THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, BA' GEORGE BERGNER. 'P EHMS,—SiroTig FiTnm:ralprios . . The DAILY PET WRAPS is served to subscribers al lbe city at d cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be ,!.arced SI 00 in advance. WKIIUT Ni'A SEMI WlI Kj TZLICORAPH the Teutonserr also publiehdd tWiCO a week during the session ci the I.fghilature, and weekly during the rehidor ie 'lie peen ,atiil furbished th eubeeriberr al mp the fuhieiring oaek FAW, viz: Angle übscrlhere per year Semi Weekiy..6.l 60 Tee . 66 I/ II t/ ..1.2 00 Twenty « << ..27 00 Single subscriber', Weekly Tee LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. It subs. rtbprs Order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send theta until all arrearages are paid, If subscribers ElOglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are direct° I. thev are responsible until they have settled the bills and Ordered bem thsrmrainued. Business Olarirs. WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE THE i'OCI.R.T-110ESE. Consultations in. German and English. nov3 dim A C SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREETa mylOy) NEAR MARKET. JONES HOUSE, CORNER OF • MARKET ST AID MARKET EQURE, HA.RRISBURG,. PA. JOSEPH F. McCLELLAN, PROPRIETOR. (UMW 00ND1JOTIM BX Nypal COMET.) 1111 a First Class doted, si;:d located In the centtal. part o the city. It Is kept In the best manner, 4ed tie porous w , il led every , accommmlatkm tube met with In the bait houses in the eountry; ; Peardtr THEO: tsCHEETER, HOOK 4111.111 4011 PRINIrER, NO. 'IS,' MAIiKET..STREET, EHUIRISBUBG: *yr -Partly, ulv atteotion paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of iailroad Blatant, lianiresta, Potioitut, Obe Oka, Drafts, &it CARDS • printed et S2,'SR, 14; and $6 per twitatuol in elegant style. 120 B, Z. HARRIS, Tin and Stu* Xrq4Wa t rerganiOactlirer NO. 112 MARKET S7REA7 . • • HARRISBURG.'Y • • • IaAS always on habit a lull assortment II • of Tin and Japanned W ire, Goosing and Parictr Stoves the best innunionturwe, B,pdulnut, Awn ing add Gal‘inized Iron =h. menufaqured nnd pe t up at reasonable rates. . . • • air Repairing promptly tti,ndeti 10. Apr:3o.llly DAN% L WENCH, AGENT. ,F. the Old Wallower Line :respectfully bout ins tun public, that this Old. Dully Tranigtorta ilim Line, (the only (14Row tr Lino now in exist:, nen in this City,) r. IS In successful operation, and prepitrOil to carry freight as IoW as any other individual lion beitwo en Pblladelphbt, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Lora Haven and all other points on the Northern central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MUIEENCII, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa (Incubi sent to the Ware Rouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell & ..bushman, Nos 808 and. 810 Market street at) ova Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. r. , will arrive itt Harrisburg, ready for delivery neat morning. . aprtal-remyi REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH LTA'S removed his Boot and Shoe Store 11 from the corner of Second and Waitrak ,striets to . . NO. 108 MARKET ST R, EAT, Next door to Rayne's Agriculture Aare, whore ho intends to keePall n ilnds of Boots a•• rl Shoes, Otani, ho., and a tarp stock of Trunks and everything in his line of bu siness ; and will be ttritnetni to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public in general at his new place of business. All kinds of work made to order to the beet style and by superior workmen, Repairing done at short notice. rapr2dtil JOHN B. BMITB. PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE ! BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock haven, Jersey Shore, WilliamiPort, Mum. ty, iniontown, Wationtown,, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sim bury, Treverton, Georgetown,. LykengtoWn; ginerOwg, Halifai, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally locate", the Drayage Rill be at the Lowest Rates. Toe Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe de livery (Wall goodeintrueled to the line. Goods deliver— ed at the Depot of Preed, Ward M Freed, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock, P. M., b delivered in Harriehurg the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Loy Other Line. JOSEPH MOMTGOMERY, Philadelphia and. Meadiug, Foot of Market Street, Harrisburg. oct'2l-dtt ]Pli(I. ADOLPH P, TELPSEK., • wouLD respectfully Inform his 'Atreus end the public geperiliy, the, hi. will °continue to gm° inxtruclione on the PIANO Pik rh, MI& LADNON, VIOLIN and Woe, in Lim sciencit of Ti1014(117013 BASS. ich• will w t tb pleasure Walt apir• ponlikt 0 their homes is any nol3n desired, or lemon:* v❑ op 0: r: his reiddence, is Third giros:. 