gp . 2UirtrtisAti AB ENTIRE NEy EIT9OI A ' NS !Gobi) P ; E,. 1 1 E bent and. largest motto/out of Gold Pena bow Just been opened at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Thaw 2411 a are manufactured by O. F. Newton & Co., of Now York, and warranted to give A trial will Ettbify any one. the price, below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26 Gold Pen sod Silver Holder for $1 60 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 25 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 75 Gold Pee and Silver Holder for $4 25 Gad Peu and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. THE NEW EDITION PUHDON'S DIG ,EST HAB JIIBT BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE $5 00. A N ENTIRE new edition of this well knows A Law Book low just, been issued. It is now distinguished by the following superadded features The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated in the body of the work. Many thousand new authuritiert have been cited; the report of the revisory of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of if, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of. Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent. Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the. decisions exulanatory of them. , The work has been prepared by the learned , editor, Mr. Ihnownar, and its freeborn and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. - For sale at jr2B BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT FOR the datety of , , usumere, we have established le. tioloot A. the uprn: , r n teron iwill.Morket streets. all oils Are tested and we peel lively sell amp. sleep. ,sob at prose to, be 10011-eXplOrnvo, elan sod tree from odor es far as vractleabla. We ORS? at present Itie ((glowing lastly oelebrated b. ands. Mag ri li. I:. udidn, Ndbrond add Licrer, lower than can b. yucouree elsewhere .o either wboleSale• or retail. Alto an growths assortment of Lamps, Clem• mit, Shades, glass Hosea, Boraces, no Wo will Alan change died or .:11.triphelii3 lanipa p no as to be woo let coal Oni. Call and sattsf. yours/II SOS, at NICHOW at BOWMAN, Corner of lirrotuued Market eireet lEZI 3E' „a. 3r... CI 'ES 13 NUBSIARY, 11&111118ErliG• IT should not he fotgotteu that thia estabushmeu-ts still is shoOesetui opereatton, and sea (supply 01 , 241/1T AND t r OLOMTHEES, ETERGitgENS, :AAA . r s t t SigiußßlgaY, ORAPAVINE,S, fiLSPI3,II.- STEAWBEREDDI, GOOSE BURMA, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, ao., Sto., ItOy tko: of as good qoalittes and Tutu u, and at ue reasonable prices as they are mold at Matsui mammies . . TIRE ,LOC4TI9ii of the nureeryLatiJotoing the arty—ghee it advantages tbr transportation to Al parte of the ooantry, posseeend by but ha others. sr all .arsksles, when . desired, dentin od free of China, .m any part of the city. subtlif JACOB WWI. V 0 L U,N TEER 8, IF YOU WAN T LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, vnlrnsa OASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS'AND HOLDERS Of ovary description and quality, you will find the largest sosortutent at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. OKARTER OAK, FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANOY BRAND S OFFERED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! 12 18 MADE OF CHOICE 1118110111t1 Willit WHEAT. Delivered tiny pla.* ict She city, free et elharigir TRIMS, Cash on delivery. too ws. DNS, Jr., & 041, POCKET BIBLES. FULL assortment of Pocket Bibles suCTestainents for the soldfeni, Piet rs mimed JO BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. P' MADE HONGROISE 101 WIXOM Ms MOUgTA9 HEs. BILLER'S , RIIGSTORI FtTRA family flour, a superior brand, rbiohlre wanent to give tierecant, wet re ved aod , ibr Ale by NICHOL , ' k BOWMAN, Corner Front, and Market etreett THE general variety of goods for ad. 1. basun, the TOILET, to be roan t • elI , 'a, le unsarpassedfla thin oily / 96 91 Markel atreet . SIIPERIOR Green and Black Lead, , for ads by NICHOLS & • 0 CHAN, .1•12 Curner Prout and Kama mein". FREtill invoice of Lemons, Prunes, Pes Nuts ha., for Ws low by NICHOLS a BOWMAN, Meant and Kerte! streets CM] 600 WALNUT TItEIES, THRIFTY and straight, from 6 to 8 feet high, 4' at $2 per dozen ; $lO per 100. ICATOske aurberY, Oct. 18, 1862. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. AMg the nww assortment of these meta sr dabs Wit opened at 1 182GITER's cheep Bookston. Shit ttltilltii BOOIiB FOR-FARMERS. i HE attention of agricalturists is directed I to the following works, which will enable them to 'narrate the i gientity and value of their •eropie by"adding science and the expert men% of Others to thtzdiatpwlenee : STEPHEN'S BOOK ' OF 'THE FARM, :de tailing all 'the labors of husbandry and the beet way toperfonn them. Pdce....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Beal Economy • 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPAN ION, by Bael .. 76 LECTIIIIRf ON tuvricAL AGM-JUL 'TURA_ by Johnstbn 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, 'with 400 'engravings..2 60 AN EASY 'METHOD OP" MANAGING BEM, by Weeks 20 fhe Nature and Treatment of Diseases of CUM, by Dadd 1 LPILBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY MUM COWS AND DAIRY 'FAWNING, and the production of milk; butter, cheese, by Flint 1 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 1 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, ()containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, Aco., A0..1 THE FARMER'S DIOTIONARY and Prac- tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner_ ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS. . THE ' FIELD 'BOOK OF • MANURES, or American Muck Book. 1 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by • Jennings L MATT ON THE HORSE ' 1 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD BOnlr . 1 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breakii, aud Training of Horses .. • 76 Standard Books, School Iloolm, and every thing In the stationery line at lowest prim, at maGNER's Offth BOOR STORE FOR. THE SOLDIERS, Awat ic4e2is:=eltirit open 000mstibge(011 WRITING CASE*. . sixpresely nuutufattored for the soldiers. PORT FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVhEY VARIETY, SOLD AT REDUCED MITES. PURE CALIPOENIA wispit FOR MEDICAL UsE. CALIFORNIA HOCK WINE, CALIFORNIA PORT WINE, CALIFORNIA ANGELICA WINE, CALIFORNIA MUSCATEL WINE, CALIFORNIA OAFS BRANTI. The attention of Invalids is parttea laxly oSled to these wines. They are *lasi to tee best of Igueope A s wises end patanteed pare or ash, at ool2b £SLLI3't OftUti t ~ 91 Market ,t. INSURANCE. Marine, Fin and bland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of :the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and &iota $1,20q 000 Drantrrons. Arnim l WOW, narnaol W. Jonas, Jobs A. erown, -mantel W. natty; Charles Taylor, 'Ambrose Mbar), John R. Nell Richar4l D. Wood, Wdbaux Welsh, W !Maim E. B owen, J ames N. /Damara, a adtrrla WAIN John naaan, Uwe I. Harrier% Aeration R. Mope, Rdwdrd 8. Trotter, Edward Clarke. Trot ARTHUR G. Otrlllb, Presilleit CHARLES PLATT &oratory. dia,oeutrel agent th • *curs name company, the uunerAigned . ie prepared to talcs Are lAA* IA any part or .10 . SAM of Ponnayharnst, either annually or paver. *tally, on rho moat favorable terms. vine. rein), seem between Walnut and strawberry arley,lungeh row. WU•LIAIt BUMMER, prlo-dly burg Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES; , )lis Advertiser, La ving been, restored dto health in a few weeks, by a very atexple 'ream dy, atter baying stOtwist eavural years with a ievere lungrags , otion, an/ that, dres I tiiaeaae , anemia piioa— ie make kmw¢ to bis tallow-ssitsresi t he Duane of ewe. To all who desire it, he will Bond a 'copy of the; par actiptiou itied (rrotto( oharp,) with the directions Stir preparing and nidng the same, which they will Blue ours ior tkinsamptlon, Asthma,. Bioneldtli .c, The only obuibt of the advertiser In mending thi per. aeription is to belted,. the aihicied, and spread inibr mi tten which he oonoolviat tw bo invaluable, and be :hopea every auffbrer will try his temedy, as it will coat !them: nutting and