THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEOttag EIERGNER, TlLEtki&—.llNarn Balletilames. The DAILY TILIORAPH ie served to subscribers in VW (Ay et 6 vests perTocic. kosorlyi thibeeriberst „wa ge d st 09 treadlatice. ; WEIRLT AND BIM %MILT THL ' IGRAPH. The '14.1.110•Pn le also published twice a week durint the session of the Legislature, and weekly during tht remainder of the ycar, and furnished lky. subscribers nt the foliowing 016111,T1A 34H: Meet -066011t6w8 pet year Beibt-Weekay..llL SO . Ten e ii ..1.2 00 Twenty ' 4 or. ..22 dingle subsorlbets, Weekly 00 ! THR LAW 01 111116PAPZEML If subscribers order the discontinuance or their eel papers, the publisher may continue to send them un lig arming., are paid. If subscribers neglect br refuse to take Wont nempk peni from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible:Until they have settled the bins. and ordered them discontinued. urns Otarbo. A. P. -814/TU I , Atritosznari-Ali-imANO, OFFICE THIRD STREET. my 10y) NEAR MARKET. JON F'S• 11 0U 8 CORNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PL' JOSEPH F. HcCLELLIII, Tzotbaino. (RiOnTLY oonnuOTIID BT WILLI'OOIIII4 , IO Th's Ib e Militants; Hotel, and located in the central pert of the ally. It is kept in the bed meaner; sad 14 Plawwill will find every etieometodetioni to be met with In the beet houses in the eonetry. THEO F. eCHErnitit, ROOK ANA ` JOB' PAINTER, N9. ' ' #144407. STREW, • HARRISBURG. i . 4rarPortinuist attention paid to Printing, Ruling aniot . Bindiei: of Railread: Blank; litattifealts, Pendia, Obeeduti, Dnina, ate. ,Canon printed at s?„ $B, $4, and 116 pia &aimed lu elegant ntyle:' l2o i --o J. 'HALSR:I 13 • • Tin and Sheet Trot Wale itaindacturai NO. 112 MARKET :,4111157 . , .144RRISBURG • • k ;, H A ;. AS alwayn on hand a hill wortinent of Tin aid latianneo *404 and Parloi Stowe or the best inanufacinries, Dupe. Spouting, Roof lug and hisdratmeed Iron *lrani; msnufsatured and pet up at rtiOnabla gates sr promptly attended to. stprBo-dly • • , r 17, •)"' at. A. hi - ITEM:IH AGENT. Id Wallower Line respeotfulli •Ca m it'ilitaaia that, this Old Daily hoansportal ,' '.l it Wallow ,r Ltue now in lizistonce Is In successful operation, and prepared ; A ,anZ s as any oilier individual line bagmen burg, Sunanry, Lewisburg, Wil r Was rf; . r Shore, Lock. Clasen and ail other poinw on the Northern Ventral, Philadelphia and hie and Wil liamsport and Minim Railroads. DANL. A. MUANCII;Agent, Marrisburg,fa ; Roods sent to the Ware Mouse of Messrs. Peaeoelt, Sell & lnebman Nos 808 and 810 Market street above Noah; Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. n., will arrive Harrisburg, ready for.debvery next morning. aprBo.rd my 1 . , . . REMOVED. • , JOHN B. SMITH LAS removed tie Boot .and shoe Stare AL T from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to 154 7 0. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Home's Agrienitate Store, where he Mends to keep all kinds of Boots a^d Shook Gaiters, Sta., and a lirge steak of Trunk*, and everything in his. line of ,b Moses ; and will be thankful to rewire the palmtop hat old enatOiners and the publie in general at Me ns plade orboaltatee. -AU Mato Of Work made to artier in' beet style and by superior workmen. iSepairiejLSous': t PEINIEWS DAILY '';LINE ! BETWEEN. PIE[LADELPRIA, Leek Haven Jersey Shore, Willie msport, ey,'Uniontown,' Witiontown, Milton, Lewisburg, NorthUmberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, MlHersbnrg, Halifax, Minplkin . . . • AND HARRISBUR . G4 The Philadelphia Depot being beutrallY boated, ; a te Drayage beat the Lowest Haien. :Toe Honda ,r goss Wean with each train to attend to th e sale de livery Mali goods intruiledto the line. Goads deliver ed stilts Depot or Week Ward b.Freed, 811 Market , street,' PhiladelphM, by 6 Weloek, P. M., ba delivered in , Harelliburg 41m next morning. freight Always as Low as -by Amy Others Line. - JOSB.141110NT610111ERY; Philadelphia and 1161d1Or Dept, • • • • pomot liaritat Street, Harrisburg. fIUF. Atiotstqc I'EUPSEK, WOULD roupoetkully inform hib old patrons and the pubUo generally, hat., ha will etnioutte to giro insertronens On the "PIANO PORIA )111. 140 DHOTI, VIOLIN and also In the science et nicsaulate BAHH. Ho will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at 1114 r, homes at any hour desired, or lessons. will he Oren k, his t 0114611013, Is Third street. deers below ti Berman ftetermed (Thumb. dnol&du LINDEN NALL, MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Litiz, Lancaster C 0.,, Pa. FOUNDED, 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to REV. WlLLiklit C. REOREI,4 octlB-418m Vrincivel; ftlisullautorui. POSTAGE CURRENCY. 