pail g Ctlegrafil. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, November 15,1889. A WAIL FROM CLEARFIELD This morning's Patriot contains a letter from that prince of demagogues and political hypo crites, William Bigler, in which two impor tant facts are brought before the public First, Bigler complacently announces that he is not a l candidate for the United States Senate, because the geographical claims of the people of the eastern part of the state transcend those of all other localities. This is of course all bosh. Bigler knows that of all other men in the state who aspire to public position, he is the most deepieed, the most contemptible and the most of petionable to the people—and feeling this, he essays to conceal his unpopularity under the guise of a pretended deference to the geographi cal claims of other portions of the Common wealth. At the same time, while thus hypo critically attempting to conceal his own abridg• ed political and personal popularity, this plea of geographical claim is made by Bigler in the hope of killing off some rival in his own locality—of choking out of political life such men as Buckalew, and of gratifying his low spirit by thus bringing new discord and dis 'tensions into his own party on the old principle with such men, of either ruling or ruining. Atter thus keenly gratifying hie spite, Mr. Bigler proceeds to enlighten the public on a plan to settle the great issue now made by rebel traitors of his own party with the federal government. When he conceived sod brought forth this plan, his knees must have been in a terrible condition, trembling as the leafless branches of the sombre forests of his own dear Clearfield, from which his vision is never di rected, unless it be in emplorations for office, or an effort for his "southern brethern" such as he makes in his letter to Mr-Anderson. It is a plea for treason in every line, sentence, and paragraph. After suggesting all manner of difficulties—after creating all sorts of obsta cles, and pleading the impossibility of con quering the south, the dough-face sneaks out, the miserable trickster and abettor of treason developes himself, when be attempts to force the inference, that the war must be ended by compromise, that the sword must be sheathed, that our armies must be disband ed, and this mighty Republic be humiliated in compromise with a band of demagogues and traitors of the ilk and meanness of such men as William Bigler. When tuts letter Is com pared with the one recently written by Mr. Holt, oritentncky, we are totted to blush for the reputation of Pennsylvania, however little share in that reputation we are willing to ac cord to William Sigler. Mr. Holt is in favor of the extermination of traitors—of enforcing the federal authority at the point of the bayo net and the sword—of crushing out rebellion even though it desolate the land, simply be cause he believes that it were better for men to live on rocks or in caves as freemen, than to exist amid gilded splendor, as slaves. Of course the people of Pennsylvania will laugh to acorn the last dodge of a man weak in the knees, to advertise his worn-out political attractions, but for this first-rate notice we will not charge our quondam friend and fellow craftsman a cent. If Bigler had stuck to his types, he might have been a respectable jour printer. But as it is, he aspires to statesman ship, and is now one of the miserable failures and melancholy instances of over leaping am bition. NOW FOR THE WAR Our Republican cotemporaries in the States which have just held elections, are uniting to give the Administration a full and hearty sup port. Tt.ose who have been beaten in political light, show their good sense to yield grace fully, and wherever this has been the case, our Republican cotemporaries submit to the ill fortunes of politics, and turn with pattiotio ardor to find consolation and enconragement in the seal and enthusiasm with which they can now devote themselves exclusively to the ser vice of their country. And thus that the hurly burly of the political contest is over, the people, without respect to party, will resume the great work of prosecuting the war. That work—in a measure temporarily eusp , nded—will, we trust, go on more vigorously than ever. Our only salvation, as a Nation, lies in its prosecu tion to a triu.upbant eud. We have put our hand to the plow and must not look back. We have made our election and have no alterna tive but to stand by it. We have pledged Europe .