may prove a blaming. Ponies wishing the persoriptien will please_drins REV. EDWARD R. WILSM, Williataabutib, Zings County, New Vera. , elO dazwilm FRESH BUTTER • AT M ARKE T I C HAVING fitted up a large jl .. ‘ Hifrig - VV V gator / and harlot nude oontracto with ate of oar mop{ role fanners to Duna* he with and wlet Outqw ,roguistrlt, be enabltil to mitpl our totttiftirs-With street fresh toe °aid baLtde it alla as. 1.11/2a • wig. DOCK, Jr. & . POOOT 80088, BUCKSKIN PURBREi o PORT BIONAIRR I And a general variety of Leather Goo& just received at BERGNEB'S BOOK STORE. FAMILY FLOUR. W E IN the attention of fan4liee BAKE THEIR OWN BREAD , to our SWIM of Flour. We have Just received' ...- 80SPIITY-FIVE BARRELS ei the - Ofteiotat ,(White Wheat) BR Louis flour that the Wetter!' Mareet affords. Weguareaten every ban") or beg we 0311 to be Btriet ly oulmor. OM] =' W. DUCK, JK. , &Ou • • ' - #,IIBBEIL GOODS f • ' . .. ( I abbe Rills, .n, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Itubbiir. Top' getter:shy lei BERONER't 4. OFISAP RIX )118'11,:i... EITRA FAMIVT - FLOUR, a ohoioe hat in Extra Fawns; ttionr ' all warranted by bbl,, or arckyluet received ;ale low by NICHOAit eao Corner Prete andigartee Anew BOLOGNA, •_ A SMALL, but very superior lot o Bologna sausage just received, -by WK. DOCK, Jr it,ilF4 SUG4RB, white and brown of all grades fir sale low r matous a BOWMAN; septl2 "" oOrMer Front and Mftrket gtree4 CULL and Examine our Superior Non- Zipknave Coal Al, *or salellow NiCHOLEI 'a BOWMAN, 0C43 - Corner Front and Market streets I(AT ARDELL & LEVINESS, Pickles and vv v catmint for ;tale at 701ti.7 WTA t i aI:IGARI3 for preserving; 041 _and exspe kj ate at - -MOHOIAI it: - BOWMAN; YT • ...Corner ?molt; iiid Jlesaat An** _ , OlDER..—Clionitantly on ' ittql; fir TiLd superior 'Aide of memo GUI atonsc , ' , we. DOOR, ALA gP. pennOluaitinitlrditip - PActegritpti, fAINSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I ,~I :~u~:Y:,y ... . , ..... ... I ..,, . , SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Passeaget yralas or the Penispivaais Railroad Company 7111 depart team sad arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as folloiis E ST WAR D. • THROUGH WAREN TRAIN leaver Harrisburg daily at /aft a. ta n and . &Wass at Weal Phibtdalphla a t 6.10 , FAST LI.NE leaves HarrisbarLdany, (except Monday,) at 6.80 a. tit., and arrives at West Philadeletes at 9.46 a. al: PART MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daUy ,(eseept Ruaday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives ai West Philadelphia 5.20 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, vie !Mount Joy, 'Alive. Harrisburg tit 1.0 . 0 El and arriv , a at West delphla at. 12.26 p. in.. . . RARRIa 11Rp ACOODIktui Vat , 0 - IluklN, vta Wham& loiivefr'ibirrielmii,; »A 4.10 • vu afehiro. 10.•4 hilt:l4loh% 49 9/) p. In. • • NM I!ttgcoti4Ei Ana TRAIN leaves Phlladelpb,.. at 10,86 p. m., Harrisburg 'auto, a. tn., Altoona 13.10, a. m. nd arrives at Pittsburg at 12.86 p, m. RAIL TRAIN iiiiistrPtilladolphia at 7.16 a. m., and 't rivalent Harrisburg atl2.Bop. m.; leaves Harrisburg at I.oop. m., A1t00na,.7,09p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg ,„! I'2 16 a, m. ittaft4P.tgjelkiPs, l ola:at 11.30 m., Hama. tin 02 , Altoona at 8.20 m., and arriving at tieburg at 11.45 a. m. WIDOONit,(iDATIOICTRAIN leaves Phil. scapula at sop p. aim arrival at Harrisburg at 8.00 p.m. 2101114.7ArA0001411044.T10N tiallfount Joy Maven Lancaster ea 10.40 a. m., arrives at na.rlaburt , at 12.40 P. m GAMOW 1). YOUNG, buin. Nast, Div. 'wawa. Railroad Harrisburg, Nay 2, 1.802 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEW Alit LING HOER TIBER TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YOU, PHILAD P, 171 aN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1889; the Peareager Trains will leave the Millm n ono Reading Railroad Depot, it Berriabur , for New York and Plillidelphia, se follows, vin LING :leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. tn., on ar rival of Pennsgivaub, Railroad Upton Train from the Wait, alvitring In' Hew rork at 8.15 a. m., and at P hew delpMaid. 