'UTE have received an assortment of VW-, V, leis adapted for carrying safely and con veniently the New. urrency, with lot of ' LEATHER GOODS GENERALLY. LAW Satchels, Ladles' Companion's Puma, Portmonnaies, Segar . Cases, Card Coles, Wil ting and Sewing Cases, Portfolios. - KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market St., STANDARD PEAR T "' at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city of flarrieborg. Oct. 18 1862. COAL Oil Lampe perfected, "Ctiltdotes A tacbment" fitted to' any lsitrip; preVertfia l the breaking of chimnies. For sale . by.. NICHOLS & BOVIMA1T;" ." Cur. Front awl Market ou.: nov6 SMOKED HALIBUT. A VERY choice article just received, and Aeale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & MOTIONS. - Quite a variety of leek ill sal entertiduivK .k.t,,Ak4=R--cheap.—ta 410 Pv - - FftwEiLemons and Raloins, 'Pet re and for sal° low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner &AMARA Markot stree.s. PIGS, Dates, Prunes, , and at) m rds of Nuts, at ASV WISX'S Store Thgd And I_ll • CHOICE lot of Tobacco, for sale at ream* Vble prices, by NICHOLS .81, BO.WhiAtT, nova Corner Front. and Market tta.. . g ÜBRWATLNO Oil for Bli d )Ciftild rat Ma, bnblinay, In convenient packagefy tor 'saki verin NICHOLS BOWMAN Cornor Front wia Market stied. En ~.. I, k • .\ \ ) / , • , • !A. tOE i, 7 i ;' -f, If 1 110 '\_ i i, .A - I 1 te ' • .. i . , . 1111:11101( it i . 14' V O L ixvtin . illtblectt; 13.►R i i,'':,4Q.'1IN'SQ.N ,m - sac:›mun Loci , ~1 o sp .. ,„ . IT AL 1 . la. - i i.....,, 'them' t certain , anti ifeusetif ratify in tit a wo q rld r forill' speedy i DISEASES OF. IMIVDENCE. ,„ • MUM, in elk TO Tall ROMs. ' No' fifero*- or Meadow Drage. A Cure Warranted, ' or no Qharie, la from one ~ i 1 its Two Nal . ~ • I Natio.. 01 comae; eitLimbc, dridweatfafthetio n ie of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary : die --Aug", I i potency, Award Debility, Nertacuiliese L l:pi-pay , tai it Low ffpiriforConiedon If Masi, Pa Italian of the. Illsady frlmidityarienklinga Manias of ht or Olddf nese, Thelleketit the Wed, Threads Natalie Akin, 4S -110030 Walvis' Low, Blomae , hpre--thale ter rible Mimicked ar m ing Rod the Sell 'bits of Yodel —those sooner and solitary prastl mbre fatal to the ir mica= than the song of f yresis to:the Mariners of tar ns, blighting thele•most or anticifidions, s brilliant, ant, rendering marriage ac. Id 'ra L . TOM, .tri aepecially, who have bead* sae victims of Solihut vice, that dreadful and destrabldhe habit which aiudial ly sweeps• to an unlimely grave thonsands of Yonne Men offho ismet exalted talents end brilliant intellect, who might otherwise.have entranced Miming Senates with the thunder, of •ethrende or waked to ecstasy MID Living lyre, may call wit X h-foll Confidence. . • ' , "atriage • Ma 14.4 Persons ; Or Young Men . contemplating mar dem holey aware of Physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, las., speedily cured. Re who planes himself, under the are of Dr. J. mat religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and cod leeetlY rely 1114 01 1 •blaekilles a Physician. Organic Weakness' immediately Cured, and fall vigor Restored. This distressing affection—which renders 1 ile meanie ble and merrier impossible--is the penalty paid by the victim of improper Indulgences. Young persons are toe apt to codmit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subjedwill retold to deny that the pow. er of procreation ie last sooner by, those &dog into proper habits than by the prudent Riede' being d priced the pleasures of healthy ofibprtng, the most Inoue and deetrictive ,symptoms to both body and min arise. The syistem become deranged, the physical an Mental Functions Weedithd, Lass,f Procreative Rowe NC:swims Irnditillity, Djupefula, Palpissoio o f the H em , Indigestion, Constkolimul :Debility, 4 Wasting of the Frame, °ones, Consumplion,, Dow and , Death, 1 Otos, No. 7 South Ilrederick Street. i heft head side going from Beilemere street, a few door. irem the corner. Fall not to.obeervei new and number,. Lettere must be paid and contain a stamp. The Dar tor's DipkinnlV in his cede. ' , A Ciii wanted' in Two , Days. ..L „ Ne i detain/ or LVAUSCOUS Dries, • , Dr. Allinson, Member MUM Royal Collor of Runge:Ms, Landon. Or - ate from OM of the most emlneht Colleges in the Uni States, aid the greater part Ailwhuie rite baa been spa 1 in the hospitals of London, Peeler Philadelphia and Ida - where, hie effected some of this moat astonishing am that were ever known- many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when lislisep,lgreal nervousness, being athemed at sodden sounds, hashithineas, - , with frequent bluedithin aw•dde eated.4fidde ...e!4l eeeddlevieet dr 'WV wtrLcarl a :M i l f t -b t r ... Take Particular Notice. I Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themes:4v by improper indulge. at and solitary helots, which ro 11 both bail and mind, unlltting them lbii either basins , study, soohtlY or. roloTioiM • - .. "Thaie are emir of the fad and du el inoliiiiiyelhots p 'dated by early habits lof "oath vie:' 'Weakness of th -Doak lend Limbs, Painsfln Diodes*: Dandles f Sigh isis of Milaudae Power, fa 1 10 . 