Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 18, 1862, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PMILISTIND'EMY By GEORGE BERGNER TE,,RSIB.-6aratun Susectrenow. The Dams TSLIGRAPH to served to subscribers in th City at 0 cents per west. Yearly subscribers will b charged $4 00 in advance. W 11111.4 AND BMW WISELY TNLIGRAPIL The Titanium Is also published twice It week duriol the session of the Legislature, and weekly during tit remainder in the year, and furnished to subscribers al the foliowing cash rates, dingle -übscribers per year 60 Ten ..12 00 Twenty ‘, w 44 .{ oo tingle subscribers, Weekly 1 00 IRS LAW OP NTWIIPAPERB. If subs, Mere order the discontinuance of their news papern, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If IlUbsoribers neAleot or refuse to take their lumps pars from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. Eusiutss Curbs. A. C SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. JONES HOUSE, CoRNEB OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. JOSEPH F. MeCLELLIN, PROPRIETOR. (RECENTLY CONDUCTED BY ISELIN OOVIIELY.) Th's Is a First Class Hotel. and located In the central part of the lily. it Is kept In the best mintier, and its patrons will dud every accommodation to be met with in the best houses in the country. se3o-dlf THEO. F. tiCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKA7 STREET, HARRISBURG. s - srPartioular attentiou paid to Printing, Ruling and Itioeioe or Railroad Blanks, Manifests, volioloe, Cheeks, Drll4, Am Came printed at $2, 113, 114, and $5 par n,,,,,amt to eiagatit Riy 10. B. J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manntactarer NO. 112 MAR.KEI 87118E7, ELA.RRISBURG. AS always ou hand a full assortment • • of nu and .I.toanno.a Ware, Cooking and Parlor Stoves ol the boot utanulac.potoo, Uutte- Elpoutiu4, Root ing and Goloo,azed Iron brutal mono& lured .tad pot up at, reso,,nable Mee. sr Repairing promptly attended io. aprBO•dly DAN'L. A. MITENCH, AGENT. % i F the OW Wallower Liue respeettully it informs the publie th t this Old Daily fransporta- Unit Line, (the only Wallow - r Ltue now in existence in this City,) Is Is in successful °potation aud prepared to carry freight as kili as any other individual hoe between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Loch ilay..n and all other points on the Northern Central, Phdadelphia and Erie and Wit. hiumasport and Elmira Railroads, L. A. iIUIiNCII„ Agent. Harrisburg, Pn floods sent to the Ware Reuse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell Si 'cabman, No• 808 and 810 Market street au eve ki, td7, , Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. r. , will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBo•rdmyl REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed hie Boot and Shoe Store bow the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Neat door to llaNne's Agriculture Afore, where he intends to keepoll kinds of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, &c., and a large stock of Trunks, and everything in his line of be shwas ; and will be thanalni to receive the patronage of his old customers and the pubils in general at his new place of businsss. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at short notice. lapr2cilf] JOHN H. SIIITH. PEIPILER'B DAILY - LINK BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Leek Haven ) Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Umontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND BARRIBBtrit G. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the Drayage will beat the Lowest Rates. Toe Conductor ggoaee►s through with each train to attend to the see de hvery of all goods Intrusted to the lino. Goods deliver ed ante Depot of Freed, Ward a Freed, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock, P. b delivered In Harrisburg the next morning. freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia ant Reading Depot, oct2l-dtf Foo of Market Street, Harrisburg. APOLPII P, TEIPSER. WOULD respectfully inform hie old patrons and dou panne generally, that he will oontinue to give Instructions on the PIANO FORTE, NE. LODRON,NIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. He will letb pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at say boor desired, or mesons will be given a Ms residence, In Third street doors below th german !Wormed Church. deolh-d tt LINDEN HALL, MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Litiz, Lancaster Co., Pa. FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and Information, apply to REV. WILLIAM C. REICREL, octlll-dam itlisallautans. POST4GE CURRENCY. WE have received an assortment of Wal lets adapted for carrying safely and con veniently the New Currency, with lot of LEATHER GOODS GENERALLY. Ladies' Satchels, Ladies' Companions, Purses, Portmonnities, Segar Cases, Card Cases, Wri ting and Sewing Cases, Portfolios. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market St. STANDARD PEAR TR E ES' at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city of Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1842.. COAL Oil Lampe perfected, "Cahoon's At tachment" fitted to any lamp, prevents the breaking of chimnies. For Eale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cur. Front and Market Ste. nov6 DANDELION, Rio, and other preparations of Coffee, warranted pure, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Sta. novB SMOK ED HALIBUT. AVERY oboice etejt •37 and for sale bygir&, MOTIONS.- Quite a variety of usefu a:A enterlaima, “tict.s—tobes, -Ay 4FIP - Vott's .1, ...• VREBEL Lemons and Raisins, just re calved and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 1014 Oorner Brost and Market strews. IrMB, Dates, Prunes,Raisins, and all Mad, of Nuts, at JOHN WEIN Store Third and &lad. isyl (WOKE lot of Tobacco, for tole at rearona %dble prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, novB Corner Front and Market St& - , .. .. ...,... - . . .. ~ .. . • . No 41 0, '-\- '• ~ % i4,,,, t , /0 1' . : " opoie , . :1 - _ - _- . --p - 7,-- -- - Ig : i,,, , le • . il • ____,*,...,4,....:. .....,.,,,,,4,..,,.,.,...„.),, ri t etap $. . 1 ._ < _ —mss . . VOL XVIIII UA RR tMcat. DR. JOHNSON ALterllMr.C)Xl.=l LOCK ROSPITIi. ! HAB discovered the most certain, speedy and &Menai remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE REIM IN 81X TO TI MM BOORS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Care Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back enkLimbis, Strictures, Affections of the hidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Gonfuskee qJ Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, Di BMW of the Heed, Throat, Nose or dant, Affec tions of the Liver.lh Stoma* at Dwishi—those ter rible disorders arising fro regs, nt the Solitary /labile of Youth —those NORM and solitary practams more fatal to the Ir victims than the song of : yrene to the Marinate of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible. Young Mill Kanedally, who have become the victim) of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps- le an untimely grave tboumnde of Young blen of the most exalted talents and brilliant,,intelledi, who might otherwise have entranced Details Satiates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy - the living lyre, may call with full confidence, Itarriqpi. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplagug inar siege, being aware or physical weakness, organic debill. ty, deformities, &c., speedily cared. Ho who places himself loader the care ol Dr. J. may relimously.counde in his honor as. a gentleman,:and con. gdently rely upon his skill is a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Lured, lad hill vigor Restored Tide distressing AllooElon—which renders lif misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the Victims of improper indulgences. fauns persona are too apt to commit excesses Irma not being aWaris of the dreadlul come. entice that may emu°. Nevi, *ha that understands the subject will pretend to deny that The pow er of procreation-is last sooner by time falling into im- proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasure@ of healthy °Opting, the Most se ricer( and destructive symptoms to both body slid mind Arlie. The &miters becomes deranged, the Phylical and Mental Functions Weakened, lase of Procreative Power, Nerviowf Dyepepida, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestlea, 00ustitufkrakk Welty, a Wasting of the Frame Clough, tkersumptioni Decay and-Death.; Nice, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left band Mde gaingporn Baltimore street, a. few door. tram the carrier. Platibtiti Obaerve name and number. Letters mast be pakilluld contain a stamp. lb. Doc tor's Diplomas bang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two; Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Drew, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Laudon, Grad uate from one of the meet eminent Oolleges in the United States, sad the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, bus effected some of the moat astonishing aura that were ever IiDOWD 'many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashftilnees, with frequent blushing, attended bomethnes with derangement of mind were oared immediately. Take Particular Notice. Ur. J. aldreee iii d nave diSturankikuselves by improper indulge ce and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either besineu, study, society or noort.ege. These are some of Ma sad end meancholly,effecta pro ducsd by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Deck. and Limbs, Paha in the Head, Dimness f Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye pepey, Nervous Irratlbilay, Derangement of thelligestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Merreux.