9.00 a. an. A sleepily car la attached to the trainuthrough from Pittsburg without ohange, MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in., arriving In New York at 5.80 p. m„ and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. to. FAEff'LIHR Mires flantourgisti.4o p. a., on arriVal of Pannier/01a, Railroad xi". Nail,. arriving to New York at 9.60 p. m., and 'PhfladdiPhis at 6.40 p 'WESTWARD TOT LINE learn New York id 6a. m., and Philade pill at 8 a. m. arriving at Harrisburg at ,1 p, in. • - WAIL TRAIN 'Mores Ncirifork at 12.00nixm, and Phil adelphia at S. 16.p.-nt., arriving in Harrisburg at 8.10 EXPRESS LINE leaves New fort at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg 148.00 a. m., adid connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittebnet A sleeping ear b also attached to this , Connections are made at Harrisburg arch %minion the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland eQey Wlroade, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Poitrvilie, Mllresita4o, gilentimat,Easton, Baggago checked through. Pare between NOW Tort mid Harrbtirarg; 9.6 CO: bittween Harrisbnrg and phila: lelphia. 13 dh ln And 12 TO to No For Col.* or ,•:••• •nf • .„.b.r.on att.•iy to my&dtf TERSEY HAM I—Ten; tierqes of thine _ ell justly relebratimmugar cured , hams. received au, ' • • WM. DOCK. 3s. W. New - Xtivatietments OM AND AIM MONDAY MAY 6th 1882 WESTWARD EASTWARD • •I 1.C1.. DA, +lepers! Agent. Flairtitbarg lov Afternoon NOviniber 14,' 1862 filtintat HEILINEIOLOIS GENUINE. PREPARATION , . . , Lir CONOINTRA•IIVP• • , , EFIND IMMO KXTRAOT.BUOui), A Positive wad Specific Remedy For Diseases .of i the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, .410 IHOPSICAL SIVIC-LINGe Medicibe titmouse the pews,. of Digestion, and excites the Al3BoaElkaall into healthy action, by which tho WATFRIF OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and a 1! UN NATURAL ENLARDIndras are reduced, AR welt as PAIN AND INFLAMATION and la good for MEN, !rowel OR CHILDREN. lIFIMBOLIPS EXTRACT RUCH°, • For Weaknesses Arising from ; ftoesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early in discretion or ...base. ATTENDS:Li WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, e Loss of Mower Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, ' ' Treedbling, Horror of Disease, Iffiffinfantess Dimness of Vision, Pals In the Bask ' Universal lassitude of the linsoulsr System, Hot Hands, , - Slisthing of Ws Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face • , PALLID 00UNTIMANOS, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which Ibis mad Mine invariablyy reeks/es, soon follows IMPOTFNOY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONB OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that th i ug not frepuf , tly followed by :hose ..DIRRFUL Drs ' , INSANITY AND 'CONSUMPTION.. -- - . Macy aro aware of the Caere of their wefferen, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECO IiDEOF ME INSANE ASYLUMS, Afid the Mdarickoly Deaths by annuttption, EAR AMPLI WiTWIE TO TE TRUTH OF THE ATERrima. TELECIONErcrunoN ONCE. AFFECTED will ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • itsgiores the aid of medicine to strengthen and • lavigorak the System Which illuseoWe RETRACT BOCHO - .Oseariably doe A TEAL WALL WITTE THE YOKE ' ILIOTIVKLa. FEIrsLIM—FRAIALES—IEMALIIB, LD Olt YOUNG, swing, MARRIED, OR CIONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TU FIMIALE,S, the Extract Machu is Unequalled by any oiler rethedy; WI in Mioimis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulneas, or Suppresalo lor Ouatoriury ivacuations, Uleerited or Sairzhous mate of the Meru, Leueorhees Whiles; Steill ity, and for oomphtints incident to the eex, .w hethet arising fr.i o ludiserellon, Habits of Dissiptttion, or In the FL CLINE OR ORANGE OP Lair. 1J 117111V0118 ABM L. 40 FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I less so moss !Ursa", Maws; os. usniamarrilliD CM VOA DMPLUSANI. £FD DAN6IIIOI7B MUM. EIBLNBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 001118 SECRET DISEASES. In all tam Stages, At little Insane ; Little in no change in Mel ; No inconvenient's; And no Arrature. It causes a frequadesire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Ouring Strictures of Ute Urethra}, Allaying Pain and Imilammatton, so *mai:lent in the class a diseases, and expelling all Poisonous, Dues red auditors-art Matter. muuraattea MN THOMANN 11110 HAVE SEW 1R VICTIMS 01 QUACKS, and wile have paid Heart rue to be cured In a short time,have •kottod they were deceived, mid that the "POI 90N " hatt, by the use of "POWIIOI7L AOltictousamo, ,' been dried up in the system, to break out'in an aggravated form, and PIRIZAPS AFTER IMARLIGE. Use Eisimmo'n lityresor Buono for all affections and dismount of the II It ARV .ORGANS, wbctber pristine in . ttamiun.: tett FEMALE, /rem window- clone originating and no matter 1 HOW LONG STANDING. MOMS of Ibdee Orgatareotoro the aid or DISK, 10 H11LM401.443 EXTRaeI 13110110 . . It THE GREAT DIIIRML umw . i And 111 certain to have. thi:drairsid effect in AS POlt WRIOH IT IN RBOOMMENDED. Jisidence of iiita moot minable and respoanbie en raster will accompany tie 111041010. 011,11,117104114 OF, CORES, • • • ' ' From i 9 to /4 years' aka d Wire Nuns torown. rO • Wilma AND YAMS. Fike $1 00 -per bottle ; or *dx for $5 th). • . _ imityv t id to any addlreaa, securely packed tromiobser vation. D/ 4 SVMPTOMS IN ALL 001IMUNICAIIIIII8 Chu ma Mitilaranteed I Adelina Gratis i AFFIDAVIT. • ; rersonally appeared' botorome, an Alderman of Mc . F M; of Pnikpielplia,M,„ T. ILmuniun, woo being: duly swore. detb say, preparati o ns contain no narcotlo, no in ettotry, or tither Injurious druge, but are purelylvege G. T. HILJOND.D. Sworn and subscribed before me this ibhl do, bf No vembor, 1864. WIC P. HIBIIKRD, dblavostri, Ninth Eit. above Babe, PhDa address letters for Information fn oollidendi to IL T. 7 .411.80LD ft , Ohendsty Depom_lad South-X.:with 124.,. bal. Chastain; Millis, OZWA_OF. OF OtitiNTE AND UNPRINUIPLED DEALERS Oho endeavor to dieptise eat own. mat - cmas" arm= 01 11l MR IMI= ammo IT • klelmbold's Genuine Preparation • a _strict Kuehn, • " Bantapartlia, 1111 • • IMproved Mom Wash. Stdd by U. eller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyatt, C • Sabayon. ' AN11'4.41. nauansrs argitrwingas. ASK:FOR RELKEIOLDPS. TANN NO OTHER, Qat out the adyertirement mod send for it, AND AVOID DaPOKIETION AND IDEPOSIM. FIRE INSURANCE . THE DELAWARE MUTUAL Arallt INSIIRANOM COMPANY. INCORPORATED 11136 Capital and /meta $889,14 Zl7 DIRECTORS. N Martlo,/Olmond A. Bondbr,Theophilos Pantos& Joe R. Penrose. Jno. O. Dials Jas. Triviality, W. Ere, Jr - Aimee C. Rand, WillisonS. Ludwig Joseph N. Seal, R. N. .11ustoai Oak& LaMar, Hugh Craig, :Ohartos Kelly, Samuel E. . ; topes * J. Penniston Reary nbusa, IldwardDarlinglon J ;H. ones who, Spencer It'lliraine, Thomas C. Rand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jonas, James B. wparbsad, Anhui P. Eyre, John R. Semple. PI Aqui, B. T. Morgan, Pitaiburc A. B. Berger, Pittsburg, Wll MARTW, Prosidost. ' 4i TROBAII 01: BAND, nos PrusibetA -HENRY LElBURR., , asorstory. . . Tbe undersigned as agent, (Or the above , named eon. 'parry, &Minus to take !!re Risim in Harrisbnrg and vicinity. Isde.dlt WILLIAMBUMBLEM . PORT FOLIOS 1 , I r BITING MOBS, vy wite JUGS, • MOS POR , TAIONAIRE, , And a general's rtment of fIANCY OOOIi have just been recelveit at 11.114021111Firli CHEAP IiDOESTORp. UGAR CURED RAMS. DRIED BM?, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. A large•and fresh supply Aid received by • • eb26 WO. DOM. Jr. adm ErCIIINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP. j HIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH IB .FL eh,tiv., 4l .,Y vegetable la a,/ composition, ha s RR" IPRPIRrA with wonderful success for imply years in 'the cure of &mama for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the (Ukase such as"COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT; SPITTING OF BLOOP, DIFF.I. I CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, and HECTIC FEVERS, its me will be attended with the happiest results. At one of the best and safest medicines for all forme of BRONCHITIS and CONSUMPTION. No Laminas or preparMion of Opium in my qu i p e in this spirt - PRICE $lOO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. CHEESE. A FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance ti3Of a large eisslimmest, are offered at an vaiselmny low. (ate, to closeout:the lo retail dealers therW rvit be an :ad uceMeat offered. Ash box sold will be over state:bd. orreproseutcd. WM. DOM, .Iff.,& CO. .. • #lB . k y all sizes, patterns and prices, just iur merged aid for sale by WM. 1100 K, Jr. , & 00 . • IoLD . PENS !---The I:krgest anii beet. Mock hani=st.oo to scoo- 4 ihnuhici—at - q • . ill It s BOOKBTOR/L iti: . is' • W. GROSS & CO., 11141,11f.14:011i...1.: AN . O IttICTAIL DRU GGISTS, NO. 19 M A It K'E STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'A 'mill/GISTS, PHYSIC lANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND OUNSUMERS, We are daily , adding, to our . aalortment of cods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your ateution to the iargost and best seleeted stock In this city, of DRUGS OR.RICIOALS dr, PAINTS oils, varnishing law' Oro -Stuffs Glikitsand Patty, ArtUK Volore and 'Paula. Petra Ground $p11046 Iliareilug Plaid an:Alcobull, Lard, Sperm and Anis OIL", BoWalle.Vlalo6 and , Lwow, Globes, Omitlie Soap, Sponfgaaand Corks, me., dtc., dse.„ ac.. &c., &c., With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe umers of Europe and this country. Being very Isy dealers in PAINTS, WBITE I. F; AD, LINt3EKII IL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT A ND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, OOLORSAND BRONZBS ALL HINDP, We respecti feeling, confl dent that•we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! VIETH!: JON E . B AND WHITEB'BPOROEIAIN TEETH, P %TENT MEDICINES AN II VI AIR RESTORATIVES of all kiwis, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Ooneentratal Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we ee se low sett Can be parcitised to the cities. VHA SiNDICAL num EXTRAOTI3 (VAL OIL 1 CARBON .OIL 1 Being large purchasers In these 01113, we can oiler inducenients to close .Buyers. Ooal Oil Lamps of the ;poet iniprovegl patterns, verT cheap.. All kinds of lamps changed to barn Coal Oil, • FARMERS AND' GRAZIER8 4 Those of you who have ,not gives our HORSE AND °ATMS. PO W,DEEIN a Wail know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping (tones and Cattle healthy and in good condition. .Phousands en testify to the prat they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quatitiV and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap- Natant° Pf Akeit battle. Ourlong experience in the business gives Its the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade; end olr arrangementa in the cities are such 04 we eaa In a very short time famish anything appertaining to our business, on the beet of teraia. Thankfol tor tne . ltherel patronage beetowe on our bones, we hope by strict attention to business, Csarefut selection of PITRE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to • net Contletunien Of the favor of a diSetlm : aP/6-41Y. RIME Cheese from New York Daiiiee p Ali received cad for isle low by • mums * Jyle : Corosir'rront and Market streets. 'POUNDS Extra Prime SMor U.%) V. Oared game for male Very lovewholessle or ON* b. 7 WM. D /q..f 00 fpa''.largest. and most extensive assort meet of sits *a. *UT, just received, end; for ale - eery krw, NIOIIOI4 - a 'sow & sub' Oorner - Front awl 'Market streets. , PICES of all kinds, whold and ground, S warranted fresh and pure, amide low by NICHOLs & BOWMAN, aeptl2 Career front line Market at 'MEW matkokel, in'halves, guar tera or ki*justrecei"l ' " a rcu s tra is low by Omer Prom. and Market streets A. SMALL lot of choice Dried Fruit, at Nmelow sowhieN; troilkuld Varirat Aran. URENBRVING"jars;: trait' cans of ail L Wads, kr Ws low, by _ MIMS BOWMAN, v 2O Volmillw nod wiAldarket it seta TAYA, - Laguirs, and'Biti coffee, choice arti tJ - received,. by - ; - • • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, novt Corner Front and Motket'etii. illisullatuous, Ayers Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce thin best, moat perfect purgative which is known to mart, 6rable proofs are shown that theta puts have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unprecedentently np in the estee m of s it men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but immortal to cure. Their penetrating properties stimula.e the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its . organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul hunters which brae,' and grow siemper, stimulate sluggish or dsord err. i s 'tie their natural action, and Impart healthy tone %%Ili eirength tc the whole system. Not only do they cure tee every day complaints of every body, but alai formidable and den genius diseases that hive baled the best of human While they produce powerful effects, they are at .the i mam lame, in diminished doles, the serest and beat physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely veg etable, are' free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent r ter gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our remedies, white others have isat me the assurance et their C0L191.31 ou that our Preparations contribute Immensely to tee rehel of my affiic:ed, sutfoing fellow-men. The agents below named are pleased to iurniati gratis our American Almanac, containing directions f o r tee us and cern. aces of their cures, of the following corn plaints : atativness, Bilious Dump itheumatirm, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising fro n a foul stomach, Nau sea, indigestion, Itorbkl Inaction of the Bowen and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Lots 0/ appatite, ali is eases which require an evacuant medicine. They also by purifying the blood and stimulaung the system, Ma many complaints which it would not be supfesed 'hey would reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu ralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of 0- llver and Kidney; Gout, anti other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstructiou of its trant :ow. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with sotu other pill they make mire profit OIL Ass for Ante's Pius, and take nothing she, no other they eau give )011 eoroparee with this is its iutrinsw value or corm ii e powera. The alek want the beet aid thzre is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER k CO., Lowell, Masv sad sold by Druggists everywhere. Price '26 cents per Box, orb boxes for $l. Sold by O. A. liaux..vert, D. W. tiroses Co., C. la. hei where. 140. M. Lutz, Dr. lately, Wyeth snd dealers ~,.very. USE DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. Pim ONLY TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR IN TIM WORLD I ! DALLErs PAIN EXTRAC2OIt will cure wounds o attach' DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR Will subdue all exter nal- inflamation. DALLErBPA/NEKTBACTOR will prevent and des troy Idortificatl DALLEY'S PAW icznitacran will cure Burns of all DAL LEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR heals Blisters free el pain or mark. &guars PAIN EXTRACTOR neutralize all Poisons infused by Animals, losects of Replica. PALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Piles , &c. DALLErs PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Salt Rheum. Scrofula, Scald Head. 114.1.4 RPS PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Chapped Bands, Chill Blaine, etc. DALLEPS PAIN E X TRACTOR will cure Corns, Car auricles Ulcers, Warts, Boils, ko No Itonitekeeper should ever be without a box handy for use. The timely use of a single box may prove of more value than 100 times its cost, Parents f-11 you have a son lu the Army, send him a Box of Dalley's Pain Ystractor. It may be the means of saving his life, or the life of a comrade : tor it will cure wounds of all kinds without pain. Try the ex periment ; if he does not rise it, it will cost you but ittle. Sisters t—lf you have a dear Brother to the Army. Send him a Box of Dalb3rEl PAM Extractor ; for it will eure wounds of all kinds, and it may be means of saving your brother's life. Daughters I—Have you a loved one in the Army, who is nearer to you than life itself f Send him a Box of Dalley's Palo Extractor. It will owe wounds of all kinds, and prevent Jaen:anon, and may be the means of saving his life At eader you have a friend In the Army, send him a Box of Dailey's Pain Extractor I It may be the means of saving a life. If you have no convenience for sending it, ikrid it by mad. it wit coat you but 9 cents postage for a 26 M. Box ; and in like proportion for 60 M. and E. 00 Box. The large boxes contain more for the money than the 26 et. Boxes. Nottee.—That DALLAS'S MAGICAL PAIN EIETRAC, TOR wit do all and even more than we claim it Will, we refer to Dr. vaLkwrimm, MOTr, and hundreds of other eminent Physicians and Burgeons, besides millions el people all over the land, who have used the hitraetor with never failing success for the past 20 years. For sale by all Druggists, and by HALL & RUCIEEL, .Agents. And Wholesale Druggists AILS Greenwich Street, Sew York, 'Who will send a Box of either size, Postage paid, to any add rasa in the United States, on receipt, in money or in Ponta ge Stamps, of 22 eta. for the small sirs, or 50 ets and $l.OO for the medium and large size. For sale at G. W. itelly's Drag Store, Market : quare, Harrisburg. JOHN' W/BE'S Confectionery ft Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFICOEIONBEY OF ALL, KINDS, ORANGES AND LE5101113, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND HALT FISH, • ►nd . vegetables of all dude, brought direct from th e Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purchased tinder my personal supervision, thus eaablidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any In the market. go- Orders trom a distance attended to promptly , ao d seeds delivered to any part of toe city free of °barge. Fitiika CANNED FRUrti contain tly on nand. Give me a call. (je2ll) TORN WbMS. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. JIIST published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CULVERWELL'd CELE HEATED LECTURE. on the abase of the Reproductive powers, indusing Debay, %Nervousness, consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, de. The rad ical mode of treatment, without medicine, is fully ex plained, so as to enable every one to be his own physi. clan at the least possible° xpenae. A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poet paid, on receipt of mix cent; or two postage stamps. ♦ddress the publishers, Oh. J. C. SLOE, &CO., 127 Bowery t New York Post Moe, box, 4026. novE.Erodiaw LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. MICE NO. 408 CERS7NII7 (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND es3ry THOMAR RIDGWAY, President. JOHN s.. wars, Actuary, hcOSTINUE to make' INSIJILINCE ON LIM on the most reason able terms. ey aet as ixecute'esi Trdideee and Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers sad Assignees. The ca pital beihg paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly incrensing reserved fund, offers a perfect seeurty to the insured. The preinituns may be paid yearly, half yearly or par. terly. The company add a. BONUS periodically to the luso num for Lfe. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De wittier, 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 184 9, the TalkiD BONUS In December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. These additions are made without re glairiugally Increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Company. The following are a few example- from the Register : Sum BOU US or Policy I Insured addition No. 89 : $2500 $ 887 6. " 188 8000 1,050 • 0 " 190 1000 I 400 00 . 4 WS' 5000 1,875 00 Agent at amirrieburg mod vie ni elo uly AKER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate, Ite Wu at JOHN WNW% Third gad Wiannt, jaylb 31,643,386 Amount or Pi:de/ and bonus to be illerelaell I;y7u . tire additioa 153,387 60 4,050 00 1,400 00 6,815 00 19, BITES:LER