44 the heart, Dy - popsy, Nerved' Irratibility, Derang ement of theDigesti chaos. General Debility ilytapiethe -of commi l iiic, . , / MBIRALLT.—The fearful draft on the mind are 'ran Wbe dreadesi—isiss of Maur Sfusion of ideas Del pp ten evil Forbod Aversion to lexiisty Reif t, Love,' of solitude,' 'fi y i no., are some the ear produced. • iiIIOMMOIM of Peesiothof aU ages can now judge w is the cause of their deohninit hunk, 'using War vig i l. becoming Wenk, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a angular appeareleal about the eyes, cough and symptom of tonnumplion.. - - , 1 - r ! Yo Hen Ken 1 Who haveinitired the me by a certain practice ip daliPci Id When dose, t froquentlyelearned tro asispitiiona Oral 'drool, the ands of whittle Ids oightly.felt, reeked= iteP, dile, it crit cured renderp merrier impossible, and arroyo both midi and bodyt should apply immediately. ' , ' 1 What a pity that &young mai; the e lope of his co awn my i the darling of his yearte, should be snatched ire all preppies andapjoynfeiftsli life, hy the soasequen of deviating from the path l i t: and 'indulging in cortaidsecret habit. Bath Duda 'before omits* plating : ' ~ . , . , . • , ; 11 - 11121111gRe • I wilsoidet a•geoid mind and iediya ratlike moat war. id e r47l 4agei delfeel Ad Preellete = i blOiriP• ,i 4 "4 4 1 In am tithes, the journey ph it o becomes a weary ; the prospect lamely to the view } ; • th mindblicomeadiadotraiwith despair en& Mild with the melaticholly reduction that , lbe happiness Rof MOM becomes blighted with oar o . i • ' Villealier of Inipandelice. t 1 When the misguided and Imprudent 'votary of pleasure finds Dust he hoe Imbibed heads of this paitsful dila esa44 Rae. ofteikkaPehean ill-timed senee of shame on dread,tirWscOvql9. detershi. from &MIMS to those who, from °lsmailia and respectability, can alone bet , friend him delaying till the oonethational symptoms ea this hotridnease make their appea rance,. ankh( a s nil 011 111 =011 1 ItZreti -theeter& n trkvi co..i. the and be, &Mau of gill ~,,elihiliflp aPg" the shill beam and arms; blotehei o the head, fees-and extremities, paginating with Introit rapidity, fill- at hid the to of the arlethor Ike bates of the nose fill in, aid, the victim of this awful disease become, a herrid object or dommiseration, till death puts a pedal Id his dreadliii suit:flogs, by sending him to d that Undisanr• Vered couatiltddm teitheriirteltrithedea orens." It is a wadawbony fad that thousands) fall victims 10 thia WOO owing to the thethilfelikets of Igo°, 4 ant ~bra, w ho by thalami of 1,144 'Deady Poiirm, Meretery,ruia thoochstitatiopaed wake the residue o life miserable. , 'S , 1 trangers. Troia saerehrilves, or health, to tic cure pf the many 'Unlearned and Warthidisdretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or chemist, Who copy Dr. inhalant's advert vortietniente, of style Ihelesolvee • In the , nowsPaperv, regularly,idurateaßhysiolans incapable of Curing; they keep you trilling month altar month Wang , their filthy and poisononeness an mounds, or as long as the smallest lee ash be obtained,' alfl th deemdr, leave yen with ruin , ad health to sigh owe Vas galling 'ffisoppolntmenL 0 1 Dr. Johnson is.theani.LPhYetetall adviettedeff , , lilis credential or diplomas always haw in his office. Rd dawdles or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from • life ernitkthe gr eat hospitals of Ku. rope, the first in the country and a more extensive Pei , .Sitteynatice tits* any other Phydsiso In she world. - Indorsement 'of the firers. The many thousands cited at this institution year J. tor year, said the numerous. im . rtsapit oth i e t i rfical Opera , limo perf~ by Dir. Mahon, al by the re. PlederiA 91 .i." , " • that 3". alli'lleJ ., " l i e i l / many ~teir Pa' pea, roc. of w it vs apices . again .. and. again beide the public, besides bki shilditigas a gentleman of elitraned and•responsibillity, le ft-Redolent guarrautee iotbeedlidell. ,i , :. 0 _ , Skin idioms speedily Cured. • I p e p," wr iani ehindil bo partiefla In meaner their asters to ha lilatintion, in the following meaner : JOHN, M. JOHNSON, K.. D, kir the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md, 0.0 AL O ft tamp. Shades, Chim %./ Del's• for Bali 16w by 01140470 xepienteihed atoOk of I . 4ilet 11.1 in, ahoy Goads is unsurpabsed m, this city, and s ee jig houndent of rendering satianichon:irt wool& red 9 •ctMly Invite a WI 'CELLAR, • 91 Marnoilatroof, two dodo eau ofiUsrtk atieet;nontb Ado. illit i tiliatKl orjleaday and Friday iota Ohms; Or of Third and gni. nOk, trA3M iF~ s INDEPENDENT'IN ALL TILINGS—NEITTRAL IN NONE." !iARTUSBURG; PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMB, 26, 1862 NWHoLSa tioWmAN, • corner Front WM market stream. Nem 2thvatismtnts PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Jaht received; at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a lull enpply of 1110'1 1 0GBAPIII0 ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Sizes. 1 ALRUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOB 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 60 PIIMX3RAPHO. Prices from Seventy-Ave Centi To Twenty-live Dollars BOUND IN, CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CUSP. . BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO CLASPS. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH PANE] . TWO SIDES BOUND IN VELVET, WITH OLABM-VERy RIO/FL • . • BOUND IN MOBOIXIO, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND OLABPS. TURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS i~7:y 9 i~:i M I:i~,` ~ `J f=y 4 ~~CT~I f 7: i;~l ~7' i ~~ PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUIHSED WOMEN T COME OF RARE ENGRAVINGS. COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS. Any Oarte de Was published in the country will be furnished to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, I Of any she not in the standard styles will be made to order. BERGNER'B Ches ..Booketore. POST OFFICE NOTICE On' nd after. Monday, November 17th, 1862; the mails at this office will be closed as followa: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILBOA.D. NORTH. WAY Main-For all litossi between Harris- • Look Hagen . and At• WAY MAIL—Boor ull - places beiweim /Luria- ; burg and Baltimore, Md. and !Washington D. d., at 05 A. For York,Pa.,Baltimore, Md., and Washingtnn,9 06 P. M D. C., at I, LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY MAIL—For all places: between Harris- • burg and Reading, Pottsville Easton and •.1 P h iladelphia, at .... . . .7.00 A. M PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY Mam--For all places between ;Harris burg and Philadelphia, a t. 6.80 A. M. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at ..12.10 IL For Bainbridge, Mariet ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 4.20 P. 14 For Lancaster, Philadel phis and New York, at 9.00 P. WEST. WAY lifam-•-For arris-. all D between H burg and Altoona, at 12.40 P. M. 'For Johnstown and Pitta burg, and Erie, Pa., Cin- • thurati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 246 P. AL For Lewistown, Hunt- • ingdon Tyrone, Phil ipaburi, Altoona, Holli- daysburg and Pittsburg,9.oo P. M. _ _ SOUTH CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For MeclumbOmrg, Car lisle, Shippensburg, Chambersburg, Pa., at.. 7.00 A. WAT. s&u.-For , all places between Ifarriit. burg, and Thigeritown Md., at P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL. For Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit Station,Au burn and Pottsvile, at 12.30 P. IL STAGE ROUTES. For Linglestown, , lianada Hill, West Han- oVer, Ono and Jones town, at. • 7.00 A. IL For Lisburn and Lewis et 12.40 P. M. burry, al (COM* Hours—From 6.00 A. M. to 8 P. M., Sunday from 71 to 81 A. M., find from 8 to 4 P. M GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster MINCE PIES. RAISINS, CURRANTS; CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &c. WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co. Vox isle b ENGLISH WALNUT TEEM A T Keystone Nutsery, adjoining the city Oct. 18, 1862 ISABELLA AND CATAWBA RAPE VINES, strong and thrifty, two Ur years old, at reduced prices, at Keystone Nursery. Dori-tiff TAVA, Laguiru, and Ej.o Coffee, choice arM t) dos just received, by NIOHOIA 'BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Sta. nova EVERGREEN TREES, (IF all , desirable varieties, at the Keystone Nurseries. i s- The weather and season are tseotahle, and shoUldteplaiited awn se pOisiblet Oct. 13, 1862. .L 11113 H. =IEEE ~p',e gt.ttgript A Call to, Thanksgiving. I Come home to Thanksgiving 1 dear childrers come home 1 From the North and the South, from the r West and the East, • , Where'er b ack are resting, wherever, you roami, Come back to this sacred New England teas k What thengh the wild pridd If November cloth * sr ; • • •• • - • • Like a trumpet blast, loud o'er the country so hear, Andihe Cold; rain of Autunin unceasingly Pont', In this cloudiest, gloomiest month of the . ,Year. hear 1 Wu,-hee d not, nor hit w ith .fires burning bright • • 1 " ' ' • On the ample old hearths where ye sported of yore, i You will, know the glad faces revealed by .thei r light, And fond hearts will welcome you, e'en at the door. Your father is here, and• your mother, whos e love, Though homely and plain, is more precionis than gold ; And your shy little sister, with eyes like a dove, tuld•your brother so tall and so sturdy and bold. . And when you. shall min from our circle alas* 'Which for many a yeas was lihe light to our WOW/ Do not l mourn for the aged I for oh in tha aee A glo P rified angel le waiting for you. e 0 0 6 0 0 Come home to. Thanksgiving ! But oh ! if you come. Bring back the warm heart of your earlier youth ; • Let it shed its old light on the altar of home, Untainted in feeling- 7 undimned in its truth Cl* Finwitom all! l ath dross. Of , the And worship with us as you did when a childi In our solemn gid church, with , your . ; golden • IMES, ottrat, • And your roguish eyes glaiking demurely and mild. Let us thank God together for hump and for heidth— For the friends He hath left us and those that are gone, For His fatherly bounty in giving us wealth, Or His merciful justice when wealth is with And oh, let as pray that when life,shall be o'er, And the last earthly rites unto us have been it _a4V2 o 2 l. f. 4teroity's shore, I.o6kik m ore ur t Thinkaglying l heave n rom the Army► of the Potomac. The Forward .4foulgaigd.. 7 Conficknii Burnoidei 4 4 Wwrance of the e aliTY — Truff A 'Predcidow Rail—Peo Supplies— Extortion of Sunders—quarding Rebid Propedy— , - .4cSidid OP* add dith do. . [Bpocial ccarespondenooof the TEttaserit.] STAMM), O. H., Nov. 24, 1862. The advance of :the grand army of the Putof mae rata the heart of the Old 'Dominion WS pretty well allayed the feeling Consequentvon the removal ot , Gen. fiCelellati, for ail see that edam is the words and Gen. Burnside goes forth with the determination to do something. Hencee• forth they begin to feel• that wait will no longer be the cry, for' they know that, the sooner this rebellion is crushed the quicker they will hi permitted to return to their northern homest everywhere confidence is placed hi , the leaderi The tile, who are really the only ones making sacrifices, are not intOrakd in keeping up the war. Thirteen dollars s month, with hard fare and exposure to all kinds of weather, are not preferable to,herae, its coDiforte and - its cheer t As to the dffiCerboxiiiny of them,ciire little for the condition of the men, and if indulgent Uncle Samuel continues to hand over "green backs," it matters littleto them when the war is ended. It ceasing, "Othello's occupation'', gone." A$ least those who do this fighting are to be con sulted, and a vigorous Campaign the result. We shall pursue the rebels as the furies did Orestes, and compel them , to submit. With the , exception of the region around Catlett's station the country through which we have passed has been but little visited by our army. Here and there, however we saw traces of picketing, federal and rebel, es pecially during M'Dowell's campaign, when he was to have rendered desistance to M'Clellan in the ratter's march upon Richmond last spring. All the former done was for skedaddle, felling tree' upon'his'rear to impede the pursuit of the con federate forces. Thomsen men are now busily engaged in clearing away, that the roads may be rendered Vassable. As a Maine Colonel' remarked to us the other day, "there's, a good deal of land about here." True, hut everywhere , rain, the unhappy fruits of this unholy rebellion, has, presented itself. Farina, dwellings and lads, show how desolati ing the blight.' No doubt the country is rich RDA fertile, and , at, one, time immense cropi , Were raised. Now, scarcely sufficient are proi dnced to meet domestic wants. In many places, especially where there,waii the appearj, ance of former ease and wealth, the white resi dents had gone south, and left the house to the charge of sehne Mithful old slave, the younger portion of the =groin having either left for thii , orth or been, taken by their masters to Serve in the rebel army. Whenever the troops pain along the road; the colored population gathei at the gateways looking with vonder and astonishment at the magnitude of our armyi and curious are the remarks they frequently make in their own pectiliar style. Some day when we have more leisure, we may write out a few "Mason Linking has the biggeet pile dig time, , 'ja ail* iilmostunifinin expreseion. I lion' Gen. 13nrindtle0 8 0#41 command, * u l army of Mie