0, , ,rs ;who, th German' (ithrmod fthiireh. ItlisttUautons POSTAGE CURRENCY. VE have received an assortment of Wal lets adapted for carrying safety and con veniently the New Currency, with kt of LEATHER GOODS GENERALLY. Ladies' Satchels, Ladies' Companions, Purses Portmonnaies, Segar Cases, Card Cases, Wri Mug and. Sewing Cases, Portfolios. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market St. STANDARD PEAR TREES, at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city of Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. COAL Oil Lamps perfected, "Cahoon's At tachment" fitted to any lamp, prevents the breaking of chimnies. For saie by NICHOLS Sr. BOWMAN, Cer. Front and Market Sts. nov6 TVANDELION, Rio, and other preparations JJ of Coffee, warranted pure, for sale by , • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front a❑d Market Sts:, nova SMOKED HALIBUT. AVERY choice article just received, and for sale by, WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. OIIONB.--Quite a variety of .neefn ei.liientertaininp r , , IT- VRlAtill Lemons and Raisins, jne! re X coined and for, saialolie jalus, Bow . iei Corner Front and Market 'greet's. rIGS, Dates, Prtuies, Raisins, and all kinds of Nato, at JOHN - WLSEN More Third and dont. . myl rIHOICE lot of Tobacco; for sale at rearona amble prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ' . noyB Corner Front and Market Ste. . a: uuijl VOL XVIIII. , J cMLut. DR. JOIINSON 33.A.ZaTIDILCirt.33 LOCI 110SPITAL! AB discovered the most certain, speedy B I liod effehnutl remedy in the world for DISEASES OF , IMPRUDENCE sawn IN Su TO mums nom. No Mercury or Niazioto Drugs. A Cure Warranted or no Charge in from one to Two Dayp. Weakneee Of the OaCit otl..DnDli. Stricture', ASAWoe of the isidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Maryanne/a, Dyspeps,y, Lan guor, low Spirits, Confusion Igj Ideas, Palpitationof the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Minuets of Bight or,Bilddl nen, Di seaso qt;the lipoid, Throat, Nose or Skim; ! done of the Liver, Lunge,.Sfpnacti or Boweis,—,theee Ler rible disordera arising Ste& the' &Mark Habits of 'Youth —those mom and 110fith'y practices more fatal toy their victims than the Bong of ryrencto the. Mariners of Nips ses, blighting their.mott, brilliant hope' or anticipatienh., rendering marriage, &c., impossible. Youiyr Mail Repot:daily, who have become the victims of SOlllary Vico, that dreadful and deetritetive habit which ehtivai• ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands 'of Young lien or the moat exalted talents and brilliant 'intellect, who might otherwise have - entranced listening Senates with the&unders of eloquence or waked to erategy the living lyre, May cell Whit full confidence. Marriage- Married Persona, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of phyeical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, &0., speedily, cured,. • lie who plaice himself under the cured,. of Dr. J i may religiously confide in his honor as a gentlemall, ins con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician, • Organic Weakness . immediately (hired, and full vigor Restored.. , This distressing Affectlor—which renders I lie Misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paidy the I I victims of improper tudulgsnoas. Young persons e too apt to commit oacesses trom not being aware .:the dreadiul eonseipences that may ensue. New, whip that understands the saVect will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation to lost sooner ey • those failing intis im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasured of healthy olltpring, the most ge rbils and destructive symptoms to both body and Mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Fewer, Nervions Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the h eart, Indigestion, Constitution.% 1 Debility; a Wasting the Frame • Cough, Consumption, 'Decay and Death. ! OtiCe t tio.l South Frederick Stre4t. Left Rita ildh•going frOm Baltimore s street,'a 'law ; door; tram the corner. Fail not.te observe acme and nufaber. Letteis must be pairtandleontain a stamp. The' Doe. tor*Diplonses hang in his Wine, - • .• .. A Coare Warranted 'in Two Day,. - ..._. ... , .t- •We Mercury or liris ulir I g o Dipigs, t ; :. - Dr. Johns* i • *giber of the Royal College ofAtirgeonsil London, 'wa llah:4mm oue of the most eddeoit in the Wiled *lllO, CPI, 1114dibe greater part of -400 k been Kiwi, mage:boepliala of London, t sel f gineileipltht and ,ebte- 70_*n, has effected some of &tit Wii=ldag glare" I,kaiggrare ever known • way WO WIM rin,giug In ihe head sine oare when Aitken, tree nos, being alarmed at sudden Bounds, .tedhitdltees, with :frequent blushing, attended E,ometim9s.*Wditragemint bflaind were owed-Immediately. . - 1 Take ParUcular Notice Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper Indulge co and solitary habits,' which rmn butt body and mind, untitting, them for either bushiess i study, society or mantas These are some of the sad and metancho lly ef ects! pro. ducal by early habits of youth, vis : ,Weakness of We Back and Limbo, Pains in. the Head, Dimness s.f sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye popsy Nervous Irratiblbty, Derangement of thettigestive Functions, General Debility, Symptom' of ConsumPtion, MISITALLT.—The fearful effect" on the mind are Much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion or ideas De pression of Spirits, Evil Yorbodings, Avers on to .Wellety„ dolt Distrust, Love of solitude, Tunklikr, So., are Some of the evils produced. Ttiontiams of penman of all ages can now Judea :what , to th e cause of their declining health, losing their Vigor, becoming Weak, pale uerVous and emaciated, having a singular appearanoo about the ey ea, cough and smottoma of eonsamptloa Young Ken • Who have injured themsetyks by a certain practice. m in dolged to when alone, a IMbit frequently leaned !from suit or at school, the effects of 'which are' nightly felt, even When asleep, and it not cured raiders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body,. should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the.hope of his, Coun try, the darling Mins parents, shade be snatched ;from all prospects and enjoyments of Ilfe, by the conseqtrace of deviating from the path of nature and indulging i lia a Certain secret habit.sonar, Such parsons benne co tem plating .311wrisSei reflect that a sound mind'and y areDthe most necest eery. requisites to promote eonnabial happiness.' Int Med„ without them,thejourney through life basoweea Weary. pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly daakeuas to tne. slow ; the mind becomes shadowed. with despair and tlllediwith th e t eeh t oeholly rellectioa that the happiness of Whether becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and impudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of ease, it too often battens that an 111-timed sense of Shame or dread of discovery,, deters him from applying to Owe Who, irom q.lucation and respectability, can aloud be friend him, delaying till tha constitutional Symptuink on this hoer d disease make their OppearmSie, such ul cerated sore threat, diseased noes, nocturnal . pains in the head and limbikdiumeas of night, deadness, modes on the shin banal' and arms, blotches on the head, fare and : extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity , till at last the palate of the mouth or the banes of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes hSrrid object of commiseration, all death pots a period to his dreadful indfernum, bons Bending hila le "UNA I;ledhinuy. vetted Country from whence no traveler returns.", It is a mektucholly fact that thousands foil victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unstrilbillesses of o r°. rent pretenders, who by the use °IMO 'beadly P . 013, Myy ruin Um constitution sad make the reliant. o life mi ,-Item. • Trust not your UT** health, to the care er the many Unlearned and Worthlesis Pretenders, destitute of know ledge name or chamois% who copy Dr. Johnson's adver rertii:emeule, or sty le themselves In the newsuaPers, regularly ilducated Phylicians incapable et Curing; they keep, you trifling month often month taking their filthy and poisonousuess cot ,pounds, or , as long so the smallest Ihe can be obtained, and in despair, leave yen with ruin ed health to sigh over rear galling disappointment. Dr. Johnsen is the onlyrPhysielan ,idverthdig. His credential or dip always hangs in his office.. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared'from a life spent in the gr eat hospitals of rope, the first in the cotry and a more extensive VII-, vide Practice. than any-other Physician in the world. IndorsenteAtof the Press. The may ipcuseadacured at this buitinition year af ter, year, and the numerous important Surgical Opera tions performed by Ds. Johnson, , tritntaissedi by the, porters of the l'Sun," Kilipper,"'anit• many other , pk pers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character end: reeponsibility, is a an dialent gUarratitee tothebillietad. • Skin Diseases Simedily•Cared. Persona writing should be particular in direct* g their Worst° hla Itistituticn,in the following manner : JOHN. M. JOHNSON, Xi-D. m i Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital , Baltimore, 511 COALOiI I amp Shades; Wicks, Chim- Ileys, for sal° b wby iminks . 1 / 4 BOW cos Corn er Front and Xtarluestreffit. newly repienjohed stook of Tir);let and Fancy Goods is twatapassed is this City,land lee lug confident of readering'ea►ydsdieti. We would Foe pectfully"intite a oak. ' • guj,k4{, 91 Market street, two doors east ot *with strtial,l934 l, side. fRESH FISH every Tuesday and F,rir at JOHN WLSEtalatort, comer of Thhd an i t y a. • "INDEPEIQPIeNT - 11N1 All T}ll \ HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY A.g.T.,k;PpoA NOVEMBER. 17, 1862 NICHOLS it ROMANI WHOLFAALN AND SNTAIL`L COr 14. 0D 1 ' Corner Front and T, B lireel 2 l . R4BAlsiult4 lffFne, ; DESPFCTITELY. the ckqpption Lb of the public to their large ill well eoleoted atOcK Of GRocEalls, nonsion, lta Ya 'on in)- KWIC 'PEEL ' . We now offer for sale' ' s' . Siewarte, Loverbtge Golden Oral), • , ' 7 ' White and grown xSagaro6l' Graeg, sinf,l3l4loll °Mee, liipkaa taut' Flaverling FWUB, . i • ; • 13ALTi • RAW% • • ' • Bto4lioi We Invite as ateuguatton of our seperforil v ; • NON -knotostylv COAL ' Ihreiluelled In every ree_Peot by any au 'the inkrbet, to gether. with all kinds' o ff ' ; ' ' 1- LAMPS, SElAta inlitNEßS ,A . rwmy , " a " 77.7 1r0, 1 , B E O I B,° . Wa have the taxied assortment of GLASSWARE. -& QUEENSWARE is the city; ilao, odd - • ! CEDAR 1.1 . 71 11 4.01 1 7 WAKE. u Oa and examono . at our old Mad OdriatA & ut itarke i r irtrAutk Mut:gees (LSOLID -Concentrated -Extraet'O('' Deo ' and Vegetables, oonvertible immediately idto o nourishing and detimoucuoup or Heed Tos. I highly upproyed by a uthnoor of oar t'hyslolaus' who, use it in' our"hhipitals tbr the tiostenanoe 'for our *omitted. • • • • +. • • + • , . Thasonoss scat .IJes.-,-Out, np.; osiafttilL .part of a cake of the extsast aw aiss ,bolltog, ;mates, ,a,tteet a pint, WaWargleit, stiongilidealredt In a few minaleritillltlibmi IreirdtssolveS. Thl ' a ""i let e ' ° VA NI tOrge af tr i t s bum all the vs ian_ia and ' it es it a large bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness With. which it dissolves Into a rlek and palatable sotto os', tea, which wombs' require heeh dfdonoi etr .. dlN f s to the canal method, is an advantage in MAT dir." 11011 ante to obvious to need urging. t For side by . WK. -A RARE CWOE FOB. A BUSINESS MAN. r fel& °anal grocery store and Rooky - 010 - y Elouso,-iinown es the UpOgrove: /wok. fropity, sit eoted tire miles ibOVe Hirrieliam,fgenting 4 , 0 n 'the PenneYlvaiiiioAilel lad Witt PW he gifeq • as river rued, will be PAN replied fur seezo i• • I The gimpy Wore, if not tie very beat eland on 'Woe line of this'elipilt py one other. A /4010 *it bare: adiFetabletiorisireany bead built, so that erica' brat/Ohm cal} he looked up sepanidalp t • I Also ,pledty or. sheds, hey bowie. corn crib, two store 40iiive* for; i tain, ice house, hey' sake, and indeed Very *Olio nee that is moesmary for carrying ion the • birsintia. The place is within thew handrod Blade at the ••Backville depot . , on ike Pennsytvania railroad, and Dauphin. and Schuylkill railroad Portions to purchase, ; please epply on the promisor,' to • I . :, p... 1001 Y. "' 4111tnEiffiC46.44 :m ORAVIAN FEMMS , SBISFNAY FOUNDP Into . • Affords superior advantager fOr ;mid' accomplished female edrication: • For cfroislard sad lofortnatlon, apply to ' • ' BEV: octlB4Bm t. l • '" Ntw 2thinrfitemtds. A 1130,. mpg 1.2 CAUTION. LL persons taw( hereby warned 'against de4 predating or. in .any- matinerAreepaliting on i:tho ATM of Nth, 0. Kish, adjoiiiitigi the city, and under the management of the . istito or I have arrested AeVerar of throe petty thieved and n.ninuume; s tind , Made them pay pretty; well for their- sport. Hereafter I alkali not only purdah to she agent of the law, but 1 wild pahh m the,2Wirry M mfd other pap 4 :the names of Offelide4 l 4 . • 1 Oct. 13, 1862. , JACOB M I BH.r UNION .VILLAGE. r V ' of Ulla Monster among Native Lulalean Kardy. *rape, for sale the Keystone Nursery, The ,elnaters, frequently weigh a pound and a half, .and •the berries are larger than the. Celebrated Blpck r Hamburgh. The quality is also gobd-requal, at least, to the well known /ribella. HUH; .• GILLPEi VINES ' 1 1 - Ob' all desirable hardy native varieties, (nd they are dm ottly.clase worth pleading l it' the open gdi,) for sae at ritar ilieribrom Nu!seirp' adjokipg the city. , • : • , Among them are some of themewer varieties; such .as, Delaware, Diana,. Rebecca, thawed, Aiwa. dine, /Word, Prokfie, Bra., havensolti at very high prices fK small and weak Strong, tieirripeAeffielid thrifty,irt vee are now offered at remonsibbitirkel . . • Oct. 13, 1862. JACOB fellSll.l' SI'EAM BOILERS, LAAV WO made efficient and "perinpanbut arrangements far the Mktposei We are perep:to mate ISTBAht BOILBSS of (Amoy lebldilkonlipt ly and at rnmoNdinle rate.. WeAhallluiciros made by Boger & Biother, the ropenttionn,M'. Thickla emondi to . tannin the i6yrket: ' ' - None butthn'tmstmands employed. fhaPairlitt tit i t a titi ty attended to. - Addresa 1: BASLE .'WOR KS, : MOAT , Hants W & : • PECAN NUT TBAktra T Keystone Ntunirty: Oct. 13,1862. JUST REGLIV.S.D. ALARGE AISSORTMEWT of Family Bibles et different Spa Of at adois4 l6 $ 2 , Milk so aadslo. also t Thalestofidlt fere" ait t o 6 an 4 PlUel SWlTltitlliMokottfwp. - . IO _Dandelion and other =reparationR of coffee, freehand pare *Leek low, by MEOW k 1110WMAN,I Contererioot eaul Market street*, au29 f 1:10ii40700, , C 1901414; Cclnfol3Bil . ll34 .1.• 't wili; for aide low'bj •• • • lamina a ' 0 Goner Front sid Motel :; DANDEIIOION,.Rito , 01 . 40 prep's'. Whim of COM*, far' ado by • MOilblaillrannWiti Gorier heat lid MORA UMW. Mr { PFNN3I74 VAMA, BS: In the Name and by the Authority QF THE SOOMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW GU c,tripenN; • OOVEIMOII OF TIM SAID commoNwlion. A PEACLAHATION. • WIIIIBMAS, It is tt good thing to reader thanks unto God for all Hie mercy and loving' kind- 'Therefore, I, Amur* G. CITRITN„ Goiernor thOCcominonweelth of 'Pennsylvania, do re -.........aavret51L8 or' Pennsylvt— eistilli-• end that THURSDAY, THE 27 thDAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT be set , apart by the people of thisMiiimonirral p t; is a day of solemn Prayer i Ar "awl prilankagiitig, Almighty ;—Giving Ulm bumble thankithat te has been graCions ly pleased to protect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us, from sicknais and pristifend to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are ,choked with this harvest—and to look so favor ably the toll of Hilt children, that industry has,ttriv:o. tram* us and labor had Its reward; incr.' lee 'Mitt He has delivered', us from the ]lands of our "en iee — ar}d Sled our officers and, M en, in the field with a 'era and intrepid Spirit, arid gireii them victory—and that . He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) ether weep and manifold, blessings • ...Reeenebing im to help and govern us in Hip .illeadfast fear and love, and to put into our minds gond desires, so that by His continual :help we may have , a right judgment in F all AM especially, .praying Him , to give to Chris tian churehes grace to liate'the thing whiCh is evil; mei to utter the tteachings of truth and righteousness; declaring' openly the whole counsel of God : • And mist heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rulers, wisdom and earnestness in eduncil,, and npon our military leaderd, zeal and 'vigor in action, that the fires of rebellion may be querichedthat we; being armed, with Hir defellee; may be OM:in:red from all perils, and-that-hereafter our people, living in peace and quietness, Way, from generation to genera tion, reap the. abundant fruits of His mercy, and with joy thankfulness praise and mag nify His holy' name. ' Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrieburg, this Twentieth day of October; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two; ' and of the Oollimonwealth the eighty-seventh. ' A. G. CURTIN. 1 Jr. Co BY m Gkoviastow • Secretary qf the ocfsl.-dawtd 011Kce of JLY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At MY COOKE & CO., Bankers SOTITII. MIRE STREET, Philadelphia, Nov. 1,:1862 The undersigned, having 'been appointed ;SUBACELPTION AI2IEN,T by the, Secertaiy of the Treasury, is now prepared to :furnish, at once, ,the. geilwenty Yeir 6 per et Bonds, of the United' 'States, designated as "Five rsde'eniable at Use pleasure 'of the Goyerwitent, after. five years, and authorised by. Act - of Congress;' approved' February 25, The (.10IIPON BONDS 'are issued In 81/11110 $W,' $lOO, soo, BONDS Mikis of $5O $ The„ 100 0 $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. laterallit at SIX pOr cant: per annum i will commerce fiOnliate of purchase, and is . PAYABLE, 4111 - GOLD, Semi -Annually, •which .ift equal, at the •present promiumeo gold ; to about EIGHT PERCENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants,,Mechanics,Xapitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember.that these bonds are, in effect, a MST MORTGAGE upon all roads, Canals,,Bank Stocks and Securities,' and the immense products of all the Manufac tures* 8 1.eit,Acci,, in the c9wltry and tba4 the full and amile provision made, fer the paythent of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Stainpa and Internal Revenue; serves to kinks these bonds the , . • Beat,.Most Available and Most Popular investaient is the Market. Subscriptions ' received at PAN in Legal Tender Notes, or rioter `and checks of banks at par, hi Subscribers by mail will .receive prompt attention, and everi . facility and explanation will be afforded on application at thisioffice.' • • " A full imply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. ' ' JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent • • • nov4-d&wBin 1 4 RUBIA- MILLS. 144 144 Greene. Street, New York Ol i ty• dirtERZI'MENT corrs Pil* In Pound ,papers, 48'in 's boa, ant t a in bulk: Our prices rauge l froMt toBo cents' Wi3 4.11 op ibe'folloiring kind:' '• JAVA, ICIBACLIBO SIP. RIO, BYO 4ND 811FRRIOR • COPPRII. •We believe our Coffee to be natter than any &retir' 'Coale now In use. All orders addressed to us, or to air agents, .ilesers. Puce & Yount', 188 Chambers Street, car,' Washington 'Street, New York City, and Nears. rottaso & Doan; 181 and 101 South later 'Streik &lingo • 111., will receive prompt attention. : A . . TABER; . 415 rimmt. septl4-dBm 'E Updegrove - Look Property, Waal r ye erocery and RookvUle House,, situated five mile ri auviiiburg, is now offered for sale. Ben adver Women" In Wevkly or apply to . ' tattiStledantstlo63 • • W. ', : :N(.. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A SMALL to ' of extra, just received and for .A.'noge by ' WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. oct2B-dtf Qaperior • brands • of • • extra family flour wake,wewarraat to gime 4,eatbitacallon forfreale by , zgaams & Corner Front, and Ifsrlret *restos aul7,: i=..i,a.. ItlLLEttlelnliVl3l l oltp the p! Lt L 1 iITRAL IN NONE." 'firtattitancotts . ! ELI SI4FER; Wan From our Morning Fijition FROM WABIIINGTON.' The Arrest.of two of. Gen, MoClellan's Staff Explained- TEC GALLANT.J.KEINTEELMAN TO. TAKE , „ EXPLOSION OF REFUSED ,AMMUNITION NEAL NueliallOrs: Important Dispatches to the Navy Departnient. CAPTURE OIR• ENGLISH AND REBEL VESSELS., Counterfeiters 'Arrested, Trouble s With Ito i fire ‘Ne#4,. ,C Wasunicgon, Nov. 15. The mail brings intelligence .to-day 'of the arrest of Lieutenant Colonels Colbum • and Duane, members of the Staff of General MeClel hub which took place at Trenton, yesterday. After due inquiry we are satisfied 'that the - act was caused by the fact that they accompanied General McClellan from the:front: They are not recognized here as being members df his personal staff, who were ordered to accompany him to Trenton. His personal' staff- are said in offdealeiteles to be his'aidS, Lieutenant :Colonel Sweitser and Lieutenant, Colonel Num°, or his additional A. G., Lieutenant- Colonel Colburn. Under this reading of his personal staff, three'or foui other officers are absent with himirom the field without orders to that effect. It is believed the arrests referred to a(ove, meant little more than pre emptory orders to the two officers in question to return at cop e to their positions in the atiny. I It is,also believed around us that the gallant and able Heintzelman is about to be ordered to take - the field. Wadsworth is to have command in the army. • This afternoon, in accordance with custom,. the refuse of the workshops of, the District Arm ory, which is about a fourth of a mile from Pennsylvania Avenue, in a direct line *here fixed ammunition is prepared, was destroyd by fire on the grounds belonging to that building. It happened that some , packages of cartridges were among the refuse, and consequently the explosion was of such a character as to fright fully alarm those in the immediate neighbor hood- The cry atones spread through the city that the buildings: had blown. tip, and. for a time there were apprehensions of Ices 'oc life. But there was nothing more serious involved than the extensive breaking of window gliass by the concussion, both of the Armory buildings and the hospitals on the same public rini3rva tiens. The shoat was distinctly felt in 'Penn sylvania Avenue, and several panes of plate glass were shattered. . The Navy .Department received volumeions despatches from, the Gulf to-day, statingaMong other things that the United Stated gunboat Bagamore, on the 28th tilt., captured the Eng lish schooner Trier of and from Nassau, wth a cargo of 100 bags of salt and iniscellaneOlis' articles. I On the 23d, the same gunboat captured' the English schooner Francis of and from Naisau, with salt, powder, guns, &c. The United States schooner Rachael Teamen, 011 the 6th ult., cap ' tuied off Sabine Pass the English schooner Dart. The steainerKensington recently :cap tured the British. tchooner Adventurer attempting to run the blockade off the coast of Texas. ' ' The Savannah •Republican of the Bth, says it has generallybeen resolved on both by t the army and our citizens to defend-this city and to yield possession to the Invader only, when its walls shall have been battered down and nobody left to dispute his entrance. Two men were brought to Savannah, from Columbus, cia. charged with altering-and pas sing counterfeit money of the Confedqrate States. H. W. Mercer, Brigadier-General : commtnd tug, issues an address to the planters of Georgia, saying that he has received from several coun ties requests and demands that Its , should re turn their negroes, now working upon the fort fications of Savannah. It is his sincere and earnest desire to do so, but he thinks it ari in justice to those who have sent their negroetiat his first call that they should be compelled to bear the whole burdeil and heat of the day, while others who are i among the wealthiest of the land look , calmly on the danger of the city and State without contributing a single laborer from their hundreds or their thousands to their defence. Let:those citizens whose vital interests are at stake, and who have done their share towards the common weal, rise up and compel these baclodiders, and espe cially the rich among them, to do their part as soon , as those who have ,not contributed send him a aufficient number to fill their places pledgee himself Ito send back to their masters themegroes who ars now at work. Until this be done,. necessity compels him to retain them. Gov. Brown renews thel calls for negroes to complete the fortifications around Savannah. . If they are not furnished promptly, they will be impressed, • • .. Gen. WOlellaz Tendered the Hosp tals of the City. A SLAVE DEALER SENTENCED TO THE PENITENTIARY: ARRIVAL.. OF A GUNBOAT The •Boardo of Alderman to-day, adopted a resolution, tendering. Gen. McClellan the hos pitals of the city. Albeit Horn has been , sentenced to five years impriscinment in the state prison for fitting out the slaver City of Norfolk. A young.roman in Hackensack, N. J., was outraged yesterday by a negro named Anderson, who stole his employer's horse and escaped to New York, He has not since been heard of. The 11. S. gunboat Connecticut has arrived below. The Postmaster General has given orders for the rcdemption of. postage !thaws which have been used as currency. =EEO gtsam tinting flu. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepar ed to execute JOB and MOB PRINTING or every description, cheaper than It ran be done at any other establishment in the country. ROM OF ADVERTISING. ire Four tines or test constitute enollalf square. Eight lines or more than four constitute a square. • Mall Square, one day ... SO 26 one weex .... 46 ....... 1 25 Ste no Ili ........... ............ 2 60 " three months 4 00 4i Biz months. ... 6 00 ,c One yl ar —.lO 00 One Square, one day....... 50 o one Week 2 00 .i one month 6 00 . three months.... 10 IN 14 MX mooth,i. 16 00 " one year 20 00 sir Rosiness notices inserted in the Loos/ Colman, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. Sir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements NO 68. FROM FORTRESS MONROE, All the able-bodied contrabands here and at Hampton have recently been taken to Wash ington, and those unable to labor are being sent to Craney Island. The United States gunboat Connecticut, Captain Milton Eaton, arrived at Fortress Monroe this afternoon from the Gulf. Edmund Milkman, Esq., a special Government Com missioner, comes passenger by her. 'the officers report the entire Coast of Texas as being, in our possession. " Gone PERM:SIMS.' ' Kirby Smith was supposed to be beleaguering this city, the colored population were in a con dition of agitation not second in demonstrative nets to that prevailing among white folks An incident took place at one of their " war meet ings'.' which should be recorded. The able hodied colored men were debating the propriety of tendering their services to the Government as volunteers for the war. The prevailing im pression had been that they ought to do it, and their patriotic emotions were at high African temperature. But before the vote was taken, a tall, and very black fellow, produced a sud den•revulsion of feeling by delivering himself as follows : "I'm in favor of goin', and will go in a mint if we go permiskus with white men: I'll tell you why. I'm for goin' permis kris. If we go permiskus we'll have fair play. But let 'em get a regiment all of niggers, and dey put 'em in de fore front of de battle, and lxife sides kill every one of 'em. I say so, sah, (roiling liis eyes' around the audience,) and I ain't goin' dat way, sah. I ain't goin' a step 'lees Igo permiskus. No, Bah." And the able and eloquent Ethiopian subsided, and a Solemn sensational pause followed. The eyes of the assembled dirkies snapped white and wild at the idea to go in any other way than "permis kus" was certain death. And, as they thought the chances of "goin' permiskus" ware not brilliant, the meeting adjourned without taking action—Oin. Com. . IP I A. IV &*. XTEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best /31 makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS.' THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU- RENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi -1 cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATES'r PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Musio sent by wail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, 41LT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, Suitable for looking ewes, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. LOOKING GLASSE ,From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. • SILAS WARD, AGENT NOR STEINWAY'S lINRIVALLILD PIANOS, Princes Melodeons drod VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC CORDFANS, DRUMS AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE Of every kind. HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT FRAMES, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Photograph Frames and Albums. at the New Martc Store of SILkS Wd111), artel4•dly N 0.12, North Third Street, above Market. (TALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. VY Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very low. Call and examine. Paper hanging personally attended to_ oct27 No. 12 Market St., near the Bridge. GRAPES ! GRAPES 1 A LOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just received, and for sale low, at WISE'S FRUIT STORE, Cor. Third and Walnut Sts. (IF all desirable varieties, at the Keystone NJ Nurseries. lir The weather and season are favorable, and they should be planted as soon as possible. Oct. 13,1862. J. MISH. , , SPANISH CHESTNUT TBEEa T Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city • PEACH TREES fIF select kinds, strong, stocky and vigorous, two years old, at Key stone Nursery, Har risburg. Oct. 13, 1862. g lIBRICATING Oil fa' all kinds of .ma _LA °binary, in convenient packages, for sale vary low NICHOLS & BOWMAN;,: Corner Front and Haricot 'sat*. by jel9 NEW Yoßx, Nov. 17 SUGAR cured hams, just received an for sale, by NICHoLS & BOWMAN, sep 17 Bor. Front and Market fteet B' "r PENS in the world,•for 75e, $1 25 AO, $2, $3, and , $4, for sale at toblay sattYPTI ,, S Bookigtore. BUCKWHEAT FM:MR! ! I E XTRA FINE just received. WM. DOCK, Jr:, & CO SUPERIOR non-explosive Coil Oil for sale by NIOROLS & BOWMAN, Cos. Front and Market Streets. A PPLES, Origgea, and Leatons, atJOHN All 6 MUM. FORTREI3B NC110:011, Nov. 15 —During the time when Ntw `2tbutrtistments WM. KNOCHE, 93 :Varkei street, Harrisburg, Pa., A fine assortment of best plated WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market arrest febl9-wasl), nov6 EVERGREEN TREES, Oct. 13, 1862 al4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers