Dim_ Shift -figments: A E 111 1111 A IN 3EW Aii7t4 GI GOLDS PENS ! If IHE beet and largestasportment of Gold Pens has just been opened at Irr BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. The PiiiAre irianufacturixl bY Newt6A & Co., of New York, and viwititnted to give inH astisfaotion. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Hiddefrivsl 26. Gold Pen and Sla i rr Holder for $1 60. Gold Pin sail Silver Holder for $1 76. Gold ppn ancl Silver Holder for, $2 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $a 25. Gold Pea Sad Silver Holder for $8 714. Gold Pen and Silver Holder" 'for . $4 26. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Ho • lder $5 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. THE NEW EDITION PURDON't-i DIGEST HAM JINT BEEN PIIESLIOH . ED, PRICE 1115:00. A N .EN VIRE new edition of this well known 11. law Book has just been leaned. It is now distinguished by the following Soperadded feature° ; The laws contained in the various annual Digetts published since the date of the eighth edition (1858) have been incorporated in the body of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisore tile Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the Various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of 'the decleione explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. Brucurnx, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at je2B BREMNER'S BOOKSTORE. HAREEM :1U COAL OIL. DEPOT. rR the safety of a Inaumere, We .have eellmblished a 1:14 Oil I repOt at the corner of Fran Sail Market MAMAS. All our elle are tested and we poll lively .ell non , tepid mai as prove to be notnexplogive, Wow and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer ad present the following Justly celebrated *sada. Mag nolia 14... laden, Nabrood pod Lucifer, lower than can be pa. amine I elacwhere it tin. place, either wholesale or Mall. 'Ono on ar.ensivo assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, bhade., Glom Wiwi, Berner* &o We will also Change (laid or e•amphene lamps, au ea to be tined to, eoal eel. Call awl saner y. auras! goo, to vicHot. 4 & BOWMAN, Carnet of (front and Markel Wool aprl I AL Ma la CL;- 'BB gillftirONS ditaktlBllllll6l. It" should not be foigotton that this establishment is still In suocessill l opereatlon, and eau supply !WIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPEVINES, RASPBER ERIb.S, STRAWBERRIES, 000 S- BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK FLIES, Fito., Ito., &a., &o. eli ivied quttlitei att i yerleties,*.ttat,a.l tetettithle primes theytte distant nurblride. THE LOCATION • of the nursery—adfolnlog the ony—gives ft adratkleges' for transportation to .0 parts of the country, possessed by but llsw others. Sr All articles, when desired, deliver ed free of charge, la any part of the oily au3oll VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WAN T LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, 124VEIOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, • PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will fhnd the largest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. OHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN TILE UNITED 'STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRANDS OFFICER') IN PENNSYLVANIA ! MADE Off ORONO MISSOURI WRIT", WORM. drillltirit'edlwthe4re tree .wso wm. DOCK, Jr., &Co, POCKET BIBLES. ' IeULL asaortmont of Pocket Atha 2t sad Testaments for the soldiers, jute re ceived at BEIiGNEE'S BOOKSTORE. , POMADE IiONGROISE 101 ILIINO THU MOUSTAO HEN. ati%IRA family flour, a superior brand, wbtob we warrant to glse s Psfsetile, ILIA re ed and Am male by NICHOL' , & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market street& THE general variety of goods for ad- Jeanne the TOILET,. • tel be [bond 4 eli ansurpassellhi this city ie 6 . . 91 Market street SOPERIOR Green and Black Lead, for ate by NICHOLS A HO WILAN, 012 Comer Trout and Mullet Mob* • Wftelin invoice of Lemons, Prunes, Pei Nuts so., Ibr pis tow NIUHOLS t BOWMAN, MT clop haat d strode. 600 WALNUT TREES, 1111EIBIFI'T end stridghi, from 6 to 8 feet W I , 01 IR per chesei ; SlO per 100. ' Keystone Nursery, Oot. 18, 1862. , FORT rogoa—WRITINU Dit if entire new anantinent of these ai It, Voles lalt opened at 'IIIZIONEB'S Cheap Bookstore. ==l BOOKS FOR K FARMERS REotter4l ol l of agricniturigts is directed til,tho,f44owlag works, which will wilds them to increase the gusuitity, and value, of their crops by adding science and: the. expert om3343_,of others to ,their sixience : • HEN'S BOOK OF 'M FARM, de . tod,., !D KAU the labors of .husbandry and , the beet way t4perforin them. Price. —.B 60 COLHMAN'S, AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 400 LARDSOARE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE. FARMERS COMPANION, by .• 76 lIMIUGIN ON PRACTICAL AGRIOUL TUIIE, by Johnston 50 TflE MFRJ,CAN FARMER'S new and tad , venial handbook, with.4oo engravings.. 2 50 AN ,EASY , METk sHOD.. OF MANAGING BUS, .Wee... .. . . • .. . 20 Ph° Nature suit Treatment of . iiiiel;eB . of Gaols, by Dadd 1 00 AGRIOULTIJRAL CHEMISTRY 76 MULCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, , and tile production of milk, butter, choose, by Flint—, . ......1 60 GRASSES AND FO RA GE PLANTS, by 4 . .1 60 SAS. RANA:BOOK, containing I ,.House, the now, the pig, fowls, he., UU THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Frac , _titaftl Fanner, by Dr. Gardner. 50 A.1.4.41N 4 'B - IXiMESTIC AN1MAL5........ 76 THE gimp 1300 S .OF MANURES, or _- American Muck Rook.— . . —1.26 THEHOWE AND HIS ' DISEASES, by Jennings . 1 00 YOUATI ON THE HORSE.— 26 HINDr&FMIRIERY and STUD. BOOK . 00 ' HORSEMANSHIP and the Bregdo,.. kuuj Training of Houma 76 Standard *rainy 13ohool Books, and every hing in the titwtiotiery line, at lowest prim, at BERRIER'S - ,CIIKAP BOOK STOKE FOR THE SOLDIERS. NOTHER ! new assortment just opened AIL at BKIIGNSR'S CUSAP 1100 list oeusisting of WRITING CASES. Ilapressly manufactured for the soldiers. PORT FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EV,kRY VARIETY, • SOLD 'AT • REDUCED, RATES, PURE' - CALIFORNIA WINES FOR MEDICAL UBE, CALIFORNIA HOCK WINE, CALIFORNIA PORT WINE, CALIFORNIA ANGELICAL WINE, CALIFORNIA MUSCATEL WINE, CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. ....The attention of- Invalids is potion larly Gilled Ito these wises. The are equal to the best of ituro peas wises ood guaranteed pure• For sale at 00t25 gLLER'S.DIIOO BOOR V, 9t Market St. INSURANCE. • Marine, Fire and Inland Transpoilationi Central Agency et Hetrieburg, Pa., of the INSOMUCH INIMPANY 'OF' NORTH AMERICA: OF : PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794-z-Charter perpetual. • • Capital Old Assets Ra 290 000 Dascrons.. . - OF COMA, 011 131401 Amway JIMA . B ro w n ,o Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff Richard D. Wood, Wili a m Welsh, William N.• Bo 8:• ammu N. Moment, B. horde- Wain, JoiM amen, George L. Harrison, Frame It. Gape, Wit rd Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. AMOR G. Ma' Priefdeed 'OEIABLIffiPLArr, Secretory. AB Wand agent for .th MI A% IMAM ' aompady,- the undersigned' la ,prepared to take lire rake in any part' of the State 01 Patmaylviuna, either euritothy or porpot oe the moat favorable tame. Office Third street bet Keen' Walnut and 'Strawberry alley, ihr ke's tow. . WILLIAM BUEHLER, lelo-dly . Horiskozg, • TO CONSUMPTIVES, Advertiser, having been. restored;± to health in a how weeks, bye very simple rum. ; dy, attar having *altered several years with a, Neer.' lung affection, and that dread disease, Coniumptlon—l Is anxious to make known to his fellow.eniferers the means of sure, : - • To all Who desire it, hemili send a 'copy of the perj i scription used (free of ohargej with the dirtimions foa preparing and using the same, which they will 4n d sure ours for Consumption, Asthma, Btonahltis. s 4 The only asset of the adtvertiser, in sending the•S serlption Is kb benefitilie and spread infer Son which he aoneeives to be invaluable, and he, ho every sufferer will try his I meekly, as it will east ineor nothing and may prove a blowing. Parties wishing the peraeription will please address • RWV. NDWALD B. WILSON, Williamsborgh, Kings County, New York sept2o ditsiam JACOB NEL FRE§R BUTTER AT MARKET Pit 10E.; wE, EIAVING fitted up a large Relrig; orator, and having made tioutracts with some of our must reliable farmers to turosdi us with fresh and wool butter regularrsoilil us tumbled to supply our Woman. with Manfredi ion rind lo attar et all dui oa. m 29 WY. I t. , Jr. & POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORT BIONAIES' e And a general variety of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNEB'S BOOK STORE. i FAMILY FLOUR. • •WE INVITE - the attention of families who BAKE THEIR OWN BREAD,. to our stook of Flour. 14e have just rezelved SEVENIOINFIVE BARRELS of the ehokwat (Whit* Wheat) Bt. laths Flour that the Western llarket.egOrils. We guarantee every barrel or bag we sell to be strict lyenperlor, &WSJ WY. 111.10H,Jw., & KILLER'S RUGSTORIL Elennspluania Malt. 4rtiegrapb, itlebnestiau aftentilon Noventba 26, 1862 fibittilititsuus .ILUBBEIL GOODS übbil Rubber. Watches, Uubbar Battles, liubberToys geaurally at BKRONSICS CHEAP EXTRA FAMILY FLOOR, a (ihoiewilpt ea furs Family Flour, au warranted by bbl, or esok,,l oil received &uglier wile low by 1414.:130L.5ig Curner i.ropt and Merkel etre/W en BOLOGNA A aitALL, but very superior lot o Bologna some just reColVed by ®y29 Wk bOCK, ' Jr Al UGARS, white and brown of all grades aw mai:44w, , by NICE9LB & BOWMAN, seytt2 Corner Frontand Market streets °ALL and Examine our Superior Non i.„,/xxpladie Coal )11, for sale low by IitCHOLB & BOWMAN, eats Owner r et end.blerket streets WARDELL & LEVINEBS, _Pickles and cassava IbrPal.,uJOAN . lArlpleg. miv 4.II:IGAREff9r prekiirving; call and exanl kj ma at NICHOLS At BOWMAN, Corner Brant and If At ,streaia CRAB ClDER.—Constantly on bonen my superior article otcoui con. Wg. DOOR, ALIA OD. Nan 2lbutriiiitirunts. FREIGHT REDUCED 1 HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS co.'s MORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FEC.)P4‘ NE W YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning lietiiined the same Night. Leave New 'froth 'at 74 P. M., by the Fast Tbrouglitzroniss Trtsiu,l:Fr3ving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS Order ciomlo InMW , 'HOP.ll'.ldxgßiBB co., General Office:l62 Broad Way. tirew York For further information enquite4of • GEO. BERGNER, Agent Ilapannumo, Aug. 1861.-dtf EAGLE. WORKS, Hanisburg, Pennsylvania. KANII/AMOKI 0/ 11001-111NDER8' ILIJLING4WHINES AND PRO, STANbINSI PRESSES, SAWING MAOHINLS, PRESS BOARDS, • 411 D lucKumiloi GRINDING OUTTING-MAOHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider AilbseAd Fodder Cotters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass C A B,TALIII.O 8, WOOD TURNINojN ITS BRANORIki. SCROLL B.4wilMo;-PtAlitiNG, or Any Machine of. Wood,lron or Brass made to order. ilearand Soren Cutting, &c. RIOKOIV/ S PATENT WOODEN SCREVOVITING TOMB Obi" Guth paid fir 1 4 3 1 . 00 00',, arms, ape 'ter, dui STEAM DOILER6, 40. PENNSYLV4IV.Let RAILROAD ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW -(}RATES, , or varioutpatteros, both inalleinary and swinging. Ruh Weights and vitriol's other bending, .easLings, for sale Very cheap et the m• 24-1 MORE !PUP._ MEM WISES Confectionery 4k Fruit Stor e ' THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Bamako', Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, OBANGE9 AND LIEMO*I4, APPIXES; BANANNAS • lea And vesetablee of Ili kinds; ;brought direct, hunt ibq Eastern Harkens, twice a *Wyatt' purchased wrier my parsons' supervision, .thus enablidg ma to sell „kettle" and cheaper artisan than any in the market. sir Ordhrs from a distance attended to promptit; and seeds delivered to any part at the city free of charge.. CANNED TIRTJEL'd constantly on hand Alive, ma a call. . esq , JOBS !MIL , SUGAR! 81343. Sugar (Refined and Raw, °Tall grades and kind+ Just received an w 1 ba sold at the lowest market • ye2o • Wit , DuOIC, JR.,11 Ou. :SHADE TREES, F various kinds, at the Keystone Nursery; O adjoining the city. .l g Trees planted and warranted to grow; orb If .to be replaced, on reasonabhl terms. Oot. 18, 1862 CHOICE Syrups, of all kinds, at old prices. Call alacialakadlK/It; ' _ Nlolloth & DCWILAN, Cor. Frantand Id i arket §ts. nov6 HERMETICALLY SEALED., PEACHES, • TOMATOES,, PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, = SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, .SARDINES, WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. For sale by AMS, . DRIED BEEF • ' BOLOGNA - SAUBAGEB, TONGM, Ac For Bale low, by WM. DOOM, Jr.,. dc.OQ.• CAMP WRITING: °MIES, *amain • ' : PAPER, HAVELOPOL - • • • s PENS AND PENCILR Jtiat i itlie thluirto malty in the kiallifimak• Prkle cant Piet ,only Ea mania. Yoe sale at. . 1 4/ 110 /1 1 WS cif CA! BO 9* BT9ItEr gill Bag fioin . the celebrated Ilarebtiri defies, a eciiikacendgemeiti. jam reeeived And rdr by 1' -NICHOLS:A BOWMAN, .41‘412 . corner FrPIS sad: M►rMlt • ' VANII4LA iIEANS; ' - 1 \ iv b.; are offering . tor sale a .aplend.i qaaatv or VanWs Scan it ,low prices,. Uy pound, ounce or eingl,y. , . ins rottel6 ,... roßi, 1 ~ , . : , . ' • L 9 i . tiarkelBSrect• 1 ``ALT, Astoria, Dairy, and Grotuni. Alana, f.r 4.3 sale low, by NIC,HOLS Sr. SO *VA' I cor. Proat and Market Sta. nov6 eiRANBERSIES, Leman, • i Cocoanuts, just J received and 'for sale, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ! uovB ' Corner Front and Market Ste• I a ETER2IVE SOAI'; something lietteir •tv thin ilarrisoVilinus*olyt Bispr wake ieS eglaY--,: Corner Prot and sr at.. VAMILY WASHIN G BLUE, an extel tileft El l ibeigtat e R if feelip, for. la to tde•Male rad 'row givoeiy store of Nlo#olB d tornerefdfreet, and Mailed Tpt $4114-1 77 Teli, &ices of jud4 reletirioeit iiegar aired boom received aer, or eoloWirge or ionallmuintitles. WM. DOCK. Ja. API 13121171 Pennsylvania Rail Road ! WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO A FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER ALONDAV, NOVEMBER 17th. 1862, rtHE Passenger Tali= of the Pennsylvania I Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fol lows : THROUGH FXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2445 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.45 A. m. FAST LINE leaves 4arrisburg daily (except MoOdays at 9.05 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. In. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at . 5.20 p. m., ,and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. This train runs via Columbia. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.26 p. in, HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Columbia, leaves Hairisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at Wtnt 'Philadelphia at 6.30 p.:m. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily (except Monday) at 2.15 a. in.; Altoona, 7.65 a. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.55 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. in.; Harrisburg at 8.15 a. in.; Altoona at 8.40 a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. mi.; Harrisburg at 1.40 p. in.; Altoona at 8.45 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at IL3O a. in.; Harrisburg at 3.55 p. Altoona at 8.45 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. m. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Lancaster at 11.33 a. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Penn'a R. R. Harrisburg, Nov. 15, 1862.-dtf Northern, Central Railway I WINTER TIME TABLE. TEM= TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM .I:3AIJTIMOR.,III Connections made with trains on Pennslyval nia Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and thd West. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. • ON and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th; 1882, 6bei-44,e.euger •Lvenks or the Norinern Pentrel Railway , will arrive at and depart froM Harrisburg ,and Baltimore as follows, viz: SOUTHWARD, NAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday).. 1.46 P. M. " leaves Harrisburg.. 6.20 P. hi: " arrives at Baltimore 10.20 P. 11' EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury 1 daily (except Sun day) 11.20 P. N. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday), . 2.45 A. M " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Mon day) 7.80 A. M: IIABBISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg 9.06 A. la! lORTUWAR.D. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) .. 8.30 A. M: " leaves Harrisburg... 1.45 P. M. arrives at Sunbury.. 4.50 P. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dally 8.40 P. W. " arrives at Harrisburg 1.60 A. M. " leaves Harrisburg daily (except Mon day)... ..... 3.20 A. M. " arrives atinnbury.._ 6.20 A. M HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION ' leaven Baltimore daily (except Sun day) 2.45 P. M. arrivesat Harrisburg 8.00 P. M. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsylvania'Railroad Depot. I. N. DuBARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Nov. 14, 11362.-dtf JACOB MISH 1862: WINTER 1863 AMI-ANGEMANTI CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN MEMfM ``'CHANGE OF 1101:1118.—On and after Mon t) day, November 17, 1862; Passenger Trains will itto' daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted) For Chemberobnrg and Harrisburg 7.00 2.45 7.87 3.36 Arrive at.. 8.17 4.20 oliasubersburi.... Leave at.. LB.BO 12.66 Leaves Shippensburg 9.00 1.28 Newville 9.82 2.00 " Garliele, 10.10 242 _ _ Leave Hageietown " Greenea-tle " Meclumicsburg 10.42 3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg 11.15 3.40 For thambiiroburg and ILagorstowi : L.Y. P. Y. 8.06 1.85 ... 8.47 2:15 ... 9.27 2.65 ...10.02 3.29 _10.83 4.00 ...11.00 4.80 _ll.lO 4.40 Leave Harrisburg ." Mechanicsburg " Carlisle " Shippeusluirg • Arrive at Obambenburg... Leave Chambersburg 1, Greencastle ' Arrive at Hagerstpisn.:.. liff"Making'close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia', New York a* Pittsburg ; and with trains for all points Weep. , 0, N. LULL, ..S 4g ß. . Moe: Ulkombersburg, Nov. 17,1862.71 y CONDENSED *MILK. UST received and . foifeate by & CO BARER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate, Or admit JOHN IMAM Third and Wank myl fines at trawl. EASTWARD WESTWARD. Washington City. MEM RAIL ROADS. ID. M. Oros' Se Co., W. GROSS & CO., VVHOLIKSALIC AMID RETAIL )RU GGISTS, NO. 19 MALIKE'r STREET HARRISBURG, PEAR' A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KKEPERS A,ND CONSUMERS, We are daily lidding to our assortment of gpuie all 8110i1 articlee as saw desirable, and would reepeotfully call your atention to the largest and best seleeted Brook lu this city, of DRUGS OHEILIOALI3 & PAINTS varnishes and Glues, Dyeatuffa, Gloss sod Putty, 'Pori Geoaad kiplcos uniting tetrad and Alcohol, Laird, Sperm& and gins Oils, Borden Vllude and trump Globes* PERFUMERY lk TOILE? LRTICLIIII, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe emers of Europe and tads country. Heins very Ito) r dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINEWAII VARNTABBS, WINDOW GtABS, ARTIST'S OOLOBB, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL TIMER VAftIICTI223, We reepectrotii invite a can, feeling, oonfl dent that,we can eupply the wants of all on tonna to their eatlefaotton. JON R'S AND WHITEN'S POBOILAIN TEETH, PATENT NIEDIOINES AND HAIR Of sit kitde, direct from the PrOprietore, Saponifier and Cknioentrated Lye Wholocale Agents for Saponifier, which we ee as low as It can be ; purchased lu the oltles ITIAY KR'S KEMAL FLUID EXTRACTS (VAL OIL I CARBON OILY Betug large purchasers In those Ms, we an oder inducements to. close buyers. COW 011 Lampe of the most Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal OIL FAIIMERB AND GRAZIERS, Those of you'who have not gives our HOME AND oATEIa eciiroess s trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they Are in keeping Some • awl Oattlahealthy and In g•Jod condition. rhousands can testify to tho. profit they havii derived from the nee of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality sof .besides improving the general health and a. penance of their Cattle. Op: tong e{perleo c e In the 1n181461111 givea ae the advantage of e, thorough knowledge of tit trade, and our earangemunta in the citiewaro suet that we , eau In a very abort trine furs/lei anything appertaining to our business, on the 1 beet of _tonne. Thankful ter, the ilbswell patronage bestows) on our house s we hope - by strict attention In bustuese, N airolul detection of PUKE' DRUGS at fair priest, eutd the &elm to please all, merit a conlktimukas of tha hkver of .a Allacria4- lasting public. ' • spl6-dly IidLINTNIVI PICTOILL IMP. . rHIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, - WHIM ]B r entirely vegetable,* its cionvcieltkm, has been employed with vilinderild success fcr many years in the curs of diseases for the • PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of ' disease such as . COUGH, TICKLING of THBOAT, SPITTING iOP BLOOD, D - CULT BREATHING, HOABBNIBS, LOTS 0 VOICE, and HECTIC MEM, Its use w' be attended with the happiest results. It one of the beitsaft* , riusibahres for forms of BROX i and CONEUEPTIO . iii i No laudnare or ' • • Of Opium ill any in this sync. 11.55 5:80 12.85 6.10 PRIOR $lOO PM BOTTLE. For sole: lemma% CHEAP 8008 STORE. POST. FOLIOS 1 I BITING DEBILE3, TBMIBLINGIBAOB, 21 , 1118 SB; ; • .roantotieni4 And a genentLeatortreent pANGrGOODB bevelled been received at B 1 Nliß ' s OILICAP BOOBBTOBIC; A rile" Colors n 4 Tools, Oast,le Soap, Spawn! and Corks, me.: aie., age., ate., die With a general variety of COLORS AND BBONZFId OF ALL KINDe, TIMM TEDITHII RESTORATIVES .illisttitatuons Ayer's Cathartic Pills. riIVE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine J_ have been taxed their utmost to produce tIiLL best, most perfect purgative which Is too vet to man. Innum erable proofs are shows that these PILLS have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and u t p in tot lt tee , ea butpo m w o e f al I men. ey are safe and powerful that they win unpreceiden p te k.an dly Th to curs. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the bloou, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or d•sordered organs into their natural action r and impart healthy tout, w.to strength to the Whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidabl • and clan genius dialling that hove baffled the best of human Skill. While they produce powerful effects, they are at the saute time, In diminished does, the safest and beet physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely veg stable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our remedies, while others have sant me the assurance ‘f their conviovon that our Preparations contribute immensely to tee relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The agents below named are pleased to turnish gratis our American Altoenail, containing directions for the us, and Oertilleates of their cures, of the following coin plaints: CoiltdirneSs Bilious Complaints, iiheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn,Headache arising fro .o afoul stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, LOSS of Appetite, all Dm eases which require an evacuant meJicine. They al.o, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it would not be suprosed they would reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu• ralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidney B,oent, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its [Unctions. Do not be put off by unpriuclpled dealer with soma other pill they make more pront on. Asa for Arint's Puss, sod take nothing else. No other they can give you compares with this to its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid th.ire is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYlLit k CO., Lowell, Mass. and sold by Druggists everywhere. Price 26 cents per Boa, or 6 boxes for Sold by 0. A. liainvart, D. W. Drosoar Co., C. K. Kul hard. Y. Lutz, Dr. Alley, le. Wyeth and dealers every where. FIRE INSURANOE THE DELAWARE MUTUAL 111/11TIE INSUKANOS COMM 1. INOORPORA Th:I) 1835 Capital and Assets pe)l:4 ;;Ail (t) :44 Wm, Martin, - Edmund A. Zkalder,TheOphilus Paulding, Jae R. Penrose, Jun. C. Davis Jas. Trequair, Wm. Eyre, Jr James C. Hand, Ludwig, Joseph Smal, Dr R. M. Huston, Hon H eG. Leiper, ugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel S. :"toltes, J. P. Pennteton, Henry Amin, lildwardDarUnaton, lona Brooke, spencer M'llvaine Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jonas, Jam,. D. itTariand, Joshua I. !lyre, John B. Semple, hits burg, D. T. LOrgau, Pin/inure A. B. Berger, Pittsburg WILLIAMMARTIN, P. esickat. THOMAS H. HAND, Pic, P•esidenf. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. The undersigned as agent for the &Jar • a •m pony, Continues to take Fire Riau in tin • WILLIAM BIIE/I.LER. jelO.dlt A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. JUST published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CIILVERWELt.'d CE4E, uLaText LECTLittN. on the abuse of the Reproductive potters, inducing Debility, INervousne4 ' Consumption, iipllepey, Mental and Physical Incapacity, to The rad ical mode of treatment, without medicine, is fully ex phdned, so as to enable every one to be his own phyei• clan at the least possible° xpense. A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad drest , post paid, on receipt of slimes, or two postage stamps. Address the pubdshers, Ch. J. C. BUIE, & CO.. 127 Bowery k New York Post Me, boy, 4548. govasmakw LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Comminy of Philadelphia. OFFICE .NO. 408 CIIANNU7 STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1,548,388 THOMAS RIDGWAY, ?resident. JOHN E. JAMES, Actuary, cONTIh NUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVIO on the most reaeou able terms. ey set as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under list Wills. and as Receivers sad Assignees. The capital being laid up and invested, together with a large and constantly Increasing reserved Wad, offers a perfect security to the Insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or saw Orly. The company add a BONUS periodically to the Inge ranges for life. the FIRST BONUS appropriated In De amber, 1544, the SECOND BUNUS In December, 1 84 9, the THIRD BONUS to December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1989. These additions are made without re quiring any Increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Oompany. The following are a few example' from the Register : Amount of Policy and Sum '1 BMW, or bonus to be increased Polley. Insured addition by Matra additions. No. 89 L 2500 $ 887 60 I 98,887 60 " 182 3000 1,060 (0 4,060 00 " 199 1000 400 00 1,400 00 " 888 6000 1,875. 90 6,876 00 Agent at burg and vloinit- 410-dly Mnringer's Patent Beef Tea• ASOLID Concentrated Extract of Bee and Vegetables, convertible immediately Mb) o nourishing and delicious Soup or Beef Toe. Highly approved by a another of our Physicians who Use it In our hospitals for the sustenance for our *Minded. DIXXOTIONO FOR Ues.—Out up oue-dith part of a cake of the extract, pour on boiling water, about a pint, more.or lea, according to the strength &aired. In a few minutes it will be entirely dissolved. This admirable artiole condenses into a comps c tam, aIL the substantial and nutritive properties of a large bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness With which It dissolves Into a rich and palpable soup or tea, which would require hours of prepatadon, acoJrdiqg to the meal method, is an advantage is many situations of life to obvious to need urging. For sale by Wit. DUCK, Jr., Si Co A RARE caiuscE FOR A BUSINESS MAN. THE canal grocery store and Rockville House,•koown as the Updegrove Lock Property, situated are miles above Harrisburg, fronting east on the Pennsylvania Clanal and west on .be besot:mimosa river road, will be sold if applies' f,,r The grocery stars, if not the very best stand on the flue of the coal; i, only equaled by one other. A large new barn Wadable has recently been bully so that each boatrltelust can be looked up separately. Also plenty of sheds, hay houses, corn crib, two store houses for grain, lea house, bay moo; and indeed every convenience that, is necessary for carrying on the business. The Place is within three hundred yards of the hankville depot ,on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Dauphin and Sebuylkill railroad also. Persons wishing to purchase, please apply on the prendsdb, to attlB—wrninlatll363 STEAM BOILERS, HAVING made efficient and permameut ananteniente for the purpose, we are now pre parap to Make &NAM BOILERS of every kind, promp and at reasonable rates. We shall see iron made by 'buoy a Brother, the reputation of which is second to none in the market. Nabs but the best hands employed. Repairing prompt ly attended to. Address KAGI R WORKS P , Harrisburg, a. Superior brands of extra family flour which we warrant to give , satisfaction, for sale by NICHots & BOWMAN, Corner front and Markel tavola IMI CORN MEAL just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Streets. MI ES'V PENS in the world, for 75c, $1 25 20, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at Hblb SCHRITRIVS BankAtore. SUPERIOR non NIC -explosive Coal Oil for sale by . HOLS St BOWMAN, 3114 Cyr. Font and ]Market ac re $869,126 37 BUEHLER W. P. HENRY