teilonifie was divided into fo grand diviiions—the left under command of Gen. Franklin, the centre under fighting Joe Hooker, the right -under - Gen. Sumner while the reserve force is placed under the comi wand of the intrepid : Gen. ;Sigel. A disposition of the different divisions was accordingly made; but it becoming known Abet a largerebel force IS near Fredericksburg, on the south aide, of the Rappahannock, the entire army can be conical. trued at one point in a • few hours. • Notwithstanding the terrible cOndition of roads, the army has made good progress,'.; but for the preient'fievete spelt df wet weather ! whicli'hae impeded the ifuturd page* of supply trains, and as alluded to before, the removal t,f obstsuctions, em this the river would have been passed, disputed or not. AB it is, there will not be a long delay. Stafford, C. H., like meat ceunty towns in this state, is not even deserving the title of a village. It is three miles distant from Freder icksburg and nine from Acquai Creek landing; whence our supplies are now reaching us. Gen.. era! headquarters are established there. For nearly three days a drenching rain hart visited this . region, reaidering'camp life ought but pleasant.: Especially is this the case with the privates who have nothing to protect them save their little shelter tents, which are mall* I not fit for a winter's campaign. The diffiulty lof transportation, - with the inability of th government to procure an adequate supply others, is the excuse given for not furnishin better. This, in itself, is a potent reason fo r, short and vigorous campaign. Those at home sitting beside the blazing hearth, enjoying thit ease and comforts surrounding them, may twirl/ talk of the pelf-denials and self-sacrifices of this bare-footed heroes of Talley, Forge, who in thli bleak Deceniber,' half famished evil half clothed, crossed the Delaware, filled with floating ice, and at Trenton defeated 'an army superior in numbers, and not only well disciplined, , bit enjoying every comfort, and setting them ais exaniples for'the men of our 'gallant army'- : They who talk thus, are cowards ; and they tab would be, in the ranks of the federal cohorti The braves who compose the army of the .Union have also made sacrifices, and are willing to ezi-. dure whatever may be their fete, so that the Constitution and the •Union are triumphant Out upon those who dare to disparage and die grace the army of our *public, time reveale many things ; and soon the star spangled bark ner will be once More planted upon the soil of the sunny South, and the infamous 'stars and bars" be trailed in the dust. These too " are times which try men's souls." Be patient, and the glory of undying victories will emblaze* I the flag of our Union ; and in after ages, it will be the proudest honor of any man's life to rise and say, in the words of its former brave leadea " I have fought with . the Army of the POW- 1 MaC.t r i A few miles distant on'the Southern bank of the liappabannock, on the eleventh , day (old. style) of February, 1732, the, father of hiscoun try, George Washington, was born—while 4 Fredericksburg rest the inortal remains of gem the mother of that great and good man. Thesis memorials bring to mind the grand and glori ous teachings and the sage advice of the first President ; which, had they, been only heeded; this terrrible civil war ' would never have scourged with desolating vengeance, a fßatel who claimed him as-her son. If an opportunity offers ) we , shall visit tooth iitotamirtir3' hallowed by their associations with 'the immortal name of Washington.. . , , Information has just "reached us, that over two thousand trail:Wire& out for forage on the , opposite side of the• north fork of the river have been prevented horn returning, the, bridge hai r ing been swept ) away by the freshet. Fears are entertained that the rel i t cavalry prowling about the neighborhood Anti'. ireept and cat,, them off. i 4 t '''t • . - .-c • ' - I A few. words relative to guarding , the prop!. erl.y,of rebels. This le *coming an eye-sore to all. We contend that persons of undoubted secesithon proclivities ar*Aaot 'entitled to proi tartan*, but no sooner dbeethe army. encamp for thanight, than large detallsiof amen are dii ,rected to be sentto t a nd every house, barn; 'shed, pig-pen, co rk, de. , for miles around! If supplies are related—you will find a inaskisi ivithalsoldier lbehirid, near by.--Purchasing' IS ont Of the question, . rtml, when therare willi ng to dispose Of supplies,, they . refuse " greenbacks'!! while counterfeit Confederate notes are grasped at—showing theii'little confident° in the Union—and an overwhelming faith in the slid: caw of Jeff Davis &Co's. southern confederacy; However, we have found out a method to pro'. cure supplies and that is the following. It it well known that coffee and salt are precioui luxuries which many in this vicinity have not enjoyed for some time. Now we purchase these from the brigade commissary, and thus are ablito exchange for whatever we requirei By this course we not only prevent extortioN but secure much needed forage. We agree with Gen. Negley that the Stars and Stripes are the best guards to any person's property in rebeV; Idoza, Speaking of • extortion—we cannot refrain trmit alluding to the imposition of Butlers. These men follow the army in droves. In the vast number of came, they demand the most outrageous prices for the articles they dispose of, taking advantage of the necessities of the troops. We can compare them, as a class, to nothing lima than buzzards. Thia is a hard saying, yet in some instances we have found honest sutlers, who are willing to dispose of their, goods .at fair,. but .remunerative prices; and are, making money. The buzzards are piling it up at the rate of from two to five thousand dollars a month. Unheard of prices are asked for everythhig they have., During the campaigns of McDowell and Pope, the govertinient at an expense of at least fifty thousand dollars, erected store houses, ;fice.,, at Acquaiereek landing. At thesubsequent ske- , daddle, the landing was evacuated, and either de , strayed by our men or the rebel forces. Now, this could have been prev_entgia by stationing a gun boat near by, which wiculd have saved what is nodr muck needed. 'Seieral hundred freight cars-were also destroyed at the tinie. Gen.: Haupt has over two thousand men employed in once more rendering the landing of service. This will be the principal depot for supplies,l until the James river is reached. It' is computed than on an' average six hurt-, .dred horses.are required every week to take the place of those worn out and dying, so de= structive has the , army been, on horse flesh. Thus'you will see one way in which our Uncle Banes money goes. • It is really amusinCte read in the northerrti papers ac t:mutts of idt i ghbrifoid patriots who: ; nave returned home from the war. Recently! ,we saw a. report of a speech, in which the hero remarked that he had been present at the bati tles of Fair Oaks, White Oak Sartunp, Bottom's Bridge; Long Bridge, Charles' City Orool3 Roads and Jones' Ford. Now; instead of there being six distinct fields of action, they only represent three. Then, again, -the presentation of a sword recently, to a returned officer, he stated in rly that he had left Ids sword in his tent ? ! whenit is notorious that in the general skedad illehe threw it away. So much for buncombe:: :Yon will pee many of these self-glorified patriots before the war, its over. General Burnside's headquarters are at Fab. mouth, an antiquated little town nearly oppo4 , site Fredericksbufg. denerel Bumper, coinritanding the 'right demanded'on Friday the inicondititmei surrender of Fredericksburg, which has'beet o f ase d. , Tithe has been given to allow the, aged, the sick, and the women and , children t 4 l ea ve - the city. It is hot believed 'mu& resiii tan& wfli be -made however.'•Longetreet not attempt a defence. a a Oam tinting flu. • Having procured Steam Power Presses; we are PrePar ed Se execute • JOB and BOON PRINTING of every description, cheititer than It can be One at any other establishment In the country. RATES OF ADVERTISING. SFr Four lines or uss constitute enebalf square. Eight lines or more than four constitute a square. Half . square, one day $0 80 one week.... 1 20 if sue mouth a three months ............ 300 6 60 it six months 8 00 41 one year...... . 15 00 One Square, one day, one week one month Gr three months , eht months.. , tit one year. for Business notices inserted in tbe Leo& (biennia or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT GENTS PRE LINE for each hmsertion. NO 76. Wr Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. ' Nassow EI3OAPZIROM Dirmx.—Samuel Young, Esq., of the Clarion i panner, met with a frightful accident on Sunday, the 16th inst., which he describes as follows: On Sunday last, while returning from church at Corsica, with Mrs. Young and a little daugh ter in a buggy, our horse got frightened just as we, began to descend.McSillip's hill, and begin ning to kick, and fearful that he would demol ish the light vehicle, we managed to get out and grasp the bridle, but as we caught him he plunged furiously and escaped, throwing us down and rushing away with fearful speed. Looking after the animal, we saw our little girl roll from under the wheels and Mrs. Young caught between the wheel and body of the buggy, and dragged fearfully along, but her clothing soon gale way and she was left upon the road somewhat bruised. Finding that neither of thee were seriously injured, we started to learn the whereabouts of the horse and buggy. The horse becoming entangled in the harness, had tripped and fallen at the foot of the hill. After some difficulty, we got him partly released, when springing to his feet, being still held fast, began to kick furiously to release himself, when with his left foot he hit his right hind leg below the knee, and broke it short off. We were at once compelled to shoot him to put him out of misery. The escape from serious injury, or perhaps death of ourself and family, seems miraculous: We feel thankful, index!, for our preservation, and that our lives are mercifully spared. • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. The flour market continues dull, and has deblined llic. per bbl.—sales of superfine at $6 ®6 124, extra at $6 50®6 75, and extra family at $7 25(47 75 ; receipts increasing. Rye flour is firm at $6. Corn meal at $3 59. There is not much demand for wheat—sales of 8,000 bils. red at $1 43(41 444, and white' St $1 65(41 80. Rye is steady at 95c. Corn is in fair demand-3,000 bus. yellow sold at 73c. Oats range from 40 to 43c. for light weight and heavy. Cloverseed active-1,000 bus. sold at $6 .35®6 40. Sales of timothy at $1 751 a 2 26. Flaxseed at $2 90. In groceries and provisions there is very little , doing. Whisky held firmly—sales of 600 bbls. Ohio at 40c. Cotton dull at 66cts. Flour declined scts. Sales of 10,000 barrels at $6 66@5 70 for state ; $5 75(45 80 for Ohio ; Southern un changed. Wheat one cent lower sales of 4,000 bushels at $1 1741 24 for Chicago spring ; $1 28®1 21 for white and Milwaukie club, 'and $1 38@1 41 for red. Corn steady, and 95,000 bushels sold at 71(471* for mixed, and 66@70 for eastern, and 59®65 for unsound. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Whisky dull at 37-i®37*. Flour dull and drooping ; Ohio extra $7. Wheat quiet. Whisky firm at 41c. Provieione dull. ... • New York Money 'Market. A moderate business was done in sterling Lxchange to-day at 44 per cent. premium ; the money market is unchanged ;Stocks Stocks are lower; ohicago and Rock Island 78} ; Cumberland .:113 Illinois Central Railroad 79 ; Illinois Central bonds 107 ; Michigan Southern 881 ; New York Centrallo2l ; Reading 77 ; Missouri sixes 52 ; American Gold 29i per cent. premium; Illinois war loan 103 ; U. 8. Treasury 7 3-10 s 104 i; U. S. Coupon of 1881 104 i. it/isullantous. Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay Officers' Pay Rolls, Raster Rolls, and Re cruiting Accounts Made Out. TIRE undersigned, having been in the em ployment of the United States daring the last eighteen months, as Clerk in the Muster ing and Disbursing Office and Office of Super intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva nia, respectfully informs the public that he has opened an office in the DAILY TELLGRAPH Building for the purpose of .collecting Pen sions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. SULLIVAN S. CHILD. f Blanks of all kinds furnished at this office. novl-dtf OF all desirable hardy native varieties, (and they are the only class worth planting in the open air,) for sale at the Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city. ' Among them are some of the newer varieties, such as Delaware, .Diana, Rebecca, Cimcord, Mum cline, Hartford, .Prolfw, 4c., which have sold at very high prices for small and weak vines.-7- Strong, well ripened and thrifty vines are now 'offered at reasonable prices. Oct. 13, 1862. FOR SALE. 3.00 °BUSHELS prime Yellow Corn. lee bushels barley malt, that quality. 2030 beebels rye. 50 barrels qabbakyi first quality. Enquire of MOHARD HOGELAND, se29.litt Washington avenue, Harrisburg. PINE YORK STATE APPLES FOR SALE, wholesale and retail, at JOHN WISE'S, _ 8d and Walnut. noB•dtf BOSTON CRACKERS. ALARGE supply of these delicious crackert justreceived and for sale by WK. DOCK, Jr., & CO, APPLE TREES, • r I F choice varieties, at Keystone Nursery, V Harrisburg. Oct. 13,1862. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR!!! 10XTRA. FINE just received. _VA WM. DOCK, Jr., 84 CO DIARIES FOR 1863. rHE largest assortt4nf of. Diaries for 1865 just received, at ' BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. BOKBPs TUBS, and all kinds oLWillow and Cedar Ware, for sale by " NICHOLS & BOWSiAN;' nl4 Cor. Front and Market Streets. 2 00 000 n. 00 16 00 25 00 PRIELADKLRHLi, N0v..25. Nsw YoRK, Nov. 26. BLITIMOIaI, Nov. 25 Nsw Yov.K, Nov. 26. and War Claims. GRAPE VINES JACOB MISH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers