Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 24, 1862, Image 3
etitgraA. NO a ICE TO ADVITAITISIERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notlees, Bar riages, Deaths, *c., to secure Insertion n the TIELBOBAPII, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regm. liar Evening Edition &reinserted the morning Edition without, extra ohge. nviarrnana Rants.—The following are the for advertising in the TELEGRAPH Those log advertising to do will find it convenient reference: hay for a m P 48 U ri 3 .4 ls l;" 3c Onng agmgglgg4.2.m 41-Pumm.oS 4 4ffi== VTBgsos.4msmso :' ,,, S.V.mga l gspres? : ISPenS;;;gl 2 ":. ft: : a 0,00. " 02, “: 0 00 , 61k31.+1. , ITz 82.8g88g8888V88 P Eg C.P.,M-L 0 , 7 to. t IDS SgST4ST,TBgVtlgra cr re" •••• CO 0 tO Oo co ig0..t. , 0 ,1, 000 , 10.0 to 00 , 0 .110. 000 0 0000 tM ON cn 800 g,4 IP ao = - 7 n cr. ko lC ZS ' -I -a et. en 3. 4rotnencnenocy“.., 000000041900, H -a cn .P. CO Co 4.2 to . ~, ,-, CO . CT ..1 C. .41 t*...1 ..Z Eh 00 0 0 C. C. O. at 0 C. 0 OtO RI 00 O. & CO CO 0-. F. F. 000: , 0-3 , 00000 0 0 000 , 0 0 000 88 Admi Marr Audi , Fune dk , IEO to/ , •-• biItZO OO .OIOSOOCb 00Od-D oo o isistr sage tor's rat N a , ion NoticeP, 1 time s week, six timee...s2 25 Notices ..... Notices.. ........ t:ti, es each insertion HARRISBURG, PA Monday afternoon, November 24, 1882 LOST—on Sunday, Nov. 28, es set of dark brown Furs, between the sth Ward House Tav ern and River alley, on the route down North to Third, down Third to Pine, down Pine to River alley. The finder of said property will be rewarded by leaving them at this office. n 024-1 to MRS. TIILEY WYENT. Ma. Sovnza requests us to . state that no person was robbed in his shaving saloon on Saturday evening, as stated in our local columns of this morning, at least he has no knowledge of the fact. CONDEMNED governroeit horses are selling in Washington city for less than a dollar. If the fast riding which some of the cavalrymen in this locality are indulging in, is not stopped, there will be a lot of condemned government horses fur sale very soon in Harrisburg. PORTON= PUBLIO Sam —The sale which was to have taken place at Brant's Hall on Saturday evening last, of certain property late the estate of Charlotte dec'd, and now used and occupied as a hotel, on the corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, in this city, will be sold this evening, in Brant's Hall, at 7 o'clock, with out fail. The terms of sale will be made known by the trustees, Jacob b. Boas and John Brady.° I=l PASSIM THROUGH.—Four companies of the Tenth 11. S. Infantry, passed through the city on Saturday evening, en route to the front of the Army of the Potomac. These companies have been stationed in western forts for some years, and have seen severe service on the the plains, many of them having been engaged in the battles last summer. The detachment embraces companies A, C, F and H, and is under command of Major Hayden, Lieut. R. H. Hall, Reese B. Fleeson and M. Q. Boyce. ORGANIZATION ON DRAFTED MEN.—The 168th regiment Is formed of three companies from Fayette county, five companies from Westmore land county, one from Beaver county, and one from Greene county. The field officers are not yet elected. The 169th regiment is formed by four companies from Crawford county, two from Mercer county, one from Butler county, one from Clarion county, and two from Erie county. The following field officers have been elected : Colonel, L. W. Smith ; Lieutenant Colonel, Samuel Wickersham ; Major, William Smyth, of Butler county. WA Mumma, TH. Wourao, not only for the beauty of our ladies and bravery of our men, but we defy the competition of any other city of a like ability with Harrisburg, in the mat ter of the increase of population. For exam. ple, we have the most reliable information for stating that in a circle of two hundred yards within Harrisburg, and in the space of less than sixty days, seven blooming, beautiful babies opened their eyes to the light of the world, at once the joy of ' their happy mothers and the hope of their proud papas. Four of these children are boys, and three girls. Beat this, whatever city can? I=l A Noun= Ratm.—A local reporter, as he goes delving through the city, accosting his friends for items of news, and running into all sorts of danger that he may be able to gather facts of terrible import and incidents of a sen sation order, occasionally gleans items which, while they may not interest the "rough mass," have about them a pleasing and a beautiful interest. For instance, the other evening, while enjoying thegenial hospitality of a friend, and sharing the good cheer with which his ample board abounded, the matron of the house exhibited to us a wollen stocking (we like the old name better than the polite "hose") and a wollen mitten, which were the firbtahe ever had on either her hand or font. With sixty sum mers having shed their rays in her path ; with the bitter winds of winter that blew rudely in her face, and through some remarkable and sorrowful changes, she has preserved these mementoes of her earliest infancy. And sueh a stocking and mitten I One would almost think that they were made for a fairy. Yet the good dame who wore both, has lived to a healthy old age, to see around her the repre sentative of a third generation. She says that the stocking and mitten are to be buried with her, and thus the relic of infancy with the trem bling relic of old age will go down into the grave together. Reader, is not this incident beautiful f, oustomed as we are to hard, bare facts, lye ft least thought so, and therefore nee needle of our "adorning" locals. . ! a Tim PICKPOCKETS STILL ABOUT .-It seems strange that notwithstandieg the vigilabce of the police, the pickpockets still infest the city. Gen. James had his pocket relieved .of $5O on Saturday evening. Lunn Rae BUM—Mrs. B. G. Peters receiv ed a few days since a barrel of the largest red beets that we have ever seen. They were rais ed by Mr. John G. Harner, near Marrietta, Lancaster county. The largest on the top in the barrel weighs eleven pounds, and the others are correspondingly large, the molt of them averaging six pounds. The beets are perfectly solid, and of deepest red color. They are without doubt the largest ever exhibited in this city. ATTIINDED DITINE SERVlOE.—Captain John F. Peck's company of drafted men attended divine service in a body in the United Brethren church, at Churchville, yesterday morning. They were in full uniform and presented a fine appearance. Alter service they were served with some re freshments by Mr. Hess, when they started on their way back to camp. The company was in charge of the Captain, John F. Peck, and First Lieutenant Jacob fattish, both of whom are from Swatara township. This was the first company of drafted men from Dauphin county taken into camp. 111 co S 4111 v X•r L..% ii Xi • 1-. ke 0. 3 4 r. —2.' s Xr . 2 3 IP THE CAVALRYMEN AND THEIR HORsss.—We notice that several of the regiments of cavalry in c imp in this vicinity have received their horses, and we notice also, that unless the city ordinance is enforced, some of the dashing cav alry officers will make a race course of the streets of Harrisburg. Yesterday about the time the afferent congregations were dismissed, and the street crossings were crowded with people, several of those brave cavaliers came dashing along Third street at regular Gilpin speed, rushing as if the rebels were behind them. This fast riding by the officers is emu lated by the men. Since these cavalry regi ments have received their horses, we have heard of several animals that have been se riously injured, and one horse was killed yes terday while being furiously ridden from camp to water. ' V .' X r ... 1 BO There is an order of the War Department against all such furious riding—and there is a city ordinance providing against the same of fence. It is our duty to insist that both are enforced, and it is the sworn duty of the officers of the camps as well as the officers of the city, to see that this order and ordinance are not violated. If these rash cavalrymen are not checked, we shall be called on to record some dreadful loss of life, in which the innocent will be sufferers. A WORD FOR THE CARRIERS OF THE TELEGRAPH. —Some of our Carriers have lately appealed to us, that we in turn appeal to the patrons of the TELEGRAPH in their behalf. Our Carriers com plain that a number of the subscribers to the TELEGRAPH, at the end of the week or month, invariably tender in payment for the amount due, a One Dollar Note. In reason and common sense, this is not fair. The subscriber can easier provide himself with six or twenty-five cents, than the carrier can with seventy-five or ninety-four cents. A moment's reflection will convince any reasonable man of the injustice of asking the Carrier to make such change.— When a dollar bill is offered the Carrier, the result is often an unpleasant bicker, while the Carrier must run through localities in quest of change, to his own loss in time, and often to his;own loss in discount. Will our reflecting and reasonable friends endeavor to save our Carriers from all this trouble?— Quite a number of our exchanges come to us, of late, reduced in size, on account of the ad vance in printing materials. Although our business has been severely affected by the same cause, we shall endeavor to hold out, and fur nish the same size of paper we are now doing for the same price. In consideration of this, we dare appeal to our subscribers to deal fairly with our Carriers, and in return the Carriers will be expected to deal promptly and cour teously with the patrons of the TELEGRAPH. FRAVDITLIINT Issuss CO/ DISORARGYS TO DILUTED Men—An Assistant Surgeon in Me Exemption Mar- ' ka.—On Saturday evening Surgeon General Bing bad an intimation that one of the late examining Surgeons at Camp Curtin, Asst. Surg. Thomas C. Pollock, had been guilty of corrup tion in office, by which many false and fraudu lent papers of exemption were issued to the drafted men. Up to the 6th of this month, or thereabout, Asst. Surg. Pollock was engaged as one of the examining surgeons at Camp Curtin, and up to that time his certificates of physical disability were legal and formally recognized by the chief of the Transportation office, to whom such certificates were usually directed, with the view of providing the exempted drafted man with the means of returning back to his home. Oa the 6th of November Surgeon J. P. Wilson, by order of the War Department, took charge of the examination of drafted men, and had the business under his exclusive con trol, Assistant Surgeon Pollock being released of all such duty. Notwithstanding his having been relieved from this duty. Assistant Sur geon Pollock continued to issue these certifi dates, and the chief of Transportation not hav ing been notified of Pollock's relief from duty as an examining surgeon, issued transportation to on who brought certificates of exemption from Pollock: The fraud was not detec ted until Saturday morning, when a large number of exemptions had already been re ceivedand of equal number of drafted men were illegally discharged. It is nnderstOod that Pollock is to be arrested when the matter will be thoroughly investiga ted. There is no doubt of the fact of the fraud. Its extent is all that is unknown. It is pre 'awned that Pollock furnished .himself with blanks bidere he formally retired as an examin ing surgeon, and it is now alleged that these certificates were sold to some of those engaged in this city as exemption brokers. The sum of money realized by this disgraceful business, large as it no doubt was, will not remunerate those engaged in it, for the loss of character and position, because the Surgeon General will push the case to its fullest extremity, that jus tics may be meted oat to the dishonest sur geon and his associates in crime. No blame can be attacked to the Chief of Transportation, Who should have been notified of the change. iPtunoVitial;i4 , Alattiltdegraph, filon6cip 71.ftentoon Noventbtr 24, 1819 --•--- PRIVATE JACOB DETWSTLER, who died at one of the army hospitals hi Washington city, was intetred yesteiday morning in Middletown. flis body had been:embalmed in -Washingt4n, and was removed to Middletown on. Thursday • last. RIORIVED THEM Hossus.—The Sixteenth Penn sylvania Cavalry, stationed at Camp McClellan, received their horses on Saturday, and are very busy drilling them, preparatory to marching to Washington, where it is expeCted they will take up their winter quarters, instead - of in the vicinity of this city. CovrON SHIRTS TO as. Duman= WITH.—A coremporary says that a society is about being formed, the main feature of which is to adopt measures to procure a substitute for cotton shirts. The young gentlemen engaged, in this have under consideration the adoption of single breasted vests, to be buttoned up to the, neck It is to t e hoped that the ladiesilll not be left out in the cold. They certainly should not be compelled to shift for themselves.. HAPDSOMII Passraxios.—On Saturday after noon, Captain Wm. H. Spera, of the color squadron, Co. C, 17th Pennsylvania cavalry`, was presented with a splendid sword, belt and sash by his company, in token of their appre ciation of his merits, and the kindness of the gallant Captain to his men since first mustered into service. The presentation was made by orderly sergeant Herr in a suitable speech, to which the Captain warmly responded, pledging himself to draw the sword in his country's cause, and use it in the ranks of the brave. This fine company is from Lancast:r. =1 A HABEAS CORPUS CASE of considerable im portance to drafted men in the several counties of this State, is now pending before the Presi dent Judge of this Judicial District. The case has been postponed several times, and is to come up for a final hearing before his Honor to-morrow evening. It appears that the Com missioner of Lancaster county, under what he conceived to be his instructions, drafted a larger number of men than the ascertained quota of his county, the surplus to be substituted for any in the draft who might afterwards be ex empted. One of the men thus substituted, John ilarkley, was brought before the Judge on a writ of habeas corpus, and as the question will test the right of the Commissioner to draft more than the ascertained quota of his county, the decision of the court will be awaited with some, interest. We understand that the decision will affect between' three and four hundred men in Lancaster county alone. Tim Barren Crunics.—lt will be gratifying to many friends in Harrisburg, who have con tributed towards the erection of -the Baptist church edifice, to know ' 'that the audience chamber is now completed. The congregation design to finish the interior of the building the ensuing spring. The audience chamber will be dedicated on this (Monday) evening, the exercises com mencing at o'clock. A discourse, appropriate to the occasion, wil l be preached by Rev. Warren Randolph, of Ger mantown. On Tuesday morning, at 1011 o'clock, a dis course will be preached by Rev. Reuben Jeffrey, D. D., of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Baptist Convention will hold its thirty-fifth annual meeting with the Baptist church of this place, commencing on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, at 2* o'clock. The opening discourse will be preached by Rev. W. S. Wood, pastor of the church. Ministering brethren of other denominations and the citizens of Harrisburg generally, are cordially invited to attend. Tae Ray. Da. Lamm, one of the three Epis copal clergymen arrested and sent north from New Orleans by Maj. Gen. Butler, preached two admirable sermons yesterday, in the Episcopal church in this city.. The circumstances under which these gentlemen were arrested are as fol lows :—When thm.Britler occupied New Orleans to avoid that offence of praying for the President of the Confederate States 64 on the one hand, and the necessity of the using the words Prest dent of the United States" on the other, they omitted entirely that part of the service of the church in which the prayer occurs, commencing morning prayer with the Litany. This plan was pursued for five months, when Gen. Butler demanded the use of the regular service, in cluding of course the prayer for the President. Refusing to acknowledge militaryauthority over Parochial affairs, the churches of these gentle men were closed, themselves arrested and sent north on parole. Our view of the case does not justify these clergymen in.their course, for, hav ing altered the service on the inadequate author ity of a local convention, it should not havers quired military force to restore its use to the standard of the General Convention of the church, the only authority in the matter of alteration, and that which these gentlemen vowed solemnly to respect. Dr. Lacock's ser mons yesterday were most eloquent and im pressive. Any suspicion of the disloyalty of the preacher were satisfactorily removed by the distinctness and fervency in which his firm voice responded to the prayer above referred to, and to that invoking the Divine blessing on our soldiers who have gone forh at the call of our country." --.,••-- DEa or Prisms. Smarr.—The death of this Dauphin county soldier, elicited the following tribute from the pen of another Dauphin county soldier: ON DU MATH OP PRANK SCHOTT. Where hi that youthful face, That young and noble form, Who ventured with us in the race, Rebellion to disarm ? HIS place is vacant here ; His face no more we'll see, Until the sweetest melody Of angels we shall hear. He was the captain's son, And was his mother's joy; But now alas his race has run, That mild and gentle boy. He's gone we hope-to dwell In that bright world abovU, To help the angpls there to , swell The anthems ofHod's love. C. H. 808. " WINDING Up."—Nearly all the drafted men, claiming exemption, have been examined, and ere long those " passed " will he in active service, should they not be retained near this city over winter. SPECIAL NOTICES. AIiELITARIt BIISINESIF Of all kind's attended EUGENE SNYDER, • Aar/rag-at Law. Office : Tbird Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y Giusti Somali—The' Liederkrant, Association will give a grand soiree at Frisch's new building, coiner of Market and Fifth streets, on Thursday evening next. A good time is anticipated. n24-Bt° Asthma. Jonas Whdcomb'e Remedy.—Prepared from a German receipt obtained by the late Jonas Whitcomb, in Europe. It is well known to have alleviated this disorder in his case when all other appliances of medical skill had been abandoned by him in despair. In no case of purely asthmatic character has it failed to give immediate relief, and it has effected many per manent cures. Within the past two years this remedy has been used in thousands of cases with astoniihing and uniform success. It contains no poisonous or injurious properties whatever ; an infant may take it with perfect safety. ' • A SIIETOIL—We knew John Lindsey in our boyhood days. His family at that time lived in McClaysburg, now State street in the oity of Harrisburg. John was known throughout the neighborhood as a boy of strict integrity, and had the best wishes of all who knew himi His mother, the only parent living, was poor, and supported herself and son by washing. Years fled on—the boy became a man and married. The same upright conduct that characterized the boy continued in his man hood, and to-day we find him surrounded by wealth and all the luxury that money can ob.. fain ;- but better far to him than money, is the proud consciousness of having ministered to that mother's comfort and happiness in the evening of her life, and within the last three years his whole family have been purchasing their dry goods at the cheap store of 'Trick & Bowman. n242t To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, . and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at ,very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be rio ap prehension in regard to my c mpetency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be bad at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3-dlm) MRS. L. BALL. PHELLADELI'iIIk, Nov. 3, 1862 Mrs. Ball :—I feel no hesitancy in acknow ledging the virtue of your medicine. its sooth ing influence and healing power. For several years I was afflicted with" dyspepsia, and during my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the short space of one month, of that annoying and - distressing disease, and at the same time also cured me of a running "scrofula, which had existed for over one year without ceasing.— During . my 'years of affliction, •I applied fre. quently to doctors of medicine, but they proved ineffectual. I have the utmost eonfidence and belief in the power of your medicine, and would say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in its natural element, with a system renewed to vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I did. Yours, truly, ,GEO. J. McCREERY, 64 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. LYON'S XATHAIRON This delightful article for preserving and beautifying the human hair Is again put up by the original proprle. 'tor, and Is now made withthesameskill, careand atten tion, which first crested its immense and unprecedented sales of over one million bottles annually. It is still sold at 25 cents •n large 'bottles. Two millions bottles "can easily be told in a year when it is again known that the Katbairon is not only the most delightful hair dr easing In the world, but that itchtanees the scalp of scurf and dandruff,' gives this' hair a lively, .rich, luxuriant growth, and prevents it fismltanting These are considerations' worth knowing. The Ifathairon has been tested for over twelve years, and Is warranted as described. Any lady who values a beautifel head of hair will use the Kathairon. It is finely perfumed, cheep and valuable. It is sold by all respectable dealers. throughout the world. - D. S. BARNES & CO., New York. . . rove mankthurs)dikwilm Ake no more unideasent and unsafe Medicines *or nn plealant - and dangerous diseami, nee' HELIII.IiOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII, Which has recelred - thti endorsementof the most PROMINENT PHYSICIANS IN TEE 11. la now offered to afflicted humanity as a certain °urea the following diseases and symptoms originating from diseases and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Organs. GeneralllebSity; Mental; and7hysical Depression, Imbecility, • Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, ' . Hysteria,/ - General Irritability Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Animus° of Muscular Efficiency, - Loss of Appetite, DYIPe ,sie 2 smanciatoni, • Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of the Mein, And, le faet,‘ all the concomitants of a Maness and Debilitated state of the system. .70 insure the ge n uine, cut thtis out. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. -TAKE NO OTHER. MIES GUARANTEED. Fume I Fuss I !—We have received from New York a epleodid assortment of Furs at all prices. Black Cloaks, ready made and made to order. 600 Hoop'Skirts, all styles from 75c. up. 50 pieces of white, red and yellow flannel. 26 dozen of white and grey Undershirts and Drawers. 25 pieces of new Widnes and ° oilier Dress Goods. 80 pair of splendid white (all wool) Blankets. 200 splendid Cambric, Bands, best French needle work 1' A very large assortment of ladies, gentlemen and children's Stockings, (wool and cotton,) all prices. 10 dozen of Nubia', Woolen Hoods, Saatags, and Chenile Scarfs. 60 pieces of Cassinetts and Kentucky Jeans for men aid 4oys', wear. 10 pieces of Merinos, (all colors,) Alapaccas, and ParamattaL • • Our stock now is large, and bought before the rise in goods, and those witEing tb buy we would invite to S. Law!. [Extract from a letter on the Battle Field.] a 'a a a a a. 9,, .9 This battle (Antietam) has been the most sanguinary of the war, and the only one fought with visible design and upon military principles. The arrangement of our corps -7 the overlooking position of the commanding General—the sending into action of the right and ttie left division—the closing up of the centre, and final success—excites bewildering admiradon, and carries the mind to the great fields of Austerlitz and Wagram, fought by Na oleon. Of all this have I spoken. The heart history of such a conflict, purchased by the life and blood of twenty thousand men, must be found in the hospital& War has itS glories—but it has its ten thousand demons in these human tortures, that make the eye balls ache—the heart bleed—the lips palsy, and the brain reel. Tbe sight is at first poet tively unendurable. The life-blood of some is still trickling away in silent cahnness— while the dissevered limbe and maniac brain of others give rise to sounds God grant I may not again witness. Bat ye mothers who here seek a son—or wives a husband—or sisters a brother—or sons a fatber—know and be consoled thateven here the hand of mercy is watchful, and better care is bestowed upon your loved ones than might wfirst seem possible.• It was' In the hospital ere rested the gallant Hooker, that I learn ed the history of those mythical words so often seen and so little understood, "S. T.-1860— X." Anything alleviating the sufferings and saving the lives of our soldiers, is a national blessing. I witnessed some astonishing results from this article. n24-Iw-eod-wlt It is well known the effect of burnt gunpowder and excitement ie thirst, which added to the loss of blood in the wounded, creates the ne cessity of a reviving stimulant. In this par ticular hospital, the physiciaii were, allowing their patinae to driskPlantitiTn Bitters, other wise called S. T.-1860—X, and although the wounded are most numerous here—this , di vision having opened the fight at 5 in the morning—the men•were mostly composed, and , there was very little fainting. The article acts upon the stomach and nerves in a most incomprehensible manner, superior to brandy, and without subsequent stupefying reaction. It originated in the West Indies, composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Boots, Herbs, BGc.; all preserved in St. Croix Bum—the S. T. -1880—X being a secret 'ingredient, not yet revealed to the public It is principally recommended for want of appetite, disordered liver, intermittent,fevers, stomachic difficulties, &c. I understand it was somewhat known in the Southern States prevLus to the war, and it appears art agent of Jefferson -payis recently applied to the Proprietors for the privilege to make it for hospital purposes during the war, to which they made the following reply: 'Nsw Tons,' Jan. 16th, 1882. Agent of, ac.: Dear Sir.—ln reply to your communication, offering us - "Fifty thousand dollars for the re cipe and right to make the Plantation Bitters for your hospital purls:am during the wart" we beg to say, your price is it liberal one, con- Adering it would cost us nothing to comply, and that otherwise we can derive no revenue from the Southern States ; but sir, our duties to our Goieriiinent and our ideas of consisten cy would not allow ns to entertain it, although it might please us to wage the sufferings of your Misguided followers. We remain, Very respectfully yours, - P. H. DRAKE & CO. These gentleman give the historY of certain ingredients to their article for over two hun dred years—showing that through all changes of the.medical profession and its practitioners, strength, composure and cheerfulness have been derived from these sources. Dr. Woods in the Washington Hospitals informed me that one patient was fast winking and crazy, and had not slept an hour for two weeks,- until the Plantation Bitters came to his knowledge, when one day's trial gave him a night's rest, and he was now &at recovering. I am sur prised our Government has not equalled Jeffer son Davis-in - energy, and adopted this invalua ble article In all our hospitals. The weak soldiers cling to it like a brother. - As a lay member, I can bear witness it is "good: o take," and affords more energy and life than anything I ever tried. Success to the Planta tion Bitters. • But I have digressed. In my next I shall speak of gathering in the wounded, burying the dead, U. NICODEBIUS. nov6-d&wlm eod&eow .NICHOLB Sr, BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CO CI JES Oorner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. ERECT I VELY invite the attention 11. 1 of gob poblio to their large ant well Woofed atm. of GROCERIES, PROYIRIONS, FOREIGN IND DO NEsing MUM W. now offer for Bale' Stewarte, Lovering& Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spi•zea and Fffavoring 4-• . [attracts. OLOIIIii'-. SALT, LA1113,.. • 4 . c., &c., &o. We invite an examination Of our superior • NON-lEXPLOS.IVE COAL OIL,. , , Unequalled in' rallied, by any in'the market, to gather with au kinds of ' BUItNESS, • OHIMME., . &c., ace., Btc ire have the largest assortment of GLASSWARE Si QtrEENSWA.RE lu the city; also, all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. &ill and examine at our Old stand, NICHOLS 41i BOWMAN I s Oorner Frost and Market streets. nov6 dlor2in ALMANACS FOR 1863. r . well known BEAR'S ALMANAC FOR 1863, In English and Getman, enti be had by the dozen and single copies at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. OR SALE.-A House and Piece of Ground; J. in the. First• Ward of this city. For fur ther particulars inquire of W. BABB, nolo-dlivo _ Auctioneer. BIICIfiWREAT FLOUR. ASMALL to of extra, just received andlifor sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. oct23-dtf LOCUST -TRIM: KVEBAL Hundred, from six. to twelve feet ka high, for sale cheap,,Ut the Keystone Nur sery. - - noel-dtf TiOBA.OXI and-Anus of-aLkinitsi for J. by "' =wow o BOWMAN. . fle Corner Front nod Xarket Street.. Nri 2bvtrti9ttiunts. Nor Abratisemtnts SILAS WARD, AGINT FOR STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS, Princes Melodeons &0., VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC CORDEONS, DRUMS AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE Of every kind HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT' FRAMES, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Photograph Frames and Albums. at the New hiusie Store of SILAS WARD au dly N 0.12, 1, orth Third Street, above Market. PENNSYLVANIA SS In the Name and by the Authority OF THE OMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CIIRT/N, OTERNOR OF THE SAID COMAIONWEILTH. A PROCLAMATION WIIKRZAB, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God for all His mercy and loving kind -01368 : Therefore, I, ANDREW G. CUMIN, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re commend that THURSDAY, THE 27 thDAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people of this Commonwealth, as a day of solemn Prayer and Thanksgiving to the Almighty :—Giving Him humble thanks that He has been gracious ly pleased to protect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pestilence—and to cause the earth to bring h i lk forth her increase, so that our Earners are choked with the harvest—and to 1 so favor ably on the toil of His children, t t industry has thriven among ns and labor bad its reward; and also that He has delivered us from the bands of our enemies—and filled our officers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory—and that He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings : Beseeching Him to help and govern usin His steadfast tear and love, and to put into our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judgment in all things : And especially praying Him to give to Chris tian churches grace to hate the thing which is evil, and to utter the teachings of truth and righteousness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God : And most heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rulers, wisdom and earnestness in council, and upon our military leaders, zeal and vigor in action, that the fires of rebellion may be quenched—that we, being armed with His defence, may be preserved from all perils, and that hereafter our people, living in peace and quietness, may, from generation to genera tion, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy, and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag nify His holy name. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this Twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G. CURTIN. By TM CkVVIMEOR. ELI SLIFER, Secretary Qf the Commonweal h. oct2l-dtwtd CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby warned against de predating or in any manner trespassing on the Farm of Mrs. C. Mish, adjoining the city, and under the management of the sub scriber. Iff" I have arrested several of these petty thieves and nuisances, and made them pay pretty well for their sport. Hereafter I shall not only punish to the Went of the law, but will publish in the Telegraph and other papers the names of all offenders. Oct. 13, 1862 144 RUBIA MILLS. 144 144 Greene Street, New York City. GOVERNMENT COFFEE Put up In tln foll Pound papers, 48 in a box, and Lin bulk. Our prices raugefrom 8 toBo cents. We put up the following kinds: JAVA, MARACAIBO, SIIP. RIO, RIO AND SIIPZRIOR COPEEK. We bel eve our Coffee to be better than any ground Coffee now in use. All orders addressed to ns, or to our agents, Messrs. PLUM & Yonne, 188 Chambers Street, cor. Washington Street, New York City, and Mears. Yuman]) & DoAan, 181 and 101 South Water Street, Chicago, 111., willieceive prompt attention. TABER & PLACE. septu.dam UNION VILLAGE. of this Monster among Native VATemican Hardy Grape, for sale at the Keystone Nursery. The clusters frequently weigh a pound and a half, and the berries are larger than the Celebrated Black Hamburgh. The quality is also good—equal, at least, to the well known Isabella. J. MISH, Well, PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very low. Call and examine. paper hanging personally attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market St.; near the Bridge'. GRAPES . 1 . GRAPES I I ALOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just received, and for sale low, at WISE'S FRUIT STORE, Cor. Third and Walnut Sts. nov6 100 BBLS. FINE CHOICE APPLES. SALE CHEAP , at. JOHN 'WISE'S, in FThird Street, next door to Bradly's Barber shop. ALSO, ANOTHER LOT OF FINE LARGE CA.TAWBA GRAPES, cheap, wholesale and m ini!. nol2 FAssortment of Coal Oil Lamps, shades, Chimneys, for sale very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. nov3 SUGAR oared hams, just received an ter sale, by NNlHolii & BOWMAN, atp.ll Cor. Front and Market street. MI M Mackerel, jantreeeived, and for eale, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nov6 Cor. Front and Market Ste. 10, Dandelion and other preparationg of coffee, fresh and pare, fur sale low, by NICHOLS a BOWMAN, Corner Frof.t and Market streets. an 29 POBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and Twist, for sale low by NICTI9LS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets. au.2l NEW Orleans Sugars, white and brown, Just received and for sale low by 1.110H0L9 & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market greets. ", MD PLUM TREES, I N variety, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1882. Tr . ELLER'S DRUG STORE plAos „EL to3nineitest JACOB MISH oovl-dtf