ititgrap4, NO i 1(K Tin AD VERTISERS,—AII Ad. vertleements, Business Notices, Ear. rieligell, Death% &0., to secure insertion u the TELEGRAPH, must Invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted In the morning Edition without extra charge. nveansiao Ram.—The following are the for advertising in the Taratoaarw Those in advertising to do will find it convenient reference: e 7 "2o'a i m c°MV;V n li n i ....o.oo ‘ .4g5944.,te gg i gE f igoo46 , 2og g 30 mFg..egera fl• Er.g,E;E..Pair. S; •.• • • • , VI ...! lAD . W. 1- , C. Ca Cr. mi. 41 . clO. Cl CT CO 10 .-A W S.' 82.8g881:8888883 cr 0 . ,_. .. U ., CA .. MI .4 .4 CnO. CO 60 00 1,.. ; 15:1888g8ES8n1.8883 c: ,. 0 ik. a,„. 04.0....,..0.,..., . to PO.OOOOOOO 00 - -, go a t o^2 0 0.0 VA 20 t 0 .2+ 0 PS 0. Ca e. 0 0 2.11 0 0 00 0 p 00000.20.00,000 i .1 2.2 .CO l Isil tz 0 - a -.X CO 00 02 1.0 1.2. M. 0 , 0 , 0 0.. . OW o 000000000 4111 m. 0 1412 02 CO 12C t 0 ... O. -a O -1 NV 20 02 .0 o 0 0 , 0 O. O. 0 O. 00.0 00 Of 0 six a CO Co 0. 15 0 0 0.0 -.7 0 00 0 , 00 00,0000.0000 OS ... 88 Adml Marr' Audi n, e C. IP ItZ IN 6 4 " .. SEMOSS42O Inistration Not!Oes, 1 thne a week, six tl inge Notices tare ,rat Nett es each Insertion—. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, November Tim Sum of $2,500 le daily converted Into pickle at the Philadelphia mint. =:==l REV. JAMES COLD= will preach in the Luther an Chapel, corner of State and Fourth Streets, to morrow evening at the usual hoar. --.01........ To DAY we could look aloft, and be greeted with a sight of a beautiful blue instead of a hor rid black and and cloudy sky, such as we were overcast with during the past week. Itsv. A. R. Jozuss, of the Wyoming Confer euce,.will preach next Sabbath, in the Ridge Avenue M. E. Church, It JO A. M. and 7 P. M. The revival continues. Preaching during the week at 7 F. U. Gov. errant.; was unable to leave the Execu tive Mansion part of yesterday and to-day, on account of sickness. While he is not seriously indisposed, the over-work of his Department and the daily augmenting duties and responsi bilities of his position, are sufficient to rack a man of iron nerves. I= RAILROAD PARS INCRJAMD.—The Secretary of War has decided that, under the tax law, Rail road Companies have a right to add three per cent. to their charges for transportation of passengers, under their a;reentent with the War Department, thus increasing the rate from two cents to 2 6 106 cents p • wine. .....Dip.........,. "Dui ETANING Houle," "Her Bright Smile Haunts Me," "Ernanie," solo from the Opera, and "The Hour for Thee and Me," are the titles of some of the pieces of new music just received at Knoche's Music store, 93 Market street, All the new publications are received and for sale as soon es out of pleas. WORK FOR TRH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. —ln cludiug the stock already arrived at Pittsburg, and that which to on the way over the different western railroads, it is estimated that there are fifteen hundred car loads of cattle now waiting transportation wit, over the Pennsylvania rail road. THANKSGIVTNG.—The Governors of the follow ing states have recommended Thursday, Nov. 27, to be observed as a day of general thanks giving and prayer: Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Vermont, California, Oregon, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Rhode Island, Maine, Massa chusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Wiscon sin, lowa, Michigan and Western Virginia, MAJOR JOHDAN.—From information received in this city from Col. Ludlow, commissioner on the pan of the United States Government for the exchange of prisoners, we learn that Major Jordan will be exchanged with the officers of the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania Regiment, and he may therefore be expected in this city in a very few days. am. _..• Tama who did not purchase a turkey this moring, as a donation to one of the two com mittees who are preparing to give the soldiers in the hospitals in Camp Curtin and within the oity limits a Thanksgiving Dinner, will have only one more chance to do so. Wednesday morning will afford them this last oppor tunity. Let it not be said that while we are making merry and rendering sincere thanks on the occasion referred to, that the sick and wounded soldiers are in want for a single article of food that will cheer and enliven them on Thanksgiving Day. Tint BAPTIST CH1711011. - It will be gratifying to many friends in Harrisburg, who have con• tribttted towards the erection of the Baptist church edifice, to know that the audience chamber is now completed. The congregation design to finish the interior of the building the ensuing spring. The audience chamber will be dedicated on Monday evening, the 24th Mat., the exercises commencing at 7} o'clock. A discourse, appropriate to the occasion, will be preached by Rev. Warren Randolph, of Ger mantown. On Tuesday morning, at 1071 o'clock, a dis course will be preached by Rev. Reuben Jeffrey, D. D., of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Baptist Convention will hold its thirty fifth annual meeting with. the Baptist church of this place, commencing on Tuesday, Nov. 26th, at 21 o'clock. The opening discourse will be preached by Rev. W. B. Wood, pastor of the church. Ministering brethren of other denominations and the citizens of Harrisburg generally, are cordially invited io attend. Nitta Thomann Moans are employed in the hospital service of the United States army. COMMIAMONZB Boutwell has decided that an apothecary's license covers all articles usually sold by apothecaries except apirituons liquors and tobacco. Twartrr of the drafted men of Montour county absolutely refuse to submit to the draft, and have so far defied the efforts of the Marshal to induce them to yield to the law. 13 0 /STEMMING ACCIDENT. —On the 29th ult., Wm. Stonebreaker, a citizen of Rayne town ship, Indiana county, was instantly killed by the falling of a tree. He was engaged in gath ering in his corn, and while in the act of hold ing the bag to have the corn thrown into it, a tree, near by, fell out of root, and he was struck on the back of his head by it, killing him instantly, while the person assisting him escaped unhurt RAILIOAD Elsormer.—The annual election for President and Directors for the Hempfleld rail road, took place in Washington, Pa.,on Monday. The annual report was read and adopted, after which the stockholders elected C. M. Reed, Esq., of Washington, President, and Joseph Henderson, Wm. McKennon, of Washington county, and James C. Clark, of Westmore land county, and S. Brady, T. Sweeney, and J. C. Acheson, of Wheeling, Directors. The meet ing then adjourned. .0 9 Et LS El xr2 2 • sllr. X! s B *2 2 ma r —ro P Novannia TWINTY-11118T was the festival of the patron saint of music, St. Cecilia.— This saint was a Roman lady who lived and suffered martyrdom in the early part of the third century. So skilful was she in singing that she has for centuries been regarded as the patron saint of music, and several churches were built in her honor in Rome. R. Cecilia was a favorite subject with the old painters, and inspired Raphael with one of his divinest con. captions—the celebrated picture of the saint in the gallery at Bologna. e5...52 26 i5O lE=l Suramt.—A man named Richard Sproata, re siding in the vicinity of Washington, Pa., com mitted suicide on Wednesday morning by hang ing. The deceased was a single man, between the ages of thirty-five and forty years, and resided on hie father's farm. A short time previous he had sold a lot of grain and some hogs at a figure which he subsequently found was too low, and this had given him considera ble trouble. He was discovered suspended by the neck, in the stable, near his father's resi dence, and the only cause assigned for the act is that above alluded to. Animals in human shape are better out than in the world. Tux 808818188 AT Hista's Horia..—The fol lowing note from the proprietors of Herr's Hotel, fixes the amount of property and money purloined by the burglars who have been re cently at work In that establishment : Mr. Local Editor of Zelograph: AB exaggerated stories prevail regarding the losses sustained by the recent robbery at Horr's Hotel, we beg leave to inform you that the entire amount stolen amounted to but two hundred dollars in money and three gold watches. Please make the correction in your paper, and oblige CorLi & Urn. Two hundred dollars in money and three gold watches is pretty good at one haul, and/ we think, requires no exaggeration. A Tammy DIATH.--Joseph Kellerman and family, who immigrated from Bedford county to Anderson county, Kansas, about four years ago, were again proceeding further west, when they were overtaken by prairie -fires, which consum ed him and his wife and two little boys. They had resided in Anderson county until about the 80th of October last, when they started for a point some fifty miles west of their late resi dence. They were overtaken when they were about ten miles out and everything on or be longing to their wagon, was devoured. Three of the older children were driving the cattle and succeeded in escaping this horrible end. The fasts of this terrible death were communi cated to the Bedford Inquirer. STRINING Tam Fa= ma Rom..—The secret Provost Marshalls of Boston, New York and Philadelphia, are procuring the names of every officer whom they notice lounging in the rum shops, gambling hells, and side walks of those cities, which are immediately forwarded to Washington city, and there, when found to be absent without leave, or having absented them selves over a period fixed, such officers are at once stricken from the army lists. One hundred have already been stricken from the lists, and their names are shortly to be published. We suggest to the government immediately to detail an officer to inspect the absentees who are skulking in this city. It is currently re ported that some of our rum shops, gambling dens and bawdy houses would afford the ma terial for a splendid report to the War Depart ment. Tnaexsorvino DAY—A Word for the Poor.— Thursday next will be Thanksgiving Day in this State, as recommended by Gov. Curtin, and we notice that the cities and towns. sur rounding us, who have hospitals in their midst, are making extensive preparations to give the sick and wounded 'soldiers II generoutentertain merit of the good things of the land on that day. While the ladies of Harrisburg are en deavoring to provide for the Sick and wounds d soldiers, let them not forget that we have oth- . ors in our midst beside the Wok and wounded soldiers who are worthy of scene consideration and contribution to render them happy on Thanksgiving Day. We Wive bore the families of the absent soldier. Mothers with their little ones, who must not be suffered to go uncheered on Thanksgiving Day. We have the poor, too, pining in penury, whose hearts should be lifted up on Thanksgiving Day. We should therefore seek out those whose wants are press ing, and endeavor to lighten their burdens and cheer them on the approaching festive occasion. We should remember the precept' " that it is more blessed to give than to re ceive". If we all set upon this precept we can enjoy our blessings with more zest—we will feel freer and better in the .consciousness that wo have done a good deed: . iltimovlumtia elegraph ficiturdcw lftermyon November 22, 1862 I==l I=l I==l Tax Pnocesprims 01 , COVRT.—The following is a full report of the cafes tried during the Court of Quarter Sessions which was in session up to yesterday. This:report enabraceir the decisinn of each case, with the sentence of the Court : Com. vs. John Curham. Larceny ; true bill; continued. Coro. vs. Henry Gensler. Surety of the peace ; ordered to pay costs and bound over to keep the peace. Com. vs. Milton Smith. Feloniously having in possession counterfeit notes.; plead guilty and submits. Com. vs. same. Feloniously buying. coun terfeit coin ; pleads guilty and submits. Com. vs. John F. Duncan. Embezzlement; true bill ; continued. Com. vs. Susanna Howard. Fornication and bastardy ; true bill. Corn. vs. John Scott. Larceny ; verdict guilty. Corn. vs. James Brannan. Larceny ; verdict not guilty. Com. vs. Bob Edwards. Disorderly house ; guilty on third count of indictment. Com. .vs; Frank Duffey. Lardeny ; verdict guilty. Com. vs. Wm. Smith. Assault and battery; pleads guilty and submits.. Com. Corn. vs. John McCombs. Assault and bat tery ; true,bill ; recognizance of defendant for feited. Com. vs. W. W. Gilman. Larceny ; ver dict not guilty. Com. vs. H. M. White. Larceny ; true bill; recognizance of defendant forfeited. Com. vs. Wm. Battis. Disorderly house; continued from last . session ; recognizance of defendant forfeits +. Corn. vs. Pasquelle Genett. Assault and bat tery; guilty; sentenced to pay a fine of five dol lars and costs, and give security for good be havior. Com. vs. James Brannan . . Feloniously pass ing counterfeit money; no true bill. Corn. vs. Mary Kelsey. Larceny; plead guilty. Com. vs. John H. Bliffnagle. • Assault and battery; true bill ; continued. Com. vs. same. Assault and battery ; true bill ; continued. Com. vs. John S. Brown. ' Larceny ; verdict Com. vo. Satnuel Roberts. Assault and bat tery; true bill. Com. vs. SanWel Freeburn. Disorderly house, etc.; pleads guilty, etc. Corn. vs. Samuel W. Freeburn. Assault and battery; not guilty, ,but pay costs. Com. vs. Rachel Gamer. Larceny; true bill; continued. Com. vs. Henry Smith. Larceny ; verdict guilty. Com. vs. James McAllister. Assault and bat tery; true bill ; recwistane.e-of defendant call ed and lo:whited, and xespited.; • ; ! ' Coin. vs. Samuel C. Johnson. False pretence; true bill ; recognizance of defendant forfeited. Com. vs. Isaac Dorkus. Fornication and bastardy. Verdict guilty. Com. vs. Wm. Green. Larmny. Verdict not guilty. Con Larceny-; verdict not guilty. Corn. vs. John Zimmerman. Selling liquor without license ; true bill . Com. vs. Edward Wright. Larcemy ; verdict not guilty. Com. vs. J. Henry Jones. Assault and bat tery ; true - , Com. vs. Adam Cooper.' Assitult and battery; no true bill, and Isaac Hoffman, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com. vs. Henry McDermott. Assault and battery; no true.bill ; prosecutor, Samuel Rob erta, to pay costs. Com. vs. Henry Smith and Samuel Cuff. As sault and battery. ; no true hill. Com. va.,Frank Bell. Aeault and battery;; no true bill 1 county to pay docket ousts. Com. Va. Frank and Preston Bell. Assault and battery ; no true bill ; county to pay docket costa only. - Com. vs. John Harman and George Weaver: Assault and battery ; no true bill ; county to pay docket coshronly. • Com. vs. George Heyton. Larceny; true bill; continued. Com. vs. Ellen Henry and Mary McDoual. Lareeny ; true bill ; continued.. Corn. vs. George Heytow. Burglary ; true bill ; continued. Com. vs. Mary V. Cuff. Larceny ; verdict guilty. • Com. vs. John Li. Rodgers. Assault and bat tery ; not guilty, and Samuel W. Freeburn, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com. vs. William Henry. Assault ; true bill; continued. Com. vs. Joseph Burkhart. Awiault and bat tery ; true bill.. Com. vs. Simon COpenhaVer'. Larceny ; true bill ; oontiuued. Com. vs. Michael Sullivan. Teasing counter feit notes ; true bill. . Coni. vs. Vincent!. Grainger. Selling liquor On Sunday ; no true bill ; county to pay docket costs. Ce r m. vs. Henry Gets. Assault and battery ; true bill; rectsgnizanoe of prosecutor forreited. Corn. vs. John H. 'Burns; Larceny ; verdict guilty. Com. vs. Hatity.McClloskffe• Passing counter feit notes!; true bill ; motioned. Com. vs. George Robinson. Assault ; verdict guilty. Com. vs. Jacob M.. Jones and Tom Nathans. Robbery . ; true bill ; , continued. Com. vs. John Constant Assault and bat tery ; no true bill ; Hannah Miller, prasecutris, to pay costs. Com. vs. Samuel Johnson. Assault and bat tery ; no true bill ; Jacob M. Jones, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com. vs. Catharine Goodwin. Larceny ; no true bill. Com. vs. Robert Assault and:battery ; no true bill ; prosecutor, Wm. Watkins, to pay costs. , Com. vs. Mark Patterson and Jonas Stewart. Larceny ; no true bill ; recognizance of prose cutor forfeited. Corn. vs. Rebecca Dorsey. Assault and bat tery ; true bill. ' Corn. vs. Charles Bouse. Larceny ;no true bill. Com. vs. Wm. Underhill. Larceny ;no tree bill. Com. vs. Michael Engle. larceny ; no true twill. Com. vs. Robert lane. Adultery ; true bill ; continued. Com. vs. Josiah Bowman. Libel on Govern tient ; continued. Com. vs. James Downey. Assault and bat tery ; prosecutor, Jacob Landis, to pay costs. Com. vs. Samuel Johnson. Assault and liattery ; no true bill; Ann Thomas, prosecutrix, to pay costs. Corn. vs. John Felon. Assault and battery ; rio true bill ; prosecutor, Wm. Brown, to pay costs. Cora. vs. Lewis Russ. Surety, &c. ; sentenced to pay docket cost and give security for good behavior. • Com. vs. A. J. Wartleld. Assault and battery; no true bill and prosecutor, J. McCombs, to pay costs. Com. vs. Jane Madure. Assault and battery; do true bill; prosecutdr, Lucy Lee, to pay costs. ' Com. vs. Mrs. Blade. Malicious mischief ; no true bill ; prosecutor, Levi Bieber, to pay cost. Com. vs. Wm. H. McCall. Assault and bat tery ; no true.. bill ; prosecutor, John Halen, to pay costs. Com. ve—Kate gninlin. Disorderly house no true - bill ; proeecutrix, Jane Brownson, to Pay "'as - Com. vs. same. Malicious mischief ;no true ; prosecutrix, Jane Brownson, to pay coati:. Com vs. Henry Boston. Malicious mill .‘ i chief; no true bill ; prosecutor, Miles Clark, to pay costs. Corn. vs. Joseph Alleman. False pretence, no true bill ; prosecutor, E. Colbaugh, to pay costs. Cora. vs. John an*Mary Reilly. Disorderly house ; no true bill ; the prosecutrix, Ann Doyle, to pay costs. Ciatt. vs. Samuel Robinson, Don J. Williams and Z P. Boyer. Conspiracy ; no true bill prosecrtfor, S. J. Ramping, to pay 009%. Cora vs. Jacob seffey. Passing fictitious note ; no true bill ; prosecutor, Chas. Halsted, to pay costs. Com. Joseph Smith Disorderly h use ;no true bill ; prosecutor, Chas. H. Lake, to pay costs. Com. vs. Aaron Haskins. Larceny ; no true bill ; recognizance of prosecutor called and forfeited. Com. vs. Mrs. No Name. Larceny ; no true bill ;-recognizance of prosecutor forfeited. Com. vs. John. Saxe. Larceny ; no true bill; recognizance of prosecutor forfeited. Com. vs. George Dodge. Larceny ; no true bill ; recognizance of prosecutor forfeited. Corn. vs. Sarah Black. Larceny ; no true bill; recognizance of prosecutor forfeited. Com. vs. John Meier. Larceny ;no true bill. Com. vs. Nathan Wilcox. Larceny ;no true bill; recognizance of protecutor, Aaron Briggs, called and forfeited. Coro. vs. John No Name. Larceny ; ignored* recognizance of prosecutor, John Learing, called and forfeited. Com. vs Florian Neifer. Larceny ; no true bill. Corn. vs. Joseph Meier. Larceny; no true bill. Com. vs. John Fees. Larceny ;no true bill. Com. vs. Andrew Wilhelm. Larceny ;no true bill. Corn. vs. M. Mier. Larceny ; nu true bill. Com. vs. 'Josephine Debaugh. larceny ; ig pored; recognizance of prosecutor, John Mul crery, called and forfeited. Com. vs. John W. Williams. Larceny ; ig nored ;recognisance of prosecutrix, Mary Jack son, called and forfeited. Com. vs. Christiana Lehner. Larceny ;no true bill ; recognizance of prosecutor, Charles H. Take, called and forfeited. The regular term of Court of Common Pleas will commence next Monday, the 24th inst., at which a number of important cases will be tried. SPECIAL NOTICES MILITARY BUSINESS, Of all kinds attended to. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism Dys pepsia, Corkumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to, their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be bad at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3-dlm) MRS. L. BALL. I'IUMIAILPHIA, Nov. 3, 1862 Mr•s. Ball :—I feel no hesitancy in acknow ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth ing influence and healing power. For several years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, and during my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the short space of one month, of that annoying and distressing disease, and at the same time also cured me of a running scrofula, which had existed for over one year without ceasing.— During my years of affliction, I applied fre quently to doctors of medicine, but they proved ineffeglual. I have the utmost eonfidence and bellefin the power of your medicine, and would say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in its natural element, with a system renewed to vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I did. Yours, truly, GEO. J. McCREERY, 54 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. S--T--1860--X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and imigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an autldotOto change of water and diet. They °vermin( effects of dindpation and late hcmis They strengthen the system and enliven the init.d. They prevent Mteimatic and intermittent tavere. They purify ' the breath and acidity or the stomach They ours Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure diarrhea, Cholera, and Cliolers‘Morbus. They mire !Ivor Comp Mist and Nervons Headache. They are the 'beat bitters' lri ibe world. They make the weak Lman'strong, and ate exhausted nature's great restorer, They are made of pure SI. Croix Bum, the. Celebrated thillsayailark;roots and herbs, and are taken With tt e pleasure Of a bi were ge, iwithout regard to age or time of ray. Particularly recommended to delicate persons : requiring. a gentle stimulant. field by all Grocersthuggista, Haas and . Saloons. P. H. Drake & Co., 202 Broadway, Nor York.; Nun tAbvtrtistmtnte. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., I N:3 PIANO. XTEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best Ai makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU- MENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent tiy mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GIN: AND ROSEWOOD rizehiEs, j - Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A no assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES `Orom manliest to largest sizes.. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. Wit. SNOCHE, febl9-sresly • 98 Market street. SM-1.8 6 0-XBl RE language of nature and experience de -1 monstrates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasures of food—the beauties of landscapes— the joys of companionship—the richness of lit erature—or the honors of station and renown— roust preserve their health. The stomach is the receptacle of all nourish ment, and the fountain from which all parts of the body, derive sustenance. The effect of foul injurious food entering the stomach, is to de range the digestive organs, and produce headache, loss of appetite, unrefreshed sleep, foetid breath, low spirits, feverish burnings, constipation, incapacity to perform any mental or physical duty, 4c., and are the symptoms of that horrid disease DYSPEPSIA, Which assumes a thousand shapes, and points towards a miserable life and premature decay. The Medical Faculty has labored for generations to discover reliable appetizers and the proper Means of overcoming stomachic derangements. Certain inzredients have been long known as partially effective. Among these were CALISAYA BARK & ST. CROIX RUM. An invalid physician, sojourning in the tro pical island of St. Croix, observing the habits of the natives, gathered the recipe for the final accomplishment of this most important end. The article was first used as a private medicine, when its salutary effects becoming known, ill was brought out under the name of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They act with unerring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform most wonderful cores in stubborn cases of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diar rhoea, Sour Stomach Headache, Fever and Augue, Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. Al a morning appetizer and after dinner tonic, they should be in every family. They are a delightful, exhilerating stimulant, without any subsequent stupefy ing reaction. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. "Roomamm, December 28th, 1861. Messrs. P. H. Ditaxs.—Gentlemen :—I have suffered terribly with Dyspepsia for three or four years, and tried many remedies without effect. I had to abandon my profession , and suffered greatly from everything I ate. I have now tried the Plantation Bitters—they helped me—l continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. I know of several similar cases. Respectfully yours, Rev. J. B CATHORN." Intelligent persons and physicians can judge of the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters from the following partial formula. CASOABILLA SARK Was known and need hi Germany for Dyspep sia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Cholic, Dysentery, and diseases of the Stomach arid owels, as early as 1690. For Inflammations of the Loins and Spleen in Dropsical and Biller.* Secretions, or Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. OALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, Was unknown to civilization until the middle of the 17th century. Humboldt makes favora ble mention of the febrifuge qualities of this article as an Antidote to Fever and Ague, In termittent and Malotions Fevers, in his exten sive South American travels. The Countess wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having experienced the beneficial effects of this Bark, tent it to Europe in 1640. It was sold by the Jesuits for the enormous sum of its own weight in silver, and was thus called Jzsurrs' POWDBIL In 1658, Sir John Talbolsemployed it with great succesa in France, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Palpitation of the Heart, Diarrheas, &c., under the name of Eng lish Powders ; and in 1679, he sold the secret of its origin to Louis XIV, by whom it was di vulged. It is now a standard remedy in all Pharmacopoeia, and is employed In preparing the Plantation Bitters. Chanwmill' e Flowers, for enfeebled digestion ; Winger-green, valuable for Bcrofnla,lthentnatism, and Nefmtic Affections ; Lasonder Flowers, aro matic, stimulant and tonic, highly invigorating in Nervous Debility ; .zbeits, an aromatic car minative creating flesh, muscle and milk. Much used in nursing. • 8. T.-1860—X. Another ingredient of remarkable and won derful virtue used in the preparation of these Bitters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet un known to the commerce of the world. A Span ish writer says : 000 0 a" administered with St. Croix Bum, never fails to relieve nervous tre mor, wakefulness, disturbed sleep, &c., and that it is used with great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian Ladies to heighten their color and beauty. It imparts cheerfulness to the disposition, vigor to the appetite, and bril liancy to the complexion." We withhold its name from the public for the present. To the above are added Clove Buds, Orange, Carraway, Coriander, Snake Boot, &c., all pre served in perfectly pure The tonic properties of St. Croix Rum, and its powerful invigorating effects, have been long known to the physicians of the world.. Bilious, Intermittent and Chill Fevers, en gendered by the change of water and diet of travelers, particularly upon western rivers, are prevented and cured by the Plantation Bitters. They are also reliable to prevent sea sickness. Pmnanszvate, lot Month, 16th day, 1862. " PunzarszoFawn. Wilt thou send me another dozen of thy Bitters , ? Nothing has proven so beneficial to my invalid wife or my self, as the Plantation Bitters. Thy friend, Isaac HOWLAND." novel wed mat Oindow N. B.—The secret of the immense sale of the Plantation Bitters, is their guaranteed purity. The St. Croix Rum, and every article used, is warranted perfectly pure, and the money will be returned if not as represented. The Plantation' Bitters are put up in unique quart bottles, and sold by all respectable Drug gists, Grocers, Hotels and Restaurants through out the worl. Be particular that every bottle bears the fac-simile of the Proprietor's signature. P. H. DRAKE & CO. nov4-dewlm-eadaeow 202 Broadway, N. P. ALMANACS FOR 1863. T HE well known BEAR'S ALMANAC FOR 1868, In English and German, can be had by the dozen and single copies at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. FSALE.—A House and Piece of Ground, .12 in the First Ward of this city. For fur ther particulars inquire of W. BABE, nolo-dlwo Auctioneer. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A SMALL lot of extra, just received andtfor I& sale by. WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. oot23•dti SPLENDID assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, of Glass, Braes and Tin, for Bale low lry MIAOW BOWMAN, • ora. Corner Front and Market streets. QBVBRAL Hundred, from six to twelve Batt la high, for sale cheap, at the Keystone Nur- Mary. noel-dtf JAVA, Laguna ! and Rio Coffee, choice arti cles just received, by NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, novB Corner Front and Market Ste. Gem 2twertistmtnts. S. T.-1860-X DANDELION, ST. CROIX RIM WHAT OTHERS SAY LOCUST TREES. Nor 2lboatistments. SILAS WARD, - . AGSM YOH STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS, Princes Melodeons ?sou VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC COBDEONS, DRUMS AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE Of every kind. HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT FRAMES, Large Pler and Mantle Mirrors, Photograph Frames and Albums. at the New Music Store or Si AS WARD, aue.l4.dly N 0.12, borlh Third Street, above Market. PENNSYLVANIA SS: In the Name and by the Authority ' OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OF THE RAID COHNONWEALTH. A PROCLAMATION Wninses, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God for all His mercy and loving kind ness : Therefore, 1 - , Asinazw G. Coaxer, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re commend that THURSDAY, THE 27th DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people of this Commonwealth, as a day of solemn Prayer and Thanksgiving to the Almighty :—Giving Him humble thanks that He has been gracious ly pleased to protect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pestilence—and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked with the harvest—and to look so favor ably on the toil or His children, that industry has thriven among us and labor had its reward; and also that He has delivered us from the hands of our enemies—and filled our officers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory—and that . He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings : Beseeching Him to help and govern ns in His steadfast tear and love, and to put into our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judgment in all things : And especially praying Him to give to Chris tian churches grace to hate the thing which is evil, and to utter the teachings of truth and righteousness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God : And most heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rulers, wiedom and earnestness in council, and upon our military leaders, seal and vigor. in action, that the fires of rebellion may be quenehed—that we, being armed with His defence, may be preserved from all perils, and that hereafter our people, living in peace and quietness, may, from generation to genera tion, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy, ` and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag nify His holy name. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this Twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight h undredi and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G. CURTIN. BY THU GOVERNOR. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. oct2l-digwtd CAUTION. A . persons are hereby warned against de-, predating or in any manner trespassing' on the Farm of Mrs. C. Miski, adjoining the city, and under the management of the sub scriber. Or I have arrested several of these petty thieves and nuisances, and made them pay pretty well for their sport. Hereafter I shall not only punish to the extent of the law, but will publish in the Telegraph and other papers the names of all offenders. Oct. 18,1862 1 4 4 RUBIA MILLS. 1 44 144 Greene Street, New York City. GOVERNMENT COFFER Put up in thvfoll Pound papers, 48 in a box, and ,in bulk. Our prices range from Bto 80 cents. We put up the following kinds: JAVA, MARACAIBO, BIT. RIO, RIO AND BITERIOR COFFEE. We bel eve cur Coffee to be better than any ground Coffee now in use. All orders addressed to us, or to our agents, Messrs. Puna & YOUNG, 182 Chambers Street, cor. Washington Street, New York City, and Messrs. Poisson & Doris, 181 and 101 Sonth Water Street, ChteagO, 111., will receive prompt 'neutral. TABER & ?LACE. septl4-d3m UNION VILLAGE, ITYESof this Monster among Native nerican Hardy Grape, for sale at the Keystone Nursery. The clusters frequently weigh a pound and a half, and the berries are larger than the Celebrated Black Hemburgh. The quality is also good—equal, at least, to the well known Isabella. J. MISH, novl-dtf UTALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very low. Call and examine. Paper hanging personally attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market St., near the Bridge. GRAPES! GRAPES I 1 A LOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just received, ACIL and for sale low, at 'WISE'S FRUIT STORE, Cor. Third and Walnut Ste. nov6 100 BBLS. FINE CHOICE APPLES. FOR SALE CHEAP at JOHN WISE'S, in Third Street, next door to Bradly's Barber shop. ALSO, ANOTHER LOT OF FINE LARGE CATAWBA GRAPES, cheap, wholesale and re tail. nol2 FINE Assortment of Coal Oil Lamps,-Shades, Chimneys, for sale very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. nov3 SIIGAR cured hams, just received an Mr sale, by NIOHuL3 & BOWMAN, sop 17 Cor. Front and Market stead. 3/11: Mackerel, just received, and for sale, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nov6 Cor. Front and Market Ste. R.lO, Dandelion and other preparation& of coffee, fresh and pare for sale low by NICHOLS a wiwnex,l Corner Flout and Market Area* P. ara9 frOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress—and. 11 Twist, for sale low by means Qom' Front and Market Argots. Ann "VEW Orleans Sugars white and brown .A: 1 1 jut receivedand for sale ow by . NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor.Froni.loid Banat greets. EMI PLUM TREES, I N variety, at HeYsterou HeraelY, Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862, ELLER's DRUG STORE ie the 0.434 ii AIL to.avilPatee Indictiner. JACOB MUM