-we have pledged the world—that we would put down this monstrous conspiracy and restore the Union to its ancient integrity,—and Europe and the world will hold ns to our word. We have staked all upon the issue of the struggle and must accept the dread result. The man who counsels a surrender—the man who even suggests compromises involving new guarantees] to the enemy—the man who permits the word "Peace," without victory, to pass his lips—is no Patriot. He must knew—as the whole world knows—that there can be no en during peace on any other basis than an un conditional surrender of the rebels. He must know that to patch up an agreement with them now, would be to confess ourselves whipped and brand ourselves before all Christendom as a nation of cowards, sneaks and braggarts I Let not the people be deceived. Let them not be wheedled by lying assurances that we can "make up" with the enemy on terms hon orable to ourselves. • Let them beware how they listen to the siren voice of Peace, when their is no peace but the peace of dishonor and death. Let them, on the contrary, fully un derstand that the war must go on more vigor usly—more terribly—than ever. Let them understand that there is no way of escape ex cept through the din and carnage of battle— that there is no 'node of salvation, except by crushing the bead of the hydra and making the very name Secession such a synonym of Terror, that all men shall turn pale in hearing it. The struggle may be long, but It can be hardly doubtful. The strougar party must emerge triumphant in the end. All History assures us that we shall come out of the bloody trial chastened and purified—a better, nobler people—if we bat have the steadfastness to complete the work we have commenced. We are simply passing through one of those crises —simply undergoing one of those disciplinary trials—to which every nation that has attained substantial greatness has been subjected. It is the old story of disease in the system and the effort of nature to expel it. If the Constitution has not been hopelessly undermined by evil courses ; if the virus of corruption has not touched the vitals, the patient will recover. The path of duty lies plain before us. No Patriot can mistake it ; no man who loves the Union as our Fathers made it, can hesitate which way to go. If we turn back—certain and utter ruin t If we press forward—much suffering, heavy sacrifices, hard burdens, possi bly poverty in its worst forms ; but certain tri umph !—a present full of trial a future radi ent and glorified. ALL PAYS BUT-LABOR In looking over the business world, and re garding the enterprises of men with the stupen dons plans and purposes of the government, we are of en puzzled with a curiosity to know who pays for all these vast undertakings. Of course the mere handling of the money—the transfer of sums of money, rightfully one's own—is not the kind of pay to which we alluded. What we mean is, who is to produce, labor, toil, and stint themselves to pay for all the magnificent plans of the government, all the luxuries and the attire of the multitudes, all the extrava gance and waste of the times. Everything is on the rise, BUT LIMOS. There is not an article of consumption but what is double the price now, to what it was a year ago. What a man eats, drinks and wears, are all heavily taxed. Tea, coffee and sugar have gone up to startling, fabulous prices. Almost even) , pound that is purchased adds a penny to its market price, and a penny more by its adulteration, to its actual value. The garment that is to keep the wind and the frost from the flesh of man, is taxed— the stamp is on its texture, the tax on its color —labor must pay fur the increase. The beef and the coals on which it is broiled, are taxed. The rain falls and t• . e grass grows as of yore,—it costs no more to rear the fat omen—yet the beef must be taxed before it finds its way down the throats of the poor. The bowels of the earth, like its burface, yield their inexhaustible pro ducts and rich fruits, the same to-day that they did five, ten, twenty years ago—yet they must be taxed. And this is ail right. The fact and the necessity of taxation must and do not arouse our objections. What we pay in mon..y, to tha support of the government, other men sire giving in life and limb, in excruciating suffer ing and horrible death. Therefore to grumble or to resist the payment of a monetary sup pert of the government at this dreadful cri sis, would merit and receive the earnest condemnation at the hands of loyal men. But, while this support is freely contributed, the government must look after the interests of the laborer and mechanic, or these will be starved or beggared by the speculator. All things have gone up in the market but labor. eiecban ici and laboring men in a few localities are at tempting by "strikes," to raise the walks, but such demonstrations are in violation of law. ' It is not lawful for laboring men to combine and "strike" for wages. The courts, in some oases, have decided that such combinations were conspiracies to injure private business interests. Therefore, the wages of labor must find in crew e from some other influence beside those of "strikes." Labor Malt be paid more remu neratively, or the laborer and his family must starve. In simple language, the necessities of the times have reduced the condition of the laborer to this simple strait. Economy will not save bins, because the immense increase of all the necessaries of life, and no increase in his pay, the laborer has no right to anticipate any other fate. The winter greets him with gaunt famine ready to fold him in her arms. Who eon suggest a remedy ? Who will start the in crease in the pay of the laborer. A. Yes". Atm, when Gen. Fremont was re moved, the servile tory organs that claims to be the sole exponent of Democracy, set up a great howl of approbation. It Was right, they claimed, and if the friends of Fremont dared to complain they would be setting themselves up against the government, and could consequently be re garded as traitors. Fremont accepted his re moval as the act of his superiors, with a manly grace, while his friends did nothing more than defend his valor, repeat their confidence, and predict that time would vindicate his honor. This was the course insisted upon by the very journals that now scream so loudly against the government for superceding McClellan. A di rect issue is sought to be made with the Adminis tration for doing that which the American peo ple have been demanding for more than six months. Bat McClellan's friends can make no complaints on this score. He has had for fif teen months command of our greatest army ; he has had every chance to carry out his plans ; he has done nothing effective; and the Presi dent, who is and always has been his personal friend, has removed him only because he could no longer expect successful results from him. "The whirligig of time brings in its revenges." The journals which so bitterly abused General Fremont at every step of his career in the West, last year, were loud in their advance denuncia tions of any one who should set up that Gene ral against the Government. No one did so, nor, we are sure, would Fremont for a moment have suffered himself to be thus used. Nor, we hope, will General McClellan. That he has been thoroughly and honestly loyal is the proudest boast of his friends ; and we have reason to expect that he will check the unwise ardor of unredecting admirers, and show him self.tis obedient now as a ,man in his position must be, to be a worthy citizen. s== venneglixtnia Dull) aelegaph, eaturbap ifterooon, November 15, 1862. The deposition of King 0 tho by the revolu tionists of Greece, is regarded by the New York Evening Past as an event of more significance than appears at the first view. The King has reigned just thirty years, and with his fall the Bavarian dynasty ends. The monarchy which was established for him the Great Powers of Europe he has lost through his own wiscond uct, and he becomes a member of the large company of fugitive princes, iu consequence of the sud den and irresistible uprising of his own people. On the 24th of October the King fled from Athens, abdicating in favor of his brother Leo pold ; but the revolutionists refused longer to recognize the Bavarian dynasty, orgtnized a provisional government, and convoked a na tional assembly. This was the condition of af fairs at the last advices—the nation Indepen dent, its king driven into exile, a dynasty overthrown after thirty years of arbitrary rule, and the government disorganized and troubled. The immediate result of this revolution will be a scramble among the continental powers for the crown which has dropped from the head of Otho. Germany and Russia are peculiarly interested in the solution of this problem ; the former hoping for a restoration of the old dy nasty, with its direct and indirect advantages ; and the latter drawn towards Greece by the hope of aggrandisement and the sympathy of a religious bond. There are, however, rumors that the , Greeks will try the experiment of es tablishing a republic, hoping to found a free system upon the ruins of the kingdom ; but of this movement nothing of a definite character is known. It is possible that Turkey may as sume the right of interference in the affairs of Greece, but this is hardly probable, for that decayed nationjxists only by sufferance, and has too many eremilits of discord and weakness within herself to entitle her to a voice in the disposal of kingdoms. If the Greeks attempt to decide for themselves, they are likely to en• counter serious impediments, and the result of the struggle will be looked for with curious in terest. TIM New York Assembly is pretty certainly Union. Instead of Luther S. Dutcher, Dam., in the Ist District of Dutchess county, John B. Dutcher, Union, is elected. This makes the figures 65 Union to 83 Democrats—and at least one of the latter will probably vote with the Unionists on organization Tmt PATRIOT, instead of printing the report of the Harper's Ferry Investigating Committee, appears yesterday morning laden with one of Frank Hughes' filthy falsifying productions. Why not give the truth of history instead of the slanders of demagogues? Tao OFFICIAL VOTI FOR DRLIGATBS FROM Na =AMA foots up a majority of 168 for Samuel G. Daily, the 'Republican candidate. Mr. Daily Is the present delegate. OWIEr LOVEXOT ' S Majoritg iu the Fifth die triot of Illinois, is ewe hundred and slaty. The Greatness of America as an The greatness of America is a ?mitt revela tion to Europe. With the North and South con federated under the old Government, the United States possessed a military power and an abundance of re sources which her citizens, even in the excess of their self complacency, never dreamed. But few minds in Europe had any idea of the power of the young giant in the Western World. One or two of their public men, as Cavour or Napoleon, might have apprehended, by the force of their genius, the military mag nitud•, of America. But it was generally a dim sptculation in Europe. Our basis of mili tary powers were frequently ridiculed by the English press and pruned as traniatlantic bluster. But this war has shown that even these boa•ta fell far short of the reality. It has revealed to the world an enormous power that overshadowed whatever there is of military display in mod ern history, and has amazed the most arrogant nations of Europe. Within eighteen months of this war, the Korth and South have raised armies larger than those of the first Napoleon; ironclad ,fleets have been Launched capable of destroying the combined navies of England and France ; two millions of men have been put in the fold; and yet the internal system of the industry of the country and the ordinary pursuits of peace have been but tittle interrupted, unless from the ex ceptional cause of the blockade of the Southern seacoast. Had the North and South continued as one nation there could scarcely have been any /onus to the achievements of their military power. Eng land could never have checked it. We could have overrun the Continent, taken Canada in the teeth of a combination of all the European powers, and crushed England alone as an egg shell under the hammer. TEM .REf7)LOTION IN GREECE. Unit—England's Policy. [From the Richmond Examiner, Nov. B.] The bloody and unhappy revelation which this war has made of enormous military re- sources has naturally given to Europe, and especially to England, an extraordinary inter est in its continuation. Nothing could be more contrary to the wishes and policy of England than that the war should edil in re. uniting the North and South and consolidating and renewing in rivalry to her a military power which is now wasted in internecine strife. That the Union never shall be restored is a foregone and settled conclusion with the British Govern ment. It would not now hesitate for a moment to recognize the South, unless firmly persuaded of our ability and resolution to carry on the war, and unless it had another object to gain beside that of a permanent division in the nationality and power of her old rival. That object is the exhaustion of both North and South. England proposes to effect the continuation of this war, as far as possible, to the mutual ruin of the two nations engaged in it, by stand ing aside and trusting that, after vast expendi tures of blood and waste of resources, the sepa ration of the Union will be quite as surely ac coraplished by the self devotion of the South as by the less profitable mode of foreign interven tion. To the advantagee she hopes to gain from this separation she desired to add those which she expects from loss and ruin to both North and South in a long war. Her present policy of neutrality with reference to the war is founded in the confidence that the South is able to achieve her independence, and that the prolongation of hostilities does not risk her subjugation. In this unchristian and inhuman calculation, England has rightly estimated the spirit and resolution of the South. We are prepared to win our independence with the great priers of blood and suffering that England has named. But we understand her in this matter. Behind her meek of conscience and pharasaical preci sion there lurks a hideous and devilish pur pose. From Washington. Nov. 16 Junog Anvooars's OFFICE, Nov. 14, 1862. Applications having been made by ladies to go to their friends and families in the South, notice is hereby given that all applicants must make a writ ten statement to this office, verified by oath, between this date and the 16th day of December next, setting forth: First, The name, age and residence of the ap plicant &goad, The date when she came within the military lines of the United States, for what purpose, and where she has since resided. 7hird, The place she desires to go and the purpose or object thereof. The persons to whom le .ve may be granted, will be sent with a suitable escort from Wash ington to the United States forces In Virginia, with such personal effects as shall be allowed to pass. No person will be allowed to take wore than one trunk or package of female wearing appa rel weighing not over one hundred pounds an d subject to inspection, and any attempt or ef forts to smuggle contraband property will for feit the same and subject the party to impris onment during the war. (Signed) L. C. TURNER, Major and Judge Advocate. THE WAR IN VIRGINIA Important from Harper's Ferry Jackson Reported to be Between Win chester and the Ferry • The special correspondence of the Baltimore American, dated Harper's Ferry to-day, con tains the following important intelligence : It is believed that Jackson is between Win chester and Harper's Ferty. Parties from Winchester, as well as our scouts, report that Jackson passed through Winchester on Monday, and that Gen. Hill followed him on Tuesday. Skirmishing between our pickets and those of the rebels ha , h, en manned during the last few days, and three of tie Lt Maryland Gayer) have been c Ttured. Gen Slocum, who is In command at H4rper's Ferry, -is fully awake to the position of affairs, and has a sufficient force to enabl•: him to resist them. 116LOR GIN. BURNSIDE'S HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, WARRlareliod, 1;,,v. 14.—A rebel brigade, which has for several days been reconnoitering our position on the Rappahannock, left Jefferson this morning for Culpepper. Gen. Pleasanton's Cavalry drove their rear guard from Jefferson. There are Indications that the rebels are about evacuating Culpepper. Jackson is said to be still hovering about Chester Gap, with not over 40,000 men under his command. We have a force in his front which prevents his coming down on this side. All is quiet to-night. THE WAR IN MISSOURI ACM'S NOVIEMINTS FuRBEIHLOOWED Generals Blair, Davidson and Schofield to Take the Field. It is rumored that General Blair will take the field, in a few days, at the head of his brigade. Gen Carr has been ordered to assume com mand in this district, in place of Gen. Davidson, who will immediately take the field at the head of the troops in the southeastern portion of t lat, State. Advice' received from headquarters state that Gen. Schofield is rapidly recovering from his recent illness, and it is probable that he will immediately assume command in person of his troops. Active movements are indicated. FROM N EWBERN. Destruotion of Rebel Salt Works A letter from Newborn, dated the' 9th inst., says Gen. Foster's army was at Williamston on the Bth, under marching orders for Plymouth, and from thence to embark in transports for Newborn. Reconnoisances have been made to within five miles of Tarboro', and the rebels found to have massed a large force there. A reconnoissance bad been made by the little gun boat North State, to within one mile of Green ville, on the Tar river. • The rebel salt works have been destroyed by the gunboat Ellis, without loss on our side: MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Pumeow.ogis, Nov. 15 Flour market dull, but prices unchanged— sales of superfine at $646 25, $6 7E47 for extra, and $7 50 for extra family ; receipts and stocks light. No change in rye flour or corn meal. Wheat dull-3,000 bus. red sold at $1 4641 47, but buyers now refuse to pay the latter price. Rye steady, at 96c. Corn in fair request-6,000 bus. yellow sold at 64c. Oats in better demand-5,000 bus. sold at 40c. for Delaware, and 410. Pennsylvania. Coffee has an upward tendency. No change in sugar or molasses. Provisions dull. 1,000 bus. clover seed sold at $6 25(i)6 40. Whisky firm at 40c. Flour is dull. Wheat is quiet ; white sold at $1 80®1 98, and red at $1 48@1 53. Corn is steady ; white sold at 74®76c., and yellow at 71®72c. Whisky is quiet at 41ic. Provisions are dull. ID i t b. LINES on the of Asamiax LINCOLN, son of Samuel W. and Rebecca Freeborn : Just like the glorious blooming rose. The days appear to be, But now the coffin doth enclose, That lovely form from me. Oh I dearest Lincoln, thou was mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze; Pleasant as the air of evening When it floats among the trees. Peaceful be thy silent slumbers, piaceful in the grave so low, Thou no more will join our number, Thou no more our songs shalt know. Oh, I loved him, sh—perhaps to well, For soon he slept and died, His soul took wings, to heaven soared, His brothers there to meet. Oh ! silent grave to thee I trust This precious part of worldly dust, Guard ft safe, Oh I sacred tomb, Until hie parents ask for room. FOUND—at large, on the night. of 14th, a large Dark Roan ROM 'the owner can have the same by paying charges and proving property, by calling on J. E. FOUGHT, Co. A, 127th Regimeca, Provost Battalion. nols-3to LOST—on Thursday evening, on going rum Second and Paxton streets to Third and Walnut, a Lady's Gold Breast Piu. The findtr will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at ZiIkIERMAN'S JEWELRY SCORE nlEt-lto Market . Street. MASONS! PLASTERERS! BOULDERS! TAKE NOTICE! ! BEST LOAM SAND Sold and delivered, for cash, by HENRY BLCJIIIENSTEIN, nol6 lwa Broad Street, near Third. PARTNERSHIP WANTED. AGENTLEMAN, with a cash capital . of about $5,000, wants a partnership in some plea sant and profitable business in the interior of this State. Address, with full particulars, in care of this office. A rrply will be given, if satisfactory. [nl4 4t] " INQUIRER." tit: ANTED a respectable woman (white) as W, nurse, and to aasist o in sewing. Apply at the BUEHLER HOUSE, between 11 and 1 o'clock, A. H. References required. [nl4•tt SUBSTITUTE. ADRAFTED MAN in want of a onbetitute can find one by applying at the WILLIAM TELL HOUSE. None but a Drafted Man need apply. Price $3OO nl4-2to FOR RENT. TWO SMALL HOUSES—in the Fourth Ward Enquire of nl4-3t.] ALDERMAN MeGLAUGHLIN. TAILORS WANT , D TWO First Clue Journeymen tailors wanted Best prices paid. Apply at C. C. MA.THEW'S, no] 8-3 to , No. 26, North Second St. Ruirmoom, Nov. 14 STERLING'S AMBROSIA FOR TH P. HAIR. ST. Louth, Nov. 14 Nsw You, Nov. 15 BAITTKORII, Nov. 15 ett) 4 21.613tt iIStIIIPIII* NURSE WANTED AHANDSOME HEAD OF HAIR is a crown of glory. With proper care and culture it will last as as a protection to the head as long as the nails do to the fingers, or the eyelashes to the eyes. STIIRLDIG'S AXI3IIOBLIL is the only article yet discovered that will bring about the desired results. It is a prepatation the result of science and experiment ; the science point ing out what was needed, and experiment find ing the required properties in certain roots, bar Its, and herbs. It has consumed a long time in its preparation, has been tested by persons of most undoubted reliability in this city, and is by them pronounced perfect, and the only satisfactory article, and is now offered to the public. The proprietors, determined to give it the most thorough tests, practical and chemical, and now certain that it will make the hair grow luxuri antly on Bald Heads, Preventing Grayness and Baldness, Reinvigorating and Beautifying the Hair, rendering it soft and glossy. DB. STIIIIIMIG'S AMBROSIs is a stimulating, oily extract of roots, barks, and herbs, and, aside from its neatness, permanency, and gloss, it is medically adapted to preserve and add to the beauty of the hair. The only article yet dis covered that mill Cure the Disease of the Scalp, and cause the Hair to Grow. CERTIFICATES This is to certify that about eighteen montha ago, I commenced using STERLING'S AMBROSIA. My hair was short, thin and rapidly falling out. I had tried many Hair Tonics, Invigorators, &c., without receiving any benefit. Soon after using the Ambrosia, my hair ceased falling out, and commenced growing so rapidly as to astonish me. Now my hair is thick, soft, and glossy, and is five feet four inches in length when let down, reaching to the floor. This wonderful result I attribute solely to the use of STERLING'S AMBROSIA, as since I commenced using it I have applied nothing else to my hair. MRS. LUCY A. BROWN. Sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1861 H. N. PARKER, Corn. of Dee& City Hall, New York. .Ire For Bale by D. W. GROSS & CO., Har nsburg, Pa. nl4-dam] NOTICE. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at my office in Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock, noon, on TUESDAY, the 25th day of NOVEM BER, 1862, for supplying the Camp of Rendes vous of Drafted Militia, at Camp Simmons, with Uncooked Rations. Bids will state the price at which each Ration will be furnished. The Ration is as follows: Three-quarters of a pound of Pork or Bacon, or One and one-fourth pounds of Beef ; and Twenty-one ounces of Bread or Flour ; or. One pound of Hard Bread ; or Ooe and one-fourth pounds of Corn Meal. And at the rate per hundred Rations of eight quarts of Beans and ten pounds of Rice or Hominy ; ten pounds of Coffee or one and a half pounds of Tea ; fifteen pounds of Sugar ; four quarts of Vinegar; one and one-fourth pound Adamantine Candies ; four pounds of Soap and two quarts of Salt. In addition to the above the Contractor will furnish twice a week one gallon of Molasses per hundred Rations, and three times a week one pound of Potatoes per Ration. Good •and approved security for the faithful performance of the Contract will be required, and the names and places of residence of the proposed sureties, (two in number) must be stated in the bids. The lowest responsible bid will be accepted, but the right to reject all bids, should they be deemed too high, is reserved to the Government. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of the bide. W. B. LANE, 'Capt. 8d Cavalry, Chief Mustering Officer HARRISBURG, Nov. 13, 1862.-dtd WANTED. A COMPEIENT AMBROTYPLST. One who thoroughly underetanda the businese can appply at WYKOFF'S SEGAR STORE, nol3-4130 Market Street near Third. CHOICE SYRUPS and BARING MOLASSES for sale cheap by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, . Cor. Front and Market Streets. nl4 DASSETS, TUBS, and all kinds of Willow _Llb and Cedar Ware, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Streets. nl4 100 BBLS. FINE CHOICE APPLES. FOR SALE CHEAP at JOHN win's, in Third Street, next door to Bradly's Barber shop. ALSO, ANOTHER LOT OF FINE LARGE CATAWBA GRAPES, cheap, wholesale end re tail. nol2 PARLOR ENTERTAINMENTSO-, SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK WITH TH #4MY DRAMATIC COMPANY. Prices of Admission 50 and 25 Ct.& GAIETY MUSIC HALL, Walnut gkeet,below State Capital Hotel. Best Regulated and Cheapest Place of Amuse ment in the World. Never has more been CONCENTRATED, such a blight array of FIRST CLASS ARTISTS, in auy Establishment of the hind, either in EUROPE OR AMERICA. Determined to keep up the GREAT REPU TA'II(N already acquired for this Manunouth Place of Amusement, we feel a just pride in announcing fur this week, commencing November 10th, First Week of the World Renowned 11011 S. PAUL CANE, MISS EMMA MILES THE GREAT FREW'S DANSEUSE, HARRY TALBOTT, the Eminent Etheopian tAmtedian awl Great Tamborinist ; and the Champion Jig Dancer of America and E , - ceotric Comedian ; in connection with the BEST I)ANSEUSES nn the American stage, MISS KATE FRANCIS, MISS LIZZIE FRANCIS, and MISS KATE ARCHER ; and the American Nightingales MISS MOLLIE FIELDING, and MISS JULIA EDWARDS ; also WEBER'S SPLENDID ORCHESTRA. To conclude every eveuing with the great FEMALE SCENE OF NINSTRELSEY. cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence it 754 808 EDWARDC,SoIe Le4see and Manager• UNOLK TO MY, inc of the Bucktads, Sepertnteuthnt Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls, and Re cruiting Accounts Made Out . INHE undersigned, having been in the em ployment of the United States during the last eighteen months, as Clerk in the Muster ing and Disbursing Office and Office of Super intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva nia, respectfully informs the public that he has opened an office in the DAILY TELEGRAPH Building for the purpose of collecting Pen sions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptiy. SULLIVAN S. CHILD. or Blanks of all kinds furnished at this office. novl-dtf DESIRABLE HOTEL PROPERTY FOR ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1862, PRE undersigned will sell et public vendue, AL on the premises, his Hotel Property, in West King street, in the city of Lancaster, known as the SORREL HORSE HOTEL, in the first square of the city. ff" This Hotel is one of the best in the city of Lancaster for regular business, having always had its full share of custom, and for the seversl last years has been increasing largely. Its proximity to Fulton Hall, (being the nearest Hotel,) gives it advantages over any other in the city. Possession and an indisputable title will be given on the first of April next. Sale will commence at 6 o'clock in the even ing of the said day. no7-dts* JACOB LEMAN ao DOLLARS REWARD. wAS lost, mislaid or stolen on the 25th of of October, a $lOO note, of the Bank of Delaware County. The above reward will be paid for its recovery. If any person not likely to own such a sized note has been seen with one, such information may lead to its recovery. Apply to W. SANDERSON, nolo-dlw At the Eagle Works. CHECK No. 184, dated Harrisburg, Nov. 11, on Assistant Treasurer U. S., Philadelphia, for $143 55, drawn to order of Lieut. B. B. Robinson. (Signed) THOMAS H. NORTON . , Capt. 15th 11. S. 1., D. C. Banks and bankers are cautioned against paying same. nol2 BASBETS, Tubs, Brushes of all kinds, for sa l e b y NICHOLS & BOWMAN, rov6 Cor. Front and Market Ste. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN GUNPJW DEB.—Kr. James M. Wheeler having withdrawn from the agency for the sale of our Gunpowder in Harrisburg, we hive appointed Major David M'Cormick our agent, who will be prepared to furnish all Mr. Wheeler's cus tomers as usual. i t NY Person wanting a good Family Mara It. for Fier "good" keeping. can be accommo dated, by applying to J. Mich, through the Po.itoffice. KEYSTONE NURSERY. ALSO, Alai() pair of mules will be hired on reasonable terms. J. MISH. nov6-dtf FOR RENT. ATWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, with back building, stinated on Cumberland street, near Pennsylvania Avenue. Also, one on Pennsylvania A.VCIIIe, strove Cumberland [Areal Apply to Dr. A. D. RIITIDatkVICD , 00127.41.1 w Front street. 2iniusements JOHNBTON'a EMI SPLKNOID ENTERTAINMKNT 808 EDWARDS' YOUNG ANIERICA, The Wonder of the Age TOM BROOKFIELD, rut .1:41111SCIIIMIU TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. and War Claims. STuLEN E. I. DUPONT DE NEIOUR & CO octlB-d2m