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be drended—Loss of Memory, ConfllBloll of Ideas De pression of Spirits, Evil Forbodtrp, Amnon to tiociuity, If Distrust, Love of *Anode, Timidity, to., are some of the evils produced. • Tao of persons of all ages can now judge what 111 the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and syteptoms of consumption. . Young Men Who have injured themselup by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, ,a habit frequently learned from evil compaulons,hr at school, the abets of which are nightly felt, even whenasleep,tind if not cured renders marriacebnpostable, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immeandely. What a pity that a young num, the L hope of hi coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from ell prospects and enjoyments of cite, by the consequence of deviating from the pathef nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons Kw, before tiontem- Phtling . • MUMS% • reflect that a sound mind and areththe most neces sary. requisites to promote ainnubisi happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage.; the prospect hourly (Lukens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and Ailed with the melancholly ndlection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he bas imbibed the seeds of this painful ease, it WO often Wenn that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to thoifi who, from etueation and respectability, can alone friend him, delaying till the conetitutional symptoms kh, this horr d disease make their appearance, inch 118 aerated sore throat, &sassed nose, nocturnal pains Is the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deatnem, nodes on the shin bass and arms, blotches on the h'llll4 thee and extremities, progressing b lot s rapidity 'till at last the palate of the, month or the bones of the nose fall is, and the victim of this awful disease_ become, a horrid object of commiseration, till death pate a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to 6, that Uadiacov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." ' It is a isielanalolly fag that thousands fall victims to this terrible dismal, owing to the usiallfullnese 6f Igoe ' act pretenders, witty b y the use of that Deafly Pohon, Net cur y, rale the constitution and make the residue o life miserable. Strangers. Thealth, Thrust not your lives, or to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge,name or character, who copy Dr. .ooheson's adver vertiements, or style themselves in the aciwunipere, regularly iklucated Physicians incapable or Curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their : filthy and poisonousurss cot 'pounds, pr as iong as the emallest ibe can be obtained, and in despair, leave yin with ram. ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment; Dr. Johnson is the only Physician ,advertising. His credential or•diptinnao 'hart hangs in his gin menedles or treatment are unknown to all others, I prepared from a life spent lo Use gr eat hospitals of Su rope, the first in the country and a more,, extensive Pri vate practice than any other Physician in 114*rid. Indoratannit of the Presi:` The %any *cabana cured at this Institutton year al; ter year, and the numerous important Surgical Qpera tions performs& by Dr. Johnson, whammed by tbe re portars of the uldan, ,, .'Clipper," and many other pa pers, notices of, which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a su fildent guarantee lathe afflicted. • Skis Diseases bpeedily Cared. Persons writing should be particular in directio g their wa n t o tiajactituttim, inha following manner : 'TONS: AL JOIA-NEKINOL Of the thilliniore Baltimire, Md. COALoit amp Shades, Wicks, Chim- I DWI, for 800 IoW b 7 magus/ BoWItaN, octa Corner Front and Market streets. ()UR newly reptetilnhed stook of Tollet and Fancy Goods is rinsurpassed in Ibis city, and leafing confident of rendering satisfaction, ye would no goolifidly invite a Will. .IEILLIII, U 1 Market WO* two doors east of bar* Strait, WWI aide, . s tl , REM FISH every Tuesday and Friday at . JOHN Ward fitore, comer of Third sad Friday • puny "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" SBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 18, 1862 BY TERIAPIL FROM FOnTRESS MONHOL A rumor having reached Yorktown that 2,000 rebels were at. Gloucester Court. House, twelve miles above Gloucester Point, an expe dition was sent over from Yorktown to recon noitre. The force is commandedby Col. Davis, and consists of infantry, cavalry and artillery. A brisk northeast storm has prevailed here du ring the day. • Lieut. Cooper, of the 3d New York infantry, died here on Saturday night of typhoid lever. His remains left here this afternoon for Coopers town, Nevi York where be belonged. The opening bide for loan were very numer- One, and occupied over three hours. Several times the amount - advertised was offered. The Government will probably get three. per .cent., and fraction above pal.. c4e Ctiegrasp. • —.— List of Pennsylvanians Smoke- Correspondence of the Tekgraph.] Smonarrown Hamra', Nov. 14, 1862 • Smoketown is a hamlet of six or seven small log houses in Washington . county, Md., about ten miles south of Hagerstown and three miles north of Sharpsburg. It is one mile east of the turnpike road. leading from Hagerstown to Sharpsburg. It is easiest reached from Penn sylvania via Hagerstown, whence hacks run daily to Sharpsburg, Smoketown and the battle field of Antietam. Smoketown is on the mar gin of the battle field. The following list was In chief part furnished me by the chaplain, Rev. Isaac 0. Sloan, copied front the book of the hospital. The remarks appended to some of the names are from the books or added from personal knowledge of this correspondent. Persons desiring further in formation, especially concerning the de ad, can address the chaplain, an excellent and obliging man thus, " Rev. Isaac 0. Sloan, Smokstown.Bos- Sharpsbuiy, ild:" lam persuaded heinill give them every satisfaction in his imwer. It would be well to enclose a postage stainp for the returning answer. - It is not probable that all the names in this list are perfectly correct, but, as the nigne of the company and regiment is added, the Onion in most cases can be identified. The letter'stands for the company, the figures for the regiment. It Is probable that some ethos° below 14 may be of the Reserves, though not so designa ted on the books. There have been over 600 patients in this hos pital and about two hundred others connected with the establishment as officers, nursers, &c. There are nearly five hundred here still (Nov 10.) Besides Pennsylvanians, there are': many New Yorkers, Ohioans, and representativesfrom every state in the Union. The majority of them are wounded men, but there are also many sick. There have been about 160 amputations. The deaths up to this date have been about 126. Wm. H. Freadenburgi co. D, 111th regiment ; right thigh amputated, died Nov. Bth. Nathaniel W. Read,' co. F, 111th regiment ; left thigh amputated. Joseph Gerald, co. I, 111th regiment,; left arm amputated. Lieut. Pt S. Bancroft, co: E, 111th regiment ; resection of head and neck of humerus. Lieut. B. had a secondary hemorrhage on the night of the 2nd inst., which was veiy serious. He has, hiwever; - wonderfully recuperated since, and is now doing well again. 11itliin M. Blanchard; co. D, 111th regiment; *guided in right thigh. Datias Aber, co. D, 111th -- regiment ; right aratfamputated. . . • , k-fGoo. Qtugle, senior, co. B; 111th regiment ; **tided in right thigh is doing well; has also a son` in the service and in hospital at Aleiandria. John Dougherty, co. K; 111th' regiment; wOunded In left thigh. Derret Brassington, a). D, 111th regiment; wounded in lefteknee. • Robertilearn, co. I, 111th regiment; wounded in right elbow. .Alex. Patterson, co. S, 111th regiMent; wounded in left lung. Fred. Clark, co. F, 111th regiment; wound ed in head. Curtis E. Briabee, co. F, 111th regiment; wounded in left thigh. Chas. Sodergreen, co. F, 111th regiment; right foot amputated. Henry Koon, co. H, 111th regiment; wound ed in left leg: Lieut. William H. Todd, co. E, 111th regi ment; gun shot wound in left leg. Serg't. Ashbell Orton, co. I', 111th regiMent; gunshot wound in right foot. • Henry •W. Tracy, co. F, 111th regiment; wounded in left knee; going about. John E. Alben, co. F, 111th regiMent; wounded in left leg. Daniel W. Keen, co. I, 111th regiment; gun shot wound in right elbow. Wm. Corey, co. G, 111th regiment; wound ed in groin. • Daniel Cronan, co. G, 111th regiment; wound ed in breast. John Anderson, co. Di 111th regiment; wounded in right thigh ; died Oct. 14th. Chas. Stroger, co. E, 111th tegiment. Wm. Thompson, co. F, 111th regiment, David Parsons, co. F, 111th regiment. Oliver Roberts, co: F, 111th regiment Albert G. Irish, co. F, 111th regiment. K R. Ellington, co. F, 111th regiment. Stephen Allen, co. 0, 111th regiment. Sergeant E. Sherwood, co. U, 111th regi ment: Gerold H. Fox, co. H 111th regiment. John Renner, co. 11, 111th regiment. Andrew Marsh, co. 1, 111th regiment. ' Sergeant Wrn. Caldaell, co. K, 111th regi went. • Daniel Sanity, co G, 111th regiment. George Eionherd, co. 0, 111th regiment. Matt. Johnson, Co; H, 11th Reserve regi ment. From oar Morning Billiton. Foams MONROB, Nov. 16 THE NATIONAL LOAN. W66HINGTON, Nov. 17 FROM OUR 8105 SOLDIERS. town Hospital, hid E. Choris Sweet or Lovett, co. C, 71st regi ment; orthography uncertain. Win. J. Fulton, co. H, 2d Reserve regiment; wounded in arm. James Patton, co. E, 2d Emma regiment; wounded in arm. John Masterson, co. B, 106th regiment; right leg amputated. John Cores, co. F, 72d regiment. Thomas Bush, co. 0, I2th regiment. Bowers, (dead) co. I, 49th regiment. John McVey, co. K, 106th regiment. Jacob Bice, co. C, 106th regiment. Thomas Kehor, co. B, 107th regiment. Frank Martin, co. D, 72d regiment. James Gates, co. F, Bth Reserve regiment. I D. Rogers, co. C, 88th regiment. Wm. Tickner, co. D, 90th regiment. George F. Schindler, co. B, 107th regiment. Edward Fulton, 72d regiment. John McVeigh, co. K, 106th regiment. W. H. Berout, co. A, 90th regiment. Grames, co. A, 11th Reserve regiment. Henry Means, ix,. G, 2d Reserve regiment. Sergt. Lewis orney, co. B, 90th regiment. McLardy, co. B, 90th regiment. Moses Call, co. B, 107th regiment. John McCallom, (dead,) co. H, 2d Reserve regiment. Wm. Chambers, co. 0, 69th regiment. Christian Gerauld, co. D, 182 d regiment. Thomas Sprowl, co. G, 132 d regiment. Geo. Cator, (dead,) co. H, 132 d regiment. Theo. Woof, co. A, 125th regiment. Wm. A. Dibble, co. C, 106th regiment. James Geist, co. G, Ist Reserve regiment. Joseph Devlin, co. E, 20th regiment. Benj. Palmer, co. A, 71st regiment. Wm. Leumus, co. E, Ist Reserve regiment. Wm. Nolan, co. I, Bth regiment. Austur Horton, co. I, 12th Reserve regiment. Lewis Lewellyn, co. G, 4th Reserve regiment. Robert P. Luster, (or Sutor,) co. E, 11th Re- serve regiment. A. H. Rhoads, co. K, Ist Reserve regiment. H. McCaslin, co. E, sth Reserve regiment. Geo. W. Carney, co. B, 10th Reserve regi inept. M. J. Sullivan. Thomp. P. Beatty. Maj. Wm. Briner, 3d regiment. John Hall, co. G, 9th regiment. J. Lindly, ca. E, 10th Reserve regiment. Thomas C. H. Lewis, co. E, 10th Reserve regiment. W. H. Maek, co. B, 11th Reserve regiment. Geo. Spindler, co. H, 11th Reserve regiment. John H. Harris, co. 0, 12th Reserve regiment. Jacob A; Hamlin, co. H, 12th Reserve regi ment. Geo. Sugar, co. K, 90th regiment. Jesse Collins, co. B, 90th regiment. McLaughlin, co. 0, 90th regiment. Alfred Seney, co. B, 90th regiment. Daniel Redigar, ho. H, 88th regiment. Wm. Gallagher, co. K, 88th regiment. Geo. W. Green, co. C, 88th regiment. Aaron S. Boyer, co. H, 88th regiment. Cornelius Vanhorn, co. H, 90th regiment. Alex. Ferguson, co. G, 88th regiment. Enoch Funk, co. A, 11th Reserve regiment. Henry Blake, co. H, 56th regiment. Aintrlir GlThousti; - 007 0,-142415t -reghnerit. Lemuel P. Weaver, co. F, 121st regiment. Aaron Hartman, co. A, Ist Reserve regiment. Wm. Hollingshead, co. A, Ist Reserve regi ment. !Edward Little, co. D, 6th Reeerve!regiment. S. S. Ives, ce. H, 6th Reserve regiment. John Bebb, co. H, 4th Reserve regiment. George Hunt, (died, Nov. 2d,) (xi. A, 132 d regiment. William Vickers, co. H, 90th regiment. D. G. Allen, co. B, 111th regiment. S iml. Bans, co. I, 9th Reserve regiment. Connell Weig, co. A, 20th regiment. Francis Elliott, co. K, 20th regiment. H. W. 13aily, co. A, 107th regiment. Ewell Henninger, co. 0, 107th regiment. Mark McGeath, co. 0, 30th regiment. F. Rochel, co. A, 30th regiment. Abner Crosby, co D, 7th Reserve regiment. Chas. Cockerell, co. A, 9th Reserve regiment. John Beckett, co. A, 9th Reserve , regiment. Chas. Poets, co. I, 3d Reserve regiment. H. McGuire, co. G, 8d Reserve regiment. Chas. Etting, co. D, 107th regiment. B. Devoit, co. K, 30th regiment. George Mosier, 00. A, 30th regiment. Jacob Weyer, co. I, 11th Reserve regiment. Job. Rohn, co. D, 11th Reserve regiment. David Mars, co. A, 11th Reserve regiment. E. G. Sheffer. Ist Pa. battery. Joseph Bowen, (or Bower,) co. I, 136th regi ment. David Davis, co. K, 136th regiment. Chas. W. Moseman, co. G, 88th regiment. James Reidy, co. G, 88th regiment. W. H. Mastin, (or Martin,) dead, co. I, 131st regiment. W. B. Nemser, co. F, 131etyegiaient. Jacob Noble, co. G, 181st regiment. Joseph Clark, co. G, 181st regiment. Chas. Kauffman, co. E, 131st regiment. Jacob Alter, co. G, 131st regiment. John Sales, co. K, 9th regiment. David Lamely, co. K, 131tk" regiment. Redeman, co. I, 88th regiment. Joshua Githin, co. V, 88th regiment. Geti. BrOwning, co. B, 88th regiment. Jacob Lister, co. F, 90th regiment. Fred. Hyler, co. D. 181st regiment. A. B. Greenawalt, co. B, Ist Reserve regi ment. ---- McCauley, co. 11, let Reserve regiment. John Balt; co. F, Ist Reserve regiment. R. H. Gregg, co. 1, 1024 regiment. Jacob B. Gribame, co. 0,142 d regiment. John Byers, co. E, 142 d regiment. H, Hay, co. 0,142 d regiment. Wesley Griffith, co. 0,142 d regiment. Arthur Crowell, co. 0, 1424 regiment. H. Hendrick, co. H, 3d Reserve regiment. Win. Hazlett, co. K, 3d Reserve regiment. Mark Hans, co. A, 82d regiment. James Jaquett, co. K, 3d Reserve regiment. J. Read, (or Rodd,) co. K, 3d Reserve regi ment. B. Shires, (or R. Slive,) co. D, 3d Reserve re giment. M. L. Shepard, co. B, 3d Reserve regiment. J. B. McGrew, co. 0, 11th &serve regiment. Orin Leech, co. C, 131st regiment. Geo. N. Seely, co. 0, 131st regiment. Christ. Peters, co. K, 181st regiment. Win. E. Pusan, (orthography uncertain,) co. K, 131st regiment. Wm. C. Smith, co. K, 131st regiment. James L. Krider, D, 7th Reserveregiment. John Cober, co. D, 7th Reserve regiment. L. W. Hamilton, co. E, 3d Reserve regiment. Joseph M. Reed; co. G, 3d Reserve regiment. James Quinn, co. K, 2d Reserve regiment; very low. Wm. Beget, co. B, 142 d regiment. L. Keener, co. A, 8d Reserve regiment. Daniel Wood, co. F, 7th Reserve regiment. , Edward Dillon, co. E, 6th Reserve regiment. JOseph Dolpher, (uncertain,) co. K, 91st Int -1 meat. m ara tua go. B, 8d Reserve regiment Owen Hollis, po. 0, 107th regiment. Lieut. P. H. Murray, co. A, Bth Reserve regi ment; compound fracture of thigh; doing well. M. H. Herman, co. G, 28th regiment. D. B. McCormick, 9th Reserve regiment. Chas. A. Meeker, co. B, 12th Reserve regi ment. Wm.J. Folton, co. H, 2d Reserve regiment James Strumbel, ea. F, 6th Reserve regiment Wm. Malone, co. F, Bth Reserve regiment. Edward Brogan, co. E, 9th Reserve regiment A. Manshard, co. E, 4th Reserve regiment. Geo. W. Carney, co. 13, 10th Reserve regiment Geo. N. Corey, co. F, 10th Reserve regiment Wesley McDonald, co. E, 9th Reserve regi ment. John Ball, co. G, 9th Reserve regiment. R. Fuller, co. D, lst Rides; convalescent. John Henry, co. K, 13th Reserves. Abraham Lewis, co. H, 3d Reserves. Christian Bogart, co. F, 4th Reserves. Leonidas H. Hunter, co. H, 7th Reserves; convalescent. Charles Beighner. co. H, Ist Reserves. Calvin Basim, co. 111, Bth Reserves; right leg amputated; doing well. In all 201 Names of Pennsylvanians who have died in the hospital up to November 6th, (latest record in book:) Muses Sherman, co. G, 28th regiment. McCallom, co. C, 2d Reserves. D. B. McCormick, 9th Reserves. Jacob Rice, 106th regiment. Geo. Hopkins, co. H, 132 d regiment. Bowen, 126th regiment. Wm. Rhodes, co. A, 23d regiment. 0. Sherwood, co. K, 132 d regiment. P. Rothermeel, co. G, 132 d regiment. Gerauld, co. D, 132 d regiment. F. Martin, co. D, 72d regiment. W. P. Boyer, co. D, 88th regiment. John Anderson, co. D, 111th regiment. M. Moyer, co. G, 132 d regiment. Capt. E. G. Roussell, co. G, 72d regiment. Wm. Clarke, co. A, 111th regiment. George C. Gerauld, co. D, 132 d regiment. Joseph Winder, co. C, 107th regiment. Robert Sutler, co. E, 111th regiment. E. Conner, co. I, 11th regiment. Jacob Strubig, co. 11, 28th regiment. Henry Otten, co. A, 3d Reserves. John Anthony, co. H, 7th Reserves. F. Valentine, co. A, 124th regiment. Chas. Chase, co. F, 132 d regiment. Wm. Malone, co. F, Bth Reserves. John Byers, co. C, 142 d regiment. Henry Martin, co. E, 142 d regiment. Samuel Barnes, co. F, 9th Reserves. George Hunt, co. A, 142 regiment. C. H. Boyd (or Bogart,) co. I, 4th Reserves. W. H. Martin, co. 136th regiment. I would be happy to say that this hospital is supplied with every thing that the sick and wounded soldiers need. But this is far from the fact. There are some noble men and wo men here who are doing all they can for them with their limited means ; but there is much suffering for want of even the neassaries of life. Many of them are very destitute of clothing— there is perhaps no great lack of blankets ; but few of the tents are supplied with bed steads or cots. The most of them are lying in tents, on mattresses placed upon the ground, with some straw beneath them, or slightly elevated on boards. Some of the men have no upper garments, or only summer clothing. Some, when convalescent, have been unable to go out on this account ; others may be seen going about in their drawers, having no pants Icons. It is to be hoped, however, that the government will soon be able to supply this lack. Bat many of them are without suitable underclothing, or without a change of them. And those who have suitable shirts and draw ers are afield to put them off and let them go to wash for fear they will never see them again. A man who bas worn a woolen shirt for a time may be compelled to put up with a muslin one the next. Let me appeal to the wives, moth ers, sisters and neighbors of these men through out the State to send on to them, immediately, or as soon as possible, the needed supplies. The most of these men have been shedding their blood for their country. Let them not feel that they are forgotten or neglected, when suffering from wounds and sickness. I received from an excellent lady, Mrs. Hus bands, of Philadelphia, who is laboring day and night in the fever ward of the hospital, and as I was informed, without any other compensa- tion than the satisfaction of doing good, nurs ing the poor sick boys with the tenderness of a mother, the following list of things most need ed at this time : Woolen shirts, drawers and hose, brandy and wine, home made bread, but ter, milk and eggs, applebutter, preserves, ho., lemons, apples, onions, tomatoes, oat meal, mustard, pickets, gelatine, tea. Another lady also mentioned to me another article of great use and much needed, viz : condensed milk. Anything sent in packages or boxes may be marked Rev. Isaac 0. Sloan, Smoketown Hos pital, Hagerstown Maryland. Arrangements are made for the forwarding of all articles so directed. Let the patriotic and benovolent be stir themselves, lest the men who have fought our country's battles perish through our ne glect. The winter storms are coming down upon them, and It is pitiable to see the poor fellows who are able to be out shivering, half clad, around their fires in the open air. But few of the tents have stoves as yet ; and the few stoves already in have been purchased by the men themselves or their friends. Few of these men, however, have any money; many have not been paid or months. This is some what of the condition of the Smoketowa Gen eral Hospital. How it may be with others in this region remote from the great cities, I know not. Bat something needs to be done, or the men will suffer and die for lack of things need ful under the circumstances. I cannot close this communication without expressing my profound respect for those he roines of benevolence and patriotism—the noble women who are toiling with such self-sacrificing devotion in this obscure and isolated place for the sick and suffering defenders of their calm tut In addition to Mrs. Husbands, already mentioned, there is. Mrs. Lee, of Philadelphia, to whom a sick soldier never applies in vain for a bit of toast, or a cup of tea, or soup, while she has any to give him. From morning till night, seven days in the week, this lady stands over and around an old rickety cooking stove, boiling, stewing, toasting and roasting, with such a lack of implements and means as would perplex almost any other housewife ; and yet with such a cheerful spirit and unwearying as *tufty as to commend the admiration of all who come near her. The same may be said of Miss Maria l& C. Hall, of Washington city, a young lady of fortune and high accomplish ments, who is here drudging like a slave in the service of humanity and country. She has also a worthy co-laborer in Miss E. E. Ty son, of Baltimore, who I am sorry to learn has been sick f o r a few days past, doubtless the re ardt of toil and exposure. Mrs. Harris, of Phil adelphia, has also been a leading spirit in the work of benevolence here ; but has now, .as .1 learn, transferred 'her headquarters to Harper's gisata tinting no, Raving procured Steam Power Presses, we are prima" ed to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper than It can be done at any other establishment In the country. _ . It&TM3 OF ADVERTISING. Ilfw- Font lines or lase constitute enhalf square. tight lines or more than four constitute a square. Kali square, one day ... .: ... ..... 50 25 one week .. 1 25 0 sue merit] . . ...... • • ............. 210 " three months if six months. 6 00 Otte year ....le 00 One Square ' one day o 60 one week 2 00 " one month . .... . ... 5 00 4. r three MOLab ~. .. . 10 00 If six moth • 15 00 " one year 20 00 Jar Business notices inserted in the Loco/ °down or before Marriages and .Deaths, EIGHT GENT 2 i'gj L INE for each insertion. NO 69. Oir Marriages and Deaths to be chargod as regular advertisements Ferry. These good ladies are not in the pay of the Government, but are voluntary laborers or the representatives of certain benevolent asso ciations, such as the "Christian bommission," or the " Soldiers' Aid Society," of Philadel phia. The same may' be said of the Chaplain, Rev. Isaac 0. Sloan, who seems to do good for the love of it. Send on the supplies. SINGING SANDS AND SOUNDING MOUNTAINS. Thousands of years ago the pillars of Memnon were famed for giving musical sounds. Sounds like those of bells have been heard, at different localities, to come from the depth of the ocean, and now we hear of musical mountains and singing sands. Five such localities are already on record. The first is Dschehel Nakus ( ell Mountain,) upon the peninsula. Sinai, on the shores of the Bed Sea, northwestward of the city of To.— The celebrated traveler, Sectsen, of Oldenburg, was the first European savant who ascended it. He found it consisting of a brittle white sand stone, covered on two sides with loose sand. This sand when brought into motion, produces the sound. The traveler, when ascending, passed over this region of loose sand, and he soon discovered that the noise it made in glid ing down the slope became by degrees louder and louder. When he reached the summit such a frightful sound was heard that it shook the whole mountain, and he himself became excited in the highest degree. Some time afterwards this same mountain was visited by Mr Gay, of Oxford, and more recently by Mr. Ward, both Englishmen. They give very neatly the same account of this phe nomenon. All ascribe the cause to the fact that the sand glides down the bare mountain sides. Ward heard at first only a feeble tone like that of the flute ; suddenly it became strong like that of an organ, and the whole bill began to vibrate. The sound became louder in pro portion to the quantity of sand set in motion by the steps of the traveler. Alexander Bums visited, in 1837, a similar hill. This way the Rey Bowan, (the moving mountain,) which is also about four hundred feet high. Its ascent is an incline of about forty degrees, covered with a layer• of sand, surrounded by a still deeper border of lime and sandstone. Gliding down on this sand, it emits a loud, hollow tone, similar to that ot a great drum. This was already known in the fifteenth century. A third mountain ot this kind is the "El Bromador," the yelling, barking moun tain in Chili, in regard to which Charles Dar win made similar observations. .Charles Mayer, in his book " Towards Sacra mento," mentions another to exist in Califor nia, and recently a fifth locality of this kind has been discovered by Hugh Miller, upon the small island Eigg, on the western coast of Scot land. According to Miller, a geologist of great renown, a stratum of colite exists on this island. This substance, when reduced to sand, becomes a white, mealy mass. Miller observed, that on every step he took, the sand gave a peculiar musical sound. It is, however, not proven that colite sand alone produces sounds. The above mentioned Mr. Ward says that the friction of the sharp edged grains of siliceous sand, ex posed to the rays of a trophical sun, caused the resonant quality of the sand. " TERRE Is a step from the sublime to the ridiculous." This distance is not greater from the poetical to the prosy. Somebody wrote some rather pretty verses about "Love." Some other body borrowed the metre a)d taking "Soap" for a theme, wrote some wicked verses in parody. Here are the two pieces We are young, And both are loving, You love me, And I love you ; Each, each other's Faults reproving— Some in me, And some in you. What is best For us to do 4• Live and love, Continue loving— You loving me, I loving you ; Each, each other's Faults reproving— You reproving me, I you. This is beet For us to do. Nero 2bvertistmotts. ViTALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. 11 Henry C. Shaffer has a largo lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very low. Call and examine. Paper hanging personally attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market St., near the Bridge. GRAPES I GRAPES II A LOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just received, A andfor sale low, at • nov6 r I F all desirable varieties, at the Keystone Nurseries. or The weather and season are favorable, and they should be planted as soon as possible. Oat. 18, 1862. J. KM. SPANISH CBESTNIIT MEW.; A T Keystone Nursery, adjoining the City Oct. 13, 1862 PEACH TREES • OF select kinds, strong, stocky and vigorous, two years old, at Keystone Nursery, Har risburg. Oct. 13, 1862. LIIBRICATING Oil for all kinds 01 ma ehinerv, in convenient paickages, for sale very low NICHuLS do BOWMAN,: Cornor Front and Market street.. by Jel9 SUGAR cured hams, just received : art for sale, by NIOHULS & COWMAN rep 17 Cor. Front sad Market Street. DEBT PENS in the world, for 750;11 25 19 $1 AO, $2, $3, and $4, for gala at febls-3 , SCHEFFKR'S Baakaters. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR !.! ! EXTRA FINE jest received. WM. DOCK; Jr , & CO SUPERIOR non-explosive Coal Oil for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN,, Cm Front and Market Stfeets. ul4 .11. A; PPM, 0/Imps and LOOlOllB, at.JQHN Wawa. Lovs SOAP We want soap, Both need scrubbing, You soap me, And I soap you ; Each, each other's Rough hides rubbing You scrub me, A I scrub you. What is best For us to do ? Live and rub, Continue rubbing— You rubbing me, I rubbing you ; Each, each other's Rough hides scrub biug, You scrubbing me, I you. This is best For us to do. WISE'S FRUIT STORE, Cor. Third and Walnut Sts EVERGREEN TREES,