feb. 19,18 a. WILL be sold _at Public Auction, ,to the highest bidder, aithiCp)sicea and bates named . low, viz: At MUM; Penna.., 300 Hdis'is, Priday, 4th March. At lylllitunsport Penni., 300 Horses, Tuesday Bth March. At Altoona, Penna., 300 Horses, Frlday, 11th Marsh At New BrunsOch, N. 300 Horses, Tuesday, 1501 _ . March. At Easton, Penna., 300 Horses, Friday, 18th March. At Newark, N.J., 300 Horses, Tuesday,-22d, Merck At Lebanon; Penna., 800 Horses, Friday 26i,hiare . h. At Wilkesbarre, Penna., 800 ,How, TikeidaY, 29th March. . . These Horses have _been cauion:tied as unlit for the Canby service of the ,United Mattel Arny... For road.and fartriptuposes putny good bargains may be bad: • ' Horses will he sold singly:.; • Sales begin at 10 "a. and continuo daily .till all are - Terms Cash, in United States Treasury Notes only. - - JAMES A. EON, fab2o-dtm29 Chief. Quartermaster, Canlryjtmnau._ T. .F. WATgito MASTIV ''.-.:Ci.ZWE:III'T RAIMPAC7''D*A PIT'XISIBITJEW, TB PREPARED to turnieh - and coat the ex t terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new syklem. This material is entirety different Item all other, cements used heretofore, and bt the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making . beau tiful One water proof surface, and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. . , Amongoihers for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following'gentlemen: J. BisseLresidence, Penn.street, Pittsburg,.j. m , r „ 1, i‘ as J. IL Shoenberger raldence, Liwreneeville. A. Hoeveler,. « _ James WCandless, " .Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, " Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, WiWam Vohel, Girard House, Barr k Moser, architects - Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cos, residence, Front street, Harrisburg; Pa. A. J. Jones,. It Please address T. F. WATSON, u.toxi.,soe Pittsburg Pa t feblg-dam . or, Penna. Rime, Harrisburg, Pa. LADIES.—If you wish good Letter j_,Nper,. Envelopes, Ink, Pens,.oraoradn'ekilinffie stationery lake, you% will do well,b cantos at. • 1 8, BOOKSTORE, nolfl Tionisburg. FOR SAME. FOR A I)BegiC 9 rkniqpires. 4 !jt/ilso" ; t:La - Pr g rAlTe Thr l)j etiCo suale nt it er b edSh f o o w r Window' and. Handsome:o,lg SfatX All will beisold very, Ifaillettfor. before. the Ist .. of -April. EntiPire .at SCITEFR R Bookitore l nenisburg Denny", Inarlo ititAyIISTATE - AT PRITA'M SALE Theo Tend properties of the Estate of. WILLIAM AL -I..Mglitfeceosod.,Axi.the-eitSe of ,TiarrLsburg, consisting of Mouses' oh Front street and Chestnut Street, at and near the corner of Frisitaiad Chestnut streets, a vacant lot on lA - Wherry: lstreet :near .92tirii street, .and 19M- . acres of land at Uutea,stera terminus of Market: - street, are of fered rest 'Par - *nal of Sale apply to theundersigned, ''Seventha rENebiestrimith,-PlaladelPtda. de27.4g1- ' THOMAE CCCEIMAN; 7 ion' V l /311 'SAIL—A unittber. Of lids have bean laid out on the Jonestown Hoed, about one, mile east;:of the; .city of Harrisburg, which are being sold etilelbgsicea. To persons desiring to secure 1 1 5. 110 mo:ref ttleytw, and to Do t relieved front - We . present — exorbireilts, this la a raze opportunity, .....: A number of lets ha'" ..—sold'Andibut few re,, main on hand. Thep. 'ofitaiii lits:pei he seen at the .9beriff's,odlue in./la mg, where . persons — desiring' M. purchak are reitnested e call and:seethe some. ; I galk.t... Harrisburg, Jan. 15,1884. . • -.. ..,:,; ltat4.4* IN - OTh SALE.=—A Five-horse-potrer STEAM 1.: ENGINE-and BOILER, in gooct.orditr.. -.. Apply to F. .ORET . . Y fel)22-tr Wept street, I]olow Bulb. N E; . Li I 411 TO Rs. WM. DOCK-, JR., & RALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE RIES . opposite the Court House, hare on handnann selection of, . BRA:N.DKES of different vintages., _ FINE AND COJIMOIf WINES, I Of Every Description. Wais,K.Ys. OLD BOURBO.2V, EIR.L.A,: _ __ ~.._ 1i0NgN9...4. IxiSLI AND' SCOTCH FINE Whiekys: The best ever. brought to thierimulf.et: OLD WHEAT , , FAMILY "NECTAR, . . .. .And the celebrated MIEREKOT GROVE WHISKY. , . ' CHAMPAGNE WINES. 5R1.0.% JOItiEEEEBORG, CLARET ERigH ALES SCOTCg - • min.. BRow, WILD CAERRY,• Ny P LANTATION, viwAx-Ta. BITTER,. •' • • -Nth With a completeitook of Fax u x.xsla AND - AatEiticAN PICKLES ;And amnia of every des . oribtion now in the market, iaini at rozzoirise4LATzs CiaB .HIT.ApQZTABTERS, ILULRISBURG, rENve, DIICEMBER , 11, 188.0. J ORDER I AG FFAI3L~ General 'Or - der No, . 65 ; War Departelen4 A:• 01"0., Jaii..l2th, 1882, the on dereigned hernbransumes command of this Post and is sues the following, orders, for pie information, and guid ance of all concerned: - ! L All Officers Millety at-this Post are required to re portot,o 'these Headguarters,lheir, rank, Atingtilt, .flitture of duty, and neinber, and,date : 44: order, placing them on such duty., • „ - • • - IL Ogicere arriving . will report ai specified above.— Otlicetsiiti being- relieved from - dity, will report, pre vious-to theirdepitrture, by what authority they are re lieved, leaving a copy of the orders at these Headgear- ILL officerslioVing.soldiere under their 'charge are re quired, in addition to the above, to make a "morning re port" by P.A..m, each i day. Isom:l 7 oßD, Lt. CoL, lath U. S. L, • CoMmanding Post. OFFIOIAL:—Z L -- Beans, let . Lt., U. S. L Poet Adju tant TO OFFICERS AND, SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, Bonnties, Back Pay and War Clahns. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS t MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS'MADE OUT. rpm inidersigneil, having: been in the eta . ployment of theft:lnked States diiring Limiest eighteen months, as Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing 011 lee and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylvania, respectfully informs the publio-thathe tam opened an office in the Den,i Trasusera Building for the purpose of collecting Penslorui, Bountles,,Back Pay and- War Claims ; also making out Officers', Par Rolls, Muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. . novi-dif SULLIVAN S. CHILD $5 REWARD. WELLSCILI t E, YORK Co., -Pa., I •• - . March 8, 1861. LOST—A. large roll of finished HARNESS LEATHER, weighing over 100 lbat,. from a wagon, between:New Cumberland and Harrisburg _ The roll,. of Leather was marked " WELLS, BIDDLE & CO., 'Pitts burg." Any person finding said roll will receive the above reward by leaVing it at the Pa. Central B.' R. Depot, Harrisburg, or at Shell's Tavern.,.Hridgeport. marS WELLS, BIDDLE & Wkolesonge and Convenient Suit . • stitute for Yeast-. VievERVE . gOENT YEAST POWDERS.- -121 They serve to impregnate the dough, or batter, with carbonic acid, which by its expansion in cooking pro ducei levity,. whiteness and digeetibilltf, Without .elmi nating a single nutritive element E or adding: thereto any thing.which Ahe system. does not Comitantik require. They miahle a edok:to make the. most /scions bread, the sweetest and lightest cakes without a moment's delay. Warranted to give satisfaction," or no sales:, Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by. , S. A. RIINREL & BRO., Bruggists, 118 Market street, Harrisbnrg. Proposals for Coal. PmcssyLvAitalSiATE LtrleeTW - HOSPrraty - - garelk.7 7 1864. ROPOSALS will be. received until 6 P. ra . . P of Thursday, March 31, 1864, -for • supplying 'this Hospital with Six HUNDRED .T 0213 of A No. 1 Broken Coal, of!the best quality end free from slate and other impuri ties. The coal - to bodelivered on .the wharf of the. Hospital on the Pamsylvania canal; the weight to be determined by.the weigh lock at Harrisburg. Proposals to be sad to ' marT-td JOlO7 CIIRWEN Superintendent. “THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.” TM.O3:"I'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION.ar.d the. PUBLIC for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF VIE BLADDEIt, KID NEY,S,,URINARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on as the best mode for the administra tion Of these remedies in the large class of cliseasesof both sexes, to which .they are applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by its concentration, the dose is much reduced. N. R—Purchasers am advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT' OF GUBRBS AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless preps- Miens,. under similar names, are in the Market. Price 90: Sent by 'express on receipt of price. " Refugee mired 'only by TARRANT ,t CO., No. 118 Greenwich street, comer of 'Warren street, New York, and for sore Druggists gesterstag oct22-dly For sale by S. A. KUNKLE dr BRO., and by Draggists generally. . - . PORTFOLIOS I PORTFOLIOS I ! CHESSMEN atid cgizanum Boar 4 a Hue nmit, pat receiveci at 80)/E8M8NONEMRE, PRICE TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITION. FroM 'auk. Morning Ed.itkin; Pennsylvania:Legislature. . . REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR Tim; TELEGRAPH. HOUSE OF IMPRESEIPATIVIS. MONDAY, March 14, 1864 The House met at 7i o'clock. On motion of Mr. LEE, the House ;Pro ceeded to the consideration of House bill, en titled An act to incorporate the'Soldiirs'•-lsra tional cemetery. PaSsed fukal). • 'A number of bills were reported . and read inplace. Among the latter were the follow , ing, which , paseed.finally; "iiii:ALETIBItS, an - act to increase the jpr ß • of "urors az& • esse.s in the corm of o~Bedfrd.. . _• *, *Mt. .A - LVAT'IM, ah act m relation to 't election of auditors in' the 'bdrough of "Middletown, in the cobritticellatiptiiii. By Mr. TITI,T 4 an act to CoMper.the'Manti facturers of firkins,kege and tubs,intended for the packing butter and-lard,in - theeOunties• < Erie, Crawford and Warren, to Mirk '412:• weight•thereon. By Mr. WHITE, an act to change the - place of holding elections in Slipperfßock town- , ship, county of Lawrenoe. By Mr. WALSH, an act to change the time of holding the election, in Blakeley township, Luzern county. By Mr. HOPKINS, an act supplenientary to an act to authorize the Wyomin canal com pany and its creditors to•agree to an adjuitment of their respective rights, approved April 3, 1863. • By Mr-SPANGLER, an additional supple ment to an act to incorporatethe Pirstßeformed Congregation - of the borough of York and vi- By Mr. BIIROWIN; an act relating to the powers of the commissioners of Venango county. On motion of Mr. BROWN, House bill, en titled A further supplement to an act to incor porate the Warren and Tidiout railroad com pany, was considered and passed finally. Mt. GLASS presented a report from the select committee appointed to inquire into the authorship of certain communications which appeared in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin and Pittsburg Daily Commercial. The report, without being read, was laid over, on motion of Mr. ILE%-, who stated that he desired, to-mcirrow,.to present a minority report. On motion of Mr, MAYER, the House adopted a resolution tendering thanks to the officers 'and men of the 79th regiment Penn sylvania Volunteers, Colonel Hambright. Adjourned. 339 ZereorapQ. OUR GUNBOATS AT WORK ATTACK ON COL. .HENRY'S CAVALRY Ex:pected Attack oh Jacksonville ---•--- Nzw Yonx, March 14 A Jacksonville letter, publisheclin the Post, and dated the 11th, reports heavy firing up the river, understood to be our gunboats feel ing the rebel lines. ErTl On that day our advance of CoL Henry's cavalry was attacked aid. driven in front their second position. with the loss of a number of wounded. It was expected the rebels would make an attack on Jacksonville the next day. If they did not do so, our forces would soon advance. NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. Voice of -a ' True Democrat .A_LEANY, NEW Yoza, March 14 _ Mr. Bryant, a Democrat of New York, to-day introduced in the Assembly, a series of resolu tions, deelaring that the war must be prosecu ted until slavery is annihilated, and that the constitutional abrogation of slavery would clear the path to our manifest destiny and produce the restoration of a united nation, and requesting' Congress to submit< to the people the constitutional amendment, forever prohibiting and terminating slavery. XXXlTifith .Congress---First Session SENATE. WASHINGTON, March 14 - The senate passed the House bill relating to chaplains, providing that they shall not suffer diminution or loss of pay, or allowances When absent on account of sickness, disa bility or when held as prisoners, and granting is; pension to chaplains for total disability of twenty dollars per month, and applying its provisions, also to widows and mothers and sisters of chaplains who have died since the fourtlr of March, 1861. Mr. Davis presented a resolution of inqui ry as to the part taken by Col. T. W. Higgin son, Colonel of a Massachusetts colored regiment, in the rescue of Anthony Burns in Boston, from the eu.itody of the authorities, which rescue resulted in the killing of one of the deputies of the court. Objected to. Laid .over and ordered to be printed. The bill making an appropriation for West Point academy was taken up. Kr. Grimes opposed :31f.r. Anthony's amendment, provi ding for a competition examination of cadets. HOUSE OF RE,PRESENTATivrIS Mr. MBride (Oregon) introduced a bill granting lands in aid of the construction of a railroad from Salt Lake City to the head waters ofthe Oregon, and to secure the use of the same for postal and military purposes. This proposition relating to the Pacific rail road was referred to the select committee on that subject. Mr. Arnold (Ills.) 'introduced a bill pro viding for a perm‘nent peace by the removal f the cause of the war. It provides that `from and after its passage, slavery shall be abolished in all the States and Terititories where it now exists. The bill was isfarred to the Committee on the Judiciary. STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. ADVERSISWG R.LTSS—DAILY ME.GRAPEL The moos mites for adrertsipg * men. -Troballteffiglivi*orratif tb - ao wilt= Wort renient for reference. it;:r Font lines or less constitute ono-half , quaie. , Siht lines or more than foncepwititote a square. net „sw* moral r " ,! son tea Soress: One day: M s Du. day - ; Two days; ..... 60 Tan days.. 100 Three days , 75 Three days - 125 One week 125 One week 2 25 One month_ 300 One month .. 600 • • ... Two months 4 50 Three months 6 60 Slit months 8 00 One year 15 00 Administration Notices..., Marriage Notices Two Months 9 00 Three 'months Six months - 1000 One year ' 25-170 $2 Auditor's Notices 1 50 Funeral Nodceseachinsertion &ism' ess notices' inserted in the Lois& before Marriages and Deaths, Ssone Cars MEr, Lila - for each insertion. Mr. . Ashley (Ohio) introduced a bill ex- tending the time in which the States-and-Ter ritories may avail themselves of the. aet do nating.pnblic lands for the establishment . of agriculinral colleges. Referred to the com mittee on public lands. The House referred to the report of the eonference committee on the deficiency bill. Onmotionof Mr. Smith'ers, (Del.,) it was re solved: that the Committee on Naval Affairs, iri'deternaining the erection of a naval depot, shall.inquire into the propriety of fuzing the site on the Delaware, at or near the town of New. Castle. . , Mr. Washburne OE4 asked leave to offer a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means in their next revenue bill to tax the stock of_ domesticliquors .on hand for sale at 60c. per. gallon. Mr. Stevens .(Pa.) objected. Mr. Washbirrne moved a surpension of the Mr. Pruyn. (N. Y.) argued that the only re salt of this measure must be mischief, and he objectedto placing such power as is proposed in the hands of any man. • . Mr. Cox (Ohio) favored standing by the original proposition of the House—merely au thorizing the Seoretary to anticipate the pay .ment of the 'public debt. Nothing done here could permanently. regulate the laws of trade. Boutwell. said. he still stood. by that measure, which was originally introduced by him. Mr. Alley (Mass.) said he would support the Senate's, believing it would be for the interest of the Government,• country and people. He believed that in the hands of the Secretary of the 'trees - m.. 7 the amendment would be productive of much good. Mr. Hubbard (N. Y.) opposed the Senate amendments. Mr. Boutwell believed they had no right tie grant power to sell surplus gold, and if they lad th 6 right it would be - unwise to exercise it. "If war continues there will be demand for years 1864 and 1865 of eighty-five millions of coin or more. He produced fig,ures to show that the Secretary of the Treasury may dispose of twenty millions of gold between now and July without impairing obligations to meet all lia bilities. House adjourned• without action on the gold bill. • Exchange of PrLsoiters not to be .Sus . pended. WASHINGTON', March 14. The statement that the exchange of prison- - era was to be suspended, the Admistratkni - not agreeing to General Butler'splan there for, which was made in the Washington Citron/de to-day, is authoritatively denied; for, with the exception of the single fact that General Wadsworth has left.-this city, there is not a shadow of a foundation. for the state ment, or any portion of it. The Goverment has no intention whatever of interfering with the business of regulating exchanges, but. trust to Getterenlutler. - Obstructions to Telegraphiug Removed. ST. Jo.a - ss, N. F., March 12 The Newfoundland telegraph line ceasecl working on the 26th of February,. diming a heavy snow storm, which continued several days; - accompanied by a terrific fall of sleet. breaking clown the lines for miles. ; A heavy freshet in the rivers added to the .. trouble, but by hard and steady labor, have ",..7 succeeded in putting the line in first rate Co ndition again, and to-day it is open for bust- ness: The Fifty-fifth at New York. NEw Yosic, March 14. The 55th Pennsylvania volunteers, eight hundred and fifty strong, have arrived from Harrisburg, and are awaiting transportatioh to Hilton Head. Movements of a Pirate Vessel. Boarax, March it. Private advices received here, state that the pirate Rappahannock left France pri vately on the 20th ult., armed with six guns and with a picked crew. Her craising ground is reported to be on the" equator, in. the Obi= Seas. Hudson River Clear of Ice. Naw Yoax, March 15 The Hudson river" is clear of ice, and the regular, Albany and New York passenger steamers will commence, their trips 'to-mor n:M. New York Sauk Statement. New Toren March 14. The following is the-statement of the con dition of the New York banks for the week ending March 14th: Loans increase $5,440,469 —specie decrease s437,629—eirealation de crees 00,379—deposits increase $9,115,299. MARKETS: BY TELEGRAPH The flour market continues excessively dull, with but little demand for export, and the only sales we hear of are 50 bbls. extra, at $6,_50, 200 bbls. Wm. B. Thomas' Mills on private,terms, and 300 bbls. extra family at $7; sales to the trade range from $606 25 for superfine up to $BO9 50 for high grade ex tra family and fancy lots. Rye flour grade_ small sales at $6, and 100 bbls. of a better brand. at $6 25. Corn meal; nothing doing to fix quotations. Wheat unsettled and loWer, $1 60 only being offered for prime red, but we hear of no sales; white without clumge. There is but little inquiry for rye and it is of fered at Si 30. There is less doing in corn; sales of about 4,000 and 5,000 bus. at $1 17 in store, and $1 20 afloat, -with 1,500 bus. at $1 19 delivered. DscrAszn SOLDrEss.--Ainong the deaths of soldiers during the past week, reported at Washington, were the following: Samuel Tuttle, sth New Jersey _Battalion; Timothy M. Vandyke, Invalid Corps; Charles Dicker son, 2d Delaware; Daniel I. Wiregarven, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry; Wm. Pailine, 2d Penn sylvania Artillery; Jacob Hartley, 90th Penn sylvania; F. Friekaidt, 2d Pennsylvfmla - Ar tillery; Jolm Wolf, 6th Invalid Corps, Fullerton, 69th pennsylvania; John "Fisher, 19th Invalid Corps; Franklin Ma - Beth, firth Pennsylvania; John F. Hill, 2d Permalyania Artillery; Julius Francon, .4th Den t x 4 re Thomas J. B. Lew, Ist Invalid Corps; Augus tus Frickardt, 2d Pennsylit ArlandrY; Robert lldartin, - 224 Invalid! Corp.,-John Strunk, 29th Peailiebralaii andSteohenMen demi], sthllew Jersey Battery. March 14.